#rm spoilers
hawkflight427 · 7 months
Geez... the Smith family really does not deserve Morty... It broke my heart in the newest episode how the family treated this poor kid over spaghetti of all things... he deserves better for sure. It really speaks volumes to his character how he much he still loves them despite the way his own parents always neglect him and say such awful things to him. I really hope they explore this more in the future.
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boxwinebaddie · 6 days
bc i don't care about spoilers anymore, i want y'all to know that the climax of the south park portion of rm is at ike's winter formal where jersey is stuck wearing what sheila's brother or gerald wore to his prom in the eighties ( its giving downtown abbey, he looks like a founding father, help ) and is still mad as fuck at poor ravenstan, wolfing down punch ( he does not know is spiked, oof )
crimson dawn comes out, ravenstan is FITTED, bro like i put him in this badass emo boy red and black charro outfit because he's a legend with his red combat boots on and his eyeliner going crazy, ( ya i do think kenny and jimmy are in those 2007 scene shirts with the fake tie on them, marj looks like punk rock southern avril lavigne )
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gofishygo · 2 months
i know that everyone says this but the mw3 rm soap death was shit awful . looking back at it, logistically , it shouldn’t have happened .
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so the first injury in this was soap being shot in the right shoulder (most likely in joint tendon region) . pretty painful , and if did hit in the area i believe it did , would hinder mobility in the upper right region of the body (neck, arm, some torso muscles .
HOWEVER !! soap has proven to be shot in similar or worse regions in other missions and has been able to carry through and complete objective alive .
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what you are seeing is a move that should have killed makarov instantly . this is a stab performed to the external jugular vein (and due to soaps experience , possibly a carotid artery . i was taught this attack in weapons studies , my friends in the military were also taught that this region is one of the quickest ways to krill . (not giving murder advice just trying to prove a point please don’t ban me) not to mention this is immensely painful . realistically , mans should have dropped then and there . not to mention there were sas soldiers who should have opened fire the second they saw him anyways ??
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now THIS is the part that pisses me off the most. see makarov’s lock ? that actively engages the trapezius and scalene muscles , which would be DIRECTLY affected from the stab would . combined with the fact that soap is (estimated) 80-90 kgs , he would not have been able to perform that lock let alone hold it .
and with soap being part of the fucking MILITARY , he should have been able to get out of that by a) breaking the locked arm and using the other hand to either disarm / kill makarov (which he should have been able to handle , especially judging by the fucking alone mission) or b) hitting the back of makarovs knee to send them both to the ground, slip under him to not break his arm and hit em w the buck+trap+flip to get a vantage, and then continue the fight from there, which should be very short anyways considering that makarov’s bleeding out faster than a fucking SNAKE STRIKE . and somehow with the majestic force of activision giving less than 2 fucks about all the characters and medical theory there , makarov manages to get a straight aim and shoot soap straight through the ear ??!! and then bolt past a fuck ton of bullets that should have BEEN FIRED ON HIM EARLIER and then hurl himself INTO A TRAIN . if you wanted to kill of one of the leads in the modern warfare series , do it in a way that is well written and thought out and accurate .
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disco-tea · 2 years
I’m so upset I’m so upset because we immortalize Renfield as Dracula’s bug-eating minion. Dracula’s faithful servant. But do you know what he did? HE DIED PROTECTING MINA. He was the only one protecting Mina at the time. He died trying to selflessly protect somebody because they were kind to him. Because they treated him like a person. Because he couldn’t stand the idea of them being slowly drained and killed. He physically fought Dracula and it cost him his life. And maybe it’s just because I don’t know my Dracula adaptations all that well…but I don’t think how Renfield actually dies is talked about enough. I don’t think it’s appreciated how, here is somebody who believed they could prolong their life by consuming other lives…but in the end he GAVE his life for another.
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babe are u ok? you barely touched your spiders
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spider-xan · 11 months
I'm happy to see all the meta this year, re: the parallels between Jonathan and Dracula at the castle versus Renfield and Seward at the asylum bc last year, it wasn't really a popular topic of analysis from what I remember, and without spoiling anything, I do think doing a read-through of Dracula last year put Renfield in a different light on a re-read, and it's honestly a relief to see Renfield being treated with more respect and sympathy this time around, as opposed to him being a joke character, prop for Seward's storyline, or his mental illness being stigmatized as something that makes him evil, creepy, and undeserving of sympathy and compassion.
Likewise, as someone who does like Seward as a complex and very flawed character, I'm glad to see more discussion about the way he and Dracula are foils to each other instead of such posts being dismissed as character slander - a lot of characters in the novel parallel Dracula in unique ways, so it's a legitimate topic of analysis if approached in good faith! - as well as viewing his treatment of Renfield in a more critical light bc while he isn't actively malicious in terms of intent, it was a little frustrating last year to see some of that critique reduced to how it's unfair to hold him to modern standards when his actions still nevertheless caused harm and some Victorian contemporaries would have seen them as wrong, not to mention that many of our 'modern' standards regarding mental illness are not progressive at all.
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picklepie888 · 9 months
Dracula Mischaracterization Drinking Game
Sit down and watch the Dracula adaptation(s) of your choice, and take a drink anytime these common mischaracterizations occur.
Is combined with Renfield
Dies at the beginning
Is made into a generic male hero
Is a toxic partner to Mina
Barely has any presence at all
Never goes to Transylvania
Is made to be aggresive and "manly"
Is Dracula's love interest/reincarnated wife
Is indifferent to or hates Jonathan and/or Lucy
Is made into a one-note damsel in distress
Has none of her original intelligence
Is only there as "moral support" for the men
Is a prize to be won by the men
Is swapped with Lucy
Is married to someone other than Jonathan
Dies as a vampire or remains a vampire in the end
Dumps Jonathan for Dracula
Consented to the "Baptisim of Blood"
Is an old man/same age as Van Helsing
Is Mina's and/or Lucy's father
Isn't friends with Van Helsing or the rest of the Suitor Squad
Is the only present member of the Suitor Squad
Only there to be Lucy's doctor and has no emotional connection to her
Does all the research and work that Mina actually did in the original story
Van Helsing
Is way older or way younger than his original age
Is a badass action hero vampire hunter
Comes from/started a bloodline of famous vampire hunters
Is the only character other than Dracula from the book
Has a first name other than "Abraham"
Has supernatural powers
Is a woman/combined with Sister Agatha
Is the only one who knows Dracula is a vampire and has to prove it to everyone else
Is the one to kill Dracula
Is not Dutch in the slightest
Is straight up nonexistent
Is combined with Arthur
Has so little relevancy he might as well not be there
Is British, or anything other than American/Texan
Is a shallow or douchey lover to Lucy
Has a futuristic descendent with more plot relevance than himself
Is straight up nonexistent
Is combined with Jack, or Quincey, or Jonathan, or any combination of those
Doesn't contribute or is entirely absent in the staking vampire!Lucy scene
Is Lucy's or Mina's brother
Is a spoiled rich boy who barely contributes to the plot
Is swapped/combined with Mina
Is Mina's sister
Is shallow/slutty/bitchy
Is a toxic friend to Mina/secretly hates her
Is framed by the narrative as deserving of her death at the hands of Dracula
Literally asked/invited Dracula to drain from her
Her plotline is ignored/never resolved
Is staked by someone other than Arthur
Is engaged/married to someone other than Arthur
Is actually canonically queer, but she still gets killed
Is combined with Jonathan/goes to Transylvania instead of Jonathan
Is the secondary villain/straight up evil
Is way older or way younger than his original age
Remains loyal to Dracula throughout the whole story and never fights/turns on him
Never interacts with Mina
Is shown as "sane" at the beginning
Becomes a vampire at some point
The narrative tries to justify his mistreatment at the hands of Jack
Is not "evil," just """misunderstood"""
Is actually the protagonist
His first name is Vlad
Appears and regularly interacts with the other characters throught the story
Is young/handsome/suave
Is here to "liberate" Mina from her "toxic"/"boring" husband
Is combined with Vlad the Impaler/some historical figure
Is obsessed with Mina specifically
Has all queer undertones stripped from him
Is not Romanian/his actor makes no attempt to sound Romanian
Is basically just a characature of Bela Logosi
Only kills the characters who "deserved" to die
Is hurt/killed by exposure to sunlight
Is Van Helsing's arch nemesis
Is friends with Frankenstein's monster
Never turns into anything other than a bat
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ibrithir-was-here · 29 days
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Tada! Commission for @i-rove-rock-n-roll for a very cool Dracula sounding time loop/travel fic they have in the works featuring the characters who don’t make it through….
Thank you for commissioning me!
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treespen · 9 months
I know Lucy compared herself to Ophelia and that this is worrying, given the fact that Ophelia drowned and Lucy has been having drowning dreams but...
Jonathan has compared himself to Hamlet and Renfield was indirectly compared to Hamlet by Jack.
Sure, both Jonathan and Renfield are now madmen, as Hamlet was perceived. But they're not dead!
And Jack quoted Polonius, but he hasn't been stabbed!
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brotherdusk · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about how horribly, needlessly cruel dracula's attack on renfield was. like, there was never any hope of saving renfield’s life after the attack, but it was such a conscious decision on dracula's part to leave him there to linger and suffer for who knows how long instead of just killing him on the spot. it's the exact same need to torment his victims for as long as possible that allowed jonathan to escape - and the result is the same! jonathan lived to tell the tale and reveal dracula's plans to the rest of the squad, and renfield lived just long enough to report the attacks on mina. dracula in his hubris cannot resist taking that little extra effort to terrorise people, as he believes them all to be as powerless and isolated as the villagers he used to throw to the wolves
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seoul-bros · 6 months
Namjoon Spoiler King
Jikook kicking themselves for giving away too much. Now I am even more intrigued and impatient to see their fishy mukbang.
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Post Date: 05/12/2023
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abiscuit · 8 months
“Local girl with Renfield pfp distraught at his sudden death even though it was written over one hundred years ago and she fully knew it was coming”
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boxwinebaddie · 27 days
i fear it's the nina special, babycakes. i live for chaos and drama, which, because for some reason i am feeling run through my veins on this random, once tame saturday, i think i'll torture you a little more...
...With This.
( if you haven’t read this big ask, pls don’t read this yet. )
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gofishygo · 26 days
ok ok fat disclaimer before i drop this take because i just KNOW this isnt gonna be received well , but
this is from a WRITING perspective, NOT PERSONAL PREFERENCE .
and now that we have established this, i will single handedly drop the take that will get my account mass reported and banned, and understandably so
as much as i love him , gaz dying would have been much better writing than soap .
think about it; he's the right hand man of price (one of the franchises most iconic characters and the lead protagonist of the series) , and is one of the most changed characters compared to the 09 versions . had some of the best writing and development throughout the series (apart from ghost and soap in mw2 but NOT mw3 they were just fuckin arounf the whole time) , and is arguably one of the most important and underrated leads . a death from him would have a huge effect on the team , especially price , and would make far more sense than soaps .
because in my opinion, soap was just fucking around the whole mw3 . made not a SINGLE smart decision (but not much characters did it was a battle of who could outstupid each other), and had less impact compared to gaz .
of course, we're changing the way he died and the final fight sequence because lets be real soap's death was one of the most underwhelming and medically inaccurate ways to die, but we should have killed him off like a main character. i would have much prefered gaz to die as the hero he was, and have some form of final interaction with price . let's create a sequel that is vengance in it's entirety, show the community the effects of tf141 without gaz that opens up so many plot potentials . because let's be real , that would have emotionally destroyed the whole fandom far more than the actual ending is , and created a far more interesting plotline .
ok hot take done please dont come after my whole bloodline please
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yooboointhemood · 3 months
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I live, so I love
Trivia 承: Love , BTS
Wilhelm and Simon , Young Royals
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when drawing / picturing / imagining R.M Renfield, let's look at today's text for some clues:
wrenched out a window with his bare hands
scaled a high wall that Seward needed a ladder to climb over
described as "immensely strong"
took three to four other men (plus Seward?) to restrain him
So while Renfield has been traditionally cast and costumed and drawn, etc. as a scrawny, crazy l'il guy... what if in fact he's more, like... pick any of your favorite 40-something / 50-something movie star with a superhero physique?
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