#sorryyyy for oversharing
pyriteplates · 2 years
you've made a horrible mistake because some of these are going to be very longwinded because umm i got carried away. HES IMPORTANT TO ME OKAYY. if you want to see me lose my mind keep reading <3
1: sexuality headcanon
HE'S A FA- a gay man.
2: otp
GIRODORO. U ALREADY KNOW!!!!!! myy babies my babies theyre my babies girodoro
3: brotp
Kururu and Dororo. I like the possibilities of their friendship a lot, Kururu does seem to understand Dororo in an analytical way. I think it would be really fun if they talked more.
4: notp
KeroDoro sorryyy the chemistry just isn't there for me. I see the appeal though
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
My under-the-mask hc, where it's all blue babyyy! I actually got that from an old livejournal forum and just expanded on it by giving him a little spot.
6: favorite line from this character
OH GOSH OKAY I'M PICKING MORE THAN ONE... because im special like that and i fucking love this guy
"I understand well your circumstances, but do not appreciate your protests!" and "Child of Lu-Ne! That thrust of yours had determination behind it. It was a marvelous sight." from his duel with Cheuton. seriously such an amazing scene, I loved seeing him act as a sort of mentor!
"But! This has allowed me to get closer to you than I ever otherwise could!" During his fight with Jirara. The voice acting and soundscape in this scene was INCREDIBLE. the way the background goes completely silent while he chokes and supposedly "dies" gives me chills every time I watch it.
On a lighter note, I love his stupid puns even when they're genuinely terrible or get lost in translation.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
If you asked me this in 2012 I would probably have a sadder answer, about how he's forgotten or ignored. What can I say, I was an anxious kid and this guy was my number one coping skill. I wanted to be just like him, I even wore a mask to school for awhile when I was like 12 (before it was cool!)
Now though, I'd have to say his love for nature. I've always had a love for flora, I remember in elementary school I cried for hours over some other kids trying to kick up my favorite flowers. I think, subconsciously or consciously, I was trying to imitate him by protecting them. Now, I'm planning to major in field biology! While my little boy obsession over a character is FAR from the only reason i'm pursuing this dream, he was a pretty good motivator when I was a kid (and now!)
moving on!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
When he takes a "leader" position and ultimately gets ignored, especially when technology is involved. I love you girl but... calm down
9: innocent or problematic fave?
A bit of both, but i'm leaning towards problematic because he kills people sometimes and I think it's perfectly justified! definitely my fav tho... as you can see by the multiple paragraphs
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bumbling-kiddo · 5 months
startin therapy again soon with a new therapist and i really really hope it goes well, last one i had was a truly terrible experience so m kinda nervous abt it 😅
this is the first time i’ve been able to choose my therapist myself tho, so crossin my fingers that it’ll be a much better fit than past ones hehe
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
where dafuq did u go? u r not as active as u used to be😢 miss u uwuwu
don't got anything to post :( been spending a lot of time editing in photoshop lately¡! (f1 related mainly so posting these on @charlewiss ) but maybe i can get back on here again now with the season just about to start
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beargirl2 · 7 months
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
and I'm still so upset about my parents and they were the only ppl I could talk to about anything even though it sucked it was something lol. and now I'm just constantly feeling bad about the state of things with them :/ and the longer I go avoiding a call the longer I don't see my brother who is like the only good part of my life
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
hiiiii!! I saw your request is open so here I am shooting my shot hehe. I'd love to get a matchup with any male characters, so feel free to go wild with the result ♡
I go by "Angel", she/her, omnisexual, 5'2. I'm not really good at describing how I look, so here 2 pics of me (I don't have any picrew of me, so I hope you are fine with me sending you my real pics 😔👉🏻👈🏻) also, a tmi for today : I'm basically blind on my right eye but I refused to wear glasses on daily basis bcs I think I look better without it 😅
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moving on to my personality, I'm an ENFP and a proud gryffindor! 🦁❤ I LOVE to talk, I can't handle silence really well bcs it makes me feel awkward. people's first impression of me are usually "she's a b" or "she is annoying" but most of em ended up loving me after they got to know me personally (RUDEEE 😭) ; anyway I actually have a lot of insecurity about myself and easily got depressed over em, but I love to act all confident in front of my friendsㅡ gotta fake it until you make it I guess 😩
for interests, I love doing tarots, playing text-based games, and listening to disney / musical songs. I also enjoy watching thriller/horror movies, sometimes I got scared to the bones tho 💀
another thing about me is I have a chronic insomnia, my earliest bedtime is 8 am (I know its very unhealthy 😭😭😭) sometimes I can go a day or two without sleep, it's crazy how I'm still alive tbh 🥲
OMG I OVERSHARED DIDN'T I? I'm really sorryyyy, this also one of my bad traits. I tend to overshare my life with anyone and anytime. I hope you don't mind :(
well I guess this is it??? thank you for opening up your matchup request. can't wait to read the result aaaa. have a good daaay 🌸
First of all I want to say don’t worry about oversharing at all, the more you tell me about yourself the better I can make your match-up so all the information you included was super helpful for me actually! Thank you for sending in a match-up request, and I hope you enjoy your match-up below :>
I’d Match You With: 
Denki Kaminari!
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I did a lot of thinking with this one, there were a couple of characters I was considering but in the end I felt like Denki fit the best with you. He loves your bold personality and you share a lot of interests, and overall he’s just really infatuated with you and would be the perfect boyfriend to go alongside you :D
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Denki is not a big fan of silence either, it makes him feel awkward so between the two of you you’re pretty much always talking about something, there’s never a moment of silence in your relationship :) He even has a list of dumb quotes you’ve both said to each other in his phone because of how much you both talk whenever you're together lol
- If anyone’s ever rude to you or accuses you of being “annoying” or “bitchy” without getting to know, you Denki will 100% stand up for you! He isn’t letting anybody treat you that way and he will immediately get on them about how you’re an amazing, lovely person, and they’re the ones being rude by judging you without even knowing you personally :)
- Denki knows how it feels to put on a confident face and try to “fake it ‘till you make it”, he has a pretty similar mindset himself actually. So he understands how you feel, and he makes sure you know that when you do need to let down those confident walls and show/talk about your insecurities, he’s more than happy to talk with you, to comfort and reassure you (And he hopes you’d do the same for him in return) <3
- Denki is, like, the #1 fan of Disney songs lol, he loves them just as much as you do and the other students around your dorms kinda hate it lol because they always hear you two blasting Disney music and singing along at like 3am
- Denki’s pretty scared of horror movies honestly, but he can have fun watching them if they’re not too scary, so he’ll watch them with you sometimes because he wants to make you happy :) Plus, even though he's pretty scared, he likes being your big strong boyfriend that can protect you if you do end up getting scared, it helps him ignore his own fears lol
- Denki definitely doesn’t stay up as late as you, but he’s no stranger to pulling all-nighters so usually when the two of you have sleepovers together he doesn’t end up falling asleep until at least 5am because he wants to spend as much time with you as he can :)
- Whenever you two pull all-nighters, though, you always follow it up with lots of naps the next day. Even if you have class, Denki can see you starting to get tired and he wants to make sure that you get some sleep now that you’re actually feeling tired, so the second class ends Denki’s dragging you with him to his dorms and piling blankets on top of the two of you as you cuddle and nap together ^^
- Also, you never have to worry about oversharing when it comes to Denki, nothing is oversharing to him when it comes to you. Like I mentioned earlier, he’s happy to listen to you talk about absolutely anything at any time, so never worry about talking too much or telling him too much about something because he wants to know everything he can about you and your life, he just loves you so much <3
Song For Your Relationship:
Shivers by Ed Sheeran :)
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yugiohz · 3 years
Please im BEGGING give the name of the tendou fic 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
I can'tttttttttt 🧍‍♀️
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ghostsanndstuff · 3 years
What to gift that one friend for their birthday, who you don't really know very well, you're just in the same friend group, when you also don't have a lot of money
She's really into sports (especially skiing but also running) I think she likes the kissing booth movies and she used to watch Riverdale. Google is not helping, if anyone has an idea, I'd aprreciate your input
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juwon-ah-moved · 3 years
i hate cis people
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galaxitic · 4 years
if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go drown my insecurity in making a bunch of picrews.
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amaterasluts · 4 years
i know the depression feels all too well. pls don’t go looking for anything on my part if you’re not feeling up to it. when I’m sad I have the ‘healthy’ coping mechanism of reading sad af fics looking for something to hurt me. if you know of any smut + angst sns let me know
i went back to my ao3 history but its litterally been so long that i see titles and i have no clue what the fics even are i'm sorry djskfyr if anyone has any recs feel free to comment or rb this!
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softpine · 5 years
I'm the anon who asked if the trio were seniors - I didn't mean that I want you to rush or anything, I think you're taking it at a really good pace! I would like to see your posts more often but I completely understand that you have a life apart from simblr lol. I love your story so much that if it was complete in a book I would read it in a day - that kind of thing - so I want to see more. But again I also totes understand that you're busy!!! so pls don't stress ^_^
ahh thank you so much!!! i also wish i could just sit at home and play sims all day sjdkfjdj but the good news is, this is finals week and then i have until august without classes! i’m not even getting a job this summer bc i’m focusing on finally getting my driver’s licence (don’t drag me lmao i know that sounds dumb, but i have major anxiety over driving and i have to psych myself up for hours before i even try it so i don’t want to try and juggle a job at the same time)… ANYWAY long story short i’ll have more time for sims starting next week!! ksjdkjs thank you for the sweet message 💖💖
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srjlvr · 2 years
Sorry if I overshared it's a habit of mine and I'm sorryyyy if I made you uncomfortable 😣 I just don't have anyone to talk to. So I took it all on you. I feel so bad. Sorry
you never make me feel uncomfortable!! feel free to text me or even post here to rant!! i’ll gladly listen and try to advise. don’t feel bad for “oversharing”, you’ll never be a bother to me i promise!! you can always talk to me whenever you want<3
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godtier-fics · 8 years
The Stone Cold Truth (reposted)
I’m reposting this over here cuz I don’t want it on my Ao3 cuz it might be seen as ~promotion~ which is against their rules lol. 
Original summary: A short what the heck just happened or why Sammya Kei has a brand new account & reposted most of their fanfics.
-I wanted a fresh start but didn't want to lose all my fanfics. So compromise. -I did lose all my subscribers & have to repost most of my fanfics. Sorryyyy?  -Support my original works as much as you do my fanfics, thanks.
That's the gist. 
I once read a remarkable essay by someone who I greatly admired on why she wrote fan fiction and what it meant for her. This will not be that kind of essay, not entirely. Instead, I'm going to talk about impulses that result from mental health issues, and how that impacts me as a writer and reader of fan fiction.
Oh, no sorry, I lied. I'm going to keep this short and to the point...
In recent years I've figured out a few things about fandoms that I think are STRANGE and a result of certain subgroups of the community isolating themselves from the larger world that...they unknowingly end up repeating things wrong with the larger world in themselves. I've talked about this before on my blog and twitter. I won't go on another rant about things wrong with fandom culture as a whole, but I will talk about a particular few things that have been bugging me...
Anti culture, and the need to shame or harass others off of social media. I'm not talking about people who are like actual abusers (as in they have honest to god caused someone harm that was not related to ship wars 100% cuz wow) or known predators. I'm talking about this need to dig up things from people's past and in the midst of doing so bring up behaviors that they've long since changed or abandoned. There is this denial of people's ability to grow and change and mature over the years.
Listen, I’ve had my former Ao3 account since 2012. I kudo'd and commented on a lot of things on that account that I'm not proud of now, and I wouldn't read now, and that I might even go out of my way to avoid reading as it would trigger me. Some of these things are things that might if I were to ever get in an internet fight get me seen as a troublemaker, or someone who deserves to be shamed or bullied off the internet.
Yet, I refuse to go. I've endured years of stalking and abuse to get where I am today. I am prepared (I guess) to deal with more if need be. I would prefer not to, and so that's why I've moved accounts so I could have a fresh start on what I am presenting to my audience. To my fans, and to my supporters. Sadly, as a result of my moving to this new Ao3 account I lost access to editing 80% of my fanfics so I have to delete and repost them. Oh well.  
Another thing that bothers me is the lack of support for fan fiction writers and original fiction creators. I won't go on a lecture about that, but one thing you can do to help me out, and to make sure I'm still willing to write fan fiction for free and keep them posted is to do the following:
Leave kudos.
Leave respectful comments. Please, don't overshare, and please be mature with your comments.
Send me asks on my personal blog if you wanna talk further about things.
Don't pressure me to update. Fan fiction writing is a hobby.
Support my original works just as hard as you support my fan works.
Anyway, yeah, I moved accounts for those reasons, etc. You can @ on twitter at sammyakei/sammyaworks or send me messages on tumblr or check out my website. 
Stay safe,
Sammya Kei
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