#source: systlin
freefromlightandlaw · 2 years
February: If you use an axe to execute a capitalist, you're much more likely to get your hands dirty, while if you use a guillotine, you just pull the lever and it's done. Much more neat and efficient!
July: I think they have a little string you let go of to drop the blade, but your point is duly made.
April: If you can find some folks willing to get a bit splashed, I feel like you can get SEVERAL axes for the same amount of money and spread the work around a bit.
January: The guillotine is about the community coming together to build a machine with no purpose other than to dismember the ruling class. Axes are great tactile tools, don't get me wrong. But a guillotine is a machine built for no capitalist purposes, you need at least 2 people to build it (I imagine a barn raising scenario), and it executes wealth hoarders. Can an axe do that?
September: Verrah fair point, verrah fair point.
August: We could all just get nice daggers and pull an Ides of March!
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I am a simple bisexual. I see a woman with a knife strapped to her upper thigh and I go, 'hggghhkkkkk'.
Makoto Nijima
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Rage: Allow me to summarize my last few days of work.
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echthr0s · 3 years
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fernthefanciful · 3 years
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"What did people wear in pre-historic times? Brown, jute-like clothing might be what you’re thinking of, but even 3000 years ago we wore bright colours, Dutch scientists discovered.
Based on original textile remains which date around 800 BC, they have reconstructed a dress which must have been worn in the early Iron Age. The garment was bright red and blue, reseach shows. An important discovery.
The textileremains were found in 2011 in a grave in a pre-historic gravesite near Uden. “It was a pretty normal excavation, until we suddenly found a rechtangular ditch”, says archeologist Richard Jansen, who was involved in the discovery.
“After much discussion we chose to work downwards layer by layer. When we came to the lowest level, the silhouette of a body became visible. Extraordinary, because people in those days were almost all cremated, and not buried.”
Next to textileremains they also found some jewellery in the grave with which the person, probably a woman, was buried. Amongst which are three bronze bracelets, two bronze anklets, a set of toiletries with a nailfile and a pair of tweezers.
“It was a lady of high status,” says archeologist Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, associated with the Leyden Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden). “Absolutely no one, as far as we know, had this combination of remarkable objects.”
De textileremains make the grave of international significane, according to van der Vaart-Verschoof. “Textile normally never survives in the ground. That we still have it, after 3000 years, is because the textile was wrapped around the bracelets and anklets. The bronze rusted, which works its way into the fabric. That is how it was preserved.”
“What makes it even more extraordinary, is that we can see in which pattern the dress was woven, so which threads were red and which were blue. We can see that they were woven into a very familiar block pattern.”
Yvonne Lammers, archeologist and head of the pre-historic village in Eindhoven, reconstructed the dress with the help of volunteers. “We know quite a lot about the Iron Age, actually: that they were farmers with cropland and animals, that they were selfsufficient in everything. That they wool and linen, that they could spin yarn, which techniques they used for weaving. But this is not a regular, every-day dress, you have to compare it to a Chanel-suit, that’s how much work went into this.”
[In the video embedded in the website you see how van der Vaart-Verschoof and her colleagues discovered that the brown textile remains were actually red-blue blocked and you can see how the researchers reconstructed the dress, by among other things spinning ten kilometers (10km or 6,2 miles) of thread. Video is in Dutch, but worth a watch!]
As far as Lammers is concerned the find is going to have consequences for the way the volunteers in the museum are dressed. “A lot of visitors in our museum have the idea that it was stirring into the brown slush: brown dresses, brown houses, brown pots. If you can show that they absolutely were a very developed people who valued what they looked like, that makes them a very different kind of people.”
De reconstructed dress, the original textileremains, the jewellery and the toiletry set are exhibited until the 16th of January in museum Jan Cunen in Oss."
Source (in Dutch), with a few more pictures and a video where you can see the dress being worn!! Translation by me, sorry for any weird sentences. Tagging @systlin because it seems right up your alley!
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moka-suwi · 3 years
1: Sleen
The Special Operations Division of the Department of Floaters handles unusual situations for which there are no standard operating procedures. [...] It's almost guaranteed that something will go catastrophically wrong on a SOD mission. There's a reason the acronym is "SOD." — Revised Handbook of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum, 2010.
The PPC was created by Jay and Acacia. Lightning from a clear sky belongs to Systlin. The Gor Chronicles belongs to John Norman.
Everything was quiet in Response Center 8. Well, no, not quite; the room was filled with the whirring of computer fans, which Mallory used as a meditation aid and Anis had quickly learned to tune out. Rather, it was quiet in the way that the Narrative Laws loved to interrupt.
Mal let out a brief shriek as she startled off her bed, which brought a chortle out of Anis as the two of them got to the console; Mal was the first to get to the mute button, grabbing her glasses to read the screen. The two of them stared at the Intelligence briefing on the screen for a good few seconds, before both spoke up, somehow at the same time.
“What the fuck is Gor?”
Unfamiliar as they were with the source material, the report sounded pretty damning. No DoI spy had managed to stomach the graphic violence and cartoonish evil of the fic for more than a couple chapters; the main character was so ridiculously overpowered as to narrow the agent selection down to ESAS or SOD; and the sheer speed at which the Suefic gained popularity – even some spin-offs! – certainly implied something very Special. The report even noted that Mal and Anis weren’t the first to have gotten assigned this fic, but the previous team, chosen for their familiarity with the Gor continuum, refused to touch it with a fifty-foot pole. It was clearly just that much of a canon-wreck, and they had to get going now.
“It’s going to be a long one,” said Anis as the team started packing their gear. “They say coffee is really rare in that continuum, so I don’t think we’ll, uh—”
“Be able to dump the grounds, so better bring cans. Got it!” the girl replied with a chuckle as she crouched down to reach the minifridge. Anis rolled their eyes, but took the energy drinks (and the last two cans of cold-brew coffee) Mal handed them, stuffing them into the backpack without protest. Mal continued: “What’s the disguise situation?”
Anis glanced at the console. “Don’t think we’ll need one. I’ll just set default clothes for the setting, we’ll see how that goes.”
“What the fuck is that?”
Somehow, Anis’s outfit left even less to the imagination than Mallory’s, which was an impressive feat to say the least. The “shirtless (and only not pantsless if you’re British) barbarian” look was not exactly suited to the redhead's five feet and a generously rounded-up inch of “Well, I work out, but not for the looks, you know.” They were trying to find literally anything to look at that wasn’t Mal, who decided it was probably wiser not to look down – the feeling of the breeze on her body, and the chafing of the pack against her back, told her precisely as much as she felt the psychic fortitude to know.
She had to admit the fur boots at least looked pretty nifty on them, though.
“Please tell me we brought a DORKS,” she said. If Anis could have averted their gaze any more, they probably would have. “… We’ll just loot something from somewhere.” Thankfully, the narrative began its course, and the agent unfocused their eyes to read out the Words to their partner.
There have been many Ubaras in the history of Gor. Indeed, even today there are many, who rule this city or that land, sometimes alone and sometimes alongside mates. Our own beloved Ubara of Turia is well known as a fair and just lady, and a great patron of the sciences. But forever when the words “The Great Ubara” are uttered, there will be no doubt as to who they refer to. She came from nowhere, and in her hands she brought power, and it was that very night that the beginning of the time of the Great Burning of the Whips commenced… -Sansha, scholar of the Tower of Tyra, history division, 537 AGU (After the Great Ubara.) Excerpt from her work “The Great Ubara; the coming of Systlin, the Warrior, Lady of Swords, Lady of Burning Whips, and the ending of the slave culture of Gor.”
Anis whistled. “Well that sure sounds OP.”
“If your OC gets her own epoch,” Mal acquiesced, “you might wanna tone things down a bit.”
That was when the agents noticed the woman lying prone in the grass nearby – manifestly their target. They crouched to avoid detection somewhat, though they suspected they didn’t have much to worry about, as the Somebody Else’s Problem field worked even better the more improbable-looking one was: the well-known “You know what, I won’t even ask” principle. The pair watched as Systlin tried several times to stand up, muttering insults to herself and eventually getting up on her knees, thankfully looking directly away from them.
Something was niggling at the back of her mind, sending little alarm bells up. Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong!!! "Of bloody course something's wrong." She muttered this to herself. "Bloody fuck am I?"
Given their proximity, and the Sue’s claimed combat skills, Anis resorted to whispering. “Something’s wrong, something’s wrong… Think she’s picking up her own presence?”
Mal stifled a laugh, as their target stood up and made a few careful jumps. “The gravity’s lower,” Anis informed their partner after a quick look at the Words. They read ahead a bit, and turned back to Mal with a look of concern. “Did we bring Me?”
The woman’s eyes widened— “I am going to flay whoever did this to me alive,“ a tiny voice spoke, muffled by her backpack, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
The Protectors of the Plot Continuum typically used Crash Dummies: lifesize inflatable dolls that had a sort of pataphysical pull to them, preventing unwitting agents from being dragged along by subjectively narrated sections of a fic. While useful if the entire work is first- or second-person, the pair had grown tired of carrying a bulky cube, or even worse, a fully inflated dummy whenever it wasn’t needed. As such, they had invented me. I am Me, a poppet that pulls the point of view towards myself whenever the narrative needs; Anis provided the theory along with some narrativemancy, and Mal added the razzle dazzle in true Serpent’s Hand fashion. I might not be as heavy-duty as a Crash Dummy, but under lighter loads, I’ll do the job just fine!
“Formatting error, I think,” Anis whispered. “That wasn’t in italics.” Mal nodded, her eyes fixated on the two men who had just shown up on… Horse-cat-back?
The agents backed away as the riders circled Systlin; they didn’t seem to notice their presence at all, probably because they didn’t have much of a character aside from their role as generic villains to be quickly disposed of. They spoke, in a way that the narrative helpfully (and explicitly) transcribed into an understandable language.
"Wench!" The taller of the two men, riding a mount of a handsome bay, was looking her up and down in a way that raised her hackles. "Look here! A wench who thinks herself of warrior caste!"
Mal rolled her eyes. She spoke, slightly louder than a whisper to compensate for all the dramatic low-fantasy shouting happening next to the agents. “Strong female character beats up misogynistic men, teaches them a lesson, patriarchy: destroyed.”
“Some weird kinks going on there too,” Anis added. “Though I could already uh, guess that.”
“Do you think the author’s got the kinks, or is she, I dunno, getting back at—”
And then, for lack of a better short summary, Systlin started killing everyone.
“I admit,” Anis said, “she’s got good form with that sword. I think the author’s done some martial aaAGH—” The redhead dove away from a suddenly appearing pillar of fire. Mal lay down next to them, not wanting to take any risks of being detected by such an incineration-happy individual.
Her head throbbed. She should not have called on her Power so much so quickly, but she'd been angry.
Anis didn’t exactly seem in the mood for snark, so Mal stepped in. “Forgive me master, but just this once… And that once… And yeah also gotta explode this guy too while we’re at it…”
The pair watched on as Systlin walked over to the other man, who was trapped under the corpse of his steed.
"SLEEN! Whore! Witch! Misbegotten sleen spawn!" "I am one of those." Systlin agreed. She crouched over him, near his head. "And I made a promise to you." She raised her knife, and smiled. "You should not have called me 'wench."
The agents could only watch as the Sue took a dagger to the man’s tongue, cutting it off and setting it on his chest. She then carefully wiped the blade on the dead horse-thing’s fur, stood there pondering for a moment, and simply walked away. Once they were fairly sure to be out of sight, they went over to check on the rider – already dead.
“Fuck. That was… Fuck.” Mal closed her eyes, muttering a prayer under her breath.
When she opened them back up, Anis was in the process of stripping the body of its clothes. “Listen,” they said. “I’m sorry, but you need something more covering than this atrocity.”
Mal looked down at the blood-soaked tunic and trousers Anis was handing her. Then further down at the, essentially, two pieces of translucent red fabric she was wearing. She wordlessly took the clothes. As she changed, she tried to focus her mind on something – anything else, especially if it had something to do with the mission. She found that she had one question on her mind.
“What the fuck is a sleen?”
While Systlin walked, the agents could simply portal ahead. They entered what appeared to be a camp of wagons – apparently some sort of steppe nomads. As they hid in one of the many dark corners that tend to spontaneously appear in pulp fantasy, Anis relayed what was going on in the Words.
“She’s walking right now, apparently the gravity makes it a lot easier – wants her horse back, though, relatable – Oh! Flashback. Don’t do it, it’s suicide, you forget who— oh, what I am.” They put on their best approximation of a deep boomy voice. “Breaker. More OP magic I think, she could just blow up the whole camp. Anyway she’s gonna fight a bunch more guys now. All-Father that’s some dogshit writing coming up.”
Mal’s head perked up. “Wait, like, noticeably?”
“Yeah, the narrative switches to first person and the quality seriously tanks. I did not expect what I did see, which was a woman.”
“Yeesh.” My voice was indeed coming through, very weak and muffled, from the backpack. “Wait, who’s the PoV, then?”
“Some guy, don’t think we’ve got a name yet. He’s… Augh.”
Mal was already cringing. “Do I want to know?”
Anis shook their head. “No, but I’m telling you anyway. It occurred to me that she was attractive, if far too muscular for Gorean tastes.”
A shudder. “Wan Mēkhanḗ. Only way that’s redeemable is as a ‘this guy is evil’ kinda thing, but for a viewpoint character…?”
“One can hold out hope. Anyway, another man insults her – they’re not very creative. She killed— Fifteen?”
Mal smirked. “Patriarchy: destroyed.” She stuck out her tongue at Anis. “So do they just stand there waiting for their turn on the getting murdered, or…?”
“Nah, she wants them to take her to their leader, I thi—”
“Hey!” A deep voice rang out behind the two agents. “Who are you, and why is this wench dressed in—” They turned to find a muscular barely dressed man, of the kind that were apparently a dime a dozen around here. He paused upon seeing the dark stains on Mallory’s shirt. “Is— Is that—”
“You were having a walk in the camp, in which you saw absolutely nothing of note. No weirdly dressed bloodsoaked people of any kind, and no one murdered fifteen— Oh! Seventeen people with uncanonical magic. You’re going to go back to your tent and have a nice refreshing nap.”
“… Mal, you can open your eyes now, you know.”
Next chapter
Lightning From A Clear Sky belongs to Tumblr user systlin. The Gor universe belongs to John Norman.
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upyrica · 4 years
Hi, First time in your blog, I've been planning on contacting some germanic gods but I don't want to come out as disrespectful nor I want to end up looking for guidance or advice with neo nazis or that shit, is there any advice you could give an amateur? If not, some kind of internet source where I can get started?
The general understanding of respect and hospitality is fairly common, in my experience; however, despite having had some rather amicable contact with those divinities, my main practice and expertise lie elsewhere - so I pass the question on to @systlin
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cappucino-commie · 7 years
Trade by Airship in the Apocalypse
In connection to @systlin's CrowdSourced Apocalypse, someone made a mention of hot air balloons to man trade routes. So being a nerd, I did some research on if this was viable. Hot air balloons can't be steered, don't produce a ton of lift for how much balloon they require, and generally suck. They're decent solo vessels, but not for an intra or inter-continent trade route. So how about zeppelins? Those massive airships you see at baseball games surely can lift some goods. Well, as it turns out, airships come in three varieties: 1) Non-rigid: A soft envelope where the air pressure of the lifting gas holds it in shape. 2) Semi-rigid: Some kind of internal structure, but largely reliant on air pressure to hold the envelope in shape. 3) Full-rigid: A full metal skeleton that contains several gas-bags, all filled with lifting gas. The biggest advantage of this being that the gas bags are internal, so a shot to the outer envelope won't necessarily take the ship down, and multiple gas bags means a shot to the envelope would only somewhat reduce lifting power, not bring the whole thing crashing down. So let's say we have a Rigid Zeppelin cause this is the apocalypse. Now the problem is lifting gas. Hydrogen and Helium have been the two gasses used historically. Hydrogen is superior to Helium in almost every way, but it tends to be... very explosive. To get into the math of it, 1000 cubic feet of helium at 100% purity produces 65 pounds of net lift; 1000 cubic feet of hydrogen at 100% purity produces 71 pounds of net lift. Now because, as the immortal Mark Watney once said, "chemistry is a sloppy bitch", the practical lifts tend to be helium producing 60 pounds of net lift & hydrogen producing 68. (Further reading: http://www.airships.net/helium-hydrogen-airships/) Production of a lifting gas is also a factor. Helium is expensive and machinery heavy to produce, while hydrogen can be produced by reacting dilute sulphuric acid with metal filings- and new techniques suggest that hydrogen stills could be set up to pull usable quantities straight from water (https://www.technologyreview.com/s/428260/a-better-way-to-get-hydrogen-from-water/ https://www.geek.com/news/stanford-discovers-cheap-way-to-produce-hydrogen-247-1626195/) So setting up a still at each settlement to refuel zeppelins with hydrogen would be easy, while one to refill with helium would be essentially impossible, as the only known method is extraction from natural gas- and that's a finite resource, unlike sunlight and water. So an airship system to facilitate trade between settlements is certainly possible! A hydrogen zeppelin based system would be easy to maintain once set up, energy efficient (hydrogen can be burned as fuel for zeppelin engines), and they can run basically nonstop. But there would be a certain amount of danger involved- while hydrogen airships were used for a long time without incident (notably by the German military as stealth bombers before airplanes outpaced them), things like the Hindenburg do happen.
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systlin · 5 years
Hey Systlin, I'm currently researching material on how the divide between fandom and creators has been eroded over the years with the rise of social media, and have picked Star Wars as the example I want to examine. I got the theory part covered, but if you got the time, do you have any texts/videos/other sources you'd recommend me to look at? (im also having a hard time getting neutral info on what the 'Fandom Menace' even is, and it seems relevant to the topic)
Hmmm. Well, this I will have to do some thinking on and will get back to you, but an example I’d recommend you looking into how fandom harassed Kelly Marie Tran, an actress in the last couple films. I can’t imagine that sort of thing happening in the 1980′s, when the lack of social media made creators much more difficult for fans to gain access to. 
In general, I’d say that the ‘Fandom Menace’ is how fans of a thing can quickly be driven by a sense of ownership of the media they enjoy and identify with to think that they have a right to dictate to creators how a piece of media should play out, and can and do react downright abysmally on occasion when content creators do not do as they (the fans) wish. This is made even more complicated, of course, by the fact that if you put three fans of something in a room you’ll get four opinions on how things should go, and so of course ANY act taken by media creators will anger SOME fans, who may then react in unpleasant ways towards the creators, up to an including harassment.
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kittyknowsthings · 5 years
PSA for my German followers
This Sunday is the EU vote, and while the US election is important, so is this one 
I’ve already handed in my voting papers, cause I always do Briefwahl, but some of y’all probably haven’t so: 
Please keep in mind that the last EU delegate of the Pirate Party requests no one vote for them cause number two on their list sexually harasses women
Check your Party’s previous votes on Article 13
Also that Ten Delegates claim they accidentally pressed the wrong button on Article 13 and even if that’s true and not just a cop-out that’s people overwhelmed with the choice between three fucking buttons deciding the fate of the internet
(sources all in German cause well, German elections, but if there’s anything pertinent among them that you need to know things about please ask) 
Also @systlin, may I have a boost? =)
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oldcoyote · 5 years
a brownthumb coyote thrift garden, p2
part 1, aka the obnoxious show and tell of numerous plant babies being suddenly and mysteriously successfully raised by a known plantkiller, can be found here
SO with all of those plants thriving, and having the front garden and porch covered in pots and flowers and herbs, and so much greenery indoors, i find myself absolutely dying to do something with my back yard (ard, ard, ard)
this wasteful monstrosity of a yard is a long 720㎡ rectangular block of grass (about 3 different kinds to boot, all mismatched) and infuriating sticky-pod weeds speckled with a random old little shed, my dad’s trailer, a clothesline, three trees that are probably older than i am hanging out down the back left corner pressed shoulder to shoulder and pretending to drink their punch like nervous boys at junior prom, and one giant fuckoff 60 year old macadamia tree (technically my father’s oldest son, it was his macadamia that got thrown into the yard aimed in the general vicinity of his brother’s head (allegedly) and started the damn thing when he was about 10) that is obnoxiously close to the house, but at the very least brings in a fleet of bees every summer for its beautiful hanging flowers - and supplies bucketloads of macadamia nuts every year
the whole thing put together looks like this (with the macadamia tree out of shot, to the left of the ramp i’m standing on)
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it may not look like much in the picture, but in person it’s goddam massive for a residential backyard - 43m (about 140 feet) down to the back fence. and it’s all. just. USELESS. GRASS.
i’ve always dreamed of doing something with it, but being a bear of very little spoons (and fewer dollars), i figured it was a bit of wishful thinking. still, i fantasised about growing my own fruit and vegetables, my own flowers someday, but never had a clue as to how i might pull it off. and now, after seeing @systlin post some advice about newspaper garden-starting (which has p much removed the need for expensive rotary hoe hire or physical labor), i’m thinking?? i can actually?? do something with this void??? which is nothing short of fucking magical
oh and there’s also this goddamn thing
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right in front of the ramp, a big, old-as-fuck, pointless concrete circle in the ground filled with weeds and sticks and dead plant matter. and just like the rest of the place, i know i want to do something with it - i just have absolutely no idea what
the truth is, i don’t even know where to begin. the whole yard is on a slight incline with the house at the top, so the back end gets a ton of water draining down to it. should i newspaper down a U shaped border inside the fence? is a meter (3 feet) width too small for a border garden, would wider borders be better? or harder to manage? i can build raised beds fairly easily, i do love to build things when i’m having strong days, but is that better than turning the ground into the garden i wonder - i’d have to source the soil from somewhere too, which would add cost. i can get boxes of free newspaper from my local newsagencies, and free mulch from the local waste depot, so using the ground itself would certainly be cheaper -- and on and on the wondering goes
basically all this to say, if anybody is inspired by the Big Green Void and loves to talk gardens, or point out the what-to-dos (or even the what-not-to-dos, i am a humble bean and i am not picky) then boy howdy would i love to listen. making this (and when i say ‘this’ i am doing the vague wide arms at everything gesture) into something that’s green and full of life and nourishment and mine has been a dream for the last half a decade, and one that i’ve never been able to begin because until now it just seemed so unrealistic. and knowing that it’s not, even for a chronically ill old disabled witch like me, is just - a glittering little vein of hope in a rocky and resigned heart
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Related to this Odin mess.
@systlin @blackbearmagic Any other people who work with Loki, Thor, Odin, Freya, etc.
Any people I should pre-emptively block? I’m aware “Odinist” is basically another word for neo-nazi, and I’m just blocking any and everyone I see with that.
I mean, like with my Kemetic habits, I basically ignore anyone I don’t already know I can trust as a source of info, but still. I like to be aware.
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dancing-thru-clouds · 5 years
@systlin this is NOT A DRILL, I've found several sources for the right gauge of sheet titanium. Now I just gotta find an armoring friend with the right equipment to turn it into discs! And, yanno, save up for the titanium
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slavicafire · 5 years
Hey, you reblogged a thing, pretty as it was, of two ladies doing what seems o be some kind of ritual with a torch and some caption about “tradition.” The whole “tradition” thing set me off a little, and looking at the source blog, totally seems like some kinda white separtist fascist thing, unfortunately. Figured you ought know.
how heartbreaking that the sheer word "tradition" had to become a red flag.
thank you for telling me, might that scum rot and fester in their own vile hatred.
@systlin and everyone else who reblogged it from me and might care for the source
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anarchist-art · 6 years
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systlin: trashmouse: ohnoagremlin: one-time-i-dreamt: dopeluminarydreamer: dontwantthenextcommanderiwantyou: waluwadjet: stephanemiroux: sprmint-bkgsoda: Just like I said. Illegal adoption. https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/immigrant-mom-loses-effort-regain-son-us-parents/story?id=16803067 Here are the thieves btw: im actually physically ill Keep this post alive so that when CARLOS is old enough he’ll know these KIDNAPPERS stole him from his MOTHER! Guatemalan mom: “Please help me my son was taken from me” Those two assholes: “Lol finders keepers bitch lmao” Carlos was taken from his mom, Encarnacion Bail Romero after she was arrested during a work raid. Her words, “Nobody could help me because I don’t speak English,” are still resonating deeply within me. This child was kidnapped from a loving mother, and she went to hell and backwards trying to get him back, and a judge literally told her she had no rights to her own child. https://twitter.com/evanchill/status/1010399759088193536 Completely unfit parents can get their children back like it’s nothing and this poor woman who loves her child and just wants him with her again cannot? How is this not human trafficking/kidnapping?  Also: The judge said the biological mother had no rights to even see her child, according to the mother’s lawyer. Asked if the Mosers would allow Bail Romero to see the child, the Mosers’ attorney, Joseph Hensley, said the couple was “not willing to comment on that at this time.” source reminder that many children are funneled specifically to Christian families and communities for the same reasons they always have: destroy culture, stack votes, add bodies to communities that otherwise wouldn’t hold majorities. it is literal, actual trafficking. This is a part of genocide.  Removing the children from their parents, who generally desperately love and want to raise them, and placing them with white American families is a way to erase their culture from existence without the ugliness of directly killing children.  But it’s still ugly, and it cares nothing for the actual welfare of the child. Soo…she had a job, was providing for him, and then they sent her to jail and took her son on the basis of ‘she can’t provide for him’She WAS, until YOU FUCKHEADS CAMe ALONG
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upyrica · 7 years
Hi! I’m trying to learn more about Slavic history. I asked systlin if she had any book recommendations. She told me that you would be a better person to ask. If you have the time and the desire, I would really appreciate any suggestion you have! If you are busy or something, I get it and hope you have an awesome day!
I wish she was right, ha. My knowledge of sources is rather limited to Ukrainian or Russian-language ones, and so will be my suggestions - to the literature on the Slavs page, Primary Chronicle (note that the article does provide links to translations), other Slavic chronicles of which there are many - keeping in mind they are completely accurate as often as not, and frequently present a contemporary ruler’s view of events, or, say, Hrushevsky’s work. 
I encourage the followers of mine who may be more knowledgeable on the topic to add and elaborate.
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