#i wanted to write the smut but I fizzed
leatafandom · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where...
In s4 of BtVS, Angel finds out about Spike's chip and seeks him out to help him adjust.
Look who actually finished a Spangel prompt! I have always freakin’ thought about this. Like why wouldn't Angel stick around for a bit or come back or since they have obviously just been talking to him just call him about it? I actually wrote something much shorter, but then I remembered how much I loved season 4 and then got distracted by rewatching season four. It got much longer very quickly with more angst and almost smut.
Thank you for the ask, love. I’m happy the muse was finally moved toward the Spangel! I hope you enjoy it <3 
Spike's head lay back against the chair he had claimed in Xander's basement, anger, frustration, and hunger plucking at him as he stared at the ceiling. His thoughts swirled at his uselessness, slumped in the chair where the Scoobies had left him until his nose sniffed the air. 
"Go away," Spike bit out, as the beads swayed and Angel appeared in the doorway. "I'm not in the mood for you." 
The elder vampire's fingers poked at the swaying beads as he passed through them before taking in the space and his grandchilde. Spike frowned at him, only moving to glare at him.  
"I heard what happened," Angel started as he looked around them, left hand going to his waist as his right hand patted his side idly, gripping a large nondescript bag. 
The blonde huffed out a scoffing laugh that any of Buffy's groupies would call Angel and spill his business to the guilt-driven vampire. "So which one of them called you?" His head tilted back, a harsh sound breaking past his lips when Angel looked away from him, uncomfortable. 
Blue eyes squinted on the vampire's shifting shoulders. "Giles…" the auburn-haired vampire's head tilted to the side walking around the space. "Willow…and Xander called last night." Spike rolled his eyes, chortling before Angel paused, pivoting back to him. "I didn't know he had my number." Angel frowned, grumbling under his breath. "How did he get my number?" 
Spike's head went back, scoffing before a bitter laugh bubbled from his chest, his head going back with it. Angel frowned brown eyes roving over the slumped blonde as his head rolled to look back at him. 
"They just thought I could-"
"You could what exactly, Da?" Spike taunted, his grin smug. 
The auburn-haired vampire's brows lowered. "That I could help you adapt," Angel hissed glaring at the seated vampire. "Maybe you forgot with that thing taking up space in your head, that not being able to hurt a human isn't new for me." 
Spike stubbornly held his elder's glare before he blew out a hard dismissive breath and looked away, his fingers idly picking at the chair, not looking at him when Angel took an unneeded breath. The auburn-haired vampire groaned, hanging his head and talking to the floor. 
"You're not drinking enough," Angel chided after a moment of taking in Spike’s weakened condition and taking a step closer to him.
The elder watched as Spike’s expression turned somber in the quiet that fell between them. Angel shuffled closer to him in the stilted air. 
“What is the point?" Spike didn't look at him, glowering at the blank screen of the television. "Where's the fun? What is the point of me without my fangs?" His words were bitter as he gave a voice to the questions swirling within him in the presence of the only being that could give him an answer.
"Will…" Angel's voice was a pained wince, stopping to stand near him, worry edged into his lowered brow.
"Seriously, Peaches," he pressed, blue eyes glancing up at him. "What's the bloody point? Your sodding soul keeps you sad about it. You can't miss it. I miss it. I was damned good at being bad." His hands moved to the side in his outrage. "Who the hell is William the Bloody without fangs?” He asked, eyes searching for an answer in Angel's conflicted expression. 
Angel exhaled harshly, looking away from the desperation that filled the other's eyes. He should have come sooner or never left. The elder sighed, looking to the sofa, not too far from Spike, he had been too focused on avoiding Buffy. 
“Just because I have a soul doesn't mean I don't feel like less of a vampire," Angel grumbled, walking towards the beat-up sofa and glaring at it. "It doesn't mean I don't miss the excitement or the days when it was just you and the girls…" 
Angel frowned, his brows lowering as he thought about the first few years without them, taking an uneasy seat on the couch. Spike shifted watching as the elder settled, clearly uncomfortable, onto the seat across from him. 
"For the record, I was better at being bad than you were," the elder placed the bag at his feet as he spoke the baiting taunt, focusing on taking care of the blonde.
Spike huffed out a laugh at the memories of old Angelus and the avoidance of his question. His blue eyes didn't lift from him as he watched Angel dig around in his bag, his jaw clicking from side to side. 
“Stop glaring at me and come here. You look like shit.” 
The blonde rolled his eyes, standing sluggishly only when Angel looked at him again with a raised brow. He grumbled watching as Angel pulled out two thermoses of blood. 
"I'll stop glarin' when you stop topping my sob story and answer me," Spike snapped, eyeing the large insulated flask and sinking unceremoniously into the seat beside Angel, his lips pursed. 
"I'm getting to it," Angel gruffed, shaking his head and shoving one into Spike's hands. "Here, shut up and drink it before it cools down."
Spike wrapped his hands around the warmth he could feel before opening it and gulping down the warmed blood. Angel watched him, fingers scraping at his own thermos, eyes roving over Spike's throat as he swallowed down the warm pig's blood.  
"Spike, you are much more than just blood. You just need to find something to channel your bloodlust into," the elder offered, gaze transfixed by the trickle of blood that escaped the blonde's lips. "I did… eventually," he added, forcing himself to look away from the younger vampire.
Spike finished the oversized thermos with a slurping gulp, tongue dashing out to clean his lips before swiping the back of his hand across them. He kept his eyes closed, hands hanging between his spread knees, only opening them the drained bottle was switched out with the one Angel had been cradling. 
"Least you can still kill something," Spike mumbled, wrist turning and sloshing the pig's blood inside of the new thermos.
Angel slid the old thermos back into his bag. His brows pinched, looking back to the pouting blonde that was fiddling with the cup between his spread knees.
"Have you tried?" Blue eyes turned up to him at the hesitant question. Angel shifted, sitting back on the sofa. "When has anyone ever cared when we hurt each other?" 
Spike's eyes rolled away from him, thinking about his grandsire's point, afraid to get his hopes up. His lips pulled down, shaking his head with a grumbled denial. He hadn't thought about letting his demon free on another vampire until he had smelt Angel tonight.
"Of course, you didn't," Angel grumbled with a roll of his eyes. He shifted, turning to sit facing him on the small shared sofa before motioning for the other to hit him. "Come on. Best shot, Spike."  
Spike arched a brow at him before grinning, a free shot at Angel, even with the possibility of mind-numbing pain included, wasn't something he could.ever pass up. The blonde grinned, pulling his fist back before landing an unbridled punch with a satisfying crunch.  
"In the face, Spike?! Seriously?" 
"Bloody Hell!" Spike cursed, gripping his ringed fist before shaking it out with a broad grin when nothing but his knuckles twitched with a quickly vanishing pain. "Angel, I could kiss you!"
"You better kiss me," Angel groaned cupping his face as it healed, his eyes yellow as he glared at the cackling blonde. 
"If that's an invitation luv. I'll do more than kiss you."
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washeduphazbin · 1 month
Lady Hell II
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You know what's happening bitches! Lady Hell, part II, is officially done; this follows the plot of Dad Beat Dad of Hazbin Hotel with a few little twists and turns thrown in there. Unfortunately, this made me want to write for Alastor
THIS IS FOR YOU @ledendarylearner18, @animequeen4 As Always, MINORS DNI
WARNINGS FOR SMUT: It will happen at the very end. Breeding kink, possessiveness, Alastor being a shithead.
“DUCKLING!” Arms wrapped around your body, and suddenly, you were in the air. 
“Luci!” You yelped, hands grabbing onto his shoulders. Looking down, you saw his smile widening. Your voice caught in your throat, and you saw how his eyes were sparkling. It was the first light you’d seen from him in a while; it seemed like it wasn’t a depression day. “Are you okay?”
“More than!” he gushed, setting you down on the ground and planting a fervent kiss on your lips; another squeak escaped. “Guess who's eager to see me?” You tried to answer, but Lucifer’s bubbling excitement cut you off. “CHARLIE!”  
“Oh, Lucifer, that’s great!” You gave him a genuine smile, “for what?” 
“We’re going to visit her hotel!” 
“Me too?” 
“Obviously,” he waved you off fondly, “You’re one of the two queens of hell, and you’re coming.” 
“We aren’t even married, Lucifer.” You laughed fondly, and he shushed you. 
“It doesn’t make you any less a queen, plus...” he swallowed a bit shakily. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You cooed sweetly, leaning forward to kiss his forehead; he let out a shaky breath. 
“Of course,” You murmured, pressing a light kiss to his lips; his hand caressed your cheek, and you leaned into it.
Since your conversation with Lucifer a few months ago, both of you have worked on your feelings and expressed yourself to one another more clearly. Oddly enough, Lucifer reached out to Asmodeus, and he became your couple’s therapist; he was excellent at his job. You even got to meet his partner named Fizz during one session; the poor imp looked like he could shit himself when he first found you and Lucifer sitting in Asmodeus’s office…He was holding a box filled to the brim with sex toys. He let out a shaky “fuck,” as he attempted to bow with the box causing them to spill everywhere. Once he heard you snort out a cackle, it was all over; a pleased smile spread across Fizz’s lips, which had Lucifer looking at you in surprise. Not at the situation, but it was the first time since Lilith left that he heard you laugh as hard as you were now. The clown-like imp began cracking jokes, almost killing you with laughter; you found yourself leaning on Lucifer so he could support your weight. It made Lucifer chuckle fondly in response to your behavior, 
“What did I tell ya, Ozzy?” Fizzaroli flew over to his partner and wrapped his mechanical arms around his neck. “Anything can be solved with a bit of laughter.”
It seemed like Lucifer took those words to heart because ever since he’s been doing his best not only to show his devotion to you but also to make you laugh at the littlest things. He created new ducks based on the people he knew and little inventions to show off to you. It’s been a good few months; loving him again was becoming more effortless, and trust began to rekindle between the both of you. Snapping back to the present, Lucifer stepped away and cleared his throat, “We should get ready to go.” You could tell he wanted more but was stepping back for your sake; your heart clenched a bit, but you also understood. 
He wasn’t ready yet, and you respected that choice. 
“Of course,” you eyed his duck-themed pajamas with a giggle, and he looked at you, completely unaware of his outfit. “I’m always ready to go; you, on the other hand...” you flicked your hair with a wink. You watched his cheeks puff out in frustration, but he didn’t argue with you. It only took a few minutes for him to change into his signature look, looking embarrassed he didn’t notice his outfit choice sooner. 
“May I?” He held out his arm, and your hand gently grabbed his bicep. You tried to hide a giggle, feeling him flex beneath your hand; you loved your sweet idiot. A golden portal sparked to life in front of you, and both of you stepped through it. In front of you was the infamous Hazbin Hotel. Lucifer made a face at the establishment, and you lightly slapped his arm, 
“Luci,” your voice warned. “Remember, this is Charlie’s idea. Let’s keep that in mind.” He gave a slight nod and knocked on the door, and you could feel the excitement of seeing his daughter practically buzzing underneath his skin. The door opened, and Lucifer was greeted by a nervous-looking Charlie and the worst decorations you’ve ever seen in your life. With a slight flinch, you tried to give Charlie an encouraging smile. She was about to open her mouth to speak, but Lucifer immediately wrapped his arms around her. She let out a squeak as he greeted her rather awkwardly. She nodded at you once she was released from her father’s hold and cleared her throat. 
“Mom, Dad.” She greeted, fidgeting, “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” Keekee swarmed between Lucifer’s legs, and he cooed softly at her; once the demon cat recognized you, she immediately jumped onto your shoulders, purring sweetly against your cheek. You hummed, scratching her under her chin, 
“Hello, Keekeey.” She purred louder, and you watched as Razzel and Dazzel rushed over to Lucifer, loving the attention of their creator. Lucifer looked around the place, seemingly trying to find the appropriate words to describe the hotel. You winced, 
“Well, the place has a lot of character—what in the unholy hell is this?” he yelled, pointing to the bar area and its atrocious color scheme. 
“These are just some of the renovations we have done. It adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” 
“What is this? What are you, the bellhop?” You could see the demon’s lips twitch in a displeased smile; Lucifer sent a pout your way. 
“You may have heard me from my radio broadcast.” Lucifer may not have heard of him, but you certainly did. It took you a moment to fully recognize them. After all, it was your job to take care of things in Hell when Lucifer could not. Technically, since you were still a Sinner, the chills you felt down your spine from Alastor’s raw power were immediate. He spun Lucifer around in an aggressive handshake, causing Lucifer’s hat to almost be knocked off his head; “I’m Alastor. It’s a pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure.” You watched the man shake Lucifer’s staff, wiping his hand on his coat and allowing Lucifer time to fix his hat. Lucifer shot him a dirty look, “I’m the benefactor of this fine establishment.” He waved his hand around, “I assisted Charlie in making this place the amazing hotel you see before you. You are much shorter in real life.” His eyes drifted across your partner and then over to you, and you immediately didn’t like the look in his eyes. “Hell dear,” Alastor greeted with a bow, “My apologies for ignoring a beautiful woman like yourself.” You unconsciously flushed at his comment, and you heard who you assumed to be a spider demon make a surprised sound. He took your hand and pressed a gentlemanly kiss to your knuckles, 
“Ah, thank you.” You said shyly, a slightly uncomfortable twinge in your voice. In a weird combination, you could see his words were genuine but had no actual flirtatious intention behind them. Glancing back at Lucifer, you saw just how close he was; the frown and glare on his face were almost comical. His horns were just barely peaking through his head, “Luci?” You asked softly as Alastor dropped your hand. As soon as you were out of the deer’s hold, Lucifer picked you up and set you behind him. You squeaked in embarrassment, and Charlie cringed at the entire situation, looking at you desperately to ease the tension. You reached forward and wrapped your arms around Lucifer’s waist, resting your chin on his shoulder; you could feel the stress oozing out of his body like ichor. 
“I haven’t heard of you,” Lucifer scoffed with as much sass as he could muster, and you groaned internally; “I guess that’s why Charlie called this the Hazbin Hotel.” He laughed mockingly, and you looked up at Alastor, whose hands tightened around his microphone. The deer sinner laughed back just as mocking, 
“Actually, it was my idea.”
“Well, it’s not very clever!” Lucifer snapped, and you squeezed him tighter, trying to get his attention back on anything else. Another laugh as Alastor leaned down static was heard, and you couldn’t help but flinch, 
“Fuck you.” His dial-like eyes briefly flicked up to you with a wink. Lucifer growled harshly in a warning. Charlie looked at you frantically once more and changed your strategy, moving to step in between them, your dress swishing around your ankles. 
“Okay! Luci! I’m sure Charlie has more to tell you about the hotel, right honey?” 
“Yes!” Charlie squealed, rushing over to her dad and pulling him over. "This is the parlor.” She turned him to face the small living room area. Lucifer nodded tensely, trying to think of something kind to say.
“It looks lovely, dear.” You butted in saving Lucifer’s ass once again. She beamed at the comment, emanating rainbows and unicorns as usual, 
“Thanks, mom! You know, without Alastor, we wouldn’t have been able to pretty it up this much!” You wanted to facepalm; you loved her dearly, but like her father, Charlie genuinely had no self-awareness. The deer Sinner tilted his head, grinning somehow wider, 
“Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fill all her bizarre requests.” Alastor walked over and placed a hand not just on Charlie’s shoulders but yours as well, his thumb rubbing tender circles into the flesh. 
Composure. Lilith taught you composure. That was one of the skills of a Queen of Hell. 
Lucifer had none of that as his glare intensified at Alastor, his lips curling into a grimace as Charlie thanked Alastor. “Quite an impressive young lady. We’re all very proud of her; you raised her well.” He looked at you with a charming smile, and your cheeks heated; unfortunately, that made your stomach flutter with pride. 
“Charlie, dear.” Lucifer growled, almost as if he could sense the Pride radiating off of him, making his blood boil, “Why don’t you introduce us to your other friends? Duckling, why don’t you stand next to me?”
“Oh, psh duh!” she ran over to Vaggie, pulling her over, “this is my girlfriend, Vaggie,” Charlie said hurriedly, waving her hand; Lucifer let out a surprised supportive laugh, 
“Oh, You like girls! So do I. We have so much in common! Put her there, Maggie!” Grabbing Vaggie by the hand and shaking it rather aggressively before pulling her into a hug. She looked like she wanted to cry out of happiness, “Duckling look! Charlie has a girlfriend.” You laughed fondly, 
“Yes, darling, I do have working eyes and ears.” You giggled sweetly as Lucifer brooded at your reaction, and both Charlie and Vaggie laughed in tandem. 
“She’s so pretty!” He motioned to her, and you nodded, 
“Yes, dear. VAGGIE is Beautiful.” 
Vaggie sputtered, turning red at both compliments, “lovely to meet you, sir, ma’am.”
Charlie then introduced everyone: “These are our guests, Sir Pentious and Angel Dust!” 
The snake, Sir Pentious, frantically stood up straight, sending a wobbly salute, “Your majesty!” He sputtered, falling into the tray of cookies. Angel Dust swiped one before turning to your partner and sending him a wink, 
“Hi-ya, short king,” Lucifer turned pink, shaking his head. You tried to suppress your laughter, which made Angel’s face light up. 
“This is Husk, our bartender,” The cat saluted with his two fingers, much more casually than his snake counterpart, “and Niffty, our housekeeper.” Loud, frantic skittering was heard from the small roach Sinner as she approached. The woman, Niffty, skittered up your partner like a tree and held onto the collar of his jacket/
“Hello! I’m Niffty,” she purred, batting her eyes. “I clean.” She twirled her hair between her fingers before she turned toward you and seemed to analyze you. Lucifer plucked her off and gently placed her on the ground before brushing off and straightening his coat. He looked over towards you, and you smiled softly, urging him to focus on Charlie; before he could speak, the chandelier crashed into the ground; you jumped closer to the nearest person, who, unfortunately, was Alastor. Lucifer cleared his throat, waving his cane around, 
“Alright then.” He looked excited as he turned to you; oh god, he was going to start singing, wasn’t he? 
“It looks like you could use some help from the big boss of Hell himself.” His shoulders bounced as he materialized a throne for himself. You turned red as he winked at you subtly; you always did have a thing for his confidence when he displayed it, “Check out daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp.”
“Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!” He looked at you happily, but you looked in pain as you joined in.
“With the punch of a pentagram, I wap-bam-boom, alakazam! Usually, I charge a sacrificial lamb, but you get the family rate!” You appeared beside him as he wrapped both arms around you, and Charlie snuggled into your cheeks.
“Thanks, Dad!” 
“Thanks, Hon!”
He seemed only to grow more confident as the scene changed once again to a restaurant, “Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef?” Lucifer snapped his fingers, and Alastor appeared next to the both of you in a waiter uniform. His ears were pinned back, and your body tensed; his smile was strained in anger. 
“Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte. I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref! Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just to start!” He raised his cane in the air with delight as the scene changed once more, but not willingly by the King of Hell. His face contorted into one of confusion, then frustration as your outfit was altered into an old-timey ragtime dress. Lucifer snarled as Alastor pulled you close by your waist; he was speaking to Charlie while dancing with you. He seemed to look into your soul and dig up all of your relationship problems with Lucifer just by a single glance.
“Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a nun? Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? Your executive producer.”
“That's true!” Charlie beamed as he spun you in to your daughter; she caught you with a giggle, 
“I'm your guy, your day-to-day. Your chum, your steadfast hotelier. Remember when I fixed that clog today?”
“I was stuck, thank you, sir!” Niffty chirped, snuggling up to Alastor. You gawked at the scene as Charlie acted as if this situation was a completely everyday occurrence.
“Oh, you!”
“I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond. You're like the child, the wife that I wish I had.” He pat Charlie on the hand and kissed you on the cheek, 
“Uh, what?” Lucifer choked in outrage, horns sprouting from his head as someone dared kiss what was his; warmth flooded your gut at his possessiveness. 
“I care for you, just like a daughter we spawned.” He nuzzled you close,
“Hold on now!”
“It's a little funny; you could almost call me dad.” He purred the end of the word towards you for the double entendre. You coughed, embarrassed; suddenly, the loud sound of a fiddle snapped you out of your stupor. Lucifer’s lips were a thin frown as he played his fiddle aggressively, but it still sounded phenomenal; a tendril shot out from beside you, and you were suddenly held against Alastors body as a piano fell on your boyfriend. You let out a horrified sound as you bounced on Alastor’s lap so you wouldn’t get crushed. Loud accordion sounds came from behind you, 
“Luci!” You breathed out a side of relief; his face softened momentarily looking at you, but he frowned when Alastor continued singing.
“They say that when you're looking for assistance, it's smart to choose the path of least resistance.”
“Others say that in your needy hour, there's no substitute for pure angelic power!” Lucifer’s wings spread wide as he shot into the air. Everyone looked at him in awe, including you, as you were pulled from Alastors' grip, and he held you tight, protectively. “Who just happens also to be your blood!”
“Sadly, there are times a birth parent is a dud. They say the family you choose is better.” Alastor, seemingly annoyed he couldn’t get to you, glared furiously at Lucifer.
“What a bunch of losers.”
“Can you butt out of my song?” 
“Your song? I started this!” 
“I'm singing it; I'll finish it!”
“Oh, you tacky piece of sh-” Lucifer dropped you unceremoniously on the ground, choosing instead to get right up into the demon’s face. Charlie rushed over to you, helping you to your feet as the side wall suddenly burst into pieces. Your arms shot out protectively around Charlie, your horns grew sharper, and your eyes flashed a dangerous color. 
“It's me, yes, it's me. I know you were all waiting for me. I'm here; what a gas. It took a while, but I'm present at last. It's me, it's me! Mimzy!” A sweet, plump woman stood in the rubble in a flapper uniform. You watched Lucifer blink a few times, 
The woman frowned, “Didn’t you just hear me?” She frowned a little at Lucifer. Once you assumed Charlie was safe and finally back in your regular clothes, you walked over to Lucifer and pulled him close by the arm. He tensed, looking down at you, who seemed disoriented and overstimulated. 
“You alright?” 
“Hmhm…” His frown deepened as he kissed the crown of your head as the woman talked to Alastor specifically,
“We can leave?” 
“No. Charlie’s worked hard for this; I’ll live.” 
“Cuddle time when we get home.” You purred, 
“Yes, please.” He smiled fondly down at you; his attention was only snapped back when Charlie walked over to Mimzy, asking about how close she and Alastor were. She flipped her hair,
“Oh yeah, we go way back! Ran in the same circles when we were alive.” Mimzy cozied up to Charlie, “You know this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He’s the only one I knew who could pound Whiskey like a sailor, then keep up with me on the dance floor.” She laughed, doing a little dance. Alastor made a sassy comment, as per usual, until she made eye contact with your boyfriend. Her eyes lit up in awe as she pulled Alastor down and whispered something harshly to him. Your stomach churned in a bit of protectiveness, and you snuggled closer with a slight grunt. He gave you a look before realizing what was going on, 
“Can it.” 
“Is my little Duckling jealous?” 
“I will kill you.” 
“No, you won’t!” He sang before Mimzy walked over, introducing herself with a giggle and a bow, 
“Pleased to meetcha Your Highness.” Lucifer looked pained as she spoke to him, 
“Charmed, I’m sure. My partner, (Y/n).” He nodded toward you, and you smiled sweetly, 
“Hello.” Mimzy frowned and chose to ignore your presence, almost acting like you didn’t exist. 
Having had enough of Mimzy and whatever this interaction was, you turned towards your daughter. “Charlie, dear, do you think a tour of the hotel is in order?” 
“That’s a great idea, Mom!” she beamed, breezing between Alastor and Lucifer, who declared he was going to join much to Lucifer's destain. This time, Lucifer kept you as close to him as possible and away from Alastor as much as he could; the deer seemed rather eager to try to grab your arm or hand to lead you down the hall. The tour was lovely, and Charlie looked excited as she shared her accomplishments at the hotel, no matter how small. You were so proud of her that you overlooked when Alastor had disappeared. Lucifer looked like he was zoning out and dissociating for most of it, which annoyed you. He wasn’t doing it on purpose, you knew that, but you weren’t exactly sure why he was so blase about the situation, especially when he was so excited this morning. Your hand interlocked with his, and you squeezed it; he squeezed back, snapping his attention back to the present as Vaggie opened the door to what seemed to be a balcony. 
“And we’ve almost been able to all of Angel’s drug stashes! Almost…” She laughed a little nervously as Charlie jumped in eagerly. 
“So once that’s out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!” 
“That’s great, Charlie.” You beamed, and she smiled back just as brightly. 
“Well…uh…that is certainly something.” He waved his cane around, walking over to the edge of the balcony. You frowned at his behavior as Charlie hopefully asked, 
“So…what do you think?”
“About what?”
“The hotel!” She stressed as Lucifer began to sweat,
“Oh yes, it does look much better now, doesn’t it?” He chuckled uncomfortably, “Ya know? But I think this railing needs work, “one good push and you’d just go right over the edge!” He shoved you lightly in jest, and you cocked a brow. “Whoopie! Bye-Bye!” 
“What? No, no, the plan, Dad!” She groaned, almost desperate, “What do you think about using the Hotel to rehabilitate Sinners?” 
“Lucifer.” You warned, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. Your hand rested tenderly on his shoulder; he shoved you off to face his daughter. 
“Alright, I mean, look.” He clapped his hands together, “I love that you want to see the best in people, but these Sinners…you know, are just the worst!” You tensed behind him, shrinking in on yourself, and you saw both Charlie and Vaggie send looks in your direction. Even more self-conscious with those stares, your tail wrapped around your leg. “I, I don’t know how much you can realistically expect from them in Heaven.” He pulled on his collar, “Hohoo boy, Heaven is not as carefree as you might think. They have rules. LOTS of rules!” He stressed, “And they aren’t as open-minded as you’d hope.” 
“These are our people, Dad, I…I have to try. I mean-” 
He continued to make his point very obviously, forgetting that you were a Sinner too, “Our ‘people,’ Charlie, are AWFUL! They got gifted free will, and look what they did with it!” He motioned to the surrounding hellscape. “Everything is terrible! I just don’t want you to push yourself on the line for people like-” 
“Like who, Dad? Mom?” Charlie snapped, “Mom’s a Sinner. What does that make her?” Lucifer froze, turning to you, your arms wrapped around your body, hugging yourself, 
“I-I, well, she’s different.” He waved you off hurriedly, “She-” He was about to say more when a loud explosion was heard shaking the entire hotel. Lucifer moved quickly to grab you, pressing you against his chest in case the building were to collapse. “My point!” He gestured downward to the loan shark, shouting Mimzy’s name. Lucifer opened a portal, and Charlie, Vaggie, you, and himself stepped through it into the lobby. Mimzy laughed nervously, 
“I may be in trouble with some loan sharks.” Vaggie glared harshly at her as the hotel shook once again. The entire hotel exploded into chaos and fire; you dodged a piece of falling wood as Lucifer laughed, not at you, but at the situation. Lucifer couldn’t reach you, so you stepped back, bumping into Alastors' chest. His hand gripped your shoulder, and you noticed, even with the chaos, Mimzy shot Alasator a look. 
“Ya see, this is exactly what I’m talking about, Charlie!” Lucifer hummed, using this moment to emphasize his point cruelly. “It doesn’t matter how well-intentioned you are!” Charlie looked like she was about to blow a gasket, and you stepped forward to try to catch both of their attention. Alastor pulled you close so as too not to get crushed by another falling piece of debris. You murmured a soft thank you, and he smiled with almost a sort of genuine kindness in his eyes. 
“My dear, leave everything to me. It’s time I remind everyone why I’m here.” His claws dug into your shoulder as deafening static filled the air, “Just stay here, and you’ll be safe, darling.” Your eyes flicked to Lucifer, and the man didn’t notice, seemingly proud that his point was proven correct. You nodded, and Mimzy groaned, 
“Oh, finally! Took ya’ long enough!” 
The demon walked through the fire towards the entrance of the hotel, his microphone hitting the ground with a loud burst of green light, “A reminder to all not to mess with the radio demon!” Black tentacles erupted from the ground, spearing and slaughtering all the loan sharks who happened to be in his unfortunate path. Your jaw hung open in surprise, and Lucifer made a sound. Walking over to you and closing your jaw, Alastor grew in size, “I will devour every one of you!” Charlie joined you both at the entrance,
“Mhm, ya see? What did I tell ya? Charlie Sinners are violent psychopaths, hell-bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There’s really no point in trying.” 
“Lucifer!” You snarled before Charlie could open her mouth; the man flinched, staring at you with wide eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You shouted, tossing your hands in the air; his brow furrowed, and he went to open his mouth. You slapped a hand over it. “I think you’ve talked enough today; I don’t know why you think you're so much better than these people! My people, ME!” You emphasized pointing to yourself, “I’m a Sinner, or did you forget that because I’m with the oh-so-powerful King of Hell? I’m just like every single one of these people.” 
“You’re different.” He argued, 
“Because, uh, because…you’re with me?” He was trying to think of another reason, one that you didn’t already comment on, “Because you’re in Hell for something stupid. You’re kind and sweet and take care of your people. Of Charlie and me-” 
“So? You think I’m the only Sinner like that around here?” He winced, “Why can’t you just be proud of what Charlie is trying to do here? Lilith would be so proud of her!” Charlie jumped in with tears in her eyes,
“You know what? At least Alastor is defending the hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I hoped. But he’s doing it for ME!” she exclaimed. “How can he and Mom have more faith in me than my father?” She crossed her arms over her chest insecurely. You walked away from the two of them, and Lucifer seemed torn about whether he wanted to go after you or Charlie. 
“Oh, drama!” Angel cheered excitedly, and you pressed your fingers to the bridge of your nose, taking in a deep breath. You stood outside next to Mimzy, trying to give a small smile, and Alastor shrunk back to his standard size and spun his microphone around with a laugh,
“Oh, I missed getting to let off steam.” 
“Oh, Alastor! What a fantastic show! Bravo, as always!” She walked up to him, successfully ignoring you. “Thanks for helping lil old me outta a tough spot; you’re always such a pal.” She mused as you cocked a brow over at Alastor. You watched a beam fell from the ceiling and crashed onto the ground below, “Oops.” She let out a strained laugh as your smile turned into a frown, “sorry about the mess. But I’m sure the lil’ bug can take care of it for ya.” 
“I think you should go, Mimzy. Now.” 
“Oh pfft, Alastor always such a kidder you! You are so funny!” She hummed, 
“He said you should go.” Your fingers tapped against your arm in warning, “I would listen. You ruined my daughter's Hotel.” Mimzy gave you a dirty look, 
“Alastor, are you really going ta’ let this broad fight your battles for ya’?” She laughed, and you bristled,
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are?”
“What? Am I wrong,” She waved you off, “A Sinner climbing up the ranks of Hell by sleeping with the king and queen. There’s no better way to describe you than a common whore. Going after Hell’s most powerful overlord now, too,” she tutted motioned to Alastor. “It’s rather sleazy if you ask me,” The smell of smoke began to fill the air, and Alastor looked curiously at you; it was common knowledge that Sinners tended to look or, in some cases, have powers based on how they died. Fire licked at your feet, and the horns on your head grew sharper and longer; your tail flicked around dangerously behind you, 
“Say that again.” 
“You’re a slut.” 
With a growl, you lunged at her; your patience was already worn completely thin by every other event that happened today. She shrieked, trying to get behind Alastor, who sidestepped her with a laugh. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You don’t fucking know me.” You pinned her up against one of the wooden pillars that cracked under the force of your charge. You couldn’t help but wonder if you had not found Lucifer and Lilith if you would’ve been an Overlord. “You don’t know my relationship. And I will kill you if you ever come near me or my family again. Do I make myself clear?” 
Alastor looked at you curiously; then, you felt his tendrils wrap around your waist, pulling you away from the woman, uncaring how charred they would get from your flames. “That was quite the show, darling, quite the show!” He held you up in the air, and you growled, squirming restlessly, “Mimzy. I mean it. Much like the young Queen stated, you deliberately brought danger to this place. Just to have me clean up your mess. I can’t have that here.” 
“But you love takin’ care a’ me.” She rubbed her shoulders, “Just like now! Plus!” She took a step towards him, “You don’t actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya?” 
“Say it’s tacky again!” You snarled, and Alastor held onto you tighter; he glared at the woman, 
“Come on. I know you.” Mimzy hummed, “You heartless son. Of. A. bitch.” 
“You’re welcome if you actually want to give redemption a shot. But I think we both know that’s not really your style. So you need to leave.” She sputtered out her displeasure at the conversion before marching away down the hill, flipping everyone the bird as she left. Alastor looked up at you, and you huffed in frustration, “Unfortunately, I couldn’t let you kill her. She’s still an old friend. I hope you understand, my dear.” Finally, the demon turned to Lucifer, whose jaw was hanging open, “I believe this is yours.” Alastor dropped you in Lucifer's arms, and he held you tightly, giving you a look of shock at your prowess. You refused to meet his eyes. His forehead met yours hesitantly; you reluctantly gave him a nuzzle back. 
Never stew in your anger, Asmodeus told you; always try to forgive. 
“Love you.” He whispered so only you could hear, 
“I love you too…” you said quietly. After a moment, you notice Charlie take a deep breath as he carries you inside. 
“Dad…just help me.” She said softly. He sighed, placing you on the ground next to him, 
“I…I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?”
“Charlie!” He grabbed her shoulders, with a slight tremor in his hands, “You don’t understand. Heaven never listens. They didn’t listen to me; they won’t listen to you.” He crossed his arms insecurely and stepped away from his daughter. 
“You don’t know that!” He whipped around, and you saw the tears brimming in his eyes, 
“I do!” he exclaimed loudly, looking over at you, and you nodded gently, mouthing ‘tell her.’ With a trembling voice, he began to finally communicate with his daughter,
“You didn't know that when I tried this all before.” With a ball of golden light, he walked over to take Charlie’s hands. “My dreams were too hard to defend, and in the end, I won't lose it all again. Now, you're the only thing worth fighting for—more than anything. I'll shelter and adore you more than anything.” He pulled her into a hug, his hands caressing her hair tenderly. She pulled away abruptly.
“Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this-” Charlie started, hands still interlocked, 
“I just don't want you to be crushed by them like—Like I was.” 
“Dad…” She murmured before taking in a deep breath. “When I was young, I didn't really know you at all; I always felt so small. But I heard your stories, and I was enthralled. Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly, imagining it could be me.” She looked away from him, and you realized what day she was talking about. You could picture it so clearly. Lucifer showed her his latest creation, a small magic gold box. When pressed, it would explode in brilliant light before fading to a small duck swimming in the water. The duck soon shot up into the sky, spreading all six wings elegantly. You stood in the room beside them, smiling tenderly at the scene before Lilith picked up Charlie, pulling her away from her father. You stood frozen for a moment as Lucifer looked at you sadly. Lilith placed a hand on the small part of your back, and you walked out the door with her. You had sent Lilith a weird look before she shooed you off as well; just before the door closed, you saw he had sent you and Charlie a longing look before the door clicked shut behind you. You placed a hand on your heart, and it squeezed painfully in your chest at the memory, “So, in the end, it's the view I had of you that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for... more than anything. I need to save my people more than anything.” Lucifer gaped at her breathlessly before smiling, eyes brimming with tears. 
“I've been dyin' to find out who you are.”
“I've been waiting, wanting the same thing,” Charlie stressed,
“Looks like the apple doesn't fall far,” He teased, looking at Charlie before shooting you a look; you scoffed, shaking your head fondly. She wasn’t taking after you at all, just him. His dreams and his passions, you only wished he could see it. 
“Took you a while.” Charlie flushed,
“I've missed that smile.” He took her cheek in his hands, and she nuzzled into his palm, 
“All that I'm hoping, now that my eyes are open, is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again, 'Cause, in the end, you are part of who I am.” His wings spread out widely, and you saw everyone in the hotel, minus Alastor, look up in awe as a golden portal opened up above them. You smiled, blowing them a kiss, and Lucifer grinned, picking Charlie up into the golden sky he had created.
You all could faintly hear them singing, “I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store.” 
“And who could ask for more?”
“More than anything,”
“more than anything.”
“I'm grateful you're my daughter more than anything,”
“I'm grateful you're my father more than anything.”
“More than anything,” They both sang and pulled one another into a tight hug once they were back on the ground. Lucifer held out his hand, and you took it gratefully, pulling you into the hug to join them. 
“Aw, that was sweet.” Sir Pentious sobbed. You pulled away with a small laugh, watching as Lucifer backed away from Charlie. 
“Okay,” he sighed shakily. I can get you a meeting, but once you’re in heaven, I-We won’t be able to go with you.” He motioned to you, “Will you be okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She took his hand and rested her forehead against his knuckles,
“That’s my girl.” He let out a nervous breath, and you put your hand on his shoulder. You kissed his cheek softly and reached out to peck Charlie on the cheek, too.
“You’ll be wonderful.”  
“Mom. Dad…I love you.” 
“I love you too, Char Char.” His eyes flicked to you, and he leaned forward to whisper something in her ear. Her jaw dropped, and she seemed to suppress a squeal, nodding rapidly and bouncing on the tips of her toes. He pulled back a hand wrapping around your waist, “Good luck, kiddo.” With a burst of red and gold flames, the two of you disappeared back into your home. 
He pulled away as soon as you materialized back to the castle; he seemed to be taking rapid, deep breaths, “Luci? Are you alright?” 
“I love Charlie so much.” He sobbed loudly, and you cooed softly in relief, 
“Oh geez, You big softy,” you laughed, opening your arms so Lucifer could bury his head in your chest. 
“I love you too! I’m sorry I was an asshole!” He whined, “You’re so hot!” 
“Now, how exactly does that correlate?” you snorted, “You’re sad, not drunk.” 
“I was stressed and depressed, and I took it out on you, our people, and Charlie! I don’t care that you’re a Sinner! Plus, that radio fuckwad was hitting on you!” 
“I know, Baby.” You cooed, already feeling better about the situation with his weepy apology, “I’m just happy you saw the light,” You placed your two fingers under his chin. He looked up at you, “And are reconnecting with Charlie.” He smiled, his face turning rosy red and his eyes watering once again. “No more tears,” you said sweetly, pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away. “I also can’t believe how jealous you were of Alastor.” His face twisted like he ate a sour lemon, 
“He was insinuating that I’m a bad father! That Charlie could just replace me!” Lucifer scoffed, “He was also insinuating that I was clearly a bad lover!” He poked you in the boob with his finger, “Which I’m not! I’m great!” He looked at you to agree with him, and when you didn’t nod right away, his flush turned to red anger. “HEY!” 
“I’m joking! I’m joking!” you cupped his cheeks. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone other than you and Lilith.” He nodded with a confident pout, his fingers twitched at his sides. “Let’s get out of these clothes, shall we?” He spoke softly; you raised a brow as his arms wrapped around your waist. “I want you to remember who you belong to,” He purred, eyelids drooping, tongue slithering out of his mouth. You made a surprised sound, 
“Now? Today? But earlier-”
“Fuck earlier. I finally get why Adam was so pissed I stole both his wives.” 
“Lucifer!” You scolded, red in the cheeks, 
“What?” His tongue lapped at your neck teasingly, “Is it so bad I need all of Hell to know you’re still my Queen?”
“No, I just,” You shivered, feeling his lips against your neck, “I want to make sure you’re comfortable- ah!” You yelped as he picked you up bridal style, your dress trailing against the ground. 
“Oh, I’m more than comfortable~” Lucifer churred, tossing you onto the bed, “Remind me, how do we feel about more babies?”
“Lucifer!” You laughed loudly, “You just reconnected with your only daughter, and you want more?”
“With you? Yes.” 
“Heavenly Father, forgive me; I have sinned.” You fanned yourself, “Sex before marriage, a baby out of wedlock.” 
“Hm.” Lucifer mused, his hand running up your tail, sending shivers down your spine, “A woman of God, huh? What would he say seeing you so easily tempted by the Devil?” he leaned close to your lips, 
“The others would punish me, I’m sure of it.” You just knew he could smell your arousal as his hand slid up under your dress, raising it above your legs, his hand squeezing your thigh. 
“And if the Devil gives you his spawn?” Lucifer’s hand trailed farther up, playing with the waistband of your thong; you nodded as he slid it down your legs. 
“Forced to repent over and over again. Shunned until I have the child, and then they’d regret ever saying anything. Because you’d slaughter them once the child was born.” You gasped, seeing his mouth at the center of your panties, a wet spot clearly already formed, 
“Hm, already this wet? Naughty.” He tossed them aside, leering down at you. “They’d see a baby with cute little horns and a tail, with rosy cheeks, and know it's mine. I’d kill them for thinking about hurting you. For taking our family away from us.” Lucifer purred, and you let out a needy whine; you felt yourself pulse around nothing. It’s been a while since you’ve been this turned on and even longer since you thought it towards Lucifer.  “Charlie would love a little sibling, don’t you  think?”
“Lucifer.” You whined loudly, your tail flicking around his leg, trying to pull him closer. “So mean teasing me like this,” 
“Mean? HA! Hardly.” He mused, “This is me being nice, but I can show you mean.” 
“No…” You wiggled beneath him. “I need you,” Lucifer’s eyes lit up as you cupped his cheek. He nuzzled his face into your hand, pressing gentle kisses to your palm. 
“I think I’ve made my sweet Duckling wait long enough,” he whispered, leaning down to rest his forehead against your own. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” Tears welled up in your eyes as Lucifer cooed gently, whipping them away with one hand. “So much.” 
“I love you more,” His tongue licked at your cheeks, and you heard him purr softly. You gasped, feeling his fingers probe at your entrance, “Let me show you how I ruined Eden.” The way you nodded caused him to let out a laugh as he slid down your body, his forked tongue finding your clit quickly, for there was nowhere he felt more at home than under a wet cunt. You moaned immediately at the sensation, feeling him slide a finger alongside his magic tongue. You saw his horns begin to peak out of the top of his head as he groaned into you, “You taste so fucking good.” Your thighs clenched around your face, and he slid another finger inside your pulsing walls; your hands shot up, grabbing at the now fully emerged horns. Lucifer growled as you pulled him closer to your core, “Harder.”
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy Lucifer.” You tugged him harder, and his mouth pulled away from your cunt for him to moan hotly, mouth wet with your slick. “Want to put a baby inside me?”
“Yes, yesyesyesyes.” He begged, claws digging into the plush meat of your thighs, “Please. Please. Please.” Lucifer panted hotly, scissoring his fingers inside of you, stretching you nice and good. “Want to give you a baby so bad,”
“Bad boy. We aren’t even married,” You teased, bringing back your point from earlier. 
“I’ll marry you then!” He shouted, shooting his head up with tired eyes, “Second Queen of Hell, Beside me and Lilith, standing equal.” Lucifer bit his lip, “All of Hell will know to keep their eyes and hands off you.” You paused, embarrassing wet, pulsing on his fingers, “I have a ring and everything.” He rambled, sticking a third finger inside you, “Gonna ask in front of Charlie, but-”
“Did you just propose with your fingers in my pussy?”
Lucifer paused, his entire body froze, “Oh fuck.” You both stared at each other, “I promise this wasn’t the plan.” He whined, “Hrmph-” Lucifer’s eyes blew open as you smashed your lips against him. He tasted like you, and you couldn’t care less.
“You’re such an idiot. Of course, I’ll marry you.” You laughed, pressing your forehead against his, “Now make me scream so all of Hell knows who I belong to.” His pupils shrunk into slits as his finger pulled out of you, and you whimpered at the empty loss; you weren’t empty for long as you were immediately filled with his cock. You both groaned at the sensation, and your head tilted back into your pillows, toes curling; you didn’t even see him get his pants off. “God, fuck yes,” You mewled and whined, “it’s so good.” 
“I’m going to fuck you dumb.” He hissed, his tail protruding from his hips, wings unfurling behind him. “You won’t remember your name, and I’ll make you a drooling mess.” 
“Yes,” you begged. “Please, please, baby. I need you. Move, please.” 
“Anything for my future Queen.” He purred against your neck, sucking marks into the supple skin; his hips moved, and dragged himself slowly out of you. You both groaned in harmony at the sensation before slamming himself back into you, immediately hitting that spongey spot inside of you. You squeaked, eyelids and pussy fluttering; Lucifer’s crown smoked as he snarled, ramming into your body as you went loose against him. Your tongue lulled out of your mouth as he pistoned in and out of you at a brutal pace, immediately bringing you closer and closer to your peak, “You’re going to cum so many times, be prepared; I won’t be done with you until I make sure you’re pregnant.”
“Fucking Hell, Luci!” Your voice broke, clenching around him, cumming quickly for the first time that night as he chuckled. When you came down from your high, you looked at him with tired eyes, feeling him pulse inside you, his dick beating like a heart.
“You still remember where you are? I’m not doing a good job, am I?” You mumbled something incoherent as he snickered, pressing a kiss to your lips and shoving his tongue in your mouth. With shaky arms, you wrapped them around his shoulders as he moved slowly in and out of you, dragging against your oversensitive walls deliciously slowly.
“You’re gonna fill me up?” He nodded, groaning hotly against your mouth, “fuck me stupid, so I’m only thinking about your thick cock?” 
“Yes,” Lucifer hissed out a groan, hips bucking, causing your eyes to flutter into the back of your skull. “Going to fill you up, make you a mom, have another baby,” He panted, pulling away from your mouth to rest his forehead against your shoulder as his voice cracked.
“Good boy. Such a good boy for me,” Your toes curled as he hiked your legs up to rest on his hip bones. The new angle has you seeing stars behind your eyelids; it allowed him better access to your G-spot and better access to your clit with his fingers. “FUCK LUCI!” That combination seemed to spur him again as you came for a second time, clutching around him in a trembling motion while arching your back. He snarled, grabbing onto your breast, manhandling it roughly as your orgasm rocked through your body; he pulsed once before spilling deep inside you with a heated moan. His body is quivering, holding you, hips to hips, and you feel your womb fill up with his warmth. It seemed Lucifer was the one who was fucked dumb, mumbling and whining with his oversensitivity. “You okay? Need water?” You ask quietly, moving up to touch his cheek; he nuzzled against you with a low purr but shook his head. He cracked his eyes open with a cheeky look, 
“Just making sure it takes.” 
“God, you’re gross.” You tossed your head back with a laugh, “It’s going to take more than one time probably…Plus, who knows if it is even possible? I’m a Sinner, and we can’t have kids normally-”
“I’m built differently.”
You snorted, “Who taught you that phrase? Fizz?”
“Unimportant.” Lucifer’s face turned red, “We’ll keep trying until it sticks; after all, if I’m known for one thing, it’s breaking the rules.” He grinned, his tongue flicking out, teasing you before he let out a slight hiss, “Stop clenching around me, Duckling; you’re going to kill me.”
“Just milking you, making sure to get every last drop.” You teased lightheartedly before you squealed, “Did you just cum again?”
“Stop.” He whined loudly, “That was hot!” You burst into laughter as Lucifer pouted as he weakly slid out of you. Using his fingers to push his seed back into you, arching your hips up higher, you rolled your eyes fondly. 
“Did you mean it?”
“Whatever do you mean? Which thing? I say a lot of things!” 
“That you want to marry me? Start a family?”
“Oh, my sweet thing,” He dropped your hips, and with a bounce, he was hovering over you, his wings spread wide, looking like the angel he once was. “Of course, you’re my fiance; you did say yes,” Lucifer kissed your lips sweetly, “No takebacks.” He mumbled against your lips,
“As if I ever would.” 
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moonstruckme · 10 months
poly!marauders all eating out fem!reader at the same time. i cant vision how it would work but say sirius has your hole, james has your clit and remus is at your thighs. thank you my love if you choose to write this!🫶
Hi, thanks so much for requesting! I couldn't quite figure out how their heads would all fit so I hope this is alright?
cw: smut mdni (praise, oral fem receiving)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 480 words
James is laughing at you. Laughing, as you writhe and gasp in his arms. You'd never have taken him for a sadist, but here you are.
"You're okay, angel," he chuckles, moving his hand from around your waist up to your chest to keep your back pressed against his front, and indulging in palming one of your breasts while he's there.
"I—" you gasp, scarcely able to think, much less speak, after the two orgasms you've already had in the past hour.
Sirius takes his lips from your clit with a lewd popping sound, and you cry out. "She's gonna crush Moony's head if she doesn't keep 'er legs open," he complains.
Remus only mumbles, and you can't decipher whether it's in agreement or denial as the reverberations of his rumbling voice in your hole make your head swim. Your trembling thighs press against the long-fingered hands keeping them spread apart on either side of his head.
"I've got it," James supplies, securing you against him with the hand on your chest while using his other to bring your knee upwards, freeing Remus on the one side. "Don't listen to him sweetheart, you're being good for us, aren't you?"
Sirius snickers at your blubbering, nonsensical response, going back to sucking your clit with renewed vigor. A moment later, Remus swirls his tongue inside you, and the coil in your core that's been tightening, slowly but surely, shatters completely. Sirius raises his head from between your legs, crooning at the sounds you make as James smooths a soothing path up the inside of your thigh and Remus works you through your orgasm with his blessed tongue.
James lowers your leg back over the edge of the bed once your breathing starts to steady again, and Remus pats the one he's been holding affectionately, making you jump. "You did so well, love," he says. An embarrasing little frission goes through you at the praise.
James hums in agreement, letting his finger drag over the sweat-slicked skin of your underboob. "So well," he repeats, and his voice is all sweetness, almost making you forget his amusement at your torment a minute before. "Our good girl."
"Thanks," you manage, brain still fizzing like a shaken soda bottle. "Thank you."
"Aw, you're welcome, baby. What do you think?" Sirius' grin is all teeth. "Another?"
At first, you assume you must have misheard him. You raise your head from James' shoulder, every muscle in your body seeming to tremble from being held at attention so long, but before you can ask Sirius to repeat himself, James says, "Yeah, I think she can handle another, can't you angel?" He kisses at the slope of your neck coaxingly, and when he reaches down to tug playfully at Remus' hair, his knuckles brushing your sensitive cunt, you let out a whimper. "Moons, get up here. I want another turn."
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arsenalfanf1 · 2 months
Lando Norris
Warnings sex, 18+
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It was the end for you both, you had been dating for over 5 years now, but the past year hadn’t been right, countless fights over stupid things, losing your temper easily, missing out date night and the list when on and on. You both knew it that the relationship fizzed out, but you both still needed a bit of closure that’s how you found yourself on the bed riding him.
“Mh I’m going to miss this pussy” Which wasn’t a lie he was.
“I know baby” even though the relationship fizzled out the sex didn’t. You kept a steady pace but Lando didn’t think so which is why he grabbed your waist and helped you get a faster pace until he got fed up and put you down on the bed and got faster.
“Fuck Lando” This man knew your whole body, he knew the best angles, where your g spot is, the type of speed to go at, god you were going to miss that, not that you were thinking about that right now.
Moans filling the room. “I’m close” god your voice sounded pathetic “I know” his lips finding yours, while he continued drilling into you. It was hot and messy.
“Lan I’m gonna cum”
This man knew best.
“Make a mess baby all over me” he replied, at the end of the day it would be the last time. Your body was used to his. God you cummed hard while he continued to chase his high
“Where do you want it?”
Might as well go with a big bang.
“Cum inside me, fill me up” you wanted it so badly. He cummed inside you, keeping his movements still for a few seconds, he pulled out watching his cum drip out of you.
“I’m going to miss you” you said. “Don’t talk about that right now enjoy the moment” he replied.
I always feel awkward writing smut but here we go….
Send in some requests
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lvndosnorris · 1 month
the winner takes it all • l. norris smut
paring: female reader x lando norris
authors note: my first ever piece?! i mean, the special occasion definitely helped kickstart my little writing era so hopefully this is somewhat enjoyable? i loved writing it so who knows, maybe they'll be more!
warnings: entirely fictional, f! oral receiving, fingering, edging if you squint, f! forced orgasm
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lando was certainly giddy off the champagne; the bubbles making every odd sentence fall out his mouth with a hiccup, lips parted and speckled with fizz as he dwelled in the celebrations. if it wasn't for everyone's attention being on him he wouldn't have thought twice about whisking you away, desperate to be close to the only person he wanted to thank in this moment — but how would he explain his sudden disappearance?
you'd made the effort to giggle with everyone, stealing partial glances of your boyfriend every now and then. there was a part of you that was adamant you were being subtle: yet the knowing elbow to your ribs as you lost where you were in your ramblings, eyelids heavy as you peered intently at lando as he tilted his head back, tongue protruding as he lapped at the champagne that was being poured from above his head.
it was the same image that was replaying in your mind as you clambered into the back of the taxi, your palms splayed on his upper thigh as you adjusted yourself beneath the seatbelt. the air was thick, stuffy even, as you felt your chest tighten under the thin material of your dress — there was a tension that was evident, lando's thumb curling around your pinky finger as he tugged your hand towards his mouth, lips ghosting a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"you look so good tonight... that little skimpy number doing a thing or two to me..." you weren't sure if it was the bubbles taking over or if he was speaking his mind. eyes afire, blazed, as you unintentionally clamped your thighs just that little tighter together. the fact that the taxi driver could probably hear lando's confessions, crude and direct as he mumbled how all he could think about was you — even during his winner's speech that he was egged on to do, a mic thrust in his hand as he caught your eye from across the packed room.
his lips were on your neck the minute your apartment door was closed and the taxi was merrily on his way to the next customer: teeth nipping at your throat as you struggled to push him away from you, dizzy from the way your stomach lurched with desire. it was stupid really — you'd seen each other the morning of, hungrily wishing him all the luck in the world and proceeding to roll your eyes dramatically when he reminded you that he was already the luckiest.
"you've been teasing me all night," you tried to be stern, your scold coming across more as a whimper though as his fingers trailed down over your hips. the crown of your head settled on your front door as you tilted yourself backwards, trusting your boyfriend completely as your urges finally took over, "you'll be the one apologising this time if the neighbours come knocking."
your joke fell on deaf ears as lando's nails scratched gently over your exposed thighs, hiking the material of your dress further up until he got complete access to you. every time he saw you like this, all flustered and relentless, silence would fall upon him as he drank in his sight. the floor was harsh against his knees as he settled before you, slightly hazed pupils meeting yours as he flashed you that shit-eating grin that had gotten you wrapped around his little finger all those months ago.
should it have been you treating him? considering he was the winner, surely he deserved to be on the receiving end of pleasure tonight? the questions failed to come to fruition though, all thoughts incoherent as he parted your legs in a way that could only be described as hungrily.
it was your noises that made him edge closer to you, not even bothering to discard of your underwear as he nudged it to the side with the tip of his nose. there was a pause in his movements, your chest rising and falling erratically as you waited for him to do something, anything.
you had always been somewhat impatient when it came to lando — maybe it was the fact you knew how good it was going to be, or perhaps it was the burning ache that sat heavy in the pit of your stomach whenever he had worked you up to this certain point between normality and pure ecstasy. your fist knotted between his hair, tugging it a little harsher than usual as you gritted your teeth and inaudibly begged for him to give you something.
as a way to tell you he was listening he obliged; his pointer and middle finger scissored against you as he parted your cunt, tongue between his lips as he finally dragged a taste from you. lando had always been an eater, evident in the way his tongue moved against you now — circling your clit before stroking down to your hole. your wetness decorated his chin and around his mouth, glistening skin being all you could focus on as he pulled away for a few seconds to marvel at how your face was contorted in pleasure.
the intrusion of one of his fingers caught you off guard, one hand clutching his head as the other held onto the wall in a pathetic attempt to stay upright. the few chutes of champagne that you'd been sipping on all night accompanied the glee that surged through your veins, tingling every limb as you rolled your hips in a rhythm that oozed of desperation.
his name felt familiar and warm as it fell from your mouth, subconsciously ending it with mewls of fuck and right there as he dipped his finger in and out of your sopping cunt. each thrust was met with his lips wrapped delicately around your clit, starkly different to the way his finger curled inside of you, trying to rub against that sweet spot inside of you and send you into a downward spiral of pleasure.
as soon as his second finger found itself between your slick walls you felt the ball in your gut grow bigger, heavier as you could barely keep your eyes open. lando's tongue was messy against you, devouring you between muffled moans and whines. just as his fingers got harder and his tongue became wetter he stopped — everything still in the doorway to your apartment as you let out a half-strangled cry. there was no way that he could let you linger there, teetering on the edge of an orgasm as you curled your toes that still sat uncomfortably in your heels and knitted your eyebrows together in annoyance.
in that moment you felt the warmth fizzle from your body; your mind falling back into reality as you became conscious to the room around you once more. lando's grin was smug, cocky even, as he kissed your inner thigh. it was soft, a complete juxtaposition to the way he was eating you only seconds before.
"you can do it for me, can't you?" his question seemed distant from you, as if he was miles from where you were. there was an air of confusion, not able to conjure the words to ask what he meant before his hand cupped your cunt, fingers parting you. his fingertips grazed your hole once more, stroking between your clenching walls as you felt yourself turn to putty in his hands.
usually you'd need more than this; for him to strum you all over again, work you up to your orgasm once more. but this time he didn't — your boyfriends eyes trained on you, dampened lips parted as he watched the way you writhed against him. rocking your hips to meet his hand halfway, spine arched as you cursed him vehemently in between groans.
the noises that came from between your legs were nothing short of filthy; an indication that you were close to cumming whether you planned to or not. there was nothing that you could hold onto that would have kept you earthed, his scalp sore as you tugged cruelly, wrapping his locks around your fingers to try and control your orgasm. it took one, two, possibly three, more pumps of his fingers and his palm flush against your clit before you felt your body snap — heaven bubbling inside of you as you clenched. the sheer intensity of your orgasm had lando's head spinning, wrist trickling with your own juices as he studied how you shivered and sighed.
"lando, i—" your words failed. forehead slick with sweat as he skimmed his hands from your sensitive heat to the backs of your thighs, kneading your flesh in a attentive way. you wanted to thank him, to tell him that you loved him. but all that came out was a timid squeak as you tried to move, your shoulder blades sore from where they'd been pushed against your door.
he knelt back until he was sat on the floor, lets spread as he scooped up a small bead of your cum with the tip of his thumb. suckling it into his mouth he hummed, a deep, melodic noise, "seeing as i'm the winning boy do i get my reward now?"
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minisugakoobies · 4 months
Yours for the Night - Teaser | HHJ
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Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader Genre: smut, porn with the barest of plot, frenemies to lovers, Model!AU Rating: M (18+) Teaser Warnings: so. much. cockiness from Hyunjin, arguing as a form of foreplay, a bit of dumbification, kissing, what's a little fucking between frenemies? (fic warnings tbd) Teaser Word Count: 637 (fic count tbd) Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own SKZ - they just inspire me
Summary: “Let me lay it out for you, so there’s no misunderstanding. If you can stop pretending for five seconds that you don’t want me the way I want you, you can have me tonight.” Or, Hyunjin makes you an offer you simply can't refuse.
A/N: Hiiiii. Hyunjin has been wrecking the fuck out of me ever since KCON LA last year, so I had to write a fic to get him out of my system. This is just nothing but tension, teasing, and filthy fucking. Hope that's ok. 😁
My goal is to finish this one up and post by month's end. Taglist is open - comment, reblog, or send an ask to be added! 💕
SKZ Masterlist
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“Listen, there’s no reason we can’t fuck. Friends fuck all the time.” Hyunjin's hand glides over your shoulder, light as a feather, and you watch dazedly as goosebumps ripple along your skin. His touch is electric. 
“Is that what we are? Friends?” 
Hyunjin shrugs, lips twisted in a droll smile. “Close enough. This doesn’t have to be complicated. You said it yourself - you’re in need.”
“What? When did - I never said that!” Again you struggle to speak coherently, sputtering in your confusion.
Hyunjin frowns. “Ah, you’re right, I misspoke. That was Felix who said that, wasn’t it? On the ride here?” 
You curse inwardly, remembering the private discussion you and Felix had had on the way to the club, when you were discussing your dry spell. Or at least, it was supposed to be private, but obviously someone had been listening in. Felix had offered to play wingman for you, saying he wouldn’t let anything keep him from helping you “in your time of need” - a bit dramatic, but that was Felix for you. You’d waved him off, insisting that you could snag someone without any help. 
“That’s not…” Sighing, you shrug. There was no point in trying to deny what he’d heard. “Fine, yeah, I came here tonight hoping to leave with someone, but I didn’t mean you!” 
“That’s because you didn’t know I was an option.” Again his gaze travels down your body, lingering like a slow caress. “But after seeing the way you look tonight, I had to offer myself up.” 
Always. So. Cocky. You want to deny that his words have an effect on you. Want to. But can’t.
And like that, your resolve starts to slip. 
“You really want to help me out?” you ask. He nods, irises blown as his eyes flicker to yours, and it just puts fire in your belly, has you biting your lip in contemplation. “What makes you think you have what I need?”  
Hyunjin doesn’t bother to check if any of your friends are watching as he steps closer, like he doesn’t care if anyone sees the way he cups your cheek. Or how he slides his thumb over your lips, dragging the bottom one down before lowering his mouth towards yours. He hangs there, just for a second - just long enough for you to tip your face up in a wordless answer.
His touch has nothing on his kiss. Your whole body thrums from head to toe, fizzing like the champagne on your tongue earlier, sweet and effervescent. His hand falls to your hip, squeezes there suddenly, and you feel a rush of heat between your thighs. 
Hyunjin’s plush lips part, letting the tip of his tongue briefly nudge against yours before he pulls away, leaving you blinking dumbly. He lets out a low chuckle, gently wiping a drop of spit from your chin. 
“I just know.”
You’re too busy licking the inside of your lips, hunting for any lingering trace of him, to respond.  
“Let me lay it out for you, so there’s no misunderstanding. If you can stop pretending for five seconds that you don’t want me the way I want you, you can have me tonight.” His eyes dip to your mouth and back, and you find yourself holding your breath, waiting for him to make a move again. Needing him to. “Just think about it.” 
And then he walks away, leaving you nearly toppling off your seat, floundering in his wake. 
The ice cubes in your cocktail have all but melted by the time you remember you ordered another drink. Sipping it slowly, you replay the last several minutes in your head. Did all of that just happen? Did Hyunjin really just offer himself to you? And then kiss you like that?
You feel like you’re going out of your mind. 
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© 2024 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my works.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 5 months
I know you must be busy and have a lot of work to do, so dont feel pressured to respond !! 😊
Anyways, i have Dominic💓 brainrot 😫‼️‼️💔💔, and was wondering what hed think of a reader that has been raised in a lower/working-class household all of their life ?
Here we have a person that's not has had even a *taste* of luxury, their clothes being second-hand, thrifting becoming their past-time, and, havung had parents living paycheck-to-paycheck, would feel guilty for ever asking tjem for anything, and had starting working for Dominic because they were desperate to pay them back for all the sacrifices they msde for them in their childhood :((
And here we have Dominic, a successful, wealthy business man, secretly raising their wages, and the whole time reader feels sheepish and at times even *embarrassed*, overwhelmed by so much money ??
Especially whrn he slides in a thick envelope with a generous stack of cash into their back pocket with a charming wink, or buys them sometjing that they had mentioned wanting in a passing conversation as they had been sadly stating how they coupd never afford it, and Dominic saying that its absolutely—
—"Not a problem in the slightest, mon chéri. Why wouldn't I want to reward my favourite babysitter for their hard work?"— **oozing** charisma and smiling his dazzling, award-winning smile, and insisting that—
—"You shouldn't be fussing over trifles such as money. Hard work pays off, and you have been working very hard indeed." ... @@"" ",
Anon, you've hit the nail on the head with this one 🤭. Thank you so much for writing in and enjoying my Dominic content, it means the world to me <3 !
TW: Dominic, Manipulative Mentions of Weight Loss, Implied Smut, Dominic Being a Creep
♡ But yes, absolutely, Dominic would use his financial position as a means of dominance over you. Subtly, of course, so that you don't know he's being...unabashed his efforts to woo you. But prevalent enough that you still feel indebted - grateful - to him for all that he's done.
♡ The longer you know each other, the more personal - intimate - the gifts he gets you become. Speaking on that, he makes a habit to inadvertently reward behaviours he desires in you, such as cutting off friends, dumping your boyfriend, spending more time around him, etc.
♡ At first, the gifts are general - vague - and inconspicuous; they belie the true extent to which Dominic has memorised your tastes. Something like a low-price jumper he knows is your general style, something to keep you warm in winter. He'll give you a smile. "Can't have our favourite babysitter freezing up now, can we."
♡ Then, it'll be a pair of boots to go with the jumper - "So you won't have any difficulty getting to and from our house."
♡ It doesn't matter that you live right next door to each other. Dominic doesn't want you taking any chances.
♡ He'll use his assertiveness to trick you into believing you've "Gotten a little thinner these days. Are you eating properly?"
♡ He'll feign concern as he comes close to you, lifting your arms, apologising and faking a vague bashfulness as he apologises for overstepping. "French hospitality, I suppose," he says, averting his eyes for no longer than a second.
♡ And of course, you believe him. Of course, you don't see a problem with his behaviour, especially when he seems so concerned for your wellbeing.
♡ He won't let that lie, by the way. He'll keep telling you how you seem to keep dropping a size every time you see him. Eventually, he'll insist on taking you out to dinner.
♡ When you inevitably try to refuse his kindness, he'll whip out old reliable. "It was supposed to be Marilyn and I's dinner date, but she's..." he glances down the hall. Gives his brow a light yet chiselled furrow. He wonders if you can hear the fizz of the sedative in Marilyn's drink as he can, the sound fresh in his ears.
♡ "Sick, unfortunately."
♡ So now, obviously, Dominic is faced with a dilemma. But you have the solution.
♡ He asks you to accompany him — “I’ll pay for you, of course,” — to take Marilyn’s place.
♡ You resist at first. Tell him that you couldn’t possibly do that. But Dominic is the father of manipulation, and he’s nursed many a lie, watched the become their own adulterous identities, and knows exactly how to get you to go.
♡ “Please, you deserve a break. And besides, I don’t want to be seen eating all the lobster on my lonesome.”
♡ You succumb to his efforts. He tells you to get ready for your dinner date. You tell him you have nothing worthy of wearing.
♡ He knows this.
♡ He smiles. Brings you to a room that is filled to the brim in outfits he says that “Marilyn and I rarely use. Something here will be your size, I'm sure.”
♡ He’s made sure there is. He’s bought half a dozen suits and dresses in just your size — and a little over or under depending on how tightly he wants to see the fabric squeeze you — for this exact occasion. Of which he expects there to be multiple.
♡ He resists the temptation of watching you undress. Of seeing you so bare in his house.
♡ He settles for whatever little flashes of skin your outfit affords. All of which were bought with the sole intention of giving Dominic enough to work with for his midnight musings.
♡ This is not the last time Dominic will treat you to dinner, the last time he watches your eyes bulge out of your skull as you see the amount the bill comes down to — a luxury Dominic lets you see to really instill that sense of indebtedness.
♡ And each time, he tries to get you further and further over the threshold of his house. His room.
♡ When you get undressed and back into your ordinary clothes, Dominic tells you he’ll keep the outfit and wash it.
♡ You don’t know it’s yours yet.
♡ He doesn’t wash it. He all but bathed in the scent of you, mouthing the places your warmest, most intimate sorts would have been pressed against. He imagines you there, vividly.
♡ He wonders how much you’d be willing to bend to the will of his wealth. How much he can make you do until you’re entrenched in his affections, toffee-sweet and with all its viscosity.
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honeybeefae · 11 months
Mornin’! For the bingo card, could I request Second Chances with either Eris or Azriel? And you can choose nsfw or sfw. Your writing is great either way and you don’t have to do this at all…
thank you
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Can We Start Again? (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
BINGO: Second Chances
(This has HEAVY Taylor Swift vibes so if you needed a mood playlist, put on Illicit Affairs. Also, I had the option between NSFW and SFW and I did SFW just cause I’ve been writing so much smut lately! I wanted to write some hurt/comfort. Idk if anyone is still reading these bingos but I want to finish them so thank you if you are still keeping up and I love you guys!! <3)
WARNINGS: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
You weaved through the crowd of bodies as they spun and dipped, offering pleasant smiles whenever your eyes would connect with someone. It was getting late and you were yearning to go back home and rest, your body aching for the soft mattress and warm sheets that awaited you.
It took you a few more strides before you were able to break free from everyone and get out to the balcony for fresh air. Luckily for you, no one else was out here, your body leaning against the cool stone as you took a deep breath to enjoy the silence.
The party was the same as all the others you attended this year. The same people, the same atmosphere, the same music, it felt as if you were stuck in a never-ending loop. 
For once you just wished something new and exciting would happen. Hell, you would even settle for a new dessert at this point. 
“I thought I saw you escape.” A low, warm voice said behind you. It made you jump and you turned with a frown, wondering what this person could possibly want until your eyes met his very familiar amber ones. 
“Eris?” You ask, your tone full of disbelief. 
“In the flesh.” He smirked, giving you a little bow. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you relaxed and rested your elbow on the railing. 
He looked the same as the last time you saw him, with long red hair and eyes full of secrets. You had heard the rumors that he might be here tonight but you had also heard the same at every other party this summer. 
“What are you doing here tonight?” You question, your nerves fizzing from how long it had been since you last talked. “And don’t tell me it’s for the tantalizing conversation. Unless, of course, you have a secret love for court gossip and talks of the harvest.”
Eris shook his head and watched you, his head slightly cocked as he studied you and searched for something. It made you anxious and you suddenly felt very self-conscious, your hands immediately tugging at your outfit. He noticed.
“Stop fidgeting.” He chastised, walking closer to you to take your hand and give it a gentle kiss. “You look beautiful as always.”
“Thank you.” You hum, your hand buzzing as you immediately placed it back at your side. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Would you believe me if I told you it was because I wanted to see you again?” Eris spoke softly, watching the flicker of emotions that went through your eyes at his confession. You frowned, your aura immediately turning cold as you took a step back from him.
It had been years, years, since you had seen Eris. The last time you had he had left you in the middle of the night, a love confession having just sprouted from your lips after he had made you feel like no one else before. You had been a casual thing for years, the two of you gravitating toward one another for a while until it all came to a head that night.
Some nameless fae male who your parents had chosen for you had asked for your hand in marriage that night, his voice arrogant and head high. He was assured that you would say yes but when you looked at Eris, his face fallen, you realized just how deeply you felt for him. So, you refused the propsal.
Chaos had erupted and Eris was quick to step in and remove you from the situation, taking you to that small cabin in the woods that you two escaped to on nights where you just wanted to be alone. He had wiped your tears, held you close, and then made your toes curl and your body feel electrified.
And afterwards, when you were both lazy with sleep, you told him you loved him. You realized your mistake as soon as you saw his eyes, that look forever haunting you. He had then stood, gave you the key to the house, and left. Never contacting you again.
Yet here he stood, smiling at you as if none of that had happened, and you couldn’t stop the anger from rising.
“No. I don’t.” You respond coldly, your jaw clenching as he frowned. 
“Come on, Y/N, don’t be like this.” He sighed, standing straight to run a hand through his hair. It was something he did when he was frustrated. “I want to make amends.”
“Amends?” You scoff, that anger now turning to rage. It felt as if you were about to spit fire at him. “After all these years? After you left me alone? I am fine to be cordial with you but if you think I would ever want to make amends with you, to be friends, you are denser than I thought you were.”
“What I did was wrong, I know. I live with that guilt every day but I want to explain myself, to let you know that I was wrong and stupid and that I’m sorry.”
You had always wanted to hear him say those words to you, to come in like a white knight in a fairytale and profess his love to you. It had been your dream for years…until you realized you didn’t need it. You were fine without him. If he wanted to leave you, to pretend as if you didn’t exist, then you could do the same.
But what you told yourself and what you actually felt were two completely different stories. You could pretend all you want but at night, or in hazy mornings, your heart yearned for his arms wrapping around you.
“I don’t want your sorry, Eris.” You said with a shaky breath, willing your emotions to stay hidden. “I wanted you. I wanted a life with you. I refused proposals, opprotunites, everything for you. You were it for me. And you left.”
“Oh, Y/N,” He murmured, his voice tight as he reached out for you. “My little fox-”
“Don’t call me that,” You snapped, tears now welling up in your eyes. “Don’t act like you have a right to that anymore. You lost it when you walked out that door, Eris. You ruined everything, left our castle crumbling, and the saddest part is that I still try to rebuild it.”
“I loved you. I wanted a life with you, to run away from the courts and just pretend we were the only ones that existed. I had dreams for us. I still do and it’s the most pathetic thing. I hate it.” The tears were now freely falling down your cheeks as you turned away from him, blearily looking out over the dark forest as you tried to control your breathing. 
You hadn’t meant to reveal all of that to him, to let him know just how much he still affected you, but it was like you couldn’t stop. It was as if someone had taken over your mouth. And maybe that’s what you needed. Maybe now that you got all of it, you could finally move on. You could try to find happiness again.
His footsteps came closer as he stood behind you, careful to not touch you. You tensed, waiting for laughter or anger, just wanting him to finally reject you to be done with it. 
“I’m not expecting your forgiveness nor your understanding.” Eris began, his voice barely above a whisper. “The pain I caused you, after all you sacrificed for me, it is truly unexcusable. Something a monster would do…and maybe that’s what I am.”
Your heart clenched as he struggled with the last part. The two of you had talked about how he saw himself, about the things he was going through with his father, and you knew how much it tormented him. It was a dark stain on his soul and you had tried your best to heal it, to show him how love could heal anything. 
“You always saw the best in me, little fox. Even on my worst days, even now, I’m sure, you’re wanting to soothe me. It’s who you are.” He smiled, his hand raising to graze your back before stalling. “I’ve never met someone like you, Y/N. Someone who cares, truly cares, about others and who loves without conspiracy or greed. You simply love to love and that is such a rare, precious trait.”
The knuckles of your hand were white as you gripped the stone of the balcony. 
“Our past was always full of ill-defined lines between lovers and friends. It was what I thought I wanted, no strings attached, because I had convinced myself in my mind that once it was gone I wouldn’t have anything to grieve.” Eris continued, lowering his hand and sighing. “And when you told me you loved me you made me feel alive. It was the first time in my life I thought life was truly worth living, that I had finally be granted true happiness after the hell that I had been through.”
“I remember looking at you, shock, awe, love, and devotion taking hold of me…until reality washed it all away. You have no idea how badly I wanted to say it back, Y/N.” He suddenly cupped your face, the chilly night air causing your breaths to puff out as he trained his eyes on you. “But I could not give you the life you deserved.”
“The only life I wanted was with you, Eris. I only needed you.” You whispered, placing your hands over his. 
“I couldn’t promise you protection, Y/N. Do you think all those years I wanted us to stay secret? To hide you away like I was ashamed of us?” His voice was desperate now. “I would get on my very knees before you in front of the Court, proclaim you as you mine in front of the Gods, but for all I could do the only thing I couldn’t was keep you safe from my family.”
“What they did to my brother’s lover still haunts me. She was an innocent soul but they deemed her ‘unworthy’ and ripped her limb from limb. I couldn’t, wouldn’t, subject you to that.” Eris shook his head, his thumb running slowly over your cheek as a tear rolled down it. “It was easier to leave you to hate me, to wish me dead. I would gladly ruin myself if it meant I was keeping you safe.”
“Why now? Why after all these years have you come to find me?” You asked, your lips quivering. “I don’t understand. That danger is still there, your family is still alive. What difference does it make?”
Eris gave you a soft smile and pulled your hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly. You felt yourself warm in his arms. He was looking at you the same way he had that night only this time, this time it didn’t fade into horror and pain. This time all you saw was adoration.
“I realized I couldn’t live without you.” He murmured, pressing his forehead against yours. “I was a coward and a fool to throw away someone like you, Y/N. I’ve loved you since the moment we met and I haven’t stopped.”
Your lips turned up in a shaky smile at finally hearing those words. All of the anger and sadness you had been holding onto with him vanished, replaced with that love and devotion that had been buried underneath it all. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to simply be in the moment, his magic warming the two of you up as the party continued inside. 
He started swaying you gently, the music barely loud enough as you let out a small giggle as you twirled away and back into his arms. Eris pressed his lips against your ear, smiling from ear to ear as turned you and took a step back.
“Can we start again, please?” He asked, his signature smirk on his lips as he gave you a deep bow and a wink. 
You rolled your eyes but gave him an exaggerated curtsy, returning his wink and holding your hand out for him to take. “A pleasure to meet you, my Lord.”
Eris yanked you into his arms and you let out a small shriek, hitting his shoulder playfully as he dipped his head until your lips were near touching. You looked up at him through your lashes, your cheeks flushed, waiting in anticipation.
“I think we’ve both done enough waiting, little fox. Let’s just skip to the good part.” He flirted, sealing your lips against his as you both savored finding each other again. 
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faun-the-fawn77 · 26 days
Here's a list of the fics I'm planning to write and their descriptions! After like two or three of these are done I'mma open requests:)
At the bottom there will be a poll! The three highest ones that are chosen will be the ones I write first cause I'm horrible at making decisions myself. I will also attach the songs to each of these so you know who it is and not just assume what song it is!
Edit: WOW LUCIFER IS POPULAR!! Can't wait to write fro him:3
Edit2: Okay, guys, I know you love Lucifer(I do too) but we gotta give some love to other Hellaverse characters😭
This will be the post where I delete the ones done(Theyre linked on my masterlist) and replace them with new fics! I will make new polls every time so I can see what people want:) If any of the fics that were there previously make a low percentage after the poll then they will be removed and replaced with a new story and new song. This will only happen if it's still there after three rounds of polls. Since that was the first one, the Adam fics from before will stay for two more voting rounds. Have fun! And don't forget to reblog:)
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Striker x F!Morningstar!Reader
"Dirty Little Secret"
Desc: SMUT! Imps and royalty never really seemed to mix. When Striker is hired to kill someone and the only info given about the target is “Little Bird”, he makes the mistake of falling for their charm and charisma. After nights spent in each other's beds, Striker realises that he’s the dirty little secret of the eldest daughter of the Morningstar family, and he doesn’t mind it one bit.
Human!Alastor x F!Wife!Human!Reader
Desc: ANGST/FLUFF! Alastor had a... deranged way of protecting those he loved. When he had learned of the men hitting on his wife while he was not with her, they had always ended up missing. When he learned of the not so innocent touching towards women going on at Mimzy's speakeasy, he made sure those guys disappeared as well. When the white people would threaten him because of the colour of his skin, their half-eaten bodies were in the paper. It all came to an end when Alastor was face to face with a barrel of a gun.
Loona x F!Human!Reader
"Bring Me To Life"
Desc: FLUFF! Loona was violent. Always has been. She was aggressive towards people who gave her bad vibes and indifferent to those who gave good ones. When on a mission with I.M.P. in the human world, she had stumbled into the kindest human yet. She was enamoured from the start when the girl had asked if she was okay and rambling about buying Loona a new coffee. Loona had stuttered out some response that was definitely incoherent which caused the beautiful stranger to giggle. Loona found someone who made her alive. Real. Someone who didn't hate her after they saw her aggressive side, even if it wasn't towards said person.
Fizzarolli x GN!Imp!Reader
Desc: ANGST! Fizzarolli had one of those traumatic pasts that scarred him both mentally and physically. When he was captured alongside the one person that created that trauma, he wished he could've died in that fire. When Striker had threatened him for being annoying, an imp stepped in and ripped the crazy cowboy away from him. The clown imp looked towards their saviour. The imp was stunning. Their glare at the cowboy made Fizzarolli blush and when the stunning imp looked his direction and lift his chin, he could've passed away from how hot he felt. Whoever this was, Fizz wanted to take them with him back to Lust.
Alastor x F!Angel!Reader
"Simple Man"
Desc: FLUFF! If Alastor could see his mom one last time in his life, he would do whatever it takes to make that happen. Well, when a hooded figure had knocked upon the hotel doors that evening, no one in that place could've prepared themselves for the fact that a literal angel was in front of them. Alastor stood in the corner, his shadow behind him just in case anything happened. When the angelic being had gazed at all the residents before landing their eyes on Alastor, they walked over and produced an envelop with his name on it. His name was written in the exact penmanship of his late mother.
Angel Dust x F!BFF!Succubus!Reader
Desc: ANGST/FLUFF! The porn industry was a tough gig. Having to be in positions you hated or having to look a certain way just to get famous. Angel knew that too well. When his best friend, the prettiest succubus in Lust, came crying to him about losing her job because the producer said she wasn't "sexy enough", he almost smashed his lamp into the wall. When she brought up plastic surgery, he could've blown the hotel up right then and there.
Stolas x F!Sinner!Reader
"Never Say Never"
Desc: FLUFF/ANGST! Stolas had grown up with the idea that Blitzo was his friend. Someone he could go to when things got tough. When Blitzo had finally told the truth about the past, Stolas was heartbroken. Running off to the Pride Ring to find at least some entertainment to heal his sadness, he didn't think that a sinner would give him hope. The hope he needed and the love he wanted.
Striker x F!Imp!Target!Reader
"I'll Be"
Desc: FLUFF! Striker was a cold-hearted imp. He fucked and he left the next morning at dawn. He didn't care much for relationships. His job was dangerous as is, he didn't need someone to protect when he had to think about his protection first. When he got a job to take out a target, he didn't expect the target to own a flower shop. Or that the target was the kindest imp he's met in Hell. Or that they were this beautiful. Maybe a relationship didn't sound too bad now...
Lucifer Morningstar x F!Human!Reader
Desc: FLUFF/ANGST! Lucifer didn't expect to be summoned on a random Tuesday afternoon. When he had popped up in the pentagram in some abandoned house, he turned around to unleash his anger on whoever was dumb enough to do this ritual. What he didn't expect was for a group of crazed satanists to start yelling and pushing a girl towards him, who by the way, looked like she was going to cry at any minute. A virgin sacrifice? Really? Lucifer rolled his eyes before moving towards the cowering girl and gestured towards an empty room to hide in before he slaughtered the lunatics who dared to summon him. After cleaning up, he walked towards the room and found the girl looking at him with a smile before she had hugged him. And that is how Lucifer found himself falling for another human woman...
Stolas x GN!Angel!Reader
Desc: FLUFF! When Stolas was just a child, he dreamed of getting his purpose. Once that purpose was bestowed upon him, he made sure to travel to the human realm when he could. One night, after witnessing an eclipse, he went to travel back home when an angelic voice had stopped him. He turned to see the most beautiful person in his life. After talking for a while about the stars, the person had gifted him a necklace. Ever since the, Stolas made sure to wear it and whenever he traveled to the human realm, he hoped to run into the mysterious person only to end up disappointed each time. When his daughter had fled to the human world, he didn't expect to run into the angel again. Or find out that the angel WAS and actual angel and that they have been watching over him since that eclipse.
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ffiahh · 11 months
Please Don't Leave Me.
A journey on Vi learning how to accept and give affection again.
Pairings: Modern!Touch-Starved!Sub!Bottom! Vi x Masc!POC!Dom!Top!RugbyPlayer!OC! Aspen
Content Warning: Brief self-deprecating thoughts, cursing, brief mention of sexual harassment/assault, description of brief panic attack/meltdown, self-doubt, brief mention of death/dying (no one died). SMUT WARNING: choking/gagging (fingers), fingering, face-sitting, tribbing, description of spit, power play, praise, orgasm denial, back scratching, slight description of overstimulation, dirty talk, aftercare.
Word Count: 6.9K
☾*:・゚✧. Now, now, don't look at the word count and get discouraged, that also applies to the x reader being x OC. Being top/bottom and Sub/Dom, are not the same, top/bottom determines whether you 'receive it' or not, and Dom/Sub determines control; you can be a Dom and also be a bottom; thought I would clarify. OC has vitiligo, not the focal point of the plot, but Vi likes looking at them. I know shit all about rugby, I just really like looking at hot, muscly, sweaty ladies wrestle each other for a ball. Vi is really fucking cute in here, I liked writing her in this.
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VIOLET loved affection; she loved it in any form she could get. She sought out anyone’s love language and adapted; gave them affection the way they wanted it. She always made sure she had a comforting hand on those she cared about, made sure they felt safe. Powder was one of them; the way she looked up at Vi with her large eyes, leaning into her hand, with the softest, gentlest smile. For someone who had a heavy hand; well-versed in the art of violence; Vi was incredibly gentle, loving. Violet craved just as much affection, loved the way Powder always reached up on her tiptoes to encase her in a hug so warm; it would almost burn her insides. She loved the way little Ekko would almost always jump on his feet to hug Vi. Vi was a gentle soul with a good heart.   
It was a lot more difficult now.  
Prison was a shitty place. It was dark, and cold and hard. Literally. Vi took more beatings than she had food. It was shitty enough for Vi to finally understand to keep her hands to only fighting; nobody in prison wanted to fucking cuddle. Cuddling was absent in prison; kissing wasn’t a thing and sex was something forced. Vi of course knew going to prison wasn’t sunshine and rainbows; it was horrible, and traumatic and would always follow her. It burns into the back of her brain, fizzing in front of her eyes whenever she lets her mind talk. So, the touch of a gentle hand felt foreign to her now, a mere distant memory; Vi craved it though, she had to scold herself to keep her hands in her pockets whenever she talked to Ekko, whenever she could even get the chance to speak to… Jinx; they were old now, a hollow shell of what’s left of their childhood; they didn’t snuggle into her hugs anymore, didn’t rely on the strength of her hands to let their heads rest in her palms. Whose fault is that? You stupid bitch.  
Violet hates affection now. She doesn’t know who to give it to, she doesn’t know who to ask it from. Violet was unsure if she would enjoy it now, if it would feel different because she maybe grew out of the affectionate person she was; all because she was trying to survive. Violet has other things to worry about; like getting Powder back, or worrying if someone was going to attack her. Vi had to look over her shoulder, she never stopped but somehow it felt more daunting doing it all alone. Violet was an adult; it was time she started acting like one.
Aspen changed that though, she bulldozed her way through with that stupid, cocky smirk, with her insane, towering height and impressive build. Vi reluctantly let her through; Aspen was persistent and annoying, she tells herself that; but secretly enjoys the way Aspen so effortlessly flirts with her, or the way she could see Aspen’s dark eyes, and smouldering gaze wash over her figure. It was refreshing, and Aspen was funny. 
Meeting Aspen for the first time felt like a ton of bricks fell down her head and through her body. Aspen was annoying, never stopped flirting with her and was never embarrassed about admiring Vi.
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Vi remembered the day she walked into the Last Drop; she had just gotten out of prison; and somehow, Vi felt no ounce of feeling. Hollow maybe was the right word, there but not there. Zaun was here, Ekko was, Jinx as well, but Powder was gone, Vi could barely remember what Mylo and Claggor looked like; and she saw Vander in that large statue every time she walked through Zaun. It was surreal being back in Zaun after so many years, everything was the way it had been when she left, but she felt unfamiliar; like as if she would get pelted by rocks until she was forced to leave. It was her home, but it was cold.
Vi was thankful for her hood, she could easily slip into the bar without gaining any sort of attention. Vi didn’t bother looking around the Last Drop, it wasn’t her home anymore; she had no right to melt away into the familiar scent of alcohol anymore. It wasn’t her home anymore.
Vi was a taking a sip from her glass when she first felt the gaze from Aspen; she could literally feel her presence; it was large, as large as her; with her large shoulders and thick thighs that strained against the fabric of her trousers. It felt as though the bar would part per her demand, kneel in front of her just to get her approval. There was an air of authority around her, one that wafted through her and lingered behind her, much like a cologne; a deep burnt scent.
The rest of Vi’s night carried on like that, with Vi- at first- feeling wary with Aspen’s glances before it turned into something softer, and inviting. They didn’t talk that night, or the night after that, or the night after that.
“Hey.” Until one night. Vi looked up from her glass, her eyes running over the expanse of Aspen’s legs, over her exposed torso- God, those V-lines, to her face. Aspen’s face held a small smirk, one hand lazily in her pocket. “Is this seat taken?”
Vi seemingly flushed by Aspen’s sheer, demanding presence and insane beauty just nodded as she scooted over the booth, allowing space for Aspen to sit.
“I haven’t seen you around from here. Just moved?”
This is my home. “Yup. Came from a land far away from here.”
Vi quickly realises that she has a big mouth, with no fear to speak her mind. And that her name is Aspen.  
“You’re pretty, does someone have you?”
Vi stops midway from taking her drink, her cheeks heating up as she sneaks a glance at Aspen. “No. Why? You want me?”
Aspen doesn’t answer Vi’s question, just lets her eyes flicker down Vi’s form as a smirk tugs on the corner of her mouth. “Alright.”
“Alright.” Aspen repeats, she’s about to take a sip from her drink before she catches Vi’s incredulous look. “What? I can’t ask a pretty thing like you if you’re taken? Are you uncomfortable?”
Vi blinks up at Aspen, she was expecting a taunting tone from Aspen’s second question, but just gets a lilt of genuine concern in Aspen’s voice, and a slight furrow of her eyebrows on her otherwise playful face. Vi snaps out of her daze, with a small shake of her head. “You just didn’t answer my question.”
Aspen just smirks again, that same lazy one that’s lopsided and sexy. “Okay.”
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“Hey, Bubblegum.” 
Vi rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her drink as she sneaked a glance at Aspen from the corner of her eyes. The purple neon lights of the bar washed over Aspen’s skin; the way it brightened the lighter patches and the way it seemed to melt into the rest of her darker skin. Always so beautiful. “Stop calling me that.” 
Aspen lets out a playful scoff, taking a seat on the booth next to her. “Only if you stop dying your hair red. Besides, it suits you.” 
Vi scoffs quietly, rolling her eyes. “How? And don’t say my hair.” 
Aspen smirks from behind her glass, the corner of her lip pulling up, before her eyes trail down Vi’s form. “Definitely not cause of your bubble butt.” 
Vi can feel her cheeks heat up, she takes another gulp from her glass. “I don’t-” Vi trails off, her eyes washing over Aspen’s face; the arch of her nose; the way her nose ring shimmered under the light, the odd splotches of white on her otherwise dark skin, or the way her dark hair looks so thick even with an undercut. Vi greedily lets her gaze wander over Aspen’s form; her broad shoulders, or the relaxed abs, or the happy trail peeking from her trou-
“You checking me out, baby?” 
Vi blushes, turning her head. She hopes the dark lighting and the colour of her drink hides her red cheeks. “No.” Shit, Vi. You answered too fast and you couldn't keep your eyes to yourself. 
“No?” Vi could hear the tease in Aspen’s voice, she could feel Aspen’s eyes on her. “I don’t mind. I want your pretty eyes on me.” 
Well, fuck. 
Vi could only take another sip from her drink, swirling the alcohol in her glass, before she puffs her cheeks out in embarrassment. “Well- it was just- you-” Vi ends up sighing, drinking the last of her drink before placing it on the table. 
Aspen only hummed; her eyes flitting down Vi’s form again with a smirk, before she lets her head hang backwards, leaning back in her seat, her legs separating to find a more comfortable position as she closed her eyes. Vi’s eyes widened, her cheeks burning up again. Is she doing this on purpose? What is she- why does she look so good? “Wh-what are you doing?” 
Aspen turned her head to look at Vi, her dark gaze once again washing over her form. “Relaxing. Why?” 
Vi shrugs, leaning back in her seat as she takes the courage to look at Aspen. “You’re just usually so loud and annoying.”
Aspen lets out a short laugh, revealing a set of white, almost crooked teeth. “Very funny. Just tired, sweetheart.” Aspen lets out another long sigh, settling back into the booth chair. “Rugby’s been kicking my ass.” 
“Wh-” Hot. “You play rugby? That definitely explains the physique.” 
Aspen smirks, her eyes opening slightly. “Knew it. You were definitely checking me out.” 
Vi blushes again, averting her eyes. “Shut up.”
“You want to come to my rugby match? You can see more of my hot, sweaty muscles.” 
And die at the scene of Aspen’s hot, muscled body straining as she tackles other players? No, thank you. “Yes.” Fuck.
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Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the short life of Vi: ex-convict, anarchist and raging fucking lesbian.
Vi should have disagreed, she should have put her foot down and told Aspen she would be busy clipping her nails. Vi was stuck in a crowd full of loud, angry rugby fans, the wind was cold; nipping her ears and nose, and some stupid kid was kicking the back of her chair. The worst part? Vi could see the way Aspen looked; dressed in her uniform; the short sleeves hugging the curves of her biceps. She saw everything. The way Aspen’s hair flew around her face in her ponytail; the way her thick, dark eyebrows furrowed in concentration and the oh so wonderful sight of Aspen’s muscles contracting whenever she effortlessly tackled another player. The worse worst part? Vi was sitting in front of row.
Vi didn’t know anything about rugby, she just knew how much it affected her to see Aspen play the sport. The Gods hated her apparently, because it seems as though Aspen was popular among the crowd; her face showing up on the large screen from time to time. Vi didn’t think she was good with eye contact, it was a vulnerable feeling; it was awkward, but with Aspen it was easy; like breathing. Vi soon looked away though, glad that the cold air can be an excuse for her red cheeks, and even in the cool air; her whole body burned with Aspen’s gaze washing over her, her stupid smirk falling into a concentrated stare before Vi could even stare at it. The crowd didn’t mind watching her move across the field, getting a little louder every time she showed up; and for whatever reason that irked Vi.
Aspen’s team won, and somehow Vi found herself with Aspen and her friends in a restaurant. Aspen had asked her so sweetly, and Vi was tired, worn out, but she didn’t have the heart to refuse Aspen. Aspen’s friends were loud, much louder than Aspen; and it rung in her ears a little, but Vi could at least zone out as she snuck glances at Aspen’s tattoo that ran in between her breasts; it was a simple one: the life cycle of the moon, but it enhanced Aspen’s beauty, melted well with the rest of her mismatched skin that Vi’s own tattoos couldn’t compare.  
The next thing Vi gave her attention to was well-deserved too; it was the soft tuft of dark hair that hung from Aspen’s belly button, through the faint lines of Aspen’s muscled abdomen and disappeared into the band of her trousers. Vi could only thank Aspen’s choice to wear a shirt that was split open in the middle, tucked into her trousers; showing the curve of her breasts.
Vi sneaked a glance at Aspen, who was weirdly quiet. Her eyebrows were drawn in; not in the way she looked when playing rugby, but in the way that it also pulled her top lip into a subtle snarl. Aspen’s jaw was locking, as she grinded her teeth together so hard, Vi could almost hear it.
Aspen was jealous, because Vi realised that one of Aspen’s friend had taken a liking to Vi. She would have felt flattered or embarrassed that somebody liked her enough to give her glances, but it was amusing to see Aspen so possessive over someone she hasn't even got.
“I need to use the bathroom.” Vi announced, stepping up from her seat, a few of them acknowledged Vi, so she left without another word. Vi didn't bother to acknowledge the gaze that Aspen had on her until the bathroom door closed behind her. She could almost feel it burn a hole in her back.
Vi was washing her hands when the bathroom door opened, she only looked up briefly before she looked down to dry off her hands. “Need to tinkle, Aspen?”
“No.” Aspen felt much closer, Vi had barely any room to turn. She said nothing as she rested against the sink, her arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at Aspen.
“What?” Vi didn't feel nervous, though she could hear feel her heart pounding in her chest at the close proximity of Aspen. Vi breathed in through her nose once and concluded she smelt like burnt wood.
Aspen’s eyes trailed over Vi’s face, creating a map of her most favourite points on Vi’s face; her bent bridge, her large puppy dog eyes; the scar running through her top lip and eyebrow. Aspen wanted to kiss it all. “I want to kiss you so bad.”
Vi didn't need to strain her ears to catch what Aspen was saying, it flew from Aspen’s mouth easily, like as if she had been saying it out loud over and over again. She just fluttered her eyes, letting out a brief sigh and small nod.
Vi didn't stop her when Aspen caught her lips with her own, she definitely didn't stop her when her fingers dug into Vi’s waist. Vi could feel Aspen’s chest press into hers, she could feel the edge of the sink digging into her back, but Vi could only reach up to claw her fingers at Aspen’s neck, hoping to bring her closer. Their kiss was crazy, and rushed. It was loud and wet, and put Vi into a daze where nothing but small whimpers came from her mouth.
Everything around them was a blur as they moulded their mouths together and when Aspen let go with a small ‘pop’, her chest raising and falling rapidly as she sucked in sharp breaths, Vi had to stop herself from leaning on her feet to reach Aspen’s mouth again. Vi could feel her own chest moving to let more air in, and could feel the pad of Aspen’s thumb run across Vi’s lips.
“Are you comfortable enough for me to take you home?”
Vi felt like a bobble head, nodding as she tried to keep her hands around the edge of the sink. She's touched Aspen enough.
Aspen didn’t feel like it was enough; she caught Vi’s lips with her own again; pressing her body unbelievably closer to Vi’s. She could feel Aspen’s hands claw at Vi’s shirt, almost as if she wanted to undress her here; in the dingy bathroom at the equally dingy restaurant.
It wasn’t long until Aspen was guiding Vi out of the bathroom, her hand placed on the small of her back; dangerously close to the curve of Vi’s ass. Aspen didn’t bother bidding bye to her friends, only gives Vi an eager kiss, and when she reaches up to try and smack Aspen’s shoulder in hopes of living through her embarrassment; which didn’t work because Aspen’s friends only cheered on; where the rest of the patrons in the restaurant could only look on in distaste.
Things got calmer when they reached Aspen’s house, and by the time Aspen had taken her to her bedroom; Vi suddenly found the patterns on Aspen’s blanket interesting, she was feeling doubtful and nervous, Aspen could see that; as much as she liked looking at Vi when she couldn’t hold eye contact; she could see it. Aspen crouches by the bed, her hands resting on Vi’s knees.
“What’s wrong?”
Vi just shrugs, still refusing to look at Aspen; she’s glad that her hair’s covering her face. She felt stupid, so stupid that she eagerly agreed to come back here, only to not follow through with it. It felt like a promise broken, and yet Vi was determined to fulfill.
“You nervous?”
Vi purses her lips, puffing her cheeks out slightly before she shakes her head. Vi blows out a short breath from her mouth. “Why would I be nervous?”
“Could be anything. We don’t have to do anything-”
“I want to! It just-” Vi sighs, she can feel her heart thundering in her chest; her mouth felt dry and her eyes felt too watery. Vi closed her eyes tight, pursing her lips as she looks away. “I haven’t had a-a normal human interaction since- when- since before I got arrested. I-It- it was- it was my fault. I led everybody to that stupid apartment, we-we just wanted to find some things to steal, and- and it went wrong-”
“Okay, hey.” Aspen reaches out her hands to hold Vi’s face, squeezing her cheeks; letting her thumbs run over the bridge of her nose and her cheek. “Take deep breaths for me, okay?”
Vi swallowed deeply; her lips trembling as she let her eyes trail over Aspen’s face. Her heart was still beating against her ribcage; she could almost see the curves and jumps it made across her chest; it thundered throughout her whole body.
“When was this?”
Vi was quiet as she racked her mind for an answer, she didn’t get distracted by the open view of Aspen’s torso under her open shirt. She was starting to remember everything now; and wanted to bury it all again. Vi could only let her head rest heavily against Aspen, when she chose to sit on the bed next to Vi. “Seven years... I think?” 
“Seven- that was- you were kid then. For something as petty as theft? That was not your fault, and you shouldn’t have gone through that, okay?”
“Okay.” Vi didn’t believe her.
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They ended up not having sex, they just curled around each other as they slept through the night. Vi didn’t mind; Aspen was warm; even if she did sleep shirtless; her skin warmed up quickly. Aspen certainly didn’t mind; she like the feeling of holding Vi to her chest as she slept.
Vi woke up; feeling warm; enveloping her back and chest, and realised it was the closeness of Aspen pressed against her back, and the weight of her heavy forearm wrapped around Vi’s shoulders and a firm hold on her waist; Vi was literally caged in, so she didn’t bother moving. Vi stayed quiet as she ran the tip of her nose across Aspen’s arm, feeling the sparse hair tickling her face. She stayed like that; her face buried in Aspen’s forearm, under the golden glow of the sun swimming through the room. It felt like the morning after sex, except Vi’s body didn’t feel sore and Aspen hadn’t touched her at all.
Soon the hand wrapped around her hip twitched, followed by a momentary squeeze around her body before Aspen let go; stretching her limbs with a quiet groan. Aspen soon settled back in, her arms finding home again around Vi’s body. “Have you been awake long?”
Vi nearly shuddered at Aspen’s voice, it was gravelly and deep; the kind that scratched at the back of the throat. “Not long.”
Aspen hummed, before she rolled over to get out of bed, leaving Vi to recoil at the absence of her touch. “You wanna take a shower?”
Vi looked up at Aspen; who was shuffling through her wardrobe. Vi’s mind momentarily stopped at the sight of Aspen’s back and shoulder muscles, contracting as she moved. Thank you, rugby. “You telling me I stink?”
Aspen laughed, standing up with a towel and a change of clothes for Vi. “No, of course not, baby. I like your natural musk.” Aspen teased.
Having a shower made Vi feel better, her body felt cooler; her muscles were more relaxed. Aspen’s shirt on her just about fit, hanging over her broad shoulders and stopping just below her hips. Her trousers fit her better, Aspen insisted it was because of her ‘bubble butt’.
Aspen soon walked out a towel wrapped around her waist, her chest out on display as she used a smaller towel to dry her hair. Vi didn’t feel embarrassed at her exposed torso; privacy was a gift in prison. Her eyes kept wandering back to Aspen’s pierced nipples; the pretty golden hearts; melted well against Aspen’s mismatched skin. Vi wasn’t ashamed to keep staring when Aspen’s towel falls to the floor; her eyes trailing over the curve of Aspen’s well sculpted ass, the corded muscles in her back and the way her thighs flexed when she put her tracksuit bottoms on.
Vi sighs, leaning back on her hands on the bed as she stared at Aspen. “Do you not want to have sex with me?”
Aspen stops tying the drawstring on her tracksuit bottoms as she looks up at Vi; her dark eyebrows were furrowed before her face softens as she lets her hands fall to her sides. “Only if you’re ready. Are you ready?”
“Thought I was last night.”
“You nearly had a breakdown, Vi. You weren’t in the right headspace; I would never take advantage of you like that.”
Vi was quiet, as she bites the inside of her mouth. She looks away when Aspen lazily saunters over to Vi; puffing her cheeks out.
Aspen lets out a quiet laugh; her fingers squeezing Vi’s chin, before they slide up to Vi’s jaw. “Why are you pouting?”
Vi huffs, subconsciously leaning into Aspen’s hand, failing to keep her eye roll contained. “Am not.”
“Now, you’re being a brat.” Aspen warns, her thumb digging into the side of Vi’s jaw, before they slide over Vi’s mouth, tracing the divot of her scar. “Want me to fuck you, Bubblegum?”
Vi swallowed thickly, her lips parting to form a sentence before it gets stuck in her throat. Her mind had left her body as she can only stare up at Aspen, it was hazy and Aspen wasn’t even doing anything. She stood over Vi with that imposing height, and that lazy grin.
“Hmm?” Aspen’s hand doesn’t let go of Vi’s jaw, her other hand slipping into the pocket of her tracksuit bottoms, as she stared down at Vi. When Vi doesn’t answer, Aspen merely chuckles; her forefinger and thumb gently pinching Vi’s bottom lip, pulling on it slightly. “Quite the sight. Lovely angle.”
Vi averts her eyes, feeling the heat seep into her cheeks; that was mistake as the only thing she could see was the faint ridges of Aspen’s abs, dusted with a trail of hair hanging from her bellybutton. Vi let her eyes dart over the various milky puddles on Aspen’s brown skin, before her breath hitched at Aspen’s command.
“Open your mouth, sweet thing. Tongue out.”
Vi listens, letting her lips part as her tongue rolls out. She can feel her heart thunder in her chest, as she anxiously waits for whatever comes next. Vi realised she quite liked this scenario; liked the way Aspen had a hold on her figuratively and literally. Perhaps, it was the rush of adrenaline or the excitement of doing something other than surviving. She felt grounded and she felt safe.  
She swallowed thickly when the weighted feeling of Aspen’s fingers sat on her tongue; Vi listened before Aspen had opened her mouth, closing her lips around her fingers; swirling her tongue over Aspen’s rough pads of her fingers.
“Good girl.” Aspen coos, her lip curling up as she hears a small, quiet sound from the back of Vi’s throat; something akin to a hum and whimper. Aspen doesn’t bother moving, just tilts her head as she stares down at Vi; the way her large eyes blinked up at Aspen. “Feel good?”
Vi just blinked blearily up at Aspen, a quiet whine spilling past her mouth; as she sucked harder on Aspen’s fingers. Vi didn’t feel embarrassed; she didn’t really have time to feel it, just very, very eager to please Aspen; and if that meant letting Aspen stuff her fingers down her throat, then so be it. Vi hummed around Aspen’s fingers, squirming slightly on her seat on the edge of the bed: she could feel the tips of Aspen’s fingers slide closer to the back of her mouth; it was so slow that Vi nearly didn’t catch it.
Vi whined again; her mouth widening slightly as tears sprung her eyes; she felt the urge to gag; her fingers quickly finding Aspen’s forearm, tightening around the muscles. Aspen’s fingers were so far down her mouth; it probably should have come out from the back of Vi’s neck.
“Breathe, baby. Through your nose. You can do it, pretty girl.”
Vi felt her skin heat up at the praise, as well as the familiar tingle up her spine. She listened, taking deep breaths through her nose, before the weight of Aspen’s fingers felt lighter. Vi didn’t think she’d enjoy this power play; but she definitely felt her boxers soak through, she might as well be sitting in a puddle of her own cum.    
Aspen still didn’t let go when strings of saliva fell from Vi’s mouth; and down Aspen’s hand. Aspen merely spared it a glance before they slid up to Vi again. In Aspen’s eyes, Vi looked divine; the way her grey eyes seemed larger, softer; almost as if she’d fall into a deep sleep, just by looking at Aspen. Maybe it the sight of Vi submitting so easily, even with the witty and snarky exterior, or perhaps Aspen just liked looking at the curves and sharp ridges of Vi’s muscles throughout her body; especially at this angle.
Aspen cooed, when she felt Vi’s mouth tighten around her fingers with a strangled whine. “I know, I know, it's messy. But you're doing so well for me.” Vi couldn't help but follow Aspen with her eyes, her mouth not letting go of Aspen’s fingers, as Aspen found a seat behind Vi. “You’re a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
Vi let out a tiny gasp, as Aspen’s fingers suddenly disappeared from her mouth. “Yeah.” Vi could only pant, placing a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart; she could feel some wet patches of her trousers, and could feel the sticky dried spit down her chin.
Vi leaned back into Aspen’s chest, her hand clutching onto the edge of the mattress while the other tentatively rests on Aspen’s thigh, and when she got no resistance did Vi squeeze her fingers around the muscle.
Vi squirmed, feeling Aspen’s hand run over her thighs, and her warm breath hit the back of her neck and ear. “You gonna let me play with you, baby girl?”
“Fu- yeah. Yes please.”
Aspen laughed, a quiet soft sound that swam through Vi’s ears like butter. “So polite.” Aspen had to stop herself from groaning out loud, as her fingers slipped slowly into Vi’s boxers; easily slipping through her folds, Aspen could already feel the familiar sticky substance on the pads of her fingers. “Taking my fingers in your mouth excited you a bit too much, eh?”
Vi sucked in a sharp breath, biting her bottom lip as she tried to keep her hips from bucking into Aspen’s touch. “Sh-shut up.”
Aspen said nothing, but instead leans in to press a few kisses across the curve of Vi’s neck and over her shoulder. Aspen’s fingers were lazy, just running through her core and purposely missing the round nub that sat atop her pussy.
“Y-you're doing that on purpose. Fuck me better.”
Aspen laughed, her teeth sinking into the muscle on Vi’s shoulder, before licking it gently. “I wanna take my time with you. You wanna leave me that quickly?”
Vi tuts, the sound turning into a little whine when Aspen’s thumb pressed into her nub, sending a glare at Aspen when her thumb slips down her folds.
Aspen laughed again, her spare hand reaching to rest on Vi’s stomach, her fingers running over Vi’s relaxed muscles. “Needy little thing, aren't you?”
Vi huffs out, her cheeks puffing slightly as she bites the inside of her mouth. Her fingers dig into Aspen’s thigh, feeling the muscle ripple under her palm in response before she looks up to Aspen. “J-just touch me. Please.”
Aspen’s face softens, her eyebrows curling in as her mouth curls into a playful pout. “Aw, well... if you keep looking at me with those large puppy eyes...” Aspen obliges, pressing her thumb into the small nub, smiling when Vi hisses in pleasure; leaning further back into Aspen’s body.
Aspen was cruel, Vi decided. No matter how many times Vi glared up at Aspen or dug her nails harder into her leg, Aspen wouldn't let her cum; going as far moving her hand back; marvelling at the sight of Vi slowly being pulled out of her pleasured state, with a small snarl and angry curve of her eyebrows.
“Aspen! This is the 3rd time now!”
Aspen laughed at Vi’s cute glare, reaching to kiss the cute little scrunch on her broken bridge, reeling back just in time to avoid Vi’s teeth biting down on her cheek.
Vi huffs out a breath, roughly grabbing ahold of Aspen’s hand, pushing them down Vi’s boxers again, settling back down once she feels Aspen’s fingers press against her entrance.
Aspen raises an eyebrow, her hand momentarily stopping to stare at Vi with a teasing smile. “Oh?” Aspen eyebrows raises even further when Vi sits up.
Her hands hover over Vi’s hips, as she turns around in Aspen’s lap; kneeling on either side of Aspen’s thighs. Aspen looks up at Vi, the tip of her subtle fang peeking through, as she finally settles her hands on her waist. “Oh? Taking the lead are we?”
Vi lets out a grunt, her thighs shaking slightly when Aspen finally, finally slips her hands down her trousers again. Vi lets out a quiet breathless moan, cursing under her breath when Aspen’s fingers slip inside her easily. “Y-you're so annoying. Ah- sh-shit.” Vi curses under her breath again, her fingers absentmindedly clawing at Aspen’s shoulders, before she presses an eager kiss to Aspen’s mouth.
“Is that why you're fucking yourself on my fingers, baby?”
Vi doesn't say anything, just presses her forehead to Aspen’s shoulder. She can feel her thighs jerk every time Aspen’s presses into her, whining when Aspen's fingers move at a faster pace. “You better let me cum this time.” Vi can feel herself getting closer, can feel it in the way her body shook, and the way she kept pushing her hips into Aspen’s hand.
“Hm, I don't-” Aspen cut off that thought when Vi looks up, her eyebrows drawing as she glares at Aspen. “Alright! You can cum, baby. You've done so well.” Aspen coos, leaning forward to press a trail of kisses across Vi’s shoulders, pushing her shirt out of the way to carry on down her chest.
Vi orgasm- finally- hit her hard, it was easier to hold onto Aspen as she fucked her through the orgasm, and she didn't let up until Vi had to push her hand away to avoid the onslaught of overstimulation. “T-too much, Aspen.”
Vi let out a breath, letting her body fall forward into Aspen, burying her face in Aspen’s neck. “I did it.” Her voice was quiet, but Aspen heard it clearly, and made it her smile.
“Yeah, you did. So proud of you. You did so well for me.” Aspen ran her hands over Vi’s hips and thighs, as she waited for her to come down from her high, before wrapping her arms fully around Vi’s waist.
Vi let out a yelp, feeling her body fall back onto the mattress, and blinking up at the sight of Aspen leaning over her. Vi was speechless; Aspen at this angle, looked good. She liked the way her muscles tightened under her skin, and the way her dark hair created a short curtain around her face.
Vi spluttered, leaning up on her elbows when she felt Aspen tug on her trousers, pulling them down along with her boxers. “More? Are you even human?”
Aspen laughed, her thumbs slipping past the band, and sliding it down her muscled legs. “I'm a hungry man, I’ve got a taste, I want more.”
“Wh- you're not tired?”
“I'm a rugby player. I’m never tired.”
Vi ended up finding herself digging her nails into the muscled expanse of Aspen’s back, scratching them deep enough to break skin and definitely leave marks. Vi tried to keep her moans in, but they kept spilling out breathlessly; she could feel the warmth of Aspen’s pussy grinding against her own, and the embarrassing sound of squelching every time Aspen pressed against her harder. Vi dug her fingers in deeper, pulling at the skin at Aspen’s back when she felt Aspen hurl her hips higher; feeling the pressure of pleasure buzz through her.
Aspen bit her lip, closing an eye as she smirked tiredly down at Vi. “Damn, baby. You're the scratching type, huh?” Smiling wider when Vi’s eyes roll into the back of her eyes, another whine slipping past her mouth.
Vi curses under her breath, she could feel the bed creak under their weight, and the tight hold she had on Vi’s waist. She could only grunt, and lightly slap Aspen’s back. “Sh-shut up.”
Aspen speeds up a little; letting out her own moan when their clits brushed against each other, liking the way Vi’s body moved under hers, one hand reaching up to move a strand of hair from Vi’s eyes. “A slapper as well? You're gonna bite me next, sweetheart?”
Vi pants, falling back on the pillow, and hissing in pleasure. “Y-you're insufferable.” Vi felt her body shake, squeezing her eyes shut. “G-God, please like that…”
“Good girl. Stay like that for me.” Aspen laughs, and suddenly Vi can feel the heavy weight of Aspen’s hands on either side of her head. “I'm annoying, but you're begging so sweetly with that pretty mouth of yours. Who are you fooling, darling?”
“Shit.” Vi couldn't say anything else, she could only grab onto Aspen’s wrists for support. She felt incredibly sensitive, it didn't help that Aspen slowed every time she saw Vi was close to orgasming again. “Aspen, please.”
Aspen stopped, her chest heaving as she let Vi's hips gently down onto the mattress. Aspen couldn't help but run her hands over Vi’s thighs, marvelling at the sight of her muscles contracting under her touch, before her eyes slid over Vi’s body; taking in the sight of her flushed skin, and her dazed eyes. “I need you to sit on my face.”
Vi raises an eyebrow, falling out of her daze. “You're going to die. Are you crazy?”
Aspen shrugs. “Maybe I am. Send me to heaven.”
Vi could only let out a startled laugh, when she feels Aspen’s hands take hold of her hips; trying to move Vi over her face. Vi holds onto the headboard tightly, looking down at Aspen; who seems very happy at this new position. “You sure you want this?”
Aspen peeked out from under Vi’s legs, looking up at her with an incredulous look. “You know, you can at least break my nose.”
“Come on, baby. I’ll wear it with honour. I’ll tell ‘em all that my lady did it to me.”
Vi couldn’t help but blow a raspberry in hopes it would keep her laugh in; it did not work. Her whole body shook as she laughed, and Aspen could only look on with a slight look of impatience as she stared at Vi.
Aspen opened her mouth to speak, but Vi was quick to shut her up by putting her entire weight on Aspen’s face. “Stop talking. Just- f-fuck.” Vi felt the onslaught of Aspen’s tongue quickly; feeling it run through her folds, stopping just above her clit.
Vi’s thighs trembled over Aspen, her fingers digging into the wood of the headboard, while she reaches with her other hand to knead her breast. Aspen liked that view, moaning into Vi’s cunt, as her fingers reached to sink into her own cunt.
Vi gasped out a moan, feeling Aspen’s tongue stretch her entrance slightly as her nose dug into her clit. She couldn’t help but grind herself further into Aspen’s mouth; instantly whining when Aspen wraps her lips around her clit, sucking on it before flattening it out with her tongue.
At some point, Vi could feel her cum leak down her folds, dragging along the inside of her thighs, and she could feel the muscle tense in her thighs for holding herself up for so long. She loses feeling in her thighs, and giving out as she lands on Aspen’s face. Vi leans back up again, with an apologetic whine before gasping as she feels Aspen pull her down again. Vi soon reaches her release, with her hands fisting the pillow underneath Aspen’s head, and Aspen practically suffocating happily under Vi’s weight.  
Sadly, Aspen did not break her nose, Vi found that amusing, and also disgusted that Aspen wanted to kiss her.
“Aspen!” Vi laughed, trying to fend off an eager Aspen; who’s lips were puckered ready for a kiss. “I am not kissing you with that dirty mouth! Clean it.”
Aspen huffs, reaching behind her to pull out tissue paper, wiping her mouth hastily; throwing the soiled paper over her shoulder and pouncing back toward Vi, only to whine out a response when Vi pushes her back. “With water.”
Aspen rolls her eyes but obliges, running into the bathroom. Vi had to keep her amused smile in when she could see the haste mess Aspen was making in her trail to get to Vi quickly, and this time Vi let her settle in; smiling whenever Aspen pressed another kiss to her mouth. “You’re the needy one.”
It was quiet between them after that, Vi was nestled in Aspen’s shoulder, her arms tight around her waist. It was a calm feeling, one that Vi enjoyed a lot; she could feel the tips of Aspen’s otherwise rough fingers trace the lines of her back tattoo. It was a comfortable silence.
Aspen hummed, tightening her arms around Vi as she rests her chin on top of Vi’s head. She could feel the chill on her open, naked body but made no move to fix it. Vi didn’t bother to cover herself up either, just melted into Aspen’s arms.
“Are you sad that I didn’t break your nose?”
Vi laughs, sneaking a glance at Aspen before shaking her head. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy is what got you under me, ain’t it?” Aspen grins; her hand sneaking down toward the curve of Vi’s ass. “No matter, though. We’ll try again next time.”
Vi should have been focused on the persistent thought that Aspen wanted to sport a bruise after having Vi sit on her, but she was too focused on the next time. “You’d want this again with me?”
“Of course, I would. Not just sex either; I want to take you out and show you off, and date you and introduce you to my friends and my family-” Vi’s heart thundered in her chest at that comment.
“I was good?” Vi mumbles, her eyes averting and her cheeks reddening; she was so quiet that Aspen had to strain her ears, until she heard what she said.
Aspen looked down at Vi and her beautiful, beautiful puppy eyes. Aspen smiled, a certain softness to it rather than her sharp playfulness. “You’re the best girl. You listened so well. You were so good for me.”
Vi could feel a new softer feel blossom in her chest, it warmed her insides and created fumes of happiness that leaked from her pores. Vi just hid her face in the pillow, her fingers running across Aspen’s forearm. “You took control a lot…”
Aspen nods, pulling Vi in closer to her chest; kissing the back of her neck. “I can give up control next time.”
Vi pulls out from her hiding place, looking up at Aspen. “You’d do that?”
Aspen scoffs playfully, her eyes running over Vi’s entire muscled body. “Yeah. Look at you. Muscle mummy. My legs are open.” Aspen lights up, leaning up slightly on her elbows as she gapes down at Vi. “Are we doing this now? Take me. Take me now.”
Vi laughs, tightening her fingers around Aspen’s shirt, pulling her back down on the bed. “Lie back and cuddle me.”
Maybe coming back to Zaun was worth it.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Infinite Fizz
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: On your last day as a temp PA, there's no more holding back. This is the cut scene, the one entirely jumped over, from part 5 of In 120 Hours, remastered in full HD for your enjoyment. Full smut, little plot (although, read in 120 hours because it'll help)!
CW / disclaimer: 18+, smut, language, rpf, fem!reader
Author’s note: okay so the horny bitches in my inbox kept asking me to write this, and who am i to tell you no? here you go my cumcum twats, enjoy!
Wordcount: 3.7K
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Kissing Joe at the bottom of the stairs, your hips pressed up against his knees until he opened his legs and made room for you to slot yourself in between, was good in the way that it made your vision blur.
Joe spoke the exact words you asked from him into your mouth, your ear, your neck, your skin.
“You’re fired,”
You were very aware that you weren’t really fired. Of course, you weren’t. But you kind of needed to hear Joe say it anyway. Needed to make him say shit he didn’t mean, just to prove and to confirm that, yes, Joe wanted you. Right now. No postponing any longer. The award ceremony was over and done with, and so was Joe, unable to hold back anymore.
“You’re fired. You’re fired, fuck– you’re so fired,”
Joe’s lips grazed all over. He just needed his mouth on you, not even necessarily to kiss, but just to roam, to taste. Mouth open, his lips touched your hot skin and his breath fanned over your face, your jaw, your neck.
Making it up one flight of stairs, you assumed you’d take this into the guest room. You already had one foot over the threshold when Joe’s hands yanked you into his body by your waist, back into the hallway where he turned you towards the second set of stairs that lead up to his bedroom.
It took a moment for your feet to find the first step up, because Joe had ducked down and his lips had found your neck again. You whined, not wanting it to stop, just, happy to be stood on the landing with Joe warmly attached to the back of you. When one of his hands found its way into your hair on the side of your head to support it, fingers twirling, softly scratching, you gasped, jaw completely lax.
Joe’s touch was electrifying and had your mind spinning.
“Come on, up,” Joe said softly into your ear, and one of his knees pushed your thigh up, helping you find the first step. Trembling fingers then found the banister, necessary for balance and for pulling yourself up before Joe’s hands reached and took hold of your sides, fingers encasing the small of your waist, guiding you up one step at a time.
Standing in Joe’s doorway, his hands still at your sides, now both covered with your own, you paused for a second. You remembered being in there five days ago, how the room had been so empty. Void of everything; just dumped mess, tangled cables and... not much else. So empty. It left a lot of room for loneliness and the thought of Joe’s loud TV made your eyebrows twitch with sadness for him. You had joked about that TV, because if you hadn’t, you’d have cried at it. It seemed to only really land now. Now that it looked vastly different in there.
Joe’s bed was big, but soft and fluffy. Colourful, warm. There were wooden matching bedside tables with lights on them that were set to timers, filling the room with romantic mood lighting and you smiled at how great of a choice you thought you'd made.
There was a seating area near windows on the one side of the room, and a dressing area with a mirror, dressers, and a little ottoman on the other. The soft rugs and the matching floor-length curtains really pulled it all together.
“Do you like it?”
You asked, realizing that, you hadn’t actually checked with Joe after finishing it.
“Do I like it?” Joe was still stood behind you, rested his head on your shoulder and let his arms wrap around again. Tighter this time.
“Look at it,” he said, and you felt Joe’s lips press against your neck once more, prompting you to move your head to the side to give him more real estate to work with.
“It’s gorgeous,” he whispered into your neck, and you didn’t quite trust yourself to speak, afraid your words would be a shaky trembling mess.
Joe stepped around you and one of his hands trailed down your arm until it found your hand, pulling you along with him towards the bed.
You spoke of Joe’s metaphor in a moment of clarity, before you were going to let that fucking smile fully bewitch you.
“Careful, I’m going to lose my fizz fast,” you said, now by the foot of his bed where Joe turned and got you in front of him.
“All these bubbles up in my coca cola? They’ll be gone before you know it,” you warned, but you could see Joe was already too far gone. Too little blood left in that pretty little head of his to think straight. Hazy eyes stared back at you, lids barely even open now as he pushed you onto the bed and he didn’t wait a second to follow you, pressing knees into the mattress and towering over you.
“I know,” he said, and smiled a slow smile that was different. It was a smile that dripped with adoration as he looked you in the eye and it made you completely lose your breath. You were glad you hadn’t seen it earlier, because you would’ve absolutely jumped him.
“But the caffeine of you will do.”
It was the perfect answer that filled something you didn’t even realise was empty within you. Joe drove it home by diving down, his mouth finding yours, pressing hard before he let his tongue roam deeply.
With your arms around Joe’s neck, his body heavy on top of yours, you just made out for a little while. Soft and slow, and then wild and hungry, alternating between the message no let’s just stay here and do this for a while, and, I need more from you right this second.
It was romantic and sexy – heartfelt and wanting.
Whilst you felt a little embarrassed about your sounds, just in general, Joe moaned freely, didn’t hold back on his noises, his breaths, the stutters erupting from his throat. Especially when you got your teeth involved, Joe gasped, unable to contain it, and suddenly, you’d had enough.
Not breaking your kiss, with your eyes still closed, you blindly brought fumbling, impatient hands down to undo his trousers. But there was no button in the center. Instead Joe’s trousers had those stupid side adjustors that cinched him in, little straps and buckles on the sides of his hips. Your fingers found them fast enough, but you didn’t for the life of you know how to undo them, and frustration built.   
Joe laughed silently, went, “Hey,” as he sat up a little. “Calm down,” and squeezed both of your hands in his.
“Take ‘em off,”
“Do you know how expensive these are?”
Joe crawled back a little, got off the bed and started slowly undressing, careful with the fabric, the closures, the buttons.
“You can afford it,” you teased, propping yourself up on your elbows, hinting that you wanting to rip them from his body really shouldn’t have been a problem.
Joe huffed a laugh, “Could I? I think I’ve spent a lot of money these past few days,” he gestured a hand around before bringing them to unbutton his shirt.
All you could do in response to that comment was smile. You had spent a lot of Joe’s money.
“But it’s gorgeous,” you said pointedly, repeating words Joe had spoken earlier.
“You’re gorgeous,” Joe bit back, flirting in response, and you giggled as you let yourself drop back down onto the bed.
“Come here,” Joe reached a hand, now just in his boxers, and pulled you fully upright. “Turn around,” and you did as you were told, got on your knees, and turned around, knowing it was to expose the zipper on the back of your dress so Joe could take it off.
You waited and expected fingers to find the zipper, but instead, you got soft lips pressed on top of your shoulders first. Then your shoulder blades, and soft, featherlight touching fingers slowly moved up and down your arms. It left you breathless and shaky, and when finally, you heard the zipper slowly being undone, you were left feeling stupidly needy and fragile. Joe worked your dress down your body, followed swiftly by the unhooking of your bra.
Joe was incredibly delicate, and the anticipation left your whole body tingling.
With your dress still around your thighs, and your knickers still on, Joe pressed his chest against your back and the skin-on-skin contact let a happy sigh fall from your mouth. Joe then quickly let his big hands find your chest and you were shocked by the sounds that escaped you. You were quick to bite your lips into your mouth to keep all those filthy noises inside, where they belonged.
Joe caressed, squeezed, let his fingertips slowly stroke and then would grab. He alternated, would lose himself for just a second and grow rougher before pulling himself back into tender, sweet, and soft touches.
Then, he let an arm curl underneath that then slid up in between your boobs and you couldn’t help the grin that spread on your face. You took hold of his arm with both of yours, let fingers intertwine with his and pressed his full forearm against you, hugging it, just like you had done in your sleep the first time you’d woken up next to each other. You could feel Joe’s smile against the skin of your neck and you dipped your head down to press a chaste kiss onto his hand before turning around to face him.
Joe helped you get fully naked, carefully and sensibly, because Joe also knew the price of the dress you were wearing, and when you laid back down onto the bed with Joe at the foot, still in his boxers, he took a moment to look at you.
Really look.
What an angle, you thought, imagining the double chins Joe was catching from where he was standing and you grew insecure. Even more so when you saw what parts of you Joe’s eyes were scanning, and suddenly, maybe the bedside table lamps were too bright and didn’t need to be on a timer. They could just be off and you could be together in full darkness, wasn't that a fantastic idea? Wouldn't that just be grand? Just, so much better?
"Fucking hell," Joe spoke on an exhale, climbed back onto the bed, unfairly in his boxers still, and planted knees either side of your thighs, his hands finding your hips. "This is–" Joe dropped his head, slammed his eyes shut and breathed deeply, seemingly unable to deal with this.
"You must get this all the fucking time, but you look– it's–... you're perfect,"
You didn't. You very much didn't get that all the time. You tried remembering if anyone had ever called you perfect, but even from your ex, who you had been fucking engaged to, you didn't think you'd ever gotten a compliment in which he had called you perfect.
Joe dipped down, kissed your chest, your stomach, then randomly would bring one of your arms to his mouth to bite before finding your face again to put your mouth to work.
No one had ever called you perfect, but also, no one had ever kissed you the way that Joe kissed you. Or touched you the way that Joe touched you.
Your ex had proposed to you. Had gotten down on one knee, professed his undying love, said he wanted to spend his entire life with you... and yet, he'd never done any of the things Joe was currently doing to you.
Joe was all over you, worshipped every little piece of you he could hold, touch, stroke, kiss, lick and bite and you just... kind of laid there. Let him. Accepted it all. Stared at the ceiling, and tried to focus, tried to be there in the moment, but somehow you'd invited your ex into your brain and your thoughts started running away from you. Away from Joe. From his bed, from his bedroom, down the stairs, all the way down to the front door, nearly escaping out of the house all together, slipping into the dark night.
"No one’s touched me in a really long time," you suddenly confessed, and Joe halted, stopped what he was doing and moved to look at you.
You got a kiss pressed to your cheek, just beside your ear, before Joe moved up and met your gaze again. You shook your head a little, swallowing thickly as Joe moved to the other side of your face, pressing his lips against your skin there too.
"What a waste," Joe spoke into your neck, and you felt him move, wiggle his way out of his boxers. "What a fucking waste,"
You looked down, caught a glimpse of how hard Joe was before he tipped your face up by your chin to make eye contact again. His brown eyes danced between yours, and there was something soft about them, something endearingly sweet and caring.
"What an idiot,"
You both knew who he was referencing and you winced slightly, not wanting to talk about an ex when you could feel Joe's full erection pressed up between you against your stomach.
Then Joe found your hand, laced his fingers with yours and brought it up to his mouth. You expected a soothing kiss placed on the back of it, because that was kind of the mood he'd set. But instead, he turned his wrist and brought your ring finger to his lips, kissed right where an engagement ring was supposed to sit and you wanted to cry.
You wanted to cry, sob, wail, and tell Joe all about how fucking awful everything had been the last few months. It all came up at once, bubbled up from deep dark pits, but then it lingered in your throat where it waited, and burned you, and you just wanted it out.
Joe sensed it. Felt something had shifted.
Both of Joe's hands took hold of your face, bringing your gaze to his own, and his forehead pressed against yours.
"You're here," he whispered, and you let your eyes flutter shut, both of your hands finding his wrists to hold onto.
"Say it, say you're here,"
"I'm here,"
"Say you're fine,"
"I'm fine,"
"Say you're here and you're fine,"
"I'm here and I'm fine,"
"Say you're fired,"
Your eyes shot open and you were met with a dopey smile and loving eyes and it was alarming how loved you felt. Warm, and safe, and... perfect.
Joe was perfect.
You laughed, moved your head upwards, found Joe's mouth and pulled him into a kiss that told him everything you left unsaid. Yes, you can touch me. Yes, I want this. Yes, let's fucking go.
Joe's thick fingers felt you out, touched you in the exact right spots, tested how ready you were for him and his touch had you squirming. You were pulsing as his digits filled you out, his thumb doing the most, and you could see Joe's teeth grind together hard, jaw tensed and biting.
Shock overtook you when you realised you were quite literally about to orgasm any second.
Where the fuck had that suddenly come from?
You had never climaxed from so little touch, so fucking fast. But then, no, of course you hadn't. You'd also never been involved in such lengthy foreplay before and when you started losing full control of your breath, Joe sped everything up.
With your head thrown back, your expression creased and then fully fractured as you came, fully coming undone on Joe's hand, and it had you shaking all over.
"What the fuck,"
Breathing heavily, you caught Joe's eye as he moved up slightly. You saw his plush lips all pink and parted slightly as he stared at you and then broke into a smile. That fucking smile that, even though you'd quite literally just orgasmed, tightened your stomach right back up, fully knotting at your core.
"Yea?" Joe asked, like he needed confirmation. Like you coming within a minute didn't bear all.
You kissed him in response. Deeply, because holy shit, and in the meantime, found Joe's throbbing hard-on with your hand.
You didn't want to waste more time. You squeezed him, pulled on him, let Joe groan guttural noises into your mouth and shifted your hips. Let him know you wanted him inside.
Joe was quick. Knew what you were after, sat back on his heels and positioned himself, lining himself up.
Just before he was actually going to let himself inside and let his hips push into yours, his eyes shot up to look at you and then, without breaking eye contact, he moved forward, making your breath hitch.
Joe moved slow, gave you time, took his time and it was an all-consuming pleasure to feel him fill you out whilst looking at his face. Joe was close to breaking, you could tell from his tight expression that he struggled as he held his breath. It was incredibly hot and it did things to you that you couldn't really put into words, not even if you tried.
Joe stilled for a moment. Caught his breath a little, flashed dark eyes at you, and then, started moving. Joe picked up his pace fast, and you linked your ankles behind him to encourage him.
You saw Joe lean back, hands finding your knees on the side of him, eyes on where the two of you connected. Panting, all breathy. Building up a sweat. Joe looked fucking hot, so insanely handsome, and when a lone curl escaped onto his forehead, you fucking lost it.
You were moaning, let high-pitched and loud inhales and exhales fill up the room. Fuck the neighbours. This was too good for you to hold back, and Joe loved it. Loved every noise he could get out of you, every hitched inhale, every loud exhale, every moan, groan, gasp- it was all too good and it made his fingers tighten, squeezing into your flesh harshly.
Suddenly, you reached an arm up, but Joe was too far away for you to grab hold of him.
Joe saw, leant closer, let your hand reach around his neck for you to pull him down.
"Want you here," you whimpered into his ear as Joe fully laid down, his front pressed against yours all the way down, hips connecting, still rocking back and forth. This was better. You were sticky with sweat, and very hot, but this was still infinitely better.
And it seemed Joe agreed, because with him so close to your ears, you could really hear every little grunt, and you let none of them escape you.
"Perfect," Joe whispered and got the most wanton moan from you. You'd never sounded sluttier in your life.
It was enough.
Joe sped up more, movements stuttering before he pulled out, just in time and it was stupid, but you felt your chest bloom at the action. You'd not spoken about protection, about birth control, about any of that. Hadn't even thought about it if you were honest, because you'd both been swallowed up in the moment of it all. You realised then that you absolutely wouldn't have minded if Joe hadn't thought of pulling out, but you appreciated with all of your heart that he did.
You moved an arm up, blindly found the drawer to his bedside table and opened it to reveal tissues.
You'd put them there yourself, and Joe chuckled a little through his heavy breathing as he took them from you. Cleaned the mess. Took your hand and kissed it again before darting off to his dressers.
"Second drawer," you said, and he laughed loudly with his head thrown back when he checked and found his T-shirts. He threw you one.
"Boxers, top drawer on your left," you said as you pulled it over your head, and you sneakily watched Joe awkwardly step into fresh boxers before he made his way back over to you.
"This is so normal," he said sarcastically, making you huff a laugh.
Joe sat upright, leant back into his pillows and then pulled you into his lap, your back against his chest, before reaching and covering both pairs of legs with his covers.
You noticed that Joe liked that, had done it several times. Be behind you. Wrap arms around you from the back. Press up against your ass.
You didn't mind.
His arms were slung around your neck now as he held onto his own elbows, chest still heaving from the psychical activity, and he pressed the side of his face against yours.
It was a cute way to cuddle. You kind of loved it, if you were honest.
"So, caffeine, huh?" you broke the silence after a little bit.
Joe chuckled softly, and said, "You've no idea how little I've slept these past few days,"
It was a compliment, but you couldn't help but think that maybe he would've gotten more sleep if he'd turned the fucking TV down. You didn't share that, though.
"All caffeine, no fizz... how's that going to work? You'll never sleep again,"
"I think," Joe started, played with your fingers a moment, then said, "No, I think I was wrong. You're infinite fizz. All fizz, I can feel it, here, in my stomach," Joe moved, pointed just below his bellybutton before he let a chuckle escape his throat.
And you were about to be snarky, say something like, "Those are butterflies, Joe," but you didn't, because you felt it too. Bubbly fizz, deep within, all sparkling and tingling.
Lying in Joe's arms, your back against his front, perked up against the pillows, you had perfect view of the TV.
"Do you want me to turn the TV on?"
"Piss off,"
"I can go back downstairs and sleep in my own bed, use my earplugs, let you get some-" you couldn't finish, turned into a giggling pile of mush as Joe playfully bit into your jaw.
"You're staying," Joe said, his voice low in your ear. "I'm keeping you right here."
You fell asleep in each other’s arms after, both hands with fingers intertwined, legs tangled up, and the TV still turned off. The way your bodies pressed together erased all the loneliness that had lingered in between these walls before.
It was healing in the most wholesome of ways and it filled the dark corners of the both of you up with light. All caffeine. Infinite fizz.
the end
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie
@munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @harringtonfan4 @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s
@thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Okay I have just binged your Favours ettore works and 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I love the way you write so much, it just— idek how to explain it, but it’s just so elegant and fluid, does that make sense????
Anyway, I have not been able to get it out of my mind no matter how much I try, but I keep wondering how ettore would react if he were ever to get jealous?? Bc I def see him as controlling/dominant still like how u were explaining in the first kiss Drabble and the fact he is jealous over the box ! It just sends my mind in a frenzy to think what would he do if he were actually jealous of someone!! If u don’t want to take this request, no worries, I just wanted to voice the idea!!
Again, I am so in love with ur works and appreciate them beyond belief, thanks for writing all these fantasies out for us 💕💕 I hope ur doing well and staying safe
Hello! Sorry for the long wait for this. I hope you enjoy it.
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Warnings: Language, violence, choking, smut. Word count: ~1500
Main series masterlist
Author's note: No gods, no masters, no tag lists. Only scabs community label fics. If you find yourself tempted to slap a label on this, please block me instead.
The ship has been in sleep mode for less than an hour when she feels the weight of her bunk dip beside her and the lean hardness of Ettore’s body press against her back.
“Did anyone see you?” She whispers.
“No.” Comes his curt reply, his fingertips biting into the swell of her hip.
She exhales a shaky sigh, heat pooling between her legs as he grinds against the curve of her backside. Parting her thighs on instinct, as his hand snakes between them to drag her underwear to the side, she bites her lip to stifle the wanton moan that almost escapes her as Ettore pushes inside of her.
She clutches the pillow beside her head, her grip vice like at the pleasurable hurt of the initial stretch to accommodate his size. Once fully sheathed within her, he wraps a hand around her throat, pulling her flush to his chest as he sets a relentless pace, his hips snapping rapidly against her.
This is no gentle lovemaking, merely a means for both of them to get off, as per their agreed arrangement.
They remain in the same position for a few moments afterwards, both silently getting their breath back.
“Same time tomorrow, yeah?” He murmurs against the shell of her ear.
She nods. “I’m on daytime work duty with Monte this week, so yeah.”
He tenses up behind her, but with how swiftly he pulls out and leaves the cell, she is sure she must have imagined it. Closing her eyes, she allows sleep to take her, lulled by the satisfying ache between her thighs.
The next day she stands in the galley, her nose wrinkling in disgust as she sniffs the open packet of powder she’s about to dump into the vat of boiling water to prepare the crew’s afternoon meal.
“The food is definitely more edible when you don’t have to see how it’s prepared.” Monte says with a smirk.
She laughs. She likes Monte, he’s easy to talk to and far less intense than most of the others on board the ship. If he suspects anything is going on between her and Ettore, he hasn’t said anything, even after hearing Ettore call him a cockblock, and she is hugely appreciative of his silence.
“Not excited for…” She lifts the packet to read what’s been stamped on the silver foil. “...beef chilli?”
Monte scoffs, taking the package from her and upending it into the boiling water. Both of them watch as it fizzes and expands, looking completely unappetising.
“I’m gonna go sort things out in the scullery.” She tells him. “You okay to finish that off?”
He fires her a mock two fingered salute as she steps backwards. Her arms reach behind her head as she moves away, eager to fix her rapidly loosening ponytail.
“Fuck!” She mutters as she feels the elastic snap around her fingers.
“You good?” Monte calls to her from over his shoulder.
“Yeah, hair tie snapped is all.” She sighs, holding her hair away from her face.
He wipes his hands on his trouser legs, and turns to face her. “Here, let me.” He offers, beckoning her closer.
He takes the snapped elastic from her and she allows him to spin her around as his fingers work deftly to pull her hair back and knot the broken elastic around it. “That should hold until you can replace it.”
“Thanks.” She says with a smile.
She’s about to continue towards the back of the galley, where the scullery is located, when she hears the door crash against the wall with the force of which it’s been thrown open.
There is barely time for her to register the blur of movement as Ettore throws himself towards Monte, knocking him to the ground and punching him.
A sickening crack causes her to gasp and she crouches beside the pair as they scuffle, attempting to pull Ettore off of Monte, who has now managed to land a blow of his own to Ettore’s face.
“Get the fuck off him!” She cries out to Ettore, tugging desperately at his shoulder. 
He throws his elbow back, attempting to shake her off, and it connects with her jaw, sending her reeling backwards with a cry of pain.
It’s only then that Ettore stops, looking back at her, and for the briefest of moments she sees panic in his eyes. He is quick to climb to his feet and leave, while Monte remains on the floor holding his face.
She crawls towards him, her eyes wide with concern. “Are you okay?”
“Prick broke my nose.” He utters. “I need to go to the med bay.”
She winces as she watches Dibs reset Monte’s nose, which is in fact broken. Her heart constricts when Dibs inquires as to how this happened.
“A pan fell from a shelf in the galley.” He tells her. “Caught it with my face.”
Her jaw drops in disbelief. He’d lied. She cannot understand why Monte would do such a thing, but the relief she feels is immeasurable.
Dibs doesn’t seem like she quite believes Monte’s explanation, but doesn’t push any further, allowing them both to return to their work duty.
She seeks out Ettore after lunch, finding him skulking in the laundry room, a bright red split now decorates his lower lip.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” She hisses angrily.
Ettore grunts in response, slamming the door to a washer closed.
“Answer me!” She shouts in frustration after a few moments.
He rounds on her with such rapidity that she takes a fearful step back, until he is crowding her space. He reaches up a hand to trace his fingertips over the side of her face.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks softly. “I haven’t hit you since we started…you know…I know I’m not supposed to.”
She has to bite back a laugh at the absurdity of it, it’s like listening to a child explain why they ought to look both ways before crossing the street.
“You didn’t.” She tells him. “But you broke Monte’s nose. Why?”
Ettore pulls back with an offhand shrug. “He was touching you.”
She shakes her head in disbelief. “Are you for real?! We were on work duty together. My hair tie snapped!”
“You could’ve been put on work duty with Mink or Boyse.” He scowls. “Don’t see why it has to be him.”
“Oh my god, you’re jealous!” She rolls her eyes.
Ettore’s jaw ticks, he exhales in irritation. “Do you have any idea what the blokes on this fucking ship would do to you, given half the chance?”
“You are jealous. Fucking hell, that’s pathetic.” She says in disbelief with a shake of her head.
He crowds into her space once more, backing her against the wall as he stares into her eyes, cold and predatory. “You’re mine.”
The words send a shiver of arousal through her and she makes no attempt to stop him as he yanks at the waistband of her scrubs, tugging them down her legs along with her underwear, before pulling down his own.
She cries out as he sinks his teeth into the juncture between her neck and shoulder, the pain serving to further ignite the heat building in her lower belly. She knows she should fight him off, be angry with him for attacking another crew member, but his possessiveness of her fuels her desire for him. She needs this. 
Their movements are hurried and desperate, his grip rough as he tugs her leg over his hip, the force with which he thrusts inside of her causing her head to tip backwards as it takes her breath away.
He fucks her against the wall as though he is trying to push her through it. His grip on her will surely leave bruises in its wake, his head is kept buried into the crook of her neck, where he had bitten just moments before. The only sounds are the soft hum of the washers and dryers, intermingled with the lewd wet noise emanating from where their bodies meet and their quiet pants and sighs.
It doesn’t take long for Ettore to reach his end, spending inside of her with a full body shudder. She doesn’t mind that she hasn’t been brought to peak, there is something so primal and urgent about allowing him to claim her like this that makes her feel as though all of her nerve endings are tingling with electricity.
Slowly he pulls away from her neck, breathing heavily as he rests his forehead against hers.
The moment is short lived, however, as the scuffle of shoes on the linoleum alert them to the presence of Boyse, who stands staring wide eyed with shock before hurrying back the way she’d come.
They’d been caught.
Post script author's note: I have one further request to fill for this series, which will serve as a follow on from this part, so please do not pester for a part two. I am currently accepting requests for Ettore, but no further requests which relate to this series. The next instalment will serve as its final part.
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effy-writes · 11 days
Fizz x Male! Reader Smut: Horny
requested from wattpad
i SUCK at writing male reader smut oh my god
also people who are requesting i WILL get to yours within a day or two :) so dont worry. thank yall for requesting!!
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It was Fizz's day off in a while, so he spent the entire day watching movies with you. It ranged from corny, to drama, to action, and finally romance.
Since Fizz works with Ozzie he had access to watch movies from Earth. The one Earth movie he wanted to watch was 50 Shades of Gray.
He refilled the popcorn bucket and laid down beside of you.
"Fizz, whats this movie about?"
"Some BDSM movie." He replied, grabbing a handful of popcorn.
"Interesting." You rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped your leg around his.
The movie was slow at first, just the two characters meeting and getting to know each other, but things have definitely escalated.
Fizz felt his pants tighten up once the first sex scene came across. He tried to adjust himself so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable, but the sex scene became more intense.
You felt him moving in the bed, like there was something crawling on him. "You okay?"
"Huh? Oh right, yeah I'm fine." He grabbed another handful of the popcorn due to nerves.
He looked over at you who was nose deep in the movie. The room was dark, but he could see the TV light shining on your face and it turned him on even more. He wanted to fuck you like how the male protagonist was, but he knows you're a virgin and doesn't know if you'll be into that since it'll be your first.
You looked over at Fizz who was staring at you with lust in his eyes, and you want to reciprocate.
"I want to fuck you." You blurted.
Fizz blinked, "Really? You sure?"
You smiled, "Really. I can tell you want to by the way you were moving around."
He sat up, "You don't have to because I'm horny, just letting you know that."
"Fizz," You placed your hand on his, "I want to. Just talk me through it, and don't do the shit that that dude is doing, I'm not ready for that just yet." You snickered.
Fizz moved and got on top of you, straddling your hips. You used his collar to bring him down to kiss you. Breaking the session he took off his shirt as well as yours.
He placed his hands on the bridge of your pants and slid them off, leaving a trail of kisses from your stomach all the way to your genitalia.
He took off his pj bottoms and threw them aside. You swallowed your nerves, seeing his erect cock dying to get out of his boxers.
"I'll be gentle, don't worry." He reassured as he opened the lube bottle and lathered up his robotic fingers and your entrance.
He slowly slid two fingers in to open you up a bit. Your back arched as his fingers pumped in and out, picking up the speed.
"Tell me when it gets too much." He whispered.
"I..will." You said in between breathy moans.
Fizz pulled his fingers out and desperately took off his underwear, his red cock with white scars sprung up. Since the room is not completely dark you saw precum leaking out.
"I want you so bad." You whined, spreading your legs further apart.
Fizz let out a pleased hum as he rubbed lube all over his dick, getting it nice and wet so it'll slide in easier.
Fizz leaned down and nibbled at your neck while he lined his cock to the entrance of your ass.
"Please." You bucked your hips.
"You're so needy." He teased as he pushed himself in.
"Fffuck!" You gasped, digging your nails into his back.
"You're in control of me, tell me what you want me to do." Fizz let out a pleasing sigh, "You feel so fucking good."
"I want..you to fuck me." You wrapped your legs around his hips.
Fizz slowly pumped himself in and out to get you acclimated to the size of his dick. Once you begged him to pick up the pace he did as you wished.
He pinned your hands as he picked up the pace, hips striking your ass as your loud moans echoed the room. Fizz leaned down and planted his lips onto yours so you could moan in his mouth.
Your body twitched as you felt yourself reaching your climax. "Fuck..Fizz." You whimpered, your head throwing back.
Fizz let your hands free and gripped your thighs so he could plunge into you deeper. His moans increasingly got louder with each thrust.
“I’m gonna..” He panted.
Your scream of pleasure interrupted him, body compulsing as you came.
Fizz rolled his hips, riding out your orgasm as he came inside your wet, tight asshole.
The two of you panted as he pulled out. He rested his head on your knee so he could catch his breath. “I’m usually the one bottoming so I barely have the stamina to top.” He laughed.
“Next time I’ll top you.” You cooed.
Fizz laughed in amusement and laid down beside of you, pulling you into his arms. “Did you enjoy it? Was it too painful?”
“A little, but nothing I can’t handle.”
Fizz kissed your forehead repeatedly, “Can’t wait for you to fucked me ruthlessly.”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“FUCK yes.”
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nottapossum · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @the-flaming-nightmare !!
1: How many stories do you have on A03?
A: Currently...
I'm only counting Nottapossum. 8!
2: What's your total A03 word count?
A: Oh gosh. 179,234...
Is that right? 🤔
3: What fandoms do you write for?
A: The Helluverse!!
4: Top 5 fics by kudos?
1: Itty bitty sinners
2: Itty bitty Imps
3Helluva boss/Hazbin hotel Age regression one shots
4:Father knows best
5:Itty Bitty imps: One shots, ficlets, and more
5:Do you respond to comments?
A: Yes! Sometimes late, but I do!
6:What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A: Uhhhhh Itty bitty imps.
7:What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A:Uhhhh happy ending? I'm not sure we're aquainted. 🤔
8:Do you get hate on fics?
A:Not very often, but I've gotten a few negative comments on my posts.
9:Do you write smut?
A:Nah. Not here anyway.
10:Craziest crossover?
A:Uhm haven't crossed anything over...yet.
11:Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A: I don't think so.
12:Have you ever had a fic translated?
A:Uhh, no. Someone asked me if they could translate once (one of my old fics), but they didn't.
13:Have you co-written a fic before?
A: Yeah! A few times.
14:All-time favorite ship?
A: For the stuff I write?
M&M, CharlieXVaggie, Husk&Angel, OzzieXFizz, StolasXBlitzø, FizzarolliXBlitzø (Yeah if Ozzie and Fizz weren't so perfect I'd be all for it) CarmillaXZestial (not sure if i perfer them as friends or a relationship or a platinic couple idk. I just like them.) I also like EmilyXCharlieXVaggie ( I want to write that, but im not sure yet)
Other: RemusXEmile, LoganXVirgil, KittyXLizzie, KittyXLizzieXMaddie, DarlingxApple, JessXParis
15:What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A: Calling me out... okay fine. Most of my old fics, I probably won't finish. My sander side fics is something I'm hoping to actually finish, though. 😔
16:What are your writing strengths?
A: I have ideas...? Is that a strength?
17:What are your writing weaknesses?
A: Grammer, structure, pacing, diologue-
18:Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
A: I have used google Translate for writing other language dialogue, which is probably very noticeable. 😅
19:First fandom you wrote in?
A: Meet the robinsons, I think.
20: Favorite fic you've written?
A: That ones hard. I'm very proud of this series so far. But I loved my Sander sides story, too.
Tagging: @sw124 @nostalgic-woodwind and whoever wants to do it!
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twostepstyless · 1 year
Christmas Day
Fic Advent Calendar Day 25 - The Last One!
Advent Calendar Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Authors Note: The very last fic of my advent calendar, it's Christmas Day (sorry I robbed you of the implied smut at the beginning but my smut is 18+ only and I wanted everyone to be able to read this) and after opening presents, a winter walk and a great Christmas Dinner, Harry and Y/N sneak away to open the gifts they got for each other in private.
As always, likes, reblogs, feedback of any and all varieties is forever appreciated. I can't believe I've managed to write 25 fics in just over 25 days!! thank you thank you thank you - G <3 x
Word Count: 3.6k
“I would put money on our mums being already up,” Harry said as the cosied under the covers of their bed. 
“Mm probably, giggling away,” Y/N said against the home she made in the crook of his neck. As if on cue they heard the pop of a cork downstairs and the faint sound of the women laughing travelling through the floors of their home. 
“That’ll be the Buck’s Fizz opened,” Harry rolled his eyes playfully at their mothers’ antics. 
“Oh, leave them alone, it’s Christmas,” their fingers tangled together as they held onto each other, fidgeting with each other’s hands. 
“That it is, merry Christmas, my heart,” Harry’s nose nudged against her forehead, urging her to turn her head to meet the warmth of his gaze. His eyes reflected the colour of the Christmas tree that was sat in their living room. 
“Merry Christmas,” she whispered, smiling against one another’s lips as they began their morning with a kiss. Sweet pecks, innocent and quiet in the calm of their room. The dog had vacated their room at some point during the night, which as Y/N’s arm came up to hold his head close to hers as she deepened their kiss, Harry was thankful for. As Y/N shuffled in his hold, rotating so she was lying over him as Harry’s hands fell to her lower back, moulding her body to his as she clung to his frame, so close they could feel each other’s heartbeats reverberate in their own chests. 
“Wait, wait,” Harry turned his head with a gasp, breaking their kiss as Y/N pouted. Harry slipped from under her and approached their bedroom door and shutting it tight where they had left it cracked for Vince to get in and out. He turned on his heel and stalked towards a flustered Y/N who was in the centre of the bed, “y’think you can be nice and quiet for me, baby?” he smirked as he kneeled onto the end of the bed, as Y/N nodded quickly. “Words first, pretty.” 
“I’ll be so quiet, promise,” she whispered for affect.
“Good, c’mon, let’s make each other feel good, can be our little present to each other, yeah?” Harry hovered over her and stole her lips in a searing kiss as their hips gravitated to one another’s as the got lost in their sheets. 
Everyone made their way downstairs in their matching pyjamas or rather Harry and Y/N redressed in their matching pyjamas. Their mothers were a couple glasses deep in the Buck’s Fizz and had poured everyone else a glass as they all met up in the kitchen before, they kicked off their Christmas morning. 
“We just wanted to say,” Anne said raising her glass in the kitchen, gesturing to herself and Jackie, Y/N’s mum, “a massive thank you to Y/N and Harry for hosting us this year, it’s been wonderful so far and I’m sure next year, you’ll be fighting off family members wanting to spend it here with us,” Anne smiled warmly.
“To Y/N and Harry!” Jackie cheered as everyone clinked glasses and sipped on their drinks. Y/N had her back pressed to Harry’s chest as they both smiled bashfully before clinking their glasses. Harry pressed a kiss to Y/N’s temple and swayed them as everyone finished up their drinks. Y/N’s brother Nathan, then reappeared with baby Mabel clinging to him, they let her sleep as long as possible as she had a long day of present opening and toy playing in front of her. 
“Good morning, Mabel, are y’ready to see if Santa came?” Y/N cooed at her, her index finger rubbing at her sleep warmed cheek as she tucked her head away in her Dad’s grip. Everyone shuffled into the living room to see piles of gifts deposited around the room, the crinkly, foiled paper catching the warm white lights of the Christmas tree and refracting little pieces of light around the room. 
“Look, Mabes, Santa ate all his cookies,” Rosie, Mabel’s mum, showed her the empty plate that was set up next to the Christmas tree, “and looks like he brought you lots and lots of presents for being such a good girl,” Rosie’s eyes widened at the pile of gifts that Harry and Y/N had added to. To say they had spoiled their family, and especially the baby, was a bit of an understatement. 
“Fuckin’ hell!” Steven, Y/N’s father, exclaimed, looking round the room at the presents. 
“Steven, language!” Jackie warned, pointing to Mabel as if she had heard him. 
“The kid barely knows her own name never mind knowing what me swearing means,” Steven rolled his eyes at his wife’s chastising over his granddaughter being near, “y’know we’re getting on a plane, yeah? Y’mum overpacked as it was never mind having to ram all of this stuff in as well,” Steven said to Harry and Y/N, who took residence cuddled up in an armchair in the corner that was meant for one person but they squeezed into together. 
“Don’t even worry ‘bout it, we’re going to ship everything to you guys once you all go home,” Y/N brushed it off, “that’s your pile next to where Mum’s sat,” she pointed it out to him before he leant down to give his daughter a kiss on the cheek before shuffling back to no doubt get a quiet warning from his wife about his choice language when the baby was around. 
“We’ll do our presents for each other later, yeah? Just by ourselves?” Harry asked in Y/N’s ear as he held her in his lap. 
“Yeah, jus’ me and you,” Y/N confirmed as they watched everyone begin tearing into presents. Anne had gifted the couple new, matching robes, which they then had their photo taken together wearing them. Y/N got her traditional copy of the Guinness Book of World Records from her parents which she had been getting every year since she was six and somehow garnered an obsession with world records. Emma, Harry’s cousin and her boyfriend Reece had been gifted a weekend away from Harry and Y/N to relax before their new baby arrived in a few short months. Mabel had gotten a hoard of new toys and clothes but seemed more taken with the shiny pieces of wrapping paper she clutched in her tiny fists and waved in the air. Vince was in his element, the dog wandered round the living room, getting extra scratches and belly rubs from everyone. He had his own pile of presents from his parents stacked up next to his bed, that Harry, once he got down on the floor, helped him open. Vince liked to get the edge of the paper between his teeth as Harry pulled in order to tear it open. A new collar, a fresh tube of tennis balls, a new waterproof coat, because God only knows the dog has issues going for his last toilet break before bed if it’s raining outside, which meant Harry or Y/N usually had to stand with an umbrella over him as he did his business, and of course, he got enough treats to feed the entire golden retriever population in the U.K. Richard, Anne’s partner, had went off to make teas and coffees, now wearing his new jumper from Anne over his Christmas pyjamas as Harry began clearing up all the wrapping paper, acting like the stereotypical Mum on Christmas morning as he flapped his plastic bin bag open, which Mabel thought was very funny as she squealed and giggled at Harry. 
“Are y’laughing at me, Mabel?” he widened his eyes and opened his mouth, playfully as he rustled the bag again to make her laugh as she screamed loud enough to rupture an eardrum if you were too close as Harry laughed at the silly girl, booping her quickly on the nose as her eyes scrunched up at the sensation. 
“Harry, mate, I can get that,” Nathan tried to take the rubbish bag from him but Harry quickly brushed him off.
“Looks like y’daughter just left you a present of her own in her nappy, I’ll stick with this clean up and you can handle that one,” Harry laughed as he caught Mabel make that tell-tale face that she was ready for a change. 
Vince must have felt like the pied piper as he trotted round the park on a Christmas morning walk with thirteen people following behind him. Harry carried Mabel who was wrapped up in a snowsuit to protect her from the icy wind chill to let Rosie and Nathan enjoy a calmer stroll minus their baby for a little while as Y/N held onto Vince’s leash.
“Good practice this, innit?” Harry mused.
“Hm?” Y/N queried. 
“Jus’ for a Christmas down the line, we’ve already got one child,” he nodded towards Vince who was working off his zoomies from all the excitement in the house. “Just when we were talking about us maybe having another one, just with a little less fur and a little more human,” he looked at Mabel who was playing with the chain that hung around Harry’s neck.
“Y’picturing it?” Y/N asked. 
“Yeah,” Harry sighed, dreamily, “I mean Mabel already looks a little like you, family resemblance and all, but I keep imagining one that looks a lot like you and maybe a little like me,” he smiles bashfully. 
“I wouldn’t mind if they look a lot like you,” Y/N said, clicking the retractable part of Vince’s lead off as his paws lead him dangerously close to the muddy pond he went in yesterday, thinking he could potentially get away with having a little dip again. “Is the picture in y’head nice?” 
“It’s pretty perfect actually,” Harry confirmed. Little did the pair know but their parents were wandering a little bit behind them, discussing the exact same thing, as Y/N’s mum took some sneaky pictures of them from behind, if you didn’t know it was their niece they were carrying, it did look like a perfect family photo. 
“We’ve got this,” Y/N said confidently.
“Yeah, we do!” Harry tied the cord around his middle in a bow as they stood before each other in the kitchen in matching aprons that Gemma and her boyfriend had gifted them this morning as they began to tackle the Christmas dinner cooking. They had done a bit of preparation the day before and had a good few hours until they planned on sitting down to eat today, they were confident they could pull it off. Harry had worked wonders on the roast beef joint, which was slow cooking away all morning, he was chopping veg as Y/N finished off the soup course by adding the last of the seasoning and letting it bubble away on the stove. 
“Oh, my loves! I didn’t know you guys had started,” Anne appeared in the doorway, quickly pushing her sleeves up and going to wash her hands in the sink, “let me help you guys out.” 
“No, no, you’re our guest, honestly we’re fine,” Y/N tried to tell her. 
“Nonsense! Let me stuff the turkey at the very least,” Anne brushed her off, getting everything out that she needed as Harry appeared behind Y/N. 
“Told you she would have her hand up the turkey before we could even consider asking her to do it,” Harry said smugly as Y/N bumped him away from her with her hip so she could get started on her roast potatoes. “Hey, want t’give me a kiss first before y’fall out with me because I’ve cut the carrots too big?”
“Have you actually cut them too big?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. 
“No,” he said far too quickly, “plus you have t’kiss me, says it on the tin,” he pointed to his chest where ‘kiss the cook’ was embroidered onto the apron. 
“I’ll shove one of those carrots so far up yo-” Harry cut her off with his lips.
“Shh, I’m kidding, they’re chopped to perfection,” he muttered against her soft lips. 
Dinner was, thankfully, a resounding success. Going by the fact that Steven and Richard were currently asleep on the couch, paper crowns from the Christmas crackers still on top of their heads, with Mabel who was also out for the count, cuddled in between them. Emma was on one of the other couches rubbing her stomach to soothe the food baby that had developed as well as her actual growing pregnant belly after the large meal. Rosie, Gemma, Michal and Nathan were in the kitchen doing the washing up which Y/N and Harry had fought with them tooth and nail about doing until they dragged the couple into the living room and sat them down so they wouldn’t interfere. Reece, Emma’s partner, had volunteered to take Vince out on another walk, after he too had his own Christmas dinner out of his dog bowl, then probably ate another bowl or so out of people’s hands under the table. To say the dog was as happy as a pig in shit was a bit of an understatement. Anne and Jackie were fawning over 80s popstars on the old episode of Top of the Pops that played on the TV as they nursed their glasses of wine. 
“This has been alright, hasn’t it?” Y/N asked. 
“Everyone seems happy, think we smashed it, m’heart,” Harry said proudly, watching as Y/N’s fingers went to the button of her trousers, quickly undoing the fastening and breathing out a sigh of relief as her unfastened trousers gave room for her stomach to expand and to let her food baby hang free. Harry snorted, he had been smarter and chose trousers with an elastic waistband that could stretch with his meal rather than have to go out with his trousers round his ankles when they would no doubt fall the rest of the way down. “I think Mum could be right though, we’re in for a nightmare when the rest of the family want t’come round ours for Christmas. Harry laughed, nudging his nose along the side of her neck as she was cuddled close over his lap again. 
“If it ever goes over twenty people coming, we’re catering and I don’t even care,” Y/N decided there and then. 
“Sounds good to me, means I can keep y’in bed a bit longer then,” Harry teased, “speaking of bed, everyone seems distracted enough, come upstairs and we’ll do our stockings for each other?” Y/N nodded, standing to her feet and taking Harry by the hand as they slipped out the living room and snuck away into their bedroom. 
They had agreed only to fill stockings for each other this year, not requiring big flashy presents to convey how they felt for one another. Harry had just finished opening his, a new bottle of his go to fragrance sat next to him, as well as the candle he likes to burn on the road to make it feel like home, a couple of his essentials like gum, a new toothbrush for tour and she had got him a book subscription service as he had vocalised, he was determined to read more in the upcoming year. She’d also got him a joke present of a pair of boxers with matching socks that had a picture of Y/N’s face printed all over them, and knowing him, he’d be wearing them to bed that night, and finally, of course, the traditional terry’s chocolate orange to fill out the toe of the stocking. 
“Thank you, my love,” Harry said as they sat cross-legged on the bed in front of each other, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips before he reached down to collect the stocking, he had filled for her, “Merry Christmas, m’heart,” he smiled handing over the stocking. Harry had filled out her stocking similarly, her favourite perfume, some of her favourite sweets tucked down the side, he’d also booked them a week away in a lodge in the north of Scotland in the new year, which Y/N argued was far too flashy for a stocking gift but Harry retaliated by saying that the booking confirmation email folded up perfectly to fit in the stocking so it still counts as she rolled her eyes at him. Her favourite gift though, Harry had somehow found the time to handmake for her, it was another special bauble for their tree, similar in that it was a ceramic circle with a big thick, red velvet ribbon tied in a bow to hang on one of the branches, but in the middle of the ornament was a painted print of their dog Vince’s paw, with ‘Vincent Styles’ written in Harry’s best handwriting underneath the print. 
Y/N pouted as she held the special ornament close to her chest, “that’s our furry little baby,” she whimpered.
“M’not sure about little, but he’s definitely our baby, was thinking if we ever have any more babies, furry or otherwise, I don’t know, we could do a similar bauble for them too,” he suggested shyly as Y/N quickly nodded before running her fingers under her eyes to sweep away the moisture that had collected there from the glittering tears that threatened to spill over. 
“And last but not least…” Harry began as Y/N reached back into the stocking. 
“The chocolate orange,” she giggled as her hand met something square, thinking Harry had just left the chocolaty treat in its box this year, but hmm, weird. It felt smaller than normal, felt a bit like fabric too, velvet maybe? Her eyes flickered to Harry’s who was chewing on his lip nervously as he nodded, urging her to pull her hand out the stocking that concealed whatever she was holding.
“I know you’re not one for big, public scenes, so that’s why I wanted us to do this up here, just us,” Harry said as her hand came out the stocking, revealing a small box clad in a heavy blue velvet, “can I borrow this?” he smiled as his fingers wrapped round Y/N’s shaking ones that held onto the box, not being able to speak, she released her grip on it as Harry stood from his seated position and promptly dropped to one knee on the bedroom floor in front of her with a deep breath and cracked the box open to reveal its contents. “I love you,” he began, “more than I could ever imagine being able to put into words or convey with actions, you are the most wonderful thing to have ever happened to me and I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to spend all my Christmases with you. I promise I’ll bend over backwards every year t’get your advent calendar on time, I’ll let you force me into wellies to go traipse round a muddy field to pick out a tree that barely fits in our home, we’ll put that bauble from six years ago in the middle, near the top every year,” Harry sniffed, pausing to wipe away some of Y/N’s tears that he silently prayed were happy ones. “I’ll take you to Christmas parties where we have to eat crisps in the toilets because the food was shit, I’ll shove my hand up a turkey’s arsehole whenever you need for friendsmas. I promise to look forward to your craft every year and use whatever you made me with pride because my wife made me that. I’ll chase you round the house with mistletoe because even when you act like it annoys you, I know you love it,” they both huff out a laugh through their tears. 
“We’ll throw house parties and get pissed at home and go ice skating, preferably without any more injuries, and wrap the presents together and fill our home with the love our families every year. I’ll do it all, as long as I’m doing it with you, I’d just prefer if next year I was doing it with my wife, or my fiancée at the very least if the wedding hasn’t happened yet. So, what d’you say, my heart? Will you, God please, do me the honours and marry me?” Harry finished. 
Through aggressive sniffs and sparkly tears that stained her face, Y/N croaked out, “did y’still get me a chocolate orange?” 
“Yeah, s’in the drawer,” Harry laughed, wiping away his own tears. 
“Then yeah…” 
“I would love nothing more to marry you, gorgeous,” Y/N confirmed, nodding as fresh tears spilled over as she fell to her knees in front of Harry as they embraced on their bedroom floor, kissing through the tears they had shed. With shaking fingers, Harry plucked the ring from its cushion inside the ring box and slid it onto Y/N’s finger as they both looked down at the glittering token of their love for one another. 
“Was that a good gift?” Harry asked. 
“Yeah,” she giggled, “filled out the toe of the stocking nicely.” 
“I thought so,” Harry was proud of his idea of placing the ring near at the bottom. 
“I still want my chocolate orange though,” Y/N said seriously as Harry snorted in laughter, let’s just say the run up to Christmas had been pretty good this year, and they still had day 25 to eat out of their advent calendars when they went back downstairs. 
Advent Calendar Masterlist
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montysstuffs · 2 years
🌸The boys and their aftercare🌸
AN: I KINDA WROTE SOME FLUFF~ I know I pretty much only write smut, but this has been in my drafts for a bit and I’m clearing it out. So here it is! I also remembered Max this time! I hope you enjoy💕 I tried to be as Gender neutral as possible!
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Giving: Ryan will run you a nice hot bath. He sits on the edge he of the tub and throws in a bath bomb. Chuckling silently to himself at how excited you get at the fizzing ball. Once the water is at a desired temperature, he slips into the bath with you. He squeezes your favorite shampoo into his hand, warming it up before lathering your hair in it. All while talking to you about how your day has been. He loves to listen to your sweet voice. But if you’re not one to talk, that’s okay too! He’s more than happy to do the talking for you. Or just sit in a comfortable silence as he bathes you. Receiving: He absolutely loves when you take care of the scratches on his back. Sometimes you dig enough to break skin. Leaving splotches of red across his back. He hisses as you take a warm towel to his back. After you wipe off the blood, you follow it up with dabs of alcohol to the cuts. “Ouch!” He pouts as he slouches forward, not at all enjoying the cleaning process. You move to the front of his chest now. Doing the same process all over again. “Ow-“ you close his mouth before he can finish his word, “I haven’t even touched you yet.” His cheeks heat up a bit in embarrassment, “oh, sorry.”
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Giving: He will tell you to keep lying down and not to move and inch. You wince are the cold lotion being applied to your back. “Sorry, should’ve warmed it up in my hand before.” He massages the lotion into your aching and sore muscles. Making sure to pay extra attention to every single mark he left, and kiss it. Letting you know that you’re all his, and he loves you. He’ll massage every inch of your body, from the tips of your fingers, to the pads of your toes. He wants to give as much relaxation as possible. Receiving: Loves the showers afterwards with you. You are lathering up his chest in soap. He grips your wrist, staring down at you with a different sparkle in his brown eyes. He leans down and places a soft kiss to your lips. Not at all the same type of kiss that you had shared an hour ago, but one still full of love and admiration.
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Giving: he’ll get you your favorite ice cream and throw up a movie while in bed. He’s happy to have your head on his broad chest as you slowly drift off into sleep. He is definitely the type to run his fingers through your hair. Even give you a little scalp massage while he’s at it. He’ll brush your hair, tie it up, style it for the night, anything you want. Receiving: Likes communication. He wants to know what you liked or didn’t like. He also really likes to be told how valued he is. He can get insecure sometimes, so when you tell him how much he means to you, he almost cries. And that’s okay! Crying is healthy. He beats himself up too much and would love for you to be his anchor. He absolutely loves to talk and loves that he can be his most vulnerable self.
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Giving: He sometimes struggles to go through the entire night time routine, but he does what he remembers. He will start with a quick shower, still holding you close under the warm water. Peppering kisses all over your face until you are pruny and beg him to stop. Next is your cleanser and face masks. He just wants you to sit there and be pretty. Just talk him through it and he’ll get the hang of it! Once that’s done he’ll sit you up in front of him and brush your hair. Making sure to detangle it as gently as possible. Receiving: Loves to hear you sing. Will ask you to serenade him whether you can sing or not. He’ll even make a playlist for you both to cuddle up and listen to together. And by listen to, I mean he’ll listen to you sing every single word off key and fall in love with you even more every time.
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Giving: He makes/brings you your favorite snack as well as share a water bottle with you. He wants you to stay hydrated at all times. “Hydrate or diedrate,” he always says. He has a stash of your favorite snacks under the bed so Laura won’t eat them all from you. Or if you’d like, he’ll ask you to join him in cooking dinner. Of course you don’t have to do anything, he just likes your company. Receiving: He isn’t a very complex man. He loves to just lie in bed and cuddle afterwards. He loves the savor the moments where your legs are overlapping his and your face buried into his neck. Give him little kisses every now and then and he’ll be over the moon.
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