#sp Clyde’s sister
cat-brrr · 1 year
Have you ever drawn Clydes older sister (that wasnt mentioned ever again-)
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no, I didn’t, but it was on my mind, like a million other thoughts of mine that I can’t do in any way
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shhh-secret-time · 8 months
You know what would be so cute? Reader being Clyde’s unnamed sister! Because we know NOTHING about her! Can we get some headcanons about them maybe? Thaaaaanks baby!! I am loving your stuff!! 💋💖
Fuck dude that's such a great request! I am was so excited to do this one! Doing a request that's platonic love is so rare! Hope you like it babes!
Warning: Talk of suicide, Strong Language, Clyde being an absolute dork!
⚠️ Note: Listen there's a little talk of transphobia in the last half of this request. It's not Clyde but his dad. I want you to feel comfortable and safe reading this, if you're not do not read the last half! ⚠️
Pairings: None! Reader is Clyde's sister
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> Oh boy being Clyde's sister in a world where most of the guys in South Park are fucking stupid
> So when you come along all small and wrapped up in those soft hospital blankets
> Little Clyde knows he's gotta keep you safe.
> Kids are fucking mean, they know your insecurities before you do!
> Growing up Clyde's always been just a smidge overprotective
》He's not controlling just... careful? He needs to know you'll be alright
> Because let's be real for a second, he's not a fighter. Clyde Donovan cannot fight
> He's more of a "lover", maybe it's me but I've always seen the little dude to be a charmer, a little guy.
》You gonna have beef with him he's just a little dude?
> So if he can prevent you from being targeted in anyway he'll do it.
> So of course that means his friends become yours.
> "Meet your older brothers, no you don't get a say in it sit down!"
> Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, and Tolkien are your little family now. They all have their rolls.
》Gee, how come your dad let's you have five brothers?
> And the best part of this is that Craig came with a free sister too!
> You and Tricia get along so well! First bonding over how annoying your brothers can be, then it was little things like TV shows and games.
> Now when Clyde's little, "surround you by the only people he can trust and keep you safe" plan goes well, he can focus on annoying the shit out of you
》His absolute favorite thing to do is come into your room and just dance. He'll have his hands in his pocket, wearing whatever comfy clothes he has on and just start stepping side to side. If you ask what he's doing, he'll give you nothing. You get a bored expression and just him in your doorway dancing.
"Clyde? What are you doing? I'm busy playing games with Trish!" You hiss at him looking up from your Switch.
Clyde says nothing, of course he doesn't. That would ruin the bit. He just keeps bobbing side to side, taking a step closer to you only to step back. You know your glares do nothing but encourage him, but God damn it you wish he'd at least tell you why he's being annoying.
"Stop it! Get out of my room! You're so annoying!"
Ah typical sibling spats. It was a normal thing to do, but if asked you'd have no answer why he made you so mad. Why that little dance in your doorway pissed you off. Maybe it was because it was distracting? Maybe because he didn't ask to come in he just fucking smooth criminals his way in like it's something to do! Maybe it's because he's Clyde and he had a punchable face!
Clyde left your room with bruises on his arm that night. Immediately running down to tell your dad! You had to run after him and try to stop him, promises of doing his chores tomorrow if he didn't tell.
> Yeah it's hard to tell who the older sibling is sometimes
> The best thing to come out of Clyde's friends was Craig and Tweek teaching you to fight
> They remember the last time Clyde even tried to throw a punch and nearly broke his thumb
》Someone has to protect that idiot when they're not around
> You all agree Clyde may be an idiot, but he's you guy's idiot!
> That's not to say Jimmy and Tolkien aren't great!
> Jimmy is your gaming buddy when Tricia is busy!
》Dude had a dedicated Minecraft server for just you two. You're on hard-core survival mode.
> It's weird too because Jimmy just knows when you're upset or sad.
》He's not the best at giving advice but he's there for a laugh and he won't stop until you smile
> Which can land him in hot water sometimes but it's worth it if he knows he's helped you
> Tolkien knows when you're upset too, they both have this sixth sense.
》It's so strange because they don't have siblings, they live alone with their parents.
> Tolkien on the other hand seems to know exactly what to say and the greatest advice to give.
> If you're mad at Clyde for something, Tolkien just listens to you rant and rave about him.
"I swear he's such a pig sometimes! Who leaves their clothes lying around like that?! Does he think I'm his maid?!" You're stomping back and forth in the living room, whatever show playing on the TV is a distant thought.
Tolkien just watches you with a small smile on his face, he's messing with a little Rubik's cube half-ass solving it. He nods along with your complaints, he knows. He plays football with Clyde and has seen the way the man keeps his locker.
"You've got maids right Tolkien? How much does your family pay them?"
"Uhh..." The question catches him off guard at first, he's about to answer when you cut him off again.
"I'm gonna start charging Clyde that! Everytime I have to clean up after him, I'm gonna be like that's five percent from your paycheck dick!"
Tolkien shook his head in response. When you looked over and uncrossed your arms he almost chuckled at the betrayed look you cast him.
"Ten percent, don't settle for less."
Your grin widened and you nodded at him. Such sage wisdom. Tolkien was your favorite!
> Yeah no one is on Clyde’s side if you argue.
》 R.I.P sweet boy
> That being said Clyde is always there for you
>I mean always. He does everything in his power to make sure you're alright.
> That means physically, mentally, any of it.
> If you're sick, Clyde is right there beside you to help you feel better.
》He's complaining about it and picking on you because "Haha your nose is red and you look like throw up had a baby."
> He learned how to cook after you guy's mom passed. Someone had to since your dad is always working or at the bar.
> That's another thing. Mom
> He still hasn't forgiven himself for driving her to suicide. He believes it'd his fault, even if you have reassured him a thousand times over.
"It wasn't your fault, you can't keep blaming yourself. She wouldn't want you to." Your arms wrap around him and pull him into a tight hug.
Clyde let's out a little sigh and rests his chin on your head. He's heard this too many times now, he's starting to lose track the amount of times you've had to say it. He slowly wraps his arms around you and his shoulders slump forward.
You smile a little, it was progress. When he first got like this he would freeze and shut down. Just staring out into the void with those dead colored eyes. Just muttering how it was his fault she died.
You were too young to know what really happened. Clyde and Dad won't really go into it, but you know Clyde would never do something to purposely hurt someone. Much less your own mother.
"We still have da-"
"Each other. We still have each other and mom would want us to stay together, I know." He cuts you off and ruffles your hair, the smile across his lips don't reach his eyes. They never do.
You know in your heart you'll never be able to fix the pain your brother feels over losing mom. The rift it put between him and dad, but you'd never allow him to go to the deep end. You loved your brother and you want him with you always.
> And don't think for a moment it's just you comforting Clyde, he's right there for you if you ever need to talk.
> If talking isn't your style, then he takes you out. You go all over town trying to find something to do.
> Maybe it's the park, maybe it's sneaking into the movie theater, maybe it's throwing rocks across the pond, maybe it's him dropping you off at your friends house.
》Clyde nearly lost his shit when he found out you were friends with one of the goth kids.
> Firkle that little shit
> You shut him down about that immediately, reminding him of his need to flirt with every woman
> All in all Clyde is your typical dorky brother, the kind that definitely plays pranks on you and does things to get under your skin.
> But he loves you, so much. You're his precious little sister and when he's not getting into trouble with his friends he's happy to be with you.
> Now hold on before we wrap this up let's talk about something important.
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"Hey um Clyde...can I...talk to you about something?" You're in his door way, meekly shifting from one foot to the other.
Clyde raises a brow at you from his bed, his arm tucked under his head to prop his head up.
"Uh...sure? What's wrong, did you get in trouble with dad again?" He asks tossing his phone to the side.
"Kinda? He scolded me again." Your voice is a soft whimper as you try not to cry, padding across the room towards him and his bed.
Clyde's lips press into a thin line, he doesn't even realize his eyes are narrowed into the ground as he listens to you. "He caught you wearing mom's skirt again."
"Yeah. Says it's not right for a boy to be wearing his mom's clothes."
He watches you crawl into bed to sit next to him, you immediately go for his coat the red one he's always sporting around. He lets you, its one of your favorite things to steal.
"Ignore dad. He's just being an ass, you can wear whatever you want!"
There's a silence that falls over you two as you trace the blocky words on his coat. Until you finally speak up, choking back another sob. "Am I wrong because I want to be a girl? Do you think there's something wrong with me Clyde?"
"What?!" He exclaims maybe a little louder than he should.
He sits up and gives you his full attention now, his brown eyes staring you down. For a minute you think he's angry too, you think he's going to scold you like dad. But when you see how soft his the brown in his eyes are, it melts away. He pulls you into a tight hug, wrapping you up in his jacket.
"No way! There's nothing wrong with you! If you wanna be a girl, be a girl! If you feel comfortable in skirts and dresses then wear 'em! If you wanna be a girl who only wears dude clothes then do that too! But don't you ever say you're wrong for wanting to do that!" His voice is steady, there's no playful tone behind it like there usually is. He's being serious, Clyde Donovan is more serious than he's ever been in his life. You don't know what to say, don't know how to respond so you just sit there with your head laying against his shoulder.
"Look, I'm not a smart guy. I don't think I'll ever really understand. But I do know this, you're my sibling. My annoying little shit of a sibling. And whatever you identify as, will not take away how annoying you are. Or how much I love you. So be patient with me, but I'll start calling you sister in front of that old dick." You giggle a little when he calls your dad a dick. You wipe the tears from your eyes and nod at him with a smile. It's only then that he smiles back and pets the top of your head. A horrible habit he's had since you first learned to talk, was ruffling your hair.
"Thanks Clyde...you're the best. Sometimes."
"All the times."
"Don't push it."
"All of 'em. I'm the coolest brother in South Park. I'm telling everyone my sister thinks I'm the coolest."
> So yeah it doesn't matter what you identify as he loves you
》 If some day down the road you wanna be his brother again, cool. If you don't want to be neither, awesome. If you're both, whoa that's amazing!
> Clyde Donovan loves his sibling!
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sunflowerbeeqwq · 4 months
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Chat his pt avatar is sosoosoooo awesome n bro is super duper uper silly ! ! ! (IM LITERALLY GOING 2 BLOW HIM UP BC HE'S 2 SILLY N AMAZING 4 THIS WORLD)
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cyndrastic · 1 year
ok so y’all seemed to like the first part of the Fairly Odd Parents AU so here’s more characters!!
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Tolkien and Jimmy are AJ and Chester!! They’re Clyde’s best (and only) friends at school! As I was making this au I realized how oddly well Tolkien and Jimmy actually match AJ and Chester character wise, so not much has to be changed for them honestly. Meanwhile I needed a character to be Vicky so I figured “hey Clyde has a sister doesn’t he?” so boom there she is.
more in depth character descriptions under the cut for those who want them!
Tolkien is the smart rich kid who tries and generally fails to talk sense into Jimmy and Clyde, and is the only one of the three with any brain cells. Also probably the only neurotypical one of the three. He’s also the only one in school who will point out when stuff randomly changes, usually in benefit of Clyde. Like, he’s the one who always notices when Clyde suddenly has a new super expensive looking bike, or he’s suddenly the most popular guy in school for like 3 days before everything just goes back to how it was for no reason. Tolkien is the only one who notices and is concerned with this.
These changes are obviously Clyde making wishes, and it scares Tweek that Tolkien will eventually figure out that Clyde has fairy god parents. Tweek wants to wipe Tolkien’s memory every time he notices a spell, but Clyde and Craig stop him. Craig thinks it’s hilarious because in all his time being a godparent, no godkid’s friends have ever noticed anything wrong until Tolkien, so he’s automatically Craig’s second favorite human (second to Clyde).
He rewards Tolkien for this by letting him be the only human that can hold or play with him when he’s in his pet form (like how Cosmo and Wanda become goldfish, Craig is a guinea pig) without getting bit when the trio hangs out at Clyde’s house.
Jimmy, for the sake of this au, will not be as dirt poor as Chester is in the actual show cause idk what good that does for this au lol. Otherwise Jimmy is the wisecracking friend who has a good heart and pure intentions most of the time but covers it with crude humor and kinda offensive jokes. Also he sucks at reading a room (me coded) and can never tell when his comedic genius won’t be appreciated (the deleted scene of him making a joke about Clyde killing his mom to Clyde like the day after it happened lives in my head rent free it’s so funny) His hair is also wavy cause I said so and that’s just how I like to draw Jimmy, i do what i want.
Also, just like how Tolkien is Craig’s second favorite human, Jimmy is Tweek’s. Most of the time when Jimmy cracks a joke, even if it’s a supremely unfunny one, Tweek laughs at it. Tweek’s pet form is a parrot, so that means if he’s chilling as an animal he can still talk and laugh. Jimmy thinks it’s hilarious that Clyde’s bird finds him so funny and Jimmy will frequently go to Clyde’s house to write and test out new comedy routines for Tweek because he’s “such a terrific audience.” Craig kinda hates it but won’t object because Tweek genuinely enjoys it.
Clyde and Craig don’t understand how Tweek finds Jimmy genuinely funny all the time, but it’s literally only because Tweek has spent the majority of his life around Craig, who is incredibly blunt, sarcastic to a fault, and so unfunny it hurts. Craig is only ever funny by being overtly honest when he doesn’t need to be (autism moment), and couldn’t make a normal joke if his life depended on it (if i may remind anyone of the Craig clip: “i got a good one: why do girls wear makeup and perfume? because they’re ugly and they stink” this man would not know a joke if it punched him in the face)
Lizzie is Clyde’s older sister. Shes a good bit older than him, Clyde being around 15 years old and her being around 22. She’s a massive bitch and has always been mean to Clyde, but it got worse once their mom died and she blamed it on Clyde (Betsy died the same way in canon as in this au, so it is kinda Clyde’s fault but still, he was 8). Luckily with her being way older than Clyde, she lives at college, but he has to deal with her whenever she goes home and during her school’s breaks. She takes Vicky’s role in this au so even if she isn’t an evil babysitter, she acts similarly to Clyde as Vicky does to Timmy.
She’s one of the reasons Clyde even gets god parents: abusive older sister, dead mom who’s death was because of him, crazy teacher (Garrison is his own level of traumatizing just as he is in the canon of the show but i haven’t decided if i wanted him to be exactly like Crocker yet), and Roger (Clyde’s dad) is ok but he’s kinda neglectful cause he’s mourning his wife and has to work double to support his kids now that Betsy is dead.
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
sp hcs <3
- In his 20s, Cartman used to sneak out to bars and try to seduce men while crossdressing. He thought it was a secret, but Kyle, Stan and Kenny all knew, they just didn’t say anything but joked about it in private. (This was before he became homeless. He got kicked out of college.)
- Craig goes everywhere looking like he rolled out of bed. Like just throws on a hoodie that was on his floor and sweats.
- After post-covid, Stan ends up marrying Wendy, but the marriage ends in divorce.
- In middle school, Butters becomes a bit of a bully. After constantly being grounded throughout elementary school, be becomes rebellious and starts to hang out with Cartman more. However, when around Kenny, he feels as though he can be his true self. He was also veeeerrryyyy deep in the closet about his gender identity at this time, and tried very hard to project his masculinity as obnoxious as possible. Kenny was the only one who knew about Marjorine being trans and helped keep the secret for her up until high school. She started hrt and publicly came out her senior year.
- Tweek always wears mismatched socks.
- In high school, Butters got the courage to call cps for his parent’s abuse, after doing so being put into foster care. He was adopted by the Tweeks and became Tweak’s adopted brother/sister.
- Scott Tenorman lives in a mental hospital.
- Stan played with Crimson Dawn throughout middle school and high school. The band became kinda cultish within South Park. When they broke up before everyone went to college, Stan tried to start a solo career and got a couple gigs. He still plays with the former members occasionally, though.
- Stan smells like axe. Kyle thinks it’s disgusting.
- Kyle can’t go a day without showering. He also wears cologne a lot.
- Kyle is a neat freak (he has ocd.)
- Kyle hid his hair under his hat up until junior year, being heavily insecure about it. In college, he started to embrace his hair and let it grow out.
- Since dating Cartman, Heidi suffers from bulimia and anorexia, because she still sees herself as a clone of Cartman.
- Bebe is one of those girls who sprays bath and bodyworks warm vanilla sugar perfume all over the locker room.
- Tweek and Craig like to bond over movies and tv shows, like Adventure Time or Star Wars. Their current favorite is Steven Universe (Tweek’s favorite character is Peridot and Craig’s is Garnet <3)
- Cartman still sleeps with his stuffed animals/dolls, but denies it.
- Mars becomes a cheerleader.
- When watching a horror movie with friends, if Clyde knows there’s a jumpscare coming, he will leave the room and yell “Is it over yet?” when he wants to come back in.
- Kenny makes his money when living alone by being hired for kids birthday parties. He will go as either Mysterion or Princess Kenny.
- When Stan starts to question his sexuality during his preteen years, Wendy helps him out by telling him she’s omnisexual herself and introduces him to bisexuality.
- Red and Wendy date for two weeks in middle school.
- In middle school, Stan nearly drops all his friends again, hitting his lowest point with his mental health and alcoholism. He starts to recover in high school.
- Stan HATES weed. However, he still smokes it as a stress reliever despite himself, having been surrounded by it since 4th grade. Occasionally, he’ll smoke some with Kenny.
- Stan has ache, meanwhile Kyle has a perfect skincare routine.
- Craig, Clyde, Bebe, Heidi, and Wendy all have braces.
- Mars loves y2k, early 2000’s and Japanese Harajuku fashion.
- Kenny owns one of those stupid “virginity rocks” and “I ❤️ hot milfs” t-shirts.
- Nicole and Tolkien are married and Tweak and Craig are engaged.
- Stan is still jealous of Kyle and Tolkien’s tiktoks. In response, Kenny and Stan make their own tiktok account to rival them.
- Kenny’s phone is a hand-me-down iPhone 6 that is so cracked it’s a shock how it even still works.
- Wendy takes muay thai lessons.
- Kyle is a huge book worm, enjoying classic literature. Stan makes fun of him for it, thinking it’s boring.
- Stan carries tote bags everywhere.
- Stan loves motorcycles.
- Stan avoids red meat in his diet. He still eats chicken and fish, though, since he’s not a total pussy.
- Tweek likes musicals. Craig, on the other hand, thinks they’re silly.
- Stan is a fnaf kid.
- Kyle is a coffee addict. Not Tweek level ofc but he can’t go without it.
- Kyle is an insomniac.
- Kyle enjoys writing, specifically poetry. In middle school, he wrote a lot of cringey poems that he is embarrassed of, which his mother kept as keepsakes.
- Cartman writes yaoi fanfiction of Tweak and Craig that he hides under his bed.
- Kyle went through a “I’m not like other boys” phase in middle school. Years later, Kyle had to scribble out his old yearbook photos cuz he hated them so much. He had a pair of round glasses that he thought looked so good for about a year, then saw his photos and never wore them again.
- Butters started sneaking out in high school to go to Kenny’s house. Marjorine became a really good liar.
- Tweek likes physical touch but feels uncomfortable giving it or having it be displayed, while Craig hates being touched but loves getting into everyone’s personal space.
- Tweek is taller than Craig.
- Marjorine has a huge growth spurt in high school, making her the tallest out of the boys.
- Tweek has a huge fear of blood. If he gets something as minor as a scrape or a paper cut he will literally pass out.
- Stan and Kyle will stay up very late playing roblox together on school nights.
- Clyde is afraid of loud noises, specifically thunderstorms. He also has a fear of clowns.
- Clyde and Kyle both sleep with a nightlight.
- Kyle is a straight-A student. If he gets a B he will beg the teacher for extra credit to make it up. Stan’s grades are pretty average, mostly B’s with a couple A’s and like one C. Kenny has abysmal grades. Mostly F’s and D’s and one B. Cartman is mostly C’s and D’s with one F.
- One of Mars’ favorite hobbies is to go thrifting. She often goes with Kenny and they pick outfits out for each other.
- Mars and Kenny also like to bond over online games, specifically Hello Kitty Island Adventure (among other things like webkinz or animal jam)
- Mars and Kenny love singing karaoke together. They also like painting each others nails for fun.
- Mars and Kenny aren’t dating, just really close friends. A lot of people think they are due to their joke flirting (they both know it’s not serious but they think it’s funny. Sometimes they’ll do it just to confuse people.) Mars is dating Red and Kenny just sleeps around, but is open to a committed relationship(s), both monogamous or polyamorous.
-In college, Kenny worked at a tattoo shop. He gave himself his own piercings. He has a lot of them.
-Kenny likes wearing skirts and dresses occasionally. Not like Cartman does, but in a “fuck gender norms I can wear what I want” kind of way, being cis.
-Cartman used to talk to his plushies and believe that they were alive and had feelings (he watched toy story and totally thought it was real). He used to cram all his plushies onto his bed and sleep with them because he didn’t want them to be lonely.
-Cartman is very embarrassed about his genderfluidity, with lots of internalized homo/transphobia (if u asked him what his pronouns were, he’d probably say “I have a dick and balls, make of that what you will.” Otherwise, he’d go by he/she) If he found out that the other guys knew, he would die. - Wendy and Stan, since middle school, are constantly in an on-again-off-again relationship. Stan’s personal issues in middle school led him to treat Wendy horribly, even if he didn’t mean it. Heidi used to comfort Wendy about this, sharing her experiences, and they became close. In high school, as Wendy became more popular and Stan started to recover, he started to chase her while Wendy was colder. However, they hooked up occasionally and dated periodically. While Stan was getting better, he still lacked good communication skills, and in senior year, Wendy finally broke up with him for good. They rarely saw each other in college, but after that they reconnected and became friends. Read the first headcanon. - Kenny doesn’t give a fuck about his health because he knows he can just come back. He’s constantly living life on the edge and doing dangerous shit, but is always quick to protect anybody who he feels is at harm and would never try to drag them into anything crazy he does. - Kenny will get high off of anything. Anything. He doesn’t cheese anymore but he likes huffing and taking LSD. - Mars and Kyle enjoy writing.
- Wendy is wasian (korean and white)
- Stan is wasian and Latino (Japanese, Mexican and white)
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lolliepops-rox · 9 months
The real how SP characters respond to you asking their pronouns
Stan: Uhhh he/him?
Kyle: Oh. He/him, ah thanks.
Kenny: -muffled- Dood whatever I don't fucking care.
Cartman: What's that supposed to mean‽
Butters: Aw jeez, the guy ones think.
Craig: -middle finger-
Clyde: Wait I know this one! -long pause- he/him/his/himself.
Tolkien: Uh he/him? I don't know why you are asking?
Jimmy: What am I a pro at? Your/mom
Tweek: AGH why are you asking? What are you planning?
Wendy: She/her. Thank you for asking.
Bebe: Whichever are the girl ones.
Heidi: Oh I typically use she/her.
Nichole: She/her, thanks!
Scott Malkinson: Most people just use he/him for me. But maybe it/its as well? I'm not sure.
Kevin Stoley: My pronouns have ascended beyond the puny ones of our present time. Mine are now they/them and xe/xem.
Pip: Oh I'm just a simple lad!
Damien: I'm the Antichrist. What the fuck do you think?
Bradley Biggle: On my home planet we use xe/xem!
Henrietta: There's no way a conformist like you could understand, but my pronouns are she/they.
Michael: Whatever. He/they.
Pete: It's he/xe, if you even care.
Firkle: Like those who have seen the deep void of nothing, I use he/him.
Ike: I'm a knight!
Kevin McCormick: What? That's gay.
Karen: My sister uses she/her sometimes, but most people use he/him.
Shelly: Ask me again dweeb? -fake out punch-
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halcyonleaf · 11 months
South Park x Wings of Fire
This au takes place around ten years after the events of the third arc. (5,022 AS) It's the same dragon characters as in the book but I stuffed South park characters in it lol.
Why did I make this? Easy. Two fandoms I'm really into. :) Same thing happened when I made Sp x Dsmp.
I have no big story planned out for this au.. Right now it's really one of those school slice of life things… 
Also ignore the fact they don't have proper dragon names. I can’t think of any good ones..
Turquoise Winglet      Peridot Winglet        Gold Winglet
MudWing: Cartman          IceWing: Craig                  NightWing: Wendy
SandWing: Kenny             MudWing: Clyde                RainWing: Bebe
RainWing: Butters           NightWing: Tolkien         SandWing: Karen   
SilkWing: Kyle                   SandWing: Tweek            SkyWing: Red
NightWing: Stan              SkyWing: Jimmy               SeaWing: Nicole 
HiveWing: Ike                   SeaWing: Scott                  IceWing: Trisha
The Turquoise Winglet
Eric Cartman, Mudwing-SkyWing hybrid, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Although he looks like a normal MudWing there are little characteristics to his design that make him part SkyWing. He has one blue eye, he can breathe fire at any temperature and his wings end at his tail instead of his thighs like all MudWings. 
He would personally RIP OFF all your scales if you call him a Hybrid.
Eric only has one sib and that is his SkyWing half brother Scott.
Why doesn’t he have any other MudWing sibs? My only excuse for that is.. Liane had trouble when it came to having eggs and she got lucky with a random SkyWing she met near the Diamond spray delta.
Eric has scars all over his body from several fights with his FlameSilk classmate Kyle. The first one he got was when he was a little dragonet he hatched in a reddish egg (because of being half SkyWing) and Liane wanted to test if he could have fire-resistant scales. The answer to that was no and she gave him a pretty bad scorch mark on his right shoulder. (she deeply regrets doing that.)
Kenny McCormick, SandWing, Hatched: 5,014 AS (8 years old)
(In this au Jerboa III unsuccessfully got animus magic to disappear.)
Kenny’s egg was part of an experiment (most likely from Vulture’s dragons) to see if there is a way for animus-touched dragons to come back from death. Many eggs/dragonets were used for this test and all of them died except for kenny. Although.. He is still one of their failures. He can't die and come back but he still can get very bad injuries and not die from them. 
Before Kenny and his little sister went to jade mountain they lived in the scorpion den. (poor of course) Jade mountain was the only school that did not ask for any sort of money. And their parents did not want to homeschool any more dragonets.
Kenny often tries to keep Brightsting cactus on him or wrap up his tail so he can keep himself from getting poisoned because part of his curse made him a bit prone to accidents.
Butters Stoch, RainWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Butters is a typical happy RainWing; it's as if nothing can make him angry. Although.. he could've been even more happy if he grew up in the rainforest.
Before school butters grew up in santerary his parents thought it would have been better if their dragonet didn't live in the rainforest. Because they didn't trust Queen Glory for whatever reason.
One day something clicked in his mind and he took his anger out on a SeaWing student that is when his parents revealed to Tsunami and Sunny that he didn't grow up in the rainforest and now is the time he probably should experience the rainforest himself. 
Kenny tagged along with butters on his trip and the RainWings greeted him with open talons. He didn't stay however even though it is everything he could have wished for he didn't want his friends (especially kenny) to be sad for leaving school.
Kyle Broflovski, SilkWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Kyle and his family are one of a few families of Pantala dragons that decided to stay in Pyrrhia. His parents told him that he could go to jade mountain accatony after he got his wings but he convinced them to let him go before he got them.
Upon arriving at jade mountain he almost immediately made friends and… enemies with his winglet. A silly MudWing hybrid would always make fun of him for being wingless and for just being a SilkWing. Eric is always telling him that SilkWings should still be Second Class dragons for the HiveWings. He sure did pay for his comments when Kyle got his wings.
When jade mountain got its first SilkWings Sunny made a safe cave just for them so they can undergo metamorphosis. The day Kyle was meant to go into metamorphosis he noticed that his wrists were burning a little. This made him pretty excited because that meant he inherited his mom’s Flamesilk. It.. also meant he can give Cartman what he deserves. And to give his NightWing Friend Stan glowing Friendship bracelets. 
Stan Marsh, NightWing, Hatched: 5,015 AS (7 years old)
Stan and Shelly were hatched and raised in the old NightWing kingdom.
They were both hatched under similar moons giving them both powers. Shelly got strong mind-reading while Stan got pretty weak foresight, which means visions would pop up in his mind at random times and they would sometimes go from what he was going to eat for dinner to a big threat that could kill him and his friends.
Stan was introduced to jade mountain academy when semi-queen Fierceteeth gave his class fliers because “her brother made her.” and this school sounded a whole lot more fun than the old NightWing school to him. Shelly didn't go because she thought only dumb dragons go there and the NightWing school teaches more smarter subjects.
It took him awhile to warm up to his winglet when he got to school but his SilkWing and SandWing definitely helped him. He may have feelings for the SilkWing. MAYBE.
Ike Broflovski, HiveWing, Hatched: 5,019 AS (3 years old)
Around 5,015 AS a few HiveWing families thought about living in Pyrrhia. their families grew there but, out of all the new families of HiveWings some of them couldn't keep their eggs so they put them up for adoption that's when Kyle’s parents adopted Ike.
Ike and Kyle went to school at the same time and they got put into a winglet together because their parents thought it would be easier for Ike to be with his big brother. Ike doesn't really get into all the adventures and conflicts as the rest of his winglet does; he likes to go at his own pace wrapped up in his own hobbies.
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chuckecheesekid9000 · 8 months
Omniverse Falls
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Story Summary:  What would happen if the Crystal Gems had settled down in a place other than Beach City, a little backwoods town just west of weird…? What if, upon coming to Gravity Falls for the summer, Mikey and his younger twin siblings, Dipper and Mabel were to befriend Steven and his two best friends, Toby and Connie? What kind of magical and mysterious adventures would they have? What if a watch-like device falls from space, attaches to Mikey, and gives him the power to transform into 10 different kinds of aliens, while trying to keep his secret from the world? And, how would they fare against the combined threats of merciless, Homeworld Gems and a certain triangular demon? Find out what happens when Magic and Mystery meet in Omniverse Falls…
Major TLH/C: Lincoln, The Loud Sisters (Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily), Lynn Sr., Rita, Leonard, Lance, Albert, Myrtle, Ruth, Clyde, Sam, Mazzy, Sully, Benny, Maggie, Silas, Skippy, Winston, David, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Arturo, Maria, Carlos, Frida, Carlota, The Casagrande Brothers (CJ, Carl, and Carlitos), Rosa, Hector, Danny, Lupe, Sid, Adelaide, Stanley, Becca, Harold, Howard, Scotts, Angus, Morag, Chuck, and Mick
Major MML: Bradley
Major GF: April, The Swanson Siblings (Calvin, Harriet, Hannah, Hugo, Cody, and Nina), Henry, and Laura
Major SU/AB: Steven, Toby, Connie, Garnet (Ruby/Sapphire), Amethyst, Pearl, Rose Quartz (flashbacks), Greg, Dr. Tenma, Jean, Teresa, Duncan, Elizabeth, Brian, Beverly, Bim, Bam, Luka, Lion, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Bismuth, Jasper, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond (flashbacks), Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl (flashbacks), The Ruby Squadron (Doc, Leggy, Army, Navy, and Eyeball), Martha, Lars, Sadie, Ronaldo, Peedee, Jamie, Buck, Jenny, Kiki, Sour Cream, Mr. Fryman, Kofi Pizza, Doug, Priyanka, Aarav, Kevin, Vidalia, Yellowtail, Onion, Marty, Barb, Andy, Mark, Dogcopter, and the Off-Colors (Fluorite (Anatase/Red Pearl/Lavender Sapphire/The Peridot Trio (Head Peridot, Right Peridot, and Left Peridot), Rhodonite (Levi/Button), Padparadscha, and the Rutile Twins (Mindy and Cindy)).
Major OF/WFRR (AU): Mikey, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, Bill Cipher, Gideon, Candy, Grenda, Gorney, Pacifica, McGucket, Waddles, Gompers, Mr. Poolcheck, Mermando, Ma, Pa, Robbie, Tamby, Thompson, Lee, Nate, Manly Dan, Caroline, The Corduroy Brothers (Marcus, Kevin, and Gus), Joellynn, Jessica, Roger, The Rabbit Kids (Zephyr and Beth), Tyler, Sheriff Blubs, Deputy Durland, Preston, Pricilla, Filbrick, Karen, Blendin, Agent Powers, Agent Trigger, Time Baby, Lazy Susan, Giffany, Abuelita, Reggie, Bud, Archibald, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Quinten, Toby, Blind Ivan, Rumble, The Summerween Trickster, Wax Sherlock, Jeff, Shmebulock, Ducktective, Azmuth, Xeannith, Retaliator, Tetrex, Gluto, Sixsix, Kraab, Verdona, Aggregor, The Omnitrix Aliens (Goop, Four Arms, Grey Matter, Echo Echo, Upgrade, Diamondhead, NRG, Big Chill, AmpFibian, and Heatblast), The Omnitrix Unlock Aliens (Ghostfreak, Fasttrack, Feedback, and Gax), and Ra'ad
Major SP: Jack and Rebecca
Major SD: Shaggy and Scooby
Ships: Steven/Connie, Mikey/Carly, Mikey/Wendy, Shaggy/Wendy, Dipper/Wendy, Dipper/Pacifica, Bradley/Pacifica, Ruby/Sapphire, Rose/Greg, Pearl/Rose, Tenma/Jean, Nate/Jenny, Robbie/Kiki, Lars/April, Ronaldo/Sadie, Brian/Lapis, Azmuth/Xennith, Dipper/Connie, Steven/Mabel, Steven/Dipper, Amethyst/Peridot, 
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Drama, Angsy, Friendship, Humor, Action, Family/Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, and Sci-Fi
Rating: Dark Subjects and etc
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geffenrecords · 4 years
clyde and jimmy unironically like free birds
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ninawritesastory · 6 years
I know you headcanon Bebe as lesbian, but what do you think her relationship with Clyde be, either before and after she came out?
Personally, I think Bebe likes Clyde. Not in a romantic way, but more as a friend. I think when she was dating him for shoes, she probably decided he was actually kind of a nice guy (gullible as hell with a run-away ego, but still nice) and ended up breaking up with him because she was kind of getting tired of pretending to love him. Clyde would be a bit heartbroken, because he’s the sort to fall fast and hard for people, but Bebe would probably give it her best try to end it on okay terms. He’s a sweet guy, just…not her type.
I can see them becoming good friends, actually. Even before she comes out. Actually, I can see Clyde being the first person (or one of the first) that Bebe comes out to. Clyde can be a bit of a fuckboy, but usually he’s pretty solid. And once he processes it, I can see Clyde being pretty supportive of her. After all, one of his best friends is gay, and he’s pretty good friends with Tweek now, so Bebe’s come out to the right guy!
After she comes out to him, I can see Clyde being a bit protective of her. Asking her if she’s okay when she looks like something’s bothering her, being a willing ear for her to vent about her concerns over coming out to her parents, and even talking about cute girls. He’d offer to be her beard if she needed one, because if Bebe feels she’d be safer pretending to date a guy, she might as well date one who knows she’s a lesbian and won’t expect her to do anything.
I really like a pseudo-sibling relationship between these two. Just good friends who have each other’s backs and are close enough that they’re practically family at this point.
Once she comes out to the general populace, not all that much would change. They’d still be close, would still hang out and talk about what girls they think are cute or hot or girlfriend material. And Clyde would still keep the offer open for Bebe to come over whenever she needs to, no matter what time. His window’s always unlocked, and he gave Bebe a key to his house. 
They keep in touch even after graduating and going their separate ways for college. They make a point of introducing serious relationships to each other, and those meetings really have a meet-the-family vibe to them. Almost more so than actually meeting their parents.
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shiningstarr15 · 3 years
I watched the “South Park Post-Covid” event last night!!
And holy shit do I have a lot to talk about!
Alright, here we go!
HOLY SHIT THIS EVENT WAS INSANE!! Not just for the mere aspect that we got to see the kids all grown up in the future (which that in itself was fucking mind blowing) but the story they made for it..
So we’re living 40+ years into the future. And COVID is still around with new variants. Let me just say that seeing that reality was terrifying. As much as I hope we aren’t still living in a pandemic for the next 40 years (which I doubt we will honestly) Ik that COVID is going to stay. It’s inevitable. We may not be quarantining every year but it will become as common as the flu.
But..seeing that bleak future where the pandemic truly DIDN’T get under control is something that haunts my nightmares.
But also, the satire they did for it was nothing short of genius. In true SP style, they managed to take a serious event that has happened and make light of it. This one being the emergence of the variants.
Everything in the town having the name of Plus or some variation was hilarious. 😂
And the reality of the people that refuse the vaccine for their “personal choice,” although highly satirized, was still portrayed realistic in the sense that they were ruining it for everyone that did. Bc that is exactly what is happening now. Which is the reason we have the need for mandates and boosters now.
Alright, enough of that. Let’s talk about the nitty gritty!
The boys. Oh my fucking Jesus.. first of all, Kenny being the most successful, becoming a millionaire AND still having the urge to save everything and everyone, whether it be the source of the virus or the need to repair his broken friendships, is just a MERE example of why Kenny is the best character in South Park. He really went and lived his best life and died for the sole reason of wanting to get his best friends back together. Like, Kenny is the definition of a martyr. He always tries to save everything and usually succeeds. ALL HAIL KENNY FUCKING MCCORMICK LIKE FORREAL!!! 😄😄😄😛😛😛🤩🤩🤩
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As for the rest.. well..
Stan of course ended up becoming an angry drunk. No surprise since we kinda already pre-established he got clinical depression and started drinking at the age of fucking 10 😅 but still, it was hard to see. And also broke my stendy heart seeing them not end up together. (Although the Alexa thing was hilarious) however, I have to say that making it to where he got so angry he burned tegridy farms to the ground and killed his sister in the process was fucking morbid!
Then again, this is the same show that had a kid eat their own parents. So I really shouldn’t be surprised
Not really much to say about Kyle. He just seemed to turn out average. It sucks that he really didn’t stay friends with Stan. They were really close among the group and although their friendship was littered with problems, it’s sad to see that they couldn’t work through them in the end.
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But of course, by far the BIGGEST SHOCK out of all was…
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But like, WHY ARE THEY ADORABLE!? His kids are so cute! His son having a clyde frog pacifier.. it’s too much.. but also the fact that.. I believe that he’s genuine. I wasn’t sure at first bc it really seemed like he may be scheming the whole Jewish thing to fuck with Kyle in classic cartman style. But seeing how desperate he was to not want to go back to the past at the risk of losing his family.. that was probably the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen from him.. of all the kids Cartman was the LAST person I expected to become a family man. But.. I’m not even complaining. I kinda hope that that future sticks for him even when they inevitably return to status quo (and maybe Kyle really can become uncle Kyle bc that too was way too cute 🥺)
Ok. So that’s the main kids grown up. But let me just talk real quick about the side characters.
First of all, WHY TOKEN LOWKEY BE LOOKIN LIKE A SNACK!? He grew up soo nicely and seemed to become quite the gentleman. No surprise since he was always kinda the most normal of the group 🤣
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And of course let’s not forget the one part of the episode that not only excited me, but sent me into full elation
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Of all the couples of the show, these two are the ones I wanted more than anything to stay together! It’s so nice to see that they did. The one thing I do hope happens in the alternate future after they fix everything is that they get married and adopt a child. I really want to see them raise a kid together bc I feel like they’d be amazing dads. But.. that’s a personal preference and just me being extra picky lol
And the next thing that surprised me and sent me into full elation..
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By far one of my favorite relationships in South Park that isn’t shipping is the relationship between Kenny and Karen! 😭 the fact that kenny goes out of his way to protect his sister not just as himself but also as mysterion just warms my heart. When I realized what Karen was wearing here I literally lost my shit.
And not just that, but the mere fact that she was wearing it AT KENNY’S FUNERAL all but confirms that at some point, she found out who mysterion was. And most likely turned that piece of his costume into a necklace. Which is the most precious and emotional thing bc it goes to show that kenny will forever be her “guardian angel” 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
As far as the rest of the special goes, it was insane. Seeing that Stan really went all that time not talking to Randy doesn’t surprise me. Stan was PISSED. I do have to say that Randy losing his entire family and livelihood was pretty depressing. I do hope that that isn’t his or stan’s future. Like at all.
So now we’re left awaiting what the boys will do next. They know now that their friendship meant way more to kenny than they could’ve ever imagined. Although cartman and Kyle stayed in touch with him, it wasn’t enough. He wanted the gang back. They mean everything to him. Now that they know, they can go back in time and fix it.
I’m so excited to see where we go from here. I know we will eventually return back to status quo but getting this little taste of a “what if” with the residents all grown up was very interesting. South Park always manages to keep itself relevant with its comedy, satire, and current events status quo. But also by doing things that surprise the audience and have them wanting more. I pray that South Park continues for a while bc it is truly one the best animations still on the air ❤️
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cheylouwho · 3 years
What are your top 10 favorite episodes?
Oh man, this is hard for me to narrow down this far! I'm going to list ten, but in no particular order. These are just ones that I enjoy and have watched over and over and over.
Crack Baby Athletic Association: actually nvm this one does get the top spot. I love how out there the plot is, and any episode that uses the kids in tough situations so well gets a big thumbs up. Also, Kyle grappling with his morality, especially in comparison to Cartman....blows chef kiss. Delicious.
Tweek x Craig: Yall know I have several personal connections to this episode, you can find literally any other part of my blog why I talk about why this episode was cool to me. And it's not even like "yay gay rep" which is cool and all but there's other factors completely aside that that makes it important to me!
Put it Down: the music is fantastic and the political commentary is phenomenal. It was such a fun episode to watch live when it aired and I return to it often just for a good laugh. Bless Matt, he should have won that Tony (?) after what he put his voice through
Grounded Vindaloop: The mindfuckery is still entertaining all this time later. I also saw this one live and it was so fun when everyone was trying to figure out which timeline was where, and then the reveal at the end with the real life adorable actors? So fun. Has great rewatchability and I will always laugh at the fucking,,, unhinged ass "IM GONNA STAB HER AND TAKE ALL HER MONEEEEEEY"
Marjorine: Love me some Butters. The horror movie spoof is fun, and admittedly this episode has a little too much going on to make it as coherent as it could be, but it's a good time and I love when the boys get so hung up on a minor thing that it becomes a whole ass operation.
Margaritaville: fucking sue me for this one, it's a good time and I always use the fucking "yeah no yeahhhh noooo yeah no" line with my brother whenever we're talking about something shitty. The religious imagery as a form of economic satire in my opinion was really well done.
The Poor Kid: Kenny. Kenny, goddammit, you do nothing for seasons then you pull this. Such a sweet episode and reminds me why I love him as a character. I love his connection with his sister and I love when they use him as a force for good.
Reverse Cowgirl: Sorry I love the Clyde trauma episode a lot, the TSA bits absolutely send me. Excuse me sir I need to check ya asshole
Faith Hilling: This one didn't age well but that's why I love it. A time capsule into old meme culture and it's still funny. OOooooooh long johnson
Free Hat: Warms my icy heart with a cool island song. Really good use of Tweek as a character for a plot that's just so out there it works. Makes me happy.
Honorable Mentions: Informative Murder Porn (one of the episodes that pulled me back into sp when I started to seriously watch it in 2013), Cartman Sucks, Le Petite Tourette, Hummels and Heroin, Super Fun Time, Tsst, the 1%, Pip, South Park Is Gay, both Pandemic episodes
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cryde-donovan-vlogs · 4 years
// Hey everyone! Added a bunch of headcanons to Clyde’s HC doc. The newly added ones can also be found below the Keep Reading. 
Clyde is so sociable that he ends up talking to strangers on a whim and gets caught up in their stories. His disposition is very inviting and encouraging, willing to give people the space to be as weird or open as they want to be. He has no shame and will inject himself into strangers’ conversations or approach just about anyone.
He maintains an endless curiosity for the world and the cultures around him. The type of guy to go to the movies alone and not feel bad about it.
He’s a hard worker, his video and influencer hustle is strong. He’s always trying something new, watching trends, and pouring a great amount of passion into his work. Because of this, Clyde is often busy and on an adventure of his own.
He’s fine with playing the idiot and letting people think he’s a typical ex-highschool brainless jock when he’s actually got so much more going on under the hood. That isn’t to say he’s smart, he’s just stubborn, genuine, and passionate.
Has a weird and secret obsession with vampires; the stories, the myth, movies about them, etc. Read and watched the Twilight series in secret. TEAM EDWARD!
^ This is purely based on the superhero he made as a kid (Mosquito)… seems pretty sus he made a hero all about sucking blood and regaining health from it.
^ He also did it to try and understand why the ladies were into it and accidentally got swept into the fandom.
He also really really likes dinosaurs.
Blames himself for his mother’s death and has never gotten over it. It’s baggage he’ll likely carry for the rest of his life. He’s afraid of taking on other mother figures for the simple fact he may ‘kill’ them too.
Makes Lemon Bars at least once a year in honor of his mom, typically on her birthday. They’re dished out to friends since it’s upsetting to eat them. It’s a habit he can’t break even if it upsets him.
Kisses the homies goodnight, just makes sure to add “no homo” so it ain’t gay.
At the beginning of freshman year in college (where his main verse currently is), Clyde’s channel has around 500K subscribers on Youtube & Twitch. He also maintains an active presence on his social media (Twitter, TikTok, etc.)
He got a camera for his birthday in 6th grade and immediately created a YouTube channel. It’s called ‘Cryde Donovan Vlogs’ (a typo) until he later rebrands to ‘Clyde Donovan’.
Starting with vlogs, he eventually branches out to more ambitious videos such as pranks, commentaries, documentaries, gameplay, and live streams. As his channel grows he takes on larger-scale projects and risks such as professionally shot (by him) mini-movies or music videos.
He has a natural eye and gut instinct for filming, photography, lighting, and framing. All of his videos have him behind the camera or heavily directing to maintain his artistic vision.
^ Similarly, while he wasn’t good at school work, he understands the intricacies of the internet. Analytics and how to review / gauge them, when to post and when not to post, what’s trending, etc. 
Always down to collab or showcase people from South Park on his channels. The town’s weirdness and the odd charm of the people who live there are the foundation of his vlogs. His friends and family are heavily featured on his channel unless they request to be left out.
^ There are conspiracy theories out there that SP is just TOO weird to be true and the people featured in his videos are actors.
Roger initially fights his son on making a career out of his channel and even forces him to attend college for business / gen ed. It’s not a lack of faith but more concern that it’s uncertain, taking over the shoe store is more stable. He eventually relents.
Future Clyde becomes a successful online influencer and media creator with his channel and goes on to make a merch line (possibly with the help of Bebe).
Their relationship is good, though strained and tested time and time again by his son’s stupidity.
He wants his son to take over the Shoe store but Clyde’s aspirations don’t match the sentiment.
He eventually forces his son to go to college for Gen Ed / Business in hopes it would put a stop to Clyde’s talk of making it big online. It doesn’t.
Even though she was hard on him, and her final words were chastising herself for not being tougher on him, he loves her and misses her dearly.
Taught Clyde a little of the Dutch language and culture
He has a sister, (my HC is that) she’s older than him by a few years.
She takes on the ‘mother figure’ role after Betsy passes away but Clyde rejects it out of fear that he may kill her accidentally too.
Likes to sing and is pretty damn good at it!
* Based on a deleted scene from the Reverse Cowgirl episode and other context clues in the show
Craig (@watchingredracereveryday)
Has gone over to Craig’s house so often since childhood he basically lets himself in now.
The two have a similar relationship dynamic to Kyle and Stan, just with less drama.
Sporadically kicks in Craig’s door and pulls Craig along to do stupid shit with him, usually ending up in the two having some kind of wacky adventure.
The friend that Clyde confides in the most, especially with in struggling with his closeted Bi thoughts.
Out of his friend group, Token is the one that Clyde hangs out with the most since Craig is dating Tweek and he doesn’t want to intrude.
Tweek (@tweek-bros-coffee)
The friend that Tweek goes to when he’s been up for days and can’t sleep. Clydes excited energy and busy-bee schedule usually wears him down so he can sleep
Usually drags Tweek into random and sudden misadventures.
Jimmy gets featured on Clyde’s channel the most out of his friend group since he’s funny, witty, and the two have a good banter and dialogue.
Tricia (@tricia-fucker)
He sees Tricia as his kick-ass little sister and would do anything for her! Very protective of her and would bend over backwards at her request.
Bebe (@blondebeebitch)
His Queen bestie!! Would do anything for her.
Likes having self-care day or spa nights with her. They get to unwind, maybe drink a little, put on a face mask, and hang out. Sounds like a win to him.
If he needs fashion or general life advice, he typically goes to Bebe. She radiates an energy that gives him comfort in the answers she provides. She also has the Tarot and crystals to back her up.
Pete (@cigarette-tainted-death)
Initially starts out bothering Pete during his graveyard shifts at the station but starts staying longer and longer since he enjoys his company.
Was recently asked to go freighthopping by Pete, for a video, and he agreed. Totes looking forward to it, Brete. (Bro+Pete)
Ike (@sir-canuck)
Sees himself in Ike since the little guy wants to go into streaming and video games too! He’s willing to take him under his wing and offer any guidance he can.
The jocks that have since graduated, like Stan and Clyde, have unofficially adopted Ike as their little jock brother.
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expirisims · 4 years
The Residents
Here are the households that I may check in on from time to time, but won’t be playing in rotation.  They are all housed throughout Thicket and many have roles such as stylists or coworkers of my played sims!  For the most part, I don’t do a ton to the majority of my sims except get rid of crazy hair or super crazy outfits.  I kinda like the variety of sims I get and usually let them match themselves up as well.  All of these sims aside from the Fields are pretty much as they spawned.  I did some sculpting to Tamsen Field’s face to make her look more unique and I thinned and buffed Dean really because I thought he was a clone of Randal Stark until I downloaded the cc skins and eyes I use and realized they look nothing alike!
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The Baron Family:  Clayton Baron, his fiancé Monica Ernst and their new baby Tyree along with dog Snaggles, who is obviously hungry for hotdogs!
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The Betancourt family: Serena and her fiancé Kirby Cho.  I’ll probably check in on them more than some of the others :)
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The Cabral family: Dwayne and Betsy with daughter Rebekah and dog Scout.  They own the farm with greenhouse that I posted a picture of.  My intent is that they will sell produce and flowers from their farm or at one of the local commercial lots.
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The Cannon family.  Darrel Cannon and his fiancé Tanya Schipano.  They are both stylists in Thicket.
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The DeLuca’s: Dereck was a werewolf, but I didn’t want to have a ton of supernatural stuff in this play through.  Shawn, his wife, is the boss of Lynne Beckwith which is the first family up in rotation. Their daughter Mara and dog, Lady.
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The Dowling’s: Nicholas and Corinna.  Nicholas is best friends with another townie Dan Waggoner.  Corinna was the first of about 5 Corine, Corina ect spawned by the game so most of them had their names changed, but it fit her so I left it!
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The Field’s: Dean and Tamsen are both Drs.
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The Gold family: Lyle and Randi with son Clyde and dog Sheba.
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The Hastings Family:  Shad is the local detective and Rena works as a desk clerk at the spa.
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The Haywood family:  Brendon Haywood is the local architectural designer and just moved in with girlfriend Hilda Winstead.
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The Hillards:  Armand (Armie for short) is a chef at the Three Sirens restaurant which he owns and his wife Shelley Huey-Hillard is the highest ranking official at the City Hall.  They have just had their first child, Brett Huey Hillard.
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The Holm family: Brennon, who is the brother to Quinton Holm an NPC and his wife Marcie.  They have recently adopted a kitten, Nona.
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The Jacques family:  Jamie, Audrey and Donny Jacques.  Jamie is kind of the town loon.
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The Pullen’s:  Joel Pullen and Kelly Fuentes-Pullen, newlyweds.  Kelly is the sister of Bryce Fuentes an NPC and they are apparently always getting together because they pop up on my sp all the time as family reunion and sharing the town gossip!
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The Runyon family:  Domingo Runyon and another one of the Corinne’s I kept.  Corinne Watt.  I had moved these two single sims in together with the intention they would wind up together, but they’ve been shaking up my planned stories the past couple of days!!
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The Sheldon family:  Boy do Cecil and Beverly have their hands full!  She had just given birth to baby Ferra when I finished my world testing and got the rotation set up and surprise!  she had a second baby, Ifran two days into the rotation!  I really need to get the pregnancy tuner set up so my sims aren’t cranking out kiddos every other day!
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The Spaulding family:  Joel Spaulding and Shauna Watkins.  Best friends and maybe more along with master hunter Egon the cat.
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The Waggoner family: Dan Waggoner (best friend of Nick Dowling) and his fiancé Michelle Torrez.  Dan is also pretty good friends with Vance McKay and Carlos Munoz who are both in the rotation.
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The Wells family:  Bryon and Lisa were roommates of Norman Davies before he met Gwen.  As you can see, Lisa is fond of cats :) Mackie is the mother with kittens Dink, Elijah and Mittens
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The Westmoreland family: Arthur and Bernice (who can be a little demanding) along with their cat Maggie and roommate Tanika Bateman.  Tanika is the only EA roommate I haven’t deleted as she is the girlfriend of Alexandria Newcomb and will likely play a much larger role in the play through unless sp has other plans :) 
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hellpark · 5 years
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CRAIG: Okay like, a million people are asking this, so...
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KENNY: Why the hell not?
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CRAIG: Wow, awesome explanation.
STAN: So really, are we just sitting here pretending we’re talking to somebody?
CRAIG: I gave up trying to accuse people like 10 seconds dude.
JIMMY: I’ll admit, it’s a lot more f-f-fun when you're not a p-p-party p-pppooper.
CRAIG: Yeah and seeing Clyde wet himself because he thinks it’s real is fun in itself, too.
CRAIG: I know, buddy.
CRAIG: Actually.
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CRAIG: Hey spirit or demon or whatever, if you’re really, super are here, do something that’ll actually make Clyde pee his pants.
KENNY: You sure you want that on your carpet, dude?
CRAIG: Wouldn’t be the first time he’s pissed himself in here.
KENNY: Haha wait what--
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CRAIG: Did you just yell out the word gourd?
KENNY: Oh, fuck, the door opened.
CRAIG: ...
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JIMMY: Woah!
JIMMY: Is anybody th-th... th-there?
TOKEN: No, nobody should be home, right Craig?
CRAIG: Yeah my parents are out of town.
CRAIG: And my sister’s at her friend’s.
JIMMY: Sp-p-pooky!
CRAIG: Yknow what, lemme just...
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KYLE: Why did you take a picture?
CRAIG: You know how in like, horror movies and stuff, whenever there’s a ghost or something around, they take a picture and, like, they can see the ghost or whatever?
KYLE: Not really, no?
CRAIG: Okay well watch better movies.
CRAIG: I wanna see if that works.
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CRAIG: ...
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CRAIG: Ew, why’d it get all... weird.
KYLE: Is your camera cracked?
CRAIG: No idiot, I just took like three other pictures earlier.
KYLE: Okay well you taking pictures earlier doesn’t change the fact that maybe you cracked your phone after--
CRAIG: It’s not cracked, dude.
CRAIG: Fuck off.
KENNY: ...Maybe try and take another picture?
CRAIG: No, keep your pee pants away from me dude.
CRAIG: I’ll take another.
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CRAIG: ...Huh.
KYLE: Hey you know what?
KYLE: You know what I’m deciding right now?
KYLE: I think I’ve decided that I’m done for now.
CRAIG: What, too much of a pussy?
KYLE: Too much of a pussy to get killed by some weird glitch monster, yeah.
KENNY: Yeah your house is fucked now, dude.
KENNY: Good luck being haunted.
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001 sp?
Favorite character: I honestly can’t choose! But for now I’ll go with Kenny. Throughout the series, he became much more than the pervert who always dies. He’s also a caring brother, a badass superhero with a tragic backstory, and an overall cool friend. The writers managed to develop this character so well, and if they make another episode centered around him, I’ll be here for it!
Least Favorite character: Not really an unpopular opinion, but… Randy. I don’t hate him, I’m just not all that interested in him, and since he got a lot of screen time (yet again) last season, I think it’s about time somebody else take the spotlight for a change. Him, and maybe Gerald because of what happened in Season 20, ugh.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kyman, K2, Stenny, Bunny, Creek. I am such a multishipper, so of course I have more ships, but these are the top 5 for now!
Character I find most attractive: You mean when they’re all grown up, right? Well if that were the case, Kenny. I guess you could blame the very talented fan artists who draw him well.
Character I would marry: Again, Kenny. As stated above.
Character I would be best friends with: I love most of the kids, but I can only see myself being friends with maybe Butters and Clyde, mainly because I kinda relate to them the most.
a random thought: Cartman and Kenny are obsessed with early 2000s pop music. They would even dress up in wigs and worn out clothes pretending to be their favorite artists while they jump around Cartman’s bed singing their hearts out, to the neighbors’ dismay.
An unpopular opinion: A lot of you are going to hate me for saying this, but this show should’ve ended last year, maybe a bit sooner than that. I love this show but I personally prefer the older seasons, plus whenever a show runs a bit too long (i.e. the Simpsons, Family Guy, and unneeded reboots of already established shows from the past), it’s about time to just pull the plug already, sorry. Let’s hope when this show ends, it’ll be on a high note.  
my canon OTP: So far? Creek, hands down. Stendy is also cute.
Non-canon OTP: Kyman. See my icon and the header for this blog? Yeah, it’s kinda self-explanatory.
most badass character: Kyle, of course.
pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t really have a problem with any ship, tbh. Maybe Tweek/Kyle or Kyle/Butters, idk.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): There are many problems with this show that bother me, not gonna lie, but for now, my main problem is the retconning, especially since this show is already over two decades old. I think a good example is Karen McCormick, Kenny’s little sister. Of course she is not the issue herself, in fact, I love the fact that Kenny looks out for her like a great brother should. “The Poor Kid” is even one of my all time favorite episodes. It’s the fact that she’s some last minute add-on, is my issue. As the series went on, it has always been Kenny, his mom and dad Carol and Stuart, and lastly, his older brother Kevin. She didn’t appear until “Best Friends Forever”, which came out eight years after the show began. Her existence also retconned Kenny’s (admittedly funny) storyline in “Cartman Joins NAMBLA”, when he desperately tried to prevent his parents from having another child (speaking of which, the ending only raises even more questions about Kenny’s own existence). I just wished the writers had come up with her sooner, maybe around the time we were all introduced to Kenny’s home and family.
favourite friendship: Stan and Kyle, their friendship peaked in the earlier seasons, especially in “Cherokee Hair Tampons”. Here’s to hoping they finally make up for real, but that probably won’t be for another decade...
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Butters. He’s the butt-monkey towards his friends and his own parents, and his own grandmother for God’s sake, and this child deserves better and he needs to move away from them and this shitty town as far as he can. Hell, Father Maxi would be a better dad than Stephen.
Thanks for the question @green4ever!
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