#source of the nile
afrotumble · 7 months
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fore-seer · 1 year
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smg-69 · 2 months
SMG2: Awww! We’re like a big happy family! And I’m the dad, and One is the mom!
SMG1: Why am I the mom? What gender roles are we pushing here?
SMG3: I know they’re thinking I’ll be the son, but I’m not! I’ll be the gay, emo cousin!
SMG4: I’ll be the son! The hotshot, whose only dream is to be a star!
Niles: I feel like I’d be a fresh-out-of-jail uncle.
SMG0: And I’m the sassy aunt!
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steel-nageyari · 2 months
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super late revenge comic for fe scuffle orz
hi lio :] i hope you like them even though it's super rough u_u; <3
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[At Heath's residence: Deuce, Heath, Gil and Jackson discusses about De Nile upcoming party]
Heath: The De Niles family's annual high-society-shrieking-ball-soiree is here! And even though common monsters aren't let in, that doesn't stop us from camping out for a peek at the fanciness...
Jackson: Okay, can someone please explain why we care about this
Deuce: It's pretty much the best party of all time. Rich food, richer folks. Its gonna be fun
Gil: They say each gift basket has a live cockatrice inside!
*hears someone knocking the door*
Jackson: *sighs* Guys, in case you've already forgotten, Nefera de Nile is the worst. And that's not just jealousy talking. I'd say that to her face.
*Jackson opens the door. And sees Nefera in disguise*
Nefera: I need your help.
Jackson: You're the worst.
*Jackson closes the door*
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tayfabe75 · 5 months
"I love The Blue Nile. Have you ever heard that band? No? Everyone says that to me. Everyone says they've never heard of them. Band from the late '80s called The Blue Nile. The leader singer, the frontman, was a guy... is a guy called Paul Buchanan and it was actually funny how I heard of them a couple years ago. Jessie Ware came over to me. I went to see her live and she came over to me and said, 'I love your band. You love The Blue Nile, don't you?' And I was like, 'No, I don't know what you're talking about'. And she was referencing the fact that what she believed was all of my melodic influences came from that band and I thought that was very strange, and I listened to it. Anyway, two years later, I'm obsessed with The Blue Nile. There's an album called 'Hats' by The Blue Nile. And I think it's... it's one of the best albums of all time. Just in the way that it works and how theatrical it is, and how beautiful it is, and... you can hear so much of The 1975 on that album. So, I'd say that album, at the moment, is a very... is a massive influence on us. Massive."
Jan 20, 2015: Matty describes his love of The Blue Nile and how they became an influence on The 1975's music. (source)
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fandomtrxsh19 · 1 year
Cleo: Oh that’s a sad story. Would you like my private 27 piece orchestra to play you something sad? Ghoulia, play something sad
Ghoulia: *blasts Green Day’s Boulevard of Broken Dreams on her icoffin*
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incorrectthenanny · 2 years
Fran: Maxwell, you deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Maxwell: You are my reward, Fran!
Niles: C.C., you deserve a reward for putting up with me.
C.C.: Hell yeah I do, you can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.
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theatrefanatic27 · 8 months
*Draculaura rushes through the halls with a positive pregnancy test*
Draculaura: No, no, no, no-
Frankie: Hey LaLa.
*Draculaura delivers a hard punch to Frankie's stomach*
Draculaura: You are one of my very best friends, and I cannot stand by and watch you throw your unlife away. You're too young. You're too beautiful!
Frankie: What are you talking about???
Draculaura: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now.
Frankie: ...I'm not pregnant.
Draculaura: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking muay thai classes.
Frankie: I was never pregnant Draculaura!
Draculaura: Are you sure?
Frankie: Yes, I'm sure!
Cleo: I'm sorry, but why is everybody yelling over here?
Draculaura: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test, and-
*Cleo delivers a hard punch to Frankie's stomach*
Cleo: I know that we have had our differences in the past, but I cannot stand idly by and let you ruin the fearleading squad's chance at nationals, and we will never get there with you rocking a fetus fanny pack.
Frankie: ...I'm not pregnant!
Cleo: Oh, well I just assumed-
Draculaura: Well yeah, it does make the most sense.
Frankie: No, it doesn't make any sense. My body is made of multiple dead people. I can't reproduce!
Cleo: All right, well now that we've established it's not Frankie's and her bodily functions semantics... Draculaura?
Draculaura: All vampires are infertile.
Cleo: Right. And it can't be me because I'm halfway through Shark Week.
*Frankie and Draculaura share a shocked/nervous look*
Cleo: Yeah, I know what you call my period when I'm not around. So that means somebody else is pregnant. So let's go find out who it is—
Draculaura: And congratulate them!
Cleo: No, mock them, ridicule them, and tell everyone in school. This is high school, not an episode of Lizard McGuire.
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littledreamling · 2 years
Free fic idea for anyone who's seen both The Old Guard and The Sandman: When Andy and co all have a dream about a man with brown hair and tanned skin, a tweed jacket, a sign for a University in London, and a pint of beer, their immediate thought is that it's way to soon to have another immortal on their hands. They have just settled in with Nile and the banishment of Booker is still fresh in their minds. But they have a job to do, so they eventually find their newest member walking across campus, surrounded by a gaggle of students, laughing at their enthusiasm and answering all of their questions. He doesn't seem to be injured, either physically nor mentally, which is... surprising? Worrying? Usually they only dream about their newest members after their first death, but this man doesn't look like someone who's experienced a death at all. Oh well, there's a first for everything.
When they confront him later, in his office, it's immediately evident that the man, one Dr. Gadling, has never seen them before in his life, not even in dreams, which is even more surprising. Even more worrying. And then it comes out that he's been alive for 600 years and suddenly the Old Guard Immortals have no fucking idea what they're dealing with. Why haven't they dreamed of him before? While they're discussing this amongst themselves, in full view and earshot of Hob, he starts to put the pieces together and asks which night, specifically, they all had a dream of him. Upon hearing their answer, he can't help but to double over in laughter because on that particular night, he and his husband Dream had engaged in a rather... enthusiastic bout of lovemaking and his beloved has a bad habit of invading the dreams of others with images of his beloved.
Anyway, I think Joe would absolutely love Hob and they'd spend hours gushing about their lifelong companions and their shared love for life and everything it has to offer. Maye Hob would be able to offer insight on the Booker situation and maybe they'd all be able to help each other stay safe in a world of technology and constant surveillance. Maybe the Old Guard Immortals could loan their friend Copley and his services to Hob. I think Hob would immediately adopt Nile as his daughter, especially with her own father out of the picture and his own children long gone. I also think Hob would just be ecstatic to find other immortal humans to spend time with, to talk to, who actually understand who he is and what he's going through. He might not be exactly like them (though he's going to drill both Death and Dream for answers, especially since it seems like they both worked together to create the system of immortality that the Old Guard Immortals are a part of) but they have enough shared experiences that he still immediately feels a kinship with them
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bloodypeachblog · 5 months
*Mewna and Jax are sitting on a couch together* Mewna: So, tell me, rabbit. What did you ever do before I showed up? Jax: Well, to be honest, life was a bit boring. *looks at Mewna, smirking, in a mocking tone* But now I have a hobby! *they stand up* Mewna: You frustrate me. Jax: You annoy me. Mewna: Your tricks are childish. Jax: Your music makes my ears bleed. Mewna: $#@% (Dick). Jax: Goody two-shoes. Mewna: #@$!%$ (Asshole). Jax: Lip-syncer *after a moment of silence, they furiously make out.* *everyone walks in, shocked, jaws agape. Jax and Mewna stop when they notice them* *the two walk past the group.* Mewna: Night, everyone. Mewna: *leans to Jax, whispering* #$@%! (Prick.) Jax: Fake.
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Ever After High meets Monster High
Sparrow Hood is seen putting away Cleo De Nile’s organs
Cleo: Sparrow, thank you so much for helping me to rearrange my organs.
Sparrow placing Cleo’s stomach on a shelf: Well ya know Cleo, I gotta confess, when you invited me, I sort of misunderstood what you were asking for. That's why I rushed over, but it's fine, it's fine, I'm happy to help.
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purplegn0mes · 3 months
Niles: hey do you wanna-
Lucia: oh my god shut up. Shut the fuck up. Every word that comes out of your mouth is like anti-wrinkle cream for my brain. I would say you’re adopted but that would mean someone actively chose you and we both know how unlikely that is. Sometimes I wonder, is there a god? But then I remember that your sperm swam the fastest, and a good and merciful god would never have allowed that. If I ever kill myself your stupid fucking face would be reasons number 1-13.
Niles: anyway do you wanna go get food?
Lucia: oh yeah sure.
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clarabowlover · 2 years
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Jeanne Crain - As Nefertiti in Queen Of The Nile (1961)
Pic Source: @karenshane63 (Twitter)
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mh-midnight-wanderer · 5 months
[A scenario in which the DeNile family getting ready to attend an exclusive event.] Ramses: Where's Nefera? Cleo: She's probably upstairs combing her hair so she'll be *in a high-pitched voice* " the prettiest ghoul at the party! " [Cutscene Nerefa's room, she is combing her hair and looking at the mirror] Nefera: I'm gonna be the prettiest ghoul at the party!
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
"I was talking to Paul Buchanan, about this right, the guy from The Blue Nile, because I'm obsessed with him and then he heard that we were obsessed and we met up and we spoke about music, he's a fucking legend. Erm, people just assume that every single line is a… is a deeply perfect… A lot of it is… a lot of those things are just ideas. Like Change of Heart for example, I got a phone call off my ex-girlfriend just going fucking nuts saying like, 'How dare you say those kind of things,' and she just basically joined the dots - she'd just taken that and thought, 'well that means that and that means that,' if you've got loads of subtext of like, a relationship you're going to do that, and I kind of had to be a bit like, 'It's not even really about you, sorry. Sorry! And it wasn't cheating but we haven't been together for you and really about someone else, sorry…'"
December 2, 2016: When asked which song got him into the most trouble, Matty describes an angry phone he received from an ex. (source)
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