#and scale care and things for their families and partners
jelliegirl · 1 year
well at least i’m recovered from my cancer treatment enough that i can literally run away from my problems
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horce-divorce · 3 months
It's wild watching someone who used to be self aware (or at least, who didn't want to be like their parents) become entitled to things like avoidance. And children. Often simultaneously
#me#my friend used to be a very free spirit#ended up medically traumatized due to psychosis. went to court ordered therapy got on meds etc#made a bunch of concessions to reconnect with family bc their partner left them as soon as they were in the hospital#got medicated. got back to work. got into a new relationship.#and now suddenly behaves exactly 100% like their parents.#was even holding our homelessness over our head saying shit like#'you guys know you have to ask the gov for help eventually right? bc if you dont itll be me taking care of u and i want kids :('#(this coming under the assumption we somehow CHOSE to be homeless and that we HADNT asked the gov for help REPEATEDLY already??)#same thing w another former friend#used to have a fraction of self awareness. wanted to break the cycle#got married. got kids. went back to work and school and suddenly is entitled to not only continue the cycle#but to be avoidant as well.#bc you see. its really hard and stressful to have a job and family and home to be responsible for.#its so hard they dont have anything left over to be self aware or empathetic with.#and its true! its tragic for them too. its isolating. this is part of why suburban life is so terrible. the fucking isolation.#being a good little capitalist cog was intentionally designed to give you just enough privilege#just enough of your own life#to make you keep coming back for more#but to simultaneously run you so ragged that you never have time energy money etc to protest.#so you stop protesting at all#even on a small scale.#you dont call what your parents did to you abuse bc you want them in your life.#you dont call what your ex did to you 'rape' bc thats too strong a word and you want to believe you parted on good terms.#you dont call what the hospital did to you abuse or medical trauma. intead you say you NEEDED to be chained down? the fuck?#you start to believe all the bad things people said about you. and then you start to believe them about other people.#you go from someone who marches in the streets to someone who criticizes the protests for being inconvenient and impolite.#entitlement. its entitlement.#bc this system holds your autonomy and life and family HOSTAGE behind a paywall unless and until you conform.#and they can be taken away in an instant if you put a toe out of line
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soapoet · 1 year
What are you like as a spouse?
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requested by anon.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Stay with me by Anson Seabra
As a spouse you are a little territorial. You trust your partner, but everybody else is under your careful scrutiny. You very easily pinpoint weeds in your garden, and pull them out root and stem swiftly. Your spouse can rely on you to be on the look out for all sorts of dangers, big or small. Security is of great importance to you, both regarding your relationship and your loved ones, and yourself. Perhaps less so yourself, as you seem to have an instinct to protect which sometimes overrules your own safety. You could relate to the knight archetype to some extent, the concept of serving and protecting. There is an intensity to your love that is like a fine wine, and simply intoxicating to your partner. You're akin a guard dog; out in public you are an intimidating presence ready to bark and bite should need arise, but behind closed doors your service is paid for in tender love and care and you melt when your partner dotes on you. And your spouse adores this duality in you, dominance and submission merged into one.
You're observant, and pay careful attention to your partner's wants and needs, and this lends itself to both an intuitive understanding and awareness of your partner's feelings and the shifts that occur, and makes you a great gift-giver too. You're also a great example of the "girlfriend effect" (regardless of gender) because you encourage your partner's authentic self expression and help them daringly try new things, style wise but also in general. It is safe for your partner to take leaps of faith in career and other matters that may come with risks, because you stand watch and are always there to catch them should they fall. It's possible that you're a late bloomer, or have a series of tumultuous relationships before finding your person, which leads you to take things slowly, desire clarity, and develop effective communication skills to avoid misunderstandings with your spouse. You have a deep need for emotional support and reassurance, so your spouse is somebody who you can truly trust and feel the ground sturdy and secure beneath your feet in their presence, and find shelter and comfort in their arms when you need it.
For some, the term spouse is used loosely, as formal marriage may not be of interest to you if you have any qualms regarding tradition, or simply prefer the intimacy of privacy. Some could opt for court house marriage with a lowkey get together with loved ones at a later date, and others none, and simply commit as life partners without legalities or traditions taken into consideration. If marriage does occur, it's likely to happen later once career matters are stable.
If you and your partner have children, you are your child's biggest cheerleader and encourage any interests of theirs, fuel their passions and show up to their activities to support them. Strong likelihood of children who are outcasts of some sort, deemed strange by their peers, bullied, could be neurodivergent, queer, or otherwise experience difficulties growing up, which you are uniquely equipped to handle and care for. Some in this group may simply decide to have no children of their own, or consider fostering as an alternative, but could otherwise deal with children, especially the unfortunate, in their community or on a larger scale in society.
Additional details: oddly specific spotify playlists, swords and daggers, rpgs, tarot, history, psychology, the moon, moths, wolves, pirates, red or purple lips, cherries, citrus fruits, birthday dinner, makeovers (self or room idk??), emails, documents, nintendo, tattoos, kuromi, donuts, fairs or theme parks, escape rooms, the nightmare before christmas, wednesday and the addams family, fate: the winx saga, euphoria, purple, chai, scorpio/aries/aquarius/gemini, saturn/mars/moon/lilith, april/march/november/december.
Shufflemancy: This side of paradise by Coyote theory
As a spouse you are a breeze. A gentle caress of the sea blowing through your spouse's hair on the beach. You're a little bit of an old romantic, and may have an affinity with the classics or period dramas. You enjoy simplicity and peace, breaking bread at the kitchen table and quality time simply spent in the vicinity of your dear. Merely cooking together can be an adventure, as can the clean-up. You're attentive and try to be both a good friend and lover to your spouse. Resting your head on their lap and enjoying the silence, the act of nesting behind closed doors appeals to you, but you're partial to little getaways too just the two of you, slipping away somewhere near or far to see what you may find and get up to.
Physical closeness is important to you, but it is not possessive, suffocating, or clingy, but gentle and warm like a shelter from the storm. Your marriage is airy and light, and even the ceremony that got you to this point may be very cozy and intimate, invites sparce and spaces dimly lit. It's a very solitary life that you lead, with little socialising outside your little bubble. Contact seems restricted to only family and a couple of long-time friends and little else. You could even choose to live in the countryside or farther from the hustle and bustle of lively cities.
Should you have children, you are a very involved parent, as is your spouse. Messes are happy accidents and you emphasise comfort and peace in your child, and encourage them to make good friends, and you may very well come to consider your children's friends bonus children who can trust you as safe adults when they have nowhere else to turn to. Neither of you are very hard on your children, and do not mind if they don't succeed at everything so long as they try and have direction all within themselves. You're forgiving and patient, both with your spouse and children. You would do particularly well raising a child of the opposite sex, masculines doing well at raising feminines and vice versa.
You may take longer to feel ready to date in general, or due to circumstances or personal issues have a delay in romance, but once you do stumble upon love, commitment is sure and stable and long-lasting. Many are likely to marry their first love or first serious partner, and others could experience the classic friends to lovers arc that slowly blossoms but then remains in bloom forever if cared for.
Additional details: paper planes, strategy and simulation games, chess, archeology, history, cartography, geography, museums, genealogy, family events (dinners, birthdays, weddings, baby showers, funerals), babysitting, cats and mice, twitch, youtube, memes, news, acoustic guitar, green, lotus flowers, blankets, sweet tea, conventions, comics, anime, cartoons, arts and crafts, sticks and stones, seaside, countryside, camping, hiking, road signs, numbers, dirt roads, pine trees, virgo/aquarius/cancer/libra, mars/sun/neptune/ascendant, january/march/july/september.
Shufflemancy: Somebody to you by BANNERS
As a spouse you are quite the little ray of sunshine, but also the sudden gust of winds of change. You are collaborative, and may serve as either the artist or the muse. Both, perhaps, as there is inspiration being exchanged between you and your spouse like sparkling water shared between two cups, clear and fizzy, as sharp as it is delightful and refreshing. You're enthusiastic and cheer your spouse on, loud and proud, supporting them in their trials and assure they have your arms to run into when they return with their accolades and treasures. You may easily get flustered, and try to avenge your spouse by attempts to charm and woo them in return, even if just to wipe the smug smile off their face as their bask in the glory of making your little heart flutter.
You may be a little needy, or quick to feel discouraged, but you're just as easily brought back to your feet with kind and reassuring words and helpful hands. You try your best to make yourself useful even in situations that are new to you, especially if your partner could use the help. You're able to laugh at yourself, but also communicate when the stumble actually hurt so that your spouse can kiss it all better. Regardless of your age, you will retain a youthful air about you, which will keep things interesting as you always find new adventures and things to share.
If you have children, you'll let them grow in whichever direction they best find the sun and rain to bloom in their time and their way. You love your freedom, and want to bestow it upon your child too, who will grow up to be very close with you and consider you a great friend and trusted confidante with whom they may share all their joys and sorrows without judgement. Some of you may not have children and instead raise fur babies, travel the world with your spouse, or create an alternative kind of family of misfits and kindred spirits amongst your peers.
You are very bubbly and sociable, and eagerly introduce your partner to your friends and make merry with theirs. You could really rejoice in the merging of your individual friend groups for the sake of building a community to call home. You enjoy exchaning favours, and have the mindset and desire of managing tasks between both you and your spouse and your community so that different strengths get utilised to combat defeat should somebody have to face big challenges they're not equipped to handle. So, though you may be called chaotic from time to time, you're still a good taskmaster and collaborator, who does not keep score, and manage your spouse and groups of people well even though things aren't colour coded and organised from A to Z.
Additional details: daydreaming, dream journals, streaming, paperwork, paint, coffee stains, red and blue, strawberries, avocado, live chat, chopsticks, van or camper or truck, packages, identity crisis, illness/medicine, learning, waiting, theatre, pets, money, siblings or cousins, slurpees, sushi, suburbs, small towns, interviews, phone calls, sneakers, broken windows, kpop and jpop, manga or manhwa, lore, toys, polar bears or bears in general, empty playgrounds, twitter/x, instagram, lost and found, wooden trinkets, herbs. capricorn/sagittarius/leo/pisces, jupiter/venus/uranus/vesta/chiron, march/june/august/october.
Shufflemancy: Dandelions by Ruth B.
As a spouse you seem to be a jack of all trades, the scales of justice perfectly balanced. Your diligence and the ease at which you tackle tasks, the perseverance you show despite life's challenges, and how you always get back up again when you get knocked down, all makes you a wonderful partner. You are goal-oriented, but know when to slow down and relax. You push your partner to chase their dreams, but know not to push too hard and when to offer up comfort and quiet reassurance instead.
You may have a little bit of a saviour complex, as you pride yourself in both your ability to help and your emotional intelligence. You are patient, and know that in life there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all, and you're uniquely able and willing to find missing pieces of puzzles so that everybody finds what works for them, and will be a healing presence to your spouse especially. Your spouse finds you to be a rock, but let's not kid ourselves and pretend you don't melt like butter when they pull you close and tell you to relax, and lull you to sleep with a heartbeat and fingers running through your hair. Your spouse is well aware of how hard you work and how heavy the burdens on your shoulders sometimes become, and insist that you are no Atlas, at least not in the sanctuary you call home where you may rest and recharge.
Should you have children together, you may settle into traditional or otherwise clearly defined roles and assure neither of you take on too much and both get to be involved in the life of your children to an equal extent. You're likely the problem solver and the one to help with the homework, and deeply encourage active and social pursuits to ensure your children grow up healthy and experience relationships with people of all walks of life. With the combination of you and your spouse, your children are likely to grow up gentle but quick to defend the underdogs and fight injustice. Assuring your children have access to options and opportunities as well as a safety net to fall back on should it be needed is something you will both make sure of. Note that this is the only group I have no alternatives for and sense no absence of children, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you really do not want children, take double or triple the precautions.
You may enjoy home improvement or possibly have either you or your spouse working from home. You delegate responsibilities fairly and make consistent efforts to show your spouse your care and affection, especially through acts of service and the kindest of words when they are at their lowest. Though you are responsible and often do things by the book, there is a little streak of mischief and wanderlust that I sense, which keeps things interesting, making you a balance between homebody and explorer. You may have great banter with your spouse and frequently tease each other.
Additional details: car rides, crying, nerves, vhs tapes, siblings, young people, writing and rewriting, praise, headbands, flannels, glasses, family issues, guardian angels, cleaning, mermaids, rodents, deer, letters, arguments, flowers, office (work or the show idk), radio station, static, noise, real estate, architecture, mushrooms, pickles, salads, sleepless nights, muscle pain (or strain), sleepless nights, sleeping on the couch, glasses, hair cuts, lilies and elderflowers, soap, hugs and hand holding, patience, reluctance, overcoming fear, hearing music from another room, virgo/cancer/capricorn/aquarius, pluto/sun/venus/juno/union, june/august/october/november.
Shufflemancy: Slow dancing by Aly & AJ
As a spouse you like to be in charge, or wear the pants, so to speak. Somebody has to tell the waiter your spouse asked for no pickles, right? Though you have a dominant energy about you, you are very nurturing and full of love and care and can be surprisingly sensitive emotionally. You like to stay on top of things and have things to do, places to be, and you could serve as something of a secretary in your relationship. Your spouse can always rely on you to know what to do and to get the Christmas cards sent out on time. You have a taste for the finer things in life and enjoy indulging in these together with your spouse. You likely introduce your spouse to many new things, be it music, literature, politics, foods, or some lifestyle and habits you maintain.
You revel in the quality time spent with your spouse, though you're independent and encouraging of them living their life separate from yours too whilst you engage with your own endeavours. You are secure and loyal, and give your spouse no reason to doubt your commitment and you speak as highly of them as they of you, so shenanigans and misfortunes stay at bay. You may have only few but close friends, but keep them for life and they enjoy the company of your spouse. You may frequently host dinner parties or other intimate get togethers in your home with the few privileged to know the two of you.
As a parent you would raise well-mannered and good children, to whom you would teach many of your own talents and push them to hone and master their own abilities and take both their interests and responsibilities seriously. You have a close bond with children even if you do not have them, which for many may be the case, and you could instead together with your partner be very involved with the children of your friends or family and serve as godparents or the cool aunts/uncles. You may still teach these children valuable lessons and be an important adult figure in their lives, and possibly lend your talents to teach them new skills.
You may also work with your spouse, be it through a mutual or related field, literally sharing the same workplace, or by joining up to start a business together or works as collaborators on separate passion projects. You're highly encouraging of them and push them to pursue their goals and even wildest dreams because with you in their corner there aren't many places in the world they couldn't go.
Additional details: co-op games, cookbooks, bullet journals, weddings, calendars and memos, perfect timing, awkwardness, dogs and canines in general, horses, rapunzel, children, phone calls, electric guitars, drums, men and fathers, streetlights, stalking, power outages, doctor's appointments, pedagogy or social work, education/school, stage fright, long distance travel, reunions, road trips, ice cream, spicy food, alcohol, orange and pink, pearls, grapefruits and blood oranges, hot chocolate, lgbt+, anxiety or depression, archery, sleepovers, libra/taurus/leo/cancer, mars/mercury/pluto/descendant, april/may/october/december.
Shufflemancy: Comethru by Jeremy Zucker
As a spouse you are a natural in many ways, even, or especially if, you worry that you aren't. To your spouse you are a very nurturing and compassionate, gentle lover, who is intuitive and always seems to know the right words that they need to hear or the moment to hug them from behind and press your head against their tense and tired back. You dedicate yourself to being a source of light to your spouse, and tend to be quite romantic, albeit you get shy and blush even decades into the marriage when they return the sentiment. You learn quickly to express boundaries and communicate your needs to your partner if that has been a struggle in your past as they make a big effort to make sure you make your voice heard. You carefully consider their feelings, as they consider yours. You could as a couple have an almost telepathic connection, an inherent understanding and the blue print of each other's soul, knowing each twitch and micro-expression to know when the other requires assistance or wishes to leave a situation, etc.
You may find the role of a homemaker ideal, though you aren't without your own ambitions and occupational ideals. You could for a time be a stay-at-home spouse, or parent, but simultaneously engage with your own projects and end up working from home. You really make home feel like home, and your spouse finds relief and peace every time they return home. You have an eye for aesthetics and a way to make any space feel cozy, inviting, warm, and comfortable. Even though you are more of a homebody and like the solitude, your friends may rejoice in their visits and feel at home in your house and you could occasionally agree to host bigger holidays in your home, because really, nobody does Christmas like you do.
You are very clever and learn quickly, and your curiosity takes you on quite a few adventures in just one afternoon, and you enthusiastically share these wonders with your spouse and coax out their own adventurous and speculative side. You could spend hours talking and never seem to run out of things to speak of, but also find comfort in enjoying the silence. You're affectionate and like to be close to your partner, but eventually slip away as your mind begins to wander and take you in different directions. You have a youthful and ever-curious energy that your spouse delights in.
As a parent you would truly dedicate yourself to parenthood and rejoice in even the little steps and achievements of your little ones. You are doting, but not a doormat and find that your children trust and respect you without being told or taught to. You encourage your children to think for themselves because you value logic as much as feelings. Good reasoning skills and the ability to judge things on a case by case basis is something you will instill in your children. Your children are likely to grow up very independent and just the right balance of kind and clever to be an asset to society. Both you and your spouse share a deep distaste for the state of the world and are dedicated to raising children who know wrong from right and don't blindly follow anyone or anything and have the wires between head and heart connected. You and your spouse may both do a lot to improve your community and work to eventually leave the world better than how you found it.
Additional details: tears, keys, incoming text messages, psychiatry, therapy, home, teaching or writing, good luck, headaches, cramps, horror movies, haunted side of youtube/tiktok, conspiracy theories, stim toys, minecraft, rabbits, birds, cats, hoodies, grey and blue, energy drinks, vitamin water, winning, brownies, pancakes, soup, winnie the pooh, lion king, 2000s cartoons/music, fuzzy socks, beaded curtains or string lights, green or hazel eyes, candles, intuition, dust, sleet or snow, cold/grey/dreary weather, iron and vitamin d deficiency, water colours, astrology, vanilla or coconut scent, bubble baths, gemini/cancer/virgo/scorpio/libra, jupiter/neptune/moon/lunar nodes, february/may/june/october.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 4 months
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Can they match your freak? 👀 Think of a person that you're interested in, then pick the picture that you feel drawn to the most to find the corresponding message about how the sexual chemistry would be like between you guys.
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Pile One
The person on your mind comes across as formal, polite, but not interested in being in everyone’s face or being the center of attention. They could be considered a bit odd, maybe the timeline in which their beliefs, speech, and hobbies are not common in their age group. They could be assumed as a nerd because of how serious they take most things, like if you were to joke with them or use sarcasm, they’ll turn what’s not supposed to be literal into something pragmatic which is kind of cute in an innocent way. But they’re not rude or dismissive, because if you stick with them long enough they’ll eventually catch up with your sense of humor, even if the jokes don’t land, the fact that they’re trying makes it hilarious. They’re great at guiding people and teaching someone without looking down on others. They could come from a big family and are actually really nurturing and considerate which leaves them feeling more selective with who they choose to be their friend or romantic partner, and are content with spending a lot of time alone. They’re really “slow moving”, they don’t like to be rushed in anything, and for a good reason. They don’t like to compromise their stability, and love to have a work-life balance, even if they are an overachiever.
When it comes to doing the deed, it feels like intimacy is heightened because it feels as if you’re with a whole different person. Their sexual energy feels electric and eccentric. I feel like they’re a music junkie. They’re a lover of all genres, but pay attention mostly to the artists and bands that don’t get a lot of appreciation. I keep picking up on music theory, which could of course hint more about what they like to learn about, but I see this more as them effortlessly knowing the right note, the right rhythm, and the right scale to successfully lead their partners into an orgasm. They’re absolutely magical with their fingers, but feral with their stamina. They’re competitive when it comes to showing their partner who can go round for round, and they’re determined to make sure they’re at the top. Speaking of top, they love to be dominant in the bedroom. Their sex talks chains and whips! Just kidding, but it’s an art for them to see the many ways in how pain brings their partner pleasure. They’re down for almost anything in sex, as long as it’s consensual. Outdoor sex could be a favorite of theirs. Should you have sex with them? I feel that sex with them will be better than anything if you’ve had with anyone else, which can be addictive. Make sure that the relationship is something solid with this person, if it’s a situationship, it can be problematic, especially around issues with possessiveness, unhealthy attachments, and a lack of boundaries.
Pile Two
Sol cherubs…I’m sorry but I’m going to have to roast this person. I feel like they’re the kind to wine and dine a person. Dinner dates are nice, yes, but this person is very cheap, and likes to do the bare minimum while thinking that the other party should give them something back in return. They talk themselves up a lot, and could even get carried away with dirty talk in the bed because THEY think they’re doing something. Like this person could think that they’re a total freak, but their sex talks vanilla…They do basic positions, they’re repetitive, which is not the problem, the problem is that it’s not doing anything for the other person, and the only thing freaky about them is their gross personality. They’re self-serving, it’s not to say that you can’t experience pleasure with this person in sex, but if you expect for them to care about making sure that you finish too, don’t. They’re cheap with their wallet and in the bedroom. DO NOT have sex with this person, you won’t feel satisfied, and their energy in general is creepy and the epitome of what a loser looks like. If they’re a man, they have a toxic patriarchal mindset, weak in reality, but prowls for individuals who they think that they can control. They’re an energy vampire. Sex is an ego booster for them. It excites them more when they come across a person who’s strong in personality, or harbors a lot of potential to be a star, so that they can seduce them in order to feel better about themselves.
Sex should be an equal thing, where both parties are respected, having fun, and feeling good. You should both feel empowered rather than seeing it as taking power from another person. I’m also getting the feeling that this could be a past person for certain individuals. The message is also for you guys to know that sex isn’t supposed to be a shameful thing either if you’re still in regret about giving it to the wrong individual or even individuals. You’re not less of a person because you had sex so don’t let anyone try to punish you for it, and that includes yourself. Heal the negative beliefs you have about sex within yourself by not seeing yourself as a body count, limiting yourself to people who don’t satisfy you, and to trust in yourself to keep your stance in not doing something if you don’t want to just because someone gave you something and speaking up about what you want and how you want to be treated.
Pile Three
The person on your mind is spontaneous. You could play hard to get with them on the outside, but on the inside they’re very alluring to you, and lowkey they know this. Your chemistry in general with this person is breathtaking, if you aren’t a couple, people wonder why you aren’t one yet because of how close you guys are with each other and how obvious your attraction towards one another is. There’s heavy sexual tension here, partly because of how racy things get when you guys flirt with each other or how compatible you guys are to the point where you feel comfortable just yapping about almost anything, and the other part being the elephant in the room, which is something just feels forbidden about this relationship. Maybe this is a coworker which I understand why it wouldn’t be appropriate. You could consider this person a goofball, someone you always have fun with, or can count on to put a smile on your face, but the friendship between you guys is strong. Y’all get each other emotionally and are generally supportive, I would be shocked if you guys weren’t best friends. I’m not even picking up their individual sexual energy, my intuition just keeps pointing to how it would be if you guys were to ever have an encounter. I just keep getting “yes, yes!, YES!” go for it with this person, because it doesn’t feel at all like something you would regret. Ya’ll complete each other in so many ways that it just feels right. The sexual chemistry would be stable, you wouldn’t get bored of each other because it brings you guys closer rather than apart. This won’t be for everyone, but some people in the pile might have a theme of knowing right then and there that this is the person that they would want to spend the rest of their life with. Be wary though if you aren’t in the position of wanting to have kids or having enough to support a child, because you guys are going to be on each other like rabbits.
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since i started looking more into mating rituals and parenting styles of crows (for very normal reasons i swear), i've begun to find the "Crowley is a dead-beat dad" joke a bit ironic, as most of the websites i've seen said that crows are actually very involved in their chicks lives while they're still in the nest. one website even considered crows "one of the best parents in the animal kingdom"
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I’ve researched bird mating myself (not for TWST reasons, but because I have to care for a Real Bird), though not for crows specifically. Very interesting (and ironic)!
I wonder just how much “truth” there is behind that irl crow stuff and TWST lore 🤔 Because we have some clear instances of the real life animal reflecting TWST fantasy races’ behaviors! For example, Jack states that wolf beastmen are monogamous (they mate for life and stick to that one partner), which is true of actual wolves too. Ruggie’s mother died giving birth to him, an occurrence which is not uncommon among female hyenas. The shape of the… uh… birth canal… is often too small and has a sharp turn, so giving birth is traumatic/can lead to complications so severe it literally kills the mom. Hyenas are also not monogamous, which may partially be why there is lore about Ruggie’s father leaving and never returning. There’s also non-mating behaviors which are reflective of irl animals, such as women from the Sunset Savanna being “strong” (since lionesses do most of the hunting), Azul having a strong grip (like that of an octopus), or Sebek’s family having scales and a strong bite (like crocodiles). I would say irl animals being used as part of character references is fairly common.
However! There are also examples of TWST’s fantasy races not exactly aligning with irl animals and their behaviors. When Leona talks about his brother and his wife, he refers to the wife singular, not wive(s). Irl lions have prides and mate with various partners over the span of their life. It’s rare for lizards (the closest thing to dragons, lol) to be monogamous, yet Maleanor seemed very loyal to her husband Raverne and is even described to dote on him. We also don’t know much about the twins’ or Azul’s families’ behaviors, so there isn’t much to compare there.
So really, I wonder where Crowley lies on this spectrum of “animal realism” 😂 Based on solely his current attitude, yeah… He ain’t much of a “Parent of the Year” www
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
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Liu [Yandere Butcher] tending to an injured Reader. [Commission 1/2]
Word Count: 1.7K
No mentioned Pronouns for Reader, They/She/He used for Liu.
Warnings: Minor Injury
Dinnertime in the Bishop household.
As things stand, so far it's been just you and the house's owner residing within these four corners as of recent. Liu has yet to tell you much about their family or their time growing up within the residency. Their questions about your adolescence had no end, yet when inquiries concerning their own upbringing arose the subject would change as swiftly as it was directed towards them. Regardless of how dodgey they were to reveal the finer details of their past, Liu did just about everything they could to make this house as much of a home as it was all those years ago.
Cool water drips from your fingertips as you shut off the bathroom sink, shaking your hands over the bowl to remove some of the excess moisture from your palms. You grab a hand towel from the wall behind you to dry off what's left, returning the cloth to its hook as you face the door - flicking off the light as you exit.
Most nights, you had two options when it came to helping with dinner. Making sure things didn't burn, or setting the table- Your partner’s desire for your assistance perfectly rivaled their fears in relation to allowing you to step foot in their kitchen when it came to cooking. Sure, they knew their way around a stovetop before they could even count, and you likely had a similar range of knowledge considering you had to fend for yourself before meeting them, but in their mind their anxieties were well justified.
The house Liu now owned was quite old. It's been in their family's possession from the day it was constructed, and only began to show its age when they were a child. Liu recalls the day the attic entrance was sealed off for good after their father had nearly fallen through. On top of that, the butcher had the awful habit of purchasing any cutlery their eye fell upon. Liu could vividly picture you welding one of their prized steak knives only to trip over a tear in the floorboards- The idea alone scared them so when it first came to them they refused to let you into the kitchen for several days - even to grab a glass of water.
Bit by bit, your partner gradually worked towards letting you play a bigger role in meal prep. Cooking with others has always been an enriching experience for them- food for the soul, as one might say. For now though, it was plate duty for you till they inevitably came to their senses.
Scaling the hallway leading back to the living room, you climb the two steps separating the carpeted floor of the room from the smooth, wooden files of the kitchen entryway. Liu stands in front of the stove where they had been moments ago when they asked you to wash up. Their head turns in your direction, but their eyes do not fall upon you.
“Mind those cupboards, Sweet.”
Seconds before your head rams straight into them, the shadows of the cupboard’s swaying doors cast over you. You freeze as it grazes your skin. With how fast you were walking it would have been quite the nasty bump, had she not warned. How Liu had noticed it was open with his back turned- Brushing it off, you quickly join Liu’s side.
“Troublesome, even for myself sometimes. Some won't stay shut, others can withstand the wrath of a hurricane. Been meaning to call someone to take care of a lotta things going on around here, but- you know how things are….”
That much was true. For as long as you've known them, it was easy to see Liu was a person who valued their privacy. The butcher retrieves a pair of oven mitts from the counter as they finally turn to face you.
“Everything's just about ready. Was waiting for you to get back before I turned off the oven. Trusting you to grab the plates while I finish up over here. Third door to your right.”
That's already a step up from previous arrangements. Normally, Liu already had the plates and utensils left on the table for you. A clear sign of changing times.
“On it.” Counting each door on your right as you walk over, you reach for the fourth cabinet in the row - fingers clasping onto the silver knob of its handle. You gingerly pull at the door, anticipating it to give with ease. It does not. Trying again, you grip the handle with both hands - tugging harder. The door parts way by a sliver, snapping back into frame before you could slide your fingers through the gap as the oven door slams shut.
“Having trouble? If you need-”
“Don't worry, I almost got it.” You plant your foot firmly against the wall, leveraging all your weight onto it as you pull. The knob begins to turn as you apply more force- Is it supposed to? Pouring all of your energy into freeing the door, you fail to realize how loose it had become, but not in the way you had intended. Liu quietly takes off their oven mitts, deliberately removing each glove as leisurely as possible as their ears pick up on something. Ever so faintly, the muffled screech of splintering wood grows louder- “Y/n, I really think you should back away from that door-”
The desperation in their voice is all you can hear. “Just a sec, I almost-”
The last thing you feel before everything goes dark is the wind leaving your chest as your body collides with the kitchen floor. . . .
Your head is pounding….
Goosebumps riddle your skin from the icy mass pressed to the back of your skull. A familiar hand holds it in place - gray hair sprawled over your blanketed chest. Toning their ears to the gradual beat of your heart, Liu remains perfectly still - eyes closed. Only sign they were awake was the occasional twitch of their lips as they muttered to themselves, squeezing your hand tighter. You stir against the thick wool of the blanket you're beneath. Liu stiffens.
“129…..Uh….Oh…Sorry about that..” Liu lifts their head from your chest, dabbing their face with their apron as they greet you with a worried smile. They set the ice pack aside on the coffee table, combining their fingers through your damp hair as if searching for something.
“No visible injuries so far….How are you feeling?”
The softened serene of their voice soothes the dull ache pulling you from unconsciousness. “My head hurts….How long was I out for?”
“About two minutes, give or take. Would've carried you down to the hospital had you been out a second longer….Careful..” Liu offers you her arm for support as you sit up on what you now realize to be the couch. Another realization comes to you as you notice the odd, marble coloring of what you had previously assumed to be a normal ice pack.
“Is…that a frozen steak? Maybe I hit my head harder than it feels…”
Liu struggles to keep their concerns forefront as their smile cracks into one of slight amusement. “On the bright side, it's good that you're able to bounce back so quickly. I don't use ice on a regular basis myself and to be frank I was too worried about you to think about what I was grabbing. Moving on to more important matters, could you tell me what you remember happening before the fall?”
“I was grabbing some plates for us, but the door got stuck. I kept pulling and.. I think the door knob came off?…”
Liu nods, clutching the broken knob hidden in their apron pocket. “Correct. Looks like your memory is working just fine too. Luckily I was able to catch you, but for a second there as you fell I just…froze.”
“Hey, Liu?… Question..”
“What is it?”
“I didn't do that, did I?…”
You point over their shoulder, eyes glued to the kitchen. The cabin door had been ripped clean off its hinges, chunks of wood and glass scattered across the floor panels. Surely, you couldn't have done that - not without a single cut on you. Far as you can recall, all that came down with you was the door handle itself. The door appears to have been smashed to pieces than anything else. Liu glances in just about every direction beyond where your finger aims.
“Oh… That? I removed the door from the wall while you were out, but the darn thing was so heavy it just slipped right through my fingers! Can I get you some water? You look like you could use a glass of water. I'll go get you that glass. Don't move a muscle while I'm gone.”
Liu climbs to their feet, grabbing one of the couch pillows as they pull you closer to them. They place the pillow behind your neck, guiding your head against it as they fix the blanket over your shoulders. Liu takes your hand, kissing your palm as they bring it to their face, cupping your fingers around their cheek. Though it is to help you, Liu seems reluctant to leave you - afraid of what might happen if they take their eyes off of you.
“I'm so glad you're okay… I'm not sure what I'd do if your injuries had been worse. It's bad enough you got hurt while I was in the same room….”
“It wasn't your fault…”
Liu kisses your hand again. “Wasn't your fault either. This old house has it out for us both, it seems. Could be it's afraid of new faces after so many years alone. I know I was…but you helped me realize there's nothing to be scared of…Still, it's probably best have someone come over by morning to change out those doors…”
“Sounds like a plan…. May I have that water now, please?”
“Oh! Of course, anything you need and I'll grab it for you right away. I don't want to see you off this couch for the rest of the night…unless you'd prefer me to carry you off to the bedroom.”
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
🎀IM SORRY FOR BLOWING UP YOUR INBOX! But Val/Vox(idrc which one) x Anorexic Daughter Reader?🎀
Hi Friend,
You’re not blowing up my inbox- I keep every request in a google doc and when inspo hits I work on it! If I ever decide I won’t do a request I won’t just delete it- I’ll post and say it directly <3 
Preface for this work:
 I’m considered a plus sized equestrian/plus sized human. Eating disorders come in all shapes, sizes and issues. I believe it’s Blythe Barid who said “If you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with you go to the hospital. If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story.”
Stories like these are based on my own experiences and issues- and on this topic, I’ve had quite a few. Please remember that all bodies are worthy of love and respect, care and concern. It's a tough concept to wrap our heads around, and admittedly I still struggle with it. 
A little background info: 
ED’s are a huge part of my writing that I haven’t published. Ana and Mia are characters I have created (or maybe my own food issues created them). Either way, they’re  separate entities for separate stories- demons that I imagine have their own place in hell as well as in my writings (all of which have been in existence far longer than Hazbin). That being said, naming your ED is something I did and I have done. Even for the purpose of writing this story, the entire thing felt wrong without Ana running the behind the scenes. 
With this one I tried to pain the pain, the anger and frustration behind that never feeling good enough feeling. I would be open to doing part two if folks would be interested. Please also know I’ve written on this topic in several other forms if you explore my masterlist (or I can directly send you the links if you PM me). 
<3 Mandy 
I stepped on the bathroom scale and looked at the number that flashed below. The words of my coach echoed in my mind- I needed to lose the summer weight, or else I would be benched for the rest of the season. She had helpfully provided me with a journal to keep track of my weight, what I ate in a day, activities I did and how many calories I burned in accordance with my VoxTech watch. 
A month ago, I had met her goal, thus ending the weekly weigh-ins. According to her, I had lost enough weight to maintain my place on the team. It was on me now to make sure that I maintained that weight, or lost more. In her exact words, you could never be too skinny. 
“Bebita? Breakfast,” my fathers voice called from the hallway. “Come on, before it gets cold.”
The number told me I hadn’t gained weight, but I hadn’t lost weight either. I picked my backpack up and slung it over my shoulder. 
“Sorry, Dad! I’m late! I’ll eat at school, I promise,” I answered back as I rushed out the door. 
Surely skipping breakfast wouldn’t hurt. 
Skipping breakfast turned into skipping lunch. Skipping lunch turned into avoiding dinner. Sugar free jello and skinny pop became my go to snacks as the numbers in my book slowly but surely began to get smaller. Somewhere, a little voice inside my head began to cheer my successes on the scale. Over time, I learned that she had a name. 
Ana. My secret diet partner. My invisible cheerleader. The willpower I needed to keep going on the hardest days. And most importantly, someone who paid attention to me, 
With each passing day, Ana grew louder. She encouraged me to keep my diet a secret from my family. After all, they wouldn’t understand. Pleasing her, it became almost like an addiction- a game I played with myself to see just how little I could become. Food became nothing more than numbers, an obsession that consumed every minute, every second of my thoughts and desires. 
In my household, it wasn’t hard to keep it to myself. Hell, one could argue that I wasn’t technically even keeping it a secret. My father had a very important job, after all. And my Auntie Velvette and Uncle Vox also wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make the connection. A quick, I ate earlier, sorry! And I got off scott free. Ana cheered with each no thank you I uttered. My head between my knees after practice had become a ritualistic practice. Waiting for the black spots to fade, taking deep breaths to try to regain the energy to stand up and walk out to the awaiting limo. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting at home for me anyway. 
On the daily, I kept a careful eye on my voxtech watch. The first time my blood sugar dropped, I got a call from Vox. Paniced waves rushed through me. A suggestion from Ana to bribe to a friendly tech demon. A brief trade later, I had constant vitals being sent from my watch, my real ones hidden behind a password. With this newfound freedom, outside of homework and practice, my time normally devoted to hobbies or hanging out with friends became time to sleep. After all, I was working on the perfect body. I needed my rest. 
For almost six months, Ana and I were best friends. 
Saturday morning. Game day. One of the busiest days for my father. After all, lust and depravity raked through the weekends like wildfire. Or at least, that was what he claimed. I stood in front of the mirror trying desperately to tighten the drawstring 
“Hey bebita?” I heard my fathers voice call from the hallway. “Baby, are you up?”
“Yeah, Dad. I have a game today,” I snapped as I tied another knot in the string. 
Why the fuck wouldn’t these stupid shorts stay up? I fumed to myself. Every part of my body ached, and even yanking on my shorts sent black spots and exhaustion rushing through my body. I leaned my head against the mirror and tried to take a deep breath. I could do this. I had to do this. 
The next thing I heard was my fathers voice, felt his hand shaking my shoulder. It took every ounce of energy to open my eyes. 
“Bebita? Reader, can you hear me?” Valentino asked frantically. “Princessa, wake up, now!”
“I’m fine,” I muttered as loudly as I could. Somehow, I managed to push myself upright. 
“You most certainly are not fine,” he replied sharply. “I’m taking you downstairs to the doctor, right now.”
Doctor. That meant I would miss the game. No, I had an obligation to my teammates. Somewhere in my head, Ana screamed.
Get up, fatass!
You really want to fuck this up for everyone?
You better not let him take you to the doctor, you do that and you’ll never find perfection. 
“I’m fine,” I growled, louder this time. I pulled myself to my feet and black spots dotted my vision. I felt my fathers arms around me and in seconds, I was off the floor and in his arms.
“Put me down, I can walk,” I tried to yell. Inside my head, Ana screamed louder, demands and insults about my current predicament. I pressed my hands to my head and curled my fingers in my hair, “Dad let me down NOW!” 
He ignored me as he carried me down the hallway. 
“Vox? Velvette? Both of you, with me. Now. We have a problem.” He said loudly. 
“Woah, what’s going….” Vox’s voice began. 
I shoved my hand against my father as he walked through the living room.  To my relief, he set me down on the couch. 
“What?” I snarled as three sets of eyes stared at me. “What the fuck are you looking at?” 
Vox checked his phone and then walked over to me. With one finger, he lifted off my Voxtech watch. 
“Hey! Give that back!” I demanded. “I’m going to be late to my game!”
All three of them ignored me. Wordlessly, Velvette walked away and returned moments later, bathroom scale in hand. She set it infront of the couch and gave me a hard look. 
“Step on.” 
“Fuck you,” I snapped as I stood up. I tried to ignore the black spots that danced just out of sight. “My weight is none of your fucking business.”
“Reader!” Valentino said in dismay. “That’s no way to talk to your Aunt.”
“I’m leaving, I’m already late. Thanks, Dad,” I continued sarcastically as I kicked the scale aside. 
Inside, Ana cheered. I bent down to pick up my backpack and the world around me spun. Three steps,  and Vox’s hand gripped my upper arm. The last thing I heard was Ana’s voice screaming indistinguishable words. 
When I came to again, I found myself in a room of gray and blue. Wires stuck out from my chest, and I tried to cough and spit the feeling of something painful in the back of my throat. I tried to reach up, to shove my fingers down my throat, and my skin met padded white cuffs. 
What the fuck?
You’re going to have to work hard to get yourself out of this one, Ana taunted. Great job getting caught, fatass. 
“Hey, baby, it’s alright, Papi is here,” I heard my father’s voice say somewhere far away. 
“Mr. Valentino, I promise we’ll be in touch when she’s more stable,” a new voice said. “For now, it might be best to give her some space to…”
Indistinguishable arguments. My fathers refusal and reminder of who exactly was in charge here. My Uncle Vox and Aunt Velvette chiming in, a mix of talking him down and agreement. 
Panic shot through me as the haze slowly began to wear away. Realization. Through the fog, only one word came to mind. 
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hp-hcs · 10 months
don't believe you've done yandere blaise yet, so here am I requesting for us all (because I can't be the only one who wants to see your take on yandere blaise) as always do whatever you'd like chuck a theo in there if you'd want - yxdls
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons — gn! reader
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i don’t think i uploaded anything yesterday so expect more from me later tonight
blaise is not the worst yandere you could be stuck with. he’s not harmless, but he’s also not as controlling and possessive as the others
he’s not violent the way yandere theodore or mattheo would be. he’s much too refined for brutish fighting like that. what if he got blood on his clothes? no. blaise zabini has class, thank you very much.
but he’s got lackeys. a whole score of ‘em. just grunts to do his dirty work for him.
honestly, he wouldn’t even notice your existence until you give him reason to.
maybe you get paired together for a project. you go to sit with him at his table and then he’s just like 🫵😐🤌💍
as soon as he’s got his sights set on you? ✨you’re fucked!✨🌈💖
no getting out of that now! have fun!
this man has got no concept of a personal space bubble.
always touching you in some way. holding hands, a hand on your lower back, touching knees under the table at dinner
his love language is buying you really expensive gifts, and giving you things with his initials on it
he gives you his signet ring with his family crest after like two weeks of knowing you.
(cause he knows the relationship is gonna last)
((mostly cause you don’t have a choice))
he’s not like…a bad yandere as in, doesn’t care about his partner’s feelings (*cough* @yanxidarlings’ cormac mclaggen *cough*)
he wants- no, needs you to like him
if he has to pay you off or threaten you to do that, c’est la fucking vie
he’s also more of a…delayed possessive guy, if that makes any sense
like, if another guy talks to you or gets a lil too friendly, he won’t immediately beat his ass
but if he goes missing the next day? pure coincidence dw abt it babe
he’s a good guy, in all honesty. just kind of…clingy
absolutely treats you like royalty (we love a deifying king 😌🫶👑)
(i’m not saying walk him like a dog, sis, but-)
also this man is little spoon i don’t make the rules
would 1000% fall asleep lying on your chest 👌
on a yandere scale of zero to tom riddle, blaise is a solid four
not bad, all things considered 🤷‍♂️
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brights-place · 8 months
Hello!! I read some of your Trolls stuff and I really really like them! May I request Trollex, Branch, and Floyd with a super supportive s/o who’s experienced in a lot of genres of music and dance? They have a TON of instruments and they know how to play every last one like girl where did you get these???
Sheet music and music theory knowledge is through the roof like you’d think they teach it as a profession, and if they give them physical affection and compliments and actually just normal relationship stuff??? They are a puddle on the ground they are NOT used to someone close actively caring so much about them besides like family they love that shit, giving AND receiving 😎 (they can be shy about it sometimes tho it’s adorable)
Uhhh tldr local music nerd is smitten with their amazing s/o, they down bad tbh /j
If this is too much in a single request, don’t hesitate to message me in case this is too long!
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Them Dating an Music Theory! Troll
Pairing: Trollex X S/O, Floyd X S/O, and Branch X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild cursing
A/N: OOOOH I LOVE THIS REQUEST! this is so good okay okay! plus I do music theory myself so this is fun! >:D
- Trollex loves the way you explain music theory in a way that is easy to understand and engaging
- He enjoys listening to them talk passionately about music.
- He enjoys watching you play music for you and analyze the pieces in depth
- He listens when you rant and explain Music theory to him explaining that music theory covers things such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter and time signatures, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony for music which he nods his head listening to you - Trollex loves how you play many instruments and stares at how you play it with ease - Trollex listens to you rant about it and is very patient with you even with his short attention span and endless energy.
- loves the way you light up when you talks about things that are about music
- He asks so many questions and forgets since his brain is re-setting sometimes - He can't help but admire your dedication to studying and refining your endless knowledge of music - He loves that they challenge your preconceived ideas about music and open you up to new perspectives of different musical styles and genres.
- He loves your creative ideas and imagination for how to explore and experiment with music.
- He values your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with you.
- He loves the way you express yourself through music and many genres not sticking to one and enjoys how you dance with him to techno music
- Floyd loves to encourage you to express yourself creatively and explore your musical side more around him which you obviously do
- He appreciates how you share music tastes with him and discover new songs to listen to together
- He finds your knowledge of music history fascinating and enjoy learning new facts about the origins of different musical styles.
- Floyd is fascinated by your ability to deconstruct a piece of music and understand how the different elements interact to create a cohesive whole
- Floyd can’t help be impressed by the way you can find common threads between seemingly disparate pieces of music and make connections that he had never noticed before and would ask more
- You love the way your shy emo partner aka Floyd opens up to you and shares his emotions through music with you
-You two enjoy discussing the deeper meanings of songs and analysing the lyrics together though he mainly stared at your face to see your focused face
- He loves to play you a song that relates to your current emotional state and makes you feel understood and comforted.
- He can’t help but be drawn to how your musical knowledge and understanding of music theory can shed light on your personality in ways that you may not have been aware of but he was aware of it
- He finds it amazing how you can deconstruct your emotions using music theory and communicate with you on a deeper level which he also does I mean he is the sensitive one and knows about emotions
- He can’t help but be amazed by how much you can learn through many genres of music and their musical knowledge… I mean he’s Pop Rock but he can’t help but be shocked how you know ALL the genres
- He can’t help but be charmed by the way you approach music with pure enthusiasm and wonder as he stared at you lovingly.
- You both feel a strong connection with each other through music and can tell that you're both on the same wavelength even though he doesn't show it much,
- He can't help but admire the way you are fine with how branch can effortlessly switch between serious discussion and playful banter
- He finds it adorable when you become shy and blushes after realizing you have been rambling on about music for too long.
- He loves when you start sharing your favorite songs and artists with each other and discovering new music together
- He loves to support your creativity and encourages you to express yourself through music. - Branch can’t help be impressed by the way you can find common threads between seemingly disparate pieces of music and make connections that he had never noticed before and would ask more about it towards you
- He's impressed by your intelligence and knowledge of music theory.
- He finds himself admiring at your musical skills and wishing he could play or compose music the way you do.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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The Undertale characters are having a family dinner with their S/O's family. S/O's grandma starts to flirt with them, but not really seriously. They're charming them playfully. They are just charmed by their partner and want to know more. How do they react?
Undertale Sans - He's flirting back with a lot of puns. He's glad at least your grandma likes him and he will spend most of the dinner with her, chatting like they've known each other for years. Sans loves old people, they always have the craziest stories to tell. They're a good public for his old-fashioned sense of humor too.
Undertale Papyrus - He's playing along, blushing and pretending to be overwhelmed by the compliments, and playfully fighting to give the best compliment to your grandma in return. He's having fun. He loves your grandma. She's great to bitch on people with! They need to hang out someday!
Undertale Toriel - Being an old lady herself, they become besties in like an hour or so. Toriel is playing along and is having fun, flirting back with no shame at all. After an hour or so, they are both on her phone checking pie recipes and sharing cooking secrets, and then they both disappear to go cook something because now they have to absolutely try it! You're not seeing either your girlfriend or your grandma for the rest of the dinner lol.
Undertale Asgore - He's blushing. Your grandma is hitting right every time she's talking to him and he's getting a bit overwhelmed. You joke asking him to be careful because your grandma will surely steal his heart and he throws you the most distressed look either. Please don't encourage her??? Save him instead! He's a mess and the dinner didn't even start yet!
Undertale Undyne - Your grandma can't stop petting her muscles and Undyne actually doesn't care at all, simply flexing to impress her. You're not sure what you're thinking of all of this honestly. Undyne is playing along and is determined to make a best friend out of your grandma. When you bring the plates, you catch them talking randomly about how to make Undyne's scales shinier and you decide it's best to not listen more.
Undertale Alphys - Alphys is a bit shy around your grandma at first, but as she gets more comfortable, you discover she can flirt as well, really savagely and with no remorse. It's a cheesy flirt contest now, and you're just staring in shock, wondering what is happening to your socially awkward girlfriend. Alphys is excited the next time you tell her you're taking her to have dinner in your grandma's house. Your grandma has Alphys' number now and they're chatting all night long as well.
Undertale Frisk - Do I even need to mention how Frisk is flirting back, saying the weirdest things possible to make your grandma howl with laughter? Frisk loves the attention, they love your grandma and they will do anything to have a reaction. They never have a real human family, but you have the feeling it's about to change soon.
Undertale Chara - They're smiling to be polite, but clearly, they're not too comfortable with this, searching your eyes. You can see they're calling you for help, but, eh, you're just staring back. Your grandma is having fun for once, you don't want to ruin her fun. Chara can deal with this. You're going to pay back though, be careful. You owe them one.
Undertale Mettaton - You didn't know your grandma is a big fan of Mettaton. As soon as she starts to flatter his shows, you know it's so over for you. Mettaton forgot your existence and is all over your grandma, showing her all of his merch and signing things and slowly dragging her towards the exit as he absolutely wants to bring her to his set and to doll her up to present her in his next show. You're weakly trying to stop him but you know it's no use. Once Mettaton is decided to do something, he will do it, either you say something about it or not.
Undertale Gaster - He's distressed now. You told him to be nice to your grandma and not be a grunch, and he promised he would, but please... That's the third cake he has to eat entirely because your grandma thinks he's too skinny and he's going to get sick, he swears he's going to get sick. Can he please stop now? He can't do this for another hour. He's begging you now.
Undertale Grillby - He's a bit shy, and your grandma pressuring him to talk more about himself is starting to make him anxious. The fact she's getting closer and closer to him doesn't help either. She clearly loves to touch his flames, to the point she's sticking her entire hands in them even though Grillby is weakly trying to ask her to not do that. Please save him.
Undertale Muffet - Honestly, you're in shock after Muffet purposely gives your grandmother a free pastry, and then a second one as your grandma praises her. What's going on? Did your grandma just tame Muffet??? Muffet is never giving pastries for free, NEVER. Your grandma is just special you guess. You're so jealous actually.
Undertale Burgerpants - Your grandma just pet him and now Burgerpants is crying on her laps telling her everything Mettaton is doing to her and how he's going to have a mental breakdown if he keeps working there and your grandma is comforting him and telling him he worths more than this and that's she's going to sue that robot's ass for bullying her grandson-in-law. You're too in shock to say anything.
Undertale Flowey - Flowey is hissing and screaming but it's too late. Your grandma decided to fertilize him because his petals are not shiny enough. You wave goodbye at Flowey, promising you will remember him, as he's getting dragged in the garden. Flowey curses you and your descendants for twenty generations.
Undertale Gerson - He's laughing so much you have to ask him and your grandma to lower their voice volume. Gerson answers back that he'll shut up once you buy him and your grandma hearing aids lol. Your grandma approves and calls you a little brat for ruining their fun. You're defeated.
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eleanork-28 · 6 months
Post s3e6 what happens now?
I am begining to write an 'after' fic which has brought up a lot of questions and speculation that I'd like to share. Yes willmon is endgame but also where do they go from here?
Money (what are the Erikssons doing with their money from August?) 
The rift between Wille’s elitist upbringing and Simon’s economical and political beliefs 
Wille needs to learn and figure out what he wants his relationship with politics and money to be 
Wille is giving up the crown but he now has to go through that process 
Official meetings 
What is his new title going to be 
What money does he have not has Crown Prince 
The official statement of abdication and handing the duty to August 
Figuring out the PR strategy for this as well 
Wille isn’t free automatically he is going to price for a little while longer while they introduce August more prominently to the public so that the crown isn’t handed off to seemingly a stranger 
They also have to figure out a way to make sure it is clear that this is a choice Wille made for himself rather than because of his very publicised relationship 
Making sure there won’t be speculation that he is leaving voluntarily because the Swedish monarchy doesn’t want a queer monarchy because that would be a media shitstorm 
Where is Wille going to school? And Simon? 
Even with abdication he is still a part of the Swedish aristocracy would he go to another posh school? 
I think not with everything that happened at Hilerska but its also the thing he knows, so how does he figure that out? 
Where does Simon go? He wouldn’t want to go to another rich kid school
Will they go to school together? 
If so what interest will their classmates take in them, how would they maintain their privacy 
Even apart what would their privacy look like 
What would their relationship look like if they do decide to not go to school together? 
Same questions for Felice and Sara because they also have to go to school they are all children and education is very important lol
Familial relations 
Wille and his parents need to repair their relationship 
Do Simon and Sara start working on a better relationship Micke? 
I want Wille to get to meet Micke I think that interaction would be great
Public relations 
Yes they are free but sadly the public doesn’t entirely care 
Luckily on an international scale the Swedish monarchy doesn’t hold much attention but maybe that has changed since Wille’s scandals and then open queer relationship? This is never addressed in the show 
But amongst Swedes especially after abdication people will have a vested interest 
Think Harry and Megan (obvs the UK royals are a much bigger scale but the point stands) 
Like people still really care what they're up to, and Megan and Simon have those similar experiences of being a poc partner of a european royal family member, the harassment doesn’t suddenly stop once you've left the direct limelight of royal life
Platonic relationships 
What is Wille’s relationship with Rosh and Ayub? 
They have witnessed every thing that Simon has gone through because of his relationship with Wille and now they are back together again 
They do respect him because of his choice to leave the monarchy, they are maybe not even surprised because they did witness the “I could be free with you” speech
But do they trust him? 
On that note does Linda? She definitely cares for Wille but she also knows how this has affected her son.
Does Wille have to prove his intentions and himself? 
Can he Rosh and Ayub truly form a friendship? How will that happen 
Simon, Wille, Sara, and Felice have forged their own kind of found family through shared traumas and love for one another, how to Rosh and Ayub fit into that new dynamic? Will there be conflict because of this? 
What does a friend group consisting of all of them look like? 
Other than mega gay
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thefreelanceangel · 2 months
OC Smash Or Pass: Esti Kyton
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Quick Facts:
Height: 5' 7"
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Kinsey Scale: 2 (Predominantly heterosexual but more than incidentally homosexual) [i.e. bisexual but male-leaning]
She's VERY driven for financial success and stability, so she'll work her tail off to ensure that you're comfortable, even if you don't work.
'Devoted' doesn't quite begin to touch just how much of herself she'll pour out for you.
With years of aerial acrobatics as a background and the inherited double-jointed flexibility she has...
She's intellectually curious and willing to learn about basically anything, especially if her partner is interested.
Rigidly, strictly monogamous. She tried polyamory and it did... bad things to her mental health. She's just not built for it.
She has a large family. She doesn't want her large family and goes out of her way to avoid them except for duty visits.
Her mother. You'll find out soon enough.
She'd still working past the abusive relationship(s) she's gone through, so she is... extremely emotionally fragile. You'll have to be VERY careful.
Additional Information:
Do you like coffee? Lucky for you, she is devoted to coffee and loves to make it. She's also a professional barista and extremely good at it.
She also has that 'must feed people' quirk that makes a success of so many small restaurants. You WILL be fed. Regularly.
Esti struggles with voicing her own wants and with upholding her own boundaries; she may occasionally blurt something out when the pressure becomes too much and then apologize for it.
She doesn't know how to fight. At all. Combat training never crossed her path and she didn't receive the training that all the other Kyho kits did.
Yes, she's a Kyho. Yes, it's very complicated. No, she doesn't claim the surname anymore. (And she'd be happy to change the name she has now, considering 'Kyton' is a combination of 'Kyho' and 'Bolton,' her ex Zale's surname before he married C'allie & Lulu.)
No seriously, she is not poly. At all. She tried and became a neurotic wreck. She'd have to be your one and only.
Sexually: She's a sub. She's such a sub. Everything she does is aimed at pleasing her partner, even if it means strangling back her own wants. She's slowly learning how to voice her own desires, and when she feels safe doing so... she is voracious.
Romantically: She genuinely and truly believes herself to be unlovable. And so she'll never... truly... quite believe you when you say you love her. She won't tell you as much, but she'll always be waiting for you to leave.
Tagged By: @iron-sparrow (<3!)
Tagging: @luck-and-larceny; @dumb-hat; @mirugaidoesthings; @rylen-ashworth; @archaiclumina; @jigschosai; @gatheredfates; @riftdancing; @chainsofaether
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, enterpreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Back in the UK, noone treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Which is why it was such a shock to him Everytime she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire a complished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
So I am going to break this down by paragraph.
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, entrepreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
Her “everyone loves classy” PR was 100% aimed at Harry. She had to market herself to him as a future Duchess/Princess but also a loving and caring wife. I also believe she was aiming this directly at the UK public and his family, but mostly the UK public. Her PR knew that if she didn’t have the backing of the UK public there is no way that the family would get behind their relationship. Also, she was marketing herself as the opposite of Catherine. Right around this time there were a ton of anti-Kate articles being published. About how she was too shy, not a hard worker, had a nanny, she didn’t know how to dress or photograph well, she wasn’t a kind and loving DIL to Charles, she was TOO involved with her family, she didn’t like horses, she had nothing in common with William – though Meghan had LOTS in common with William, she wasn’t well-educated, she wasn’t posh enough, she only had a degree in Art History, she never had a real job, she waited around for William to propose,…you get the idea. From November 2016 onwards we were saturated with articles about how Meghan was much better Duchess/Princess of Wales material.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
I will never forget the “cutsie” video of her eating the raspberries off her fingers. Also, it was in Bower’s book I believe that Meghan selected certain photos off of her IG for her friend to use to show Harry. She definitely was trying to get him hooked on her “sexiness” and then reel him in with her “carefree, loving, humanitarian” persona. We also know that they communicated thru IG often so from June 2016 onwards we can say for sure that her IG account and Tig blog were totally geared towards Harry and getting his attention and keeping it.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Exactly. Even though Harry now claims he hated the attention we all know he secretly loved being in the spotlight. His bitterness of George being born and then William taking on more of a Crown Prince role leaving Harry obsolete has been made clear through all of his interviews and his book. Harry wanted to be the center of attention so when he saw the “red carpet appearances” and fashion shoots of Meghan he thought he was finally getting someone who could make him more popular and more celebrity-like. Also, think of how easy it is to reinvent yourself when you aren’t faced with people from your past interfering in your relationship or you having to actually be around the person day to day. Meghan was totally able to tell Harry whatever she wanted because by this point, anyone who could truly tell him exactly who she was had been kicked out of her life long before.
Back in the UK, no one treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Harry 100% believed his own hype. He totally bought into the “Hero Harry” PR campaign that ELF put out there…I mean we see it even now that Harry thinks he deserves special treatment because he served in the military. Well so did my brother who actually put his life on the line more than once and he doesn’t even use his military discount. What is hysterical is that his impression she was some sort of Hollywood superstar makes it clear he has no real knowledge of the workings of the world. He kept saying how impressed his family was by the amazing woman who was so accomplished and famous but 99.95% of the world had zero idea of who she was. What I find extremely telling is that he grew up with a certain set of people, women who had been raised in noble families and none of them wanted anything to do with him…it took a very long distance relationship with a hustler to tie him down.
Which is why it was such a shock to him every time she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
Meghan totally fed into Harry’s white knight complex. We know that Harry felt he could have done something to save his mother and Meghan feasted on that like a vulture. I do think that a lot of what he has done has been of his own violation though. Meghan might have nurtured the idea but I for a while have felt that Harry has always wanted to really bash his family and the press and he now has his opening.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire accomplished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
You know when you get into a relationship and you always try to portray the best version of yourself and then slowly reveal your flaws? Like, maybe you aren’t the best housekeeper or you can’t cook to save your life…well Meghan portrayed herself as a victim and Diana 2.0. The thing is though, Diana was VERY prone to emotional outbursts and crying tirades so this is something familiar to Harry. It probably triggered him even more than her being completely in control of her emotions because Harry had witnessed his mother more than once sobbing on the floor during his childhood so Meghan sobbing on the floor triggered his white knight complex. What I think caught Harry by surprise, at first, was Meghan’s bullying tactics. That is one aspect of her personality she had a hard time suppressing. She was rude to anyone she saw as beneath her and at first he probably had issues with that but then she convinced him it was because she was bi-racial or that people were jealous of her.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
So I don’t know if you watched the Netflix series but it is SO clear that Meghan has him completely hoodwinked. By her saying in the series that she had no idea she had to curtsy to The Queen (Yeah okay sure) that she knew nothing of the Royals. Or when she was full on caught out lying during her lawsuit she blamed HER LYING and getting CAUGHT on William! And Harry bought it!
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
She also never factored in him crashing and burning in popularity. Meghan truly thought that the heir to the throne should be determined by popularity and not birthright. So when they couldn’t convince the BRF to hand the keys to the castle over to Meghan and Harry she was pissed. I think she also counted on his popularity making her more important that Catherine in the hierarchy. The based all of their goals and ambitions on Harry’s popularity and not once did they take into account that the BRF would stick to the script. Once Harry started being told “No” for once in his life they started imploding and I think that is when Harry started to turn…up till that point he had been busy covering for her but now that he was going to be left out in the cold is when I think she truly got an idea of just what type of NARC he is.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
X-Men Wings of Fire Villain Reader AU is about to be a thing... Imagine that Reader was a dragon, hatched under at least two blood moons, is unknowingly a HiveWing/NightWing hybrid...
(Do you see where this is going?)
They're different from the other dragonets. It may not be obvious at first, but the closer you look, the more the others seem to think them strange, unusual, too happy and too odd. Reader has little teardrop scales by the corner of each eye, either obsidian black or warm gold... A little star mark on their forehead, in the same color... They're mostly black, with some blots of honey-colored scales... Their eyes are warm, deep, and one feels lost yet fuzzy looking into them... Even their wings are odd, speckled in star-like speckles of gold, and their wings spread out look like the dark night sky, bathed in stars and stardust...
Adults don't like them, finding their answers odd, or thr way Reader speaks annoying. They can't seem to stay on track, or seem interested I what most dragonets like. They seem to know too many odd things, things they shouldn't know, yet they do. Dragonets find them too happy, too innocent, with no mean scales or thoughts at all. Some even take to calling Reader names, or insulting them. Whispers can be heard the moment Reader enters a room, no one hiding their gossip. Who were Reader's parents? Did they know something woukd be wrong with them, different, and that's why they were abandoned? Or maybe their egg had been cursed, meant to be left out from the start to keep everyone else pure...
Reader grows up into a nervous, quiet dragonet, who one day is pushed too far. No one cared for them. No one liked them. They only used Reader if it meant they got something from them, or if Reader's skills could be used to help them win, or to use Reader to make themself look better. And Reader was so, so tired of it. All of it. The whispers, the backhanded insults, being left alone for hours, being ignored, always last, always disliked, even from the start... And they discover their power, their gift, something that they've never seen before-
They can control other dragons.
They can project their will to others. Make them into puppets. And they will do whatever Reader wants. It's almost ironic, for the very dragons who scorned Reader to now be their puppet instead, like how they used Reader.
Reader ends up trying to destroy their old "friends" and "family", not stopping until...
They realize how awful they've become. Someone they'd partnered with, to get back at everyone, had uses them. And it was like being that tiny dragonet all over again, finding out no one liked them and that they'd been used... So Reader gives up their control, releasing those they'd used, and disappears, hoping to never be seen again...
Yet they're looked for, tracked down, as their old family wants to see them again... They want to try and start over again, to be a family this time... They're so sorry they hurt them, so upset that they caused their child/sibling/friend to run straight into the grasp of a worse evil, which then used them and hurt them even more, all so Reader could feel wanted, needed... But it'll be different this time, they swear... Just please, please, let them back in... Come on, honeydrop, let them take care of you...
( @weebwholovesuchihasasuke and @crowwithguns and @vivid-bun and @danni1323 and @sugar-soda and @c0ld0utside and @opossumdaydreamz What do y'all think? I think it was about time we had an X-Men Wings of Fire Villain Reader AU...)
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supersummer01 · 2 months
Are your sissy desires compatible with your male desires?
Decide if your sissy and masculine desires are compatible.
Some desires will be compatible and some will be antagonist. These are the pros and the cons of becoming a sissy. You'll know when you have compatible desires when they can be tied together with the word \"and, \" desires that are antagonistic are tied together with the word \"but.\" This is really easy to figure out. For example Your sissy side wants to get on hormones that shrink your dick but your masculine side still wants to fuck chicks. Antagonistic since you have a conflict tied by the word \"but.\" On the other hand if you say; \"I need to shape my butt to be a sexy sissy, and being fit makes me a happier guy.\" Then you have a compatible desire between your sissy and masculine desires.
More serious conflicting desires are:
I want to have sex with men but I don't want to cheat on my wife.
I want a master but I hate being submissive.
I want to show off my sissy side but I'm afraid of what would happen to my career/family if anyone ever found out.
If in the end you can weigh up all your desires and decide that the negatives are outweighed by the positives then you should consider the sissy lifestyle and start taking steps towards it. If for you the cons outweigh the pros then you need to take a step back, not think with your dick, and take a good hard look at what you would lose if you became a sissy and think long and hard about if you would really be happy if you made those sacrifices.
Would becoming a sissy help you or hurt you?
Becoming a sissy is to make a huge lifestyle change and one that's impossible to hide. You can hide being gay, you can hide being a racist, but you can't hide haircuts, fingernail polish, and makeup. In many cases the lifestyle change doesn't really tip the scales in either direction, however in some it can mean the total loss and alienation of the person trying to become a sissy. Once someone goes down the path of having a broken support network, they often go down a dark road in life. On the other hand though, some men become sissies and become much happier in life. You need to decide if the outcome of your decision to become a sissy will help or hurt you in life.
For example. You might become a sissy and meet new friends, have great sex and improve your self esteem. But at the same time your family would disown you, your partner leave you, and your boss would fire you. You absolutely must consider the implications of coming out of the sissy closet before you ever start working to become a sissy.
I'm disgusted with myself for cumming to my sissy fantasies.
If you feel a revulsion towards yourself after you cum then you are experiencing a strong warning sign that becoming a sissy is not necessarily a wise choice for you. It's your brain throwing up a big warning sign that what you are doing is going to have a strong psychological impact.
Many men love to jerk off to the taboo and extreme, even if they have no intention of actually doing the things they fantasize or watch. In many of the cases of guys who think they are into becoming a sissy, they are often forgetting this fact. Most sissies felt \"right\" when they found sissy porn or the sissy lifestyle. They either weren't bothered by their interest or didn't care. Many men that engage in cross-dressing are doing so despite having no interest or reason to become a sissy. If you fall into either the camp of fetishists or being disgusted with yourself after cumming to sissy fantasies, then you probably shouldn't take on the commitment of being a sissy.
In the end becoming a sissy can be one of the greatest things in life for some people. But I've also heard horror stories of transgender women who thought that they wanted to be something that they were not only to discover that everything they already had is gone, and what they wanted wasn't so great. It may seem exciting to become a sissy, but you really need to ask yourself why you want to become one and if it's right for you.
If in the end you decide that becoming a sissy is a good fit for you there are plenty of great guides and people that will help you achieve your highest good as a sissy. The communities are full of great people. If you do decide to be a sissy I wish you luck and welcome you into the sisterhood.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hey are you still doing Scp x reader stuff, if so can I get an alloween version of Scp 682 , like their his mate and they have pups,so he’s like overprotective with them(you don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable) Bye Tale care of yourself ~ :)
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This is the alloween version. Sorry I couldn’t send earlier I was asleep .
Being Humanized SCP 682's Mate
[GN!Reader, implied afab]
[Warnings: I mention pregnancy a few times, but other than that it's pretty gender neutral!]
[AN: I ended up,,, writing it as my own human version of 682. I had reasons, trust me.]
[Reblogs are appreciated!]
My humanized version of SCP 682 holds the face claim of Bayek from AC Origins. I REALLY resonate with the possibility that SCP 682 was once hailed as Ammit. He's pretty tall (around 6'3) with skin the color of warm chestnut! I honestly,,, did not see SCP 682 as a skinny White man,,,, and this is no disrespect to the artist at all - their depiction is valid but clashes directly with mine. He's got locs that fall around shoulder length. He's got scales all over his body!! Greens, golden browns, y'know he was a lizard to begin with. He is COVERED in eyes. They're kinda like gemstones on his body. He's muscular! I feel like,,,, he's also got scars from everything the Foundation has tried to do to him as well.
SO, you're 682's mate? How fascinating. Don't know how you managed that but he's really protective of you and the children the two of you have.
He's a very attentive partner but weirdly emotionally,,,, not present?
In some ways, he views you more as an "object" than an actual partner but you do know he loves you... in his own way.
He's not the worst partner? He's just,,, he's kind of a lizard most of the time so. Y'know.
If you guys are having kids through the biological route, he gets REALLY protective of you. He also starts to speak a bit more! Usually, he speaks in grunts and nods or shakes his head.
But you physically holding and carrying his children? His pups?? That'll be a big thing for him.
If you're having kids through the adoption route, he's pretty on the ball with that too. It doesn't matter that they're not biologically his, he has claimed them as his pups as much as he has claimed you as his mate. He will protect the family the two of you have made, blood or not.
Though I admit he's a bit more protective towards adopted children than biological children, as he can't guarantee the adopted children (who are anomalies) can protect themselves so young like bio children would be able to.
Hell the two of you (if you are afab and willing) would most likely have a mix of bio and adopted children because lord knows he wants a big brood with you.
There isn't anything he wouldn't do for you.
The kind of love he has for you is a bit odd? It's not transactional but it's not sweet and lovey dovey either. This also applies to the children the two of you have.
He teaches the children the two of you have with deep respect to who they are and fosters a physical growth and strength in them. He wants them to be able to survive and thrive when the two of you are not present.
He listens to the way you speak to them and finds joy in that.
He will always call you the "mother/father" of his children alongside him.
Doesn't like when Foundation staff tries to talk to you. He has to be present.
Does not trust anyone else but the two of you with your children.
The softest you'll ever see him is playfighting with your children!
He purrs,,,, a lot.
Especially when the lot of you pile together to sleep. He's gotta purr!
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