#soul blossom
pumpkinflash · 3 years
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Just some more info on Soul Blossoms and some of the unique factors of each. I’ll post the other two later.
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cosmicfaeriewitch · 3 years
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fanwarrior321 · 3 years
I don't know what kind of drugs are in my preference ships to make them stick in my head as much as they do, but I need to go to therapy or something because this is getting ridiculous
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thestarfilledsea · 2 years
May we have info on what would happen at the Swk and Mac reunion for the plum blossom au? 👀👀
I just found this and I love it so much already-
After the following MK into the forest for the second time, and after yet again MK disappeared, this time Wukong keeps going deeper to the forest in search of his kid.
But remember the rules of the forest? They’ll only begin to purify you if your fears, guilt, or other trauma is actively holding you back or sending you down a bad path.
Wukong has been carrying around that he accidentally badly hurt a dear friend for decades. The dude is so guilty and thinks Macaque might have died after running off. Even if it wasn’t a direct cause from him, Wukong still feels like he lead to Mac’s ‘death.’
In that moment, the forest sees exactly what went down that night oh so long ago, and begins to purify Wukong. The visions, running around in circles, etc.
Wukong tries to cloud his way out of there and leap away from the forest, only for a huge number of vines to drag him back down.
Eventually, hours later, what does Wukong stumble across but the plum blossom house. He’s covered in dirt, leaves, exhausted from facing some of his deepest wounds, he barely even has the wherewithal to be afraid.
Especially when he hears MK’s laugh come from inside the fabled home.
So with one last burst of energy, Wukong slams opens the door thinking MK was making a deal with some other-world entity that turns people into ravens—wait a second.
That’s Macaque sitting next to MK.
Not an illusion like what was shown to him earlier, not a trick.
Actual Macaque.
Having tea with his successor.
Wukong: what the actual fuc—
Macaque gets up and tries to get the blame off of MK for meeting up with him to train while Wukong is sitting there, in stunned silence.
Macaque kind of just starts rambling as Wukong walks towards him, Macaques still half expecting a fight to happen before he’s tightly hugged by Wukong.
Just. The tightest hug Wukong has ever given. The kind of hug where you sink to the floor and wrap yourself around the other person as tightly and as close as you physically can be to them.
They freely talk things out deep into the next morning, MK having fallen asleep on the couch after some sleepy tea and a long day full of training.
After that, Wukong started going with MK to the PB house. It was the tiiiiniest bit awkward at first, but they soon got in the hang of it.
After being apart for so long, they really just bathed in each others presences.
Don’t get me started on Macaque getting properly groomed for the first time in years by his dear friend.
Or on how sometimes both of them have nightmares about that night. :)
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lyalii · 2 years
thinking about how Rhys has all of the Dread trove items in his posession. Thinking about how his wife is the most powerful fae in all of prythian. Thinking about how the two most powerful illyrians would die for him. Thinking about how he runs a magical research library. thinking about how his SIL is a seer. Thinking about how he now has a Starborn princess in his possession. Thinking about how he would protect his wife and son at any cost. thinking about evil rhys. 
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that-bl-bitch · 2 years
Reveal your watch and rewatch drama list
I was tagged by @ommited-miscellaneously thanks! Cause I saw this and actually wanted to do this :)
Currently watching
Cherry blossom after winter- loving this a lot I already thought I was gonna like it before it premiered but I like it waaaay more than thought honestly I think it’s going to be the best KBL I ever watched
Cutie pie- at first I was not Vibing with this show but then I kinda changed the way I was thinking about and I realize it’s actually a really good show and I’m so excited for the next episode
Enchanté- yeah I like this show, good show, solid show
Koisenu futari- it took me so long time to find a way to watch this show and soooo much effort way more than I’ve put into finding a show in a while I forgot the struggle, I came to so many dead ends and I was this close to giving up and at like the third wall I hit I fucking got it, and I’m so glad I didn’t give up cause this show is fucking fire so far, I’m about to start ep 5, and dare I say the best asexual representation I’ve ever seen from show
La cuisine- this one is very classic cute and simple and I love it a lot it’s nothing crazy it’s very straight to the point but it reminds of the BLs I used to watch when I first discovered BLs and it’s like oddly nostalgic for me lol
Love stage!!- shows great, a little hard to find good subtitles but it works out
Physical therapy- I hate this show I’m only watching this cause I started it and I hate quitting shows especially this close to the end there is one pro to this show and it’s the the main couple do have some of the best chemistry I’ve seen like they can be doing the most mundane things and it gets me shy but even that isn’t enough to make me like the show as a whole
The tuxedo- this show is fine it’s 8 eps with a 20 min run time so not huge commitment so I’m into it even if it gets bad, so far so good I’m invested in the story so I’m not having a miserable time
To watch/coming soon
There are a lot of things I plan on watching like say Gap for example OMG I’m so excited but that would be a way to long long list so Im just going to do the stuff I plan on starting soon plus the April stuff I plan to watch
Dear doctor, I’m coming for soul- I’m starting this one probably today i was just waiting to get caught up on the tuxedo first and I just finished that yesterday
SCOY- I’m gonna start this as soon as start dear doctor, I was gonna watch this when it was first announced cause I was excited for multiple reasons but overtime I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good so I changed my mind but then I changed my mind again cause it was only 6 episodes but then it updated to 14 and I was out again cause what if it was so bad i would have to stay cause I don’t like starting and then abandoning them unless it’s absolutely necessary but as it’s been on I’ve been keeping my eye on it and it’s peeking my interest so i think I’m gonna watch it even it is bad, I mean I hate physical therapy but I watched it from the beginning and I’m going to the end, I can do it for SCOY
Blueming- I’m so excited for this I think it’s going to be really good, if you didn’t know I’m not a huge fan of KBLs but so far this year they have been blowing me out of the water and there’s like a bunch I’m actually looking forward to which doesn’t really happen for me
Kinnporsche- finally will be watching this one but lowkey not sure if I’m gonna like it as much as I thought
Fukou-kun wa kiss suru shika nai- don’t know much about this one but the synopsis got me
What’s zabb man!- can’t wait to see my genY boys!!
Meow Ears up- Listen...... I hate shit like this absolutely hate shit like this and like heard talking of the show for a while and like obviously I wasn’t going to watch it but then recently they released a trailer and I was just around so I just watched it just for kicks and giggles‘s and I liked it alot like the main couple was better than thought they were going to be and the side BL couple was cute as hell then they showed a side GL couple and I died and I had to watch it and now it’s on my list and now I’m gonna watch a show where a man and a cat fall in love,,,,☠️ also just to add this trailer had no subtitles and still got me invested in the story somehow and the GL couple is like a sort of boss and assistant/ underling employee situation and oh god I love the power imbalance I have to watch it
Plus & minus
Star in my mind
And I’m not rewatching anything right now I only rewatch things when I have absolutely nothing else to watch and right now I’m busy enough
im tagging: @listeningwithearphones @missjennym @a-wilting-wallflower and whoever no pressure and sorry if you already got tagged and did this lol
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save-the-data · 2 years
This Week (March 22 - March 28, 2022) On-Air Works:
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
LOVE STAGE!! | s01e09
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CUTIE PIE | s01e06
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MY RIDE | s01e09
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
OUR DAYS | s01e06
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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ajscraps · 3 years
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Soul Eater AU since it’s spooky season
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vvitchering · 3 years
My favorite bobadin characterizations are:
Boba being a rough tough intimidating bastard of a man until the literal second Din walks into the room and then it’s all soft endearments and gentle touches and possessive arms around waists.
And Din being emotionally raw but helplessly fascinated by and drawn to the bits and pieces of culture he and Boba share and realizing he’s found a kindred spirit in him despite their vastly different lives.
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
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I can't sleep atm since it's so windy outside so I seriously envy Danielle in this scene. Right now I'm still in the mood to work on my genderbent stories and since I finished re-posting "Haunted Soul" I figured "Lost Soul" could use a bit of fine tuning too, and that includes some drawings like this one. I was already getting ready to wrap things up there anyway. So yeah, be on the look out for the updated chapters! Story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13761033/1/Lost-Soul
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once again taesung is the blueprint of a man, the rest of you idk what you're doing but get your shit together 🥲
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
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art is an expression of the human soul
@franzkafkagf \\ vincent van gogh almond blossom (1890) \\ nawarla gabarnmung (gabarnmang cave), arnhem land, northern territory, australia \\ vincent van gogh \\ suzanne valadon woman with guitar \\ jacquemus fall 2020 ready-to-wear \\ arvo pärt spiegel im spiegel \\ harriet powers pictorial quilt (1895-98) \\ theodore dreiser \\ swan lake
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syrreevi · 3 years
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idiot dads communicate with idiot sons
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cherry blossom season has started in the dmv/ capitol wasteland right now and I hope you all are wishing Harold and Bob a very happy cherry blossom season when you see him at Oasis.
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httpsem · 3 years
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careful cherry you almost sound like you... admire him? almost like... might even be proud of him?
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A touch of femininity🌼
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