#spell bee
vonlipvig · 6 months
wordle: my wife of many, many years. simple, but reliable. knows that no matter what, i always come back to her.
connections: my mistress, exciting and unforgettable. a definite thrill, but puzzling, keeps playing with my head.
mini crossword: the woman i see on the train every day, our eyes meeting before she disembarks. alluring and promising, but fleeting.
strands: coworker i fuck in the storeroom, only to regret it later. weird, probably drunk. very flexible.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
I have never been able to comprehend when people spell out loud. The letters jumble up hopelessly and I can only hold up to three in my mind before I completely lose the thread of what’s happening.
That made it particularly difficult when I worked at the pizza place. It was no problem when someone said their name, but when they spelled it was like my brain was instantly replaced by panicky static.
A coworker once asked, “Why do you look petrified the second someone starts spelling?”
I just shrugged uncomfortably. It sounded silly to admit I couldn’t spell in my head. Over and over I’d hear a name and have a clear vision of how to write it only to have them start saying letters aloud and my certain spelling suddenly scrambled into gibberish. I’d stand frozen, staring down at the paper trying to remember the name and forget the terrifying jumble of individual letters.
My solution was to simply ignore people trying to spell at me. If some white girl said her name was Kristine and I spelled Christine who did it really hurt? I’d willfully stop listening and just started writing the second they said a name.
This led to a young man in line telling me his name in a light accent. He took a breath as if to start spelling but then cut off to audibly gasp, “You spelled it right!”
I looked up in confusion. “There’s another way to spell Seamus?”
“No,” he assured me.
I felt warm and fuzzy that I could make at least one person happy even if a myriad of Kristy’s went away miffed that I couldn’t listen to their spelling.
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
Doc's about four beers in by now. It's just enough to loosen his lips, especially with Etho eating most of the pretzels so Doc can't eat them. Compared to almost any other hermit under these circumstances, Doc seems barely tipsy at most, but, well, it's not like Beef needs him drunk to vent his latest frustrations at the world, he just needs him tipsy enough not to notice he's talking.
"--and I just don't understand why people are so surprised, man. You--you all have teased me too much to be surprised!" Doc is saying. "Ren laughed at me. Laughed!"
He also, for the record, seems to need to complain about... apparently his husband? Which is new. Beef had been surprised. He's not going to say so, yet, because this is Doc's very belated NHO bachelor party--can they call it that when it's more "sitting around a TV drinking, eating snacks, and not doing anything because they're all too old to be partying", and when Doc is very clearly not a bachelor?--and that would be rude.
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally. "I can kill him for you. I'm the judge so I wouldn't get arrested and I'd make sure you get all his money as a widow."
"No, you can't kill him, man, I still need him for tax benefits!"
"What taxes?" Etho asks, sounding vaguely panicked.
Everyone stops to consider this.
"Beneficial ones," Doc finally says.
"I don't think that's what--I think you're misunderstanding your English again," Beef says.
"No, I'm always right," Doc says.
They sit in companionable silence for a few moments. Someone shouts on TV. The show is in Swedish. Beef has no idea what's happening. He's honestly just kind of waiting for someone else to notice.
"It's just. I don't get it, man! Why are you all acting so surprised I called Ren my husband? You! You all know me!" Doc says, somewhere between accusing and despairing, and hm, maybe these beers were higher alcohol content than normal, if he's already on despairing? "Ren and I have been--after season eight, making it official, it is only a natural thing, yes? But we had--he's asked to have my puppies. You've heard him say our babies would be beautiful."
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally again, this time in a much more suggestive tone.
"More than once," mutters Etho.
"It's not--I mean, we all knew you and Ren were... how do I put this?" Beef says. "It's not surprising that you two are. Er. Help me out here."
"Boning," Etho says.
"EXCUSE YOU?" Bdubs says, scandalized.
"Yeah. Boning," Beef says. "Doing the horizontal tango. Probably some vertical ones too. I mean, you're definitely into some things--"
"Fighting dragons," Etho dryly adds.
"THAT WAS STILL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE," Bdubs shouts, apparently over being scandalized and moving straight to offense.
"Two seasons later? Man, you just wanted to wring as much alimony out of me as possible," Doc says immediately.
"And? I'm a judge now, I know these things."
"My point," Beef says, before they can start arguing again, or before Etho can point out that they hadn't ever really been married to get divorced in the first place. "My point. We, uh, all knew you two had a thing. It's just, uh, marriage is... different! It's different, and--"
"You didn't INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING!" Etho says, finally unable to hold it in. "Whyyyyyyyyy? Doc, I thought we were friends! I thought we were friends, Doc! I wanted to go to the wedding!"
"It, it was a little thing," Doc says. "A common law marriage as much as--"
"Hey, wait, why didn't I officiate it, huh?" Bdubs says.
"That's not fair, you can't be mad at me for not inviting you to the wedding, the moon had just exploded!" Doc says.
"It had?" Etho says.
"Yeah, well, I exploded too and I still would have shown up," Bdubs says.
"I don't remember an explosion?" Beef says.
"Wait, the moon did something?" Etho says.
"Focus," Beef says. "Look. Doc. Also, love you man, but I always figured that if anyone was going to propose, it was going to be Ren."
Doc scoffs. "Clearly you don't know my husband, then."
Everyone waits for him to elaborate. Ren, after all, is the one known for dramatic emotional appeals. While Doc is equally dramatic--that's why Beef is throwing a bachelor party for the great fit as opposed to off showing him that Big Salmon can still show someone how to sleep with fishes--he's not exactly great at emotions. Surely, he will elaborate on why Ren would never be the one to propose between the two of them.
He doesn't.
"Anyway, I think it's been obvious for, for years, and you all are morons, and--why is the TV in Swedish?"
"THANK YOU!" Bdubs says. "I thought it would be rude to point out."
"Oh, I like it, though," Etho says as Doc changes the channel to a home improvement show. Yeah, sure. Fits the vibes of this bachelor party as much as anything else. Beef grabs another beer. He pauses.
"Wait, you said a common law marriage. That means you haven't actually had a wedding yet, right?"
"Not really," Doc says.
Beef considers being reasonable, and then he lets it go.
"Dibs on planning it," he says.
"WHAT?" Bdubs says, rounding on Beef.
"I--hey, I didn't agree to this!" Doc says, as Beef begins negotiations with Bdubs. Etho laughs, louder than he normally does, and throws an arm around Doc.
"Let it happen, man. Let it happen."
It's a good party, and a good night.
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itsgrapes-exe · 6 months
musicals as vines
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panelshowsource · 1 month
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fuckyeslilkim · 2 months
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Lil' Kim — Spell Check (2005).
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probablybadrpgideas · 4 months
A dungeon that all the traps are just a slightly increasing number of bees. The boss of the dungeon is a Beekeeper witch enchanted clothing, calling himself or herself the "Bee Wizard" and they control bees.
They're not much of a real threat, just annoying.
this guy lives below manchester
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nostalgic-bee · 1 month
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Lumity rain scene <33
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powdermelonkeg · 9 months
Archwizard Gale lore???
Okay, SO! My personal headcanons for Gale's powers, both as archwizard and Chosen of Mystra, are based upon the following:
D&D makes a distinction between "archmage" and "archwizard," with the former being a spellcaster dedicated to the arcane arts and either: the counsel of royalty, a lich tyrant, or a reclusive hermit, all with multiple apprentices, and the latter being "an arcane spellcaster of extremely high power who successfully claimed a floating enclave," that specification coming from the time of Netheril.
Gale is NOT royal counsel, NOT pursuing lichdom, NOT a hermit (willingly), does NOT have apprentices when he first makes the claim, and does NOT have a floating enclave.
Despite these, he still claims "archwizard" as a title. This is significant, especially from Waterdeep, where the most powerful wizards in the world gather, including Laeral Silverhand (another of Mystra's Chosen, immortal to a degree, and Open Lord of Waterdeep) and Vajra Safahr (current Blackstaff and Archmage of Waterdeep).
Bonus points for his significance, he is Gale of Waterdeep. His personally chosen moniker marks him as outstanding among Waterdhavians. There might be a handful of people named Gale in Waterdeep, but there is only one Gale of Waterdeep. This is further backed up by Lorroakan recognizing him, with his only reason for Gale being lesser than someone who supposedly figured out immortality being that Gale was Mystra's discarded lapdog.
Gale is skilled in all manner of magic. This is confirmed directly in his epilogue, where you can question him about his choice teaching the School of Illusion, and he says that he wanted to teach ALL the classes there, but the staff told him no. That includes schools you wouldn't normally associate with him, like Divination and Necromancy.
Based on all of that, I've decided that "archwizard," as Gale means it, is a term referring to a wizard who's multiclassed into all their subclasses.
Does this make him overpowered? Yes. But he's an archwizard, prodigy, and Chosen, he's MEANT to be within the bounds of his own lore.
In addition, I also believe him to be an untrained Storm Sorcerer, based upon the following:
Sorcerers and wizards differ in that sorcerers know magic intrinsically, while wizards study it to use it.
When talking to Halsin as Origin Gale, you can tell him that as a baby, you summoned a whole pack of rabbits. Presumably, baby Gale was NOT reading and comprehending arcane textbooks.
Gale has an intrinsic understanding of the Weave, by his own admission, saying he could compose it rather than just control it. He was also casting third level spells like Fireball at eight years old.
Gale's theme is all about storms: his name is Gale, he occasionally says "A rough tempest I will raise" in combat, almost all his official art has him controlling lightning, and his robe is thunder purple. This continues into God!Gale's design, where he has literal glowing lightning bolts framing his eyes, and his outfit is lightning blue.
K'ha'ssji'trach'ash: On his own, the mephit is pretty self-contained; it's a magma mephit capable of revealing the true form of a True Ressurection scroll. However, the key to getting him to do this is to respond to the question "what is my name" in Ignan with the correct answer. After which, K'ha'ssji'trach'ash says "T'i n'uthrantha m'ahthra Gale." We don't know what this means, but it's clear that he's talking to us, about Gale, possibly thanking us or asking us to pass a message along. This implies that he doesn't speak Common, or else he would, because we answered correctly. Why do I bring this up? Storm Sorcerers have an innate ability called Wind Speaker, which allows them to speak Primordial (including Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran). Thus, Gale can speak to/understand K'ha'ssji'trach'ash, despite his known/studied languages being Common, Celestial, Giant, and Draconic.
Because he's untrained, and rather than Storm Sorcery being just a Lv1 flavor bit that does little, I've decided that Gale has access to the class features of Storm Sorcery without access to its spell slots or Metamagic, that way it's reflective of his power without training.
With both of these conclusions, both archwizard and sorcerer, I've decided to pick and choose which class features are from which iteration of both classes, because BG3 and official D&D have a few key differences that were mostly changed for gameplay reasons. I've then taken those and added more flavor to them, based on the already-given flavor of D&D and effects of BG3, doing away with the mechanical side of things for storytelling reasons.
On top of this, because the maximum level you can reach in BG3 is Lv12, and we know that the Orb consumes "the greatest of [his] talents," I've decided that the Orb consumes any ability beyond Lv12 until its removal.
That being said, beyond whatever spells and slots you care to give him, the powers I think Gale has pre-tadpole are:
Arcane Ward: When Gale casts Abjuration spells, residual magic shields him from the worst of incoming hits
Projected Ward: Gale can extend Arcane Ward to someone nearby instead of himself
Improved Abjuration: On short rest, Gale can strengthen Arcane Ward to sustain itself beyond a single hit
Sculpt Spells: Gale can control his Evocation spells and keep them from harming allies
Potent Cantrip: Gale can force enemies that resist his cantrips to take half damage from them anyways
Empowered Evocation: Gale's Evocation spells are particularly deadly (based on +INT modifier to damage rolls)
Grim Harvest: Gale can harness the power released when a spell kills a creature to heal himself, UNLESS it's undead or a construct
Undead Thralls: Animate Dead: Gale can reanimate a corpse
UT: Additional Undead: Gale can efficiently harness the power it would take to reanimate one corpse to reanimate two corpses with Animate Dead
UT: Better Summons: Gale's reanimated dead can take more of a beating than others' dead
Inured to Undeath: Gale's been exposed to necromancy enough that he's resistant to necrotic damage, and his life force capacity can't be reduced (this one in particular helps with the "Netherese bile" flowing through his veins)
Create Water: Gale can call forth rain at will (BG3's feature over D&D's to align more with storm sorcery)
Benign Transposition: Teleport: Gale can teleport up to 30ft, and can use that to swap places with an ally
Focused Conjuration: Gale's concentration on conjuration spells can't break due to pain
Hypnotic Gaze: So long as Gale holds eye contact with someone, he can charm them into stopping everything they're doing and staring at him in a daze
Instinctive Charm: Reflexively, Gale can make a split-second charm attempt to redirect an attack at someone directly nearby
Split Enchantment: Gale can efficiently harness the power it would take to enchant one person and instead enchant two targets at once
Portent: Gale can focus and gain split-second glimpses into the immediate future (such as the next blow about to be thrown in a fight)
Expert Divination: Casting divination comes naturally enough to Gale that he can cast divination spells using a lower spell slot
Third Eye: Gale can increase his powers of perception and gain a very limited Darkvision/Ethereal vision at will, as well as read any language
Improved Minor Illusion: Gale can cast illusory effects with incredible ease
See Invisibility: Gale's experience with illusions lets him detect invisibility spells at work, focus on them, and see through them
Illusory Self: Gale can create an identical double of himself reflexively to confuse opponents
Experimental Alchemy: Using transmutation magic, Gale can more efficiently refine potion ingredients, occasionally enough to create a second potion
Transmuter's Stone: Gale can lock some of his transmutation magic into a stone, granting whoever holds it an effect of his choice from the following: Constitution proficiency, Darkvision, extra speed, resistance to acid/cold/fire/lightning/thunder damage
Shapechanger: Gale can polymorph himself once a day without consuming a spell slot (only into beasts with a CR of 1 or less)
Storm Sorcery
Wind Speaker: Gale can speak, read, and write Primordial (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran)
Tempestuous Magic: Gale can summon gusts of wind around him immediately after casting a spell greater than a cantrip. These winds are strong enough to propel him in flight for ten feet
Heart of the Storm: Gale has resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever he casts a spell that deals lightning or thunder damage, the magic that erupts is stormy and more powerful than other kinds of magic at equal level
Storm Guide: Gale can subtly control the weather around him, causing rain to stop falling in a 20 foot sphere centered on him, or wind to blow in a different direction in a 100 foot sphere centered on him
These are based on what I, personally, think make the most sense for him pre-tadpole:
Ability Increase: +2 to INT score
Elemental Adept: Thunder: Spells/attacks ignore resistance to thunder, and when a spell he casts causes thunder damage, it can't critically fail
Elemental Adept: Lightning: Spells/attacks ignore resistance to lightning, and when a spell he casts causes lightning damage, it can't critically fail
Okay, so Gale's crazy powerful, right? What could he have possibly lost that's greater than all this?
Abjuration: Spell Resistance: Gale was in tune enough with the Weave that he could resist spells (as well as gaining advantage on saving throws against them)
Evocation: Overchannel: Gale could deal maximum damage on a 1-5 level spell without ill effect on first cast, but suffered unresisted necrotic damage when using it again
Necromancy: Command Undead: Gale could bring undead made by other wizards under his control
Conjuration: Durable Summons: Gale could give anything he summoned a temporary shield against damage (30 temp HP)
Enchantment: Alter Memories: Gale could make someone unaware they were charmed by him, as well as make them forget something that happened during that charmed period
Divination: Greater Portent: Gale used to be able to predict more split second decisions ahead with ease
Illusion: Illusory Reality: Gale used to be able to pull shadow magic together into illusions and make them, temporarily, real. He can still do a limited version of this, but only via concentration to keep the threads together (hence the "anatomically correct" illusory wizard in the Drow twins scene; shadow magic is NOT the same as the Shadow Weave)
Transmutation: Master Transmuter: Gale could consume magic stored in his transmuter's stone in one go, using it to transmute one object into another, remove curses, diseases, and poisons, raise the dead, or reduce a creature's apparent age by up to 30 years
Storm Sorcery: Storm's Fury: Gale could react with lightning damage when struck physically Wind Soul: Gale was immune to lightning and thunder damage, could fly at a speed of 60 feet, and could reduce his flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour to make four additional people fly
Yeah. Ouch. And that's not even including his former Chosen abilities.
Gale's Chosen abilities
Silver Fire: Gale could command pure energy of the Weave in the form of silver-white flame, which, at his command, could destroy anything in its path, banish dead magic areas, restore torn Weave, purge external magic and psionic effects from his own body, teleport without error to the last location he used the ability at, or cast spells without verbal, somatic, or material components
Mantle: Gale could cast the dangerous Mantle spell without suffering any ill effects, while other wizards casting the spell would suffer a drain of life force as long as it persisted
Weave Detection: Gale could detect magic's presence without the use of a spell
Weave Tapping: Gale could cast high level spells repeatedly without losing a spell slot, although this was discouraged by Mystra
On the page for Mystra's Chosen abilities, it says that sometimes her Chosen gained an immunity to magic, as well as disease and poison. I don't think Gale was so lucky, however; in the House of Healing, he mentions that he once turned himself in to a hospice in Waterdeep for a "bout of ruddy pox." Him having turned himself in implies he was an adult at the time, and should, therefore, already be Mystra's Chosen.
All that to say: behold, Gale of Waterdeep, in his original splendor. How the mighty have fallen.
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itsdefinitely · 4 months
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i love my neurodivergent son that plays in the dirt all day
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almondpiglet · 10 months
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serirei doodles n lil comics
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hotelstares · 3 months
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wetcatschwartzy · 4 months
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happy pride month here are 2 things i drew last year (maybe i’ll redraw them. who knows)
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mortalheartache · 10 months
Spelling Bee
Anakin needs one thing before he lets you cum — for you to spell his name on his cock.
Tags - Smut, NO Y/N, overstim, little bit of sadism, dom!Ani, use of ‘slut’, orgasm denial, ‘good girl’, lmk if I missed anything, first time tagging stuff lol
Word count - 0.3k
─── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ───
“C’mon baby, just a little more.” Anakin crooned, watching you helplessly bounce on his cock. You were sputtering, overstimulated, and begging him to let you cum.
You cried as he grabbed your hips, forcing you all the way down and holding you still. You fell forward, holding yourself up by your forearms on his chest, shimmering with sweat.
“I’ll let you cum if you do one thing for me.” He tilted his head, a sly smirk on his face.
“Anything, Ani-“ You moaned, tears running down your face and hair a mess.
“Spell my name. With your hips.” He borderline growled, relishing how your legs shook a little at his dominance.
You nodded profusely, and he grabbed your waist, sitting you up on his cock, eliciting a whimper from you.
Steadily, you began with the ‘A’. Every “stroke” was agony, the way his cock massaged your insides and brought you closer and closer to your orgasm.
‘N’ had his cock rubbing against your G-spot, and you whined, but persisted.
‘A’, again.
“Good girl. Just a few more letters and you can release.” In contrast to his encouraging words, he grabbed your neck, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
‘K’ resulted in you bumping your poor, swollen clit against his pubic bone, and you shook violently, doing everything you could to prevent yourself from cumming without permission.
“Two more, doll. Just 2.” His grip on your throat tightened and you choked a little.
With ‘I’, you tried to “write” it as a simple line. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
“Mm-mm. Do it right, slut. Don’t get lazy on me.”
You whined, doing it again and adding the lines on top and bottom. He nodded in approval.
‘N’ took all of your effort, and with the final stroke he smiled.
“Good girl, cum for me.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ───
A/N: first time publishing smut, notes and encouragement are appreciated!! ALSO!! inbox is open for requests, check about blog link for criteria!
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birchboom · 5 months
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Thought this up at 1AM last night
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prism-forgone · 10 months
okay there is something i need to talk about because i haven't seen much of this anywhere?
we know noelle and kris are childhood friends
we know that berdly attached himself to noelle and they are also friends (noelle mentions how he acts when there's no one else other than them)
and we know that kris and berdly at least hang out because checking him in his second battle tells us "he usually only gets this mad when you play games together"
so what i want to see is those three hanging out because i am of the opinion it would be absolutely hysterical
we have this little glimpse
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and this is - i can't understate it - so funny. i think these idiots would for sure do this as an inside joke (my one lead is that noelle is often confused in battle and does stuff on accident - even in that battle she accidentally compliments berdly - but she has No Questions At All here as if this happened before)
so we have this insane dynamic of The Most Annoying Reddit Guy You'll Ever Meet, The Cryptid That Is Hellbent On Breaking That Guy's Sanity Through Whatever Means Necessary, and The Bystander Who Seems To Hold The Braincell (But Is Weird Enough That Internally She Finds All This Pretty Fucking Funny)
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