#spangel fanfic
leatafandom · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where...
In s4 of BtVS, Angel finds out about Spike's chip and seeks him out to help him adjust.
Look who actually finished a Spangel prompt! I have always freakin’ thought about this. Like why wouldn't Angel stick around for a bit or come back or since they have obviously just been talking to him just call him about it? I actually wrote something much shorter, but then I remembered how much I loved season 4 and then got distracted by rewatching season four. It got much longer very quickly with more angst and almost smut.
Thank you for the ask, love. I’m happy the muse was finally moved toward the Spangel! I hope you enjoy it <3 
Spike's head lay back against the chair he had claimed in Xander's basement, anger, frustration, and hunger plucking at him as he stared at the ceiling. His thoughts swirled at his uselessness, slumped in the chair where the Scoobies had left him until his nose sniffed the air. 
"Go away," Spike bit out, as the beads swayed and Angel appeared in the doorway. "I'm not in the mood for you." 
The elder vampire's fingers poked at the swaying beads as he passed through them before taking in the space and his grandchilde. Spike frowned at him, only moving to glare at him.  
"I heard what happened," Angel started as he looked around them, left hand going to his waist as his right hand patted his side idly, gripping a large nondescript bag. 
The blonde huffed out a scoffing laugh that any of Buffy's groupies would call Angel and spill his business to the guilt-driven vampire. "So which one of them called you?" His head tilted back, a harsh sound breaking past his lips when Angel looked away from him, uncomfortable. 
Blue eyes squinted on the vampire's shifting shoulders. "Giles…" the auburn-haired vampire's head tilted to the side walking around the space. "Willow…and Xander called last night." Spike rolled his eyes, chortling before Angel paused, pivoting back to him. "I didn't know he had my number." Angel frowned, grumbling under his breath. "How did he get my number?" 
Spike's head went back, scoffing before a bitter laugh bubbled from his chest, his head going back with it. Angel frowned brown eyes roving over the slumped blonde as his head rolled to look back at him. 
"They just thought I could-"
"You could what exactly, Da?" Spike taunted, his grin smug. 
The auburn-haired vampire's brows lowered. "That I could help you adapt," Angel hissed glaring at the seated vampire. "Maybe you forgot with that thing taking up space in your head, that not being able to hurt a human isn't new for me." 
Spike stubbornly held his elder's glare before he blew out a hard dismissive breath and looked away, his fingers idly picking at the chair, not looking at him when Angel took an unneeded breath. The auburn-haired vampire groaned, hanging his head and talking to the floor. 
"You're not drinking enough," Angel chided after a moment of taking in Spike’s weakened condition and taking a step closer to him.
The elder watched as Spike’s expression turned somber in the quiet that fell between them. Angel shuffled closer to him in the stilted air. 
“What is the point?" Spike didn't look at him, glowering at the blank screen of the television. "Where's the fun? What is the point of me without my fangs?" His words were bitter as he gave a voice to the questions swirling within him in the presence of the only being that could give him an answer.
"Will…" Angel's voice was a pained wince, stopping to stand near him, worry edged into his lowered brow.
"Seriously, Peaches," he pressed, blue eyes glancing up at him. "What's the bloody point? Your sodding soul keeps you sad about it. You can't miss it. I miss it. I was damned good at being bad." His hands moved to the side in his outrage. "Who the hell is William the Bloody without fangs?” He asked, eyes searching for an answer in Angel's conflicted expression. 
Angel exhaled harshly, looking away from the desperation that filled the other's eyes. He should have come sooner or never left. The elder sighed, looking to the sofa, not too far from Spike, he had been too focused on avoiding Buffy. 
“Just because I have a soul doesn't mean I don't feel like less of a vampire," Angel grumbled, walking towards the beat-up sofa and glaring at it. "It doesn't mean I don't miss the excitement or the days when it was just you and the girls…" 
Angel frowned, his brows lowering as he thought about the first few years without them, taking an uneasy seat on the couch. Spike shifted watching as the elder settled, clearly uncomfortable, onto the seat across from him. 
"For the record, I was better at being bad than you were," the elder placed the bag at his feet as he spoke the baiting taunt, focusing on taking care of the blonde.
Spike huffed out a laugh at the memories of old Angelus and the avoidance of his question. His blue eyes didn't lift from him as he watched Angel dig around in his bag, his jaw clicking from side to side. 
“Stop glaring at me and come here. You look like shit.” 
The blonde rolled his eyes, standing sluggishly only when Angel looked at him again with a raised brow. He grumbled watching as Angel pulled out two thermoses of blood. 
"I'll stop glarin' when you stop topping my sob story and answer me," Spike snapped, eyeing the large insulated flask and sinking unceremoniously into the seat beside Angel, his lips pursed. 
"I'm getting to it," Angel gruffed, shaking his head and shoving one into Spike's hands. "Here, shut up and drink it before it cools down."
Spike wrapped his hands around the warmth he could feel before opening it and gulping down the warmed blood. Angel watched him, fingers scraping at his own thermos, eyes roving over Spike's throat as he swallowed down the warm pig's blood.  
"Spike, you are much more than just blood. You just need to find something to channel your bloodlust into," the elder offered, gaze transfixed by the trickle of blood that escaped the blonde's lips. "I did… eventually," he added, forcing himself to look away from the younger vampire.
Spike finished the oversized thermos with a slurping gulp, tongue dashing out to clean his lips before swiping the back of his hand across them. He kept his eyes closed, hands hanging between his spread knees, only opening them the drained bottle was switched out with the one Angel had been cradling. 
"Least you can still kill something," Spike mumbled, wrist turning and sloshing the pig's blood inside of the new thermos.
Angel slid the old thermos back into his bag. His brows pinched, looking back to the pouting blonde that was fiddling with the cup between his spread knees.
"Have you tried?" Blue eyes turned up to him at the hesitant question. Angel shifted, sitting back on the sofa. "When has anyone ever cared when we hurt each other?" 
Spike's eyes rolled away from him, thinking about his grandsire's point, afraid to get his hopes up. His lips pulled down, shaking his head with a grumbled denial. He hadn't thought about letting his demon free on another vampire until he had smelt Angel tonight.
"Of course, you didn't," Angel grumbled with a roll of his eyes. He shifted, turning to sit facing him on the small shared sofa before motioning for the other to hit him. "Come on. Best shot, Spike."  
Spike arched a brow at him before grinning, a free shot at Angel, even with the possibility of mind-numbing pain included, wasn't something he could.ever pass up. The blonde grinned, pulling his fist back before landing an unbridled punch with a satisfying crunch.  
"In the face, Spike?! Seriously?" 
"Bloody Hell!" Spike cursed, gripping his ringed fist before shaking it out with a broad grin when nothing but his knuckles twitched with a quickly vanishing pain. "Angel, I could kiss you!"
"You better kiss me," Angel groaned cupping his face as it healed, his eyes yellow as he glared at the cackling blonde. 
"If that's an invitation luv. I'll do more than kiss you."
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New Chapter
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A chapter of Miss Match (Maker) is now live.
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47814943?view_full_work=true
Pairing: Spike/Angel
Rating: M
Summary: AU where neither Angel nor Cordelia left Sunnydale after graduation. Buffy notices that Spike and Angel both seem to be interested in her...but they're really making goo-goo eyes at each other! Buffy decides, against her better judgement, to play matchmaker. Starts in the episode "Pangs", but goes veers off canon from there, focusing on Buffy playing matchmaker to Spangel rather than the arc plot.
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spangelmybeloved · 7 months
Do you have any good Spangel fic recs?
Yes, I do! Not exactly sure what you're looking for, so I'll try and give you a sampling of different stuff.
Drowning by felisblanco Rated E. Do mind the warnings on this one! "AtS S1. Angel goes to Sunnydale and picks up a toxic package."
Just Don't Crash by Leata Rated E. "Spike wants to have fun in Angel's car."
Wooing Me, Wooing You, by nomelon Rated M. "Angel and Spike. Idiots to lovers."
Housecall by Avarice, Rated PG. "Angel takes an unscheduled trip to Sunnydale and calls in on everyone's favorite neutered vampire."
Black Paint and Mayonnaise by Ducks, rated NC-17 "The funniest, yummiest PWP you've ever read."
6.8 On The Richter Scale by Saber ShadowKitten, rated NC-17. "Spike is horny, Angel is annoyed, an earthquake happens, smut ensues."
Everybody Smokes in Hell by Ducks. Rated NC-17. "Spike refuses to go on a mission with Angel, almost resulting in his Sire's Final Death. He feels bad. And you know that can only be a good thing."
Of Bubble Baths & Back-up Disks by Flowermouse. Rated NC-17. "The boys take a bath"
To Take You In by anonymous. Rated NC-17. "My take on a familiar theme: Spike goes to Angel instead of Buffy after "The Initiative.""
Empty Rooms, Shuttered and Dank by nomelon Rated M. "He's not tied to this bed, no one is keeping him here, but he knows he won't leave. If they stopped now he'd probably beg them to stay." This is technically an Angel/Spike/Riley fic, but it's truly excellent and there's a lot of Spangel action!
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roselynnthornwood · 7 months
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Author IG: roselynnthornwood_author
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Artist IG: drea.d.art
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Welcome back to Spangel Saturday! This one is a little late in the day, sorry about that. We're contiuning with another fic rec! Every Saturday leading up to the start of the marathon, I rec a Spangel fic (probably an older and less well known fic).
For this week's rec, we have: To Take You In by anonymous.
Summary: "My take on a familiar theme: Spike goes to Angel instead of Buffy after "The Initiative.""
Rating: NC-17
Content notes: Contains explicit sexual content, adult language, depictions of past torture, some blood, injury, bloodplay, first person POV (Angel's POV), AtS S1/BtVS S4.
Why: Gonna be honest, I'm a bit biased as "Spike goes to Angel for help after the chip" is one of my favorite Spangel setups. This fic really showcases the boys' history with each other, and their bond. Angel's POV is also really well done.
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pinkpersonsblog · 5 months
Title : Boundless Heat
Fandom : Angel : The Series / Buffy
Pairing : Angel / Spike
Word count : 4,348
Summary : Two vampires. Trapped and with no way out. How long before they snap and get violent? Before they...realize things they shouldn't?
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idabbleincrazy · 9 months
The Start of Something Old ~ Prologue
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Day One: Aural Kink/Voyeurism
Become a Patron Tip Jar Help me save for dental surgery
Fandom: Angel (Buffyverse)
Rating: E
Pairing: Spangel
Word Count: 1392
Warnings: aural kink, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, dirty talk, daddy kink (if you squint)
Summary: Spike has a special surprise for Angel
A/N: this was meant to be the beginning of a 31 part series, but now I don't know when the rest will get done. Life is just too hectic and stressful this week for me to keep on track with it. Written for @spangelkinkmonthly
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Angel looked up as Spike walked into the office, shutting and locking the door behind him. 
"Not now, Spike, I've got a meeting in less than an hour and a stack of crap about protocols to read through before it starts."
"Right, 'cause I really care." Spike flopped onto the couch, propping his boots on the coffee table as he slouched back against the cushions. "C'mon, pet. I wanna watch."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard, I wanna watch." Spike made a show of taking a big sniff of the air, his lips curling in a knowing smirk. "Know you're hard, luv. Figure you were 'bout two minutes from nipping upstairs for a quick wank. So…I want to watch you do it. Right here, right now."
Angel stood up from his chair so fast that it nearly toppled over and stalked over to where Spike sat, all splayed out with his thumbs looped through the belt loops, long fingers framing his crotch. His prominently bulging crotch. He stumbled to a stop a few feet away from the smirking blonde, his eyes wide and glued to his tented lap.
"See what just the thought of you touching yourself does to me, pet? Come on, Angel, let me see it." Spike's head tilted to the side as he watched the brunette flounder, the older vampire emitting a low groan as he cupped his hand over his denim-clad erection. "Need me to help? Always did like when I talked you through it, didn't you? Yeah, always were a slut for a pretty accent."
Angel let out a grunt, his cock pressing painfully against his zipper as Spike's words surged his arousal higher. He gave up trying to resist the desire coursing through him.
"Sit down, Angelus." Gone was the rough street accent as Spike ordered him over to one of the chairs across from the couch, his voice soft and smooth just as it had been in those early days when he was still William. "Take yourself out for me, let me see it."
Angel unbuckled his belt and worked open his slacks as he made his way to the chair, and he pushed his pants and underwear down to his thighs before sitting. The feeling of the leather against his bare backside brought back memories of before he got his soul. Memories of when he'd be sat in a chair much like this one, William cross-legged on the floor at his feet, his soft voice in his ears as he stroked his cock to completion.
Focusing back on the present, Angel wrapped a hand around the erection that curved up towards his stomach, unconsciously responding to Spike's continued commands. 
"Yeah, that's it, Sire, stroke it nice and slow. Do you know how hot you are like this? You used to know. Used to love showing off that lovely cock for me."
Angel moaned, letting his mind shut down, blocking out everything except for the sound of Spike's voice and the feel of his cock in his hand as he stroked it. He hadn't let go like this in too long, keeping his usual masturbation sessions perfunctory and less than satisfying, not allowing himself real pleasure in the act. Now, he could feel his arousal ramping to heights he typically denied himself, his gut clenching, balls tingling as he lost himself to the waves of emotion flooding his system. His eyes fluttered closed and he voiced a soft hiss as he bucked up into his hand, the other gripping the armrest tightly.
"I'm here, Sire, I'm right here. I'm so hard, Sire, feels like I'm going to burst if I don't touch myself. Can I, Angelus? Please?"
Angel's hand quickened along the shaft of his cock, the simpering fledgling he heard in Spike's words pushing him closer to the edge. 
"Yeah…do it, William. Touch yourself for me, but don't pull it out. Ohh…just stroke it through the jeans. Tell me how it feels, talk to me, my Little One."
Angel heard a soft gasp, followed by a deep groan. He pried his fingers from the armrest, letting his hand slip up under his shirt to pluck at one budded nipple, relishing in the painful tug. 
"Oh, Da, feels naughty. Shouldn't be doing this, watching you stroking your cock. Shouldn't be getting aroused by it. But I am, Sire, I am. Know it's wrong, Da, but it feels too good to stop. The sight of you is too beautiful to look away. Can see that you're close, the way your face scrunches up, the way you start breathing again, like you need the oxygen. Love that I can do that to you. I want…oh, Christ, Da, I want…"
Angel grunted at the need in Spike's breathy voice, feeling his orgasm looming. His hand let go of his nipple, retreating from under his shirt to start plucking at the buttons, opening it to bare his torso to the blonde, remembering how messy this particular activity got and the way he would make William clean him up afterwards. He wanted to feel that cool tongue on his skin.
"What? Tell me, Little One."
"Want to see you cum, Angelus. You always look so glorious when you finally spill. Remember how hard you would make me? How it would only take one slow stroke of your hand to push me over the edge after watching you. Do it for me, Angel. Spill for your boy."
Angel let out a groan, his hand speeding along his aching cock, his head falling back against the chair as he felt his climax rushing upon him.
"Please, let me see it, Da."
Spike's voice was suddenly closer, and the knowledge that the younger vampire was once again kneeling at his feet pushed Angel over the edge. He came with a sharp, quick cry of pleasure, his tepid release splattering over his stomach and down his hand as he stripped his pulsing length. 
He heard a shocked gasp, followed immediately by the soft scrape of a tongue over his skin. His eyes flew open to watch Spike, and he found himself momentarily surprised by the platinum blonde plastered by copious amounts of hair gel rather than the longer honeyed curls of the younger version. Shaking away the past, still panting, he slumped further into the cushion of the armchair, enjoying the light scratching against his skin as Spike lapped up the cooling pools of cum. Forcing his fingers through the shellac that was Spike's hair, he stroked the blonde's head as he always had, a quiet rumbling of approval and contentment building in his chest that was soon answered by the younger vampire's own gentle purr.  
Once the last trace of his spend was cleaned away, he nudged Spike back, standing up from the chair and pulling up his boxers and pants. Fastening the slacks, he ran his gaze over the crouching blonde, eyes lingering once more on the erection straining against the zipper of his jeans. 
"You didn't finish?"
"Were you really expecting me to?"
Angel reached down and gripped Spike's arms, tugging him up to standing. 
"Can't deny, I was hoping you'd give me a reason to punish you." He slipped a hand between them, running his fingers along the waistband of Spike's pants teasingly. "One stroke, huh?"
"Fuck, Angel, lemme cum." 
Angel stepped back abruptly, Spike left swaying clumsily at the loss of his touch. The blonde let out a groan of complaint. 
"Can't. Got a meeting to attend."
"You bloody tosser! You're really gonna leave to tend to this myself?!"
"No. I'm going to leave you to get your ass upstairs and wait for me. I want you up in the penthouse, naked, when I finish with the meeting. And don't even think about cumming. You can keep yourself on the edge. I want you hard and aching for me, but if you cum, it'll be the last one you get for the rest of the month."
"Bloody sadistic bastard."
Angel chuckled as he watched Spike amble awkwardly towards the elevator. As the blonde stepped in, still grumbling, Angel rushed over to him, pulling him in for a quick, bruising kiss. 
"Happy anniversary, Spike."
"Happy anniversary, Sire."
As the door finally began to slide shut, Angel got in the last word.
"If you're good, I'll be up with your present."
All Things Spike: @leatafandom
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fluffyspuffy · 7 months
So glad I’ve slowly started getting over all of my fanfic hang ups. So many great fics I would have missed out on
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myboyknows · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
We do this thing in the [Runs in the Blood server] every other week, where we post short excerpts from Fanged Four (and subpairing) stories that we're working on - about 4,000 characters. This is an off week, but here's my last snippet because I keep forgetting I have a tumblr and I wanted to post something! The context here is that in 1880, three months after Spike became a vampire, the family goes to Paris for a big vampire event. Some plot happened to their clothes on the way, so Angelus takes Spike to get an outfit to wear and they find something suitable on a young man near Le Chabanais, which is a popular Parisian brothel. He's wearing a green carnation on his lapel, which used to be a code for gay men, and so Angelus is about to take the opportunity to teach young Spike how to seduce the pants off someone.
The problem is Angelus is so bloody charming. Not all the time, of course – certainly not during the late afternoon, that last hour before sunset, when they've been trapped indoors for hours and all four of them are beginning to get hungry, testy, twitchy. Sunlight itches, Spike decided early on. The idea of it itches, knowing it's sitting just on the other side of the wall waiting to devour you in flames. Watching Angelus itch during that hour every day is like looking 127 years into the future and seeing his own self still annoyed by the sun after all this time. Must be something you never get used to, no matter how much you train yourself to sit still and draw a fucking beautiful portrait of your sire cuddling Death like a lover as she poses in elegant but scandalous positions. He can sense it roiling just beneath the surface of Angelus and Darla both, the restlessness, the impatience, despite their calm exteriors. Spike's been experimenting with ways to escape that last hour itch by making love to Drusilla before sunset, but she's itchy and irritable during that time as well, and they always end up fucking wild and fast like they're angry at something – nothing like the way they love each other's bodies in the dark – but he's still finding angry sex to be a pretty great way to spend the time and Dru seems happy to take out her itchiness on him as well, so he hasn't begun to look for other distractions. Maybe in 127 years, he'll learn to draw. But after the soothing sunset, and especially after the evening's first kill or caper, that's when Angelus turns on his ridiculous charm. Spike hates it, except when he forgets to hate it. It's confusing in a way that nothing else is anymore, not since he dug himself out of the earth. Now it feels as if everything in life has been made perfectly clear to him – everything but this one thing, this way that Angelus makes him feel when he's being so goddamn bloody fucking charming. Just tonight, after they'd pushed the remains of supper off a bridge into the Seine and watched the very satisfying resulting sploosh (and after Darla had screamed and Dru had pretended to faint, and Angelus had spun a heartbreaking tale in French to the local Sûreté of trying to prevent the poor human couple from committing a tragic double suicide) the big vampire had been in such a pleasant and playful mood that as soon as they were alone again, he'd twirled Drusilla around and danced her halfway across the bridge and back, both of them laughing. He'd bowed to Darla, grinning, and then – then! – he'd grabbed Spike and danced him around the bridge as well. And in spite of himself, Spike had laughed heartily as they galloped around in a wide circle, full of warm Parisian blood and high on the feeling that there was nothing the four of them couldn't do and get away with, too, and then he took his own lively turn around the bridge with Dru and dipped her so low the tips of her hair swept across the cobblestones. But when he looked up, Angelus wasn't watching. It's not like Spike cares. Why should he care? He barely knows the git, certainly has no reason to want his attention. But the problem is this way Angelus has of making you feel a certain way and then stopping, like it's all some big game. You don't even get to play; you just get danced around the board laughing until you realize suddenly that Angelus has begun playing something else. The problem is Spike keeps forgetting this is how it works, and then the problem is that he remembers. That's why, as he watches Angelus talk quietly to the young man in the alley beside Le Chabanais, his head tilted down as he looks up with just his eyes, smiling, and brushes his fingertips over the petals of the pale green carnation on the man's lapel, as he sees the way this man has fallen immediately under the spell of Angelus's charm, Spike again has the same problem he's been having for the last three months, and he still can't figure out what to fucking do about it.
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otherworldlychemistry · 8 months
Baby, Take Me Higher
The first work of threesome month has been posted!
Title: Baby, Take Me Higher
Ship: Angel/Spike/Cordelia
Rating: E
Author: MadeInGold (aka admin Harlow)
AO3 link
LiveJournal Link
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jupitermelichios · 2 years
Fandom: Angel (set in my BtVS x Hellblazer crossover verse)
Ships: Angel/Spike, background Spike/Constantine, Spike & Harmony, Buffy/Angel, & Buffy/Spike
"I'm sorry," Gunn says, "time out, did you just call him Daddy?!" "Angel is Spike's grandsire," Wesley says. "Oooh." Lorne nods, like everything make sense now. "They're family. That explains it."
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leatafandom · 8 months
Spike gets horny after a mission and initiates some fun times on the drive back, with an increasingly distracted Angel behind the wheel. Up to you whether anyone else is in the backseat that they have to hide their goings on from...
Ooh, the muse loved this one, so much so that I finally made a spangel banner. Thank you so much for the ask! I ended up adding more the more I looked at it and then got distracted by horror themes stuff, but I was determined to come back to this and finish at least one prompt for Spangel Kinktober.
Just Don't Crash
Rating: Explicit 
Word Count: 2,297
Warnings and Tags: car sex, groping, hand jobs, heavy petting, blow jobs, deep throating, hair pulling, unsafe driving, the Angel Mobile
Summary: Spike wants to have fun in Angel's car. Finished for the Day 8 prompt of the Spangel Kinktober: Blow Jobs.
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Spike wasn't sure if it was the thrill of fighting beside Angel again, the smell of demon blood that was covering them, or the way Angel had pushed him away from a blow that wouldn't have killed him that was getting them going, but he was never one to deny himself anything he wanted. A smile snaked across the blonde's lips when his gaze caught the sniff of his elder's nose now that they were alone in the car, his hand snaking to the divider between them. 
Angel glanced at the hand creeping closer to his knee, trying to ignore the arousal that wafted between them while his hands gripped the wheel tighter. The older vampire tried adjusting in the driver's seat at his discomfort at the growing tightness of his own slacks before he made an unnecessary turn away from the freeway. Even without looking, the auburn-haired vampire could feel Spike's growing smugness. 
The blonde's head turned, eyes roving over Angel as his fingers found the elder’s knee. Spike hummed beside him in the car, his eyes returning to their surroundings before looking back at him. 
"Takin' the scenic route, there, ‘gel?" He asked with a bratty tone, curving his body toward the other in his seat. 
Angel spared him a glance, swallowing and looking away from the other’s devilish smile. He raised a hand, waving it towards the freeway before adjusting the radio just to do something else with his hand. 
"There's traffic this time of night," he reasoned glancing at him again. 
Spike released a knowing hum. "Oh yeah, bloody traffic's awful." He slid closer toward the divider between their seats, his fingertips ghosting over Angel's thigh. "It's a long drive back this way, though." His fingers slowly moved higher, sliding closer licking over his neck, pleased when the other tilted his head to the side. 
Angel released a hum at the feeling of Spike’s mouth on his neck. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip, shifting in his seat when Spike sucked and nipped along his collar. His hips shifted, keeping his foot steady on the gas as the hand on his leg drifted towards his inner thigh, feeling over the line of his boxers under his tenting pants. A smile found its way across his lips as he kept his eyes on the road.
"I think you can figure something out, Spike," he hummed as the blonde pulled from his collar, looking at him and adjusting his grip on the wheel, holding it with only his left hand.
"Oh yeah, Peaches, I got a few." His lips stayed cocked in their smug smirk, his hand moving higher as he slid to the edge of his seat to ease his reach over the divider. "Remember that carriage you lifted? We could do a reenactment." His hand traced around the Angel's growing erection through his pants, carefully avoiding his hardening member. 
"You mean the one you made me crash?" Angel questioned, rocking toward his hand as he kept his eyes on the curving road. 
Spike hummed, lips and teeth finding Angel's throat, groaning at the heady scent of his grandsire. "That's the one, luv," he all but purred, fingers expertly traveling around Angel's growing erection, teasing fingers making their way to his belt without touching or pulling him out. 
"Christ, Will." Angel huffed, remembering clearly how wonderful his mouth had been, his hand clenching the wheel as his head tilted to the side more when the younger vampire’s tongue slid back over his artery.
Angel released a hissed moan when the blonde’s hand finally touched his clothed erection just as fangs grazed over his throat. Spike chuckled against his neck, ignoring his own hard-on. The elder vampire kept his eyes on the dark road, hips rocking when the blonde pressed his palm down on his shaft, stroking him through the thin layers of fabric. 
Angel’s head went back against his headrest, rutting up to his hand. "Fuck, don't make me crash my car, Spike," he grumbled, his free hand pulling him closer.
"At least the girls won't yell at us for crashing this time," Spike teased, grinning against his neck, palming at the hardening outline of Angel’s cock but refusing to free him from his pants or grip him. 
"Spike, do not make me crash," he warned, glaring at the road.
The blonde huffed out a laugh against his neck. "Seems like a you problem, Da," he said with a husky laugh, fingers tracing the curve of his erection before returning to his belt and undoing his pants.  
Angel’s lips parted, eyes closing for a moment when the blonde finally gripped him and freed him from his boxers and slacks. Spike hummed against his neck as his hand gripped Angel's shaft, working back his foreskin and sliding his finger over his tip. Angel's grip shifted on the wheel, right hand holding firm to Spike's waist, grunting as his thumb swiped over his wet tip. His gaze fell on the blonde when he pulled back from his neck, catching the younger vampire licking over his blood-stained lips. 
The sight of the blonde’s tongue dashing over the few droplets of blood caused his hips to cant into his fist. "Why don't you do something better with that mouth, boy?" The elder let out suggested, looking back to the road and turning the car with the curve of it. 
 Spike didn’t reply too busy bending over the divider, squeezing him before dragging his tongue through the beads of pre-cum it found around his tip. Angel let out a satisfied sound and relaxed back into his seat, easing off the gas as the blonde's tongue wrapped around his cock head and pulled it into his mouth. Without looking down, Angel's right hand coasted up the blonde’s spine. He groaned as Spike sucked and lapped over his tip, hand slowly working his shaft, his hand came to rest on the nape of the younger’s neck, squeezing. Angel let out a low groan when Spike listened to his silent command without hesitation, head sinking lower. His eyes closed for a moment before opening again, fingers weaving into blonde gelled locks. 
The blonde moaned around him, tongue wrapping around the familiar feeling of Angel's cock in his mouth and hand in his hair. He smirked around him at the slight correction he could feel the car jerk into, bobbing his head slowly. Spike hummed at Angel's curse, shifting as his right hand left Angel’s cock to his own aching hardness. His tongue twisted around his aching shaft easing more into his mouth. His left hand moved to Angel’s inner thigh as he ground into his right.
Angel’s lips parted in a silent moan, his hips rutting up to meet Spike's descent. His hand gripped tighter to Spike's hair, groaning when he felt the blonde's nose nuzzling into his pubic hair, biting his base and swallowing around him. Spike groaned, the sound vibrating through Angel's cock, hips rutting his clothed erection against his hand and seat. He reveled in the sounds that escaped Angel's clenched jaw, the tensing and relaxing muscles of Angel's thighs, and the sway in Angel's driving. Spike groaned at the heady scent of his grandsire and the teasing feeling of his own hand, only pulling back when Angel cursed and the car jerked to the left. 
When he reached the auburn-haired vampire's tip his tongue traced just under his mushroom tip before sinking down once more. Angel groaned, hips bucking up into him when his lips met his base once more. He felt the need to close his eyes as Spike swallowed around him shuddering at the feeling before the blonde pulled back. The younger vampire’s hips bucked when Angel’s hand gripped his hair tighter, taking him down to the root before sliding back, never allowing Angel's cock to completely leave the suction of his mouth. Spike's tongue swirled around his shaft as he pulled back, Angel's hand clenching and crunching in his gel-slicked locks pushing him back down again and groaning when he swallowed around him. 
Angel's eyes closed for a moment too long, enjoying the feeling of the blonde's nimble tongue snaking around his thick base before opening them again and curving once more with the road. 
"Shit, you're gonna make me crash," he managed between moans.
When Spike sunk to his base once more, lips tight around him, and stayed, Angel bucked. He groaned, his eyes leaving the road to look at the nuzzling vampire as Spike worked himself against his own hand and the seat. Angel’s hips rocked deeper into Spike's throat when blue eyes opened to look up at him, shuddering at the heated look in his eyes.
"Fuck, Will,” he cursed before his eyes flew back to the empty road, taking his foot more off the gas after almost missing their turn in favor of bucking into his throat.
Spike let out a hum against his cock, too focused on chasing his own orgasm. His jaw loosened, turning his head slightly to ease the glide of Angel’s throbbing cock over his flattened tongue. The change pulled a groan from above him, Angel’s left leg shifting as he planted his foot firmer on the car floor. His hand gripped the gel-riddled locks tighter, holding Spike down and rutting into his throat. Spike groaned lowly, eyes rolling as Angel thrusted over his tongue. He pressed harder into his hand in the seat, feeling the car slow as Angel's cock slid over his tongue and down his throat. Angel didn't let go as Spike took what he gave him. He tried to keep straight on the road as he bucked and ground into Spike’s lips. 
When Spike groaned, teasing himself through his tight jeans Angel couldn’t help but look down. He let out a groan, cursing as he took in Spike’s lewd form as the blond ground into his hand and the seat of the car. Spike moaned feeling Angel’s eyes on him, and opening his to look at him. He let out a groan, unable to handle the ache and the stab of his zipper any longer, quickly trying to free himself from his jeans. Angel’s fingers gripped tighter to bleach blonde locks, cursing as half-lidded eyes looked up to him, hips moving faster into the constricting throat around him, watching Spike's hands hurry to free himself from his pants.
Spike groaned around him, dragging his teeth over his base as Angel worked himself into his throat. His own hands were too busy with his pants and shoving his right hand beneath his too-tight jeans and stroking himself in time with the slide of Angel's twitching cock. Angel groaned, chasing his orgasm and rutting faster into his waiting mouth as his hand left Spike’s hair to grip the wheel. Spike moaned at the loss of Angel’s hand and the sway of the car, but didn't lose the pace that was bringing them both to the edge. 
"Just like that, boy, don’t stop," Angel groaned above him, leaking into his throat and dragging another humming moan from the younger vampire before his cheeks hollowed. 
Spike didn't let up on the elder as he chased his own orgasm, thrusting into his hand and against the seat. Angel hissed, both hands gripping the wheel as his foot lowered on the gas pedal before he could stop it. He cursed when the car sped up, slowing just in time for a hard left, only for Spike's answering moan to vibrate through his cock. Spike only briefly thought about lifting his head before a hand was suddenly back in his hair, the elder vampire keeping him in place. 
“I said, don’t stop,” Angel gritted out, so close as he tried to focus on the road.
Spike moaned around him at the growled command, sucking harder and swallowing around Angel's throbbing shaft. He moaned low in his throat at the throbbing length pressed against his tongue, rutting into his fist. Angel tried to focus on the road as pleasure coiled in his stomach, slowing the car further as stole another glance at the blonde. His eyes looked down, groaning as he caught the sight of Spike thrust into his own hand and against the seat of his car, cursing under his breath as his hand white-knuckled the wheel. His eyes fluttered closed, unable to help it, as he came with a grunt down the willing throat. 
Spike groaned at the flush of his gransider’s cum, pulling back slightly and swallowing the heady taste of Angel’s seed. His hand worked faster, moaning as he squeezed himself, tongue lapping every drop from Angel's weeping cock. Angel moaned, eyes snapping open at the feeling of uneven road under them and the feeling of Spike's tongue cleaning his cock. His foot hit the brakes, pulling over on the rocky side of the road. Spike groaned at the sudden stop as Angel pulled him back from his spent cock and captured his lips in a rough kiss. Angel’s hand joined Spike’s, stroking him with a firm hand as his tongue dove past Spike’s parted lips. The blonde moaned, hips rutting forward at the squeeze of Angel’s hand cumming into his hand. The blonde moaned at the hungry kiss and the intensity of his orgasm as the auburn-haired vampire worked the last of his orgasm from him. 
"Fuck me, peaches," Spike moaned after Angel pulled back from the biting kiss, having scooped any remains of his climax from his mouth. 
"I’m going to when we get home,” Angel swore against his lips, hand slowing but still moving on Spike’s length, keeping him hard. “Pin you to my bed and have you.” 
“Glad ya didn’t crash then,” Spike moaned out against his lips, rocking into his hand.
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Getting hyped about my upcoming Spangel matchmaker fic.
Some teasers for you:
-Set in an alternate season 4 with Angel
-the Initiative storyline will definitely be there (I need Spike chipped, as much as I love him running around being all evil and muder-y it's not exactly rom-com material.)
-Genre is romantic comedy
-Temporary Buffy/Angel and Buffy/Spike (Spike and Angel fight over Buffy to impress each other, and Buffy sees what's going on, plays matchmaker)
Yes I have made a banner and come up with a title (not the best but whatever I do not care)
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spangelmybeloved · 1 year
Spangel is the seventh most popular ship on ao3. There are 843 works.
These are rookie numbers.
We need to bump these numbers up.
Yeah, I'm doing my part. Some of those fics are mine.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Angel/Spike (BtVS) Characters: Spike (BtVS), Angel (BtVS) Additional Tags: Drabble, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Bad Puns, Figging, The Author Regrets Nothing Summary:
Asking for it.
by @somekindofadeviant! be sure to got check it out!
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dragonflylady77 · 4 months
My newly 20 year old kid made fun of me on Saturday when she saw I reblogging firstprince stuff.
Because up until the end of June 2022, I'd never really read any MM fic or looked for it. Beyond the odd Spangel one shot written by a friend and that month after season 2 of Sex Education.
It didn't appeal to me, as a whole. And my kid was like, haha look at you now with your gay boys.
You see, in June 2022 I fell into harringrove. I didn't mean to, I was looking for fics where Billy and Max got along and one of the fics had a scene with Billy and Steve making out and hoo boy, that was it.
I was hooked.
I'm still hooked on harringrove. I've just... added firstprince to my bookmarks on Ao3. I'll be posting my harringrove big bang fic in a couple weeks.
If you must know, I also read Lizzy Bennet x Mr Darcy fanfic and I still read the odd Spuffy fic as well.
I guess I needed to find the boys that spoke to me.
I think I might start posting my fic Mutuals this week. It's Actor!Billy x Screenwriter!Steve. They met on Twitter.
I love all of you and I am so glad we met through fictional gay boys. 🤭
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