#source: Love Death and Robots Three Robots
partywithponies · 5 months
I watched @quinton-reviews 's new video and I wanted to do my set homework and come up with my own dream Nicktoons Unite team, except I never had any of the american channels growing up and I'm not familiar with a lot of these shows.
But nevermind, I came up with a compromise. Here's my concept for if they did a Nicktoon Unite style game but with CBBC and CBeebies characters:
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1) Danger Mouse: reboot DM in particular is the obvious pick to replace Jimmy Neutron in this lineup. He's already dealt with cross-universe travel and portals in canon, and he has Professor Squawkencluck, who already just invents whatever device the plot requires. He's both practised enough at saving the world to be believable in these situations, while still being incompetent enough to need help from the others. Plus it'd be fun to see how his massive ego would react to these other guys.
2) Victor from The Secret Show: the most niche pick here, but come on. He's literally a secret agent. I'm not going to leave him out. (I dithered over whether to include Victor or Anita since I could only pick one. I chose Victor not because I'm sexist but because I just really want to hear Danger Mouse deliver the "Victor! Are you still alive?" line.)
3) Postman Pat: Now I know this looks like an insane choice. I know that making a postman fight baddies in life or death situations is ludicrous. But listen. Postman Pat: The Movie did it first. Blame them, not me.
4) Dennis The Menace: People who've never read The Beano might think that an un-superpowered 10 year old boy would be way out of his depth on a team with three adult men, two of whom literally fight evil for their job. But people who have read The Beano know that in canon Dennis has already thwarted alien invasions, travelled through time many times and dealth with the ramifications of changing the past AND avoided being beheaded, fought killer robots and man eating plants and sea monsters, toppled multiple dictatorships, got the British prime minister arrested, and fought climate change by going directly to the source and tearing down the factories. Whatever these games could possibly throw at him would be just another tuesday for Dennis.
5) Tiny Clanger: she's kind of the Spongebob of the group, both in the sense that high stakes situations and saving the world are really not what she usually does, but she would if she had to, and in the sense that she'd be the heart of the group. DM, Victor, and Dennis are all kind of self-centred assholes at heart who only save the world because no-one else will, and Pat is a middle aged British man (and therefore emotionally repressed), while Tiny Clanger is unfailingly loving, and kind, and friendly, and empathetic. Also her best friend in the world is a large metal bird, and I think Tiny suddenly riding around on the Iron Chicken would be a really cool power up for her.
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idontliekmondays · 2 hours
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excerpts from a daily mail article released shortly after her arrest
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When members of the Geneva High School role playing club asked 16-year-old Lindsay Souvannarath to choose a character they were expecting an elf, a sorceress or perhaps a female warrior.
But the shy, clean-cut teenager opted for a rather more unsettling choice, presenting them with a detailed pencil drawing of her chosen persona - the 'Nightmare Nazi'.
The trench coat, jackboots and gas mask were unmistakably those of an SS soldier; the skeletal hands clutching a vast dagger more akin to dark fantasy art.
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Former classmates at Geneva High recall Lindsay Souvannarath as a shy, withdrawn youngster, who had few friends and instead sought out after-school groups and writing clubs to express her creative side.
But she was also prone to bouts of anger and violence - allegedly stabbing another student with a pencil in one outburst and occasionally letting slip an alarming infatuation with the Third Reich.
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'On first impressions I didn't think there was anything too strange about her,' he told Daily Mail Online.
'She could be funny and intelligent but most of the time she was quiet and not very warm or outgoing.
'One year her character was a sort of Wonder Woman-type heroine, then all of sudden she tells the group she wants to be a Nazi ghost.
'You choose your species and come up with a back story. Hers was that her character was a guest from a crazy, dark Nazi universe.
'It's supposed to be a game in a medieval, fantasy setting but she would just argue if she didn't get her way.
'So we went on our quest with a robot, a couple of elves, wizards and this weird Nazi.
'Aside from the character's background he didn't do anything racist or too alarming. We didn't know about her interests at that time so we just got on with it.
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Ms Szigeti recalled how Souvannarath began to idolize black-death metal bands in her mid-teens.
She became particularly infatuated with Varg Vikernes, a white supremacist musician convicted in 1994 of killing a rival guitarist and burning down three churches in Norway, describing him as 'cute' and writing essays about him.
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'Her work was always dark and full of violence, there were soldiers and Nazis and all this weird stuff,' Sabrina said.
'She acted normal on the surface. She was never physically violent but she would get aggressive and upset if you criticized her.
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'Everyone was uncomfortable but we just avoided trying to start a fight with her. 'If you asked her straight up 'are you a Nazi?' she would argue that she wasn't.
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As far back as 2007 - when she was just 15 - she allegedly wrote 'free speech is dead' in one forum, adding: 'That's why we need people like David Duke to bring it to life again.'
In another warped entry, writing that same year under the pseudonym Snoopyfemme she wrote: 'They use sex in commercials all the time to sell products. Why don't they ever use violence?
'Wouldn't you love to see a bunch of guys tearing each other apart with machine guns to get a bowl of Cheerios?
'Sure, it might traumatize our children, but in my opinion, children aren't being traumatized enough.
'The only reason for Americans to breed is to create more soldiers to fight for freedom. We need to weed out the weaklings early on. Survival of the fittest, man.'
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'She was very odd to the point among a lot of our classmates that no-one was surprised by her arrest.
'She was a very lonely person - but she isolated herself. 'From what I remember she was even suspended for stabbing someone with a pencil in middle school.'
'She was known for putting spells on people. She would do it by saying weird things and then putting on a curse - obviously we did not take her seriously.
'She would break out into laughter in the middle of class for absolutely no reason.
'When we saw that Lindsay did something like this, nobody was surprised. She was the one most likely.'
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One Hundred Thousand Wisdoms for Dealings With the Fae [an ACOTAR reimagining]
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Three sisters, three journeys, and three fickle fae lords share one fate. (Read it here.)
The Wicklighter girls count three: gentle Aislin, brave Eire, and cunning Niamh. Like other mortals - ever since the ancient war that sent faekind into hiding and cleft the land in two - the sisters have always dreaded and hated the Fair Folk, whom mortal legend calls both fearsome and deadly. When Eire kills a fae wearing the guise of a bloodthirsty wolf, Niamh gives herself up to the Folk as a bride, hoping that they then might not take her sister’s life in revenge. Spirited away, Niamh meets with an unexpectedly alluring face of the beastly fae. So do her two sisters, who each cross the fae through their own struggles to mend what’s left of the Wicklighter family. Having learned new truths about the nature of the struggle between faeries and mortaldom, they must ask themselves: Can they trust age-old enemies of mankind whom they’ve come to love - and risk the safety of kingdoms for their sake - or do these wild, strange roses conceal only a bounty of thorns?
“Is this an ACOTAR fanfic?” Yes and no. It’s a ground-up rewrite that ended up deviating quite a bit from the source. You’ll find obvious analogs to the Archeron sisters (Feyre, Elain, and Nesta are reimagined as Eire, Aislin, and Niamh respectively; Feyre’s now the middle sister, Elain the youngest), and some broad plot points and narrative thrusts are maintained (the story still begins with Eire felling a wolf who is really a fae in disguise, for whose death the fae demand the exchange of a mortal life in turn; there is a magic wall that keeps mortal and fae lands apart following a now-ancient war between the two; there are fae courts ruled by lords of great and wild power, though the particular courts and lords differ greatly from those in the source). If you loved ACOTAR as is, you may or may not like this story. If you liked the broad aesthetics of ACOTAR (fae, wild magic, and romance between plucky mortal women and powerful, melancholy faerie guys) but were disappointed with the specifics of its execution, you might like this more.
“How long is this going to be?” Honestly, I don’t know. Long, probably. I have a lot planned.
“Is this a romance? Will there be sex scenes? Is this OK for younger readers?” Yes (though it’s not only romance); yes (eventually - we have a lot of plot to cover before that happens); probably not, but I’m not your mother.
“What makes this different from ACOTAR?” Well, aside from like, everything, I’m consciously trying to make this a much more diverse story (e.g., ⅔ of the non-female romantic leads are planned to be unambiguously non-White - one has extremely dark skin with vitiligo, the other is East Asian-coded; one non-female romantic lead is planned to be genderfluid, and another is bisexual, both with on-page representation of this). I’m also trying to walk more of a line where dynamics and behaviors may not always be healthy but, in cases where they are not, they are acknowledged as such and the narrative appropriately and satisfyingly shows development away from those dynamics and behaviors (or does not present characters perpetrating them as “good” or broadly admirable characters if they do not develop out of said dynamics and behaviors). You can find a longer (non-exhaustive) list of stuff I’m trying to achieve with this fic here.
“Why?” Well, because I like doing this. It’s fun.
“Where’s the credit for your cover art?” That’d be me. I mocked this up from scratch in Krita at like 1 AM with my own puny mortal hands (no AI, promise - I do not trust the robots). I am not a professional artist, so you get what you get.
“Who are you?” Here’s the answer.
Enjoy! (Or don’t. Again, I’m not your mom.)
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genlossneg · 1 year
thank you for this blog im boutta post a lot of my suffering in here enjoy the essay
I’m not a ranboo fan at all, i just heard about a cool horror project from a name i’m familiar with and i was excitedly waiting for perhaps a new kid on the block with cool content and the resources to do so. I’ve seen what people with three coins and a piece of lint can do out of passion, and so i expected that someone that has far more resources out of the gate would be able to really take it out of the park if they were equally as passionate. I’ll just grab a couple of points and elaborate.
Intentionally bad.
This is the poorest excuse for low quality content I’ve heard. Not a single self-respecting creative that actually cares about their project would make something ACTUALLY bad. Anytime you see something that’s intentionally bad and yet somehow beloved, look DEEPER. Because behind that veil of “bad” is actually often a HUGE amount of effort and care put into something a creator cared about. 
Intentionally bad content is still made with the intention to be fun to watch, to be entertaining. There is very little entertainment found in any of the genloss bad content.
Lack of horror content
The main excuses i’ve seen is that they were scared of Twitch TOS, to which I say lolwhat. You had two whole years to contact twitch and talk it out with them and figure out what part of your project and show would fly and what wouldn’t, and instead you opted to really cut out any horror aspect at all for fear of being banned on twitch? And even then, content more gorey and disturbing than this is allowed on twitch. If Until Dawn flies on twitch, I think gen loss could have gone wilder.
And if they REALLY didn’t want to risk it, for the love of god at least be creative with your attempts to circumvent it? The goofy poor editing of the red in ep2 during the surgery sequence took me out of it entirely and confused me so much. You know what they could’ve done? TURNED THE LIGHTING A STARK RED. THAT’S IT. THE MOST BASIC THING, TO AT LEAST REALLY GET ACROSS THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG.
The acting
I was a theatre kid in highschool and let me tell you even the 13 year olds acted with more passion and devotion to the role than 95% of the cast in gen loss. Even during improv. You can tell that there is basically no script to gen loss and that its purely “X will happen then Y will happen and we need to fill it with conversation and improv” with zero direction on tone or anything. It was so painful seeing how little effort had gone into the acting. Ranboo can’t act for shit and should have gone through some acting classes before taking on a live show. The only ones that were visibly trying were charlie and jerma and the people who were frozen robots during ep3 (because as someone who had to stay frozen in pose hours on end for a play while on-stage, that shit is HARD)
Hetch’s acting was even more laughable, and his fakeout death was… something. An incredibly cartoonish “uguguhh” exiting his mouth- really? Also It was so frustrating to have his voice come from seemingly nowhere. There was no source to his voice.
It sucked so much seeing ranboo actually TRY to be better in his acting in episode 3 because when he suddenly started being intense it felt WRONG and out of character, because there was no natural leadup to him being like that. ep 1 and 2 were so bad that even when ep 3 was better it felt disappointing.
Its already been mentioned by film student anon that the lighting is such a huge amateur mistake but I want to touch upon the creative aspect of the lighting a little more.
There was such an utter lack of using colored lighting to really set tones in scenes and it SUCKED. Like, already with the lack of outright horror blood and gore, they NEEDED creative lighting to at least intensify scenes! Add some damn flickering lights! Green lighting? Something- anything. Again, TEENAGERS have been more creative with lighting in a performance and all they had was four colors to work with and nothing fancy.
I wish they would have actually done good camera work. Set up some cameras in locations and acted in front of them instead of having someone follow ranboo around and having some “lore” explanation for it that makes little sense. Having moving cameras that are shaky and constantly cutting people frame-wise is just not pleasant to watch and does not add anything useful. On top of the camera quality jarringly changing between shots constantly it just… ruined the flow. 
in ep3, we had an explanation for why there’s a camera following ranboo, and we got some REALLY COOL ESTABLISHING SHOTS THAT…. made no sense in lore. Why would the “drone” following ranboo take establishing shots? It’s supposed to follow ranboo- but then later it gets dismissed and we suddenly have sharp camera cuts to what im guessing was a prerecorded scene due to the camera quality change and it just felt. So sudden and jarring? Like okay you just dismissed the camera and now we suddenly get a different non-canon camera because they remembered we actually need to still see whats happening.
The lore and story we have gotten so far is so scatterbrained and nonsensical. + knowing that this project isn’t actually what gen loss was supposed to be (which: Why are you advertising it as gen loss then, ranboo? You’re just staining the name of your passion project). So much of genloss is in the “I guess” category of why things happened. But the consistensy also felt so off. From what I understand, Charlie is the slime demon, and was the guy on the gurney, and was also in ep 3 as  himself. And all those other versions WERE the ep3 charlie. How? Charlie died? twice? According to what has happened? But he’s alive anyway at the end until he gets killed again by a cheap backrooms monster? But supposedly everyone else did actually die? 
I just. Genuinely do not understand what the story here was. What the point was of everything. I’m not gonna ask who the characters were because the characters were just the streamers and nothing special or new. If you know the streamer, thats the “character”. It’s just godawful writing.
Viewer interaction
Viewer interaction was pointless and didn’t matter. Either every choice the viewers made was gonna happen anyway, or ranboo decided to ignore it lol. It felt like there was no impact to viewers doing anything to influence the show and the show probably would have been largely better had viewer interaction not been a thing at all.
also idk maybe making ranboo’s “character” aware of the audience from the get go would have been more fun as they could’ve been trying to get the audience to do anything while we’re just watching quietly. And they could’ve gotten more and more desperate with the audience as things went on. But then again that requires actual acting skills that ranboo barely has.
Just as some final words, this really feels like a case of someone who has never done anything like this thinking they can do this because they’re famous and well-liked online. I know ranboo makes a lot of money, so they certainly had enough money to make something good. Take some film classes or acting classes. Instead they became overambitious and made just a generally unpleasant show that is not going to make me want to watch any future gen loss content in good faith.
The entire show depends on going “MY STREAMER!!! THATS MY STREAMER!!!” and would not survive on its own merit. The hype towards gen loss was misleading on what it’d be, and the fans made amazing fanart that does not live up to the reality of what they got and i feel genuinely sad for them. The fanbase made a better interpretation of what gen loss is WITHOUT EVEN NEEDING GEN LOSS TO BE OFFICIALLY RELEASED.
also a final thing about the merch but why is the merch so bad lol. Its such boring design. The gen loss logo appears barely anywhere in the show itself. The fans could’ve had some sort of cool merch, like masks based off of ranboo’s mask and the showfall robot masks. Shirts and merch based off of the slime demon and warehouse master. 
Anyway sorry for the huge wall of text I have just been going insane abt this to my friend in dms enjoy
i could probably spend hours responding to all of this! thank you for the mini essay, you make a ton of great points. i really sympathize with the “not a ranboo fan” stance because my friends are way more fans of him than i am, and were way invested.
i personally haven’t heard any “it’s supposed to be bad!” defenses but i can totally believe there are people like that out there lol. i definitely in the “there’s no entertainment when it’s bad”. you’re entirely right about the lack of horror! i was so confused after the first stream and everyone was like “it’s not supposed to be horror yet! you don’t understand!” and then it took until the 3rd stream for anything significant to even happen, and even then it was weak.
charlie and jerma did so much for gen loss man, ranboo’s acting was just.. not that great and when it was, it felt so jarring. more interesting lighting would’ve been so fun! so much could’ve been done with that, and that’s especially clear when they switch cameras because they had the ability to film this incredibly and just.. didn’t. i feel like we didn’t get so much lore that we should have, especially with how long the streams were. i hope we get something clearer later on.
the idea of him being aware of chat the whole time would be cool, but idk if it would’ve worked with the “brainwashed” thing he was doing. overall i agree - gen loss was super hyped up and in this form, it didn’t live up to it as well as it could have. once again, ty for the mini-essay, it was a great read!
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moonymanoush · 1 year
Love, Death + Robots: Jibaro Analysis
The synopsis of the episode (16-17 mins long) revolves around a siren and a deaf soldier. In the very beginning we are introduced to a group of conquistadors. (Spanish colonialists, this is where my belief that the theme is about colonialism and greed instead of just toxic relationships nowadays. I’ve seen people say it’s about toxic relationships and they’re free to hold their own beliefs, but I kindly disagree.) Note at this point that the Siren is watching from the lake, but not attacking anyone. As the conquistadors approach the lake, the deaf Conquistador Jibaro sees a golden scale in the lake. Fascinated he pulls it out of the lake, marveling at the scale. Meanwhile, the other conquistadors have broken away and are being blessed by the Catholic Church. While this can be left up to interpretation, it appears the Catholic Church have hired the conquistadors to rid the lake of the Siren and likely steal the Siren's gold (as the Catholic Church has a rich history of stealing valuable items lmao literally look at all the museums in Britain, 99.9% of artifacts are stolen). Whether the Siren has been indiscriminately attacking people or simply defending herself and the lake, the conquistadors are sent on a death mission. (special note: I don’t want to write the entire summary on my own because it’s around 1:30 a.m. and this isn’t a school paper where I have to cite my sources so I copy pasted info about the episode and then wrote my thoughts) Moving on, upon removing the gold scale, the Siren appears out of hiding, and begins her magical and fatal screaming. The Siren, covered in the gold of her attackers and likely her own prey, uses her bejeweled body to her advantage, dancing in a seductive and disarming manner. The Siren appears to collect the gold of those that she has killed, either out of shame for her own appearance, loneliness, greed, or a mixture of all three. The conquistadors AND the catholic priests and nuns become filled with a crazed lust, even attacking and killing each other in order to reach the siren, driven mad by their own greed and selfishness. The deaf Jibaro, unable to hear the Siren's scream, watches in confusion and horror as the other conquistadors are dragged to their deaths. However, Jibaro seems less concerned with the deaths of the conquistadors and catholic nuns and priests, and instead cannot keep his eyes off the siren before eventually attempting to flee.
The Siren, now realizing that the Jibaro cannot be lured by her screams, becomes fascinated- infatuated even. The Siren has only encountered those filled with greed that she can easily lure to death. Having never encountered a person immune to her screams, she appears to believe Jibaro is different than the other conquistadors. She stalks Jibaro, observing him in his sleep, even smelling him, and ultimately laying down beside him in a human-like act. When the deaf Jibaro wakes up, he is startled by the Siren, but does not appear scared- grabbing her in an attempt to stop her from fleeing from him. When he grabs her several gold scales become embedded in Jibaro's palm. Realizing that the gold scale he picked up earlier in the lake in fact belongs to the Siren and the value of her bejeweled body, Jibaro becomes greedy, and pursues the fleeing Siren.
The Siren, realizing that he is not afraid, attempts to seduce him in the waterfalls and communicate her infatuation. As she is dancing against Jibaro, he quietly pulls a gold scale from her stomach, causing her to bleed and foreshadowing the following events. Distracted by her pursuit of Jibaro, the Siren tries kissing Jibaro, accidentally hurting him in the process with her bejeweled tongue and lips. Jibaro, now fully aware that sex is out of the question prepares to strike; The Siren realizes she has drawn blood, but still fascinated tries to kiss him harder despite the pain it causes Jibaro- it should be noted that when Jibaro pulls away there is blood but seemingly no damage to his tongue or lips, likely due to the Siren's healing properties. Using her intense attempts at seduction to his advantage, Jibaro pushes her back, kissing her a few times softly on the face as a further distraction ploy and then knocking her unconscious.
While the Siren is unconscious, Jibaro violently rips all the gold scaling and jewels from her body, ignoring that its harming the Siren and causing her to bleed out, a nod to the pillaging and raping done by Spanish conquistadors. Just as a rape violates and strips a woman of her self worth (this isn’t to say that a woman has no worth if she’s raped, just that the act itself is extremely brutal both physically and mentally) Jibaro stripped the Siren of her self worth..literally. Once satisified with his spoils, Jibaro pushes the Siren down the waterfall as if she means nothing, no longer of use to Jibaro now that he has gained his gold. The Siren's body drifts back into her lake, and her desecrated flesh bleeds into the lake, causing the lake to become imbued with magical healing properties. Jibaro, still consumed in his greed and trying to haul the gold back to his campsite which he can now claim entirely to himself and not share with the other dead conquistadors, fails to realize that he has backtracked himself to the Siren's lake. He drinks the bloodied water, and finds himself able to suddenly hear, which causes Jibaro to panic and bring himself even closer to the lake.
As Jibaro realizes that the noises are actually sounds that he is hearing, which is shown by him slapping his hand into a puddle of water and listening, screaming, and then ultimately connecting the sound of chirping to birds overhead, the Siren, now regaining consciousness, comes out of the lake and upon looking down realizes that in her naivety, she was violated, stripped down to essentially nothing and robbed of her ornamentation without consent. Realizing that Jibaro is just as greedy as the other conquistadors, and that she has allowed herself to be fooled in her infatuation, the Siren begins screaming in shame, pain, rage, and humiliation. Jibaro, now able to hear, cannot resist the Siren's screams any longer, and is ultimately drowned by the Siren. The Siren was a monster, killing anyone who may attack her or the lake, but Jibaro was greedy, consumed by his own need for financial gain. The siren may have been born a monster, but is largely just following her own nature, defending her own jewels and lake; while the conquistador who was not born a monster became a monster by his own greed. Even then however, the Siren is not without fault, inflicting her own pain on Jibaro with little thought- just as one would see in a toxic relationship.
The siren while initially implied to be the predator, is shown in reality to be the prey- doomed to never receive love or affection and be pursued to the death by those filled with greed, but abusive and harmful herself by her own nature. In the end, Jibaro's greed was his own downfall, but both parties suffered the consequences of the toxic relationship and each other's abuses to each other, just as the forced colonization of the central, south, and latin american communities. The Siren, though stripped and ashamed, gets the last laugh, using Jibaro's own shortcomings to bring him to his demise.
Another note: I don’t know if the soldier’s name is actually Jibaro, the name itself is a Puerto Rican word referring to traditional self sustaining farmers who worked with the land (funny because the soldier is so greedy). Regardless, I’ve seen some people say the soldier is Jibaro while others say it’s the siren. I have no idea who is right so I just wanted to include that here. 
I also saw another analysis that the siren is the embodiment of greed itself. Here is the theory verbatim from another person: 
“ It is in its nature to lure things to it. It doesn't kill. They kill themselves reaching for it. But it cannot help but lure things to it. That is its nature. It longs for someone to reach for it but not out of greed. The Jibaro is innocent at the start. His deafness is his innocence in this case. It pursues him because it cannot help but to lure. It feels he is one that can reach for it but not out of greed. He grows greedy and strips it of its gold and throws it to bleed out in the river. The river is filled with red. This is his guilt. He cannot out run his guilt. He drinks from his guilt. In imbibing his guilt... He loses his innocence. He gains the ability to hear.
The Siren is heart broken that he has lost his innocence. She cannot go against her nature. And he cannot go against his.” 
I think this theory might be valid, especially since she saved the soldier’s horses and didn’t kill any of them since they are innocent creatures. I don’t know why this episode hit me so hard but as a woman and as an immigrant I could relate to the siren and I felt her pain when Jibaro betrayed her and tossed her aside like she was nothing. Overall, I just really enjoyed this episode and I sometimes go a bit manic and overanalyze shit so thanks for bearing with me. Goodnight!
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 2
Ahh Creations AU
My sweet sweet FNAF AU.
Oh how I love you dearly despite your doofy old art. ❤️
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Jeremy and Mike continue their conversation,
Jeremy mentioning Michael's "Dad" as an important figure in the pizzeria and someone who wants to keep secrets about shading happenings down below.
Who is he to Freddy's?
We already know deaths take place here so shady things going on down below aren't out of the realm of possibility.
Bonnie proudly proclaims HE knows what goes on as a friend of his occasionally visits the surface, seems like Bonnie is just friends with a lot of Freddys.
Michael's sister died at a location called "Circus Baby's pizza world" now a rental place that houses the same animatronics down below. Jeremy refutes this as nonsense.
Bonnie is firm in it being true.
Mike is shocked.
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Jeremy and Bonnie continue to bicker and Mike feels solidly like he isn't in the loop about things here.
Jeremy wants Bonnie and by proxy Mike to leave so they do. Their shifts end at 6 Am.
Mike is now very curious about what else Bonnie knows and hasn't spoken about. For obvious reasons.
Bonnie feels he doesn't owe Mike information, which it seems Bonnie has a wealth of. Apparently Bonnie just, knows a lot about people around here. How does he get this info?
Do people TELL him this or does he get dirt on people?
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Mike continues to use bribes to try and get what he wants.
Leading to the conformation Mike in fact: Does NOT smoke...
Which leads to the question: Why was he carrying cigarettes?
There's two explanations:
Be bought them specifically to bribe Bonnie after he saw Bonnie smoking on night 1.
He had them before that for some reason.
Bonnie continues to show he has no regard for other's personal space or comfort in the way he takes the cigarette from Mike.
Is Bonnie this personal with everyone or....? He seemed uncomfortable with Freddy invading his personal space earlier but that just could be because of where Freddy was positioned.
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Bonnie why do you incessantly keep patting Mike's head. I know his hair is a complete mess but that's not gonna fix it. XD
Jokes aside: Bonnie's alright with spilling more of Michael's past as long as Mike doesn't say it came from him.
Michael's dad who we now know as "William Afton" (Conforming Michael's last name is Afton) has lost three of his children due to incidents at Freddy's.
Bonnie details how they died, but Mike is particularly disturbed by ONE in particular...For some reason.
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If yall have read FSR and it's over analysis ya might have remembered me mentioning suicidal shit is a THEME in my work?
Yeaaaaah our boy Mike is flirting with death and doesn't care if he flirts back.
Makes sense, he seems to know what kind of place this was as he wasn't phased by walking talking robots.
Bonnie's weirdly optimistic here asking "Why not fight for a future?"
Bonnie's the type of guy who fights for shit he wants. Clearly. Man is stubborn.
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Mike brings up he has one thing left to accomplish and said thing will happen if he dies or not. As if his mere presence here will do SOMETHING.
Aparently Bonnie has been a source of joy despite their seemingly unpleasant interactions. Likely for whatever reason Mike recognizes him.
Bonnie seems to feel a little guilty due to his actions but Mike assures him being insulted by his "Favorite" animatronic is funny.
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Bonnie seems to be rather happy with being someone's favorite robot. This is a high honor evidently.
Maybe a little embarrassed too, dragging Mike along until they reach the backstage room.
Lamenting Mike should at least ACT like he wants to live.
Mike just cozies up into his hug without a verbal response. He doesn't mention he'll try which is kind of sad.
For whatever reason Bonnie is a literal comfort character to Mike.
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Talking about actual comic development for a sec: You can usually tell which segments I started or stopped at. "Chapters" if you will. But the size of them VARY. Again, indie comic creator privileges.
Either way Mike rambles his plans to befriend Michael as a "Next step" he seems to have a plan in action...for something we aren't privy too for whatever reason.
This comic doesn't like to explain ANYTHING to you. Which confused a LOT of people. You gotta pay attention which is smth people HATED doing specifically on Webtoon.
A LOT as I've gone over is paying attention to dialogue from the characters as THEY reveal things about other characters which open up the story.
Knowing GENREAL Fnaf lore HELPS but a lot of people couldn't FULL detach what they knew and ended up confusing themselves by not applying "This is an idea not a firm cannon in this comic" approach I was going for.
Example: Robots are possessed thing I mentioned earlier.
In CANNON games: The FNAF 1 gang are possessed by kids.
In Creations: They are still possessed but not all of em are by kids. You can tell through context clues which ones aren't for sure based on their habits: Such as Bonnie smoking and Freddy being a sex addict.
So the IDEA of robots being possessed was kept but isn't a 1 to 1 reflection of the games.
People did not get this and it infuriated me. :)
There's also a prevailing THEORY in the fandom Michael and Mike are the same character.
Often they wouldn't use CANNON Fnaf material AT ALL to try and figure out Creations weird story: They'd pull from fan theories and FANNON/other comics.
Why? I could not fucking tell you. It makes no damn sense to me.
This comic lays a LOT out if you just read it at it's indented pace and not scroll a million miles a minute.
It's a slow burn. We establish a LOT before we get to the balls to the wall insanity. Because we're building unease with everything we learn about everyone in this building and even Mike himself.
NOBODY IS TRUSTWORTHY, NOT EVEN MIKE as Mike is clearly an unreliable person for information as the audience at least for now, considering he is a manipulator. Maybe we can trust Bonnie. But even then, Mike trusting Bonnie might be a character flaw of his attachment to the character and NOT a rational decision as we've seen he gets weird about this character in particular vs the other people and robots.
Anyways, as Mike explains befriending Michael is a good idea, Bonnie knows friendship isn't this guy's real goal and Mike is like
"Well no shit"
Bonnie's apparently "No snitch" which explains why everyone tells him things I suppose.
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Well well well.
Mike's investigating this twisted place. Makes sense.
Mike self proclaiming himself "brave and stupid" is funny to me. Bro fully admits what he's doing is stupid as fuck and I love that he's self aware. X'D
Someone is established/implied to be helping Mike. So I'm sure we'll see them eventually. For now whoever Mike's working with is a faceless entity of unknown status or power.
Is Mike with the police, a private investigator...Who is he still???
This doesn't truly answer who he is FULLY here...
Either way Bonnie doesn't pry. But this establishes Bonnie isn't all muscle and no brain. Since he picks apart Mike IS working with someone with little to no info.
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So right off the bat:
This is a clear lie from Bonnie. We KNOW Micheal has disclosed info with Bonnie that Bonnie hasn't yet shared with Mike. From Bonnie's little rant on "Not owing Mike info" and knowing things Jeremy Fitzgerald, who is ALSO implied to be Michael 's close friend DOESN'T KNOW.
Why is lying? Well could be for many reasons?
He doesn't wanna drag Mike into this further due to his obvious struggles with his mental health.
He doesn't want Mike to use Michael.
Either way he concedes to getting Michael to meet with him. Because a character flaw Bonnie has:
He will sell you out for things he wants.
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Again we are warned about the danger of the Circus Baby's rentals animatronics specifically Michael's "Friend".
Bonnie adding quotation could mean a lot of things, but it comes off as he doesn't consider this "Friend" to BE a friend. Which could tell us a lot about how Bonnie feels about this "Friend".
And we get to see Michael we know it's the next day from Bonnie's instructions on where to meet him.
And he looks...interesting...
If ya thought Mike's pale skin tone was odd this man is lilac with purple eyes. And a a goofy hair cut. It does get better I promise.
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Mike...Ya seem a tad distracted buddy.
This is Michael! Introduced properly. His name tag indicates he's also called "Mike" on occasions.
He's tall (At least compared to Mike) and is apparently friendly.
Also fun fact:
The first draft of this comic was a shitpost comic that got lore when Michael came in. Michael's OG concepts got mostly abandoned but ONE aspect of him has stood the test of time.
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Bonnie seemingly has introduced Mike to Michael as somebody who wants to be his friend...
Perhaps a little white lie on Bonnie's end.
Mike says another of my favorite lines "Yes, I'm very lonely" which just sends me whenever I see it because, fuck it's funny what do you want from me? X'D
And they swap numbers.
Smth some Fnaf fans got hung up on was the technology in the AU:
It's an AU. Fuck off. X'D
They have smart phones because I said so. The robots are technologically insane what makes you think a smart phone couldn't exist??? X'D
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Micheal "Talks to robots" quite frequently. William's apparently built nearly everything in the building.
Michael wants to follow in his footsteps. How sweet.
Mike is STILL asking questions helpful to his investigation if you notice, also intentionally wording himself in a way that makes Michael and his experiences sound familiar.
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Mike is clearly being a fake bitch here which I find funny. Micheal obviously can't tell as he overall comes across as naïve and eager to make friends.
Makes sense since 3 of his siblings are dead and he almost exclusively talks to robots outside of Jeremy Fitzgerald it seems. Wonder if he had a good relationship with them before they died...
Mike is shown to be genuinely uncomfortable by the mention of "Fredbears" for some reason. They both share a fondness for the Bonnie line of animatronics specifically.
They decide to meet up later outside of work.
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Oh my.
You can tell I liked drawing this animatronic because these pages have BUDGET.
This thing clearly isn't a fan of Mike.
Could this be the "Friend" Bonnie warned about?
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Goodness me that's a big ol animatronic. It's stripped bare of any plating so it's just an endoskeleton comprised of twisted cables... It uses said cables to it's advantage so it's comfortable with it's body. It was presumably spying on the conversation by hanging on the celing this whole time...
Did Michael know it was here?
It only wears a mask with segmented face plates. One of it's eyes appears to be completely malfunctioned. It's clearly meant to be a clown. Very different style of robot from the ones we've seen so far: Being it's a HUMANOID one...
It also skips threats and goes right to direct violence towards our boy Mike.
Which he responds too with...
A reaction that seems to wig the robot out.
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Still offput Mike makes a goof first impression, to "Ennard". Michael's "friend".
Something from older concepts from this AU:
Mike was a "badass" (Not even my words lmao readers thought he was badass. X'D I have to agree Mike's awesome I love him.) dude could go through a lot with a blank expression.
Though here he smiles and looks kinda, dead inside. But what's new.
Despite it's power Ennard appears to be insanely childish with their speech. Calling mike a "Jerk".
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Ennard repeats a similar sentiment to Bonnie when Mike responds with THE MOST BADLY INTURPRETED LINE IN THE ENTIRE COMIC SO FAR:
People genuinely did not understand this scene.
"Thanks I love you. Bye. Tell 'em I said hi"
If you didn't catch WHY Mike said that:
He's clearly disassociating right now because of how much REAL DANGER he is in. You can tell from the way he slowly just stops looking AT Ennard and kinda through him. Mike's like, not fully home.
That response, is the kind of thing you'd say to someone while ending a phone call as quickly as possible with a family member or something.
It's a response that doesn't match A SINGLE THING THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT and shows an ODD amount of familiarity with someone he literally doesn't know. And it clearly flusters Ennard because he has no idea what Mike is talking about because this whole response is very weird without any prompting.
It's like something he defaults to when he can't deal with who he's talking to and wants to get away.
And he does. Leaving through the door.
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Mike seems satisfied with himself as he goes back to whatever he's doing.
Michael clearly is someone of importance if he has a freakin' giant body guard.
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Mike's working night shift again. That is his job...And he sees a child on one of the cameras.
He's probably sleepy from working a bit into dayshift.
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Oh. Somebody's watching you buddy.
Could it be...the same golden bear that was a giant floating head in the hallway?
They match his steps as he walks down the hall staying just out of site of the viewer AND Mike.
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Huh. So Mike knows ANOTHER person here...That kid is familiar.
He's still being shadowed.
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A little baby.
"You" is apparently just who this is.
Do you know their name Mike?
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Chasing chasing
Oh hello Bonnie you're getting touchy with Freddy huh?
The stage seems to have a door on it...For some reason.
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Well shit Freddy you didn't have to say it like that.
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So Bonnie can't see this kid. Weird.
Again Bonnie showing concern about Mike because he's cool.
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Oh my.
Oh dear.
Jokes aside. What a cliff hanger.
The art style looking wonky there...
Wonder why Mike ran into the break room...What's in the break room buddy?
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cornedbread · 1 year
Hey so what is your favorited Bbieal au ship
Apologies for late reply 🙏
TL;DR my favourite ships are Shybi, Billfriend, Joedina, Olivialex and Dollex.
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Shybi 😮🧤 (Shy John x Billy)
Best friends to lovers trope + “Light in the dark” trope — very cliche but I adore it very much. I think that Billy always tries to portray himself as “well-made” to the public, but behind closed doors he’s literally everything except “well-made.” He’s emotional (Non-Emotional Creature being used to “clean up trash”); he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions adequately (Vending machine of Beer, need I say more?); he’s tired (shoutout to Billy’s three jobs, mad respect to single-parent fatherhood 💪); he’s arrogant sometimes (This isn’t inspired by canon, I think Billy would have an ego from being always told he’s “well-made”); he’s haunted by things that aren’t there (The Great War, circa 1985, from CBA).
But despite all of this, there’s always one guy who has his back. And it’s his best friend, Shy John (⌒▽⌒) Why do I think that? Well, in the mods the only character to consistently appear is Shy John. Wherever Billy is, Shy John is there too. And of course Billy is very greatful for Shy John’s care. So much that he makes prioritises Shy John’s well-being over his (Funfact: Shy John’s sprite is the only one that is “undamaged” in “11 Years Later”). But not in an obssesive way, more of a “As long as he’s okay, then everything is okay” — self-destruction is not well-made!
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Billfriend 🧤⏰ (Billy x Girlfriend/Old Friend)
So much of this is headcanon/personal interpretation because Girlfriend & Old Friend literally have 0 personality in the source material 😭
I think their relationship is tragic, Billy loved his old “friend” so much he built a robot to subsitute her. But the robot is a robot, therefore she can’t replicate Old Friend perfectly. I also find it poetic that Billy’s Girlfriend is only known as “Billy’s Girlfriend,” a title is the only thing she can replicate. She can never replicate his old friend… Someone that shared memories, struggles and celebrations with him…
This is also equally tragic from Old Friend’s perspective. She’s perceived as a dead soul, when in actuality she’s very much alive but trapped in The Office™ like she’s “Kaiba getting banished to the shadow realm.” If we’re to assume this is the same Office™ that FileName2 is trapped in, then Old Friend can still see Billy. But only as a spectator. She can’t interact with him; only watch his life progress with others, as her’s is trapped in purgatory alone.
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Joedina 🍾🥔 (Joe x Baldina)
They’re both losers, therefore they should kiss. And then maybe along the way, they’ll help eachother become not losers. Mutual improvement!
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Olivialex 🫒🌷(Olivia x Fake Alex)
It’s not the killing that they’re infatuated with. Olivia wants to genuinely hunt down and kill Alex for justice; Alex wants to hunt down Olivia as a way to mess with her and keep her for himself. Olivia is playing hero, while Alex is acting like a wannabe-yandere. Though they want to kill eachother, they just can’t… Olivia sees Alex as a fascinating discovery, something to be studied and cultivated; Alex sees Olivia as a desireable asset for doing work and keeping him company. They say they don’t want to be friends, but perhaps in a timeline where they didn’t want to kill eachother so bad, they could be co-workers.
They hate eachother so much it wraps back around to infatuation. They don’t love eachother, they’re just so obsessed with killing the other that they end up dedicating their whole lives to it. But once they actually get to killing or losing the other person, suddenly it feels wrong. Because after death, what do you do now?
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Dollex 📓🌷(Dolly x Real Alex)
Mostly headcanon for Real Alex because he has 0 personality in source material ⚰️
From a bus stop to a weird house, Dolly and Alex are good friends who’ve gone through alot. When I say “gone through alot,” I mean Alex’s depression. Alex is troubled by many things: his work, the value of his life, his aspirations and most strangely… His house. To qoute Dolly from the MrDrNose discord server, “It was a weird and old apartment.” Maybe it’s the scratches on the walls; or the empty plates with steak juice despite Alex saying he’s not fond of eating meat; or the copious amount of broken broomsticks. Either way… Dolly thinks it’s best to ignore it. The only demons she knows about are Alex’s inner demons that make him feel miserable. And those are the only demons she’s willing to deal with. It’s not her job to care for him, it’s her choice. She loves Alex and wants to see him get better, Alex is in denial that someone can be so caring and kind towards him. But over time he learns to accept Dolly and her kindness into his life. And when he improves he’ll remember all the times Dolly helped him, so he’ll surely help Dolly when she’s in her darkest moments too! Snap out of this self-loathing and self-pity, finally do something with his life and help another life! So that both lives can live happily.
At least, that’s how it was supposed to go. If it wasn’t for the demon (literal) in the house and the demons (figuratively) in the mind…
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goldemas1244 · 1 year
Kaloshta (Father) - A Mobile Legends Fanfic
Necessary content warnings:
Contains mentions and themes of:
(Blood, injury, death, gore, passing out, Asian parenting / tough love (which may include themes similar to but may or may not be: physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, degradation, abandonment, trauma, yelling, not knowing whether the question is literal or rhetorical, hurting for the sake of love and survivability, etc.), depression, graphic depictions of inner monologues, loss of self-worth, freezing to death, bleeding to death, character death in general, resurrection, and anything you'd expect from a 50/50 stereotypical Asian household)
Bonus note: NOT ALL OF OUR FAMILIES TREAT OUR KIDS THIS WAY. MINE DOES THOUGH. My dad has yet to rip out my antennae but that's because I don't have any-. He doesn't like my sitting position and my incompetence though.
Necessary writer's note:
{FINALLY we've gotten the tags out of the way.
So to clarify this was made on a whim. I obviously do not condone any of the content in this and urge you to raise your offspring like you mean it. This is but a reflection of the (50/50 stereotypical) Asian household. Not all of us treat our kids this way. Not all of us believe that tough love is required for better young. But hey, it's culture.
But it's mostly a reflection of my life so far. Hey, you make a few mistakes and suddenly you're very numb in the cheek and probably concussed. And you get very weird kinks. Most of the stuff in this is just stuff I've actually experienced. And of course I turn it into gut-wrenching angst.
Note: I am fine. I am alright. I am not hurt (yet). My father DOES scare me still but I blame it on the telly. He watches too much Netflix. He humours me on my monster/alienfucking expeditions. He shows me Transformers clips because he knows I find robot aliens hot as fuck.
Note 2: Understandably, this is a very sensitive topic to write about. Forgive me if you feel offended or uncomfortable reading this. Just know that I do not write for content, rather I write to satiate my inner desire to write. And sometimes that means refractions.
Having said that, enjoy the read!}
Blood. Short for haemolymph actually. In a blizzard and the icy snow.
He had just barely made it out alive. He had run away, clinging onto the last few breaths he had. So far he could hope nothing was chasing him. If there was, it would catch him soon.
His claws plunged through deep snow and he felt himself falling. Yet he stood back up, and reached out to thin air, desperately trying to pull himself further away. Further away from where, he couldn't say. All that remained of his thoughts had slipped away. Only instinct remained.
And it told him to keep going.
Footfalls scarred through the blizzard as the burning ache in his body began to throb. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't remember how to. All he could do was escape.
Only but a few minutes ago, he was in his element. A battle was raging, his nightmaric spawns were decimating, and his aim was steady. Before him were two lovers, and they were both primed to strike.
He had taken them down, but not with minor losses.
Soon there was nothing left on the battlefield save the husks of two colliding armies. Brave souls giving up their lives for a cause. One to protect, one to survive.
And the three of them were still left. Zhask, Aurora, and Tobias.
Tobias was on his knees. Zhask had done enough to him. His last breaths were well-spent, but not to Zhask. No, to Aurora.
He'd told her they'd attack together. He burst through whatever remained of the swarm Zhask could summon. He made sure Aurora could reach the source-
And the pain....
The sharp shooting pain coursed through his chest into his brain. It felt as if all his blood had been frozen, yet it drained from him in thick amounts, warmer than ever.
He took a few steps back. Aurora had pierced him in a critical spot with her own arm, frozen into the shape of a sword. It had severed itself from her body, leaving a gaping wound where it once was and a bloodied trail leading back to its socket. Jagged spikes of ice ripped through the soft flesh inside of him, tearing him apart from within.
It was cold, far too cold.
As the blizzard swooped all around them, he took one last glance at them. Tobias was dead. Aurora was in agony, but still alive. And Zhask himself was losing his energy all too fast. His swarm was rapidly dying out and the weather was against him.
So he went against the weather.
Zhask ran away. As he always did. As he never should have done.
And now here he was, miles away from any civilization, acres away from salvation, and half buried in snow and ice.
His legs shook. The pain was unbearable.
He reached for the frozen sword and arm of Aurora. No blood leaked from the severed limb now, rather it had become one with the ice. He grasped it tightly with his free hand, and with a hiss, pulled it sharply and threw it aside to be consumed by the storm.
Rookie mistake.
If it was unbearable then, then it was deathly now. Haemolymph flowed out in bursts from the open gash, half-frozen. The jagged edges of the sword had sliced through tender muscle tissue on its way out, more than it initially had prior. His frozen claws clutched at the wound and he chittered in utter agony, doubling over as they instinctively curled around it as one does to their chest during a heart attack.
He couldn't let go. Despite all his conscious thoughts and efforts he just couldn't let go. All his muscles were telling him to stop the bleeding no matter how.
But no matter how hard his instincts betrayed him, he couldn't cover the thick shell good enough. His magic was useless. He was weak and so was it. Domorey was exhausted herself. There was no way to heal.
He couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop the numbing pain. He couldn't stop the thick blood pouring out in waves. He couldn't stop the racing thoughts in his mind.
He couldn't.
He just couldn't.
His muscles tensed and he fell to his knees. Domorey fell with as he used her to brace himself. His eyes watered dryly as the pain only doubled from the momentum. He wanted to vomit, but all that came out was more blood.
The blizzard stung him where he hadn't been stung before and he lowered his head in defeat. So this is how Zhask dies for the upteenth time. Alone, in a temperature he never could fathom, with a wound he couldn't close. With no magic, buried in the cold embrace of despair.
He wasn't ready to accept that. Not his soul. Not with what's coming for him. But his body begged to differ.
"Sh-... Shaloshta...."
With one last attempt to stand and walk onwards, Zhask fell back onto the cold hard snow. His ears rang. His vision began to blur, his hands were losing their grip. He couldn't breathe anymore. He couldn't even muster enough energy to keep his heart pumping. And within a moment, all was black.
He awoke to white noise and darkness. He could see himself clearly however, clean yet scarred fresh. Domorey was gone. Balling his hands into fists he began to push himself up.
There was still some pain but it was numbed by some otherworldly force. He brought his hand to where the stab wound was and found out that it had somewhat healed.
Here in the void. Again.
His eyes widened and his head jerked up violently. He'd know that voice from anywhere.
"Ka... Kaloshta?" he silently whimpered, yet much to his dismay he'd forgotten how acute his father's hearing was compared to his.
Heavy steps sounded themselves and Zhask desperately tried to crawl backwards, inching away, retreating as best as he could. But to no avail. His back hit an invisible wall violently and his antennae raised themselves up to protest.
"I told you not to use those with me."
Zhask screamed as he felt all four of them being pushed violently upwards against the wall. It felt as if they were going to break off from him at any moment, much so with the force of gravity pulling his body downwards. He struggled against the chokehold, gasping, desperate to escape the grasp but it raised him up higher, earning him a grinding noise as they were pushed harder against the wall like nails on a chalkboard.
It wasn't long before his eyes could finally focus on his own flesh and blood, yet only stared forwards as the familiar figure came into view.
A green husk hunched over him, eyes glowing brightly in the faux blackness of their surroundings. They burned into the air like sulphur. A ferocity bloomed in them like none other.
"You dare disobey your Kaloshta?"
A large clawed hand, larger than Zhask's own face, cupped his chin and forced his head violently upwards. Zhask could see his antennae clearly now, held up by his father's other hand. The horns on his head scraped against the wall. One of them even broke off at the tip.
To a vertebrate, it would've snapped their neck. But for Zhask, this was a familiar feeling.
It felt like home, it felt like family, it felt... painful.
"Your antennae show off too much emotion," his father growled. "It's one of the things I hate about you." He lifted his claws off of his son's chin and grabbed his shoulder. "It shows how afraid you are."
Held in place by some mental force, Zhask couldn't move his head nor his arms and legs which dangled like a stringless puppet. All he could do was freeze himself. Take it all in like how he used to. Not that he was used to it as much as the occasional slap, but he was used to it. Every time he'd failed practice he'd get himself hurt. His fault of course. As always.
He missed his father. He loved him, he genuinely did. But this? He didn't miss this. Not for his entire life.
"Please, Kaloshta I'm sorry!" he begged as his voice cracked with pain and his body curled up into itself despite the... gravity of the situation. "I'm sorry! I won't use them ever again just please Kaloshta let me go!"
"You disgust me. How dare you talk back to me!" With one harsh pull, his father tore shell from membrane, muscle from vessel. Zhask's eyes widened and he could only gasp as he was thrown to the ground now with nothing on his back.
He felt so ashamed of himself, didn't he? Oh yes, the price for disobedience and stupidity. You lose what you love. And what Zhask loved was his antennae. It made him comfortable, it helped him regulate his body temperature, it helped him smell, it helped him sense, it helped him to express his emotions, and it helped out with so many more things. Not to mention his father too. Oh, but now-
Now they're gone. Replaced only by a stuffy feeling and his haemolymph flowing out of his back. At least he couldn't smell the blood now.
"Always wanted to do that," mumbled his father as Zhask desperately tried to stifle his tears and stand up again. "But your mother, she coddled you. I'd always believed she was too soft, but I couldn't do a thing about it." His steps began again, and Zhask could hear a clinking sound as those vital parts of his body were oh so carelessly thrown away.
His father loves him. He really does. Zhask remembers how he used to take him outside and play with him when he was younger. How he'd begrudgingly read him bedtime stories. How he'd rarely but truly said sorry, how he'd always hugged him, how he'd never once forgotten how much he loved his son.
But when DID that all change, really? When did this start happening to Zhask, Prince of the Kastiyans? When did his father become a monster? What happened? Was it because the prince grew up? Was it because he was immature? Because he was older, that he didn't deserve as much love as he used to?
He remembered when his toys were broken all because he wanted to play with them while another foreign prince wanted to intervene and he didn't want to share because he knew they'd ruin it. He remembered getting whipped because he was weak in his test scores. He remembered the sorries his father gave, he remembered the silence. The silence meant he wouldn't forgive him. And then, over tea, they'd get back together because he was the only son.
Hugs became fewer and farther between through the years, and so did the kisses. But despite his father's complaining Zhask knew he secretly enjoyed it. Annoying his father was a favourite pastime of his whenever he was available and was in a pleasurable mood.
He knows his father was trying his best. His best to protect Zhask, his best to ensure he survived throughout the conquests, his best to ensure he managed to live on to rule Kastiya. His slaps were a lesson to learn, his whips a delicate cruelty, all so he would act better in future. Even if they scarred him. Even if they gave him permanent damage.
But sometimes, as implied, his best hurt and he was a monster.
His mother was softer but she could be as harsh as he was. Not that it mattered to Zhask, she was always busy so it made sense if she never came to be well-moody. Yet she feared her husband for the obvious reason as well.
Zhask could never stifle his tears, even from youth. Usually when this happened he'd walk off to his room, pretending to yawn and rub his eyes as if he was tired. Then he'd go into the shower or wrap himself up in his bed. He never locked his door either because his father would break it down so his butler was always there to check on him. Not that he'd ever wanted him to. And if he did Prince Zhask would have to put on a genuine emotional mask in fear that his butler would slip the metaphorical beans.
But of course in these events there was no room to pace to.
The footsteps stopped. Silenced. And so was Zhask. Though one out of anger, and the other out of terror. Zhask desperately tried to hide his tears away but the pain was intense and he just couldn't help it.
Like with the bleeding....
"Your Shaloshta isn't here," his father quipped and Zhask could hear his armoured plates creaking with age as he knelt. "Neither is your Heria. So I'll tell you this right here."
"Look at me."
Zhask turned to face him. Proportionally, so did his father's backhand and he fell back on his elbows.
"You are the reason Kastiya is lost!"
There it was. The guilt-tripping.
"Look at me!" Zhask hesitated, and had his horns pulled up so he could face his father. "Because of your recklessness, The Astrowardens have DESTROYED Kastiya! One of them is hunting you down, and here you are, dead as a star because of your own foolish mistakes! What have I raised you for?!"
Zhask only could stare. Was it a rhetorical question? But it sounded so genuine he should-
Genuine it is then.
"You... you raised me to lead Kastiya," Zhask began, stutteringly repeating the words his father used to swear. "You raised me so I could protect Kastiya, to keep its glory. You raised me so Kastiya could prosper. So that we could rule supreme. You raised me so... I'd have a home?"
"TALKING BACK TO YOUR ELDERS," he yelled out, despite having asked the question initially. "You are a disappointment. You have disappointed me, you have disappointed Kastiya, you have disappointed your subjects. As if there are any because they're all dead! And I should know because that's your doing too!"
He released his grip on Zhask. Zhask could only stare into space, fixed in the position. He didn't even turn to look at his father, now retreating back into the darkness.
"You are the reason I died, Zhask. Remember that. You are nothing. A pig-child. Wasted filth."
Footsteps receding.
"You are not my son."
Pain slowly enveloped Zhask's body once more. Not the pain of what had happened to him, but the pain of coming back.
Good. He never wanted to stay anyway.
Zhask awakens once more, this time back in the snow. He instantly shoots up, but winces at the pain. His chest is still bloodied and he still has scars, but they seems to have healed slightly. The short death-rest has given Domorey enough mana to regenerate himself, thankfully.
He hears a little chirp infront of him. Before him is his passive spawn, the backup guard for his body. It moves towards him, albeit a little shakily from the cold. It nuzzles him and Zhask can feel its warm laser heating up.
He looks around him. Behind Domorey, there is a calm, serene white. The blizzard has stopped. He looks back and sees that his antennae are still there. They're only frozen from the exposure. He sighs in thankfulness.
The little spawn hops onto Zhask's arm, latching onto it. It camouflages itself on his glove. He pets its little head and grabs Domorey.
He is capable of standing on his own two feet. And so he does, leaning onto Domorey for balance. He tests his footing on the icy floor beneath him and realises it's created a nice little step-path. His feet don't sink in, rather the snow has solidified enough to stand on.
Slowly but surely, Zhask begins to walk forwards, limping through the snow. He remembers his past, he acknowledges the present, and he looks out for the future.
But his heart sinks.
He will never forget what his Kaloshta had done to him. He's still shaken by that death-dream he had, the only flaw to his immortality. He's depressed but he brushes it off.
They love each other, don't they? This is what your parents do to help you grow stronger, right? He deserves it for his failure, doesn't he?
Zhask's first death was to save him and his revival was met with a slight scolding and a warm hug. The rest were merely trivial, but he got scolded more and more often as time went on and the hugs became less and less often. In the end, it's all just a forgettable memory when he wakes up. This wasn't even the worst he's had. The worst was that one time he drank himself to death over a lost love. He got a real beating for that.
But he WILL prove he can live up to his father's wishes. That he's not what his father claims him to be. That he can still feel his father embrace him lovingly again, even for just a few short moments. That he's not a failure, nor a pig-child, nor whatever else he says.
And maybe this time, he'll try not to die again.
Or even sleep for that matter. Just in case.
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sepublic · 2 years
Ok, so it's obvious you love Beast Wars, but what about other series? Earthspark? Cyberverse? Prime? Robots in Disguise 2015? IDW 2005-2018?
I grew up primarily on Transformers Animated and, alas, the Bayverse, the latter of which I think was my first proper introduction to the franchise; Though I do have VERY faint recollections of previous series, particularly Armada and its keys... 
I only really knew those from their toys, though I do remember a clip from an Armada CD; I had Cybertron Longrack, as well as Armada Excellion vs Thundercracker, and Skyshadow; Not to mention the Robots in Disguise Deluxe Mirage with that color-changing sticker. There was Deep Space Starscream from the Movie lineup, and Fast Action Battlers Jazz.
I have fond memories of my cousin’s Deluxe Scorponok and RotF Soundwave, whom I envied; The latter toy I remember him pitting against my own, particularly my Bionicles, and the constant fights and back-and-forth of Soundwave becoming a good guy, just to be a bad guy again, etc. We wanted to reap the fun of either scenario.
Then Animated Lugnut, whom with Thok from Bionicle have the same story for me; Originally I got someone ELSE from their line, but a factory defect meant I had to return it, and settle for a different character. In my case, I originally chose Animated Starscream, but then his head popped off and wouldn’t come back on, hence the switch to Lugnut. I also had Animated Oil Slick and a McDonalds version of Animated Bumblebee.
Regrettably, I’ve lost ALL of these toys over time, not sure how. But yeah, I had toys from the Unicron Trilogy and a distant memory of watching a CD that came packaged with a clip from the show of Armada Jetfire; Otherwise, the Michael Bay films were my introduction, followed by Animated, which I DID watch all of! I remember as a kid being frustrated by the loose ends of Animated’s finale, so finding out the show was actually cancelled explained a lot; As a kid, Blurr’s death traumatized me, but hearing he survived and would’ve recovered was a relief. 
Ultimately, my knowledge of any other series besides the Bayverse, Animated, Beast Wars (and technically Knightverse) is solely through cultural osmosis, some dives into the TFwiki (was surprised yet amused as a kid at its snarkiness), and Chris McFeely’s guides on Transformers characters throughout the ages. Before that I also remember watching the first three or so episodes of G1 on Netflix (getting to see the source material for the Bay films and how removed they were was a surprise), and years later, various clips of G1 on Youtube as well; I also watched the original 1986 animated film, and the episode where a human girl has a crush on Powerglide. 
As someone who DIDN’T grow up with G1 and thus can’t be accused of a nostalgia bias... Tbh, I really do find it THAT good, but I might just be influenced by the bandwagon. I just think it’s really funny and find a lot of the designs charming, and the ‘86 movie is legitimately raw and well-written. I watched Bumblebee Movie opening month, was disillusioned like a lot of people by the Bayverse, only to be astounded by the first trailer and stoked by the transformations of Bumblebee and Blitzwing, which felt very toy-esque and whom I could actually keep track of!
In general, I remember sort of falling off of Transformers after Dark of the Moon... But then @ganymedesclock started watching Animated, which reignited my curiosity. This led me to revisit the series, as well as the Transformers franchise in general; And that led to a DEEP rabbithole that’s culminated in me going through all of Beast Wars, naming and understanding the toys I had as a kid (and desiring them again with the context of what their characters were like).
It also led me to getting a couple of toys from the Studio Series line, particularly the Constructicons. Sue me, I think the Bayverse designs and films have SOME artistic merit, even if it’s largely garbage, they’re kind of a guilty pleasure at times, and the toys have a necessary simplicity that makes the aesthetic easier to digest. And like everyone else, the ideas of a rewrite, and/or my own Transformers continuity, have taken root in my head.
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hjremi · 1 year
under the cut is some random information i've collated about remi, feel free to read to learn more about him. will update as more information comes to light / i learn new things some of these do contain triggers, which are tagged below.
BASIC INFORMATION: NAME: remington clifford [ no korean name ] NICKNAME: remi BIRTHDATE: april 17, 2000 [ 23 years old ] ZODIAC: aries GENDER: nonbinary, he/him preferred SEXUALITY: bisexual OCCUPATION: freelance programmer LINKS: his full bio. please heed the tw. his pinterest. his tags. his playlist.
FUN FACTS: -owns a used pickup that he loves half to death, it's got a myriad of problems that require a lot of upkeep, but he wouldn't trade it for the world -owns a bunch of vectors because he thinks they're cute, also carries a tamagotchi around with him on his lanyard with his keys, he really just likes little robot pets -does not know how to swim ?? not sure why he's on an island in that case -most of the burns / scars he has are on his arms / chest, but he does have a scar on one cheek / side of his jaw / in his hairline on his left side [ which incidentally is the side his hearing is worse on ] -is ambidextrous but favours his right hand lately as his left experiences some mobility issues -is literally 5'4 bless his heart -plays a lot of video games, and has participated in esports tournaments before [ nothing recently due to a lack of anonymity for contestants ] -basically picture the type of kid who would've been at the big hero 6 school and that's basically remi -previously went to MIT before coming to korea, misses that more than anything else in america as he had resources to do a lot of the things he wanted to readily available to him. -builds computers in his spare time, usually as commissions or he sells them after the fact -double major in computer science and robotics with a minor in electrical engineering, is also taking korean language and ksl classes to help communicate easier, since english is his first language, does plan to take asl classes later on -his thesis is about a hearing device capable of translating sign language to speech with gesture recognition, as well as translating other spoken languages in real time and potentially even being able to translate lip reading into speech, if he can figure out how to make it happen. at his previous school, he was dabbling in mixed reality / augmented reality, but there aren't resources to do so here in hanjeong. -is super passionate about the environment and especially about renewable energy omg, he's currently trying to get the grocery store he lives in switch to solar panels, as he uses quite a bit of electricity. he would prefer to use marine/offshore energy, since they're on an island and all, but has been assured by multiple people that anything he attempts to set up would mysteriously be destroyed, so he has settled for solar power. it's incredibly difficult to set up with the trade restrictions when it comes to sourcing things he needs, however, causing a growing amount of tension. -he's very ambivalent about the whole supernatural thing. tbh whenever he first found out he thought they were joking, and even now he doesn't really bother himself with it all that much, seeing as he doesn't really encounter it that often in his day-to-day life. -is very staunchly anti-government and anti-police. thinks the idea of modern monarchies [ three in the same place, even ! because they can't pretend that the captain's descendants aren't a form of modern monarchy ] is possibly the most idiotic thing he's ever heard, and refuses to acknowledge any of them. whatever they're doing doesn't concern him, anyway. -really badly wants to go ghost hunting, but doesn't want to go by himself because that's boring. -is afab, has not had any gender-affirming surgeries, he doesn't ever really bring it up though bc honestly it's not relevant in most situations. he might refer to it offhand though, feel free to have your character react however. THE GOOD: clever. strong-willed. spontaneous. easy-going. THE BAD: irresponsible. absurdist. flippant. impulsive. THE UGLY: physically cannot stop getting in over his head.
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silverspleen · 1 year
People are like “hm Love Death and Robots sure does have a lot of military scifi in it, why is that, I sure don’t like that” and I must inform you that *squints*  Someone on the production and/or writing team has got to be specifically a very narrow subset of military sf fan, because so far season 1 and season 3 have multiple stories directly from the military sf short story collection SNAFU. Someone on the development team is a SNAFU fan (it’s probably Tim Miller). SNAFU is an anthology of literally only military sf, with twelve (YEP. count ‘em. TWELVE.) anthologies around various flavors of military scifi. Entire series just of“guys with guns fight monsters/demons/werebeasts/radioactive monsters.”
The publishing house who releases these, Cohesion Press, is the one that collected all of the stories for the official LD+R anthology book release on Amazon (you can buy all of the stories from season 1, and season 2+3). The guy who owns Cohesion Press (Goeff Brown) has in his bio on the site that he works with Deadpool’s Tim Miller as a senior story consultant. Like Tim Miller who MADE Love Death + Robots in the first place. Was there an actual conversation between them about including stories from the anthology in the show? Yeah probably.
So yes, you are absolutely right there is a bunch of military sf in that anthology and that’s most likely why.
As for the others non-SNAFU military sf stories, it’s not unreasonable to think that whoever on the team that really likes SNAFU is probably also recommending other military sf. Like for Shapeshifters (which is not a SNAFU story but like.... a very clear-cut military story).
Plus military sf is just like... Pretty mainstream popular with the blood and guns and titties crowd of twentysomething young men, which is usually what people think of when they hear “adult animation.”
(Obviously they are wrong, but we’re talking like Average American Adult thinks adult animation means 1. South Park/Family Guy 2. porn or 3. something with gratuitous gun violence and porn, and something called ‘Love Death + Robots’ evokes that vibe.)
(For reference I own three of the SNAFU anthologies, the original one, the werebeast one, and the “monsters” one. I have not read them yet they are on my TBR. Why yes, I do own too many books.)
Anyway. I enjoy military sf, hope you enjoyed my infodump.
I am very excited for season 4.
LD+R SNAFU stories under the cut! As well as the article I referenced.
Not my information, sourced from this culturedvultures article
Season 1
The Secret War - SNAFU: Hunters
Suits - SNAFU: Future Warfare
Sucker of Souls - SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest
Season 2
Season 3
Kill Team Kill - SNAFU: Unnatural Selection
In Vaulted Halls Entombed - SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
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Gilgamesh: Oh, you drew a new picture?
Peter: This is original from Maru and Moro again? Why do I feel like it's not?
Punch: Because this report didn't direct to Maru and Moro but from my story and from Mokona.
Gilgamesh: About Syaoran, Peter and Danny, who choice to save one precious to save many lives.
Punch: Include Sonic.....even Sonic....
Note(Source): Syaoran and Peter are different from Punch and Sonic. Syaoran and Peter share the same existence and the same hearts, but you still can tell the difference between them. But Punch and Sonic are the same as I wrote in Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 1(Tsofph Concept ).
Sonic: Since I was born....as my blood or my kind..... it had been nothing but a curse before that golden king and I got a curse of death. If I ever started to forget, something would remind me of what I was, and bring me crashing back down to the mission that god Tsubasa gave to us.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Punch: Syaoran.....you did know, right? Sonic's not a living being unlike any others. He's very dangerous.....just like that doctor told you long ago. Sonic's just a container. Sonic awoke for the first time, he had lived as a doll until he began to create his personality by himself and desired to live. No more than emptiness, the nothingness. Just like me and Mr Gilgamesh used to be. We.....three of us were different in the past. You could say we're very much like Enkidu in the past. We're extremely dangerous to both light and darkness.
Syaoran: What are you trying to say?
Punch: Sonic at first didn't have our memories....our dreams and even his own heart. Sonic knew from his heart that he never belonged to this world even us. If you want Sonic, Sonic need to be initialized again.
Syaoran: What.....?
Punch: If you want Sonic to live a life like a normal being, he has no choice but to initiate again. If Sonic does that, Sonic won't be himself anymore.
Syaoran: Because of this mission.....your mission...make Sonic's case to exist.....so Sonic be able to move even his feelings because......
Punch: Both me and Mr Gilgamesh exist.....
Syaoran: ...................!!
Punch: Sonic can't be his own without us. If something not human, animals, aliens or lives that allow to exist including an android and robot, then it would be considered sentient "alive" just like a normal being. If we are the same as those, it would be wrong to call Love. Even knowing that.... do you still love my brother, Sonic? Despite already hearing from me when I betrayed your friends and your trust....I did tell you to kill Sonic too.
Syaoran: I can't.
Punch: So you won't give all your love for him?
Syaoran: You three are wrong.....that's right.....it's natural to protect the ones you love because you love your one precious that's a part of your life. Even though I've accepted my feelings and I won't lie about my feelings even though King Gilgamesh and Sonic are the same but my feelings won't change....I love Sonic so much that's why I can't accept him to be initialized. He doesn't need to be perfect to be alive in this world. Me too, I'm also not perfect but that's doesn't mean some creatures that not allowed to exist to not be able to call life anymore, that's false!
Punch: Even me, Sonic and Mr Gilgamesh didn't have a right to call being alive?
Syaoran: Yes!
Punch: Even though our hearts and souls are the only cases to exist?
Syaoran: That's not true! Even though you don't exist but I, Peter-san and Danny have all of your beats inside of us! If Sonic looks happy, I am happy. If Sonic looks sad, then I'm sad. Even if his expression isn't real because he didn't understand, I don't care. Even if he is just a program-like robot, I don't care. I didn't fall in love with him because I wanted to give him my love, unlike couples, friends and family…but I won't stop loving him because we couldn't go all the way. I want to make love to him because I love him. I want Sonic to feel that he's alive!
Punch: You gave the same answer, the same meaning as both Peter and Danny.....Before we were just friends, after we're more than friends.....
Peter: If one day is abrupt, maybe I will prepare for you to hate me. For you want to protect someone who is most precious to you. To not regret the path you chose to take. That's how I told Syaoran a very long time ago.....I'm glad he made the same choice as me.
Syaoran: Why are you so nice to me? Why do you choose to protect me beside me, King Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Because of your decision, I am alive today. Because choose me against the world, you choose me. You made the same decision just like many lives in the fake world and my people of Uruk.
Syaoran: ................................!!
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Sonic begins to learn more about love than he initially learned from Amy and then doesn't understand. And the person who made Sonic understand love and begin to feel love for someone like a living creature or human being from the beginning when he didn't have any is Syaoran.
Gilgamesh: Both you and Enkidu made the same choice to protect me.
Peter: That's right.
Gilgamesh: Remember what I said, right? If I died like Enkidu, I can go back to Punch Whalen's body. If Punch is killed, he/she will come to stay in my body. We are the only proof that god of the nothingness still exists.
Peter: But Sonic isn't.....
Gilgamesh: As long as neither I nor Punch vanishes, Sonic can live freely by his own free will in this world. And can have all Syaoran's love for him.
Peter: If I become greedy......do you think is the right thing to feel want to protect everyone by our own selfishness.....because of love....because of caring.....we chose to not kill one precious to save many lives. We choice to save one precious to save many lives.
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Hint The love That Peter feels(Including Syaoran and Danny too) for Punch and Gilgamesh is the same love as Mikiya Kokutou for Shiki Ryougi. And this is why Peter never left Punch and Gilgamesh alone, he stayed right by her so "she "Punch" wouldn’t feel alone.
Tsofph spoiler below
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Peter: It's not fair, I don't care what anybody says! I won't let you die or vanish in front of me again! You can't fight this! We'll fight until the end together. Isn't that what you said to me before?!
Gilgamesh: Even if it should mean....that I'll be the end of everything else too?! What do you expect me to do?! There is no other way!
Peter: But there still was, right?
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helenaheissner · 6 months
A Dream of Summer Rain: In the Far-Away Here-and-Now (Chapter 22)
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :)
Don't forget you can read twenty chapters ahead on this story, three chapters ahead on "Love During Robot Fighting Time", as well as two chapters ahead on "Magical Girl Exorcist Squad", by becoming a paid subscriber on my Substack or my Patreon!
They had a week to prepare, and Lacy wanted to use as much of that week as possible for training. And so, the next day, she rolled out of bed and plodded through the full bore of her raging hangover and went over to Gwen and Quentin’s room.
Lacy braced herself for Gwen’s ‘mistress of pain’ monologue… Only to hear Quentin utter, “Now then, dirty girl, you are going bend over.”
“Yes master,” Gwen breathed.
“Good. Now spread ‘em!”
Good for them. Variety is the spice of life, Lacy thought. 
Then she knocked, and quickly thereafter she heard Quentin say, “Safeword.”
Gwen quickly added, “Dang it. Just a sec, Lacy!”
It was more than a sec. It was at least a dozen secs, probably significantly more. Finally, Gwen, her hair a mess of bedhead, a leather corset clearly visible underneath her bathrobe, answered the door. “Hi.”
“Hi. I, uh, was hoping we could train today.”
“Of course, of course. Just give me a bit- I need to shower.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Lacy smirked. 
Gwen chuckled. “Don’t be a little shit. I’ll meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes.”
“Can we eat breakfast first- my head is throbbing.”
“Yeah, no prob. Get us a seat at the buffet.”
Lacy obliged, and when Gwen joined her downstairs Lacy had sat herself at a table by the window in the white and gray restaurant. She had piled her plate full of bacon, potatoes, fruit, and pastries and had shoveled half of it down her gullet by the time Gwen sat down. 
“How you doing, kiddo?” Gwen asked, a smug smile on her face. 
“I feel like death.” I feel guilty. I feel ashamed. I feel like my parents.
“How much did you drink?”
“Is it that obvious?” Lacy asked. 
“To me? Yes. Very much so. So how much-”
“Seven or eight shots of whiskey. Maybe nine.” Just like them. 
“Probably some spritzers, too. And a few beers. Danny must’ve found every drop of hooch in Illinois.” Fucking hell why did I do that why why why-
“I’m surprised you can put away that much,” Gwen said. 
“I’m Irish. It’s my heritage. Un-fucking-fortunately.” Fucking pathetic island trash.
The hotel staff all shot her flabbergasted looks. Lacy grunted. 
“Yeah, you might want some coffee,” Gwen said. 
“No. Literally anything but that.” Kill me. 
“How do you not like coffee?” Gwen asked. 
“I like having my stomach lining intact.” Can practically hear Mom lecturing me over her bottle of white wine right now. 
“Says the girl who drank an entire liquor store last night.”
“Uhhhhhh,” Lacy groaned as she ate a whole muffin in one bite. 
“Oh well then,” Gwen said. She left the table, and when she returned, she had a bagel and lox with a tall mug of hot black coffee. 
Lacy balked at her mentor’s taste in breakfast. “Sometimes you sicken me, Gwen.”
“Sometimes I sicken myself,” Gwen laughed, stealing a muffin from Lacy’s plate. And then a waiter came over a glass of cold black liquid and placed it in front of Lacy. 
“What the fuck is this?” Lacy said. 
The waiter said, “Language, young man.”
“I’m a girl, jackass.”
“Oh, my apologies. Language, young lady.”
“Fine. What the heck is this, kind sir?”
“Cold brew coffee, ordered for you by your friend.”
Lacy side-eyed Gwen. 
“Drink up,” Gwen said, taking a sip of her own hot mug. 
Lacy obliged, and for the first time sampled a coffee she didn’t immediately wish to spit out. “This is… Actually kinda good.”
“Yeah, I had them add a lot of sugar for you,” Gwen said. 
“‘Cause I’m so sweet?” Lacy monotoned. God I’m a hypocrite. 
Gwen clapped her on the shoulder. “Now you’re gettin’ it!”
Lacy slowly drank the rest of her coffee, and by the time she’d finished it and another plate full of greasy buffet food, her head had stopped feeling like a patch of street recently acquainted with a road roller. 
Gwen paid the bill, and they headed out. “Feelin’ better?”
“Much. God, I’m never doing that again.” Seriously, me, don’t ever fucking do that again. Not one drop. Ever. 
“Ah, just a feeling I know real well.” They walked out into the parking lot.
Lacy’s brow furrowed. They found one of the Winnebagos, climbed aboard. Gwen reached for the ignition, keys in hand. Shame burned through Lacy once again, followed by resentment. Followed by a question that had been on her mind for a few weeks now, one she’d taken great care not to ask. But given they probably only had a week left to live, now seemed like a good time. “Are you an alcoholic?” 
Gwen’s hand stayed stuck with the key in the ignition. “Lacy-”
“That was rude, wasn’t it?” Lacy, you idiot.
“Yeah, you can’t really go around asking people that.”
“Why not?”
Gwen started the car and began the process of driving them out into the Illinois sprawl. “Because it’s inappropriate.”
“Why? It seems like a relevant question,” Lacy said, fidgeting in her seat. They drove through weaves of automobiles, the clamor of the city drowning individual heartbeats in a percussive slush. 
Gwen took them off main street and onto a sideroad, plunging southeast. “Because it’s personal, Lacy. Really personal. Involves stuff that-”
Lacy rolled her eyes. “Gwen, there’s a lot of personal stuff going around lately.”
“What does that mean?”
An aftershock of her hangover barraged the inside of Lacy’s skull. She had to say it- it was becoming way too pressing not to say it. “That a lot of it seems to come back to you.”
“... My family is involved in this, yes.”
It’s been months since you started teaching me and you still speak in vagaries half the time. “Yeah, and you get real touchy about it whenever anyone brings it up, even though it’s kinda something we need to be able to discuss openly.”
“Okay, and what does that have to do with me being an alcoholic?”
“... Nothing.” Guilt and shame speared Lacy once again, and the hangover salted the wound. Shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have-
“Then why are you asking?” Gwen snapped, eyes wide with anger. 
Now that was something Lacy recognized. There it fucking is.  
They drove through a suburban neighborhood. Children played roller-hockey at the end of a cul de sac to their left, while mulberries and sycamores lined the roads. 
“Lacy,” Gwen said. 
Lacy sat on her hands and pressed her face against the window. 
“You don’t just get to ask that and then go silent when I call you on it!” Gwen snapped. 
Lacy heaved a pregnant sigh. This was a mistake. She shouldn’t have said anything. Should’ve left it be. Shouldn’t have drunk so much last night, elsewise she might not have been dumb enough to ask. Too late now, though. “You haven’t been willing to tell me much about your parents, even though we’re going up against one of them. But I have told you about my parents.”
“What are you getting at?” Gwen asked. 
The neighborhood fell away behind them as they drove out into the open wilderness. 
Fine then. It wasn’t Lacy’s fault Gwen spiked up when interrogated on this topic. “They were both drunks,” Lacy said.
“And what exactly are you insinuating?” Gwen said. “That I might be like them?”
Yes. “I didn’t say that.”
“You implied it.”
Lacy’s eyes narrowed. “Or you’re projecting. All I asked-”
“Was if I was a worthless drunk like them.”
“You’re putting words in my mouth.”
“I beg to differ. Are you sure you’re not projecting?”
No. “You still haven’t answered my original question.”
“Yes!” Gwen shouted. “Okay, there you fucking go! I was a sloppy fucking drunk and it almost killed me. I’m five years sober now, thank you very fucking much, and if you must know I was still a drunk when we first met.” Lacy looked out into the field, the lush farmland surging forth like an explosion of raw nature. “Lacy?” Gwen said. Lacy bit her tongue. She couldn’t say it. She shouldn’t say it. She wouldn’t. “Lacy, for fuck’s sake-”
“Is that why you didn’t take me with you?” Lacy hissed, the words falling out her mouth like gravity itself was tearing them away. 
They came to a stop in a small forest. Gwen got out of the RV, stomped into the dirt. 
“Gwen!” Lacy called after her, unbuckling her seatbelt and jumping out into the valley. 
Her teacher stopped and pivoted to face her. “For your information, yes. Does that make you happy? Does that satisfy you? Knowing that I didn’t take you with me because I was weak, because I was too busy crawling into the bottle? Does that make you feel better, that you had to suffer all those extra years because I was too drunk to take you with me?”
“Yes,” Lacy spat, and immediately rued it. “Wait, no-”
Gwen gave her a deranged smile, and then the middle finger. “No, you don’t get to take that back. But I wanna ask you Lacy, and really think about this- what gives you the right to judge anyone? Who are you to do that? What have you done? You could’ve avenged Drew on your own. You could have gone to avenge your parents on your own. But you didn’t. You chose to come to me for help. Why is that? Why would you go to someone who’d let you down before, who pretty clearly was going to let you down again by not being fucking good enough-”
“That’s not what I-”
“No, but it’s what you meant,” Gwen said, eyes welling up with tears. “Now tell me why? And this better be good.”
Lacy leaned against the back of the RV. “I….” Darkness wrapped around Lacy’s mind, a noose tightening. She stared directly ahead. 
“Lacy,” Drew said. “You know the answer.” 
“I’m scared to do anything on my own,” Lacy said. “I don’t trust myself. Not in the slightest. I’ve got this thing attached to me, this Destiny, that says what I’m supposed to, what I’m gonna do, and it’s just another fucking thing dictating my life to me, trying to make me into someone, something that I’m not, something that I hate, and I’m afraid that if I’m alone with it, if I’m alone at all for too long, I’ll slip up and give in and become a monster. I came to you because I needed a teacher, and you seemed like the best option. And maybe it’s Destiny- maybe our Stars wanted you to teach me. I don’t know what that means, but if I… If I’m gonna have any faith in myself, in my ability to do the right thing in these awful circumstances, then I need to trust it a little bit. I need to believe I can use this power for good. I need to believe that I can… That I can save the world, instead of destroying it. I need to believe in other people too.”
Gwen slumped down, sat in the dirt, brushed her bangs out of her eyes. “Fffff is that all?” Lacy’s posture uncoiled as she sat down and leaned against the side of the RV. She wiped her eyes dry. “Yeah. That’s all.”
“You’re afraid you’ll become a monster? Well get in line,” Gwen said with a gentle smirk. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I was… Projecting a bit.”
“I’m sorry for being an asshole,” Lacy said. “That was… That was massively inappropriate. I shouldn’t have asked you that- I shouldn’t have insinuated-”
“I forgive you. And I should’ve been honest.”
Yeah that’d be a start, she thought. She buried the notion in the back of her mind. “Me too,” Lacy said. “I know it’s not rational, wanting justice for my parents when they were fucking horrible, it’s just… I can’t bear the thought of what happened to them. Or maybe I’m just afraid of it happening to me, so I wanna strike back before they can get me.”
“Given our present circumstances, that’s not exactly a radical stance.”
“Heh. Thanks.”
“Ffff okay here’s what you need to know about me,” Gwen said. 
“You don’t need to-”
“Yeah. I do,” Gwen said, raising a palm to cut her off. “My brother Arthur died fighting a ghoul when I was ten. The rest of my siblings… They were… Loyal to my dad’s vision. I wasn’t. It came to a head when I found out Dad was experimenting on my little brother Percival, trying to understand the true nature of Destiny Stars. I stopped him, and they all died in the fight. Morganna, Tristan, Elaine, Iseult, my mother… Even Percival. Baby of the family, caught in the crossfire. Everyone died, save for my father and I. After that I left. I spent a while hunting and wandering, drinking more and more every day to get myself through the pain. It became a problem pretty quickly. There was a brief spot when I first met Quentin where I was able to start cleaning myself up a bit, but then… Then I met you. My Star, back before I’d fully accepted it, led me to you and to Drew. I didn’t know for sure what it meant, but I knew it was important. I wasn’t ready. And you and Drew… When I saw you two, I just saw myself and Arthur all over again. So I turned tail and chugged every bottle I could get my hands on that night. After that things were a blur until I was living on the street, but then finally I got some damn help. Cleaned up. Patched it up with Quentin- by some miracle, he was willing to take me back. I don’t deserve him. And once again, I found myself led back to you, and the more I learn about you the more sense it makes.”
All of that… All of that… Hurt. Knowing that hurt. You knew, Lacy said. You knew who I was and you walked away regardless. But she had to know more. “It does?”
“You and me, we’re gonna save the world,” Gwen said with a deadened look in her eyes. 
Lacy balked. “What if that’s not what the Stars want?”
“Then fuck ‘em. They belong to us, not the other way around. It’s not like we’ve got no choice in what to do with our lives- if we didn’t, I’d still be in the gutter, and you’d still be hiding in your room.”
Lacy wanted to be mad. A part of her was. Gwen had walked away from her, despite knowing or at least suspecting she was supposed to be her teacher. She’d abandoned her… But she came back. When it really counted, when it was well and truly time, Gwen had come back for her and offered to teach her. 
Another part of her was mad at Gwen for not telling her any of this sooner, but at least she was being honest now. And besides, some things were just so personal the idea of telling anyone was an anathema. So tried her best to let it go, to move forward with her teacher at her side. In some ways this was no different than the fight she and Danny had had yesterday, or the skittishness Isabella sometimes demonstrated that Lacy had learned to work around. Everyone had things that made them shut down; the best thing to do was to accept that and try your best to help them through it, try not to take it personally.
And besides, as Gwen had pointed out, Lacy didn’t have that much of a right to judge. It would take a while to accept these secrets and these truths alike, but she would get there eventually. 
Lacy tapped her chest, letting her Star out to dance. She rose to her feet and cracked her knuckles. She offered Gwen a hand up, and she accepted it and rose to her feet.
“In that case, I’d say we have work to do,” Lacy said. 
Gwen nodded. 
Lacy told herself that it would be okay, buried the part of herself that knew it wouldn’t.
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vancouvertonki · 2 years
Kung fury street rage level 2
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#Kung fury street rage level 2 movie#
#Kung fury street rage level 2 skin#
#Kung fury street rage level 2 tv#
#Kung fury street rage level 2 tv#
It’s pretty much perfect, with some impressive on-screen scanlines and lighting that accurately reflects how a TV would look with a light source on it. Kung Fury nails the graphics and overall feel of the CRT TV days, though. You press an attack and things just happen without much rhyme or reason. Here, you can nut punch folks, kick them, punch them, or shoot them - but you can’t pick what attack you use.
#Kung fury street rage level 2 skin#
While the genre was never known as having depth, they at least gave you more than a few ways to skin a cat and you could pick the way you wanted to beat enemies. Double Dragon had a good mix of weapons and enemies, Streets of Rage raised the bar for soundtracks and gameplay, while Final Fight is probably still the best overall looking franchise in the genre and it got far more advanced by the third game. Unfortunately for Street Rage, beat ’em ups gave you a lot of variety in their prime. There is still some fun to be had before death, however, as the action is quite fast. With only three hits until a game over, a ton of death happens in the process of learning. Going to the right is something you’ll instinctively want to do, but with only three hits until a game over, you’ll want to avoid it because that sics harder enemies on you. Movement is controlled by d-pad or button presses, but moving without attacking resets the multiplier. Unfortunately, while that had twitch gaming down pat, this doesn’t quite get it right. The core game blends the look of Streets of Rage (with more lush environments) and One Finger Death Punch’s gameplay. You’ll fight off evil nurses, Nazi sympathizers, and of course the Nazi experiment kung fu robots. The key is to worry less about being hit and more about hitting as many enemies as possible. The end result is that you’ll get a massive score if things go well, and once you get the hang of the game, it’s a lot of fun in short doses. The more successive shots you land without hitting either left or right without landing a blow, the higher your multiplier goes up. There’s also a bit of a shooting game’s score multiplier thrown in too. Given that you’re just attacking to the left and right, going with the d-pad directions makes the most sense during gameplay and allows for slightly snappier movement. There are no movement controls and every attack is done by either pressing left or right, or using the X and Y buttons instead. Kung Fury: Street Rage is a two button brawler that blends beat-em-up gameplay with a bit of rhythm gaming. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in Kung Fury‘s favor. Alongside the movie, a game was released with the subtitle “Street Rage.” Of course, such a title evokes Sega’s legendary Streets of Rage games, and that brings out about some interesting comparisons.
#Kung fury street rage level 2 movie#
It’s free on YouTube and El Rey gave it a network home, where it’s a perfect fit for a place with Lucha Underground and Kung fu movie marathons. With a ton of bloodshed, a bit of sex appeal, slick cars and The Hoff, it’s just about perfect. Kung Fury came to life via crowdfunding and delivered a loving homage to ’80s action movies.
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Mythra, Olimar and Blue, characters from post apocalyptic universes, are standing around a ball, experiencing human things for the first time.
Blue: Behold! The entertainment sphere!
Mythra: It's called a ball.
Blue: I know it's called a ball, but you know, I'm trying to get us into the whole "we're experiencing these human things for the first time" vibe.
Olimar: Well, what did humans do with these things?
Blue: Man, what didn't they do! They bounced them.
Olimar: ... That's it?
Blue: Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Mythra: These were humans. Bouncing things was close to maxing out their cognitive range-
Blue: No, but sometimes they would take the ball and hit it with, like, a stick!
Olimar: What!? When they misbehaved?
Mythra, hitting the ball with a stick: Bad ball. Think about what you've done.
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My issue with Korra isn’t that the characters were uninteresting tbh - it’s that they were the exact opposite of that. There was so much room for exploration. Avatar was such a good show (with flaws) because developed it’s characters fantastically (up until Aang’s S3 arc, which could have been handled a lot better imo) - they took the troupes it would’ve been easy to resort to - naggy mom friend, happy go lucky kid, badass girl, edgy guy - and showed the complexities behind them. Aang hides the loss of literally his entire life behind his cheerfulness, and it’s shown how he snaps, gets angry and runs away. Toph’s entire persona is carefully crafted to defy the helpless role she’s been cast in her whole life - she’s not just badass, but badass purposefully. Zuko has a desperation born of years of abuse behind his angst. Katara has survivor’s guilt and trauma, forced parentification, and rage behind her hot temper and mothering, and is allowed to explore those. Sokka is goofy, but he’s intelligent, cunning, and it’s shown how his goofy façade hides his insecurities over his own skills and masculinity.
Korra never gave it’s characters room to breathe. We never got the chance to see who they were past the love triangles, too-fast plots that were dropped after one season, and robots for some reason. Mako was introduced as the edgy love interest, and despite how interesting his backstory is and all the potential behind it (especially with his parallels to Katara - he has so many!!), that’s who he stayed. Bolin, same as the goofy comic relief. Asami, she just... has no real personality. She’s... strong willed. Sometimes she’s angry, I guess. There’s never anything even to hold onto with her - her feelings over her mother’s death are never really explored, nor are her relationships with really anyone sans her romantic bonds with Korra and Mako. Her scenes with her father in S4 showed hints to some potential, but it wasn’t enough to make me invested in a character I had spent three seasons up till now looking at as a blank slate - the Token Badass Nonbender, and that’s that. Jinora’s one of the more interesting characters on the show, but there was a lot more room to explore her insecurities surrounding if she can live up to her grandfather’s legacy, her spirit abilities, and Kai and their relationship especially.
Really, it’s just... Mako’s parents were killed in front of him when he was eight, and then he was forced to basically raise Bolin without a home. Bolin had no stability in his life for most of it, and his only real trusted figure was his two years older brother. Korra is an avatar who was never given a chance to develop any identity outside of that, seeing the world, one carved from the ashes of imperialism and genocide, for the first time. Asami has a father who manipulates her and works with terrorists, but unlike Ozai with Zuko and Azula, genuinely loves her. Even within just these four there are such interesting ways you could go. But Korra was really the only one allowed to develop at all, and even then, for some reason she has to be brutally tortured to... ‘humble’ her? Like, I did like that arc, but there’s also some... things going on there.
Maybe there could have been an episode like the Southern Raiders but for Mako, where he and idk Asami? anyone really, hunt down the firebender who killed his parents, and he’s forced to confront the source of his trauma that started it all. Maybe we could have a storyline about the Triple Threats, Mako and Bolin’s time with them, how bad their circumstances were and some of the things they were forced to do. Maybe something like The Beach but for Asami, letting her crack and break about her complex feelings towards her father. We could have seen more of Mako being an older brother to Kai, Kai’s development from selfish and flightly to kinder and more grounded with Jinora. Maybe we could have been shown more of Kai’s backstory - his parents? Idk.
Korra, of course, would still need to be the focus. Maybe something like Nightmares and Daydreams but darker, like, towards the end of every season to explore how the pressure and trauma from being the avatar is negatively affecting her. Idk.
Just... let the characters develop. Breathe. Be people and not just caricatures or placeholders, yk? This goes for Jinora, Ikki and Meelo, Kai, the Krew, the adults, everyone - Korra had four seasons. Maybe not time for everyone, but at least for more than they gave. At least time for the main four.
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