#soup fairy
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My partner made a drawing that I thought would go along perfectly with this ask.
So I made a little, fluffy story to go with it:
Feeling energized from her run, Quinn decided to do some exercises before making breakfast. It was Saturday morning and she didn't have to be anywhere soon. The sun glistened against the grass and it felt still a bit damp when she sat down for some sit-ups.
From the corner of her eye she spotted Merula coming over with the wicker traveling basket for the puffies. All dressed, make-up full on. She sat down next to her and began juggling the five of them. Humming filled the air.
'You're early.' Usually she didn't see Merula before breakfast, especially not on the weekends.
Merula shrugged and Quinn didn't press. She continued exercising and switched to push-ups. A few moments later something fuzzy hit her arm and she looked up to see Dulci next to her, humming loudly. If a puffskein could smile like a human she'd have the biggest grin right now. Quinn raised an eyebrow at Merula, who shrugged again.
'She slipped. Dulci, come back here.'
To her credit Dulci listened, probably eager to get back to juggling. A moment later Amplexus hit her forehead and this time Quinn caught Merula grinning. Seeing her smile like that made it hard for Quinn not to return the look. Cute annoying little shit.
She tried to keep focusing on the push-ups, just five more and she'd be done, but two other puffies hit her in quick succession. That's it. She crossed her legs and threw them back, trying to hit Merula's face. Their laughter joined together with the humming as they threw the puffies back and forth.
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lifeofkaze · 4 months
You can never have too much soup! Until you do and then you get sick and okay I'll stop
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Oh I loved this one. I know it might not look like it, considering how long this took me but trust me - I did.
Characters featured (both fully and in mention) belong to @the-al-chemist @thatravenpuffwitch @kc-and-co and @slytherindisaster
“Trust me, this is going to be funny.” “I’m not sure I share your perception of funny, old chap.” Bradford Elijah Pendleton IV swallowed uncomfortably. Nervously, he glanced to where the object of their current conversation was sitting in the shade with her friends. “It sounds dangerous, if anything.” "I must say, I agree," Jim Hexley butted in from the side, sounding as nauseous as Brady himself felt. "There's people you don't trifle with." He couldn't have said anything more wrongly. Rising to what he perceived a challenge, Lysander Mercury got to his feet from their spot in the cloisters of the clocktower courtyard and cupped his hands to his mouth. "Oi, Iceberg!" The shoulders of the witch his words were aimed at stiffened, her already pinched-looking face growing tighter still. Sighing heavily, she put down her book and shared a meaningful look with her friends. "How can I help you, Lysander?" "Go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Carolyn Pendleton froze, the only indication that she had heard him a slight twitch in her sharply outlined eyebrows. Next to Lysander, both Brady and Jim shifted in their seats. "Pardon me?" "You head me right." Lysander grinned, stretching his arms above his head. "You, me, the Three Broomsticks. Sounds marvellous, doesn't it?" Caro inhaled deeply, a smile forming on her face that was so sweet it made Brady fight the urge to duck his head. "I'd rather dip my head in a boiling cauldron, strip down naked and run around the Black Lake in a hailstorm but thank you anyway. It was sweet of you to consider me." Lysander grimaced. "Oh, what a shame. I shall not be able to continue to live, having suffered such a blow. Except..." Screwing shut his eyes, Lysander's face began to change. His smooth skin grew deep lines around a suddenly hard mouth. His hair, golden in the sunshine, darkened to a deep brown streaked with lines of silver. Wrinkles appeared between his now bushy brows, and a stubble as well as a close-cropped beard was covering his cheeks. He cracked his neck from side to side, the long scar running from the top of his hairline to the corner of his mouth shimmering subtly in the light. His transformation complete, the image of Potions Master Aesop Sharp wiggled his eyebrows at the gaping girls. "How about now?" Caro's cheeks flashed an alarming shade of pink, pinker than Brady had ever seen them. One of her friends giggled into her hands, biting her lip upon receiving an icy look from Caro. Then, she turned her steely eyes onto Lysander. "If you, for one sliver of a moment, think..." "And what would be the meaning of this?" Lysander froze, and so did Brady, Jim, and the girls in the shade as a shadow fell over Lysander - a shadow that bore a striking resemblance to the features the young shapeshifter's face had taken. Swallowing, Lysander's face returned to its normal form in less than a heartbeat. "Nothing, Professor Sharp. I was merely trying to brighten these lovely ladies' day." "Of course you were, Mercury." Professor Sharp gave him a long look, then turned his attention to the girls, who all of a sudden sat up straighter than they had a moment before. He nodded at Caro and the witch sitting right next to her. "Nyberg, Selwyn. With me. I have need of some competent potioneers to help me catalogue the latest delivery of nightshade and moondew." Brady could have sworn the Potions Master's eyes had grazed him on the word 'competent'. Across the courtyard, Caro and her friend Adelia Selwyn almost - almost - scrambled to their feet, whispering among themselves. Brady didn't think he had ever seen Carolyn Nyberg this flustered. As the two of them hurried past Brady and his friends, Lysander couldn't help himself. His eyebrows turned dark and bushy once more, wiggling as he whistled lowly through pursed lips. If possible, Adelia and Caro walked even straighter and with their heads held high but the flush climbing up their necks was undeniable as they hurried away.
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kaze-writes · 4 months
Temporary Fix
Based on this ask from @drinkyoursoupbitch
Summary: Equinox is taking its very first steps as a band founded by uni friends and Jaz and Leon find themselves just the two of them for the very first time, in a venue Jaz would never have dreamed of going. Warning: Mentions of alcohol and drugs, popular band trashing (pls don't come for me, it's for the story)
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You caught my attention, you were looking at me first All that I can see's you waking up in my t-shirt If you're not hooked on anything right now, I can be your vice
~ One Direction - Temporary Fix ~
“Take a deep breath, hold it in your lungs. Embrace the fire. Find your balance. Switch.”
Jaz let out the breath she’d been dying to let go in a huff and moved, lowering her head to in between her arms as she stretched her legs. A drop of sweat loosened itself from between her shoulder blades and along her upside-down spine, causing her to shiver. The tickling distracted her, and even though she tried her best to follow the instructions she was given, she lagged behind as the rest of her yoga class moved into a more elaborate position. Having missed the teacher’s explanation, she did her best to mimic what everybody else was doing.
”Rotate your shoulders in and shift your weight. It’s easier that way.”
Blowing against the ponytail, which had fallen into her face, Jaz gave Leon, who was now walking through the rows of mats correcting positions a dubious look.
”I don’t think I can move in any way at all.”
His lips twitching, Leon reached out and lightly pushed against a spot above her shoulder blades. Suddenly, the weight which had started to make her arms shake was gone, and Jaz let out the breath she realised she had definitely been holding. She gave Leon a thankful look but he was already gone, ready to help the next of his students. On the mat next to her, her friend Mel was rolling her eyes, mouthing a silent ‘Bullshit!’ as she caught Jaz looking. They shared a chuckle but Jaz’s thoughts soon wandered back towards Leon.
Ever since she and Mel had started up their new band with him and his sister Mara a couple of months ago, Jaz had made it a point to go (and drag Mel) to the yoga classes Leon was teaching at a small studio near the MMU campus. He was a great teacher and Jaz usually enjoyed his classes immensely but something about Leon seemed off today. She had noticed earlier when they had all met for lunch in the university canteen, and the day before during band rehearsal; there was a strain to him that Jaz had never noticed before, a sudden restlessness beneath his usual calm demeanour that was entirely unlike him. She was curious to know why but so far, there had been no opportunity to find out.
As everyone settled down for the meditation that concluded all of Leon’s classes, Jaz found herself entirely unable to concentrate. She fidgeted in her seat, moving her hands from her thighs to her knees and back again. Her thoughts had strayed to Leon again, and giving up on her chance of inner peace for the day, she opened her eyes again.
He sat in front of the class like he always would but instead of guiding their meditation with his voice he was quiet today. His face was turned towards the big window next to him, where late autumn sunlight was slanting inside, basking him in its glow. His back was perfectly straight, both his feet resting on top of his knees in a lotus seat. His hands were folded in his lap and everything about him was still but it was far from peaceful. Jaz thought that he looked lost in thought, sad somehow, as if he was trying to hold on to something, too scared that it might slip away if moved only the slightest bit. 
When the class was over and everyone but her and Mel had left, she seized her chance.
”What’s up with you today?”
”Hm?” Leon only briefly glanced up from the props he was putting away. “What do you mean? I’m perfectly fine.”
”No, you’re not,” Jaz insisted, trodding after him with her arms full of yoga blocks. “You’re quiet. You barely said a word during meditation.”
“I believe that’s the whole point of it.”
The corners of Leon’s mouth twitched but the smile didn’t reach his eyes and he quickly looked away again. Jaz clicked her tongue.
”This is about Clary, isn’t it?”
Leon’s shoulders stiffened. “What about Clary?”
”Have you given her your present yet? Didn’t she like it?” 
“Didn’t he tell you?” a familiar drawl sounded from the door, where Mara, the fourth member of their group had appeared to pick them up. The sneer on her face was even more distinct than usual. “That bitch broke up with him.”
Jaz gasped, heat creeping up her neck. “Oh God, I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”
Leon merely shrugged but a defeated look had crossed his face. “No need. Not like you could know.”
”That’s shit, mate,” Mel said and clapped him on the back. “What’re you doing with those tickets now? Mara said they cost a fortune.”
Again Leon shrugged. “I don’t know. Sell them probably, if I can find a buyer on such short notice.” Half-jokingly he added, “Unless one of you would like to come?”
Both Mara and Mel shook their heads, Mara immediately so. Feeling like she needed to make up for her blunder earlier, Jaz gave them a look and shrugged her shoulders.
”Why not? Who were you going to see, anyway?”
”You’ll find out,” Mara cut Leon off, her grin wider than Jaz had ever seen before. “You’re going to have a blast.” 
London’s O2 Arena could fit up to twenty thousand people, and from the looks of it, all of the seats would be filled. Jaz turned her head left and right as she and Leon made their way from North Greenwich Station towards the massive structure on the side of the  River Thames. Her brows knitted together in a frown as she noticed the age of the people - almost exclusively girls - headed in the same direction as them, but her questioning looks in Leon’s direction were being ignored. She had asked him who they were going to watch again and again but he kept shrouding himself in silence. Jaz suspected that Mel had found out but judging by the cackle she had received when Leon had picked her up, Jaz couldn’t shake the foreboding feeling that she might regret what she had so blindly agreed on.
”We’re almost there,” she tried for the tenth time, provoking only a strained smile from Leon’s side. “You might as well tell me.”
”As you said,” shrugged Leon, hands buried deeply in his pocket, “we’re almost there. You’re gonna find out in a minute.”
He looked uncomfortable as he said so, and it took Jaz only a couple more minutes and a glimpse at the giant posters surrounding the entrance to the arena to find out why. She stopped dead in her tracks.
”You’re kidding.”
”They’re supposed to be quite good.”
”One Direction?” She shot Leon an accusing look. “I trusted you. I thought your taste was decent.”
”I’ve never taken you for a snob.”
Jaz wrinkled her nose. “I’m not a snob.”
”Sounds suspiciously like it.”
”I just don’t like mass-produced pop music.” 
More than one girl clad in fan memorabilia gave Jaz a dark look as they passed her. Leon, on the other hand, only shrugged.
”Neither do I. The tickets were a gift, remember?”
“Good thing she dumped you. Really dodged a bullet there.” Seeing the smile that had appeared on Leon’s face falter, Jaz cursed herself for speaking before thinking. “Sorry. Too soon?”
“Only a little.”
He sounded defeated, the same tension Jaz had noticed in the yoga studio the other day having crept into his posture again. Sighing, Jaz nudged him with her shoulder and put a smile on her face. 
“Stop the gloom. Come on. Let’s get drunk and see what One Direction has to offer.”
Much to Jaz’s disappointment, it turned out that there was, in fact, nothing to get drunk on. Once inside the vast arena and in their seats, Jaz let her eyes wander over the crowd assembled around them. It consisted almost exclusively of girls much younger than her, and once again she felt a pang of astonished disbelief that she, of all people, had made it to a pop concert. The people around them were buzzing with excitement - some of them squealing for their idols already - and she suddenly longed for the relaxed atmosphere of the small to mid-sized rock shows she usually attended.
Next to her, Leon seemed to think no differently. The conversation normally flowing so effortlessly between them had ceased during their wait before admittance, and the answers Jaz was able to draw from him now were half-hearted at best. She didn’t know whether it was the venue, the act they were about to see, or the fact that she was in the spot his (ex) girlfriend was supposed to sit, but the atmosphere was strained where it had never been before, which wasn’t a feeling Jaz liked one bit.
She tapped Leon on the shoulder.
”We still have some time,” she almost screamed at him as a roar went up over a roadie adjusting something on the stylised stage. “Shall we get a breather?”
Something like relief crossed Leon’s face. “Smoking area is out back.”
”I don’t smoke.”
”Not talking about cigarettes, am I?”
Giggling, Jaz rose from her seat and led the way outside. Once they had found a secluded corner away from most of the hustle and bustle, she stood close to Leon, blocking view of him while he produced a colourful woven pouch out of his pockets, rolling the dried herbs inside into a paper with deft fingers. He lit up and passed the joint to Jaz, who took a long drag, feeling the warmth spread inside her body.
”Do you realise,” Leon said after they had passed the joint back and forth a couple of times, “that this is the first time we’re doing something together, just the two of us?”
Stunned, Jaz tilted her head. “No, it’s not.” 
“Yes, it is.”
”Wow.” She blew smoke into the air, trying not to giggle as it tickled past her lips. “Is that why you’re acting all strange and mood and gloom today?” She laughed when Leon shrugged, nudging his foot with the tip of her trainers. “There’s no need. I’m delightful company.”
”I know.”
”And this is not a date either.”
”I know it’s not.”
”Because that’d be against the rules.”
”Very much so.”
”They’re good rules,” Jaz sighed, passing Leon back the weed. “Focus on the music and don’t get distracted fucking around. Makes sense.”
”Rich is a great manager. He knows what he’s doing.” 
They fell silent again. Jaz sighed.
”Listen, both of us have imagined this evening very differently but we’re here now, and that’s a fact. No use making ourselves have a shit time, is it?”
Tentatively, Leon gave her a strained smile. “I guess not.”
”See? Hang on.” Turning away, Jaz quickly walked over to the tired-looking set of parents standing a little to the side of the smoking area, as suspiciously close to each other as she and Leon. When she returned, she triumphantly held two tiny bottles of clear liquor into Leon’s face. An astounded look crossed his face. His lips twitched.
”You’re incredible.”
”What’s new?” Unscrewing the lid, she toasted to Leon with a wink. “To our non-date.”
Grinning, Leon stubbed out their joint and brought the bottled shot to his lips. “To One Direction.” 
When they returned inside, the crowd was buzzing with anticipation. The show must have been about to start, yet there were still people lined up along the merchandise store as Leon and Jaz passed there. A group of girls was huddled around a poster one of them had just purchased, discussing the boys smiling at them from the print with flushed cheeks. Every now and again, they would cast furtive looks in Leon’s direction, who pretended not to notice. Still feeling the effect of the weed, Jaz bit back a laugh and approached them. Frowning, Leon followed her.
”Are you as excited as I am?” she beamed at the confused girls. “Can’t be much longer now.”
One of them, a tall girl with hearts painted on both her cheeks, eyed her warily. “Do we know you?”
”All Directioners, are we not?” Jaz gave Leon a sideways look and smirked. “My boyfriend here was so excited to see One Direction, you have no idea.”
”What to say,” Leon sighed and put an arm around her shoulder, not missing a beat playing along. “Can’t help getting drawn in when your girlfriend erects a shrine to Harry Styles in your bedroom, can you?”
Looking between themselves, the girls shuffled away, leaving Jaz and Leon behind, giggling to themselves. 
“You take me for a Harry Styles girl?” Jaz raised her eyebrow as they made their way back to their seats. “Really?”
”He’s got nice hair, or so I’ve been told.”
”’Told’, hm?” Jaz laughed. “I’ll think about it if he grows himself a beard.”
Leon said nothing, corners of his mouth twitching as he removed the arm that had kept resting around Jaz’s shoulders. 
The high of the weed soon wore off but once the show had started, Jaz found that, unexpectedly, she didn’t mind. The music was run-of-the-mill pop, just like she had expected, but the energy of the crowd was incredible. She soon bopped along to the beat, and Leon next to her was doing the same. Every now and then, she stole a glance at him when she thought he wouldn’t notice. He, too, was nodding his head in time with the music, and after about half of the setlist, all the tension in his shoulders seemed to have disappeared. He was as relaxed as Jaz had known him to be, a sort of calm to his movements that made him seem peaceful even when the whole arena around him was dancing. It was good to see him like this. It was good to be here with him like this.
Her surprisingly good mood carried Jaz through the rest of the show, and even the tightly packed tube leaving from North Greenwich Station couldn’t shake her. She and Leon stood to the side of the wagon, engaged in a hearty debate about the show. He had his hand hooked into the holds running along the ceiling, while Jaz, being too small to reach them comfortably, resorted to sticking close to Leon.
The night was mellow when they got off the station, a mellow wind ruffling Jaz’s hair as they ascended from underground. It was a good deal to walk to where she and Mel were sharing their flat but Jaz hardly noticed. She and Leon were still talking, about tonight’s show, other shows they had attended, shows they might themselves potentially play should everything work out how Rich had promised them to. 
“You’re never quite still, are you?”
”Huh? What do you mean?” They had stopped at a traffic light, waiting for it to turn green. Lost in thought, Jaz had been humming one of the songs that had been stuck in her head ever since leaving the arena, tapping both her foot and fingers to two different rhythms. It was this Leon nodded his head at.
”Whenever there is music, you move. And mostly when there isn’t, you do, too. No denying it,” he laughed when Jaz opened her mouth to protest, “I’ve seen you during my classes. You’re the only one who can't seem to sit still even for a moment.” 
“I can’t help it,” Jaz shrugged. Her cheeks were warm but there was a smile forming on her face. “It’s a drummer thing, I guess.”
”Music is in your blood.” The smile mirrored on Leon’s face grew wider, and a tiny bit lopsided as he pointed between them. “That’s why we work. So you didn’t think tonight was all awful?”
”I don’t know.” Jaz pulled a face. “I can’t bring myself to say anything nice about One Direction, I don’t think.”
”So you’re a snob after all.” Laughing, he stepped sideways when Jaz made to hit him. “Personally, I think they weren’t that bad. Maybe Clary had more taste than I gave her credit for.”
His voice faltered at the last words, the spark in his eyes entirely disappeared again. Suddenly, he looked so crestfallen that it made Jaz angry. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this; no one did, but least of all him.
”She has no taste whatsoever,” she said sharply, holding up a finger when Leon made to defend her. “If she had, she wouldn’t have dumped you like she did.”
”She had every right to.”
”I don’t care. She was dumb to. You’re a great person, Leon - an amazing person, even - and you’re kind and funny and good-looking and an incredible musician and if she for one moment thought otherwise...” Jaz shrugged angrily. “No idea how to help her then.”
It took Leon a moment to answer. He swallowed heavily. “That’s… kind of you to say.”
”Even though I am hurting  because of you.”
Astounded, Leon stopped walking. Jaz did too. They had reached the building where she and Mel lived, and she had already been climbing the first step leading up to the front door, making her and Leon almost level-eyed. There was surprise in them, and a flicker of something else Jaz wasn’t quite sure how to read.
”What makes you say that?”
”It’s true,” she said casually, forcing herself to look away. She didn’t know why she’d said it, to lighten the mood maybe. It was always like this with Leon - he made her speak before she thought. He made her be in the moment, wholly and entirely. It was one of the qualities she liked about him the most. “Every time I come out of your classes I feel worse than after CrossFit. I thought yoga was supposed to be relaxing.”
”Peace of body and mind is all the sweeter for having earned it.” His face lay half-hidden in the shadows cast by a nearby street light but something in his eyes had changed. A spark. A challenge? “Where are you hurting?”
”Where not? Mostly here, though.”
She pointed at the top of her shoulders, right where they met her neck. Leon stepped closer, putting his hand on the corresponding spot. Her pain there wasn’t nearly half as bad as she had made it sound but Jaz found that she cared less about this than the slight pressure of Leon’s hand as his thumb brushed over her shoulder, just shy of grazing the edge of her collarbone. Her breath hitched and she was suddenly glad she had brought a jacket. Goosebumps were covering her skin beneath it. 
“I told you your posture was bad,” Leon mumbled, not looking at her face but where his hand was still resting on her body.
Jaz swallowed, her throat suddenly almost too tight to speak. “You did.”
“I could show you how to correct your form sometime.”
“Yeah, some time.”
Without realising, she had moved down one step again, closer to Leon, closer to the heat of his body. Even though she was so close now, his hand remained fixed on her shoulder where it had been. She should just raise her arms and hug him goodbye, get the hell back into her flat and be done with it, but strangely, Jaz found herself both unable and unwilling to do so. She took the last step down again, now almost flush against him, as close as they had been in the tube earlier. She raised her eyes to meet his. He was watching her, attentively. She could almost feel his chest rising and falling beneath his shirt in shallow breaths, longed to place her hand there where it had no business. His lips were parted ever so slightly and she studied their curve, the dip in his cupid’s bow. She had never realised his lips were quite so beautiful. No, that was a lie. She had thought it on the very first evening they’d met. She had just made herself not think about it since. 
They had moved closer still, and Jaz tilted her head as Leon’s eyes dropped to her lips, holding her breath but she didn’t dare move. Neither did he. They just stood there, their chests almost touching, his hand still on her shoulder, eyes locked in a moment that could have been an eternity in itself.
Eventually, Leon blinked twice. He didn’t move back but even so, the spell had been broken. 
“Jaz, I…”
“I know.” She made a conscious effort to step away from him, and the moment disappeared entirely.The spark that had been building between them for the better part of the evening had flickered out, leaving nothing behind but the warmth in her cheeks and the strange feeling in her chest. “This is not a good idea.”
A mixture of relief and regret flickered across Leon’s face, brief but so distinct that Jaz wondered how people could ever think that he was hard to read. 
“Please don’t take this wrongly, but the band looks like it’s going places and messing this up would…”
“Leon, it’s cool.” Jaz smiled at him. “I know. Never change a running system, right?”
They fell silent, then after another awkward moment hugged each other goodbye and parted ways. Jaz was almost inside her front door when, on a whim, she turned in the doorway and called after him.
”I had a great evening, by the way. Just don’t tell Mel I said so.”
Leon laughed, dipping his head back into his neck as he. The orange light of the street light washed over him, and even from a distance, Jaz thought she could see the sparkle in his eyes. “Still a snob then.”
”I’m willing to learn. Thanks for taking me.”
”Thanks for coming.”
”That’s what friends are for, aren’t they?”
He inclined his head, the lopsided smile from before playing around his lips. “That’s what friends are for.”
And then he was gone, dipping in and out of the light and shadow of the London night, leaving Jaz to watch after him for maybe a moment too long. Shaking herself from her daze, she turned and pulled out her keys. She hoped Mel wasn’t awake anymore.
There were a couple of things she had to think about. 
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mizutoyama · 6 months
*smacks into your window screen*
•°☆TIS I, DR. SOUP!!!☆°•
Like dr pepper but better
Your character is sitting outside a little restaurant by the sea. They are telling their most intimate friend about their beloved. They're drinking something delicious. What are they saying? What are they drinking?
Seated on the terrace of a modest maritime establishment in Aberdaron, Astraea was engaged in intimate conversation with her dearest friend, Natty, both ladies partaking of afternoon tea.
"How are things between you and Sallow?" asked Natty.
“In truth, it is rather complex,” replied Astraea, her gaze traversing the vast seascape before her as she added sugar to her tea. “His propensity for rash actions does give me pause. His boundaries, I fear, are undefined... Yet, his presence agitates my heart in a most peculiar manner. His mere sight manifests joy within me. Still, I am aware of the inherent risk of emotional distress. Not that Sebastian would consciously inflict such, but his impulsive nature might lead him onto a path of inadvertent harm...”
"It does sound complicated."
"Poppy told me that love triumphs over all adversity. Imelda, on the other hand, vowed to send a bludger his way should he cause me any distress," said Astraea, distractingly adding more sugar to her tea.
“Poppy has been residing in a realm of romance since Garreth commenced his courtship. As for Imelda, her affection for her broom is such that she might as well take it as her spouse,” retorted Natty.
Astraea responded with laughter before indulging in a sip of her tea, only to recoil almost immediately. “Good heavens, why is it so overly sweet?!”
Alice was sitting at a restaurant on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, sipping lemonade under the hot Mediterranean sun. Across from her was Andre, her long-time friend who had joined her for a month-long stay at her French grandparents' house. He only had one thing in mind: find out how her blossoming relationship with Charlie Weasley, the dashing seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (his words, not hers), was going.
"You have to tell me everything!" he exclaimed.
"There's not much to say... we literally started dating at the end of our fifth year."
"Yes, but that kiss at the end of the Quidditch match..."
Alice's face grew hot. The spontaneous act was a constant source of embarrassment as her friends kept bringing it up. "Could you stop mentioning that kiss? It just happened... I didn't intend my first kiss to be so public."
"Awwww, that was your first kiss."
"Andre," said Alice through gritted teeth. If looks could kill, Andre would be as dead as if the killing curse had been cast on him.
"Fine, fine. I'll stop talking about the kiss of the century. But how has it been going since?"
Alice shrugged. "Fine, I suppose. He's adorable when he talks about dragons, and his eyes light up," she sighed softly. "We didn't get much time together, though, especially not romantic time. We had to study for our O.W.L.s, and then it was the end of the school year and the train ride home. We had to patrol the train, so it wasn't super romantic."
"Wait, you actually patrolled the train? We were all convinced you two had found some empty compartment and snogged the entire time."
Alice choked on her lemonade. "No, we did not! Anyway, we weren't even paired up together for the patrol."
"Who were you with?"
"Simon. So wasn't so bad. Kept trying to find him a date for our first trip to Hogsmeade next year."
"This reminds me... Didn't I overhear you in a corridor teasing him about you dating Charlie and not him?"
"Hmmm? What are you...? Oh! No, not like... So, he was all gloomy after that Quidditch match. So I asked him what was going on. Obviously, Selwood tried to lie to me, saying he was fine, but I knew better. So I asked him, point blank, if he was jealous of my new relationship with Charlie." It was now Andre's turn to choke on his iced tea, but Alice ignored it and continued. "You should have seen his face. Colours completely drained from it, pale as a ghost. So I told him not to worry and that I would help him find a girlfriend so that he wouldn't feel left out and be in a relationship as well. That seemed to relieve him. And then I joked that maybe he was actually jealous that I was the one dating Charlie and that maybe, deep down, he had a thing for the great Charlie Weasley. That's probably what you overheard. He actually laughed but said Charlie wasn't his type. Though he still won't tell me what his type is."
Andre smiled knowingly as he sipped his drink. "Oh, Alice," was all he said.
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soupwitchsgarden · 5 months
TikTok Made Me Make a Thing
I got influenced.
It was delicious.
So much so that after I made it one week, I went out on the weekend for more ingredients so I could make more.
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Basic instructions from her video:
For the tuna:
Canned tuna, drained
Chile Serrano
Red onion
For the aguachile:
Lime juice
Red onion
Chile Serrano
Chile de árbol
Chile Pequín
Garlic powder
To eat:
Hot sauce
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usernoneexistent · 4 months
Get ready for
Give me your character's one positive trait, one profound wound, and one glaring flaw. Are they connected? Where do they come from?
Oh I want to go with Euphemia for this one as I always find her strength and weakesness are often steming from the same but of the two extremes.
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One positive trait
She is a hard worker always wanting to produce her best work ensuring absolute perfection.
One profound wound
Low self confidence mainly from her toxic mother planting toxic messages in her brain making her feel often inadequate or never good enough.
One glaring flaw
Her flaw is that she is her own worse self-critic and can never see past her own flaws
Are they connected?
Yes, her perfectionism allows her to work hard but it also makes her constantly reflect on how she can constantly do better or improves as she never feels good enough. This feels into low self confidence and self-esteem feeding this vicious cycle. Luckily, she has friends to pull her out of this and see her own worth.
Where do they come from?
As mentioned previously her wonderful mother who told her growing that she needed to be all these toxic feminine ideals and putting the pressure on her at an early age what traits and skills would make her desirable for marriage.
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theguythatdraws · 6 months
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He's wearing a loose tie over white dress shirt, and a green jacket with black dress pants. Chosen because he thought it was cool. Most likely reason is a statue unveiling in his honor, or a formal event dedicated to him.
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fishareglorious · 3 months
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Tooth Fairy’s family name is Campbell. Campbell canned soup canonically exists in-game. Wouldn't it be funny if the two are related
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earththings · 1 year
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snoopylovessoup · 7 months
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Guess who
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•°☆the soup fairy!☆°•
This week, put together a (minimum) 5 song soundtrack for your current WIP
The most powerful waitress is the only WIP I'm currently posting, so sticking to that one:
1. Marina and the diamonds - Primadonna
2. Taylor Swift - Anti-hero
3. Ashnikko - Daisy
4. Girli - I really fucked it up
5. Emilie Autumn - Opheliac
6. Fletcher - Maybe I am
7. Girli - Feel my feelings
8. Grossstadtgeflüster - Diadem
9. Xana - Monster
How to say Merula is the protagonist without saying it 🤭
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lifeofkaze · 5 months
🧚‍♀️ 🍲 🧚‍♂️
Pick a character.
Answer these questions without thinking, like you would on a personality/strengths test. Make their choices as fast as you can.
For bedtime: Pajamas or nekked?
In the grass: Barefoot or shoed?
Coffee or tea?
Salty or sweet?
At a party: Tipsy or teetotaler?
Hydrated or chronically dehydrated?
Crunchy or creamy?
An adventure for fun: solo or with a buddy?
Favorite parent: mom or dad?
Who do they take after most: mom or dad?
Talktative or quiet?
Internal or external processor?
For sleeping: starfish or corpse?
Sparkling or still water?
Sunshine or rain?
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Formalwear: white or black?
Habitual or spontaneous?
Planner or pantser?
Theist or atheist?
Christmas or New Years?
Campfire or fireplace?
Dawn or dusk?
Desert or rainforest?
Which of the 5 Chinese elements: wood, metal, fire, earth, water?
Breakfast or fast (no breakfast)?
Flowers at their funeral: yes or no?
Lazy day: pants or pantsless?
Which is prettiest on partner: long or short hair?
Sunscreen or let nature do its thing?
I need to coax Lizzie back into my favour again so... have a go at it, girl!
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For bedtime: Pajamas or nekked?
In the grass: Barefoot or shoed?
Coffee or tea?
Salty or sweet?
At a party: Tipsy or teetotaler?
Hydrated or chronically dehydrated?
Crunchy or creamy?
An adventure for fun: solo or with a buddy?
Favorite parent: mom or dad?
Who do they take after most: mom or dad?
Talktative or quiet?
Internal or external processor?
For sleeping: starfish or corpse?
Sparkling or still water?
Sunshine or rain?
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Formalwear: white or black?
Habitual or spontaneous?
Planner or pantser?
Theist or atheist?
Christmas or New Years?
Campfire or fireplace?
Dawn or dusk?
Desert or rainforest?
Which of the 5 Chinese elements: wood, metal, fire, earth, water?
Breakfast or fast (no breakfast)?
Flowers at their funeral: yes or no?
Lazy day: pants or pantsless?
Which is prettiest on partner: long or short hair?
Sunscreen or let nature do its thing?
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kaze-writes · 5 months
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A/N: I don't think I've been this apprehensive to share a story in a long long time, and not (only) because it's a (mild) smut. I've spent months and months with Jaz, Leon and the crew but realised they've never been formally introduced to here so... be gentle with me them.
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Summary: In which Jaz and Leon get a little too distracted during an award show. Warning: This story contains explicit NSFW content. Anyone below the age of 18 or uncomfortable with this topic is advised not to interact.
Everyone's living in black and white We see each other in a different light That’s why I look at you like I do Like nobody else is even in the room
~ Three Days Grace - Infra-Red ~
Award shows were Jaz’s favourites. 
There was just something about them - the colourful hustle and bustle, the tension and excitement, the sheer force of the emotions as prizes were handed out and tear-filled speeches were given on stage.
And then, there were the afterparties, of course; a chance for everyone to let down their hair without getting harassed by journalists. There usually was great music involved, free drinks, catching up with old friends and making new ones, the air abuzz with talent, inspiration and good vibes.
The particular award show the members of Equinox were currently headed to promised just that, and Jaz was fidgeting in her evening gown, impatient to finally get going. Jacques, the band’s stylist, tutted and slapped her hand away as she reached for the satin strap that had wandered up her shoulder.
“Stop that.” Giving her a disapproving look as he pulled the strap back into place. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” Jaz glanced at herself in the floor-length mirror Jacques had set up. Self-consciously, she ran her hand over the shimmering red satin. “Is it really necessary to –”
“I spent an eternity sourcing this dress,” Jacques said sternly, brushing his hand almost reverently over the smooth fabric. “If you ruin this vision I created out of you, I’ll make you wear Primark for the rest of your miserable, unstylish life. Now stop complaining.”
“What’s wrong with Primark?” 
“I don’t get paid enough for this,” Jacques muttered, rubbing his temples and handing Jaz a bag that was so tiny she could hardly fit her phone, lipstick and a handful of hairpins in. 
He ushered her out the door of the big townhouse in Kensington, belonging to Equinox’s manager and mentor Rich Cameron, to where the rest of the band was already waiting for their car to arrive. 
Rich Cameron himself, dressed in a sharply tailored suit, was looking at his watch impatiently, typing something into his phone every now and again.
“About bloody time you got ready. I was about to go in there and get you out myself.”
“You can’t rush art,” Jacques said indignantly in Jaz’s stead, picking up his bag. He silently pointed at his eyes with one hand, then at Jaz but there was a gleam in his eyes as he blew them all a kiss and vanished into the brightly-lit London night.
Everett James, their band’s lead singer, raised his eyes from his phone and whistled audibly.
”Looking hot, Jaz.” He grinned at Leon, who stood next to him with an unreadable expression and elbowed him in the side. “I’m gonna need her standing next to me, that’s for sure.”
Leon mumbled something in return Jaz couldn’t hear and turned away, seemingly indifferent, but the appreciative flash in his eyes as he looked her up and down hadn’t been lost on Jaz. She knew that look. Warmth pooled in her stomach and she tried not to look at him further as they waited. She was going to have enough of it before the night was over. 
Half an hour, two traffic jams and diversions and an almost-fit from Rich later, they finally arrived at the venue, the red carpet rolled out there flanked by rows of people clutching bulky, expensive-looking cameras. They began flashing as Mel stepped from their limousine first, sequins on her midnight blue suit rattling, and the screams and lights intensified when the whole ensemble finally posed side by side to have their picture taken. 
Jaz embraced the hecticness, smiling at the photographers she soon wasn’t able to see from the blinding lights. 
Next to her, Leon had casually shoved one hand into the pocket of his suit so that his stack of colourful bracelets was showing against his tanned skin, the other resting on the small of Jaz’s exposed back. 
Her smile never faltered, but Jaz was aware of every point of skin Leon was touching with his fingers, a pleasant twist going through her stomach whenever he moved or adjusted his hand. He began tapping her skin, wandering them along her spine in movements too minuscule for anyone but her to notice. She shivered, her core pulling together. Fighting the urge to look at him, Jaz’s eyes and smile remained trained on the photographers documenting their every move, but she knew which look she’d find there if she did. The thought of his small, slightly crooked smile, which always made him look like he knew something no one else did, did nothing to make her body stop tingling.
They were about to head inside, already out of sight of the cameras, when Leon gently touched her arm.
Jaz obediently let herself fall back - subtly, so the others wouldn’t notice - and between two heartbeats, Leon bent down to her, his hot breath brushing her cheek as he whispered something into her ear. Then he was gone again, catching up to Mara, leaving Jaz to walk behind them with heat spreading from her stomach into the rest of her.
Their table was rather to the back of the room, further from the stage than Rich would have liked. He kept on complaining but Jaz didn’t mind the obscurity created by the spots directed at the front of the room. Mel was chatting to her about the results of last week’s football match - “Celtic should have gotten that penalty, I swear to bloody God!” - but Jaz couldn’t bring herself to do much more than nod every now and again. Beneath the table, Leon, who was sitting on her other side talking to Mara, had his leg pressed against hers, the heat coming off his body palpable despite the cool air streaming from the ventilation shafts. She could smell his aftershave, mixed with a subtle hint of the hairspray Jacques had used to give his hair the perfectly messed-up look that made Jaz want to run her hand through it. She was burning with impatience now, making her leg bounce up and down, causing even more friction between her and Leon.
Hadn’t she known better, she would've thought Leon hadn’t noticed her restlessness. He looked like nothing was amiss, the only indication of being aware of Jaz the shifting of his leg, brushing along the patch of bare skin accessible through the slit in her skirt, and the barely perceptible smirk he gave her when she tensed. Her leg bounced faster and she did her best not to squirm in her seat, biting her lip almost painfully to keep from gasping when he brought his hand to her thigh beneath the table and squeezed it tightly. 
‘Go,’ his brief look at her seemed to say before he turned back to Mara again, and Jaz needn’t be told twice.
She raised herself from her seat and hastily left the table with a mumbled excuse. Even as she walked away, she could feel Leon’s eyes on her back. When she had left the increasingly bustling hall behind and entered the now quiet hallway, her phone buzzed in her handbag. She checked the message, looking left and right as she followed the short instructions on her screen.
Rounding a corner, even the last traces of activity ceased and Jaz was alone. A little further ahead, she could spot her destination but when she made her way to it, she found the door of the storage closet she’d been aiming at locked.
Well, shit.
Knowing that she couldn’t linger, Jaz unceremoniously plucked a pin from the elaborate updo Jacques had twisted her hair into and got to work. When Leon arrived a couple of minutes later, he was surprised to already find her waiting inside.
“I thought it’d be locked.”
“You sent me to a room you thought was locked?”
“Didn’t have much time studying the floor plan, did I?” 
“I suppose not.” Jaz smiled innocently. “And it was locked.”
“Then how did you…”
She raised her hand with the hairpin still lodged between her index and middle finger. “Perks of living with Mel.”
“Do I really want to know?” 
“On what?”
Jaz slipped from the small table she’d been sitting on and placed her hand on his chest. “On whether you came here for talking.”
Not wasting another word, Leon bent to kiss her. Their mouths met greedily, hungrily, his lips tasting of the champagne they’d been served at the table. Jaz sighed as his tongue slipped into her mouth, his hands moving from her waist to the exposed skin of her back. Their kiss deepening, Leon pushed her back against the table and she let him lift her upwards onto the tabletop again.
His tie was discarded as soon as it was loose enough, Leon’s shirt following soon after as Jaz unbuttoned it with flying fingers. Her fingers spanned the countless pictures inked into his skin for a moment, but she was soon distracted when Leon dipped his head to her throat, leaving a burning trail of kisses in his wake. She slung her arm around his neck, arching her back to meet him, both their breaths coming heavily. 
When they locked lips again and Leon's fingers trailed from her spine up into her artfully arranged hair, Jaz was reluctant to have to pull away.
“Stop that,” she gasped, the sound turning into a barely subdued moan as Leon ran his finger along her temple and cheekbones, coming to rest on her lower lip.
“Why would I?”
“Because I can’t walk out of here looking like I just had a shag, can I?” 
Leon hummed. “I like that look on you.”
Catching Leon’s hands still playing with her hair, she guided them to where the fabric of her dress parted at her thigh to allow more room for motion. 
“I know other things your hands could do, though.” 
With a mischievous smirk that made her core pull together, Leon slipped his hands beneath the cool satin and onto her burning skin. His hands were rough as they pushed the fabric upwards, spanning Jaz’s thighs with the exact amount of pressure that made her dip her head back in pleasure. She shuddered as Leon brought his mouth to her chest, tracing the outline of her breasts where the red satin of her dress began. 
“I love this dress,” he murmured against her skin, making Jaz sigh, “but honestly, I’d prefer you out of it.”
Almost reluctantly, Jaz pulled away from him and hooked her fingers under the loops of his belt. “I thought you’d never get to the point.” 
Leon laughed darkly, arms enveloping her as he kissed her again, more roughly than before. Jaz met his pace, blindly pulling his belt away and undoing his flies as he lifted her from the table and turned her around. She steadied herself against the wall with her hand, one foot set onto one of the boxes littering the floor. Leon was pressing against her from behind, the heat of him compensating for the chilly air hitting her skin as he pushed her dress further up and up.
“What’s that, drummer girl?” he murmured into her ear, his breath hot against her neck. “No underwear?” 
She shot a teasing look over her shoulder even though her knees were close to buckling as Leon parted her legs with his hands and let them wander continuously higher. “Complaining, are we?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The grip on her shoulder tightened, and Jaz stifled a moan when he pushed inside of her. They had been doing this game for long enough to find their rhythm immediately, and it was all she could do not to cry out as Leon moved against her. The pace he set was quick, as much because of their shortage of time as of their mutual need, and Jaz did her best to match him. With every thrust she pushed herself against him, delighting in the friction she caused that way which made her head spin.
It wasn’t long before she felt the heat beginning to pool in her stomach, the familiar tingle beginning to grow. When she thought she couldn’t contain it any longer, Leon’s fingers dug into her skin, the ends of his hair brushing her collarbone as he buried his face against her neck, shuddering as he came. Jaz allowed herself to let go as well, fireworks exploding in front of her eyes as her high rolled over her. Clasping her hand in front of her mouth, she stifled the cry dropping from her lips. 
Tension leaving her body, she let herself collapse onto the tabletop in front of her. After the long moment it took for her to find her bearings again, she propped herself onto her elbows, brushing one of the locks that had fallen from her updo after all from her face with shaky hands.
“You alright?”
Leon ran his hand down her spine but there was no fire behind the gesture anymore, only genuine concern at her prolonged silence. Laughing breathily, Jaz turned to him, brushing her skirt down as she did so.
“Never better.” 
From beyond the door and down the hallway, the faint sound of clapping could be heard. Using the dusty mirror propped against the wall, Jaz quickly reapplied her lipstick and smoothed down her hair. When she was done, she studied Leon’s reflection behind her; his hair, which had been messy to begin with, was in even more of a state than before and there was a distinct red mark next to his mouth from her lipstick. Having tapped her face in the corresponding spot, he quickly wiped it off. 
“It’s a good thing you always look like you just got out of bed anyway.” 
Leon, in the process of buckling up his belt again, paused and raised one eyebrow at her. “I didn’t when I arrived here.” 
Chuckling, Jaz stepped towards the door, purposefully brushing against Leon as she did so. She lingered there, laying one hand against his cheek and raising her chin as if to kiss him.
A look of surprise flickering over his face he leaned in, closing his eyes, but before their lips could touch, Jaz pulled away with a smirk.
“Five minutes,” she breathed, her words ghosting over his lips. “See you at the show.”
And with that, she slipped from the room, leaving Leon behind. Making sure that no one had seen her, she quickly smoothed down her dress and made her way back towards the venue. 
When she reached their table, the opening show had just begun. Rich gave her a dark look as she took her seat and turned back to the stage. When his attention was elsewhere, Mel leaned in, whispering,
“Where have you fucking been?”
Jaz pursed her lips and shrugged. “Fucking somewhere else.”
“Say a word next time you choose to disappear into the nether,” Mel rolled her eyes. “Leon went to find you.”
“He did?”
“Yeah, didn’t you see him?”
The lie left her lips smoothly. “Not at all.”
“I bet he went to get something that makes this shit a little more fun,” Everett threw in from the other side of Mel. “He could have said something, at least. I would have joined him.”
Jaz bit the insides of her cheek. “No doubt about that.”
“Diversion can be found in the strangest of places, if you only look for them, my friend.” 
Leon had appeared behind them, having come from the opposite entrance of the one Jaz had come through. His smile was level as he slipped into his seat but the way his lips twitched as his eyes grazed Jaz wasn’t lost on her. 
Everett’s look seemed to say ‘I told you so’ but Jaz only sipped on her champagne, eyes pointedly trained at the stage. Trying not to smirk, she spun the hairpin Leon had pressed into her palm beneath the table between her fingers.
Award shows truly were her favourites. 
As promised, I do deliver @drinkyoursoupbitch. Thank you @flareshin for being my favourite helpful artist friend.
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anonymocha · 6 months
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Breaking Bad / Healing Good
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soupwitchsgarden · 4 months
Did you know you can freeze cookie dough to bake later?
It's one of my very favorite tricks. It's good if you have trouble getting through a whole batch of cookies before they go stale. Or if you need cookies for an event, but won't necessarily have a lot of time to prep them right before the event. Or if you only occasionally have the spoons to make cookies, but frequently want cookies.
All you have to do is make your favorite cookies and portion out the dough on a non-stick foil-lined baking sheet. You can place them very close together, but not touching. Then stick them in the freezer.
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After they're frozen solid (overnight works well), you can drop them in a gallon freezer bag for storage. Be sure to label the bag with the type of cookies, the temp, and how long to bake them.
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When you're ready to bake them, preheat the oven to 20 degrees lower than the recipe temperature and bake them for 5 minutes or so longer than the recipe says.
They make really handy gifts, too.
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This works best with classic-type cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal. I've found that softer, cakier cookies sometimes don't freeze well and end up become an indeterminate lump of dough in the freezer and then don't bake well.
Which is unfortunate, because it means I can't do this with my absolute favorite pumpkin cookies. But pictured above there's chocolate chip and Black Forest.
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artimaking · 5 months
cats & soup <33
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