#sp kyle icons
cartmansito · 4 months
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— kyle broflovski icons
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imarriedkeqing · 2 years
matching icons (*´ω`*)
featuring: Kyle, Stan, Cartman & Kenny.
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South Park matching icons ig!!?
like/reblog when using or saving??
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clubcuhnty · 2 months
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M5 genderbend
headcanons written by the amazing @shortstackedkyman <3
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roostertuftart · 1 year
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Stan and Kyle being gender at the Jersey shore
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wends-burger · 1 year
SOUTH PARK MATCHING PFPS(I wish I had sm1 to do these with)
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luci-mxrningstar · 6 months
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ᰔ | ᴋ ʏ ʟ ᴇ ʙ ʀ ᴏ ғ ʟ ᴏ ᴠ s ᴋ ɪ ɪ ᴄ ᴏ ɴ s
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karkkledoodle · 1 year
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style matching pfps for pride month because i wanted new matching icons for my tumblr and insta lol
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boxwinebaddie · 9 days
bc i don't care about spoilers anymore, i want y'all to know that the climax of the south park portion of rm is at ike's winter formal where jersey is stuck wearing what sheila's brother or gerald wore to his prom in the eighties ( its giving downtown abbey, he looks like a founding father, help ) and is still mad as fuck at poor ravenstan, wolfing down punch ( he does not know is spiked, oof )
crimson dawn comes out, ravenstan is FITTED, bro like i put him in this badass emo boy red and black charro outfit because he's a legend with his red combat boots on and his eyeliner going crazy, ( ya i do think kenny and jimmy are in those 2007 scene shirts with the fake tie on them, marj looks like punk rock southern avril lavigne )
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ray4youknow · 3 months
Decided to make my own pfp! :)
here is it:
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mysterion-rises · 1 year
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Rewatched the movie recently and had to do some redraws
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kalesalad77 · 1 year
can't decide whether stendy or style is better
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a-literalrat · 7 months
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Just did head shots bc i cant draw hahah but have the boys lol - the circles on they faces r supposed to be acne >~< tweek and kenny have freckles tho and craig is supposed to be wearing a nose ring but it kinda just looks like part of his nose lol eric also has a mole under his left (technically right ig? Lol) anyways lemme know if i should digitalize em maybe i can make em look a bit better bc wow the quality is butt lol
Also kenny totally has a unibrow i just wanted u guys to appreciate that hahahaha
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hey, does anyone know of any icon/editing blogs that accept requests for south park? i didn’t try searching because i know if i do, i’ll just find posts mentioning that it’s on the DNI/DNR. also if they allow anon that’d be great cause i don’t wanna reveal my main!
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supercreig · 2 months
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'It's a Jersey Thing' will forever be one of my favorite episodes of SP fdd8gudtbcgasdct
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kylelover · 1 year
hey! Hope you guys like this:) it's my first time writing these hdjssb
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It was a rainy day outside and you were hanging out at your boyfriends house
which smelled a lot like weed (and pine trees for some reason...) but you got used to it
You were sitting on his sofa watching a true crime movie (he literally forced you to watch it with him)
He sat on one edge of the sofa and you on the other
Stan was focused on the screen, and he suddenly noticed you moved closer to him
You put your head on his chest and your arm around his neck
Stan's cheeks went from normal tint to a crimsom red. He was blushing really bad, and he looked cute.
He really didnt know what to do
He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer
You guys were infatuated with each others scent
He smelled like lavender and a soft touch of alcohol... it was... comforting in some way
And you were using your iconic perfume/cologne
You were staring at the screen, your head on Stan's shoulder. His eyes were staring at you the whole time, he was mesmerized.
He started feeling light-headed, and felt like there was a knot on his throat.
He was feeling nauseous.
Uh, Oh.
He knew what was coming, Stan didnt want you to see him puke so he always tried to hide it from you, however, it was kind of obvious.
"Sorry babe, I'll be right back."
He got up from the sofa, bad idea. He instantly vomited on the counter.
He was so embarrassed 😭 you comforted him and told him it was okay, which made him feel kind of better about it.
After that, his nauseas became less intense, and both lovers cuddled all night.
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Team Stan was doing a sleepover at Cartmans house. All of you had sleeping bags
Kyle had his old Terrence and Phillip one, Stan had a light yellow one and Kenny a dusty violet sleeping bag.
And, of course, Cartman slept on his bed with extremely comfortable pillows.
You and your friends were playing video games, a fighting one to be more specific.
since it was only for 4 players you guys took turns.
You were scrolling on your phone, sitting on the sofa and every once in a while watched how the boys played.
"PLAYER 3, ELIMINATED." the sudden noise made you flinch a little bit.
"Dude, are you serious?" Kyle huffed. "Haha, yes! That's for killing me last round, asshole!" The chubby boy laughed and celebrated after eliminating the ginger haired boy.
You heard a sigh near you.
"Hello, love." Kyles voice cracked a little bit since he sat down next to you a little roughly
'Love' oh, how you adored him calling you that. Kyle always used those nicknames with you, such as princess, dear, sometimes even babe.
"Hey." you answered softly.
Instantaneously, you felt weight on your shoulders.
Kyle was a tryhard when it came to fighting videogames, so he was a little tired.
You put your arm around his and grabbed his hand. He nuzzled his head on your neck and whispered, "Sorry, is it okay if I just– if we cuddle?" The boy was nervous. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable by just hugging you randomly.
"Yeah, it's fine." you smiled back at him.
Now, there was a tired boy with his head resting on your shoulder, you on his arms as he held you like he was protecting you.
You could feel his soft, curly haired locks touch your skin in such a gentle way. It tickled your cheek a little...
You felt secured around him, and he did as well.
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You were watching meme videos while sitting on his bed
Cartman had cuddled a few times he already knew what to do (cough, cough... heidi), so when you asked him if you could cuddle, he wasn't shocked, I mean, who wouldn't want to do it with him, right? (Only you do)
It was 4am so both of you guys were tired, he just nodded slightly at your response which meant yes.
You immediately threw your arms around him and put your head on his soft chest
You never knew why??? he was??? so comfy?? he felt like a pillow.
Cartman moved his arm to grab your arm slightly.
You closed your eyes as the boy watched his videos in silence.
It was rare the moments like these that you had with him since he doesn't want to look "weak" around people. So you appreciated every tiny bit of it.
His scent filled your nose with satisfaction, he always smelled like a combination of cookies and his mothers clothing perfume.
You could hear as the crickets sang, the branches moved slowly and hit the window with almost no impact, the sound of Eric's phone. It all echoed on your ear.
It felt so normal, even though it was the first time you guys did this.
The sounds became more muffled as your eyes started closing. The sound of his heart started fading more and more.
Then, you fell asleep, next to your beloved boyfriend.
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Today was a really snowy day. And that was bad. Atleast for South Park High.
The doors were all locked since they were being covered by snow on the outside.
The school told everyone to calm down and that they were all staying in the gym at the moment until the snowfall is over.
Which meant you had to sleep over in school.
You and Kenny were sitting side by side, with your backs against the wall.
The lights were dimmed and sometimes they flickered.
You and him were chatting casual stuff.
Kenny looked at you for a long while, which made you question him.
"Is something wrong?" He nodded his head "My back kinda hurts." He looked tired, like at any given moment he would just collapse.
"Oh lord, i didnt even notice how exhausted you looked... Kenny, if your back hurts maybe you can sleep on top of me?"
You didnt realise how straightforward you were. Kenny looked at you warmly, he loved how caring you were towards him.
"I'd love to be on top of you" He smirked as he moved in front of you and slowly put his head on your lap.
You giggled softly at him, lord, he was such a character.
You were kind of nervous... butterflies building up on your stomach. Kenny always looked so pretty, you never knew how he did it to be so good-looking at all times.
He looked up and smiled at you, his crooked teeth showing up. You always thought he looked cute when he did this as you could see his dimples perfectly.
You played with his hair, it was so soft and fluffy.
His hair always looked so messy yet so nice.
You didnt even notice you were staring until he remarked it.
"Hey, dont need to stare so hard, I wont leave."
You ruffled his hair. "Oh, shut. I love you."
He sat up straighter as you hugged him from behind and he held your hands delicately.
Kenny always felt so giddy and goofy when he was around his partner, especially right now since he had realised you were cuddling, but tried to play it cool.
And you stayed like that for hours. Just rambling and talking about stuff you like.
You didnt realise time went so fast that the birds started chirping. God, you really spoke until 7am? Especially when you spent it with people you loved, even more if it was Kenny.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
I'm starving. Please, tell me your faves SP long fics 🙇🏻‍♀️. Your recommendations are always the best.
Good morning here’s some breakfast! I’ve read a lottttt and I’ve definitely recommended a good chunk of these before, but there’s some more recent ones on this list too! Multiple pairings, some dark subjects, some fluffier stories, all fairly long and most of these are complete! Here we go!!!
The Thief Trilogy by Wintergrew! C’mon we know I’m gonna rec that one every chance I get lmao the lore and world building is absolutely phenomenal!!!
This House of Mine by OrcaTimes another one I’ve recommended a lot BECAUSE IT EATS OK?!? One of the first sp fics I read and it’s so incredibly well written and the character dynamics slay so hard and we know I’m a Kyle girlie I LOVE him in this! Creek centric too!
Ship In A Bottle by FayOfTheForest COMFORT FIC FRFR it got me hooked on style and it’s WONDERFUL
Painted in Shrouds by courtanie THE best kysterion out there I said what I said AINT NOBODY DOIN K2 LIKE COURTANIE the plot is so incredible dude holy shit I was on the edge of my seat
The Stag Prince by SynapticFirefly dude ok y’all know I’ll read anything w my beloved elf Kyle and I KID U NOT THIS IS THE BEST KYMAN IVE EVER READ!!! The characterization is PERFECT like THIS is kyman to me, plus sot au so ofc I’m down it is WONDERFUL the adults are iconic in it too and it’s really a The Gangs All Here story
Hunger Pains by bellwether I KNOW I DONT SHUT UP ABT THIS ONE BUT I DO NOT CARE it truly altered my brain chemistry god chapter 16(?) I believe in particular fuck dude kenny in the whole thing but there’s this moment… and STAN I love my son so much and this is EASILY one of my favorite Stans ever plus I LIVE for Cartman caring about the guys in his own way this fic dude I could write an essay on it
The Illegitimate Opportunity Structure by espyonz STENNY OH MY FUCK this one is PHENOMENAL so far
Behind The Wall by Jwink85 look man ngl this one has been on my rec lists before and that’s because it’s INCREDIBLE also we know I fuck w jwink for the most part. Such an incredible portrayal of abusive relationships and so, so good. The style girlies gettin fed too FUCK I love them. Also dude jwink in general has some incredible stuff just be prepared for some dead dove action in some
speaking of consuming super dead doves, BRUH fuckin To Have And To Hold by courtanie JESUS CHRIST I KNOW IVE RECED THIS ONE BEFORE TOO BUT THATS BECAUSE ITS OBJECTIVELY ONE OF THE BEST STORIES IVE EVER READ YALL want k2? Dark Cryle? Kenny and Stan teamup? The gang forming a plan? Kyle never losing his fire despite everything? Mannnn look no further! I wanna make this a movie so bad
Knives by SparrowGrim dudeeeeeee this is such a cool premise and it feels VERY southparkian in a dystopian kind of way!
South Park Confidential by FayOfTheForest Dude I love this one we got the holy trinity of sp ships with style bunny and creek! It’s such a thrilling crime story SO cool to see characters develop and overcome their own shit, like dude!!!
You know I ain’t doin a rec list without shouting out to the homies!!! Song Of Broflovski by asteria7, pep and rm by boxwinebaddie, Entries From The Past by ViviBaby69420, A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies, ALL OF THESE KICK SO MUCH ASS!!!
Ok man that’s what I can think of as of rn, THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKIN
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