#soy luna Wattpad
countessofravenclaw · 6 months
Look at my new fic covers!!
I made some new covers for upcoming fics
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Please guess what these are gonna be about
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nekoannie-chan · 11 months
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Palabras: 1049 palabras.
Sinopsis: En la noche de Halloween, cosas raras pueden suceder.
Advertencias: Demonios, alucinaciones, horror, Smut.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Jaimie’s Halloween Challenge 2023 con la frase:
“El visitante inesperado.”
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
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Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Tu luna de miel con Steve había sido todo lo que siempre habías soñado. Pasaron unas semanas en un lugar paradisíaco, disfrutando del sol, la arena y el amor que se tenían.
Era la última noche en ese lugar, pronto tenían que regresar a su vida cotidiana, pero eso no significaba que no la iban a disfrutar.
La luz tenue de las velas llenaba la habitación con un suave resplandor, Steve Rogers y tú estaban sentados en un sofá, tomados de las manos, hasta que él trazó círculos suaves en tu espalda con sus dedos, provocando que suspiraras suavemente.
"¿Cómo puedo ser tan afortunado de tenerte a mi lado?", susurró Steve en tu oído.
¡Diablos, él sabía como hacer que te excitaras!
Sonreíste y apoyaste la cabeza en su hombro, sintiéndote increíblemente cerca de él.
Porque soy increíble respondiste riéndote, él negó con la cabeza sin dejar de sonreír, luego inclinó la cabeza y rozó tus labios con los suyos en un beso suave y lento.
Sus manos se deslizaron por tu cintura y se posaron en tus caderas, acercándote aún más a él. Sus dedos comenzaron a recorrer suavemente los contornos de tu espalda.
Tus manos encontraron su rostro y acariciaste su mandíbula con ternura.
El dulce beso se convirtió en uno apasionado y ardiente, Steve te levantó del sofá y te llevó a la cama, sin romper el beso. Sus cuerpos se fundieron en un abrazo apasionado y se besaron con más intensidad aún. La ropa comenzó a volar por la habitación mientras tus manos exploraban el cuerpo de Steve. Él se estremeció bajo tu toque y gemidos suaves escaparon de sus labios.
Después de un rato se separaron, necesitaban tomar aire. Steve admiraba tu cuerpo desnudo, no importaba cuantas te había visto desnuda, siempre lo hacía. Él se acercó a ti y comenzó a acariciar tus pechos suavemente, haciendo que tus pezones se endurecieran bajo su toque.
Gemiste y arqueaste la espalda. Steve se agachó hacia tu pecho. Sus ojos iban de tu pecho a tu rostro, mientras sus manos te acariciaban, besó tus pechos, luego lamió sus pezones, chupando y lamiendo después de cada beso.
Luego comenzó a acariciar tu pezón con la lengua, mientras apretaba suavemente con los dedos el otro. Cerraste los ojos y te ibas a dejar que él hiciera lo que quisiera contigo. Sus labios y lengua se dirigieron a tu cintura, luego por tu estómago. Luego continuó bajando y lo que sus manos y su boca causó sensaciones indescriptibles en ti.
Lo necesitabas dentro de ti, él alzó la cabeza y con la mirada le suplicaste, enseguida entendió y te dio lo que necesitabas.
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Ahora, al estar de vuelta en casa, la emoción era por celebrar el primer Halloween como pareja casada.
Steve y tú desempacaban sus maletas y comenzaron a decorar toda la casa para la ocasión. Las calabazas, las telarañas falsas y las luces parpadeantes creaban una atmósfera.
—¡La fiesta de Stark! —dijiste de pronto.
—Había olvidado que Tony nos invitó a la fiesta de Halloween…
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Jugueteabas con el vaso en tus manos, esta vez no te estabas divirtiendo en la fiesta, quizás no habías extrañado al resto o tal vez extrañabas las vacaciones que tú y Steve tuvieron.
—¿Qué pasa? —Steve te preguntó sentándose a tu lado.
—Hay mucha gente aquí —te quejaste.
—¿Quieres regresar a casa? —conocías a lo que se refería Steve cuando usaba ese tono.
—Sabes que habrá niños tocando el timbre.
—Podemos dejar un bol afuera con dulces y que tomen los que quieran —Steve propuso, tú asentiste y se fueron del lugar.
Sin embargo, el plan de Steve no funcionó, en menos de quince minutos, el bol ya no tenía dulces, por lo que decidieron que era mejor ponerse a tallar calabazas en lo que esperaban a que fueran a pedir más dulces y así no los interrumpirían,  de pronto escucharon un golpeteo en la puerta, tal vez un poco más fuerte. Steve se encogió de hombros, pensando que eran los niños que venían a pedir dulces.
Cuando abriste la puerta, una oleada de escalofríos te recorrió de pies a cabeza. Parado frente a mí, con una sonrisa siniestra en su rostro, estaba Brock Rumlow. Estaba seguro de que Brock había muerto años atrás, pero aquí estaba, de pie en nuestra puerta.
—Brock... ¿cómo es posible? Estás muerto —balbuceaste, sin poder entender lo que estaba viendo.
Él rio suavemente, un sonido que enviaba escalofríos por mi espina dorsal. Cerraste de inmediato la puerta y te fuiste directamente a revisar las cámaras, ignorando que Steve te estaba llamando, no podía ser posible, estabas segura de lo que habías presenciado años antes y no tenía ninguna lógica lo que acababas de ver.
—¿Qué pasó —Steve te detuvo. No podías articular ninguna palabra, porque no sabías como explicar lo que había ocurrido.
—Necesito ver las cámaras —fue lo único que alcanzaste a decir y te soltaste del agarre de Steve.
Él te siguió, si era necesario, enfrentaría lo que te hubiese perturbado. Comenzaste a buscar en las grabaciones, no obstante, lo que encontraron… los dejó sin palabras.
—N-no es lo que vi —tu voz sonaba entrecortada a la vez que buscabas una explicación lógica.
—Pero, ¿qué viste? —Steve preguntó con preocupación, él tampoco podía creer lo que las cámaras mostraban.
—Pero está muerto.
—Lo sé. Había escuchado rumores de que cosas así pasaban en Halloween, pero creía que eran simples historias para asustar a los niños —comentaste sin dejar de estar asustada, simplemente porque no sabias como luchar contra lo que había aparecido.
Steve bajó, estaba decidido a enfrentar a la amenaza, abrió la puerta, pero no encontró a nadie, observó con cuidado, incluso, la calle se veía diferente, demasiado solitaria para época, no eran ni las once de la noche aún, definitivamente algo extraño estaba ocurriendo.
Veías las cámaras con atención, aunque no entendías porqué Steve no hacía nada, si el demonio estaba frente a él… fue cuando entendiste lo que ocurría…
—¡Steve cierra la puerta de inmediato y por nada la vuelvas a abrir! —gritaste, probablemente el demonio estaba intentando entrar a la casa.
Steve cerró de inmediato y volteó a verte buscando una explicación.
—Solo tenemos que esperar a que amanezca y todo volverá a la normalidad —dijiste.
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shady-swan-jones · 1 year
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A story in the Soy Luna universe. Simon and Ambar. Season 3.
Ao3 . Wattpad
Wherever Luna Valente is, a buzz of activity surrounds her. She’s in the middle of the cafeteria, chatting animatedly with the Roller Jam team about yet another idea she has for the costumes of their next choreography.
The words glitter and amazing come up more than twice.
Of course they do, Ambar thinks, rolling her eyes. The scene unfolding in front of her, though not unusual, still manages to annoy her. Here she is, buried in her papers trying to keep a whole business afloat, one that provides both everyone's entertainment and several jobs, while sweet, cheerful Luna Valente is picking colour themes like she doesn’t have a care in the world apart from skating. Ambar watches as the group agrees with her ideas, praising her imagination and artistic spirit.
Flowers. She suppresses her inner Miranda Prisley. For spring? Groundbreaking.
Not only they’re shamelessly agreeing with everything her -former- sworn enemy suggests, -that’s what friends are supposed to do- they are doing it in Ambar's face, and loudly. She hasn’t seen that level of excitement since, probably the last time Luna made a suggestion.
Ugh, where can one get some peace around here? Ambar wonders, looking at her folder for answers. The papers stare at her wordlessly, refusing to pick sides. The presence of the calculator mocks her, as if there’s a chance of being able to focus with so much noise around her.
She gathers up her things and gets up to leave, when a body collides with hers sending said cowardly calculator flying around, along with a few papers and a good chunk of Ambar’s dignity. The rest of it slowly evaporates as she looks up to see whose -warm- body impedes her exit.
“Not a fan of the flower painted skates?” Simon asks as he crouches to gather her things. Ambar looks down to see him smiling at her, as if he is amused by her annoyance.
"You know I prefer black and silver”. She answers sarcastically, both knowing her annoyed face isn’t about the skate colour at all. “But there’s no way Luna and her friends could pull them off, so this floral it is”. She motions to take her things as he gets up, his smile meeting her icy gaze.
"I know they can be a lot. You need some quiet to work, right?” he asks, his eyes full of understanding.
She nods, not expecting he’d get her so easily, but again, it’s Simon. Guitarist with a heart of gold. And arms of a greek god, her mind supplies unhelpfully.
"I get it, Ambar. But be nicer, they are brainstorming for the competition”. His eyes are begging her to understand. The competition and Luna are important to him.
"Should they be doing it here? If I listen to one more conversation about tulle I’m going to lose my mind, Simon!” she exclaims, her hand lifting in a desperate attempt to communicate her frustration.
Simon barks a laugh, quickly hiding it behind his hand, as if it would insult his friends. Said friends are deeply engrossed in tulle themed conversation to notice them. His eyes are still shining playfully when they meet hers. The brown orbs are focused on her and it doesn’t fail to nudge that longing in her insides that she constantly tries to push down. Maybe that’s why he does it, maybe he’s aware of the effect his gaze has on her.
Before she gets more lost in her unexplored feelings, Simon interrupts her thoughts.
"They’ll go back to practice in the rink in a few minutes. You’ll have the place almost to yourself. In the meantime, do you want to take a walk around, clear your head? I’ll have a smoothie waiting when you come back.”
Though the idea of space right now is enticing, there’s one thing missing from being perfect.
"Only if you come with me.” His eyes spark as they try to decipher her intentions. “Just a few minutes. You haven’t taken a break yet”. Damn, the last one she shouldn’t have said.
"You’re keeping tabs on me, senorita Ambar”.
"Because I am your boss, Simon.” she clarifies. As if this is the only motive for watching him waiting tables, playing the guitar, laughing at Nico’s jokes and being a goofball all day long. Her goofball, she hopes, someday.
"Right, boss”, he plays along. “Since you’re asking so nicely, I will accompany you.” he motions to Nico that he’s taking a break, ignoring his friend's dagger filled look and they head for the door.
Ambar hides her smile.
They're in this bottomless limbo these days, Simon and her. She had apologized for the secret she kept from Luna, he's trying to figure out if he'll continue to give her chances to prove herself. It seems like every interaction they have has angry undertones and there's a place in her soul that's gaping open, longing for the kind of selfless affection only Simon has ever given her. This new normal they have fallen into is a poor substitute for what she knows they can have again.
Simon's mind seems to be in similar plains. His eyebrows furrow and casts a tentative look in her way.
"This doesn’t mean I have forgiven you, Ambar. Nor that I’ll play along next time you hide something from Luna", he asserts. He casts his sight downwards and Ambar's eyes fall to his necklace. She's dying to ask about the story behind his pendant. Maybe another time, when they're alright again.
"I know, I know, Simon, I am apologizing again-"
"-or cover for you again next time you and your teammates have an evil plan. I am tired of it. I won’t do it to my friends", he says as they cross the street, the tall trees of the park welcoming them.
"You mean you’re tired of me?” She stops walking and looks at him, the vulnerability evident in her eyes. She bares her soul to him, in this moment she’s wide open.
"No, no. I didn’t mean that, Ambar.” He stops and puts a hand to her shoulder to comfort her. It’s a quick gesture, but she feels relieved. “You know I didn’t mean that”, he says quietly, almost to himself. His hand caresses her shoulder once more and returns to his pocket.
They continue walking, a veil of silence upon them. It’s not uncomfortable, Ambar thinks, but this is the park where they had such emotional conversations and the memories it brings are too emotional to ignore. They're walking along the place where she started opening up to him, all those months ago. She remembers the person she was before finding and confiding in him, how alone and powerless she felt. The memory of his kind words and understanding eyes would seem worlds away, if he wasn’t looking at her with the same openness now. Now, after everything she’d done to him and his friends, after him coming face to face with her darkness and being on the opposite side of her evil plans. He still chooses to see the best in her, even now that he has ample evidence of her worst side.
She’s feeling her emotions build up as they walk side by side, looking in front but very aware of each other’s presence. It’s almost surreal that in the eyes of the world they are on completely opposing sides, yet in their own little universe. They’re walking close, in the same direction.
Time to start bridging the gap, Ambar thinks and she feels a spark in her fingers. She closes the small distance between them, and softly caresses Simon's hand, linking their fingers together. She squeezes his hand as her eyes close, basking in the warmth of their link. Simon looks at her surprised, but she’s avoiding her eyes and looks straight ahead. She’s smiling, a secret smile she reserves for private moments. He squeezes her hand back timidly.
"Simon." Their eyes meet. "I know there are many things left to fix between us to even think about the possibility of us. I know I have more apologies to make and steps to take before I’m ready for another chance." He seems surprised by her sudden honesty. "But please, only for the 15 minutes left in your break, let’s pretend we're in that happy place where we've resolved our issues. Let's say we’re there, together. Just the two of us, like this.” she tucks her head on his shoulder, sighting happily. She molds herself to his side, basking in his warmth.
Affection doesn’t come naturally to Ambar, having grown up with a cold and distant mother figure can do that. But with Simon, it felt second nature, his body always responding to her touch.
"Pretend we’re together? Simon asks. The way he holds her, he seems to enjoy the idea of acting the part of a normal couple, without obstacles in their way. He squeezes her hand and whispers “Like a glimpse into the future?”
Hearing the hope in his voice, it almost brings tears to her eyes. This man, this loyal, loving man. She slows down their walking and finally stops in front of him. She searches in his eyes and only finds honesty and longing. They will get through this.
She untagles her hand from his, only to go for a long hug. He immediately envelops her in his arms, resting on her midriff and her hair. Ambar rests her cheek on his chest, hearing the steady thud of his heartbeat. She could stay hours like this.
“Like a glimpse into the future”, she affirms softly. Simon arms squeeze her, the unspoken emotion bursting through his skin. She hasn’t felt safer and lighter than in his arms.
She feels a soft kiss pressed into her hair. For the first time in a while, she lets herself hope.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
One - Shots (Varios)
by RomiEmison2914
Este libro lo había subido en Wattpad pero me lo elimino, así que despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi comenzar a subirlo en esta plataforma, espero no haya algun problema con ninguno de mis OS.
Words: 34623, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, The Perfectionists (TV 2019), Cobra Kai (TV), Rebelde (Mexico TV 2004), Fifth Harmony (Band), Victorious (TV), Glee, Demi Lovato (Musician), Selena Gomez (Musician), Elite (TV), Soy Luna (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Once Upon a Time (TV), Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Mona Vanderwaal, Taylor Irene Hotchkiss, Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega, Jade West, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Samuel García Domínguez, Carla Rosón Caleruega, Ámbar Smith, Luna Valente, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Roberta Pardo Rey, Mía Colucci
Relationships: Dulce María/Anahí Puente, Roberta Pardo/Mia Colucci, Alison DiLaurentis/Emily Fields, Shay Mitchell/Sasha Pieterse, Mona Vanderwaal/Taylor Hotchkiss, Janel Parrish/Hayley Erin, Camila Cabello/Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega/Jade West, Elizabeth Gillies/Victoria Justice, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Dianna Agron/Lea Michele, Selena Gomez/Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings/Aria Montgomery, Lucy Hale/Troian Bellisario, Samuel García Domínguez/Carla Rosón Caleruega, Itzan Escamilla/Ester Expositó, Ámbar Smith/Luna Valente, Karol Sevilla/Valentina Zenere, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Melissa Benoist/Katie McGrath, Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Jennifer Morrison/Lana Parrilla, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Peyton List/Mary Mouser
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe, Character Death, Canon Universe, Teen Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Sex
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/ymzCu7i via IFTTT https://ift.tt/ymzCu7i
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ao3feed-samtory · 2 years
One - Shots (Varios)
read on AO3 here
by RomiEmison2914
Este libro lo había subido en Wattpad pero me lo elimino, así que despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi comenzar a subirlo en esta plataforma, espero no haya algun problema con ninguno de mis OS.
Words: 34623, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, The Perfectionists (TV 2019), Cobra Kai (TV), Rebelde (Mexico TV 2004), Fifth Harmony (Band), Victorious (TV), Glee, Demi Lovato (Musician), Selena Gomez (Musician), Elite (TV), Soy Luna (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Once Upon a Time (TV), Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Mona Vanderwaal, Taylor Irene Hotchkiss, Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega, Jade West, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Samuel García Domínguez, Carla Rosón Caleruega, Ámbar Smith, Luna Valente, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Roberta Pardo Rey, Mía Colucci
Relationships: Dulce María/Anahí Puente, Roberta Pardo/Mia Colucci, Alison DiLaurentis/Emily Fields, Shay Mitchell/Sasha Pieterse, Mona Vanderwaal/Taylor Hotchkiss, Janel Parrish/Hayley Erin, Camila Cabello/Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega/Jade West, Elizabeth Gillies/Victoria Justice, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Dianna Agron/Lea Michele, Selena Gomez/Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings/Aria Montgomery, Lucy Hale/Troian Bellisario, Samuel García Domínguez/Carla Rosón Caleruega, Itzan Escamilla/Ester Expositó, Ámbar Smith/Luna Valente, Karol Sevilla/Valentina Zenere, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Melissa Benoist/Katie McGrath, Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Jennifer Morrison/Lana Parrilla, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Peyton List/Mary Mouser
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe, Character Death, Canon Universe, Teen Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Sex
read on AO3 here
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hide-in-imagination · 2 years
Hey I had a question regarding your writing. Do you only write for simbar???
Hi! Yeah, currently I'm only writing for Simbar. Except that one fic I wrote about Control Z, which is an even more unknown show 😂
There are many reasons for this. One, I have enough Simbar wips to occupy me for the next 20 years of my life. Which makes me reluctant to write for another ship because then I would be finishing those wips when I'm 80.
Second, while there are many other ships I love and read fics about constantly, I still don't feel confident enough to write them myself. I fear I might not understand them enough to do them justice.
Third, the Soy Luna writing was so bad that you can do practically anything and it'll still be better, and that's very reassuring 😂
Fourth, it's such a small fandom that sooo many things haven't been done yet, and that's so fun! All the other ships I read have very big fandoms, which means all the tropes have already been explored, while in the Soy Luna fandom there are many many tropes that haven't been done yet (or done poorly, on Wattpad especially). I guess it makes me feel like a big fish in a small tank and that's safer than being a small fish in a big tank.
...Huh. Reading all this, basically, I'm a coward 😂
Have a great day, anon! ❤️
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chaienes · 2 months
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Lee la historia "Luna y el Elemento Eternal" del autor Chaiene Santos.
Traducción: Sergio Lirón
Al otro día, después de que Luna casi no había conseguido dormir, despertó oyendo el ruido de alguien que llegaba. Era Carla, que le traía un bocadillo caliente.
— ¿Cómo está nuestra visita?
Luna la miró con rabia.
— Yo no soy una visita. ¿Cuándo me vais a libertar? Este lugar es el infierno y vosotros sois los demonios. Nunca pensé que Heitor fuera tan perverso. Y tú no te quedas atrás...
— Ten calma, Luna. Yo te he traído un buen bocata. Espero que te guste.
La joven metió la mano por debajo del plato de plástico y el bocadillo cayó al suelo.
— ¿Qué es lo que has hecho? Actuando así, sólo vas a empeorar las cosas.
— No puede ponerse peor de lo que está – dijo ella con tono de desprecio.
#studios #scifi #fantasy #timetravel #sciencefiction #executiveproducer #libro #scenic #HBO #netflix #Sonypictures #wattpad #Amazonstudios #tvprime #booktokusa #webtoon #booktokesp #booktokespano #booktokbrasil #booktok #disneystudios #fantasy #film
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tastaturean · 1 year
"¡Tú si que me comprendes, Justin!" - Hannah Abbott
Hannah me mira un momento y luego, sin previo aviso, me abraza. "¡Tú si que me comprendes, Justin!" "¿Ah sí?" "Sí, a ti también te molesta que Cho salga con Harry, ¿verdad? Aunque ya no sientas nada por él. Pero que Cho sólo se junte con la superestrella de turno..." "La verdad es que ya paso mucho de ella. Pero, entonces, ¿es oficial que están saliendo?" "Sí, oyeron a Harry pedirle salir para ir juntos a Hogsmeade el día de San Valentín," me confirma Hannah. "Ese día va a ser el festival de las parejas." "Madame Puddifoot se va a forrar." "Y que lo digas. ¿Tú con quién irás?" "Justin, no seas idiota, sabes que no tengo pareja. Iré con el grupo de los solteros solitarios solemnes." "O sea, con Ernie." "Espero que Zach y tú también vengáis con nosotros, ¿eh? No hace falta que nos dejéis solos, como siempre." "Creí que te gustaba estar a solas con Ernie." "Oh, sí, está muy bien cuando tenemos que discutir asuntos de prefectos o adelantar deberes juntos. Pero los días que salimos para disfrutar, quiero estar con gente con la que se pueda disfrutar. Y cuantos más, mejor, ¿no es así?" "¿Pero es importante que venga Zacharías, o puedo invitar a Luna, o a Colin, o a los otros solteros del equipo?" "¿Qué estás insinuando?" "¿Yo? Yo nada. ¿Qué me has insinuado tú, que tengamos un dos a dos? ¿O que simplemente lleve a más gente?" sonrío con todos los dientes. Hannah se pone como un tomate. "Bueno... Bueno, ¡lo que tengo que oír!" "Aquí no soy yo al que le preocupa que nuestro Zach le eche el ojo a cierta pelirroja." "Es una cuestión de orgullo de la casa. De la casa." "Hombre, aún es pronto para que tengáis vuestra propia casa, pero en unos pocos años, cuando salgáis de Hogwarts..." "¡Me rindo! ¡Definitivamente, no se puede hablar contigo!" finge enfado, pero se está riendo. "¡Creí que yo te comprendía mejor que nadie!" le grito mientras se aleja.
Y oigo que le dice a la gente de alrededor que nos está mirando:
"Ni caso le hagáis."
Mejor no le comento nada de esta conversación a Zacharías. Dejaré que las cosas sigan su curso. Me conformaré, por el momento, con la satisfacción personal de saber que a Hannah, definitivamente, no le interesa Ernie.
¡Hufflepuff Existe! Capítulo 17: ¡Nadie se espera a la inquisición española! Leer en Wattpad Leer en AO3 Leer en Ffnet
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jenrbsia1 · 2 years
Kendimi tanıtayım belki gören olur wisjwj abi sanki acitasyon yapıyor gibi hissediyorum wjsjwis her neyse ben sia adımı söylemek istemiyorum çünkü böyle daha güzel hımm sonraa 17 yaşındayım insan sevmiyorum aslında sevmiyor değil kafa dengi rahatça konuşabileceğim biri yok hayatımda ondan herhalde çünkü yakınlarım dışında pek sorun yaşamıyorum insanlarla Kpop dinliyorum aslında tam Kpop denilmez bts skz exo ve ateez sanırım koreli boy band seviyorum 1d fanıyım zaten Pp<33 canım aşkım bebeğim uff bak yine aşık oldum... Bunu da geçelim aile tarafından sanki kullanılıyor gibi hissediyorum çünkü herhangi birşeyde alakam olmasa bile laf yiyecek potansiyelde bir bireyim zaten ortanca çocuğum ne bekliyorsam🫡 tek aile değil arkadaşlarım tarafından da kullanılıyorum misal en yakın arkadaşım wjzjwjz abi o değilde bunları bilipte onlarla takilmamda benim ahmaklığım ne kadar şikayet etsemde kullanılmayı seviyorum galiba 💪 Wattpad okuyorum hemde çok aktif bir şekilde Taekook yoonmin fic diye geberiyorum o derece save me town aşklarım😗 skz exo yan karakter seviyorum neden bilmiyorum zaten ateez az yazılıyor hatta hiç gibi birşey aslında araştırmadım. Soy Luna çok izlerdim herkes küçükken izliyodum fanıydım hata yaptım gibisinden konuşuyorda bence mükemmeldi çok ağladım son konserlerini verdiklerinde anime izlemeye başladım sınıftaki arkadaşlarım sağolsun ama güzel sarıyor keşke daha önce izleseydim derim herhalde ileri zamanlarda manga okuyorum okulda bulduğum kadar onlara 60 lira verecek kadar salak değilim aslında veririm ama o kadar zengin değilim önceliklerim farklı sonuçta mangalar seri oluyor genelde 4 kitap ve tanesi 60 TL olursa 240 TL onun yerine sweatshirt almak daha zekice bende manga yerine sweat aldığım için zekiyim woah ne yazdım be ben buyum işte normal bir bireyyyy ha buarada arada zoombieee emojisi atarım ona göre seviyorum çünkü ehdjwjsjwj🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️ byeee
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol Masterlist (Chapter Collection)
Soy Sol (Soy Luna fanfic) Chapters’ links list:
- Chapter 1: Heart on the Line
- Chapter 2: Gossip that Spreads like Wildfire
- Chapter 3: Chaos Ensues
- Chapter 4: Rumors and Mishaps
- Chapter 5: Lighting Up in a Rainy Town
- Chapter 6: Surprise! Surprise!
- Chapter 7: The Last Time
- Chapter 8: Long Story Short it was a Tough Day
- Chapter 9: A Flicker of Light
- Chapter 10: Hopeful Curiosity
- Chapter 11: The Cut that Burrows Deep
- Chapter 12: I'll Be There Every Step
- Chapter 13: Slipped Away
- Chapter 14: Weeks Away
- Chapter 15: Close to Fingertips
- Chapter 16: Invisible String
- Chapter 17: Epilogue
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onemoreimagine · 3 years
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“They say don’t fall too hard”
Pedidos abertos!
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
I just wanna shout out my "beautiful" cover art for my fics
Just kidding... I am not that good with photoshop but that is the price of posting things on Wattpad.
And I am actually kind of proud of these:
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and here are a couple from some for unreleased fics:
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silver-inked · 3 years
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Soy Luna (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lutteo - Relationship, Gastina, pelfi - Relationship, Simbar - Relationship, mostly lutteo Characters: Matteo Balsano, Mattéo, Ambar, Ámbar Smith, Luna, Luna Valente, Pedro, Delfi, Nico, Ramiro Additional Tags: low key angst Summary:
Matteo should have a dozen different questions running through his head. Why am I here? Who am I? How did I lose my memory? But only one question resonates in his mind, who is Luna and why can he hear her voice in his head?
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nicole-survivor · 4 years
Calling all fandoms!
I am a huge fan of many tv shows, books and movies. I also love the communities that come with them. I have created a place where we as fellow fandom lovers can interact and have fun on both google classroom and discord. 
They both share the same cringey name = Fandoms Unite!
The google classroom code where we will assign reading specific fan-fiction or to recommend a new piece of fan-art is: xkxo5tg
The discord server where we will discuss what we read, listen to music from that show or have bookclub meetings is at https://discord.gg/q97u6eNe
If you know anyone who would be interested in joining either of these or want to know more you can message me here @nicole-survivor or by email [email protected] 
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huffletiika · 5 years
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Back to you (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/v883DoMHSV Soy Luna | Lutteo | #DeimosAU 》there's always a second chance for those destined to be together.《 Her best friend Nina is about to marry the love of her life, and she chose her to be her maid of honor, so saying Luna is excited about it is an understatement. The only problem? She has to spend a weekend under the same roof as the groomsman, who happens to be his ex-boyfriend: the super-famous singer and producer Matteo Balsano, whom she haven't seen in many years. Disclaimer: The characters belong to Disney Channel Latam. (*) This AU happens many years in the future, and is set from the events at the end of Soy Luna's 2nd season, so just think as if the 3rd season have never happened. Warning: some scenes and conversations are more adult, as the characters in this AU aren't children anymore.
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sebaekinho-blog · 7 years
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