spaceroadtrip · 4 years
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Hello there! Sadly it’s not Obi-Wan Kenobi here, just little old me. I decided it was about time I had a crack at making a masterpost for my blog. Try and make it easy for anyone (including myself) that’s using my blog. I’m not sure I’ve got many things to put on it, but we’ll see.
My writing: General introduction posts for my current on-going work 
Long, novel-length wip introduction
Short fiction wip introduction
Wip: One small step
Character introductions:
Isra Maxima
Cassie Barone
Finn Costen
Val Galen
Ollie Bridger
Avery Stark
Uploaded pieces of short fiction (+ that one poem I wrote)
Burn - Original fiction written for fictober
The last leaf of Autumn -  Ella is mourning her lost love. But she’s made a promise; a promise that she’ll be ready to move on when the last leaf of autumn falls from their tree. The last leaf is about to fall but Ella’s not ready to let go. Not yet.
The library -  The library is dangerous. That’s what everyone whispers in the streets, in their homes, and in their hearts. It’s dangerous to stay in there for too long, and it’s even more dangerous to enter alone. But she doesn’t care about any of that. Because the library holds books, and that’s far more intriguing than any rumours of danger.
Escape -  There’s a sword thumping against Eve’s back, hastily strapped on in her panic. Thump, thump, thump. It smacks into her spine as she runs. Running is the only thing she can think about right now. She’s got one goal tonight: escape.
We are burning - A short poem written on the subject of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s duel on Mustafar.
Night time in the garden -  The journey across the lawn is long and dangerous. Every night, I make the journey in search of food. I climb out of my safe nest only at night, safe from the large creatures that the roam this so-called ‘garden’.
My main blog is @just-a-coincidence. All likes and follows will come from this blog.
Here is my AO3 and my ff.net accounts. I’m not a big writer of fanfiction, but I do post the occasional piece. My early ff.net stuff is, admittedly, terrible. I haven’t the heart to get rid of those early pieces though.
Link to my writeblr introduction post here. (This is the original one, I shall likely most a fresh one later at some point)
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estelaiswriting · 3 years
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About Me
hi! I'm Estela
i'm 19 and hail from Spain
i write a little about everything and, although i sometimes write in english, i do so mainly in spanish, so any excerpt i share here will be likely translated!
i have finished nine books so far, but here I'll be talking mainly about those I'm editing and the one I'm planning right now
when I'm not writing, I'm stressing about med school, so beware: aside from a really obsessive writer, i'm a really anxious student!
2021 active WIPs
𝘌𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 (draft 2): Space Roadtrip (project name)
a NA SFF space opera about how two broke friends and their android plan and make the longest trip in the history of space-travel in a desperate attempt to not lose everything due to... being broke
wip intro
pinterest | playlist | tag: #spaceroadtrip
𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: Gen-z ghosts (project name)
a YA paranormal contemporary about three best friends that start a quest to try to find out why one of them has started seeing a ghost and why it knows so much about all of them
intro coming soon!
pinterest | tag: #gzg
𝘌𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 (draft 2 on hiatus): When the waves went silent
a NA/literary contemporary/historic fiction about how two best friends (and possibly something more) go on a roadtrip around Scotland looking to unravel the mysteries the narrator's mentor left after her death: the diary she kept during all her life was only the beginning
intro coming soon!
pinterest | tag: #wtwws
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stories-by-rie · 3 years
find the word
I got tagged, multiple times, approximately one hundred years ago, by @thewalkingnerdx, @spaceroadtrip, @lexiklecksi and @stuffaboutwriting. Thank you all very much!! I searched my draft of Heart of Silver for the words: secret, rush, soft, bright, infinite, turquoise, help, loved, gentle, fire, hug, love, deep, gut, seen and (for)given. Yes, I am slightly embarrassed.
Like they wanted to be friends and meet frequently for coffee, talk about problems and successes, trust each other with secrets – like friends do.
“Not sure, sorry. Would it help if you knew?” Ariel looked directly at her then, the soft pink hair glimmering red from the lamp, the candles’ lights dancing on their glasses.
“She isn’t dead either. That probably came across wrong,” Evelyn then said and frowned as the trees’ shadows moved with the sun, the bright light blinding her now.
The image of the old lady dissipating into thin air as she sent her off still lingered in her mind, and she couldn’t help but see herself in that place.
A lot of people get into curses after one of their loved ones succumbed to one.
Imagine being a fire and then the only thing you can burn is candle wax.
“Please, for the love of the currently absent blood in your veins, cut yourself short.”
Last time she had not went that far deep into the house, and it seemed like the old woman who had lived here didn’t either.
It was just that now that she had seen those monsters again, it was really easy to spot them.
Whew! I kept it extra short, and will not give context for the fire line ^^ I will tag (onyl if you want to): @writingamongther0ses @raevenlywrites @pheita and @cilly-the-writer for the words: line, touch, beat and shimmer.
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leave-her-a-tome · 4 years
WIP tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Thanks for the tag @endless-plotter ! I have now realized how convoluted my wip folders are rip
King Robot
scifi stuff
The A&A Project 
The Deuteragonist
The Prince’s Sword 
Annnnndd of course Lifeblood and it’s subfolders (I have so many but here’s a few):
This time for real
Lifeblood Draft 1
Draft 2: Lifeblood
Lifeblood 2nd Draft
Something That Resembles a Second Draft
Draft 2: Extended
Lifeblood But Broken Down By Chapter bc the Main Document Takes Too Long to Load
Dumbest Version
Let’s Try This Again - The Chase Scene
Me? Start Book 2 Without Finishing Book 1? It’s More Likely Than You Think
Prologue Probably
Karaver’s lullaby
Tagging: @etjwrites @loopyhoopywrites @spaceroadtrip @lirianstar 
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
Raev's Find the Word
@stories-by-rie tagged me to find the words: line, touch, beat, and shimmer
Line and Shimmer both appear here
The girls descended the stairs, their voices blurring and blending into one. He picked out one who looked enough like Fazia to probably be her sister, though she was made up enough it was harder to tell. The strong lines of Fazia's nose and cheeks had been softened by shimmer and blush, and the tawny tell-tale eyes of their raptor forms seemed more honey colored against the sister's lined and shadowed lids.
"Bajiha," Fazia said, "This is Salem, my fencing apprentice."
She said the words with a tight emphasis, which made Bajiha roll her eyes.
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Bajiha smiled and nodded to Salem, but made no move to flash colors or offer to shake hands.
He took the cue not to offer his own form or hand and inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Pleasure to meet you."
"No unchaperoned visits, no alcohol, no dancing." Brittany rattled off the restricting while ticking them each off on a finger. "No swearing, no pork--or any food that isnt halal, for that matter--and no immodest attire." At Salem's look, she added, "Weve been friends for a long time. She was on the White Prince softball team, and a lot of them would come play out at the preserve whenever the intramural teams would meet up."
Whatever Salem had been about to say, was derailed by Tup's sudden shout, "No dancing? What the fuck?"
Salem stared at him as Tup stared back, the explosion sounding on tv as a further exclamation of his shock.
Britt rolled her eyes. "No dancing by your standards. Most hijabi wont touch a man they're not related to at all. Fazia is kind of slack with that one, since sports are often so contact...y. But anything sexy is just right out."
Fazia binked, realizing her sister had asked her a question.
"I'm sorry?"
"I asked," Bahija said with slow, annoyed emphasis, as if Fazia was thick, "if you got the name of the boy you ran down. He was cute."
"I didn't--"
Fazia protested automatically, but stopped as she realized she didn't even really remember what they were talking about. She'd played hard today, but she didn't remember running anyone down. That kind of body checking was more Brittany's thing, the hyena using sports as a thinly veiled excuse to beat people up.
"Of course you didn't," Maharani said, though whether she was agreeing with Fazia or Bahija, she couldn't tell.
"If it doesn't come with a scoreboard, you're just not interested," her sister said.
Tagging @thewalkingnerdx, @spaceroadtrip, @lexiklecksi and You!
Your words are: tomorrow, today, yesterday, and never
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hello2brains · 6 years
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We’ll Always Have Andromeda #tuesday #spaceroadtrip #images #stories #storytelling #visualjournal #2brains #hello2brains #time #space #andromeda #andromedatoearth #earth
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spaceroadtrip · 2 years
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I realise that I don’t actually share a lot of extracts from my WIP on here and maybe that’s because I don’t have the energy all the time for original posts/don’t always know what to put up. But I’ve been working on the second draft of One Small Step for a while now and I’m proud of how much my writing has improved. Rewriting for scratch has been hard but it was definitely the best move. The first draft was two years in the making and the difference between the early and late chapters is so obvious to me that rewriting completely had to be the best choice.
With that in mind, here’s a snippet of a scene that is largely the same in plot but is much improved. I’m too embarrassed to share the original as its more than a little cringy. Perhaps this isn’t as much improved as it could ever be but I love this version so much more than the original and it’s enough that I’m willing to share with the void that is the internet.
Extract from One Small Step, Chapter 27, Word Count: 980
“Can I … do you mind if I tell you a secret?” Isra says and her voice is quiet in the stillness of the moment, little more than a whisper and yet heavier than anything she’s ever spoken before. She doesn’t know what she’ll do if Cassie leaves now.
The other woman tilts her head and turns slightly until she’s facing Isra more properly, tucking her hearing aid back in her ear as she does so. “That depends. What kind of secret is it? Is it the sort you’d get in trouble for because then I’d maybe rather you didn’t tell me?” Strange shadows dance over her russet-brown face as the over-head lights flicker, sharpening the slope of her cheekbones and highlighting the shape of her jaw.
“No. It’s not like that. This … it’s a serious thing, right? And now I don’t know why I asked because I can’t even get the right words out anymore. Why is this stupid stuff so hard?”
“It’s hard as you make it. If it helps, I can take this thing out again and only listen with my bad ear. Then you can have plausibly deniability about anything you said in case it’s embarrassing later.”
“It’s embarrassing now.” Isra buries her head in her hands and resurfaces to see Cassie stifling a giggle, hand clapped over her mouth to muffle the noise. “Oh, fine. Go ahead and laugh. I know I’m doing this terribly so you might as well laugh now because you’ll only be laughing later. Right. Here goes. I like you. Properly. More than just friend-like. You know, the kind that starts with a crush and might end up as more if given the chance.”
“What? Is that it? Oh, please kill me now. Just chuck me out the nearest airlock and have done with it because I can never talk to you ever again without combusting from sheer embarrassment. Please say something or leave or just do something to stop me from talking. Please.”
Instead of saying anything more, Cassie leans forward and tangles their fingers together, clutching tightly to Isra’s right hand with her left one. She squeezes their hands together and leans down to press a feather-light kiss to the back of Isra’s hand, lips softer than velvet and breath warm as she pulls back. Time slows down. The kiss lasts only seconds and yet, Isra would swear to anyone who asked that a whole universe was born and died in the time that it took. It was only on her hand. Imagine what it would feel like on her lips.
“Oh my god!” Isra squeals, cheeks heating up as her eyes flick between Cassie’s smiling face and their joined hands. “Oh my god! Do you like me back? Am I actually seducing you somehow? What is going on here?”
Eyes glittering with mirth, Cassie slides a touch closer to Isra. “In a way, the answer to at least two of your questions is yes. I’m not sure this is the usual method of seduction but it’s working somehow. I do like you. Actually, I thought you and Finn were a thing for ages but then you never seemed to do anything really relationship-y together and I never saw either of you flirting with anyone either so I was really confused. I still am.”
“You thought Finn and I were a thing? No way. Never happening. I mean, I tick some of the right boxes because I’m his friend and he does actually know me properly but I’m not his type. If you never saw me flirting, it’s probably because I’m terrible at it. I know that Charlie from the reserve team was flirting with me and trying to get me to join him in bed but I’m not really into all that stuff. I’m ace, so.”
“But you are …”
“Attracted to women? So much so that I’m ready to be swallowed up by a blackhole just to get out of finishing this conversation because I’m aware of the hole I’m digging myself into.”
“Don’t worry about it. Honest. That’s the only thing I care about. I know we’re only at the very beginning of our relationship but I just wanna say that if you never want to do anything sexual, then that’s fine. It’s your choice and I … I don’t want you doing things you’re not comfortable with just because you think it’s something I want or need. It’s not something I need. If it makes you unhappy or uncomfortable, then I don’t need it.”
Isra blinks rapidly as the rush of words flows into her. “I … thank you. I can’t even say how nice that is to hear.” Her mouth twists into a sly grin and she taps their joined hands against her thigh. “Did you just say that we’re in a relationship? Does that mean I get to call you my girlfriend from now on?”
“It does. Can … can I kiss you, Isra?”
“Of course, you can!”
The words barely escape her lips before Cassie is leaning forwards and her lips are pressing into Isra’s, soft and warm in all the right places, tasting of strawberry lip balm and the aftertaste of that sweet mango tea that Cassie loves so much. Isra frees her hand so she can wind both arms around Cassie’s neck. Cassie’s hands find Isra’s waist. They cling to each other even as they pull out of the kiss, panting and breathless, foreheads resting against each other as they drink in each other’s presence. It’s perfect. Well, it’s messy and a little unskilled but perfect all the same because it’s their first kiss. This moment belongs to them.
“Well,” Isra manages to get out, “that was fun. Want to go again?”
Cassie grins wickedly and her breath tickles Isra’s cheek as she whispers, “yes.”
So, they do.
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stories-by-rie · 3 years
incorrect quotes tag game
I got tagged by @writingamongther0ses thank you very much! This is for Heart of Silver.
Rules: Use this quote generator and list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs and then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Ariel: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Evelyn: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Ariel: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Evelyn, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Ariel: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Leonie: Okay, truth or dare? Evelyn: Truth. Leonie: How many hours have you slept this week? Evelyn: Evelyn: ...Dare. Leonie: Go to bed. Evelyn: I don’t like this game.
Ariel: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? Evelyn: Nothing, really. I am asexual. Ariel, desperately, as Evelyn bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE! Evelyn: Oh! B positive. Ariel: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE! Evelyn:
I'm tagging (only if you want to): @spaceroadtrip @cilly-the-writer and @soul-write
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stories-by-rie · 4 years
last line tag
Some last lines from Heart of Silver, I did not get tagged but still wanted to share a bit of it! I still have no clue where this is going but it is probably going to get weirder <3
“Hey, let’s take bets. I say it’s a burglar, you say it’s a horned chicken. Winner gets ten euros, deal?”
“It’s called an  Elwetritsch, and also I wouldn’t make deals with dying people, Ariel.”
“That just sounds like you have no faith in my abilities at all.”
An Elwetritsch is a craeture from southwest German folklore. I’m currently picking some weirdo creatures to stuff out the world building. 9/10 are rabbits with antlers.
tagging (only if you want to): @cilly-the-writer @soul-write @writingamongther0ses and @spaceroadtrip
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leave-her-a-tome · 4 years
Word Search Tag
Tagged by @spaceroadtrip ! Thank you <3
“Whoever needs this Shifter, you obviously care a lot for them. But I don't know them. I know Mary.” Rike walked to the door and rested a hand on the frame, a gentle breeze cooling his skin through the crack.
“If you leave you're a dead man.”
The tallest trees gave way to skeletons from an old forest fire, charred bark peeling away like hide to reveal bleached wood. Those not left standing were scattered like discarded toothpicks.
Rike slowed down. Gnarled trees twisted around them; branches turned at right angles and trunks looped around each other, either hugging or choking their neighbor. Who could tell?
“After that I came to realize - it was not Dri’s feathers I loved.”
Tagging: @endless-plotter @sunshineomeara @writwritewrought @inky-duchess @screnwriter 
Words are: call, scatter, leave, and sparkle :)
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stories-by-rie · 4 years
heads up seven up
I got tagged by @spaceroadtrip (on my main @/rokokokokolores but I promise I am usually the same person), thank you very much! Since I am actually writing today, here are more lines from The Five Senses.
  “Yes! I am good at that!”
Cassandra was actually indeed not good at peeling potatoes. But only in a way where people would expect round potatoes but got potatoes in the shape of cubes instead; still they were without their peel so she considered her job to have been successful. In her opinion, cube shaped potatoes had another strong point though, they wouldn’t roll off the dining plates as quickly as round potatoes. At least in theory.
In real life, even cube shaped potatoes flew off the dining plates if the waves hit the submarine hard enough and made all of them topple over thrice.
Again, I will leave the tag open to whoever wants to! Tag me so that I can check your last seven lines out!
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