#specially made amulet holder
musubiki · 6 months
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recently thinking of changing the aesthetic of madam springs
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whywishesarehorses · 2 years
Two Lives Long Harnessed Together, Until One Could Not Go On
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Rush may have been the longest-lived thoroughbred in American history when he died at 39. For three decades, his owner said, “He would fight for me, and I would fight for him.”
A New York Times Article, written by Mike Wilson, published on Nov 22, 2022.
WINDSOR, Conn. — Bridget Eukers paused in the barn, her thoughts seemingly far away, and touched her horse’s halter like an amulet. On the floor just outside his empty stall lay a scattering of yellow chrysanthemums left by a sympathetic friend.
Eukers explained she hadn’t often used the halter on the horse. She and Rush had an understanding.
“I would only really put it on to exercise him because we could go in and out of the barn without it,” she said, her fingers lingering on a strap. “I would just put my hand on his mane and we’d walk in and out.”
It had been just over a week since Rush had died on the concrete floor a few feet from where she stood. Eukers was still grieving, but also celebrating Rush’s extraordinary legacy. He was 39 years and 188 days old when he died, making him perhaps the longest-lived thoroughbred ever in the United States.
The record is hard to pin down. The Jockey Club, the industry’s breed registry, does not keep longevity statistics, so people in horse racing go by word of mouth. The horse thought to be the previous American record-holder was 38 years and 203 days old when he died in 2016, according to the racing publication BloodHorse, which first reported Rush’s death. An Australian thoroughbred lived to be 42, according to Guinness World Records. A typical thoroughbred lives into its late 20s.
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Whatever Rush’s rank among senior horses, his death marked the end of a 30-year partnership — Eukers’s word — with horse and owner showing a level of dedication to each other that would be extraordinary for any two beings, equine or human.
“He would fight for me, and I would fight for him,” Eukers said. “Whether it’s your relationship with your horse, with your friends, or with your life partner, that’s what it comes down to. You’ll fight for me, and I’ll fight for you.”
They forged their relationship competing in equestrian events. Six days a week for six years, separated only by a saddle, they honed their skills, moving fluidly together and soaring over obstacles, three feet high at first and then three and a half. For Eukers, being with her horse became a way of life.
She attended college close to home so she could stay near Rush, turned down jobs that would have cut into her time with him, didn’t socialize much and never went on vacation. The longest she ever spent away from Rush was one week, for a school trip.
In return, he gave her joy by carrying her on his back — around show rings and across Windsor’s quilt of farmlands, often at a thundering pace fit for a racetrack. “It really is a special thrill to feel a racing thoroughbred at full speed underneath you. It’s just magic,” she said.
Beyond that, he gave her a purpose, and a measure of peace. The simple routines of feeding Rush, cleaning his stall and giving him medicine made her feel useful and freed her mind. He was a job she loved doing. “It’s one of those Zen things,” Eukers said. “You have that rhythm, and it somehow centers your life.”
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Through all of life’s challenges — angst about the prom, hard days at work, dates that didn’t happen, her father’s death — Rush was there for her. Eukers said she occasionally wept into his neck. He actually didn’t love that.
“He would sit and listen,” she said, “but he would get to a certain point that was like, ‘OK Mom, you cried. We’re good. I’m going to go have my hay now.’”
The horse who became known as Rush was foaled in Kentucky on May 4, 1983. He was sold as a yearling for $60,000 ($170,000 today) and registered as Dead Solid Perfect. He ran 16 times and won once, in 1986 at the Meadowlands, according to the horse racing statistics site Equibase, with the Hall of Fame jockey Julie Krone up. After his racing career, he was sold to a new owner and trained in dressage.
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Eukers’s parents bought the horse for her when she was in her early teens. Already named Rush, he was a beautiful athlete, Eukers said, with massive shoulders that swayed like a lion’s when he walked. He was also a scaredy cat, unnerved at different times by flowers, squirrels and a mosquito lamp.
“His mission in life at that point was to worry about things and he was really good at it,” Eukers said.
They grew to understand each other. She fed and groomed him and protected him from everyday objects. And when she asked him to clear a fence, he did, even though he was afraid.
“If I asked him to try, he would always try, and he would try and try,” she said. She still keeps the ribbons they won in riding competitions.
Eukers believes Rush’s diet contributed to his longevity. At 30, he indicated that he wanted a change from commercial horse feed. (“He started to tell me: ‘You know what? This just doesn’t work.’”) She began giving him organic meals of alfalfa pellets and whole grains. When the grains were too hard for Rush to chew, she turned them to mush in a slow cooker.
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Last week, she still had two bags of bright green hay in the back of her car. It was made for guinea pigs, but Rush liked it.
Eukers stopped riding Rush when he was 35. He was still able to carry her, she said, but she now had a different priority: Her father had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Caring for Rush had to be balanced with researching treatments for her dad and just being with him. When her father died in 2019, she said, Rush was no longer fit to be ridden.
The once-brown horse was now mostly gray. He spent his days at Windsor Hunt Stables under an apple tree, communing with dogs named Wilson and Lola, red-winged blackbirds, wrens, a yellow barn cat and a quarter horse called Cowboy, who stole his hay.
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Day after day, Eukers walked Rush up and down the little hill next to the barn, steering him away from the gravel path because the stones hurt his feet. She massaged him with essential oils while he napped. She tied a rope to him and had him trot in a circle around her. She experimented with all kinds of dietary supplements, and Dr. Michael Stewart, Rush’s veterinarian for more than 20 years, gave him steroids to keep him strong.
People would ask Eukers how old Rush was, and when she told them, they would follow up with what she considered an indelicate question: “How long do horses live?”
Last summer, Rush somehow hit his head when he was alone. Eukers could tell by the swelling and his behavior. It took him a long time to recover. He also suffered from an abscess on his left front hoof and persistent breathing difficulties. Amid it all, Cowboy, his companion of 14 years, died at 26, leaving Rush bereft.
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About that time, Eukers, who worked in administration for an aerospace company, began receiving frequent texts at work alerting her that Rush was lying down, and she’d have to hurry to help him.
It is fine for horses to lie down, Dr. Stewart said in an interview, but because of the way their digestive systems work, they must get up to survive. Eukers always managed to get Rush back on his feet, often with help, but as time passed she felt less and less comfortable leaving him alone. She began to spend nights in the barn, placing a chair outside Rush’s stall and wrapping herself in horse blankets as she listened to his breathing.
“You and I would be lucky to have somebody care for us like she cared for him,” Dr. Stewart said.
On the night of Nov. 7, Eukers stayed with Rush until late, then went home to get a couple of hours’ sleep in her bed. When she returned at 5:30 a.m., Rush was down, spilling out of his stall onto the cold barn floor. Eukers called her mother, then Dr. Stewart. For hours they worked to get him up, but the cramped space and the slope of the floor worked against them.
In recent years, Eukers said, people often told her that animals can sense when they are dying. He’ll tell you when it’s time, they would say to her. But Rush didn’t do that, she said. Even after she rubbed his forehead and told him, “You’ve done enough, you don’t have to try anymore,” he kept struggling to lift his head and scrabbling to get his feet under him.
Finally, Eukers asked Dr. Stewart if he thought this was the end, and when he said yes, she made her decision. She had fought for Rush as long as she could. She knew that even if they got him up, they would be back here again soon, and Rush would be suffering, and he would try for her again.
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glitterpensupremacy · 6 months
So what are your powers for the original miraculous and your oc firefly?
Sorry for the late answer! Let’s see if this suffices:
(To save time, I’ll be only go into detail about the changes made to kwami’s powers. Wayzz, Trixx, and Kaalki stay the same, so I won’t be mentioning them. Most of the other kwami have only minor differences, but there are a few major ones.)
Tikki - Loses the ability to purify akumas, retains Lucky Charm, and retains the ability to create protective items (though it takes a bit of time to unlock this power) which will be referred to as amulets. Retains the ability to use Miraculous Ladybug, but due to… a new aspect of the power… it will be used more sparingly past the midpoint of the first season.
Plagg - Gains the ability to purify akumas (destroying the evil in them), but doesn’t unlock the power immediately, retains Cataclysm, and gains a new power called Wildcat, which powers up the user and allows them to be more powerful in combat (think obligatory super forms). However, like Miraculous Ladybug, this power will only be used sparingly from the second half of the first season (for… similar reasons as the Miraculous Ladybugs).
Pollen - Instead of tagging an enemy with their hand (or the top thingy, I forget), the bee holder can create a special trap that, if triggered by their opponent, will contain them until the bee holder detransforms (still working on a title for the power, but it might have something to do with honey/being sticky, as that’s the trap will likely resemble. Maybe Amber (the tree sap that sometimes traps insects)?
Nooroo - I imagine the power is mostly the same, however HM will have a tighter grip on his akumas than in canon, breaking free from an akuma will only be possible in extremely specific circumstances. This level of control over his victims isn’t natural though; instead, it’s a result of his years of knowledge and experience of using the miraculous. Lastly, it will be possible for him to create an akuma while another one is out there, but he can’t make one while controlling an akuma villain, and the multiple Stonehearts or an equivalent with a different akuma won’t be possible (essentially, the consequence of not purifying an akuma is different in MTS).
Duusu - Again, the same-ish power, but with a few new mechanics. Firstly, the peacock holder cannot destroy a sentisapien without being in possession of their item. The peacock will be able to suspend (recall a sentisapien back into the peacock miraculous) and sent them back out again. (I also imagine that a senti’s amok would be far more durable than when it was a normal item. Maybe they can only be destroyed with magic?)
Mullo - Technically the power is the exact same (split into multiples, the size of the multiples depending on how many are there), but it would have a different name like Array, Divisor, or Quotient. Something more division-related.
Stompp - I might keep the name Resistance, but the power is pretty much the opposite of what it is in the original show. The ox is now immune to all physical attacks but not immune to magical ones. (Ex: Style Queen can turn Minotaurox into gold, but if she were to hit him with a crane, he’d be completely unharmed.)
Roarr - The power might still be called Clout, but it has the ability to energize the holder’s entire body instead of making a single large punch. (Theoretically, the tiger holder can choose to concentrate most of the energy in a single body part, like the arm or leg, but that isn’t the default.)
Fluff - Still Burrow, but the rabbit miraculous cannot change/alter other timelines, just the one they’re from. They can change the timeline in a certain way, but they usually restore it to the status quo in the end, as the results of tampering with the timeline tend to be… unpleasant. (The concept is preservation, and the bunny miraculous is usually used to ensure that certain events happen as they’re supposed to.) Maybe there is a miraculous out there that deals with alternate timelines, but it won’t be this one.
Longg - Still the three storm elements (wind, rain/water, lightning), but instead of resembling the holder turned into the element, they’d look more like a dragon. (Purely an aesthetic difference.)
Sass - Pretty sure the power is going to be called Deja Vu, and is more of a seeing the future power than a turning back time one. (Oh, and he can’t use it infinitely like he can in canon.)
Ziggy - The goat’s power will be to turn intangible (and turn tangible again) at will. (I’m thinking the name will be something like Poltergoat or simply Goatst. Or I might just have one of the names without the silly pun.)
Xuppu - Still Uproar, but like with Longg, there’s an aesthetic difference. Less focus on comedy, more on chaos (but still cancels/sabotages an opponent’s power, just not with the goofy gimmick aspect of it).
Orikko - The rooster’s power will be sound oriented (think Black Canary from DC). As for the name, probably something like Screech or Squawk (perhaps with an adjective in front of it).
Barkk - (I ended up giving this one a complete overhaul too.) Primary Care has the ability to heal any living thing, (I’m still in debate with the other person working on this thing on whether it can continuously heal the person until deactivated, or if it immediately heals them to a set amount upon being used.) Either way, a person will be healed more if the dog holder has an especially strong attachment to them, and they need to be in contact with someone in order to heal them.
Daizzi- Quite similar to canon, the pig can incapacitate people by showing them one of their desires. Only now, the power is called Daydream, and will cause those under its influence to fall asleep.
And now… my OC!!!
Flicc: The power will either be called Highlight or Spotlight, and will reveal something important to the holder by lighting up relevant information. (Ex: If she’s trying to find someone and uses her power, magic glowing footprints will appear wherever they’ve walked. I could also see it being used to descramble or translate messages and other stuff.)
Oh boy, this was a long one… Anyway, thank you for your ask and I will clarify anything that came off as confusing or vague (unless I was being mysterious on purpose… MUHAHAHA!!!)
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the-land-of-dreams · 11 months
Okay, I saw this on my dash just now, and I have immediately fallen in love with Clo.
I love how much more complex her 963 is, and how the host lasts a lot longer, plus the crystalline decay at the end is great.
What's her personality like? I'm really curious!
WAAAAAAAAAAAA TYSM ;O; THEY'RE SO SPECIAL TO ME AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THEM Clo's personality is uh, basically a mishmash of various bright characterizations i enjoyed. I think she carries herself with an air of silliness and is as casual as she can get away with, but she can be cutthroat and downright terrifying when she wants to be. She's sardonic and kind of bitchy, she's drunk the Foundation Kool-aid so hard, and doesn't have that much respect for uh, human life (or for her own physical well-being but i think that goes without saying for amulet holders) because of how many degrees of depersonalization she's under to cope with The Horrors she experiences as a site director and The Horrors that are just innate to her continued existence with 963. They come off as kind of cold and egotistical to people who don't know them, which is not a totally inaccurate assessment, but also if someone gains their trust they'll go through hell or high water for them. I think uh they're really affectionate with and protective of their friends (partly because they're very aware of how easily they could be ripped away from them), they are somehow equally terrified of how profoundly they've come to care about certain people, and terrified of ever losing that ability to care, you know? She's as loyal as a freaking dog, which is as much a vice as it is a virtue at times. They are a person who has never let anything go without leaving claw marks on it. Also she has INSANE guilt complexes and unchecked abandonment issues and a bunch of other shit going on because i swear the girlie's mental state is being held together by dirty sticky tape and spite BUT I'LL GET INTO THAT ANOTHER TIME BECAUSE I'VE GONE ON LONG ENOUGH SO UH i really hope this all made sense lol
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gobbinhalfglass · 4 months
Oh. Right. This blog exists. Funny how hobbies can get buried in life’s nonsense.
Anywho, you’re probably here for some DnD stuff, right? Let’s talk about what I call “Compulsion Curses.”
These curses are generally attached to cursed magic items, and they try to force a player to do something. But there’s an inherent problem there, one I’m sure you’ve likely picked up on.
It’s never good to remove all agency from a player like that. Sure, there’s charm effects and other such magic, but those are far more temporary than a cursed weapon or amulet. So what is a DM to do?
Firstly, write into the curse a way to quell the compulsion. This can be as simple as a Wisdom saving throw, or involve a complex and possibly expensive ritual. If you go the saving throw route, make the player character carry out the compulsion in that instance.
Second, define how long the curse remains dormant after these conditions are met. Perhaps the curse cannot compel you again for an hour after the save is successfully made, or the ritual calms it until the next full moon.
Third, write a condition under which the curse is fully lifted. Remove Curse may seem obvious, but is also uninteresting; the Remove Curse spell should not be the end-all, be-all answer to curses. Perhaps a cursed blade seeks to compel its wielder to kill in the name of the devil that made it, and only by killing that same devil with the weapon can the curse be lifted. Perhaps a cursed spell tome can be uncursed by the wizard who wrote it. Or maybe a cursed amulet must be returned to the tomb of its owner, and the holder forgiven by the ghost of said owner, to nullify the fell magic. By including these special conditions, you communicate to the players that a curse isn’t a lost cause.
Fourth and finally, let the players keep the magic item, with its positive effects, once the curse is lifted. This rewards them for the tribulation, and provides narrative recompense for anything undesirable the item compelled them to do. If you want to really hammer it home, make the item only usable by the one who endured its curse. You might even empower the item further, bolstering its positive abilities.
By using these four writing tricks, a normally unfun writing trope can become the drive for a memorable character arc and/or quest.
Hope this helps!
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sarnamg · 1 year
Important Things You Can Buy from an Online Puja Store | Sarnamg
Puja, also known as worship or prayer, holds significant importance in many cultures and religions around the world. It is a way to connect with the divine and seek blessings for various purposes. Traditionally, puja items were obtained from local stores, but with the advent of technology, online puja stores have gained popularity. These platforms offer a wide range of products that are essential for conducting rituals and ceremonies. Let’s discuss the important things you can buy from an online puja store.
Puja Kits and Packages
One of the most convenient offerings of online puja stores is the availability of puja kits and packages. These kits contain a collection of essential items required for a specific puja or ritual. They often include items like incense sticks, diyas (oil lamps), camphor, sandalwood paste, sacred threads, and more. Puja kits are designed to provide convenience and ensure that you have all the necessary items in one package, saving you time and effort.
Idols and Statues
Idols and statues play a central role in many religious rituals. Online puja stores offer a wide variety of idols and statues representing various deities such as Lord Ganesha, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Shiva, and many more. These idols are made from different materials like brass, marble, or clay. You can choose an idol that resonates with your faith and beliefs, allowing you to establish a personal connection with the divine during your puja ceremonies.
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Puja Accessories
In addition to idols and statues, online puja stores offer a range of puja accessories that enhance the spiritual ambiance of your worship space. This includes items like puja thalis (decorative trays), bells, conch shells, aarti plates, and incense holders. These accessories add beauty and elegance to your puja setup while serving practical purposes during the rituals.
Rudraksha Beads and Malas
Rudraksha beads hold immense significance in Hinduism and are believed to possess spiritual and healing properties. Online puja stores offer a wide range of Rudraksha beads and malas (prayer beads) made from these sacred seeds. Different beads are associated with specific benefits and energies, allowing you to choose the one that aligns with your intentions and spiritual needs.
Festive and Ritual-Specific Items
Online puja stores are particularly helpful during festivals and specific rituals. They offer specialized items and decorations for occasions like Diwali, Navratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, and more. These items may include decorative lights, rangoli powders, puja samagri (ingredients), and festival-specific accessories. Shopping from an online puja store ensures that you have everything you need to celebrate and perform rituals during these special occasions.
Black Magic Removal Items
In cases where individuals believe they are affected by black magic or negative energies, online puja stores offer specific items for black magic removal. These items may include protective talismans, amulets, or sacred threads. Consulting with a knowledgeable practitioner and using these items with faith can help in warding off negative energies and restoring positive vibrations.
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Part 4 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Glamour
You can call it however you want: kid's show logic, superhero disguise logic, magical girl show logic, cartoon laws, suspension of disbelief, etc. But the fact that nobody recognises Marinette, Adrien and others when they are suited up IS NOT BAD WRITING. It's one of the main laws of this genre. That's not because characters are stupid, okay? So, being frustrated that everyone in the show acts stupid about this "wearing a mask that covers only eyes" trope is strange. This criticism is not valid or fair.
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But, this trope has to make sense in-universe as a worldbuilding and narrative element.
Miraculous doesn't give us much direct information on how glamour works. And in this case, I think we need both SHOW and TELL. Because if you don't establish the glamour rules clearly, you are going to run into problems and create unfortunate implications with your storytelling choices.
Miraculous obviously gives our heroes magical glamour. In "Lady WiFi" we find out that masks can't be taken off. It's magic. No other explanation is needed.
Miraculous can slightly change the appearance of users (eyes, face shape, height and hairstyles). People can identify and notice the hairstyles of heroes (numerous Ladybug wigs, statue in Copycat). Jagged Stone points out the change of hair when he mistakes Chloe for Ladybug ("Antibug"). But it's just a costume. There is no magic that prevents Jagged from understanding that Chloe isn't Ladybug. So, how does it work? But it's forgivable because it's cartoon logic. Suspension of disbelief works here, I suppose. I won't judge this too harshly.
Glamour also obviously prevents people from making a connection that Marinette and Ladybug have identical hairstyles. So people know that Ladybug wears her hair in pigtails, but magic does not allow them to notice similarities.
Another important question. Does glamour work on Kwamis? Can they see who is behind the mask?
New York Special makes it clear that magic does not affect robots and they can see through glamour. Does that mean that Markov, AI built by Max, knows the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir? And it's never addressed.
Plagg in "Frightningale" says that holders can subconsciously choose their superhero appearance. This is actually pretty interesting and I like this idea a lot. Except the show is not consistent with this. The transformation of Master Fu looks identical to Nathalie's. And we have seen how different from each other Ladybug and Black Cat holders looked in the past. At the same time, Master Fu and Nino have different takes on Turtle superhero suit.
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Age Glamour
Does age glamour exist? Do people see Ladybug, Chat Noir and other heroes as adults even when they look like teenagers to the audience (their height and build are smaller even when they are transformed)? Is that why no one ever questions the fact that children nearly die on a daily basis?
I mentioned unfortunate implications earlier. Well, this is where they come into play. Let's talk about "Copycat". A lot of people discussed it before me, so I won't bore you with details.
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When I watched "Copycat" for the first time Theo's crush on Ladybug didn't bother me, because I thought that he sees Ladybug as his peer, a girl who is about 20-23 years old. Theo is an artist, his character design is that of an adult. He has his own studio, its appearance indicates that he did serious commissions in the past. The guy has no idea that Ladybug is like 13.
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But then we get "Heroes' Day" and "Ladybug". And Hawkmoth calls them "kids", which means that there is no age glamour. Others see Ladybug and Chat Noir as teenagers. Perhaps, other Miraculous users aren't affected by age glamour. Therefore regular people see all heroes as adults but other heroes are able to guess their age more or less correctly. But you must spell this thing out because the audience can interpret "Copycat" differently. If there is no age glamour, then Theo is crushing on a teenage girl and he is fully aware of this fact. And this doesn't look good for your show.
The "No Age Glamour" theory is further confirmed in "Sapotis" where Alya just straight up analyses voice recordings and says that Ladybug is a girl their age. If glamour exists then it should also cover technology. Kwami can't be photographed. Face and voice recognition software shouldn't be able to analyse transformed superheroes and detect their identities in any way.
Besides, after "Sapotis" Alya should definitely be sure that Ladybug is not 5000 years old (also not an adult), especially after she wore Miraculous herself and was one door away from detransformed Ladybug.
SEASON 4 UPDATE! There's no age glamour after all.
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In "Furious Fu" Su Han calls Chat Noir a child without knowing his identity. It means that everyone knows their superheroes are teenagers. "Copycat" can't be saved from that, uh, subtext anymore. No one questions the danger of their job or the balance of their lives outside of the mask. No one doubts their competence after "Origins" ever again. No one becomes annoyed after being bossed around by two teenagers in spandex. You had many opportunities to drop these details into the narrative. Someone could have been akumatized over this (I will not be ordered around by some magical kids!).
I don't know why writers decided not to use at least this idea and slightly adjust "Copycat" if they got rid of the age glamour completely. It can be explained as kid's show logic, but unfortunately, I'm reluctant to do it. If many characters sympathise with akuma victims on-screen, why not with the teenage superheroes who must fight them?
New York Special had this weird focus on collateral damage out of nowhere (the damage done by sentimonster Robostus) and yet it has 0 effect on the main story. No one in Paris is pissed that their 2 teenage protectors weren't there.
Ironically, "Furious Fu" and that one remark made by Su Han also created unfortunate implications for other moments in the show. Just hear me out. Apparently, Jagged Stone wrote a "thank you" song for Ladybug knowing that she is 13-15 year old child back in "Pixelator". Fandom is more than happy to roast Lila for lying about saving Jagged Stone's cat and him writing her a "thank you" song. Fandom claims that Lila's tale could harm Jagged's reputation, when he wrote a song for teenage Ladybug several weeks prior. Meanwhile, in-universe this lie is 100% believable.
If we put on "realism glasses", then both this whole song situation and Theo's crush in "Copycat" have uncomfortable implications. However, the show's canon can't be viewed and criticised through "realism glasses". I admit that bits and pieces of my criticisms are affected by these "glasses", but, ultimately, I'm trying to be fair and concentrate only on things that can't be justified by "cartoon logic and worldbuilding".
Could the existence of age glamour solve this problem of unfortunate implications and other concerns mentioned above? YES. Is it better for the narrative? YES. Is essential for the story? NOT QUITE. Could the absence of age glamour be called an irredeemable storytelling flaw? NO.
Disclaimer: On a side note, only older audience can notice these implications. Children, the target audience, most likely won't understand this subtext simply because they don't have enough experience. So, perhaps, this criticism is unfair, because these moments only look weird to me as an adult. It's like an adult joke in a cartoon that you don't get until you reach a certain age.
There's nothing technically wrong with adult writing a "thank you" song for a teenager. It's just an expression of gratitude. However, unfortunately, we live in a world, where adults normally wouldn't write songs for teens to express gratitude only. In real life similar actions would imply pedophilia and would be actively scorned by the public. No one would risk their reputation like that even if their intentions were genuinely pure and sincere. But this show can't be viewed through "realism glasses", because it's a cartoon and in certain cases we as the audience must use suspension of disbelief and pretend that certain things are possible for plot to happen.
Su Han also wants to give Ladybug and Black Cat to adults. Why didn't Master Fu do this then? Writers don't give us any explanation. Throughout the show we never question this up until the moment it's revealed that adults don't have time-limited powers. Then comes "Furious Fu". Story suddenly becomes self-aware here. Because apparently nothing prevented Fu from giving the most powerful Miraculous to adults who won't have time limit and will be more effective against Hawkmoth (see part 3 for more details).
I have a very good example of Age Glamour done right. It works in the story. There is no confusion or unfortunate implications. There is like one plothole connected to the glamour (it's been years and I still can't forgive them for Cornelia and Caleb) but otherwise, it's a pretty solid example of both show and tell. Clearly, writers wanted to avoid uncomfortable implications which are present in "Copycat". I am talking about W.I.T.C.H. comic books and animated series.
If you are not familiar with it, I'll give you a brief explanation. The story follows 5 girls, the Guardians of Kandrakar who are chosen to protect their world and parallel ones from evil. They receive magical powers from the amulet known as the Heart of Kandrakar. Their powers are based on elements: fire, water, earth, air and energy. Our main characters are about 13-15 years old. In the animated series they are younger and they attend middle school, making them 12-14 years old. But the transformation makes them look 18-20. They look like young women to each other and to other people. At the same time, people can recognise them, their looks and voice don't change. Most people don't know that they are really teenagers when they are not transformed and these people don't know that magic can make them look older. That's why everyone treats Guardians like adults when they are transformed. Comics establish this fact in the very beginning. In first issues characters state that they look older, we are also shown this multiple times.
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In fact, one of the first side plots revolves around the fact that Irma uses her powers to sneak into the disco club to meet up with her crush. Irma is 13 at the beginning of the series, she is a high school freshman. Her crush, Andrew Hornby is a senior guy 17-18 years old. Irma has liked him for a long time and wants to impress him, so she decides to be clever about this. She transforms into her Guardian form of the 18-year-old girl, hides her wings, sneaks out to the club after her parents are asleep without any problem, and meets Andrew, who obviously doesn't recognise Irma in this girl who looks about his age. Smitten Andrew offers her a ride and 13-year-old Irma doesn't understand the implication of that offer, so she accepts. And, obviously, he decides that she is interested in more than just a ride home, since she agreed, and the comic implies that he fully intended for them to have sex in the backseat of his car. But Irma understands the implication only when Andrew tries to kiss her. She panics and turns him into a frog. And she actually pulls this "I need to look mature" trick more than once over the course of the series.
It's not the only situation where this age difference is handled well and makes sense. People who know the main characters in everyday life remark on their older appearance during transformation. Sometimes people flirt with Guardians when they are transformed. In one of the side-novels centred around Cornelia, she is worried that the prince of the realm they helped to save from famine would try to marry her. That never happens, but Cornelia actually brainstorms with her friends about how to tell the prince that she is really 15.
There are many other plot points where this happens, but I think that you got the idea. I really like how "Age Glamour" was handled in W.I.T.C.H.
How do we fix this? Create the situations where people offhandedly mention "Age Glamour" in the presence of Marinette or Adrien, use Kwami for this.
"Don't worry, dear. Chat Noir and Ladybug are adults, who know what they are doing. I am sure that they will handle this. "
Theo could say: "Oh, I wonder which university Ladybug goes to?"
"So, does that mean that other people see us as grown-ups, Tikki?"
A few words and boom, problem solved. Then allow the "show don't tell" rule do the rest.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 7
I exchanged @biodad-bruce-month‘s Day 7: Fashion Show with Fight!
Chapter 7: Fight
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords
Amira looked at the white board inside her walk-in closet, reviewing the new information she got last night. During last night’s patrol, Amira took a break halfway through, using the time to ask Tikki more questions regarding the miraculous. 
They were earrings, which thankfully, can shift in design but can’t change its original form: earrings. 
So here was Amira, sporting all black studs. Simple and hidden in plain sight. Amira also found out that the appearance of the earrings can always be changed as Tikki doesn’t have to use too much energy to do so. Therefore, Amira has been planning on changing its appearance after every akuma attack, an easy tactic to see exactly how much Hawkmoth himself knows about the Ladybug miraculous.
Next up, her yo-yo. Turns out that it’s more than just that. While it works as a tracker and phone, it only works when Amira is transformed. No yo-yo, no way to communicate with Chat. Because of this, Amira decided to get him a burner phone to make sure the two can communicate outside the suit. Will also help in case they have to communicate during an energy break while there is an akuma. 
Her costume. Thankfully, Tikki had told her that it morphs into whichever design the holder has in their head. With more concentration on the design, the more the costume will have what the holder would want. After patrol, Amira made it her mission to get the utility belt in her design and after plenty of trial and errors, Amira got it. 
Now she had smoke pellets, a taser, a small utility knife and a first aid kit at her disposal. Of course, the belt came with a price - her dagger.
Brushing out her hair, Amira looked at her reflection. She always hated having long hair. While Dick always told her that he liked her hair when it was long (because he liked braiding it for her), Amira never took a shine to having long hair. 
It was a hassle to brush out, to clean. During track (even though she was only on the team for two years), Amira hated seeing other girls have their lucky amulets in their hair. A special pin or hair tie from their fathers and sometimes from their-
“-to Marinette!” Tikki yelled, snapping Amira from her trip down memory hell.
“Tikki, I live across the school. I won’t be late.” Marinette stated, continuing to stare at her reflection.
“I know that, but your phone has been buzzing nonstop!” Tikki said, showing her the multiple texts she was receiving.
Marinette took it, smiling when she saw they were from Wally and Dick, telling her to have a better day at school than yesterday’s disaster. “Are they from your friends?”
“You can say that.” Marinette said, tucking her phone into her pocket, looking at her reflection once again. “Tikki. Can you grab my fabric scissors on the table near my monitors?”
“It suits you.” Alya randomly told Marinette after the end of their first class. “Your hair, I mean. Don’t think I didn’t notice it.” Marinette simply blinked, wondering why people always said a compliment before bringing up their actual motives. “Name’s Alya-”
“-Cesaire. I know. Now if you excuse me, I have a class to get to.” Marinette filled in, getting up to leave, only for Alya to grab her wrist. “Let go.”
“Sorry!” Alya apologized, letting go of Marinette. “I just...I just wanted to tell you that you were a bit too harsh on Mlle Bustier yesterday. You should apologize.” Alya didn’t expect a scoff from Marinette.
“I’m not going to apologize for standing up for what I know is right.”
“Mlle Bustier-”
“-should’ve done her job correctly instead of enabling, especially now that Hawkmoth is a threat. But even with Hawkmoth out of the picture, Ms.Bustier shouldn’t have just assumed it was Ivan who instigated the argument. There’s always two sides of a story and we should always make it our job to figure out who is right. Sometimes, we even figure out why things happened the way they did. Sometimes, we find out we are wrong and when that happens, we have to accept it. If not, how else will we grow?”
With those words, Marinette gave Alya a little bow before going to her next class. Hopefully Marinette can find M. D'Argencourt during her break to try and convince him to let her join the fencing club...again.
“Well, that went easier than I thought.” Marinette told herself, walking down the school steps. M. D'Argencour had happily accepted her into the team, proceeding to tell her the team’s schedule.
While it took a while to hunt the coach down, Marinette was about to find him towards the end of the day.
“Why exactly do you want to know fencing?” Tikki asked her from the pocket inside her sweater.
“I just found it...interesting.” Marinette lied, knowing she couldn’t tell Tikki that her father never let her take up the hobby. While Bruce had allowed Jason to learn how to use a sword, Jason quickly dropped it. Dick was also taught how to use a sword, but he complained how annoying it would be to carry it around, hence the reason why he carries escrima sticks.
While fencing wasn’t the same, fencing will help her gain more skills she can use during her fights. You never know after all.
After greeting Tom and Sabine and squishing Bridgette’s cheeks, Marinette made her way to her room, only to find him in there...again.
“If it’s about the Miraculous, I’m still not giving it to you.” Amira said, throwing her school bag to the floor. She whispered the renouncing spell before reaching into her jewelry box, where countless dupes rested. Oh how she wanted to cackle when she saw her father look at her with wide eyes. 
“Amira, hand them over.” Bruce ordered, stretching out his hand in hopes of Amira doing the correct thing.
“Why won’t you trust me?” Amira gritted, balling her fists. “Why don’t you trust me to do the right thing?”
“I do trust you.” Bruce said, taking a step forward. “That’s why I expect you-”
“I can’t just hand earrings over! The people need me! They need Ladybird to-”
“You don’t need to be running around Paris playing hero, Amira. Let Diana-”
“Must I remind you that I was given the earrings? It’s me who they want! Me! And no! I’m not playing hero! Hell, I’m not even a hero! I’m a vigilante! I’m doing what’s right by being Ladybird, by protecting the people the only way I can.” Amira reasoned, looking at her father. “And trust? Doesn’t that go both ways?” Amira set out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding in. “After all, when were you going to tell me about Batgirl? About...the new Robin?”
How Amira wanted to scream when Bruce remained silent. 
“How did you find out?” Amira scoffed.
“Find out? The whole internet was talking about it! My class was talking about just earlier today!”
It happened during break. Just as Marinette was leaving the class, she bumped into the second surprise of the day in the form of teen model Adrien Agreste. 
Adrien apologized for the accident when Chloe pulled him into the class and began to ‘teach’ him what it meant to be part of a school. The only reason Marinette even remained in class at that point was because she heard Adrien talk about this being his first time in a school...meaning that up until now, he had been homeschooled all his life.
Kinda how like she was up until she was around seven to eight years old. But to be homeschooled until 13? How lonely he must have been. Especially when she heard he was the only child at home.
You’re really ungrateful.
Marinette stiffened, feeling her heart pick up in pace upon remembering Jason’s words. She already knew that...she knew, but was it wrong of her to want something else? To want to have something different than what she currently had?
As Marinette was fighting off the beginnings of a breakdown, Alya’s sudden burst almost triggered it.
“Since when did Robin come back to Gotham?!” Alya yelled, rising from her seat. 
Marinette didn’t need to hear any more, running out of the classroom and locking herself into one of the girl’s bathroom stalls. While she hated having breakdowns, Amira was glad to have had one, as it helped her gained more insight on how Hawkmoth’s powers worked.
He can’t control you if you’re in the middle of an emotional breakdown and can’t register his words. In other words, he can’t control you if you’re already out of control. 
Guess it’s good to know that if Joker were to ever come to Paris, Hawkmoth wouldn’t be able to take over him. 
Amira looked at her father, awaiting for his response. “Under different circumstances, I would have forgiven you for replacing Jason with another guy. But it hasn’t been a year since he died and you’ve already replaced him. 
You know how Jason felt, you know he lived with the fear of doing a single thing that would give you a reason to kick him out of the manor. And while you always assured him you would never do that, here you are, doing just that.” Amira watched as her vision went blurry, wiping them away as she collected herself again. 
“I wasn’t replacing-“
“You were. You are. And not only have you replaced Jason, but it seems you’ve also replaced me.” Amira looked at herself. “Batgirl? Really? You know that was the name I wanted to use if you ever let me fight crime alongside you. Of course, that never happened.”
“At this point, I don’t care what you do.” Amira gripped all the turmoil inside her. “Right now. I just want you to leave.”
“Leave! I don’t want to see your face Bruce!” Amira yelled, shocking herself at her outburst. 
Bruce? Why did it feel so wrong, yet so right? She tried it again. “I don’t want you anywhere near me Bruce, so leave! Just leave!”
And he did.
As she watched Bruce leave her room with a heavy heart, she slumped to the floor, standing back up when she felt something approach her. “Tikki!” Tikki appeared before her. “Spots on!” A second later, an akuma appeared before her, Amira quickly capturing it. Before letting it go, Amira quickly searched for a glass jar and a box in her desk.
She let the now purified butterfly go into the jar, surprised to see that it didn’t phase through the jar. So it was just a normal butterfly after all. When coated in magic, the magic allowed it to phase through whatever it wanted to to ensure that it made it to its target.
Calling off her transformation, Amira quickly got to work, carefully placing a tracker on the butterfly’s wing. 
“Are you alright, Marinette?” Tikki asked, looking at her holder with worried eyes.
“I’m alright Tikki. I’m alright.”
No, she wasn’t alright.
The next day at school, Chloe tried to stick gum in her seat as a revenge plan for once again chewing out Mlle Bustier for allowing Chloe to interrupt the classroom with another one of her stupid excuses. Not to mention Chloe using her father’s position to get away with said excuse.
It didn’t help when Marinette was stuck with Alya trying to ask her about her past in Gotham and Alya claiming to be her friend.
They barely knew each other and this girl was already clinging to her like a newborn chick. 
While Marinette tried to avoid her at all costs, Alya always found her, Marinette hating it. Didn’t she know about personal space?
Her week got worse when Chat accepted the burner phone but refused to be trained by her. Something about him not needing it.
Thankfully, she was able to vent to Dick and Wally, although more to Wally since Dick was busy with university. 
Days went by and even then, Amira knew she was never going to adjust to life in Paris.
It’s only been four akumas and this city already thinks they saved the world. 
While technically they saved Paris, Ladybird and Chat have yet to fight off a Victim that can become a potential threat to the world. Bubbler and Mr.Pigeon weren’t exactly the worst to deal with, but they weren’t the easiest to take down either. As for Stormy Weather and Lady Wifi, Ladybird realized that it was Victims like them who posed a threat to France. Victims with intangible powers were a force to be reckoned with after all. 
But just because the duo saved Paris four times, it didn’t mean their work was done. They had yet to find out who Hawkmoth was.
Oh, did she mention the ridiculous statue they made in her and Chat’s honor because of the four Victims they took down so far? Long story short, she didn’t go to the ceremony and Chat must’ve told the artist something stupid because here they were. Fighting a Victim all thanks to Chat and his loud mouth.
“Chat! Stop trying to regain your honor and let me-” Ladybird yelled, only to get pushed back by his bo.
“No! This is my fight!” Chat hissed, attempting to land a hit on his copycat. Copycat grinned as he parried all of Chat’s hits, flinging Chat’s bo to the side when he saw an opening. 
“He’s good.” Chat said, landing next to Ladybug as he retreated. Ladybird scoffed, gaining an arched brow from her partner.
“He’s good? Got some pretty low standards there Chat. Have you ever seen Nightwing in combat? This guy is nothing compared to him.” With that, Ladybird charged into the fight, picking up Chat’s bo and using it against Copycat.
The two fought, Ladybird noticing Copycat starting to hit her with less force, more sloppily. He was starting to become more aggressive, half of his hits missing. 
“Chat! Switch!” Ladybird yelled, knocking Copycat’s staff from his hands and throwing Chat his own back to him.
With Chat distracting Copycat, Ladybird waited for the perfect- there!
Chat had launched Copycat into the air, Ladybird using this to wrap him with her yo-yo and slamming him down. Holding him down, Ladybird turned to Chat.
“Where’s his akuma?”
“Here!” Chat said, taking out a photo from Copycat’s pocket. Ripping it, it released the akuma, Ladybird unwrapping her yo-yo and capturing the akuma. Now purified and having the tracker implanted, Ladybird released the butterfly. 
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird watched as everything was returned and fixed. Turning to Chat, she glared at him. “I’ll be done here in a few minutes. Meet you at the rendezvous in a few.”
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thegospelaradia · 4 years
Crystal Matrix Basics
Hello my witches, baby witches, aspiring spell casters, students of the occult, and seasoned shamans alike! I'm coming at you today with a brand new entry in my special series on intermediate to advanced sorcery. I'll try to keep updating this blog on at least a weekly basis - if not more often. But, I'm only an interdimensional multifaceted galaxian xenine quantum manipulation nexus in a human body, after all!
Crystal matrices are a component of a much larger school of magic, and one that I always enjoy teaching: the art of WARDING!
To ward means to guard or protect. We do this in the most basic sense a lot of different ways. Someone making the sign of the cross, spitting upon seeing a bad omen, casting a circle of salt, amulets, talismans, gris gris bags, a chicken's foot, eleke beads, a pocket full of iron nails - these behaviors all have one thing in common: they're wards.
My Catholic mother rarely makes the sign outside of church, but when she does? It's a whole production. Spitting to her left and right as she crosses herself, raising her eyes to the sky, and muttering what I imagine is the Hail Mary. There's a rarity to it, because of the severity to it. My mom is in the habit of crossing fingers and knocking wood, and there's always a crucifix around her neck. That, combined with her morning and evening prayers, is typically enough to keep her feeling "warded" all day.
All cultures have their own warding rituals, and it's very likely there is a specific tradition (I find "superstition" racist and colonial) from your own family's culture. If there is? Use it. The magic of your ancestral lineage is always going to be more powerful than a spell you find online.
I've gotten a bit off track, but it's important to realize that all people, from all cultures, and from all walks of life perform some manner of warding magic.
Now, the working we'll be learning today is a bit more complex than the sign of the cross, but as a witch I believe we have more complicated needs when it comes to magickal protection.
Whenever we create sacred space in a traditional manner or cast a Wiccan circle, it's important to remember that these practices are fundamentally seperate from warding spells. A magic circle is a space in which to raise and contain energy in a cone of power. They are NOT circles of protection. No matter how deeply you are embraced by the magick, there is very little chance that a circle of salt is going to "protect" you. That's why we have banishing spells after our rituals.
Why is it important to have this in mind? In my practice, demons and spirits are what we make of them. All demonolators know that just as one might work with the Greek and/or Roman gods - for example - demons can also be part of your pantheon. Not even a very accomplished Magus could cast a warding spell to keep out Diana or Bacchus, and the same goes for demons. At best, a magical circle keeps out all the negative "vibes" that we're increasingly bombarded with.
I have a labyrinth of selenite as a permanent part of my altar - they're great at absorbing EMF and negative energy, and I keep them front and center for just that reason. But, back to demo
Demons are the gods that Christianity tried to eliminate. There's really not much to be afraid of where they are concerned. Working with demons is something best attempted by shadow magi (those who have integrated their shadow selves) but again - I'm not teaching wards that stop demons, angels, or gods. Do you really think Belial or Leviathan can be bothered to pay you personally a visit?
A fear of demons is a Christian concept. The word originally (the Greek Daimon) was a sort of guardian spirit everyone is born with. The Devil isn't the source of all evil (that's capitalism) and demons aren't in shadows waiting to ruin your life. Few things are.
Now, let's get to the magick!
With those disclaimers and background out of the way - let's talk crystal matrix warding!
For this enchantment, you will need:
Palo Santo, Agua Florida, Holy Water, Black Salt, Yerba Santa, or any other purification medicine. (Remember: white sage is over farmed and culturally specific.)
A magic broom / a bundle of tree leaves, esp. from the druid sacred trees.
Copal, sandalwood, cedar, francincense, myrrh, or your preferred incense.
4 quartz points*
A small table
Incense holder
Optional: an equal number stones of various types.
Optional: an orgone pyramid, a large piece of vanondanite, a meteor, or a large free-standing piece of selenite/himalayan pink salt
*as these are the only requisite stones, and will be doing the brunt of the work in the spell, choose 4 crystals that are at least 1.5 to 2 inches and well shaped for the task (jamming into the corners of your room).
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of spells that come with long lists like wedding registries. Brujería on a budget is my favorite kind of magic. That said, you should always have purification medicine (I can't ever remember NOT having a bottle of Agua Florida), at least one sacred incense (Nag Champa is a great substitute), and some kind of ritual tool (don't have a wand made of elk horn, emerald, and gold? Enchant a kitchen knife or paint brush. Consecrate a Sailor Moon wand replica. Go outside a stick, hold it up, and shout "this is my magic stick!". You really don't need to drop a lot of cash on this.
Oh, and a magic broom.
Your broom needs to be functional but sole-use. Using the same broom to sweep the kitchen and then your sacred space? It almost cancels out. A magic broom must have a single purpose - to sweep away negative energy.
Your magic broom doesn't have to be fancy. You need not buy a hundred dollar bundle of twigs from Etsy (you can though, if you want). In a pinch, buy a hand broom (not that comfortable) or a regulation size broom from a home goods store.
TBH? I just finished my masters degree so I've had to get very creative with my spell ingredients. Rather than go make an Ikea trip to find a nice witch broom, I gathered a few thin branches from a cedar tree. I've also - when they were blooming - used stems of my yerba santa and basil plants. These work best with holy water, but consecrating is a breeze. Find what you have on hand and use that - don't blow all your money on magic.
OK, now down to the actual spell! Let's go through it step by step.
First, cleanse and purify the room you want to ward. Using either a standard broom or a bundle of herbs dipped in holy water, sweep or swish from the center out - widdershins.
Light your incense in the center of the room. Sit in front of the censer and enter into a state of contemplation. Slow your thoughts. Follow your breath.
If you work with deities, divinities, demons, orishas, etc. - invoke their power.
With a clear mind, close your eyes and begin to meditate on safety - set your intention: "harmful forces: be this your bane. Go ye back from whence you came." Your intention is to block negative energy - not spirits. Most supernatural beings are indifferent to you.
Walking clockwise around your room, place into each corner a quartz point. Whisper into the stone your wish - that no negative energy will enter.
Once you've placed all four crystals, take your athame in hand. If you have a compass, locate the NE or E crystal. Check that the crystal is secure (I shoved mine in the wall cracks) and then touch it with the tip of your athame/tool.
Here you'll need to utilize your visualization skills. Using your athame/tool, draw a line of energy (gold, white, or blue are good choices to envision) from the first crystal to the next.
Repeat this process until you return to the first crystal. You will have a line of magical light running along the wall and around the bottom of your entire room.
Starting at the first crystal, raise a line of magick up to the ceiling. Repeat the previous process.
When you are done, (you should be going up, across, down, back up, across) you will be in a cube (or irregular polygon) of magical energy. Focus on the crystals as you move.
Sit for a moment in front of the censer and strengthen the visualization - you are sitting in an irregular polygon of energy.
With your wand, walk around clockwise from the first crystal. This is where your creative energy comes in - draw (like a light drawing) magickal and protective symbols as if on a wall that sits like skin atop the physical wall. Invent your own mantra to chant. "Ommmmmmm" works in a pinch.
Your room is now a cube or polygon of energy, covered on all sides with magical graffiti. These symbols will protect you. The crystals have become sentient guardians. Imagine, if you can, a spider web of runes and protective symbols stretching across it.
This is optional, and a bit labour intensive, but the next step would be to create a "generator" to "power" your warding. On a small table, lay out a cloth and place in the center a crystal pyramid, an orgone pyramid, or any other large power stone. Around it, either in an ordered or organic manner, place various small crystals.
Once you are confident with your "core," enter into as deep a meditative state as possible. Channel energy from above and below, push it into your core matrix, and then envision beams of the same magical energy from the central matrix to the other, larger one. In your mind's eye, see the energy swirling clockwise from the generator outwards. Your matrix is now powered by a crystal core.
For the next few days, meditate on your matrix and the core (if you built one) to reinforce the permanence of the ward.
It's easy to find crystal matrix cloths online - especially on Etsy. I use a Cube of Metatron crystal matrix cloth - because it's pretty. You can use anything, honestly. The energy and intent are what's important.
And that's pretty much it! Keep your matrix in mind as often as possible. Maintenance is importance so this spell isn't a one time deal. In addition to reinforcing the wards, it also will give you a good indication as to when the system needs to be recharged - from the core outward.
I know, I know; this is a lot. I just hope you haven't gotten too confused by what should have been "crystals in each corner and some more in the middle of the room."
Complicated and long as it may be, this spell has given me a peace I didn't know I could have. As someone with PTSD, feeling secure and safe anywhere is massive. And it isn't just me: everyone who comes into my space remarks on how safe and warm they feel in the matrix. As I said - forget demons and "evil" spirits. Once you're protected from the rampant negative energy radiating from your surroundings, you'll thank me.
And then there's my favorite protection charm - my Black Magic woman.
But that will have to wait until next time, my witches!
-Magus Aradia
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a-tired-dm · 5 years
Items of Sea and Sky
Abandoned Music Box: An ornate golden music box, found in the wreckage of an ancient ship. Despite being encrusted in barnacles, it still plays its lovely and haunting tune. Playing the music box casts charm person. It has 1d8 charges per day.
Nautilus Shell: Despite having once made its home in the salty waves, this shell produces fresh water from within is depths. It contains 1d4 gallons of water per day.
Sextant: This battered bronze navigation device provides the holder with advantage on all history checks.
Compass: Though small and unadorned, this compass is highly enchanted. It will always point you in the direction you need to go, though it may not always be where you want to go.
Telescope: Using this object has obvious advantages, with both a +3 bonus  and advantage on perception checks.
Strangling Rope: This coil of hempen rope cannot be cut and cannot break. It is 50 feet long and anyone tied up with it must succeed on a strength saving throw DC 19
Common Cutlass: Nothing special to see here, unless you just like sharp objects. A one handed weapon dealing 2d6 slashing, +3 to attack and damage rolls.
Hawk’s Feather: A single golden feather from a magic touched hawk. With a simple command, the feather will grant its holder wings for one hour. They will have a flying speed of 20 feet, and the feather may be used three times.
Aviator’s Goggles: These goggles are more than they appear, granting the wearer +3 perception and the ability to cast detect magic and detect good and evil.
Bone Trident: An alabaster trident with viciously sharp tips carved from snow cat bones. Deals 3d6 piercing damage +1d8 cold damage.
Sure Footed Boots: Simple boots of black leather, they grant a +3 to dexterity and the wearer need not worry about difficult terrain.
Aviator’s Jacket: It gets cold in the clouds, and this jacket will certainly protect you from the elements. Plus it just looks nice. +2 to charisma and constitution.
Lucky Shot Pistol: Guns! The newest technology we have, though it’s not perfect yet. Deals 1d8 piercing + 2d6 fire damage, with a +3 to attack rolls. On a crit, you may not only double the damage, you may take an additional shot.
Mermaid Kelp: Slimy, briny and all together gross, but if you can choke it down you gain the ability to breathe under water for one hour. Use wisely, you only have enough for five uses.
Dried Fish Strips: Tasty snack, good for your health. You don’t have any clue what kind of fish it is. +2d6hp, 10 strips.
Tempest Grenades: Each glass jar, stoppered carefully, swirls angrily with storm clouds. When thrown, they deal 1d6 slashing, 1d8 thunder and 1d8 lightning damage in a 15 foot radius. There are five of them.
Lightning Strike: A longsword of silver, crackling with lightning. It moves at , well, lightning speeds. It grants a +4 attack bonus and deals an additional 2d6 thunder damage..
Thunderstruck: A Warhammer made as a companion to Thunder Strike, it is made of iron and is elaborately carved in runes. It also grants a +4 attack bonus and deals an additional 2d6 thunder damage.
Hurricane Aegis: A bronze shield carved with swirling storm clouds. Increases the holder’s armor class by 3 and allows them to cast call lightning once per day.
Cloud Nectar: An elixer distilled from clouds touched by rain dancers. A drink tastes like sweet rainwater, and adds 2d12hp. You have enough for three uses. 
Staff Of Sea: A quarterstaff carved from weathered driftwood. You would never know looking at it that it was a powerful artifact. Aside from the +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, it also allows the holder to cast create/destroy water and to summon an elemental once per day. The exact elemental is determined by the DM and it will disappear upon hitting 0 hit points. 
Stormborn: A greataxe, black with a shining silver edge. It grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and when it is swung it begins to crackle with electricity and hits with a resounding bang. +1d8 thunder and +1d8 lighting damage.
Void Blade: A dagger made of a shifting black material. It hurts the eyes to look at directly. It deals an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and any damage you inflict with it is added to your health.
Snow Cat Claws: A glove with fingers tipped with the claws of a snow cat. A hit deals 4d6 slashing + 4d4 cold + your strength modifier in damage.
Nimbus Whale Bone Amulet: A vertebra from a nimbus whale, a shining grey material, seemingly incorporeal but solid to the touch. Once per day, you can use it to heal 5 creatures of your choice for 3d6hp
Terror Of The Deep: A greatsword cut from the bone of a highly venomous deep sea monster. It deals an additional 2d8 poison damage and has a +3 attack bonus. 
Wind Cloak: A light cloak of white silk that always appears to be rustled by a small breeze. It increases the wearer’s speed by 5 and dexterity by 3. 
Mist Elixir: Five vials of a swirling grey mist. It tastes of moss and cold mornings. Drinking one allows the user to cast misty step.
Sunburst: A golden necklace with a delicate and ornate sunburst charm. 1d4 times per day it can be used to emit a flash of light. All enemies within 30 feet must make a constitution saving throw DC 18 or take 3d8 radiant damage. It also grants the wearer +2 charisma. 
Moonbeam: A silver necklace with a full moon charm carved from a pearlescent stone. Companion to Sunburst, it functions in the same way except in that it grants a +2 to wisdom and not charisma. 
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burntuakrisp · 5 years
Kemono Friends Nexon Transcript Notes (Main Story)
Part 1
Towa is a guy
 Sure he and Mirai will get married (Serval ships them)
 Silver fox is sneaking 
 Towa has had the amulet for as long as his family has existed (descendants of ancient humans that go the amulet from the Vok, stolen)
 Silver fox has an interest in the amulet 
 Mirai is part way a furry
 Mirai glasses allows for scanning and study
 Serval is getting visions of her losing memory of her future 
Silver fox mission is to watch over Towa
 Mirai is still new to being a guide
 Serval loves to eat food and is easily sensitive 
 Cerulean type: Akagau
 Serval reads
 Caracal is stubborn 
 Serval got soy sauce on Caracal’s clothes and got cake on a book
 The amulet allows all Friends to be loyal to the one who possesses it
 Caracal likesto tease Serval
 Cerval keeps saying “I must go”
 Silver fox still follows 
 Serval once made a silly dance one time
 Chase after Cerval
Chapter 2
 Serval steps into a Cerulean 
 The age of Arai-san 
 Raccoon once ended her words with Noda, request to capture the Cerulean that looks like a Friend 
 Caracal mentioned hell 
 Town squares are where Friends can rest and safe from ceruleans
 Crested ibis song is like the sound of the underworld 
 Towa knows that the voice is a song
 The people at this park literally have no info on Ceruleans
 Caracal calls Towa a scary kid (I’m postive Towa is a grown man)
 Even Ceruleans hate Crested Ibis’s singing (it sounds like Unicron emerging)
 A Random cerulean is happy to have finally have been noticed 
 Professor’s previous name was Professor Konoha-Chan
 Assistant was once called Mimi-Chan
 The sages took time to introduce the ceruleans that we’re chasing them
 Professor is brutally honest 
 The sages are literally staring at Towa’s chest as they examine the charm
 Fennec thinks Raccoon is cute 
 Assistant is able to pretend to be an eagle to scare away foes
 Assistant hissing 
 Towa can’t abandon troubled animals 
 Towa cries too easily
 The Professor and assistant want the charm
 The Professor suggests that she and her assistant steal Towa
 Copaiba tree sap makes you feel like you’re being reborn 
 Shoutking Z
 Crested ibis singing can heal
 Assistant and Professor are the type of twins that watch you in your sleep 
 Airabian Oynx is too long so rabi rabi 
 Towa is a tall guy
 Thompson’s gazelle is called lulu
 Ceruleans can disguise themselves as a lake of water by huddling together 
 Ceruleans also can function like a pillow 
 The amulet gives Friends powers
 “Tie you up like an adult”
 Raccoon also says nanoda
 Serval says that raccoon was a gag character 
 Raccoon loves to clean things
 Raccoon also means araiguma 
 Fennec is good at digging holes 
 Serval knows how to pluck at the heart strings 
 Ever since she met Towa
 Crested ibis also is called Toki
 Ceruleans broke the barricade to cause the drought 
 Serval’s secret twitching-ears-and-swinging-tail technique 
 A big cerulean keeps drinking the water where the oasis gets its water from 
 Toki thinks Caracal expression is cute
 Mirai gets distracted by animals too easily 
 Lulu is sensitive 
 A cerulean that can store a lot of water 
 Serval’s naming sense is terrible 
 No data on ceruleans
 Silver fox is referring to someone
 Serval gets in trouble a lot 
 Serval is very misfortunate
 There is a disease known as “Gaogao Disease” that causes Friends to not speak properly and only let out animal cries
 Mirai is extremely defensive towards Friends 
 Raccoon forgot an oar
 Hippo was once called Kaba-sama 
 Cerval loves Japari buns
 Black Rhino thinks she’s a knight for white rhino who she thinks is a princess
 Black Rhino reads the Bible 
 Cerval makes a sloppy face when wanting to eat Japari bun
 The disease is abdominal 
 Cerval can understand what able to understand what someone is saying when infected with the disease 
 A rainbow liquid drips from those infected 
 Undine is a water center in the water front area
 Silver examines the liquid 
 Amatatsu Waterfall
 Black Rhino said the d word
 Serenity Jungle
 Raccoon just swam and Fennec road on her back
 Black Rhino totally has feelings for White Rhino
 A cerulean caused the disease 
 “Everything in the name of the Queen”
 Cerval seems to be second hand to the Queen 
 Silver fox makes a vaccine for the disease 
 Silver fox tries to disguise herself with glasses 
 The vaccine is called “Gaonaras Q”
 Silver fox got shot flying but left the vaccine 
 Black Rhino writes poetry to white rhino
 The group drags Silver to the snow area, she is currently knocked out
 Silver fox has the scent of the amulet 
 Ceruleans can hide in the snow 
 Silver fox got amnesia from the hit
 Ezo red fox had a map to give
 Hot spring visit
 There is a hot spring that can cure amnesia 
 Some hot springs have different effects 
 The hot springs effects are caused by a giant sleeping cerulean 
 Hot springs could heal you
 Ceruleans can steal “sparkles” from people or Friends to copy their forms/appearance 
 White Rhino got drunk from the hot spring 
 Drunk white Rhino thinks the Japari bus is black Rhino
 And she thinks a rock is fake Serval 
 Serval can’t think of come backs
 Actually everyone except serval, Mirai, and Towa get drunk, even raccoon and Fennec arrive
 Mumble madness hot spring 
 Serval wants to be Friends with fake serval
 Ceruleans took the sparkle of words with the disease 
 Sparkle is something that’s felt through wordless things (friendship,hopes,memories, etc...)
 The way to get the sparkle back is by defeating the cerulean that took it in the first place
 Serval named Cerval
 Super secret hot spring 
 Caracal throws a snowball and starts a snowball fight 
 Silver makes an igloo 
 Serval, Silver, and Towa fall into a fountain instead of a hot spring 
 Vision from the very beginning of the story (remember)
 Silver fox was protecting Towa, under the orders of Oinari-sama, holder of the special power
 Oinari is a guardian entity that looks over a protects Japari Park
 Cerval feels uneasy after hearing about Oinari
 Oinari lives in Park Central (where there are amusement parks, hotels, shops)
 Park Central is currently under blockage
 The spark of enjoyment has been stolen making people not have fun when they come to park central 
 The park is currently closed due to the Cerulean outbreak 
 Maybe Oinari gave Towa the amulet 
 Cerval is trying to wake up the giant cerulean 
 The ground in the snow area is getting  hotter due to Cerval who is under mind control 
 Raccoon is good at distracting ceruleans
 Turns out she and Fennec were not just the comic relief characters after all
 Cerval is trying to break free but she’s under the Queen’s power
 The rise is temp caused an avalanche 
 Cerval almost said friends 
 Oinari wants Towa to learn more of the park
 Fennec sees Cerval as an enemy 
 Silver fox will just stand in the shadows 
 Towa has a party?
 Houtoku region sky race invitational 
 Catch up with Cerval before Raccoon does 
 Sea of clouds area
 Passenger pigeon is mail delivery 
 Hotoku region is occupied by birds
 Called bird land
 The Sky Race
 Each region and area has its own set of events and celebrations 
 The Sky race involves a group of 3 and goes through various checkpoints until they reach the finish line 
 Even non bird friends can take part in the race
 The Professor and assistant made a flying bicycle to participate in the Sky race
 The winner gets a prize 
 Arai is Serval’s rival (apparently)
 “Hyper-special-great-delicious” sensei
 Arai loves cool sounding words 
 Dodos are pigeons 
 The group is divided into 2 groups 
 Toki, Lulu, and Caracal
 Serval, White Rhino, and Silver Fox
 Servals team is called the Towa’s
 Cerulean “Cheerful motions”
 Nothing in love and peace about them
 Sky race is set up by pigeons (plus Dodo)
 Dodo loves to say “love and peace”
 Team Caracal is the other team of the group 
 groups are called Sky Impulse and Sky Divers are rivals
 Towa has become famous in Japari Park or at least well known
 Silver fox was able to remodel the bus to fly
 The Sky race is narrated by Superb Lyrebird 
 The race passes through the entire region 
 Towa uses the bus while Caracal uses the bike
 The race is going to be broadcasted 
 The race also involves the team going through the race while carrying a certain Friend (Lion/ stellar sea lion/Moa) around 
 The Professor and assistant are here as well (just because) on a team
 Towa has to carry Lion
 Sky impulse has to carry stellar sea lion
 Sky divers have to carry moa
 Caracal has to carry Scarlet Ibis
 Stellar doesn’t like being referred to aaa fat
 Scarlet Ibis is going to be a loud mouth
 Right as the race starts, Ceruleans attack
 Silver Fox’s “Huge Rubber ZZ” on the remodel Japari bus
 The Huge Rubber ZZ is like a catapult that will also give you acceleration
 Silver fox is uptight 
 Scarlet Ibis is smug that she feels high and mighty riding in a basket 
 Silver fox is willing to cheat in order for Towa to win
 A Cerulean that is combined with a Friend (Cerval)
 Some Ceruleans can fly
 Towas team started late due to fighting ceruleans
 Something happened to the team Sky impulse, it’s leader was left behind 
 Northern Goshawk is acting like the race is stupid and lame
 Her sparkle was taken
 White Rhino literally drags her to come with the team Towa
 White Rhino can have a temper when she loses paicent 
 Professor diary
 The Professor’s team dropped out due to the Cerulean 
 Forest Owlet and Kyutie were with the Professor and Assistant 
 Kyutie has a habit of not being noticed 
 Kyutie is a Kyuushuu owl who likes to create different characters for herself 
 The Cerulean is after Scarlet Ibis voice because it was charmed by her song
 Scarlet Ibis speaks in 3rd point of view 
 Caracals team is in trouble 
 Cerval wants wings so she stole
 Birdien > Poultrien
 Sky Diver is in the lead
 Free Patrolling Squad dropped their baggage 
 The bird land is next to the snow land 
 Team Towa and Caracal are chasing a giant cerulean 
 Cerval is riding the Giant Cerulean 
 Arai and Fennec, Towa team, and Caracal team have entered a cerulean lair (danger zone)
 Arai was on the bike and flew it by herself 
 Yama gets embarrassed easily (porcupine)
 Arai lands the sky bike and it rides like a normal bike(it’s a rickshaw)
 Sensei was a Cheetah(part of Raccoon team) to get the race victory and Cerval
 But suddenly cheetah slowed down 
 Cerval is in the race
 Bush warber loves haikus 
 Green pheasant team drops out after being scared by ceruleans
 Arai San has no time limits 
 Cerval took golden goshawks seriousness 
 Cerval took something from Serval, resulting in her copying her form
 Eagerness was stolen
 Sky divers are dealing with ceruleans
 Cerulean took goshawk self confidence 
 Minimum twose 
 Puffin thought she was clever
 Only team Caracal and Towa are left
 Cerval is in the lead
 Ceruleans will kill goshawks teammates who are surrounded 
 It’s okay to fail as long as you get back up and try again 
 Don’t be scared of yourself 
 Goshawk has a plan
 Use the rubber to launch goshawk to her teammates 
 Lion pulls the rubber to launch 
 Both team Sky divers and Sky impulse work together to save the day
 Eagle loves justice and is able to use wing tucking 
 The ceruleans collide with each other 
 Cerval is the only Cerulean left
 The race is almost complete 
 Team Towa, Sky divers, Sky impulse, and Caracal are the only ones left
 Cerval is getting strength from the Ceruleans
 No other cerulean has ever done that before 
 Lulu refers to Rabi
 Mention the Cerulean Queen 
 Cerval disappears 
 Serval still wants to be her Friend 
 Photo finish 
 Sky Divers were third place
 Towa was 2nd place
 Sky Impulse won
 Towa helped a small fox in the past
 Serval for some reason begins to cry after hearing Towa’s past. It brings her a feeling of nostalgia 
 A sparkle could return if they are motivated enough 
 Cerval is heading towards the Gokoku region 
 Margay is planning an event
 Serval once went to the Kemono Hospital due to being injured 
 The Kemono Hospital is in Park Central 
 In park Central is Kemono Castle
 Fennec leaves with a passed out Arai San
 What was it that Cerval stole?
 Who is the Cerulean Queen?
 Why did Towa’s story move Serval so much?
 Margay is working on something but then she gets discovered by a cerulean 
 Margay seems to be a writer of some kind
 Margay goes to the Japari Cafe
 A bridge collapsed 
 Back then, we didn’t quite know. The big thing that was starting to engulf the whole Japari Park.
 Serval doesn’t know why she cried after hearing Towa’s story 
 It seems like what happened was from a memory from her past
 Everyone recovered from their muscle cramps from the race
 Gokokou region is made of seas and mountains 
 There are rumors going on about the ocean nearby 
 A rumor that there is a ghost ship that is able to move by itself 
 A rumor about a spot where pirates have buried treasure 
 Serval thinks it’s romantic for some reason 
 A rumor about the mysterious giant ghossi monster 
 Ghossi is a cryptid ghost carp
 Ghossi will let you ride on its back
 Serval believes in ghossi
 Caracal believes Ghossi is a cerulean 
 They meet Ikkaku san the narwhal 
 Cetacean animal girl
 Mirai is crying tears of joy over meeting narwhal and possibly meeting dolphins 
 Mirai goes on and on about telling Towa about whales and dolphins 
 Narwhal looks more then a Knight then black Rhino did, as her tusk is her spear
 There is an Art Festival 
 Margay loves art stuff
 Margay is feeling down for some reason 
 The team decides to go and cheer her up
 Raccoon dog is doing caligraphy
 Her brush is made by her fur
 Raccoon dog had a crumpled piece of paper with Towas name on it.
 She ran away in embarrassment 
 Raccoon dog might have a crush on Towa (Reaelry likelike)
 Margays script for her movie was taken by a Cerulean and now she can’t remember how it goes and she needs to start filming soon
 Margays sparkle of creativity was stolen 
 The group decides to recover the script 
 Margay drew a picture of the Cerulean in question 
 Snow sheep rearranged white rhinos hair style 
 Crossroad hairstyles 
 Oxpeckers tend to the skin of animals that are unable to do so. Like Hippo and Rhino
 The Cerulean went to Hammer Mountain
 Snow Sheep gives the best hair styles
 Fennec imitates Arai voice
 Silver Fox is here also
 Arai is still down for recovering on her muscle cramps so Fennec is alone for today 
 Toki called Arai a noise maker 
 Fennec wants to travel with the group today
 Fennec travels with Arai because it’s fun. And she likes messing with the group and Towa
 That time when Serval went to the Kemono Hospital was because she had a broken foot. It was there before she became a friend 
 The person that treated her was as nice as Towa
 “It’ll be alright, you’ll be better soon because you’re strong.”
 Fennec also once went to the Kemono Hospital and she remembers Serval before becoming an animal girl
 “I wonder what would’ve happened if “the miracle” didn’t happen...
 Muskox is great at knitting and is making a giant scarf for the Art Festival 
 The Cerulean went to Gomanto River
 Mediterranean monk seal and stellar sea cow are practicing a song to sing for the Festival 
 There is a stage above the river
 Mediterranean seals were what inspired sirens from Greek myths 
 Mirai is so happy to get to see all these new Friends 
 Mirai mentions “Professor Kako wish has come true”
 Kako is a Japari Park staff member that research into extinct animals 
 Mirai looks up to her as her senior 
 Silver fox is quiet about something 
 Fennec talks about in the past when Park Central was attack by Ceruleans and everyone had to flee the hospital. Serval was there as well
 Serval can’t remember any of the past
 Both Serval and Fennec heard “the voice”
 Silver fox asks if Serval can remember. Remember being saved by a human and being touched by Towa’s past. The familiar scent of the amulet 
 “A certain experience”
 The Amulet begins to glow
 Serval is starting to remember 
 Toki flees after hearing a song
 Serval remembers what happened. Back at the Kemono Hospital Serval heard a voice. It was the night before the Cerulean attack
 That voice was from Oinari sama 
 She said “a great calamity will take place here, very soon. Those who will fight, should steel their hearts. Those who are weak should get ready to run away.”
 After hearing her voice, everyone was healed of their injuries and filled with the feeling of wanting to help others 
 Everyone broke out of the hospital but then Serval was passed out.
 When Serval woke up, she was in the Savannah area.
 The miracle was the experience Kemo Harmony.
 Toki sings in front of a friend but she is unresponsive. It was a northern fur seal (able to continue activities while only using half of brain)
 Toki says “tough crowd”
 They find the black Cerulean holding Margay’s script 
 The Ceruleans form a brigades 
 The ceruleans are distracted by seal juggling a cerulean 
 The black ceruleans are different from the ones from before 
 Black Ceruleans multiply
 Narwhal is surrounded
 The ceruleans take narwhals spear
 The Ceruleans grew horns (horncell)
 Narwhal lost her fighting spirit 
 Ceruleans are working together 
 Narwhal got her spear back
 A new species of ceruleans
 The script was torn to peices
 Margay feels absolutely miserable 
 The Cerulean took her spark of inspiration 
 They decide to gather as much of the peices as possible and read what they have. They can ad lib
 They head to the film set
 The story is about the pirates seeking treasure of a ghost ship. The protagonist is the daughter of the great pirate and up until the they reached the treasure, they are in conflict with other pirates and navy.
 Mirai was able to borrow a boat (pleasure cruiser) to use for filming 
 Serval is the protagonist 
 Fennec doesn’t want to make Arai jealous of being in a movie without her
 Caracal is the enemy pirate 
 Lulu, Silver Fox is good
 Caracal, Toki, white Rhino are enemy pirate
 Margay calls Toki singing a horror movie 
 Mirai is in charge of the camera
 Narwhal is ocean adviser 
 Towa is stagehand
 Dolphins are co stars
 Start filming 
 Serval says the d word
 The real ghost ship arrives 
 The crew head forward to investigate 
 Ceruleans have highjacked the ghost ship
 Cerval is there
 The ceruleans are playing pirates 
 They are reenacting the script remains 
 Margay asks that the Cerval helps in filming the rest of the movie 
 Margay is inspired again 
 Serval is overwhelmed by the cerulean forces sent by former Friend Cerval
 The dolphins take out the ceruleans
 The films keeps on rolling 
 Cerval calls Serval a Friend for the first time 
 The horn ceruleans attack
 Cerval heard the Queens voice
 The black ceruleans follow the queens order
 Cerval doesn’t want to fight her Friend Serval
 Something emerges from underground 
 A giant cerulean that is thought to be Gosshi emerges
 Cerval is eaten by giant cerulean 
 Towa gives Serval power to rescue Cerval
 Cerval is spat out and sent to the Riukiu Region the true sea area
 Margay might not have made a successful movie but she got her creativity back
 Fennec is back 
 Kemo Harmony is when Animal Girls hearts resonates it creates a giant phenomenon that can only be described as a miracle 
 Before the park was raided by ceruleans Oinari called out to all the animals in the hospital. Every animal did everything they could to all escape as everyone was healed 
 Serval stood ahead a of everyone’s hopes and dreams of saving them. Even in her previous dire state
 Serval was “special”
 Cerval stole Serval’s special power
 Her “specialness” was taken as well as the memories of it
 Her memories of the attack were also stolen and only the memories of the pre day opening of the park can be remembered 
 Oinari is in park central using the miracle to contain the Cerulean boss (cerulean Queen)
 Cerval will use the Harmony she stole to help the queen win the fight
 Or at least that is what is first assumed
 They need to reclaim the Harmony 
 The group heads to the Riukiu region, with Fennec going to get Raccoon 
 two mysterious Friends (lefty and righty) are awaiting Towa to arrive to the region 
An Okinawa Rail is with them
We shall prevail 
The group arrives at the region
The dolphins are there 
Narwhal is there as well
The Riukiu is filled with sea and tropics
Rio the ironmote cat is a guide for Towa
A certain two want to meet Towa 
The group arrive the middle of the island 
They finally meet lefty and righty
Shisa lefty (Riukiu guardian animal)
Shisa righty (younger twin sister)
Shisa San is a legendary beast. Open mouth is fortune, closed is to prevent misfortune 
Silver fox goes into the shadow again since she knows too much but does not want to explain anything 
The beast give them pineapple Japari buns
The shisa are in charge of protecting the Riukiu region 
Oinari told them the situation 
Cerval fell into the region but is currently guarded by black ceruleans
There are some already investigating the cerulean guard and they will hear from them tomorrow so the team should rest for now 
Mirai and Towa go star gazing at night 
The night breeze feels good 
When Mirai was younger she met a woman that taught her about all different kinds of animals. It inspired her to persue a job with animals. Kako taught her everything.
Kako is a huge inspiration to everyone 
Kako lost her parents when she was younger 
Mirai was hoping to meet Kako when she became a guide. But then all the commotion happened 
The romantic moment is cut off by the sleepy Friends being chased by Ceruleans.
Righty keeps mentioning fortune 
Ryukyu boar has the reports of the investigation 
Mirai is overly fascinated by boar but boar is scared of animals she doesn’t recognize 
The Queen wants to bring back Cell Harmony
Cell Harmony is like Kemo Harmony but for Ceruleans
Cerval has stimulated ceruleans with the power she stole from Serval
Black Ceruleans are evolved ceruleans
It could create the Ultimate Cell Harmony 
This would result in all ceruleans evolving at once and they being able to steal as much sparkle as they desire. They would be unstoppable.
The only way to stop the plan is to get the specialness back to Serval.
Operation “infiltrate Cerval Island”
They board the Japari Bus boat to the island where Cerval is
The black ceruleans on under strict command and preventing others from getting on the island 
The dolphins and Narwhal are back and they brought Blue Whale
The dolphins look up to blue whale as a mother
Blue dolphin has a huge presence, being the world’s biggest animal 
Blue whale is everyone’s mom
They will take the bus under the sea to get the island 
The Japari bus goes into lockdown mode so it can travel underwater 
Arai and Fennec are stalking the group to get to Cerval
They snuck a seat under the bus
The bus is now a submarine 
Serval hopes Cerval is okay 
They arrive at an underwater cave
The bus floats back up
Arai and Fennec have been discovered 
Black Ceruleans are guarding the cave
The group splits up with Ikkaku to find Cerval
Lefty and Righty were going to be a decoy for Towa
Towa has the ability to connect with animals 
Shisas suggest that if Towa can’t stop Cerval, he might as well leave the park
Cerval will definitely head to park central 
The ceruleans attacked when the cerulean Queen appeared. It was at the time the staff and Oinari United to create a barrier. Lefty and righty tried to fight back but the Queen was too strong. The only way to defeat them is through Kemo Harmony. But without Serval’s specialness, then it will be useless against Cell Harmony. It’s only a matter of time till the Queen obtains ultimate Cell Harmony and then it’s all over.
Lefty doesn’t want a Towa to get hurt so she says that he shouldn’t get involved.
Silver fox asks why Lefty and righty can use their powers to get Servals specialness back.
They can’t do that because Cervals specialness that gives her an ego that makes her stronger then any other cerulean.
If they were to retrieve the specialness, Cerval would disappear completely.
Serval doesn’t want to lose Cerval.
If they don’t do it, the world will be drowned in darkness. Everything will be nothing. Fennec doesn’t want to lose her time with Raccoon.
If they do it, Oinari can be saved from her crisis 
Arai wants to punch both Cerval and the Queen with her Arai San punch
Mirai and Towa return to Narwhal
Shisas have successfully distracted the ceruleans while everyone looks for Cerval
Fennec is absolutely determined to save the park no matter what, she truly loves everyone in the park.
Serval is struggling to be happy and stay positive, but is failing slowly 
Okinawa rail makes herself known, thinking the phrase “don’t worry, be happy” was calling her name 
Habu keeps biting Servals tail
Rail will guide the team
Habu is now biting Arai tail
Cerval is almost complete 
But she has a doubt
All ceruleans must serve the Queen no matter what 
Fennec wonders if Arai tail tastes good
Rail and habu plan to distract the black ceruleans
They are also taking Arai because habu keeps chewing on her tail
Arai gets dragged away 
Cerval must go
They have to make Cerval disappear
Toki thinks Serval should have the final say, after everything she’s done for everyone.
Serval however has strong doubt in herself and doesn’t trust the team anymore 
But Toki silences everyone by threatening to sing
The bond between Serval and Towa has been the biggest strength the park needs to be unstoppable 
Cerval left a note saying “she must go”
Can’t rely on tuning fork anymore 
They need to get to park central, there the Queen is and where Cerval must be going
But the group is the surrounded by black ceruleans
The black ceruleans keep coming, the Queen has made records of their movements and studied them to counter any attacks 
The group keeps fighting ceruleans but they are slowly getting tired 
Blue whale, rail, Fennec, habu, and Arai are here to save the day
Lefty and right are here as well 
Blue whale catapulted them
Serval was unable to get her specialness back but the Shisa gave Serval the shisa infused amulet that should allow her to get her specialness back from Cerval with.
Serval is struggling as her thoughts are resembling a time off
The Professor and Assistant arrive
Things are going to be a bit harder and the Friends fear that Towa might be harmed due to the increasing number of ceruleans
The Salt Amulet was added to inventory 
Cerval must go but she doesn’t want to go. She wants Friends 
The group arrived at Park Central 
Everyone is happy that Towa is with them
Park Central has shopping districts, hotels, entertainment centers 
Serval and Lulu are overwhelming with excitement of being in park central 
Before you know it, everyone is excited and looking at all the cool things in park central (fitness center, karaoke bar, and more)
Crested ibis begins to sing at the Karaoke bar but the sparkle of the bar is gone
A sparkle of a place is something that no one has heard of before and they are unsure if they are able to get it back
This once happy place is now being filled with utter sadness 
The fortress of the ceruleans
Mirai has been trying to get in contact with the control center but she comes back all quiet 
Something has happened to Kako-san 
Towa comforts Mirai with a loving hug
Mirai is scared but she wants to stay positive no matter what 
During the cerulean attack at the Kemono Hospital, most of the staff were able to get out okay. But Kako was found unconscious and was transferred to the hospital outside of the park, but she is still unable to regain consciousness 
Kako San was attacked by Ceruleans
She might never open her eyes again 
They group finds Cerval who must go but doesn’t want to go
Cerval is heading emono Castle, an amusement park that uses Japari Park as its theme. The Perfect place for the Queen to reside
 Cerval is moving slow and so the group tries to catch up to her
Cerval enters the castle 
But a strange wall of light (barrier) is preventing the rest of the team from entering the castle
The group tries to break down the door but nothing they do works
The Professor and assistant arrive 
The Professor knows a way to break down the barrier 
The barrier was formed from different ceruleans scattered throughout the park. If they can defeat the ceruleans from each region, then the barrier will fall.
The group has to split up and defeat their respective ceruleans
Serval is left with Towa and Mirai 
At the waterside restaurant White Rhino reunites with black Rhino and
At the ruins Lulu meets with Rabi Rabi and they take down the cerulean 
At the park central observation deck, Toki, Professor and Assistant are there, northern goshawk, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, passenger pigeon, scarlet Ibis, martial eagle, lupela father, golden eagle to take down the cerulean 
Golden eagle says the sh word
Both crested ibis and scarlet Ibis sing to their hearts content to defeat the cerulean 
The Professor and assistant need to know more about the garden to prevent the ceruleans from coming back
At the forest park area, Fennec and Raccoon are ready to fight the cerulean 
Fennec says that Silver Fox believes in the miracle of Towa and Serval
Cerval’s fate won’t change
Arai says that Fennec loves the park and Towa and being worried without taking action won’t solve anything 
Fennec always knew Arai was cute
The cerulean is on the obstacle course 
Margay, Brown bear, Koala, Cheetah, Rock Dove are present
Drive the cerulean out of the obstacle course with Arai chasing it
Namichi, Yama-San, tube nose bat, fraternal myotis are here to help
Arai makes the ultimate sacrifice to tackle the fleeing cerulean 
But fennec helps her up
The team together defeats the cerulean 
Arai wants to play on the obstacle course 
Ceruleans have taken over the broadcast station and they need to win it back
At the shopping center Caracal, leopard, black leopard, sheep, Lion, and green pheasant have gathered 
Caracal starts to servely miss Serval
Bary lion arrives to comfort Caracal
The group defeats the giant cerulean 
The group gets distracted by the shopping center 
Black Leopard thinks Caracal is cute
Caracal starts thinking recklessly 
At the sea side narwhal, dolka, nalka, maika and blue whale are looking for the cerulean 
But then they meet some friends who are concerned for Towa (they are Komodo dragon and Tsuchinoko)
They are part of team “I’ll bite you”
Komodo might have a crush on Towa (her laugh proves it)
Moy moy sea cow and Mediterranean seal are here to help the team defeat the cerulean 
Ceruleans are trying to jam into the submarine to sink it
Komodo has dreams of her and Towa running along a white beach in the sun as they whisper their love for each other 
Side note look up info on Komodo Dragon in the future 
After defeating the ceruleans from outside the submarine they need to get rid of the ones inside the submarine 
They make it into the submarine 
Komodo is really into Towa
Blue whale is still best mom
Back with Lulu, she and Rabi Rabi, Okinawa Rail, Okinawan Habu meet Sen and Arma (refer to season 2)
Dromedary, wild Bactrian camel arrive at one of the ruin buildings
As they walk through the building they run into Moose. With the Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order (impala, saiga antelope, Yezo Silka deer, blackbuck)
Blackbuck is extremely goth and poetic 
Together the group defeats the giant cerulean 
Takin is the chivalry groups informer
Lulu leaves to head back to the park central 
Back at the water restaurant white Rhino, Black Rhino, Hippo, gorgopus hippo, capybara, Baikal seal gather to defeat the cerulean 
They then meet PIP (PPP) and Tama
The cerulean is up high so they use their strength to throw white rhino to take out the cerulean 
The cerulean is defeated
The area is a mess so they decide to clean it up
Cleaning live concert
White Rhino runs back to park central 
Silver Fox is at the warehouse 
She finds Ezo Red Fox, Reindeer, Walrus, Mountain hare, arctic hare, European hare.
They find Ceruleans are hiding in the snow thanks to Grey Wolf and Japanese Wolf
Silver Fox uses her “Nose Better ZZ” goggles to see the ceruleans
The snow sculptures have collapsed 
Silver fox runs back to the team
I’ll carry out my duty until the very end. All right then, please take care
Serval and Towa are sitting in front of the castle, waiting for the others to take down the barrier 
Serval asks Towa what she should do.
It’s either get Servals specialness and save the park
But have Cerval vanish and disappear 
Or have Cerval live
And have the whole world wrapped in darkness 
Towa comforts Serval but just then the barrier to Kemono Castle falls and the team run in.
Inside Kemono Castle Cerval is face to face with Oinari sama herself
Oinari feels pity for Cerval, who wants to feel like a Friend to the residents of Japari Park but she is nothing but a puppet to the Queen.
Cerval tries to think like the Queen but she can’t 
At last the group comes face to face with Cerval herself and Oinari Sama
Cerval tries to attack but s barrier by the Queen prevents her
Towa and everyone has to protect Oinari from the upcoming Cerulean attack
The Queen has become too powerful that Oinari can’t defeat
Cerval escapes the barrier and heads to the Queen 
The voice of the Queen is heard
“The one you all call Cerval will be no more.”
“Once the “Special” is delivered to me she will become a mere Cerulean.”
“However, that’s only natural.”
“All Sparkles will eventually disappear. No matter how much you yearn they will never return to their former state.”
“However, we Ceruleans are preserved and restored forever.”
“Cerulean that have mastered evolution by way of Ultimate Cell Harmony can restore even lost Sparkles”
The Queen is trying to decieve the team
Oinari assays that there is still time to save Cerval from her fate
Oinari can’t stop her but the team can
Towa and the team head into the castle 
Along the way Mirai says how the voice of the Queen sounds close to Kako
She also looks like Kako by appearance 
Kako always wanted to see her dead parents one more time 
The Queen stole a sparkle of Kako san and that has no doubt caused her to remain unconscious 
The Queen is a thing that is the embodiment of the Cerulean menace 
......True despair is that which comes to those who appeared bearing hope......
From behind the door, there is an over surge of power
They at last come face to face with the Cerulean Queen herself
Cerval is still okay 
Cerulean Queen... ... You were born from Kako-san’s Sparkle, weren't you?
The Queen keeps repeating her voice from earlier 
The teams voice is unable to reach the Queen 
I'm confident that the Cellien Queen is the same way... ... The Celliens gather information in order to further their evolution, reconstruct themselves to increase their efficiency, then they just replay the memories... …
The Cerulean Queen strikes 
The Queen demands that Cerval give her the special sparkle
Let Cerval go!
Serval is unable to run to Cerval due to the Queens intimidation power 
But then Toki begins to sing and Serval could move again 
Lulu throws White Rhino into battle 
Silver Fox uses a cerulean destruction bomb
The rest of the team made it on time 
But there is not even a scratch on the Queen 
Eliminate all obstacles 
She's been touched directly by the Queen... ... because of that, she's become completely enslaved to the Queen. Half of the "special Sparkle" has likely already entered the Queen
Serval tried to reach out to Cerval as a Friend 
The Queen’s hold on Cerval begins to fade
Serval uses the special salt on her amulet to help set Cerval free
But Cerval has already accepted her fate of disappearing completely 
Cerval says goodbye 
Serval begins to cry as her Friend disappears
But then Margay appears on the monitor screen
She has something to cheer Serval up
It was a video of Cervals voice
Serval can still hear Cerval’s voice
Cerval is Servals Friend!
Serval eats the salt but too much causes her to pass out.
But Cerval wakes up calling out Serval’s name
Cervals body begins to sparkle till she changes shape
And finally becomes a Friend.
Cerval did the impossible and made a sparkle out of her love for her Friend Serval
Cerval is no longer under the Queens control
the small trace of Sparkle left inside of Cerval-san...it reacted to Serval-san's feelings and created a miracle... ...?
have already collected most of the “special Sparkle”. The procedure has only been changed to include the disposal of the mutant. The Queen wants to kill Cerval
Cerval thinks Serval died
Cerval is now part of the team
The Queen stole the Central Parks sparkle 
The central parks sparkle is what is preventing Cell Harmony 
The team is filled with determination to defeat the Queen and save the park
Serval in a tired state apologies to Towa about getting him involved to begin with. Thank you for being here.
The Queen is coming
Be careful vs Eliminate 
After the fight of a lifetime, the Queen is down
But then the Queen begins to evolve in front of them
Evolution... ... resonate... ...all of... ... the Cerulean... …
Reverberation... ... Cell Harmony. Carried... ... to the tuning fork, and spread to all of Japari Park.
The Queen launches Cell Harmony into Japari Park
But then it is suddenly launched back
all the Friends from the whole adventure are having fun, happy, and living the best life possible.
This creates a sparkle so powerful that it is overpowering the Queen. She cannot use Cell Harmony.
In a fit of pure hatred and rage the Queen transforms from her Kako appearance to an abomination of bloodlust that wants nothing more than all the Friends death
And finally the battle of a life time
The Queen is weakened and refuses to give up.
 “Evolution. Preservation of information. Regeneration. ---- The sparkle lost back then......... I want to see you again. I can see you again. Revival. Even if it's proven false, even then…”
The Queen finally pops and is revealed to be an actually small cerulean and it runs away in fear.
Oinari is okay and confirms that the battle is finally over. The Queen is defeated and peace is being restored 
Towa san, I offer you my thanks. I sensed that one in possession of a "Kemono Amulet" had appeared, and I thus tasked Silver Fox with keeping that person safe. Would you care to show me that amulet to me? I would like to know which beast led you to this place.
Towa hands over the amulet to Oinari 
Oinari encrust the amulet with her crest, giving it more power to protect Towa even more 
Serval thanks Towa for everything 
Silver fox cries at the feeling of being separated from Oinari but she denies it.
Towa, Serval, and all the Friends they made along the way go and play in park central.
Mirai diary 
And so, the Cerulean Queen was defeated, and the crisis which had come to Japari Park has passed.
Additionally, with Park Central freed from the Cerulean, the reconstruction towards reinstating it as the entrance to Japari Park once more can begin!
There's still a long, bumpy road ahead before Japari Park can officially reopen, but this a big step forward! Ah, right, and before I forget, there's one last piece of good news... …
I've received word from the hospital that Kako-san has woken up from her coma. She's been recovering quickly, and she should be reinstated as park staff soon!
... ... It's all thanks to Towa-san and all the others.
Ever since that day, more and more of the animals have been calling Towa things like "Park Director" or "Director- san".
Everyone must surely be hoping that Towa san will become the new Park Director of Japari Park.
In order for Japari Park to reopen properly, a new Park Director is necessary. I also feel like Towa san would be an appropriate pick for the job, myself!
Mirai is in the staff room. Finishing her diary entry. Towa walks in and talk about the preparation to the park.
Do you like animals?
Even if the Queen was defeated, the cerulean threat this lingers.
Mirai and Towa are now officially dating and holding hands as they head to the girls. They celebrate their victory with Mirai and Towa dancing the night away.
Let's eat some Japari Buns together! They're freshly made.
... ... ... ... Hey... Towa.
Ever since you and I met each other for the first time, we've gone through so much, and we've made lots of new memories together.
I got to make friends with Guide-san... I got to meet a lot of new friends... and I made one more very important friend!
We had a huge adventure that took us all the way, north to south! We ended up going a really long way, right?
But... there's a lot of Friends in Japari Park that we still haven't met yet!
Towa , let's always explore together from now on! It's a promise, okay!? Now, let’s go!
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apricusnights · 2 years
Taco Felon: Origins (Part 2)
Continued from part one.
Taco Felon narrates to the audience as he tells a story to Piper.
Taco Felon: Let me paint a picture for you. An island in the middle of the crystal sea is home to a thriving civilization. Untouched by the conflicts being fought over the crown, and long before the Nacho King’s reign.
Taco Felon: They were advanced beyond their time, some people say it’s the birthplace of Tacos ‘N More’s secret salsa recipe..but that’s neither here nor there. Even if it’s true, how would it have been smuggled out?
Piper: Wait, salsa?
Taco Felon: Not important. Despite how advanced they were, you can never truly prepare yourself for everything...well unless you’re me. In any case, a great catastrophe stuck. The city crumbled, the island sunk beneath the sea never to be seen again.
Piper: So the place we’re going to..is underwater?
Taco Felon: Not currently. See the legend says that every five hundred years the city rises from the deep, the ancient power within it still stirring just enough to propel it to the surface. However it’s only temporary as the city will return to the depths at the end of the day.
Piper: And the amulet is leading us there?
Taco Felon: The amulet is a key, not only does it direct the holder to the city, it opens the old king’s vault. The amulet was found years ago by an underwater expedition. Copies were made of it, it was thrown in with the copies, never treated as anything special. Those who knew what it could do wanted it kept secret, hidden in plain sight. It took me years to track down the real amulet.
Piper: So you put a tracking device on it because you knew the guild would take it?
Taco Felon: The thieves guild has a new leader, their priorities changed. 
Piper: Shouldn’t we bring Morely and the others along for this? It sounds important.
Taco Felon: He’d only get in the way...get ready, this is where we get out.
Taco Felon straps a parachute on and opens up the door of the rickety plane they had rented. After a moment he gives the signal and jumps. Piper follows his lead, both parachute down as the mist clears and reveals an island.
Music by Void Katz plays as the opening credits roll.
Taco Felon and Piper land safely in the city, wasting no time in discarding their parachutes and beginning to follow the amulet’s signal toward a large temple in the middle of the city.
Sunsplosion!’s music plays as Taco Felon and Piper race through the city, dodging obstacles, navigating dead-ends, running across rooftops, barely escaping pit traps, pendulum blades, and crumbling pillars.
Piper: Is it just me, or is this entire city trying to kill us!
Taco Felon: Only the portion of it we’re in. I’m sure the rest of the city is lovely in an abandoned sort of way. This is the only clear path to the temple, they set up defenses to protect their treasure. I can respect that, but I’ve been through worse!
Piper: Oh shut up, you have not been through worse! Also, how did the guild get through this...
Taco Felon: They have the amulet, it showed them the way and let them get through the traps. Kind of boring if you ask me.
Piper and Taco Felon are out of breath as they reach the temple’s entrance. The structure has already been opened. Suddenly the two are confronted by several members of the thieves guild, all brandishing weapons.
Void Katz music plays as the fight scene starts. The guild attacks recklessly, Taco Felon uses his gadgets to disable two of them but is almost struck by one from behind. Piper slides in the way and blocks the blade with her hand.
Taco Felon: Piper!
Piper: Relax, you’re not the only one who can cobble together inventions!
Piper reveals her gloves are made of a lightweight metal..and also electrified. She balls up her fist and slams it into the guild member, electrocuting them and sending them flying backwards.
The fight resumes, Piper shows off her agility flipping over another opponent and sending them flying to Taco Felon. Taco Felon launches a small pellet forward which expands into foam and sticks the guild member to the wall.
After the skirmish is over both Piper and Taco Felon head into the temple but are quickly separated as a wall suddenly closes between them. Both continue to make their way through what seem to be an endless amount of shifting hallways and even more traps.
Taco Felon finds himself entering into a large circular chamber. Water surrounds the platform in the center. At the far end of the chamber is a giant vault door. The guild member with the amulet stands in front of it and removes his hood.
Maxwell: I’m disappointed it took you this long to get here..then again you’ve always been a disappointment.
Benjamin: Looking pretty good for someone who should be the equivalent of baked nacho platter.
Maxwell: I was expecting a bit more of a reaction from you and your sister..
Piper is shown handcuffed and brought out by two guild members.
Benjamin: When we fought, you were able to counter everything I did. The way you fought reminded me of something. All the times you spent training me, trying to make me into what you wanted. Even though it should be impossible, I had a feeling it might be you. 
Piper: How are you a..
Maxwell: Alive? Is this where I get to monologue? Is that what it’s called? I suppose I should know, considering all the times Benjamin bored everyone to death explaining things to Morely.
Benjamin: If you’re gonna monologue, at least be theatrical about it old man.
Maxwell: You escaped the blaze. I crawled my way out of the rubble. Not without a little damage but mostly in one piece. I sat back and I watched, I watched you transform yourself into something ridiculous. A costumed villain battling against everyone’s favorite hero. I was disgusted...
Maxwell: But you gave me plenty of opportunities to study you. You gave me plenty of chances to learn about all these treasures you attempted to steal, and all the ones you planned to take some day.
Maxwell: The guild had lost their previous leader, you should know that considering you were responsible for it. The king’s brother who tried to take the crown and rewrite reality. He failed and vanished. I decided to step in, fill the void as it were.
Maxwell: We waited for you to make a move on the amulet. When we realized it was the real one. Of course I knew you’d track us here so it’s a bit of a win-win. The guild can have their treasure. I get to prove you’re as much a failure as a thief as you were everything else in your life.
Benjamin: That’s what all this is about...?
Maxwell: Of course not. It’s about power. You were useful for one thing. You proved how inept the Nacho King really is. How useless the royal guard was. They’d grown weak, soft, useless. When I was captain they were a proud force. Of course that was before Morely..
Maxwell: There’s more than just treasure sealed in that vault. If you’d done your research you’d know it contains a weapon powerful enough to level entire kingdoms. I’ll use it to eliminate Morely, and the Nacho King. I’ll seize control and turn the royal guards into an elite force. MY elite force.
Benjamin: Don’t open the vault..
Maxwell: You think pleading will stop me now?
Benjamin: You said it contains a weapon! Do you really know what kind of weapon they’d go through this much trouble to seal away?
Maxwell kicks Benjamin in the stomach and turns, holding up the amulet. Light shines through it and hits the vault door. The entire temple starts to shake as the vault door slowly opens.
Once it’s halfway open a giant clawed hand reaches out and pulls the vault door off, throwing it across the room. The beast roars as it emerges, revealing itself to be the dreaded Tacorasque. Or at least a not fully grown version. The beast rampages out into the chamber, swatting Maxwell away as it begins to knock into pillars and walls. 
It grabs one of the guild members and throws them into the distance. Piper barely manages to pull away as the second guild member is pulled away by the beast’s tail. Piper struggles and frees herself from the cuffs.
Benjamin goes to help his sister but is pulled back by Maxwell, both beginning to fight and tumbling back into the vault. The vault is shown to be filled with gold, jewels, statues, and artifacts.
Maxwell activates his flame-throwers but Benjamin throws a pellet at them, clogging them and cause them to malfunction. Maxwell discards them and dodges as Benjamin tries to throw a net his way.
The two seem to exhaust their gadgets as the beast rampages through the temple, beginning to destroy it. All the while the sun has begun to set and the island is starting to sink beneath the waves. The city flooding rapidly. 
Maxwell grabs a statue and uses it to strike Benjamin, sending him backwards into a pile of treasure. He approaches and raises the statue to bash Benjamin with. Benjamin suddenly thrusts his arm forward, a collapsible spring-loaded boxing glove shoots out from his sleeve and knocks Maxwell backwards.
Benjamin thinks back, it’s shown that this was one of the first inventions he ever doodled. Maxwell is suddenly shocked from behind and knocked out by Piper’s second to last electric charge.
Piper: We gotta go, that thing is tearing the temple apart and the island is sinking!
Benjamin and Piper grab Maxwell and race to the top of the temple, the Tacorasque turns it’s attention and begins to climb the crumbling temple to reach them.
At the top of the temple Benjamin begins to deploy the last device he’d brought along. He unfolds a large piece of fabric that begins to rise up into a giant hot-air balloon shaped..like a taco.
Benjamin straps Piper in before attempting strap in Maxwell. Maxwell comes to just as the Tacorasque reaches them and grabs both Benjamin and Maxwell. The balloon begins to rise, pulling Piper up.
Benjamin and Maxwell struggle against each other, and the beast. Piper removes her other glove and tosses it down.
Piper: It’s got one charge left!
Benjamin goes to catch it, only to realize Maxwell has strapped him in to the harness and begins to get pulled away. Maxwell grabs Piper’s glove and puts it on. Reaching down and striking the beast’s head, sending enough of a shock through it that it releases it’s grip. 
Benjamin reaches down but it’s too late and he’s pulled upwards. The beast stumbles and falls backwards through the temple, Maxwell falling along with it as the island sinks beneath the crystal sea.
Benjamin and Piper drift away from the location, luckily heading toward a passing cruise ship in the distance. Benjamin takes a look back and smirks when he sees something speeding away from where the island was.
Piper: A collapsible hot-air balloon?
Benjamin: I told you, the Taco Felon comes prepared for everything!
Void Katz play once more as the credits roll.
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alishbakhanus · 3 years
Why buy your wedding favor’s online
During the year preceding the big day, the future spouses have to deal with a great deal of things. The preparations range from the most diverse things: there is a need to choose the date, the place, who will be the participants, how to entertain them so that everyone has fun and what to give them to eat in order to meet the tastes and needs more diverse food.
But not only. Then there are the decorations, the clothes, the decorations, the invitations and the thoughts that will be left to the guests.
Often couples who get married in these times have to face the stress of organizing a ceremony, having to reconcile work and family commitments and, perhaps, even managing to carve out a moment for themselves and for the couple.
Wouldn’t it be better, then, if some of this stress could be eliminated by taking care of some chores directly from the sofa at home the evening, or during a rather boring conference, or as an activity to do on rainy days without leaving the house?
Online wedding favors: here are the advantages
This is where online sales sites come in! For your wedding favors, don’t worry about wandering around a thousand shops looking for the right model, losing entire days and getting tired even further after a busy week of work.
Browse comfortably from your tablet, phone or PC the pages of the catalog of reliable online stores that give you the guarantee of a Professional product and discover the collection of wedding favors designed to perfectly adhere to any theme and style that you and the your partner will have chosen for your special day.
The wedding favors chosen online: the originality you don’t expect
Choose the online wedding favors is to have access to a very broad catalog of models arranged by color, theme, materials, style and price.
The originality that you will find only on reliable sites and with the professionalism of the sector that will allow you to present to your guests thoughts that are not found everywhere and that you can also customize by mixing and mixing different elements, colored ribbons, packages and boxes of particular materials and so on and so forth.
Choosing to buy directly from the manufacturer means receiving a quality product, packaged and decorated by hand just for you. The ability to buy it in one click also allows you to have it delivered directly to your home or to the place where it is more convenient to retrieve it at the chosen time.
Furthermore, do not underestimate the possibility of viewing the catalog at home in paper form, requesting free samples to touch the materials firsthand before purchasing and taking advantage of special discounts and the money-back guarantee.
Not just favors: sugared almonds, ribbons, sugared almond holders and tickets
On the site you will have to find not only favors and sugared almond holders for your wedding, but also everything you need to personalize them and make them even more special: discover the assortment of sugared almonds of every color, from classic almond or chocolate flavors to more details such as cassata or lemon.
You will also find an assortment of cards that you can write by hand or have them delivered already printed, and that you can insert in your favor thanks to colored ribbons and veils and with particular textures that you will find in the appropriate section of the site.
Choose dedicated assistance together with the supplier
Choosing to turn to a specialized site also means working with highly professional staff.
Favors, cards, sugared almonds and decorative elements must be made by highly qualified craftsmen and consultants who know the favors in detail, from their design to their realization, will always be available to help you in your choice.
They will be able to give you style advice based on your needs and will find the most special models for you that would escape the inexperienced eye.
Who knows how many porcelain figurines of the two embracing spouses you have happened to see inside the cabinets at your grandmothers or aunts’ homes. Years ago, in fact, this was a real must, the classic wedding favor that was received at every wedding.
Original wedding favors: ideas and tips for choosing!
But you know, times – fortunately – change, generations evolve and tastes look elsewhere and in a broader view. So if you are about to get married and you are struggling with the choice of the details of your wedding day, the time has come to take paper, pen and … write down all our tips on original wedding favors.
Original wedding favors for your big day!
From the dress to the cake to the smallest detail, on your most beautiful day everything has to talk about you, your history and your personality. It is no coincidence that today – in most cases – the spouses choose a very specific theme to follow for the entire wedding.
For this reason, there is no shortage of originality and personalization for wedding favors, there are different kinds and types from the edible ones to the more useful and green ones.
Favors to be “tasted” and personalized!
If your wedding speaks to the five senses, the choice of wedding favors can only be the edible one, to be “tasted”. To do this, you can choose zero kilometer or complete customization in pastry shops, farmhouses and artisan shops.
Here are some of the types to choose from:
Personalized cookies,
Test tube with ingredient for chocolate,
Spice jar,
Bottle of oil,
Wine bottle,
Jar of jam or honey.
Original scented wedding favors: candles and diffusers for the environment
If you are a romantic bride and a lover of perfumes this is the perfect original wedding favor idea for you. You can opt for candles of different sizes, colors and fragrances up to the most innovative ones that reproduce the crackling of the fireplace.
If, on the other hand, perfume has always been your hallmark, you can choose to create and customize reed diffusers specifically for the environment.
Green favors: plants and seeds to plant!
Do you want a green wedding? Then you can only choose green favors as potted plants – succulents are the most suitable – or a pack of seeds to plant.
For the latter you can even choose from multiple seed options such as:
Sunflower flowers.
One of the most original wedding favor ideas of recent years!
Gifts for original guests: infusions and cups!
If, on the other hand, you are a future bride to be with a Zen personality, you could decide to leave a teapot, cup and infusion set or simply a package of the latter as a souvenir of your wedding day.
You can therefore have fun choosing between different flavors, from the most delicate to fruit and flowers to the most decisive ones with spices and exotic fruits, based on the personality of each guest.
Regional favors to give luck!
Then there are also the amulets of regional traditions that can be chosen as wedding favors. In this case the pure white, the warm and bright colors of the Mediterranean will be the real protagonists.
Beautiful and useful, the new life of wedding favors!
If you want to look at functionality instead, opt for useful wedding favors: surely you will be spoiled for choice as well as customization and your guests will not be able to help but like.
In fact, all kinds of them have been conceived, from the most classic to the most original ones. Here are some ideas to mark on your diary:
pizza cutter,
USB stick.
Courtesy: best farmhouse in Lahore
0 notes
hadarlaskey · 4 years
Sundance London will go virtual to continue in 2020
While the people of Earth await a vaccine or other lasting solution to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, we’ve been left with no choice but to contrive novel methods by which we might continue onward with the things that made life worth living back in the before-times. Sundance London, the offshoot bringing the choice cuts from the sprawling American film festival across the Atlantic, was scheduled to take place in its usual springtime slot, but inclement circumstances forced an indefinite postponement.
The postponement may now be upgraded to “definite,” as Sundance London has issued a press release announcing a virtual edition of the 2020 festivities, with a few films set for their UK premiere. For a truncated three-day run, the programme will stream online to a wider audience than ever, bringing the screenings and special events that would have otherwise transpired in person.
Three features will be made available to those with a £20 festival pass: the first will be Uncle Frank, Alan Ball’s road picture about a gay man (Paul Bettany) in the ’70s coming to terms with his own past, the second will be Luxor, an Egypt-set romance from Zeina Durra, and the final film will be Boys State, a documentary chronicling one thousand teens’ effort to build a representative government from the ground up.
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The festival will also corral five directors for a group discussion about their work that swept the original Sundance back in January, though the movies in question will not be on display for patrons. The chat will include Janicza Bravo (director of Zola), Emerald Fennel (director of Promising Young Woman), Romola Garai (director of Amulet), Justin Simien (director of Bad Hair), and Julie Taymor (director of The Glorias). In the free-to-stream panel, they’ll get into the vicissitudes of the independent sector, and where this cataclysmic event will leave them and their to-be-released films.
Pass holders will also have access to a panel discussion on inside-baseball industry matters with executive from Film4 and NEON, as well as a programme of eight short films. (The offerings include an animated fantasy about a beautiful large slug, and a dark vision of violent uprising by a school’s a cappella club against their bullies.) In terms of sheer size, Sundance London 2020 may be scaling back, but what they’ve got still has the same international heft as their programming from years past.
Sundance London take place 7-9 August, 2020. For more info visit picturehouses.com/sundance
The post Sundance London will go virtual to continue in 2020 appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/festivals/sundance-london-2020-programme-announcement/
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thaiamulet-us · 4 years
Tian In Gaew Riak Jidt (In KooYintong) Candle magic Love spell for enchantment
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Candle magic spell Tian In Gaew Riak Jidt (In Koo/Yintong) Love spell for enchantment
Looking for a new relationship? Want to deepen the bond with your current partner? Love & Attraction candle magic is the perfect solution for forming new romances or intensifying the intimacy of your current relationship. Candle magic is a very old and powerful form of sympathetic magic, but it is also one of the simplest types of magic to use for casting spells. Candle magic can be simple or complicated, just as relationships can. It is candle magic spell which you can cast over man or women ,Candle love spell that work fast is a spell that leaves powerful influence over mind of your lover which will b similar to hypnosis effect like symptoms and lover become in control. If you want something like love spell to control lover or someone. It works in natural way without showing any sign or symptoms of candle love spell that work instant. If you want to get love from someone or want to make someone in favor so this working candle love spell is very good for your purpose The Powerful Candle Magic Love Spells is targeted to those who have just lost their partner and love ones. This spell works perfectly to call back an ex lover whom just left you or stopped loving you.
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Holy Materials : Candle magic spell Tian In Gaew Riak Jidt (In Koo/Yintong) Love spell for enchantment
Made By Ajarn Kong Sak He has created these candel spells using both the Astrologers' 'Dtamra Horasat', and the Sorceror's 'Dtamra Saiyasart', in combination to apply both astrological iinfluences, as well as the Sorcery of Maha Sanaeh and Mad Jidt Mad Jai Enchantment Spell for Amorous Dominion over the hearts of others. Ajarn Kong Sak has made the candle effigies from the authentic traditional formula of Muan Sarn Ingredients, adhering to the concept that the wax must be natural beeswax, that comes from wild forest bees. The wax had to be boiled in the cauldron at a specifically allocated time according to the Astrological alignments to maximise and focus the influence of the stars and planets and the elemental forces into the Sacred Muan Sarn. A series of essential Sorcerous substances must also be included in the recipe for the potion, including powdered gold leaf taken from Buddha Statues that have been covered with gold leaf pasted on by the faithful devotees, and Sacred Buddhist relics, Ancient Perfumed oils such as Nam Man Jan, Necromantic , Sacred Herbal Maha Sanaeh Oils, Nam Man Phii Prai,  Wan Grajae Jan, Wan Sanaeh Jantr (all seven kinds, each kind representing one of the colors of the rainbow), Wan Din Sor Lersi (Lersi Hermits Chalkpen herb), Wan Chang Pasom Khloeng (Mating elephant in heat herb)Wan Sau Hlong, Wan Taep Ramjuan, Wan Chor Tong, Wan Maha Sanaeh and most importantly, the extremely rare Paya Wan Gai Daeng (red cockerel herb), from Burma.
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The Lover Come Back to Me! Candle amulet is a must for anyone who seeks the return of a lost love or hopes to renew the spark in a current relationship. Carry this remarkable amulet with you if you wish to "reconnect" with someone who has been distant from you. Hold it tightly if you want them to think of you, miss you, Whether you have a current love who is ignoring you, or you are searching for a new love, Candle Magic Love Spells bridges the empowered for high levels of attraction and fascination powers will fall in love with you .and will bring love and happiness between lovers, and will prevent the breaking up of your love and your family relation.
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What is In Koo ? The In Koo amulet (symbol of love and lust) A figurine showing a couple in Siamese embrace that is meant for lovers or married couples, or for making one more attractive to the opposite sex; For those who are faced with struggles and problems in their love-lives and romantic situations, this In Koo  of occult knowledge will enable you to enhance this area of your life for the better, powerful control people's mind and can make a worshiper sexually attractive. The In Koo (also known in South East Asia as ‘Yin Tong') is a symbiotic Deity in the form of a Man and a Woman embracing each other.(male and female) in the history of the world, It is a magical animist effigy which ancient people believed represents the first ever pair of Man and Woman and is a symbol of Love The In Koo is a sacred Love symbolizes love, bonding, strong relationship and loyalty in love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was. In Koo charms amulets are popular in Thailand for those who are seeking a love partner or simply to make their partner be faithful and "tied" to the wearer. The Magical Properties kept the In Koo in the house, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer
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  How to use Tian In Gaew Riak Jidt (In Koo/Yintong) Candle magic Love spell for enchantment
Is used to purify a relationship, which is either to stop arguments between lovers or to strengthen a relationship. Once you have chosen your candle you are finally ready to cast the spell and hopefully reunite with your special someone. 1)Prepare yourself for the spell by clearing your area and your mind. before the full moon appears.find a quiet place.needs a private area with no disturbance of any kind. 2) write your name and your lover name, date of birth (if you know it) in to your photos and your lover photos. Or in a cloth/ in of clothing your lover wears, and even better, if possible, some hair or pieces of fingernails of the person, 3) Put in the hole under the candle Relax and hold the candle while visualizing the desired outcome as you send your energy from your hands into the candle ,Place the candle in a candle holder on your altar or tabletop 4) Light the candle and continue to visualize the outcome as you think about the results you desire. Focus all your energy on the results as you watch the candle burn for a period of time / Focus on the candle as it burns, visualizing the person coming to you with love.  Imagine the face of the person whom you want back in your life while staring at the candle ,Allow your candle to burn out or extinguish it safely. Perform the spell on the same day of the week in which the person you wish to enchant was born on, and if you know what time they were born on, then do it at that same time of the day, for the most powerful magic.  
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Candle magic Tian In Gaew Riak Jidt Love spell for enchantment $64 Free shipping
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Note :…………………………… Guarantee you the most powerful amulet you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results. > All items will come with an Item Instruction Paper. > An Items may vary in size, colour and appearance from the image shown; however its purpose will remain the same as that described above. > The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, own experiences or represent opinions of a published author. Payment Method: ACCEPT PAYPAL or Western Union.. ONLY!! Free Shipping:Worldwide............... The product would be carefully packed, The package would be delivered from Bangkok Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co.,Ltd. Please allow 14 - 17 Business Days for shipment arrival. Package would be delivered within 2 business days upon the receipt of Payment. Thank you very much & Good Luck and Happy and Enjoy Shopping   Read the full article
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sufimagic · 5 years
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What is this: It’s a single seed from the “Abrus precatorius” plant, it’s one of the oldest seeds that was used for its magical benefits, called many names in many cultures and places (equirity, Crab's eye, or crab's eye creeper, cock's eyes, rosary pea, paternoster pea, love pea, precatory pea or bean, prayer bead, John Crow Bead, coral bead). After the seed is taken it goes through very long and complicated process of empowering, chanting, incensing, tangeem (mooning), and tashmees (sunning), the process takes at least few weeks. Then it will be placed in a nice secure copper holder that was specifically made for that. with special engravings on it. it looks like any kind of modern nice fashionable pendant or necklace when it’s sealed. Benefits: This is specifically made to enhance the emotional aspects of the person, increase the overall love and admiration the person received from others both men and women, to look more attractive to other people from all genders, have more affection from the other sex and a much better ability to attract the other sex and look appealing to them. simply this is one of the best, easiest to use, and most affordable real love amulets you can get. It was used and tried for centuries and it’s 100% safe and have absolutely no side effects, unlike many love and attraction amulets that use low standing entities or evil or demonic entities this doesn’t have any entities or spirit attached to it, simply the energy from the item itself and the empowerment that was done to it will greatly enhance the vibrations and extent of the red energy in the root and heart charka or what we know as the Venus energy. That directly affects the person interpersonal relationship, attraction, love and admiration, and sexual energy. ، ، ، ، ، ، #sufimagic #removemagic #spirtualhealing #arabicoccult #forbiddenknowledge #gardianangel #mysticism https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAiF_8HVga/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12txrhlvur267
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