#sounds like a fun job!
I just want to tell ya a little story!
I worked at a vet as a caretaker for about a year, and we got a beagle come in named Barnaby.. and he was an amazing dog 10/10 dog...he was about 4 years old.and wore a little blue bowtie with his collar. So I can say beagles are interesting fluffy creatures! It was an amazing experience with the different dogs. It was a very fun job!!!
awwwww thats Cute! i guess there's something about beagles that makes people think Blue... maybe it's the b...
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kbsd · 4 months
bucky egan // "free" by florence + the machine
the feeling comes so fast and i cannot control it i'm on fire, but i'm trying not to show it
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lurking-loaf · 4 months
Have you ever drawn and hidden little doodles of the DCA while at work?
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Just scribbled one or two during a moment of free time and tucked them someplace?
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There are now 19 of these silly things scattered around a 136 sq. ft (41.45 sq. m) space.
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The thing I'm unsure about is whether I gather them up or leave them for future employees to find when the time comes for me to move on from this job.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Congratulations on 1000 followers, 1000 mouths to feed, and 2000 watchful eyes (「• ω •)「 Couldn't happen to a better writer ♡
I saw you sneak Illumi on that list. I am very frightened of the needle man. Can I request something with the first time Illumi realizes he is obsessed with darling?
Perforate and Permeate
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>Yan! Illumi x Fem! Reader
>Word count: ~3.4k
Red flags start appearing in the form of odd piercings on taxi drivers. The feeling of something horribly off surrounds you, but in the end, some people are always powerless, aren't they?
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The first red flag of the evening was the creepy taxi driver. There seemed to be some sort of yellow ball stuck to the skin on his neck, and his movements and speech were somewhat robotic. The second red flag was that he offered you a ride without you even calling for one.
Thankfully, the evening rush hour helped you get away from the peculiar man, and you slid into the subway train, hidden and safe among the numerous people around you. Ironically enough, it felt a little hypocritical to find comfort among the number of people since you were always adverse to crowds. The smell of sweat and close proximity of human beings made you a little nauseous, but right now it felt safe.
The third red flag comes in the form of your apartment building’s watchman being absent. He never takes a day off and always ensures that the other watchman - the man who usually works as the receptionist since for some reason there’s a desk and everything in the lobby - takes his place while he’s away for food or such.
Neither men were there and as you press the elevator button to your floor, you catch a shadow in the corner of your eye before the doors close. The fourth red flag is that your apartment windows are open. Not all of them, but the living room windows are open. You’re absolutely certain you had left them closed when you left. You could even swear on it.
Nevertheless, some sort of dismissive hope deludes you into believing that the wind opened them and you don’t dare come any closer. The reminder to check their locks is pushed into the back of your mind when you fall onto your bed face first. Silence envelopes you, its warm hands granting you the comfort of your home.
Despite how quick the comfort came, all relaxation leaves your bones when your phone rings. As you accept the call and press your phone to your ear, you realise you almost drifted off. Your mother’s voice greets you before turning into a scolding one when you tell her you just got home.
The conversation goes as it usually does, your nerves calming down despite the subtle feeling of not being alone. You don’t blame your scepticism. Ever since you moved out, you’ve always been careful and paranoid. Maybe it has to do with preferring silence and being around less people, but you don’t like the lonesomeness and silence as much as you thought you did.
You say goodbye to your mother on the phone, and sit up, groggily making your way to the kitchen. The silence of the apartment unnerves you, so you turn on your phone’s flashlight and check every single room and cupboard of the house, leaving all the light bulbs on.
The apartment is now fully illuminated and the TV plays some random news show while you cook. It makes for good white noise and you don’t feel as alone anymore.
But you still feel watched.
The curtains are promptly drawn over the windows.
Thankfully, the feeling goes but quickly returns when you sit down to eat dinner. The panic that arises constricts your throat, heart beating in your throat and you immediately dial your mother again, praying that the paranoia dies down.
It doesn’t. She never picks up. 
Three phone calls later, she picks up but excuses herself saying that she’s going out for lunch with your father. The time zone difference makes you frown, realising that you're ruining her weekend with your baseless paranoia.
Dinner gets your attention back, but something seems to have its attention on you.
You're cognizant of the sounds coming from the street, television muted. The drip drip from the kitchen sink sings the vocals while the refrigerator buzzes the music. Exhaling, you pay attention to the noisy details, dinner finished and an empty plate in front of you.
The feeling goes away soon, but comfort doesn't return.
The first red flag of today's evening follows behind you. A man with his hoodie hiding half his face is trailing behind you, and you're briefly wondering how dense he must be to not realise that you're leading him in a circle for the fourth time. You don't mind the extra walking, but it's pretty annoying.
Should you lead him to a police station? Losing him doesn't seem to be an option. He's persistent. Even in the fifth circle, he's casually walking behind you.
You go ahead with making your way to a nearby station, but he slips away when it's in sight. Your eyes watch the man as he heads the other way, an uneasy feeling stirring in your chest at the loss of someone's eyes on you. As you make your way back to the subway station, you contemplate walking home instead. Maybe you could drop by a café or even pick up dinner from somewhere.
However, a second red flag appears while you are in your thoughts. A taxi stops in front of you when you're scrounging around your bag for your phone and the window pulls down to reveal a taxi driver with a strange yellow piercing between his eyebrows.
The driver offers you a ride, and you stare at him dumbfounded. You didn't call for a taxi. A few passer-bys send you confused looks, but you brush it off. The man is promptly shut down and you walk away, mentally cursing yourself over the lack of crowd on the street.
Almost as though on cue, a lady grabs your arm. Her grip is unyielding and she frantically explains how you need to come with her. A familiar yellow piercing on either side of her neck greets you when you turn to look at her, but any composure you have quickly dissipates when she starts pulling you.
It takes everything you have in you to pry yourself off and run in the other direction. The few people that did stare at you turn away when they see you running, and honestly you don't blame them. No one wants to get tangled up in something like that.
By the time your legs start hurting, you're almost home. There's no time to pick up anything from a restaurant so you make a mental note to order in instead. As you walk with your phone in hand, the situation dawn's on you. Three red flags already. You don't even want to know what the fourth one will be.
But alas, the heavens never hear your silent pleas and the fourth red flag stands in the watchman-less lobby of your apartment building. You hadn't seen either men today as well, and simply seeing the person who casually leans against the wall with eyes fixed on you is making your heart do literal backflips inside your chest.
The simple greeting makes you freeze. Hands grip your bag tighter as you look into his bottomless eyes and greet him back with a simple hello. He doesn't seem to mind your nervousness and gets straight to the point.
"I wanted to see you. It's been quite a while."
Your finger remains on the power button of your phone, ready to press it five times at the earliest notice to send SOS messages to your friends. Upon receiving no response, he continues, trying not to eye your deathly grips on your belongings.
"How was your day?"
"It was… fine." Voice meek, you don't know what to say to him. It's not everyday you see a person such as himself. "How… have you been, Illumi?"
The question seems to perk him up. "I'm not quite sure, but I suppose I've been alright. I do want to ask you something. Why are you holding your phone and bag so tightly?"
The muscles on your legs go taut, and you briefly glance at the elevator door thinking you could make a run for it. However, the reminder of Illumi's occupation mocks you. Of course a hunter wouldn't let you go so easily.
"I'm not sure." Your words are unsure as you speak. "I guess I'm not feeling very well."
"Should I get you medical attention?"
"No. Not that kind of not very well. I just feel a bit down, that's all."
He seems to have understood something because he's nodding. "I see. If there's nothing wrong with your physical health, it'll go away. Make sure to rest properly and you'll feel better."
"Thanks. I'll go to bed early tonight."
"Are you free right now?"
Free? Does he want something? You're no help to a hunter. "I'd like to get to bed as soon as possible, but I'm willing to hear you out."
Your grip on your phone loosens a bit, and Illumi immediately takes a few steps closer. Hardly a foot of space is left between the two of you, but before apprehension can return, he's demanding all your attention with his words.
"May I have your phone number?"
"My… phone number?"
He nods. "Yes. Your phone number."
The dumbfounded look on your face makes him blink at you owlishly. 
"I was wondering whether or not it would be appropriate for me to ask for it. I suppose I settled with ignoring the thought."
Did he… really just admit that? 
"Um, alright. I don't see why not." You know where I live anyway, the voice in your head continues. 
You share your contact information with Illumi, but you have no idea why he wants it. His intentions are as clear as muddy water. It doesn’t make you feel any better, but if nothing, at least he asked you for it. With his licence, he could have obtained your number with ease like how he ended up in your apartment's lobby. You give him only a few points for human decency.
When he’s done saving your information on his phone, a satisfied look is on his face. The silence of the lobby remains as you wait for him to finally let you leave. That is to say he doesn’t request to visit your apartment.
“I think that’ll do.” Illumi looks up, head tilting slightly when he sees your exhausted expression. “You should rest. I won’t stop you. Just seeing you this evening is enough for me. We can talk some other time.”
Talk? What would you both even talk about? The only reason you know him is because some target of his was your work client and he scared him off. Honestly, never hearing from that man again is one of the best things that happened in your life.
“Sure,” you reply with a very obviously unsure voice. “I’ll see you later then.”
Illumi waves you off and as you step towards the elevator, you feel a little shameful for not inviting him for dinner. But then you remember that you live alone and he’s an adult man. Perhaps it’s better to not do so.
As you press the button, you glance back at Illumi down the lobby. He's waving at you, so you wave back. The door starts to close and the expression on Illumi's face changes. Lips curl upwards, eyes crinkling as well.
When the door closes, you're thankful for the distance. You never want to see that horrifying grin on his face again. It sent shivers down your spine and it seems like the creepy smile is now engraved into your brain.
Had you not been in the elevator, you would've ran out the lobby. Perhaps some people are better off expressionless after all.
It's been an entire day since Illumi took your number. There's been no contact, no message, nothing. As you stare at your phone sitting in front of you on the sofa, you think back over today's evening bitterly.
There was another taxi driver with the same yellow piercing. Added to that, an old woman with the same piercing had approached you and asked to walk her home. You declined. Though it felt bad to say no to an old lady, you didn't want to possibly find any unwanted trouble.
Besides, there's something definitely wrong going on. After the old lady, you found the watchman in the lobby. Even he had a piercing on his face, in between his forehead to be precise.
You didn't bother to reply to his greeting this time. There was something off about his smile.
Maybe you should move out as soon as possible.
However, that's not what's bothering you. It's the fact that there have always been four red flags. This evening, you only came across three.
The thought of an impending fourth one makes you feel nauseous. You're home now, back to safety. There has never been anything bad between these four walls, so why would there be anything now?
Maybe you missed counting a fourth one. Yes. That's it. You just missed one red flag. The thought doesn't do much to console you, but it's enough to allow you to sleep when your head hits the pillow. Unfortunately for you, that doesn't last very long.
The feeling of a pair of eyes wakes you up with a startle. You immediately throw away the covers and run to the switch, turning on the lights. Nothing. The same goes for the rest of your apartment. All the lights are on but there’s nothing out of place.
Are you going crazy? 
It must have been a bad dream. You still feel watched, but that’s just because you just woke up. Water. You need some water.
The glass is quickly emptied as soon as you fill it, and now you stand alone in the kitchen, the silence of the night and the refrigerator’s hum your only companions. The kitchen counter is cold underneath your lingering fingertips, and begrudgingly, you part with it.
Sleep doesn't come back easily. At least half an hour must’ve passed with no sign of slumber’s gentle embrace, so you get up and turn off the bedroom light. The door is then left open only a little bit to let some light from the living room bleed inside the room.
It doesn’t help much, but your eyes feel less burdened.
Upon turning to the other side and nuzzling into the sheets further, the lessened burden seems to increase again. There’s someone resting their face on the mattress, body probably sitting on the floor and this person’s eyes seem to be fixed on you.
It takes you blinking a few times and sitting up to realise this isn’t a dream.
By the time your eyes have completely blinked away any sleep, a hand is slapped over your mouth to stop you from screaming. Your chest heaves as you follow the arm to the body it’s attached to and finally the face.
“Pardon me if I woke you up. It wasn’t my intention.”
The mattress dips as he joins you on the bed. If the circumstance wasn’t unfortunate enough, he’s now literally hovering over you with one of his knees between your parted legs under the blanket. Long black hair cascades around his face as he leans in, large eyes observing your features.
You blink at him as your breathing settles down. The lack of action from Illumi’s end does help your nerves calm down a little, but the threat of an obviously more powerful man literally above still remains.
This is your fourth red flag.
The weight of his observant stare weighs you down, the feeling of a boulder on your chest making you sink backwards into the bed. All that you see are Illumi’s large, dark eyes. It’s suffocating and you want to scream, but the sound dies in your throat before he even lets go.
You don’t dare make a single noise as he sits up straight on your thighs.
Illumi briefly breaks eye contact, eyes dropping down to your collarbones peeking from your neckline from the dishevelled state before his eyes go back up to yours. The weight of the boulder had lifted during that time, but with his eyes back on you that weight goes to your consciousness.
“I suppose I should commend you for not screaming. Seems like you’re quick to understand.”
All he gets in reply is your nervous gulp.
“You require an explanation, don’t you?”
This time, he tilts his head at your lack of response.
“I gave myself an ultimatum. Four tries every evening for every working day of this week are all I have to work with. If your refusals of my lenient methods bother me, then I must get to the bottom of the feeling. If I am not bothered in the slightest, I must stop wasting my time.” Iluumi pauses, possibly in anticipation of some sort of response, but continues. “I suppose my presence here at this hour explains which conclusion I had come to.”
He waits again for a few moments but ends up explaining his own words himself when you’re still frozen in what he thinks is shock. “Your refusals bothered me. I can’t be certain why. Even your less enthusiastic response to me asking for your phone number bothered me.”
You’re still staring at him. Mind barely processing the words. Illumi is in your room in the middle of the night. Illumi is a hunter, a potentially dangerous person, and he’s caged you to your own bed. This is the most vulnerable you’ve ever been in your life, yet you can’t even bring yourself to cry over the absolute fear you feel because of the intensity that keeps growing and radiating from Illumi.
“You occupy my thoughts more than I would prefer, and the only cure I found for that is to watch you when you’re home. No other activity soothes it.”
His index finger and thumb hold his chin as he continues thinking over the matter, but his eyes are still fixed onto you. When his eyes widen slightly, the intensity you felt grows dramatically and you have to reflexively cover yourself till the top of your head with the blanket to not end up asphyxiated.
A hand gently pulls down the cover till your chin, and luckily, the intensity mellows enough to allow you to breathe.
“I came here tonight to understand why trying to sleep on my own causes me distress. It’s like I search for you in my own bed, and the lack of your presence makes me restless.”
He leans in, hands sinking into the mattress on either side of your hips and you instinctively shrink into yourself. Voice perfectly even, the tone betrays the depth of his words. “I talked to my mother about this feeling and came to a conclusion. I’m in love with you.”
Sweat starts to bead at your forehead, but Illumi’s eyes refuse to allow you any reprieve. One of his hands sneak up your body, fingertips gently tracing the outline till his hand lightly wraps around your throat. The grip is non-existent but the threat of a not so well meaning squeeze still exists.
“All I need to do is squeeze. A fragile human such as yourself would give in to death in under ten seconds if I do decide to test my grip. However, even the mere thought of it bothers me. Even now, I can’t bring myself to hurt you.”
The hand moves further upwards, cupping your cheek despite the sweat. “At first I thought you were using some kind of Nen to bewitch me, so imagine my surprise when I found out that you’re a non-user.”
You finally manage to shakily exhale through your mouth, but the beating in your heart suddenly becomes too loud when his thumb traces the edges of your lips.
“I thought I should kill you to get rid of your spell, but the thought of you not existing anymore made my chest ache.” Illumi sighs. “Seems like the damage has been done, and it’s quite a lot. With how the majority of my thoughts are about you, I could even claim that I’m obsessed.”
The intensity grows again, and it gets even harder to breathe in the cool room. When Illumi’s thumb forces your lips open and presses down on your tongue, you can only hope you’ll be safe. After all, the look in his eyes is absolutely frightening.
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sysig · 11 months
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Ellen McLain’s commentary from my trivia playthrough
#She's so cute <3#WPP#Portal#Ellen McLain#If you haven't played through the audio commentary I would Absolutely recommend it it is So fun#I clicked out of curiosity - kind of just expecting like a movie's audio commentary y'know? Like a video that highlighted specific scenes#No it's just the whole game again but with trivia pop-ups! I love that!!#It reminded me so much of like trivia track or the pop up fun facts from special editions of movies I would watch as a kid#But you can play through them!! You have to click on them and they spin! I love that!!!#I always love hearing the design and development process - fascinating how the playtesters reacted to this new game!#We take it for granted now but yeah I imagine it would've been very confusing at the time#And I was like ''Well it was such a small team and Ms. McLain was such a large part of it - surely she'll have a few bubbles?''#She does lol - as soon as I got to her first one (it was a slow burn! They buried the lead with her lol I'm already invested!) I had to go#I saved-quit the game out of sheer excitement and giddiness lol I had to sleep on it before I was ready to come back#It is so cool to hear her natural voice ah <3 And the kinds of direction she was given! Other bubbles also talk about her vocal direction :)#Very cool! I wonder what TTS they used for reference :0#But to hear her real laugh without the audio processing over and and she still sounds like GLaDOS! I mean of course she does but just jfdksl#That's /her/ laugh! They share a laugh! It's a very similar laugh!!#Not to mention her talking about wanting to play and just fdskalfd they clearly did such a good job with her performance and ahhh#It's too cute it's all too cute sharing a room with GLaDOS while her voice actor talks about making a cake to share with her friends stopppp#I am so enamoured <3#I also took a bunch of screenshots of GLaDOS still shit-talking while she was being destroyed lol#Actually beat the ending in one try this time :P I ran out of time the last time pfft#But now I've beaten it twice in as many days :D Although I did start it the first time several days ago - but I beat it again quickly!#Has me all the more itching to replay 2 ♪#WPVG
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thetomorrowshow · 2 months
backstory of why jimmy and scott moved out of the super neighborhood in my empires superpowers au!
cw: murder (in SELF-DEFENSE) of an unnamed character, blood/violence, like a decent bit of it, injury, dissociation
Scott’s been missing for two days.
Scott’s been missing for two days, and Jimmy isn’t going to wait around doing nothing.
The news had come in the form of a knock on the front door, around 3pm on the first day. Jimmy doesn’t officially live at Scott’s house, but he spends a fair amount of time there, and now he pushes back from the kitchen table and heads to the front door, snapping on the mask that hangs on a hook by the entrance.
“Oh, hi, TJ!” Blossom says when he opens the door to find her on the step, flowers actively winding around in her hair. “Is Major around?”
Jimmy frowns, checks his watch. “Um, he left for work this morning, around eight? He shouldn’t be back until four, at the earliest.”
Why would Blossom be asking him this? Don’t they all have some sort of hero group chat?
“Are you sure?” Blossom’s smile drops. “Did he say he was headed somewhere else?”
“Just to work,” says Jimmy. “Why? What’s up?”
 Blossom bites her lip, the flowers in her hair wilting. “He never showed,” she says. “He isn’t responding to messages.”
That’s enough for Jimmy to shut the door and run back to the table, grabbing his cell phone. Then he returns, pulling it open again. Blossom is still there, looking a little surprised.
Jimmy pulls up his contacts, clicks on the one labeled ‘scott :) - super’ and hits call.
“You’ve reached Major, I’m probably winning a battle right now. Send me a text and I’ll get back to you when I have a moment.”
Straight to voicemail.
That can’t be good.
“Try the Mad King,” Jimmy tells her. “I’m still working until four, but keep me updated. Do you have my number?”
But Blossom never texts him any news.
And Joel tells him, that night, that Scott’s officially missing, and they’re moving Jimmy to a safehouse.
So it isn’t even 8pm when Jimmy finds himself in a small apartment downtown, the dim light of the setting sun half-illuminating the single room.
And Jimmy stays there all night, staring at his phone, as his worry crescendos over and over again, blowing out lightbulbs and spoiling food can by can.
They still haven’t found him in the morning.
Jimmy can do nothing but sit, alone, in this cheap, unused apartment of Joel’s, waiting for some message that his boyfriend has been found.
But there’s nothing, and Jimmy isn’t going to wait around doing nothing when Scott could be getting tortured right now.
Because that’s it, really. When Jimmy went missing, it was because some horrid, insane villain kidnapped him and ran experiments on him and treated him like an animal—
One of the blades on the floor fan comes off, crashing to the bottom of the fan cage.
Jimmy takes a deep breath.
He can’t continue to sit here on the ragged carpet (because there’s no furniture other than a single folding chair and a mattress) while Scott could be going through the exact same things that he had been subjected to.
Or worse, he thinks, pushing back a sickening memory.
So Jimmy packs up his little backpack that he hasn’t actually unpacked yet except to get his toothbrush, grabs the mask he’d left on the kitchen counter (which he balls up and shoves in the pocket of his jeans), and leaves, ready to find Scott.
Where does Scott usually go first?
He covers all of the city, but rarely ventures away from the most densely populated areas. Downtown is one of his favorites to frequent, as well as the pier.
Good thing Jimmy knows downtown like the back of his hand.
He catches the bus like it’s second nature, the schedule practically tattooed on the inside of his eyelids (despite the fact that he rarely rode the bus for fear of causing an accident. He learned it in case anyone ever asked him the bus schedule). He hasn’t spent much time out and about on his own, but he can get around and he’s lived with Lizzie long enough to know how to go somewhere by himself. That doesn’t mean he isn’t careful: he sits at the back of the bus with his back pressed against the window and watches everyone, careful to sort them into threat categories and keep tabs on everyone.
It’s exhausting. It always is.
It isn’t long at all before he leaves the bus at one of Scott’s favorite places—right across the way from the elementary school. Scott heads here first thing most mornings, keeping an eye on the children as they arrive at school.
The mask is scrunched uncomfortably in Jimmy’s pocket. He wishes he could put it on. He hates going out in public—not without at least a baseball cap.
It feels like everyone at this park is watching him.
Any of them could be in league with whoever took Scott. Any of them could have been one of the thugs that worked for Xornoth. Any of them could be someone he hurt in the past.
Every time someone walks past him, Jimmy automatically tenses. That woman could attack him. That man could crush his skull. That child could be a distraction. That man could grab him and pull him into an alley.
Jimmy shoves his hands in his hoodie’s pocket so that he doesn’t have to look at how they tremble. This is why he doesn’t go places alone. This is why he works from home right now.
This is why people need to not get kidnapped. Specifically the people that can help him not panic about being kidnapped.
Right, now, does he usually patrol around the school? Or just wait out front and watch the kids go in?
If he was Scott, what would he do?
Scott would probably patrol. He likes to be moving, likes to show off his skills.
So Jimmy hikes out of the park and crosses the road to the school, following the sidewalk all around the building.
On one side is an alley between some run-down apartments, and Jimmy passes through, keeping a close eye on anything out of place. Any knocked-over trash cans, any smears of dirt or dried blood on buildings, anything that could be the signs of a struggle.
He feels more and more anxious the further down he goes, swallowing back the thrumming of his power within him, the scar at the base of his skull burning.
He can’t cause an accident here. He's next to an elementary school, he can’t risk it.
Can he?
What accidents can he cause here?
Jimmy’s never really reached out with his powers before on purpose—not in a long time, not in a searching way.
But his powers can cause terrible things to happen, things as far away as inside the school, and if his power can know that there’s things that far away to ruin, then can’t he know, too?
So he reaches out into the surrounding buildings.
There are a lot of people here.
That’s the first thing he feels.
There’s hundreds of children in the school, and one of these buildings is an apartment complex, and Jimmy can’t see them or even really sense them? He just . . . knows that they’re there, in some kind of . . . sixth sense?
There are so many other things that he knows are there, but can’t verbalize. He simply knows, to an overwhelming degree, the contents of everything around and maybe there’s a reason he’s never done this before because he thinks he’s going to be sick—
Jimmy flinches, hears something crash in the distance. He wheels around—this could be it this is the moment he’s kidnapped—, only to find fWhip standing at the mouth of the alley.
“Why are you out and about?” fWhip asks, moseying over, hands in his pockets. “Don’t you usually stay home from the cool parties?”
Right. He knows fWhip. Kind of. fWhip is nice, right? He helped save him.
Jimmy isn’t wearing his mask. Which is fine. It’s fine to not be wearing it, because fWhip recognized him anyways and his secret identity isn’t contingent on a mask anymore.
“Um, I’m looking for Major,” he says, head still spinning a bit. “He usually goes here every morning, and nobody saw him for his whole shift, so if he got kidnapped it was probably near—”
“Wait, Major’s missing?”
Jimmy frowns. “Yeah, did you not hear? He disappeared yesterday.”
fWhip checks over his shoulder, adjusts his goggles. “Okay. Not good. And if Major’s missing, why aren’t you in a safehouse?”
“Well, I was,” Jinmy says, looking down at his feet. How has he been caught already? He just barely left!
“But you couldn’t stick around when Major could be . . . being tortured?” guesses fWhip.
Jimmy shifts uncomfortably. “Yeah,” he says dejectedly. “But I can go back. The Mad King would—”
“Nah, don’t do that. I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to. Do you need help looking?”
And before Jimmy can so much as process what he’s said, fWhip is reaching up to the window in the building beside them, testing the latch and finding it open.
“Let’s check out this place,” he suggests, shoving the window open and grabbing the sill, pushing himself up and into the window in an impressive show of upper-body strength.
Jimmy blinks.
He didn’t expect to be joined in his search.
Let alone by fWhip.
“Okay, nobody’s here,” fWhip calls out the window. “You coming?”
“Is there a door?” Jimmy asks halfheartedly.
fWhip shrugs.
Jimmy sighs, grips the windowsill (a bit lower for him than it had been for fWhip), and heaves himself up, legs kicking for purchase on the wall and arms trembling under his weight.
He falls back once, arm scraping a bit against the sill, then manages to pull himself up the second time, his ribcage pressed in painfully against the windowsill, where he hangs for a moment before tipping over and landing in a heap on the other side.
“Try to roll when you come in,” fWhip advises as Jimmy picks himself up. “It’s easier. And way more cool.”
“I’ll remember that,” Jimmy grumbles, brushing the copious streaks of dust off his hoodie.
“So we’re looking at an abandoned first floor of some office building, I think,” fWhip says, flipping a switch on his goggles. “See anything?”
Jimmy looks around. It’s a fairly large space, the concrete ground scarred by the torn-up carpet (some of which still lies in an awkward heap against a wall), a single dead office chair sitting in the middle of the room. Otherwise, there’s some brightly-colored papers in a corner, and—
The front door slams open.
“TJ,” comes a suspicious and familiar voice.
The Mad King is standing in the doorway.
“Rats,” fWhip says, frowning. “Did you follow me?”
“You and Mythics are always up to no good,” Joel tells him dismissively, before turning back to Jimmy, arms crossed. “Why are you here?”
“Um . . . looking for Major?” Jimmy tries.
Joel raises an eyebrow. “With fWhip? Come on, TJ, if you were going to break house arrest it should’ve been with someone respectable.”
“Come on, back to the safehouse.”
“TJ,” Joel says firmly. “We aren’t arguing about this. I’ll keep looking for Major, yeah? You need—”
“But I, I can help!” Jimmy insists. This isn’t fair, he shouldn’t be locked up when his boyfriend could be going through the worst experiences of his life—
“Jimmy,” Joel grits out. fWhip makes a ‘yikes’ face, turns to start going through the neon papers in the corner.
“Since Major has been kidnapped, they will want to get the people he cares about the most—you,” Joel stresses. “They will want to hurt you to get him to give up whatever information they’re looking for. That’s why—”
“I know, I know, but I can defend myself,” argues Jimmy. “It’s—it’s Sc—I mean, it’s Major. I have to help. And I know—”
“You’re helping by staying safe,” says Joel. “I’m not arguing about this, okay?”
“Who would have a bake sale and then put the signs in an abandoned building?” fWhip murmurs, examining one of the said signs.
Which is stupid.
This is stupid.
How does Joel expect him to just sit there?
How can he tell Jimmy to go hide and let Scott get hurt?
But there’s no point in fighting this.
“Maybe there’s some way you can help from the apartment, okay?” Joel says placatingly, and Jimmy rolls his eyes.
“Sure. Fine, take me back, officer.”
“Don’t get an attitude with me, young man,” Joel warns, sputtering jokingly, but Jimmy’s stomach squirms just the slightest bit.
He’s not a child.
“fWhip, I’ll be back here in half an hour, okay?” Joel says. “Let me know if you find anything.”
Then he strides out the door, Jimmy reluctantly following along behind.
Joel finds Scott the next day.
It’s a small place, a closed mechanic shop, near the East side of the city, where this particular gang of villains decided to keep him.
Joel finds him by checking the security footage of the elementary school. He sees, in the corner of one of the cameras, a couple of neon signs hanging on the side of the building fWhip and Jimmy had broken into.
Backing it up a little bit, Joel finds the car that carried the people who hung up the signs (something they did several hours before dawn).
And when he tracks down that car, he finds Scott.
Jimmy receives the text that Scott’s been found and instantly calls Lizzie, begging her for a ride home. Lizzie agrees, and when Joel and Scott come through the front door, Jimmy is there waiting, a frozen pizza in the oven.
Jimmy drops everything, his stress releasing in a little burst of power that crashes his phone and knocks all the cushions off the sofa, hurrying toward Scott.
Scott looks absolutely exhausted. His suit is torn here and there, his hair tangled and greasy, his eyelids drooping. But he gives Jimmy a small smile and acquiesces to a gentle hug.
“Glad you’re safe,” Scott murmurs. “I was worried.”
Jimmy chuckles, pitched a little high with nerves. “You were worried? Imagine my state!”
Scott pulls away, plants a small kiss on Jimmy’s lips before tugging off his mask, mouth twisting in a grimace.
There’s a large bruise on his cheek, and a small line of them down his jaw, but he otherwise doesn’t seem to be in very bad condition. Still, Jimmy frets, hands twisting anxiously.
“Where are you hurt? Do you need to get checked out? You really should go to the hospital, just in—”
“I’m fine,” Scott cuts him off. “Just some bruises. It’s all right.”
Even so, Scott stands there patiently, as Jimmy takes in every part of him.
He seems to be telling the truth. Nothing looks broken or like it’s bleeding too badly. He’s holding himself a little gingerly, though, that could be a broken rib—
Jimmy prods at his chest and Scott steps back, hands over himself.
“It’s not broken,” Scott says, teeth gritted. “Joel already tried it. Just a deep bruise.”
“Probably the worst kidnappers I’ve ever seen,” Joel calls from the kitchen, where he’d gone after pushing past the two of them in the hall. “Didn’t even know how to torture him properly.”
Torture? “Scott, I’m so sorry—do you need anything? Should I schedule you a therapy appointment?”
Scott bursts out laughing. “Thank you, baby,” he says. “I’m fine. I promise. Just tired.”
“And an idiot,” adds Joel. “How’d you manage to get kidnapped by such an incompetent lot?”
“Their signs said homemade croissants,” Scott moans, walking into the kitchen as if nothing ever happened (though his arm is still wrapped around his ribs). “You know I love supporting small local businesses.”
“’Twas your downfall,” Joel intones, snickering. “Sorry, mate.”
Jimmy follows awkwardly, not entirely sure how to behave.
Scott’s . . . fine?
He hadn’t even considered that as an outcome. He hadn’t dared to think that Scott might return without severe injuries, without being traumatized by the torture and greatly needing help returning to the real world.
Like Jimmy had been.
He doesn’t know what he can even do.
How can he help Scott when Scott doesn’t need help?
So Jimmy just kind of hovers, near Scott, as he sits there and eats pizza and jokes a little with Joel.
Then Scott leaves to go shower, and Joel shoots Jimmy a sympathetic smile.
“He’s fine,” Joel assures him. “He may be a bit clumsy for a while—his hands were zip-tied pretty tightly together—but he’s really fine.”
It’s hard to believe him.
But Jimmy just nods and resolves to not treat Scott strangely. He’s fine, after all.
If he’s fine, then so is Jimmy.
That night, there’s something wrong.
Jimmy wakes up quite suddenly, the odd sixth sense that he’d probed at the other day ringing with the notice that something is off.
He doesn’t know what. He doesn’t know what’s changed in their surroundings, but he knows that it’s not quite right and he needs to be aware of it.
Jimmy blinks open his eyes, glances over to Scott to reassure himself that his partner is safely there.
And leaning over Scott, a knife gleaming in their hand and poised above Scott’s chest, is a person dressed in black.
Jimmy reacts immediately.
He dives over Scott, knocking the man’s arm just as he sinks the knife down—Scott wakes with a cry of pain, the knife carving a jagged line in his chest and up his shoulder as the man is knocked off course.
Jimmy rolls off of Scott, faces the intruder for a brief second.
The intruder spits out a curse, then barrels into Jimmy, brandishing his knife.
Jimmy moves on instinct. He grapples with the man, twists his wrist with the knife—the man slashes at him, but Jimmy twists further until his grip loosens on the hilt, and then he takes the knife.
He spent hours and days and weeks training with Xornoth in knife work and he knows exactly how to attack to injure, which spots are the most painful without being fatal. He stabs the knife into the attacker’s upper arm, then into his side when he howls and twists away, and Jimmy can’t help but show off a bit as he flips the knife to his other hand and drives it into the man’s knee.
The intruder falls to his knees, and Jimmy’s head is pounding with the adrenaline, and he can’t move his focus from taking this man out entirely because he tried to kill Scott—
Jimmy spins around to be behind the man, hands on his throat—the man grabs at his wrists, nails scrabbling against his skin—and sends a burst of power out.
Under his sweaty palms, knife still tucked between the fingers of his right hand, Jimmy feels the man’s neck break. Not just the bone: his vocal cords snap—his muscles fall loose—his throat collapses, and so does the man, falling heavily to the carpet.
Jimmy stands there, panting.
Scott wheezes in pain.
Jimmy fumbles on the bedside table, grabs Scott’s hero phone with fingers slick with blood. He presses the emergency button on the side, holds it down for a solid five seconds.
Then he drops it back on the table, opens one of the drawers to pull out Scott’s mask.
“Jimmy,” Scott gasps, sitting up, clutching his arm over the slash in his shirt. “Are—are you okay?”
Jimmy nods, then he clicks on the bedside lamp, bathing the room in low, yellow light, and surveys Scott.
There’s a sheen of sweat over Scott’s bruised face, his eyes pained and confused (and concerned, and very very worried), but Jimmy barely registers that as his eyes find the wound.
His nightshirt is soaked in blood, spreading out from the slash, and it only takes one glance at the wound for Jimmy to know that it needs a professional to take a look at it. He doesn’t know near enough about injuries to know anything other than that it looks bad.
He leans over Scott (Scott flinches back) and pulls the mask over his face, carefully holding the knife pointed away from him. His hair catches a bit in the eyeholes and Jimmy doesn’t do anything about it.
"Major?" calls a voice from below, and Jimmy spins around, knife held out, as he hears the stairs creak with running footsteps. Was there back-up? No matter. There won’t be, soon.
A pajama-clad Blossom pushes open the door from where it's half-open (Scott always closes the door when they go to bed), her hands flying to her mouth when she takes in the scene. "Oh my gosh—Major, TJ, what happened? Should I call an ambulance? I'll call one—"
"Hello? Is everything okay?"
More footsteps, then Gem appears, mask pulled over tangled hair.
"Hi, we need an ambulance—the address—"
"What happened?" Gem says, echoing Blossom's words as Blossom turns away, one hand covering the ear not pressed to her phone.
Scott pushes himself up further, grimacing. "Intruder," he manages, nodding toward the body on the floor. Gem glances at it, before her eyes fix on Jimmy.
"TJ, sit down—where are you hurt? Where do you guys keep your first aid kit?"
"It's not my blood," Jimmy says, his voice too loud in his ears. He gestures with the knife toward the motionless body, the neck appearing kind of . . . squashed. "I'm fine. Check Major."
"Shoot, the attacker," Gem mutters. "Blossom, tell them that there's two or three people that need—"
"He's dead," Jimmy interrupts. "Don't worry about him. Check Major."
Gem blinks.
Meets Jimmy's eyes.
"Okay," she says after a moment. "I'll check Major. Did you kill him?"
Jimmy swallows.
"He was attacking us," he says stiffly. "He stabbed Major. I acted in self-defense."
Gem moves around and climbs onto Jimmy's empty side of the bed, still keeping an eye on him even as she checks out Scott, pulling away his shirt and asking quiet questions (to which Scott responds, his breath shallow and words faltering).
"The ambulance should be here soon," Blossom says, moving toward the foot of the bed. "TJ, you're covered in blood—set that knife down, let me help you."
"It's not my blood," Jimmy says again. "I'm fine."
"Okay, then—"
"You help Major," Gem says, slipping off the bed and coming back over. "I'll help TJ wash up. C'mon."
Numbly, Jimmy follows her out of the room, checking over his shoulder to make sure Scott is okay. Scott waves him on with the hand that isn’t held to his chest, and Jimmy continues down the hall, into the bathroom.
"We'll have to make this quick," Gem says. "Sit down. And give me that knife."
Jimmy doesn't want to give her the knife. He pulls it back to his chest when she reaches for it, thumbs the blade protectively.
"I need the knife to give it to Major, so that when the police get here we can have a convincing story without you in it. Make sense?"
After considering, Jimmy nods. It makes sense.
And that means he needs to not be here.
He hands over the knife. "I killed him," he says. "If they ask, Major stabbed him three times. Then he fell and broke his neck."
Gem shakes her head. "Okay. Wow. Okay. You know we don't normally kill people, right? Never mind. I'll go give this to Major."
Jimmy glances in the mirror as she steps past. There's blood spattered across his face, more in splashes on his nightshirt and shorts and arms. His eyes, cold and wide, peer back at him out of his pale face.
He needs to get out of here.
Gem returns after two or three minutes, handing Jimmy a jacket (one of Scott’s, he distantly notices).
"Zip that up over the blood, rinse off your hands, and let's go," she says. "We'll head to my place. Blossom will ride with Major in the ambulance. It doesn't look too bad, so he should be okay."
Jimmy obeys, letting Gem turn on the water so he can stick his hands under the cold spray.
For a moment, he's back there—just trying to scrub the blood off his hands from his first intentional murder in the sink with the broken handle.
Then he blinks, looking down at the sink, at the red running off his hands.
"Good enough. Let's go."
Joel joins them in Gem's dark kitchen after about two hours, stripping off a pair of gloves. He's fully dressed in his supersuit, his hair unbrushed and his posture stooped, looking more exhausted than ever.
"Gem, you have anything caffeinated?" Joel asks, opening a cupboard.
"Yeah, there's a pot of coffee already made. Mugs are in the left cupboard."
Jimmy watches as Joel finds a mug, fills it up with coffee, and then takes a swig of it black.
"Thanks," he says, face scrunching up at the taste. Joel doesn't like black coffee. Jimmy knows that. He always adds cream and sugar.
"Major's okay," Joel informs them, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table to sit across from them.
Jimmy's been here more or less in silence for the past hour and a half, staring at the wooden table. When they'd first come in, Gem had sent him to wash his hands and arms and face better than he had before, but there's nothing they can do about his sleepclothes, so he's just been sitting here in a blood-spattered t-shirt for a while. Gem had joined him after pulling a hoodie over her pajamas and starting the coffee maker, and has since sat beside him, working on a crossword puzzle.
"Major's okay, he and Blossom are at the hospital now. The intruder was pronounced dead on site. Major identified him as one of the men who kidnapped him."
Jimmy doesn't feel anything.
No sense of satisfaction at knowing that the man truly deserved it, no fear at how close they had been to getting killed, no guilt for his actions.
"TJ," Joel says hesitantly, "how are you doing?"
Jimmy shrugs.
He's still covered in the blood of the man he murdered.
"They say killing is like riding a bike," Jimmy says after a long pause. "You never quite forget how to do it."
Gem sighs. Joel winces.
"Right. Well, we don't really kill people, as a general rule. It's kind of, like, against the law."
The law.
As if the law applies to heroes and villains.
Jimmy's not really sure which one he is right now.
Neither, probably. Which means the law should apply to him, even if it hasn’t stuck in the past.
"I've never really been one to follow the law," Jimmy says.
"Sure, but as a person—"
He isn't a person. If anything was to prove that fact, it would be tonight. He hadn’t thought, he’d just acted, and even now the first feeling that he can even register is the feeling of not feeling. He isn’t a person.
He's a weapon.
He's a pet.
That's the word that triggers his therapy brain.
"I'm in a bad headspace," Jimmy interrupts Joel, using words that he'd rehearsed with Nora. "I don't feel like a person right now. I might be dissociating."
"We have to talk about this," Joel insists. "We can't run away from hard conversations—"
"I promised I would never kill again," Jimmy whispers, and, ah. There’s the panic. Detached and not quite real, but panic nonetheless. "I can't escape it. I'm not—I can't. I'm a weapon, I was made to be a weapon, I—"
"Stop that right now," says Joel firmly. "You are a person, and you just saved someone from being killed. It was self-defense, not mindless."
Jimmy almost laughs, because to some extent, it was mindless. He acted entirely on instinct, following the training Xornoth had given him, whether or not it was self-defense.
He doesn't like hurting people.
He never wanted to go back to being a villain.
It's not even that he's upset about killing that specific man. Screw that man, he tried to kill his boyfriend.
He's really just afraid that now that he's killed one person, he'll keep doing it. It isn’t like anyone can stop him. Nobody can stop him, not even himself, and he wouldn’t even care if his current state has anything to say about it.
"TJ," Gem says carefully, "why did you kill that man?"
Jimmy frowns. Why? "To protect Major."
"Do you have any desire to kill people outside of defense?"
Does he?
He's never had the desire to kill.
Not even when he was getting rewarded for it. Killing was something he did to survive, to escape severe punishment, or accidentally.
And here, he killed to protect. To save his boyfriend. He didn't get any satisfaction out of it. He certainly didn't enjoy it. He doesn't want to do it again.
That cuts through the foggy panic in his mind, the fear that he might keep going, that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
"No," he says, then stronger, "no. I never want to kill. I hate it. I only do it when I have to."
Joel lets out a breath of relief. "Thank goodness. Okay, next issue. You and Major clearly aren't safe here. Do you want to try to stick it out, or should we start moving you two as soon as possible?"
Jimmy hadn't even thought about it.
Of course they aren't safe here—he hadn't been safe alone, when Scott was kidnapped and he had to be moved to the safehouse. Why did he think that things would magically change just because Scott was here? Every villain in the city knows where they live. The rest of the gang that kidnapped Scott could show up on their doorstep at any time, even more angry than before.
Anyone could show up at any time.
Jimmy doesn't feel as secure as he used to feel, surrounded by superheroes as they are.
"We'll move," Jimmy decides. "As soon as Major is back, we're moving. It just isn't safe here."
They’ll move.
Then he’ll deal with this numbness.
"Hey!" Jimmy calls, running into the kitchen. "No! You aren't allowed to lift anything more than ten pounds, put that down!"
Scott sighs with an over-dramatic roll of his eyes, sets the box back on the counter. "It's not that heavy. And it doesn't even hurt right now."
"Just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it isn't injured, Mister," Jimmy tells him. "You don't want to pull out your stitches."
"You haven't let me help at all. Pearl already handled the actual heavy stuff, let me do something."
Jimmy shakes his head and picks up the box. "That's your own fault for getting stabbed right before we moved."
"We're moving because I got stabbed," Scott points out. "It's not like any of this was planned."
"You should have thought about that before you got stabbed, then."
Scott groans, then reluctantly laughs. "I guess I should have. Can I at least drive?"
Jimmy lets out a very put-upon sigh. "I suppose, since I don't have a driver's license, you can be allowed to drive. But only if you behave yourself."
Scott giggles again. "You're adorable," he says fondly. "You know I'm the Primary Protector of the city, right? I don't think you'd be able to stop me."
"And I killed a man last week," counters Jimmy. "I don't think you want to be on my bad side."
"Oh," Scott says after a moment. "Are we joking about this now?"
Jimmy shrugs. "We're in the laugh-or-cry stage. I'm trying to laugh about it right now."
Scott looks at him. Really, truly, looks at him.
Then he laughs. Just a little bit, but still a laugh.
"I love you," he says. "I'll help you hide the body next time."
Jimmy laughs a little, too, but Scott pauses.
"There . . . isn't going to be a next time, right?" he asks uncertainly.
"Oh, absolutely not. Not unless it's entirely necessary."
Scott nods several times. "Good," he says. “Yep. Cool.”
Jimmy turns back toward the door, box in his arms, and waits until he’s out of the house to huff, shaking his head (though a smile plays on his lips).
They’re okay.
He pushes away the numb feeling that threatens to seep into his brain and thinks and remembers and knows that they’re okay.
That’s good enough for him.
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brown-little-robin · 6 days
okay, I'm crowdsourcing advice for a minute, so bear with me and please lend some words if you have any:
I want to get out of the house more. Like, on a regular basis. Weekly, maybe. Preferably, I would like to be interacting with people—the same people—every time, for... like... accountability, but also because I am hoping to put myself out there as the 21st century's most neurotic platonic Casanova. Uh. Making a friend or more out of this would be desirable. But I think if I go out with the intention of making a friend, I will be disappointed.
So. I want to go do something, for that something's own sake. I don't want to go be fake once a week hoping to get a friend out of it.
However, the beautiful state of Iowa is a bit cultureless, and I am too introverted and easily overwhelmed for this world (e.g. going to bars is probably not gonna be my thing). So.... I guess.... any suggestions? opinions? thoughts on making friends in general, or finding good activities as an introverted adult, in general?
oh yeah, also: I am poor. that's a factor. so. signing up a class or similar is not a great option right now.
what the heck, I'll add a silly poll for fun:
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painted-bees · 1 year
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Raf is generally willing to deal with and work with all sorts of people, both pleasant and unpleasant--and he conducts himself exceptionally well even under the worst management or peership. So when there's someone he refuses to associate with, it's not just a red flag. It's a spike field.
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
o yeah btw i liked these guys from the latest crk update..... detective gays.... macaroni and cheese....🤭
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courtesanofdeath · 1 year
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The Jester
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sunshinemayhem · 19 days
Telemachus is such a prince because literally no one wants more problems at age 20
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softichill · 1 year
The Sounds of Nightmares unofficial transcript
Chapter 3 - The Theater of the Mind
(Once again made with @queen0fm0nsterz!!!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
[Otto sighs, shifting]
OTTO: Noone vanished last night. 
[Another sigh]
OTTO: As she slept, I was monitoring her ultradian sleep cycle. There was no REM/NREM oscillation; instead, involuntary spasms grew progressively worse. [shift] As I was about to wake Noone, her… body… evanesced. For a split instant- then returned, calm as can be. 
OTTO: [deep breath, loud exhale] Lacking sleep, I can’t be sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Yet the image of her sheets deflating… is imprinted upon my mind. [Sigh] After yesterday’s session, no less, when she claimed to hear this:
[Click, tape plays]
Recording of NOONE: “The faraway drifts near. Tread long, then, sink deep. Two flows from one, and here, is whole again.”
[Click, tape stops]
OTTO: A coincidence? [light clinking of ceramic/glass] Or, synchronicity? …(Scoff) Is that that bloody moth again?! 
[Loud smack, Otto sits back down] 
OTTO: Riddle piles upon riddle, and answers continue to elude. [Tape rewinding] I’ll sift through every word if I must. 
[Intro plays]
[Loud clicking and clacking, electric humming, Otto screwing something in]
OTTO: [Humming drops, returns] It’s clear. Noone’s symptoms go beyond parasomnias. [Continuing to build] Her retellings are too detailed, vocabulary too advanced, as if derived from the oneiric itself. 
[Humming raises in pitch, clicking] 
OTTO: However, what I find impossible to believe is that Noone’s seen who you saw, Cici. [Chair creaks, clattering] If two people, without any contact, shared the exact same observation, is it proof of transpersonal dreaming?
[Otto’s building continues]
OTTO: But such implies concurrence! And these dreams are years apart! Then… no. [buzzing picks up] I cannot be taken to metaphysical backwaters. Sounding like my old professor. [building] I’ve remained balanced over the years by clinging to the notion that my recollection of what happened years ago was wrong. [click, humming gets loud again] But now, those memories are coming home to roost. 
[Clicks, electronic humming, building stops]
OTTO: [Shift] Before I began at the CPI I promised to finish this apparatus. I let it fall away, convinced that attempting it was fool’s work. Now struggling to put myself in her shoes, well. Fool me twice. 
[Humming gets louder, buzzes out completely as it shocks Otto and he lets out an “Oh!”]
[A small pained noise from Otto before he starts to put the apparatus away]
[Door opens]
OTTO: (Gasp) Noone! [Scoff, he walks away from the recorder] You’re meant to wait outside. 
NOONE: (Far away) What are you working on?-
[Audio cuts]
[Click, blank noise]
[Audio starts again]
OTTO: We’ve come to know each other better over the past weeks, haven’t we?
NOONE: Because we’re friends! That’s why. And, friends tell each other things. 
OTTO: Friends. That’s right. One of the absolutes I’ve come to realize is that, the more time you spend with someone, the harder it becomes to hide who you really are. The only exception to this rule is with the company of oneself- we willfully hide what we’d rather not face. Like, the Candleman you mentioned seeing, under hypnosis. 
NOONE: I don’t like that. 
OTTO: What?
NOONE: Hiding things from myself. 
OTTO: Nobody likes it. That’s why it’s important to reveal your inner face. “Depth analysis”, we call it. And so, I’d like you to think of this session as a dialogue with your unconscious mind- you are asking the questions, not me. 
NOONE: …Asking myself questions?
OTTO: I’ll help! But, as you go, I’d like you to try. So! This… Candleman. Did you see him again?
NOONE: I-I did. 
OTTO: And what was this meeting like?
NOONE: …He was much clearer. Not just him, everything about it. My nightmare. 
OTTO: Elaborate, please. Was it worse? More vivid?
NOONE: What’s it like- Uhm… as if I’m watching a film, that I’m also the star of. And when I woke… it was here, in the Coppy, that felt more like the dream. 
OTTO: Hm, more palpable. The Candleman-
NOONE: I can’t talk about him without the rest. …If this is an interview with myself, might I begin where I want?
OTTO: Of course! Let your imagination run. But don’t be afraid to interact with the dream. This is an important step in our process- the dialogue. Bring together the divided parts of yourself. 
NOONE: …The mirror. 
OTTO: Pardon?
NOONE: The one off your shelf. If I’m meant to speak to myself, well…
OTTO: [Pause] …Patients aren’t meant to have mirrors, but, here you are, my bright girl. 
[Otto gives her the mirror]
OTTO: Begin as you please. 
NOONE, Narrating: …In the dark… a hand let go of mine. 
[Slip noise, Dream!Noone gasps. Dream ambience begins.] 
NOONE: Opening my eyes, I lay on hot concrete, staring up at a sky with- no sun. And… before me was, endless grey, broken by- yellow lines of paint, all the way to the horizon!
NOONE: Standing, in that carpark, I heard a silence. So silent, my own heartbeat was a marching drum in comparison. …It was followed by… a loneliness, so lonely, I could hardly bear it. I had to turn away. 
[Dream!Noone walking on gravel]
NOONE: Behind me, I was glad to see a building! A shopping mall, so large I- I felt half my normal size. Its doors opened, [sliding gravel] and I ran to them. 
[running footsteps, transition from gravel to tile. Doors close behind Dream!Noone.]
NOONE: Inside the promenade, [lights click on] the lights flicked on, one by one, greeting me as the PA speakers came alive with music. 
[Tinny, slightly off-sounding mall music]
NOONE: It had been ages since I’d visited a shopping center. I didn’t know where to start!
OTTO: You saw no need to find an exit right away?
NOONE: I felt like I was in good hands. But many shops were closed, though. There were no doors, and… no displays in the windows. Or, there must have been a private entrance, because- I could see shadows beyond the glass. 
NOONE: …A-after passing by several shops this way, I grew disappointed, but that’s when… a cowboy’s voice came over the speaker. 
COWBOY, slightly overlapped with Noone: “Sale at Jujube’s Toys! Dolls, games, puzzles, and more! Ground floor by the fountain!”
NOONE: I could see that fountain in front of me! And on the other side, was… a bright green storefront, with bubbles floating out the entrance. 
[Dream!Noone walking over, doors hiss as they open. Different tinny music.]
NOONE: Shelves and- shelves of wonders lined the shop! The toys on the first shelf were very old, but… deeper shelves held the same toys I had back home, and deeper ones held exactly those I’d wish for, even Little Lotty Potty! But… these Lotties had black eyes, not blue. And their skin was… yellow, like autumn leaves. 
NOONE: The shop owner wasn’t present, so… I grabbed one and began playing on the carpet. 
[Dream!Noone humming Six’s Theme. Doll makes automated noises.]
NOONE: But, it didn’t take long for me to grow… bored. That was the first time I… I felt too old for dolls. 
OTTO: (distant-sounding) Maturity is natural as you approach adolescence. The brain loses interest in things once held dear. 
NOONE: The idea of growing up made me sad. And as if reacting… Lotty’s dress became wet. The doll was doing as its name said, but… [doll chattering] the liquid was- dark and thick. I put her down to find something else. But the choices were almost too many! Towering shelves extending deep in- the gloom of the impossibly long shop!
NOONE: I settled on the games section, but, most were meant for two. Suddenly, a staticky whisper said,
Voice, overlapping with NOONE: “I’ll play with you.”
NOONE: I-I thought it was the shopkeeper, but… nobody was around. My eyes fell upon a jewelry-making kit, with a red necklace on the cover. I took the box back to where I left Lotty, only… she was gone. The shelf above, where the other dolls had been, was completely empty too. I wanted to make the jewelry, I really did, but… I felt weird, so… I put it down. Then, the PA crackled, a woman’s voice this time:
Voice, ov. NOONE: “Jujube’s Toys is now closing.”
NOONE: [Lights clicking off] The lights shut off, bubbles stopped… and, the last thing I saw before exiting… [toy train noises] was the train set crashing to a stop. [quiet fake bell ringing, toy engine stops] 
[Dream!Noone walking out of the store]
NOONE: The promenade was empty, still. Each step [steps become echoey] echoed across the walls and floors, which were- pearl white, and had patterns like… veins. 
[steps and music continues]
NOONE: I came to three sets of stairs, side-by-side, leading to the next floor. I chose one, and, reaching to the top, I saw another open shop. Mademoiselle’s… (saying it wrong) bijottery. 
OTTO: (still distant) Bijouterie. But, regardless- you could read this?
NOONE: Yes. The letters were quite big. 
OTTO: …Have you been able to read in your dreams before?
NOONE: I’m not sure. That’s not a question I would ask myself, though, Otto. 
OTTO: Apologies. 
NOONE, Narrating: The glass case in the center of the room… pulled me in. Full of… gold, and silver necklaces. Hanging in the middle, was… an enchanting red pendant. And before you ask, yes, it was just like on the box at the toy store. T-The PA came on again,
Voice, ov. with NOONE: “A free gift to all little girls 10 and under!”
NOONE: Without asking, I put the necklace on, glowing, like a ruby teardrop. With my gift, I set to leave, but… someone must’ve left the speaker on because… I heard arguing. 
NOONE: (overlapping) “Don’t overdo it!” Said a first voice, followed by a second, (overlapping) “One more prize can’t hurt!”
[something being set down, wheels across tile, whoosh]
NOONE: From the back room, a rack of dresses rolled out. All, exactly my size.
[Dream!Noone looking through the dresses]
NOONE: It’d been ages since I’d been allowed to pick out my own dress. The telly people chose them for me. These ones were very pretty, with lace and, and bows and stitching but, one… it… it was the plaid dress I wore the day I arrived at the Coppy. How could my dress be here? [lowering pitch of voice, asking questions to herself] Your real life doesn’t have to mix into your dreams Noone, why now? 
OTTO, interrupting narration: (astonished) Pardon?
NOONE: (giggling) I’m asking myself questions. Well, the only explanation is that they could see inside my head.
OTTO: I’m not sure that’s logical.
NOONE: Let me finish! Please. You’ll see.
NOONE, narrating: Back out on the promenade, the shop gates began to slam shut. [Gates slamming] I was worried the mall was closing, but on the floor above, a set of spinning bright lights came on [Lights turn on]. The music stopped and, the PA crackled with a sing-songy voice, 
Voice, ov. with NOONE: [music] “Showtime’s patrons! Our daily motion picture will begin shortly. Hot popcorn’s popping and the seats await in the playhouse!” 
NOONE: [Lights shutting off] The rest of the mall went dark, making the lights more enticing to follow. 
[Dream!Noone walks across the mall]
NOONE: The lobby was- red from floor to ceiling. Buckets of popcorn overflowed on the concession stand. I grabbed one, and hurried to push open the huge golden doors leading into the theater.  
[Running steps, doors creak. Slightly off organ music plays.] 
NOONE: The velvet seats went for rows and rows, full of people. A spotlight hit the stage, illuminating an organ, but… there was no organ player. Only tall curtains swaying in some breeze. I tiptoed down the aisle, and sat centered with the screen. The chair seemed to hug me, and the room fell dark [crunching] as the first buttery bit hit my tongue. 
[Music stops playing, sounds of projector booting up]
NOONE: Without adverts or introduction, the film began. Images of… trees on fire and… white hooves galloping. I recognized the picture instantly because I’ve seen it a hundred times. “The Healing Horn”. [Movie plays] Only the scenes were out of order, and the unicorn… her horn was misshapen, like… a rotten tree branch. The evil prince’s face, too, was… was wrong. 
NOONE: Feeling out of place I – I looked around. The audience, I… I realized, was not people but… mannequins. 
NOONE: All of a sudden, a familiar scent entered the dream. Ocean. I was no longer alone. The dusty projector light made it difficult to suss, but a few seats over… was the Candleman. His eyes and mouth were… deep black pits inside a mess like a wet gunny sack, sagging down the floor. Without turning, he spoke. 
[Growing noise stops]
OTTO, interrupting abruptly: He – what?! [Shifting] What did he say? 
NOONE: [Sighing] It was like a – a voice underwater. The words could hardly escape the folds of skin. He repeated them to me. 
NOONE as the FERRYMAN, glitching: “The faraway drifts near. Tread long, then sink deep. Two flows from one, and here, is whole again.”
OTTO: And then? [shifting in the chair] What else? 
NOONE, as the FERRYMAN: “Here. Here. Here.”
NOONE: He just repeated over and over.
OTTO: There must be more! Try, try! Interact with the dream!
NOONE: There was no more!
OTTO: (raising his voice) Ask who he is, ask what he wants!
NOONE: (raising her voice) It doesn’t work that way!
OTTO: You were right there! Don’t tell me you did nothing?! Not a damn thing!
NOONE: Stop!
OTTO: [farther away] I’m beginning to doubt you’ve seen this Candleman! [Noone struggling] Perhaps you’ve invented the whole story! 
NOONE: Please, stop- my head!
[Otto hisses (gets hit?), sounds of something being knocked over, Noone runs out of the room.] 
[Otto huffs and stops the tape]
[Click. Blank noise. Another click]
[Various shifting noises. Silence. Door opens and someone walks, then closes it]
OTTO: [far away, stern] What are you doing? With the mirror. [Steps] You’re up to something, but we’ll let it slide. I know girls like you. 
OTTO: You’re upset with me, aren’t you? [plastic clacking] Here. A pill for your headache. (Sigh) Earlier, that was… awfully…[Otto sits] that- that was not how friends act. Sleep has evaded me too. I’ve grown worried, trying to… please, forgive me. I’d very much like to hear the rest. I won’t interrupt, you have my word. 
NOONE: … Fine. 
OTTO: So… you were in this theater with him. 
NOONE, narrating: … All kinds of pictured* flashed on the screen, and then he was gone, leaving me alone again. Or so I thought. The projector flickered in the booth. I dashed up, and found the door ajar. A new voice came over the PA, angry. “No patrons in the projection room!” The door was stuck, but I pushed and pushed. The PA boomed, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “You must not enter!”
[Crashing, door opens]
NOONE: The projector I saw first was shaped like… a deformed eye. Then, my attention fell to… the mass on the floor. [Slimy sound] A brain? A heart? …No. It’s muscles pumped and pumped, and its tubes ran into the walls. The voice came, both from inside the room and over the PA: 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Happy day, No One.”
NOONE: It… it knew my real nickname. The ones kids at school scribbled all over my books. How? Because it was in my head. …I asked, “You’re the one who’s been talking? All those voices?”. Then, I saw countless film cans around the room, and understood. It was so alone, it took to imitating. Then it said, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Are you going to leave? Like all the others?”
NOONE: I managed a… “Yes”. The thing began pulsing and, upset, it sort of cried out. 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “So many, they take what they want and go, or get snatched away or worse!” 
NOONE: It paused, then went on, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Whatever you desire, it’s yours.”
NOONE: … But I didn’t want anything from it. The PA belted, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “The pendant! You wanted that!”
NOONE: The pulsing worsened until another voice came within the first,
VOICE 2, ov. with NOONE: “You’ve driven another away!” [Not overlapping, repeating: “You’ve driven another away!]
NOONE: I felt bad for it. Or them… this place had been warped by pain, and wanted so badly to keep me. Even the walls began throbbing. What could I do?!
[Noise intensifies, Dream!Noone breathes heavily] 
NOONE: I – I ran. Down the stairs, out of the theater. 
[Dream!Noone runs away]
NOONE: On the promenade, the lights were flashing so as to be dizzying. The PA screeched, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Everyone needs someone! Don’t leave me alone!”
NOONE: The walls began to cry that dark thick liquid, pooling around me, I looked up. From the floor above, the Candleman stared, pointing at my chest. At the pendant. I flung it down into the liquid, then he reached a hand toward me and – 
[All noise stops]
NOONE: And all faded, as the PA sobbed,
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Don’t take her! Not this one, too…” 
[Narration stops. Silence. Shifting]
OTTO: T-There was um… uh, e-excuse me, a curious phrase. “Warped by pain”. Is that how you feel, sometimes? 
OTTO: Noone? Are you still angry with me? Or… distracted by the mirror? 
NOONE: Behind my ear…  there’s… a sore. 
OTTO: Is that why you wanted the mirror all along?
NOONE: [Hum] It’s like the ones I used to get. I need to see it. 
OTTO: Nothing’s there. It’s red because you’ve been picking at it. 
NOONE: …I have one more question for myself. Why do I have these dreams? Water sickness, that’s my answer. 
OTTO: Noone. It’s wiped out of your system. There have been no known reinfections. It’s in your mind. 
NOONE: (with increasing distress) What if the cure is the cause? I never had nightmares or headaches before all of this, before going on telly, before – before this! –
OTTO, interrupting: (whispering) No, no, come, come, come, come here, my girl. [Shifting, Otto hugs Noone] You’re not sick. You’re perfectly fine. You’re a perfectly wonderful little girl. This time I will protect you. 
[The mirror falls on the ground and breaks]
NOONE: I’m sorry! I’m sorry, uh, you were squeezing so tight and… it slipped. 
[The mirror shards are picked up. Otto throws them away] 
OTTO: You asked why you dream. The truth? Nobody knows. My studies always assumed they were more than the brain’s way of filtering unconscious thoughts. But I had no answer either. An old professor of mine thought he did. He believed dreams come from an ever shifting plane, a quiddity of consciousness. 
NOONE: Quidd-i-ty…
OTTO: Quiddity. The essence of a thing. In this case, a semiatangible plane outside the mind. 
NOONE: Is it the same as mutual dreams? I don’t understand.
OTTO: My colleagues didn’t either. I’ve flip-flopped over the years, but I figured it was impossible to prove.
NOONE: Will I ever get rid of them, then? Will I ever leave the Coppy?
OTTO: You must understand, you are a unique case. I want to let you go, as soon as – 
NOONE, interrupting: I’m better?
OTTO: (sighing) Yes. As soon as you’re better. [Otto stands, picks something up] Now – 
NOONE: I know, I know. (Lower pitch, mimicking Otto) “Sweets for my sweet”. …Do I have to go back to my room?
[Sounds of plates] 
OTTO: I’ve- got to tidy, [wrappers] and, you reminded me there’s something I need to find. On you go. I’ll come by later. 
[Shift, audio cuts]
[Audio starts]
[Otto looks through papers, and sighs] 
OTTO: Ah, I found it. The paper that stained my professor’s career. Kept it all these years, hoping and dreading there was truth in these words… 
OTTO, reading: “We know now that there is no center to the universe. Previously we thought it was the Sun, before that we thought it was the Earth. Our species always insists that ours is the quintessence of experience. Yet scientific observation proves our folly ad nauseum. If geocentrism took centuries to disprove, the question is not if but when the same will happen to reality itself. That which we are equipped to perceive may not be the only world. Let alone the predominant one.” 
[Outro plays]
*This is what she actually says. I have no idea why.
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butterflieswhisper · 2 months
Tumblr media
looping echidna beastlife gif from trying to figure out toonboom
#based loosely off the bird who keeps taunting my cats through the window. brown headed cowbird who will sit there#and flap it's wings and yell until the cats show up and then it starts pecking at the window and jumping back and forth in front of them#weird bird.#it's done this for like two years now i think#anyways. sound it makes when it fluffs up is vaguely similar to echidnas birdsong soundboard noise thing. so. yeag#whisp whispers#my art#ALSO. ANIMATION PRECOLLEGE IS SO AWESOME. IM SO. AHRHRHNFMDM GET ME OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL PRLESDRRRE GIVE ME AN ART TEACJER WHO CARES ABOUT ART#it's so awesome here. toonboom access!!!! this is so awesome. guys toonboom is so awesome. not to turn a hobby into a job but like i was#genuinely kind of sad when i didn't get to go to school over the weekend it's so awesome here. who was going to tell me college doesn't suck#miserably all the time. like it's a precollege but still this is so ??? so much better than anything i've done in the past 8 years#<-except for fine crafts one i miss u fine crafts ...... not even a fine arts credit. but it was a nice class#anyways point being. hm. maybe i could animate for a job. i used to think about it but hs art magnet is so bad guys it's so bad .and i#was like hm this sucks actually. also like worst period of my life but that's unrelated . but this is so. nice? and im DOING things and i#feel like i'm learning??? god i hope dual enrollment goes well maybe i will be able to make it through college...#im so. this is so awesome. precollege animation 2-week intensive thing i love you i love you i love you#BTW GUYS DID YOU KNOW ALL AUTODESK PRODUCTS ARE FREE AS LONG AS UR IN ANY SCHOOLING. MAYA. FOR FREE. FOR AS LONG AS ENROLLED IN ANY SCHOOL#AND THEN SOME !!! i don't even like 3d modeling that much but. maya for free??? that's awesome. that's awesome!! anyways#rambling. i think i missed all normal tags. uhhhhhhhhh#beastlife#<-oh no i only missed that one. awesome. guys i love it here this is so. arbrnsnnm i love you figure drawing. i'm having fun!#with charcoal!!!!! i thought i hated charcoal but this is like !!!!! so aweosme ?????? i'm#this is so awesome. this is so awesome. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fuckfuck fuck i need to make more physical crafts i need to create tangible things that i can hold with my two hands and put it somewhere i can See It and think Wow. I Made That.
#finished my little rudimentary earring holder & one of two arm warmers#MORE!!!! MORE!!!!!! I NEED MORE#maybe... maybe ill go get myself a new little plant and a pot to decorate. a little guy for my windowsill#ohhh i could uh! i could make like a little scrapbook thing and put in there all of my favorite things that ive drawn....#a little egotistical Perhaps but!! on days where i feel like shit and like my art sucks i could flip through that!#and say 'huh. not too bad actually'#plus it just sounds like a fun craft. i could get stickers and stuff. washi tape. glue flat objects on. add teeny doodles#i just. i need to create more i think thats whats wrong with me lately#i feel such Peace and Joy when i make physical things#i wonder if id like book binding...#no no thats for future me who has a job and an Income to get interested in#that would be fun tho! ive always wanted to try it.#and if i do i'd Really want to do that thing where people take a fanfic and make it into a physical book#that would be so fun...#i could have my favorites on a shelf! with permission of course!#absolutely unprompted#yk when i start to feel that Despair i really just gotta think about what physical things i could create#what art things i still have to discover and attempt and enjoy#today has sucked But! i will take the car tomorrow and by fuck i will do Something#a new plant friend. yeah. i need something alive in my room#and this weekend ill go to michaels and get myself washi tape so that i can secure my posters to the walls#bc my poster tack Is Not Working!#i wonder if our printer can work on cardstock... i wonder if its been Set Up yet i havent seen her#maybe ill make some more tiny vases today. i have clay still...#OH OH i could make small amigurumi keychain things...#*spoken with clenched fists and gritted teeth* there is still so much to discover and delight in in this life#the walls in this house are bare and cold but if my stepdad allows I Can Spruce It The Fuck Up#ohhhhh crochet tapestries... i could probably do that too...#i cant wait to pick up crafts get bored two days later and drop em and i say that sincerely!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
HC hyrule, resuscitation
I finally got a job!!! I'm working at our local animal shelter
So for my bonus blorbo, HC wild?
I cant remember their jobs beyond time and hyrules 😭
"Okay, I need your opinion on this."
Hyrule glanced up from his snack to look at Wild, and he smirked mischievously. "Is that why you made me some food? To bribe me?"
Wild laughed. "No! I just--it's this medical scene in a show."
Oh heavens. Hyrule watched him, quirking his mouth and pulling a hesitant expression. "Uh... sure."
Smiling, his friend turned on the TV, pulling up a show. Hyrule didn't recognize it, but he wasn't sure that was a good thing or not. When the scene played, it showed two medics kneeling by an unconscious person.
"He's not breathing," the medic noted worriedly.
Hyrule raised an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes as he watched it play out. When the medics didn't bother checking for a pulse, he shifted uncomfortably. Before he could really say anything, the patient suddenly had defibrillator pads on them, and the television medic said, "Clear!"
Hyrule blinked. "Wait, did they just--"
The patient jumped with a shock, and the medics glanced at the monitor. "We got a heart beat!"
The scene paused. Hyrule glanced hesitantly at Wild, who looked like he was about to burst out laughing.
Hyrule's expression soured. "You just did that on purpose, didn't you?"
Wild burst out laughing.
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