#specifically kuroo x reader
starrbright · 9 months
Wade The Gallows
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December 14. I was going through a lot this day and I had the beginning written down almost immediately. So, bear with me. Two cups of tall coffees for this, damn 🏃🏽‍♀️
passage above is from Morgan Matson's Amy and Roger's Epic Detour
800 words. angst. mentions of suicide. all my y/n are afab, fat and of color.
mdni banner by @cafekitsune
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"Hey." The softest of word one could merely utter gently to me and I'd be on my knees. A tug at my heart. I always believed that word is so gentle, well, mostly because I think it's a call for attention, but out of benignity. To pull you out of whatever you may be in but tenderly.
Whenever he says it, I melt. The word alone and from the man I let wield the power over me. I'm nothing. A breath of fresh air to me the second I feel I'm not of this world. That I live when I don't exist for a moment as I'm in his hold.
Such a word.
And the second he utters it twice, finally takes me back to present. The heaviness of his presence surrounds me. I wish it could always blanket me. Forever wash away what bites my being. Yet all is fleeting.
All the more reason for me to feel the shudder that crawls through my skin as his breath blows behind me, with his hands holding me close. To cherish the comfort of his concern through knowing silence before all is said.
"Speak to me." He says. Any other time, I would have been in his grasp to easily command, but of course--this is different. Still and always, with his hold on me, is what grounds me. "Please."
How could I have ever been so lucky?
How did it come to this anyways.
Suppose I have been too far in my head that I hadn't seen him seeing me, even as I stitch myself presentably, he can see all the threads behind in such a tangled and unfathomable mess.
I'm afraid there's nothing I could hide from him even if I want to.
And if there's anything I know truly, is that such blessings we could see surround us, must be honoured.
As his warmth surrounds me more, closing the distance behind us, coldness running over my body for a second from the sensation of being engulfed by his warmth. His arm squeezing me tightly against his chest as he feels it.
His face nestled in my neck, I welcome myself in his embrace, basking in the nothingness for what time could let me have, for as long as he let me.
And as I got myself out again, "Hey." He whispered, and I almost smiled and laughed.
I twined my hand on his where it lays on my stomach as I nuzzle my head against his chest. "Hi." Barely a whisper.
He squeezed my hand, holding me even more on him. "Hi." His hot breath almost could sedate me.
I don't speak after that but just remained loose in his grasp.
He keeps me together.
"Can I carry you to bed?" He asked. I wouldn't even have to answer.
There he kneels before me as I sit on the edge of his bed.
God, he has my heart.
"Forgive me..." I merely spoke, not meeting his eyes. Would it be bad if I hope he'd be angry? "Don't be mad." What a lie.
I'm not ready to see the hurt in his eyes. "I..I've been...thinking of killing myself lately a lot."
His hands holding mine turns tighter, I feel his gaze on me not breaking, nor even falter. "Will you look at me?"
It only takes once for me to listen to his.....plea.
It's not long to see the pain underneath him. How cruel do I have to be to feel solace in them.
Too much a human I have become.
It's only inevitable for him to blame himself but he figures maybe that would be selfish if he thought of himself first before you when it is you who has been hurting all along.
So he does what he think is best--to be there with you. As he always has been.
He doesn't speak, instead graced you with his lips on your knuckles, making each tender kiss last, never letting his eyes stray as he does.
There's something so to behold in the comfort we can offer with silence, taking a part of what breaks us, almost giving us a clean slate.
And I want to kill myself. I do. But I want to hear my brother's laugh more. I want to see my nephew and niece grow up. I want to see my friends more.
And I want to feel him more everyday. To hear my heart bang so loud in my chest as he slowly kiss all of my fingertips, each kiss so soft yet unyielding.
We're only human after all.
"Let me bathe you." He spoke after kissing your knuckles once again.
And there you were in the bathroom as he strips you off just after he drew you a bath.
There you were both under the water, laying against his chest as he's sitting back on the bathhub.
What more could I ask for as he hold my hands, flowing our fingers gently above the water, his face resting softly upon mine, with his heart beating against me, reminding me of my own.
A blessing of the many from being a human in this land.
"Will you let me?" He asks as he slowly free your hands to run them up slowly your arms. And you let out only the faintest of 'yes'.
I want to kill myself.
But I want to feel this more as he gives himself to me as I for him, each time.
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strawberry-hachi · 6 months
Kuroo has always had a pretty rigid idea when it came to people. It was either those in his corner that he would fight tooth and nail for, or people who he kept at a distance. Who simply took him as the kind, intelligent boy who only spoke when spoken too.
That was till you came into the picture and quite literally tore his ideology apart.
You were someone who, upon arrival, had rumours spread about them. You were somebody who had to transfer late because of this or that. Every rumor from the mill getting more unbelievable than the last.
Despite his own senses, however, he kept his distance. Sure he is social, but even he knows when it would be the right time to interact with somebody.
And he was more than willing to wait the entire year without seeing you.
And then you just, appeared at practice one day. He didn't really get to hear Coach Nekomata's reasoning behind it, but suddenly you were there.
And he would consider himself a pretty logical person. He can read people easily and knows how to push certain buttons so people befriend him. It's why he is the captain after all.
And yet all logic is thrown out the window whenever you decide to make your face known. He isn't exactly sure if he should run or not, or say hi or something. His heart is beating too fast and loudly and his palms are much too sweaty to do anything. He isn't sure if it's fear or nerves.
And despite everything, you get to see the other side of the coin that is Kuroo Tetsuro. The devious little cat that is itching to push somebody's buttons. The person who willingly went along with Kenma when he decided he had enough of people calling him Sadako and dyed his hair and also, maybe intentionally, snuck hair dye into the shower faucets at school as well. The person who went along with Lev's idea to put beans in one of his bully's shoes. The person who always butts heads with Yaku.
And despite everything, he sees a different side of you as well. Someone called a mad dog and outcast smiling and being as kind as fresh blossoms in May.
He wouldn't say to your face how much he liked your first encounter. How you helped him off the ground after he so gracefully fell to the ground (it was, in fact, not graceful and he pulled down Kai and Yaku with him).
Or the time he found out your birthday by Coach Nekomata and had scrambled to get everything together, only to end in failure and cake covering his entire body as you attempted to clear his eyes of the delicious monstrosity.
He wouldn't say to your face how grateful he is that you personally hand out the water bottles. Or how his skin tingles each time your fingertips brush. He didn't know exactly why that happened.
He found himself looking forward to every occasion with you, yet he still kept his distance. Would only speak to you if you started the conversation. He didn't know how to approach you and this all built up until you eventually threw his jacket, which you had fetched for him, into his face and stormed out after you had approached him with said jacket only to overhear that he didn't consider you a friend, much less a colleague.
It hurt a lot and you never really accepted his apology, and he still remembers crying for weeks about it as Kenma, as sweet(?) as he is, told him to suck it up because it was his fault (and it was! He admits it! It still hurt though).
And that was probably the last time you ever stayed in a place alone with him after that. Until you absolutely had to.
It was about seven pm, if not a bit later, and the only people in the barely illuminated gym were Kuroo and you.
He had volunteered to stay behind to help you pack up for tomorrow's big home game. Nekomata has given him a certain look and he responded with a caring roll of the eyes. He didn't dare look in your direction in fear of your expression.
The gym itself, void of people such as Lev or Yamamoto, was in eerie peace. The moon that came through the window that only slightly gave light to their surroundings. The clean floor that gave the occasional squeak as Kuroo went around the gym cleaning up.
You were in the middle of the court putting away the net and cleaning the gym floor. You always had an oddly serious expression on your face when anything related to volleyball happened to come up. He found it endearing, to see someone just as passionate.
Though you two couldn't be more different. He was popular and kind, and well thought of by the teachers and students alike while your only time socializing with your peers is during volleyball. You had even lashed out at him once early on when he, not so kindly, said that you could just make friends if you tried hard enough. He obviously apologized later, as he had to run through the rain and onto the bus that you were on, and later you both ate cheap sushi underneath the yellow light of the street lights as you both recalled your first years in highschool.
Admittedly, it is a cute, if not embarrassing way to reconnect with somebody, but it was the only option and, recalling the memory, was quite a memorable experience as, upon returning home after walking you home, had talked his father's ear off about it.
He still remembers as you recount your wild stories before you transferred to Nekoma. You were the bombshell of your team in your first year and, as he searched your team's national matches, quite talented to boot.
And so here you sit, your back turned to Kuroo as you work on folding up the net into it's small bag.
"Hey," he calls out and momentarily cringes at the gravely nature of his voice. As though he had not spoken in years.
"Hm?" You don't turn to look at him and if he wasn't making an attempt to hear you, he'd probably not have heard you at all.
"I am your friend, right?" He says unwittingly.
It is times like these that he wished you didn't make him such a fool so easily. So that he could easily piece together his thoughts and emotions about you and get straight to the point instead of asking meaningless questions.
"Of course you are," You scoff, standing up, "Even if you don't view me as such."
"Y'know," He clears his throat, "Everything I said about you being an annoyance and dead weight," He winces with just recalling the words, "I didn't mean any of that."
The silence is deafening, if not suffocating to him as you take a few minutes to gather your thoughts; your back still turned to him.
"What did you mean then?" You finally look at him, and his breathing starts up again.
He thinks of a multitude of things in that short few seconds before he responds. All more so along the lines of someone he wants to push onto the bleachers and kiss until they're sick of it, but he doubts that's the correct way to phrase it.
"I don't know," he clears his throat to continue speaking as you stay silent, giving him your attention.
"You've always been a, uh, oddity to me, y'know?"
You strike him with a look as you raise your eyebrow and he is quick to correct that he doesn't mean it in a bad way.
"It's just, I am not sure exactly who you are to me."
"So you don't consider me your friend?" Your voice, as melodious it is through the echoing of the gym akin to a church, sounds hollow, if not stiff.
"Yes," He swallows a lump he didn't know he had in his throat, "You are much more than that to me."
You are quiet. Deathly quiet, and if you don't make any noise soon he might just run out of the gym now and never return to volleyball.
Kuroo Tetsuro! a valiant man who attempted to put his thoughts and emotions into words and was slain and who now lives out the rest of his days stuffing his face with food and watching romance movies to cry to so he can live through the embarrassment!
It was probably about time he quit volleyball anyways. I mean, who would care if he stopped just a little early?
"Who am I exactly to you then?"
His mind goes blank.
And it is times like these that he wishes you didn't get rid of, "Logical Tetsuro" so easily. It is times like these exactly where he wishes he could simply get it over with and not feel so much pressure to answer a short question.
"I don't really know."
He finally lifts his head off the ground as he realizes he has been spinning the volleyball in his hands the entire time and stops. Your face, as lovely as it is, is blank. You are looking straight at him, maybe even through him and he hasn't been more nervous in an entire lifetime.
"Then," you take a small step forward, and upon the realization that Kuroo doesn't move, get a bit closer.
Your shoes are touching together when you stop and you look at him. Really look at him and give him that stare that gives him butterflies and makes him mess up his receives and blocks that he blames Yaku on.
"What do you want to do with me?"
It was a charged question. Unless someone really knew the meaning behind it, it could be easily taken as some innuendo or sexual connotation, but he knew. He knew.
"I want to hold you and keep you close," He finally is able to take a deep breath, "I want to be able to give you love and affection until you are sick of me and most of all, I want to kiss you."
His body almost freezes up and shrivels as he finally seems to voice his thoughts. What he has dreamed of (he isn't proud of waking up in cold sweat after having a make out session with you in his dream. He really isn't).
He is still staring at you, and you don't seem entirely sure what to do. Neither does he, if he is being honest. There are many emotions welling up inside him, a lot of them going alongside the lines of embarrassment and shame.
He is considered attractive by his peers and he always has control on how he thinks and behaves, so why now is he throwing all that out the window? Is he really the same little boy that Kenma befriended that couldn't even speak a sentence in or out the house?
"I'm sorry, I'm pushing my emotions onto you aren't I?" He attempts to laugh to ease the situation but it comes out forced and he feels himself somehow die more inside.
"Shut up," His shirt is pulled as he registers that your lips are on his. You are kissing him.
It is swift and painless and you quickly separate with your cheeks flushed red as you quickly turn around to put away the bag that holds the net.
"I still won't forgive you for what you said about me, but I'm glad I know why now," You laugh, incredulously so, "Goodnight, Kuroo."
"It's Tetsuro."
And in a moment of no thoughts and pure emotion, he grabs your arm as he turns you around. He doesn't even register you dropping the bag with a giant CLANK! until later when you go to assess the damages because he is too busy taking you in.
What was that quote from Bond again? First is happenstance, second is coincidence, but third is enemy action?
Your lips are softer as he takes longer to register it all, and you make a little gasp when he kisses you that has his heart soaring as you are quick to return the kiss.
He refuses to stop the kiss until he physically can no longer breathe and has to take a second to take a deep breath, before immediately kissing you again.
You both are there for who knows how long as he grabs you by the waist and pulls you against him, attempting to deepen the kiss with the limited knowledge he has.
You make a little noise as he pushes his tongue into your mouth and he holds you tighter as he continues to kiss you.
He is about to pass out from lack of air until you pull back, catching your breath. Unwittingly, when you pull back, his head moves forward to try and connect back with you and when you finally seem to be able to breathe you begin laughing.
"I'm sorry."
He blinks at you as you hold his arms to stabilize yourself from laughing. His own still holding you against him from your waist. He repeats the two words over and over again as he holds you close to him.
"Uh," he says, oh so intelligently as you wrap your arms around his back. He can practically feel Yaku laughing at his lack of charm.
And it's not like he hasn't dated others. He remembers Kenma's absolute horror in first year at his, then girlfriend at the time, and was the person who quite literally cheered when he announced he broke up with her during practice. He still remembers that.
Yet somehow, all of that just, peaces out, like he doesn't need it or something which he very much does.
With all that aside though, you simply laugh harder at his lack of response and he finds himself laughing along with you.
As the laughter dies down, he thinks himself a little lucky. Sure, he wishes he had his loveably logical self right now to learn how to navigate all of this and you but, it might be okay to be all over the place if it means having you.
Yeah, it might be okay.
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
Just remembered the Kuroo x reader fic I started writing back in November has been sat languishing in my drafts and like... realistically am I ever going to finish it? Or should I just post it and update it if I ever wanna add to it?
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reverie-starlight · 3 months
okay that kuroo piece is still coming but have this small sakusa x MSBY!manager blurb that I just thought up and got so excited about!! I’m marking this down as fem!reader just for this specific little ramble. it can be read separately from the series !!
warnings: none, but probably a bit of a disconnect from what really happens at charity galas lmao
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sakusa kiyoomi has a certain reputation for being very stoic and stand-offish in public- always polite but rather blunt in interviews. he’s tall, intimidating and not very personable around those who don’t know him, so it’s not a surprise people perceive him this way. his preference for wearing his mask most of the time only adds to this reputation, and he couldn’t care less. in fact, you would argue that he finds comfort in being perceived as unapproachable by strangers.
but when MSBY fans realize how horrifically down bad their favourite wing spiker is for the team manager, they have a field day with this absolutely drastic personality shift.
it starts with little jokes made by fan accounts about how much nicer he is to you in comparison to his teammates. they latch onto passing comments made by bokuto or atsumu about how when you’re at practice they feel at ease because they’re less likely to get obliterated by his sarcastic remarks.
no one has clued into the fact that you’re together yet, just that there’s some serious chemistry between you two.
it doesn’t go much further than that until the night of some charity event a lot of different teams are attending. of course managers are there, as well as coaches and trainers and JVA employees.
you’re doing the press/carpet walk before entering the event and in between photos and walking between journalists, one of the straps of your heels has come undone.
you frown a little and inspect it before realizing your dress restricts your ability to fix it yourself, so you nudge your boyfriend and stick your foot out to draw his attention to your predicament.
you don’t think twice about how there are no words are spoken. just a simple action and understanding between two lovers.
so people watch on as sakusa kiyoomi drops to his knees right then and there without protest and fixes your shoe. you take the opportunity to adjust the neckline of your dress (a deep, silky forest green to match his tie) and look around while you wait for him to finish.
you don’t realize the uproar this is bound to create, and you definitely don’t think twice about the fact that your boyfriend isn’t wearing a mask to this event.
…which means everyone is able to see the blush on his face and the tiny yet extremely lovesick smile on his lips as he gets up. you grin and pat sakusa on the cheek in thanks before walking to the next reporter, him trailing behind you dutifully.
you check twitter the next morning and your timeline is flooded with videos of that moment, captions gushing about how sweet and happy he looks. some fans go as far as to say he looks like a lost puppy following you around.
he doesn’t regret it one bit, but you have to comfort him when he loses his stand-offish reputation after that because he dreads the idea of more people possibly coming up to him in public.
I literally sprinted here to write this lmao
not edited!!
tagging: @dira333 @emmyrosee
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tetsumie · 3 months
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read part 1 here!
pairing: kuroo x reader & bokuto x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: the boys call you clingy but they don’t mean it
a/n: hello ahhh it's been awhile since i've posted but i'm trying to get back into the habit of writing again! someone in my inbox had requested me to add bokuto to this list so i tried my best but i hope you all enjoyed this and feel free to stop by my inbox to leave a comment, tell me your thoughts, or just lmk how it's going hehe :,)
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kuroo tetsuro
"i'm home," a mumble echoed out into the empty living room.
at the sound of the door opening, you make your way out of your shared bedroom to greet your overworked boyfriend, kuroo.
"hi baby," you replied with a tired smile on your features.
the door closes and kuroo slides off his slacks, loosens his tie, runs his fingers through his hair, and sighs in exhaustion.
"have you eaten dinner yet?" you start to ramble. " i can warm up dinner and we could maybe share a meal together?"
"we haven't spent much time together in a while so you know.. i was just thinking... we could do something small together?"
you continue to ramble about how you spent all evening trying a new recipe you saw on tiktok that really fascinated you.
but kuroo is not having it.
all he wants to do is just go to bed and forget the past couple shitty days he's had at work. today, especially, was stressful considering how nothing had gone his way and the higher ups just wouldn’t stop giving him a hard time.
he kept his frustration, tiredness, anger all bottled up for the past couple days and they were all about to boil out.
on top of that, your constant rambling isn't helping. you keep talking and talking and talking and his mind is beginning to get cloudy and his anger is about to boil over.
his voice rises and he finally speaks, "god y/n.. can you just shut the fuck up and stop being all up in my space? you're so fucking clingy just leave me alone."
you mouth shuts up mid sentence and you're looking down at your feet, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye after hearing his true feelings.
"sorry, i just wanted to spend some time and talk and relax with you..." your voice goes quiet. "you've been out really late for the past couple days so i was just hoping-"
however, kuroo's outburst isn't over yet. if anything, your little comment voicing your concerns seems to have make him a bit more upset.
"yeah, i've been out late because of how suffocating it is here at home with you. god, it's like you just can't take a fucking hint! just leave me the fuck alone!" he says and your eyes go a bit glassy.
"r-right," you say as you're turning around so he doesn't see the tears forming in your eyes. "sorry, i'll respect your wishes and give you your space."
seeing your hunched figure walking away brought him back to his senses.
what the fuck did i just say to them? oh my god.
"y/n wait i'm sorry-" he begins but is cut off.
"kuroo, i think you've said enough tonight."
the sound of his last name coming out of your mouth leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and he knows he's fucked up immensely. the door to the bedroom closes, indicating that you're clocking out for the night and you can't deal with this conversation any bit longer.
kuroo sits himself on the couch with his head in his hands, shaking his head.
what the hell did i just say to them? it's not even their fault... i just... how the hell do i make it up to them?
kuroo walks to the door and places three subtle knocks on the door, begging for permission to enter. he's greeted with no acknowledgement or response.
he turns the knob and to his surprise it opens. there, he sees you fast alseep in your comforter in a fetal-like position. he goes into the closet, changes into his pajamas, and immediately climbs into bed.
he brings you close to his side of the bed, specifically putting your head on his chest. he begins to stroke your hair and places gentle kisses on your head, mumbling soft "i'm sorry's" and "i love you's."
he's praying to whatever deity out there that this would blow over by tomorrow morning or something.
but kuroo wakes up the next morning to his worst nightmare: you're not in bed with him. he feels his blood run cold and he's running the worst case scenarios in his head.
he rushes out of the bedroom to see that you're nowhere in the apartment. he sees a bright colored post-it note stuck on to the fridge with a note scribbled in your handwriting.
"i'm staying at a friend's house for the next couple of days. i just need time to think for a bit. there's some leftovers from last night in the fridge so make sure you eat those.
love u always, y/n"
kuroo's hands shake as he's holding your post-it note.
of course, they'd leave. i treated them like shit and hurt them so badly of course they want to leave. but even after everything, they still love me… i don’t deserve them.
kuroo begins to spiral and the next couple of days aren't any easy for him.
every attempt at texting or calling you has lead to no response. he goes to sleep without you next to him, holding back tears every time. every morning without fail, he pats the vacancy next to him in hopes that you'll be there but to his demise, every time, you're not. work feels even more lethargic than usual. before, he used to look forward to coming home to you but now you're not even at home so what's the point in even trying. counting down the hours until he gets to leave his cubicle has become futile.
i just really want them back. please come back home.
but when he comes home from a pain achingly long day of work, he doesn't find you and his mood plummets even more.
that is until one day, kuroo is able to leave work early where he comes home and hears the familiar noise of the coffee maker brewing. his eyes shoot up from his slacks to look over at the kitchen where he sees you in all your beauty, fidgeting with the knobs on the coffee machine. your eyes both lock and you immediately look away.
kuroo thought you were gone for good. and the fact that you were only a couple feet away from him made his heart swell and his eyes water. there's so much to say but his not a single word is escaping his mouth.
"you want some coffee? i just started a new batch," you finally say to fill up the silence of the room.
he gulps, "sure yeah."
you grab a coffee cup and pour him a fresh cup of coffee and slide it to him across the kitchen counter, avoiding getting too close to him.
too nervous to even touch his drink, he begins to address the elephant in the room, "y/n, i'm so sorry for what i said that night. i had no right to speak to you in the manner."
"it's okay," you say in a curt manner. "i get it."
he shakes his head and tries to get closer to you to convey his feelings but is stopped when he sees you take a step back. his heart cracks.
"no it's not okay sweetheart. i've been so busy with work and i just got super overwhelmed with everything and-"
"kuroo, you know you don't have to make any excuses right?" you interrupt his train of thought.
he's confused now. "excuses? y/n what are you even talking about- "
"just end it with me already... i know you want to," you say, looking down at the fresh cup of coffee in your hands. "you made that very clear."
his world freezes.
the world becomes completely silent.
his mouth is slightly open, caught off guard. he doesn't know what to say.
however, you interpret his silence as him putting down the excuses finally and admitting that he doesn't want to put effort into this relationship with you anymore.
hell, he doesn’t even want this relationship with you anymore.
"right, if you won't i will so it's easier for the both of us. i think we should-"
"don't you dare finish that fucking sentence," he moves close to you all of a sudden and his familiar lingering cheap cologne smell takes up your senses. the gears begin to click in his head before you can respond to him.
kuroo's arms envelop you in his embrace. "i want you. only you. i'm sorry i made you think otherwise."
the tears you've been holding back for the past couple minutes standing in front of him overflow and you feel like the world is about to end.
you push kuroo off you slightly. "i know you've been busy with work and i just wanted to spend some time with you. i never meant to come off as clingy but clearly you thought so so-"
"i'm just a complete douche,” he interrupts. “you were trying to help me out and make me feel better and i was so caught up with work, i couldn't appreciate that."
"i never want to ever make you feel that way again. you never deserved to hear any of that from me and everything i said couldn't be far from the truth. your presence has never been a bother and if anything, coming home to you is the best part of my day.”
“i shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me and i'm so sorry that it did and that i hurt you in the process. i hate that i’m the reason behind your tears and i’ll do everything to make it up to you to show you how much i love you."
the tears from your eyes continue to flow and he delicately wipes every single one from your eyes kissing your cheek every time without fail.
"are you sure you don’t find me suffocating? you said that you hated being home with me though so i just thought-" you start to say.
"i will spend my entire life reassuring you that it isn’t true. i promise you are never suffocating me and your presence never fails to make me feel better on a shitty day. i will do anything to regain your trust and faith in me,” he adamantly speaks with his hands in yours.
hearing his determined resolve, the tears flow even more.
"i love you so much, tetsu."
"i love you too baby," he smiles and delicately kisses your lips. "now let's go out. how do you feel about going out for dinner? i’ve got a lot of making up to you to do."
"i'll never say no to that."
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bokuto koutaro
the msby jackals lost 2-0 sets and the entire team was taking the loss hard but no one as hard as bokuto.
"bokuto-san, what do you think went wrong today's game?" an interviewer asks with his notepad out, scribbling notes.
"er, uh, well, today was just a rough day and i had a tough time keeping up with the opponent's plays today... it just was not a good day."
"i have one more question," the interviewer asks.
"go ahead," he gruffs out.
"you are known for your infamous line shots especially during deciding moments of the game. you missed multiple of these shots during today's game. were you distracted during this game? is it because of your new relationship status or were-"
bokuto is now riled up. who the hell does this interviewer think he is to corner me and bring in my personal life???
"i'm leaving, fuck this shit," he spits out, trying his best to maintain his composure.
in frustration, bokuto storms out of the press conference room, slamming the double doors, heading towards the locker room to grab his stuff but is stopped by you, running after him.
"kou! wait up!" you say from a distance and he stops in his tracks to look at you. he's still internally raging from the provocative behavior of that interviewer and he feels like he just might lose it.
"what do you want," he says in an aggressive manner that catches you off guard.
you’re aware of the recent loss of the msby jackals. you know that's probably taking a toll on his confidence as a player so you're trying to be as supportive as you can.
"you wanna come back to my place? i was thinking we could watch that one disney movie you like and we could bake something together too? what do you think?"
"why do you always want to fucking hang out?" he says in the lowest tone of voice you've ever heard from him.
it sends shivers down your spine.
"huh?" you're just confused at this point.
"why are you so fucking clingy all the time? it's always 'kou come over!' or 'kou let's watch a movie!' or 'kou let's take a nap together!' like don't you fucking get that i have a genuine career that i'm working really hard to be successful in?"
so that's what he thinks of me.
"i know you want to be a pro volleyball player and i want to support you the entire way. i was just trying to be there for you and help you relax..." you trail. "i get today was really rough for you.."
"that's the thing you don't get it, y/n!" he says exasperatedly. "if you did want to be supportive for me and my career, then you would stop being so all up on me and give my space!"
he walks into the locker room, slamming the door, shaking you up.
in defeat, you begin to leave the stadium with tears brimming your eyes. as you get in your car, you put your head on the steering wheel and suddenly, the tears start to stream out.
"i'll give him his space. i'll just stop everything. i'm nothing of importance to him or his life so it's best if i just stop." you convince yourself.
bokuto, on the other hand, is in the locker room, holding back tears of frustration as he punched one of the lockers.
fuck, what am i even doing right now...
"bokuto-san! let's head out for the night," shoyo's voice can be heard before he can be seen in the locker room. "we're gonna go get drinks and dinner at that new barbecue place that opened up."
he looks up from the bench and smiles at shoyo along with the rest of his teammates that are nodding along in support.
"yeah, sure. fine with me," kou responds with a small smile on his face.
as bokuto and the rest of the jackals are out and about, he keeps looking at his phone in hopes of getting a message or something from you but you're completely radio silent after the spat between the two of you.
he knows you both had a disagreement but he thought you knew that he was just frustrated and upset with the game. he didn't think it was a reason to just go silent on him.
he sends a text to test the waters.
kou <3: babe, we're good right?
he puts his phone down and engages back in the dinner with the rest of the jackals.
an hour has passed yet still no response. it's starting to make him fidgety so he decides to spam you.
kou <3: hello?
kou <3: baby wya???
kou <3: where is the loml at :((
y/n is typing...
y/n: sry i was getting ready for bed.
you sounded distant. you clearly were upset but was it still about the argument? c'mon you knew he didn't mean what he said... right?
kou <3: ITS OKAY BABY! can i come over? i wanna spend the night with u :,)
kou <3: i miss you
y/n: maybe not tonight... i think it's best if we're by ourselves for a bit
bokuto's hair significantly drooped down, seeing as how he got rejected to hang out with you for the night.
as bokuto heads over to his apartment for the night, he stares at the bedroom ceiling with his thoughts. he misses laying next to his baby. that's when he starts to replay everything that went down between the two of you.
he genuinely can't figure out what went wrong.
he prays that this whole thing will just blow over by tomorrow because he misses you incredibly and just wants to spend time with you.
unfortunately to his demise, you kept shutting down all of kou's efforts to come over. you refused to pick up his calls, resorting to half assed texts.
this whole argument was festering and bokuto had to fix it immediately.
you, however, want nothing more than to spend time with your boyfriend but his words kept running through your mind on loop. anytime you would be sitting alone with yourself, his words kept playing themselves on loop in your brain, making you overthink the post couple months you’ve spent together.
has he always thought of me as clingy? have i always been a bother to him? have i always been super annoying in his eyes?
that was until you heard a knock on the door.
you open the door and see kou standing there in a hoodie and a pair of khakis with a large bouquet of assorted flowers in his hands. his eyes lock with yours while yours widen in surprise.
"k-kou! what are you doing here?" you say in surprise.
"what, i can't see my partnet now?" he retorts lightheartedly. "let me in."
too stunned to even reject him, your hand inherently finds its way to the knob, widening the door so bokuto can fit through into your apartment.
he tries to hand you the flowers but you stand there, hands refusing to move from their sides. "c'mon babe, i got them for you! do you not like them? man, i knew i should've gotten the roses instead."
"no no! thank you so much kou.. i'm just surprised that you even got this for me..." you trail off looking away from him.
he sets the flowers on the kitchen counter and tilts his head in confusion. "what do you mean, y/n?"
"listen, i know you don't really like spending time with me and that you feel obligated to but honestly, we really don't have to hang out or anything like that," you begin to say. "i know i can be a lot sometimes and i'm really working on trying to give you space."
that's when it all clicks in his head for him.
"baby, is this about what i said that day in the gym?" he questions.
you turn away, refusing to even look him in the eye because you know the moment your eyes lock with his, the tears will start streaming down your face.
"baby, no, please," he goes over to you to give you the warmest yet tightest hug possible. "i’m also a very clingy person so i should've known how much my words must have hurt you. i've been so stupid to not see how badly my words must have impacted you, my love. i'm so so sorry for saying and acting the way i did. it's unexcusable."
"no kou it's fine i just-" you say but are interrupted midsentence.
"no, y/n it's not," he says, tears brimming his eyes ever since coming to terms with how hurt you must've been feeling this entire time. "i'll do anything to get your forgiveness and for us to just... be close again. i'll do anything, i mean it."
tears are streaming down both your faces and you can't help but form a wobbly smile on your lips. "pinky promise?"
"pinky promise," kou says as he locks pinkies with you and kisses the top of your head. "now let's cuddle because i've missed being near the love of my life."
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
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“couple tiktok trends” | hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: haikyuu boys x reader doing tiktok trends
warnings: disgustingly cute
characters: iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto
a/n: had this idea for a while and these were the first three i just wanted to write <3 (uppercase intended…revising other works soon)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Iwaizumi + leaving lipstick all over his face
(reference video link)
He could never say no to you. That’s why when you sent him a video of a trend going around social media, all he could do was sigh and ask, “Could I at least pick the color?”
He chose a deep wine shade, his favorite lipstick that he loved to see on you. The rich hue always brought out the warmth in your complexion, making you look even more alluring.
It took you only one take as you applied the lipstick meticulously, your eyes meeting his in the mirror. He watched, entranced, as you carefully painted your lips, the smooth motions captivating him. Then, with deliberate intent, you smeared it slightly onto your chin.
Without a word, he moved closer, the roughness of his hand a stark contrast to the softness of your skin. His fingers wrapped firmly around your chin, thumb sweeping across the smeared lipstick to erase the mistake. The touch was gentle but assertive, his eyes never leaving yours. The intimacy of the moment caused your lips to part slightly, a slight smile tugging up, as his thumb lingered just a moment longer than necessary.
Right after, the camera panned to the seemingly nonchalant Iwaizumi, but the glint in his eyes betrayed him. His focus was entirely on you. The lipstick marks scattered across his face and neck were evidence of your small pecks. He looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. He had only agreed to this because it meant he got to feel your lips on him repeatedly.
He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Oikawa once it was posted.
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Kuroo + ribbon on bicep
(reference video link)
Kuroo saw it on TikTok and wanted to recreate the video. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Let's do it," you agreed, deciding to be the one recording.
You both went to the store to buy baby pink ribbon specifically for this. To be honest, you knew he only wanted to show off how much his muscles had grown, but you found his excitement endearing.
Now, in the comfort of the bathroom, you carefully tied a pretty bow on each side of his chiseled arms. The contrast between the delicate ribbon and his defined muscles made the sight even more striking.
“You’re so cute with that look on your face,” he smirked, tilting his head to the side. He was enjoying this a little too much.
“Shut up,” you retorted playfully, your finger lightly nudging his forehead.
Standing in front of your black-haired boyfriend, you held your phone in one hand. The bathroom mirror reflected the two of you, capturing the intimate moment. As Lana Del Rey's dreamy voice filled the room, the video started recording.
Kuroo chuckled softly, the sound reverberating in the small space. With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised both arms and flexed. The ribbons snapped off easily, falling to the floor as his muscles bulged.
“Wow, you’re so strong, Kuroo,” you teased, emphasizing the word "strong" with a sarcastic tone.
“Shut up,” he shot back, mirroring your earlier words with a grin.
Before you could react, his arms reached out, gently but firmly lowering your phone. The camera caught a glimpse of his lips pressing a tender kiss to yours just before the video cut out.
In that fleeting moment, the warmth of his kiss lingered on your skin, the sweetness of his gesture making your heart flutter.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
Bokuto + ‘alphabet kiss count’ prank
(reference video link)
You loved to prank your boyfriend here and there because his reactions were so cute.
One day, you decided to ask him if he wanted to film a video with you; the idea was to step out of frame if you hadn't kissed someone whose name started with the letter being called out.
“I’m literally gonna be out of frame 'til your initial pops up, babe,” he laughed, eyes crinkling with amusement.
He agreed anyway, and the two of you stood in the kitchen with your phone propped up on your paper towel roll holder. You started the timer on your phone, and Bokuto immediately leaped out of frame, his frosted tips barely peeking in view, ready to pop back in when your letter was called.
You, however, stayed in the frame with no intention of leaving. As the letters were called, Bokuto side-eyed you, suspicion brewing in his mind.
‘Bokuto starts with a B, and my last name doesn’t start with an A,’ he squinted at you harder, the gears turning in his head.
“A, B, C, D, E—”
“Y/N!” Bokuto jumped back into the frame, his face flabbergasted, eyes wide with disbelief.
“There’s an A, C, D, E, that I don’t know about?!” he interrupted, not even letting you finish the sequence. You burst out laughing at his incredulous expression.
He always got so pouty and whiny whenever you pranked him.
“Baby, I’m just kidding! Baby? Bokuto!” you called out as he walked away with his arms crossed, feigning offense.
The video was long forgotten as you chased after him, showering him with kisses and back hugs, trying to win back his affection. He pretended to be dramatically upset, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing soft kisses to his neck and whispering sweet apologies. "I'm sorry, love. You know I can't resist teasing you."
He turned around, unable to keep up the act any longer, and pulled you into a tight hug. “You’re lucky you’re so—” he suddenly grabbed your arms and laid you on the bed before tickling you, “cute!”
You squealed with laughter, trying to squirm away from his relentless tickling. “Stop, stop!” you gasped between giggles, tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard.
“Not until you admit you love pranking me because you love my reactions,” he teased, his fingers dancing along your sides.
“Okay, okay! I love your reactions!” you confessed, breathless and laughing.
And in the end, he always won, leaving you both wrapped in laughter and love.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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eggyrocks · 7 months
calloused hands-t. kuroo smau
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𖦹his hands are worn from years of volleyball. her’s are worn from years of playing guitar 𖦹
main masterlist
status: completed, but i reserve the right to post bonus content at random
tags: kuroo x f!reader, one sided enemies to lovers, serendipity, university au, reader is a musician in an indie punk band
warnings: language, alcohol use, violence, adult themes, mommy issues im giving yn mommy issues forgot to mention that, grammatical mistakes probably, everyone probably will be out of character, please note warnings may change as story progresses, and to check each chapter for individual warnings
minors dni
taglist: closed
each part is named after the song i listened to while making it
playlist one playlist two
introductions: the band | the team
track one: dumb fucks track two: hair of dog track three: monkey jaw track four: hooked fish [✐] track five: magnet track six: the the empty track seven: heaven track eight: bag of worms track nine: all i think about now track ten: rigid track eleven: the shadow baby track twelve: waiting so long [✐] track thirteen: trace me onto you track fourteen: enumerating track fifteen: kute track sixteen: drunk voicemail [✐] track seventeen: all this love [✐] track eighteen: cream of gold track nineteen: liar's love [✐] track twenty: kill me track twenty-one: anything [✐] track twenty-two: just like heaven [✐]
bonus content: band lore nishinoya + hinata lore mommy issues lore tanaka + kiyoko lore bloody nose (extra chapter)
yn style guide
daily click for palestine 🇵🇸
moodboard/description on calloused hands from @causenessus
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"inner child healing, DEF vintage core, lowkey 10 things i hate about you "do you like the girl? is she worth all this trouble? either she is or she isn't" type beat in my very humble opinion. big grunge vibes. throwing rocks out your window. sneaking out of the house. the kind of couple to pack their bags and run away from home together/just leave everything behind to start a new life. definitely a kind of looks like they could kill you and would kill you (yn) and looks like they could kill you but won't (bc he's kuroo i'm in love with my girlfriend and everything i have is her's and i will only fight for her tetsuro). cigarettes after sex (sunsetz) for sure and CURRENT JOYS (honorable song mentions: kids, new flesh, my motorcycle, you broke my heart). ALSO ALSO other really specific kind of references they give me lockwood and lucy (lockwood and co.) vibes except for y/n is lockwood with her kind of i'm not living for anything vibes before kuroo comes into her life I HOPE SOMEONE GETS THIS. OR they're nico and libby "you're a fire hazard. stop apologizing for the damage and just let the fucker burn" (which i interpret as "i'm going to love you no matter what. just be yourself") nico and libby (atlas six) kind of dynamic I DON'T KNOW"
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hoejosatoru · 9 months
Roster Hopper - Nekoma edition
The Nekoma version of my original Karasuno roster hopper fic. That version can be found here
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Kuroo, Kenma, Yamamoto, Yaku, and Lev (all separately) I know this isn’t the entire roster like Karasuno, but I feel like I don’t know any of the other Nekoma players enough to write about them so we had to improvise adapt and overcome. Players named are bolded in their part of the story if you’d like to jump to a specific player.
Summary: You make a bet with you friend that you can sleep through the members of the college volleyball team you manage. Once again y/f/n = your friends name bc I didn’t feel like making one up<3
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: sex with multiple characters (separately), fingering, raw sex, semi public sex, mask play, a little biting, (fake) blood mentioned, drinking, mirrors, face sitting, light ass slapping, finger in ass, squirting, scratching, a little over stimulation idk if I missed something lol also not proof read 
“How long has this volley been going?” you asked, as you watched the ball fly over the net again.
“I lost count after 15,” your friend replied, equally as mesmerized as you were. It was both of your second years managing Nekoma University’s mens volleyball team and you still weren’t used to how good they were. Especially when it came to defense. Whenever they played against themselves it went on forever because they were so good at keeping the ball from touching the floor.
Finally, though, the ball dropped with a definitive thump. Coach Nekomata declared that everyone had to drop and do 20 push ups for sloppy play, earning a chorus of groans and grumbles.
“They act like somebody’s died when they have to do push ups,” you friend commented, “Especially Kenma.” You both snickered lightly at the grumpy look on the blond’s face as he half-assed the push ups. Which, of course, the coach called him out on.
“To be fair, I’d act the same way if I had to do push up,” you replied. Your eyes flittered over the men as they worked out. You had to admit, it wasn’t a bad view.
Your friend stepped closer to you, her voice dropping. “Would it be wrong to say I wish I was under some of them right now?” 
You grinned. “You just read my mind.” You tried to be professional in your role as manager, but you couldn’t deny there were some very attractive players. You were too scared to hook up with any of them in your first year, thinking it could mess up your position. As a second year, you realize it was not that serious at all. You hoped this was the year you found out if anyone on the team was good at things, ahem, outside of volleyball. “I’d ask who you think is the cutest, but the way you’re staring at Kuroo I think I’ve got my answer.”
Your friend smacked your arm and hushed you even though you were not being loud at all. “Shut up. But yeah, can you blame me?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. Kenma’s cute, but you know how I feel about gamers.”
Your friend rolled her eyes at you. “Of course you’d think Kenma’s cute. I have to say, though, that first year Lev is hot. And he’s super tall.” 
After a bit of chatting, you both agreed that the 5 hottest players on the team, in no particular order, were Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yamamoto, and Yaku. A very wide range of men, indeed, but all hot in their own way. 
When you guys were in the safety of the hallway filling up the water bottles, you couldn't help but take the conversation a step forward. “So who do we thinking is the best in bed?”
“Hmm,” your friend made a thinking face. “Kuroo. It’s gotta be. But I’m curious about Yamamoto. I mean he obviously is girl crazy, but does he know what to do when one is in front of him?”
You snorted with laughter. “I could see him being a minute man, but I want to have more faith in him. I’m interested in Kenma, I just get a vibe there could be a freak in there somewhere.”
Your friend snickered. “I bet he’d make you wear a maid outfit.” 
A voice silenced your laughter. “Um, are the water bottles ready?” You both colored, finding the subject of your laughter standing behind you. He gave you both a strange look, not understanding why you were both acting so weird.
“Oh! Yes sorry, Kenma. Here. We’ll take the rest in.” You shoved a bottle in his hand before yanking your friend back towards the gym to get out of that situation.
“Do you think he heard us?” y/f/n half whispered half laughed. 
“Don’t think so,” you replied, “But, hey, maybe we shoulda just asked him what he’s into. I’m curious.”
“I guess we’ll never know who's the best,” your friend sighed. You were about to agree when an idea hit you. A very stupid idea.
“Maybe we could,” you wiggled your eye brows.
Your friend frowned. “That look is never good. What do you mean?”
“I’ll hook up with the 5 of them and then I can rank ‘em so we’ll know for sure.” 
“Are you joking?” 
“I should be, but I’m not.” Your friend gave you a look. “Oh come on!! You said you were curious. It’s not that crazy.”
“It absolutely is that crazy,” your friend replied. “There's no way you could get through all five.”
“Is that a challenge I’m hearing?” 
“Yes, only because I am very curious and will get to laugh at you if it doesn’t work. It’s a win-win for me,” your friend teased.
You and your friend drew up the rules. You had to have sex with Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto without anyone on the team finding out. If anyone figures it out, game over. And to make things a little extra challenging, you agreed to do it before the semester ended. Given the school year just started, you figured it should be enough time. You put $300 on the line. And your pride, of course.
“Who are you gonna go for first?”
Your eyes flickered over to a certain mohawk-haired player with a smirk. “I’ve got an idea.”
There was one challenge you would have to deal with with almost all of the players on your list, save for Lev. The second and third years live in the team house, meaning you had to be strategic about where you hooked up with them. Going to them would be difficult, so you had to come up with ideas to inconspicuously get them to you. Luckily, Yamamoto gave you an in.
 “Ugh, I bombed that essay so bad,” he groaned after practice. “The professor said I could do corrections, but I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Yaku gave him a pitiful look. “Well, I’m not gonna help you there.” The rest of the team filed out, not wanting to get stuck with that job.
“I could help you, Yamamoto,” you piped up from behind him. By the time he turned to face you, his cheeks were already tinted.
“R-really? You'd do that?” He asked. Though he was girl-crazy, he was still quite nervous around them. It was cute, though.
“Of course!” you replied. “Why don’t you come by my dorm tomorrow? My roommate will be out so we can work on it without distractions.”
Yamamoto couldn’t believe the manager he harbored a huge crush on was inviting him to her dorm room. He was suddenly very grateful for failing his essay. “That’s perfect, thank you so much!” You smiled. Too easy.
Yamamoto was in your dorm the next day, right on time. He looked a little nervous, as if he’d never been in a girl’s dorm room before. You thought he was gonna faint when you asked him to sit on the bed with you.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course!” you replied sweetly. “It’ll be easier to look at the essay together if we can be next to each other.” He didn’t argue, hopping up next to you, thighs brushing. You reckoned you could go for it right now and he wouldn’t even care about his essay, but you still wanted to help him out.
You skimmed the essay, which wasn't as bad as you thought it was, but definitely rough around the edges. You pointed out corrections and Yamamoto dutifully made the edits. It had been just about hour when you were certain his essay was perfect.
“This great, y/n,” Yamamoto stated, giving the paper one last read. “You saved my grade. I don’t know how I could thank you.” 
You smiled. “I’ve got an idea.”
Your tone made his eyes flicker up. “What's that?”
Might as well just go for it. “Wanna hook up?”
Yamamoto looked dumbfounded. “Are- are you serious?”
“Yeah I’ve been thinking about it since you got here,” you laughed with faux embarrassment, “Sorry if that’s weird. I just think you’re cute. We definitely don’t have to though.”
“No, I would love to,” he corrected you quickly. His eagerness made you giggle. 
“Let’s get this out of the way then?” You moved his laptop off his thighs and climbed on to them. Yamamoto didn’t even pinch himself because if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. 
You kissed like that for awhile, allowing him to feel you up as you rocked against his strong thighs. He was an eager, deep kisser, as if he couldn’t get enough. He seemed a little timid to move things forward so you did it for him, pulling off your shirt and bra. 
“Fuck,” he groaned under his breath upon seeing you. 
You smiled. “You can touch them, you know.” He wasted no time taking your boobs in his warm, rough hands. He squeezed them as he kissed you before work his mouth down. He flicked his tongue over your nipple before sucking on it lightly. You rolled your hips into him as he alternated between sucking and squeezing your boobs.
“Feels good,” you encouraged, getting antsy for some relief for the tension growing in your lower tummy. You pulled Yamamoto down so you were lying down on the bed. His hand slid down your body and into your leggings. He let out another low curse feeling your wetness. His finger found your clit, rubbing circles as he continued to suck at your tits. You pressed your body closer to him as your pleasure heightened. He responded to you by slipping a finger inside you, curling into your g spot.
“Yamamoto, fuck-” you gasped as you came. Yamamoto groaned against you, nearly dizzy with how your boy responded to him. 
“Shit,” Yamamoto panted when he finally pulled away. He was looking down at his boxers, which had a wet spot on the front. It took you a second to realize he came in his pants. His cheeks went bright red. “Shit, I’m so sorry. You must think I’m a fucking loser.”
You gave him a soft kiss to calm him. “Not at all. You were really good, I enjoyed myself. And I’m glad you did too.” You couldn’t help but tease him lightly, but he appreciated that you were laughing with him, not at him. “I was just thinking, though, we should keep this between us. I don’t want the team to be weird if they found out we hooked up.”
The thought of the team finding out he came in his pants in front of the hot manager was enough to make Yamamoto take a vow of silence forever. “Don’t worry, I won’t say a thing.” 
One down, four to go.
The last week of September meant two things. One, you really needed to get another hook up under your belt if you wanted to complete this bet. And two, you had to do an inventory of the team equipment room. Your friend usually helped you, but she picked up a nasty cold leaving the task to you. You thought the team had cleared out when Yaku popped his head in.
“Hey, y/n, would you like help?” he asked. That could solve both your problems. 
“That would be awesome, if you don’t mind,” you replied with a smile. Yaku joined you in the small room. Despite the long practice he smelt nice, like fresh mint. He took stock of the poles and nets, while you ensured there was the proper number of balls and jerseys. With the help and conversation, the task wasn’t so bad. However, as it started to wind down you realized you needed to make a move or you’d lose an opportunity.
“I was going to ask you something, but I realized it would be super weird,” you dropped the bait. 
Yaku’s eyes flickered with curiosity. You got him. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“Promise you won’t think I’m a weirdo?” Now he was really interested. 
“Of course not.”
“Have you ever wanted to... hook up in the storage closet?” you asked. 
Yaku laughed. “That's not weird at all. That’s every athlete’s dream.” 
“Really? So you've done it?”
Yaku frowned a little, “Well, no, I never had the opportunity.”
“You have the opportunity now,” you replied with a coy smile. 
“Seriously?” He replied. “This isn’t a joke the guys put you up to?”
You shook your head seriously. “Not at all. In fact, this can be our little secret. It would probably be better if they didn’t find out. You know how they can be.” Yaku knew exactly how annoying his teammates could be and didn’t want to put you through their nonsense,
“Of course, I won't tell anyone,” He promised. There was a beat of silence in the small storage closet before you were on each other. Yaku was strong, despite his smaller stature. He had you pressed up against the nearest wall, his hips pinning you in place. He kissed you confidently, squeezing at your thighs as he tongue slid into your mouth. 
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his cock hardening against you. You hooked your leg around his hips, pulling him closer. You weren’t sure if it was the potential of being caught, but you felt desperately worked up. By the way Yaku pulled at your leggings, you knew he felt the same.
He slid himself out of his boxers, giving his length a few strokes. “Please, need it,” you panted. He was bigger than you thought, but you knew you were more than turned on enough to take him. Yaku obliged your request, pressing up into you. Your head feel back against the wall as your body adjusted to him.
“Taking me so well,” He murmured into the crook of your neck. He was slow at first, letting you adjust as he kissed the sensitive skin. “Can you take more?”
“Please,” you breathed. Yaku gripped your hips, giving him leverage to thrust in you harder and faster. You gasped, his strong thrusts reverberating through your body. Your body felt like jelly, but Yaku held you perfectly. Your clit rubbed against him with each snap of his hips, pushing you over the edge. You buried your face into his shoulder to stifle your moans as you came. 
“Fuck,” Yaku groaned, as he released. He was louder than he probably should have been, but both of you were too fogged in pleasure to notice or care. Yaku set you back down, allowing you both to catch your breath. You both laughed a little in the aftermath of your desire, redressing quickly to avoid getting caught. 
“Thanks for that,” Yaku said as you got ready to leave. “Can finally check that off my bucket list.” 
You smiled. “No, thank you.” Two down, three to go.
It was Halloween and you were at Nekoma’s annual party. It was the biggest party they had all year, opening the team’s off campus house to people outside the team. Normally you wouldn’t try to hook up with someone at the team house because of the risk, but given it would be crowded and everyone would be in costume, you figured now was a good time to strike.
This year you went for something simple, but sexy: a vampire. You were in a deep red corset and a black mini skirt, some fake blood dripping down your neck and the side of your lip. You even opted for fake fangs, which were securely attached to your own incisors. You felt as hot as you looked.
You scanned the crowd, trying to figure out which if the men remaining would be the best next target. When you spotted Lev, you knew it would be him. He was in the kitchen, his ghost face mask propped up on his forehead as he poured himself a drink. You’d seen a few other ghost face masks at the party, which added another layer of protection if you were seen with him. 
“Y/n, nice costume,” Lev greeted as you approached him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your chest. “Do you bite?” Out of all the players, Lev was one of the biggest flirts, which worked to your advantage. 
You flashed a sharp grin. “Only if you’re into that.”
Lev continued the flirtatious conversation you opened up. “And what if I am?” 
You grabbed his cup, taking a sip before passing it back. “Hmm,” you feigned contemplation, “I guess I’d say it’s a good thing I’ve always been into a man in a mask.” You took a step closer to him so you were practically flush against him., batting your eyes up at him.
“Into it enough to go upstairs with me?” Lev tried. 
“You lead the way.” You pulled his mask down in what would look like flirting to him, but was an attempt to cover his identity. Lev was a first year, meaning he didn’t live at the house. Luckily, though, there was a bathroom on the third floor that nobody really used during this parties, which is exactly where he led you.
Lev hoisted you on to the counter, slotting himself between your tight. He pulled the mask up again so he could kiss you. He was a little buzzed, so his kiss was sloppy, but not unpleasant. In fact, you liked the way he kissed you deeply while his hands roamed your scantily clad body. You nipped at his soft lips, making him groan.
“Told you I bite,” you said. Lev’s eyes larked with desire, but you pulled back as he tried to kiss you again. 
“Something wrong?” 
“I just wanna make sure you can keep a secret. I don’t want the guys finding out about this and you sorta have a big mouth,” you replied. You knew with Lev, the best way to get him to do something is to insinuate he couldn’t do it. 
His brow furrowed, just as you expected. “I absolutely won’t tell,” he said seriously. You smiled approvingly going in to kiss him again, but this time he pulled back. In a flash you were flipped around and bent over the counter. He leaned his body over yours, whispering in your ear. “But I might make you scream my name so loud they find out anyways.” 
You let out a little whimper as he pushed your skirt up, rubbing your slit through your underwear. He kissed your shoulder, your neck, this time giving you a little bite. Lev’s lanky body was deceptive; was much stronger than he looked. You squirmed under him, desperate for some relief in your aching core. Lev read your body language, pulling back to slip himself out of his boxers. His eyes connected with yours in the mirror, smiling wickedly before he pulled his mask back down. 
One hand gripped his cock, pressing teasingly at your hole, the other gripped your neck. “Ready?” You nodded eagerly and pressed into you. You let out a low moan as he stretched you out, easily the biggest you’ve been with so far. 
“Fuck, Lev,” you gasped, gripping the counter top as he rolled his hips into you. Your head dropped down as his tip hit your g spot, panting breathlessly. 
“Nope,” Lev yanked your head back up by your hair so you had to look in the mirror. “You gotta watch.” His voice was a little muffled by the mask, but you could still hear the smirk you were certain he was wearing in his words. Lev continued his fast, deep thrusts into you, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. 
The image you saw in the mirror was sinful. Your lipstick was smudged, your pupils wide with desire. A small hickey was blooming on your neck from wear he nipped at you. Something about him being in the mask made the sight of him fucking you even hotter. It was long before your orgasm hit you, squeezing his lengthy cock as you came. 
“Lev,” you cried out. Maybe not quite loud enough for the whole house to hear, but certainly loud enough to make Lev lose his composure. His hips stuttered, a groan seeping out from behind his mask as he emptied himself inside you.
It was a tournament in November when you made your move on Kenma. He was sitting in a quiet corner of the gymnasium playing on his switch between matches. Normally you didn’t bother him during his down time, but you needed to get to him while he was alone. 
“Hey Kenma.”
“Hey,” he mumbled, not looking up from his screen. 
“Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me with a game?”
Kenma’s eyes flickered to you with curiosity. “A game?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been playing this game on my switch, but I can’t beat this level. I was wondering if you could come over and help me beat it next time your free?”
Kenma considered your words, wondering for a second if you were teasing him. But the look on your face told him you were sincerely inviting him over to your room to play video games. It was an offer he couldn’t resist. Even though he didn’t join in on his teammates annoying chatter about how hot you are, he absolutely thought you were attractive. 
“Sure,” he agreed. You made plans on what day to meet and that was that.
“Wow Kenma, you’re really good at this,” you complimented. Your excuse to get him over wasn’t fabricated, you really were struggling with this stupid level. Kenma, however, played it with ease. You observed him as he played, the light from the screen illuminating his face in a flattering glow. His fingers moved deftly over the controller, which you couldn’t deny was turning you on. 
“There you go,” Kenma stated, “Cleared it for you.” He passed the switch back to you, the screen flashing with success.
“You made it look so easy,” you complimented, smiling brightly. 
Kenma turned his head, hoping you wouldn’t see him blush. He doesn’t often meet girls that are into his specific set of skills. “I’ve just played that game before, that’s all.” 
“Well you certainly did it faster than I thought,” you replied, leaning closer to him. “Maybe we could fill our time another way?” You rested a hand on Kenma’s thigh. You knew you were laying it on a little thick, but you were a woman on a mission. 
Kenma was surprised by your blatant flirting, but then it clicked. “Did you invite me over just to hook up?”
You blushed. “That obvious, huh?” 
Kenma smirked, happy to have figure out the real game you were playing. Well, at least what he thought was real, you still had your secret. “You coulda just asked,” Kenma replied, “I wouldn't have said no.”
You took that as an invitation to crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yeah, but then I’d still be stuck on that level. You really did help me, so I owe you one. Is there something in particular you’d like?” You played with he hair at the pack of Kenma’s neck, making him shiver. 
He knew what he wanted instantly. “Sit on my face.”
Your lower stomach flipped with arousal. You easily agreed, shedding the lower half of your clothes while Kenma laid down on the bed. He gripped your hips and pulled you on to him, setting your pussy on his mouth.
“Mmm feels good,” you sighed as Kenma’s tongue flicked over your core. He your thighs tightly, loving how they felt against his face. He teased your entrance with tip of his tongue, making you ache with need, before switching to your clit. His tongue swirled deliciously, making your hips buck. Kenma groaned under you, loving the feel of your fucking his face.
Fuck he was good, really good. You wouldn’t have guess Kenma would give you the best head you ever had, but he worked up more than you ever had. Your fingers knotted through his hair, pulling at the roots as he sucked your clit. 
“Fuck Kenma,” you cried out as your orgasm washed over you, making your body shaking. Kenma flicked his tongue over you, drinking up your release. When you finally pulled off him, he wore a smug grin that shone with your wetness. 
“You also made that look easy,” you panted, still a bit in shock at how good that was. Your eyes flicked down to the tent in his sweats, feeling a jolt of desire again. “Can I help you with that?”
“Only if you ride me,” Kenma replied, propping himself up comfortably on the pillows. Kenma was incredibly skilled at pleasuring while also exerting the least effort. That’s why he loved when girls were on top. 
“That can be arranged.” You slid his sweats and boxers off, greeted by his flushed and leaking cock. You went to position yourself on him, but Kenma tutted, twirling his finger.
“Other way,” he instructed. Somehow Kenma had become the one calling the shots, but you were complaining. You turned yourself around so you were facing away from him then slowly sank on to his cock. You let out a little gasp as you bottomed out. You began rocking your hips, slowly at first, but then faster as you found your rhythm. 
Kenma slapped your ass lightly, kneading the soft skin. He pulled you apart slightly, allowing him to watch himself disappear inside your dripping hole. Kenma wasn’t super vocal, but he did let out a few low groans and pants as you gripped his cock like a vice. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked. You nodded vigorously, not trusting your words as your second orgasm was rapidly approaching. You vaguely her the sound of spitting behind you before feeling Kenma’s saliva slide down your ass. His thumb was at your hole then, rubbing it slightly before pushing into your ass.
“Fuck!” you cried, the added digit multiplying your pleasure. You only lasted a few more moments before your body succumbed to another wave of pleasure. The sensation of your pussy pulsing around his cock made Kenma cum, cursing under his breath. 
You slid off Kenma, catching your breath. Kenma looked thoroughly pleased with himself, as if this was his win. Little did he know that you were internally celebrating being one away from completing your game.
It was the last week before the semester ended and you were panicking just a little. Not just because you had a bunch of finals, but because you were running out of time to get with Kuroo. When you found out that he, like you, had a final on the absolute last day of the semester, you felt you had a chance. All the other guys staying at the house were finished up early and would be home for the break, leaving the house empty save for Kuroo. And when Kurro invited you to study? You knew you had it in the bag. 
You enjoyed study with Kuroo, who was always one of your favorites on the team. Not only was he incredibly good looking, but he was also funny and easy to talk to. You helped each other cram for your final tests, agreeing to celebrate together after. Neither of you stated what that would be, but you had a very good feeling about it.
“Thank god that is over,” Kuroo huffed as he collapsed on the couch next to you. You finished up your final in the morning and waited at the house for him to return from his late afternoon exam.
“Think you passed?”
“God I better have,” he replied, “But I don’t even want to think about that now.”
“Just like I don’t wanna think how everyone’s already on break having fun and we got stuck here till the last day,” you said.
“Maybe we should have our own fun,” Kuroo suggested flirtatiously. He has been flirting with you since you came over yesterday and you had been waiting for you opening.
“Oh yeah? How might we do that?” you replied, playing coy.
Kuroo smirked. “I prefer show over tell.” His hand drifted closer to your thigh, looking at you for permission. 
“Go ahead and show me then.” Kuroo pulled you into him instantly, you lips connecting with a jolt of satisfaction. He had your straddling his lap, hands very comfortable exploring your body as he kissed you. It was a little surreal, not just because you were about to win your bet, but because you’d always fantasized about kissing Kuroo. It was better than you’d imagined.
Kuroo stood up, holding your body up with ease. He walked you to his room, barely having to break the kiss as he went. He dropped your gently on the bed, climbing on top of you. His body weight pressed against you pleasingly as he stripped clothing off. 
“Pretty,” he complimented your tits. He sucked on them while you played with his hair, scraping at his scalp. Kuroo’s free hand slid down between your legs and teased your through your leggings. You moaned in response, your body filled with need.
“Don’t tease,” you breathed.
“Whaddya want?” Kuroo asked with a lopsided grin. His finger was hooked in your leggings already.
“You,” you replied.
He was sliding your bottoms off. “Need you to be a little more specific.”
“Fuck me, Kuroo, I want you to fuck me.” You were exasperated, desperate for some relief from the ache between your thighs.
“Didn't know you had such a filthy mouth,” he half chuckled as he stripped himself. He was big and thick, making your thighs clench. Despite his size, he slid into you easily, on account of desire for him. “Feels fucking heavenly.”
Kuroo thrust into confidently, easily find a long, deep stroke. He propped himself up on his forearm, keeping him close enough to kiss you. You ran your fingers down his back, feeling the muscles flexing beneath his skin. With each passing moment, he increased his speed.
“Fuck don’t stop,” you gasped, feeling yourself teeter close to the edge. Kuroo didn’t miss a beat, fucking into you until your orgasm finally hit, making you whine his name. You expected him to slow, but he didn’t stop.
“Not done with you yet,” he stated, “Want you to cum on my cock one more time.” His hips snapped faster into you, making you squirm with sensitivity. Kuroo slid a hand between the two of you, rubbing circles over your clit.
You gasped, fingernails digging into his back. The pleasure you felt was so intense, building with a strange pressure. “Fuck I’m going to- oh,” you broke off into a sinful moan as your release gushed out of you, covering Kuroo’s cock and thighs.
“Fuck that’s hot,” He groaned, his hips finally stuttering as he came at the sight of you. You were still sensitive as he slipped out of you, making you wriggle.
“I’m so sorry about... the mess,” you said awkwardly. 
Kuroo waved you off. “Are you kidding? That was hot. I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself.”
You smiled, relieved, “Oh I definitely did.”
“Before I hand over the money, I need to know where everyone ranks,” your friend said. Despite losing, she was very excited for an update.
You told her that Yamamoto was last, just because of the whole summing in his pants thing. “Don’t tell anyone I told you that, I don’t want to embarrass him.”
“Of course not. Can’t say I’m surprised though.”
“He was still good with his hands, so I can’t complain.”
Next was Yaku, who you were still surprised about the size of him.
“Shit in the storage closet? You better have sanitized it after,” your friend teased. You rolled your eyes and continued to tell her that Lev was in the middle.
“He could have been higher if there was more foreplay, but still super good. The mask thing was fucking hot, I can’t lie.” Your friend nodded, agreeing he looked really good last night.
Next was Kenma, who was honest the biggest surprise for you. Not that you thought he would be bad necessarily, you just hadn't expected it to be that good.
“I’m kinda disappointed there was no maid costume involved,” your friend sighed. 
You laughed, “Honestly, same. Woulda been number one if there was.”
“Let me just say I am not surprised at all you’re putting Kuroo on top.”
“I know it sounds biased, but fuck it was so good. Better than I ever imagined,” you told her. “And there you have it, Nekoma’s hottest players ranked.” You grinned, both proud and incredibly satisfied with your accomplishment.
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keigosdear · 3 months
{bad idea... right? - kuroo t.}
yes I know that he’s my ex, but can’t two people reconnect?//…I just tripped and fell into his bed.
kuroo x fem!reader smut. exes to lovers. 18+ MDNI please.
in which you and your ex "reconnect" after almost half a year apart, but with so many unresolved feelings, it'll either end up being the best or worst idea you've ever had.
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warnings: fem!reader, no physical description (aside from specific genitalia ofc). university setting. smut, mentions of alcohol/getting drunk but no drunk sex, lots of feelings/kinda mutual pining. praise kink, a little bit of voice kink, very brief jealous reader, cunnilingus, body worship, teasing, lots of pet names in lieu of y/n, soft dom!kuroo and sub!reader, very. very. soft, kinda emotional sex, aftercare and fluff towards the end. porn with a bit of plot/build up. this fic is my baby.
a trope I never thought I'd write plus a genre I've never written before? apparently so. it's my first time writing smut, so constructive criticism is welcomed, being rude is not. can you believe I started this over the summer ‘23 and I'm only posting it now?
and lmk if I need to add anything else to the warnings :)
divider credit to: @/cafekitsune
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this truly had the potential to be one of your worst ideas yet.
you weren't even going to be at this damn party to begin with, but your friend finally convinced you to go with her after a week of wearing you down.
"it'll be fun, c'mon!" she begged.
the only reason you didn't want to go was because you were finally done with your first semester of classes and wanted to wind down in peace, not at a crowded house party filled with loud music and sweaty drunk university students.
but of course you relented when she pulled out the puppy dog eyes and played the "but we haven't hung out in months, I miss you!" card.
so there you were by the snacks and refreshments table, dressed up and nursing a drink, talking and laughing with your friends. truthfully, you were having a better time than you thought you would and figured that you had almost a month before classes started back up again to relax.
"soooo? has anyone caught your eye yet?" multiple faces focused their attention on you.
you knew part of the reason your friend had insisted on you going with her was to help you meet someone. she'd never admit it, but it was pretty obvious with the way she was pointing out people left and right, making note of how attractive they were. at one point she had even "accidentally" pushed you into one of her targets, which had made for some very awkward small-talk on your end with someone you had zero interest in and some giggling from her.
it's not that you were opposed to the idea of finding someone, but in all honesty, no one had caught your eye. recently you had gotten out of a long long term relationship, and starting over after that just seemed so... unappealing to you.
it also seemed unfair to start anything new when you were very much not over him. breaking up in the middle of the semester had made it really easy for you to push down any emotions and throw yourself into your studies. but it didn't change the fact that you missed him. even now, the party acted as a good distraction for you.
or so you thought.
you were about to respond when your phone buzzed. you looked down and your heart leapt into your throat when you saw the contact name.
it felt strange seeing it as "kuroo" rather than some version of his given name or a pet name. once you hit the one minute mark of just staring at the text notification in shock, your friend peeked over your shoulder and gasped a little.
"you didn't block him?!"
you snatched your phone out of her hand after she stole it to show your group of friends.
"why would I? it's not like we hate each other."
and it was true- you both ended amicably (though very reluctantly). you only ever wanted the best for each other, and while it was sad, you realized that at this point in your lives with how busy you both were, you weren't able to offer that anymore.
you’d rather this than end things resenting each other.
still, it was a hard pill to swallow, so for now you were just holding it on your tongue, letting the bitter taste of the coating settle instead.
she frowned. "well yeah, but-"
you cut her off before she could bring up the very emotions you were ignoring in that moment and shoved your phone back in your pocket. "c'mon, let's go dance!"
later, though, when you excused yourself to the bathroom, the first thing you did was down your second drink and read the text.
do you want to come over?
you stared at the messages for another minute, reading and re-reading them over and over again before sighing. being with him for years meant you knew him like the back of your hand, and he wasn't one for casual hook ups or one night stands. you hadn't even heard from him in a few months- this was the first bit of contact you'd had with him since you cleaned out your drawer of clothes at his place.
which meant he was either drunk and missing you or someone was playing a prank and you'd just end up a fool.
seriously weighing the options in front of you, trying not to let your emotions overpower your decision making, you attempted to think about the long term consequences of going over.
no matter how you spun it, it sounded like a bad idea. even if he did send the texts, there was no guarantee he wanted anything out of it.
but you were too tipsy for logic at that point in the night, and if you were being honest with yourself, you were in need of some excitement.
I'll send my new address.
wait, he moved?
despite being together for so long, the two of you never ended up living together, opting for dorms and student houses with friends. still, you did spend a lot of time at his old place, and before the breakup you had even talked about the possibility of moving in together after the current school year was done.
you didn't linger on the sour feelings that brought up and instead decided to let your friends know you were leaving. when they asked where you were going, you spun some lie about not feeling well and wanting to head home before you got worse. you didn't really care if they believed you or not.
checking the address he had sent you once more, you made your way out of the house and were pleasantly surprised to realize it wasn't that far of a walk, especially since you were wearing uncomfortable party shoes.
you sipped on the bottle of water you swiped form the refreshment table and tried to sober up a bit more before seeing him. you weren't a hundred percent sure what would happen once you got there, but it was a good idea to be prepared for anything.
eventually you made it up to his apartment, which was in another student housing building off campus, bigger than his old place, and took a moment to compose yourself.
there was still time to turn back and make an excuse for why you bailed.
there was still time to think it through.
there was still time to save yourself from the possibility of more pain.
you took a deep breath and knocked on the door anyway.
not even five seconds later, the door was opening and you were face to face with your ex boyfriend.
you took him in for the first time in months- really took him in. sure, you'd seen his instagram posts since breaking up, but you could only zoom in so far on those. and fine, maybe your friends had tried to set you up with people they had deemed "much hotter", but you never saw the appeal. you couldn't even remember any of their faces in that moment, because kuroo was right there.
his hair was the same as always, slightly messier than usual, exactly how it looked whenever he (or you) would run his hands through it on a particularly stressful day.
had he been stressed about the text? did he regret it?
he was dressed somewhat casually, in a dark red shirt you recognized as part of a birthday gift you gave him one year (you had always liked the colour red on him). he was wearing black sweatpants and his socks were mismatched.
everything about him was familiar, and you hated the way a feeling of ease settled over you when he finished his own analysis of you and gave a boyish, almost giddy grin. "hi."
his voice was warm and gave you butterflies. there was an undertone of excitement in his greeting and it quelled your worries about him regretting the texts.
you decided to smile back, though somewhat shyly (which you inwardly scolded yourself for), and spoke up. "hi."
he didn't let the silence that followed settle into awkwardness. he opened the door a bit wider, and welcomed you in. ever the gentleman, he took your coat and and helped you balance as you took your shoes off. you tried to ignore how warm and gentle his touch was, how it made you immediately crave more.
you made your way into the living room and took everything in. there were empty cans and shot glasses littered across the room, mostly concentrated on the coffee table. you thought you heard him swear under his breath when he looked at the mess as well.
"did you have a party?" you asked, now close enough to smell a bit of alcohol on him.
he shook his head and looked a bit embarrassed. "ah, no..." he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and sighed. "my roommates went out with some friends tonight and decided to pre-game here. I went back to my room before they left because I didn't feel like drinking too much and assumed they'd clean up a bit..."
you nodded in understanding. "wishful thinking, huh?"
he chuckled. "yeah, guess so," he said, then gestured to an empty spot on the couch. "sit, I'll just get some of this out of the way quickly."
"oh, I can help-" you tried to offer but he waved you off.
"don't worry about it. I'm the one who invited you into a sloppy apartment, you shouldn't have to clean up a mess that isn't yours."
you snorted and watched as he shoved a ton of cans into the decorative waste bin by the sofa and took some glasses to the sink in the kitchen. "says the one who's cleaning up a mess that isn't his."
you heard him laugh at your words and the butterflies erupted in your stomach again. you hadn't realized how much you missed that sound. suddenly your mind wandered back to the reason behind his invitation. you'd be alone tonight?
once he returned from the kitchen and sat down next to you, you talked for a bit. he caught you up on the moving situation (him and a few friends found an opening for the second semester, so they decided to jump on it and try to stay until grad, hopefully. he made a joke about trying to make friends with the landlord). you listened closely, trying not to make it obvious you were hanging off his every word.
when he was done, you caught him up on your life and how you were at a party when he texted. he apologized for interrupting and you told him a little too fast not to be, which he seemed pleased with.
after a while, he asked if you wanted to watch a movie. you agreed, though you were starting to get impatient. you knew he wasn't the type of guy to ever expect anything from anyone, but the curiosity was eating you alive. you couldn't help but finally ask him about it halfway through the movie.
"hey... why did you invite me tonight?"
he didn't seem surprised by your question, which told you he was probably expecting it. (it was silly of you to think he couldn't tell when something was on your mind after years together and only months apart.)
he took a deep breath in and looked down at his lap. while he didn't look outwardly nervous, you knew him well enough to know what his tells were. he picked at a thread on his pants, trying to compose himself before dropping the bomb.
"because I missed you." he looked you in the eye and then continued. "a lot. and you can take that however you'd like. I'll let you decide."
you blinked at him. he'd let you decide? the way he said it implied that he missed you, missed you. not just missed having you in his life, not just as a friend- he missed you.
you would be nothing but a liar if you said you hadn't missed him too. and you knew that the feeling of security and familiarity you experienced earlier wasn't just nostalgia or your own unresolved feelings. if that were the case, you wouldn't be feeling this comfortable on the couch with him. you wouldn't be able to pretend things were normal between you as easily as you had been all night.
kuroo still very much felt like home, and you didn't want to let him go ever again. there was only one way for you to take his declaration.
"can I..." you looked into his eyes and tried not to drown in them. "can I kiss you?"
he looked relieved at your words and eagerly nodded. "please."
you leaned forward and feverishly crashed your lips against his as soon as the word left his mouth. he raised one hand to cup your cheek and pulled you closer to him by your thigh with the other, not once breaking away from you.
soon you were straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, quiet noises releasing into the air around you both. you moved a hand up the back of his neck, into his hair, and he groaned slightly into your mouth.
you giggled into the kiss, happy to see you still knew what got him going.
as if either of you could forget- it was muscle memory at that point. just like you'd never forget how to ride a bike, you'd never forget how to make the other feel good.
eventually you both had to pull away and fill your lungs again, but you were close enough that your foreheads touched and your breaths mixed.
it was quiet aside from some light panting, so you decided to break that silence with a confession of your own. "I missed you too, tetsurou. so much."
now, you weren't sure if it was what you said or how you said it, but as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt something hard pressing against the area between your legs and gasped a little.
your eyes opened and you pulled your face away just enough to look at him properly. your eyes met his and his face was tinged pink. "I- I'm sorry... we don't... if you don't want to..." he mumbled, not sure how to gage your reaction to this sudden development.
you kissed him again, softer this time to reassure him, and smiled a bit when you pulled away. "I want to, tetsu."
he let out a relieved sigh and smiled at you in turn, then glanced over at the door. "I have no idea when they'll be back... do you want to continue this in my room?" his eyes slowly and hopefully made their way back to yours.
you nodded and squealed a bit when he suddenly scooped you up in his arms, smile growing wider as he made his way to his bedroom.
and that’s how you got here- cutting to when he gently sets you down on the bed, and you scoot back a bit to lay down comfortably. quickly following, his body covers yours and he begins kissing you again.
your arms instinctively move, one wrapping around his broad shoulders, the other cupping his cheek as you move your lips against his. his own hands, now free due to the fact that he’s propped up on one of his forearms, caress your waist and the the top of your head respectively.
after a few minutes of him focusing on your lips, he starts making his way down your neck. they’re feather light kisses at first to make you giggle, but eventually he finds the sensitive spot he always loved to mark up and the sweet sounds turn into shallow, shuddery breaths.
you whine as soon as he starts sucking on it and you bring your hand up from his cheek to his hair. "mmn... tetsu..."
he pulls away just enough so that you can still feel his lips against your flesh as he trails them up your neck to hover just over your ear. "you have no idea," he breathes out, voice low and far more erotic than you think he intended, "how much I've missed this."
you shudder and turn your face away at the tingly sensation, but the hand on your waist darts up to tilt your chin back in his direction. one thing you always appreciated about kuroo was how tenderly he handled you, no matter the tone of your late night endeavors. he was always gentle with you- not in a way that made you feel fragile, but rather in a way that told you he truly cared for you, treasured you, adored you.
the idea that this is still the case turns you on even more and makes your brain go a bit fuzzy.
when your eyes met his once more, you could see that adoration pooling in them. “look at me, sweetheart.”
you nodd slightly in his firm, yet still very soft grasp and keep your eyes trained on his. you could feel yourself getting wet as they trail over your face, and you swear your entire body feels warm as he gives you a rare type of smile only reserved for times like these.
he leans in to kiss you again and his hand moves from your face to toy with the lower hem of your dress. “you look absolutely gorgeous in this, baby, but do you think can we take it off?” he’s still speaking in the low, sultry tone that always drives you wild- you’re certain that you’d do anything he asked of you with that voice.
you sit up a little and move to unzip the dress, but he takes your hands and gives you a look. “ah ah- let me, pretty girl, you don’t have to move a muscle.”
it’s almost jarring how easily you both fall back into it. as soon as your dress is off, his shirt follows and he’s back to hovering over you. it really feels as though no time has passed since your last time with him.
just more proof that this is right.
he wastes no time in ridding you of your bra and himself of his shirt before pushing you back down onto the bed.
the room is once again filled with sounds of soft moans and gasps as he kisses your chest and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. he alternates between swirling his tongue around it and sucking. kuroo didn’t let your other breast go unattended for long, though, as he begins teasing the hardened bud with his fingers.
“aah, tetsu… please…” you gasped out.
the man on top of you chuckles, and in between switching sides he looks at you from under his eyelashes. “still so sensitive, hm? it’s cute.”
you resist the urge to hide your face and instead opt for throwing your head back when he suddenly sucks on the other nipple.
heat continues to build inside of you until he eventually he trails his kisses down the valley of your breasts, across your ribcage and down to your tummy. he spends a little extra time there, and you have to gently tug on his hair and whine about him taking too long for him to break away from your skin.
“let me worship you, angel. missed your body so much.” his voice is barely audible, the words murmured as though he was in a trance. you feel your pussy clench around nothing at his confession and bite back a whimper.
his lips curl upwards while pressed against your stomach and his eyes flicker up to meet yours. “keep your eyes on me, baby. don’t ever want to be away from you again,” he commands.
he rests his chin on your pubic bone and traces the elastic band of your panties with two familiar fingers. “you wore my favourite.”
heat rushes to your face and you do turn away this time, but he makes a disapproving noise you’re all too familiar with. “sweetheart, what did I just tell you?”
you bite your lip and force your eyes back to his.
he rewards you with a tender kiss to your belly and a “there’s a good girl, knew she was in there…” before he pulls your panties off.
you grow nervous, though you know you don’t need to be with him, and close your legs. his eyes soften significantly at the action. you're not sure why exactly the nerves get to you now of all times, especially considering how much you like his stricter side, but they do and he sees it.
he drops the strict act and rubs reassuring circles to your inner thigh. you've always preferred your softer sessions, anyway. “hey, it’s alright. I’m gonna take good care of you… missed my girl so much, just want to make you feel good, okay? we’ll save that for another time. it’s just you and me now, baby.”
you nod and a wave of calm washes over you at the reassurance. you let him pry your legs apart and gasp as he dives in.
he starts with wet kisses working their way up your thighs, to your slit and then up to your clit before he takes the bud into his mouth and sucks on it. you let out a soft moan and buck your hips into his face.
"mmn," he pulls away for a second and holds your hips down. "don't thrash, princess, just let me do all the work."
and he does. once he really gets into the groove of eating you out, you're a mess on his bed- legs shaking over his shoulders, cunt clenching around his tongue and whimpering out little thank you's when he makes you cum for the first time that night.
but he doesn't stop there. "tastes so good, baby, need more," he says in between licking your juices from your folds. "c’mon, just one more. you can do it," he picks up the pace again, and before you know it you're begging for more, too.
"tetsu- ah~!" you moan when he exchanges licking for sucking on your still sensitive clit again. you feel like you're on fire as he draws you closer and closer to reaching your second high.
you tangle your hands in his hair and he groans, sending vibrations throughout your core. you cry out and arch off the bed, spilling into his mouth.
this time when he pulls away, he slithers back up your body and kisses you. "see how good you taste, baby? best in the world, haven't I always told you that?"
your stomach twists from the praise and you turn your head to the side bashfully, trying to stabilize your breathing. he holds himself up above you and strokes your cheek with his knuckles, watching you fondly. it does nothing but make you more dizzy with affection.
when you've calmed down enough, he whispers "do you still want to-"
"yes." you cut him off and he chuckles.
"okay baby," he crawls off of you and reaches for his nightstand. he opens the drawer and-
your stomach sinks when you see an open box of condoms. the thought of him being with other girls makes you feel green with envy which you suppose isn’t fair considering you’ve been broken up for months, but you’re still a little fuzzy and too high on your own emotions right now to care.
he looks between you and the box and immediately catches on when an unexpected tear falls from your eye.
“oh, baby no-“ he takes one from the box and quickly returns to your side. “I haven’t been using these,” he cups your face and strokes his thumb under your eye.
“you haven’t?” you sniffle and he shakes his head right away.
you pout. “but then-”
kuroo cuts you off with a roll of his eyes. “one of my roommates got them for me as a joke for my birthday. I only opened them because he kept asking to borrow them.”
you digest his words and slowly look up at him. he’s already looking at you and you can’t keep your eyes from watering some more. the thought of him being intimate with someone new when you’ve spent the past few months rejecting everyone your friends forced your way.
“I haven’t even looked at anyone else since we broke up,” he murmurs against your hairline. “missed you too much.”
you nod, finding no traces of dishonesty on his features. “I haven’t been with anyone either… I wasn’t over you. I didn’t want to be,” you admit, voice soft.
he smiles and presses kisses from your scalp down to your cheeks. “such a sweet girl I have, hm? how about you help me out here?”
he tugs off his sweats and your attention is drawn to the tent his boxers. you bite your lip and reach for the band but he takes your hand and places the condom on your palm.
you blink up at him, confused. “you don’t want me to-“
he shakes his head and tugs his boxers down. his cock springs free and you gasp a little at the sight of his tip- red and smeared with pre-cum.
“no, angel, I need to be inside of you. just help me put it on.”
you make quick work of tearing the wrapper off and rolling the condom over his length. he groans at the feeling of your knuckles grazing his skin, but as soon as you pull away he’s flipping you on your back and lining himself up against your entrance.
he knocks his forehead against yours. “ready, baby?”
you nod and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. he leans down for a kiss and slowly pushes into you as your lips connect.
you whine a little at the stretch and he pauses everything. “you’re okay,” he reassures you, giving you time to adjust.
you nod when you feel ready for him to keep going and he bottoms out with a strangled moan. “you’re unreal, you know that?”
his praise pulls a giggle from your throat but it quickly turns into a breathy sigh when he starts moving.
he starts off slow, but soon enough you’re both lost in the moment and his pace picks up. within the next few minutes, his room is filled with sounds of pleasure and sweet words exchanged between lovers.
“you’re perfect,” he says, angling his lips closer to your ear. his hips stutter when you clamp around him at his words.
his thrusts reach deep enough to get you crying out for him. “tetsu, faster! please!”
“ah- there’s a good girl, love hearing you beg for more.” he nibbles the spot just below your ear, soothing it with his tongue.
“I love you,” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders.
kuroo groans at the sensation and goes a bit harder. “you needed this just as bad as I did, hm? it’s okay, I’ve got you now, pretty girl. just relax.”
you hide your face in his neck and try to stifle your moans, but he doesn’t appreciate that one bit. “stop that, let me hear you,” he commands and you immediately pull your head back.
he grins down at you and kisses your nose. “sound so pretty when you’re falling apart on my cock, you know better than to hide those noises from me.”
you nod and find yourself unable to look away from his face, as if you were in a trance. he’s absolutely gorgeous on top of you- why would you want to look away?
“you close, baby?” he asks after your walls tighten even more.
“mmhm,” you whimper and lean up for a kiss.
“me too,” he whispers and tugs one of your hands away from his shoulder. he intertwines your fingers and presses is above your head against the pillow. “needed this just as badly as I did, hm? it’s okay, I’ve got you, baby.”
doing so good for me.
you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
you feel so fucking good, princess.
all of his praise sent shockwaves throughout your body and soon enough you’re tipping over the edge. your back is arched, head thrown back and a loud cry of his name is drawn from you as you cum for the second time.
he follows soon after and you feel his whole body shudder when he spills into his condom.
your breaths mix together as you both come down from your highs. it’s quiet for a few moments before he carefully pulls out and disposes of the soiled contraceptive in the trash next to his bed. he rolls back into bed, facing you.
he strokes your cheek with his knuckles and smiles at you when you open your eyes and turn to face him as well. “hi pretty girl, you okay?”
you take a deep breath and curl into his chest. you still feel slightly too light and any thoughts not related to him are muddled. you’re overcome with an intense wave of affection for him.
he must notice, because when you manage to peek up at him again, he snorts. “yeah, I don’t know what I was expecting.”
he knows better than to try and leave the bed right away (memories of you whining and clinging to him when he did attempt it early on in your relationship flash through his mind and he smiles), so instead he wraps his arms around you and presses kisses to your hairline.
you savour the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his arms and nuzzle into his bare chest. the most comfortable feeling in the world.
eventually he does get up to grab a damp cloth and some water, and he informs you that you can use his bathroom for whatever you need.
you’re both following the same routine you had when you were together as if you hadn’t broken up at all.
now that you’ve regained some clarity, you start to worry about what exactly that means.
you’ve both admitted to missing each other like crazy, but you assume you’ll need to have a serious conversation with kuroo about whether or not you should get back together.
you ponder over this on his bed for a bit longer before he interrupts your thoughts. “we don’t have to talk about it right now,” he starts. “we can talk about it tomorrow morning if you would prefer, but…”
he pauses like he’s not sure if he should continue. you nod encouragingly, curious as to where this is going (thought you think you know). “but I meant absolutely everything I said tonight. um, before and while we were… uh. busy.”
you giggle a little at his shy demeanour before considering the weight of his words. “we could talk about it tomorrow morning, but I think we both already know what we want from this right?”
he doesn’t need to nod, but he does anyway. “I definitely have an answer already.”
you knock your forehead against his. “so… are we officially back together then?”
he offers you the widest grin he’s thrown your way all night. “I think we are, sweetheart. We’ll make it work this time, I promise.”
“I promise,” you repeat.
the rest of the night is spent cuddling under covers, sharing kisses and secrets you’ve missed out on sharing these past few months.
“I love you,” you say, before you finally drift off for the night.
you don’t hear him, but he’s quick to return the sentiment. “I love you too.”
the following morning, you wake up to your phone ringing. you groan when you see it’s your friend and realize you never texted her back last night to tell her you’re okay.
you look over at kuroo, still sound asleep beside you, and answer as quietly as possible. “hello?”
“oh thank goodness you’re alright, why weren’t you picking up? we all called you a million times!”
you check and see a ton of missed calls from more of your friends who saw you leave the party last night. “I’m sorry, I was asleep,” you say sincerely, only twisting the truth a little bit.
you feel slightly bad about it, you mentally promise her to tell her everything later.
before she can respond, your boyfriend sits up (when did he even wake up?) and says into the phone, “sorry, it’s my fault. but I promise I took good care of her,” he smirks at you.
you flinch when she shrieks into your ear. “YOU WERE WITH KUROO?!”
glaring at him, he snickers and takes the phone from you. “she’ll call you back later, we’re still catching up.”
“no, wait-“ he hangs up the phone and tosses it onto his sheets.
you pout at him. “tetsu, c’mon.”
he kisses your cheek. “I really didn’t meant for it to come off as rude, I swear. I just wanted a relaxing morning with you before you have to leave.”
you sigh and fall back into the soft comfort of his pillows. “it’s okay,” you say. “I really didn’t feel like giving her the rundown first thing in the morning, anyway. you really tired me out last night,” you peer up at him.
he laughs. “oh really? we’ve gotta build up your stamina again, pretty girl. I wasn’t lying-“ he crawls over and hovers a few inches above you. “we still have a lot of catching up to do.”
you mentally pat yourself on the back for answering his texts. definitely not your worst idea.
I swear I’ll get better at writing smut, folks 🫡
but for my first time writing it, I don’t think it’s horrible. if the ending feels a bit rushed, it’s because I’ve literally had this sitting in my drafts since miss olivia rodrigo released the music video for this song last august and I wanted it out 🙃.
tagging @nyctophilicroses bc I remember you commented on the original post I made asking abt exes to lovers with kuroo 🥹
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tacticaldiary · 2 months
Friday Nights
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PAIRING: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
SYNOPSIS: "I think I'm the lucky one no matter which narrative you spin." That easy smile of his reminds her of how she fell in love. He was sweet, considerate, and the perfect amount of playful that spoke to her without being cruel or nasty.
NOTE: All fanfic is timsekip. I'm taking requests!
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Friday's are date nights.
Kuroo's observant, good at being intuitive and he never picks anything he knows she won't like. Whether that be a new restaurant or a trip to the pier they've walked a dozen times, Kuroo has this uncanny ability to read her like a book, and a compulsive need to show her that he's got it, that he's got her, and that she doesn't need to worry about something as frivolous as planning if she doesn't want to.
Today might be a first, though.
There's a frown marring his lips as he watches her read over the same page of the menu thrice, a tired furrow to her brow. Her fingers tap a rhythm to the table he doesn't recognise, and there's this general air of enthusiasm that he clocked the moment he came home.
"Are you looking for something specific, because the wine selection can't be that detailed." She seems to startle at the comment, finally putting the menu down.
"It's nothing." She mumbles, shifting her gaze to him briefly, before it flickers back down to the tiny printed text.
Kuroo hums, not convinced. "You know," he starts, because if anything, Kuroo Tetsurou is a man of tact. "I said in my vows that I'd make you smile everyday, and so far I haven't been successful once today, so give it up. I know something's wrong."
"You're a sap." The comments earns her a chuckle and a squeeze of her hand across the table.
"Guilty." Kuroo shrugs. "Now give it up. Someone bothering you?"
There's an internal fight of sorts before his persistence finally sways her.
"Not someone, just...." She loosens out an exhale, seems to sink back into her seat, resigned. "The entire day, I guess. Meetings didn't go well, I barely made a deadline, and I had to chase a client down for hours." She wrinkles her nose in disgust. "I bounced from secretary to secretary until I snapped. I'm just exhausted I guess?"
"Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that." Kuroo nods wisely, grin widening at the glare she shoots him with. "We could've cancelled, you just had to say the word."
"I didn't want to." She admits, watching his fingers curl around hers, warm and steady. "I usually love our Fridays, I didn't want to miss one just because I wasn't feeling it."
Kuroo clicks his tongue and stands in one smooth motion.
She's known him forever, and the transition he made from lanky, awkward high school boy to this (mostly, he still has his moments) graceful, lean businessman still surprises her often.
A couple of bills are deposited on the table, before he pulls her up by the arm, weaving between tables and leading her straight towards the exit with a hand on the small of her back, her coat draped over his other arm.
"No point staying if you don't want to be here. I don't give a shit about where we are. We could be stuck in a ditch and I'd still love our Fridays." He leans down to smile at her. "We'll stay in, yeah? I'll even let you hog the TV with those trashy reruns of Love Island."
"Please, you like them more than I do!" The cold hits them as they step into the street, Kuroo immediately helps her into her coat, pulls it snug around her while they walk to the carpark.
"Do not! I'm way above that."
"Says the man who hides the remote so I can't change the channel."
"Hey now, the couch cushions run deep." Kuroo smiles victoriously at the giggle he earns, slows to a stop under a streetlight to take him looking down at her.
"There she is." He whispers, leans down to kiss the smile off her face, sweet and self-assured. "Had me worried for a second."
"I'm okay." She assures him, watches the slope of his shoulder's relax. "Thank you for this. For everything. For just...for being you." The words are soft, intimate, they prompt Kuroo to huff out a laugh and press his lips to the wedding ring on her finger, the one he remembers beings horribly anxious to buy a year ago.
"I think I'm the lucky one no matter which narrative you spin." That easy smile of his reminds her of how she fell in love. He was sweet, considerate, and the perfect amount of playful that spoke to her without being cruel or nasty.
"Debatable," She hums, watching the spark of a challenge gleam in his eyes as he holds open the car door for her.
"Oh, I'm making you take that back."
The rest of the car ride is playful bickering, pinches to thighs and hands intertwined over consoles, and by the time they're home, changed into pajamas and a boneless heap on the couch, there is not a remnant of tension in either's shoulders.
Just content. Pure, gilded, easy content.
Reblog, Like and Comment!
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kvrokasaa · 9 months
hi there!! you have wonderful work :) i was wondering if you could write for akaashi, kuroo, and atsumu with a girlfriend who finds out her friends are fake (talking crap, bullying her, etc.). i just wanna know what the boys would do about it. im sorry if this is too specific!
a/n: AHHH my first request!! Don't worry anon, this isn't too specific :), thank you hsjdhsjahdj
Fake Friends
Includes: Akaashi, Kuroo, Atsumu (separately) x Fem!reader
cw: cussing, bullying, spitting, hitting, hair pulling, slapping, implied slapping, corny chemistry joke.
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Akaashi wasn't too concerned about friendships, relationships, or anything of the like. That's what he used to think, until he met you.
Before he met you, he would walk home alone, he would only hang out with his team when they celebrated a win. But now he has someone to walk with him, someone to hold when he needs the comfort. He has someone who he can rant to when he needs to.
Those few things are the reasons why he loves you so much. But he wonders if he's ever going overboard when ranting to you. He never hears your side of things, he never hears you complain about things. He wonders why. Maybe you're just not comfortable with sharing?
He finds out the reason after just a few days of worrying.
Akaashi came to pick you up from your class, ready to walk you to your next like usual. But he hears some noises, which isn't out of the ordinary. But he hears girls saying mean things, almost like they're patronizing someone.
And when Akaashi opens the door a little wider, not enough to be seen but enough to see what is going on, he sees you. You're at your seat, head down while your hair covers your face. Three girls surround you.
One points her finger at you, "what gives you the right to think you can blow us off?" She gives you a stern look. But this wasn't something a friend would say, no. She said it in a vial and cruel tone.
"You should know by now that you're nothing but a dog for us."
Another girl laughs at the statement, her hand covering her lips as she looks down at you. The third girl sits on the desk facing you.
"Answer me, you bitch!" The first girl grabs your hair, which makes you look up at her. Tears are flowing down your cheeks.
"Aww, she's crying. Fucking pathetic." The girl sitting on the desk starts laughing at seeing your tears. She puts her hand out, showing her rings to your face, "come on, mutt. You know what to do."
Just as you're about to lean forward to kiss her rings, Akaashi stalks towards the girls and slaps the girl's hand out of your face. He has an angry expression on his face, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips in a straight line.
"What gives you the right to treat my girlfriend like a dog?!"
Akaashi clenches his jaw. He's seen enough, no wonder why you were always so quick to do something for him. You're used to this kind of treatment.
You look to the side, eyes wide at the seen in front of you. "Keiji, it's not what you think!" Akaashi's head snaps over to you, are you really defending these girls? How long have you been accustomed to this kind of behavior?
But Akaashi doesn't respond, he only grabs your hand and leads you out to the hallway. "Those aren't your friends. Do you understand?"
You can only nod in response, your eyes brimming with tears, afraid that he's mad at you now. But Akaashi pulls you into his chest, hiding your face from anyone who passes.
"Don't let people like that control you, Y/n. You're too good for that."
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Kuroo had a goofy smile on his face, ready to tell you another science joke. He knows you hate them, that you cringe every time you hear one. But you still smile at him, you still laugh at his stupid jokes.
He rounds the corner, about to make it down to your street, but he catches sight of five people on the sidewalk in front of him.
Two boys and two girls surround another person that is sitting on the ground. They all have a big smile on their faces as they yell at the fifth person. Kuroo isn't one for confrontation, when he sees something like this happening, he usually just threatens to call their parents or something of the like.
But as he walked closer, he realized that you're the one on the ground, a big, ugly handprint on your cheek. Your head is down, tears streaming down your face. Kuroo can't even imagine how you managed to fall to the ground.
All thoughts leave his mind when he sees one of the boys lean down and spit on your shirt. Kuroo's eyes widen, and he grits his teeth. Did that scumbag really just do that?!
"What makes you think you can be with Kuroo?" He hears one of the girl's voices shouting at you. She points her finger at you and sneers, "did you get with him because you knew I like him? Answer you ugly whore!"
Kuroo grows tired from hearing these words. He walks over to the scene, but not before hearing an insult from one of the boys.
"You're such a fucking pig. Always stealing guys, you'd really let anyone use you, huh." He laughs.
Kuroo starts walking faster, and once he gets to the scene, he grabs the guy's shirt, pulling him back and pushing him. The guy falls to the floor and looks up, he glares at Kuroo.
But before anyone can try to throw a punch or slap, Kuroo grabs your hand and takes off, running down the street.
Once you both get to a safe and secluded place, he immediately pulls you into a hug. Your tears start flowing down your face as you hug him back.
"Carbon and hydrogen went on a date. I heard they really bonded."
You pull back from the hug and playfully slap Kuroo's chest, "'s stupid." He smiles when he hears you laugh through the tears.
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You never thought you would be dating Astumu Miya. You always thought his fangirls were a bit too much, and maybe they'd even threaten you.
But now you're having the time of your life because of him. Every worry ceases to exist when you're around him. He just has that effect on you.
But that doesn't mean his fangirls wouldn't try to hurt you in any way.
Over the time your relationship started, you gained new friends. You didn't recognize them as Astumu's fangirls, so your worries were unfound. Oh, how wrong you were.
One of his fangirls, Hana, managed to squeeze her way into your life. She was nice at first, gaining your trust, making you feel good around her. She was so nice that you considered her your best friend.
But once she gained your trust, she immediately turned against you. She would copy you, steal your clothes when she slept over, blame you for things that aren't your fault - she would do everything in her power to make you feel horrible.
Astumu didn't catch wind of this problem until a few months after it started. At first, he thought that you two were super close. He thought that someone was on your side.
But he knew he was mistaken when he started noticing the signs of her behavior changing. One of the main things he noticed was when you tried to talk, she would interrupt you and start talking about her day or other trivial things. She would take credit for your ideas. She even stole the necklace that he gifted you for your third mensiversary.
Astumu could only sit back and watch you let this happen. He knew that you didn't have many friends, so you didn't want to lose her.
But after a few more months, he knew that he had to put a stop to this. He knew when he saw you looking at yourself in the mirror after your 'friend' told you to lose some weight.
"Astumu would look better with someone who doesn't look like," she paused, "that."
While you were talking to Astumu in your bedroom, he comes over frequently, with your 'friend.' She interrupted you again as she stood up and smiled at him.
"Y/n, just stop talk-"
She was cut off by Astumu's glare, his jaw clenched, and his eyebrows furrowed. He looked pissed, and the girl had her eyes widened at his expression.
"When my girl speaks, you sit and fucking listen."
His tone was harsh, cruel, making the girl sit immediately.
But she couldn't listen to another word, she was scared out of her mind. She huffed and stormed out of your bedroom, grabbing her coat and shoes as she ran off.
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protective men protective men protective men protective men!!!! HGSHGHASG
I love when men are protective of their woman!!!
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
Could you make headcanons abt a confident!chubby!poc!reader. Like when i search up haikyui x chubby reader all i get are hurt comfort stories about being insecure, and like everyone gets insecure but it gets to the point where people think everyone who isnt built like a coke bottle hates themselves 🙄. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE ONES MADE FOR POC!!! Cause why are they all so stereotypical?! Like just because im black doesn’t mean im sexy redds clone😭🙏🏽.
Anyways back to the main plot🤭. I was thinking like reader with a style that has y2k/mcbling aspects (lowrise jeans, crop tops, chunky jewlery, etc) and is super bubbly. And back to he chubby thing, like ok. When i read x chubby readers, its always like fat ass and a lil bit of tummy, which is fine cause some people are built like that but not a lot🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️. Like i have thighs, big boobs(pray for my spine🫡🙏🏽😭) and tummy, but I also have hipdips that dig into my butt bro. So like yea🧍🏽‍♀️. Haikyuu headcanons (you can pick the characters you think will fit🫶🏽) x confident!chubby!poc! reader
(i apologize for the yap session i have lots of opinions on this topic)
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Chubby!POC!Reader x Haikyuu Headcanons
ft: literally like half the team members of all the main teams
warnings: cussing
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oh pal dw about it lmfao i get what u mean!! i hope these hcs satiate ur cravings 👍
since u didn't ask for any specific characters i just came up with a few hcs that i think could apply to multiple characters lol
credits: divider .
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He lowkey likes it when people look at his partner and assume he can't carry them, but then he just goes "oh yeah? lemme just-" *picks u up and puts u on his shoulder without a single hint of struggling* 👍
Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu, Sakusa, Iwaizumi (but he wouldn't say it outloud lmao).
Can't pick you up? No problem, they wanna be the ones getting picked up anyways.
Yachi, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Tendou (u cant convince me he doesnt like getting picked up)
Can't pick you up? unacceptable. They're begging your forgiveness and spending hours at the gym until they can do it. Just give them a few months.
Nishinoya, Hinata, Hoshiumi, Kageyama, Terushima, Levi.
Became an absolute pro at finding your exact foundation shade. Like, has your exact match pinned down. Could just look at a foundation color and go "yeah that's their shade". Some may think it's a bit weird, but honestly it's so helpful sometimes.
Ushijima's autistic ass, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Asahi, Yachi, Sakusa and Osamu maybe?
Gets so excited over fashion, makeup, jewelry and all that stuff. Goes shopping/thrifting with you, pays for your nails and is very enthusiastic whenever you ask for their opinion on your outfits. Also lets you give them makeovers sometimes. They will absolutely serve cunt if you ask them to.
Hinata, Nishinoya, Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Tendou, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Yachi, maybe Levi lmao. Hot take but Ushijima would absolutely do it too.
Does encourage your passions and interest and stuff but their sense of fashion is that of a rock. If rocks wore crocs with socks. Still go shopping with u tho and they make up for their lack of advice by paying for all ur stuff. They spoil u so fricking much.
Tsukishima, Kageyama, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Suna, Daichi, Sakusa, Ennoshita, Kenma.
Paints/writes/does photography and will make the most beautiful jaw dropping mouth watering gorgeous absolutely stunning works of art portraying you in such a beautifully realistic way. They get your colors and shapes and curves so perfectly well, it's incredible– it shows just how much attention they pay to every little detail about you, and how much they love all of it.
Daichi, Asahi, Ushijima, Osamu, Ennoshita, Sakusa, Yamaguchi, Yachi, maybe Kageyama.
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suashii · 11 months
𝒮𝒫𝒪𝐼𝐿𝐸𝒟 — kuroo tetsuro x reader. 0.7 wc. sfw. fluff.
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today was normal in every aspect. morning routines within the apartment went smoothly and you and your boyfriend had decent days out before returning home for the evening. the two of you cooked and ate dinner together, enjoying each other’s company for the first time in hours. and when you finished, kuroo, being the gentlemen he is, offered to clean up the table and take care of the dishes while you began washing up.
“have you seen my sleep shorts, tetsu? the blue ones,” you call out from the bedroom.
kuroo had been responsible for the laundry this week. he’s usually good about making sure he doesn’t leave any lone garments in the washer or dryer and he clearly recalls folding the specific pair of shorts you’re asking about. he must have put them away with his clothing by mistake.
“check my top drawer,” he yells over his shoulder, hoping his voice is loud enough to carry over the running water. he hums to himself as he rinses off the last dish, setting it on the drying rack. it’s only when kuroo is shaking the soapy water from his hands that he realizes his mindless blunder. he has been purposely trying to keep you out of his side of the dresser for the past few weeks so as to conceal a certain object.
“wait, don’t look in there!” water drips from the tips of his fingers as he rushes out of the kitchen and down the hall to stop you from finding what he’s been trying so hard to keep hidden.
though, when he finally reaches the doorway of your bedroom, you’re frozen. seems like he was a little too late.
“what’s this?” you inquire, clasping a small velvet box in your shaky hand. your eyes slowly drag away from the unexpected discovery and meet kuroo’s frantic ones.
“… a ring.” if his hands weren’t already covered in suds, kuroo is sure they’d be sweating beyond his control. you weren’t supposed to find that for at least a couple more weeks. scratch that—you weren’t supposed to find it at all.
“for me?” you question, your tone more steady and even than before.
“perhaps,” he answers.
“perhaps? don’t tell me i’m the side piece,” you try to joke. you know there’s no way kuroo would be unfaithful, but you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around the events playing out before your eyes.
“of course not. i just meant that i never got to ask before you found it.” he shrugs, finally stepping past the threshold of the doorway and into the room. “i didn’t know if you’d say yes.”
no matter how hard you try, you can’t think of a time when the air felt so tense between the two of you. knowing that you are partially to blame, albeit unintentionally, you clear your throat with the goal of resolving the mess that you created. “i know you weren’t planning on it, but you can do it now.”
“do what?” he asks, caving and wiping what was left of the foam from his hands onto his pants.
“propose, dummy.” you toss the box to kuroo, which he catches effortlessly. “that’s what the ring is for, right?”
“then do it. i have my answer.”
a bright shade of red flushes across kuroo’s cheek as he considers your words. you’re right, he had no intention of proposing so soon, but now that the cat is out of the bag, it only makes sense to. even simply thinking of it is nerve-wracking, yet the thought of walking on eggshells around you until he builds up his courage sounds even worse. so, he buries the jitters ravaging his body before opening the box and kneeling down on one knee.
“will you—”
“yes!” your feet are moving on their own, launching you into kuroo’s chest. your body crashing into his sends him flying backward, his back hitting the carpeted floor with a thud. he doesn’t have time to focus on the discomfort of it all before you’re showering his cheeks and forehead in excited kisses.
“you didn’t even let me finish the question,” kuroo chuckles, pulling the ring from its case and sliding it onto your fourth finger. 
“i already ruined your original plan, no harm in cutting the formalities short.” you hold your hand out to inspect the jewelry, a wide smile spreading across your face.
“i guess you’re right,” kuroo agrees, lovingly gazing at you.
“not to ruin the moment any further,” you start, fighting back a laugh, “but we really need to have a talk about your horrible hiding place.”
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pparadiselost · 10 months
kageyama tobio x fem reader tobio is fascinated by your hands and wrists. warning(s): nsfw, slight yandere kageyama, size kink, bruising mention
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kageyama never thought about what he looked like until his professional career started. it wasn’t until his teammates started teasing him about the fans who started paying attention to him because of his appearance, and it really never cemented anything important into his volleyball-obsessed mind until kuroo had brought it up. 
he had only responded with a calm statement that he was aware that his fans found him hot. it wasn’t meant to be smug or conceited, but it did make him a bit more cognizant about appearances. not just his, but yours as well.
specifically, the differences between your body and his. he was used to being surrounded by big burly athletes on the regular that coming home to someone like you has made him take note a bit more of the small things. like how much softer your body feels when he holds you as you sleep, or even the way your eyes crinkle up as you smile at him before he leaves for work, his cheeks still tingling from where you kissed him goodbye.
but there’s something else about you that kageyama’s noticed thoroughly. something so trivial and everyday that it’s almost weird to him that the thought has lodged itself so deep inside his mind.
it’s your hands. 
he loves thinking about them in contrast to his. he’s never thought about his hands either, at least outside of his professional needs, too much. they’re his lifeline; without them, he could never dream of playing volleyball. he takes care of his hands as needed: he massages them, stretches them, and does everything his medical and managerial team tells him to do.
his palms are adorned with callouses, the layers of hardened skin and muscle built up over a lifetime of dedication to his sport. they’re nothing like the average layman’s hands, far more tattered, always rebuilt, constantly pushing further beyond what he thinks will be enough.
“t-tobio!” you sound so small, so weak to him. it drives kageyama wild. it awakens something primal in him, something that makes him want to rip you to shreds in every way possible. 
your thighs shake around his waist, your toes curling into his creaking mattress. his hips keep ramming into you, his cock thrusting wildly up into your drenched cunt. you don’t know how long he’s kept this brutal pace up—all you can make out is the wild look in his eyes and his sweat-drenched body, fucking into you as if he’s gone into heat.
“fuuuuuuck-,” his voice is low and drawn out, the guttural noise coming from somewhere deep in his throat. his adam’s apple bobs when he swallows thickly, and his shaking eyes are blown open wide as he drinks in the sight of you folded underneath him. 
your wrists are unbelievably smooth. he grips at them with one hand, easily pinning them over your head and pinning you down underneath him. his thumb runs over the soft flesh of your wrists, and his cock twitches dangerously inside you when he can feel the lively thrum of your veins underneath.
you wince when his grip on your wrists tighten. your stomach lurches and twists into knots as kageyama pounds into you, every inch of his swollen cock burying into your tight hole. “you’re being so rough…! so rough- you’re so deep inside me!”
“good,” he drawls. he draws his hips back and snaps them at a harsh angle. heat floods your heavy head, and it makes your back arch involuntarily. “i know you can take it. you’ve taken me like this before.”
kageyama thinks you look absolutely ravishing. your hands, your pretty wrists, are just so small when they’re held captive under his palm. your tits bounce every time he fucks his cock deep into you, and the knot that coils inside of his abs drives him insane. you’re just so pretty, and kageyama is obsessed with you. he knows he’s someone that enjoys a lot of international attention given his successful career, but when you’re thrown into the mix, he feels less like the handsome setter people know him to be and more like a hormonal teenage boy that’s popping a boner after looking at his class crush.
except this time, you’re actually folded underneath him, all for him to lavish his attention onto.
pleasure flashes behind your eyes, shooting straight to your brain. your legs are shaky and numb. the sheets underneath you are wet and damp, all thanks to kageyama holding you in this mating press position for what felt like eternity, fucking you over and over until both of your orgasms were making a mess. your thighs are sticky, the remnants of your own juices and spurts of his white cum staining your skin.
you can’t think past the overstimulation buzzing in your mind. there’s something mounting inside your guts, and it throbs. it has a pulse of its own, craving so much more of kageyama’s body. you want him to fill you up with more of his cum, to stuff your womb full, to have him break you body and soul, for him to indulge in that awful greedy part of him that can’t seem to get enough of you.
“tobio- tobio, please-,” you beg. you know how intense he can get, especially when he’s staring down at you more like prey than a human, and your pussy unconsciously clenches around him. he groans under his breath, but his gaze on you doesn’t waver. “it’s too much- you’re too much, tobio!”
“it’s your fault.” a line of sweat trickles down his face, and a bead of it dangles from the tip of his nose. you’re acutely aware of every muscle in his body: the edge of his pecs, his toned abs, the pretty v-lines on his stomach that lead you down into his long dick, ramming into you. every part of him was made to torture you lovingly like this, morphing you from his picture perfect girlfriend into a toy made to serve only his pleasure.
“ah-! haah- you’re going to kill me- please, ‘m gonna cum again! i can’t- i can’t cum anymore-,” you sob pathetically. you whimper and squirm to no avail as his hips keep grinding up against you. his length slides in and out of you with little resistance, your own wetness providing him the right amount of lubrication for kageyama to mold your hole into the perfect shape of his cock.
“it’s all your fault,” he repeats. he sounds downright animalistic and cold. “it’s all because of how pretty you are. walking around in shorts with your bare legs out, rubbing your eyes when you’re tired, flashing me your tits when you get out of the shower… it’s like you want me to fuck you.”
a strangled cry escapes you, and the sound goes straight to kageyama’s cock. your face twists in pleasure again, and kageyama’s determined to rip another orgasm straight from your cunt. the pressure around your wrist spikes, his nails digging into you. the flash of pain that shoots through your eyelids grounds you a little, but not before his obscene thrusts grow faster.
his other hand clutches the headboard, and your pussy throbs when you hear how forcefully the headboard crashes into the wall. kageyama’s being uncharacteristically rough with you, and the sound of the bed moving with his thrusts spins inside your head.
“‘m gonna make you feel so good,” he mutters.
“you feel good, don’t you?” his knuckles whiten as he grips the headboard.
“‘m gonna make you cum. gonna use that pussy of yours and make myself cum too,” he pants. “that sounds good. i’m going to give you another creampie. fuck! fuuuuck-! you’re so fucking tight-” 
“tobio-,” you sound like a broken record, but you can only gasp out his name. your pussy keeps milking him, and just imagining kageyama forcing another round of his cum into you turns you on more than it should. “please, tobio- tobio- ah- ahh- hmnnh…! g-give it to me- i want you to give me another creampie…”
kageyama likes it. he likes hearing you moan out his name. he likes knowing that he’s the man on top of you, making sure that you know you belong to him. he also loves it when you beg for him to cum inside of you like that. his balls tighten dangerously at the thought of cumming inside your hole again. just thinking about you whimpering as he explodes inside of you or the way his semen might slowly drip out of your abused cunt is almost enough to make him bust right there and then.
he grits his teeth, and he barely holds himself back. he can’t, not yet. he’s going to make you cum first and only then will he let him lose complete control of himself.
the bottom of your palms and your delicate wrists keep rubbing against his bigger hands. you’re just so small compared to him, and your hands—your fucking hands! lust blinds kageyama momentarily. your hands are so tiny, so smooth, and they’re nothing like his. his are rough and hard and made to slam his opponents down to maintain his superiority, to establish his beloved throne as the unchallenged king of the court, and they’re exquisitely made to shove you underneath into perfect submission.
he wants to see your hands in every way that you can offer him. he needs to see your fingertips trickle down his chest and waist, feel you wrap your fingers around his hardening cock, hold your palms down as he fucks you over and over again. you’re his, all his, and he needs to just physically feel the way you give in to him. he’s always gripping onto your hands and wrists, either pinning you down or lovingly interlacing his fingers into yours as he has his way with you.
“okay,” he almost laughs. “yeah- i can do that- i’ll give you another creampie. i’ll give you as many fucking creampies as you want.”
you throw your head back, making a bunch of incoherent cries. your body shakes uncontrollably underneath kageyama, and your lower half aches from brutally taking him for so long. but when he’s being this possessive over you and making it clear that he won’t accept anything other than you taking all of his love, how could you not want to soak it all up? 
your horny mind can only think of one thing. all you can register and think of his dick pounding into you, fucking you, making you melt under his touch. no matter how much you squirm or arch your back against him, kageyama has you held down so firmly in place that you just have to take him.
“take it- take it!” he hisses through gritted teeth. “you’re not going anywhere. you’re not running away from me. you said you wanted it, so i’m going to give it to you. you’re mine- c’mon, be good for me…!”
red hot pleasure claws at your skin. it prickles and drips over you like molten metal, covering you from head to toe. your hands curl helplessly into fists, and the callouses on kageyama’s palms rub against your wrists.
“yes- please- i need more of you, tobio!” your begging is sweet to his ears. he wants to bottle it at all up and keep it forever. he could do the sleazy thing and record it for his own whims, but why do that when he can just fuck you and make you sound like this again? every bit of you is too much for his dense mind, and all he can register is how perfect you are in his eyes. he loves hearing you. swapping between your airy gasps and mewls of his name, he just wants to devour you whole. you have him entranced, and kageyama doesn’t ever want to escape.
your hips start moving in rhythm with him, and you clench your eyes shut. “cum in me, cum in me, please…! i don’t need anything else- need only you! i wanna cum- wanna cum with you- tobio, i can’t take it anymore…!”
some deep sadistic part of him enjoys hearing you this desperate for him. he’s sure it’s only a fraction of the madness he holds for you, but you’re getting a taste of it. kageyama’s never been too lucky in love ever since he was young, always being the selfish weirdo who only cared about volleyball, so when he fell for you, it was like he fell without even thinking about any of the consequences. why wouldn’t he give his everything to you wholeheartedly? in his mind, there was no room for regret, no need to look behind.
the headboard rattles violently against the walls, scraping and banging and slamming against it. if the neighbors are in, they definitely know what the two of you are up to. good. kageyama wants them to hear, wants someone else in the world to know that you belong to him. no one else could ravish you like this, make your body writhe and coil in pleasure like this, utterly entrance him like this.
he growls, “go ahead. cum for me."
his dick twitches and throbs like a second pulse deep inside your cunt, and the stretch your walls feel is nothing short of heavenly. he won’t quit barrelling into you, that awful competitive streak in him refusing to die out even during sex.
your eyes are glossing over. the pounding in your head refuses to abate, and you’re teetering dangerously on the edge. your boyfriend’s thrusts are more frantic, faster, cock slipping in and out of you fully as his tip bullies your abused insides.
“c-cumming…!” you can’t physically take anymore. the pleasure bleeds in between the liminal space of goodness and pain, of heaven and hell, leaving you shaking in its aftermath. you throw your head back, your spine arching like a cat. your chest collides with his, and you squirm violently, pressed down onto the mattress helplessly against his full weight. “i’m cumming! cumming, cumming, tobio! fuck- tobio- ah…!”
warmth shoots through you as if you’ve been dragged underwater. you can’t breathe, your windpipe frozen as pleasure overwhelms you. heat blooms inside your chest and spreads through you, like a poison paralyzing you within your own skin from inside out. your nerves can’t register anything else. all that’s on your mind is your boyfriend and how good he’s making you feel, the inches of his cock dragging painfully in and out of your clenching hole, fucking you violently through your orgasm. 
your insides clench up, coiling like a fear-stricken beast. your vision swims, and the edges grow hazy. tears gather in the corners of your eyes, clinging to your lashes as they threaten to fall over and onto your cheeks. kageyama gasps, the sight of you breaking down making him falter just a beat.
you mewl out, “tobio-! tobio, tobio, please- cumming feels so- soooo good…!”
kageyama flinches, and a high-strung hiss escapes his teeth. he squares his jaw as you flutter all around him, body going limp underneath him as your high overtakes you. the bed creaks as his hips grind up against you, and when you let out one final pathetic mewl of his name, he grips onto your wrists with a fervor you’ve never felt before.
you’re so small. so beautiful, so delicate, everything that he isn’t.
kageyama comes with a strangled cry, the feeling of your smooth wrists underneath his pushing him over. he buries himself as far as he can into you. you cry out as spurts of hot cum invade your insides, stretching your walls out further as they struggle to take both his load and his cock buried inside you. it burns, but it feels good, like proof of you taking a physical part of his unconditional love.
his hips stutter, and he barely chokes back his moans. you’re squeezing him so tightly, milking every drop of cum out of his length. he wants to keep rutting against your cunt, rubbing every single inch of his needy cock against your insides until your hole is molded to the shape of his dick. 
his balls twitch against the curve of your ass, and you’re held down in place. his fingers curl into the headboard, steadying himself as he sucks in a shaky inhale. your mind feels foggy, and you can’t push yourself through the hazy fuzz that settles on you. maybe kageyama’s mind is a bit clearer, but you doubt it, not when he spent the past few minutes fucking into you as if he was going into heat.
“...did you take it all?” his voice is hushed, quiet, like a whisper in a holy place. because that’s what kageyama does: cherish you until the end. 
you nod weakly, your head heavy against the pillow. he grins down at you, practically glowing with a kind of possessive pride. you know that competitive streak in him all too well, and you know how insatiable he can get especially when you’re involved. you’re his, and he wants to devour whatever love you hold in your heart for him over and over again. if it weren’t so reverent, it would be almost dangerous.
he stays firmly planted inside of you, nearly crushing you underneath his weight as he lays on top of you. kageyama doesn’t want to pull out just yet, savoring the feeling of your bodies together as one. it’s warm, and it makes his chest feel tight, itching to feel more of your presence. but burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent is enough for him, especially when he’s done such a thorough job of railing you.
it amazes him, the difference between your bodies and yet how well you’re made to fit him. like two puzzle pieces connecting, he’s sure you’re his soulmate. no one else can fit that mantle, none other than you.
you blink slowly, and his hands trickle back to yours again. this time, they trail past your wrists, and his fingers carefully intertwine with yours. his calloused palms brush against yours, lithe fingers caressing your smaller ones. 
he hopes your wrists are bruised because of him tomorrow. they're manifestations of his deeply driven devotion, after all.
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mysterystarz · 6 months
just keep falling for
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x g!n reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, boatload of an oblivious but perceptive reader, kuroo really doesn’t know how to get the obvious out and reader cannot really tell him they know what he means
notes: rewatching hq and i literally fell in love w everyone again — dedicated to all kuroo fans, not proofread at all
also i haven’t written in so long so my style is all over the place so pls critique me and also my hand slipped
reblogs and opinions are appreciated &lt;3
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kuroo was taking an awfully long time in the locker room.
standing in the gym, you watched as the first years helped with deconstructing the volleyball nets for the day. while you offered your help, they politely declined, suggesting you wait to accompany their captain out to advertise their great work.
normally, kuroo was quick. any jokes that happened inside the locker room were quick to reach your ears, and you knew how much he tried to include you in everything.
you leaned against the wall, watching the clock tick for a whole minute before opting to pace around the gym.
little did you know, kuroo was having a meltdown inside the locker room.
“kuroo!” yaku yelled, brandishing his towel. “you need to get a grip. stop freaking out. you’re supposed to be the composed one!”
“seriously kuroo,” kenma agreed, “why are you acting so surprised. it’s not like this is new news.”
“guys,” kuroo began, raking a finger through his hair, “this messes up everything.”
“is this about y/n?” lev asked, finally entering the locker room. “did kuroo finally do something about that crush?”
“enough!” kuroo sighed, sitting down at one of the benches. in the span of the last ten minutes, kuroo had one of the most dramatic realizations of his life.
he liked you.
you, his best friend and his other half. you, who cheered for him at every game and even lended him cool analogies to use in captains speeches. you, who stole his jacket and ran away from him, leaving him to chase you as far as the two of you could run.
he wasn’t sure what had changed. somehow, you’d entered his head, and with every pump of his heart, you sunk deeper and deeper into his bloodstream.
“did you seriously not know?” yaku asked gently, “because if you ask us, it was obvious from the very start. you hold them in such high regard.”
“i didn’t,” he admitted, turning to meet yaku’s eyes. “i didn’t know and now, i don’t know what to do. we’ve been friends for ages….i don’t even think they see me that way.”
“just tell them kuroo,” kenma said, not looking up from his console. “they like you a lot, they’re not going to say no.”
the team voiced their agreement, and began to file out of the locker room at last.
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“sorry to keep you waiting,” he smiled, meeting your gaze as he walked out of the locker room.
“no problem,” you said, returning a grin of your own. “was there something going on in there?”
“nahhhhh,” he laughed, “someone was just having a meltdown about how to do a proper confession.”
“confession?” you rose a brow, and kuroo silently cursed himself for letting such a specific detail slip.
for a moment, you were stunned. as you walked, you considered all the possibilities.
you knew lev had been racking up quite the fanbase through his games, and you also knew how yaku was starting to branch out a bit more. if kenma had a prospective partner, you would’ve already heard of it by now.
unless…unless it was kuroo having the meltdown.
you pondered this detail as you walked out of the school doors, holding them open for your lanky best friend.
“hey dork,” you began, “who are you planning on confessing to? it was your meltdown, right?”
kuroo felt his heart drop in his chest. curse you and your quick connections.
“what makes you think the meltdown was mine?”
“because i would’ve known about everyone else,” you smiled confidently. “you would’ve told me.”
kuroo simply looked at you, distracted by your smile and the way it lit up your eyes. if only he could put it into words.
you had a way of making him nervous.
“i’d tell you details if you stopped smiling at me like that. too bright — it’s hurting my eyes.” he teased.
what he didn’t expect was for you to laugh and immediately drop your smile, transitioning to a serious face.
“tell me now,” you huffed, “i deserve to know who’s on your mind these days.”
he sighed.
if there was one thing worse than your uncanny ability to read his mind, it was the lack of that ability to tell that you were the only person he ever thought about.
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kuroo got home, resting his bag on the floor of his room and immediately dialing kenma. he picked up in an instant, and kuroo couldn’t help but be thankful for his setter.
“kenma,” he sighed, “this is like one of your games. impossible.”
“let me guess. y/n didn’t catch a hint?”
“they know it’s me” he groaned, “they know i had the meltdown. they know there’s someone in my head. they keep trying to ask me who it is, but i can’t just say ‘it’s you’ can i?”
“being direct is actually a good idea.” kenma suggested, “go retry that level kuroo. maybe you’ll have some luck this time.”
with that, kenma hung up, leaving kuroo frenzied with an emotion that felt a lot like hope.
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sitting and staring out the window, you wondered if now was a good time to acknowledge your growing crush on nekoma’s middle blocker.
he was everything you could ever ask for. thoughtful, sweet, laughably charming, and with a nerdy twist that made him a dork and undeniably your other half.
it didn’t help how handsome he’d become over the years either. he’d gotten taller and taller, his eyes golden and his hair endearingly messy. he was solid from all the days spent practicing, and after every embrace, you were left craving more.
as much as you didn’t want to admit your discomfort, the sensation hovered over you like a fog.
the idea of kuroo having feelings for someone else was bittersweet. you adored him — you really did, and his happiness was yours.
but….you couldn’t help but wish that you could both be happy. that he’d see you the way you’d always seen him.
someone to just keep falling for.
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the next morning, kuroo came to grab you from your house for the daily walk to school. he’d made an effort to make sure his tie was on incorrectly in the hopes that you’d fix it for him.
you greeted him at the door, breaking into a grin upon seeing his disheveled state.
“come inside,” you sighed, dragging him by the hand into the foyer. he stood patiently as you reached for his tie, straightening out the edges and meticulously smoothing out the wrinkles of his shirt.
“it’s almost like we’re married.” he teased, happy at the flustered expression that shot onto your features. “what? cat got your tongue?”
“shut up tetsu.”
“i don’t want to.” he said, looking into your eyes. he hoped that there was something conveyed in the silent space between you. the tenseness was all but palpable.
“oh.” you whispered, cupping his cheek. “so this is your confession? a messy tie and a lot of cheek.”
“of course,” he smirked, “you’re the only person i’d do that for.”
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved, please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics in any way even if credited
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shimishimii · 6 months
six degrees of separation [first part]
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Kuroo Tetsurou x gn reader
⎯ [wc: 2.5k] fluff to angst, has proper closure, but it’s part 1 of a mini six-part series, taglist is open, have a lovely day thanks for reading!
⎯ exes to enemies to lovers
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“who made your first love experience tragic, and you almost tear up every time you remember it?” your friend asks, you glance at the folded polaroid behind your phone case.
Kuroo Tetsurou did. But you shake his name away from your head, “just someone who likes this ice cream.”
As the summer breeze warms your cheeks and melts your ice cream, you felt you were back to when it started.
Classes were cancelled that day due to the high heat index and walking home under that sun would be brutal. Or maybe you are just making excuses when you see a raven-haired guy, a popular face among sophomores and freshmen. You notice he often stops by at the convenience store near your university. Maybe it sells some amazing snacks, you thought.
You began to like this specific popsicle the convenience store sells. It has cute designs, some based off on cartoon characters. But what you like about it the most was the short message engraved in the popsicle stick.
Days after, next thing you knew, you were always stopping by at the same convenience store, buying the same ice cream, sitting at the same corner, looking at the same guy.
His eyes were hazel from afar, and you wonder if you would see hints of gold and honey if you could just see him closer. His eyes are often narrowed and piercing, reminds you of a cunning feline's gaze that when he catches you sometime staring at him, it’s as if he has every answer for the questions you have yet to ask.
He’s definitely the athletic type. He could reach the tall shelves in the store and would sometimes help out the staff. He holds out the doors for women and elderly, greeting them when they walk in. He tells the little kids which snacks they should pick, helping them compute the total amount before paying. You also tried out his food recommendations and oh boy, he does not fail. He dances to some convenience store songs, sometimes he does it awkwardly, but most of the time he is actually talented.
You like seeing him smile, that soft genuine smile that appears not so often, but you could only look at him for a few seconds, because god you get weak when he smiles like that. You start to observe the things that makes him smile. His friends, eating, some science jokes you overhear, but so far no relationship partner. That was what you remembered. It was a relief.
You prepared a few conversation starters, but only your gaze tracing his silhouette could pass on the words left unsaid.
You bought the same popsicle you always like, hoping the message engraved on it would be different this time. You got the word unlucky marked on the popsicle stick yesterday, and also the other day, and some days before that.
Today may be the day your streak of misfortune ends before you could even see the message on the popsicle stick. Seems like luck is on your side this time because the guy you find cute takes the seat beside you. That’s new, you think. He was always with his friends. On the opposite table, near the counter, that was their spot. Today, he is alone.
Your hand felt sticky. The popsicle was dripping.
He points at your long-gone ice cream. “I really like that flavor” He smiles. “And that design too.”
You smile at him. I know. You always pick them at the bottom most part of the fridge. You compare their sizes even if they look controversially the same.
You look away after a few seconds, processing the features of his face like how he does have specks of gold in his eyes and that he smiled back. That damn smile. The dripping syrup slowly becomes a hazard to your fresh from laundry white pants. It did not catch your attention. But fortunately, it caught Kuroo’s.
“Excuse me, but your ice cream's got a mind of its own, it seems,” he says. “and you would not want that on white pants.”
“oh no,” Too late. You panic scooping out the falling liquid, still, a few drops painted your pants. “but I just washed this” you say, frowning.
He chuckles lightly, offering a tissue, “here, use this, ice cream stains can be hard to remove,” he hands you the tissue. “I just know”
I know that too. You once bought an ice cream sandwich, bit and kept it at your mouth as you played some games, and forgot you were eating an ice cream. Your white shirt was a disaster after.
“thanks” you took the tissue, cleaning your hand. You tried to remove the stain on your pants after. “that probably looked embarrassing” you kept scrubbing, smiling apologetically.
Kuroo places his hand at the back of his head. “Not really, it happened to me once or twice too”, he looks away, muttering softly, “…and you still look pretty.”
some imaginary audience cheers at the back of his mind, and other side of audience were gripping tightly, unsure if the smile on your face meant ‘that was cringe’ or ‘thanks’
He can’t believe he brags about his natural way with people but took weeks before having the courage to start a conversation with you. His friends would definitely ask him why. He was simply glad you like that ice cream flavor too and he has spare tissues.
you may have traded off a piece of your health from consuming ice cream every day before this conversation happened, but you still thank your past self for that sacrifice.
You remember the first time you met whenever you look back at those two popsicles sticks with engraved messages framed on your wall.
“you know, we could have known each other from jogging in the morning or at a gym” Kuroo looks at you with a raised brow, “but no, we both just have to be unhealthy.”
Kuroo replies with a soft smile, “we had an unhealthy first meet that’s because I was meant to take care of you”.
It started good. Because the feelings that bloomed in your heart may be the same to what Kuroo feels. The evidence of love and affection was written all over the year of your relationship. In each polaroid photo displayed across the wall of your room, you know cupid did his job well.
The first photo, marked on the first month you met, when Kuroo lets you lean on his shoulders while he plays whatever game he just discovered.
Second photo, on the fourth month, there was barely any context, it’s simply a photo of you together smiling. Because when Kuroo smiles, that smile you always love, you know that meant he was happy to see you, how he feels light and at ease with you.
Third photo, the seventh month, you are in Kuroo’s arms, his embrace gave warmth on that day he first saw you cry.
Fourth photo, the ninth month, in an expensive dinner date where you laughed with him because of his clip-on tie. Kuroo was too nervous that he felt his necktie choking him, and changed it minutes before you go out. That clip-on tie had pink paw prints design.
You hold the polaroid. In that photo, you both have wine glasses on your hand with him kissing your cheek. And you remember how he casually thinks of compliments that would make you blush, your hair, your clothes, and even noticing the new lip gloss you tried.
It was love, as you believed. This feeling. Because what else could it be? It was a conclusion you made up without prior knowledge to what love actually is.
You trusted the love Kuroo gave, never asked anything more than it, never questioned it.
Even if everything started to feel like it was not really romantic love. That it was just a thoughtful smile, a concerned hug, his natural way of words, and the love that was from just a friend who happened to like you a lot.
Yes, he was friendly, caring, charming, and thoughtful. You have no right to list a job description for a boyfriend, shouldn't you?
And they say great couples are simply best friends in love.
Looking back at most memories, it felt like you were really just a best friend, who happened to have the privilege of kissing him.
Someone he likes to be with, not someone he falls in love with.
It never was supposed to be a big deal. But people would often mistake you as ‘just another friend’. He was the same with everyone and you don’t want to dictate him to change.
But if he treats everyone the same, then it means what he does for you was not actually that special. It's just his natural way of being towards everyone. You started to think, maybe you were not a priority, just another friend amongst many.
You stay awake past midnight, with your thoughts loud, when you sink into the realization that there might not be really anything special at all. Because everything he did for you, warm hugs, compliments, leaning on his shoulders, those were just the perks of being Kuroo’s friend.
So, who are you in his life?
You know you are more than his friend.
Until less people stopped believing you were lovers, and maybe you stopped believing as well.
“So you’re close with him?” someone asks even if it was obvious you are Kuroo’s special someone. Maybe it did not look like that. Kuroo simply agrees that you two are close. Same likes, agrees with almost anything, vibes a lot. Typical best friend qualities. Of course you wanted to feel it was more than that.
“That’s Kuroo’s special friend” and that might be the worst introduction you have ever received. The word special, losing the meaning it once held.
At least you were someone to him, that still meant something right?
Sure, it was your own demons. How you started to feel like crouching when he stands beside you. His tall figure shining in daylight as you walk down the street during your dates, but as hours pass by and the sun changes position, you notice you have become just a shadow.
Worse, you started to feel like you were not enough when you're with him.
You appreciate who Kuroo is.
Dating him was a gamble against your own insecurities. You know what you were getting into, you know the hole you might fall into. But you haven't learned yet how to get up. As each monthsary gets celebrated, you were falling further and deeper into the abyss of your inferiority. And Kuroo did not even notice you were no longer beside him during parties, or at some special events. He forgot what ice cream flavor you like. He no longer corrects people mistaking you as just his friend.
On your first anniversary, the wine on your glass was gone a few minutes ago, you needed the courage.
Kuroo reaches out for your hand, you held it for a second, squeezing it slightly, and slowly letting it go. He clicks his tongue, noticing your avoidance for weeks. You used to hold hands everywhere you went, but now you avoid touching altogether.
“Can you at least look at me?” he asks.
You shift your gaze from his hands to his face.
"Why won't you look at me?" his voice was firm, almost disappointed.
"Because every time I do, I see what we've become."
It was his turn to look away.
"Do you remember when we first met?" you ask.
"I try not to."
You don’t know what he meant by that.
The silence between you grows louder with each passing day, until it's suffocating. Kuroo is not wearing a clip-on tie, you noticed. He tugs his necktie, adjusting it every now and then.
You try to salvage what's left of your relationship, maybe this anniversary date should do it. But it's like trying to hold onto sand slipping through your fingers.
You pour another batch of wine on your glass before speaking, "You know how you always used to say, 'The grass is greener where you water.' Remember?"
"Yeah, I still stand by that. It's about perspective."
"Perspective? How about the perspective of feeling invisible in a relationship?” Kuroo does not like where you’re going, where this is going. “Do you—do you even still see me?"
"Of course not” He tries to hold your hand again and you hold onto him. “of course I see you.”
Kuroo speaks again. “But sometimes, what you think doesn't really matter.”
You scoff.
“But those are my feelings” your voice is getting higher, you adjusted your seat, you feel like sinking in the chair. "So my feelings don't matter to you?"
"No, that's not what I meant.” he sighs before continuing, “I just think you're overthinking these things."
"Overthinking? Maybe I'm just realizing I deserve better. Maybe, just maybe, I deserve to be seen and valued." you try to catch your breath. It sounded almost like a plea.
His lips stay pressed on a thin line. He was no longer holding your hand. You were looking at his direction. He is looking down, holding his fork, tapping his plate.
You know staying in this relationship could mean getting invisible day by day. Not until he could no longer see you, worse, until you could no longer see yourself.
Sucks to end it that way, you could almost laugh bitterly at this situation, cliche even.
He looks at you, for the last time that he could, then mumbles. "I never wanted it to come to this."
You slowly look away, your eyes betraying a mixture of hurt and determination. "Let’s just leave this memory as a good one” you hold his hand, for the last time that you could, “I don’t want to end things ugly and start hating you.”
Because you know you never could. You wanted things to end while he was still someone you love.
Kuroo was not looking at you anymore. He felt a shiver, realizing the absence of warmth from your hand.
“Isn’t it enough that I see and value you?”
“Do you really see me? Or am I just another name on your close friends list?”
He sighs again, longer than the previous, as if he was afraid of speaking more, "Well, if that's how you feel, I’m sorry"
"Is that all you have to say?"
“You know, I—” Kuroo can’t understand why he can’t say those words. It takes three words for him to fix this. He stayed silent. And it took just a fraction of his silence for you to realize there was no use to trying to fix this.
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