#speaking of which i saw this tweet the other day that was like wouldn't the british version of stranger things be called: bit odd 'innit
duhragonball · 7 months
Akira Toriyama (1955-2024)
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I wouldn't say I'm feeling better today, but I'm feeling less bad than yesterday. So let's see if I can put some words together.
In case anyone still hasn't heard, Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1, 2024. This news was made public on March 7 or 8. I woke up early on Friday morning and found out while I was checking Twitter. I had a long, busy day at work, and I kept getting on my phone to scroll through fan reactions and tributes.
I think that, more than anything, is what's gotten me so worked up about his death. My Twitter timeline and my tumblr dashboard were just chock full of touching message and images about how Akira Toriyama's work has changed their lives. I wanted to write my own tribute, but I'm not sure what else I can say that hasn't already been expressed by Archie Comics, professional wrestling trio The New Day, and the Republic of El Salvador.
There's this immense, global community of fans, and it's easy to lose sight of just how big it is. It's easy to get bogged down in the infighting and petty squabbles. I saw one tweet responding to the criticism of Dragon Ball not being like this "entry level" franchise compared to other, more high brow anime and manga. It's popular with so many people, that critics will assume it's designed to appeal to the lowest-common-denominator. But the opposite is true! Dragon Ball is accessible, which is how so many people from so many different places and walks of life can get into it. The guy telling the story was such a master storyteller that he could grab an audience's attention and make it look easy. So easy that the haters would start to think that it was a trick, and he must be overrated.
Let me talk about this panel for a minute.
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Last night I started going through the original manga, looking for panels to screencap. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I thought maybe a selection of panels that really stood out for me might be worth posting. I'll probably still do that one of these days, but I got to this one, where Gohan tells Chi-Chi about Goku's death, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
This was a powerful scene in the anime, of course, but in the comic it's even more profound. It's just one panel, no dialogue, because the reader already knows what's happening here. We know Gohan is telling his mother that Goku died in the Cell Games, and that he refuses to be wished back, because he thinks his presence on Earth will attract new enemies. It was hard enough to hear when Goku said it to Gohan and the others, and now Gohan has to relay that message to Goku's wife. All she can do is lie prostate on the floor and weep.
And look at the composition. She's surrounded by all that negative space. Gohan's there for her, but she still feels so alone, surrounded by her husband's absence. Pots of flour for food he'll never eat. An empty chair he might have sat in. Their son, who will have to grow up without him.
I saw this, as though for the first time, and it was so gut-wrenching that I had to post it by itself. I felt like it summed up my feelings better than any words could. We're all Chi-Chi in this panel, reacting to Akira Toriyama's death. And we're all Gohan too, each of us consoling one another with our own thoughts and tributes.
So what did Akira Toriyama mean to us all? Lots of people have answered this in a lot of different ways. Obviously his art, storytelling and cultural impact speak for themselves. I've seen people compare him to other luminaries like Jack Kirby and Osamu Tezuka. I'll try to add my own two cents with this:
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I wrote a post about "Dragon Ball Daima" back when it was first announced, and I led off with this image of a note from Akira Toriyama. I guess this was from some big fancy presentation about Daima at a convention. I forget which one. In particular, I was skeptical that the Daima rumors were even true, and if they were, the whole idea seemed half-baked to me. Turning Goku into a kid had been done before, and it wasn't exactly successful the first time.
But this note from Toriyama was very reassuring to me. More than the trailer clips and character designs, this was what got me interested in the show. That's because he took the time to not only hype up the show, but also to explain what's going on behind the premise. He took the time to tell everyone that he's working on this show, and what "Daima" means, and why all the characters get turned into kids. It's "due to a conspiracy", and the good guys will have to "fix things". In short, he established a plot, conflict, and resolution to the story. He didn't just slap this together to sell new merch. I'm sure that was part of the motivation to make Daima, but there's more to it than that.
I think that's the loss I feel with Toriyama's passing. It's not that there won't be new Dragon Ball stories in the future. I'm sure others will continue telling their own versions long after I'm gone. I'm not that worried about the fate of Daima. I'm sure they'll figure something out, whether it's delayed, rewritten, or canceled. But we'll never see another message from Toriyama to promote a new project, and that's what I'll miss. From here on, his credit will just be an acknowledgement of his past contributions.
There's this great credibility with Akira Toriyama's name. Fans will argue about how involved he was in a project as a way of establishing how good or bad it was. Dragon Ball GT has his name on the credits, and he provided some designs and artwork early on, and for some fans that proves the series has his endorsement. For others, the sole problem with the show is that he wasn't directly writing the script. There's similar debates over Dragon Ball Super, where he was involved, but only writing those mysterious "notes". So if a fan doesn't like something in DBS, who do they blame? Did Toriyama lose his touch, or did his co-creators fumble the ball? Dragon Ball Evolution basically ignored all of Toriyama's advice and bombed, while Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Broly, and Super Hero all put Toriyama's writing credits up at the very beginning, and each film made plenty of money. I read his comments on the Daima confirmation, and immediately thought "Okay, this should be pretty good. Akira Toriyama knows what's up."
That's gone now. I mean, there's still a lot of talent out there, but we'll never again have the little gas mask-wearing robot telling us that this story will be good because he worked on making it good. I don't think I really appreciated how much I trusted that guy until now. I still can't believe he's really gone.
I'll probably have more to say about this in the coming days, but I'll stop here for now. Thanks for letting me ramble a bit on this.
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matan4il · 9 months
It's very interesting that anti-Zionists claim to be "anti-colonial" given the arguments I routinely see them use against Jews. For years, I've seen them use full scale blood quantum arguments, for one. Most recently, now that we're fully in "Jesus was a Palestinian" season again, I saw a famous economist claim that "Jesus is genetically closer to Palestinians, (particularly Christians) than to Israelis (0 connection to most groups)," which is false to begin with.
Personally, I'm very sensitive to this kind of argument because I'm a ger. These people go after Jews like us very hard because to them we have the wrong DNA and thus undermine Jewish indigeneity, peoplehood, and history. Even if they concede the genetic evidence of born Jews' ancestral origins, they still point at gerim and any of our descendants as the "fake Jews" who don't belong… anywhere, actually. We don't belong in Israel because we're "foreign interlopers," and we don't belong outside of Israel because we had the gall to become Jews.
It's one type of antisemitism I can't seem to numb myself toward.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask, and my apologies about how long it's taking me to reply these days. Real life is not currently kind... :(
Okay, I had to roll my eyes so hard at that propaganda lie about Jesus. (found the economist in question, love it when someone who is living as a colonizer on stolen Native American land, has the audacity to goysplain a Jewish man to Jews, who support Jewish native rights. There really is no end to how much Jews just don't count to such people, is there?)
And it really is remarkable how many things he could get wrong in just that one part of his tweet...
Jesus was not a Palestinian, he was a Jew.
If you traveled back in time, and wanted to ask him about being Palestinian, you wouldn't be able to speak to Jesus in Arabic, which is the language of the Palestinians as Arabs, you would have to speak to him in either Hebrew or Aramaic (which is so close to ancient Hebrew, that I can speak some Aramaic simply by virtue of being a native Hebrew speaker) for him to understand you. Because he was a Jew.
If you did speak to Jesus in Hebrew or Aramaic, and asked him about being Palestinian, he wouldn't know what you're talking about, because the Romans would only rename the land Provincia Syria Palaestina in 136 AD, over 100 years after his death. Calling Jesus Palestinian is like saying that Chief Powhatan (probably best known as Pocahontas' father) was a Virginian, just because he was born and lived on territory that would later become Virginia. It's anachronistic, blatantly untrue, and totally imposing colonialist inventions on native people.
To the best of my knowledge NO ONE has dug up Jesus' DNA to compare it to ANY group. This is how you can tell that when he gets to that part, this guy is just blatantly making propaganda up.
Israelis are not one group, but Israeli Jews do test close to other Middle Eastern groups, and closest to other Jewish groups from around the world.
I guess, why settle for one bit of bullshit, when you can go for five?
I find it so interesting that you used the term "blood quantum." For non-Americans, who may not know it, here's a short introduction:
A person's Blood Quantum is the fraction of their ancestors, out of their total ancestors, who are documented as full-blood Native Americans. The blood quantum policy was first implemented by the federal government within tribes to limit native citizenship. However, since 1934, tribes were granted the authority/ability to create their own enrollment qualifications.
I find it interesting, because I keep thinking Jews and First Nations have so much in common, as native peoples. I remember coming across at least two different stories of people being adopted into Native American tribes. Obviously, each first nation has its own rules about it, before and after the colonization of America, but the point is... there is room for someone to become a member of the tribe, not based on blood. Most of the time, membership of the tribe IS based on ancestry, but it isn't limited to that. Some people come and live with the tribe, adopt its customs and way of life, emerge themselves in the values and heritage, embrace its spiritual beliefs, become a member of this community, and then they are adopted in. It's the same with Jews. Most of us are born Jewish, some of us choose to live this lifestyle, embrace the customs, beliefs and culture, go to synagogue, get to know the community, and eventually adopt and are adopted by it. That's the thing. Converting to Judaism isn't just changing your belief system. It's joining a tribe, and changing one's identity through this process of mutual adoption. Converts to Judaism don't take away ANYTHING from the native rights of Jews. On the contrary, this process of conversion is so different to when someone moves from one religion to another (think of how much simpler baptism is, to the long journey of converting to Judaism), precisely because Judaism isn't just a religion, unlike Christianity and Islam. It is an entire, intricate identity that combines multiple aspects, as all ancient, native identities do.
And in this context, think of Americans who are mostly of European descent, and have nothing to do with Native American culture, or way of life, but they can point to having an "exotic" great great great grandfather, who was a Native American chief. From what I've gathered, they would not be considered members of the tribe by most Native American nations. But the person who lives with the tribe, and shares its ways and its fate? That person is recognized as such by the tribe members.
Jews are the same. We are not native just because our ancestors are from Israel. We are also native, because we are the people who have preserved that Israelite identity. We have carried its torch, and passed it on along the generations, and we have shared our light with those, who chose to stand with us, to share our ways, our fate, and the consequences of the horrible hatred aimed at us.
I love you, my fellow tribe member. Thank you for sharing the light, and the burden, together! *sending so much love* xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Against the flow…
A few days ago, an unexpected tweet was posted informing those who cared that Tim and Armie had been seen together in a restaurant in Los Angeles, then running on the beach, walking a dog. They were sweet and tender towards each other, and in another tweet we learn that they kissed…
The reactions challenged me and I wanted to transcribe my feelings on the subject. As usual, this is my opinion and mine only:
I read that this tweet would be a fake because the account is recent, there is no photo, no proof of what the author of the post advances on Armie and Tim, he refuses to answer in private, etc…
For me, first and foremost, any positive information is beneficial. I’d rather read that they've been seen to be kind to each other than read that Tim hates Armie and of course they make sure they're not in LA at the same time.
My question is rather: why post something so nice, sweet and beautiful (see the other tweets)? Usually nice posts are those written by us in the fandom. Unless :
1st hypothesis: an anti who wants to force them out so that their careers suffer? An anti is capable of anything except speaking well of Armie or the Armie/Tim couple, even if it is to get at Armie. And he wouldn't go after Tim. From what I have read so far, the antis do not shine with their finesse. As for forcing them out…how? I don't see them being forced because of this post. It is enough that they do not react.
2nd hypothesis: To make us run, and to ridicule us the charmies... It seems to me that it is completely useless for a very short effect. It's a lot of ado about nothing.
3rd hypothesis: someone looking for celebrity to launch their account? There are other actors who would be better carriers with a larger fanbase. And the author still only has 34 followers at this time.
4th hypothesis: He actually saw 2 men in love, famous, ok, and he wanted to share it without thinking of harm because they were in a restaurant or on a beach, in public and without hiding it, because he found it beautiful, because love is love. Excuse me, but that's what most of us do every day: talk about their love and we didn't ask them for permission to do it either.... Maybe we should invite him to join us in the fandom.
5th hypothesis: it is a sounding balloon… a test to judge reactions. No, I am not completely naive or crazy, but I do not rule out this possibility. There are many things happening behind the scenes that we know little or nothing about. We are the strongest to analyze, dissect all the signs we receive. And we know that they are very intelligent and clever in addition, of course to being madly in love. So why wouldn't it be another sign? On a large scale? With multiple gains if the reactions are positive: Live their love story out in the open, official and unconditional support for Armie, 1st official A lister couple of the same sex in Hollywood, pulling the rug from under the feet of an ex-wife who has sworn to exterminate the father of her children, depriving her of her last weapon, the threat to denounce them...
I keep the 4th and 5th hypothesis, it’s my conviction and they complete each other
This tweet made 45.7k views in 4 days… for 50 likes, 7 retweets, 46 quotes, mostly negative and nauseating.
But that's only 46 quotes out of 46k views!!!
Either 0.1% of negative reactions ok but which means that conversely it is more than 99% of people who adhere or who do not care.
Nice score, isn’t it ?
I'll end on one last point: whatever one might think of all this, almost 7 years later... what gets the crowds going is still Armie and Tim together, inextricably linked.
And that's true. 💙💚
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chevelleneech · 3 days
Its like watching Bambi trying to walk, you are nearly there and getting the point but your stubbornness/reluctance/blindness/lack of life experience maybe? keeps you from clearly making it.
Here is the thing, they could not travel without gaining a permit to travel overseas so close to enlistment, meaning Jimin could not have gone to NY to be with JK without work. It is likely they could have gone to Jeju, but again not Japan, especially not that close to enlistment. They had a chicken and egg situation going on. Hence the travel show. What came first we do not know but it is a simple fact that it had to be work for them to be able to travel. The show itself is for them, but is also to showcase their bond, now that it is over that should be clear for everyone. This is not a bros trip - I actually expected them to do it (how I don't know - well, apart from the car talk scene where they tried to bro out the reason for the show/travel but that lasted about half a day if that) but it went downhill fast, even with Tae there as uninvited guest (as in not planned in) you could see it. You cannot hide that level of intimacy, from yourselves or others, nor should they actually have to. They said it themselves on the boat in CT, they felt free (and yes despite the camera, which they were used to at that point and also in their lives in general for years, we have to remember that). This was a pivotal time for them, the show being quite groundbreaking in terms of BTS content really. They got to choose what they did, they had input (see Forbes article) and they loved it.
Absolutely this was for them, a way for them to travel, but also leaving something for us/Army to enjoy whilst they are away, killing two birds with one stone. The thing they are leaving for us being a deeper look into their bond, their relationship. This cannot be denied anymore, aside from them actually coming out and saying it, this is it. The show and the enlistment. Which, notably, we did not get an explanation for, which I think speaks volumes as to how much it meant to them, again they did not bro it out, simply told us/via Tae that they were going together. Its all we got in mmm2 as well when Jimin told Joon. We obviously knew they enlisted together but I am so glad we did not get an explanation, that is private. That shit means something to them that we are not privy to.
Which is another thing I think we forget, but from a tweet I saw the other day which is Jimin all over.
He is a quintessential idol, his persona has and does matter to him. he has it down to a fine art, let them in just enough that they think they know you, but really they don't, it is just the surface, 1% of his life/their life, that we know, and are able to see, and its genius. I cannot believe having lived through the show that people (like yourself are waiting around for a full explanation of everything. Its hilarious.
You ain't ever going to get it, its elusive. Its their private life and we aren't in on it. What we do get to see though is this peek into their bond at a still safe enough distance that it is deniable, its clever and well thought out and, well edited. The statement JK makes about them being worried whilst filming and the crew affirming that and saying they were too, speaks to that. Some things were left in, just enough, to give us a wider glimpse, to coo over and love, but still from a safe place. And that is a beautiful thing.
From the glimpse we have seen their bond like never before. We knew it was there or most of us wouldn't be in this space (aside from you, goodness only knows given your stance on things where you were coming from on this but most of us knew and protected it, defended it from others, admired it from afar for years. To see it though on this scale, this much content is so heartwarming and I for one feel privileged to see it. Their-beautiful love, honestly, we should respect it wholeheartedly, they deserve that from us. They have been so vulnerable and brave in a huge way with this show, I have no doubt in my mind that Jimin would have been worried about the reception of this, so we need to honour them by seeing them.
After years and years of seeing them being together back stage (and being told about that), them rehearsing together after hours, being told about them being in each other's hotel rooms (from their own mouths, and others), rose bowl, hickey gate, MAMA 2018, GCFT, they lived together and that was protected by K Army for years during the pandemic, LETTER, Seoul Final 2019, the bridal carry at PTD LV, the JM tattoo (and please, anyone naive enough to think that is not for Jimin is a fool), the book and their GCFT being under the chapter heading real love', the intimacy of the doc when JK went over to cook for JM and be with him whilst he was sharing his story (the only pair off in the doc), bv3 was a whole ass honeymoon (it ran so AYS could run), etc etc (and these are the LOUD moments), the sensible ones, we knew they were together, but to actually see it in such an intimate form in AYS is special, and we should respect it as I said above. Stop speculating, stop making up lies and bits in between.
Just simply respect them. It's the least they deserve.
Once again the high and mighty fail the comprehension course, and instead choose to be combative and pretend like they know it all.
Meanwhile, my post is about how the eighth episode feels the most blatant about AYS not being platonic. Just because you and I, anon, think Jimin and JK are a couple, doesn’t mean everyone else on the planet agrees. Therefore, trying to view how the show would look from that perspective is fine. That doesn’t equal disrespect, and is why I said in the post (which I must assume you didn’t read fully, and instead saw one or two words you disagreed with and came ranting) nothing about the series makes sense if they are strictly just friends. Seeing as just friends aren’t likely to release a travel series they had to get around red tape to film, and have it be about nothing, more or less, yet include them constantly cuddled up and giggling at each other.
Meaning, you are arguing in defense of nothing.
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ikoarts · 8 months
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October 2023 Art
for some reason i wrote a novel under the cut, for those of u actually reading, thank u for being so patient x
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 03/10/2023 : another of my faves of last year, was trying to get better at drawing trainz, so just Edward and Toby hanging out, displaying the duality of old men x
2 - 04/10/2023 : got a new puter! one of the first things i set to doing after getting set up was to draw a Ru, of course, it was also just me trying to get used to the new MS paint..... it feels very odd
3, 4, 5 - 06/10/2023 : part 1 of redrawing random pics i have of Edward on my phone with my human version of him, this was really fun tbh, and the third here is one of my fave drawings of the year probs.. like sir.. those look heavy... what big uhh.. Glasses.. you have
6, 7, 8 - 07/10/2023 : part 2! i think i just like drawing his face... dare i say this train is cunty or will that get me exiled
9 - 08/10/2023 : something stupid i thought of and couldn't get out of my head for days so had to draw it..... little johnny from oingo boingo's only a lad, doing what he does best, fantasising about radios he wants oh so bad and running people down with a boyish craving for blood.. based on that 1 meme of the guy driving and thinking of a thing then making that insane face
10 - 09/10/2023 : based on that 1 silly vargskelethor song (that could not be less specific), had Shed 17 on the brain and was reminded of the milk song where the skeleton comes out.. thomarse dank 2 much milk and died..
11, 12 - 10/10/2023 : chooshada again :333 first a little doodle on my phone bc i was wondering about her livery, i do think she'd have originally been NER apple green but then painted NWR colours, butttt with a twist... coz i can do whatever i like... the twist is just that she's painted dark blue rather than a sky blue, coz its more her colour x
ALSO MS paint shada, wanted to draw her more uh, idk, detailed ig, idk i love this one, it also served as more train practice
13 - 13/10/2023 : previous one, but with COLOUR!! not much 2 say other than that shes very cute
14 - 18/10/2023 : saw a tweet abt old photos of engine crews posing with their crashed locos and how the NWR crews would do that, made me think of how, if Toni was (choo)shada's driver, she'd do that.. probably x .. very like her to slay in the midst of a terrible accident
15 - 22/10/2023 : predictably, i have some playlists for the ttte engines, one for Diesel which is notable here, so uhh, i have the scrapped song from the lorax "biggering" in there, bc i see it as like a Duck vs Diesel song, ik im surpassing several layers of cringe here but hear me out ok... i drew this at 2am coz i couldn't stop thinking of Duck lecturing Diesel
16, 17, 18 - 25/10/2023 : speaking of playlists, think i was listening to my Robin one here, and felt like drawing him, i have "the land of make believe" in there, which ive always found to be an oddly haunting song, so this is semi based on that, though that wouldn't be apparent if i hadn't just told u x .. this looks like vent art but tis not i was just having fun
also tiny chooshada, i was in the middle of writing something which i have literally Just remembered now and i was writing a scene where Ru is stuck between some characters who shes not looking forward to working with bc they're about to bicker the whole fuckin time and one of them thinks shes a dick, so i drew her being sad that shes forced to work with morons..... and speak of the devil, 3rd drawing is here with 2 of the aforementioned morons :D i think D+D take a liking to her, they're just a little obnoxious (love them for that)
19 - 27/10/2023 : a quick(ish) digital thing of Chooshada again that i did on the side of another project, more engine drawing practice he he, she'll be out of proportion and lacking detail but really it was just to not be too hard on myself about that, it did help i think to understand how to draw her more, plus just look at her lil face... also she has a number here, doesn't mean much other than 8 being her lucky number, other than 11, like those are just her numbers, suppose i could have it be 1188 to ref her bday, idfk x
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worship-sleep · 2 years
I saw a tweet the other day talking about vessel's speech he gave regarding his feelings of his mask and relationship with the music he makes. This isn't me bashing anyone or anything i'm just giving my perspective on it and hoping it opens a gateway to discuss it.
In the speech he gave at lafayette he talks about feeling selfish for this opportunity he's been given to allow others to understand a very vulnerable version of himself that is almost impossible for anyone else to layout to strangers the way he does. Feeling as if he's taken advantage of something he doesn't really deserve and that people are seeing a version of himself that doesn't even really exist in the first place because he isn't the saviour he is seen as. Which leads to him finishing out the speech saying, "I am nothing without this music; I am nothing without this mask."
It is basically impossible to ask someone to step outside of themselves and truly understand how they are seen by others around them and he is no exception. But, I do not necessarily think that what he is trying to convey is him admitting that "vessel" is better than the "real him," but instead is like a barrier that allows him to explore a version of himself and his art that just wouldn't be able to exist unless it was there. I think viewing it in a negative lighting and putting him on this pedestal to praise him isn't how we should go about reacting to how he views himself.
That being said, this speech in particular has lead me towards very mixed feelings on how I view my feelings towards vessel. The mask feels like a very fine line in the sand on how we should view this persona in relation to the "real vessel," considering he goes so far as to never even letting us hear his speaking voice. I value and I cherish him a lot, especially the version of him he puts on at shows and the version of him he puts into vessel.. but I do not know him and he doesn't necessarily ever want me to know him. I love his music and whatever stories he's trying to tell but I don't love him and I don't really know if us loving the unmasked him is what his problem is.
The mask and the music are his art and I think that's what he wants us to love and I think that's the best love we can give him instead of giving him a false promise of loving someone we couldn't ever know or who maybe never even wants to be known.
apologies for how long this is, the masked man is just very special to me and everyone in the world must know everything I think about him.
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sofipitch · 2 years
obviously i am rooting for armand to get racebent and i think that him being muslim could be thematically super interesting, especially in dialogue with all the bullshit in the chronicles. however i need the people who actually believe armand is posing as rashid to explain their reasoning, because i cannot for the life of me think of a single motive for such a charade that isn't telenovela-levels of contrived. like, whatever the rashid plot twist ends up being, it has to be something that works for this television genre, right?
i have to say though, i am now 95% sure rashid has to be a vampire, which i was not buying at all a few days ago! i am open to other theories, even if i would much prefer rashid be his own character and we learn more of him soon. either way, the show has only surprised me positively so far so, conjecturing aside, i am very excited to see what they're doing with this guy.
😂😂😂 I think some of it is just his popularity in the fandom, he's the most popular after Louis and Lestat if not on par. I saw ppl wondering if he was Armand based on his first appearance and how his hair look similar to. His speaking in an Eastern European language in ep 4 does give a little more credence to the theory. I'm just on my knees praying Rashid is not David (worst case scenario imo)
Not a lot of evidence however one of the press members doing a lot of coverage on the show posted this:
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So this has led fans to believe that Armand should appear this season, considering TVA is his book all about him.
Want to hear my insane "what's going on in 2022?" theory? No? Well too bad. I think the 2022 setting is in the Prince Lestat time period. I think the Dubai penthouse is the equivalent of Louis living at Trinity Gate in New York, whether or not Rashid is Armand. This is based on the above tweet, and the fact that Louis has been seen with the fire gift, an ability he doesn't get in the books but he had an increase in his powers after the event of Merrick.
TVL would not have come out as a book, with the narration of the wolves in Claudia's diary I wonder if Lestat writes his story down for Louis only and maybe after the events of IWTV, he takes a nap and becomes a rockstar just no book (bc IWTV was never published so why would he need to). I think it would be funny if Daniel where to ask where Lestat is now and Louis goes, "You know the band The Vampire Lestan?" Cut to Lestat on stage. This would allow for QOTD to still happen in the 80s. The show could then choose how many/which books to cover. As to why Rashid is Armand and pretending to be a servant, no clue.
It's not based on a lot of evidence, mostly just a feeling that I think they want to keep the modern day story interesting, it's honestly not really much more than a narrative device but they clearly are trying to treat Modern Louis, Daniel, and Rashid as characters. It would allow ppl to handwave a lot of the middle "bad books" and skip forward to Prince Lestat, which is most fans' recommended reading advice. I don't see why the showrunners wouldn't think to do the same. But it's just a theory, and not the scientific kind, so no one get attached to this and get mad if it doesn't come true.
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lovebugism · 1 year
I think I should send this as a 1975 fan and Matty fan lol just to give some more perspective lol and I’m a POC who’s been following both him and Taylor for a long time.
Because I’ve been his fan for years since their first album and the thing is he’s always bordered on that VERGE of getting cancelled but I believe to say that Taylor and Matty are on two opposite side of the spectrum is wrong because that would imply that Taylor is left and Matty is right and that’s far from the truth.
The podcast thing is just about the WORST thing he could have done, ever. And I’m talking about when it was released the 1975twt was going crazy and people were SERIOUS about boycotting him and stopping to listening to his music and these are the people who KNEW that the podcast guys are satire and that they say things like that just to provoke people and if you listen to the podcast or just see transcripts to protect your peace you’ll see that they were the ones who were initiating this whole thing and then they would expect him to agree with them so he did. It’s bad. I’m not defending him. It was fucked up and he never should have done it. I would recommend seeing his apology video from their concert in Sydney that he thought it would be just like other times and that only people he knows would listen to the podcast but that’s obviously not true and he knew that he went too far which is also why he had the podcast taken down (the hosts were not happy about it they do this literally every single time and they were reluctant but eventually did). The Kanye thing has never been about the n*zi or Anti-Semitism either it was a tweet that Trump made about him and the salute thing on stage was about Kanye and his anti semitic rant he went on on Twitter and it was Matty calling him a N*zi but doing the salute with left hand (it was originally done with Right hand).
If you see him going on recent concerts you’ll see that he took the social media off and said to people that he will try to be less of an asshole than before and I really hope he works on that because while his intentions are always good and he always uses satire to get his messages across I completely understand why people who don’t know him or are not aware with his antics might not see them that way and get hurt!
Again, this is not me calling you out or anyone I just thought that I would give an outside perspective in this so you know what’s been going on with the 1975 because he’s been very vocal about his activism in the past and technically he’s more of an activist than Taylor herself and it goes beyond performative activism for him for how I have seen him over the years. These are definitely important discussions to be had and it’s great to see all the facts out there!💕
thanks for the perspective anon!
i wouldn't say that taylor and matty are on opposite sides of the spectrum exactly (because again, i'm not too familiar with them) but it's more so about taylor's "feminism" vs what matty has said/done in the past that don't add up to me.
i can't speak to much of this really, as i've never been a fan of the 1975/matty healy, but from what i've heard, it... doesn't sound good. like. it sounds kinda bad. i saw clips of the podcast a few days ago and i understand that he was just joking around, but jokes like that are... not funny. i'm glad to hear that he's taking accountability for what he said and not ignoring it entirely, but it left an icky taste in my mouth
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dontcryminecraft · 2 years
tw/cw: grooming; dream allegations
ok so I'm talking about this more-
Shout out to Bitzel for being the only CC I've seen speaking up about this dream situation.
I find it very telling that we haven't seen ANY content creators do as little as tweet about this (and if you know any besides Bitzel, let me know and link/show the tweet I'd love to see it), and I find it even more telling creators like Ludwig (Mogul Mail) and MoistCritical haven't talked about it, even though both cover internet news. Even Keemstar even said he wouldn't cover this because "it's not a story", which is bullshit. Why aren't they talking about it?
I want to believe the best in the creators I love, and so I keep trying to rationalize this by thinking of reasons why they haven't spoken out. Maybe some content creators genuinely don't know. Maybe because Dream threatened legal action, they don't want to speak until that's over. (disclaimer i don't know how the law works in this situation) Maybe they only saw "# support dream" trending and glossed over that, thinking it's a normal day on twitter. Maybe they saw the hashtags that were trending a couple days ago of "# support amanda" and "# dreamisfreak" and didn't think they were actual issues and didn't click on them to find out more.
Maybe this. Maybe that. Maybe, Maybe, Maybe. I'm tired of all these excuses I keep coming up with for my content creators. The longer they don't speak out about this, the less I can excuse their silence. If they do wait a long time before speaking about this, they better have a damn good excuse.
I want to be able to watch my favorite content creators because the mcyt sphere is so big and filled with wonderful people who have nothing to do with Dream or his content, but it's going to be bitter if I find out that these creators willingly let this slide for what? Dream SMP Lore? Fuck off, I'd rather they just distance themselves from Dream at the cost of whatever already-stagnant and on-hiatus "lore" dream's weaponizing to try and distract us. Ao3 exists for fans. Post your fucking plans on a google doc or photo on twitter and move on. We will understand. Do they want to still be connected to the face of Minecraft gaming? again, Fuck Off. they're better than that. We don't need Dream. We certainly don't need his face as the "face of Minecraft" or whatever. There are other creators to support. I just don't want the ones I watch to be ok with sweeping this under the rug. I want to know where they stand. And I'm not going to be truly happy until they say something.
Their silence is speaking for them. And it's not saying nice things. If they're against it, do what Bitzel did and speak out. Use your voices as creators with platforms to support victims. At this point, if a content creator supports dream i'd also rather they post about that, so i know who to no longer support as well. Don't waste my time. Say where you stand. I'm getting tired of waiting.
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June 15, 2016
I have to look at my phone at least 3 times to know what day it is. My eyes are sore. I haven't tried speaking, but based on how badly my throat is burning, I don't imagine I could muster anything louder than a hoarse whisper. I caught a glimpse of myself while leaving the bathroom, and there's no amount of concealer that could hide the sunken dark circles under my bloodshot eyes. Not that I'm one for caring about my appearance, but this was bad, even for me.
I would've let my phone die, but that would interrupt the music that's been blaring nonstop for the last three days. I opted to put it on airplane mode instead. Between the texts, the tweets, and news updates, I couldn't take it anymore. I'm always the one checking in, but I can't, not this time.
I feel like I got jumped by an entire fucking gang. This is the most sore I've ever been. I feel like that's one of the less talked about symptoms of a depressive episode. Sure everyone knows about how mentally exhausting it is, but my body *hurts*. I guess drinking on my meds isn't the best idea, especially right now, but I couldn't be bothered to care. At least I'm still taking them.
I've made the floor of my livingroom my home. The front of the couch is my only support. That and the bottle of Modelo that I'm holding with both hands, fingers interlocked. I wouldn't have known someone was beating at the door given the volume of my music, but I could see it vibrating from across the way. That and I saw the bottom locks turn; whoever it was had a key. I knew it was only a matter of time before my isolated sulking was interrupted, which is exactly why the door was deadbolted.
I let my beer fall, suspending it by the tip of the neck with my index and middle finger. Standing up took so much energy that by the time I had crossed the 25ft to the front door I had tears rolling down my cheeks. My hands hadn't left the lock by the time * swung the door open and hugged me by the neck. As soon as our bodies were in contact the sobs came roaring in. We didn't bother moving into the apartment. We probably spent five minutes in the doorway blubbering. Our shirts completely soaked by the time we let go and faced each other.
"I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the door". Based on the fear in his eyes I knew what he meant. I just shrugged and managed a smirk for a moment before the sadness regained control of my face and I started crying again. He squeezed my hand before letting go as I broke to grab more beers from the fridge. He was sat criss-crossed on the couch by the time I met him with a bottle. "I know you're not a beer guy but-" he waved me off as he forced down a large swig. I sat across from him on the floor, my back leaned against the wall, still unable to hold myself up.
"They released the names of the victims" he said. "Did you know anyone?" I asked. "Not personally, I recognized a couple of names but just passively. Bryan did, he's an absolute wreck, but he refuses to take any time off." I couldn't imagine working right now. Not that I wanted to spend my PTO like this, but I'm glad I'm on it. "And how are you handling?" I asked.
"Better than I thought". I could see his face was red and swollen, but he didn't look bad. His clothes were more casual than usual, but still put together enough to be wearing a matching velvet tracksuit. I saw the corner of a yellow pack peeking from the pocket of his sweatpants. I would've scolded him if it were under different circumstances but I asked for one instead.
From the patio you could hear the muffled music in the living room but it was the most quiet I'd experienced in days. We said nothing till we were both halfway through our second cigarette. The volume of the music dropped when a song by the smiths came on and the pressure to break the silence was thick like the smoke that hung under the balcony. I'm glad he felt it too because I didn't have the energy to start the conversation. "How long were you planning to be MIA?"
I hadn't given it much thought. I was scheduled to return on the Monday of the 20th so I guess I would've done damage control on the Sunday right before. It honestly seemed like an eternity away. Not much of a vacation if you ask me, I was dissociating for so much of that week that it just feels like it was erased from my calendar.
I just responded with my start back date then asked about friends to get the focus of the conversation away from me. I was impressed with how well he was handling everything. He wasn't the same shy, anxious fairy I met in college. He had done wellness checks on damn near every one of our friends by this point. He even took Cedric to the hospital that morning after an overdose. I had already turned on airplane mode, so I had no idea. I felt horrible now, not having been present and just now hearing the news days later
"He panicked after he heard the news, but they said he's doing much better now. I'm picking him up today if you want to come." I nodded. I was feeling better sharing my sadness with another human. I tossed the butt I'd been fidgeting with into jar in the corner and stood up to make my way inside. * clearly had the most energy of the two of us because he'd already slid the door open and collected our empty Modelo bottles by the time I made my first step from the chair.
He hung around in the living room while I managed a whore's bath and gathered my hair in a "half suitable for public" bun. Within that time Bryan had called and from *'s half of the phone call I could tell Bryan was in just as bad a shape as me. I have no idea how he's still working. Everyone copes differently I guess.
Within an hour we were in the car and headed to pick up Cedric's boyfriend, Steph. Their car was totaled last week so * and some of our other friends had been helping out with transportation. We made it to the front door when Steph's mom answered. I had only met her once or twice but she gave us both tight hugs upon opening the door. It was this encounter when I realized I would be getting the question "how are you doing?" a lot in the coming weeks.
I still had my phone in airplane mode by the time we made it to the hospital. I figured I'd ease myself back into reality. Plus I was terrified of seeing the pictures of the victims. The wound still felt fresh and I couldn't bare to see the pictures of their faces, it'd just make things worse right now.
When we arrived at the hospital Cedric was paperwork in hand, ready to go. He dangled his socks in front of me and cracked a joke about being a part of the grippy sock club. We stopped at his favorite drive in burger and shake place for lunch. We were having a good time eating and joking and listening to the radio when all of the sudden the end of a song was greeted by a radio announcer:
"The benefit for the Pulse Nightclub victims and their families will be taking place this Saturday afternoon, June 18th, at Cal Anderson, and all proceeds will go directly to the families and nightclub."
The ad continued on, but I had already detached and was trying to bring attention back to the conversation taking place in the car.
"^?" I looked to the backseat to see everyone had their attention on me. My confusion must've been visible because Steph repeated his question "Are you going to the fundraiser on Saturday?" I hesitated. My body tensed up and before I could filter my thoughts I blurted out "I don't know if that's safe". The car fell silent. Everyone looked away from each other for a good while and we just sat in the silence, pensive. "One of the counselors from group said they're upping police presence at all LGBT events and a lot of organizations are hiring extra security".
That should've put me at ease but I broke down for what must've been the 15th time today. "I'm just scared! Why? Why us? Why still? This time last year we were partying and celebrating and I thought we had turned a page and that it was going to be safe now. But now?! It's like fuck! I feel like I should find a beard and have his baby just to have some sort of shield from whatever the FUCK that was." * looked at me like I was losing it. Not crazy like I was suggesting that we do that. Whatever weird thing was going on between us could never be considered straight, and we both knew that. No, he looked at me as if to say 'bitch you are not about to go back in the closet'. Besides, I didn't mean it wholeheartedly. The thought of living with a straight man and even worse a child was enough to send my burger on its way back up. But I was scared.
I'm so thankful Steph was in the car because he was the one to put things into perspective and alleviate the fear and grief I was experiencing. Without him there I probably would've spent the next 6 months refusing to go out anywhere that wasn't dinner or a game night at someone's apartment. "^, now is not the time to hide. This is the time to be there for your community so we can overcome this tragedy. I get it, I'm scared too. Shit, we're all scared. Cedric was so scared that he was try tryna dip out" he let out the cutest of 'oopsies' and tossed his hands up in an apology. Steph continued "come to the event on Saturday and check in with your people, ^. They need you and you need them too. We'll all be there."
* chimed in "They're putting on a lot of great things at the fundraiser like self defense classes and how to assess injuries before paramedics arrive. It's honestly a really good opportunity to help alleviate some of the anxiety your experiencing. Plus I'll be there so you have to come cause you love me"
"Alright, I'll be there." I didn't say it out loud, but Steph was right. This was an important time to be out. For a moment, I felt bad for breaking down in front of everyone. It's very out of character, but looking around, you could tell we were all tired. We had all spent the last several days grieving and processing. No one thought I was overly emotional. You could tell we'd all been crying this week. Even though we were separate from each other when we all heard the news, I felt like we all had an unspoken patience and understanding for each other and that we were experiencing the aftermath together. In a community where appearance and presence were high priority, and certainly a roastable offense if your friends caught you slippin, the next couple of months were quiet. * wore matching tracksuits and went out barefaced more often than not, and I never gave him shit for it. And he never gave me shit for piling my hair in a messy bun on top of my head. The next few weeks, I'd pass strangers, and we'd exchange tired smiles, almost as if to say 'we're getting through it'. It was a somber summer but one that I'm glad I stuck around for because it helped me grow into someone who didn't just check on my friends but someone who checked on their community.
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sohyuki · 2 years
bout to start my stranger things journey 👍 wish me luck 
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
okay so apparently my ramblings about this would not fit in tumblr's stupid 30-tag limit which i had no idea existed until just now so i'm putting it in my own post. the english-japanese utdr language barrier fascinates me endlessly, especially when it comes to nonbinary characters. because third-person pronouns, if i'm not much mistaken, aren't really used in japanese, but first person pronouns of varying levels of formality, familiarity, and gendered connotations are- there's a whole bunch to choose from, and this interests me because it means that when you have characters like frisk and kris, who almost never if ever get the chance to talk about themselves, their nonbinary-ness is likely to get lost in translation if it's not directly acknowledged by the plot.
because in english everybody uses they/them for frisk, kris and chara. and we know, therefore, that they are nby. but a japanese player has no real way of knowing that- even if they do see frisk or kris or chara use "watashi" or another gender-neutral pronoun to refer to themselves, that wouldn't functionally mean anything, because watashi is used abundantly by many, many cis and binary-identified japanese people. there is no designated nonbinary first-person pronoun in japanese (and, y'know, they've got plenty of gender neutral first person pronouns and gendered third person pronouns are rarely used, so there's not really any need for it).
plus, there's the fact that if you're a japanese utdr fan and you're tweeting something concerning frisk or kris or chara or whatnot, then your non japanese speaking followers will use the translate tweet function to translate it, and google will almost always fill the sentence in with he/him or she/her by default, so that causes misunderstandings about many things- it's so interesting to me, and it's part of why i'd like it if kris were plainly acknowledged as nby in a future chapter- it'd help clarify it, not just to the english-speaking transphobes who know kris uses they/them and refuse to listen, but to the non-english-speakers who wouldn't have any way of knowing otherwise. of course, if you're fairly online, you might see people talking about it in posts and stuff and find out that way, but i digress.
it reminds me of a tweet i saw once from a japanese utdr fan- it said something like "i think most americans draw nui as a boy". nui, of course, being seam's name in the deltarune japanese localization. thus implying that this person and many other japanese fans draw seam as non-male.
which makes perfect sense! because, and i LOVE this bit of trivia, the japanese first person pronoun seam uses for themself is atashi! which is a super feminine pronoun! actually, it used to be used by men in the past, but these days it's used almost exclusively by women and some older men, so the gendered connotations seam is implying through the use of this pronoun are confusing, to say the least! are they saying it because they feel more feminine, or because they're older and would use atashi in the style of an older japanese man? it's so so fascinating to me and i love that tweet because when i saw it the differences in the japanese version of the game (and, thus, the japanese fans' understanding of the characters) versus the english really clicked for me for the first time. i loooove translation <3
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Ive been in the fandom since the vine days and let me just say that I don’t understand why Sam has never been shipped with ANYONE except Colby pre-Katrina. They would go to these creator things and it was always what viner is next to Colby, never Sam. There was one girl who was their friend and waaay cuddlier with Sam but people only saw Colby. Even before he introduced kat you’d catch her in the back of peoples videos and postings and people suspected but didnt care. Once he did introduce her people didnt like her, but again the attention wasnt as big until they moved into the traphouse because he barely showed her at all. I know Sam is closed off but i feel he hold more tea than Colby so can we manifest chaos from Sam lol because what is that boy really about.
idk if this will make sense, but the air of mystery that colby seems to have is actually very much present with sam. sam is mysterious, colby just claims to be, you know what i mean? while a lot of the stuff i know about colby isn't the full story, i can at least maybe piece some stuff together, make some assumptions that sound close to reality, and come up with a non-canon version of him in my head, so to speak. but sam…. different ball game. that man is a phantom. you don't see him coming or going. i know literally nothing about him, and it is quite infuriating.
that being said, i don't even know what chaotic sam would look like. cause even drunk sam isn't that crazy. sure, he dances on tables or joins twerking competitions mid-cruise, but none of that is really all that crazy. i was saying this to someone not too long ago, but i don't even think that man has done any hard drugs. like, the worse drug he's probably taken is when he broke his back. i don't think this man even smokes weed! he's probably tried it once or twice, but like… that's it.
i know you're more asking about his dating life, but if i were to make an assumption about his overall personal life: i think sam is closed off bc he doesn't know who he is. i think he's never really been in touch with his emotions, which is something he's tweeted about a couple times before, and bc of that he doesn't really know how to express himself. i think he wants others to like him a lot, so for years he's tried to fit in a box that marks off what ppl expect from him. and when he himself grows tired of that box, he tries to find a new one that fits the newer image ppl want him to be.
i think that's why sometimes some of the things he says can seem a bit out of place. like prime example is when he's talked about wanting to move to mexico and just go learn the language naturally, or just randomly leave and go to a different country and surround himself in the culture. while those are great aspirations to have, he never includes colby or kat in those travels. he's doing them solo, without them. and that feels… weird. or in the worst way, selfish. bc we're so used to him being in a duo situation, whether it's snc or him and kat. he's always with someone. and we've been told again and again that he's a good friend and he's a good boyfriend. but a good friend or boyfriend wouldn't just up and leave their best friend or girlfriend behind. but, i don't think in these situations he's being selfish. i think this is him actually expressing himself for the first time outside of the box we think he checks off.
weirdly, and i was just thinking about this as i was writing this out, while colby loves being by himself and getting his alone time away from ppl, he can't actually be alone. he wouldn't be able to survive being completely alone. i mean, even just living in a different apartment almost sent him into a hermit spiral. that man wouldn't get off his couch for days sometimes, and that in itself is a topic for a whole other ask. but sam, i legitimately believe, could go live on his own away from everyone he cares about and be fine. i honestly think if he did that, it might put a lot of things into perspective for him. maybe he realize how deeply he cares for the ppl around him, or how maybe their opinions matter more than the others he's been trying to please.
and as for his love life, prior to kat of course, idk. that's even more shrouded in mystery than his actual personality so… god knows what he was like.
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polonium-snap · 3 years
The Beauty & the Deku chp. 2
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Summary: Izuku and Katsuki somehow get trapped in a book of fairy tales, to get out of it they decide to play their part in the stories. How far are they willing to go to fulfill the romantic plotlines? Will Katsuki be able to play the role of a fairy tale princess?
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When Katsuki comes to, he is washing some stairs.”Wha-? This again? You’ve got to be forking kidding me.” He stood up, inspecting his clothes, some raggedy top, and pants, which at least is not a dress,  and went to a nearby well, staring at his reflection on the water, scowling.
“Kacchan?” He heard Deku’s voice from behind, and the blonde turned to him.
“Deku!” Katsuki said. “As you can see, we are still trapped in this nightmare.” He frowns. “What do we do now?”
“Let’s continue trying to go along with the story, maybe if we do it enough times, we’ll get out of here.” Izuku suggested.
Katsuki growled. “Shut up! What do you know? This is probably your fault since you didn’t have to be at the house in the end.”
Deku frowned. “Oh yeah, Cinderella totally broke through a door like you did.”
The blonde scowled back, blustering and turning to look away from Izuku. “Whatever.”
Which was Kacchan-speak for ‘I’m sorry, you’re right', good thing Deku was an expert at reading his childhood friend. “We should continue trying to go along with the story, this time as much as we can with the original.”
“No way, nerd. I already gave that a try and we are still trapped in this hellhole.” Katsuki argued. “It makes more sense to try and make the story different, if it doesn’t let us move on we can find the reason more easily.”
“What if that just makes us be stuck here forever, Kacchan?” Izuku argued back. “Let’s do it like the story says one more time, then if we are still here we’ll try your thing.”
The blonde frowned but sighed. “Fine.”
Izuku let out the breath he was holding and stared into red eyes. “Thank you.”
Silence hung heavy for a second between them for several seconds. “I’m sorry…” Bakugou mutters, surprising Deku. “You know, for kissing you at the end…”
Izuku blushed furiously. “Oh! Uhm, i-i-it’s ok Kacchan, that actually made us move on, so…”
The implication of the previous statement weighs on them, and the silence only makes heat rise faster and more intensely into Deku’s face. If the kiss was what made them move on, did that mean they would have to again until they were out of there?
The most obvious answer was there, if they were in Snow White, like Izuku suspected, that meant they had to kiss to be able to continue with the story.
“Wh-What story are we in anyway?” Katsuki asked if only to fill the silence.
“O-oh, I think we are in Snow White.” Izuku reasoned.
“How are we meeting so early then, isn’t the prince supposed to kiss snow white at the end?” The blonde tried to remember.
“No, I think they met right at the start of the Disney movie.” Izuku explained.
“Crap I can’t remember.” The taller teen rubbed his hand on his face. “How am I going to go along with the story if I can't remember how it goes?”
The green-haired boy bit his lip, he couldn’t blame Kacchan, apart from this being a stressful situation, it has been a long time since either of them either saw the movies or read any books with fairy tales on them. “I think I know how it goes, just make sure to go near the forest and run away from the huntsman and look for a small house, it belongs to some dwarfs.” He explains. “Make sure they let you stay, cook and clean for them or something, the evil queen will look for you, to kill you, she will give you an apple, bite it, I’ll take care of the rest and then we’ll ride off to the sunset.”
“My prince.” Katsuki said sarcastically, and Izuku glared, but his cheeks felt hot. “I got it, I got it, I’m just tired of cleaning stuff, like I knew old men hate women in these stories and think their only use is to cook and clean, I get it, old news, but it’s annoying as heck, you know?”
“I get it Kacchan, I’m sorry, but I really think that we can get out if we follow the script as much as we can.”
“Yeah, except we can barely remember how it goes, you lame nerd, even just talking like this can change the story.” The fiery teen started to raise his tone. “We’re already doomed.”
Izuku cringed. “You’re right, but there must be plot points that make us move on, you know like in Cinderella, the background repeated until we did what it wanted, to move on we need to keep doing just that.” He tried to placate the other man. “This is the best plan we have right now, just go with it until we can think of something better.”
Katsuki stands staring at the other teen for a few seconds, glaring, but pondering what was said all the same. “Fine, but we better get out of this, or I’m going to explode.” He turned away and started walking toward the palace. “See you later, nerd, don’t you dare die.” He closed the doors, leaving Izuku staring.
The wardrobes the stories were putting the blonde in were killing him, he looked so handsome, even in dresses. Now the blonde wasn’t exactly wearing a dress, but elements of it were clearly borrowed, Kacchan was in rags but still looked amazing.
Izuku shook his head, this was not the time to be fawning over Kacchan, he turned around and left the grounds of the palace, unsure of what to do with himself. Jesus, fairy tale princes really were useless and had one shitty line, like Kacchan had said, though maybe like this, he could look for clues.
He looked down and sighed, even his clothes were boring.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Katsuki changes his clothes because he is not staying in some ugly rags, besides he is 70% sure Snow White wasn’t dressed so badly, she needs to be marketable, little kids wouldn't buy merch of her if she looked ugly right?
He went near the forest, as Deku had said, and sat on a rock, at least the scenery was always interesting in these stories, as Katsuki had never gone out of Japan, he could almost pretend he was visiting Europe or some shit.
“I’m sorry, princess.” Said a voice, which startled the fuck out of the blonde.
“Jesus fu-!” Katsuki turned around to find Rikido Sato, from his class. “Sato?! You are the huntsman?”
The other man’s eyes widened. “You know my name?!” His eyes watered. “The queen has never called me by my name.”
Katsuki hadn’t either until just then, but he wasn’t about to say that to a man with a weapon while he remained quirkless. “Yes, of course I know your name!” He lied, he was lucky with Sato’s last name, he was between Sato and Sota. “I’m going to be the next ruler of this kingdom, and you my loyal subject.” He was talking out of his ass. “How could I not know your name?”
Sato dropped the knife. “I can’t do it!” He cried. “The queen is trying to kill you, your best option is to run as far as you can and hope she never finds you!”
Katsuki stood up from the ground and scrubbed the dirt off his clothes. “Right, thank you, I guess, for not killing me or whatever.” He jogged into the forest, enjoying it more than he normally would, maybe because it had been a while since he had been able to make one of his mornings runs.
At some point, his foot got tangled on some tree roots and he came crashing to the ground. “Argh!” He exclaimed. “Dumb tree, dumb story, dumb Deku!” He raged, and sat on the ground, finding the cabin could wait. As he lay on the ground feeling sorry for himself he felt small tweets from above, and slowly, animals from the forest came out and stared at him.
The blonde groaned. “One of you better not be Dunce face or Hair for brains.” He couldn’t take any more woodland animals as his friends, although thankfully it seemed none of them was anyone he knew. “What are you doing here then, If not to torture me?”
All the animals started to walk toward somewhere, and Katsuki, having nothing better to do went with them, only to find the small house Deku talked about. He opened the door, finding the insides absolutely filthy. And as much as Katsuki had complained he disliked cleaning, he disliked even more letting it stay filthy.
‘Fucking fine’ He thought because only in his mind he could use his favorite words. “You win, stupid Deku, I’ll clean this pigsty.” Katsuki picked up a broom and started sweeping the comical amounts of dust and dirt, the animals around him started to do the same, and for the first time, he didn’t mind the small woodland animals that seemed to follow him lately.
When he finally finished he realized how tired he was, it had been a few days since he last slept, so maybe now he could take a nap. Bakugou climbed the stairs, peering at the small beds with the dwarf's names, he pushed some of them together so he could fit in and dropped like a log on them, paying no mind to the few small animals that cuddled him, he was too tired for that shit.
He closed his eyes and lost consciousness.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
“What is that? Is it a ghost?” Said a fearful but familiar voice.
“Ha! There’s no such thing as a ghost.” An angrier voice said.
“Who cares, ghosts can’t touch you, let’s just sleep and be done with it.” Said another voice that sounded just like Aizawa.
With his sleep finally disrupted Katsuki decided to sit up and fuck up anyone who dared wake him. When he rose from the bed, multiple gasps were heard. “What is it now?” He said, the blanket still over his head, which he removed slowly.
When he finally could see, he found seven eerily familiar dwarfs looking at him and gasping once again.
“Prince!” One of them exclaimed. “What are you doing here, young prince?”
Holy shit, this dwarf was All Might. Katsuki gaped at the blonde dwarf, his face a picture of the man’s old glory.
The teen looked at the others, Aizawa, Present Mic, Koda, Kirishima, Kaminari...and Endeavour?!
“Let me guess, you,” Bakugou pointed at Aizawa. “Are sleepy, you,” Present Mic, who let out a very loud sneeze. “Are Sneezy, you,” Koda blushed. “Bashful.” Then Kirishima. “You are Happy, I guess.” Kaminari. “Dunce face, you are obviously Dopy.” Bakugou laughed. “This must be Todoroki’s old man, Endeavour.” The red-haired dwarf fumed. “That leaves you All Might, I guess you are Doc.”
All Might smiled. “Yes, young prince.” He eyed Katsuki as if searching for answers. “What brings you here?”
“Yeah, that, the queen is trying to kill me or something.” The younger man dismissed carelessly.
“The queen is trying to kill you?!” Several of the small men exclaimed.
“Yes, so let me hide here, I’ll cook and clean, or something.” Katsuki forced himself to say.
“Like we would let a stranger stay here in our h-” Endeavour started to say.
“Of course you can stay, my boy!” All Might said. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yeah!” Kirishima, Kaminari, and Present Mic said, Koda blushed, and Aizawa grunted his approval from where he slept.
Endeavour growled.
The next day, after making the seven nuisances breakfast and them lining up at the door to go to the mine, Kirishima took of his stupid hat and watched Katsuki expectantly.
“What do you want.” The blonde said, but he had started to piece what hair for brains was silently asking, the redhead wanted a kiss on his forehead, Bakugou fumed, missing the cracking sound of his quirk. The thing was Snow White obviously did so in the movie, and if he wanted to be truthful with what he promised Deku, he had to kiss the foreheads of these dumbasses and thank god they wouldn’t remember, or at least he hoped so.
He reluctantly kissed Kirishima’s forehead, cringing when the dwarf continued in his way. It didn’t take long for the rest of the short men to follow suit.
Kaminari laughed and thanked him with a teasing smile. Katsuki struggled not to punch with his bare hands. Koda, bless him, just blushed and continued on his way, Aizawa grunted, Present Mic whooped in happiness, and All Might thanked him.
Lastly, there was Endeavour, who Katsuki categorically and morally opposed kissing, as much as he hated the half-and-half bastard his old man was trash and he wasn’t about to ignore that. But he had made a promise to stupid Deku who was probably living it large somewhere as a prince.
Katsuki swallowed his pride if only because he was a man of his word.
He slowly bent to press his lips on Endeavour's dwarfed forehead, closing his eyes to avoid extra trauma, and gave him a lightning-quick kiss.
“It’s not like I wanted you to, brat!” What the fuck? Was Endeavour a tsundere?
Bakugou would never be able to look at the number one hero ever again.
While Katsuki baked a pie in the old-fashioned oven he heard some commotion on the outside. Bristling Katsiki let go of the hot pie and peeked through the window, only to see Shigaraki dressed in black rags and carrying a basket of apples.
Holy fuck, Shigaraki was the queen?!
Katsuki couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing. “You?! Your crusty musty ass is the queen? HAHHAHA” He was nearly crying, Shigaraki looked worse than normal, and that was so hard to do in the blonde’s mind that he had to give the man kudos for surpassing himself.
“W-what? No, I’m no old queen, just an old man offering such beauty an apple.” Shigaraki stuttered, quickly jumping into convincing the teen into taking the blood-red apple in his ugly hands.
Katsuki wiped his tears of laughter. “I’m just, haha, sorry, It’s just been an annoying day.” He explained. “But alright, since you made me laugh so much I’ll take the apple, thank you for the few hours of peace, while that stupid Deku makes it here.” The blonde bit the apple, promptly falling asleep as he heard Shigaraki’s pathetic laugh.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku panted as he followed the forest’s animals toward the dwarf's house, where he knew Katsuki was waiting for him, the queen, whoever they were, was probably already chased off a cliff and Kacchan was placed in a crystal case.
He arrived at a clearing, watching as the dwarfs mourned Katsuki’s apparent death.
Wait. Was that Endeavour?! No. No, no time for that, literally everyone they knew was becoming a supporting character in these stories, it was entirely possible Endeavour was too.
...Was he supposed to be grumpy?
Izuku shook his head away from those thoughts and focused on Katsuki’s relaxed face as he slept and the dwarfs took away the glass casing on top of the snoozing blonde. Deku had always wondered why on earth the dwarfs just took off the case for some random prince to kiss the princess? What if it was just some creep? Though he had heard the age of the actual prince was 31, while Snow White was 14, which, what the hell.
Anyways he was getting sidetracked, maybe due to the nerves of having to kiss Kacchan, and the intense gazes the dwarfs were sending the green-eyes teen. He gulped, approaching the other man’s face, suddenly feeling very hot. It's not like they hadn’t kissed before, just two days ago Kacchan had kissed him, and there was always that one time they were 4 and wanted to know what kissing felt like.
However, both times it had been Katsuki who had initiated, not Izuku, Deku had never been the one to kiss someone, and the fact they were not conscious was really bothering him. It was morally incorrect to kiss someone who was unconscious, even if he somewhat knew Katsuki would be ok with it.
He felt dirty, like a 31-year-old prince kissing a 14-year-old girl, well maybe not that dirty.
But still, he did not feel great about this.
Finally, as his lips were millimeters away from Bakugou’s, Deku avoided the pink plump lips of his classmate and kissed the other’s cheek swiftly and reeled back. Katsuki’s eyes remained closed for dreadful long seconds, until red eyes fluttered open, sleepily batting long blonde eyelashes at Izuku.
“Took you long enough, nerd.” Katsuki complained as Deku offered him a hand and a taller teen rose from the adorned crystal bed.
“Sorry Kacchan.” Izuku said, relieved that the kiss on the cheek was enough to wake the other up. “Let’s go?”
Katsuki blinked. “Oh, yeah, you said we now ride into the sunset.”
“I-I mean, y-yeah, that’s how I remember it ended.” Izuku stuttered.
“Thank god.” Katsuki launches himself at Izuku's horse, waving at the dwarfs and animals as Izuku himself mounts it.
“Are you ready?” Izuku said, feeling like he forgot something.
“Yes.” The blonde rushed, a fake smile plastered on his face as he waved. “Let’s go you stupid piece of crap.”
“Right.” Izuku instructs the horse to start moving toward the horizon where a large range of beautiful reds and oranges paint the sky.
“Thank you for nothing!” Katsuki waves again, this time his smile is more genuine as he does a pg version of his usual cursing at the dwarfs and animals that probably don’t hear him due to the distance. “Hope you trip on your horrendous beards and die!”
The green-haired teen sweat drops as Bakugou finally settles down.
That is until he notices the horizon only seems to get further away. “No! Look, we aren’t moving on!”
Deku has to agree, as he notes his surroundings, while the background isn’t repeating, there seems to be no end to the valley even as seconds turn into several minutes. Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions, Izuku thought as he meditated the best way to confess why they may be unable to finish the story.
“Darn it!” Katsuki growled in frustration. “I swear I did everything you told me.” He tried to explain. “I even kissed Endeavour’s old geezer head.”
“I know, Kacchan.” Izuku reassured, gulping as he realized he needed to come clean. “It is my fault.” He confessed.
“So you know ten minutes ago when I was supposed to kiss you and wake you up from the sleeping curse?”
“Yes…?” Katsuki nodded. “What’s your point?”
“I may or may not have kissed your cheek instead of kissing you in the lips like in the traditional story.” He said sheepishly. “...Sorry...?
Katsuki slowly turns to look at the dumbass he called childhood friend. “What did you just say?”
“...I’m...sorry?” Izuku’s voice got weaker.
“What on earth is your problem?!” Katsuki bellowed, his eyes glowing red. “You SAID that we needed to follow the story to get out, you made me PROMISE I would go along with it just this once.”
The other man cringed. “I know, I know.” He whined. “I’m sorry, it’s just when I had to kiss you, you were unconscious and it just felt wrong since you never explicitly agreed that I could kiss you.”
“It was implied that I wanted to kiss you!” Katsuki yelled and then blushed, Izuku did too. “I mean, it was implied I was ok with it, you bumbling buffoon!” He screeched.
“Buffoon...?” Izuku mumbled as he stared in surprise at red embarrassed eyes.
“Ughhh!” Katsuki said in frustration. “Being this mad without using my quirk is making me lame.” He explained to himself, he took the reins of the still moving horse and yanked it so it stopped. Then he threw his legs over the animal so Bakugou was fully facing Deku. “Let’s just kiss so maybe this can be over, you piece of garbage.”
Katsuki pulled Izuku roughly so their noses were touching. “Don’t think for a second I’m not going to kick your ass into the next century after we get back to UA.”
Before Izuku could respond, their lips smashed together, harder and deeper than necessary, all while he was vaguely aware the world started to crumble and fade into white once again.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 3 years
it just saddens me how "hating-uno-shoma" has become a gateway to fs stan twt,,,, like you can't be accepted to fs stan twt if you don't actively trashtalk shooms every single living minute,,, i've been wanting to make an account now that i'm actively watching fs again but tbh i gotta preserve my sanity first
I know this may be the feeling when you just look into fs twt and some big popular accounts with many followers - hence many likes - hence the tweets who get presented as popular. But don't be sad this is not representative for the whole FS fandom on twt or any other SNS.
I can't tell you FS Twitter is a good place, it's not, but don't believe there are no Shoma fans there. There is a big part of FS Twitter who still loves and supports Shoma very much. I can name you accounts to block and to follow to live a peaceful Shoma fan life if you wish. I do it myself and have fun on FS Twitter, you just have to do self care and not look into the hater accounts.
I didn't see much negative stuff because I know which accounts to block and I also got blocked in return.
And tbh most of those haters, hated him long time ago when he was close to beating Yuzu at 2017 Worlds. Some of them hold a grudge for very long. There are also those ppl - fired up originally by Ambesi - who trashtalk his technique - that admittedly is far from ideal - and started to call him cheater. But this was all on the judging site, so they couldn't lull other ppl into believing he is a bad guy. In 2019 things changed with the one thing he said - I have talked about it many times already and am not going to repeat it time and time again, imo it was blown a lot out of proportion and also not looked at with context - sadly some ppl don't want to have the full story - so they canceled him so here we are.
Imo there are a few big accounts who remind ppl time and time again of the evil Shoma Uno everytime he competes or gets any kind of positive attention like ppl cooing over his dogs etc. Imo these must be miserable and masochistic ppl to watch and follow someone they hate so much. I mean in the end even if I believe someone is a bad person, it doesn’t make him/her a bad skater undeserving of medaling. Wild concept I know.
I think this one sentence speaks volumes about the state of FS Twitter "we need to uncancel Shoma" this was said by supposedly haters at SkAm. They don't hate him, they are just afraid they get blocked and lose some of their "precious" hater friends, because they know some of them make their twt experience a hell of a living. I am very sure many of the FS fans in general don't have a problem with Shoma at all, but if you wanna get "popular" on FS twt and get followers you need to "cancel" ppl (not only Shoma, but Vincent, Nathan, Mariah Bell etc.) or just not talk about them at all.
I also even know accounts who said "I wouldn't say a word about Shoma because I don't want to get in trouble, but I love him and his skating." So much for "everyone hates him". Well...NO we don't.
I also saw that turn of "trying to be popular" on twt with a Tumblr acc here, who talked positively to me in messages about Shoma and on Twt she is one of the ppl who gets involved into trash talks about Shoma. I dunno if she is serious or just trying to fit in, just that this is very different from the way she talked to me before and she knew the Shoma issue since 2019, but only in 2021 decided to be a "hater".
One thing I see with Shoma haters is that these are mostly young women or teenagers who don't have much life experience and feel personally insulted or try to fit in just like in real life or believe everything they are told. So maybe one day they realize that the world isn't black and white and skaters are ppl with faults and backgrounds and that cancel culture is not allowing growth for anyone - the hated and the hater.
I believe if you're grown up and have work and a life and FS is only your hobby - a precious one but a hobby - , there is no time or need to fit into a virtual world full of toxic remarks on who to hate and who to like. And we all know being grown-up isn't always about age.
I probably could have answered this shortly, but anyway I mean what I write...😅 (this is my biggest problem on twt, the size limit of tweets)
These are my personal observations in the FS fandom, so others experience might differ. But one thing is sure in social media you have to find your safe heaven.
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dreamhot · 3 years
I just saw vaydra got bullied off Twitter… I assumed it was because of the reasons you guys said the other day but it’s not, it’s because she’s 27….. fandom life really is hard for us oldies
i imagine it was probably a mix of factors. people misinterpreted her tweet about gab, and i think it just a match to tinder. i wouldn't be surprised if some people were upset about the fake anti/clout chasing thing, but that definitely wasn't the driving force behind the vitriol. from what i heard, most of the insults were centred around her appearance and age, which is just ... low. for a fandom that ostensibly prides itself on kindness - and whose cc very overtly denounces spreading hate - smiletwt certainly doesn't seem to notice the irony of using ad hominem to harass someone off the site
like, i'm not gonna present a false narrative here - i don't care for some of her actions either. but in what universe would that give me (or anyone!) the right to rip her to shreds? she's also done some great things for the community, including the edited discord podcasts and the 25mil project. like her or not, she's not evil, and this level of backlash speaks more to people's envy than actual moral outrage
my only hope is that the younger fans who base their insults and judgement around age (and appearance) learn that the passage of time comes for all of us, and one of these days they're also gonna be in their late 20s and realising (hopefully) that they're not suddenly different people. with any luck they'll learn compassion well before that point, but at the very least ...
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