#special present fic
ardentpoop · 1 month
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puhpandas · 11 months
(2,396 words)
Evan and Gregory, now age twenty-two, celebrate the tenth anniversary of their meeting in the comfort of their shared apartment.
Its already the afternoon when Evan meets Gregory at the couch in their shared apartment, smartphone in hand. Gregory glances up from whatever he was watching on TV, quickly grabbing the remote to pause the channel.
He doesn't even have a chance to greet him before he notices Evan's face. Worry quickly creases his brows, and he moves to get off of the couch. "Evan? Hey, what's wron--"
Evan tries to convey that everything's fine with no words. Because it's true. He just can't muster any up right now. When Gregory seems to understand enough, that's when Evan thrusts his phone into Gregory's line of sight.
Gregory shifts on the couch, taking the phone and studying the screen to no avail. Hes pulled up the calendar on his phone, the date reading March 4th, 2045. Gregorys brows furrow, then, "Uh. I dont understand."
Evan would have rolled his eyes if he weren't so emotional right now. He scoffs, tapping the screen and mumbling "The date. Look at the date."
It only takes another moment for Gregory to understand. Evan can almost see the gears turning in his friends head in the moments before he gasps sharply. "Oh!"
Gregory doesn't look away immediately, just taking it in as if it surpises him. "Its ten years since we met today."
Evan nods at that. A small smile stretching on his face when Gregory finally turns to look at him.
But he should know by now -really, it's been ten years after all- that Gregory knows him. Probably better than Evan himself.
"What's with that look?" Gregory questions, seemingly noticing how Evans smile doesnt quite reach his eyes. "You look sad."
Evan shakes his head immediately. "No-- that's not it." He replies, feeling a bit more fit to speak. "Its just..."
"Ten years?" Gregory prompts, and Evan nods. Gregory seems to get it. He sighs a bit, and Evan can tell hes not alone in reminiscing. "Jeez. Thats..."
"...A long time ago." "A big number." They say at the same time.
Evan joins Gregory on the couch, taking his phone back. Ten years. Ten years since he met Gregory. Ten years since Evan had been that little ball of anxiety. Ten years since the best thing that ever happened to him.
Nine years since their first holidays together. Eight years since they started high school. Four since they graduated. Three since they started college.
One year since they got their first apartment together.
Evan chuckles all of the sudden, loud as a jet engine in the seemingly silent room. "Do you remember what we always wanted to do as kids?"
Gregory only has to think for a moment. "You mean what we made a reality?"
"Yeah." Evan replies. "We got that apartment. Not exactly the college dorm we imagined, though."
"Psh. Are you kidding? Our apartment is way better than any dorm we could have gotten." Gregory scoffs. "We would have like. One room to our name, and we would have to share."
Its Evan's turn to scoff, this time. He smiles, the memories coming back easily. "You're acting like we didnt basically share your room when we were thirteen."
"You were always there." Gregory agrees, but Evan knows by now that Gregory doesn't mean it in a bad way. Never. That's one of the things that have changed since they met. Evan doesnt assume the worst first, and ask questions later anymore. "You got that right."
"Thank god we had Vanessa to tell us what to do." Evan says. "We would be lost without her."
Gregory snorts, shuffling on the couch. Evan glances over, and strangely, being here, in this moment, even though its nothing differnet from what he and Gregory do every day, reminds him so much of when he and Gregory would just hang out together on his bed. Drawing, watching videos, talking and laughing... all of it.
"Its a good thing she told us to get an apartment while we still could." Gregory says. "We would have burned down the entire dorm."
Evan giggles at the thought. It wouldn't be the first time he and Gregory would make a mess in the kitchen. He still remembers how scared he was as a fourteen year old, when he had burned some of the food meant for Vanessa's 'Welcome Home' dinner Gregory insisted they make. The Fazbears house had stunk of char and smoke for days afterwards.
He was terrified at the time. If he had ever done anything like that at his old house...
He shakes that thought away. He does that often. Thinking back to his time alone with his father and brother. His biological ones. It's been a challenge, shutting down his brain when it tries to recall the memories.
Its another thing that's changed. As a kid, he knew nothing about helping himself and his anxiety. He didnt want to. He never saw himself as worthy of deserving relief, and it was so subconscious, little Evan never even realized it.
Now, it couldn't be more different. Hes never been healthier.
Who knew all it took was a best friend for life?
He looks over at Gregory. Who's still recounting some of their old childhood memories. Evan doesnt talk to Michael anymore. The damage he caused is too much to ignore. Evan... Evan doesnt want to see him anymore. Despite Michaels wake up call, it had been all too late. The damage had been done.
Michael missed his chance. Evan had decided that a long time ago. Maybe he should have had his change if heart earlier if he didnt want Evan to find the brother he always wanted in someone else.
Because that's what Gregory is. Its nothing new, they were having these revelations when they were only teenagers. Probably even earlier for Evan. But Evan never stops thinking about how much Gregory truly is his family.
That suprise and shock of the kindness hed received from Gregory from little Evan ten years ago is hard to shake when all hed been taught his whole life is how to hate himself. How he deserved to be treated badly, because if he hadn't been the way he was, he could have made himself worthy. A respectable man. Tough. An immovable rock. Real men dont show their emotions, or even experience them. Real men can defend themselves. Real men start to toughen up at the ripe age of twelve.
Evan is twenty two, now. So is Gregory. This life they'd built for themselves, with such a bright future... little Evan never would have even dreamed of. Little Evan had thought there was nothing there for him. Little Evan had thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel. That he had been doomed from the start. That his nature nipped his figure at the bud before it could begin.
This life theyve built for themselves. When Evan had ran to the Fazbears as soon as he'd turned eighteen with only a bag of clothes, a binder full of drawings, and yellow bear to his name. When he'd shared the room that felt like his own as well growing up with Gregory. When they'd spent those few months together until getting into the same college and choosing an apartment.
This life theyve built for themselves. That Evan would have only seen as a fantasy when he was eleven.
Theyve changed so much. It always shocks Evan every time he sees an old photo, or really remembers what it had been like pre-Gregory. Evan is growing out his hair, now. Before, all hed ever had was a months overgrown generic slickback. But he gets to choose now. Like how he paints his nails. Gregory has never really cared about his appearance, but he saw a photo of his Dad as a college student and immediately went to go replicate the blue streaks in his hair when it was time for himself to go off to college.
Evan almost laughs sometimes when he thinks about how much Gregory really is just an older version of who he was when he was twelve. He's different, like Evan is, but he's the same as well. A constant.
He knows hes the same, as well. Just with longer hair, bolder clothes, and the power of experimentation. Gregory has never been one to care much about his clothes, but to Evan, its everything. To be able to wear what he always wanted as a kid. To not be confined to whatever annual clothes his Father would buy him from the back to school section. Its freeing.
It's in that moment that he thinks back, really thinks back to his life pre-Gregory, and the contrast of the before and after.
It's all too much, in that moment. The memories and the sentiments and the nostalgia. In true Evan fashion, he cries about it.
Gregory has long since learned how to differentiate Evan's tears between his emotionality and a genuine issue. So when Evan begins wiping silent tears away, he just smiles one of those smiles he does, and pats him on the shoulder, pulling him in for a side hug.
Its digging a hole in Evan's chest, this feeling. It's not bad. But it's not exactly good either. It's some kind of a loss, but a hope as well. Remembering how much he loved back then. As much as he loves right now.
"I--" Evan stutters, sniffling. Gregory hands him one of the many boxes of tissues they always have on hand in their apartment. "It... It feels like we need to celebrate, somehow. I mean... ten years is big."
Evans mind floats to a cake. Or a two person party. Or a collaborated drawing. Evan's mind floats to many things. Many options. Ten years is big, right? Something that big needs a big party. Something big to commemorate it.
But Gregory just hums, and lays eyes on the thick shelf of DVDs they have tucked by the wall right by their TV. "How about a movie night?"
Evan's about to interrupt, say something about the milestone, but Gregory continues. "Do you remember all our favorites as a kid?"
Evan stops himself short, almost scoffing, because of couse he does. How could he not, when he and Gregory had stayed up so many times to watch them together, alongside stifled giggles and ice cream straight out of the carton? "Of course I do."
Gregory gets off the couch, crouching by the bookshelf and picking out a select few movies. Evan catches the titles on the packaging from all the way were hes sitting. Every single one of them is special to him.
Gregory deposits the movies on their coffee table, three DVDs spilling out onto the glass surface. "Then I can't think of a better way to spend the night."
Despite Evan's attempts, he cant either. Despite watching these movies almost regularly with Gregory even now, opening the casing feels different in this moment. It feels special. Evan feels like hes thirteen again.
Before starting their marathon, they make a huge bowl of popcorn, pouring caramel on it just how they liked it as kids. As they continue to now. Evan gets the carton of ice cream out of the fridge, handing Gregory his spoon and taking his own.
All they need is a throw blanket and they're ready. It's the exact setup they've done for years. Starting ten years ago today. This tradition has lasted this long, and it will outlive the milestone.
It feels so familiar, Evan cant stop thinking. His emotions are dialed up to eleven tonight. It only increases when the sky darkens outside their windows. He remembers coming home from school with Gregory and just. Immediately piling onto his bed with snacks and pillows and turning the lights off before they'd dive into another movie. Only going to bed when Freddy forced them to.
Because that's what it was. Thats what it still is. Home. All Evan feels right now is home.
They laugh at all the same parts. They cry as well. They cheer. They point out the same things. Nothing has changed.
Sure, ten years is big. But Evan can't think of a better way of spending the anniversary than continuing to do what hes loved to do with Gregory throughout the years. This doesnt mark the end of an era, or a big change. It marks how long hes had the gift of his brother. His family. His real family. The fifteenth mark will, as well. So will the twentieth.
All the tenth mark says is hes had ten years worth of joy and growth. and He'll continue to do just that.
After the third movie, Evan takes a quick look at his phone. The numbers 12:03 look back at him from his lockscreen, a picture of him and Gregory. The date has switched to the 5th.
"You're my brother." Evan says suddenly to Gregory at the beginning of the fourth movie. Gregory pauses in stuffing his face with popcorn to look over at Evan's earnest face. "You know that?"
Gregory chuckles wetly. It seems Evan isn't alone in the sentimentality tonight. "Only since we were preteens."
Gregory pulls him into that same side hug he always does. "You're my family." Gregory tells him sincerely. "You always will be, too. Hell would freeze over before our family would ever say you aren't one of theirs."
Evan chuckles, eyes misty, because he knows its true. He can imagine his family's reactions so vividly. "I know."
They only sink further into the hug after that, the movie continuing on. Theyve long since stopped with the thank yous. Not since they got it through Evan's thick skull that they arent doing him a favor. They just love him.
It's in that moment that Evan realizes that tomorrow is another day. And there are more after that and after that. Theres more milestones to reach, more years to spend with his brother and their family, and he cant wait to experience them.
But right now, he's content continuing a ten year long tradition as a mundane celebration for a non-mundane achievement.
It's not mundane to him at all, anyway. It means the world to him.
Besides, he can't imagine a world where his family doesn't throw a suprise party for him when he and Gregory visit them tomorrow.
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totheidiot · 4 months
can dickonzo be characterized as a gay relationship. can it.
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your--isgayrights · 3 months
It's my birthday :)
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candyriku · 2 months
Working on my ice skating AU, here's a lil preview (this is like the start of chapter 2). I know it's sacrilege to have Sora and Riku be estranged in any way, but in this AU they ARE, okay. I felt like writing about them being messy and emotionally damaged people so here is Riku being messy (and plenty of Sora being messy will follow) :-)
“Are you serious?” Riku demands, his voice coming across more aggressively than he means it. “Skate with him?”
Aqua looks from Riku to Sora and frowns. “Do you know him? Is there some kind of issue?”
Does he know Sora? Of course he does. They were childhood friends, then something more, then nothing at all. But he can’t tell Aqua that, nor does he want to relive the last time he saw Sora, his trembling hands in his hair, their lips brushing together before Sora made a hasty retreat and disappeared from his life entirely. 
Sora’s eyes haven’t left his shoes. “It’s okay if you don’t want to…” he ventures, and somehow this makes Riku feel even worse. Sora is giving him an out, and he can't stand it. He wants to hate Sora for it, but it feels more and more like he hates himself. He should have never kissed Sora in the first place. He deserves the two years of silence he’s endured ever since.
“Look, Riku, I’ll say it one last time in case it’s not getting through that thick skull of yours. Either skate pairs, ice dance - which also requires a partner, or drop the sport entirely. If you want to do anything outside of those three options, I won’t coach you. And although it’s your decision, if you keep skating solo, I hope you know you're digging your own grave.”
“Fine,” Riku snaps, looking away from Sora. “I’ll try skating with him. But we both know he’ll only slow me down. This will end my career and yours.” He’s being unfair and he knows it, but the idea of Aqua deciding his future for him feels unbearable. Shouldn’t it be up to him? Yes, he’s injured, but injuries heal. He shouldn’t have to adjust his entire life because of one tiny stress fracture. 
“Sora won’t slow you down. He’s just as skilled as you are.” Aqua says firmly, crossing her arms.
Riku wants to argue, but he’s spent most of his life in the same rink as Sora and knows it’s true. Still, skating solo is something Riku doesn’t want taken from him. It’s his escape, his time for himself, his form of self-expression. Having another person - even if it’s Sora - encroach on that feels wrong. Figure skating is a sport about the performer and the performer alone. It’s his own personal artform. To share it is to lose his identity as a skater altogether. 
“I don’t skate with social media showboats” he spits. This, too, is unfair, and he only knows of Sora’s popularity online because he’s pathetically kept up with him after Sora moved away, forever watching videos of him skate with a mixture of longing and nausea. Sora skates expressively, beautifully, in a way Riku himself can’t quite replicate, because Sora has always been the better of the two of them when it comes to self-expression. Riku is just a miserable person pretending to be something he’s not. At least Sora is authentically himself all the time, even online. 
Everything in Riku’s brain tells him to stop making such a scene and just accept this new paradigm. But his heart aches with loss - loss of his solo career, loss of his dignity, loss of his autonomy, loss of this world he’s built for himself where he can pretend he never fell disastrously in love with his childhood best friend. He freezes when he sees the expression on Sora’s face. 
“I just post for fun,” Sora says softly, biting his lip. “I’ll stop posting while we're training, if that'll make you feel-”
“It’s fine,” Riku says. “Do what you want. It doesn’t concern me.”
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writingforfishes · 5 months
Just a quick small list of hiccup onomatopoeias (and more!) before I go to bed tonight.
If anyone has a favorite or additional ones to add, feel free!
hic hup huck hip
huck-ah hick'm hup-ah higgup hup'm huck-uck huck'l
Classic Variations:
hilp hulp hilk uck up hulk hack hock hurk hurp
Muffled and Suppressed Grab Bag:
mp hmp mk hmk hmpk h'muck hum'k shmk
Grunts and Groans Add-ons:
Mm Uh Ugh Ooh Oof Oh
Optional Interjections:
Sorry Scuse me That was loud... Crap Pardon Really sorry about this...
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Points at you. 10 and/or 11 for starstruck?
Two starstruck asks,,,,,,joy of joys,,
Part of an ask game linked here.
#10. What's an au you have for them?
Since them meeting at all is technically an AU i have 3 different ways that they do meet up. There's the one where Juniper ends up with the agency/adjacent to and ends up working with Reggie (have written a fic with this). The next one is Juniper surviving but basically going stealth and living as normal of a life as he can and ending up meeting Reggie through chance (most recent fic I've written). And then there's my personal favourite where Reginald "You're lucky my tracking skills are still up to snuff" Crane keeping himself busy after Phoenix was MIA and finding Juniper still alive (fic I want to write but haven't started mainly because it may end up multi chapter).
In terms of more AU canon bending taking them and putting them in a completely unrelated situation...I have a guilty pleasure Warrior Cats AU for IEYTD in general. Both JJ and Reggie have perfect warrior cats suffixes in their names already (Juniper and Crane) so they're called Junipersong (charcoal bengal) and Craneflight (tabby Norwegian forest cat). It's very silly but the amount of scenes I have in my mind for it...good lord...
#11. How was their first kiss like?
Augh my friend Imp wrote an absolutely excellent fic about it (tragically in the realm of unfinished Google docs) and I'm shaking their hand about it so hard. Basically Juniper kissing Reggie but he like wasn't ready/fully expecting it and Juniper absolutely panicking because he thinks he's misread every interaction between them both since they got closer. The second one is much sweeter though,,
#realised i phrased all the fics ive written like those ghosts that haunted scrooge#ah yes the fic of starstuck past#the fic of starstruck present and the fic of starstruck yet to come. it's so dumb#and uhh for the warrior cats thing um. of course they aren't purebreds minus Juniper who used to be a kittypet (housecat) but -#- it was moreso for easy description#reggie is fluffy but he's not quite maine coonf fluffy...norwegan forest cat was a nice middle ground...still gets big guy points too#also um side note roxanix in that au um. they adopted a kit as a stand in for robutler in that au......#also solaris is a VERY grumpy warrior turned medicine cat annnnd thats about all I have fully hashed out in my mind for it so far#im so torn abt also having triple threat.....extra large polycule where phoenix is just intimidated by the others prism is dating lmao#ANYWAYS ENOUGH ABOUT THE WARRIOR CATS AU#can you tell I have a special interest in cats/warrior cats. oh how I miss drawing cats. but I must learn people. for the brainworms...ouuu#i don't have much else to say on that second question other than....AUUUUUUGH they're so. there's so much pent up stuff.#like for JJ it's the first time he's let himself actually love another man the way he wants to while for Reggie it's a lot of -#- realising JJ is trying to be a better person while still ackowleging the fact that he did bad??? basically second chance yada yada#man. i love these two#ik im a broken ass reccord but I've never proactively posted abt them outside the last couple months and it's been so theraputic#ty for the ask it was fun :3c#ieytd#starstruck#junicrane#ask game#not tagging them specifically I don't wanna clog up tags too much#god WHY do i have such an issue eith that. mental issue. anyways
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gamequeenanya · 1 year
Security Breach: The Collab Fic! - Violet’s Version (Part 1)
Summary: A girl named Pocket has a birthday today. The animatronics in the Pizzaplex help her celebrate, along with a slew of other friends! But what happens when the Moon gets tickled? Chaos, naturally!
(Note: Since Pocket cancelled this fic, I offered to write it instead, and she gave me permission! This fanfic is the one with YOUR OCs in it! All OCs belong to their respective owners. Enjoy!)
It was a busy day in the Pizzaplex. There were so many customers that they had to close the pizza stand early because they ran out of dough. But it was also a special day in the Pizzaplex because it was the One Year Grand Opening!
There was one girl working in the Pizzaplex as a writer for many stories that would be told about the animatronics here. Her name was Pocket. She had brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and was about average height. She was really cute, and she loved her job as a writer. However it was difficult finding her passion again. You see, she had trouble saying "no" to people and the story requests kept piling up. So she felt trapped trying to write things to please other people instead of focusing on the things that made her happy.
One day she passed by the Daycare in front of the slide, and she met someone. It was her friend, Glamrock Freddy.
"Hello Pocket!" He said enthusiastically. Then he noticed the look on her face. "Oh. What's wrong, Superstar?"
She sighed. "Hey Freddy. It's all this work I have to do..."
Freddy offered a hug. "There there; it's okay. We'll find a way to help you, Superstar."
She nodded, hugging Freddy. "Thank you..."
Some loud laughter was heard from the daycare. Curiously, Freddy went over to check it out. Pocket followed him. When they were at the fun slide, she went first. Sliding down the slide and feeling a rush of excitement as she went fast. It was like being a kid again.
Glamrock Freddy called out to see if she was alright. She called back.
“I’m fine!”
Swimming through the pit, she found the source of the noise. It was the Daycare Attendant Sun laughing as many people tickled him. Among them were Nova: a purple haired cat girl, Insanity: a pale ginger, Rando: a punk goth with half his head shaved, Rain: someone with blue eyes and long hair, Travis: someone with vitiligo and an all-black outfit, Aenz: someone with pink hair and pink/white clothes, Ash: someone with black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin, Bee: someone with dark hair and skin, who wore a yellow shirt and black and yellow Pikachu ears, Mizuki: a girl with purple hair, green eyes, and a purple outfit.
And while some people tickled him, others preferred to watch. Some of them giggling while doing so. The people watching were Smileheart: a redhead with pink skin, A: a guy with black ripped skinny jean overalls, and Joker: a tall man with brown hair, black eyes, and a caramel skin tone.
“OHOHOHOHOOOOHOOO GOOHOOHOOOHOOODNESS!!” He shrieked. There must have been about ten people there, poking his sides, back, belly, and upper torso. “STAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHP! PLEHEEHEHEHHEEHEHEEHEASE!”
Pocket giggled. Just another day at the Pizzaplex. “Hey guys!” She called out, waving to them.
“Oh, hey Pocket!” They all said, waving back.
Seeing as they were busy waving to their friend, Sun took this opportunity to get them back, skittering his fingers along their sides.
They shrieked loudly, all running in circles to try and either get away or form a counter strike. Some of them got far enough to escape Sun’s amazing tickles. Most weren’t so lucky.
“A tickly Sun is on the loose!” Mizuki cried, and ran to the light switch. She turned the lights off. “Bye bye!”
Everyone gasped, a sinking feeling going through them at realizing what happened.
“Ahhhhhhhhh! Noooooooooo!” Sun shrieked. “What have you done?!” He fell to the ground and struggled, weakened by the dark.
“Sun…?” Mizuki said. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly, Sun sprang to his feet. But he wasn’t Sun anymore.
“Ohooooohooooooo!” Moon said. “Big mistake…!”
He wiggled his fingers and chased the screaming crowd. Scooping Ash, Smileheart, and Travis into his arms, he tickled their bellies. They scream-laughed, pushing at his fingers, trying to get loose.
Mizuki puffed out her chest. “Not so fast, Mr. Moon! I know your weakness!”
She sneaked around behind him and tickled behind his knees.
He screamed and let go of the captives, hands going to protect his sides.
“Hey, he’s ticklish too!” A cried, and he proceeded to poke and prod Moon’s hypersensitive torso.
“Wow, you’re worse than Sun!” Joker teased. That made Moon squeal even harder.
Meanwhile, Scott’s hair was drying in the Salon. Glamrock Chica was there now, feeling a little lonely. Being a former security guard at Freddy’s, he was at least 60 now, though his beauty shone through even at this age. He had thick grey hair, was average height, and was slightly underweight.
He used to be the Phone Guy. Now he was an undercover investigator.
He never took his eyes off Chica, feeling uneasy. It wasn’t fair of course, since she’d never done anything to him, but she understood the trauma he must have been through. She moved slowly as she undid his hair curlers.
It was Scott who started the conversation.
“Hey Chica, how’s it going?”
She perked up at him speaking to her. “Oh, I’m fine! Never been better!” She spoke too quickly and grinned a little too wide. Maybe she would have convinced an ordinary person, but Scott could tell when someone was lying.
“Oh. Uh, listen. If there’s something on your mind, I’ll be here to uh, listen.” He said slowly, wanting to be kind.
She finished with his hair and sat in the chair next to him, ready to clear her mind of woes.
Roxanne Wolf stomped around the track.
Chica’s words echoed in her head. She’d told Roxy she spent too much time in front of the mirror these days, and they hardly spent time together.
Obviously Chica was being silly! After all, she needed that time in front of the mirror. How else would she convince herself she was beautiful…?!
She tried not to think of something else in their life that would have affected her behaviour. Instead she kept stomping around the track. She didn’t look where she was going and almost ran into someone.
“Hey, careful!!”
The person stopped and looked up at her. It was Shannon, one of Pocket’s best friends.
“Wait, you’re Roxy!” She said. “I love you!”
Roxy was about to send the person away but stopped and grinned.
“Of course you do. I’m the best!” She flipped her green hair to show off. “So, are you interested in learning to race?”
Shannon nodded.
There were a couple of other fans watching as well named Sofia and Nicole. They decided to stay and watch Roxy too.
Meanwhile Glamrock Freddy was dealing with something of his own. Pocket was following the crowd’s example and had started to poke Freddy’s upper torso where his ribs would be. And to make things worse, more friends of Pocket’s had shown up! Fluff and Ray were tickling Freddy’s hips and legs.
“Hahahahahaahhahahahaha! Superstar~!” He giggled. And then Nova came up and tickled along his hips. “Hey, wahahahahahaaait!” Freddy cried. “That’s not fair!”
Then Moon, who’d managed to escape the naughty people’s fingers, ran over and scooped up Pocket, Bee, and Rain. He ran through the Pizzaplex, laughing like a gremlin.
“I’ve got the birthday girl! Ahahaahahahaaaahaaa! Your party will be ruined!”
Freddy and the crowd gasped.
“Not so fast! We’ll save her!”
And they chased after Moon, who was giggling as he tickled the current captives. He mostly went for the sides, belly, and neck.
Moon ran all the way to the Raceway.
Seeing him and the laughing captives, Roxy got an idea. As she finished her safety lesson in the parked car she was showing them, she wiggled her paw pads.
“And when you’re driving, never ever let yourself get distracted.”
Giving Sofia and Nicole some playful pokes, she relished in their squeals. Shannon just preferred to watch, and smiled.
Meanwhile, Chica told Scott her woes. She talked about how concerned she was with how distant Roxy was. How she was spending too much time in the mirror and was neglecting their friendship. Scott felt for her and offered some comfort.
She accepted the hug, pulling him in close, and felt him stiffen.
“Oh. Heh!” He tried to make himself calm, assuring himself that Chica was in Safe Mode. It was nice and quiet for a while. He patted her back.
“Yeah, uhh… Is there an animatronic therapist around here?” He wondered. “Cause uh, to me it sounds like Roxy is suffering. Maybe she needs to talk about whatever is troubling her?”
“Maybe…” Chica said, looking away. “I guess I didn’t notice it, I thought she was being selfish. But not too long ago, one of our band mates was in a tragic accident…”
Scott chuckled despite everything. “Yeah. That’ll do it.”
There was a small bot in the Pizzaplex as well. All he wanted was to give people maps – as well as scaring people with his little jumpscare. He did the same thing when an unsatisfied customer wanted a refund.
Seeing some people rush by, he offered his map. But Moon was the one carrying them and he ran right past, bumping into Map Bot and making him spin around in circles.
A visitor named Juno noticed poor Map Bot and came over to steady him.
“Hey… Are you okay?”
Map Bot beeped with a nod. He seemed confused by the affection.
Juno checked him over for any damage to his casing, feeling around the area his ribs would be. The bot started to giggle.
Chuckling, Juno continued, checking the belly and spine area. Map Bot laughed, wrapping his arms around his waist. Finally Juno got to his hips. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Please stop!” He said robotically. The visitor obliged, now seeing what was going on. There was a smile on their face.
“Don’t worry, you only have a few scratches on your casing. Your mechanic should have no problem!”
Map Bot sighed in relief.
“Thank you. Moon does not usually barrel past like that.” Reaching into his bag, he then offered a gift. “Now please, take a map! Free map.”
(End of Part 1!)
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olymphianblood · 1 month
ok guys its not funny anymore when is d&p hard lauching im starting to getting anxious /hj
#this is mostly in jest bc idk if they will and im okay with that they do what they feel comfortable and their life is none of my business#but if they plan to. can they do it faster. had a moment rewatching BIG where it got to me... wow... theyve had something REALLY special#for 15 years huh. dan is finally living his truth and a life happier than before but during this journey he had phil at a such important#point of his life. they endured so much. and probably fucked up in between bc we humans arent perfect and thats ok we make mistakes even if#they might hurt the person we love but hey. they persevered and now are thriving even more than before#and i got so emotional like... dudes... i want to tell you both thru the means where is possible for me that im so proud and so happy#for you both and you work and your journey and for experiencing pure queer joy that all queer people deserve#BUT LIKE AS MUCH AS ALL OF IT IS OBVIOUS AND SERIOUSLY DONT EVEN NEED A VERBAL CONFIRMATION ITS CLEARLY AS ITS PRESENTED#IDK I FEEL LIKE THEY HARDLAUNCHING WOULD GIVE LIKE. A SENSE OF PERMISSION FOR ME.#LIKE HEY WERE CHOOSING OURSELVES TO TELL YOU THIS INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PRIVATE LIFE#AND NOW YOURE FREE TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE WE WANT TO HAVE A UPPERHAND ON THIS ON OUR PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP#SO ITS A BOUNDARY FOR US AND FOR YOU#AND ILL BE LIKE THANK YOU FOR THE PERMISSION. SO HAPPY FOR YOU MARRIAGE OF 15 YEARS#idk guys im weird i genuinely just like to treat celebrities like theyre just another human being i find while i go on about my day#it even took me a while to read phan rpf fics not bc i thought it was like OOOO PROBLEMATIQUE but bc i felt genuinely guilty even tho i#joined the phan bandwagon back in the day#i only let myself joke nowadays bc theyre more open and comfortable with it and such so like... i allowed myself for that and the jokes#but still. o|-< i get embarassed sometimes just bc theyve not publicaly disclosed what ARE they NOW (outside of all the soulmate metaphors)#its not a them problem tho its a me problem im too empathic for no reason#ANYWAYS SORRY FOR YAPPING ON THE TAGS CAN YOU TELL I MANAGED TO BUY MY ADHD MEDS AGAIN#j.txt
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stonerwitch · 10 months
i didn’t know if you’d care if i came back (i have a lot of regrets about that)
summary: kate can’t leave seth, even if he wants her to.
a/n: this is also available on my ao3 and i would worship the ground you walk on if you commented or gave me a lil kudos over there https://archiveofourown.org/works/51804403
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Kate had been driving for a whole day before she slams her foot on the break, angrily sighing and putting the car in reverse. She makes her way back to the motel, thumbs nervously tapping the steering wheel and blood still caked onto her face.
He’s probably not even there anymore, she thinks.
Before she knows it she’s pulling up to their room. The light’s still on, so Kate’s hopeful that he’s still there. She grabs the bag of money Seth rudely shoved into her arms the day before and uses the room key she still had to get inside. Surprisingly, he’s still there. He’s passed out—high as a kite, but he’s there. She locks the door behind her and closes the blinds, sets her bags down on the table and makes her way towards Seth.
Seth. The name sounds bittersweet on her tongue.
Seth. The man who kidnapped her and her family. The man who had a gun pointed at her head, more than once. The man who hijacked her family vacation. The man who protected her from monsters. The man who came back for her and her daddy even though he didn’t need to. The man she ran away with. The man who aggravates her to no end. The man who makes her feel safe and not alone. The man who holds her late at night, whispering words of comfort as she falls asleep.
Kate doesn’t really understand how Seth can be all of those things to her. How can the man who took her hostage be the reason she’s able to sleep at night? She doesn’t like to dwell on that thought, likes to file it away in her mind and do her best to ignore it.
She’s tucking pillows on either side of him, something she started after Seth shot up and almost choked on his own vomit. Once Kate is done, she grabs her bag and walks into the bathroom. She turns the shower to the hottest setting it has and starts to peel off her bloody clothes, which now feel like they’ve grafted to her skin. The shower lasts until the hot water runs out, scrubbing her face until it’s red and the skin is irritated. When she’s done, she decides to forgo her own dirty clothes, instead choosing to steal one of Seths undershirts and putting on a clean pair of underwear. Kate knows he’ll be knocked out for at least a few more hours, so she settles on a chair at the table and flicks through the channels on the tv mindlessly until she finds something decent to watch while she waits for him to wake up.
The first Lord of the Rings movie had just ended and the second one was beginning. It was in Spanish but she’d watched the series enough to know the words well enough in her head. When she hears Seth waking up, she mutes the tv and kneels on the ground in front of the bed where he’s laying, her hand finding its way to his cheek.
Seth smiles when he opens his eyes, thinking he’s hallucinating. When he sees the concern on her face, he realizes he’s not hallucinating at all. Pushing her away, he staggers to the other side of the room and rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Thought you left.”
“I didn’t leave.”
He tilts his head, “You literally drove away.”
“Yeah, I did. After you stupidly gave me your half of the money. And, you know, after you literally walked away from me?”
Seth thinks he might be going insane. “Are you actually here right now? I’m not still high? Or dreaming?”
She’s taking small steps towards him now, her hands balled up into fists like she’s trying with everything she has not to knock him out for being so stupid. Instead, she softly replies, “Yes, I’m really here.”
There’s a pregnant pause, like he’s trying to figure out if he believes her. “Why?”
“You’re all I’ve got, Seth. And maybe it’s fucked up but, I care about you.”
The confusion on his face is evident, because Kate Fuller is too good for a common thief like Seth Gecko. Why the fuck would she come back for someone like him? He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand it, but he’s grateful for it. Doesn’t even think he can manage a coherent response. Instead, he pulls her in for a hug, his neck craning down as he settles his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. Strawberries and peaches. He lets himself enjoy the one-sided hug for another moment before he pulls away.
“That is pretty fucked up.” He’s trying to ease the tension, he fucking hates emotional talks, but even he can agree that that was probably one of the dumbest responses he could’ve come up with.
Kate just wordlessly glares at him.
Seth sighs. “Jesus…I’m not good at this.” A beat. “I’m sorry. For everything. I didn’t mean what I said back there. I was pissed and I took it out on you. You were in danger because of me, almost died again because of me. I thought you’d be better off.”
“I’m alive because of you. If you weren’t there, I’d be dead.”
“Rafa saved you.”
She sighs, “He’s dead, Seth. Do you really still need to be jealous of him? You’ve saved me other times and you know that. If the danger of being with you scared me that much then I never would’ve asked to come with you.”
“I’m not—”
Kate raises a brow, telling him I know you’re lying without saying a word.
“Christ… Okay, maybe I was. That’s not– that’s not the point. You’ve been put in so much danger since you met me. Doesn’t that bother you? I literally kidnapped you and got your family killed. Why are you even still here?” Seth questions, still in disbelief that an angel such as Kate Fuller even wants to talk to him, let alone have any kind of relationship with him.
“Of course it bothers me. You can’t even begin to understand the weight of this, of how I feel. Like I’m betraying my family. What happened isn’t your fault, I know it would’ve happened whether you took us or not, but I still feel guilty. Still feel like I’m betraying them. And more so I feel insane for finding safety and comfort in the man who took me as a hostage.” Kate can still see the confusion on his face and sighs, dragging him to the bed. She settles herself on his lap and places a gentle hand on each side of his face, forcing him to look her in the eye. “I don’t fully understand it, maybe I never will. But I can’t imagine my life without you and I don’t want to. Maybe that’s just how you know you love someone, but we’re in this together whether you like it or not.”
Seths entire body stiffens, his hands placed firmly on Kates hips. “I don’t–I don’t understand.”
“Seth Gecko, listen to me very closely. I love you. And I know you probably think that’s naive and crazy and I probably have stockholm syndrome and how could I possibly love someone who took me hostage but, I do. I love you. Like, really love you. And whether you admit it to me or not, I know you feel the same.”
A few minutes pass and he finds himself staring at the muted tv in front of them while Kate fiddles with the hem of Seths shirt. He knows he feels the same. He’s known it for months. He also knows he’s a bastard and a bad man and everything Kate shouldn’t love. She’s an angel and he’s an old man who drove away with her. He took her because he wanted her and ended up ruining her life, her family. Her fathers dead and her brothers a blood sucking monster just like Richie. It’s all his fault even though she’s constantly telling him it’s not. But he’s selfish and always has been.
He doesn’t deserve her or her love, but he takes it anyway.
Because that’s just who he is.
He takes and takes and takes.
And Jesus Christ he loves Kate Fuller and doesn’t think there will ever be a time in his life where he doesn’t. So, he swallows what pride he has left and tells her because she deserves to hear it; whether he’s ready to admit it or not.
“I’ve never loved anyone more.” And it’s true. He hasn’t been in many long term relationships, and even though he used to try and convince himself that he loved Vanessa, he didn’t. Not really. Especially not like this. Not like the blooming he feels in his heart when Kate so much as looks at him. With both hands cradling her face, he spills his heart out to the girl in front of him. The girl he loves. He thinks it’s weird to say out loud. Hasn’t said it (and meant it) to anyone but his brother in years. He thinks it’s kinda liberating.
Kates heart skips a beat, her eyes widen and she lets a soft gasp escape her lips. “Really?” Seth nods, pulling her arms to wrap around his neck while he hums in response. “Wow. I must be pretty special, huh?” The brunette smirks at him, teasing.
Seth chuckles at her joke, “You’re somethin’ else, you know that? Yeah, angel, you’re pretty special.”
Kate just fucking beams at him. Pearly whites sparkling in the moonlight that spilled in through the curtains, her dimples making her look absolutely adorable.
They bask in their confessed love for a moment, a pink hue finding a home in Kates cheeks–giddy with happiness. She leans in to whisper, voice filled with nerves. “Does that mean you’ll finally kiss me?”
Seth scoffs, cause what kind of fucking question is that? “Princess, I thought you’d never ask.”
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Any of you ever have those moments of "Damn, that would've been a great sentence if my fan fic hadn't been dead for, hmmm, ten years."
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lunacornfan2k24 · 10 months
A small fandom: Why isn’t there more fics of these characters???
Me: Hi! I’m a prominent writer in the fandom and I know I’m known for writing for one ship/characters but I’m looking to expand to other ships and characters and would like ideas from people to do it!
The same people: *ignores my post and doesn’t submit any fic requests*
The same people: Why aren’t there more fics of these characters???
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hum--hallelujah · 11 months
TSKOM Crab is both an absolute little shit who’d pickpocket you just because he’s bored and never passes up a chance to screw with somebody, the sweetest guy around who’d stay by someone’s side while they throw up their guts and calls Sandman and Benze baby because he knows it makes them feel loved, and the most ruthless, terrifying bitch you could ever dread to come across when he’s pushed to that breaking point. all things to all people, or something like that.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
Celechwes Fixes the Noldor
Chapter 14: Celechwes in Aman (An Epilogue of Sorts) (Part 1)
There is a Celechwes LOOSE in Aman! She’s never been here before, no one knows what she’s going to do next, least of all Celechwes.
(Concerning events from approximately 2,000 SA to approximately 10 TA)
For nearly four hundred years, Rawen Ectheliel had been Maedhros’s second-in-command of Himring, fort and territory, and thus, implicitly, somewhere between second- and seventh-in-command of all East Beleriand. She was one of the most unshakably competent people Celechwes knew, and if they’d never been particular friends, they were comfortable allies in both maintaining peace, from enemies and Eldar alike, and in reminding Maedhros to do things like eat and rest.
Rawen, too, had died in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. But she’d returned to life several centuries earlier than Celechwes. Celechwes had been given rooms in Tirion’s royal palace for her first time in the city. When Rawen visited and asked for a private word, Celechwes didn’t hesitate to invite her in.
No sooner was the door closed behind them than Rawen went to one knee before her.
“My Lady,” she said, in the same way she’d once said, My Lord, which in any other political landscape would have been, My King.
“Oh, no,” Celechwes said in refusal and dismay. “No, absolutely not. I didn’t put on so much effort to stop this nonsense at home just to deal with it here!” She pulled Rawen back to her feet. “Arafinwë-Finarfin seems like a perfectly good king—if you insist on my authority in anything, accept it when I say: cede to his!”
[keep reading on AO3]
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roots-of-asphodel · 2 years
every few months i go down a my immortal rabbit hole and regret it sincerely bc it means i pull an all nighters due to sheer autism
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malkaviian · 2 years
for some reason i am thinking that, if my ocs had a fandom, chase would be the character who mostly gets "i can fix him" type of x reader fanfics
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