#sorscha deserved better
nymph-of-water · 1 year
There are 2 types of people:
The "My sweet baby Sorscha, she deserved better"😭
The "Oh, you mean Dorian's beheaded girl before Manon"🤔🥱
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Kingdom of Ash, day 4
Lots of FEELINGS this time. I’m struggling with reading. It’s a lot, guys, bear with me!
Ch 25
Losing my mind. Can we hurry with this rescue!
Ch 26
Yeahhhhh Fenrys! Disobey!!!
Ch 27
Fenrys :(
Aelin got away - but is he gonna make it?
Ch 28
Ok like FOR THIS ENTIRE BOOK all I have wanted is for them to get her back, and she finally found her way to them! But the reunion isn’t what I wanted because Fenrys is still in deep shit.
I’ve got a lot of feelings right now and I can’t handle it, ok? go save him, Rowan
Ch 29
Listen I’m not saying Cairn doesn’t deserve to be paid back for the torture Aelin endured - but I don’t wanna read about it, reading about torture makes me real upset.
Ch 30
This shit is so heartbreaking. Even in rescue. Even with all of her friends around her, she’s still suffering. It’s not fair.
I should be thriving the moment the locks are undone and she is finally free to use her fire again, but it’s such a sorrowful feeling in my heart. I hate this, I have too many feelings, and I hate this.
Ch 31
"Welcome to the court, pup," he said, his voice thick.
Awwwwwwwww Fenrys, you got a new blood oath!!!!
These um, these Little Folk are super creepy to me. Very mysterious, spooky vibes, to have them leading the group through a forest by sneaking around rocks and trees.
Oh Aelin. Are you gonna be ok, my love? I need you to be ok, please.
Ch 32
Who does Dorian want to become? Someone with green eyes. Didn’t Sorscha have green eyes? I don’t think her hair was blonde, though. The only blonde people I can think of are Aelin and Aedion. Is he just making it up, is he just inventing a person, so he can be someone else?
Ch 33
I think this scene between Dorian and Kaltain is too much, man. Really puts the knife in and twists it, ya know? Like remember? Remember how we were all so young, so innocent, and we used to care about the silliest things, and nothing bad ever happened? Remember how you used to be a hunky prince, with a reputation for being a slut, and Kaltain used to be a snobbish, high-society lady, longing for your attention? Remember when you just wanted to annoy your dad, by hiring an assassin to be your champion in the contest? Remember when Chaol just wanted to protect you from her? Remember when you guys both wanted to date her - and it nearly broke your friendship? Remember when a princess from another kingdom showed up, and she was real, and she was good, and she knew that things were going to change, and she wasn’t afraid to face it head on - because she just wanted a better world for her people?
Yeah I remember
Anyway Dorian became a bird
Manon saw it
Ch 34
This chapter’s pretty dark. Everyone’s depending on Aelin and she’s…. Fake.
I feel bad for Lysandra, she’s kind of carrying a lot, considering.
Hey - are things gonna be happy again soon!
I don’t know how much more of this I can take!
Everything is so grim and so painful!
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princessyuwa · 2 years
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Dorian x Sorscha 🥰
Made From:
If you do not ship Dorian with Sorscha AND have nothing nice to say, kindly do not interact in this post
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lilytriestoexist · 4 years
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1. isn't the first photo nina from s0c??
2. why is she white/pale-skinned. 'golden-tan.' cmon stans, don't whitewash one of the only poc characters with a hint of relevance to the story.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
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Gotta rant a little cause I am Upset ™
I knew that a lot of stans had made really gross posts about Sorscha but actually going through her tag on tumblr made me.... oh boy. Just so angry and sad and disgusted.
When I read H0F I wasn’t even a huge fan of her mainly because SJMess didn’t bother to give a Single Reason for her to be in love with D0rian just that she fell for him the first she saw him? Love at first sight really??? Anyway point but I also never disliked her or disliked the ship since I did think they were cute together (though I saw D0rian as bi and in love with Kale) and I like characters who are healers so I was letting her grow on me like a lot of the characters who had wasted potential (:
But ooooh my goooood it pained me to see some of those posts and I can’t even search the pro sorscha tag since so many who made positive posts about her aren’t aware of all the gross posts so they aren’t tagged as pro sorscha...
Anyway. Forever bitter
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nestacherons · 6 years
all these healers just make me think about sorscha and
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faithfire-writes · 3 years
Once again tagging @worldsnotsaid for the lovely support and encouragement! Here goes nuthin'! Let me start by saying that, of all of Sarah J Maas’ characters, Elain is the one who resonates the most with me. I have never picked up a weapon, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I like gardening, and I hate conflict. I don’t think I would be able to kill an animal, even to survive. When I read Elain, I latched onto her because in a way, I am Elain.
And that’s why her continued treatment at the hands of SJ/M infuriates me.
Sarah Janet does not know how to write soft, feminine character who are over 12. Ae/lin, Fey/re, Yre/ne, Nes/ryn, M/or, Ma/non, Nes/ta, Am/ren, all of her characters fit the same mold. Snarky, “badass”, cocky, arrogant, and possessive of a beauty that attracts most males’ eyes (remember, this is SJ/M). Even characters who start out softer and more timid are either killed off (RIP Sorscha, you deserved better) or have their characters completely rewritten in favor of being more “badass” (Yre/ne, El/ide). The only feminine, soft character who is permitted to exist just as she is, is Evangeline, and she’s, according to the wiki, 11-12 years old.
With El/ain, we are introduced to a soft, sweet-spoken girl who is coddled by the rest of her family, similar in ways to Prim in The Hunger Games. The only difference being that Prim is still a child. Elain is a grown woman, and yet everyone babies her. Fey/re herself even notes that “Elain sometimes just … didn’t grasp things. It wasn’t meanness that kept her from offering to help; it simply never occurred to her that she might be capable of getting her hands dirty.” (ACOTAR p. 11). Ignoring how this makes Elain sound like she has a mental illness, it shows how, as much as Fey/re acts like her sisters are a burden to her and how much she hates them, she can’t possibly begrudge El/ain for not wanting to chop wood, because it’s ELAIN. This harkens back to the “Elain is Elain” line in ACOFAS, which I still cannot understand. She doesn’t have to do anything to rewrite her character to fit the IC’s mold, because…she has so little character to begin with? Again, SJ/M does not know how to write an adult woman who isn’t a warrior.
El/ain is not allowed to act like her character suggests. She is, according to canon, OLDER THAN FEYRE. Who has more agency and personality? (Hint: NOT the girl who enjoys flowers). Elain is only allowed to act her age when it comes to romantic inclinations. She’s allowed to be viewed as a potential sexual/romantic partner by Az/riel and Luc/ien, and her beauty is commented on by Cas/sian, Fey/re, and the King of Hy/bern. The only other time in the narrative when El/ain is given any agency is when she stabs Hy/bern to save Nesta. The rest of the time, aside from her brief time spent as a hostage of Hybern, she is basically just there. And her abduction had nothing to do with Elain herself—or her seer abilities, much to my disappointment—it was to punish NES/TA. Her seer abilities, which were a FASCINATING side effect of her transition from human to Fae, have yet to serve any purpose in the story.
El/ain is a fascinating character. A young woman who is forcibly turned Fae and then gets visions she doesn’t understand while a war rages around her is an AWESOME concept. El/ain deserves to have her role developed beyond the morality pet of Nes/ta and Fey/re, and “The Other Sister who Likes Gardens and who Az/riel is Shipped With.” She needs flaws and a personality beyond “soft sister who didn’t screw over Fey/re as badly as Nes/ta but who also didn’t do much”. We were given 3 books learning about Fey/re and the entirety of ACOSF to explore Nes/ta's backstory and what makes her tick. El/ain deserves nothing less.
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manondorians · 7 years
can we just beam manon, elide, chaol, dorian and nesryn the fuck up out of that turmoil called throne of glass? Like pretty please
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nestable · 4 years
Heir of fire read pt. 2
○Aelin better beat the shit out of him, he deserves it. And more.
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○Well damn Rowan...that's rough buddy. He still counts the days of being without her. His meanness now has a source.
○Manons got the right idea. Men are rotten. This is no surprise.
○"You're staying with me from now one" um sir-
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○Yeah her scars are sad but Rowan did a complete 180°. He went from punching her in the face to serving her food. Idk, chief.
○Sorschas gonna die, isnt she?😪
○What's with aelin suddenly worshipping rowan and saying she'll follow him everywhere? Where was the development? Idk, this feels a bit Stockholm syndromy to me. Sorscha and Dorian's relationship has more depth and development
○I have to admit, that backstory sequence if the valg princes stealing aelins powers and her seeing the people from her past...nicely done👌
○I wish sjm had written aelins thought process when she discovered the importance of the ring. Even just a thought along the chapters after rowan tossed her the sword. It feels like that whole backstory was just sprang in us.
○What's up with these fae and blood? Mans actually drank her blood. FOR THE SECOND TIME
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○So I've finished the book and Chaols exiled, Dorian enslaved, Aedion imprisoned, Sorscha executed, Aelin not afraid.
Yikes! That's by far my fav book in the TOG series. Am I in a rush to start te next one, not really
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 2
Ch 8
Manon, omg she’s here omg
and so is DUKE PERRINGTON that mf. never ever thought I’d see him again.
This stuff with Kaltain really upsets me
In the first place sexual violence really upsets me - even if it’s just implied and not directly on screen - I am soft, and I am EASILY DISTRESSED - and I don’t like to read novels where stuff like this happens. It upsets me even more if this is supposed to be her comeuppance for being unlikeable in book one. Nobody deserves what this poor woman went through. (The addiction. The dungeons. And forced to marry the Duke, of all things.) (now she’s a mindless minion wearing one of those collars)
Why does Kaltain have to wear a collar, though…?
Is she a magician like Dorian? Is she secretly a princess, is she actually his sister and he didn’t know it? IS THAT WHY THE QUEEN DIDN’T LINE HER UP AS A MARRIAGE CANDIDATE FOR DORIAN IN BOOK 1
Maybe not, lol, she’s probably only wearing one so we’ll get to learn a way to free someone from a collar without beheading them… I refuse to just accept now that Kaltain is probably going to lose her head…
Anyway, I feel awful seeing her like this, it feels real icky and I hate everything about it.
ch 9
I formed some private opinions on Lysandra while I was reading The Assassin’s Blade but I wasn’t sure if she was going to be a returning character or not.
I think she’s fine????
I don’t
Why she and Celaena hate each other
Like - is it just because of Sam????
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Sam wanted you to be friends! So! Stop hating each other it doesn’t MAKE ANY SENSE you’re both victims of the same twisted system and you could murder Arobynn together if you could get over your petty grudge.
“Not the sword-no, she wanted the intimacy of a knife, wanted to share breath with the courtesan as she ended her.”
PLEASE share breath with her
I mean
(I know - I’m sorry - but my brain is like (maybe they should kiss) end this tension the good old fashioned way)
"Unfortunately for you, I don't have any interest in women. Even when they're paid for." My ship sinks, womp womp
(Screw you SJM can’t I ever have anything I want)
(Let Aelin kiss a girl damn it)
The ending of this chapter is so fast
But yeah I agree! Quit dismissing people, Aelin? You’re not better than everyone else. You could have been friends with Lysandra instead of enemies, you could have been friends with Kaltain instead of judging her instantly, you could have GOTTEN TO KNOW Sorscha instead of just letting her fade into the background like she was beneath your notice.
IS THIS CHARACTER GROWTH oh my goodness (I am rooting for you so hard honey) (MY QUEEN)
Ch 10
“The least you could do is take me to dinner before looking at me like that.” I love you Aedion lol
But AHHHHHHHH this villain! I hate him
I hate him when can he die
Ch 11
I kinda like Nesryn too
I hope she saves Dorian, I really do like him, and I’m team save-his-neck. Would like to see Chaol and Dorian get reunited as best-bros-who-are-totally-platonic-and-not-in-love.
Ch 12
“Humans were for sport and blood and the occasional, very rare siring of witchlings.”
I still wanna know if there’s any such thing as a male witch
Ok - so there seems to be some plot happening. Duke wants to implant stones in their belly buttons to make new soldiers….
And witches are already partially valg?
I swear to god I was paying attention before but this feels like brand new information.
(I don’t care. The more SJM makes them seem like scary unredeemable villains the harder I simp)
“Witchlings were so rare, and all of them female, as a gift from the Three-Faced Goddess.” Oh so the witches ARE all female
That’s pretty nifty and I like it as worldbuilding. I don’t like Harry Potter anymore, but it reminds me of the Veela. It’s just fascinating to have a fantasy race that can only be passed through female lineage, like they can have sex with human men, and procreate, but a male child will never bear the full features of the race. For some reason this sort of thing is really engaging to me. Also I just like high fantasy lesbian allegories, fight me.
“Manon poked an iron-tipped nail beneath Elide’s chin, tilting her head up.”
I am so down bad, Manon, PLEASE
(she- SHE!!!!) (i’m so gay) (I’m gonna lose it if she keeps being so effortlessly sexy)(I’m sorry) (guh) (she’s very hot though)
I’m like, really having a hard time not devouring this book
The struggle is real
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princessyuwa · 5 years
I will never not be disgusted at Maas for having Nehemia and Sorscha killed; her few major characters of color.
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lilytriestoexist · 4 years
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bitches really out here whooping when a character is brutally beheaded by the villain just because she wasn't as super special as the main cast and wasn't like their super special fae assassin chosen one fire queen but was actually a genuinely good person who risked her life to work for the rebels. anyway stan sorscha ❤️
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darklesmylove · 4 years
May I ask wdym by representation? Do you mean like.. Diversity? Bc acotar basically has none. There are like two black characters and they are background characters. Only one mc, Amren is Asian but everyone else has a "golden tan". In tog there was Nehemia, Sorscha, Yrene and Nesryn who weren't "white" and they weren't really side characters as much. Tog is definitely better in that regard. But we all know at this point that SJM is shit at poc and queer representation in her books so...
i haven’t read it so i can’t speak to that, but obviously both aren’t great examples of what diverse representation is by any means. all of the throne of glass woc deserve so much more and i assume the same with acotar too 😕
honestly i wish someone would fully rewrite all of sjms books but with actual good representation because they have so much potential
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covertblizzard · 5 years
Things that need more appreciation in TOG
Nox Owen for being the one boy that likes her company but doesn’t go stupid gaga over Aelin. (Fenrys doesn’t count because I feel like it’s implied that if he had trained her or “gotten to her first”, he would like her too.)
The Cadre’s friendship prior to Rowan being freed. Each and every single one of them came when Rowan called, even though they knew they would get punished and we know that at that point they cared not for the demifaes but only because Rowan called. I was actually kind of mad at Aelin for not demanding for all their release because they saved the people she cared about and since she thought servitude was so bad, nobody should be trapped in it. I was definitely mad at Rowan for just forgetting all about the cadre once he was free and basically giving no shit until he realised they gave a shit about him.
Asterin. Manon gets a lot of credit for learning to care (which she deserves) but I think Asterin should get some credit for helping her achieve that. Asterin learnt to love despite all odds, and I like to believe that she, in some ways, taught the Thirteen of love. Even if Manon herself turned (which in itself was influenced at least partly by Asterin), she and Asterin would have both died if the Thirteen weren’t so ready to give up everything for each other.
Nehemia and her bravery and willingness to sacrifice her life and fight for a better world.
Sorscha’s rebellion. She chose a life of isolation in the castle to hide her treason and it must have been lonely and terrible to work for the very people who destroyed her village but she did it anyway, for the world.
Fenrys and Aelin’s friendship forged by the pain Maeve put them through. It was horrible circumstances, but I really love their friendship.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
I loved dorscha. I know it was o ly made for plot convenience but she was so different from all of sjm characters. She was strong but in a feminine way not like the bs she tried to make with Celaena in the dress. Her home was burned in front of her, parents killed in front of her, had to live her life in the castle of the man that did all that shir to her. And instead of whining about it, she took action, not with a sword, but with her words and her kindness, she became a spy and a healer
Part two of dorscha ask And in the hands of a better writer we would have been introduced to dorscha in book 2 when she was saving DORIAN, CHAOL AND CELAENA'S ass by not only healing them but not reporting the injuries after they fought the wyvern and opening a magic pathway which sorscha knew was illegal. We should have had a POV of her finding out information and secret pathways in the castle and meeting ren and agreeing to become a rebel. She would have been the perfect protagonist.
Absolutely, I love Sorscha for this reason. I honestly don’t remember many specifics about her because I read H0F when it came out, but I do completely love the idea of a refugee becoming pivotal to the movement against a tyrant who ruined her home and family. I agree that she should have had a lot more significant of a role and a POV--what did killing her do except propel D0rian down a regressive path and make room for endless smut in E0S? As a spy, she could have been a major source of information and a connecting factor between all the characters SJ/M was trying to pull into the picture by K0A. By H0F, Ansel, Nox, Lisandra, Kaltain, Nesrin, Irene (before she became gross), the pirates, Arobin, and E/lide are loose ends in the story. What if she was in contact with some or all of them, or maybe spying on them? Sorscha’s story is harrowing but I love that she never lost her values and she remained a kind and loving person who was passionate about her home and protecting people. That’s true badass, unlike Alien, whose “badass” traits slowly turned her into a tyrant. As I always say, Sorscha deserved better. There was literally no reason for her to die, and her death is especially ugly considering it’s one of the most violent and explicit in the series, she was a good person, and she was the only black character in the books right after Nehemia also died with gratuitous violence in book 2. I’d read a novella about Sorscha over all the Ratalien smut in the world any day.
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