#spd pink ranger
darth1gonzo · 1 year
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flmnhotguido · 2 years
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Which was the best and why?
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smoiesaustine · 10 months
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine as S.P.D Power Rangers
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thecreativemillennial · 9 months
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Every female Dino power ranger
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skyland2703 · 4 months
Sooo…. A weird thing happened. I asked some friends to do a little digging, and um. Yes indeed, that IS Monica fucking May.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
I swear to the gods, no one actually gave a shit about JJ Oliver or TomKat even having a kid until The Return was announced to be in an alternate universe with Tomberly and their daughter, now they suddenly care about JJ Oliver.
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leopauldelr · 11 months
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デカピンク 鬼塚夏美
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regaliasonata · 1 year
I know Syd must've been fucking annoyed when she got her zord.
Like, they gave her a police car with a stop sign...she must be fuming seeing Shelby with her own megazord at her disposal.
I'm not trying to start shit but REALLY! A stop sign as a zord, compared to having your own megazord. I really need to see some crazy stuff were the pink rangers get some overpowered zord or abilities.
In all seriousness Shelby making the spino zord was pretty cool, like I wish we got a season 3 where she got to use it more.
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Imagine Shelby as Gurren Lagen with her drill
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flaim-ita · 2 years
I am confused about SPD, power rangers. The events of SPD happened after dino fury?
SPD is set in 2025, so yes. They time travel for past crossovers.
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spicymancer · 2 months
What was the process like for designing the ActiRangers, their civilian and suited forms? Their suits look so cool, it’s definitely clear you have a lot of familiarity with the genre while also having great ideas on how to innovate and add your own unique elements! Did they go through lots of conceptual iterations, or did they come pretty naturally? Any particular teams that inspired you, like SPD or RPM with their numbered members?
So the Actirangers started out as characters designed for a private little Tokusatsu OC jam I did with some friends! The design I submitted was Pink, (hence why she's kinda the main character of the story)
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(Real name and certain background elements redacted for spoiler reasons)
So Pink's suit was the first one designed, hence how she's kinda the most basic of the Rangers. I had just got done watching Birdie Wing and Love After World Domination and thought it would be kinda fun for a golf themed sentai hero.
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She was originally going to be ActiRanger 5 before I thought of the "Four/Fore" golf pun.
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The rest of the team was then designed from there with each of their sports in mind and some general vibes.
I don't think they went through all that much iteration, though I will say since I tend to draw them in Black and White I sometimes mix up which parts of their suits are their color and which parts are black.
I wanted to give them each some kind of Power Weapon so I stuck to stick sports and also Table Tennis. (I am still weirdly fond of the old Penny Arcade Paint the Line comics)
As far as Power Ranger teams that inspired them, Mighty Morphin' is obviously the biggest inspo. (The Dan Mora run on the Go Go Power Rangers comics is awesome.) Time Force, S.P.D. and RPM were all on my mind as well.
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For the Gambit Gang I was struggling to come up with a fun villain theme and eventually figureod out that the enemy to the "Sports" team had to be the "Chess Club". (Insert joke about polycules and board games)
Gray in particular was conceived at this point when I and wanted an Evil Ranger on their side. Chess Knights having a vague horse theme, he obviously had to be Polo! His design draws pretty heavily from Mystic Force's Koragg which is still IMO one of the sickest designs Sentai has ever cooked.
Wow that got a little more long winded than I inteded but I hope y'all enjoyed this little peek behind the curtain of the ActiRanger's development!
Thank you all for enjoying my silly OC comics and doodles!
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iheartleopards · 4 months
Tfa as power rangers spd
optimus prime as spd red
Ratchet as spd blue
Bulkhead as spd green
Prowl as spd yellow
Bumblebee as spd pink
Sentinel prime as shadow ranger
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kimberlyannharts · 7 months
actually I would love a rant about how JJ sucks as a character
Merry early Christmas to you then, Anon!
Like I think what makes everyone clutching their pearls over the sanctity of JJ’s character and place in the canon so ridiculous is he is barely a character in the first place.  He is a plot device in SotD, a narrative goal for Tommy, as the story wasn’t about JJ developing into someone worthy of the Dragon Shield or even an SPD cadet - he's already done all of that. The story was about Tommy realizing he should retire and hand over his stuff already.  And you have a son who’s pretty good at being a ranger, so……….he should take it!  Great!  That’s it. I genuinely don't know why they didn't do some kind of Goofy Movie-esque father/son journey together, especially if you really wanted to discuss this idea of him feeling like he's in his dad's shadow. His existence in the show amounts to namedrops and one voiceover line in the Ninja Steel special, and the only bits of characterization these amount to are he’s a kid who goes to karate camp.  To me it comes off like people are attached more to JJ’s POTENTIAL as a character rather than HIMSELF as a character, in like a “well, maybe one day they’ll give him his own book/show/whatever” sort of way, which….it’s been five years since SotD.  Hasbro is gearing up to do a reboot and even then, as we’ve talked about many times, they don’t want to put focus on cop characters.  Unless some stuff is getting retconned, I am not holding my breath.      
The reason I call Minh the superior legacy character by comparison is because there actually was time and space dedicated to showing how she stands out as a person and a character beyond her being Trini’s daughter; in fact, her being Trini’s daughter is the least interesting part about her (in no small part because Trini herself was handled very badly by that special.)  What makes her interesting is her personality, her relationship with Zack, how she’s suddenly thrown into the deep end of the PR world by way of great tragedy, and her arc from a vengeful kid to a true hero (the special’s shaky writing of this arc notwithstanding.  But at least I get what they were TRYING to do here.)  JJ did not have anything CLOSE to that.  
Something else about him that’s funny but also frustrating because it’s obviously not intended by the writers, but still happens WAY too often for my liking, is how his existence is honestly a detriment to a lot of women in this franchise kjkfdj he was the catalyst for the old SPD ranking drama, as him being green meant Syd and Z had to stay as pink and yellow (and no, them throwing in some random female OC no one remembers as blue does not make up for it.)  And then….Kat……well…..I think this belongs in a discussion that covers more than just JJ, as in a way how they handled Trini in OaA is a very similar situation, but the fact of the matter is that since JJ’s inclusion in the canon Kat’s existence has boiled down to being his mother rather than a veteran ranger with her own life and work, no matter how many times the show and books TRY to be like “No look!  See!  She’s a super cool badass wife who keeps everyone in line!  She’s off doing her own things, too, we swear!”  my brother in Christ the same 30th anniversary story that tries to show off how cool and independent she is ALSO has a scene where she’s like “it’s okay honey, you take care of the Ranger missions while I stay home with JJ, it’s fine :)”  They’ve made it very clear that JJ is Tommy’s son, Tommy’s legacy, while Kat is his stay-at-home caretaker, WHICH IS FINE FOR A WOMAN TO BE, but not in this narrative, where Kat’s time as a ranger is treated as irrelevant compared to Tommy’s. (A good example is how, in SotD, only Tommy was listed as JJ's emergency contact, with no mention of Kat. I'm almost certain there was an early draft of this book where Tommy did not have a wife.)  How do we have two (2) comic stories where we have married TomKat but Kat doesn’t morph.  And not as a plot point or character bit or something (I think it actually would be very interesting if Kat not having much attachment to her time as a Ranger was actually intentional) but just in a “we don’t feel like involving Kat in her husband’s adventures” situation.  Hello????????  I know that kind of feels off-topic to why JJ sucks but trust me, it’s partly his fault.  And it’s why I’m making such a big deal over the potential mother/daughter Ranger teamup for Kim and Olivia, because the alternate mother of Tommy's alternate kid has gotten such a raw deal.     
And the SPD/Dragon Shield combo is ugly.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Power Rangers Masterlist (TV Shows + 2017 Movie)
Fics are below the 'read more', do not repost my fics anywhere, this is my only writing account and website, reblogs are allowed but do not claim my writing as your own.
Power Rangers RPM: Ranger Pink Series Masterlist
Overprotective - Tori Hanson x Sister!Reader - Mystic Force
Secrets and School Projects - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Chipped Nail Polish and Broken Bones - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Yellow and Purple - Z Delgato x Tate!Sister!Reader - Power Rangers SPD
Rangers Together, Sisters Forever - 2017 movie x Hart!Sister!Reader, Part 2: Rangers Together, Forever - Trini x Hart!Sister!Reader
You're Allowed to Care - Summer Landsdown x Fem!Reader - Power Rangers RPM
Ice to meet you! - Lauren Shiba x Twin!Reader - Power Rangers Samurai
Worth Your Weight In Gold - Power Rangers SPD - Z Delgado x Sister!Reader
Hesitation - Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Fem!Reader
Buy One, Get One Free - Power Rangers RPM - Summer Landsdown x Twin!Sister!Reader
In the Name of Love - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Vow to Protect - Power Rangers Mystic Force - Maddie Rocca x Sister!Reader
Power Rangers 2017 - Trini x Younger!Sister!Reader - headcanons
Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Sister!Reader - Imagine being Tenaya 7′s sister with her on the side of Venjix and she’s protective of you
Fusion Force  - Power Rangers x Fem!Reader
Light and Dark Rangers - Power Rangers Dino Super Charge x Morgan!Reader x OC
Two Reds and a Purple - Power Rangers Samurai x Shiba!Sister!Reader
Cursed - Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai - Emily x Fem!Reader
Dimensional Wormholes - Power Rangers SPD x Manx!Daughter!Reader x Lily Chilman - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Spirit of the Ocelot - Power Rangers Jungle Fury x Hanson!Sister!Reader x Lily Chilman
Panic Attack - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Hex Girl - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Knowing Her - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
White Ranger - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
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azurezfiction · 15 days
Your Honest Opinion Ask: Which PR seasons deserved more than 1 season or at least a BETTER second season.
Honest Opinion on Power Rangers | @augment-techs
Absolutely 100% All of the Neo-Saban Power Rangers Seasons deserved better seasons. I think we can all agree with that.
For seasons that *deserved* a second season? Lost Galaxy. There is SO much that were never properly address or resolved; like the Quasar Sabers, where did they come from? Who forged them? Who placed them there? The Galaxy Book? How did it connect to the Sabers and the the Galactabeasts?
And because I'm so incredibly self-indulgent. Dino Thunder. Except hear me out for a moment; since *technically* there is a pause year from Dino Thunder to Mystic Force (since SPD is set in the future) that's 1 full year without rangers appearing. Sooo.... my indulging point of Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent along with Devin and Cassidy becoming Rangers and fighting against either a brand new threat or an old threat that's re-surfaced. (Ex: Zealtrax surviving, Master Vile or Scorpina surviving the Z-Wave, etc... that type of thing). Conner as Red, Kira s Yellow, Ethan as Blue, Trent becoming White (A nod towards Tommy going from Green to White and Adam going from Black to Green), Devin becoming Black or another colour, and Cassidy as Pink. Tommy taking a step back and becoming a mentor *full* time and managing to avoid becoming a Ranger again (maybe).
But yeah that's my thoughts for that~
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leopauldelr · 10 months
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デカイエロー 山吹沙綾 + デカピンク 丸山彩
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regaliasonata · 4 months
fmk: Jen, Taylor, Amelia
(if you don't like girls...Tarrick, Jerrod, RJ)
(I’ll do you one better, I’ll do FMK for the guys since yeah 😭 but make headcanons for the girls here)
Fuck: RJ, I’m terrible….💜💜
Marry: Tarrick, I’m about to be that ghost girl’s new mom…and in the process scare Tarrick cause I’m unhinged😭💜💜
Kill: Jarrod…three times in a row dude I’m so sorry for you🖤🖤
Jen: The pink Morphin Master is actually Jen from a distant timeline due to all her influence throughout the various appearances in the franchise. It’s kinda like Anne at the end of Amphibia with becoming The Watcher.
Taylor: After Wild Force Taylor decided to reach out to other yellow rangers and make a group chat, in a matter of two weeks Dustin was temporarily banned because of spamming at 2 in the morning and she had to lock Cruger and Sky in an office for an hour to discuss things after Z complained about a few SPD policies.
Amelia: Amelia is banned from France in its entirety after raiding the Paris Catacombs, for the record she gave each of those corpses proper burials…you know after having a bunch of seance sessions.
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