#source: i have ocd
mysterycitrus · 4 months
from what ive seen dick grayson having bpd is a pretty popular idea on twitter but i dont think ive ever seen anyone on tumblr mention it...was wondering if you might have any thoughts as the resident dick expert. sorry thank you
so sweet! imo the trifecta for dick graysons diagnosis is ocd + bpd + psychosis, though ur mileage may vary. i know some people read him as audhd but that’s not a personal preference for me. ive talked about it before a while ago but i think all of bruce’s kids show very clear compulsive behaviours and intrusive thoughts, and i think dick grayson in particular — as both a professional acrobat and considering the circumstances of his parents deaths — would have rigorous compulsive habits wrt safety and personal equipment. there’s also the idea that treating ocd in part comes from exposure therapy, and it’s kinda hard to argue against the logic of someone obsessively checking his grapple as a unpowered superhero lmao. like bruce inflicted these neurosis on people for a reason, which makes it very hard to unpick
wrt bpd i also think that fits well with how he’s been written traditionally — the compulsive thoughts, how he isolates himself, can struggle with sudden shifts in mood, has self-destructive habits, etc. i do also think he has a history of canonical psychosis in some capacity, which could be exacerbated by his history in the spotlight, or his intense observation by bruce. i imagine he was probably diagnosed into adulthood, where maybe someone like bridget clancy or the metropolis therapist picked up on some of his behaviours.
overall i think the idea that someone with bpd or ocd — or whatever other lens he can be analysed through — is beloved and trusted and capable is very important! the nature of bpd in specific is so isolating so like…. yeah i think it’s neat that someone with those symptoms can be reflected in a positive way. i try to incorporate my personal diagnosis in little ways regardless — there’s a part in persephone where roy’s emergency bag has a bottle of clozapine — and it’ll be shown more explicitly in some of the other stuff i eventually work on
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finalhaunts · 8 months
While I am glad people are beginning to acknowledge what intrusive thoughts really are I never see anyone discussing how it isn't JUST intrusive thoughts you can get, either. You can also get intrusive feelings and physical sensations that can range from making you mildly uncomfortable or worried to absolutely terrified about what this may mean for you. You can get unwanted urges that come suddenly and make you so fucking scared that you don't really know yourself like you think you do, or that you're going to lose control, or whatever else your fucked up brain can come up with. You can get unwanted physical arousal from something you're not attracted to. Like. groinal responses and arousal non-concordance have got to be the two worst fucking things to experience if your OCD focuses on sexual themes, i'm not even joking. And I wish more people in online spaces acknowledged that unwanted/intrusive physical responses are also a thing that can happen, and is just as terrifying as getting an unwanted image or thought in your head, and also means just as little about a person's actual desires or feelings as a thought does.
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vimbry · 2 months
disclaimer that I don't like the idea of openly assuming things about strangers' identities or their personal lives, especially when you're catching a glimpse of only one part of them they choose to share in the public eye. but it Is very funny when you're reading or watching some interview with a famous person, and they say things that make you do this one comic:
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incompleteninny · 2 years
The sixty-eighth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
Valerie's office is foreboding at night. Shadows creep down the walls, cast by the vines of plants. Tons of them — nestled in pots — dangle from the ceiling by chains. At the slightest shift of air, they sway and their chains rattle, filling the room with a haunting melody. The melody of a a gaol-bound lich; of armored skeletons marching.
It sends goosebumps crawling over Avery's skin and resonates with the pain of her dislocated shoulder. She sinks further into the sofa — unable to do more than exist. I'm safe here. I'm safe.
Her usual internal contrarian fails to prod her: maybe it's too exhausted to carry on torturing her. Still, her thoughts aren't silent. They wax and wane, just like the moonlight outside shimmering through shifting clouds. Hazy, ethereal, unstable. Teasing the outskirts of sleep.
With a few more seconds, she's gone. Falling through her mind. She jolts up, out from the depths of the cushion's warmth and onto the edge of the sofa. No! I can't sleep. Not yet. Not until the police get here.
This week, how about we repost this bisexual disaster’s character concept sheet?
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faggotstump · 23 days
i've been told at least twice that i generally seem like i have ocd. But i'm not worried about that right now i'm in school <- very worried about it
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gxlden-angels · 5 months
Do not stop talking about Palestine. Do not forget about Palestine. This is not a battle of religion and I do not think it should be treated as such. From the river to the sea, they will be free 🇵🇸
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. I am just some guy in the US. I am not a direct source of information. Please listen to Palestinians. Please help them directly. Please help with protests if your country is supplying Israel with weapons like the US.
#but wait there's more#it may take a while for me to gather my thoughts so not immediately#I have so many thoughts specially about holy land experience type shit#my personal belief is that Palestinians should be given back their land#Israel will become a part of Palestine and would receive full citizenship#and all of them will be treated as equals#Aid will go to Palestinians as the country and rebuilt as much as it can be after so much tragedy#Since the idea of Israel was to have a protective Jewish state#I think the better option would be for the world to agree collectively to be a place for refugees#if there's another situation like the holocaust#all refugees should be given that opportunity to escape#there's so many conspiracies against Jewish people which is why I think it needs to be declared by countries to protect any Jewish person#that is fleeing antisemitism in their current country#it doesn't need to be a Jewish state especially with so many Jewish people being pro-Palestine#and living outside of Israel#I know people currently living in Israel and I want them to be safe#And they will be if their government just lets Palestinians live#but yea later on I'll talk about the holy land experience thing I'm pissed about rn#I feel like I haven't said enough on the blog. I have terrible OCD where I'll ruminate about this until I panic#I do not want to be a source of that for others so I encourage you to educate yourself without ruminating#It does not help Palestine to shame yourself and others for not being able to do a specific thing#So instead I ask you to look it up when you are able to and do what you can#I usually do the daily clicker and I wanted to join my university's protests but couldn't#since I was the only one working my job which is monitoring the queer safe space on campus#and I didn't want to close that area just in case it was need by protesters or queer students#just found out today ppl at my school will be expelled if caught so that's why it's at the front of my mind rn
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aropride · 3 months
i have been checking every single aspect of the new 3m aura 1870s i got to make sure theyre not counterfeit and literally everything checks out there's nothing wrong with them at all . but theyre so easy to breathe through its unsettling. like are these just really breathable or is there something wrong that is completely flying under my radar.
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hurdy-girly · 2 months
One of the possibly best things I have done to combat my OCD is pretend all my intrusive thoughts are being said by a frat boy named Todd. Todd is a bit ditzy, he’s on his college’s bowling team and is *really* into it, he’s a good guy and genuinely means well, but. He’s drunk. And probably high. And he’s a really scared drunk. And so every time my intrusive thoughts crop up, that’s him having one too many cups during beer pong (he’s good at rolling balls, not tossing them) and spouting nonsense because he means well, but isn’t really thinking straight. And so all I need to do is go “sure buddy”, get him a bottle of water, and send him to bed while thoroughly ignoring every single things he says.
Does this work all the time? No. But does it take the power and fear factor away from the intrusive thoughts, at least a little? Yeah. And I consider that a win.
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dilfgmancoolatta · 1 year
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crash-freak · 6 months
Genuine question for anyone who has gotten those “challenge your beliefs” worksheets for delusions: have they ever actually made you believe what you’re experiencing wasn’t real/was a delusion?
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spacelaserlulu · 2 years
The I Have Diagnosed OCD urge to make a full length video essay discussing how terrible Smile 2022 was
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tf-you · 1 year
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Awkward little lady wearing a skirt for the first time since she was a kid
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adelle-ein · 9 months
maybe the slay the princess team could do a livestream to distract me every single weekend wouldn't that be fun
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waitineedaname · 2 years
ritsu has the flavor of nd where he went undiagnosed for years bc his sibling's autism was much more obvious to people so he slipped through the cracks
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sheepinthebigcity · 2 years
If I may throw my hat into the discourse… perhaps I have ulterior motives I’m covering up here, but like, pointing out “red flags” or harmless behaviors that you perceive as heavily associated with bad people is just gonna make your OCD friends (particularly those with obsessions around scrupulosity) want to kill themselves more
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d1zzypaw · 1 year
sits on the floor, contemplating
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