#speckled heeler
midnight-love-song · 2 years
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Innis is all grown up!!!
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grison-in-space · 5 months
Man, Robert Kaleski really is a great counterexample to that whole "the lone autistic eccentric, immersed in his dogged study and obsessions, is the genesis of truth!" trope that you'll sometimes see "aspie supremacists" trot out as part of a justification that autistic (or ADHD) people are Better, Actually.
My good bitches, sometimes what happens is simply that dogged pursuit of one's own pet theories blinds us to the truth of corroborated sources, experimental evidence, and hypothesis testing.
Just because someone is autistic and fixated on a special interest doesn't mean they're right about it. Sure, you can see how someone might look at Dalmatians and cattle dogs and come to a conclusion that some of one might have influenced the other. I reckon that by the 1930s, when the first appearance of the Dalmatian lore appears, Kaleski had enough exposure to Dalmatians to know that they are all born white or almost white and develop the characteristic spots as they grow—just like his beloved heelers develop roan and speckles as they grow. Dalmatians are all almost certainly homozygous for a modifier mutation adjusting the expression of roan that is not found in cattle dogs, but Kaleski can be quite forgiven in the 1930s for not knowing that: the study in question only came out last year. However, he might easily have realized by inquiring to kennel clubs, a Dalmatian club or breeder in his country, or simply perusing various books of British dog breeds — a self admitted enormous pastime! — that his timeline of a dog breed standardized in 1890 being infused to any great degree into his familiar cattle dogs before he personally would have observed evidence of the cross in 1904, after nearly twenty years of studying cattle dogs, is impossible.
Unfortunately, despite his careful observation of things that he felt confirmed his theories about dog function and evolution, he failed to look for any facts that were difficult to reconcile with them. Scholarly study of natural history would immediately have poked holes in his frankly batshit bonkers theory that bears were descendants of Tasmanian devils while dogs and cats derive from thylacine. Miacis was discovered in 1872. Cuvier had famously and correctly identified marsupials as a parallel clade to placental mammals a full century before, in 1816. There was abundant information available to Kaleski with which to test his theories about natural history and the known consensus of the evolution of his local Australian fauna.
Special interests encourage us to absorb, collect, and integrate information that might not strike a neurotypical person as interesting. But there is absolutely nothing about that interest which protects us from collecting and absorbing incorrect ideas, connections, and justifications as we amass our hoards of knowledge. We have to test our own assumptions, every step of the way.
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whumpacabra · 2 months
48. Fastforward
Fluff, timeskip [10-15 years], cold temperatures, dog mention, referenced memory issues, referenced protectiveness, referenced legal proceedings, referenced past character death, fictional politics
AU Masterpost / Previous
“One hot chocolate, extra cream, and one black coffee, two sugars.”
“That’s me - thanks!” Harrison perked up, snagging the drinks from the counter with a polite smile. The barista gave him a wink. “I hope it goes well. He’s quite handsome.”
Harrison flushed, thankful his dark skin helped hide the blush as he thanked her again and left the cafe.
Wolf was waiting outside, Jakki, his service dog, sitting patiently on the snowy sidewalk.
“That was faster than expected.” Wolf hummed, walking with Harrison toward the park. Harrison sipped at his drink, mittened hands a bit clumsy.
“Yeah, I think the barista rushed it - she thought I was taking you on a date or something.” His laugh wasn’t quite genuine, and he knew Wolf could tell.
“I guess it kind of is. In more of a ‘long time, no see’ date than a first date way.” Wolf paused, Jakki tense at his side as a snowball whizzed past his face. A few university students engaged in the first shots of a snowball fight hollered apologies and politely held their fire until Harrison, Wolf, and the dog had made their way past the danger zone.
“Speaking of, how’s Finland?”
“Colder than here in Geneva, if you can imagine.”
“Ugh, I’d rather not. It’s cold enough here as it is.” He didn’t miss the desert, but he wasn’t fond of the icy air this time of year.
“How’s Katie and Awesome?”
“Good - great, honestly. They’re thinking of signing up for Doctors Without Borders for a bit, once Eli’s at his new boarding school fulltime.” A sad smile twitched at Harrison’s face, both at the current prospects and the nephew named for a dear dead friend.
(Somehow, despite everything - the court case of the century, the US tried in The Hague - the truth of Elias’ death never came up. Nor did Merrick’s, for that matter. Harrison tried not to dwell on it; his hands and Wolf’s both bloodied, but no good would come from guilt now.)
“How’s Mel? I heard she was back in the States recently.”
“Yeah, doing reparation work out there with Jennings and the nations. Walker’s there too, mostly just to keep on eye out I think, but she’d say it’s a vacation.”
“Once an agent, always an agent.” Wolf huffed, breath puffing white in the clean, cold air. His face was rounder, more color in his face than Harrison ever remembered. No matter how dark and dreary Finland was, somehow Wolf always looked fresh from a trip to the Mediterranean.
“How about you? How are things going with…?”
“Good. Better.” His smile wasn't quite genuine, and he knew Harrison could tell. “Memory is back, mostly. On good days. Jakki’s been a good help for bad ones.”
The Australian blue heeler perked at her name, but still seriously scanned their surroundings. Her vest was a vibrant neon orange, insulated against the cold.
“And how’s everyone else up there?” Harrison wasn’t sure what details Wolf could spare. He was vaguely aware that Liza, and Casey to an extent, couldn’t quite leave behind their grifts and cons. RJ was a bit of a wildcard, either deeply invested in some obscure hobby or casually taking assassination jobs. He sincerely hoped it was the former. And Ghost…
“They’re fine. Case and RJ are out in the Canary Islands with Liza - retirement party for her. Or so she promises. For real this time.” Wolf shook his head with a smile, dark hair shining and snow speckled. His smile faded a bit. “And Ghost…he’s trying.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Harrison took a long sip from his drink, busying himself with watching the ice rink. There were dozens of skaters, some elegant and some markedly less so.
“He’s just…protective is all. Maybe a bit paranoid. And smothering.” Wolf was clearly trying to work humor into his words, so Harrison offered a snort of amusement. “I’ve been arguing with him about this trip for two months.”
“Really?” Harrison raised a brow. He knew the old mercenary was…still dealing with the guilt of what had happened to his former friend and protege. Harrison didn’t realize quite how badly he was overcompensating for lost time.
“Arguing might be too strong a word, but he certainly took some convincing.” Wolf sipped at his coffee. “But we both agreed we could use some…space.”
“If there’s anything I can help with, let me know.” The words were almost automatic. Harrison didn’t even need to say them - it was a given. The two families - one (mostly) civilian, one (not entirely) criminal - had each others’ back over the years, from legal paperwork to therapy sessions.
“I appreciate that, Harrison.” Wolf sighed, leaning into him slightly where they stood watching the skating rink. Jakki huffed at a stranger who passed a little too closely. “I was actually thinking about - if you don’t mind - living down here for a while.”
“Yes - yeah, sure. That’s fine. I mean, hey, if Katie and Awesome do go abroad for a bit I wouldn’t mind having someone else in the house.” Harrison smiled up at him, hoping his excitement and relief wasn’t too noticeable. The way Wolf smiled down at him proved it was, but he didn’t care too much.
“Ghost will want to visit. Often, unfortunately.” The warning in Wolf’s voice was joking.
“We’ve got a guest bedroom. I mean, assuming you don’t mind sharing a room with me or - ”
“I’d like that.” Wolf’s voice was soft, a gloved hand gently taking hold of Harrison’s own mittened fingers. Harrison squeezed back, not letting go even as they started walking home.
AU Masterpost / Previous
(An AU of my Freelancers series)
Taglist: @i-eat-worlds @whumpy-daydreams @stargeode
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thuzyblog · 9 months
Blue Heeler Dog Breeds: Health Care & 3 Amazing Facts You Need to Know
 The Blue Heeler is a devoted and purposeful partner with boundless energy.
Blue Heelers (also known as American Cattle Dogs) are large, strong dogs with an alert, ready-to-work demeanor. They have curled, dangling tails, robust legs, strong necks, and large, somewhat rounded heads with sharp ears that are slightly taller than they are long. Their thick, weatherproof coats can be blue, blue mottled, blue speckled, or red speckled, with dark or brown markings.
The Blue Heeler is a blue-coated Australian Cattle Dog, whereas the Red Heeler is a red-coated Australian Cattle Dog.
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The Blue Heeler, formerly known as the Australian Cattle Dog, is a breed distinguished by its intelligence, work ethic, and steadfast loyalty. It is a popular choice among dog owners because of how it appears and what it can do. The Blue Heeler's history, characteristics, training, care, and role in popular culture are all examined in this essay to demonstrate how valuable it is as a friend and working partner.
Origins of the Breed: They originate in Australia. It was bred in the nineteenth century to be able to handle the hard work of herding cattle in Australia's harsh and vast landscapes. To create this breed, native Dingoes were crossed with Collies and other European herding dogs.
Differences from other Blue Heeler breeds: Although the term "Blue Heeler" typically refers to an Australian Cattle Dog with a blue coat, different dogs can have different coat colors. These variations are caused by factors such as breeding and genes.
The Blue Heeler is a medium-sized dog breed with a powerful, muscular body. It has a distinctive short, thick coat that is often blue-spotted or mottled.
Personality: The Blue Heeler is known for its intelligence and quickness, and it is a simple breed to train. It works hard and is devoted to the members of its human family.
They are known for being protective and loyal to their owners. They are wary of strangers, making them excellent guard dogs.
The Blue Heeler is typically 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm) tall.
Weight: The majority of this breed's dogs weigh between 35 and 50 pounds (16 to 23 kg).
Lifespan: If properly cared for, Blue Heelers can live between 12 and 16 years. They will be good friends for a long time as a result of this.
Socialization and education
Importance of Early Training and Socialization: The Blue Heeler must be trained and socialized at a young age so that it can channel its energy constructively and grow into a well-mannered, confident companion.
Positive reinforcement techniques, such as giving treats and compliments, are the most effective way to train Blue Heelers. They enjoy mental challenges and tasks that require them to think.
Common behavioral issues and how to deal with them:
They have a lot of energy, and if they don't get enough exercise and mental stimulation, they can become bored and do bad things. Regular exercise and engaging in interesting activities can help with this.
Maintenance and upkeep
Hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy are two common health problems that Blue Heelers can develop. It is critical to visit the veterinarian on a regular basis.
They require a well-balanced diet that provides them with enough energy to meet their needs. Their eating habits influence how active they are and how healthy they are overall.
They require both physical and mental stimulation to be happy. They must get regular exercise, interact with others, and engage in activities that keep their minds active.
Grooming and hygiene: Because the coat of the breed is short, it does not require much grooming. Brushing them frequently removes loose hair and keeps their coat in good condition.
Breeding and reproduction: Ethical breeding takes into account the breed's health and ability to work. Responsible breeders prioritize the health and happiness of both the parent dogs and the puppies.
Where to buy and adopt: Reputable breeders who prioritize the welfare of the breed and use good breeding practices are recommended. Another nice thing to do is to adopt from shelters and rescue organizations.
Blue Heeler in the Arts and Media
The Blue Heeler is more than just a famous dog; it has appeared in numerous films and television shows, where its intelligence and loyalty have been highlighted.
Use of the Blue Heeler in Film and TV: Because they are intelligent and versatile, they have been cast in roles that showcase their abilities. This has aided in cementing their place in popular culture.
Because of their unique and interesting appearance, they are frequently featured in advertisements, social media, and other forms of media.
Finally, the Blue Heeler has a long history of popularity because it is intelligent, loyal, and adaptable. It enhances the lives of those who are fortunate enough to have one as both a working dog and a loving companion. The Blue Heeler has a solid reputation as a purposeful and devoted companion due to how it is cared for, trained, and bred. As a result, it has become an iconic breed in dog lovers' hearts and homes all over the world.
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twilidramon · 11 months
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Australian Cattle Dog
The compact but muscular Australian Cattle Dog, also called Blue or Red Heeler or Queensland Heeler, is related to Australia's famous wild dog, the Dingo. These resilient herders are intelligent enough to routinely outsmart their owners. Standing between 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder, the Australian Cattle Dog is a sturdy, hard-muscled herder of strength and agility. The ACD is born with a white coat that turns either blue-gray or red. Both coat colors may feature distinctive mottling or speckling patterns. ACDs have immense work drive and excel at controlling and, of course, moving livestock. Their boundless energy and supple gait make them excellent running partners. ACDs are true-blue loyal, famously smart, tenacious, ever alert, and may be wary of strangers. If an ACD isn't challenged, it easily becomes bored and may get into mischief. It is recommended that ACD owners participate with these versatile dogs in some work, sport, or regular exercise to keep them mentally and physically fit. Standing between 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder, the Australian Cattle Dog is a sturdy, hard-muscled herder of strength and agility. The ACD is born with a white coat that turns blue-gray or red. Both coat varieties feature distinctive mottling or specking patterns. ACDs have immense work drive and excel at hunting, chasing, and, of course, moving livestock. Their boundless energy and supple gait make them excellent running partners.   ACDs are true-blue loyal, famously smart, ever alert, and wary of strangers. If an ACD isn't challenged, he easily becomes bored and gets into mischief. It is recommended that ACD owners participate with their dog in some work, sport, or regular exercise to keep him mentally and physically fit. (source)
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animala2z · 1 year
The All-Purpose Dog: Learn About the Texas Heeler
The Texas Heeler is a mixed breed dog that is a cross between an Australian Cattle Dog (also known as a Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler) and an Australian Shepherd. This breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and high energy levels. They make great working dogs and are often used for herding and cattle driving.
They also excel in agility and obedience training. The Texas Heeler has a short, smooth coat that is typically blue or red speckled. They typically weigh between 30-45 pounds and stand between 18-22 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a lifespan of 12-15 years.OriginUnited StatesWeight30-45 poundsHeight18-22 inchesLifespan12 – 15 yearsBreed sizeMedium (26-60 lbs)Coat ColorBlack, Brown, Blue, White
Texas Heeler Breed Characteristics:
The Texas Heeler is a crossbreed of the Australian Cattle Dog (also known as the Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler) and the Australian Shepherd. These dogs are highly intelligent, energetic, and loyal, making them great working dogs. They excel at herding, obedience training, and agility.
They have a strong herding instinct and are very protective of their family and property. They have a short, dense coat that is typically blue or blue merle in color, with white and tan markings. They are a medium-sized breed, typically weighing between 30-45 pounds and standing 18-22 inches tall at the shoulder.
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The Texas Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog Heeler, is a breed that is known for its adaptability. This breed was developed to work on ranches and farms, so they are well-suited to living in rural or suburban areas with plenty of room to run and play.
They are also known for being highly intelligent and trainable, which makes them easy to train for a variety of tasks. Additionally, they are loyal and protective, making them good family pets.
However, they do have a strong herding instinct and may not be the best choice for homes with small children or other small pets. They also require regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy.
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blueboyluca · 4 years
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The Hall’s Heeler
So, Thomas Hall created his heeler by crossbreeding the family working cur with the dingo. He would then have selectively bred his dogs until they were displaying all the physical attributes and working traits needed.
As in any breeding program, there would have been unsuitable specimens, and he obviously culled ruthlessly. Yet he achieved his ideal type in quick time. By 1830, Thomas Hall had his heeler, the first successful working dog created in Australia.
Hall’s breeding program had produced a medium-sized brush-tailed dog with a rectangular dingo appearance. It was simply the acclimatised dingo, with the cur’s working-dog wiring. From the dingo, Hall’s heelers inherited cunning, high intelligence, resourcefulness, perfect adaptation to the environment, and a tireless, economical gait.
From the cur, the heeler inherited a powerful work ethic, and the skill of heeling – darting in a crouch behind an uncooperative beast and biting it on the hock of the beast’s weight-bearing leg. The heeler also inherited the courage to confront wild cattle front-on, snapping at their heads to turn them around, usually heeling them on their way. But with the boss it was very willing to please. It had the cur’s natural suspicion of strangers and the cur’s protective devotion to its master, his stock, plant, and property.
Hall’s heelers had a protective double coat that was all dingo. It consisted of a fine, dense, insulating undercoat, and a longer, weather-proof outer coat. At first it retained the dingo’s red colouring, or a red speckled or mottled variant, with a red undercoat that had solid red patches. But it was the cur’s blue colouring that eventually appeared with regular back-crossing. This back-crossing to the cur would have been necessary to strengthen the working instinct in the Hall’s heeler. It would eventually produce the occasional tailless dog, but in the early years they were a rarity.
The cur’s blue colouring ended up predominating because of Hall’s selective breeding, and an obviously strong preference for a non-dingo-coloured dog. His dogs were mottled, speckled or agouti (blue and white hairs evenly intermingled), with or without black patches. They often had tan markings down the legs, on the chest, inside the ears and under the tail, just like the marking patterns found on black and tan dogs.
The Timmins Biter
The Hall stockmen had been using Thomas Hall’s heelers at Weebollabolla and the adjoining Bulleroo Station since 1832, and there is no question that Jack Timmins was aware of them. But it is not thought that he acquired Hall’s heelers until, at the age of fifty-five and with George Pitt’s assistance, he took possession of Rocky Holes Station near today’s Warialda. This was in 1871, the year after Thomas Hall’s death, when Hall’s heelers became available to the Halls’ former competitors.
Timmins had bred and worked bobtails at Kurrajong and was known to be a great dog man. Like everyone else stuck with the bobtails, he would have been acutely aware of their shortcomings. After the failures of his father’s red bobtail, Hall’s heelers would have been a revelation to him.
At some stage Timmins must either have bred or acquired one or more tailless heelers. It was from this tailless stock that his reputed line of Hall’s heelers, the Timmins biters, was developed.
Timmins biters were like Hall’s heelers in every respect. Today, their descendants the stumpy-tail cattle dogs are a slightly more squarish dog like their cur ancestors. Timmins’s selective breeding produced a different strain that bred true to type and reliably produced tailless dogs, though tailed dogs are not unknown in tailless lines.
The Australian Cattle Dog
Despite its isolated development and a century of populist misinformation... the origins of the Hall’s heeler and the subsequent divergence of the Timmins biter are now clear. While the identity of the British dog that contributed to the Hall’s heeler was open to distortion, no one has ever doubted that the native progenitor of those mighty breeds is the dingo. In fact, for cattle-dog enthusiasts and other Australians in the know, the dingo’s contribution has always been something to be proud of. It is the world’s unique wild-dog redemption story.
It’s the greatest pity that the story wasn’t told until the last years of the twentieth century. And it wouldn’t be a dog man, but one of Australia’s great dog women who smelled a rat and finally created the impetus for the real story to be told.
It took three decades of scouring British, colonial and Hall family records, and collaborating with historians and family members in Australia and Britain, to uncover the real story of the Hall’s heeler. The research covered the Halls’ original properties in the Hawkesbury region, their expansion into the Hunter Valley and north into Queensland, the bobtail, the red bobtail, the Timmins biter and the Timmins family.
⁠— The Dogs That Made Australia by Guy Hull (2018)
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oflcvers · 5 years
Can I get em headcannons for domesticated Stefan x female reader? Also can I get maybe some father Stefan? Thanks bby
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is literally so excited to live with you once your relationship becomes steady enough
the fact that he doesn’t have to live with his overbearing and intrusive father anymore??? and gets to live with you instead??? lord have mercy sign my man up
you two literally have so much fun looking for flats that it’s kind of ridiculous
you make a game out of it. pretty much spot all the things you both love about the place. it gets on the real estate agent’s nerves after a while lmfao
‘y/n!! this could be perfect for a workroom for you! maybe an office?? and looK AT THAT KITCHEN!!!! takeaway who???’
once you decide on a flat you two immediately furniture shop
this proves to be less fun than looking at flats for stefan
he doesn’t have a single interior designing bone in his body and pretty much gives you full control decorating wise. as long as he gets to be with you he doesn’t care how your home looks
one day when both of you are free you immediately suit up in old clothes, lay some towels out, tape up against the molds, and start painting the walls bc no one likes plain, boring colors no siree
you initiate a paint fight. you didn’t even realize you started it at first tbh. while you’re hanging off the ladder to get the higher to reach places, you didn’t realize that paint had been dripping down onto stefan and got all into his hair
in retaliation, he immediately runs a finger through his brush to launch paint speckles at you
five minutes later you’re hopping into the shower together over your childish behavior as you’re both covered in gold paint
finally being able to share a bed with you elates stefan. not even in the sexual way. he loves feeling your body heat next to him, being able to wrap his arms around you or having you spoon him throughout the night. waking up next to you and just beaming because christ he’s absolutely in love with you
cute stay at home dates where you two get drunk and just play games with each other. whether they be video games or board games, the two of you just have fun together
it’s adorable bc stefan gets really giggly drunk and acts so much goofier than when he’s sober
half of the time he’s hanging off you on the couch while button mashing, half to make you lose focus and half because he just wants to be near you
stefan rarely loses a video game, but almost always loses when you guys play monopoly or life
like he’ll get so drunkenly smug when he wins dig dug for the twelfth time, only to turn into a fucking pouting brat once he owes you $750 for St. Charles Place
‘i’m not paying, y/n. i don’t even want to stay there anyway’
‘stefan, you landed there, those are the rules’
‘start the tAB’
and he fucking makes you keep a tab open for all the money he owes you bc he refuses to file for bankruptcy
stefan never can pay you back anyway, once the calculator reads $3000+ you end the game
y’all run your errands together it’s honestly adorable. you grocery shop together, clothes shop with each other, and all those other boring, mundane tasks together
holding hands as you go down the aisles, both of you reminding the other of stuff you might need or making dinner suggestions for you two to make together that night
trying new recipes you have from your family or just getting them off boxes of ingredients you’ve bought
stefan is in love with your beef wellington it’s absurd tbh
all because you use prosciutto instead of ham bc man that flavOR
like he begs you to make it for him once a week and in return he makes you whatever you want the next day, filled with love and all that sappy shit
food is literally the way how you show each other love my god
probably a jack russell or a lancashire heeler tbh and the dog’s an absolute sweetie the goodest baby we stan
having the dog is kinda a test run for the two of you. if you can raise a dog, you can most likely raise a kid
speaking of kids, stefan is literally terrified of being a dad
it makes him anxious thinking about being responsible for a child. he’s so insecure of his abilities man. and his father really isn’t someone he wants to borrow from when it comes to raising a child
truthfully he refuses to address the ‘k’ word until you bring it up first
one of his biggest fears as you date include you leaving him for someone else, you falling out of love with him, and the condom breaking while y’all fuck like the idea of accidentally becoming a dad is scary as shit to him
whether you want to conceive or adopt, you confront him about wanting to start a family. this could happen while still dating, married, or agreeing to just be together without getting married
you two have a long talk about it too, consisting of you telling stefan that there’s absolutely no way he could fuck anything up and telling him there’s no pressure. however, you do reaffirm that you do want to start a family. that’s endgame for you
but once you two have a child, lord
l o r d
stefan’s so weak for them
he will do absolutely anything for his kid. like yeah okay he’s whipped with you, but for his kid? times that by three
actual pta dad who is so involved in his child’s life and supports them in every single way possible. an absolute ‘follow your dreams and i love you’ kind of father will fight anyone that does anything to his baby. mama bear who??? more like papa bear who’s ready to throw down for his babies
tbh, you’re the one who has to discipline the kids more often than not
stefan just doesn’t have the heart to man, he’s honestly too soft towards your kids
cute playdates with pearl and your child!!!! letting your kid visit aunt kitty and uncle colin!!! yes please!!!!
you two just foster a loving environment for your kid and it’s honestly beautiful like goddamn parents of the year
but at the end of the day, stefan just wants to make sure he’s the father peter wasn’t. he wants his kids to always feel safe and comfortable around him and not want to hide from him. stefan can’t help that self-projection yo
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leuska · 5 years
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, Curtis Holt, Thea Queen, Amanda Waller Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Crimes & Criminals, Crime, Police Procedural, Alternative Universe - FBI, Alternative Universe - No Island, Angst, Eventual Romance, felicity as a child star, BAMF Felicity Smoak, Stalking, Murder, oliver as criminal profiler, Crime mystery, Mystery, Murder Mystery, Suspense, star city slasher
Chapter 6
Felicity is gradually woken by rays of sunshine tickling her face. Groaning, she instinctively turns and pushes her face against the pillow, her mind still heavily entangled and trapped in unfinished dreams.
Neither here nor there, bits and pieces of her dreams swim in front of her vision in no particular order, some making more sense than others. A picture of a rust-speckled locket with the face of a young girl engraved on its front. The image zooms out and the heart-shaped piece of jewelry is now hanging from the neck of a disfigured female body wearing prostheses for arms, laying lifelessly in the back of an alley. And as Felicity touches her, as she touches the corpse in hopes of finding a pulse despite knowing it must be long gone, the body’s eyes snap open, one prosthetic hand snatching Felicity’s wrist in a bruising grip. She fights back but the living corpse’s grip in brutal, pulling her ever closer and leaving Felicity no choice but to gaze into the corpse’s face, its features becoming more detailed and clearer the closer she crouches. And suddenly she’s looking into her own eyes reflected back at her from her sinewy, bloodless face.
Felicity cries out and rolls to her back with a gasp, throwing one shaky arm across her face to cover her eyes.
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ainawgsd · 6 years
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Queensland Heeler
The Australian Cattle Dog (ACD), or simply Cattle Dog, is a breed of herding dog originally developed in Australia for droving cattle over long distances across rough terrain. This breed is a medium-sized, short-coated dog that occurs in two main color forms. It has either brown or black hair distributed fairly evenly through a white coat, which gives the appearance of a "red" or "blue" dog. Australian Cattle Dog has been nicknamed a "Red Heeler" or "Blue Heeler" on the basis of its coloring and practice of moving reluctant cattle by nipping at their heels. Dogs from a line bred in Queensland, Australia, which were successful at shows and at stud in the 1940s, were called "Queensland Heelers" to differentiate them from lines bred in New South Wales; this nickname is now occasionally applied to any Australian Cattle Dog.
In the 19th century, New South Wales cattle farmer Thomas Hall crossed the dogs used by drovers in his parents' home county, Northumberland, with dingoes he had tamed. The resulting dogs were known as Halls Heelers. Thomas Hall crossed his Drovers Dogs with dingoes he had tamed, and by 1840 was satisfied with his resulting progeny. During the next thirty years, the Halls Heelers, as they became known, were used only by the Halls. Given that they were dependent on the dogs, which gave them an advantage over other cattle breeders, it is understandable that the dogs were not distributed beyond the Hall's properties. It was not until after Thomas Hall's death, when the properties went to auction with the stock on them, that Halls Heelers became freely available. After Hall's death in 1870, the dogs became available beyond the Hall family and their associates. They were subsequently developed into two modern breeds: the Australian Cattle Dog and the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog. Robert Kaleski, who wrote the first standard for the breed, was influential in its development.
As with dogs from other working breeds, the Australian Cattle Dog is energetic and intelligent with an independent streak. It responds well to structured training, particularly if it is interesting and challenging. It was originally bred to herd by biting, and is known to nip running children. It forms a strong attachment to its owners, and can be protective of them and their possessions. It is easy to groom and maintain, requiring little more than brushing during the shedding period. The most common health problems are deafness and progressive blindness (both hereditary conditions) and accidental injury; otherwise, it is a robust breed with a lifespan of 12 to 14 years.
There are two accepted coat colors, red and blue, though chocolate and cream do occur. Blue dogs can be blue, blue mottled, or blue speckled with or without black, tan, or white markings. Red dogs are evenly speckled with solid red markings. Both red dogs and blue dogs are born white (except for any solid-colored body or face markings) and the red or black hairs grow in as they mature. The distinctive adult coloration is the result of black or red hairs closely interspersed through a predominantly white coat. This is not merle coloration, but rather the result of the ticking gene. A number of breeds show ticking, which is the presence of color through white areas, though the overall effect depends on other genes that will modify the size, shape and density of the ticking.
In addition to the primary coloration, an Australian Cattle Dog displays some patches of solid or near-solid color. In both red and blue dogs, the most common are masks over one or both eyes, a white tip to the tail, a solid spot at the base of the tail, and sometimes solid spots on the body, though these are not desirable in dogs bred for conformation shows. Blue dogs can have tan midway up the legs and extending up the front to breast and throat, with tan on jaws, and tan eyebrows. Both color forms can have a white "star" on the forehead called the "Bentley Mark", after a legendary dog owned by Tom Bentley. The Cattle Dog has a double coat—the short, straight outer guard hairs are protective in nature, keeping the elements from the dog's skin while the undercoat is short, fine and dense.
The breed standards of the Australian, American and Canadian kennel clubs specify that the Australian Cattle Dog should have a natural, long, un-docked tail. There will often be a solid color spot at the base of the tail and a white tip. In the United States, tails are sometimes docked on working stock. The tail is not docked in Australia, and serves a useful purpose in increasing agility and the ability to turn quickly.
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Do you notice anything about the top left corner of each of these labels? They are all a part of our “donate to things we believe in way of doing business.” We are very blessed and we try to share our blessings with worthy causes. Eden, Little Heeler and Madison are all currently in stock. Pollinator is currently sold out. We are really excited to release a brand new mead this summer (in just a few weeks) called Salvaje! It is a wildflower mead and we will donate towards helping protect the Andean Bear from extinction. Supporting this cause with a label was requested by a zookeeper at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. More on “Speckled Bears”, conservation and the bear on the label when this mead is released! Stay tuned. #vawine #mead #speckledbear #andeanbear #zambiancarnivoreprogramme #themosbyfoundation #blueridgeareafoodbank #savinganimalsfromextinction #pollinators #fruitwine #drinkforacause #nelson151 (at Hill Top Berry Farm and Winery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRRbelUlaRe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lostdogsminnesota · 3 years
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**Medical** Lost Dog- Farmington - Blue Heeler / German Shepherd Dog Mix - Female Date Lost: 05-10-2021 Dog's Name: Chloe Breed of Dog: German Shepherd Dog / Blue Heeler Mix Gender: Female Closest Intersection: Ash Street, 6th street City where Lost: Farmington Zip Code 55024 County: Dakota Color: Brown / Black / Red Dog's Age: Young Dog's Size: Medium Any information on how lost, description etc: Partially blind. Was lost with her brother Lou. He is black and white speckled. Spayed, brindle colored. ** This dog is not for adoption. Finder will only accept calls/emails regarding location of the dog's family. LDMN does not, nor ever had, possession of this dog. ** CONTACT Nicole Phone: (507) 251-9971 More Info, Photos and to Contact: https://ift.tt/33zelut To see this pet’s location on the HelpingLostPets Map: https://ift.tt/3bj0IUJ Let's get Chloe home! #LDoMN #HelpingLostPets by @lostdogsminnesota https://ift.tt/3tCXHVt https://ift.tt/3xYjsm9
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leather-n-laces · 6 years
Meet Sadie - A Beth/Dwight Drabble
Title: Meeting Sadie   
Rating: T for Teen 
Pairing: Beth Greene/Dwight 
Word Count: 1,430
Summary: While out on a run Beth discovers and saves her future best friend. Dwight starts to realize that maybe he likes Beth a little more than he should. 
Awhile ago I floated a few ideas.
What if Beth survived but wound up with the Saviors?  
What if Beth had a relationship with someone other than Daryl?
What if Beth wound up getting close to Dwight?
This is a little unfinished drabble set in my WDWG universe, but it’s AU considering Beth and Dwight are much closer here (whereas WDWG is Bethyl ultimately) than in WDWG.
It’s getting dark and they’re due back at the Sanctuary tonight “Do you hear that?” Beth pauses, grabbing Dwight’s arm. He throws his head over his shoulder and gives her a look. The look.
The look that says he’s tired and wet and he wants to go back and drop dead in his damn bed.
Apparently the building had been cleared a few days ago. An old storefront, used to be some sort of hippie-witch shop or something, as Dwight had explained. They wouldn’t have bothered pressing inside if it hadn’t been for the fact that they’re out chasing a Code Orange.
Beth adjusts the beam of the flashlight, a small white sign up on the wall featuring a staircase and a stick figure man. “There’s something down there.” She breaks away from Dwight’s side and pulls her knife from the sheath on her belt. He’ll follow her, he’s not going to let her go down there alone.
Before her boot even lands on the first step she can hear the sounds of snapping and snarling. There’s whimpering too, yelping.
“Doesn’t sound like many. One, maybe two.” Two at the most.
Dwight’s already moving to bring the crossbow off of his back but Beth motions for him to stop. Who knows how big the basement, it’s closed quarters. He hasn’t had the thing for that long. Sure, it’s quiet alright, but his aim still leaves something to be desired. Besides, if there’s only one (or two) it’s nothing they can handle with the knives.
He lets her lead. Doesn’t question it when she walks ahead most of the time, he’s perfectly content to follow her. She’s perfectly content with knowing he’s somewhere behind her, too.
Sure enough there’s two walkers in the basement. Well, two that are still kicking. A woman and a smaller body, a child Beth realizes. There’s a corpse slumped in a far corner too, half covered up with an old tarp. These bodies look a little fresh. The smaller one, the child, looks a little worse for wear. It’s clothes are torn and almost excessively bloody. It looks like it has chunks missing on it’s arms, and one of the ears...she’s not sure it’s there. They don’t look like they’ve been dead all that long.
Both walkers are on their stomachs clawing at a metallic object. Right now she’s still too preoccupied with the fact that there’s a child. You don’t see many of those these days, in any state, alive or otherwise.
Right. They need to get back.
They dispatch the walkers easily enough. Dwight takes the woman, Beth takes the child. Her heart breaks alittle bit when she does it, too. She tries not to be rough, makes it quick. Grabs the walker’s shirt and jerks it back, shoving the knife into the back of it’s skull in one swift movement.
She swallows the lump forming in her throat as she pulls the  knife back out, wiping it off on her pants. Both the walkers slump over the metal thing when they let go of them. A crate, she realizes now. It’s the source of the other noise, the whimpering.
Beth shoots Dwight a look and pushes the walkers away. It’s a dog crate.
The thing making the noise is a little puppy, crammed up against the far corner of the crate. There’s a bigger dog too, but that one isn’t moving. Dwight reaches out and gently shakes the crate. The puppy whines, but the other animal doesn’t flinch. It’s eyes are open, staring off into the distance. Unseeing.
Beth hands over the flashlight and slides the latches back on the front of the door, carefully reaching in and scooping up the shivering ball of fur.
It has similar markings to the bigger dog; grey and white speckled fur, the word ‘heeler’ comes to mind. There’s black patch over one of the the eyes a bit of a rusty red on two of the paws to match the color of it’s muzzle. There’s something else. She’d thought it was color until she’d had the puppy in her arms. One of it’s ears is gone. The edges are rough, like something had chewed on it. It’s tail is pretty short, feels like there’s a length of it missing and it has the same blood crusted on the tip that the ear does.
The puppy can’t be more than 7 or 8 weeks old, by best guess.
“We should bring the crate.”
There’s no way the puppy is staying here. There’s no way that she can just leave it behind. It’s alone and hurt and scared. Beth holds it a little tighter.
She’s wrapped it up in the hoodie she had stolen from Dwight and it’s sleeping on her lap. Injuries aside it looks okay. Doesn’t look hungry, isn’t all skin and bones. It’s just a baby. It needs someone to take care of it.
“You’re keeping it, huh?” Dwight asks as he glances over from the drivers seat.
Of course she is. This is hers. She’s staking a claim.
Beth’s laying back on the bed when he walks in. Puppy curled up on her stomach. She’s holding a worn out old paperback over her face.
It’s funny how she doesn’t look out place. Like it’s her bed, her room, her book. The only thing that’s her’s is the puppy because he’s not willing to take any bitching about the thing barking or wrecking people’s shit.
Sadie lazily cracks an eye open as he approaches the bed, all he gets is a single tail wag as a greeting. Beth doesn’t even put down the book. Dwight doesn’t say a word he just scoops up Sadie. She’s growing fast. Her ear, and her tail have healed up nicely. Best guess was they’d been bitten off by the walkers that had been grabbing at the The other dog, was chewed up by the time they had gotten there. She looks a little odd. Only having one ear and a tail that definitely looks a bit shorter than it should be (Beth had shown him pictures of the breed in books when they’d gotten back) It definitely adds character to her.
“Hard at work training her, huh?”
He doesn’t need to see Beth’s face to know she’s rolling her eyes. Just the same way she doesn’t need to see his to know he’s smiling when he says it. “She needed a break. It’s hard work being that adorable.”
Well, he couldn’t argue with that.
Awake now, Sadie’s all kisses and tail-wags. Beth’s put the book down and is watching with interest, small smile playing at her lips. That’s a new one for her, smiling. He likes it - likes it alot. She would smack him if he said anything so he doesn’t. Besides that would ruin the moment. She’s not the only one that’s been happier lately.
It’s hitting him, too. First time in a long time, feels like his heart’s thawing out alittle in his chest. Not all the time - but when she’s around or they’re alone together. Just the two of them, like they aren’t Saviors, like the dead aren’t roaming around outside their gates. Any free moment they have they spend together. People had always talked and they’d shrugged it off. Said it was stupid, crazy. Childish even.
He’s starting to get it now. Why people say what they do, how they could even think it.
They’re good together. Outside they’re a good run team. She’s resourceful and fast. Not a pain in the ass, she can take directions ( she’s usually the one in charge anyways) and he trusts her. 
Work aside. They’ve got their scars. A trauma he earned, she don’t remember hers but she’s still gotta wear it. There’s the memory thing - his has always been shit. Her memories before she’d been shot are basically non-existent. She has trouble recalling, some days even her short term is screwy. They both  understand the frustration, how it feels not to remember. She’s patient with him when he can’t be with himself, and he provides the same for her.
They both like reading. She likes singing, even if she can’t remember the words, and it turns out singing is real nice to listen to while he’s carving. Which, Beth can watch him do for hours in end. She doesn’t think it’s dumb, a waste of time. Seems to admire it in all honesty.
She’s funny. Smart. Kind. Pretty.
No. Beautiful. Beth is beautiful .
She’d argue with him on that, too but Christ she is. Looking at her’s kinda like looking at the sun sometimes. 
That thought just about knocks the breathe straight out of his lungs. Kinda like what’s been happening lately whenever he sees her. He might not know much, might not remember much, but he knows what that feeling is.
@genevievedarcygranger  I thought of you.
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dogs-and-cats · 4 years
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This is the ➡️STUMPY TAIL CATTLE⬅️Breed of dogs !!!🐕🐕🐕🐕The Heeler is a naturally bobtailed or tailless, medium-sized cattle dog similar and/or related to the Australian Cattle Dog. The Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog was developed in Australia to herd cattle, and descends from crosses between European herding dogs and the Australian dingo. 🦴🦴🦴🦴 ✔️Tail length: 0 – 10 cm ✔️Life span: 13-15 years ✔️Temperament: Devoted, Obedient, Intelligent, Loyal, Alert, Courageous ✔️Height: Male: 46–51 cm, Female: 43–48 cm ✔️Weight: Male: 16–23 kg, Female: 16–23 kg ✔️Colors: Blue, Red speckle, Blue & Black ❤️Hi dog lover,❤️ No matter what your dog’s problem behavior is…Be it jumping, peeing inappropriately, aggression, pulling on the leash…or whatever…🦴🦴🦴🦴 There is ONE SOLUTION that can help STOP this problem now👍-click the link in bio if you want to Stop your dog's problems⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ✔️Don't forget to follow for daily updates:✔️ @everythingabout.dogs  @everythingabout.dogs @everythingabout.dogs @everythingabout.dogs  @everythingabout.dogs  #petsofinstagram #pets #pet #petstagram #petlovers #petlover #dog#dogsofinstagram #doglife #doglover #doglovers#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogstagram#dogloversofinstagram #dogislove #dogs #love #newpost  #newyorkcity #usa #dogsofig #instagood #instadaily #dogvideos #day (at New York City , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFUY3stDcSh/?igshid=1c7ed3zrcuk9u
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ultradoggyblog · 4 years
Top 10 of the highest Smart Dog Breeds within the World
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Does your dog ever amaze you by her ability to know and do new things and commands? or to find out new tricks quickly?
There are many smart dog breeds out there, but a number of them are especially known for his or her high levels of intelligence.
While all dogs make the simplest friends and are also one among the foremost intelligent animals, some lovably clueless than others.
Most of the smart dogs enjoy tasks to try to. This list covers 10 popular dog breeds that are often considered the neatest ones.
So if you’re trying to find a top smart dog to hitch your family. Here may be a list of the highest 10 smart dog breeds. Is your dog one among them?
10 of the highest 10 Smart Dog Breeds within the World 10. Australian Cattle Dog Australian Cattle Dog is an agile, strong, and active dog, both physically and mentally, which enjoying with new experiences.
Like the smartest dog breeds, Australian Cattle Dogs are excellent at reading people and by facial cues.
They are very organized dogs, many of them are known for putting their toys away after playing.
Smart dog breed - Australian Cattle Dog
More Information About Australian Cattle Dog Name: Australian Cattle Dog
Other Names: ACD, Blue Heeler, Cattle Dog, Queensland Heeler, Red Heeler
Origin: Australia
Size: Medium
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 12 to fifteen years
Temperament: Alert, Energetic, Intelligent, Loyal, Protective, and Responsive
Height :
Male: Between 17 to twenty inches (43 – 51 cm) Female: Between 17 to 19 inches (43 – 48 cm) Weight: Between 30 to 62 pounds (13 – 28 kg)
Colors: Blue, Blue Mottled, Blue Speckled, Red Mottled, Red Speckled
Litter Size: From 1 to 7 puppies, the typical is 5
9. Rottweiler The Rottweilers are one among the dog breeds that know the way to read people by facial cues and studying visual communication.
They are loving, loyal, confident watchdog who wants to figure.
Rottweiler can learn to perform different actions and can always keep an eye fixed to form sure most are safe.
They are known for his or her courage and loyalty. they create a superb addition to your family.
top 10 smart dog breeds Share More Information About The Rottweiler Dog Name: Rottweiler
Other Names: Rottie, Rott
Origin: Germany
Size: Large to large
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 8 to 11 years
Temperament: Alert, Courageous, Fearless, Good-natured, Independent, Intelligent, Loyal, and Protective
Height :
Male: Between 24 to 27 inches (61 – 69 cm) Female: Between 22 to 25 inches (56 – 63 cm) Weight:
Male: Between 95 to 130 pounds (43-59 kg) Female: Between 85 to 115 pounds (38-52 kg) Colors: Black & Mahogany, Black & Rust, Black & Tan
Litter Size: From 8 to 12 puppies
8. Papillon The papillon is one among the neatest of all the tiny dog breeds. These little dogs are alert, friendly, and active.
However, if you create want to coach this tiny breed, then the dog will learn quickly.
You can teach this cute Canis Minor tons of fun tricks and impress your friends. ( the way to Teach Your Dog to High Five? )
what are smart dog breeds Share © @mishka.monster More Information About Papillon Breed Name: Papillon
Other Names : Butterfly Dog, Continental toy dog , Epagneul Nain, Epagneul Nain Continental, Phalène, Squirrel Dog
Origin: France
Size: Small
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 13 to 16 years
Temperament: Alert, Energetic, Friendly, Happy, Hardy, and Intelligent
Height: Between 8 to 11 inches (20 – 28 cm)
Male: Between 8 to 10 pounds (4 – 5 kg) Female: Between 7 to 9 pounds (3 – 4 kg) Colors: White & Black, White & Lemon, White & Red, White & Sable, White Black & Tan
Litter Size: From 2 to 4 puppies
7. Labrador retriever Labradors are intelligent, gentle, and family-friendly, and also the foremost popular dog breed within us.
Labrador Retriever is superb guide dogs and also rescue dogs.
The lab is best known for its intelligence, patience, affection, and gentility, making them the simplest companions for families with kids.
what are smart dog breeds Share More Information About Labrador retriever Name: Labrador retriever
Other Names: Labrador, Lab
Origin: Canada – us
Size: Large
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 10 to 12 years
Temperament: Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Out-Going, Playful, Responsive, and Social
Height :
Male: Between 22 to 24 inches (56 – 61cm) Female: Between 21 to 23 inches (53 – 58 cm) Weight:
Male: Between 60 to 75 pounds (27 – 34kg) Female: Between 55 to 70 pounds (25 – 32 kg) Colors: Black, Chocolate, Yellow
Litter Size: From 5 to 10 puppies
6. Shetland sheepdog Well, look who we've here the Shetland sheepdog one among the smarter dogs than might initially think.
The Sheltie is often quiet and delicate also as energetic and lively.
Shelties are popular pets suited to almost any size home.
However, they're excellent watchdogs and love twiddling with kids.
list of smart dog breeds Share More Information About Shetland sheepdog Name: Shetland sheepdog
Other Names: Dwarf Scotch Shepherd, Miniature Collie, Shetland Collie, Sheltie, Toonie Dog
Origin: UK
Size: Large
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 12 to 14 years
Temperament: Affectionate, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Lively, Playful, and Responsive
Height: Between 13 to 16 inches (33 – 41 cm)
Weight: Between 14 to 27 pounds (6 – 12 kg)
Colors: Black & White, Black White & Tan, Blue Merle & White, Blue Merle White & Tan, Sable & White, Sable Merle & White
Litter Size: From 4 to six puppies
5. Doberman The Doberman was referred to as a protector dog in 1890.
The Doberman breed was to mix intelligence, loyalty, speed, and strength to end in a dog that might quickly protect its owner.
Most commonly these breeds are found with dark brown on red, black on black, or dark tan on the fawn.
See all Doberman characteristics below!
smart dog breeds list - Doberman Share More Information About Doberman Name: Doberman
Other Names : Doberman, Dobermann, Dobie, Dobynm
Origin: Germany
Size: Small
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 12 to 14 years
Temperament: Affectionate, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Lively, Playful, and Responsive
Height: Between 13 to 16 inches (33 – 41 cm)
Weight: Between 14 to 27 pounds (6 – 12 kg)
Colors: Black & White, Black White & Tan, Blue Merle & White, Blue Merle White & Tan, Sable & White, Sable Merle & White
Litter Size: From 4 to six puppies
4. retriever Golden Retriever is one among the foremost popular dog breeds within the world, and also one among the friendliest dogs you’ll meet.
The retriever is an intelligent dog and love for owners makes it one among the simplest dog breeds for work as a service dog.
Above all, Goldens can make a superb companion. The Labrador retriever Ranked number#7in the list of Top 10 Smart Dog Breeds, which shares many equivalent traits because of the Golden.
smart dog breeds list Share More Information About retriever Dog Name: retriever
Other Names: Golden Flat-Coat, Yellow Retriever
Origin: UK
Size: Medium to Large
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 10 to 12 years
Temperament: Confident, Friendly, Intelligent, Kind, Reliable, and Trustworthy
Height :
Male: Between 22 to 24 inches (56 – 61cm) Female: Between 20 to 22 inches (51 – 56 cm) Weight :
Male: Between 60 to 80 pounds (27 – 36 kg) Female: Between 55 to 70 pounds (25 – 32 kg) Colors: Dark Golden, Golden, Light Golden
Litter Size: From 5 to 10 puppies
3. German shepherd Dog German Shepherd Dog may be a loyal, and protective breed that has the energy and far intelligence that it sometimes is often anxious or high-strung.
He thrives when given a crucial exercise to try to to. Something as simple as protecting and supervising the youngsters gives the GSD a way of purpose.
GSD also can learn many actions in only a couple of steps. Once trained, he will do what you're posing for and searching for subsequent tasks to the task.
smart dog breeds top 10 Share More Information About German shepherd Dog Name: German shepherd
Other Names : Alsatian, Alsatian wolf dog, Berger Allemand, Deutscher Schäferhund, Schäferhund
Origin: Germany
Size: Large
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 10 to 13 years
Temperament: Alert, Confident, Courageous, Intelligent, Loyal, Obedient
Height :
Male: Between 24 to 26 inches (60 – 65 cm) Female: Between 22 to 24 inches (55 – 60 cm) Weight :
Male: Between 66 to 88 pounds (30 – 40 kg) Female: Between 49 to 71 pounds (22 – 32 kg) Colors: Black, Black and Tan, Black & Silver, Black & Red, Golden, Golden, Light Golden
Litter Size: From 6 to 10 puppies
2. Poodle Despite its prissy appearance, the poodles are extremely smart dogs.
Whatever is that the size, this breed is one among the simplest canine brainpower.
The poodle is often a diligent worker and a trusty companion, and he's often seen as performing dogs, especially the smaller ones.
You can teach him to leap through a hoop, balance on a ball, and lots of other actions.
top smart dog breeds Share More Information About Poodle Breed Name: Poodle
Origin: Germany
Size: Medium
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 12 to fifteen years
Temperament: Alert, Confident, Courageous, Intelligent, Loyal, Obedient
Height :
Male: Between 24 to 26 inches (60 – 65 cm) Female: Between 22 to 24 inches (55 – 60 cm) Weight :
Male: Between 66 to 88 pounds (30 – 40 kg) Female: Between 49 to 71 pounds (22 – 32 kg) Colors: Black, Black and Tan, Black & Silver, Black & Red, Golden, Golden, Light Golden
Litter Size: From 6 to 10 puppies
1. Border collie The Border collie is taken into account one among the highest 10 smart dog breeds and therefore the overachiever of the canine.
Most dog breeds are intelligence, but a Border collie could be one among the neatest ones!
Border Collies are extremely energetic, athletic, driven, and that they are always up for learning something new.
10 smart dog breeds Share More Information About Border collie Name: Border collie
Other Names: Scotch Sheep Dog, Sheepdog
Origin: uk, Ireland
Size: Medium
Type: Purebred
Life Span: Between 12 to fifteen years
Temperament: Alert, Energetic, Intelligent, Responsive, Loyal, and Protective
Height :
Male: Between 19 to 22 inches (48 – 56 cm) Female: Between 18 to 21 inches (46 – 53 cm) Weight :
Male: Between 30 to 45 pounds (14 – 20 kg) Female: Between 27 to 42 pounds (12 – 19 kg) Colors: Black, Blue, Brindle, Gold, Lilac, Red, Sable
Litter Size: From 4 to eight puppies
Which of those Top 10 Smart Dog Breeds is your favorite one? Leave a comment below. Dogs are often considered to possess an intelligence level. Take a glance at these several factors:
Ability to predict human behavior Communication skills (with owners and other pets) Memory Problem-solving capabilities Responsiveness to training
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animala2z · 1 year
The Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog): A Perfect Family Pet
Introducing the Blue Heeler:
The Blue Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog, is a herding dog developed in Australia for use on cattle farms. They are known for their intense work ethic, intelligence, and loyalty. They have a short, dense coat that is typically blue or blue-gray in color with tan or white markings.
They are an active breed that requires regular exercise and training, and they excel in herding, agility, and obedience competitions. Blue Heelers make excellent companions and are known for their strong bond with their owners.OriginAustraliaHeightMale: 17 to 20 inches (43-51 cm) Female: 17 to 19 inches (43-48 cm)Weight30 to 62 pounds (13-28 kg)SoundSizeMediumLifespan13 to 15 yearsColorBlue-gray with speckles
The Blue Heeler’s unique Characteristics and Character
The Blue Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog, is a breed of herding dog known for its intelligence, loyalty, and high energy. They are strong, athletic dogs with blue and tan coats. Blue healers have a strong instinct to herd and need plenty of physical and mental stimulation. They can be stubborn and require firm, consistent training.
They are also protective of their owners and make great watchdogs. Blue Heelers are known to have a strong work ethic and excel in tasks such as herding, agility, and obedience competitions. They also make great companions for active families and individuals.
The History and Heritage of the Blue Heeler:
The Blue Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog or Queensland Heeler, is a breed of dog that originated in Australia in the 19th century. The breed was developed by crossing various herding dog breeds, including the Dingo, with the goal of creating a hardy and efficient cattle herding dog.
The Blue Heeler gets its name from its distinctive blue-gray color and its tendency to nip at the heels of cattle to herd them. They were first registered by the Australian Kennel Council in 1903. The breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and strong work ethic, and is used for a variety of tasks including herding, tracking, and agility.
All Around Friendliness:
The Blue Heeler, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog, is a medium-sized breed of dog that is known for its distinctive blue and tan coloring. They have a short, smooth coat that is primarily blue with tan markings on the legs, face, and underbelly. They have a strong, athletic build and are known for their agility and endurance.
They typically weigh between 30 and 50 pounds and stand 17 to 20 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a keen intelligence and strong work ethic, which makes them well-suited for herding and other types of work.
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