#sound genin
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God, I love @otoquotes. Their posts always give me something to draw.
This one is based on this post, and I like to think it’s the follow up to this post (which was also inspired by OtoQuotes).
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bh-52 · 3 months
What if Naruto, Anko & Kabuto were Good guy Orochimaru's Genin team?
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zanypaintertriumph · 9 months
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Sasuke vs. Yoroi
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mixelation · 1 month
oh yeah i had more mutagenicity thoughts
so, i was thinking about tori's chunin exams in kiri, and how i should play around with the fact that one of the reasons she's bad at "showing off" is that she has spent her entire life very carefully only showing off juuuust enough to be interesting, but not so much as to be TOO interesting
so i decided that, for a fun little treat, tha the concsequence of tori showing off and winning her tournament is that orocihmaru shows up
imagine you are shisui. this mission has been anxiety inducing but you are finally done. you are a day and a half away from the village. and then fucking OROCHIMARU shows up to harass your teammate
i think to fully rotate this concept i need to figure out wtf tori does in sound and the fallout though. sound is in the wind but i'm imagining oro would keep kimimaro with him and maaaaybe the rest of the sound 5 idk (tayuya is from the utano clan so probably i should do something with her. like i think she will be the closest bond tori has in sound, just for the sake of giving her something to do)
idk im kind of leaning towards: orochimaru shows up with one (1) lackey in order to parade around a bit and mock tori. then it breaks down into a shisui vs oro fight, and then tayuya vs tori. tori kills tayuya for the sake of her Baby Fail Genin Friends and then ends up really torn up about it
you know....... for fun!
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13as07 · 5 months
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(Kakashi Hatake)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Garajiru]
Requested by: Myself
[Idea inspired by Criminal Minds - Garcia and Derek; Season 8, Episode 11]
Word Count: 3,979
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
My whole body aches as I walk across the grassy field of the Third Training Ground. I'll never understand why Kakashi insists on training so far away from the main parts of the village. Well... I do understand. Despite how he comes off, he is a very sentimental person.
Pain sizzles across my rib cages, a side effect from littered stitches across my skin. I'm never going to hear the end of it when Kakashi finds out.
I should wait until he's done training with his students. I know he's a personal guy and I get it, especially with our line of work, but I want to see him. The burning need for him has been clawing at my heart for the past week. That burning only grew once the stab wounds registered in my head, and somehow became even heavier as needles were being threaded through me to close my wounds. He's going to be pissy or at least off his game when I find him, but that's okay. I know he'll smooth himself out.
As if the universe wants to apologize, a mix of 'why's', groans, and 'Sensei!'s fill the meadow. I can feel a smile perk up at the sounds.
I've heard a lot about my husband's little genins; Sasuke the Uchiha boy who shows great potential if he could get over his attitude, Naruto the chakra-packed spaz-ball who dreams of being Hokage, and Sakara the kunoichi with impressive chakra control who's just a little too distracted by Sasuke.
My smile only grows as the big blob of my husband and his three little blobs fall into my sight. The yellow and orange blob - I think that one is Naruto - is bobbing up and down. What a cute little jumping bean; well jumping blob.
Despite the burning across my sides, I hurry up my pace to get to Kakashi faster.
Once I can make out the details of my dotting husband, the burning in my heart starts cooling off. God, I miss him so much when we're apart. The seemingly unreachable retirement in our future sounds so good right now.
"Calm down, guys. It's just a progress exercise," Kashi's voice rings out, paired with the soft clinking of the bells wrapped around his belt loop. Before I left he mentioned redoing the bell test with his genins to check how they've improved. I guess today is the day.
"Oh, come on Kakashi-Sensei! Do you have to? We all know I'm already the best, do you really have to double-check it?" Blondie whines as he messes with his headband. That is definitely the spaz-ball.
"Being less sucky than Sakura doesn't make you the best," the raven-haired boy mumbles, arms crossed over his chest as he glares at Naruto.
Sasuke's eyes catch me for a second before he glances at his Sensei for guidance. Said Sensei hasn't caught wind of me yet, curtsy of his back being turned towards me with his students facing the both of us.
Sakura's face sinks at her crush's words before a closed-eyes smile crosses her face. "I think it'll be fun to do the bell exercise again, Sensei!" When her eyes snap open, they catch on me too, just like the Uchiha did a second ago. Unlike the boy though, her face scrunches up as she stays focused on me. "Sensei-"
I jump forward, arms wrapping around my husband. I immediately regret it when my stitches come into rough contact with Kakashi's vest. A pain-filled whine slips out as I bury my head between his shoulder blades. "That hurt," I whine again, softly digging my fingertips into his stomach.
"Then maybe don't do that," Kash teases, his smile slipping through his words.
My head lifts before falling back down, softly headbutting his back. "Don't be mean."
A soft chuckle fills the air, spilling out from my husband. The sound fills me with warm, the good love-filled kind instead of the longing kind of heat. "My little crybaby," he mumbles, shifting in my hold so my head is against his chest instead of his back. "Why are you being such a crybaby?"
"I'm not being a crybaby," I bite back but it comes out as a pout instead of the strong 'don't fuck with me' attitude I was trying to have.
"Aww, now you're being pouty," he continues to tease as his hands slide under my shirt.
Despite his teasing tone, everything else about Kakashi is serious. His hands are soft and nimble as he rubs them over my skin, checking for new wounds from my mission. His eye repeatedly scanning me, looking for obvious wounds and any sign of real distress.
"I might have had a not-so-perfect mission," I mumble, glancing behind him at his students. They're all looking at each other in confusion, hushed whispers - and Naruto's failing attempt at being quiet - being passed between them.
     "What does that mean?" Kashi asks, his fingers light as he comes into contact with my wrappings.
     It's taken some practice, but I can see the small cracks in his calm composure. His eyebrows are ever so slightly pushed forward, jaw locked almost unnoticeably under his mask, eye slightly wider than normal, and a drop of worry hidden in his words. From an outsider, he'd look as calm as ever, but not to me. I can see the storm brewing under it.
     "I was stabbed a couple of times but it's not that big of the deal. No casualties and my squad came out less harmed than me, so over all a good mission."
     Another slip of composer; his fingers stiffing a bit as he dips them under the bandages. "I can't believe you were stabbed," he whispers, face inching closer to me so I can pick up on the soft volume.
     I feel bad about not being able to wait to see him. I know it's difficult for him to keep his composure when I'm hurt, and even more difficult when we're around people because he's worried his composure will slip.
     "I got stabbed in my vest," I mumble back, wrapping my hands slightly around his arms before I stand up a bit straighter. I use the extra height to nuzzle myself against his cheek. "It's just a couple of stitches, I'm okay."
     "Why don't they make better vests?" Kash mumbles to himself more than me, his focus on his hands as if he could see them through my shirt.
     His breath has picked up too, fingers not so light as they cling to my wrappings. My poor anxiety-filled husband is getting into his head way too much. "They're not stabproof. It's like when your watch gets wet and stops working. That's water resistant not waterproof. They need to make our vests knife-proof. They should-"
     "I... am... fine..." I breathe out, following each word with a kiss. First to his reviled eye, then to his cheek at the edge of his mask, and lastly, a light one against his masked lips.
     "I know but-"
     My hands dip further down his arms, tugging my shirt up gently so the edge of my bandages is exposed. "See? I'm fine?" I tease a bit, dipping my head behind his ear before pressing another soft kiss into him.
     When I fall back into place, Kakashi's eye is dancing over the edge of my wrap, fingers lightly dancing over my skin again. A barely visible pink pokes out from his mask. My partner might be a very composed man, but he's still a man. One that falls victim to the shaping of my waist, especially when it's empathized by a skirt or crop top; or bandages in this case.
     "It's just a couple of stitches," I repeat before dropping my hands back to my sides, my shirt following pursuit.
     "How... how, um..." Kakashi's flustered state is adorable, the pink getting deeper and his eye still locked in please even though his favorite sight is gone. "How long do you need to be taped up like this?"
     "I don't know. A couple of days maybe," I answer, letting my own eyes wander over him. I'm as pleased to look over Kashi's body as he is to look over mine; though his v-line is my favorite part.  A soft hum comes from him, his body going back to his actual calmness instead of his fake composure. "You relaxed now?" I tease, pulling away from his touch.
     "Ya, I'm relaxed now," he husks out, stepping forward in a slow attempt to chase me.
     "Sensei!" All three of his students call, pulling my husband back down to Earth.
     I think he missed me as much as I missed him. The thought makes me happy, tugging another small smirk to my face.
     "Students!" He calls, eye going wide as he looks at me. Perhaps Kakashi doesn't want me around his students because I'm too much of a distraction. Oh well, one day of distraction won't hurt. "Students," he repeats, turning away from me to face the children he's responsible for.
     "Sensei, who's the cute lady?" Naruto asks, his eyes wide as well as he looks over me.
     "You can call me Mrs. Hatake!" I chirp out, sidestepping Kashi so his students can see me better.
     "She's not even that good-looking," the little emo boy says, rolling his eyes at Naruto's compliment.
     "And you're not as badass as you think you are," I respond, tone still chirpy as I smile at the Uchiha.
     "Maybe let's not insult Sensei's girlfriend," Sakura pipes in, sending a glare at her heartthrob.
     "Wife," Kakashi corrects, a small smile on his face. My heart jumps a bit at the word. I don't think I'll ever get used to him calling me his wife.
     "Wife?!" They all call out, surprise on their face as they look at me.
     "Wife," Kashi repeats, tugging his glove off his left hand before grabbing at mine. He holds up our hands, showing off our matching wedding bands to his students.
     The bands are basic but cute; black with blue lightening strips through them. Gai teases that Kakashi had them made this way to mimic his Chidori as a fail-proof claim to me. I don't mind the teasing, I find it adorable that Kashi wants people to know for certain that he's my husband. What better way to do that than marking me with his personal ninjutsu?
     "You... are married to someone like that?" His kunoichi asks, face scrunched up in disbelief.
     "Is that supposed to be an insult, Sakura?" Kash asks, his face still covered in a smile as he wiggles his glove back on.
     "No, you're just so..." she makes another face, causing a laugh to brew in my chest. "And she's so pretty."
     "You're pretty too, Sakura. I like the color of your hair," I answer, sending the kid a compliment back. Her face shifts to a smile instead of the previous face of disbelief. Good, I'm making a good impression on my husband's students.
     "You know Sakura's name?!" Naruto asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
     I hum a yes, turning my attention to him. "I know your name too, Naruto, and I know Mr Moody over there is Sasuke."
     Naruto - somehow - beams even more with happiness, and Sasuke's face scrunches in disapproval. "How do you know our names?" The ball of chakra asks, his in-place bouncing shifting to actual bouncing.
     "Because she's a jounin, duh. Do you ever use your head Naruto?" Mr Moody asks, paired with another eye roll.
     "Actually, I'm just a chunin. I'm not as skilled as your Sensei," I correct, sending Naruto a soft smile of reassurance.
     "Like a C-level chunin or a B-level chunin?" Sasuke asks, his attention finally caught.
     "Usually B-leveled but I do take C-level missions on occasion."
     "You just got back from a mission, ya?" He asks, body language opening up some. I'm three for three in the student department. That is a solid win.
     "Yes, I did. Maybe we can talk about it over some food, hm?" I gently push, sending Kakashi a sheepish smile. I know he's going to give me what I want; he always does, but I should have asked him privately before bringing it up to his students.
     On the other hand, Kakashi is out of his groove so I'm sure his students are out of a training mindset as well. Some food would help set them back on track, maybe. Probably not, but I want to get to know his students a little more. After all, they're a big part of his life, which makes them a big part of my life.
"Really?! Can we, Sensei? Can we? Can we? Can we?" Naruto cheers, running circles around Kash as he pleads.
"Alright, alright!" He calls, stopping Naruto in his tracks. "We can take a small break and go eat at Ramen Ichiraku, but as soon as we're done eating we are doing the bell test. Y/N can't wiggle you guys out of that," Kashi answers, sending me a warning look, telling me to not even try to stop their testing again after we eat.
"Yes!" Naruto cheers, darting in the direction of the village's main road.
Sasuke rolls his eyes again but follows after his squad mate, his pace notably slower than Naruto's. Sakura follows suit, trying her best to get Sasuke to promise to sit next to her. He is having none of it though, at least not until Naruto offers to sit next to her. Then he seems a little more interested in the offer. The little Uchiha boy takes after his Sensei more than he knows.
"That sounds so cool," Naruto yells around a mouth full of noodles. I'll have to send Iruka a passing comment about his kid's lack of table manners. Despite that, Naruto is still adorable and the cutest little fuzz-ball I've ever met.
"Didn't feel cool when I was getting stitched up," I reply a small chuckle following my words.
"If you can take the cut, you can take the stitch," Kakashi teases despite the tighter grip he has on my hand under the table. Mr. Play-It-Cool isn't as laid back as he's pretending.
     "What about you guys? You just got back from the Village hidden in the Mist, ya?" I push gently, trying to change the subject. I can almost hear the 'thank you' brewing in my husband's throat, even if he'd never voice it. The relaxed fingers tangled in mine are enough of an approval. "That must have been fun."
     "It was alright," Sasuke mumbles, chopsticks messing with his noodles. Little Moody isn't as good at playing off his emotions as his Sensei.
     "You got your second tomoe, right?" I try again, turning my focus to Sasuke. He's a closed-off one, just like Kakashi... and his brother.
     The Uchahi's eyes go a bit wide before his full attention is on me. "Um... ya, I guess."
     "You guess? I feel like that's something you would know."
     "I did, ya," he mumbles before turning his attention back to his bowl.
     "Well, that's quite the accomplishment. Your father would be proud."
     I should not have said that. Sasuke's grip on his chopsticks tightens, head snaps back up, glare directed at me, as he pushes himself to his feet. The stool he was standing on clinks to the ground, making Sakura jump. It would be a cute scene if the Uchahi didn't have murder in his eyes.
"And what do you know about my father? Nothing. Just like you know nothing about me, so stop trying to be a mother hen. I don't need you to be one, neither does Naruto or Sakura, so knock it off. And while you're at it stop pretending you know anything about the sharingan too, cause you don't."
     A soft smile sits on my face as I look over Sasuke. He reminds me so much of Kakashi, right down to the similar anger they have. The only difference is I managed to get Kashi to process his anger for the death of his loved ones.
     "Are you done?" I ask gently, ignoring the feeling of Kakashi repeatedly squeezing my hand under the table. That, and the stare he's burning into me.
     "Yes," the Uchiha hisses out, eyes squinting in anger.
     "Well, first, information on anything - sharingan included - is available at the library. Second, your Sensei has a sharingan so I know a good deal about it. Third, there's a difference between me wanting to get to know you and me wanting to mother you. Fourth, I did meet your father quite a few times before his death so I can say for certain that you were one of his pride and joys."
     "Oh," is the only answer I get back, but I don't mind since it seems my speech worked. Sasuke is still a bit on edge but his body language relaxes a bit before he picks his stool back up. I'll count that as a win. What a little spitfire.
The feeling of Kakashi's hold on my hand tightens again, pulling me out of the situation. I turn my attention to him, being met with a soft masked smile. Flowers of love blossom in my chest at the sight. God I love this man, and our little make-shift family. Maybe Sasuke is right, maybe I am accidentally trying to mother my husband's students.
"Hatake!" A voice rings out, pulling my attention away from Gai. I've spent the day helping him train his students, aka being an example dummy for new taijutsus he wants to show his genins. It's not all bad, he promised me dinner to "ease my bruises".
"Yes?" I call back, glancing at Gai and his students before turning towards the noise.
Gai's mini-me - Lee - is beaming with joy as he races past me. "If it isn't my greatest competitor for Sakura's heart!" He yells, falling back into his defensive pose. I swear this new generation of Shinobis is just packed full of energy.
     Sasuke makes a face at Lee before turning his attention to me. "Sensei wants you," he murmurs before turning in his heels.
I shoot Gai an apologetic smile before heading off after the Uchahi. It's funny watching him trying to stay a step or two ahead of me. Given, that it doesn't last long, him falling back to a normal pace.
Most of the walk is uneventful, nothing more than silence and eye daggers being thrown at me. "I don't like you," Sasuke finally says once we get to the outer fields of the village.
"Well, I don't like you either," I shoot back, trying to keep the smile off my mouth.
Once again Sasuke makes a face, this time in surprise instead of disgust like earlier. "You can't say that to me."
"And yet, I did," I answer, letting the smirk settle on my face.
"You have an attitude problem."
"I'm copying you, so maybe you have an attitude problem."
Another face, this time leaving him as the spitting image of his mother. It's always surprised me how much Sasuke looks like his mom. Will Kashi and my child look that much like me? Or take after their father? I hope they at least get their father's Shinobi skills. Though, children can't be something I think of right now. Kakashi has his hands full as is.
     Once again silence falls between the genin and I, but this time it's a comfortable silence instead of the anger brewing one from before. As we walk, Sasuke occasionally bumps into me, his nose scrunching up each time followed by a couple of side steps away from me. Despite his efforts, the little Uchahi keeps hovering back to my side and continues to bump into me. It's good to know under all the brewing, Sasuke is still a child.
     "Look!" Naruto's voice echoes across the empty field, his blob coming into view again. "Lady Hatake!" He screams, dragging out my Clan name as he races across the field, Sakura in tow but she's screaming for Sasuke instead of me.
     "Naruto!" I call back, bracing myself for impact. Despite my preparation, I still end up taking a step or two back when Naruto's body collides with mine. His limbs stab into me in a few different places, bones colliding against my own along with my stitches. I suck in the hiss of pain trying to slide out as I hold on to the small boy.
     "Naruto," Sasuke hisses out, dagger eyes back on his face. "Be careful. Hatake is still hurt, dumbie." An eye roll is paired with the end of his sentence, along with a disappointed tongue click.
     "Oh, right. Sorry Lady Hatake."
     "It's all right," I hum, straightening the boy before letting him go. "What are you guys working on?"
     "Chakra control! Which I'm doing awesome at, by the way," Sakura answers, a proud smile across her face. I can't help but smile too at how proud she is of herself. My husband does have some good genins.
     "Hello," Kakashi's voice rings out, pulling my attention away from his students, but not for long.
     "Nah-uh! You get her all to yourself all the time Sensei, wait your turn!" Naruto barks, a sorry attempt at a glare on his face. "Guess what Lady Hatake!"
     "What?" I ask, glancing down at the chakra ball before looking back at my husband. He's beaming - well beaming as much as he lets himself outside of the safety of our house.
     "I tried a new ramen last night!"
     "Oh ya?" My empty question is followed by a twenty-minute conversation about some spicy ramen Naruto tried. It's also filled with Sakura reminding him that he's stupid and Sasuke's disapproval being openly shared.
     "Okay, that's enough about your dinner, Naruto," Kashi pipes up, cutting Naruto off. "You can have her back in a minute. Go... see who can hang upside longest." He mumbles, shrugging towards the tree a couple of feet away.
     "It's totally going to be me," Naruto cheers, running off towards the tree.
     "No way I'm going to let you beat me!" Sasuke yells, dashing after his squad mate, Sakura hot on his heels.
     The thought of children crawls back into my head. I already adore Kash's students, I can only imagine how much I'd adore our children.
     "Hey, Kash-"
     Silence follows our accidental overlap, before being chased away by both of us chuckling. "What were you going to say?" I ask, soaking in my husband's appearance. No matter how many times or how long I look at him, Kakashi is always the most handsome man in the world.
"I think we should go to dinner tonight," he answers, glancing at his students. As ordered, all three are hanging upside down like bats. Though, Sakura looks tired so the competition will probably end up being between the boys.
"Why's that?" I ask my attention also on the genins. My chest bubbles with joy as I watch the boys try to tug each other off the branches.
"I want to talk about having a baby."
"What?" The word is torn from my lungs as my head flips back to Kakashi.
He's stood there, arms crossed and a faint smile under his mask. "I want to have a baby." He repeats, my head spinning a bit. Maybe he's more prepared for a child than I thought.
"Kash-" I start again, but end up getting cut off for the second time today.
"Naruto is cheating!" Sakura yells, waving her hands around to try and get Kakashi's attention.
     "I'll see you tonight. Naruto! Knock it off!" My eyes trail after him as I watch his path toward his students. The idea of motherhood seemed so lovely a second ago, but now? It's terrifying.
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actuallysaiyan · 9 months
Kinktober Day 5: Threesomes(I wanna dance, I wanna sing, I wanna bust up everything and make some love..)
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warnings/kinks: threesomes, unprotected sex, oral sex(male receiving), sharing, slight possessiveness, mentions of drinking, biting, boobplay word count: 0.9k pairings: Jiraiya x Fem!Reader x Orochimaru teaser: “I knew this would work out so well,” Jiraiya mumbles against your skin. Orochimaru cackles, “I’m glad we were able to work together.” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic @butterflieskeepcominback
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Those two have a hard time getting along on the best of days, but when it involves you, it’s even worse. Tsunade had warned you that they both had something deep for you, but you tried your best to brush it off. Besides, you weren’t going to let two shinobi ruin your chances of becoming the world’s most talented kunoichi. You grew up with these men, and you knew they were just too stubborn to let go of their differences to get along. Much less to get a chance with you.
You never really realized that the pair had their sights set on you until Tsunade had mentioned it to you. And from that day on, you tried your best not to do anything that could be misconstrued as leading them on. Still, Orochimaru and Jiraiya longed for you. They both found you so alluring. Not only were you very strong and had a very amazing kekkei genkai, but you were so very beautiful. Your beauty was spoken about by almost every person in this village and elsewhere as well.
One night, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are finishing up a sparring session when they see you walking home. Jiraiya is so quick to run over to you, leaving Orochimaru rolling his eyes.
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“Well good evening,” he says, a light purring lilt to his voice.
“Jiraiya, hi!” You cheerfully greet him. The sweet syrupy sound of your voice makes Orochimaru so jealous and angry.
By the time he catches up to the two of you, he’s already trying to come up with something to say. But you’re so quick to greet him and make him feel like he truly belongs in the conversation.
“Orochimaru, I was just mentioning to Jiraiya that soon I’ll be getting my own team. Isn't that exciting?” You ask excitedly, practically bouncing on your toes.
Orochimaru smirks, “You’ll be a fantastic sensei. I can tell you’ve got the smarts and strengths to lead the best team there is.”
Jiraiya huffs slightly, knowing his teammate is trying to one-up him at his own game. Jiraiya then begins asking you all kinds of questions about your techniques and what you’ll be teaching the genin. You and Jiraiya get into a very interesting and deep discussion about teaching a genin team.Orochimaru walks with you both, listening in on the conversation.
“Well, it was very nice seeing you two. I’m headed inside for the night,”
And with that, you leave the pair standing outside your doorstep. Their hearts pounding in their chest. If they were ever going to work on anything together, you were going to be the thing they’d want to share. Orochimaru and Jiraiya silently vowed that they’d be getting you, and they’d never let you go.
This is how you found yourself on your bed, ass in the air and on your knees. Jiraiya is under you, pumping into you slowly as he suckles on your perky breasts. Orochimaru stands at your side, his cock out and leaking as he fists it.
“I knew this would work out so well,” Jiraiya mumbles against your skin.
Orochimaru cackles, “I’m glad we were able to work together.”
It all started with a night of drinks and dinner, and soon you found yourself so aroused for the pair. You had never really seen them work together like this, so it just made you fall for them even harder.
You whine as Jiraiya fucks you harder, making Orochimaru slide his cock into your awaiting mouth. You whimper as you try to take him into your throat, but you’re struggling. You weren’t anticipating for both of them to be so incredibly well endowed.
The way Jiraiya’s cock keeps brushing against your sweet spot makes you see stars. You gag and choke on Orochimaru’s length, making you drool. It’s such a sight to behold and the two of them are happier than ever to have finally set aside their differences and work together.
“She’s so warm and tight,” Jiraiya moans as he keeps up his pace.
Orochimaru smirks, “And her mouth is so perfect.”
You feel Jiraiya nipping at your tender flesh, leaving marks on your body. You’ll probably never really be able to hide these love marks, but you don’t want to. You’d love to show them to the world proudly. How much better could things get with these two as your lovers? Despite thinking they’d only be distracting you from your goals, you realized that they are the perfect motivators for you.
Another loud moan tumbles from your lips and vibrates around Orochimaru’s cock. He hisses in pleasure, his head falling back. He knows he could so easily blow his load, but he doesn’t want to be the first one to pop. He’d like for Jiraiya to release first, but in reality, he wants you to experience pleasure the most.
“That’s our good girl,” Jiraiya praises.
The words go straight to your core. You know you’re just so close to the edge, but with your mouth full, you’re unable to warn them. Your orgasm hits you so hard, leaving you shuddering and shaking. Jiraiya curses as your walls begin milking him; clamping down and pulsing rhythmically.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!” He roars, pumping into you at top speed.
With a few more thrusts, the man is buried so deep inside of you and he’s painting your insides white. The sight of the two of you in the throes of pleasure is what sends Orochimaru over the edge. Pumps of his hot cum fill your mouth, sliding down your throat.
It’s not long before you’re all collapsed in a heap on the bed. Jiraiya begins playing with your hair, and you press soft kisses to Orochimaru’s chest.
“If you think you’re going to be letting us go now,” Jiraiya begins.
“Think again, princess.” Orochimaru finishes.
You sigh happily, sinking into their cuddles and caresses even more. You couldn’t think of a better way to end this night.
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pupkashi · 1 year
boyfriend!kakashi headcanons
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wordcount: 1,052
a/n: hello !! first time writing for kakashi so feedback is very appreciated !! may have rambled a bit,, this is all over the place sorry >.< i hope u all enjoy
I think it may take a bit for both of you to actually warm up to each other
he’s not exactly walking up to people with open arms like his best friend and you aren’t exactly confident enough to throw yourself out there to the most attractive ninja in the village
after a while you do end up within the same group of friends, sneaking glances at the silver haired sensei when you thought he wasn’t looking
kakashi knew, but he wasn’t gonna call you out anytime soon, always grateful his mask could hide the growing blush on his cheeks when you’d say hello to everyone and giving him a small smile
it wasnt long before the two of you started talking occasionally, naturally gravitating towards each other during parties or at bars
kakashi found himself always keeping an eye out for you no matter where he was, and when he did find you he’d be overjoyed, waving subtly at you before feeling giddy as you smiled widely and bounded towards him
always walked you home if you were alone, making sure to keep you close to him, hands brushing occasionally
it took him a month to work up the courage to ask you out in a date, you happily said yes and it was only up from there
he’d set up a small picnic, food he cooked himself along with your favorite drink and snacks you’d mentioned in passing, the details causing your heart to burst in fondness
kakashi asked you out a week after that, a large bouquet of flowers in hand and a shy smile on his face
dating kakashi is an absolute dream
y’all know the sidewalk rule ?? yeah he does that subconsciously
anytime he holds your hand he rubs sooting little circles or patterns on your knuckles air the back of your hand or palm
when you’re in large crowds he makes sure to hold your hand so he doesn’t lose you, always keeping you infront of him and placing one hand on the small of your back to guide you through the crowd
very little pda, the most he’ll do is holding hands or an occasional kiss on the cheek
behind closed doors however this man is like gum stuck to your side, if gum could talk and subtly ask for kisses and cuddles in bed
“wouldn’t be nice to just lay on the couch and cuddle for the rest of the day?”
“you know what sounds great right now?” “what” “a lot of kisses from you”
his ears would always be a tinge pink after asking and his heart would beat a little harder as you waited to reply, but the butterflies in his stomach erupted as you smiled and peppered kisses all over his face
loves cuddling you so much !!!
especially when he gets to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat as you play with his hair
absolutely adores hearing about your day and anything and everything you have to say
definitely keeps up with any drama you tell him about, even comes back with new information he ‘stumbled upon’ during the day
would absolutely love cooking for / with you
you two constantly bake together, making enough to give each of his little genin if they were good the previous day (you always made sure to slip naruto a bit more than the others)
furiously protective of you !!! always makes sure you feel safe on nights out, subtly doting on you enough to where you have your space but everyone knows you’re with him
if anyone has the balls to hit on you kakashi is standing behind you with his arms snaking around your waist, giving the other person the most intimidating look possible
definitely uses his build in his favor, standing with his arms crossed and muscles flexing under his shirt, his broad shoulders on full display before saying “can we help you?” to the man eyeing you up and down
you’d always find it very attractive how much he loved and cared for you, soon enough after that you’d drag him back out to make out with him and letting the night lead wherever it might (y’all fuck.)
buys you flowers constantly !!!! if you don’t live together he takes one of the flowers out of the bouquet and keeps it so that he knows when to buy you new ones
lots of ‘this made me think of you’ gifts from all over the place <3
when you can sleep he loves reading to you until you pass out on his chest, a smile on his face as he kisses your forehead and falls asleep next to you
his ninken love you
asking about you whenever they get the chance and bothering kakashi until they get to see you
you always make them treats and let them sleep on your bed, kakashi would scold you for it, telling you they’d get too used to it but when he sees that all of them had fallen asleep with you right in the middle his heart grows in his chest and he knows that he’s in love
takes you out on dates whenever he can so you two can get out of the apartment and catch up if he’s been gone for a while or if life’s just gotten in the way
you guys wouldn’t argue very often but when you did kakashi would be very mature about it, only sometimes shutting you out and leaving for the rest of the day or night to process his emotions alone
even if he’s mad well into the next day he’s make sure you’d eaten and gotten to work safe
the one time he had to leave for a mission the morning of an argument he’d left a ninken with you to walk you to and from work, leaving you a note to eat and stay safe with a small smiley face and heart
by the time he’d gotten back the argument seemed so stupid, and you were just grateful to have your boyfriend back in your arms, gently bringing up the topic and working things out with a smile and hot chocolate in hands
kakashi is just the dream boyfriend and he would love you to the ends of earth :(
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
Iwagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
yes, it is time. i have been planning to do this ever since i wrote the suna ones. what inspired me to write these? my chem analytics lab practical
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People and Culture
Iwagakure is a rather densely populated village, with its country having a rather large population. The citizens of Iwa are often times brutally honest with each other and often work as one big union. The language spoken in Iwagakure sounds similar to Konoha's language, but not quite (Almost like Dutch sounds compared to German). There are many different dialects across different valleys, every one sounding slightly different from the other. This sometimes leads to interesting dialoagues, but they manage. Many foreigners think Iwa citizens don't have a sense of humor, but they do. It's just that it's rather dry compared to what most foreigners are used to.
A lot of the infrastructure in Iwagakure is made of stone and their architecture is very immaculate and they like using earth style to accentuate their homes. Despite their economy not being the strongest, Iwagakure has a homeless rate of 0% since housing is easy to construct there.
In the Iwa academy, genin are not only taught ninja skills, but basic geology and chemistry as well. Despite Iwa nin being regarded as 'stupid' by outsiders due to their funny accents, they have an extensive education system.
Fireworks in Iwagakure are a special good, and they are very proud of the fact that they invented it. No one really knows how, but the story says that one shinobi of Iwagakure's explosion corps added copper sulphate, rubidium acetate, strontiom sulphate and lithium chloride into their explosive clay, creating a prototype of the fireworks they use nowadays. Using their knowledge of the different minerals and their flame test colors, the earth country's pyrotechnicians are able to create elaborate artworks out of thin scraps.
Most clothes are dyed with either natural colorants or colorful chemicals. Most older people prefer the natural dyes from plants, such as ube, purple and orange carrots, etc. The youngsters are more adventurous.
Much like Suna shinobi, Iwa ninjas had more trust in their tsuchikage than in their own daimyo, however this recently changed due to Oonoki, the third tsuchi-kage hiring mercenaries like the Akatsuki to work behind the other big villages backs. Since the economy of Iwagakure was not the strongest, they often relied on imperialism as well as colonialism to build their economy. In the modern era, this has changed, however, since Iwa and the Earth country in general is the biggest exporter of rare minerals such as, diamonds, pottery, glassware and fireworks.
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The Earth country is a cold and rocky place, with many gushes of wind carrying rock and debris throughout the country, even beyond its borders. The winters of Iwagakure are very cold and harsh and the summers are only mild compared to the fire country, where Konoha is located. There is little to no vegetation, and the vegetation that exists is used for agriculture which has led to many native animals being driven out of their natural habitat.
The mountains of Iwagakure are populated by ewes, goats and sheep, which, much like in our world, could not care less about gravity. Another animal that can be found in such large heights is the snow leopard, a symbol of bravery and strength to Iwagakure shinobi. Wolves are also native to Iwagakure, however its citizens have an ambiguous relationship to the canines, as they frequently pillage livestock from the people. It would also be a crime to not mention yaks, the national animal of Iwagakure. Their meat, tar and fur are all highly prized and yak meat serves as a protein source to many Iwa shinobi. When looking up into the sky, eagles, kites, vultures and hawks are no rarity, feasting on any small mammal they might find. Fortunately for all arachno- and insectophobes, Iwagakure's insect and spider population is rather small, the only ones that survive living in such high altitudes either minding their own business or even being useful to its citizens, the iwagakure mountain bees, coming to mind.
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Tubers and Root vegetables
The main component of any Iwagakure dish are tubers and root vegetables. Iwa nin actually prefer them over grains as their main source of carbohydrates. The most popular ones are potatoes, purple carrots, parsnips and onions. Often times, ube and ube extract is used as a flavoring agent and colorant for food.
Another important stable of Iwa cuisine are beans, which are imported from Sunagakure. The most popular variety are kidney beans, mainly due to their color matching the iwagakure shinobi uniform. In the past there used to be many lectin and cyanide poisonings, until the government stepped in and implemented 'how to properly cook beans' into the education system.
Most meat comes from either yaks, goats, dear or sheep. Unlike their close allies, Sunagakure, Iwa nin rarely dry their meat and prefer it marinated or jarred.
Similarly to Kirigakure, not many manufactured sweets can be found here, however, crispy rice cakes (Iwagakure rock mochi) are a specialty. The most popular filling for these rice cakes is, of course, red bean paste.
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That one meme going around but make it the Sound Trio
Dosu may look like he’s fed up- but secretly he knows he’s the luckiest man alive and people would kill to be in his position.
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nonbinary-itachi · 20 days
The first time Mikoto noticed anything amiss, it was in the bright eyed way Itachi described his new friend, Shisui. Shisui was four years older and already a genin (which she knew meant he'd already seen the horrors of the war). She considers briefly that he was simply an imaginary friend, but Itachi had never had any before and she recognizes that name as the current Uchiha prodigy.
Well, crap.
At least Itachi wouldn't be alone and isolated the way she had been.
When she finally meets Shisui, her opinion stays the same. He's a polite boy with eyes far too knowledgeable for a mere nine year old. Her investigation had revealed that he'd not only seen the war, but fought in it, losing his entire genin team in the process. He was later taken on by Inoichi Yamanaka, and remained with him to this day.
She knows, the moment she sees Itachi look at him with those big doe eyes he'd inherited from her, that one day, she'll be fighting tooth and nail to allow him to marry the boy he so obviously loves.
A few months later, a girl stops by asking about Itachi. They're classmates in the Academy, and she was hoping to do their homework together. Watching them work together, she has a brief moment of hope that he's different. Unlike her, he won't know a life of sneaking around, stealing kisses in back alleys to avoid people's judgment. However, she doesn't see the same light she does when he talks about Shisui, and she resigns herself to her fate.
Itachi would not be forced into a marriage against his will the way she had been. Not as long as she was alive to stop it.
(Not that she hadn't come to love Fugaku in her own way, but she'd never love him the way she'd loved Kushina once. A long time ago.)
As Itachi ages, she realizes she's right. The light he held when talking about his new friend never dims, and in fact grows stronger and stronger. All she has to do is mention his name, and Itachi will perk up no matter how rough a time he's having. No matter how distracted he is.
She knows he loves Shisui just as much, if not more than, she'd love Kushina, and it hurts her heart to think about the trials he'll face because of it.
When he's fourteen, Itach sits her and Fugaku down at the kitchen table, Sasuke away at the Academy. He seems unusually anxious, and she suspects she knows what this is about. Has been waiting for his day since he was four years old.
"Mother, Father. I-" He starts, hesitating. He glances at them both anxiously before ducking his head so his bangs cover his eyes. She glances at Fugaku, who she suspects also knows what he's trying to say. Itachi swallows. "I'm... gay. I-I don't like girls. Not... not that way."
She smiles warmly at him, considers telling him she's the same but doesn't want to take way from his moment. "That's okay. It doesn't change anything."
Beside her, Fugaku nods. "We still love and support you."
Itachi's shoulders sag in relief as he processes what they've just said. "Thank you." If his eyes look glossier than usual, she pretends not to notice. If her own feel the same, well, hopefully he'd extend the same courtesy.
Four years later on Itachi's eighteenth birthday, she throws the same elaborate clan wide party she always throws despite knowing how much he hates it. It's too loud with too many people, and it overwhelms him, but the elders insist on it. Just like every year, Itachi insists on making himself scarce during it.
This year, Sasuke's genin teammates are here, and she's distracted by all the chaos Naruto brings with him. Just like Kushina all those years ago. The thought warms her heart.
The crash that sounds from her living room a few seconds does not.
A few hours later, even she's overwhelmed with the amount of ass kissing she's had to do among the elders. She steps out onto the backporch, breathing in the warm June air. It wasn't unbearably hot this time of night, and the cool air feels pleasant against her flushed skin.
"-go somewhere else?" She hears Shisui's voice, softer than usual. A short pause later, she hears, "You sure? We can sneak off off to my place. No one will be none the wiser." There's a touch of annoyance in his voice, and she can't blame him. For something that was supposed to be celebrating Itachi's continued existence, the guests aren't paying much attention to him.
"I know," she hears Itachi reply, just as soft. "But this technically my party. I don't want Mother to feel bad if she notices our absence."
She peeks around the corner and finds the boys entwined on the porch, Itachi's head against Shisui's shoulder. Their fingers resting together between them. She considers coming out of hiding and telling them to go, that she'd distract anyone looking for them, but she finds herself rooted in place, feeling like she wasn't meant to be hearing this. Seeing this.
Shisui hums, tilting his head to press a kiss against Itachi's head. She leaves then, not listening to anymore of their conversation.
Now that Itachi is of legal age, she suspects it won't be long before Itachi announces their relationship. After all, despite the Mangekyo, Shisui wasn't blind yet, and Itachi was a very attractive young man. They're already close, so it feels like it's just a matter of time.
Four months later, she's seated across the table with Fugaku yet again, though this time Shisui is with them and looking anxious as all hell while Itachi stares more defiantly. Mother, Father," Itachi starts again, just like that day four years ago. "Shisui and I are dating." If Shisui scoots away from Fugaku, she pretends not to notice.
Beside her, Fugaku blinks. "Well, it's about time you told us," she says before he can interject.
Both give her an incredulous look. "What?"
"How long has it been?" She asks, directing her gaze at Shisui.
"Uh," he looks at Itachi, who simply smiles reassuringly. "Three months?" He tenses, prepared for her or Fugaku to blow up at him for dating their precious son.
"Well, congradulations," Fugaku finally says.
She suspects Shisui would look less surprised if someone told him the Nidamine had been resurrected and wanted to take him on as an apprentice.
As the boys leave, she takes a sip of her tea. "How long have you known?" Fugaku asks once they're out of hearing range.
Mikoto smiles. "I don't know what you're talking about." At his unimpressed looks, she rolls her eyes. "Fourteen years. How did you not notice?"
While he struggles to reply, she thinks about how to broach this subject with the clan elders. She refused to have Itachi forcibly wed to someone he didn't love, but how was she going to win that fight?
Three years, a war, and too many close calls later, Mikoto puts the same hairpin she'd worn on her own wedding day in Itachi's hair. It'd been a long, painful three years, full of hardship and suffering, but it was worth it.
She puts her hands on his shoulder and lean in to press a kiss against his cheek. "Are you ready?"
He looks up at her and beams. Genuinely beams. It was a look she never thought she'd see again on him after Shisui was nearly killed on a mission. "I've never been more ready."
She smiles warmly. She'd known this day was coming for decades now, yet she still feels tears in her eyes as Itachi and Shisui recite their vows together. Beside her, Fugaku's eyes look just as watery. She doesn't think she's ever been more proud of her baby boy.
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zanypaintertriumph · 1 year
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mixelation · 4 months
reborn au but it's minato & kushina trying to have friends in their 30s
so i do like the headcanon that mikoto and kushina are close friends. we know they were canonically at least FRIENDLY and so in reborn AU kushina went to mikoto a bunch with baby questions after naruto's birth and they went from "friendly" to "close friends." their sons are the same age, so there's a ton of playdates.
i feel like the natural outcome would be "couple friends" but. but but but. i can't see fugaku getting on very well with kushina OR minato? like there's no active dislike. there's just no.... platonic chemistry.......
they do hang out as couple/families sometimes, but what effectively keeps happening is kushina will run off with mikoto and then minato and fugaku just have THE most stilted and awkward conversations. minato doesn't mind him around in group conversations but the moment it's one-on-one and it's not, like, a professional conversation about the police force then minato is just going "aaaaaah!!!" internally. fugaku's advice on fatherhood sounds... mediocre? minato didn't have parents, but he's pretty sure it's not that good. they have no shared interests. their most interesting conversation was on AC unit repair.
at some point minato realizes he literally prefers talking to itachi (who is a child and also notoriously bad at cpmversation) and he's like. oh no. oh fuck because fugaku is his only adult friend*
*kakashi and jiraiya are both adults but their student/teacher relationship to him means they don't count. i think minato would count his genin teammates as friends but canon didn't even give us a name for one of them so for reborn au, i'm killing them off.
and also! he can't even make new friends!! because he's hokage and that makes him EVERYONE'S boss!!!!
rasa comes for the chunin exams and minato is like. a little bit desperate for socialization. their sons are the same age! their both kage! oh, you-- assassins, you say? and then kushina loses her mind and then rasa gets unseated. NOT good friendship real estate
B U T i think the ame trio are like the same age and sasori is only like ~5 years younger. prime friendship real estate
ame trio: (invite minato to visit as a power move)
minato: yeah okay i'm here. do you want to share a beer and complain about the cost of fish
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hellcifrogs · 8 months
Why does the Tsunade trained Team 7 sounds like the most chaotic out of them all? Just thinking of them trained by Tsunade makes me fear for Konoha's safety (and that of their enemies as well!)
Somehow they are super chaotic and also the most responsible! They are the one trio who'll easily and quickly become hokage/assistant/konoha leaders
I have this vision of Tsunade taking them from Kakashi, 3 pathetic wet excuses of genin, and bringing out their full potential. Training then to the best of their abilities, and worst of their personalities.
Our good old Sakura, violent, smartass and a bit of a show off. Super bossy Sasuke, hot headed and stubborn. Spoiled little brat Naruto, so loud, so obnoxious. The hokage's little favorites.
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