#forest of death
eighthman-bound · 10 months
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The more things change…
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colorfulfoxengineer · 9 months
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enchantingpeachfury · 6 months
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just-jae · 1 year
Eyo- So this is why I love OG Naruto
CW: Cursing.
Random projectile vomiting what I love about the first part of Naruto. Mostly from memory (so like, a decade+ ago) I decided to play the the Chunin Exams Arc while writing this to refresh my memory bc honestly, even though I dipped after tasting Shippuden and don't even care to aknowledge Boruto (even if it's good, i don't care) the fact that Part 1 is still so enjoyable shows how it's virtues were in that it actually executed, not just in what it promised. I'll probably be editing this as I rewatch-- like, apparently Choji and Neji also have arm wraps :,V
The theme around hard work. It wasn't a "Work hard to earn a comfy life/ those at the top deserve it" theme it was a "Go after what you love, be passionate, be persistent, build upon yourself to overcome obstacles," kind of hard-work theme. It encouraged chasing your passions and applying yourself to challenges. There was value in just doing that, even if you failed. The meaning and value in your life was tied to your own efforts and decisions, not your status or position in a heirarchy or social conscience.
Positive Father Figures: Forget that Naruto punches his dad in Shippuden. In the first episode, Iruka emotionally adopts Naruto after opening up to him and allowing himself to relate to Naruto as a fellow human being who was suffering and responding to that suffering in similar ways to himself. Before, he pretended not to understand Naruto for the sake of "evil demon kid" narratives and ignoring his own grief. Iruka scraggling Naruto's hair like a big bro/dad wasn't just a bonding moment; it was a found family moment. When Naruto hugs Iruka in the Forest of death, you can tell he adores that kid and is ready to sign the adoption papers.
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One of Naruto's icon characters is Ichiraku, the ramen guy who basically serves as Naruto's Grandad. He fills this kid with soup ramen near-every damn day. He's probably why Naruto loves ramen so much.
The spooky, nature-y understones and setting: Giant dark forests, thematic, nature-inspired ninja techniques, the spooky music, the semi-traditional japanese instruments in the sound track (flutes, drums, lutes, etc.) It's got electric guitar too but the traditional texture of the music made it earthy and cultrally touching in the same way that Avatar: The last Air Bender's natural and spiritual eastern inspiration colored it's visual and audial aesthetic. The "HUH"s and "HUAH"' in the background music added so much bomastic, earthy energy, I LOVED hearing them. I'm telling you there's a healthy reason why I like screaming/yelling/hollering. I haven't articulated it yet, but Naruto's soundtrack scratch that itch well.
Horror: Naruto is one of the few anime I've seen with undertones of horror, without being a horror genre show especially for an action-oriented shonen inspired by feudal-age folklore hybrid with modern aesthetics like military vests and tvs. The realistic visual tone that Naruto leans toward compared to modern anime only helps this and makes how dark it gets believable when you consider how culturally and morally grey the base populations are. Sometimes the cultural vices are the main drive in a character's backstory, like Gaara, who's village was crumbling after betrayal and unreliable leadership reinforced the trust and connection issues that left him alone on a raft in hostile waters with the boogie man as his raftmate to where he couldn't even fathom caring for someone else. Bc of this, him being fucking insane, while Naruto wasn't made sense. It felt like the worlds they were in naturally led to the horrors.
Smarts and thoughtfulness being used to win battles. Earlier in the show, things weren't so flashy, not even elite ninjas were shown doing anything nearly as wild as what happens in the second and following parts. The limits of these abilities left room for the characters to use their heads to not only work around their limits but use them to their advantage to bamboozle and have some kind of chance even against physically stronger opponents.
The significance of jutsu also felt more thematic and narrative in nature. The First Hokage's super power was growing giant trees with his chakra.
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Which not only suggests he created the very forest Konoha resides in, but also pointed to his approach to leadership, which was giving himself and his clan to stegnthen and lift everyone else up, not just through mixing blood with other clans but through building stregnth and resikience through connections and mutual care.
Much better than the brightest, fastest, most destructive energy bomb or powerup.
Look at the reaper death seal justsu and tell me that wasn't more terrifying than the tentails. Imagine how scared someone is using that jutsu. A demon ghost lady is gonna use your soul as a glove to grab someone else's soul, eat it, and then take you with her... him? It/they-- qhost.
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Which leads me to another thing- vulnerability coupled with power. The imagery of the reaper death seal, reainforced a sense of vulnerability that is necessary for the power the user gains.
Gaara's insomnia and dangerously narrow buffer between him and Shukaku lead to him spazzing out in pain whenever something triggers an episode of whatever-the-fuck. Leaving him in a a state of disarray and uselessness.
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He was supposed to be the nuke that destroyed Konoha but was too busy chasing after anyone who had a chance of beating him up. And then freaking out over hugs. His invulnerable body came with a trade off of a vulnerable and volitile psyche.
Even Zabuza only survived Kakashi because Haku incapacitated him with needles to his neck and then took care of him afterward.
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The conversation between the 1st 2nd and 4th Hokage's was like. "Yo it's my bros!" "Hey bro. Sorry bro." "Bro i don't wanna fight you. But this is so cool. I miss you bro." "me too bro."
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Now more character-specific stuff:
Rock Lee is my all-time favorite character. Not only is he the embodiment of part 1's major theme, but I just loved his design and voice acting (the green bodysuit could be awkward at times, but everything else is just pure "That's my son look at him go" vibes).
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It's a simplistic, agile, adorable character. Pure serotonin. The way his hair flipped around when he fought was great, the (OMO) face, the scrawly, lanky body that moved a little too sharp bc he was legit always ready to explode-- just great. Rock Lee is so pasionate and just loves living. I got the sense that he isn't training just to prove ppl wrong. He loves the ninja arts, and learns to love taijutsu for its own sake not just for the sake of other's approval or besting someone in combat.
Kakashi Hatake was like the reassuring character. His calm and focused approach to conflicts and danger were a nice balance to everyone else's bamboozlement and dramatic/passionate personalities. Kakashi also comes off as a reality check sort of character. He's the one who makes team seven realize the mortality of ninjas via a monument echoing real-life monuments dedicated to fallen soldiers and victims of war/terrorism. You can tell that he cares about ninja as people despite his laid-back demeanor, and expects his team to understand the importance of respect for fellow ninja. His experiance with the inner workings of Konoha also make him more realistic and aware of the world's greyness. He knows how politically corrupt things are and wants his students to hold on to their morality instead of tossing it away to follow orders.
Zabuza- was not just eye candy-- okay Zabuza was 99% eye candy for me (looked a bit starved but-- damn Kishimoto knew what he was doing with that one)
Zabuza's situation of being emotionally dishonest with himself ties back to the whole vulberability associated with power thing. His cold world veiw ablut using and being used made it more obvious that he and Haku genuinely cared for eachother bc they acted in ways that didn't fit that narrative. This big, sharktoothed "Demon of the mist" having a soft spot that also had a soft spot for him was like 🥺
Tenten's affinity for weapon-weilding was legitimately cool and gave me mechanic vibes. They could have been so creative with that. But for now it's just sitting on its hands. I also just love her character design. She got those BUNS.
The Sand Siblings were my favorite team. They were scary as hell. Gaara was just danger personified. He was bloodthisty with a power that enabled it. Carrying around a gourd that reeked of blood-- like-- Garra was one of the horrors of the forest of death and the way he act and the way his siblings talk about him suggested he was chaotic and couldn't nessecarily be trust to keep to the plan. And I loved that he was this tiny scrawny thing with no eyebrows and eyeliner panda/racoon eyes. Some of his expressions were like- EXPRESSIONS dude.
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He used have more expressions than 😐 and 😑. He was unintentionally adorable-- you can tell he was meant to look creepy and otherly but came out a little critter. His hair wasn't even meant to be red, that was an animation error. Like, a character even calls him a runt, Kiba's like "Oh no he's too small to be picking fights, run little dude" so he's canonically a little guy. Littler than normal.
Let me tell you, when I was scrubbing through the episodes (bc they spend so much time wasting time on nothing) my eyes would hook on a thumbnail of Gaara, and it'd be 2 seconds of him not reacting to something, and it'd be worth it everytime. Instant serotonin.
Seeing the smallest, most baby-faced member of the group, who looks even tinier with a giant gourd go:
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Is just wild. At least for Naruto. And the fear in the other characters is just- a lot. He's not animated in a cuetsey way either. Like, he's not a loli character. He's a little eldritch horror. And I love that he's not infantilized or cutyfied by the creator for being tiny.
Kankuro was also pretty spooky. Not only did his technique look painful as a papercut, but his main puppet (Crow?) somehow managed to give off body-horror vibes.
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They really milked it's spookyness by emphasizing the mechanical side of it (the clicking and the way it jerked) and its use of poisoned everything to make even the tiniest nicks a big deal.
Temari was the power house, aesthetically. Like, it's not even a girl-power thing. She just has shoulder-snapper posture. Her eyes , are this dark blue that I've rarely seen in a character design. She's got big sis vibes (bc she IS the big sis). Like, she's gorgeous.
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And her explosive hair went well with her chaotic wind specialty. She just fucks the entire landscape up with the goddamned air dude.
Orochimaru as himself is a creep, at least later on-- mostly bc so much of his character is spent obsessing over a little boy's body- obv. this was meant to be creepy, but it's like, pedo creepy, not spider on the wall/ posessed doll creepy. His introduction as the Grass lady, and this slippery immoral scientist who wanted to catalyze a war was a great time He felt like a force of nature.
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I dont have Grass Lady photos yet but this is the next best thing lmao. As the mysterious grass village lady, he was HORRIFIC. I really wish she and her team had been real characters instead of just a skin for Orochimaru to hide in. The way she's introduced is exactly the reason why ninja are traditionally thought of as practicing dark, evil arts. Bc they did dark, evil, spooky shit like pulling at their eyelids and being gross with their tongues. The organs and spooky singing in the background, the predator/prey theme, knowing about Naruto's seal when (at this point) so few others did. On top of that, ya'll gotta know that I'm a sucker for those conical sedge/ coolie hats. The fact that Grass LAdy had a long face and droopy eyes made it all the better. Like, how many other feminine characters have those features? All the character designs of the Grass Village team and the relation of grass to snakes and big hats was pretty neat imo.
Kiba Inuzuka honestly seems like he was inspired by Princess Monoke, which is pretty neat on its own, but i honestly don't feel like Kiba really fits into a ninja village. He's loud and bombastic and rarely uses clever or sneaky tricks. It's just brute strength and prey drive. Which isn't to say he shouldn't be in Naruto, but that maybe he could have been from a different village? Or just not necesarily a ninja. Idk. I love that he's this wild-child who's entire theme is dog.
If a dog were a dude.
If only they were good at drawing dogs though.
Hinata was one of those characters I didn't realize I identified with. A LOT. If Rock Lee is who I aspired to be, Hinata was who I actually was. Not just in demeanor (I too skalked around in a jacket no matter the weather) but also in circumstance. Struggling with comparing yourself to others, or others resenting you for the way you're treated (I was the baby of the family) or constantly dealing with people who think they're better or scold you for poor performance, being pushed into something you didn't even really care for. It was all very relatable, and I didn't even realize it at the time.
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The fact that they were willing to give her those "ugly" veins left an impression on me too. Bc, that was her kickass look. It wasn't cute, and she didn't have a delicate, pretty style of fighting. Even though she got beat up she really threw hands in a way that felt realistic. Homegirl was just tryna get by despite being surrounded by assholes, and the moment she stood up to Neji, who was in the middle of phsychologically manipulating her into an anxiety attack (not a literal attack but same energy) was like 🥳. I can respect that. Even though she lost, it really felt like Neji learned there'll at least be trouble if he tries that shit again.
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Shino was another favorite (I'm gonna end up going through every character at this rate). Especially with his english dub actor. For much the same reasons as Kakashi. Shino was reliable and cool headed. He didn't strut power or look to intimidate anyone, he just paid attention and tended to his bugs-- which, the fact that he cares for and works with a bunch of bugs is oddly endearing. It's like meeting a cat person who's just really good with cats but doesn't gush over them. He comes off as sensitive, but not obsessive.
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His angry-neutral design is pretty neat too. Big Soundwave vibes.
Sakura's wake-up call is honestly pretty iconic. She was a bratty character who realized her flaws on her own instead of being told "Hey, be better you goof", She reflected on how she's been up until the moment when it was all on her and she was eating dirt. Sakura getting serious and learning to be proactive, now that she didn't have anyone as a crutch or a scapegoat, was a pretty awesome moment. And even though The show could have done more with her in that regard, I still appreciate that they went there. Watching Sakura with empathy (especially now that we as a society aren't starving for strong female characters like we used to be) makes me notice how realistic her nievety and dependance is. And also how funny she is at times. Even Ino realizing having that wakeup call like "Bro I'm being stupid, I can't let this girl die over a crush". It even feels like their feud isn't just about a crush but just social insecurity. Sakura used to be shy until she met Ino. Ino enouraged her to be proud up until attention started to be drawn away from her toward Sakura. This also suggested that Ino actually did look down on Sakura and was using her to feel better about herself. Sakura outgrowing Ino put her in a position of facing her own flaws or reframing Sakura as an enemy who didn't deserve to be loved.
And when the reason they were enemies (Sasuke) no longer justified being a dickhead (letting Sakura fucking die) Ino not only had to face her own inadequacy but allow herself to care for Sakura again, from a more genuine place.
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I wish they had done more with that, but the fact that they did that in the first place was iconic. There's nothing like having to learn that the world you were raised in is not reality. Breaking out of a sheltered and shallow worlveiw is its own struggle. Its a learning curve, and it leaves you emotionally and socially unprepared when you thought you finally had everything figured out. Sometimes people hold on to bratty behavior bc they think their only other option is getting bullied and hating themselves. Sakura's snootiness comes off just makeshift confidence she learned from assholes. She didn't look down on Naruto bc she interacted with Naruto, she looked down on him bc that's what she's been taught to do about people like Naruto. The whole village was like that. Which is realistic. We just aren't told nearly as much of her perspective as other characters, but her learning how her words impact people, and how dishonest she is about her own competence is worth exploring.
The themes in Naruto were pretty nuanced-- even if the character's dialogue was exposition hell (they spend so much time verbally explaining things that dont need to be explained in such a longwinded manner), they were human condition themes, not just a power fantasy or a romance, or a black and white, good and evil conflict. Ninjas are already pretty shady, with Naruto being the most overtly good character in the show. Everyone else's morality (beside's Lee) is questionable at one point or another-- in fact I think even Lee was introduced as an intimidating upperclassmen. It feels true to life that regular people are actually pretty mean and flawed, which makes Naruto's themes hit harder bc you know it's not just one special character going through a special time, making friends with other 100% good people. Its life. Its people dealing with life. Like, these assholes love and hate eachother at the same time all the time. Some of Naruto's friends did some morally questionable shit. Like Shikamaru pretending to be asleep during the attack on Konoha. We still love the guy, but, get the fuck up dude.
Looking back, this just makes me realize that I've always had an interest in thematic/psychological horror and character realism. I can't stand gore/torture, but spooky grass women that infect you with curses, cursed puppets that spazz and split their faces open, and tiny murderous gremlins who nearly give people heart attacks just bc they thought he was gonna do something, being my favorite characters of Naruto is pretty telling.
Add the inky, Hidden Rain water Clones to the list too.
Iruka needs to get a pen. Reaper needs more soul spagetti and Naruto needs to give back SOME of Garra's personality. Just a little. Let him be a little bit of a little bitch.
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teamdosufans · 2 months
Zaku Abumi x Kin Tsuchi Family Lunch by Kairkazu
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Inspired by the McDonalds lofi family commercial.
Artist store: https://www.fiverr.com/kairikazu
This is the fourth time i commissioned Kairkuzu. This a timeline where Team Dosu made it to boruto and the sound village became a legit town.
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"Don't do it!"
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God, I love @otoquotes. Their posts always give me something to draw.
This one is based on this post, and I like to think it’s the follow up to this post (which was also inspired by OtoQuotes).
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celestecraft · 2 years
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“i’m not sure my tree is any good” @asprucedoor said but then they’ve built the SICKEST THING IMAGINABLE? it’s even better than the previous attempts and those were already incredible
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bleachanimefan1 · 7 months
Desert Flower Part 9
The Code Word Is...,
About halfway in the forest a sudden scream pierced through the air. Naruto, Yuri, Sakura and Sasuke stopped, wondering where it had come from.
"W-Was that a human scream?" Sakura asked nervously.
"Looks like the forest got someone...or another team got them." Yuri said then she turned to Sasuke, holding out the scroll.
"Here's the scroll. I'm going to scout out ahead." Yuri told them.
"Wait! We need to stick together!" Sakura shouted.
"It'll be faster to know where other teams are." Yuri told her. "Oh, and while we're out here. I think that we should have a code word."
"Code word?" Naruto asked.
"Well, there are other shinobi lurking around. They can pretend to be one of us. We need something to know if we're really who we say we are." Yuri explained.
"It needs to be something short and simple." Sakura spoke. Naruto hummed to himself, thinking, until Yuri spoke.
"To-kage?" Naruto blinked confused.
"Sounds good enough." Sasuke replied.
"Okay, I'm heading out. I'll be back in five minutes. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone." Yuri smiled to them, and she left, hopping through the trees.
As Yuri was hopping through the trees another scream pierced the air, making her stop. Some more poor unfortunate souls fell victim to the forest. Suddenly, something lunged out at Yuri through the leaves. Yuri quickly moved and threw a kunai, stabbing a jumping leech through the bark. Then a few more rushed at her as the leeches fell from the treetops. Yuri quickly dodged and threw her weapons at the leeches, killing them. It was not good to stay in one place for so long. She needed to keep moving.
Then Yuri's eyes widen when she saw some familiar faces and quickly landed on a branch and hid in some leaves. Below her, it was Gaara, Temari and Kankuro and they were facing against three rain ninjas. Then she saw Shikamaru, Choji and Ino a little further away, hiding behind some bushes.
"Damn, Sand brat, challenging head on like this." one of the mist ninjas glared at Gaara.
"You'll die." The rain ninja, smirked, that Gaara had challenged to fight with.
"Enough talking. Let's do it, old man from the hidden rain." Gaara spoke.
"Gaara, maybe we should ask them what scroll they have first?" Kankuro suggested. "If we both have the same scroll then there's no need to fight."
"That doesn't matter." Gaara said. "This guy looked at me funny. So he must die."
The rain ninja quickly pulled out some umbrellas, spinning them. "Then hurry up and do it! Here I come!" He growled. He threw the umbrellas into the air and they floated above Gaara. The rain ninja smirked and performed a hand sign. "Die, brat!"
Senbon needles came raining down, straight at Gaara. The man laughed.
"There's no escape from this jutsu! All the needles are controlled by my chakra to strike their prey!" All at once, the needles crashed into Gaara. Yuri's eyes widen a little in concern. Then her eyes widen in shock at what she saw. Gaara was encased in a ball of sand as it protected him from the flying weapons. None had pierced him as it couldn't get through his sand defense.
"Is that it?" Gaara spoke, with his arms crossed. The three rain ninjas stared in disbelief and in shock.
"The sand is packed into the gourd with chakra, it protects his body and the surrounding area. A jutsu only allowed by Gaara. It moves against Gaara's will. It's his ultimate defense." Kankuro spoke.
"N-No way. None of the hit. That's impossible." He trembled a little in fear and fired some more needles at Gaara. Gaara used his sand and it moved, blocking the needles from reaching him.
"A rain of needles, huh?" A dark smirk appeared on Gaara's face. "Then I guess I'll make rain blood."
"You can not defeat Gaara." Kankuro told the three ninjas.
"S-shut up!" the shinobi shouted and he charged at Gaara. Gaara placed his hands together performing a hand sign.
"Sand Coffin!" He used his hand to make it wrap around the ninja, trapping him inside the sand. Then the sand started to lift up into the air.
"L-Let me go!" The shinobi screamed in fear. 
"Shut up. I can cover your mouth and kill you, but that's too pitiful." Gaara spoke, coldly, and picked up one of the umbrellas lying on the ground. Then he raised his hand and clenched it. "Sand burial!"
The entire sand crushed the ninja, killing him. His blood splattered all over the area as it rain down. "There was no suffering. I killed him so quickly he didn't have time to feel it. The other two rain ninjas screamed as they backed away from Gaara. One of them pulled out their heaven scroll, setting on the ground.
"Here, take it. Please let us go." He pleaded. Gaara raised his hand again and the two ninjas were trapped in the sand as well.
"Bye bye." Temari smiled and waved. The two ninjas screamed as they were crushed to death by Gaara's sand. 
Yuri covered her mouth as she watched in horror. This was definitely not the Gaara she met back then. She gulped then hopped down from the tree when Kankuro picked up the Heaven scroll.
"How could you do that?" She whispered, softly.
"Yuri!" Temari's eyes widen in horror, seeing her. While Kankuro was surprised to see her. Gaara didn't look at her and had his back turned to her. Yuri gritted her teeth, getting a little angrier and started to walk over. Temari grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"You need to go, now!" She whispered, urgently.
"How could you kill them like that?!" She demanded. "They were pleading for you to spare them!"
"Hey, it's their own fault for challenging Gaara." Kankuro smirked at her. Yuri shot him a glare.
"That doesn't make it right! Have you no heart at all!?" She shouted, furiously.
"Shut up." Gaara spoke before he turned to her, slowly. Yuri's eyes widen when she saw the blood lust in his eyes. Temari gave her a pleading look.
"Yuri, please leave." She told her, softly. Yuri turned to her before glancing over at Gaara one last time and she quickly left. She wiped her eyes from the tears that were trying to fall. 
As Yuri was heading back to meet with her team, she stopped on a tree branch when she saw something. Her eyes widen in shock to see a large snake, sitting in the middle of the forest. "Wow, that's a big snake!"
"Hey! Let me out!" Yuri heard a familiar voice shouting from inside the snake. Yuri hopped down, landing on top of the creature. She pressed her ear against the snake's body, confused.
"Naruto? Is that you in there?"
"Yuri! Get me out!" she heard him shouted. The snake lunged at Yuri about to chomp down on her. Yuri quickly moved out of the way, landing in front of it. Then she charged when the snake lunged at her once more.
"Cough him up!" Yuri punched the giant snake hard, making it spit out Naruto. Naruto flopped to the ground, covered in slime and spit. He got up, wiping off his face, disgusted.
"Man, that's gross!" Naruto then glared at the snake and performed a hand sign. "Mine turn! Multi-shadow clone jutsu!" He summoned many clones and all of them charged at the snake, beating it, relentlessly. The snake fell to the ground with a thud, knocked out cold.
"Come on! We need to Sakura and Sasuke!" Naruto shouted.
"So, what happened?" Yuri asked him.
"I didn't get to see who it was. I had my back turned while was trying to use the bathroom." He told her as he led Yuri back.
"Did you find anyone?" Naruto asked her. Yuri frowned.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked her when he saw that she was tense. In fact, he noticed that she had been a little angry.
"No. It's not important." She told him. Naruto stared at her in concern.
"What the heck happened back there?!" Naruto wondered to himself.
The two quickly headed back to where Sasuke and Sakura was. Naruto and Yuri landed on a branch and Naruto quickly threw some shurikens at someone as they darting fast towards Sasuke. They stopped in their tracks, turning towards Naruto and Yuri, glaring at them. Yuri saw the attacker to see that it was a Grass ninja, the long-haired man with the freaky tongue from earlier.
"The code word is Tokage!" Yuri smiled, reassuring Sasuke and Sakura they were them.
"Great work, Naruto!" Sakura shouted.
"Guys, be careful! This one's on a whole 'nother level!" Sasuke warned. The man laughed, creepily. 
"Looks like you defeated the giant snake, Naruto-kun. And who's your little friend?"
Yuri shivered. She was getting weird vibes from this guy. There was something off about him. His appearance and mannerisms were like a snake. Naruto frowned, getting creeped out as well.
"So you like picking on the weak, do ya?!" Naruto shouted. Sasuke stood up, holding out the Heaven scroll to the man.
"I will give you the scroll. Please...just take and leave us." He said. Yuri's eyes widened.
"Sasuke! What the hell are you doing?!" She exclaimed. Naruto was shocked as well.
"Yeah! What are you talking about?! Why would you give the scroll to the enemy?!" He shouted. The Grass ninja smirked.
"Very smart. The only way for a prey to escape the predator is to give the predator a different meal."
"Just take it." Sasuke threw the scroll at the shinobi. Yuri's eyes widened and she quickly darted forward, grabbing it before it reached the Grass Ninja. Naruto landed down beside her.
"What are you doing?! Do you understand our situation!?" Sasuke shouted, angrily at them. Naruto turned around and punched Sasuke in the face.
"What was that for?!" Sasuke shouted.
"The real Sasuke wouldn't give up so easily." Yuri frowned at him.
"You moron! I am the real Sasuke!" Sasuke shouted, furiously.
"You don't know what you're getting into!" Sasuke shouted.
"And you're just going to hand the scroll over to him? What makes you so sure he'll leave us alone?" Yuri spoke.
"Yuri-chan..." Yuri's eyes widened, hearing the man's voice and she turned towards him to see him have a creepy smirk on his face. "You are correct. I could just kill you and take the scroll."
"Shut up!!!" Naruto shouted and charged at the man.
"No! Run away, Naruto!" Sasuke cried out.
"Summoning jutsu!" The man quickly performed a hand sign and a giant snake poofed as it appeared. The man rode on top of it. The snake slammed Naruto against a tree. 
"Naruto!" Yuri shouted. When Naruto began to fall, the snake slammed it's tail down, sending Naruto crashing to the ground. The Grass ninja laughed.
"Go ahead. You can eat him." He told the snake. Yuri gritted her teeth then performed the same hand sign the man did to summon the snake. But nothing happened. Her eyes widened. "What?!"
The man turned to her with a smirk. "You're wondering why it didn't work, right? You're not under its contract. Therefore, you can't perform the jutsu." He told her. Yuri, glared at him, wondering what he meant by contract. 
"EAT SHIT!" Naruto roared as he kicked the snake back when it tried to eat him. Yuri's eyes widen when she saw that Naruto's eyes had changed. They were red now. It must be the tailed best inside of him! The man blew a cloud of smoke at Naruto, knocking him back. Then the man turned, making the snake charge at Yuri and Sasuke.
"What will you two do now?" He smirked.
"Sasuke! Yuri!" Sakura cried out. Sasuke stood frozen to his spot with his sharingan still activated. He was paralyzed in fear. Yuri glared at the Grass ninja and quickly performed another hand sign.
"Water Syle! WATER DRAGON JUTSU!" Two large dragons made of water with glowing yellow eyes appeared, charging at the man. The dragons tried to hold back the snake as it crashed against it. The man smirked, looking at Yuri.
"That's a highly advanced jutsu for such a young genin like you." He spoke. Yuri narrowed her eyes at him.
"And you're not an ordinary ninja yourself, are you?" She frowned. The man laughed.
"This is why, I must have you!" He shouted. The snake broke through the water dragons, heading towards Yuri and Sasuke. Yuri's eyes widen and she quickly turned to Sasuke, who was still frozen.
"Sasuke! Why have to move!" She shouted. Just as the snake was about to slam into them, Naruto quickly appeared in front of them, blocking the snake from reaching them.
"Are you alright, scaredy cat?" He smirked at Sasuke.
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
Genuinely saying Naruto deserved to have a scar on the face to match Sasuke's cursed seal and Sakura's short hair post the Forest of Death.
One came back with a brand new tattoo, one camw back with an unexpected hairstyle, but what about Naruto coming back with a scar on his chin from his fight with the giant snake? Maybe a burn from acid, or something like that?
Later it'd make so much sense because of course on their Chunin Exam, they ended up facing one of the three legendary sannins, why not?!
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blackbird0blog · 2 years
Naruto Prompts 6
Isekai-ed Senju SI slumming it in the Forest of Death
One minute he’s in the ER getting a grape removed from his nostril (at age twenty-three, how humiliating), the next he’s a midget lost in the middle of a magical forest of evil. There are giant centipedes, venomous spiders, man-eating tigers, and poisonous plants galore.
At least the trees are friendly.
Previous Prompt:
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namarikohime · 1 year
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Commissioned by cyunamikaze. ♥
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colorfulfoxengineer · 9 months
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hsphantom · 2 years
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𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  ━  chūnin exams  
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teamdosufans · 2 months
Help Finding Zaku Abumi x Kin Tsuchi Fanart
So art is of Zaku Abumi and Kin Tsuchi. Its of Zaku and Lin embracing. But Zaku is restrained by Kin's string above her. Its flirty but not lewd or anything. If someone has it saved. I'd appreciate it.
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