#sorry you’re so beautiful and everyone wants you. keep your head up king
spottedgardeneelstan · 11 months
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there are some plot lines even i can’t make silly.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Eddie’s Ted Talks
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Pairing: Eddie “The Freak” Munson x Plus!size!reader Characters: Eddie “The Freak” Munson, Plus!size!reader, Robin Buckley, Steve “The Hair” Harrington
Briefly mentioned: Keith, Jason Carver, Dustin Henderson Warnings: Eddie being a goddamn sweetheart, reader having bad thoughts about oneself, Jason being a dick ofc, Keith is weird pass it on, Hawkins rebuilt the video store, Steve and Robin are forever coworkers!!! Word Count: 2,574
*So, I've been really really depressed lately. I'm a little on the chubby side and it gets me down even worse. I really hate how I look I'd like an Eddie fanfic where the reader is feeling how I feel, and Eddie finds this out and is like "UM EXCUSE ME NO" and goes on this huge tangent about how amazing the reader is, how beautiful they are and then he accidentally confesses his feelings to the reader. That would just be MMMMM yes please 😩 
Requested by @bubblegumfanfics​
You sigh, flopping back onto your bed, ignoring everybody’s calls. 
So, maybe you should have told someone you were going home and not in the mood to talk because you feel like absolute shit- correction, you’re depressed because you’re a curvy girl who gets bullied because of this “flaw”. 
Sometimes you wish you had powers like your d n d character, to take down your main bully, jock Jason aka douche. 
Today wasn’t a good day for you, at all. It also didn’t help that Eddie was being exceptionally… Eddie. 
Sure, he’s touchy, always wanting to give you a hug and playing with your hair but him latching onto you and pretending to not want to share you with anyone else, fed into what douche had implanted into your head earlier this morning, leaving you with the only option of completely ditching your friends. 
Part of you feels bad for not talking to anyone prior to you leaving, especially your girl Robin. She always knows how to help you through one of these moments. 
Today though, today she couldn’t and not because she doesn’t want to but rather, she and Dustin had to keep Eddie from trying to murder Jason while Steve was trying to be the “only” responsible one and talk with the kid since they “have more in common than anyone else in the group” … it didn’t help. 
Robin’s head drops on the counter of the cash register at her latest job, the newly rebuilt video store since the last one “mysteriously” burned down even though everyone knows it was Keith who was trying to do some kinky stuff and freaked out. “Eddie,” she raises her head, “would it kill you to shut up?” 
“Yes.” He turns to her. “It would, right after I explode and turn into confetti because you two” he points to Steve and Robin. “Want me to confess to the most beautiful girl there is in Hawkins.” He glances over at the female, “no offense.” 
She narrows her eyes to him, none taken. I mean, you’re not wrong.” 
“I never said I was.” 
It takes him a moment to process what she said. “What does that mean?” 
Robin pauses, no longer able to restock the shelves, “no-nothing. I was just- I’m her friend, you know. It’d be wrong of me, as her friend, to not acknowledge that she’s pretty because she is, and I can see why you like her so much.” 
Steve watches all of this going down with his hand over his mouth, barely able to keep his chuckles to himself. "What are you laughing at Harrington?" 
"You mean, other than the fact that you can't talk to the one girl you've managed to not get to hate you, nothing." 
"Don't make me give you a haircut when you're sleeping." All and any humor Steve had, immediately disappeared. "That's not funny, Eddie." 
"I'm not trying to be funny," the metal head gives his friend a sarcastic smile. 
"God, I still don't know how she finds you attractive." 
That comment automatically draws the metal heads' attention onto him. "I'm sorry what? Who finds what attractive now?" 
"I'm so dead," the ex-party king whines as his head drops onto the counter. 
“Yeah, you are dingus.” 
His head snaps up. “You’re not helping Robin.” 
She smirks, shrugging her shoulders without caring about his upset tone. “I know. That’s why it’s funny.��� 
He narrows his eyes at her, silently plotting how to get her back... maybe he can tell Vicky to prank her or something. All he knows is that whatever future Steve plans is gonna take a lot of thinking... he can already hear the sarcastic jabs coming from Robin in his head. 
Eddie’s brain is overloaded right now, he has absolutely no idea what to think and doesn’t know if he’s gonna be able to function when he sees you. 
But that’s not stopping his body from moving and heading straight for the door. 
"Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Alone. Away from you two." He spins around and runs out the door. “Nobody follow me.” 
“Out of the two of us, who do you think she’s going to want to kill first?” 
“You can’t tell me, I’m wrong when you’ve been thinking the same thing I have.” 
“Me,” he whines. 
“Good, so we’re on the same page,” she pats his shoulder. “I’ll write you a heartfelt eulogy.” 
He paces back and forth along your poorly lit porch. He needs to keep himself busy while he thinks of the right words to say. 
You open the door with your heavy bag of trash, grumbling under your breath about how you constantly remind your parents not to stuff the bag until they can’t no more because you are just one person (one non-muscley person) and do they listen, no. 
You look up and let out a frightened scream, which Eddie also makes. You place a hand over your heart and lean against the wall. “What the hell are you doing here- hey, the light’s fixed.” 
He (shamelessly) checks you out, now that he knows the truth, he’s going to be as obvious as he can now about his feelings. 
You know, until he can find the proper words to tell you he likes you. 
“Yeah, I- uh,” he scratches his head. “I just fixed it. You shouldn’t be walking around in the dark. Aren’t your parents concerned about your dates bringing you home when it’s this dark?” 
You shake your head and start to reach for the trash bag when Eddie “snatches” it from you. “Ed, it’s heavy. Just let me do this so I can go back to my bed.” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “I got this.” He carries it with ease. “You forget, babe. I’m the one who has to load the van with our band equipment.” 
You didn’t pay attention to the sweet nickname since he always calls you sweetheart, maybe today he just wanted to change things. You lift the lid of the garbage bin. 
He makes a show of wanting you to walk in front of him. 
You roll your eyes (not wanting to hear him whine about you not participating).
“Okay, thank you for walking me to my front door. You can go home now.” You try to close the door, but he stops you. “Eddie-” 
“I just got some information that I’m still trying to figure out right now, but I can’t and I- I needed to see you before I got in my head.” 
“Oh.” You open the door wider for him before closing it and locking it. “Are you okay, Ed? I’ve never seen you like this unless it’s about what you should do at the next d n d meet.” 
"Uh- yeah. Yeah. They're fine." 
“I was asking if you’re fine, not the kids. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” You place the back of your hand on his forehead. 
He melts on the spot, staring into your... pretty... gorgeous... magical eyes. “Do you like me?” 
You pause, eyes trailing down to meet his. “What?” You screech, unable to figure where this thought came from. 
Eddie has not been able to figure out that you like him back (yes, you know he likes you but, there are a few things that get you to stop when you want to confess to his adorable ass). 
“Do you like me? I mean, I’ve dreamed about this before and every time I do, you wind up telling me no and then it fades to black and I wake up so if you do end up telling me now, I’m hoping it’ll fade to black so I can wake up from this nightmare I call a confession.” 
You take a step back. ‘I can’t do this right now. I need to go upstairs and hide in my bed.’ You walk away from him and walk upstairs to your room, burrowing into your sheets. 
Eddie furrows his brows and follows you, not sure where this is going (after he shakes off the idea of you trying to seduce him). “Now, I’m the one who’s going to ask. Are you feeling, okay?” He sits on the corner of your bed. “What happened back there?” 
“Nothing. You can go home now.” 
“Hey, hey.” He walks around to the other side, realizing that you’re facing the window in your room instead of your closet. He squats down in front of you, slowly pushing the sheets back to see your beautiful face. “Are you okay?” 
You nod as tears drip down to the side of your face. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” He has an idea about what could be going on with you, he remembers when he and Steve were left alone to hangout after Robin had to leave to help you because of “girl things” and then Steve kindly explained things in a nice way for him to understand. 
“Nothing, you should just go home.” 
“You know,” he kindly ignores your pleas knowing he can help you understand a couple of things. “I think I’ve been patient and I need an answer before it fades to black, and I wake up.” 
You lift your damp and tear-stricken lashes to stare at his adorable smiling self. “Ed, I’m not... it wouldn’t work.” 
“Why not, sweetheart?” 
“I’m just- I’m so and you’re so.” 
“Which means we can be so so together.” 
“No,” you whine, burrowing deeper into your sheets. "You don't get it." You throw the sheets back, so he can see your face. "I mean, why would you? You're so hot and I'm not. It wouldn't work, the not hot fatty and the absolutely hot future d n d rocker. It doesn't make sense." 
There's a moment of silence as Eddie's brain tries to catch up with what you said. 
"Did you call me hot?" 
"You called me hot." The smile falls from his face, "but why didn't you call yourself that?" 
"No, no. Don't you even try to fight me on this because you are. I mean, you have no idea how many times everyone has had to wipe my face dry because of how much I drool over you. You are- I mean you're- you're a ray of sunshine I need to keep me going and you're hugs. God- your hugs. I mean, don't get me wrong I love everything else about you, but your hugs are out of this world, babe." 
You don't say anything and let him continue. He scratches his head and stares at the ground. 
"It's crazy how you don't notice you're drawing everyone's attention onto you. I've had detention because some guy was staring at your perfectly round ass." 
"What?" You push yourself up, letting your head rest against your shoulder so your cheek is squished as you watch him. 
"Yeah, I mean, that's why I wasn't able to get you a couple of times. I still feel bad about that, by the way. But I mean," he turns his head back to face you. "I consider myself lucky because I got to make it up to you and hangout without the others." 
He stretches his hand to brush away the hair that covers your warm cheek, which becomes worse as he brushes his thumb against it. "You're so pretty, sweetheart. I hope you know that." 
You pull away and frown. 
"No, no, no. Don't pull away from me." He crawls up onto the bed, lying beside you. "Why don't you think we'd be great together?" 
"It's not that we wouldn't be great together, I just- I'm not the one for you." 
"You keep talking about your weight, why?" 
"Because that's all anyone ever talks about at school when they see me. Douche keeps hounding me because of it! And I just want it to stop, you know," you cover your mouth, taking a deep shaky breath as you try to calm down. 
A gentle hand removes your hand. "Hey, hey," he coos at you. "Can you open your eyes for me?" 
You shake your head. 
"It'd be beneficial for you... I think you're rubbing off on me, babe. I just used a big word. I don't even think I've used that in an essay." 
You chuckle along with him, opening your eyes to see him staring at you with the same soft smile you have stretching the corners of your lips. 
“If I ask you out, will you reject me?” 
“Are you going mean it?” 
He grabs your hand and places it over his heart. “I wouldn’t be this nervous if I didn’t mean it.” 
“But nothing. I like you and you like me, right?” 
“I mean, yeah.” 
“No, no. I want to hear it from you. Use your words.” 
You cup his cheek, staring into his eyes before pulling him down to kiss him. “I like you... a lot,” you mumble against his lips. 
“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.” He flops onto his back beside you. “Oh my god.” 
“You know this means you’re my girlfriend, right?” 
“Hmm, that doesn’t sound right.” 
“This whole confession thing implied that you’re my girl. I’m not letting you go.” 
You scoff and shove him, accidentally pushing him off the bed. “I still don’t buy it.” 
He crawls back onto the bed, coming closer to you. 
You try to move and stop when he crawls over you, laying his head on your chest, resting on your heart. 
“I can hear how fast your heart is beating.” 
“You just wanted an excuse to lay on me.” 
“No, this is cuddling. It’s what couples do.” 
“Whatever,” you tell him as you scratch his head. 
He lifts his head, "will you be my girlfriend?" 
You nod. “Yes, you dork." 
"Good." He leans up, moving up your body. "And since we're officially going out. It's my duty as your boyfriend to make my very hot," he pecks your left cheek. 
"And sexy," he kisses your other cheek. "And smart, no, I mean brilliant," he pecks your forehead. 
"Absolutely amazing and adorable girlfriend feel better whenever she's feeling down so whenever you're feeling the way you did today, you tell me so I can do something because I don't want to hear that you don't feel confident or hot or beautiful because you are. Believe me you are." 
He seals his self-made promise to you with a kiss. "Now, I'm gonna take a nap because this confession thing was very tiring, and I require more head scratches." 
You roll your eyes at his joke. "Can you at least put some music on or turn the TV on? Otherwise, I'm gonna take a nap." 
"I'll put on music but at a low volume so we can nap together. Aw." 
"What?" You ask as you adjust your bed so you can get comfy. 
"This is our first thing we're doing as a couple." 
"Oh boy," you mutter. "I regret everything that's happened in the last ten minutes." 
He takes his shoes and jacket off before bouncing on your bed. "No, you don't." 
"I guess you're right." 
"I'm glad we can agree on something, sweetheart." He returns to his rightful place and wraps his arms around your torso. 
"Aw man." 
He lifts his head, staring at you. "What?" 
"I have to pee." 
"And as soon as I got comfortable." 
"Eddie move or I'll pee." 
"Fine, fine."
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oldworldghost · 1 year
Telling stories to Pinochio fron Lies of P about Fairytales or whatever crap reader made when reader is bored !!
[Preferably former librarian Reader x Pino :3]
Tell me a story and I'll tell you I love you
↳ Anon I absolutely love this prompt, so I had to write a little something for it. This is definitely more focused on Pincchios' feelings for you as opposed to the actually story telling bit, and I think by the end especially it kind of stops being about the request a bit I am so sorry LMAO. Let me know if you want hcs or something else instead! :D
↳ This is currently unedited, I’ll do that tomorrow!
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Pinocchio sits beside you, head resting limply on your shoulder as he finds himself falling deeper in love with you.
You’re sharing one of the many stories in your knowledge with him, something old and undoubtedly picked up from your time as a librarian. Something – Pinocchio thinks – that only you know now, expect maybe Antonia, but he’s seen you catch even her by surprise with fanciful worlds and characters. It’s an insurmountable act of love, to hold so much in your mind and with such care. No details [at least from his knowledge] forgotten, no characters left aside for fear of boring the crowd. Every bit just as important as the other, no matter how minuscule it is.
Some part of him wonders if you do the same for everyone else, collect the lore of the hotels final inhabitants with the same wonder you share for characters. What do you remember about him? Pinocchio likes to think that you hold onto everything he’s shared with you, sprinkle him across the stories of your own making. Maybe he’s something that inspiration can be found in, someone you admire more than anything. Built up in your mind like the greatest of heroes. You could care that much, he thinks, and he could even be your favourite.
Maybe you’ve even found Pinocchios’ love for you spread across his pages. He doesn’t see how you could miss it, there’s so much that he doesn’t even know what to do with it except sink in it. Day after day, night after night. He’s sinking even now, nestled into you side in one of the hotels many unused rooms.
It’s your voice that keeps Pinocchios’ attention. You’re onto the part of the story where a great battle takes place, the last defence of mankind against a dark and terrible lord. Both the lords strongest servant and a king have been slain, and yet despite the story nearing its peak Pinocchio finds himself unable to focus on your words. He catches phrases, can understand your tone and the pronunciation of speech, but it’s difficult to put the meaning together. Any other day and he’d be engrossed in it, hanging of every syllable like a starving animal, but today his mind is preoccupied.
The feeling in his chest is growing unbearable, and he wonders if his gears will simply cease to work as a result. It might not be the worst thing in the world, to die by your side. He might even be able to call it a pleasure, a privilege.
Still, Pinocchio doesn’t particularly care for the idea of his own death, especially not when there are more pressing matters on his mind, and so with a bout of almost uncharacteristic boldness he sits up. You don’t pay him any mind, not until hands – rougher than he means them to be – turn your body towards his. Lamely your sentence finishes, head tilting to the side and eyebrows knitting together in a look of confusion and mild amusement.
Pinocchio takes the opportunity to look at you, really look at you. Blue glass eyes take in every detail, every curve and dip and mark, your breathes growing shakier as he leans in. There is a mole under your left eye, he notes, a faint scar running across your mouth. He traces it with his finger and your breath hitches, an incoherent mumble of something that feels like it’s his name. Moonlight shines in above your head like a halo, and Pinocchio thinks you couldn’t look anymore gorgeous than you already do. He wonders if he looks as beautiful to you as you do to him. The sparkle in your eyes, the glint of what could be called awe suggests that he does. Pride and love fill in Pinocchios’ chest until he’s moving without thought, leaning – sinking, always sinking - into you. Lips, clumsy and adoring, press against your own in a fleeting kiss, pulling away before you’re given the chance to respond.
You see the man before you grow from confident to timid in the moonlight, as if coming to the realisation of what he had just done.
“I-” Pinocchio cuts himself off, going to speak only to be met with his own silence.
He doesn’t know why words aren’t forming, and for a moment he wonders if something malfunctioned in him during the kiss. You can see the gears turning in his head, a question forming on the tip of your tongue. This time, Pinocchio cuts you off instead of himself.
“I’m in love with you. I’m sorry to be so sudden, but I,” he takes a moment to steady himself, “I could not be quiet about it any longer.”
A breathless laugh bubbles in your throat in response, a smile curving its way on your mouth as you go to speak, “I was wondering if you did. For a puppet you’re not exactly the most subtle person I’ve met.”
It’s Pinocchios’ turn to be surprised.
“You knew?”
“I was hoping I did. Never said anything because I didn’t know if you felt that way or if it was wishful thinking on my part. Hell, didn’t even know if you could actually feel such a thing. I mean, I know my stories are good, but I didn’t know if they were that good.”
“You... feel the same.”
“Of course,” the smile on your face is crooked and it takes everything in him not to kiss you again, “you’re a very hard person not to love.”
“Say it, please.”
You laugh once more. It is the sweetest sound he’s ever heard.
“I love you, Pinocchio. More than anything,” his heart feels fit to burst, “now can I please get back to my story? We’re nearing my favourite part and I’d like to be done by morning.”
“Yes, please. I would like that.”
As Pinocchio settles back into your side something in him clinks into place. He is unsure what it is, but as your hand slides into his and your fingers intertwine Pinocchio thinks that this is what it means to feel at home. The feeling of love only deepens, tearing it’s way further still into the recesses of his being. It will leave him bare and broken before you, he is certain of it.
Listening to you speak; Pinocchio can’t think of a better way to be swallowed whole.
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vsenyatargaryen · 2 years
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Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader​
Summary: You’re the only one keeping your house and family standing, but a certain Prince has you willing to risk it all
Warnings: daemon is a warning, swearing, arranged marriage, smut, choking, mentions d3ath
WC; 2.4k
Prompt request: “I really don’t care, you look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now” and “you look so good with my hands wrapped around your neck” please and thank you! 💖 @aralezinspace​
With a deep breath, you ran your hands down the front of your gown and tried to compose yourself before the large wooden doors opened to the council. Attending these meetings would usually be the duty of your father, but he was indisposed. After one too many drinks and a night in a pleasure house, you weren’t surprised. 
He wasn’t fit to be a father, a husband or a Lord. Everyone knew the truth behind your fathers excuses for his absence. They knew he was both an embarrassment and a burden to you.
If it wasn’t for you maintaining your families alliance with the Targaryens, your house would have been  in disarray long ago. Every man in the council knew it, too. Some saw you as just a naive woman in over your head, others, like Otto Hightower, saw you as a threat to his agenda. 
Most of the seats were already taken when you arrived, with the exception of the four at the far end, which usually occupied the King, his hand, your father, and the prince Daemon - on the rare occasions he decided to show up. You doubted he would show his face today. He had the city watch to keep him occupied and women to warm his bed. 
After politely greeting the other lords, you took your fathers seat next to Lyonel Strong.
“I’m sorry to hear your father is unwell,” the Lord said with a sympathetic look. 
“I’m not,” Daemon Targaryen interrupted as he entered the room in his golden cloak and armour. His helmet was held under his arm and there was blood smeared on his cheek. There was also some dried blood in strands of his long silver hair, gods know what he's being doing in the city, but his presence still ignited a sudden warmth in you. 
As much as you wished to deny it, your body was forever betraying you around the Targaryen. When it came to Daemon, you often felt like a moth drawn to a flame. It wasn’t lost on you how badly you could get burnt by this dragon.
“I would much rather see your face, my Lady. It makes these fucking meetings more bearable,” the prince continued, giving you a cocky grin as he took his place in the seat next to you. 
There were quiet murmurs from some of the other Lords as you averted your eyes from his gaze. As if you needed any more unwanted attention drawn towards you.  
Thankfully it didn’t take long for the rest of the council to become distracted by their own conversation again. 
“You really have no shame, do you?” You whispered as you turned to glare at Daemon. “What about your lady wife?”
 He leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath fanning against your skin as he replied, “I really don’t care. You look beautiful and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now. I’m sure these cunts would enjoy watching how well you take my cock.” 
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, his words sending an undeniable heat through your body as you quickly turned your face away from him, pressing your legs together. 
The quicker this meeting was over, the better.
Only when the doors opened to reveal the King and Otto did Daemon sit back, a wicked smirk still on his lips. 
The council meeting was a dull one. Mostly the Lords just argued between themselves over trivial matters, until the King intervened. 
“That brings me to the next matter,” he looked over at you. “I understand your father was going to visit the Vale.” Viserys’ words earned an exaggerated eye roll from Daemon, which you were too preoccupied to notice. The King had caught you off guard with his statement. 
“My apologies. I wasn’t aware, your Grace,” you admitted, your distaste for your father only growing. 
“He was meant to be meeting with Ser Gerold Royce, to discuss your betrothal.”
You felt your heart sink in your chest. It hadn’t been long since your last husband, a man much older than yourself, had passed. Now it seemed the wheel had been spun in your disfavour again.
 “Who the fuck is Gerold Royce?” Daemon scoffed, interrupting your thoughts.
Viserys let out a tired sigh and rubbed at his temple while Otto gave the prince a deadpan look. “Your Lady wife’s uncle,” he reminded him. “It is of no surprise that you don’t remember him. You’ve not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone for quite some time.”
“I think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence,” Daemon replied.
You cleared your throat, feeling the tension in the room rise. “I shall go to the Vale in my fathers place, your Grace,” you said.
Daemon glanced at you with mischief in his eyes. “I'll accompany you, my Lady,” he offered. 
He hated the Vale. Despised his wife. You could never quite figure out what went on in his sordid mind, but you knew it wouldn’t be anything good. What in the seven hells was he playing at?
Before you could politely decline, Otto spoke up, looking between the two of you with narrowed eyes. “That won’t be necessary.”
And not for the first time, you were aware that the hand of the King had suspicions about the true nature of your relationship with Daemon. Though he never had any proof that you and Daemon were more familiar with each other's pleasures than most, you knew he always sought out some way to catch you out. To have you shamed and disowned by your house. 
“I am the commander of the city watch, is it not my duty to keep our people safe? Especially a highborn Lady,” Daemon stated. 
Viserys raised his hand, stopping Otto as he was about to argue back.
 He turned his attention to his brother. “That is a fine idea, Daemon. It will give you a chance to reacquaint yourself with Lady Rhea Royce.”
Then the King offered you a tired smile, “you may take whichever spare carriage you wish, and send Ser Gerold Royce my regards.” 
After a  few days on the road had passed, you were in desperate need for a bed to sleep on and some time away from Daemon. The carriage was comfortable and spacious enough, but it was still too much of a temptation, having him sit opposite you in his red and black doublet with that smug smirk. 
Otto Hightower had been the one to arrange your carriage, so no doubt the footman accompanying you had been paid off as one of his little spies. You couldn’t afford to lose your nerve now. 
You requested to stop at the next inn. With Daemon in his hooded cloak in hopes to gain less attention, the pair of you made your way inside, where you were looking forward to a settled sleep. 
The room was a far cry from your own back home, but it was enough to rest in. And hopefully quiet your thoughts about the rogue prince for a few hours. 
Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, there was a brisk knock on your door. You had a fair idea who was standing on the other side.
With a frustrated sigh, you forced yourself up and walked over to open it. 
“Daemon- “ 
The prince stepped inside without hesitation, taking your face in his hands as he led you backwards and kicked the door closed behind him. You couldn’t fight the pull between you when his lips met yours, linking your fingers at the back of his neck and kissing him back with heated need. It seemed to consume you, this fire  - this passion you never seem to feel with anyone else.Why did it have to be him you lust for?
“Fuck-” you whined when he broke away from the kiss to suck at your pulse point, the backs of your legs hitting the bed. “Dae- we can’t- can’t do this here.” There was little conviction to your words, but this momentary anxiety about Otto’s spy catching you both was enough to dull the lust just enough.
He paused, lifting his head up to look at you, lilac eyes near black with his pupils blown. “Why not?”
“You know as well as I do that the footman is one of Otto’s spies.”
“So?” Daemon rolled his eyes. “Forget about that fucking leech.”
“I can’t.” You glared at him, pushing his chest away from you. “It is fine for you, with your whores and lickspittle in the city,” you snapped.  “You can do what you want with no repercussions, but Otto Hightower means to have me disinherited once he gets the proof he needs. My house will be in ruin, while you’ll just move onto the next woman, mayhaps even a princess. You’ll be onto your next little schem-”
Your outburst was cut short by Daemon’s hands grabbing your throat as he pinned you down on the bed, bringing his face mere inches from your own. You instinctively tried to fight against him, grabbing his arms as you felt the sudden restriction of airflow. The mix of anger and lust in his lilac eyes was a dangerous combination. 
“Mind your fucking tongue,” Daemon warned, his fingers flexing around your neck as he roughly placed a leg in between yours, his thigh pressing against your cunt.
“No repercussions,” he cruelly mocked you. “I have suffered repercussions, ñuha riña (my lady).”
You whimpered with ragged breath as he moved his thigh against you, the pressure against your clit and through your drenched folds igniting a hot wave of pleasure, you wanted that bliss, needed it, but with him pinning you down - you had no control in chasing it. You had no control of anything, least of all him.
Daemon gave you a sly grin. “Hm. You look so good with my hands wrapped around your neck.”
He kept moving his thigh against you, the thin material of your nightgown not nearly enough to protect you from his onslaught. You knew it wouldn’t take long for you to lose any restraint you had left.
“I can feel how wet you are for me,” he purred, barely easing his hold on you. You knew he was telling the truth, you could feel the dampness on his breeches between your thighs. No matter how many times the cautious part of your mind told you this attraction was a bad idea, the rest of your mind and your body would always betray you.  
“You really are just a desperate little whore playing the part of a lady.”
His rough voice and words tipped you over the edge completely. Your eyes rolled back and your fingers dug into his sleeves when you came, gasping for air as he let go of your neck. 
“That’s it.” Daemon smirked, abruptly standing up to discard his breeches and doublet. 
Even in your breathless haze, you got an opportunity to admire his naked figure, scars patterned across his pale skin. His cock was long and hard, leaking at the reddened tip and making your mouth water in anticipation. You were so enamoured by him, you hadn’t noticed the small dagger he’d taken out of his belt until he knelt back on the bed, reaching for the neckline of your nightgown and tearing down the middle with his dagger, freeing your breasts and exposing you fully to him.
“Fuck!” your voice was hoarse as you cried out. 
Daemon chuckled and carelessly tossed the weapon on the floor before settling himself over you and guiding his cock inside your cunt.
“Seven hells-” you choked out at the familiar stretch, still sensitive from your first release. Gods, he always felt so perfect. Your fingers ached as you clenched your fists between the sheets, urging yourself to keep quiet.
“I want to hear you,” Daemon said as he cradled your cheek in one of his hands, the other holding your hip tightly. “I want everyone to hear what a whore you truly are. You do not need to worry about that worthless cunt’s little spy.”
You bit your lip as he began to roll his hips, his cock reaching deep. You weren’t sure if dying from pleasure was a real thing, but with the rogue prince, it always felt like a possibility.
All self restraint soon left you when Daemon’s thrusts quickened, the moans and wet sounds between you nothing but sinful. He really did know you like no other, knew your body like no other. But you weren’t fool enough to believe the same was true of you. He had many more whores to tend to him than you ever had. 
“Fuck, please- please-” you whined, your hands moving to grab his shoulders, desperate to have him close. You were completely lost in him, lost in this bliss. “Don’t stop.”
“Dōrī “(never) he spoke against your ear, voice strained as his own release ebbed closer. You didn’t understand what he’d said in his mother tongue, but the language always sounded hypnotic. 
With a few more thrusts and a guttural growl, Daemon came hard, his cock pulsing inside you as you felt his warm release filling you. It didn’t take much more for you to cum, too, crying out as the waves of bliss rushed through. 
There was a moment of quiet as you laid in his arms and caught your breath back, forgetting about the Vale and your upcoming betrothal.
“Still the finest cunt in the realm.” Daemon smirked when he eventually removed himself from you and stood up to stretch.
You rolled your eyes, shuffling to cover yourself up with the bedsheet and settle back against the pillows. “I’m sure you'll have no trouble finding another once I’m married to Ser Gerold Royce. Goodnight, Prince,” you said to him before letting out a quiet yawn and closing your eyes. 
“Sleep well, ñuha riña (my lady)” you heard Daemon say.
And on that rare occasion, you did.
Despite the dread you felt as you left the inn and walked over to the carriage where Daemon and the footman were already waiting at first light, the familiar ache in your body from your night with the prince was a comforting memory; something you’d keep hold of, as you often did after your times together - never knowing when it would be the last.
“How much further to the Vale?” you asked the footman as he opened the carriage door for you.
He glanced between you and Daemon with an almost sympathetic look. “You didn’t get the message?”
“What message?” Daemon questioned.
“I’m sorry, my Prince, my Lady. Lady Rhea and Ser Gerold Royce died in an accident.”
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heartylunalys · 2 years
My lord
Prince Hal x black princess!reader
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a/n: I’m back and I’m happy to show you this fic that I couldn’t wait to post, I wanted it to be a one shot but I thing I’ll make a 2nd part, tell me what you think about it! Sorry if the language is not perfect I’m not English so it was hard to find the perfect words for the situation
my masterlist
genre: fluff, smut
words : 3k
warnings: smut !! slight racism( not from Hal!) slight misogynistic (not from Hal!), a little god complex lol, Hal and reader being fast at acknowledging their feelings
You glared at your father, seeing him bow in front of the England King who was looking down at the two of you, clearly waiting for you to show some type of courtesy.
“Excuse me for the behaviour of my daughter, she is young and foolish.” your father explained to the man in front of you and a scoff escaped him.
“Being young is not an excuse, my youngest son, Thomas of Lancaster, is a respectful and obedient child.” He smirked in the direction of his son, looking at him with pride. “You should educate your daughter Sir, if she keeps this attitude no sane man would want to marry her.”
You maintained your calm and fought yourself to not roll your eyes at him and his stupid son.
“It's a pleasure to finally work with people from overseas.” The king of England said with a condescending attitude, clearly looking down on your father and his kingdom. Your father didn’t even bother to tell him that he wasn’t a representative of all overseas, he was a calm and wise man, knowing that you shouldn’t bother to be angry at fools. You, on the other hand, didn’t have his patience and as the time flew you only wanted to slap this petty king in the face and go back to your country where people had a lot more manners.
You were sitting at the banquet, clearly uncomfortable, everything was so different from your ways.
“You’re beautiful,” began the young son of Henry IV, sitting right next to you, “We never see people like you around here.” He stated and with his smile you understood that it was supposed to be a compliment. You nodded with a polite smile as the boy kept glancing at you throughout the night, trying each time to find a reason to talk to you.
“Well, look who decided to show up.” Exclaimed the King bitterly. Everyone turned their head to the majestic wooden entrance door, seeing a young slightly curly haired man, standing there, confidence but also annoyance and strength radiating off him. “Seems like my fool of an heir has decided to show up for once. What is bringing you here?”
“Your invitation father.” The man blankly stated as he sat at your table and you now had the occasion to look at the integrality of his features. Even if his hair was slightly long you could still see his defined jaw and cheekbone. He had a tired gaze, with dark circles decorating his greenish eyes and even if you knew that it wasn’t decent, you couldn’t help but let your eyes travel to his neck and collarbone, seeing the dark marks dotting his skin. The prince seemed to have decided to abandon all of his duties to enjoy the various pleasures of the common people.
“I’m glad you finally decided to leave the mud and prostitutes.” Henry IV muttered to his son who didn’t answer, only the way his jaw clenched indicated that he had heard his father’s remark.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity for you, Thomas left your side to go dance with some duchess, which left you the time to breathe a little bit. Thomas was a gentleman, representing perfectly how a prince should behave, but he was smothering you. Most of the guests were dancing so the table you were sitting at was almost empty. As you scanned the room, your eyes catched the eyes of the oldest King’s son who was already watching you. You quickly derived your gaze, hoping he wouldn’t mind you. However, the man saw this exchange as a good moment to approach you and before you even knew it he was now sitting in front of you.
“I’m sorry to intrude like this,” he began, his low voice pleasing your ears, “I know I never come in this castle but I’m sure I’ve never seen you before.” His eyes were lingering on your every feature.
“It’s because it’s my first time coming here Sir.” You said and watched a little smile forming on his face.
“Well, what a pleasure to meet you Lady..?” He let his voice trail, waiting patiently for your name while he took your hand gracefully in his.
“Y/n.” You answered, your breath was slightly cut off by the tender kiss he laid on the back of your hand.
“Lady Y/n, I’m Hal.” He smiled, his eyes almost felines and you just nodded, his hand not letting yours go. You found it odd to see that he wasn’t bragging about his title, all of the people you met here were obsessed by their nobility.
“If you allow me, Sir, I’d like to retire and go get some rest.” You asked even if you planned to leave no matter the answer he gave you.
“Of course beautiful, sleep well.” He playfully said and you refrained from laughing which made him smile.
Your room was spacious, and well decorated. A guard had escorted you and a maid was staying near in case you needed any help. That, plus the pretty prince you had the chance to meet was making you relativize on this little stay. As you hopped in the bath the maid had prepared for you, you couldn’t stop your mind from thinking about the mysterious prince that brightened up the annoying banquet. Thinking about the softness of his hand around yours, you let your hand travel slowly to your core, taking your time to caress your chest and thighs before finally letting your fingers play with your clit, imaginating that it was his long and delicate fingers. You let out a soft sigh at the memory of his delightful mouth on your flesh and wondered how his lips will feel in all these inappropriate places of your body.
After your relief you wrap yourself in your towel, using all these foreign products to oil your body before finally putting on your night clothes.
The next morning the maid woke you up by pulling the curtains to let daylight enter your room. The warmness in the room was enjoyable but you wish you could stay a bit more in your sheets.
“The prince of Wales requests your presence, your Highness.” The maid sweetly said as she served your tea before preparing your clothes for the day.
“Where should I meet him?” You asked without even taking in the fact that it was perhaps inappropriate to meet the prince alone in what seems to be a private meeting.
“He’s waiting for you behind your door, he asked me to demand your permission to come in.” You couldn’t believe how this man was, he really didn’t care about etiquette did he?
“Then tell him to come in.” At your words she opened the door, revealing Hal who wasn’t even dressed up for the day. He seemed so normal that you almost forgot the formalities.
“You can leave us.” You sweetly said to your maid as she slightly bowed before leaving. Hal immediately jumped on the occasion to approach you as you were sitting on your bed watching him.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you, you were clouding my dream.” He announced with a sultry voice, “my Lady, you are all I have ever sought, and if having you means accepting my noble life, the tasks and obligations that go with it, then I will. I’ll do it just to carry you on the throne and to call you my queen. I’ll do it to be able to make love to you every day passionately, to see you bear my heirs. I know it’s indecent, I know it’s not how we’re supposed to do it, I should demand your hand to your father and I promise I will. Love me Lady Y/n, please, I’ve done a lot of things that someone like me shouldn’t have done but I will abandon it all for you, for your love. I don’t care what the people will think about us, I don’t care what the kingdom will think. The only thing I can care about right now is you and the immense crave for your affection I have. Love me, let me take care of you like you deserve it, let me be your lover, even your worshipper if it means I’ll have even a little fragment of your attention. I know we just met but I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.”
The curly haired boy was panting, and so were you. It was all so sudden but horribly delicious. His hands had found yours during his speech and your nails were now scratching softly his skin as your eyes glossed on the way his lips were slightly quivering or his hands were shaky or even how his eyes were full of hope and a glint of passion was drowned in them.
“Sir…” your voice was so small, you even had difficulty hearing yourself, “This is so wrong, so wrong on so many levels.” His face dropped at your words. “At the same time it’s so delightful to hear you say all of that out loud-” Before you could add anything else his soft lips were on yours, moving slowly, lovingly. His tongue was playing with your bottom lips and the sweet sounds of your whimpers and slight moans could be heard. Your voice was making the prince completely wild, now sucking and biting your bottom lip to hear more of it. His hand was now on your thigh, his hand grabbing your dress to the point where his knuckles were now white. You took his hand in yours, slipping it gently under your dress, making him sigh of pleasure at the touch of the softness of your skin. He gently separated his lips from yours as you admired the now plump and rosy aspect of them.
“Let me have you.” His voice was almost begging you and you were ready to give yourself to him but a shy knock at the door stopped the magic of the moment.
“Come in.” You frustratedly said and immediately wandered off of Hal, fixing your dress as he looked everywhere but at his brother accompanied by guards. Thomas cleared his throat in embarrassment and confusion, not understanding why his older brother was in your room, on your bed.
“Lady Y/n, I was wondering if you’ll be pleased to go on a walk with me, I could show you the castle.” Thomas gently asked, watching his brother weirdly from time to time.
“Oh…” You discreetly eyed Hal, seeing the way his jaw clenched and his dark gaze was fixated on his younger brother. “I… Yes Sir Thomas,it would be my pleasure.” You said reluctantly, your nobility showing. Hal stepped out of the room, anger clearly radiating from him as he purposely bumped into his brother.
“Was my brother bothering you in your room? If it’s the case you can tell me, I’ll make sure that it doesn't happen anymore, he has no manners or respect.” Thomas stated as he was slowly walking with you through the castle.
“Not at all, he was just making sure I had everything I needed.” You lied and the prince next to you attentively watched your side.
“You shouldn’t be involved with him, he has damaged our name by his many scandals, he is not a man of good faith. I wouldn’t want him to tarnish your name with his inappropriate behaviour.” You quickly understood that Thomas was suspecting his brother to want to have sex with you, and even if you wanted it, the fact that he noticed that embarassed you.
“I don’t think your older brother is capable of such a thing.” You immediately answered and the boy scoffed
“He is reputed in all the country for his many mistresses. Initially he was the heir of my father but with how he abandoned our kingdom to his now life of debauchery, I have a chance to become Henry V.” He proudly announced and you politely smiled at him even though you didn’t care about what he was saying.
“You should give a little more credit to your older brother my Lord, I’m sure he has his own reasons to act the way he does.” You gently said and Thomas reluctantly nodded.
You asked to receive your dinner in your room even if it surely offended the King that you didn’t sit at the table to eat with him and his other subjects. You were too tired to speak or act like you cared about the King’s life and decided that eating alone was the best solution to not be rude to anyone around the table and disrespect them.
As you finished eating, you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyeing every jewellery that decorated your body. Some of them had just been gifted to you by the youngest prince of England and you couldn’t help but think it was a way of courting you and you didn’t like that.
You didn’t even hear the door of your room opening before feeling Prince Hal’s hands on your waist, admiring you in the mirror with loving eyes.
“How did you manage to enter my room?” You asked, smiling at him and he returned it immediately.
“Even if I’m not appreciated in this castle I’m still the prince.” You slightly laughed and Hal’s hand toyed your new necklace. “Is this a present?” He softly asked before you enveloped his hand with your.
“A present from your brother.” You simply answered and Hal scoffed before delicately taking off the necklace of your body. Before you could say anything a beautiful gold necklace replaced the old one and Hal laid a gentle kiss on your neck.
“So much more beautiful.” He proudly whispered as he turned you around, his hands on your waist, admiring you like you were some sort of goddess that he wasn’t even sure he could touch.
“Thank you Hal.” You shyly smiled.
“Are we finally giving up on manners?” You nodded before wrapping your arms around his neck and saw the way he smirked while looking at your figure.
“Please, don’t make me regret this.” You simply stated, your eyes lost in his with a loving stare.
“I was craving to see you tonight at the table, you’re the only reason I stay at this castle you know” a little smile decorated his lips
“ I can neither understand nor bear English manners, no offence” Hal simply nodded before taking your hand in his.
“Myself, cannot bear English manners.” Hearing your laugh, Hal looked attentively at you, admiring the woman who stole his heart so fast. “My lover, my beautiful lover, your beauty is almost painful.” His hand was now on your cheek, watching your loving eyes.
“You’re flattering me.” You said as your fingers found their way to his curls.
“I would never be, I would never lie to you my dear. The words you hear right now are the words of a man in love.”
“And the look you’re getting now is the look of a woman in love” you lovingly said and Hal gently pressed his lips on yours, kissing you tenderly, showing all his love to you.
Your hands were now on his neck as your lips moved perfectly in sync. It was so bad but felt so good. You knew that If anyone saw you like that you would be dishonoured but the idea of getting caught only made you more aroused.
“Hal,” you whimpered as his lips traveled from your mouth to your throat. He shushed you as he smiled against your skin, biting it softly but retaining himself to mark you.
“God I can’t wait to be married to you so I can show the entire world that you’re mine, I’ll show everyone what a filthy good girl you are to your King.” Hal whispered in your ear and seeing him like that was making you completely question your virtue and if it was even as necessary as people made you think.
“I thought from your behavior that you didn’t want to be King.” You managed to let out and Hal chuckled.
“How can I make you queen, my queen, if I don’t accept my obligations as an heir to become the King?” He playfully asked and stopped his kisses and before you could protest he simply locked the door. “Let me please you.” He lustfully said, waiting for your approval before guiding you to the luxurious bed of the room. Your nightgown wasn’t covering anything and Hal’s eyes were immediately captured by the view of your hardening nipples. His imposant hand captured your breast, massaging it softly, loving the soft sound you were making from such a little action.
“May I?” He asked his other hand ready to slip under your dress.
“Please my King” you moaned and his hand touched the wet patch of your undergarments. His fingers danced on your cunt, teasing you to hear you beg.
“What do you want?” His sultry voice asked, a playful smile on his face, clearly loving torturing you.
“I want you to touch me.” You said and he made an unapproving sound.
“Aren’t you supposed to beg for your king to please you?” His emerald eyes were now piercing your skin.
“Please, your Highness, I’m begging you, I need release, I’m begging you to please me.” The words escaped your lips with difficulty from how your mind was fogged with desire.
“Such a good girl, a good whore for her Lord.” It was easy to spot the double meaning of his sentence, he seemed to be like his brother said “not a man of faith” and you liked it.
“I’ll always be a good whore for my Lord.” You said, looking at him through your lashes and felt his fingers finally move, touching perfectly your bundle of pleasure, toying it, caressing it exactly like you needed.
“Let me taste you” he told you in his desperate tone and when you nodded he licked your folds, tasting you like he always wanted to. He was hungry, hungry for you as he passionately kissed your cunt, acting like your moan was some sort of drug keeping him going.
“I need more, please”.
He playfully humed. “What more do you need?”
“I need you to fill me up” Hal chuckled before entering one of his slender fingers in you.
“More, more, please” you begged him, wetness pooling between your thighs as his mischievous smile was on your clit. A second finger found your pussy before he began pumping in and out perfectly. His mouth was always sending shivers down your spine as he licked you so greatly.
With his other hand he was palming himself,needing desperately the relief, you were making him crazy and his dick was too hard, he needed to fuck his own hand, moaning and groaning against your cunt.
“My Lord…” you moaned as you felt your high wash over you. At this moment you saw the way his hips were moving even more desperately as he came with you, moaning the name of the woman that seemed to have bewitched him.
“God I’m in love with you” he said after laying next to you, caressing softly your cheeks as you tried to come down from you high. “Let me marry you.”
a/n: like, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! :)
I’m taking requests! Check the rules first
I created this blog to allow black girls to feel more comfortable with reading x reader, as a black person I saw how much we weren’t really represented in the fanfic community
Tag list: @timotheel0ver @track0526 @s-we-e-t-t-ea t-ea @thebetawolfgirl
This is my work, please don’t repost it, translate it or take it without my permission.
Published the 01/12/2022
575 notes · View notes
livsateez · 7 months
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drift king (street racer!yeosang x reader)
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drifting came to yeosang as naturally as breathing. the sound of the tires dragging against the ground sounded like music to him.
yeosang thought his life was complete just being known as d.k — drift king. that was, until he had seen you at a race and decided he needed you in the passenger seat.
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it had been any other night for yeosang, hanging around in the old parking garage with harsh lighting, waiting for the next person to try to take the drift king title. men and women alike came from all over just to try to beat him. he had seen so many people at his races, people’s faces started blending together. he never gave anyone more than a second’s glance, until you.
he knew for a fact he had never seen you before, he would’ve remembered someone as beautiful as you. he watched as you looked around the garage, you looked like you felt out of place — like this wasn’t your ‘normal scene’. he was about to walk over to you but he felt someone grab his shoulder.
“okay yeo, i have your nex—”
“who’s that?” yeosang cut wooyoung off, nodding slightly in your direction.
“her? that’s y/n, san’s friend. speaking of sa—”
“yeah, yeah that’s nice.” yeosang trailed off and headed towards you.
he watched as you leaned against a car and looked around as if trying to find someone. you pulled out your phone, and quickly put it away after realizing the garage had terrible service. you ran a hand through your hair and looked around again, searching for san. yeosang could tell everything around you was making you uneasy.
“hey, are you okay?” you jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to walk up to you, let alone talk to you.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you. you just seem a little nervous, i wanted to make sure you were alright.” he offered you a small smile. he seemed genuine to you, unlike the people san usually went against.
“yeah, i’m okay. i just lost track of my friend, and apparently he’s up next but he’s no where to be found.” you looked around the sea of people again, san still no where in sight. with that, you let out a sigh.
“maybe i can help you look for him.” you shook your head at the offer.
“it’s okay, to be honest i’d rather stay here. it’s easier to wait for san to come back from his nonsense rather than go look for him. for all i know he’s on the other side of the city and i’m expected to drive this death trap home.” yeosang laughed at that. even though he had just met you, the thought of you driving san’s nissan 350z was amusing to him.
“i’m sure he didn’t leave you here, but if you want, i can keep you company until he comes back.” he leans on the car, now standing next to you. you smiled up at him, thanking him silently.
“i’m y/n by the way,” he smiles back at you.
“i’m ye—”
“d.k! you’re up man, let’s go!” wooyoung’s voice echoed from across the garage as san finally appeared from around the corner.
“y/n i know i left you alone, i’m sorry. i’ll make it up to you i swear!” san says and sees yeosang next you.
“i walk away for 5 minutes and d.k comes to take my good luck charm away?” san laughs as you rolls your eyes.
“relax san, he was just trying to be nice,” you turn back to yeosang. “i didn’t get your name.”
yeosang looked over at wooyoung, who was rushing him to get back to his car.
“i’ll tell you after i beat your friend real quick,” and with that, he headed back to his car.
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to say yeosang beat san was an understatement. you had never seen anything like it. you followed the crowd of people to the garage’s roof the second both cars peeled off, and it felt like by the time everyone got up there, yeosang was waiting for san to finally show up. everyone crowded around yeosang and wooyoung, singing praises to yeosang and giving wooyoung money they owed after betting on san. you however, stayed back, standing with san and inspecting the damage on his rear bumper that he gained during the race.
yeosang pushed through the sea of people to walk towards the two of you, he noticed you cock your head to the side and heard you say—
“i mean if you don’t stare too long it’s really not that bad!” san looked at you in disbelief.
“not that bad? i nearly tore the bumper off the car!”
san looked up to see yeosang walking over and scoffed.
“you come over here to gloat?” you hit his shoulder lightly and rolled your eyes. san looked at you confused.
“be nice.” you told him quietly, and looked at yeosang. “sorry, he’s a sore loser sometimes.”
“no worries. i actually came over to say you did good, you almost had me. you had me worried for a second, i’m not gonna lie. when you get that bumper fixed, you should come back.” yeosang held out a hand for san to shake, and to your surprise — he did.
“oh. thanks man, i appreciate it. i’ll definitely be back,” san looked behind yeosang and saw someone waving him over then looked at you.
“i’ll be back, you gonna be okay?” you nodded.
“i’m fine, go do your thing. i’ll be here,” san nodded and walked off, leaving you alone with yeosang.
“well, you beat my friend. do i get to know your name now?” yeosang let out a soft chuckle.
“i’m yeosang. sorry about running off earlier.”
“it’s okay, things happen,” you shrugged.
you two kept talking for a while, and you silently thanked san for taking a long time to come back as you found yourself finally enjoying your time at one of his races. after about fifteen minutes of talking, yeosang noticed the roof of the garage starting to clear out seeing as the next race was about to start.
“you wanna go for a ride?” he asked, feeling maybe a little too bold.
“you don’t have another race?”
“i can skip one, it’ll be alright.” he held his hand out for you to take. you held his hand in yours, interlocking your fingers.
“lead the way.”
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Can I request an Aemond Targaryen x Reader fic where reader is from some other noble house(preferably a dark haired one, but anything is fine) and catches his eye? Like he thinks she is really pretty and attractive and Aegon kinda doesn't notice his brother's interest and flirts with her, and being a social butterfly, she flirts back, though it doesn't mean anything.
Aemond feels insecure but then he observes her and notices she is like that with everyone so he carefully approaches her, leaving her stunned, because she has never met someone that beautiful? He takes it in the wrong way, but then she shyly assures him that it is not what he thinks and tells him the truth?
lots of comfort for my war criminal poor little meow meow?
thank you!
(Sorry I am being to specific, feel free to modify the idea as you wish)
A Wolf Amongst Dragons
Hi! So this is my first time writing for Aemond, I hope it’s ok. I think I did maybe a little bit off the request you asked for, so if you want me to change things, or write a new request for you, I’m happy to do so. I think I could’ve upped the comfort and Aemond’s point of view of things.
Sorry, it’s a bit long, especially at the beginning, but I felt like it was important to add for clarity. Just for some context, I made it a Stark reader, the sister of Cregan Stark, to kinda help with the plot. The Starks, at least before Ned, weren’t as noble I’d say, so I’m kinda framing the reader as on the good side, but still with a bit of cunningness and antihero energy, which I think fits for Aemond, he’s also kinda in that in between area. 
I’m mentioning characters from the book, and then also ones briefly mentioned in the last episode of HOTD. You don’t need to know anything from the books, I’m just bullshitting all of this for this fic, so sorry if anything doesn’t make sense. I’m not basing this off any particular plotpoint, but it's based around the time Aegon is crowned King, and Rhaenyra is looking to the other Lords for support. Anyways, I hope you like it, let me know what you think!
(Warnings: swearing, insecurities, mentions of war, aegon being creepy, let me know if i missed anything)
You walked alongside with your brother, Cregan, speaking in hushed whispers as you navigated the halls. It was late into the night, and the castle slept soundly. He had barely given you any time to get dressed before he sent a collection of handmaidens into your room, who swiftly packed up your necessities and brought them to a carriage. In your confusion, you went to find him, only to be dragged by the wrist out into the cold, headed for the stables.
Cregan explained to you that the Maester brought him news of Lucerys Targaryen, who had been killed the evening before, seemingly by Vhagar, the younger Prince’s dragon. Lord Baratheon had immediately sent the news to their allies, still remaining neutral for the time being.
House Targaryen was now at war, dividing the kingdom. House Stark, never one to break an oath, was to receive Jacaerys Targaryen, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen’s first born son and heir. Winterfell was to play a key role in the following weeks, and Cregan had decided you were to leave, and head for King’s Landing. He had already sent a raven, alerting King Aegon of your impending arrival. He gave you no time to explain himself, tugging you along.
“Brother, I don’t understand! Why are you sending me away?”
Cregan didn’t slow his pace. “Because! Father would roll in his grave if he thought one of my first acts as Lord of Winterfell was to keep you directly in the path of harm's way.”
You caught his wrist, planting your feet and stopping his advance. Cregan turned to you, eyes sharp as he met yours. You, after all being your Father’s daughter, didn’t shrink under the pressure. Instead, you stood tall, demanding an answer.
“Explain, right now, or I am turning back. You can’t send me to the capital! The very people you’re saying killed Lucerys are there. You’ve heard the whispers about Aegon’s pervasive pleasures. Do you really think that usurper of a King would gladly welcome a member of a house pledged to the rightful Queen?”
“They don’t know our position–”
“Spare me, brother,” you interrupted. “I know you’re backing Rhaenyra, the whole realm knows it. Have you ever known a Stark to break an oath? We’re too noble to do the wrong thing. Gods only know why we’ve all collectively decided to put the men in charge, who can’t cast away their precious pride and honor. You’d think living up here in the cold would’ve hardened your resolve more, made you learn to chip away at the moral high ground you’re so content to stand on.”
Cregan’s eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward, catching you off guard. He looked you straight in the eye, finally pulling his wrist from your grip. 
“I would never risk your safety, sister. Don’t mistake my unusual choices for foolishness. I’d break every oath I’ve ever made if it meant keeping you and our house safe.”
You kept walking towards the stable, seeing that your efforts to stay were most likely futile, and you might as well accept your fate with a semblance of grace. 
“Then explain it to me,” you scoffed. “What’s your big plan?”
You couldn’t see Cregan’s face, as you were walking ahead of him, but you could feel him roll his eyes. 
“How kind of you to finally shut your mouth and give me the floor, sister.”
You groaned, waiting for him to continue. He let out a chuckle, before catching up with you to meet your stride, now walking alongside you. He continued explaining. 
“You have the right idea. Why send you if they think we’ll back Rhaenyra as Queen? Because they don’t know that, not for sure. However, if we keep you here, and all of the heirs here, it will certainly seem like it. Aegon will–”
“You mean Hightower? You know this must be his doing,” you interrupted. 
“Yes, that may be so, but he’ll deliver Aegon’s terms either way. The King will be expecting all the houses to be making a decision soon. He knows Rhaenyra will have sent word out to all the Lord’s who swore oaths to back her during her coronation while King Viserys was alive. I guarantee those gutless southern Lord’s have already declared for the King, but the North won’t be so easy to gain. Lord Baratheon said they sent Prince Aemond to deliver terms, along with a marriage pact, should they choose to back the King. That is a desperate act. Bold, but desperate. I expect something for us will be coming along soon as well. We’re going to beat them to it.”
You nodded, slowly understanding. “And what does this have to do with me? What is my purpose in all of this?” 
“We will receive Jacaerys, just as the King expects we would. But we’re sending you as an envoy of our house, to receive their terms in person. As much as I hate to admit it, you are a much more likable person than I.”
You laughed. “Yes, although I suppose that it is partially credited to me being a woman. A pretty face is the least the Gods could do for us in a world like this. We might as well learn to use it to our advantage.”
“So you do have some intellect rolling around in that brain of yours, glad to see you’ve finally caught up.”
Cregan dodged your attacks, narrowly missing a slap to the face, chuckling as he watched you nearly trip over the hem of your skirts. “Don’t do that in front of the King.”
“Oh, piss off. Get on with it, it’s freezing out here.”
“As I was saying before I was so rudely attacked,” Cregan continued, ignoring your glares.
“You’ll charm the court. As long as you are a guest of the Crown, especially with Queen Alicent likely still largely in control, you will not be harmed. They may be usupers, but they haven’t stooped so low as to betray and kill allies. So here’s what you do. You are to play the fool, as if you hardly understand what’s at stake. Don’t actually make a fool of yourself, but try to act passive. Uninterested in the fickle politics of war. You won’t be perceived as a threat, on the contrary, actually. The Crown may actually believe that you’re easily manipulated, and a good way to get to me and my backing for the war effort. You will be out of harm's way from here, and you won’t be harmed there, since you’re of some use to them. Additionally, you may be of some use to me. If you are able to, without risking exposure, write to me about what you see and hear, anything that will be helpful. I trust you’ll be discreet in the matter. Do you think you can do all of that?”
You finally reached the carriage, all packed with your belongings, along with two horses, and a squire acting as a driver. It was the best your brother could muster in the few hours he had to come up with a halfway decent plan. 
You turned to Cregan, grinning. 
“I must say, brother, I am quite impressed. One would think you almost have the mind of a woman, coming up with a plan like that. You didn’t even need my help.”
He playfully shoved you, rolling his eyes. “Alright, alright, stop it. I may have taken a page or two from your book, and tried to think how I thought you would. Hate to admit it, but it actually was quite useful.” 
You grinned wider, pleased with his praise, and he groaned, before pulling you into his arms to shut you up. 
“We don’t have time for this, Y/N. This is serious. We cannot afford to mess this up. Please be careful, and please, for my own sanity, try your best to not get killed. Or worse, engaged.”
You let out a chuckle, but it was weak, you suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. You wrapped your arms around your brother’s waist, giving him a tight squeeze. You swallowed your emotion as he held you for a moment, before letting you go and helping you up into the carriage. 
“I believe in you, sister. You can do this. I’m sorry it came down to it, but it's for the best. We’ll see each other again soon enough. I love you.”
You nodded, letting him close the carriage door. You stuck your head out the window, waving and calling out. “I love you! Please be careful. Don’t make me come back here and kick your ass for getting yourself in trouble. Be smart, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
You could hear his soft laughter, but the carriage had gone too far to warrant a response from him. He just nodded, blowing you a kiss, before turning around and heading back into the gates of Winterfell. 
You settled into your seat, biting back emotion. You willed yourself not to cry, determined to make this journey a success, not only for you, but for your brother, for your house, and for the realm. 
It was a grueling journey, not stopping more than a handful of times for provisions, and having the carriage run throughout the night, but you had made it from Winterfell to King’s Landing in just over a week. 
It took the better part of the first day to have an audience with the King. A guard that had been introduced to you as Ser Criston led you through the castle halls after you had settled in, bringing you to meet the King. He led you to the Great Hall, opening the doors and allowing you to step in first. 
“I present the Lady Y/N of House Stark, sister of Lord Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. She is here on behalf of her house.”
You tried to keep your head held high, and your face stoic, while Ser Criston announced your arrival, but as you glanced around the room, you couldn’t fight the uneasiness settling in your stomach. 
The Iron Throne was empty. 
The King was nowhere to be found. Instead, to the left side of the throne, sat a woman in a green dress, who you could only assume to be Alicent Hightower, the Queen Mother. On the right side of the throne stood an older man, who you pieced together as Otto Hightower, father of Alicent, and Hand of the King. 
The rest of the Great Hall, except for a few Kingsguard, was empty. Neither the Prince or the King were in attendance, or the Princess who was now called Queen. Not that you expected to meet the entire family, especially on the first day, but you were told your audience was specifically to be with the King, which is what you spent the better part of a week alone in a carriage preparing for. The King’s Mother and Grandfather was not what you were expecting. 
“Come forth, Lady Y/N, don’t be shy. Ser Criston, assist her down the steps, if you will.”
Otto gave Ser Criston a command, and Ser Criston held out his arm for you, which you cautiously took. He guided you down the steps, all the way across the Throne Room, leaving you in front of the steps that led to the Iron Throne. 
You looked at the throne in wonder. You had heard stories of the chairs creation, how a thousand swords had been melted down and fashioned together to create a throne fit for a King. You had seen illustrations of it in books the Septa’s back home made you read as a child, but they paled in comparison to seeing them in person. 
“Would you like to take a closer look, My Lady? I see you’ve taken an interest in the throne,” an unfamiliar voice called out, dragging you from your thoughts. 
You turned to see the King himself, Aegon, entering the room from a back corridor. Your eyes widened as you took him in, and you suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to throw up. This was going to be harder than you anticipated.
“Your Grace,” you curtsied, trying to keep your composure. “It’s an honor. Thank you for agreeing to an audience with me on behalf of House Stark, it’s such a pleasure.”
You mentally cursed yourself for sucking up to such a pompous ass of a King, but as your brother said, you had to play the part. And if you were going to play the part, you were going to commit to the role. Your words seemed to be enough to charm him, making him smile as he approached you. 
“The pleasure is all mine, My Lady,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. You internally groaned, but kept a fake smile plastered on your face. You registered two more people entering from the corridor, but you didn’t dare take your eyes off the King’s.
“You must tell me, how are you liking the city? I confess, I’ve never seen Winterfell myself. I’m not fit for the cold, I’m afraid.” 
“I’m enjoying myself, thank you for asking. I am especially enjoying not having to wear a winter coat. They’re dreadfully heavy.”
Aegon looked you up and down, grinning. “Yes, I doubt that coat is doing you any favors. I can say with the utmost confidence that I prefer you without it.”
You felt sick to your stomach under his gaze, but you managed a giggle, feigning over his words. “You flatter me, Your Grace. You’re too kind.”
“Such a lovely Lady as yourself deserves some flattery. You’re welcome here, My Lady. Enjoy your stay. I expect you to come to me specifically if you need anything. Anything, just ask, and if it is within my power, it’s yours. I can be quite persuasive when it comes to getting things I want.”
You heard a scoff off to the side of the room, and you spared a glance to see the younger Targaryen, Prince Aemond. 
You had heard tales of him and his appearance. A ghastly scar, an eyepatch fit for a pirate, with a personality that mimicked that of his dragon. You only glanced briefly, but from what you saw, the accounts of him were entirely wrong. He was quite handsome, at least from the distance and quick glance you viewed of him. 
Aegon ignored his brother's antics, giving you another warm smile, before excusing himself. Half the Kingsguard followed him out, the rest hanging back for the remaining family. The now Queen, Helaena, walked up to you, looking at you quizzically. 
“A wolf amongst dragons,” she murmured. “A seer and a watcher. The waltz of frosts and flames.”
She spared a glance at her brother, Aemond, before turning back to you. 
You smiled at her words, glad to be around an inquizical mind. You got the feeling that the Queen’s intelligence was dismissed as an oddity, underappreciated and neglected.
“Your Grace, it’s a pleasure. You’re as beautiful as the tales tell.”
The Queen’s cheeks flushed. “Please, call me Helaena. I do prefer it.”
“As you wish, Helaena,” you nodded. “But I must say, ‘Queen’ has a nice ring to it when it’s referring to you. I do hope you come to see that.”
You snuck a glance at Otto and Alicent, who seemed to be exchanging amused glances. Whether you had peaked their interest, or you actually managed to impress them, it didn’t matter. What mattered is that you’d successfully somewhat charmed them, which would work to your advantage for the following days when you'd try to report back to your brother. 
You spent the following days mostly around Helaena, who was surprisingly delightful to be around. Her storytelling abilities fascinated you. She often murmured variations of what she had first said in the throne room to you, about a wolf amongst dragons. It didn’t take much for you to figure out she was referring to your presence in the castle. What did strike you as odd was her wording of “the waltz of frosts and flames,” but you found that questioning her hardly ever resulted in a clear answer.
You also spent a lot of time with Alicent, who seemed to follow wherever her children went. More often than not, though, she was with Aegon, who you tried to avoid like the plague. You did your duty of making small talk, trying to keep his interest in you positive, but his advances on you were getting harder and harder to ignore. 
In truth, the only member of the family you rarely saw was Aemond. Although, that was not entirely true. You actually saw a good deal of each other in passing, but words were hardly exchanged, rather than stolen glances. You didn’t know what it was about him, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at him full on for long. It appeared he was the same, as he’d turn his head away from you often when you looked his way. 
You spent one evening with Helaena, going on a walk around the courtyard. She took you to meet her dragon, Dreamfyre. On the way back, you saw Aemond, soaring through the sky on the back of Vhagar, before finally landing. You watched him from a distance as he dismounted, heading into the castle. 
Helaena cleared her throat, bringing you out of your thoughts. “You look at my brother quite a lot, you know.”
You quickly turned to her. “What? Aemond?”
“I suppose it’s normal. He does the same to you.”
She spoke like it was the most nonchalant thing in the world, not even bothering to turn to you as she talked.
“I don’t understand,” you shook your head.
“I’ve hardly seen the two of you speak, but I see the two of you stare. The day you arrived, I came in with Aemond. You were speaking to Aegon, so I assume you didn’t notice us come in. Aemond looked at you differently than I’ve ever seen him look at someone. You’ve certainly captured his attention. It’s clear he thinks you're beautiful.” 
“Is he not betrothed?” You asked, seeming to recall your brother mentioning a marriage pact with Lord Baratheon. 
“Not to my knowledge. Mother is very particular about him. I suspect she would want to personally approve a match for him. My brother isn’t suited for the average Lady. Mother will want someone who knows how to be with him.”
Your brows furrowed. “So, what did you notice? The day I arrived, I mean. How does he look at me differently than any other woman?”
Helaena pondered the thought for a moment. “You’re a wolf amongst dragons. That may have already been enough for him, but it’s not all. He’s a watcher. He prefers the corner of a room, rather than being the center of attention, unlike my husband. He watches people, like he’s analyzing them.” 
You nodded, slowly understanding. “What does that have to do with me?”
“You do the same. You’re a seer. You see people for who they are, not for who they want you to see. I know you saw through Aegon’s words the day you arrived. You see him for what he is. And I think you see Aemond for what he is. I think his fascination is in your ability to do that.”
“Truthfully, I don’t think I see the Prince for what he is. I haven’t been close to him for long enough to really know.”
Helaena offered a small smile, turning to head back for the castle. “I think you’ll see the waltz begin soon, Y/N. It’s already started for him.”
Helaena was right. You saw more and more of the Prince, seeming to collide paths with him frequently, if only for a fleeting moment. You found yourself stuck on him, and your thoughts often drifted to him. It puzzled you, what his fascination with you was, and you wondered what he was thinking about when he saw you. He was one of the few men you couldn’t immediately get an accurate reading on, and it troubled you. 
You began finding reasons to cross paths with Aemond, just so you’d have a few extra seconds to try and figure him out. You still rarely spoke to each other, only in passing, or in group settings with other members of the family. 
It was becoming a tedious process, for the both of you, although you were unaware of his own ambitions towards you. One of you was going to cave and approach the other, it was bound to happen. It turned out to be Aemond who pushed the boundary. 
One evening, after dinner, you took a walk to the courtyard. You sat, watching the stars, when you heard a voice you knew all too well. 
“Looking at the stars, My Lady?”
You quickly turned around, shocked to see that he actually approached you. You cleared your throat, nodding. 
“Yes. Are you familiar with any, My Prince?”
He nodded, moving to stand beside where you were sitting. 
“I’ve studied them quite a lot, actually. May I?”
You nodded, scooting over to make room, and he took his place beside you. You were tense, not used to being that close to him. He pointed up into the night sky at a cluster of stars. 
“That’s the constellation Aquila. It’s an eagle. See the V shape? That’s the head. Where it expands and the line of stars that goes down is its wings.”
You nodded, but you weren’t even looking at the sky. You were taking it as your chance to get a good look at him, for what felt like the first time. 
His features were sharp, those of a royal. His cheekbones were prominent, and he had a strong jaw. Despite the hardness of his face, he still had a soft elegance to him. His hair was shining under the moonlight, almost reflecting silver. The scar covering his eye was now a faded white line, with the faintest hints of pink in the cracks of it. It was one thing to possess one or two of those traits, as the Targaryens often did. But his features were striking, each complimenting the next. 
In this light under the stars, he was nearly ethereal.
He must’ve felt your gaze on him, because he turned to meet your eyes, catching you staring. 
“My Lady?”
You quickly shook your head, clearing your throat. “I’m so sorry, that was rude of me. I got distracted.” 
He looks unsure of himself, cocking his head to the side. “By what?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, unsure of what to say. “You? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like you before. Not very many people look like you.”
He turns his head at your words, like he’s trying to shield his face from your view. His shoulders slump, and he looks down at his lap, and you know you’ve said something wrong. 
“It’s the scar,” he finally says. “Isn’t it? The Gods must’ve found it amusing, adding it to the collection of some rather unappealing features. It’s not pretty, I know. Believe me, I know.”
Your breath hitched, and you're unsure of how he could’ve twisted your words into knots so tight. You wondered what kind of torment he could have possibly endured to consider the scar a punishment from the Gods, as if the rest of him wasn’t already punishment enough.
“You’ve misunderstood me, My Prince, that isn’t what I meant at all–”
“Savor your words,” he interrupts. “I don’t need you to spare my feelings.”
He stands up brushing himself off. “Goodnight, My Lady.”
“Wait,” you start, trying to get up before he dashes off somewhere. You can see him, looking for the best escape route, like a cornered animal. You’re muttering apologies, and he’s brushing them off, trying to find a way to leave you. He turns to go.
“Wait!” You catch his wrist, and you can feel his body go rigid. But he stops in his tracks, slowly turning back around. His full attention is on you, and you're afraid you’ll crumble under the pressure of trying to find the right words to say. 
“Please sit back down,” you ask, pleading with him. He looks unsure, like he’s seconds from saying no.
“Please, Aemond.”
That’s enough to get his resolve to soften, and he finally relents. He lets you lead him back over to the spot where you were sitting. You take a seat, and look up at him expectantly, until he finally relents. He takes his place beside you, quiet. 
“You misunderstood me, Aemond. I meant no offense, and I’m sorry if it came off that way.”
He’s quiet, not meeting your eyes, seemingly very interested in his lap. He doesn’t stop you, though, and you take it as your cue to proceed.
“You know, sometimes I find it hard to look at you.”
You can see the slightest hint of a flinch at your words, and you’re quick to recover.
“I find it hard, because when I look at you, I’m quite literally rendered speechless, and that’s a rare occurrence for me. You just…you have such striking features.”
You watch him as you speak, and it's almost as if you can see the gears turning in his head. 
“I know it comes with being a Targaryen. The silver hair, the sharp features, you all look like royalty without even trying. But you…you’re more. You’ve got this etherality about you, and I can’t quite place why that is.”
You’re scanning his face now, looking at all the little nooks and crannies that you’ve somehow just now noticed. 
“And your scar, it's a part of you. There’s no shame in it, Aemond. It’s proof you fought a battle, and won. Wear it with pride. I don’t know what people have said to you about it, or what you’ve been told over the years, but they’re wrong. Every single one of them. They’re wrong.”
You almost don’t do it, but you can’t stop yourself, reaching a hand up slowly to cup his cheek. He’s still, it being his turn to watch your face now. He’s scanning for disgust, or pity, or any other emotion that he thinks will make you think less of him. 
But then you’re running a thumb across his cheekbone. And you're ghosting a finger down his scar. You’re being so gentle and careful with him, and you have nothing but adoration and genuine awe on your face as you take in his appearance, like you’re really seeing him for the first time. You could look at him for hours, and not grow tired of it.
And he’s melting. 
You reach up to tuck a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear.
“You’re beautiful, Aemond. Don’t let anyone make you feel any different. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before.”
You can tell nobody has ever talked to him like this, or been this genuine with him, and he doesn’t know what to do or say. 
“What you said, about the constellation. It’s fascinating, that out of all the stars in the sky, you picked the eagle. The watcher. That’s what you are. Funny, how I’m just now seeing it for the first time. It feels like I'm really looking at you for the first time, too.”
“It seems the Gods have reconsidered,” he says, finally looking at you, with pink cheeks and a small smile on his face. “Or, rather, Helaena was right.”
“About what, My Prince?” You smile, unable to stop yourself when his smile is so pretty.
“The waltz, My Lady. It really has started. And it only took a couple stars.”
A/N - Hi! I hope this wasn’t shit, I feel like I started off strong and it got weaker, but I’m still figuring out how to write for Aemond, so bare with me. Let me know what you thought :)
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Knowing the Steps
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Aramis x Reader (The Musketeers)
Summary: Keeping your relationship a secret can have its excitements, but during a ball, you wish you could be open about your love. Aramis tries to make it up to you.
Notes: Not going to lie, this was definitely inspired by watching Santiago as Count Vronsky. The dancing scene just made me melt! Anyway, I thought he deserved another fluffier piece since I write a lot of angst and drama for my musketeer boys. This ended up being a bit more bittersweet than I thought, but I like how it turned out. I also wrote this at work, so be warned, it’s definitely a little frazzled. 
More Musketeers HERE
Dazzling fabrics caught candlelight with every sway in the dance. Music swelled. People laughed merrily in their conversations around the room. For most, it was a beautiful scene of joy and prosperity. 
You, however, couldn’t be more bored. 
“And when we arrived back at the manor, why I don’t think there’s been a grander celebration in all of Paris,” some lord you couldn’t be bothered to learn the name of boasted. He looked to your cousin, and bowed. “Other than yours, of course, your majesty.”
“Well, I have to say I will be very disappointed if I am not invited to the next, monsieur,” the king jested, looking around to make sure everyone laughed. 
You forced an amused, airy sigh and wished for an excuse to leave. In your disinterested perusal, your eyes caught the glimmer of a hilt and the slight motion of a feathered hat. Suddenly, the party didn’t seem so boring anymore. 
The musketeer standing guard at the other end of the room caught you looking in his direction, bowing his head as a sly smirk spread across his lips. And, for the first time that evening, your smile was real. 
The person beside you cleared their throat, nudging your side gently. You jolted out of your daydreaming, relieved to find it was only Anne.
“Admiring the tapestry, hm?” She teased, motioning to the sewn decoration hanging above the group of musketeers. It was huge, gaudy, and far too elaborate to make any sense of, but you nodded as blush rushed to your cheeks.
“Yes,” you gulped, “It’s quite…. Um…”
“It’s awful, isn’t it?” She snickered. 
You both had to contain your laughter, even covering your mouth with your hand to keep from squawking like a bird. Still, the sound must have traveled across the room for you could just see your musketeer grin over at you before turning to his companions. 
Anne followed your gaze and smirked. 
“Ah,” she mused.” Aramis.”
Your face reddened even more. “Who? I’m sorry, I don’t know who you’re referring to, your majesty.”
“Between the two of us,” she leaned closer to you, “he’s always been my favorite.”
This time, you weren’t quick enough to conceal your laughter and an embarrassingly loud snort rang throughout the room. Anne nearly doubled over. You were sure you had to be the color of a tomato by now.
Across the room, Aramis put a finger to his smirking lips, whispering,
Aramis winced as a hand swiftly smacked the back of his head. 
“Why not be a little more obvious. I’m sure the king will appreciate you displaying your relationship with his cousin,” Athos scolded. “Go ahead. I’m not sure he’s noticed yet.” 
“I think he’s busy frightening courtesans into laughing at his jokes,” D’Artagnan scoffed. 
Porthos nodded. “Besides, the queen’s definitely noticed by now and hasn’t ordered your execution yet.” He smacked his friend on the shoulder teasingly. “So it must be alright.”
“Don't’ encourage him,” Athos sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Either of you.”
“But Athos,” D’Artagnan said dramatically, putting a hand on his heart for emphasis. “He loves her.” He and Porthos snickered like school girls. 
Aramis rolled his eyes. 
“Mock all you want,” he said, glancing back in your direction. “But it’s true.”
The four watched as the Duke of Rohan’s son led you out to the center of the room to begin the next dance. Aramis could see the disdain you were trying to hide and wished you were in his arms instead, that he could stand before everyone there and tell them he was yours and you were his. The jealous pang in his chest was matched by the admiration in his heart as you danced. 
Porthos pat him on the back again, this time with a sympathetic smile. 
“It’s alright,” he said. “She knows where her heart lies.” 
The Marquess spun you around so you were once again facing the group of musketeer guards. Your eyes met Aramis and your face fell. How you wanted to run to him and forget who you were in his embrace.
“Are you feeling alright?” Your dance partner asked, his overconfidence chipping as your cheeks paled and you stepped away from him. 
You could see your whole life before you. Loveless marriage. Leaving home. A lifetime of loneliness. Without Aramis. Your musketeer, gone forever in a joyous but distant memory. 
“I actually feel a little faint,” you gasped, suddenly out of breath. “Excuse me.”
An annoyed frown passed over his face. 
You scurried away, bumping into another pair as you rushed out of the room. Aramis forced himself not to run after you, worry overtaking all other thoughts. 
“Something’s wrong,” he said.
“Someone else will handle it.” Athos gave him a stern look.
Sure enough, the four noticed the queen whisper something to a lady in waiting and started across the ballroom toward the door. She cast a fleeting glance at Aramis and he discreetly nodded in reply. 
“I’m sure everything’s fine,” D’Artagnan tried to reassure him. “Perhaps a lace on her dress tore?” His optimistic tone was met with dark looks from the other three. “Right. I’ll walk around, see if I hear anything.”
Athos pinched the bridge of his nose. “We are all going to be beheaded.”
You laid across the chaise, your head buried in your hands to try and muffled your cries. You could just hear the quiet click of the door and a soft sigh. 
“Oh, my dear.” Anne hurried to your side, placing a comforting arm around your shoulders. She pulled you to her chest like a mother would her child or a caring older sister. “I’m afraid I don’t have to ask, do I?”
“If I could stop my heart if only to keep it from beating for him, I would,” you cried. “But it’s his. His completely.” 
“You poor, sweet girl,” Anne said, pushing back to brush a hair out of your face. “You never make things easy, hm?” She smiled at you. “But I guess love is never easy.”
You laughed through your tears. “Especially when it involves a musketeer.”
“You couldn't have at least fallen in love with a man from England or Italy or Spain to take you away from here. It had to be a member of your cousin’s guard?” She teased, glad to see your eyes brighten again.
“At least we know Louis likes him?” You grimaced.
“He wouldn’t if he knew Aramis had captured the heart of his favorite cousin.” 
You laid your head back on her shoulder, again choking back sobs. Anne stroked your hair. 
“What is it? Did the king say something?” 
“He doesn’t have to,” you sighed tearfully. “I know what life holds for me.”
Anne’s heart ached for you, remember well the weight of obligation. The wish to love and to live according to one’s desires rather than the orders of another person. If she could spare you the life you were both born into, she would. 
A quiet knock at the door alerted you and you hurriedly wiped the mess of tears from your cheeks. 
“Who is it?” Anne called, her regal, commanding voice returning. 
“Aramis of the King’s Musketeers.” Just the sound of his voice made your heart soar. “I was sent to… investigate a broken window.”
Anne turned to you, shaking her head as she walked across the room. 
“You’re both going to have to be better liars if this is going to work.”
She opened the door, revealing the anxious musketeer in the hall. He bowed, flashing a smile. 
“I trust things are all clear here, your majesty.” He said. 
She gave him a stern, but warm, look. 
“You have five minutes.” She glanced back at you. “Maybe ten.” Anne skirted around him and closed the door behind her. 
You were across the room and in his arms in seconds. Aramis locked you safely in his embrace, pressing his lips to your forehead, your cheek, and lastly your lips. 
“What’s happened? Are you hurt? Did that man upset you?” He asked between kisses. 
You shook your head still blinking back tears.
“No, it isn’t that,” you said. “It’s nothing, really.”
“Please.” He laid a hand on your cheek. “Tell me what’s wrong, my love.” 
You looked into his loving dark eyes and pulled him back to you for a kiss that said more than your words could. And he understood completely. 
What started as a distraction and thrilling secret for both of you had become so much more. The more he fell, the more he knew how much it would tear him apart when things inevitably went wrong. 
“I just felt so trapped,” you cried, laying your head against his chest. “So many people want a say in my life, especially my cousin! He can’t manage his own life, let alone mine.”
Had it been anyone else, you would have been punished for criticizing your king. But despite your relations, you tired of Louis’s childish impulses and complaints. Most of the time, he felt more like a young boy with a crown. 
“But I suppose if I’d taken power as young as he did, I might act the same way,” you sighed, leading Aramis to sit with you on the chaise. “I just wish things were different.” 
He brought your hand up, kissing the inside of your wrist while his mustache tickled your palm.
“We could leave,” he said softly. He turned toward the window, looking over the grandness of the garden with a lump in his throat. “Run away to Spain or England or anywhere, like we talked about.”
You pulled away, eyes wide with surprise. 
“We were never serious.”
“Maybe I am this time.” Aramis kissed you again with more urgency than he ever had before. You both realized then how much he meant it. 
You found yourself leaning into him, like a moth to a flame. Your hands trailed up his chest. A sigh escaped your lungs. Aramis chuckled, gently pushing you back with his hands on your arms. 
“I should go,” he said. “Athos already wants to hang me and I don’t think the queen would appreciate me disheveling your appearance.” He fixed a loose strand of hair, tucking it behind your ear. “You look beautiful.”
“I suppose I should return as well,” you sighed. “Else the king will lose his head.”
You kissed a final time before Arams hurried out of the room, looking back at you with total adoration. 
He checked to make sure there was no one in the hall, quietly clicked the door shut, and started back toward the ballroom. 
“Monsieur Aramis,” the queen’s voice stopped him in his tracks. 
He turned on his heel and fell into a deep bow. 
“Thank you, your majesty. It seems that the window was a false-”
She held up her hand to silence him. 
“I just need to know one thing if I’m going to permit this to continue.” she held her head high, her mouth set in a thin line. “As you know, Y/N is family and I love her like she was my own sister.”
“Yes, your majesty.”
“So I must ask you.” She stopped toward him. “Do you love her?”
Arams took a deep breath and stood a little taller, his determination and dedication clear in his eyes. 
“Yes, your majesty.”
Anne watched him for a long while. He almost felt like a prisoner awaiting sentencing, but even in her seriousness, he could sense a kind of affection. 
The queen nodded. 
“That’s all I needed,” she said and dismissed him. She went back in to join you and he continued down the hall, unsure of a number of things, but absolutely sure of something much more important. 
The guests had finally gone and Louis decided he’d cure his boredom by ordering a hunt. It came as a surprise to Captain Treville, however, to find that four of his musketeers had been requested to stay. The queen claimed that she was afraid one of her necklaces had been stolen and she knew that the four finest of Treville’s men would be able to solve the case. 
They were waiting in the courtyard when Aramis felt a sharp smack to his shoulder. 
“What. Did. You. Do?” Athos growled. 
Aramis shrugged, rubbing the now sore spot. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Porthos sat beside him, holding Treville’s orders from the queen. 
“Why would she ask for us to find some piece of jewelry?” He asked. 
“Because it’s a lie,” Athos said, snatching the parchment to read it over. “I’m sure this is about something else.” He glared at Aramis, who held up his hands innocently. 
“She seemed perfectly aware and alright with the situation.” He thought for a moment. “Okay, maybe not perfectly alright with it-” Athos threw the paper down. “But she certainly didn’t seem like she was planning my execution!”
“What’s all this?” D’Artagnan joined, a bright grin spread across his face. 
“Visiting Madame De Bonacieux, were we?” Aramis teased.
“Don’t change the subject,” Athos snapped, handing D'Artagnan the letter.
“Oh, Constance mentioned something about this,” The youngest of them said. “Apparently we’re to meet her at the servant’s entrance near the gardens and she’ll take us to the queen.” He placed the paper back on the table. “She was very secretive about the whole thing.”
Athos frowned, thoughts of exile filling his head. 
“Don’t you think she would have told the king by now if she wanted action taken against me?” Aramis asked. 
Porthos scratched his chin. “Unless she wants to protect the Duchess from being discovered as well.”
“You know, Constance did say it was something very serious,” D’Artagnan added. He suppressed a smirk so as to not give anything away. He was under strict instructions from the queen herself not to spoil the surprise. Getting to watch Aramis and Athos squirm was just a bonus. He pat Aramis on the back. “We’d better get going. We don’t want to be late for our demise, do we?”
“That isn’t funny,” Athos growled. 
Aramis didn’t say a word. Too many thoughts plagued his mind for him to speak. He just put on his hat, took a deep breath, and went to ready his horse.
You had never been to this part of the palace. Anne led you down corridor after corridor and refused to tell you where you were going. The king and most of his courtesans were away all day to hunt and the rest of the palace, including all of the queen’s ladies in waiting, were searching for her missing jewelry. 
“Can you at least tell me why you’ve sent everyone running around for a necklace you don’t even like?” You asked. 
“I have asked you to trust me,” she giggled. “That is a command from your queen. Now come on!”
You could remember the last time you’d seen her like this. Whatever it was she had planned, she was certainly being sneaky about it. You just couldn’t imagine what could bring you to this side of the palace. 
Finally, Anne stopped outside of a large, ornate, but faded door. She smoothed out her dress, lifted her chin, and put on a very grave face. 
“Now, I need you to look very serious. If you smile, it shall ruin the surprise.”
“Alright, but-”
She threw the door open and stormed inside before you could finish. Following her, the only expression you could muster was one of shock as you stared at the scene before you. 
Aramis, Athos, Porthos, and D’Artagnan stood in the middle of a large, empty room with Constance leading them. At least three of the four men looked just as confused as you. All bowed as the two of you entered. 
“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve had Madame de Bonacieux bring you here,” the queen began, sounding as grim and stern as ever. 
A chill ran up Aramis’ spine. Perhaps she had changed her mind. He wasn’t good enough. Of course, he wasn’t. You were a duchess. He was a soldier. How could the queen simply look the other way and allow this to continue?
You saw the growing panic on his face and touched Anne’s arm. 
“Your majesty, what’s going on?” You asked. 
She turned to you, finally smiling. 
“Please,” she beamed. “Today I am just Anne.” She faced the men again, discarding her serious facade. “You’ll have to excuse the theatrics. Even a queen is allowed her fun, every now and then.”
“Forgive me,” Athos said, bowing again. “I don’t understand.” 
“Is something the matter?” Aramis asked, looking over her shoulder at you. 
You shrugged, feeling just as flustered as he appeared. 
“Given the… circumstances of which we are all aware.” She glanced between you and Aramis, reaching back to take your hand. “I thought this would be the best opportunity for us to speak freely.” 
Everyone looked about the massive room, the boarded-up windows allowing for a little light to stream in. Anne smiled. 
“Don’t worry. This ballroom is part of the palace that has been sealed off since the past king died. No one will bother us here.”
Anne took your hand and motioned for Aramis to come forward, placing your hand in his. 
“I may not have the power to dissuade my husband's stubbornness or change the laws of this world,” she said. You could see the hint of tears in her eyes. “But if I can give you this moment to be happy…”
Forgetting the rules of propriety, you threw your arms around her. For the first time in your life, it truly felt like you had family. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“No matter what, my dear, your heart is always your own to give.”
You stepped back, finding yourself in the arms of the man you loved. 
“Now.” Anne faced the rest of the group. “We may not have musicians or grand spreads of food, but we have good wine and good friends, so I thought we could make the most of things. You all spend so much time guarding these celebrations, you deserve to have one of your own.”
The four musketeers looked at each other. 
Porthos shrugged. “Sounds kind of nice to me,” he said. He stepped forward. “I know a couple of tunes that don’t require any of those instruments that they have at the balls. Just our voices and hands.”
He clapped, the sound ringing through the space. 
“Thank you for that demonstration,” Athos muttered. 
“That would be perfect, monsieur Porthos,” the queen grinned. 
And so the festivities commenced. Athos decided to watch the perimeter of the old ballroom, just in case, but couldn’t bring himself to refuse when the queen wanted to teach everyone a dance from Spain. 
Aramis sang quiet Spanish in your ear while everyone clapped and swayed around the room. 
The ballroom was alive with laughter and movement and joy. You were finally in your musketeer's arms, proclaiming your love to the people that mattered most to you.  It was the most fun you- and the queen- had ever had. 
There was no music, but there didn’t need to be. You twirled and skipped and sang and flew as if you were dancing amongst the clouds. Aramis put his hands on your waist and lifted you into the air, making your laughter echo all around.
“I wish it could always be this way,” he whispered, lips brushing your cheek. “I meant what I said. We could try.” He looked at you with such love and persistence in the face of obstacles that you knew he would leave everything behind for you. 
But as you spun around the room, you saw his friends, his brothers, his purpose. His place was with them, just as yours was with Anne and your cousin. You could never ask him to leave. 
“I love you,” you said, laying a hand on his chest. “And I will cherish every moment I have with you. But I will not take you from the life you love. Even if it means losing you. I can live with that decision as long as you are happy with them.” 
Aramis sighed, leaning his forehead against yours, forehead against yours, forgetting the eyes watching the two of you. He leaned forward just enough for his lips to brush against yours. 
“I’m sorry,” he cried. Aramis pulled you a little closer. “If I could change the world with only the love I have for you, I would.”
You lifted his chin so his eyes met yours. A bittersweet smile graced your lips.
“We may not have forever. But we have now,” you kissed him again, sweet but meaningful. “That’s enough for me.”
Aramis nodded and continued leading you across the floor in an unfamiliar dance, yet both of you knew the steps by heart. 
Anne stood with Constance and D’Artagnan, both had already danced until their feet were sore. Athos joined them and noticed the queen’s saddened features. 
“Is something wrong your majesty?” He asked. 
She blew out a breath. 
“I’m afraid I’m being rather cruel,” she said. “I’m showing them what they’ll never have.”
Athos shook his head, watching the couple with a deep understanding. 
“No, your majesty,” he said as Aramis lifted you once again, a smile returning to both your faces. “You’ve given them something to hold onto.”
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fromkenari · 1 year
Waterloo Letters #4 (4/4): Hometown stuff
Re: Hometown stuff A [email protected]                9/4/20 8:31 PM to Henry H, Fuck. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously. Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you. God, what can I possibly write to make this better? Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria. I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along. I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry. Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re: Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.) It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 301-304). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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trsrina · 2 years
Relationships with ENHYPEN as Taylor Swift songs
fluff, established relationship warning!! mentions of food, mentions of alcohol use
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call it what you want
a relationship with heeseung would be so carefree and different to other ones you’ve had in the past. heeseung is someone who brings out the best in you, offering affirmation to you through actions and words. like he’s someone who’d keep your picture in his wallet, treats every date like the first, builds lego sets with you, shares his everything with you like you were just two best friends having sleepovers, watches disney movies with you in pillow forts you guys spent hours making. and cutest thing is you both have each others’ initials’ on a chain around your necks, you adorning the letter ‘h’ in capital around your neck. it’s not like you two owned each other but rather it’s a symbol of your soulmate-like connection. heeseung would never let you have any doubts about your relationship, everything’s just so real and pure, both of you has gone through everything good and bad together, every day with him feels so fresh and brand new. “heeseung! hey! that piece is supposed to be on this part,” you snatched the piece from him and handing him the correct piece. you were both giving your blood, sweat and tears on building this cinderella castle set. “this is getting boring. do you wanna make a pillow fort instead?” your eyes lit up at the mention of ‘pillow fort’, “yes!”
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lover just screams husband and who else is total husband material? jay. maybe it’s the music video of lover being very domestic but like it just suits jay so well, you know the domestic feeling. him cooking for you as you admire him from the kitchen island, the two of you doing your sunday cleaning together etc you two are like two peas in a pod, attached to the hip. it was a quiet peaceful evening, just you and jay at your shared apartment, his back facing yours as he cooks your dinner for you, the scrumptious smell entering your nostrils, “jay, are you done yet? i’m so hungry,” you whined, not being able to hold it in anymore, the smell was making you go crazy. “patience, my dear, good things take time, you know? and who was the one who wouldn’t get out of bed after their afternoon nap? we could’ve had dinner earlier if you didn’t drag me into bed with you,” “okay, okay, fine whatever, sorry,” “there’s nothing to be sorry for, darling, any time spent with you is valuable.”
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cruel summer
cruel summer just gives me so much jake vibes and i feel like you two own summer like you’re the it couple that everyone is jealous of. like imagine just you and jake laying on a hammock together, on the porch of his parents’ beach house just staring at the sunset together, “the sunset’s so beautiful, just like you, my love.” i feel like jake would be someone who’d be scared that you’d leave him because he’s clingy but throughout your relationship, jake learnt that you love him, no matter what and now you’re an unstoppable power couple. “jake! stop that!” the two of you were on the beach. it started out as a normal little walk on the beach until jake started kicking water at you, soaking you with seawater and of course, you had to fight back. jake picked you up and swung you around, as if he was about to throw you in the sea, your giggles were angelic to jake and he couldn’t be happier.
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king of my heart
before meeting sunghoon, you’d think that love is just a abstract concept that’s not something you really need, it was more of a nuisance. yet, despite your view on love, you managed to fall head over heels for sunghoon, to your surprise. you never thought your relationship with sunghoon would affect you so much and last this long, you initially thought it’d just be a small fling, lasting no longer than a year. once you two entered each others’ life, there’s no going back. the more time you spent with him, the more you got attached to him and your love for him grows even more. you were someone who viewed your own success as your first priority but now you don’t have a care for the world, the time spent with sunghoon and the taste of his soft lips was all that mattered. sunghoon was the king of your heart like the song title yk ruling your once barren heart. being with sunghoon was enough for you. you and sunghoon would bond over late night rooftop sessions at his luxury apartment (bc he’s rich af), you laying on the couch in his arms, two glasses of wine sitting on the little coffee table, both sitting in silence and staring at the dark night sky adorned with shining constellations of stars. “do you know what that constellation is, sunghoon?” “no? who do you take me as? nasa?” “i mean you’re not really that intelligent considering you can’t even cook instant noodles, no offense,” you giggled when he suddenly tickled you for your shameless attack on his intellect. “you meanie! you’re not that much better than me when you once broke the microwave somehow.”
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loving sunoo was a different feeling. being with sunoo was like nothing else in the world mattered and it was only you and him against the world. the two of you would spend your time doing whatever you want, free to do anything you want without a care for the world. like sunoo would take you on spontaneous night walks along the promenade, just both of you goofing around and laughing loudly like you were kids with the fellow strangers trying to take a peaceful walk sending you two judgemental glances but with sunoo, you didn’t care at all as sunoo is the only one in your world. “sunoo! stop taking bites out of my ice cream bar,” with both of you holding ice cream bars with your favourite ice cream flavours ahem sunoo’s beloved mint choco that you suspect sunoo loves more than you taking a ‘leisurely’ walk along the promenade, sunoo kept cheekily grabbing your wrist to take a bite out of your ice cream bar and you doing the same to him. your booming laughter that could be heard by the strangers walking by rang through your ears and the annoyed glares from the strangers walking by. “hmm no, let me just have one bite, i wanna try it!” “come on, this is like your 5th bite, how many more times do you have to ‘try’ it, you menace?”
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okay but just like how the song goes, jungwon was the one who really made you love love you know, like he was the one who changed your life for the better and everything just felt so right with him, he’s the light that brightened up your life. you two would start out as friends and things just developed so naturally and it was different from how your past relationships were, him totally changing your perception of love. you know like love is golden and it just sparkles whenever you’re with him. “i sometimes think i made you up, like no way you’re actually real. i would’ve never thought i’d be so in love with someone,” it was another one of your deep midnight conversations, jungwon’s head lying on your stomach as you gently caress his fluffy hair, him occasionally letting out hums that sound more like a pur to you catwon 🤭, “i am very much real and even if i wasn’t, your love alone makes me feel alive,” he smiles up at you with his adorable cat-like grin, his dimples appearing.
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i think he knows
i feel like with niki, it’d be just an innocent little crush between the two of you yk just like a sweet like puppy love kinda thing at first, both of you exchanging shy glances whenever you bump into each other. niki being the mischievous person he is, he would tease you a little knowing about your slight feelings for him, purposely doing things to make your heart beat faster and blood rushing up your cheeks. the moment you two start dating, niki’s confidence before would totally disappear and he’d be such a shy person. scared to initiate anything and you’d have to be the one initiating most things. like you two would be on the sidewalk, walking to school together, both of you too shy to hold hands with your hands just lightly touching each others’, avoiding eye contact. you turned to face niki, seeing his blushed face with red adorning his cheeks and looked down to see your lingering hands, deciding to take the lead and grab his hand confidently, making niki face you immediately with shock on his face. “what? why are you looking at me like that,” you chuckled. “no, it’s just like um holding hands, you know.” “you’re my boyfriend, niki. this is normal.” “I’m your boyfriend?” “are you not?” “yeah, i am, just weird hearing it actually come out of your mouth,” niki laughed awkwardly and shyly looking away from your stare, a lovestruck grin creeping up your lips unconsciously, your loving gaze on him.
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so sorry this was so halfassed and rushed like seriously some of these were written like two months ago while some were written just now so like the length of each part aren’t very proportionate 😭😭 happy valentines day everyone 😰🤭
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Went through the RAM playlist and picked out all my favorite lines
I still don’t know who you are / I only know that I’m still lonely / That morbid sort where even company can’t cure me / And the more you reassure, the less I trust - Against the Kitchen Floor
All the king's horses and all the king's men / Couldn't put me back together again - All the King’s Horses
Make me pay for fucking up the rest of your life - AND I’M GONE
Take my identity / All the best parts of me / And mould them into what you want! - Another Tuesday Night
And it’s my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die - Are You Satisfied?
A prison’s not always a dark place / With grey closed in walls and big loud chains / They can hide in the skin of a home - As Above So Below
Someday I will go back outside and see her, okay - Baby Hotline
Reborn / Reform / Twist my legs to one / And mind to none : Don’t leave me be / I’m a bathtub mermaid / I cannot swim but only sing - Bathtub Mermaid
I feel like / I never knew you / And I never wanna know you again - Better Off Gone
In this case, just won’t you go and please let it be / Because I still won’t be able to say sorry - Breaking Things Into Pieces
Tell me when to drink, tell me when to eat, tell me when to smile, tell me when to breathe / Tell me when I overreact / No, tell me again, please / I love being told what to do, but only when I'm told by you / At least, that's what I used to think, but nowadays, I'm on the brink - Cannibal
Take this pill, you'll feel much better / When you wake up numb and your brain's been severed - Careful What You Wish For
Take a good look this is me / This is what I’ve come to be - The Chattering Lack of Common Sense
They say they wanna help, but they always fucking leave - CODE MISTAKE
When did I become a man / Trapped inside a ghost? / If you could only see me now / I know I'd disappoint somehow - The Comfort of a Laugh Track
You'll be fine you honeycomb / Who could ever hurt you? Who could be so cold? - Community Gardens
I’ve become what you like / I am what you wanted, right? - Copycat
Stay asleep / And blame / Everyone for giving up - Cross
Oh, circumcise my love for you / It's far too vapid and aimless - Cupid
Under my skin, you're unwrapping / All that I am, I swear / I wanted to keep, I wanted to stay / Deep in your head forever / I wanna show you something / Melting through my brain / Every time you're around / You're assaulting me - D D D N N N A A A
Carved right into my head / Quick lobotomy / Then left me for dead - Dangerous
I don't think I know myself, without your help - A Dangerous Thing
Buried in the basement, cold cement / Dead comes talking, can’t put them to rest - The Dead Come Talking
So I’m taking your narrative, and I’m making it mine - The Dismemberment Song
I’m gonna be in love forever cause I’m gonna die tonight : Transformation complete, transformation complete / You are now, as you once were: beautiful - DOGMATICA
Well, who should I be then, if I'll never be the same? - Dr. Sunshine Is Dead
I’m black, then I’m white / No! Something isn’t right! / My enemy’s invisible, I don’t know how to fight - Echo
And so long to the person you begged me to be / He's down, he's dead / Now take a good long look at what you've done to me - Farewell Wanderlust
You hurt me / You hurt me / But it's all okay / Because I love you anyway : I have no clue what you’re saying / I’m gonna lose my mind! - Folie a Deux
I was shown my place, but I didn’t care for it - Gambler
I get to be dumb, you get to exercise control - GIRL HELL 1999
I’m not her / And I’ll never be / I’m just debris - Going Insane
You told me something along like / The lines of “It’s all my fault that you are the way you are” / That is right, it is all your fault / But I hope you just remember that it's not all there is to it - Heavenly You
A vivisection of me / Done by God for all to see - Honey I’m Home
Am I a toy to you, my love? / Just a thing to play and / Then throw away - A Human’s Touch
My love must be a kind of blind love / I can't see anyone but you - I Only Have Eyes For You
Me and the TV are enemies / Sickening static surrounds my mind - I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead
I've got you under my skin / I've got you deep in the heart of me / So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me - I've Got You Under My Skin
You say that I’m better / Why don’t I feel better? - Karma
Do I know who I pretend to be / Of whom am I a copy? - Language of the Lost
I only turned out to be just one more girl you slew - Let the Record Show
There’s an old voice in my head that’s holding me back / Well, tell her that I miss our little talks - Little Talks
You’re just a clown, just a pet / Whispering love yet again - Loveit?
Some moments last forever, but some flare out with love, love, love - Love Love Love
And now, even though you're mad, and these memories won't stay / That's okay / Cause now I get to meet you for the first time every single day - Marbles
Die once every three minutes - Marijuana’s a Working Woman
Doctor, I can’t tell if I’m not me - The Mind Electric
You want a taste of my brain / Okay, it’s yours anyway - Misery Meat
You were never my god - My Creator
The girl is like an architect / And I am just the new invention - New Invention
Please spare me indignity / And won't you please give me some decency? / And won't you please call it if our time is through? / Cause I know that we fall apart when nothing's new - Nothing’s New
I know exactly what’s best for you / I’ve don’t exactly what’s best for you - Novocaine
You're not a coward 'cause you cower / You're brave because they broke you / Yet broken still you breathe : Cause I'm not trapped, oh with you, you see / You're the one who's trapped with me / Cause you are in the earth of me / You are in the earth of me / My head's not yours, it's mine / And I'll take my fucking time / 'Cause I know, I know, I know - The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace
Novocaine, lobotomize me, teach me how to think - P3T
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils - Pet
What’s a pound of flesh between / Friends like me and you - Pound of Flesh
Folded puppets in a chest / Satin, static, lost in manic - Puppeteer
Close your mouth / And your eyes / And your heart / Your new eternity lies with us - Return to the Motherland
I get high to leave all these problems on the ground / Then to my surprise, they're right there when I come back down - Riptide
Look at me, look me in the eyes / Forget yourself, surrender your mind / Right now, you're mine / All mine / Give in, you're mine / All mine - Rule #34
Must be lonely loving someone / Try’na find their way out of a maze - Should’ve Been Me
There's something quite enjoyable when someone is destroyable - Sink or Swim
You hung me on your wall / Stabbed me with your push pins / In public, showed me off - The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Now it sounds so good to me and it used to sound so good to me! / It doesn't sound so good to me, it never sounded good to me! - There’s Something Happening
This, this, this is not love / I don’t know what it is / But I know this / This is not love - This Is Not Love
You’d say that things have improved, right? - Those Who Carried On
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky / Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life - tolerate it
I know / You belong to somebody new / But tonight you belong to me - Tonight You Belong to Me
So she dressed me up as the man she loved / Then threw me in a box when she had had enough / Now the light of day I no longer see / She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be / Accidentally tragic / Victim of her black magic / Had a boy once who loved me / Now he's so afraid of me - Toy Boy
The things I see are a dread I must withstand / On my own - Uncanny
I don’t think there’s anyone under your skin - Under My Skin
I wanted someone tall and firm to reassure that I'm doing this right / But it's starting to hurt when you hold me tight - Unreliable
When I'm too far gone / Dead in the eyes of my friends / Will you take me out of here - Watercolor
Stranger things than death can happen / To lab rat girls and pretty white rabbits - …well, better than the alternative
And when you scream, "I'm not alright" / And throw my picture at the wall / You were supposed to be my light / And keep me safe against them all / "How could you leave me here?" you'll scream / And louder, I'll scream back to you from that unknown / And say, "I know you're strong enough, I know you're strong enough / I know you're strong enough to do this on your own” - Welly Boots
Transformation / You've changed within / Some selfish mutation / A stranger I once called a friend - What Have You Become?
My head is spinning, I am beaten in the end - White Happy
Just take me as I am / A memory so vivid / And savor all the parts you can / Cause no one mourns the wicked - Wicked
You don't have to say you love me / Just be close at hand / You don't have to stay forever / I will understand - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
Hvitserk and His Princess
Notes: This is a part II for hell was the journey (but it brought me heaven) and I wasn't thinking of making a part II but since i've been asked so nicely to do It, here I am. Took me long enough to finish cause I was in the middle of something, adult life getting in my writer's way, I'm sorry about that. It's not over but I'm back. Thank you for your patience and please, don't stop sending asks, i'll answer to all of them.
for the beautiful nikaprincessofkattegat and alyssalucas8 who asked for the part II in the comments.
Warnings: no smut, but still +18 with a little violence in it.
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One day, almost a lifetime ago, you asked Hvitserk If he would make you happy and he promised you that was the only thing he would do. Back then you only believed in duty, in doing what was expected from you, that’s why you ended up in Kattegat in the first place, happiness was a dream you once had as a child, not something you imagined would be part of your life. But as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your swollen frame you were immediately filled with a warm feeling, something you could only take as true happiness.
You leaned against the body behind you and felt his hands rubbing against your tiny bump, pressing you against his chest while spreading kisses all over your shoulder and neck, you smiled to yourself letting your body be surrounded by his presence, his scent and the sense of safety he brought to you, making you sigh. 
“You missed me.” He whispered into your ear. 
“I did. Very much.” You joked. “But you missed me more.”
“You are absolutely right.” He said, turning you between his arms and making you look at him. “How are my girls doing?”
“You are terribly sure it’s a girl.” You pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck. “What If it’s a boy? Will you love him the same?”
“Stupid question, I love him already.” He pulled you in and kissed you quickly. 
The days around Hvitserk were easy to live, he would never leave you alone, always checking on you, checking if you were feeling alright. And since you found out you were with child he became more clingy, his hands always on your body, especially on your bump. He would rub and kiss the skin, if he could, he would keep you naked all the time so he could keep an eye on both of his girls. 
“How was the meeting with your brothers?” You asked, still attached to his body. 
“Boring.” He whispered back, kissing you again, but something changed in his demeanor, at the mention of his brothers he stirred. 
“You have something to tell me.” You insisted, moving away from his insistent kisses. 
“Is there anything I can hide from you?” He asked with a frown, hands traveling down your body to hold a firm grip on your hips, you denied.
“You’re trying to distract me.” You said with a pout and he sighed. 
“Bjorn is going to Frankia. He asked me to go with him.”
Your face contorted immediately and you tried to let go of him, but he didn’t let you, keeping you between his arms. You pouted and crossed your arms in front of your chest. 
“I suppose you didn’t like It.” He told you with a smirk.
“I don’t want you to lose the birth of your child.” You answered angrily.
“I know. But he’s my brother and he needs me.” 
“What about Sigurd and Ubbe? What about Ivar?” 
“We’re all going.” He pressed his hands on your hips, pulling you in a little more. “We’re going to see Rollo.”
“Does he need all of you to do that?” 
“It’s expected from the sons of Ragnar to rule together, even though Bjorn is the king.”
“I don’t agree.” 
He hugged you and eventually you corresponded, hugging him back, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. He kissed the crown of your head several times, pulling you tight. 
“Is It dangerous?”
“No, It’s just talking.”
“Come back to me.”
“I will.” 
He left on a sunny day, you waited in the pier until the boat vanished on the horizon and everyone else was already gone, you looked away without knowing what you were really expecting, for him to change his mind and come back already or for the time to pass quickly, but not too quickly, not enough for your baby to be born without his father around. 
“He won’t be here.” Her voice startled you and you looked behind to find Margrethe looking straight at you with a mid smirk. 
You didn’t answer, walking away from her while she kept repeating and yelling ‘he won’t be here’. 
‘Crazy Margrethe’ was her name now, and since Ubbe finally left her, Hvitserk was the only one who still had a soft spot for her, found her a house outside of town and would go check on her every now and then. You wished you’d feel sorry for her, but she never changed her attitude towards you, in fact It only got worse with time. Your husband would tell you to brush It off and forget about It, but she got particularly mean since you got pregnant using every opportunity she had to hurt you. 
Ubbe was now married to Torvi who separated from Bjorn when he married Gunnhild. It was confusing at first, but after so much time with them you learned that they would do anything they wanted. Ivar and Freydis finally had their child, named him Baldur. Torvi and Ubbe were expecting their first child while Hali and Asa grew stronger each day. You learned to love them as your own family, cared for them and felt protected with them, but when It came to Margrethe they couldn’t do much. 
“Leave me alone.” You mumbled, walking away faster but listening to her footsteps following you. 
“He won’t be here.” She repeated and you grunted, entering the great hall to find Torvi and Freydis inside, they quickly noticed your presence and came to you. 
Raising your hand you held Torvi’s and let the woman bring you close, she hugged you while Freydis stepped in front of you both. 
“Go home Margrethe.” Freydis warned, startling little Baldur in her arms who immediately started to cry. 
“This is my home!” She walked inside. 
“Not anymore.” Torvi said, quickly pushing you behind her. 
“You stole my family, you stole my husband, you’re a witch!” She ran towards you but was stopped in her tracks by one of Gunnhild’s men, who held her and prevented her from getting close. 
“Take her to her house.” Gunnhild’s voice came from behind you, making the three of you look back. “Make sure she won’t leave for a while.” 
She was taken out screaming and trashing while Torvi turned to you, holding your face between her hands while silently checking on you.
“I’m alright.” You reassured, holding her hands that were still on your face. “I’m alright, Torvi.” You repeated. 
“I’m sorry you have to go through this.” Gunnhild tried to comfort you. 
“I’ll talk to Ivar.” Freydis grunted, sitting back where she was while leaving Baldur sitting at her feet, playing with a few toys. “When he comes back, I’ll talk to him.”
“The solution will be to kill her.” You sighed, sitting next to Freydis. 
“Exactly. Is that a problem?” She frowned.
“Hvitserk would never forgive me If I agreed with that.”
“You deal with Margrethe everyday, this isn’t right.” Freydis insisted. “And you’re pregnant, your child should be his priority, not her.” 
“We are his priority. But he cares for her too… And I don’t want her to die either…” 
“You’re just like him. Ivar would never allow this to happen, nor with me nor with Baldur. Hvitserk should end this.” 
You kept thinking about what Freydis said, slightly angry about how she was so certain Ivar would kill Margrethe for her and about how this sounded so appealing to you. You didn’t want to deal with her craziness anymore, but did you want her death? You weren’t sure, there was a battle going on inside you between this part of you and the one who respected your husband’s wishes. 
The time was passing, months were passing, your tiny bump grew bigger everyday and so did your anxiety about Hvitserk not coming back in time to watch your baby’s birth. One night, as the lightning cut through the sky the silver light illuminated your whole house and you were awake by the sound of thunder. It was a hard storm, you could hear the thick raindrops against your ceiling and the whistle of the wind through the cracks of your walls. The first ounce of pain made you grunt and you shrunk into yourself like a wounded animal.
“No, no, no, not now.” You mumbled to yourself. 
You sat against the headboard and looked around. You were alone in your house, against everyone’s wishes. They begged you to stay with them since you were in the final stages of your pregnancy but you couldn’t accept the fact that you would give birth while Hvitserk was away, you wanted to believe you still had time. The first tears flooded the corner of your eyes and left wet trails on your cheeks on their way down your face, you felt hopeless. 
“God, help me.” You prayed for the first time since you married, embarrassed to even ask for His help after so much time. “Please help my child.” 
Like an answer to your prayers you heard footsteps outside your house, for a moment you felt happy, imagining to be someone to help you, but as Margrethe’s face showed up on your window you, another painful contraction hit you hard making you grunt. 
“Told you he wouldn’t be here.” She growled, another lightning illuminated her face showing you a victorious smirk as she looked at you. 
“Leave me alone.” You sighed, using your strength to get up and walk towards the door. 
As you opened, her body showed up in front of you holding your shoulders and pushing you inside, making you lose balance and fall behind. You widened your eyes, looking at her. 
“You can’t do this.” You murmured, holding your bump protectively.
“You stole my family. You don’t deserve to have your own.” She growled again, walking towards you as you crawled back. 
“Hvitserk will never forgive you.” You insisted. “If you do something to his child, he won’t forgive you.” 
“We can have many children of our own.” 
“But this one…He wants this one!” You felt your back against the wall and she crouched in front of you, her hands grabbed your knees and closed your legs.
“You won’t have this child.” 
“Get off me!” You tried to get rid of her hands but she kept holding you firmly. 
“You won’t have this child!” She repeated and you cried loudly, another contraction spreaded the pain from your belly to your lower back and to your legs. 
“Please, don’t do this.” You murmured. 
“Why would the gods bless you so much and leave me nothing?” She asked angrily, still keeping your legs shut. “Why do you deserve happiness more than me?”
“Keep the child!” You yelled through the storm. “Raise him as your own If you must, do to me as you will, but keep the child!” 
“I would never keep this child. I can have many children of my own!” 
“Please! He will hate you…” You gasped. “Hvitserk will hate you forever.”
“He’ll forget all about you and this child. Eventually.” 
Your screams mixed with the noise outside your house and one more time you looked around, helpless, that’s when you saw one of the many pots you had around the house. You quickly grabbed one of them and hit it against Margrethe’s head who fell dizzy to the side. You took this opportunity to try and crawl away from your house, using all your strength to get up and leave. You stumbled through the storm, trying to walk as fast as you could towards the great hall, while protectively holding your bump. Eventually, Margrethe, who left the house right behind you, reached you and jumped your body, both of you falling over the muddy ground. 
“Help!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. “Somebody, help!” 
“Shut your mouth. You witch! You’re a witch!” She screamed back, holding you down and trying to crawl up on your body. 
Another lightning cut through the sky as you felt someone lift her from the top of you. You widened your eyes and raised your head to see her body being dragged away from you. The rain clouded your vision and before you knew it, another person grabbed you by your arms. 
“Let’s go!” You heard a scream and looked at the person holding you. Torvi. 
“She was trying to kill me…” You mumbled, leaning against her body. 
“It’s alright. You’re safe now.” She took you inside and helped you get comfortable on the bed, the furs around you got immediately damp. 
“Save my child, save me child.” You babbled, holding onto Torvi’s arms, dizzy by the pain. 
“We’ll save both of you!” She mumbled before turning to the door.
You were scared, hair glued to your wet face, clothes damp attached to your skin. Freydis came in and sat behind you using her own body to support yours. Torvi grabbed your knees and held your legs opened, you cried louder when the pain hit you again. 
“Freydis…” You grunted as you felt her hand on your damp forehead. 
“Alright, time to push.” She warned. 
“I c-can’t.” You mumbled feeling exhausted.
“You can. You will. Push.” She insisted, helping you, slightly pushing your body forward. “Go. Push.” 
You used the rest of your body strength to keep pushing, while Freydis helped you doing the same with your back, pushing your body forward. Your chest was aching with the amount of pressure on your body, your heart was beating so loud you could listen to it inside of your head, you felt like your body was almost separating in two. You cried, loudly. 
“I CAN’T DO THS!” You screamed in agony.
“You have to!” Torvi insisted, touching your belly to teu and feel the child. “Push!”
Freydis pressed your body and you growled, pushing forward. 
“Let’s go princess, you’re stronger than you think.” She insisted, pushing you forward one more time. 
Torvi grabbed your knees keeping your legs opened, mumbling small prayers while you cried in pain and grunted as you pushed again and again and again until you did it one more time, with all your strength and you could finally hear the first cry filling your ears. 
“That’s It. She’s here! She’s here!” You heard an excited Torvi and your heart almost stopped when you learned it was a girl. 
Freydis hand rested on your chest as she happily praised you, her voice was the last thing you heard bafore everything went completely dark. 
When you woke up again it was already morning, the storm was gone but so was everybody, you were alone. You sat up with the help of your hands but your throat was dry, you couldn’t call for anyone. You felt overwhelmed, your heart started to hammer inside your chest, for the first time in your life you were terrified to be alone, to be without your daughter.
But before you broke down in tears you heard footsteps outside the room, when the door opened Torvi showed up, the small bundle of furs inside her arms and you immediately smiled, leaning against the headboard and leaving a small space for her to sit by your side, when she did, she was smiling too, carefully handing you the baby. 
“She is perfect.” Torvi mumbled.
And she was. You carefully held her tiny hand, kissing while counting her fingers, you rubbed her face and payed attention to every detail, her pointy nose, heart shaped lips and small eyes, beautifully gray. You checked her belly, her legs and her feet, counting her toes just like you did with her fingers. 
“He said It was a girl.” You murmured, still looking at your daughter. 
“He was right.” 
Torvi touched your face and you looked at her, the pain finally showing in your eyes. 
“He lost it. He promised he would be here, but he isn’t.” You started. “She was right.” 
“Don’t do that.” She scolded. “It doesn’t matter what she said, your daughter is here, she’s safe and so are you. Hvitserk will be here, but you can’t think about him now, you have to think about her, and yourself.”
“What happened to her?”
“She ran away.” 
That was the only answer you got, eventually you stopped asking. The first year of your daughter was an adjustment, your heart still waiting for him, but you learned very quickly you had more important things to deal with. Torvi helped you name her: Sif and she grew strong, a mini-Hvitserk with green eyes, thin lips and light brown hair. Looking at her helped you in some way, she reminded you of him, of how much you missed him, and how much you loved him, so deep that it materialized on that tiny human. 
A while ago, you heard from a few people in town that they’d be calling you both ‘Hvitserk and his princess’ and you smiled like a fool every time you thought about It, you were his. 
“Mama!” She screamed with a laugh, running around the great hall with Baldur chasing her. 
You looked at them and smiled, waving at her, your eyes traveled around, from your daughter, to the walls, to the fire flames that kept the place warm. You blinked tired, It was getting late. 
“Sweetheart, let’s go.” You called, getting up and walking towards your daughter. 
“Stay here tonight.” Gunnhild showed up, asking you calmly. “It’s too cold to walk home with her.”
“I’ll be living here with you If we stay like this.”
“Why not? Torvi and Freydis are already here, you are welcome to stay too.” 
“Thank you, but I like my home. It reminds me of him.” Sif ran to you and held the skirt of your dress. “We’ll be here in the morning.” You cradled her in your arms. “Say ‘bye bye’.” You murmured, kissing her chubby cheeks when she waved. 
“Bye bye.” She repeated with a smile. 
You eventually left, walking back home with your baby in your arms while she babbled about her day with Baldur, the things he showed her. Your eyes followed the path towards the pier and you sighed, stopping in your tracks to watch from afar, imagining his boat docking at any time. You missed him, you missed him so much. 
“Father.” She whispered, pointing at the pier.
“Yeah, that’s where he’s coming from.” You smiled at her and kissed her again. 
She didn’t know him but you spent a lot of time talking to her about her father, telling stories, telling her how much he loved her and how much he wanted her, even before she was born.
“Father.” She repeated and you smiled again, this time you looked back at the pier just to find a boat approaching.
Your eyes widened and you froze. It couldn’t be. You lost hope so many years ago you couldn’t believe your eyes. You put her on the ground and held her hand firmly, ready to come back running to the great hall. 
The people started to leave the boat. Dark silhouettes poorly illuminated by the full moon in the sky. You covered your mouth with your hand and turned around, you were about to start running when a deeply familiar voice called your name through the night. You stopped on your tracks and turned again. He repeated. And shouted loudly while running towards you.
When his arms wrapped around your body you froze again, in utter shock. He pulled you in, held your face against his shoulders but your only movement was to tight the grip around your daughter’s hand. 
“My love.” He mumbled, holding your face in his hands and staring directly into your eyes. Your vision was blurred but it focused on his face eventually. His voice was a sizzle from afar, unintelligible, his touch had a strange familiarity that scared you at first. “It’s me, look at me.” He begged in panic, but the one thing to wake you up was your daughter’s voice.
“MAMA!” She screamed and you blinked, looking down to her scared little face. “No hurt mama!” She insisted, using her hands to push him to the side, that’s when he finally left you and crouched in front of her.
When you looked at him there were tears in his eyes, he looked at her with adoration and she held onto the skirt of your dress. He looked up and you finally felt the true happiness you missed so much, you felt the tears coating your face and you sighed in relief, with a smile on your face you told him:
“Sif. Her name is Sif.” 
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thecasualfkfan · 1 year
As the Red,White and Royal Blue movie is released,here's an email from the book which I really really love-
9/4/20 8:31 PM
to Henry
I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously.
Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you.
God, what can I possibly write to make this better?
Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria.
I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list.
1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off.
2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?).
3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough.
4. How your hands look when you play piano.
5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you.
6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after.
7. Your ability to recite Keats.
8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
9. How hard you try.
10. How hard you’ve always tried.
11. How determined you are to keep trying.
12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters.
13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it).
14. The way you look when you first wake up.
15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio.
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart.
17. Your equally huge dick.
18. The face you just made when you read that last one.
19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it).
20. The fact that you loved me all along.
I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry.
Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down.
P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re:
Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.)
It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
- Ch 11, Red white and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston
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eternalchiyo · 7 months
𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜 ~𝔻𝔸ℝ𝕂 06~
Summary: Shuu is broody and mysterious and wet.
Word Count: 1378
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The little girl was roaming around one of the more secluded areas of Eden’s Garden. Her father had been invited to an audience with King Karlheinz and left his daughter basically to her own devices. They did bring a maid that was supposed to keep an eye on the girl, but she lost her on the way somewhere. Or maybe it wasn’t even an accident; nobody liked being around her for too long.
“Cursed child” some of them would call her in disgust. She was tugging on some particularly high-growing blade of grass when she heard a beautiful tune come from further away. It didn’t seem like it came from a music room, but rather from deeper in the garden. Intrigued, Chiyo followed the music.
What business did someone have playing a violin this far inside some bushes?
Even being that young, the girl was wary of such an occurrence. Lots of adults enjoyed listening to music performances of this caliber, so naturally Chiyo thought that someone as talented would want to showcase their skills to something more than birds and ants.
She tried to see over the tall rose bushes without being found out immediately. What she saw made her gasp in awe.
Standing in the center of the clearing was a blond boy, visibly immersed in the music piece he was playing on his violin. It must have been one of the heirs to King Karlheinz. She had heard so much about him but never actually spoken with him. He really was as talented as the rumors said, the biggest pride of Lady Beatrix.
She could not help but keep staring at him.
“If you’re here to ridicule me again, then at least do it out in the open, Reiji,” the boy said.
Oh no, she got caught! But it seemed he mistook her for someone else.
“I…I’m sorry,” she said quickly. She felt as if she trespassed somewhere she had no business being, “I heard the music and wanted to see where it came from…”
The blond boy came closer and pushed some of the branches out of the way.
“Oh, you’re not Reiji,” he said, “Sorry, I thought you were my annoying brother.”
“You’re not angry I eavesdropped?”
Surely, he did not intend to be found if he played an instrument all the way back here. The boy tilted his head and looked at her for a while, visibly in thought.
“Hmmm… I mean it looks like you did so because you enjoyed the music. I guess I can’t really get mad at that, huh?”
“Sorry…” she said again.
“I said I’m not angry, why are you apologizing?”
The girl bit her tongue before another apology was able to leave her mouth. She was used to apologizing at home a lot. It was like she was but a nuisance to her father and everyone else working at the manor. Being sorry for every little thing seemed like the natural thing to do.
“Anyway, I haven’t seen you around here yet, what’s your name?”
“C-chiyo…” she said warily.
“Chiyo,” he repeated after her, “sounds pretty. I’m Shuu.”
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It had started to rain again in the afternoon and did not clear up until late in the night. Shuu was sitting under one of the trees, right outside the house, looking at the old pendant again and again. He did not particularly care about getting wet.
Why did that man send Chiyo here? And why wasn’t he able to control his feelings around her? Plenty of time had passed since they parted ways, why wasn’t he over it yet?
And what was the deal with Ruki Mukami? Why was he so hell-bent on getting close to her? Shuu had never seen him before, but Ruki seemed to know him and his brothers well. Clearly, he must have come from the demon world too.
It was as clear as day that this was one of his father’s dirty schemes, he just didn’t know what exactly it was about yet. It seemed troublesome to try and get to the bottom of it, yet he feared he would never get his peace of mind back otherwise.
Was she working with that guy? If so, what did he offer her, that she would betray Shuu again? He would not walk into such an obvious trap.
“This thing… I should throw it away already,” he muttered to himself before standing up and putting the pendant into his pocket. He really should get rid of it.
When he came back in, Reiji was already standing in the hallway with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I hope you at least came to some sort of enlightenment out there. Or are you messing up our floors just for the fun of it?”
He always had to be so damn annoying about everything, how troublesome.
“Not that it is any of your business what I think about, but…”
Reiji looked at him surprised; Shuu didn’t really share his thoughts that often. He probably did not expect any useful input from him.
“That guy, he seems to be toying with us again.”
Reiji frowned.
“Referring to our father, are you?” he asked.
Shuu nodded.
“Ah, well it is true that he has rather peculiar methods of communicating with us, and a strange interest in dramatic scenarios, however, I am sure he must have a good reason for doing things the way he deems best.”
As expected, Reiji would not question their father even if you threatened him with beheading.
“In any case, just so you know,” Reiji said, “I will have a familiar investigate that Mukami family regardless. But was it really necessary for you to make this mess on the floor just to come to this old conclusion of yours?”
Shuu could not care less about that stupid floor.
His attention shifted towards the living room. Somehow it seemed more lively than usual. He saw Chiyo and Yui talk to Ayato.
“Haah? Chichinashi and the curly head together? That’s new,” Ayato said, “Huh? What’s that on your face?”
“It’s called makeup, Ayato,” Chiyo said.
Ayato studied Yui’s face thoroughly. He seemed to not be used to the girl getting a little dolled up.
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” Chiyo asked, practically parading the other girl around the room. It almost seemed like a bit of her gloomy attitude shifted to her old self. Shuu felt an uncomfortable pang in his chest for a second.
“I guess so,” Ayato said, “still weird to see it.”
Chiyo scolded Ayato for not having an eye for the finer things. Shuu had to hold back a laugh; it’s been a while since he had seen her this pouty. Could she really be working with his father? Seeing her like that gave him doubts.
“Ayato-kun,” Yui said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’d accompany me to the store? I wanted to do some cooking, but there aren’t enough ingredients at home.”
“Why would I waste my time with that, can’t you go alone?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be her protector or something?” Chiyo asked, “Letting her go alone practically screams ‘Hello, please kidnap me!’?”
Eventually Ayato agreed to go with her. The rain had let up a little, so they quickly left the house. Chiyo looked at them leaving before her attention shifted to Shuu, who was still standing in the hallway.
He was completely drenched, probably spent his time brooding over something outside and when it started to rain, he didn’t bother to immediately seek shelter. Vampires didn’t get sick; a privilege that was denied to someone like Chiyo. She remembered when she caught the flu and almost died as a child but was forced to just wait it out since there were no doctors in the demon world. She wondered if there was flu medicine in Karlheinz’ pharmacy department. Catching herself staring at Shuu, who was staring back at her, she quickly looked away.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Shuu slowly go up the stairs in the main hall. As she watched him, she suddenly remembered a saying they would tell in the other world: “Vampires only fall in love once.”.
Would she ever be rid of her feelings for Shuu?
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
𝑨 = 𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ragnar is very affectionate. He’s like a dog - he likes to nuzzle his face in your neck or stomach. He loves when you play with his hair, or run your nails over his skin. Ragnar is a very touchy person. 
𝑩 = 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
That you can put him in his place. When you lean your head against his shoulder. The colour of your eyes. Ragnar sees a lot of beauty in you. Some days you have to remind him that the sun doesn’t actually shine out of your ass. 
𝑪 = 𝑪𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔 (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
HE LOVES TO CUDDLE. The most cuddly. But a very ... forgetful cuddler? Many times he’s forgotten that you’re in his arms and he’ll wake from a nightmare and accidentally throw you off the bed. 
𝑫 = 𝑫𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s a King, he doesn’t do his own cleaning, and doesn’t expect you to either. There’s no chance of Ragnar settling down, he does want kids. But he doesn’t want to stay in one place too long. It’s the adventurer in him. It’s his destiny to seek out the world. But there comes a time when all he wants to do is go home. 
𝑬 = 𝑬𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 (When something is bothering them, how do they act around you?)
Ragnar always tries to hide whatever is bothering him. He doesn’t want to weigh you down with the information. But you’ve spoken to him about keeping things hidden. You want to be involved in decisions and that means knowing the whole truth. Whenever he’s upset, or worried, his goofy nature dials back. 
𝑭 = 𝑭𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒆 (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ragnar would be quick in wanting to be married. Although he doesn’t want to settle down in one place, he does want a wife (or many ... wives?) and have as many kids as possible. 
𝑮 = 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆 (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ragnar is gentle with you. Not so much other people, his flimsy nature can put others in the firing line. But with you, he’s always gentle. Some days he forgets that words can hurt, and he may go too far. But so does everyone, he does apologise for it though. 
𝑯 = 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 (Do they tell you about their childhood? Their trauma? The sides of themself that they keep hidden from the world.)
Ragnar says he’s an open book but getting the past out of him is difficult. Either he doesn’t like the way he’s acted in the past, or he has so much in his head that he forgets. Either way, you’ve had to nearly pull the information out of him. He’s very touchy about his mother though, and Rollo won’t even bring her up. 
𝑰 = 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very fast. Probably the third time he saw you in a romantic setting. He falls in love very quickly. 
𝑱 = 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Yes he does get jealous, but from afar. He won’t show you he’s jealous, especially if another man is showing you attention. But will act like you have another lover:
    “Oh, sorry. I thought you were busy tonight. With your new husband...”
𝑲 = 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Breathtaking. Overwhelming. Sudden. When he kisses you, you aren’t able to think of anything else. No other thoughts can enter your mind when Ragnar is kissing you. 
Ragnar likes to kiss your lips, but more so your neck. Sometimes it can be innocent, but more often than not it leads to something more. 
𝑳 = 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 (How are they around children?)
Ragnar is great with children, as he has a childish side. The crazy stories that kids come up with never faze Ragnar, and he usually indulges them. 
“Ragnar! My mother turned into a giant this morning!” 
     “I know, I saw her hanging out the washing.” 
𝑴 = 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 (How are mornings spent with them?)
Ragnar hates getting up. He’s always groaning about wanting five more minutes. But that usually turns into ten and then fifteen. You’ve tried pulling the blankets from him, but he fell asleep anyway. You’ve also tried pushing him out of bed but he just sleeps on the floor. You’re next experiment is pouring cold water on his head. 
𝑵 = 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (How are nights spent with them?)
The nights are usually for feasting, and then he wants to sit in front of the fire and have you tell him about your day. He doesn’t like not being involved in your life. 
𝑶 = 𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒏 (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
You’re still finding things out about Ragnar. It was very hard to separate fact from fiction, because the townspeople like to create stories about him and pass them off as truth. But you know Ragnar, and you told him that you will believe nothing until he tells you directly. 
𝑷 = 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 (How easily angered are they?)
Ragnar is only quick to anger when he’s insulted or someone has insulted you. Otherwise, he’s as cool as a fish in winter. Oh, or if he’s been mentally bested by an opponent. 
𝑸 = 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒛𝒛𝒆𝒔 (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You thought Ragnar forgot about many things. And sometimes he does, but he remembers the colour of your eyes, especially after a long time apart, and he remembers the first day you met. He remembers your birthday ... but only your birthday. Sometimes he forgets his own, and definitely forgets Rollo’s. 
𝑹 = 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you got mad at him. You had picked up one of his shoes and threatened to throw it at him. He dared you. So you did. It was that moment that he was sure you could handle him. And he completely fell in love. 
𝑺 = 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ragnar is very protective over you, but he knows you can handle yourself. He won’t be by your side all the time, but will keep an eye on you during battles. And if someone makes you uncomfortable, he’ll go up to them, wrap an arm around their shoulders and whisper in their eye to fuck off. 
𝑻 = 𝑻𝒓𝒚 (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn’t remember anniversaries, and I don’t think you do either. But he does go out of his way to make certain nights special. To make sure it’s only the two of you together, sitting in front of the fire, or out in the woods in the summertime. He does like to take you to these ethereal, almost magical places in nature. 
𝑼 = 𝑼𝒈𝒍𝒚 (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Will fart and burp without hesitation. And will go take a piss wherever he feels like it. Sometimes you think he may be part animal, maybe a dog. 
𝑽 = 𝑽𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Historically speaking, Vikings were actually really hygenic. Much more than the Englishmen, or alternatively known as the Anglo-Saxons. Fiction writes that England was the progressive and most knowledgable society. But Vikings bathed way more often, brushed and washed their hair and ... generally cleaned themselves. 
So Ragnar follows those customs - his hair washed and braided, he always cleaned himself up, especially after battle. But in terms of vanity - when caring about how attractive he looks ... he doesn’t really care. He knows that he’s a good-looking man, but doesn’t spend his days looking in the mirror and preening over himself. 
𝑾 = 𝑾𝒉𝒚 (Reasons why they love each other)
Ragnar loves you because not only do you encourage him, but you’re by his side, wanting to experience everything with him. Ragnar adores your creativity and open-mind. You’re just as much of a dreamer as he is. 
𝑿 = 𝑿𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 (What’s their song)
Eris Steals The Book by Harry Gregson-Williams
𝒀 = 𝒀𝒖𝒄𝒌 (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone close-minded, who couldn’t or refused to think out of the box. Or someone who held him back, who didn’t believe in him and his dreams. 
𝒁 = 𝒁𝒛𝒛 (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)    
Talks in his sleep. Will have actual, long conversations while in slumber. At first, it would freak you out, but after a while, you got used to it. 
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strawberrickyyy · 1 year
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Shen Ricky || Over Me (Vampire AU)
an: Sorry in advance for grammatical errors, etc. my english is poor :(( i also wrote this solely to feed my inner kink lol
tw: blood, light smut - NSFW content
proceed to read at your own risk,,,
Silky red ribbon tied your hair neatly, you wore a plain black dress decorated with red roses on the skirt. You were staring at the moon by the window of the library. Pale skin and hazel eyes, he suddenly hugged you from behind, smelling your scent. You turned to him and he pulled you closer by your waist. He smiled as he caressed your rosy cheek before he leaned forward to peck on your red lips. You were excitedly having his soft plump pink lips which the kiss gradually turned passionate and a sharp pain flinched you when he bit your lower lip bleeding lightly.
“My apologies, ma’am...” A guilt shown on his face. He helplessly thirsty and needed to be feed after his long day on a boring journey with the king. He hated politics but he got no choice when he was the first born and the heir of the throne. As his fiancée, you understand him a lot that he won’t be feeding from someone else’s blood other than you and his royal family. Although he used to drink from any aristocrat but since after he has bonded by blood with you, he was somewhat drawn to you affectionately. Some call it a soulmate thing because mostly vampire attached to his partner by tasting her blood for the first time and immediately addicted to the only person.
“It’s alright, come here.” You held his face and kissed him. He pushed you against the wall as you wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He moaned while actually sucking the blood on your lips. Unsatisfied, he ghosted your lips to bite on your neck a bit roughly. You breathed heavily out of nervousness at him rushing to drink from your neck. He then slowly stopped after holding himself back. Your wound healed right after he licked it and he kissed you longingly before he finally freed you.
You both looked at each other in silence before you broke the silence by asking how he was doing.
“It must be hard for you to always listen to the king. But I want you to know that you did great already so keep it up.” You smiled reassuringly at him but he sighed and took your hand to walk together towards the study desk. He lifted you up to let you sit on the table.
“I’m exhausted... I feel burdened by the fact everyone expects so much from me. And father scolded me because I wasn’t pay attention at today’s lessons.” He pouted.
“Pity you but why weren’t you paying attention to your studies? Of course His Highness was disappointed and he scolded you for your own good.”
“Oh wow. Now you are talking exactly like what mother said to me last evening. Out of everyone, you’re the only one I feel comfortable talking to honestly. I thought you could understand me... But now you don’t.” He tried to walk away before you pulled his hand to stop him. Your thumb caressed his knuckles.
“Did I just hurt your feelings? Aww my fault, I sincerely apologize.” You softly patted his head.
“If you want me to forgive you, you need to do me a favour.” He abruptly moved closer to you. Inches from one another, he teased you when he was about to peck your lips but he didn’t instead he nuzzled to your neck as his breathing tingled against your skin.
“When I was whining, even though I was being noisy and annoying..” He paused to lean backward and grabbed your chin.
“You aren’t allowed to talk back, complain or giving me words like advice. I hate that. Unless when I asked you.” His eyes coldly stared into your eyes. “You know, darling. You’re so sweet, beautiful and the most smartest girl...” His slender fingers stroked your face and your hair.
“I also hate the fact that the person I love the most went out with another guy without my permission. I know you were with Matthew last morning. You told me about visiting the bakery but didn’t say with whom, I thought you were going with your brother. It bothers me so much, honey. Are you aware of my possession over you? Do I need to remind you again that you’re mine? Yes, I absolutely should do it.”
“Ricky, I- “
“No, who said you can talk?” He choked you. “You’re my fiancée, my bride, my wife-to-be and the future queen of our kingdom. You are mine and mine only foremost!” He tightened his grip around your neck as he smirked and amused to see your pathetic expression. You were in pain and almost losing your consciousness, he then kissed you to share his breath in which you caught a quick breath while doing so.
“... I was... Thinking about you.” He pinned you down, his voice became raspy as you both panted and looked at each other.  “I can’t focus on study.. Because I keep thinking about you. For real, nonstop.”
“I’m so sorry, Ricky... I didn’t mean to hurt you.. I supposedly went out with Giselle but.. She suddenly got an urgent call...”
He stole another kiss before he spoke. “Yeah.. I actually knew that. But when I heard that you were with someone else, specifically a guy. It drives me mad. I feel like I wasn’t enough for you. Am I the only one who is very fond of you? I love you so much, it is so insane, honey...”
“Ricky... I’m so sorry..”
“Stop apologizing! It seems like you have no feelings for me. It breaks me each time I hear that, you know?” He punched on the table and his hand shaking as he was in angry state. His breath was also hitched before he closed his eyes and breathed deeply to control himself.
You were silent. Intuitively nervous and sad. Slowly you sat comfortably as your hand reached to his face and caressed him.
“If I don’t love you.. I already call off our engagement a long time ago, my prince.”
“But you acted like you don’t care.. I felt so lonely in our relationship. Despite you are here, I feel that you are far from my grasp. Are you not happy with me?” His expression saddened.
“Ricky.. Being with you is one of my happiness.. But.. Have you ever put yourself in my shoes? You think I can be happy just like that?” You meant the torment you faced each day and the burden of standing by his side. It wasn’t easy for you to be a special person as important as the whole kingdom.
“You were overthinking, honey! All you need to care is about our love and relationship, can you understand that? Just enough if you admit and be honest with your feeling.”
“I am thinking about our relationship, my prince. It’s you who don’t understand..”
“Me? When you’re the one who are so hard on yourself? How so?” He was frustrated and tried his best to hold himself from being mad again. He was far too disappointed with the misunderstanding between you two. He closed his eyes, silent in deep thinking.
“I’m such a fool that I adore and intensely loving you, right? I can’t live without you, can’t imagine another day without you... I can’t handle it. Way more worse that I can’t stop thinking, I keep dreaming of you. Whether you are with me or far away.. I can’t hold myself from wanting you. It is extremely hard, the more I control myself, the more I need you..”
You frowned in concern. “Were you thirsty or drained too much?”
“Huh?” He was bewildered by your question. He was literally confessing his feelings to you and not at all expected you to think that he was only thirsty for you just because his energy drained from his daily fatigue.
“Let me rephrase... I wonder if you love me because of I’m your most tasty blood supply. But you clarified you love me because you need me, right? It can be subjective that you maybe actually just deeply drawn to my blood. Or probably you wanted me more than that. You felt something greatly like the urge to have me.”
“O oh, yeah.. Ugh darling, remember last time I invaded into your room because I can’t sleep?”
“Yes, you said you were.. Oh! I get it!” You gasped in excitement.
“Huh? What did you get?” He was confused once again, but more to he doesn’t want you to get the wrong and more complicated idea.
“Direct question. Prince Ricky, do you have a strong desire to get close to me lately? Maybe a dream of um.. we were making out?”
“D- do you have it too?” He blushed.
“Well, yeah. I did... I think that was because of.. The heat season? You know like mating?” You were also blushing to admit it.
“Yes, basically since we are mates... To be honest I don’t understand what I feel at first but now yea..” He sighed in relief. “So can I...” He paused as his eyes captivated you. “.. do you now?”
“I- I don’t think we can...” You shook your head as you understand his intention. “Because we aren’t married yet.” Nervousness spread inside you.
“We are betrothed for five years, darling. Don’t tell me you are afraid...?”
“Yes, I am. I’m not ready, Ricky...”
“Okay, I understand. I promise you I will not force you into such heavy stuff until you’re ready. So for this time... Can we do like a small make out? Please...” He was too desperate. He can't longer hold himself after almost two weeks he has had a lust over your body and couldn’t get it. It drives him crazy. He thought he was too obsessed with your blood that he can’t concentrate on his daily life even after he drank from his family member, but now he knew that he wanted you so much. Romantically and affectionately towards you, he is infatuated with your well-being.
“My love... I know you need me as well, don’t you?” He caressed your cheek after seeing your hesitation. His thumb slowly rubbed your lips before it slightly opened your mouth for you to grab his hand and bit his finger to feed from him. He smiled looking at you slowly sipping his blood. You then grabbed his shirt to pull him closer to you and nibbled on his collarbone. Your fang sunk into his skin and you slurping the blood just like you were drinking water.
Shen Quanrui is the royalty pureblood while you were just aristocrat vampire. Aristocrats were pureblood mostly but you were always insecure. You felt like you belonged to commoner and don’t deserve him because your deceased mother was a commoner who married your father who born in aristocrat family. You grew up with people taunted you as half commoner and a mongrel. Which lead to your fear of becoming the queen of the kingdom. You believed that people won’t trust and love you. The society wouldn’t accept you especially the nobles wholly don’t welcome you as their ruler.
Furthermore, you were afraid of commitment and responsibility. Aware of the lack in many skills, you were socially awkward, terrible at communication and interaction within the aristocrats. Your big brother was once like you, he was bad at blending in the community and your father taught him patiently until he was a great man now. Your father was a famous intellectual guy. He owned the biggest library in the town – Ricky often bribed you to come to his castle by bragging about how amazing the castle library was – and in fact your father was such a respectful lecturer of Lunaria academy – an academy for selected nobles where Ricky also attended. Both your dad and your brother were no longer care of what people ill-mouthed about your family.
Your family suited the aristocrat title more than anyone because of the self-made successful career of your father. Then, followed by your brother to continue the good deed in teaching the folk. He also visited the commoner site many times and taught the kids about reading and colouring. You as well, even before you were well-known as the fiancée of the crowned prince, you were in charge of managing the family library. Your father was the head and founder while your brother was the deputy president, and you were the trustworthy manager. Beside your bibliophile, you have an interest in strawberries that your family owned a farm and was a supplier to bakery, cafe, restaurant, and the castle.
People who were close to you know about your true nature. You and your brother were pureblood noble because your parents were true blood. Little did people know that your mother was secretly a long relative of royal family. Only your father and certain royalty knew about the secret.
Soon after satisfied your crave on your fiancé blood, you both then kissed on the lips passionately. Ricky lifted up your skirt and rubbed your thigh while nibbled on your neck to your collarbone. You helplessly let out a few shameless moans which turned him on more.
“Honey.. I don’t think I can hold back when you moan so sexily.. Those sweet voices of yours are my favourite song now.. What can I do? I want you more, sweetheart...” He squeezed your thigh while looking lustily at you.
“Mm? Maybe you could make me moan louder and scream if we keep going... But please not here, Ricky..”
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