#soundtrack to an existential crisis
markedbyindecision · 1 year
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Soundtrack to an Existential Crisis
released by Au/Ra on August 27, 2021 (insp.)
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iamjennaart · 11 months
Au/Ra - Heavy
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Can't you see I take us both down?
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sleepyyghostt · 4 months
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video editing can take you interesting places
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dysphoresque · 2 years
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Text ID: How wonderful will be / the end of all things / as my body rots / and I am destroyed.
— All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001) dir. Shunji Iwai
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nervousenby · 7 months
Btw under the rocks and stone there is water underground. If you even care.
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goinggoats · 4 months
it is intermission at the Stardew Valley concert and I have experienced every human emotion. maybe the rest of the concert will give me shrimp emotions such as Anxiety 2
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allidreamedup · 10 months
i'm actively using this app again which means i'm feeling sad and alone so that's fun but i guess there's paramore gifs here so at least i'll have a good time being sad
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hades-in-bloom · 6 months
The Bigger Person
Spawn!Astarion Ancunin x Redeemed Dark Urge!Reader
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summary: after saving Baldur’s Gate, Astarion and his partner descend into the Underdark to take care of Cazador’s misdeeds. All seven thousands of them. Was it something the elf truly wanted to do with his freedom?
spoilers for Act 3/Pale Elf and Epilogue
warnings & contents: teethy fluff; established relationship; comfort, sass, and class; hints of existential crisis; the reader could be any gender; mentions of trauma; some hugs; assumed drow or half-drow background of the reader but could be any race
a/n: I am kinda terrified of writing for Astarion as I respect Larian’s work SO MUCH (so Larian, please forgive me, if I ever do this goofy dagger-happy love wrong). This blurb came out of nowhere as I was bored during my long ass flight. As always, proceed at your own risk. Minors DNI! Masterlist xoxo
soundtrack: miley cyrus — used to be young
You watched Astarion from afar as elf was basking in the azure light of a Sussur tree. His pale skin glowing, eyes half-lidded—one of, if not the most beautiful sight you’ve seen in your entire life. Radiance of a Sussur flower might have been the closest thing to the sunlight the vampire spawn had now, after the ever-protecting tadpole was gone.
It was barely a couple of weeks since the Netherbrain crushed into the Chionthar. The exhausting journey was finally over. Your thoughts for a moment went to Gale—how was he fairing now, taking into account his condition? And what any of you was supposed to do with your lives now, after saving the world?
You shook off your guessings by and by—only to notice that it was Astarion’s turn to stare at you. His smooth lips curved into a mischievous grin.
“My once murderous little love, what were you daydreaming of?” The man wondered as he stepped towards you, stretching out a hand for you to touch, inviting you to feel the soothing coldness of his forever-young skin. The elf tilted his head a bit, curiously; studying you.
“You seemed… far from here.” Although his tone was lighthearted, you could see concern in the wandering gaze of garnet eyes. After all these weeks traveling—and now living— together, you could read him quite well.
“It’s nothing,” you mumbled before coming to your senses; a gentle, slightly teasing smile appearing on your face. “I was stalking you, actually. You fit quite well with the Underdark, you know.”
Astarion didn’t seem to object your observations.
“Well,” he gestured abstractly, pretending not to care, although he cared quite a bit. “You don’t say, my sweet. Although I'd assume that my features should look aesthetically pleasing in most of the attention worthy places.”
You couldn’t keep a straight face as you laughed, enjoying his lazy attempts to hide a proud smile.
“Behave, Astarion. There are kids in the close vicinity, after all.”
The man changed in the face and let out a soft groan. “Seven thousand of them,” he muttered with slight annoyance in his voice.
Despite grimaces Astarion made regularly, you could see him enjoying it—taking care of the murderous horde of vampire spawns to whom the elf showed mercy in the palace. He was their mentor, their leader now—a counterpart to what Cazador was, the monster that created them all. Now so much better than him.
“I blame you,” Astarion continued in the meantime, playfully pointing a finger in your direction. “That’s all your nasty influence. Be the bigger person, dear!..” he passionately—and painfully accurately—mimicked your tone of voice while saying the last piece. You, though, weren’t offended in the slightest. You liked him even more when he dared to show the silly side of his complex, wounded personality.
You felt his hand crawling around your waist as he huffed next to your ear shortly after. “Why should I be a bigger person, darling, when I can be happy and petty?”
You snorted. “I don’t think you’re holding back on pettiness, love.”
His smile stretched across the skin of your neck in a silent, although eloquent enough reply. None of you said a thing for quite a while, staying motionless close to each other with heads buried deep into your own thoughts.
“Thank you.” You blurted out eventually.
Astarion shifted, looking into your face with his eyebrow raised. He was visibly confused.
“Thank you for choosing this. Choosing them.” you continued as you met his gaze with yours. “Instead of your… freedom.” You struggled to find a better word for that.
Astarion didn’t seem to be convinced; didn’t seem to follow at first. “I’m free,” he replied gravely. “The bastard is dead.”
You shook your head slightly. “You could’ve been anywhere. Doing anything,” you retorted with care. “But you’re here instead.”
His facial features softened as he understood why you were saying what you were saying. There was a pinch of truth in your words—he spent some time thinking about it, too, after you’ve both descended into the Underdark and began building this fort; the safe harbor for Cazador’s cursed—as although perpetually hungry vampire spawns now, these people deserved to have a place to call home, no matter how dangerous or uncivilised per human standards it was.
You heard Astarion letting out a reluctant sigh as he came to terms with his own decision once more.
“This was the right thing to do.” The elf concluded at once.
Mild aversion to his own heroism that manifested itself in his whole appearance in that particular moment made you giggle suddenly.
“My, my. Who thought you'd be up for doing The Right Thing the first time we met.”
The elf gave you a friendly, tad fiendish stare as he rolled his eyes, and you scoffed as he spoke. “Not that you were a paragon of virtuousness back then either, being your daddy’s scion.” You made an unamused face that made him smile.
Astarion reassured you then with playful seriousness, letting his lips and teeth slide affectionately to your neck. “Don’t keep your hopes up, darling. Now my quota of the rightful deeds is fulfilled for the upcoming century.”
You smirked as you locked him into a hug, not believing a single word of what that man just said as you felt him hugging you back.
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I got the Pizza Tower “Pizza supreme!” Soundtrack finally
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It comes with a mini cookbook with recipes by Richaadeb and Peppino!
A few have Peppino having a bit of input
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(Hes just fully aware some food is sentient)
He sounds so goofy and awkward and is pretty friendly
….and then this happens
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Fake Peppino apparently inserts his own recipe and the two following pages, peppino proceeds to have a full on existential crisis.
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And then he just starts leaking his insecurities like cooking frozen foods means despair and how he’s poor
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And finally
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Someone help this guy he’s not ok.
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kit-walk3r · 11 months
Are the Evans team Barbie or team Oppenheimer?
It seems appropriate 😂
Kit- Originally went to see Barbie because Julia wanted to but ended up loving it. Definitely cried. Loved seeing Barbie’s onscreen that looked like Julia, he could tell it made her happy. 100% had a crush on Margot Robbie after this.
Rory- Is actually one of the background Ken’s and won’t stop telling people. Drags all his friends and family to see it so he can point out himself in the background of a dance number for 10 seconds. Laughs out loud at every joke. Actively uses the phrase ‘Kenergy’.
Gallant- Barbie’s were his first subjects for styling hair so is super excited for the movie. Thinks he could have styled Margot Robbie’s hair better than the actual movie stylist. Everyone thinks he’s crushing on Ryan Gosling as Ken but he’s actually crushing on Michael Cera as Allan.
Peter- Knows all the words to I’m Just Ken. Has the Ken rollerblades and has attempted to run with them on but failed miserably. Is not ashamed to admit that he finds all of the Barbie’s attractive.
James- Actually remembers when the atomic bomb happened so is intrigued to see how they’ve translated it to film. Is disappointed that they don’t show the dead. Doesn’t understand why Oppenheimer feels guilty. Barbie is too bright, colourful and happy for him.
Kai- Barbie: a film about empowering women? Fuck that, Kai wants the movie with explosions. Pre-cult Kai would have cried seeing Florence Pugh naked. Considered changing his name from ‘Divine Ruler’ to ‘Death, Destroyer of Worlds’.
Tate- Really sees himself in Allen. Can relate to Oppenheimer’s guilt. Leaves both movies crying. Wants Ken’s hoodie that says “I’m Kenough”. Has an existential crisis leaving Barbie questioning who he is. Fears nuclear war after Oppenheimer.
Kyle- Did the Barbenheimer double bill. Secretly preferred Barbie to Oppenheimer but loved them both. Wore pink to Barbie. Gets excited every time he recognises an actor in Oppenheimer. Won’t shut up about both movies after he’s seen them and will fight people on the internet who insult them.
Jimmy- Team Barbie because he thinks every person in that movie is attractive. Team Oppenheimer because he actually loves a good biopic. Afterwards says he would definitely go to a Tupperware Party hosted by the Barbie’s.
Austin- Won’t stop talking about the Barbie soundtrack and costume design. Won’t stop talking about the theatrics of Oppenheimer. Won’t stop talking about Cillian Murphy’s eyes.
Colin- Empowering women!! Emily Blunt!! Colin definitely crushes on Emily Blunt and also loves a movie that empowers women so Barbie and Oppenheimer are his two perfect movies. Clapped at the end of both films.
Since I’ve seen both of the movies I thought this would be fun 🤭
Taglist: @jellyluvr @howtobesasha @dewberryobssesed @rwottvn @kaismanwich @violetharmonstwin @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @mariefics @spill-the-t @hyperharlz
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momobani · 11 months
THE WAY I hate YOU - Chapter 3 - 16.3k
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&team Nicholas x fem!reader - arranged marriage AU
Sum: most people would die to stay in their honeymoon phase, you on the other hand might die from being in the honeymoon phase. 
Warnings: swearing, sarcasm, mention of food and alcohol, Nicholas (i feel like his existence is a warning in this one, you’ll see what i mean), mentions of sex 
Soundtrack rec: Hold Me Tight or Don’t - Fall Out Boy
Taglist: @nichoswag @seokka0o
A/N: i personally was having a delightful time writing some of this, like more than usual lol that i went overboard with the word count, i hope you enjoy it too <3 (again ft some fun cameos! don’t take it seriously lmao)  
This is so not how you had imagined spending your Friday night.
The hot pot machine bubbled quietly in the middle of the table while you tried to simultaneously pay attention to what Nicholas was saying and fight a piece of meat that just kept disappearing below the surface of the broth. 
“So, what do you think?” Nicholas concludes. He’d just finished his side of the debate on which apartment you should choose to live in. The two of you had been meeting to organise your lives and had finally come to make a decision for where you’ll live. 
You finally manage to snag that piece of meat and bring it to your plate quickly. 
“Well, I agree about how much nicer it would be to have a laundry room but I’m not too hot on the location.” you reply.
“What do you mean?” he asks. “The location is perfect!” 
“What’s so perfect about it?” you inquire, looking down at the tablet between you. The map just showed it was some distance away from your current apartments, although closer to the supermarket you went to and the boba cafe you liked. 
“It’s pretty central to where we need to go,” he says, flicking through the photos again. “and there’sabasketballcourtafewblocksaway.” he speedily finishes. The slew of words don’t quite hit your ears in real time and your eyebrows scrunch together as you try to decipher what your husband just said. 
“There’s a what?” you ask. 
“And there’s a park so nature, yay!” he grins, trying to move on but you weren’t born yesterday. You raise an eyebrow combatively - he either tells you or you’ll veto this entirely. Nicholas sighs. “There’s a basketball court nearby and it’d be nice to play with my friends. Happy now?”
“What really is happiness?” you hum in thought, avoiding sinking into a philosophical blackhole, instead thinking about his revelation about the court and to some extent, the park. It might be a way to get Maki to come over to yours and hang out - you barely got to see him lately and you wanted to see how he was doing.    
“Hey, save the existential crisis for later and tell me if I can play basketball or not.” Nicholas pouts over a piece of tofu puff.
“I’m not about to choose an apartment based on that. Give me better reasons.” you shrug, coming down with a verdict that you were sure Nicholas wouldn’t like, but you weren’t about to just indulge him.
“Okay, let’s review; our own laundry room, underground parking, central location,” he lists, taking a moment to think between each one. “reasonable mortgage - hmm?” he wriggles his eyebrows the way you think those old school teleshopping people would but right now it feels more like the way a shady conman might. “Oh, and the park and the court.”
You purse your lips, weighing up the pros and cons. The place you’d chosen had some of the same perks - in terms of parking and location but there was no laundry room, just a machine in the kitchen and you didn’t love that. You mentally added the boba place to Nicholas’ list and the possibility of persuading your little brother to visit you so he wouldn’t forget you exist. 
Unfortunately, it made logical sense to pick the place with more perks and better price for value, but the whole thing sounded like Nicholas was fishing for a way to avoid you at home. 
On second thought, maybe that’s how you should consider it - it might give you opportunities to be independent of each other and not be constantly stuck together. You clear your throat and munch on a piece of rice cake for a moment.
“Fine, let’s take that one. I like doing laundry.” you say whatever nonsense that comes to mind. Nicholas is suddenly far too happy to pay attention to details. 
“Really?” his eyes are wide in surprise. “Okay, we better move fast then. I’ll send them an interest inquiry right now.” he forgets about the food and starts tinkering away on securing the apartment for you. 
You watch him, busy hands and roaming eyes. He pushes up the sleeves of his olive shirt - a comfy and clearly beloved cozy sweater - and focuses. You notice the details of his existence; his tense forearms, the tongue that swipes across his lips unconsciously, and the chain that hangs around his muscular neck. 
Sometimes it was hard to understand that you weren’t really strangers any more. 
You’d been married for two weeks already and had been seeing a lot more of each other than you thought you would before you lived together. There’d been several family and business dinners that had needed your presence but you went to each other’s places to eat occasionally while you looked at new apartments or planned your move.
So much for strangers. 
Nicholas was your husband now and you were his wife. It had already happened and you just needed to get used to it.
“YN?” you snap out of it, realising that you’d been spacing out while looking in his direction so he probably thought you were staring at him. 
He gives you a once over and goes back to his tapping on the screen. “Nothing, just checking you were still breathing.”
“I am.” you confirm, taking a deep breath in and exhaling. “See?” 
“Yeha.” Nicholas barely responds because he seems to have made progress on the inquiry. “And done. We should hear from them soon.” he smiles, pretty proud of himself. 
“Cool. Now we just have to somehow pack up our lives and smush them together in one place.” you say. 
“Don’t stress, it’ll be fine.” Nicholas says dismissively, getting back to his meal. 
“Let’s hope so.” you mumble and do the same. 
You had lived by yourself for a little while now, so living with someone else again all of a sudden was going to be a bit of shock to your system. 
The two of you had agreed to have your own rooms and your own space within the apartment, essentially cohabiting like roommates because nowhere did it say in any document you actually had to sleep in the same bed like a married couple would. 
You were married legally and in name only, as far as you were concerned. 
You drew up rules to keep the peace, basic things like keeping it clean, respecting each other’s space, and minding your own business, but you weren’t too worried about it. You were a great roommate, even if you did say so yourself.  
The apartment was secured over the weekend and you were free to move in from the following Thursday onwards. 
Several days later, your apartment was all packed up except for the bare minimum living essentials, which would come with you later. You helped the movers put your stuff in their van, telling them that they’ll meet your husband at the apartment while you hung back and sorted things out there. 
It’s sluggish to put the last few items in a box and double check your suitcase. You get a text from Nicholas that the movers have finished and are away already and you realise you’re moving slowly subconsciously; you didn’t want to leave yet.
You didn’t want to accept that you weren’t going to be the way you were any more. 
There was an echo of your footsteps that resonated through your now empty apartment, the space far too barren for your liking. In some ways you were glad, because you’d been able to negotiate which of your furniture you would keep and which you had to sell on since you had no need for it. 
Your precious couch and coffee table had survived and you were taking it with you, whereas Nicholas was bringing the dining table and chairs from his place with your somewhat enthusiastic approval. (The dining table was tastefully furniture to die for.) Your bedroom stuff had survived for the most part since you weren’t going to share any of it, but apart from that, you had to sell several things. 
You looked over your shoulder one last time at what used to be your place, before closing the door with a quiet click for the last time. It felt solemn; like the end of an era, so of course you were feeling a little sentimental. 
The drive to your new apartment was marred by heavy rain pouring down, the forecast for sunny clear skies completely wrong, so you drove slowly, putting on a sad ballad to match the mood. You were going to miss that place; it was somewhere you’d learned a lot about yourself, had your real taste of independence in and one that you cherished a lot. 
You get to your new front door, apartment 520* mounted in pretty gold letters against the dark emerald lacquer of the door. 
It felt like a betrayal when you entered the passcode for the first time and opened the door.
“Surprise!” you heard a yell as soon as stepped into the hallway. You jump slightly, suddenly snapped out of your thoughts. “Hey, roomie!” 
Nicholas was standing there grinning, all alone, blowing one of those annoyingly brightly coloured party blowers. The noise scratched a very specific part of your brain, and not in a good way. You moved to shove your shoes off.  
“Not exactly a surprise since we agreed to live here together, but okay.” you say shrugging and drag your suitcase into the corridor. 
“I guess,” Nicholas says. “but I just wanted to get one of these.” he holds up the party blower. 
“Great.” you move past him and look around for your furniture. You spot the stuff in your room and your couch is deposited randomly with your coffee table but what surprises you is that Nicholas’ stuff isn’t here yet. “Did something happen to the dining table, or?” you ask. 
“Ah,” he hums, thinking for a moment. “well, I’ve still got a few things to move since I was using Fuma’s van and it didn’t fit everything, so I sort of sacrificed the table. Sorry.” he finishes sheepishly. “Besides, isn’t it classic to eat on the floor the first night you move in somewhere new?” 
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a thing or not, I guess we’re doing it on the floor.” you say. 
“Huh?” Nicholas seems startled for a moment. “Doing what?” 
“Eating, duh.” you say. You wonder why that would have confused him; surely he wasn’t thinking you two were going to- oh my god, did he? No, you were just tired and imagining stupid things. You shake your head, “Whatever. I’m ordering. What do you want to eat?” 
And so you did eat on the floor on your first night in your new apartment, ignoring the perfectly good couch and sitting on a random blanket like an indoor picnic. 
It wasn’t all bad but there was a certain awkwardness being there, a little like the first time you’d met Nicholas. You just hoped you could get used to the apartment like you were getting used to him. 
“No. I simply refuse.” you state as you stir your morning coffee. Nicholas sighs deeply, hunching over the kitchen counter. 
“But it’s a really good deal! We should go.” he argues. Instead of a debater, he sounds more like a kid trying to convince their parents to do something. You shook your head.
“I have things to do, you go if you really want to.” you say. Nicholas looks dubious - it’s the first time you’ve seen that expression on his face. 
“Mrs Wang-” you’re about to interject at the name calling but he doesn’t let you. “did you just tell me- your husband- to go on our honeymoon alone?” he asks, scepticism rising with every syllable. 
“You’re right. That sounds pathetic.” you concede. “Go with your friends. Make it a dude-bro-cation. Take Jo and Euijoo and…” you think hard, trying to remember names. “Fuma!” you snap your fingers, having remembered another one of Nicholas’ friends. 
“Don’t hurt yourself if you don’t know.” he says sarcastically.
“Hey! I met them one time,” you can’t help the defensive pout that you feel like came out. “and you have a lot of friends.” you mutter. 
“Not the point, YN. I’m not going without you.” Nicholas says. “This is practically a direct order from management, a.k.a the parents! And they’re offering to pay for everything.”
You sip your coffee, thinking. 
Your parents had dropped this bomb on you last night, telling you to go on a honeymoon while you were having dinner at your parents’ house. Both sides offered to pay for everything like they did with the wedding and call it a honeymoon for the two of you. 
It sounded fair enough.
You just didn’t feel like going though.     
You could go on vacation whenever you wanted to - you made enough money by yourself that you could splurge - but going now and officially calling it a honeymoon? It felt silly, like the cherry on top of this whole crazy arranged marriage business. 
“It’s just a vacation, why make it sound so - I don’t know.” you think out loud. 
“YN, please don’t make me beg you.” Nicholas’ shoulders slumped. “It’s a free vacation, for crying out loud! Who says no to that?” 
I would, you thought. You didn’t know what the situation in Nicholas’ office was, but in your office, department, part of hell, whatever you wanted to call it, you had to stick around if you didn’t want to be left behind or get your ass grilled by everyone else. 
You were already scrutinised enough for being the boss’ kid, but disappearing to go on a holiday with your husband just when the merger was really getting underway? You would get roasted con fuoco.
“You know what, I will beg,” Nicholas resolves, getting up. “I’m getting on my knees, I’m not above begging.” he announces before sliding off his slippers. It’s almost comical and you think he’s joking but he starts to bend down.
“Okay!” you exclaim, putting a stop to his buffoonery. “We’ll go on our stupid honeymoon.” 
You decided that whatever happened at work was better than having to hear him begging and bugging you about going until you agreed.
“That’s more like it.” he stands up straight, grinning. “I’m no fancy lawyer, but I know how to win in these situations.”
“You sure do, but do you ever think you’ll win your dignity back?” you say to him before leaving for your room. You leave him gapping after you in your kitchen.
“Who needs dignity? I’m going on vacation!” Nicholas calls after you, just before you close the door. 
The PA system crackles overhead and you fasten your seatbelt, getting ready for takeoff. 
Nicholas sits besides you, neck pillow already in place, as well as a fuzzy wolf sleeping mask placed over his forehead, the image of a travel diva personified in your husband. Of course he would be so extra for like a three hour flight.
You ignored him while you got comfy, pulling on your cardigan when they started to blast the AC down on you. 
“So, how remote is this island anyway?” Nicholas asks, sending one last text before switching his pone to flight mode. You pause to remember details on what you’d read. 
“Hmm, I’d say a lot. Something about limited signal and wifi.” you answer, shrugging. You’d fought tooth and nail about where you were going on vacation- no, honeymoon- and you’d compromised on the island since it had a beach, which is one thing you both wanted. 
Suddenly the air around you swishes. Nicholas whips around to look at you, desperate. 
“Are you sure about that?” he says with all but the zest of John Cena’s original delivery.
“Yes,” you say, silently edging away from him. “there’s this thing called ‘research’, ever heard of it?”
“Don’t patronise me.” Nicholas pouts, sitting back. You crack a smile.
“Ooh, big word for wittle Nichowas.” you chuckle, starting to think this vacation might actually be a good idea. You were going to watch your city-boy husband practically lose his mind in the jungle; it was going to be great. 
“Can’t you speak nicely?”
“No.” you say. 
“You are so incredibly frigid.” he shoots back. 
“Aha, I was born this way.” you take the opportunity to reach a quick hand and pull the fuzzy sleeping mask over his nose and mouth, snapping it lightly. He splutters slightly as he fights the wolf off his face. 
“Do you have a sarcastic reply to everything?” he huffs, putting the mask back in its place before you decided to redecorate his accessories. 
“Probably. Guess we’ll find out.” you hum, reaching into your pocket for chewing gum. You take a piece out then offer the pack to Nicholas, who also takes a piece in the most begrudging way. You smile to yourself, chewing as the plane takes off. 
This was going to be interesting.
Upon arriving, you felt two things: 
Firstly, the sweet smell of not answering work emails for ten days, and secondly, the colossal, mind-melting, soul-snatching humidity. It was horrific. As if you could practically taste it if you stuck your tongue out (you didn’t, though it crossed your mind).
You’d shed your cardigan, stuffing it into your carry-on bag and Nicholas had unbuttoned one more of his shirt’s top buttons. 
You make it out of the tiny airport, if you could call it that and not a helipad, and follow the signs to the shuttle bus that would take you to resort where your hotel was. 
After getting off the bus, your clothes sticking to your skin from the heat, you finally see the hotel up a short path. There was a lot of what you presumed was jungle or rainforest just outside the resort and it loomed majestically overhead behind the light chainlink fence that seemed to be placed there just for the thought of having it. 
“I could totally run away and live off the land, Robinson Crusoe style.” You muttered to yourself.
“Intrusive thought. Nevermind.” you snapped out of it, continuing to walk. 
“Oh god,” Nicholas groaned miserably. “this island is literally in the middle of ass fuck nowhere!” 
You didn’t know what he was whining about, you’d both picked this place. “Your point?”
“We’re completely marooned - there’s like no signal, no wifi…” he complains while hoisting his phone up in the air as if it was the Lion King. 
“Don’t tell me you were actually planning on spending your vacation just watching TV in your room all day?” you throw a semi-judgmental glance at your husband over your shoulder. 
Nicholas pockets his phone silently and adjusts his shirt slightly from sticking to his body. You side-eye a couple of girlies that walk past you and gawk at Nicholas, obviously staring at the way the white fabric outlined the defined lines of his torso. You ignore the image and bulldoze forward to the hotel’s entrance.  
“Well, not all day, but now I can’t do it at all.” he says, disappointment evident in his voice. 
“Boo-hoo, the whole point of vacation is to chill. You can still do that perfectly fine.” you point out.      
“I like chilling,” he huffs. “Netflix and chilling, but now there’s no Netflix. Do you not see this may be the end of humanity as we know it?” he asks dramatically, eyes wider than a conspiracy theorist’s. 
“Hmm, not quite the crisis you imagine.” you reply. “Fortunately, there are these magical things - books - which have survived many millennia, and they seemed to have worked just fine for our ancestors.” 
“So what I’m hearing is, our vacation is, in fact, doomed.” Nicholas states as you walk into the hotel lobby, breathing in that delicious, stale air-conditioned air. You stop to bask in its coolness, breathing out in relief.    
“Your vacation,” you correct. “I’ll be paying my respects to my ancestors by reading.” 
“Ugh, well we can’t stay here. What are we going to do for ten days?” Nicholas asks. You wonder if he even heard what you said, but in his current state, you somehow doubted it. 
“You got a better idea?” you raise your eyebrows.
“I’ll build a raft, we can swim off the island.” he suggests. You’re about to lay down the most sarcastic, hard line of the century but the sound of thunder rumbling stops you. 
It was the loudest rumble you’d ever heard in your life and you suspected the lightning that preceded it might have struck not even several meters out of the door you’d momentarily walked through. The thought almost made you faint. 
“If you walk out of that door, Nicholas, so help me god.” you warn, wheeling your suitcase further into the building and away from the windows. 
“Noted.” he replies sheepishly, following your lead away from the windows, almost scrambling after you.  
Needless to say, it starts pouring torrential rain after that and while you check in, you can see the rain drops hammering violently on the window panes behind the concierge desk.
The lady there hands you a small card holder, telling you the keys are inside and you can’t really hear much else of what she says to you but it sounds like the standard if-you-need-anything-ring-the-phone mumbo jumbo so you thank her and go.
Little did you know, she’d warned you.   
You get up to the correct floor in search of your rooms, looking around while you navigate the soft-carpeted hallways. 
“One four three.” you mumble, trying to find the right number. You stop at the end of a corridor and take out the key card. You buzz the door open and push it forward. “Wait a minute-” you walk in several steps and circle back, thinking you’re losing your mind. 
“What is it?” Nicholas walks in, relaxed pulling in both of your suitcases. 
“I think there must be a mistake,” you say. “The suite only has one room. I thought we’d asked for two?” 
“Really?” Nicholas takes a few steps in, sweeping his eyes over the place and sure enough there is only one room. “That’s weird. Let me check with Jun-ge, he’s the one that booked our honeymoon.” Nicholas fumbles around with his phone for a bit, trying to find a signal for a minute. 
You vaguely remembered meeting Jun at your wedding; he was one of Nicholas’ big bro types at the company but you had no idea if he’d known about your marriage being arranged or not. 
Nicholas finally gets the phone to ring and the line crackles when it’s picked up on the other end. 
“Hello?” you hear Jun answer when Nicholas puts the phone on speaker. “Nicho, what’s up?”
“Hey, Jun-ge, quick question, do you remember booking our honeymoon suite?” he asks tentatively. 
“Yeah, is something wrong?” 
“Well, uh, we got here and it’s got just the one room, didn’t I put a note to find two rooms?” 
“You wrote ‘honeymoon suite’ and that’s what I got.” Jun replies, obviously not sensing that that was what was wrong with the whole situation. 
“Yes, Jun-ge, but I also wrote two rooms on the note, right?” 
“Dude, two-room honeymoon suites don’t exist.” you can hear Jun chuckling on the other end of the line. You were starting to regret not booking the rooms yourself. 
“Oh.” Nicholas says dumbly. “Okay, that’s cool, thanks Jun-ge.”
“Alright, kid, don’t have too much fun!” Jun laughs before hanging up. You look at Nicholas, attempting to hold your glare but you reckon it slips out regardless. 
“You wrote what in the note?” you ask, voice steadily quiet. 
“Two rooms.” Nicholas avoids your eyes and scratches the back of his neck, with the guiltiest look on his face.
“‘Honeymoon suite’!” you state, jogging his memory. “You couldn’t just leave that out, could you?” 
“Yeah, my bad.” Nicholas admits. 
“Right, well,” you walk into the actual bedroom part. There’s a super king sized bed that takes up most of the room, and it looks very comfortable. “I’ll gladiator fight you for the bed.” 
“That’s not very civilised of you, YN.” he muses. “Rock, paper, scissors-” Nicholas thinks he can take you by surprise, yelling out RPS unexpectedly, but you throw out your hand as a reflex,
“Shoot!” you finish, giving him a paper to his rock. He groans at the loss. 
“Best of three!” 
You roll your eyes before playing again, throwing out scissors this time intuitively. Nicholas threw paper and then sunk to the ground.
“Hah!” you grinned at your victory. “You should have taken your chances in a fight, but I think I would have won that too.” you shrug, faux sympathy coating your voice. Karma’s a bitch, but so were you. “Enjoy sleeping in the bath.”
“Bath?” Nicholas snaps up and runs off to check. 
Indeed, there was no couch in the suite, only a dinning room set up in the small living space, complete with a TV mounted to the wall and a grand bathroom that separated from the master bedroom. Besides a generously spacious shower cabin, there is a huge white bath in the middle of the bathroom, practically the size of a jacuzzi and though giant by nature, Nicholas would probably fit in it. 
He comes back to find you getting comfortable sitting on the bed, legs crossed gloatfully as you watched your husband lose his mind and it was only day one. 
“Fine. Be cruel. I’m fine. It’s fine.” he says, sounding less than convinced. 
“Is it though?” you smirk, loving the way he’s trying to stomach the loss but failing. 
“Yes. Totally. Fine.”
You don’t press it further but lie back on the bed, letting the mattress swallow you up. Vacation wasn’t so bad after all. You might not have Netflix, but you had a personal drama king right in front of you.  
You didn’t get to do anything for the rest of the day since it was storming outside but you had dinner down at the restaurant and eventually went to bed, or in Nicholas’ case, to the bath.
The next morning, you wake up naturally, blissfully rested and stretch with all the grace of a cat. You slept like a rock on this gorgeous bed and you really had to thank Jun for booking this particular room. 
You get up, quietly, and pad over to the bathroom, the door still closed. You pause, then knock on lightly. “Nicholas?” you ask. 
There’s a sleepy groan on the other side of the door, and then a thud. You panic for a second.
“Hey, I’m coming in!” you warn and work the handle. You find Nicholas in the bath in his pyjamas, blanket half-thrown off and the pillow lying on the floor. That explains the thud. “You okay?”
“Hmm,” he grunts, eyes still closed. He shuffles slightly, pulling the blanket and curling up on his side. 
“Alright, well, good morning to you too.” you mutter and leave. 
A while later, a disheveled Nicholas emerges from the bathroom. It must have been the smell of coffee that got him moving because you’re about to drink your first and hopefully only cup of the day. 
“About time, Sleeping Beauty.” you glance at him. You note he most certainly is not a happy ducky in the morning; there’s a deep frown on his face and his posture is giving an uncanny resemblance to a deflated balloon animal. 
“Hmm.” he responds with another grunt. You weren’t sure when exactly, but some time between last night and this morning, your husband seems to have been replaced with a cave man. The two of you hadn’t crossed paths too often in the mornings, so it was kind of news to you to see him like this.  
You sigh and put your coffee down, getting up to go to the pot and pour him a cup. Nicholas sits down stiffly in the opposite chair and you deposit it in front of him. Instead of trying to make conversation with a prehistoric species, you go back to your book, but you see he drinks the coffee. 
Twenty minutes later, you swap the location and find yourselves downstairs having a late breakfast (you refused to call it brunch), munching on whatever to start your day. 
Nicholas looks more like himself now, but you can sense the obvious discomfort from the way he keeps trying to massage his neck and shoulders discreetly, or stretches to try and work the muscle there. He’s wearing a loose fitting, linen button up and every move seems to expose a lot of skin but while you’re trying to ignore it, it doesn’t mean everyone else is. 
People who are sitting at the neighbouring table are throwing occasional slightly suspicious glances. There are some not so discreet wives checking your husband out and not minding their own and even some pretty waitresses smiling as they pass by. You roll your eyes as one in particular can’t seem to look away as she brings you a plate of fruit.
“What?” Nicholas notices that you’re making a face. He himself seems to be oblivious on the other hand. 
“Nothing. Eat your strawberries.” you say quickly, keeping a poker face. You could almost see the smug look that would appear on his face if you told him people were checking him out, so you stayed quiet.
Back upstairs, Nicholas perches on the vanity table on one side of the room while you rummage around in your suitcase looking for some clothes. You’re aware of how he’s shifting awkwardly and you stop and turn to him. 
“I’m listening.” you state. Nicholas doesn’t say anything for a moment, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek and then the other side. 
“Please can I sleep in the bed?” he asks finally. 
“Hey, you lost fair and square.” you go back to looking for your swimsuit. Nicholas tilts his head.
“I’m not hearing a ‘no’.” he hums. 
“No.” you say for good measure. “Happy?” 
“Not at all.” he replies. You think he’s going to give it a rest but then a second later he speaks again. “Fine, if I have to sleep in the bath, then give me a massage.” 
“Why me?” 
“Because you’re here.” he says like it’s obvious. “Ooh, better yet, buy me medicine and rub it on my shoulders.” he smiles, hopeful. You knew what he was doing but despite that, it was working. 
You scrunch your forehead, the idea less than appealing to you. You look from Nicholas to the bed, then to Nicholas again, weighing it up in your head. The bed was big enough, you were just going to have to stay on one side. You didn’t want to cause permanent damage after all. (It might scar you for life to massage medicine over his shoulders. And you guess it could do something to his posture or whatever.) 
“Ugh,” you spit out. “alright. You can sleep on one side of the bed.” you specified. “I’m not giving you the whole thing.” 
“Pleasure negotiating with you, Mrs Wang.” Nicholas grins and disappears before you can tell him off for the name calling. 
You get dressed, slipping on your one piece swimsuit and throwing on some shorts, and take your book down to the pool. The weather had cleared up completely compared to yesterday’s torrential downpour and the sun is shining brightly. The pool itself is located in a slightly more sheltered area and it doesn’t look like there was any damage from the rain.
You smile to yourself and find a nice lounge chair to camp out at. You adjust your sunglasses and open your book again to continue where you’d left off. 
“Are your ancestors proud of you yet?” you hear a voice ask before you feel a weight settle near your legs on the lounge chair. You don’t look up at Nicholas, before replying. 
“I don’t know, maybe you should go ask them.” you retort. 
“Oh, I will,” he says. “in like hopefully seventy to eighty years.”
You hum in response, not particularly feeling like playing along right now. Nicholas shuffles about, and you finally look up. 
Big mistake. 
You find him unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his frame. You blinked twice, trying to tear your eyes away from him. 
“Look after this, please.” he says after a moment, indicating to his discarded shirt. It lay half folded next to your bare leg. 
“Sure.” you mumbled. You watched as he threw you an acknowledging half smile and got up. You couldn’t help yourself for a moment; you stared after him. 
It was ground breaking actually. 
You’d not really given it much thought since your predicament was rather serious - life sentence married to a man you didn’t love and all that - but you had eyes and you noticed that your new husband was actually quite hot. 
Who would have thought? 
You clocked the well rounded muscle of his shoulders and back and his toned biceps, and though you avoided really looking (as in, you didn’t pull your shades down), the modest set of abs that graced his torso.
“How novel.” you observed out loud then went back to your book. You didn’t need to ogle at your husband; you weren’t a horny teenager any more. Moreover, this information changed nothing in your life whatsoever. You were still shackled together and sinking to the bottom of the ocean.  
You hear your name being called some time later.
Putting your bookmark in place, you look up to find Nicholas resting on the edge of the pool, his arms crossed and chin resting on top. 
“Yes?” you inquire, taking off your sunglasses to see him better. 
“Can you help me get out?” he asks, looking a little shifty, glancing side to side but there’s no one in your immediate vicinity. Just some people down the other end. You figured it was probably lunch time so it was quiet. 
“Huh?” you’re confused at the request. 
“It’s the deep end. I’m tall, but I’m not that tall.” he admits sheepishly. You guess he must be embarrassed to ask you for help. 
What doesn’t cross your mind is why a) he didn’t go to a shallower part of the pool, b) he didn’t cross to the opposite side and use the ladder!, or c) someone of his stature would struggle getting out of a pool. 
You get up and walk to the edge, extending a hand to him. Nicholas takes your hand in his wet one and you start to pull. 
Except you’re pulling but it’s not working. In fact, the world is suddenly tilting and you’re diving head first into the pool, gravity and Nicholas taking you in with him. You would have yelped but you close your mouth on instinct as you go down so you don’t get a mouthful of water.
The coolness of the water engulfs you suddenly and you struggle to orientate your way up to the surface again. You break through with an angry gasp for air. 
“Wang Yixiang!” you sputter loudly, venom filling up your veins. You hear his laugh somewhere nearby and you wipe your eyes, trying to locate him. He’s a foot away, also drenched, wet hair hanging in his face but smiling widely.
“Here, Sergeant!” he gives you a silly salute and you start toward him, eyes full of vengeance.
“Come back,” you demand after he starts swimming away from you. 
He’s not particularly fast and you manage to grab his hand and yank him back toward you. There’s a lot of water resistance but you’re adrenalised to you manage to get him to change direction. 
“Hey, c’mon, don’t be mad.” he says, well aware that today might be his last day as an alive person. You ignore him and do your best to try and dunk him. It doesn’t really work because he uses your strength against you and the two of you just spin around. You’re off balance and trying to just tread water even though here Nicholas could stand up, which was quite unfair. He stills suddenly. “Oh my god, look!” 
“Not falling for that one, dude,” you say, thinking he was trying to distract you from trying to dunk him. 
“No, really, two o’clock, it’s that man, uh, what did he do again?” Nicholas wracks his brain for a moment. 
“My two o’clock or yours?” you realise he’s being serious and you think to check. 
“Yours. The man with the moustache, we met him at the wedding.” You think back and try to place the description. You’re floating so you manoeuvre around to be able to glance in the right direction.
Sure enough you spot the person Nicholas was talking about. You saw him but he hadn’t spotted you yet.  
“Shit, it’s the tyre guy.” you say. 
“Right, that’s the one.” Nicholas agrees, as if the answer is now clear to him. 
“You had no idea who that man was, did you?” you ask.
“Not a clue,” he admits. “I was grasping at straws. He seemed familiar.” And you realise that it had worked. 
Yet, also it was that man; what was he doing here? Was he on vacation too? From what you remembered he was some business partner on your parents’ side. Your father had introduced you once before and then once at the wedding. 
You freeze, forgetting to tread water. 
Nicholas seems to notice you stop moving and grabs your waist, holding you up so you don’t start to sink. Your hands come up between you as a buffer and slap gently against his chest but you ignore what’s going on in front of you, deep in thought. 
Why was he here of all places? Was it a coincidence? What were the odds of that happening? 
What if your parents had sent him here to spy on you? That was possible right? Surely they wouldn’t do that though, you’d agreed to go on the honeymoon, that was enough, wasn’t it?
Wasn’t it?
You close your eyes, feeling like your sanity was slipping away; it sounded like the type of thing they’d do. Just to make sure you were behaving. 
“Hey, YN, what’s wrong?” Nicholas squeezes your waist, trying to get your attention. You snap back to reality, seeing his concerned face a few inches away from your own. You hand’t noticed how close you were so you let go of Nicholas, breaking out of his grip gently. 
“Nothing,” you say as you swim toward the nearest ladder. 
You were definitely annoyed, your parents couldn’t just leave you alone, could them?
After your early dinner, during which you constantly looked over your shoulder in case you spotted the tyre man, you go back to your room to continue reading. You hadn’t run into that man after all, but it was only a matter of time.  
Nicholas takes the opportunity to shower first after being in the pool, not that you were picky or going to fight him for it. 
The door of the bathroom opens some time later and he emerges with a towel around his head and one around his waist. You try to mind your own business but he’s rummaging around his own suitcase for ages, so damn loudly, might you add, humming and hawing at what to wear. 
You glare in his direction, but his back is to you, and all you see is the excess droplets on his skin snaking their way down his back-
“You having a good time there, Mrs Wang?” he turns around and catches you staring. Your eyes narrow at the name calling and you decide he does it to get a rise out of you, so you don’t give him the satisfaction.  
“I would have a better time if you had the capacity to make faster decisions.” you retort, looking down to your book as he straightens up. 
“No can do, you’d rather me wear clothes in bed, wouldn’t you?” he asks inquisitively. 
“If you dared do otherwise, you would find yourself in a very comfortable chair-” you pause. “in the lobby.” you finish curtly. 
Nicholas raises his hands innocently, giving you a quiet ‘okay’ before going back to the bathroom to get dressed. A minute later you hear the hair dryer come on and another minute he’s back to bug you. 
“Didn’t you finish that book yet?” he asks, trying to see the cover as he went past. 
“No, I started this one an hour ago.” you say. 
“What?” he stops in pure shock. “How many books did you bring?” he exclaims. 
“Ten.” you look up, giving him a tight lipped smile. “One for each day.”
Nicholas looks at you in awe, shaking his head. “YN, you really are something.” he says. “But this cannot be. Your eyes will glaze over, we’re watching TV, c’mon.” he prompts you to move over a little where you’re leaning against the headboard of the bed. 
You shuffle slightly to the right, but don’t let go of your book even as he grabs the remote and switches on the TV. It’s a decently sized flat screen mounted on the wall in front of you, adjacent to the small dinning table. 
Nicholas hops on the bed beside you, mimicking your stretched legs, crossed at the ankles. The noise starts to distract you only because he’s channel flipping for a minute before he settles on something. 
“Perfect.” he mumbles and puts the remote down. You glance up at the screen and see the film name. 
“Really?” you ask, closing your book with a loud smack. “You’re going to watch Cast Away while we are on a remote island on vacation?” 
“No,” he replies. “We’re going to watch Cast Away while we are on a remote island on our honeymoon.” 
“Yes, because that makes all the difference.” you mutter. You give in regardless since the movie keeps playing and you may as well pay attention. 
It’s kind of a long film but it’s not bad. You do at one moment overthink it and imagine what you’d do if you were in the same situation - you were halfway there anyway on this island - but you stop yourself because that kind of thinking was not a good idea. It would scare you unnecessarily. 
It gets to the part where Tom Hanks is trying to get off the island on his raft and loses his beloved friend, the volleyball. You watch as he yells, trying to stay afloat. It made you a little emotional and you look away for a moment only to notice Nicholas is watching intently, his own eyes glassy and lips tight. 
It fascinates you for a moment to see him like that since it was a wholly new side to him but you will yourself to look away, reaching to the bedside and pulling a tissue out of the box, handing it wordlessly to your husband. 
“Thanks.” he says under his breath and you hum just as quietly.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking about the wifi signal.” he sniffles. “I miss it so much.” he admits, raising a fist to his mouth. You nod, as if understanding, when in reality you’d basically popped the champagne when you found out there was no wifi.   
After the film finishes, it’s starting to get late so you pop off for a quick shower, wanting to get the chlorine off your body before sleeping. 
You brush your teeth and put on a t-shirt and sleeping shorts and get to bed. Nicholas joins you after brushing his teeth and turning off the big light. 
“Right,” you say, getting Nicholas’ attention. “Here is a line, it’s invisible but it exists, so stick to your side of the bed, please and thank you.”
“No problem. You won’t even know I’m here.” he nods obediently. “So shall we get to bed, Mrs Wang?”
You stop fluffing your pillow at his silly question and turn to give him a stink face. 
“You’re never going to stop calling me that, are you?” you ask. 
“Nope, not until death do us part.” he shows you a toothy grin. 
It suddenly occurs to you that while you had shared your reasoning for giving into the marriage, Nicholas so far hadn’t really commented on the topic. You frown. Why hadn’t he mentioned that yet?
“That’s weird.” you say, continuing on your train of thought.
“Not really, it’s pretty standard for marriages.” 
“No, not that.” you shake your head. Starting to overthink it.  
“What then?” Nicholas asks as he lies down on his side. 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice there must be something in it for you to agree to this union.” you say sceptically. 
“Pfft. Union. You make it sound so formal.” he replies sarcastically. You notice he isn’t offering any insights.  
“Well, we are legally bound together, unfortunately. I suppose it’s serious.” you reason.
“Yeah, so serious. Like donkeys pulling on a cart.”
“Don’t change the subject.” you quip. “I don’t know what it is you want, but I will find out and hold it over your head like a guillotine.” you warn, annoyed at the sudden suspicious toward the man now in your bed. 
Was this a defence mechanism - getting suspicious as soon as someone got close to you? 
“Can’t wait, ma cherie*. I hope your revolution works out.” Nicholas sighs, turning off the lamp on his side. 
“Impeccable attempt at humour, mon ange*.” you roll your eyes before reaching to your bedside lamp. “And by the way, donkeys pull their own damn carts.” you say, flipping the switch and turning your back to him. 
You fall asleep faster than you expected but it certainly has its drawbacks. 
For one, every once in a while you wake up because Nicholas has somehow managed to roll to your side of the bed and is hogging your area with his giantness, limbs splaying all over you, waking you up. 
You manage to shoulder him off you gently, using your strength to roll him back to his side and it seems he’s a heavy sleeper because he doesn’t wake when you end up pushing him away with your knees. 
You go back to sleep, satisfied that he’s far away enough from you that you can sleep in peace, only to wake up the next morning feeling incredibly warm and suffocated. 
That’s because Mr You-Won’t-Even-Know-I’m-Here has a vice grip on you; one leg thrown over yours and one heavy arm thrown over your waist while his face is tucked into your hair, as if you were one of those long, huggable body pillows.
You open your eyes and reach for your phone to check the time. It was 9-ish so you decide that’s enough anyway. You were going to wake him up. 
“Nicholas?” you say, voice croaky. You shuffle slightly, managing to drop his leg off of yours but the arm stays around your waist. “Nicholas?” you try again, patting his bicep gently. This time he stirs slightly, a low hum rumbling in his chest. You feel the vibration on your back and think you’re making progress. 
It’s difficult but you shimmy out from under his loosened grip and sit up while he automatically rolls on his back, eyes still closed. 
“Unbelievable.” you shake your head, looking down at his sleeping figure, before getting up. He looks way too peaceful and it makes you a little mad. You make no effort to be quiet since he was still out cold and probably won’t wake up for ages so you get ready for the day, make some coffee and sit with your book. 
Some time later, your husband finally decides to open his eyes and you look in his direction when he sits up and stretches, yawning like a cat. 
“Ah,” he exhales gruffly. “this bed is dope, oh my god.” he comments. “Did you sleep well?” he asks nonchalantly. You send a death glare in his direction, making him shrink back slightly. 
“I would have,” you start through gritted teeth. “if you weren’t trying to strangle me.” 
“Huh?” he has the nerve to look genuinely confused. “Did I do something?” he asks, meek all of a sudden. 
“I don’t know if anyone has ever told you,” you get up, getting closer to the bed. “but you are a heinous koala when you sleep!” you say pointedly, before going into the bathroom to get some sunscreen out of your makeup bag. 
“Nuh-uh,” you hear Nicholas call out. He has the audacity to disagree. You’re back out in a split second, listening expectantly. “Apologise to koalas, that was uncalled for.” he finishes. You’re taken aback; you thought he’d call bullshit and say you’d imagined it. 
You huff but ultimately concede; the creatures had never done anything to you personally. “Sorry, koalas.” you mumble and sit in front of the vanity to apply sunscreen on your face.
“Listen, I’m sorry,” Nicholas says, getting up. “I know I’m practically an ogre in the mornings, but I can’t help it.”  
“At least you’re self-aware.” you reply. “I’ll tolerate it for eight more days, but you’re on thin ice.” 
“Alright.” he says, closing the bathroom door. 
The next few days, the weather improves significantly and the two of you end up going to the beach or chilling by the pool. You even go to do this snorkelling lesson with an instructor and swim near some coral reefs, enjoying the beautiful crystal clear ocean. 
You also end up going to a spa for some random treatments out of boredom and a massage, which you weren’t too hot on but Nicholas begged you to join him since he didn’t want to go alone. (That and he said that you wouldn’t go because you were comfortable being a tense control freak. So of course you had to prove him wrong by sticking around. It was worth it.)
Another day you end up going out in a boat and fishing with some other guests at the resort. You had to admit, you were definitely having fun despite not having wanted to even go on vacation. Going fishing wasn’t something you’d ever thought about doing, yet here you were.
It’s then that you run into the tyre man for the first time. 
Fishing; you should have known that’s where you’d meet the middle aged businessman.
“Mrs Wang!” you hear a hearty voice greet you when he spots you. You almost grimace - you wished you’d told people to keep calling you by your own family name. Nicholas seems slightly startled next you while he holds his fishing rod. 
“Hi, Mr Lee, what a surprise!” you say, lying shamelessly. You’d been expecting to bump into him before he left. “How are you doing?” 
The man stops next to your spot at the rail of the boat, his own rod in hand and some bait in a bowl in the other. A woman joins him and you remember that’s his wife, whom you’d also met at the wedding. You greet her politely too. 
“Ah, well, we’re just out for some relaxation. You know how it is, can’t be cooped up in the office all the time.” Mr Lee replies. He doesn’t seem suspicious and you sense it could be possible that this was a coincidence and not a conspiracy. But you intuition doesn’t let up.  
“Right, of course.” you nod along. “We’re just here on our honeymoon.” you say, nudging Nicholas beside you. 
“Aha, really wanted to spend this special time in a special place.” he adds smoothly. 
“As well, you should. You’re young and in love, you shouldn’t waste away in an office.” he commends you. Was he testing you? Why mention love at all? What did he know?  
“Very true.” you say. “So, how long are you staying?” you ask casually.
“Oh, um, until Thursday.” he says, and you latch onto the slight air of awkwardness when he says that. You were staying until Friday, which was a little too close to your liking. “We really like it here but there’s no place like home, right?”
“Indeed,” you smile artificially. “Well, we should let you go. Enjoy the rest of your trip, we’ll see you back at home, Mr Lee. Mrs Lee.” you say politely, greeting each of them in turn. 
“Yes, thank you, we will. Y’know, there is a special event being held by the hotel on Wednesday, you should come along.” Mr Lee says. You wonder for a moment if that was bait. If it was then you were going to make him think he could hook, line and sink you. 
“Oh really?” you say, exaggeratedly fascinated. “Well, I guess we’ll have to think about it. No promises though; you know how hard it is to leave the bedroom on your honeymoon.” you drawled with a straight face. 
You hoped he would give that direct quote to your parents and make them as flustered as he looked right now. 
“Right, see you.” 
And with that you exchange some more polite nods, and separate, the Lees terrorised and Nicholas wide eyed to your left as he cast out his fishing rod.
“YN, I gotta hand it to you, you’re really scary sometimes.” he says so only you can hear him. 
“Only sometimes?” you reply, putting the bait on your line. “Guess I should work harder then.”
“Remind me to not get on your bad side again.” he says. 
“Oh buddy,” you sigh. “after using me as a body pillow, you have a reserved spot and VIP access.”
The next couple of days, the humidity is unbearable and if it isn’t, then it’s the heat. 
You’d been trying to sleep, but it was just too damn hot and the air con wasn’t doing much to help it. You’d shed any blankets and just had sheets instead, but even those got thrown off. 
Eventually Nicholas pokes you hesitantly in the middle of the night.
“You sleeping?” he whispers. You shift, then answer. 
“I was trying to.” you reply. 
“YN, it’s really hot, can we take off our clothes?” he asks. Perhaps the question would have flustered you if you weren’t completely baking right now. You don’t open your eyes but you nod.
“Yeah, I don’t want either of us passing out from excessive heat.” you agree and shrug off your shorts but realise that you needed to get up and put on a bra or cami since there was nothing under your t-shirt. “Damn it.” you mutter and get up, in search of something to wear. 
You settle on a thin camisole and hop back into bed. Nicholas has shed his shorts and shirt and is lying, just staring at the ceiling in his underwear, his hands behind his head. You don’t let your eyes linger, mostly because they’re too tired and you want to close them again. 
You read the clock on your phone, finding it was just past 4 in the morning. You sigh and lie back down.
Neither of you seems to be able to fall asleep again, the dawn light getting more intense past your curtains. 
“You awake?” Nicholas asks, shifting slightly. 
“Yeah.” you say, turning to face him. You spot the silver chain around his neck and the way it reflects the early morning light.
“What if we’re married for a long time?” he asks in the darkness. “Like for years?”
You wonder what sparked that thought. “We’ll just have to deal with it.” you reply. 
“Yeah, but eventually we’re going to start having needs.” Nicholas glances at you. “Like I’m going to want to sleep with someone and you’re going to want to sleep with someone. Then what? Do we sleep with other people? Do we sleep with each other? How do we get around that?”
The whole train of questions catches you off guard, however with even a second of consideration, you realise he’s raised a very valid concern. What would you do? It made you realise your marriage was more doomed than you’d thought. 
“You’re right. It’s a hard question that I don’t have the answer to.” you lament.
“Right,” he says, pausing for a while. “I guess, for me, I wouldn’t want to sleep with other people - I’d feel like I was cheating on you even if we agreed to go out and do that.”
“Really?” you’re genuinely surprised at the revelation. “You would feel like that even though you have no feelings for me?”
“Well yeah, we’re married and all that. And we’re friends right?”
You find yourself nodding in the darkness. “Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t feel nice to do that to a friend.”
“Would you sleep with someone else?” 
You take a moment to think. “Probably not. I’d keep thinking about you, waiting for me at home, in our house. I wouldn’t be able to do it.” you tell him honestly. 
It strikes you that this was possibly the deepest conversation you’d had so far, fittingly left for the middle of the night. 
“‘Our house’.” he repeats, tasting the words and letting them float up above you and into the early dawn gloom. 
“Strange, right?” you muse. 
“So, what are we concluding on the topic?” he asks, looking at you.
“The jury’s still out.” you shrug, unconvinced. 
“So diplomatic, Mrs Wang.” Nicholas laughs quietly.  
“Will you stop calling me that?” you yawn.
“Nah, it’s fun. You get so worked up about it.” he tells you. 
“So you like raising my blood pressure?” you inquire.
“Well, if we’re going to be married for years, I gotta find a way to entertain myself, don’t I?”
“You are a menace.” you state, no force behind your words. 
“Thank you. Right back at you.”
“Hah, I got news for you. This town is only big enough for one menace, and if it’s gonna be one of us damn it, it’s gonna be me.” you say stoically, but burst out laughing a split second later after hearing yourself back. You were feeling goofy; it was 4am. Nicholas finds it equally funny and laughs with you. 
It was then that you felt like you were finally comfortable around each other, at least enough to be staying up until morning, laughing about bullshit while lying around in your underwear.
Because that’s totally the sort of thing married friends did, right?
You wake up, barely conscious and notice your arm is slightly trapped. Then you realise why; you were tucked into Nicholas’ side, your head on his shoulder, hand on his bare chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under your fingers. It would have been a surprise and you would have scrambled off, but your limbs were too tired and too comfortable for any excessive movement.
Your eyes close again, and you let yourself drift off even though you had half the thought about what kind of dramatic reaction Nicholas might have to find you in that position after you’d given him a mouthful about being a koala. In your defence, it was his arm around you keeping you smushed together. 
The next time you wake up, you’re lying on your back, Nicholas still right next to you. You get up quietly, starting to get ready for the day. 
You’d agreed to go to that event thing the Lees had told you about because you’d mentioned to Nicholas that this could be some kind of ploy by your parents and you wanted to investigate. There was ice cream and booze so he didn’t need much convincing really. (Neither did you, if you were honest; you could use a bit of both).
Just as you’re putting the finishing touches of your makeup, Nicholas stirs and yawns loudly before sitting up. He spots you before the vanity, basically ready and checks the time. 
“Jeez, why didn’t you wake me?” he asks, swinging off the bed and hurrying to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry, did you just hear yourself?” you call out to him. “Wake? You up?” you cap your mascara and get up, walking over to lean on the bathroom doorframe, arms crossed. You see Nicholas scrambling about, large form folded over the tiny sink, to brush his teeth at a furious speed. “I would rather go wake an actual sleeping lion up.” 
“Fwine, bwut you clould at weast teth am aalarm.” he says through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, dude.” you walk away, letting him struggle with the mint foam. 
When you get down to lunch (it was far too late to even attempt calling it brunch), you find that the event the Lees mentioned was going to start in just over an hour (it really was late thanks to your middle of the night joint existential crisis). 
After you finish eating, you make your way to the large garden of the hotel where the thing was going to take place. You were walking in blind pretty much, having no idea what on Earth was going on. 
There are at least ten or so tables set up and about twice as many guests, mostly couples by the look of it, seated within the area. There’s a small square mat or something of the sort in front of the tables, supposedly like a makeshift stage. Was this going to be some kind show? 
You spot the Lees just as promised at one of the tables and you start to look for another place to sit, but they notice you and call you over. 
“Shit,” you mutter, automatically reaching to your side to find Nicholas’ hand. 
“Double shit,” he says, taking your hand and lacing your fingers, and you look back at him. “look.” he motions to a poster propped up on an easel. 
You feel like you’re about to find some harder expletives when you read the words written in big bubble letters: 
“Oh my-” you can’t even finish the sentence.
You’d just walked into the adult version of those awkward middle school events that teachers would try to entertain students with.  
“We could still leave?” Nicholas suggests quietly. You want to agree but Mrs Lee is smiling from across the garden at you, sipping on her drink. 
“Too late.” you conclude and start walking to the half-filled table. 
“Well, you don’t know they’re spies for your parents.” Nicholas mumbles unhelpfully. “We might just hang out politely.” 
You reach the table and greet the Lees. You take a seat closest to Mrs Lee and Nicholas away from both of them. You felt like you were acting like protective buffer between him and them. 
“Oh YN, I just got off the phone with your mother-” Mrs Lee gushes to you immediately. “you remember we’re both part of that book club?” she says, as if it’s explanatory that she would be close to your mother. “Anyways, we were talking about how maybe you should join too, it might be fun. You could make friends with the other ladies there,” she suggests, “and between you and me,” she leans closer as if the men at the table can’t hear you. “it’s where we go to get away from our husbands, but shh!” 
You’re having a multitude of reactions under the surface (including searing rage towards your mother, wanting to sink into the ground out of awkwardness, and disappointed smugness that you were right that they were in cahoots with your parents) but you give her a polite chuckle and smile. 
You know she was just trying to be her version of friendly, for some reason that being recruiting you into some kind of married-women-who-don’t-want-to see-their-husbands exclusive club, so you don’t get too mad. 
“Well, I do like reading, but I think I think I like my husband more.” you reply, lightly rejecting the offer. You turn to look at Nicholas, giving him an ‘I-told-you-so’ face while he sighs contemplatively. You were also hung up on the fact that this woman called your mother more than you did, so who knows what other wack ideas she might have. 
“Darling, I don’t think Mrs Wang wants to go to that stuffy book club.” Mr Lee cuts in awkwardly. “Besides, these two are much younger than us, they should go on dates and enjoy themselves instead of boring themselves with books.” 
Oh boy, this was going to be a long afternoon. 
You had a lot to say but you weren’t going to utter a single syllable. Nicholas looks down helplessly, and you guess he’s trying to keep himself from laughing.  
Fortunately, at that pause in your conversation, you spotted two people walking up to the square ‘stage’. They looked like hotel employees, judging from their Hawaiian style shirts, one with a loud tiger print and the other with a large flower pattern. They were carrying microphones and tapped on them to check they were working. 
“Hello?” the flower guy said. His voice came out through the modest speakers set up on either side of the segregated area. He seems satisfied and so does his friend. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our monthly couples contest!” he paused for a polite round of applause. “My name is Boo and I will be one of your MCs today.”
“And I’m Hoshi, your other MC this afternoon. We have a great few rounds of fun lined up for you and an exciting prize for the winning team.” the guy with the tiger print continues. 
“That’s right,” Boo says. “there are three games where each of our teams will compete head to head in an attempt to do the impossible - be the best couple!” 
“Firstly, if you take a look around, you will find our lovely assistant Dino coming around with some name tags; please take one and write your names on them.” Hoshi says. You did notice a guy in a regular employee shirt walking around and depositing said name tags on each table swiftly. 
“Alright, to start off, we have a game that will test your communication skills.” Boo announces. “The game is called ‘scream in silence’; here are the rules…”
You listen carefully as he explained it, even though you had seen this game played before. It was fairly simple so you thought you and Nicholas might do well at it. You just couldn’t believe you were trapped in a middle school dance on your honeymoon. 
“Okay, firstly, we’re going to need to split you up so that we can get through the game faster. Each of us will conduct a round and tally up the scores for you.” Hoshi takes over. Two of them split up the crowd into two and ask for the first teams to come to two chairs facing each other set up by Dino on each side of the area. 
You get split up from the Lees (thankfully) and end up sitting on Hoshi’s side of the garden. 
The game starts and you watch as one person out of the couple starts trying to mouth the correct word to the other as they both wear a pair of large noise cancelling headphones. It’s pretty fun since people are really awful at lipreading. 
You’re the third couple in your half of the crowd and you sit down in the opposite seat to Nicholas, the two of you putting on the headphones. It almost blows your mind how much you couldn’t hear through the headphones, and that was before Hoshi turned the music on. He held up the first word. 
“Lawn mower.” you said, trying your best to enunciate to Nicholas. His face immediately scrunches up, squinting at you from seven feet away. “Lawn mower!” you repeat. 
He mouths something that looks a lot like “Slower!” back to you and you shake your head, sure it was wrong. He tries again but you cut him off, starting to feel yourself becoming competitive. 
“La-wn mo-wer!” you try to break it down but he seems more confused. “Pass!” you shake your head. 
“Fishing.” you say as Hoshi shows you the next word. Nicholas blinks at you.
“Kissing?” he replies, frowning at the word. You weren’t sure how you managed to lip read it but you were sure that’s what he was saying. 
“No, fi-shing!” you attempt to break it down. “Fi-shing!” you were starting to get frustrated, your voice rising in decibels. “Fi-shing!” 
“Missing!” Nicholas tried again. You sighed.
“Pass!” you requested again. The next one was a phrase and it made you hesitate. “I love you.” you called out, just focusing on reading the phrase and not thinking about it. You felt so flustered saying it out loud, your face warming up and blood pressure rising. You didn’t think you’d ever actually say those words, especially not to your husband. 
Nicholas shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know.” you think he said. You steeled yourself, growing frustrated again, mostly with the appearance of the phrase and the way it mocked your situation. 
“I love you.” you tried again, saying it louder this time, as if he would hear you.
“Above you?” Nicholas said. You looked up, rolling your eyes at his denseness. 
“I love you, you bastard!” you screamed out, lying aggressively, noticing that people in your group were pissing themselves with laughter. 
Nicholas paused for a moment, mouth slightly ajar as the cogs turned in his head. The eureka moment came finally and he clapped his hands together. That got your attention and you perked up expectantly. 
“I love you!” he yelled back. Hoshi gave you an approving sign, telling you you secured a point. 
“And the time is up!” Hoshi declared, raising a hand and doing a slicing action at his neck to let you know since you couldn’t really hear him. You were more than happy to take those humongous headphones off and return to your seat. “That’s one point for YN and Nicholas!” he says while there’s a scattered round of applause. 
You go sit down and try to ignore what just happened. Nicholas does too, watching the game ahead of you.
There’s only one other couple in your group that manages to score a point, one Hanbin and Hao, who were just as tragically terrible at the game but very cute while they played it.
“And that’s the first round over,” Boo announces. “Let us tally the scores - oh my! This was not your lucky day every one, but we do have two couples who scored and are therefore in the lead.”
“Don’t be discouraged everyone, it’s still all to play for.” Hoshi says. “The next game might be somewhat easier. It’s a game to test your couple chemistry; the peppero game!”
You sit there trying to discern what that actually constitutes. 
“What is the peppero game?” Nicholas whispers to you, just as confused. There seems to be an excited buzz around you though because apparently people know what that is or think they might do better at it than the other one. 
“Don’t look at me, I’m just a corporate lawyer.” you whisper back. You never thought that some random game may become your greatest intellectual obstacle. 
It’s when Boo calls up the first group and explains the rules that it sinks in. You watch as each couple takes a peppro stick snack and holds it between their lips, starting to munch on it from both sides, slowly making their way to meet in the middle. The objective is to have the smallest length of peppero stick remaining at the end.  
“So that’s the peppero game.” Nicholas says, dumbfounded. 
“You shouldn’t have asked dumb questions.” you scold him quietly. 
“I can’t help it sometimes, okay?” he hisses back.
Once the first group is finished and the MCs take measurements, they don’t disclose the results before calling the rest of the couples up. You and Nicholas reluctantly step up and face each other. Boo comes around and offers you the pack of peppero and you pick one out, holding it up. 
You have to get quite a bit closer to Nicholas and his hands comes up to rest on your shoulders to hold you in place as you bite on one end and offer him the other. Due to his struggles as a giant, Nicholas has to lean in a fair distance to make it work and you try your best to rise to your fullest height. 
“And begin!” Hoshi calls out, getting the game started. You take tiny bites of the snack, forced to stare at your husband up close because your eyes could go nowhere else. 
Your mouth focuses on not dropping the stick but your eyes focus on Nicholas; there’s the colour of his eyes, they way his eyelashes become more prominent when he blinks at you, and the way you can see your own reflection in his eyes as you get closer. 
Nicholas looks you straight in the eye, your noses just shy of touching and you accidentally bite down harder on the stick, severing it cleanly. 
“Ah,” you breathe, realising your mistake. “Sorry.” 
He lets go of you and takes the stick between his fingers, examining it. There was a lot left, at least 3cm or so. 
You wait for the rest of the couples to finish and hand in your pathetic peppero remnants to Hoshi, who immediately makes a face. 
“Oh guys,” he says then raises the mic. “well we know who definitely lost the game. Sorry, you two.” he smiles apologetically. 
“Now that everyone has had a go, we can reveal that there was actually a penalty for the losers.” Boo says, basking in the crowd’s laughter. 
“Oh lord, here we go.” you mutter. Before you can leave, Boo stops you.
“I’m afraid you’re staying, guys.” he says. “This game was supposed to check your couple chemistry and sadly you had a less than favourable result.”
“Since we don’t want to send you away feeling crappy about it, the penalty is simple and sweet; kiss and makeup for losing the game.” Hoshi tells you. 
You have a serious déjà vu back to your wedding where a crowd was watching the two of you kiss. It makes your stomach twist with eminent embarrassment. Not again, you think. 
“Oh come, don’t look so glum!” Hoshi continues. “Cheer up, let’s give them a hand everyone!” he encourages a round of applause but in your mind it gets worse. 
You’d avoided looking directly at Nicholas but you found him watching you expectantly and you turn to him, leaning in to initiate the kiss. The faster you did it, the better. He seems to catch on and leans to peck your lips half-way. Your mouths barely touch but you did it and smile in what you hope appears a natural way. 
You look out to the crowd, seeing they’re looking back at you awkwardly. Judgmentally even.  
“Now what was that?” Boo questions. “That might have been more pathetic than your peppero, you guys.” he taunts you gently. 
“Aren’t you newly weds?” Hoshi asks, surprisingly observant of the wedding rings on your fingers. “This is your honeymoon, you gotta have more passion than that!” he says excitedly, as if he was the one getting kissed. You glance at him, finding something in his eyes that may or may not suggest madness. You were also starting to think he might have a voyerism thing.  
“Hey, this is peer pressure!” Nicholas attempts, trying to get you out of the MCs grip. 
“It’s for your own good, bro, we’re trying to save your marriage.” Hoshi says to you, microphone not quite picking up all of that.  
“Just a quick kiss,” Boo pleads. “or we’ll feel like we failed you.” 
You can’t help but laugh at his logic. It’s clear that they’re just trying to have fun so you give in, stepping up to Nicholas again, who gives you a reassuring nod. 
You lean in again, eyes closing, willing yourself to tune everything out. One of his hands comes up to cup your cheek, holding you steady as your lips mold over his. You kiss your husband for the nth time; you were losing count but you were well aware that it was a finite number that you could count on your fingers. 
Ignoring everyone seems to help because you relax into the kiss and pull yourself closer to him intuitively, imagining you were back in that tunnel where you’d tried kissing the first time. It was hard to deny it, but Nicholas was a good kisser, whether he had been before you met or it was just that you’d practised together, and this kiss was no exception. 
It was good. 
Dizzyingly good. 
You pull away gently, feeling that you needed air, your heart beating faster than usual. The two of you look at each, unsure when you should really pull away. There’s a momentary silence and then a loud round of applause and you figure that’s a good cue to really separate and hurry back to your seats. 
“Wow, now that’s what you call a kiss!” Hoshi hollered, smiling widely. “Thank you for being good sports, and good luck on the next round.”
You wanted to call it irony. 
That’s what the strangest moments in life contained. You’d been pushed into an arranged marriage with a man you didn’t love, yet you had grown closer despite your circumstance, to the point where physical acts of affection were exchanged between you in public and you weren’t ready to die on the spot. 
So you did call it irony; the fact that you’d been so ready to resent Nicholas from day one but had become friends with him instead. Did friends kiss like that, you wondered. Married ones did, you supposed. 
There was a part of you that wished you didn’t feel the way you just did: as if you wanted to kiss him again. It was bothering you a little, a tiny voice in the back of your head, telling you that no matter what face you tried to pull and pretend to be angry that you’d had to kiss him, you were deep down glad you’d gotten to kiss him again. 
It felt like you were starting to develop a bad habit; the way one piece of chocolate sometimes becomes another, or one episode becomes three, and five more minutes of sleep becomes an hour. You made a note to avoid kissing him for a while, in case you started to spiral. 
It wasn’t a crime to want to kiss your husband but in your case, it could become dangerous.
For now, you told yourself it was probably just liking the physical intimacy that you’d been missing in your life and nothing more. Purely one of those pyramid needs things you’d read about.  
You can’t dwell on it too long because Boo announces the final game.
“We’ve tested your communication and your chemistry, now it’s time to test how well you know each other in a couple quiz!” 
“That’s right, this is simply a game of knowledge about your other half, shouldn’t be difficult, right everyone?” Hoshi chimes in. 
The thought occurs to you that you might be slightly disadvantaged this round since you’d met not that long ago but also weren’t a ‘real’ couple so to speak, but then you remembered the few basic notes you’d swapped between yourselves and change your mind - you might be better equipped than the other couples. 
Boo and Hoshi get each couple to write down five questions and their answers on a different piece of paper and invite each couple to do the quiz in front of everyone for fair judgment. 
You don’t need to tell Nicholas what kind of questions to write down because it was obvious - the stuff from the memos you’d shared. Was it cheating? You wouldn’t think so; technically nothing could have ever stopped other couples from doing the same thing as you. Besides, you were certain other people aimed for questions they were certain their partner would know. 
It was so obvious, it was practically an unspoken rule of the game. 
As expected, most couples do very well, only missing one or two answers, or if there was more, probably because they knew each other way too well and had a wider margin for mistakes and overthinking. 
You sat around waiting for your turn, but you ended up going last out of the whole group. You and Nicholas took to the floor, picking up the A4 whiteboards supplied by the MCs and getting ready to answer the questions. 
You did Nicholas’ questions first.
What was his favourite meal? You could have answered that just from living with him for a few weeks but you knew the official answer. 
If he could eat one fruit for the rest of his life, what would it be? It was so easy, you rolled your eyes as you wrote it down.
What style of dancing had he practiced during high school? Your pen started moving before Boo even finished asking the question.
What was the name and brand of his favourite cologne? This one annoyed you slightly because it wasn’t something you’d explicitly talked about but you had noticed in your shared bathroom at home. 
And finally, what was his birthday and star sign? You gave them the sun, moon, and ascendant just to be sure, memories from your memos. 
You finessed the challenge, giving the audience in front of you a smug finger gun and wink because of them had really struggled with answering their spouse’s questions. While you’re up there, you spot the Lees giving you a subtle thumbs up and you smile at them, genuinely for once. You’d almost forgotten they were there and also spying on you for your mother. 
You hoped they would relay everything they saw today and get her off your back. 
It was Nicholas’ turn to answer your questions and you’d really tried to keep them as simple as possible, asking things like your own star sign, hometown, favourite school subject back in the day, favourite colour (were you in kindergarten? today you might as well be), and your coffee order, which was one of the first memos you’d given Nicholas. 
He aces it just like you did, and you’re a little proud of him for remembering even this much about you. 
“Well, you saw it here first folks, we have another perfect team.” Hoshi announces. “We’re going to ask our other top scorers, Hanbin and Hao to get up here for a tie-breaker.”
Uh-oh. You started to panic at the prospect of more questions and especially because they would be of the unseen variety. 
“You did so well that we’re going to need to get some bonus questions in there, stuff that will make you think on your feet.” Boo informs the four of you. You’ll go first since you’re already sitting there. “We’ll do three questions each.”
This time you’d both write an answer down on the whiteboards instead of the hosts fact checking on the piece of paper. 
It was in that moment, that you accepted you’d already lost. There was no way you’d beat anyone when you’d known each other for like two months.  
“Nicholas, what is YN’s favourite time of day?” Boo asks. You think carefully about what Nicholas might say and try to write an answer down to match it. 
You think simply and thank whoever that it was an easy question. 
You both hold up your answer and check. A wave of relief washes over you.
Nicholas had written 4am on his board, matching yours. It was an obvious one since you’d stayed up that late just this morning. 
Nicholas manages to get another question right (it was about your job title, which almost makes you laugh because could they have picked better questions for you?) but misses the third one because it was simply impossible for him to know. 
“We’re going to get a little spicy now for the final one, if that’s okay.” Hoshi begins. “Where on her body, does your wife like being kissed?”
“Please do keep the answers moderately PG.” Boo pleads you before you write. Your heart is racing because you know this will be wrong.
You write ‘cheek’, hoping it’s generic enough to get you the point, but Nicholas writes ‘neck’ and you throw him a glare. He shrugs innocently. 
“Oh no, what a shame!” Hoshi exclaims. “Very close to perfection, but not quite. Now, let’s see if YN can match or better your score.” 
You’re asked about Nicholas’ shoe size and you think hard, trying to remember if you’d ever seen an actual number. By some miracle, you guess the correct number after taking a little longer to answer the question.
“Right, so far so good.” Boo says, leading up to the next question. “What is Nicholas’ love language?” 
You freeze. 
Not good, very not good. 
You wracked your brain, trying to figure it out on the spot. In the end you write ‘physical affection’ because of the way he never leaves you untouched in bed and hope for the best. Nicholas turns his board around and you sigh at the ‘acts of service’ scribbled there. 
“Oh disaster strikes again!” Hoshi squeaks. “YN, you have one more question before we hand it over to your competitors.” 
“We’re going for another spicy question, as is customary.” Boo continues. All you hear is ‘game over’ in your head, flashing in big red letters. “If given the chance, what is the freakiest public location Nicholas would want you to partake in the act of coitus?”
You felt like throwing yourself down a flight of stairs. 
Translation - where does he want to fuck?
Low key it was a super personal question but also awkward since you were in a group setting, even if you were all adults here. 
You had no idea, so you just wrote down the first thing that popped into your head: ‘balcony’.
“And now, the big reveal…” Hoshi trails off dramatically. You’re so over this and just want to go back to the comfort of your hotel room and hide from the world until you left the island. 
You turn the boards and your suspicions are confirmed. You lost.
Nicholas had written ‘conference room’. 
For a moment, you think about why he wrote that and then it sends you spiralling; you could have easily answered that question with just an ounce of thought. The war room, of course. Why didn’t you think of that? 
“Ohhh, so close yet so far!” Hoshi says. “I’m sorry guys, but that’s three out of six for you, if Hanbin and Hao can get four or more, they win. Thank you for playing, good job!”
You thank the MCs and sit down, watching while Hanbin and Hao got question after question right. They won the round so easily, that it was laughable. 
“Welp, at least we tried.” Nicholas nudges your arm.
“Sorry I messed up.” you say.
“It’s fine, it’s not like we knew any of the answers.” he says simply, absolving you of blame. 
In the end, Hanbin and Hao are the overall winners because they had managed a point in the scream in silence game, a good score in the peppero game and a complete sweep in the quiz. Their prize is pretty fun too - a free twenty-four hours renting a yacht around the island.
“Congratulations! Now, a speech from our winners, please guys, say a few words.” Boo asks. 
Hao seems too stunned to speak so Hanbin takes over, a big smile on his face. 
“Woah, well we didn’t expect to do so well. We only got married in April and we’ve been too busy working to get a vacation, so it’s really amazing to get such a nice surprise. Thank you for playing everyone and thanks to our wonderful MCs!” he wraps up nicely and you applaud, smiling as they both sat down. 
“Lovely!” Boo says when the clapping dies down. “Right, everyone, just before we go, we do have one more thing to announce. We have a runner’s up prize too; a romantic dinner and stargazing experience for two.” 
“Sounds like a treat, right?” Hoshi chimes in. “We can now reveal that our runner up couple is…YN and Nicholas!” 
You hear your names being called and you find yourself confused.
You had scored in the first game, completely failed the second, but managed to get runner up in the third, so it did in fact add up, but it still felt strange. 
“Congrats, you two. See us afterwards so we can fill you in.” Boo instructs. “Well, everyone. Thank you for a delightful afternoon. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we always do. We’ll wish you a pleasant evening and another congratulations to all our winners! This has been Boo…”
“And Hoshi! See you later, folks!” they finish in unison. You had to hand it to them, they’d been very fun hosts and you had had a good time despite thinking you’d be stuck making awkward small talk with the Lees all afternoon. (You were almost sure that being separated from them had been the stroke of luck that had saved your day.) 
“I can’t believe we actually won something. What a weird day.” Nicholas muses as the crowd slowly disperses. 
“There are stranger things in life, are there not?” you reply, tempting him into a philosophical discussion. 
“Nope, no more thinking. We got a dinner to claim.” he smiles.
In some ways it was fitting that your last night on the island would be so special. 
The dinner you’d won was really amazing and you enjoyed the food thoroughly on the balcony of the largest restaurant in the resort. 
You could see the stars between the clouds when they became clearer as the night grew darker. It was worth any momentary embarrassment you’d felt yesterday while competing in the couple contest.
It was getting late by the time you finished your meal so you decided to go and get some sleep since you’d be waking up early tomorrow for your flight home. 
By the time you left the restaurant, a dark cover of dense clouds had converged in the sky and hid the stars from you as you slowly strolled back to the hotel. 
“Aren’t you glad we came?” Nicholas asks suddenly. He’s moving with some energy despite having mirrored the way you stuffed yourself with food. You, on the other hand, were half a step behind, feeling the weight of your decisions, you had no intention of eating again for at least another day. 
You thought for a moment, assessing the collection of good times you’d accumulated over the past week and a bit, then considered for a moment how the hell you were going to deal with getting back to work. Somehow, all the fun you had outweighed your incoming stress. 
“Yeah, I’m glad we came.” you admit. Nicholas is smiling when he glances at you, a little proud he convinced you probably. 
You seem to have spoken too soon because in the next split second you feel a series of rain drops falling on your face and then a rapid succession which gets starts to drench you before you can even react. 
“Shit, you really know how to jinx things, don’t you?” Nicholas comments, squinting as the rain gets harder, but you see him smiling. You’re in the middle of a narrow street and nowhere to take cover.
“You started it!” you reply, infected by his smile. You raise a hand to shelter your eyes from the rain as you look around. There was no one else out.  
“Come on!” he grabs your hand and starts running, dragging you behind him. Your legs start moving against your will and you follow him, hoping you’re headed in the right direction since it’s difficult to see in the rain.
The heavens open up torrential rain on the two of you but as you run in between the rain drops, your hand secured in Nicholas’, you can’t help but laugh when he does. 
You felt so liberated for a moment.
You didn’t think about work, or the fact that the only reason you were here was because your parents had decided to derail your life, you just ran, as carefree as a kid, splashing through puddles, ruining your sundress and sneakers. 
You thought about how you’d only ever seen this happen in movies; how it was some big romantic moment where the leads run and laugh and look all in love as they get drenched, but the reality was that it was exhausting, even if still a little fun, as you tried your best not to lose Nicholas in the curtain-like rain. 
It only takes a minute to get to the hotel and you burst through the doors, startling the nightshift staff at the desk and you chuckle at their stunned then relieved faces.
You’re both panting, you more than Nicholas since clearly only one of you worked out, and you will your lungs not to explode as you catch your breath. 
Nicholas turns to you, face lit up despite the end to your night. “You look like you just swam here.” he says, bringing a hand to your forehead to move the wet strands away. You pause for a moment, surprised by how tenderly he brushes his finger tips against your skin, pushing the hair away. 
“Yeah, well, you look like a wet dog.” you retort sassily despite being short of air. It was true that you both did, drenched from head to toe and to the bone. 
“Okay, I’ll acknowledge it, let’s go shower before we catch a cold.” 
You get back to your room, feeling a little guilty that you’d been dripping all over the hotel’s plush carpets, but you had no choice. 
“You can go first.” Nicholas says, already unbuttoning his soaked through shirt.
“What about you though?” you ask, taking off your shoes. “You should dry off at least, you might get cold.”
“I’ll be fine, just go.” he insists. You’re about to let it go but he sneezes, trying to cover it up with clearing his throat.
“Fine, my ass.” you sigh. “Okay, this is a simple problem so there must be a simple solution.” you say and think for a moment.
You have an idea when you spot the wolf sleeping mask peeking out of Nicholas’ toiletries baggie.
“How about this:” you start. “you take a bath and wear the mask while I take a shower? That way we both get warmed up.” 
“You’re so determined to make me return to that bath, aren’t you?” Nicholas shakes his head but agrees. “Alright, I know my place by now, Mrs Wang.” he finishes by throwing off his shirt, then trudges to the bathroom, swiping the mask in passing. 
You wait for a minute, hearing the water running and the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor. 
“Okay, you can come in now.” Nicholas calls out a moment later. 
You creak the door open and close it behind you, eyes sweeping over the scene to make sure he was wearing the mask. Nicholas was sitting in the bath obediently, his broad back to you but you could see the mask was over his eyes. 
Satisfied, your hands got busy removing your dress and underwear quickly, leaving them to hang and dry. You padded across the bathroom and hopped in the shower, starting the water.
Neither of you says anything, a less awkward silence than you thought hanging between you but you barely notice because you rush yourself to finish as quickly as possible. You stop the water and open the cabin door, stepping out so you can reach a towel off the shelf. 
You glance in Nicholas’ direction in paranoia and freeze when you notice the mask is sitting on the ledge of the bath. In the process, you drop the towel, which in turn makes a moisturiser fall on the floor with a thud and the noise makes Nicholas turn around.
You lock eyes, his widening in panic.
“Ah!” you both scream when you realise what just happened, Nicholas throwing himself to face forward and you scrambling to throw the towel around yourself. 
“What are you doing!” you huff, incredibly flustered as you clutch the towel to your body. 
“What are you doing!” he demands, just as freaked out.         
“Why aren’t you wearing the mask?” you ask, picking up the fallen moisturiser. Damn your self-care diligence.
“I was washing my hair, I had to take it off.” he explains, sitting rigidly with his back to you. 
“Oh,” you get it now. “fine. Nevermind.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn.” he says, clearly a bit embarrassed. 
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” you shrug, forgetting he can’t see you. 
“Nice tattoo, by the way.” you hear the smirk in his voice and you close your eyes. How did he manage to see that of all things in a split second? 
“You better forget what you saw, or else.” you warn him. 
“I’ll try but no guarantees.” he replies. That was good enough for now. 
“Okay. I’m going now.” you open the door. “I hope you prune up like a raisin.” you say over your shoulder and shut the door.  
You wanted to shrivel up too; become but a speck of dust, not because of embarrassment necessarily, but more like because you didn’t like what you were thinking about. There was a fraction of a second when Nicholas’ eyes widened, that you felt like you wanted him to keep looking. 
You shudder at your own deprivation, blaming your busy schedule for not going out and hooking up with more people. Now you were a mess at the slightest incident. 
You just hoped at least Nicholas would forget…
*apartment 520 cuz it sounds like ‘i love you’ in chinese and i couldn’t miss an op. also ‘ma cherie’ = my dear/darling and ‘mon ange’ = my angel literally in french
ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD THIS!!!! for all your meme needs <3
A/N: thanks for reading, feedback is always appreciated <3 I gotta say, i felt just a little unhinged writing some of this, Nicho's too much y'all, i'm not normal about this man. i hope this chapter gave you whiplash cuz same <3
*copyright 2021- © momobani 
momobani masterlist
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venuslvv · 2 years
not the same anymore | eddie munson x reader
summary: it's three am, you and Eddie are under the substance and a deep conversation begin.
warnings: fluff, eddie munson being cute (as always) friends to lovers, existential crisis, mention of drugs, i think i described the reader very gender neutral so!
"I can't believe childhood is over" you murmured, the smoke coming out of your mouth.
"You turned eighteen not eighty grandma" you heard Eddie scream from the bathroom, the water from the sink as a soundtrack.
Your naked feet meet the coldness of the floor as you walk from Eddie's room to the bathroom. A faint, warm light bathing your body, giving it a yellowish hue.
"But it's, legally, over. Im an adult now"
"Not here" he says grabbing the pink soap "You have to be twenty one"
"Yeah but i'm an adult in a lot of places!" You sit in the toilet, watching Eddie's face though the mirror.
He puts his hands under the water, the bubbles of the soap dying under the warm liquid. That sequence, in your head, was most entertaining at the time. Your thoughts sailed slowly inside your head.
"Are you having an existential crisis?" He dried his hands with the towel "I shouldn't gave you that joint"
You chuckle under your breath and kissed the joint.
It's was three am in Hawkins, but in Eddie's trailer time didn't seems to exist. The only sound that proved that life existed outside of there was the dog barking across the street. The Maxfield girl didn't feed him today, you supposed.
The tiny bathroom was filled with the smoke from the joint that Eddie magically made appear around two in the morning, when sleep didn't make an appearance. The grey air dancing through his curls.
"I'm not!" you protested "I'm just thinking"
"That's even worse!" Eddie said, laying on the frame of the door.
He stole the joint from your fingers to put it in his lips, his cheekbones marked as he inhaled. All you could think about was that seconds ago your lips were in the same place that his lips are now.
"You are not going to die because you turned eighteen darling" he said "Look at me, i'm still here!"
You rolled your eyes, suddenly very aware of how cold your ass was from the porcelain of the toilet "I know, it's just that i can't believe that i'm not going to be able to say that i have seventeen again, or fifteen, or thirteen! Like, ever again.
I have this kind of feeling where i miss the earlier years, how could i blame all my selfishness and silly actions by saying that i was young and i didn't know. People don't allow that type of excuse when you are more grown"
"I mean it's kind of logical, don't you think?" Eddie murmurs "You cannot excuse your shit when you have, like, ninety years"
"Why not?" The warm light was making your eyes look shiny "Is forgiveness and mistakes only allowed until you turn the majority of age?"
Eddie's eyes and yours make contact for a couple of seconds and your heart jumped inside of you.
"Sometimes" he says, passing you the joint and you try to place your lips right where his were seconds ago. "I kinda miss the earlier years too tho"
"I would sell my soul to see younger Eddie Munson"
He laughed out loud, his neck caught your attention for a second.
"I was a metal mess! Wayne used to tell me all the time to go back to my room and change my clothes because they were too much for school" His eyes reflected a glimpse of nostalgia "But i was very cool"
"You were always cool" your lips pronounced before your brain allowed to speak. The weed was hitting.
A shy smile appear on Eddie's face, hiden behind his hair.
"I remember that i was counting the days on a little calendar that i had to turn eighteen and get the hell out of here"
"You still here tho"
"Well, eventually i lost that shitty calendar before i turned eighteen" He was playing with his rings, the devil one specifically "And i kinda found a reason to stay here. A person"
The emotions were your second skin, and the effects of the weed didn't help to calm down your thoughts.
"Well i don't want to be the reason that you don't get out of here" you teased with a funny tone, but in the deep of your brain you were praying for be that person that he was talking about.
It was kind of a double side commentary, if you weren't that person then it was a simple, friendly joke.
"What makes you think you are that person?" he said, moving closer until our legs were finally touching.
"I'm the best person that you have here obviously"
He laughed. "C'mon, let's go to the bedroom, it's getting cold here"
His hand grabbed yours before you knew, fingers shyly exploring the feeling of your cold hands and pulling you out of the bathroom.
You two walked down the dark hallway, hands clasped and feelings overflowing. It was a five-second walk, the path to Eddie's room was short, but it felt very intimate and new to both of you.
Your hands were kissing each others palms for a couple of seconds more before they split, instantly missing the heat of the skin.
"I think that being a child it's kinda sad sometimes" your body crashed in the bed as you speak, looking at the roof
"Being a child fucking sucks sometimes" you felt Eddie's body next to yours "Even tho i was a very cool kid, like i said, i used to have my emo moments. You can't ran away from the sadness"
The joint was starting to hit Eddie too, his eyes were closed and his mind was speaking by herself. His mouth felt dry.
"Sadly, no" you murmured "But you learn things from it"
"Bullshit!" He shouted, furrowing his eyebrows "I hate when people said that optimistic shit"
"But it's true!" you protested, looking at him shake his head in disagree "You learn things from the good as well. From everything"
"You sound like a fucking tv show for depressed people"
You laughed until your stomach were asking to stop, being a cruel victim of an ache of laugh. Under the effect everything seemed ten thousand times funnier.
You though that Eddie fell sleep after a few minutes where the silence was the king of the room, but he opened his eyes after a while.
"Why do i have to suffer to earn some kind of a knowledge?"
His voice sounded so calm, so honest that made your heart stop for a moment. His body language reflected how calm he was, how vulnerable he was being and you felt overwhelmed with the sudden change.
"I don't know" You whispered, thinking that any loud noise could break the intimacy "I guess you don't, it's just a consequence of it, the knowledge"
The joint was still in your hand, but you didn't wanted anymore. You wanted to throw it down the toilet, like if that was the reason of how flooded with emotions you were.
"I don't like it. It's not fair" he whispered too.
The air felt dense in the room, a unknown feeling crowded your body as you felt Eddie's hand caressing yours.
"You learn from the good things too, i think it's fair" you managed to say as he sighed.
"But the sad moments, the sad feelings and the suffer are bigger that the good things that we learn, are heavier"
He opened his eyes, and you looked at him, not quite understanding. Still feeling his finger carefully explore your hand.
"Like, the sadness always came with something else, right? With a reason or with lots of sadness from the past" He explained, his face in a concentrated expression "There are ghosts of sadness, but there are no ghosts of happiness, and even if they exist, they come in a form of nostalgia, which is even sadder"
You nodded slowly "I get it, but the nostalgia doesn't always have to be with the past tho" you murmured, looking at his lips "Sometimes nostalgia came from a lot of futures that didn't happen, and that you wish they did"
Even you two were next to each others body's, that didn't seemed enough. Always it's not enough when you were not kissing him.
He took the joint of your hand and threw it to the ashtray that was in his bed. The dog stopped barking but you just noticed that, when the whole world was under the silence.
It was as if neither Eddie nor you had anything to say, but rather your bodies were acting, replacing words with actions.
Eddie's body heat crashed against yours the moment he leaned on his elbow and leaned over you. His brown eyes looked to your mouth, and he finally did it.
Suddenly the sensation of floating was due to how warm Eddie's lips felt on yours and not because of the joint. You felt when his hand cupped your cheek making the kiss more intense and you also felt his skin under your touch.
His tongue caressed your lips in a way that you felt like you were made of jelly, making you open your mouth and breathing hard.
Eddie was over you, touching the skin that your shirt revealed, trying to memorize every inch of you. His rings making you shiver everytime they entered in contact with your already hot skin.
After seconds, you leave his lips to catch a breath, your hands still at his neck.
"Now you don't have to feel nostalgia for the future anymore" he murmured and kissed you again.
n/a: not me projecting myself in the childhood dialogue.
hope you like it.
reblogs and notes are appreciated <3
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katmajik · 9 months
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(book description under the cut)
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩’𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙭𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙮?
Milo Lamoree is livin’ the glamorous life of a sex shop sales rep, forever explaining to grown adults what they should and should not be sticking inside of themselves and/or others. He’s not doing any 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 himself—his demisexuality hasn’t exactly enticed any “hot young singles in your area.” But considering his clientele’s whackadoo misconceptions about anatomy, etc., it’s not like Milo has the leftover energy to fall in love, anyway.
…Well, 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙗𝙖𝙙.
Stevie Hart has heard it said that being bisexual means you have more options, meanwhile she has experienced that 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡. Her love life is all unsolicited—𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙢—pics (you know the ones) and straight couples looking for an experimental third. No thanks. When you’re already managing your own debilitating agoraphobia, who has time to deal with whatever’s going on with those people? Falling in love isn’t worth the mess.
…Until it is.
Along with their meddling mutual friends, Possibly The Worst Ex In The World, and a totally bangin’ soundtrack, Stevie and Milo hit every major identity crisis (sexual, spiritual, existential, you get it) on their way to finding each other—and themselves.
(And if they happen to also find the best title of an adult film while they’re at it? That’s just the rainbow sprinkles on top.)
𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙚-𝙤𝙛-𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙩 𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚, 𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙭 𝙩𝙤𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚/𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙨, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨—𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙛𝙛 𝙪𝙥.
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teeth-cable · 7 months
Have you seen The Amazing Digital Circus yet?
If so, what's your opinion on it?
I LOVE TADC! It’s my favorite indie show at the moment! There’s just so much I like about it but my main ones are
1. The setting and execution being unique. A horror-like project taking place in an late 90s/early 2000s digital game is not a new idea and same goes with characters being stuck in a purgatory however it’s how the artists reinvent those idea that makes it new. The digital Circus made its own aesthetic that makes it stand out from other projects with similar concepts and designs. When I first watched the pilot, one of many things that stuck out to me was how new the story ideas felt. I couldn’t think of any other pieces of media similar to TADC beside for surface-level comparisons. The TADC created its own aesthetic and knows what it wants to be and I like it!
2. Soundtrack. Speaks for itself, the soundtrack for the pilot is so good especially Your New Home. That song is very catchy and emotional too. It has such a unique melody, everytime you hear the first few notes you instantly recognize it. It does a great job highlighting the dread and existentialism crisis of Pomni’s situation. I recommend to give it a listen if you haven’t.
3. The characters dynamics. I just love how the characters interact with each other. The majority of the jokes comes from characters’ interactions and dynamics and how well everyone plays off of each other. The best example is Jax with everyone, Jax is a funny jerk who likes bullying his peers. It’s funny to see what creative ways Jax will bully the other people whether it’s being sarcastic and making quips at them, or though goofy pranks and how the characters react because of their contrast in personality. Every character beside Jax is openly stressed or worried in someway while Jax, at first seem like a chill layback dude.
4. The characters differences. I adored the differences between each character from how they talk to their poses. After watching HH and HB, I learned to have an appreciation for character differences. It’s just refreshing to see characters allowed to be different instead of the same tired reused tropes and repeating the same type of dialogue again for every character.
5. Mystery and lore. There is so much to explore in the pilot, it’s make you wanting more. When going in to watch the pilot, I made the mistake of thinking the series will be predictable. I didn’t see how they could make this premise work because by the end of it, Pomni will go insane but then I watched the pilot and was speechless. The pilot does a good job setting up questions for the audience to ask. If Caine lied about the exit, what are other things did he lied about? How long has the cast been stuck in the circus? Who are these people? Are they previous game developers? Who were they in their previous lives? What is the company’s motivation to create the headset? What are the abstractions in game? Are they viruses to the game program? Who were the former cast? What horrors has Kinger seen to be as paranoid and easily frighten as he is now? Do the abstractions still have a consciousness? You just want to find out more about the lore to solve the many mysteries in the show. I find it impressive Gooseworx was able to stir up the theorists because they have admitted in an ask, there are already theories floating around that are almost right about the show.
One problem I did have for the pilot were the scenes containing the Gloink Queen. The pacing of the pilot was fine until we got to her then it was slow. I feel it dragged longer than it needed too but beside that, my issues for the pilot ends.
I can’t speak for the fandom on other platforms but the tumblr one is great! Most of the time everyone is being respectful towards each other and I love seeing what creative theories, AU, fanfics, and art the fans created. The only people causing drama are the anti-shippers, and it’s just dumb. All of the cast are adults, if age gaps ships makes people uncomfortable, that’s valid but they shouldn’t make it into other people’s problems. Gooseworx themselves admitted they don’t care for romance and they don’t want fans in the fandom getting harassed over shipping.
Overall despite what issues I had for the pilot and fandom, they’re overshadowed by the positives and I can’t wait to see the full show and the fandom’s growth.
#꧁rambles꧂#➥asks#the amazing digital circus#The TADC is the indie show and fandom I needed#After a year of critiquing Viv and her shows and being a fandom as toxic as HH & HB I just needed a break#I’m still active as you can see but barely posting and critiquing the shows anymore#I do check the critical tags every now and again to catch up and I’m just not interested in consuming any Viv’s content anymore#The last Ep I saw from HB was Unhappy Campers and the last video related to HH was the Happy Day in Hell one#I kinda don’t see the point of being very active on my HH amounts when I’m no longer watching Viv and I think everything to Viv is regressi#Viv is getting more careless about how she presents herself online and people are starting to noticed how much of an ass she really is#responding on a funny shitpost of “If the TADC was written by Viv” lightly making fun of her and she blew up once again#I’ve seen creators with a decent size following in other platform not just Twitter called her out and Viv and the fandom is be the-#reasons why Hazbin will fail#Her fandoms are notorious for being toxic/ fans going out of their way to attack not just haters but anyone who doesn’t praise Viv 24/7#Viv is actively creating toxic environment in her fanbases so she can protect herself from criticism and allegations behind her fans#But because of this Viv is contributing to the future downfall of Hazbin because no one wants to be associated with her because of her fanb#There’s just no reason to stay around#If the reaction to the Prime’s video Happy Day in Hell from outsiders is mixed then the reaction will be too for the full release#Plus the general attitude towards Viv has changed over the last three years#Despite her previous controversies she was see as a respectful creator but now views are mixed#People see her as the indie creator whose show took a nose drive in season 2/doesn’t pay her employees/is immature/and is now seen in a-#more negative light
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real-reulbbr-band · 11 months
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I don't see anyone talking about the pink pantheress song "Angel" , well more specifically how the song is used in the film.
The song was what I was most interested about when the soundtrack came out. Being my favorite song, I thought it would take place when Barbie and Ken got separated in the real world.
However, the chorus of the song is utilized when we first meet Sasha, and my interpretation is that this is how Barbie views Sasha.
Long post below.
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'(s)he could be the one to make me never freeze again,'
Sasha chose her from the shelves and took he out of the box, she played with her and gave her a story. Barbie loves Sasha, she's her girl, and at least to Barbie, I believe she'll always see Sasha as the little girl she needs to inspire the most.
'Cause one day, One day, my baby just went away My angel, You're what haunts me now that you're away'
while Sasha grows out of playing with Barbie, this doesn't diminish Barbie's feelings towards her, especially when she first arrives in the real world. Sasha can be seen as Barbie's angel, someone who bestowed purpose and life upon her when she was just a doll. The part about haunting her could easily be applied to the start of Barbie's existential crisis she has in the film. She and Sasha are connected, but that connection was lost when Sasha grew out of her Barbie phase. as often happens when young girls begin distancing themselves from traditionally girly things intentionally. Barbie's attachment to Sasha echoes the sentiments felt by many parents, such as Gloria, who experience a bittersweet mix of pride and nostalgia as their children grow and change. Barbie's emotions mirror what Gloria goes through when her daughter starts distancing herself from her previous interests.
'You won't check your phone so you can't tell me you're okay, because Jo̶h̶n̶n̶y̶, my baby, did it always have to end this way? '
We know Barbie went to the real world because of Sasha and believing she's going through something, but when they're meet up doesn't go well and Sasha calls Barbie a fascist. Barbie already thinks she's failed. It's why when Barbie is talking with Sasha she keeps going over what she's supposed to represent and how she's supposed to make Sasha happy and powerful.
When Sasha berates her, Barbie doesn't snap back. she tries to laugh it off but she's hurting inside and she asks to be excused. She cries and then she leaves Sasha, she leaves with the Mattel people because she doesn't believe she can change Sasha's view on her. (at least not right now)and she's convinced girls hate her. Going to Mattel is more like going to a place of comfort and possible reassurance after feeling like she's failed. That things are destined to end this way with her and Sasha. But Sasha does learn to appreciate Barbie after getting to know her better and going to Barbieland. Barbie is her doll at the end of the day and that's why even supposedly when she's about to leave she asks what Barbie's ending is. Even outright refusing the one she doesn't see as *her* ending. So no it didn't have to end that way and it didn't.
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Anyways I think they're underappreciated and I love them <3
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Wait guys, I think I know how to fix the burnout
*puts on the Minecraft soundtrack to back my existential crisis*
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