#sorry u said the magic phrase (asked me about the bugs) so u get an essay
victusinveritas · 9 months
whats the story behind ur url...?
sometimes phrases get stuck in my head like songs do. and i'm a latin student and so sometimes those phrases can be in latin. so when i was in the shower last night i just said "victus inveritas" out loud bc it just popped in my head. i was trying to remember where it came from bc it doesn't sound like something i learned? like it just sounds like it means "food lie" which (to me) is a nonsense phrase. but it kept bugging me so when i was out the next hour and remembered what i said i looked it up. but i hadn't thought to remove the space in between so i didnt know it was you. i couldnt find anything on it and im telling u i was losing it. mutterin 'victus inveritas victus inveritas' under my breath repeatedly like i was casting a damn harry potter ritual spell.
anyway i just logged onto tumblr and saw u reblogged and was like oh . there it is . victus inveritas
It's absolute, grade A Dog Latin and you are the first person online to ask about it! (That I remember. I've had a few head injuries so...if I mentioned this before, sorry folks.) Victus In Veritas was what I was going for (Defeated in Truth), but my Latin is about equal to that of a low level 12th century priest in the far corners of Christendom: yeah I know it's a thing and used for Church Magic, know the words that I'm supposed to know and what they mean and all that, and can use that to some extent to fumble my way through the rest of written language, but if I had to write or converse I'd be fairly close to incomprehensible. Despite this I have an undergraduate degree in Medieval Studies. How? German counted according to my advisor, and I've taken enough of that to read though not enjoy Alfred Döblin's work (which had nothing to do with Medieval Studies and was mostly something I did in graduate school during my adventures there). Food Lie is also a perfectly acceptable rendering. Good on you for spotting it!
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nyehilismwriting · 2 years
Ok important question, how/do the aliens kiss? Like does the species kiss or have something with the same meaning?
they don't kiss in the way we would think about it, since they don't have mobile lips and have much larger mouths, but they do a lot of like. head nudges, nose touching, rubbing their faces together, that kind of thing. individuals with a lot of experience with humans - particular how humans expression affection/desire - will pick up more habits akin to kissing, depending on their partner - gentle bites, licking, etc.
they also have very long tongues, so do with that information what you will.
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fanfictionlive · 3 years
Commenter isn't as helpful as they think they are.
Mild thing, but it's bugging me so here we are. I'm one of those people who is firmly in the camp of "NO unsolicited concrit", and recently I got a comment that was clearly from someone who doesn't share that sentiment. They were nice about it - they said they liked the fic, but that I used a couple of phrases too often and I had some grammatical errors.
I'll admit the first one is a flaw of mine I know, and I'm working on that (although personally I thought this fic was okay for it); the second point obviously worried me, so I asked the commenter for any examples they'd noticed. Their advice in reply? Read my own chapters again and I'd notice "a bit of grammar errors" (sic) if I looked hard enough.
And I'm sorry, but that's not how it works; I've done my editing pass on this, I've put it through spelling and grammar checking software, and I've reread it a few times since posting. If there are grammar issues still (and honestly, yeah, there might be - English grammar is a mess), I'm not seeing them.
And to top it off, they added a third point in that reply too: "The writing is fantastic for a fanfic but tone down the emotions.". I know it's not the intent, but I can't help feeling "for a fanfic" is a bit backhanded? And the entire point of this fic is that it's emotional; it's the story of a woman desperately trying to get help for a badly injured and deeply hurt child while coming to terms with her whole worldview being wrong.
They did preface that with "You can ignore this post if you like", and I know that they're not trying to be negative, and I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but I can't ignore that. I've been looking for errors and worrying about my characterisation because of this person. And this is why I don't want unsolicited concrit ://
submitted by /u/pikablob [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/3cTquzH
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