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andatsea · 3 months
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The darkest forest.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
when i read all of us villains i spent the whole book squinting at every alistair and gavin interaction and going “i don’t think it’s heterosexual to spend this much time obsessing over another guy and claim that it’s because he’s your nemesis” so i feel very validated that all of our demise was like “correct, it is not, they are boyfriends now”
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mutedeclipse · 2 years
White boy menace
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Every day i fall more in love with this game have some bonus sketches to make up for the lack of posts
Also spellmaker is so fucking underrated look at him ....
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © @linkandorf​, accessed at their tumblr here
[Sponsored by @balmz​. Bomberman 64 is not one of the Bomberman games I’ve played, but this villain certainly cuts a jaunty figure. The name is a bit of a translation misnomer--in the Japanese, he’s just “Master”. But that’s too intense for American kids, ditto the fact that one of the tarot cards he pulls in his attack patterns is The Devil. Because Bomberman mechanics just don’t translate to Pathfinder very well, I themed my version around versatile magic use (so he can actually make spells!) and the Harrow Deck of Many Things. As with any use of that artifact, this guy can really cause your games to get screwy (although not as much as the traditional D&D Deck of Many Things). So be cautious.]
Spellmaker CR 15 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This creature resembles nothing more than a set of jester’s motley—a cape, a mask, a baubled hat. But there is nothing inside of these clothes but air.
A spellmaker is a strange ghostly entity of the Dimension of Dream that injects destruction and chaos into the dreams of mortals.  They are often playful and jocular, appearing as seemingly friendly characters in a dream before unleashing their nightmarish power. They are attuned to the Harrow Deck of Many Things in a strange way; some sages suspect that they are a cosmological ripple from the creation of the Harrowed Realm, or that they were created by some sinister dream entity (such as Nyarlathotep) in mockery of the Deck. What’s worse, they can force someone to draw a card in their dreams and the effects carry on into real life. Although this can sometimes result in wonderful riches or powerful abilities, these card draws just as often result in woe and ruin, if not more frequently.
If they are fighting to win, as opposed to just terrorize and confuse, a spellmaker will make hit-and-run attacks, firing bolts of force and fire. Their alias comes from their ability to warp magic to suit their needs on the fly. Most spellmakers carry a number of wands and scrolls to supplement their tactics with tricks they know will work. Spellmakers cannot carry these magic items through solid objects, however, so must abandon them in order to flee through a wall, floor or ceiling in case of a losing fight. Most spellmakers are willing to make this sacrifice.
A cleric of a Great Old One or Outer God may call on the services of a spellmaker with a greater planar ally spell. In such cases, the spellmaker typically refuses to use its dangerous draw ability when the caster wishes, unless it receives payment in terms of items that manipulate luck or magic in ways that spells cannot.
Spellmaker            CR 15 XP 51,200 CE Medium outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic, Perception +24 Defense AC 28, touch 24, flat-footed 20 (+7 Dex, +6 deflection, +1 dodge, +4 armor) hp 207 (18d10+108) Fort +12, Ref +18, Will +16 Immune death effects, disease, incorporeal traits, poison Offense Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 touches +23 touch (1d10+6 force) Ranged arcane bolt +23 touch (9d6 fire and force) Special Attacks dangerous draw Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +24 Constant—detect magic, mage armor 3/day—dream scan (DC 22), make spell (DC 23) 1/day—dream travel, greater arcane sight, greater dispel magic Statistics Str -, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 21, Wis 17, Cha 22 Base Atk +18; CMB -; CMD 42 Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +27, Diplomacy +24, Fly +33, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +26, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +28, Use Magic Device +31 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Senzar SQ ghostly grasp, no breath Ecology Environment any (Dimension of Dreams) Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Arcane Bolt (Su) As a standard action, a spellmaker can fire a bolt of arcane energy. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 feet and no range increment. A creature struck by this bolt takes 9d6 points of damage, half of which is fire and half of which is force. Dangerous Draw (Su) As a standard action, a spellmaker may throw a magical playing card at a creature within 30 feet. If it hits, that creature is considered to have drawn a card from the Harrow Deck of Many Things. Remove the following cards from the deck before determining the card drawn—The Carnival, The Cricket, The Foreign Trader, The Joke, The Marriage and The Teamster. A creature may choose to attempt to resist the effects of the card with a DC 25 Will save, but does not know what the effects of the card are (which can be beneficial) until it succeeds or fails the save. A spellmaker may use this ability three times per day, and must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. If a spellmaker uses this ability on a dreaming character, the effect of the card extends to the Waking World. Ghostly Grasp (Su) A spellmaker can manipulate up to 25 pounds of items at a time. This also gives it the ability to wear and carry equipment, but it cannot transport these through solid objects. Make Spell (Sp) A spellmaker can, three times per day, cast any arcane spell of 6th level or lower or divine or occult spell of 5th level or lower. This functions as the spell duplicating abilities of the limited wish spell, but cannot be used for any of the other effects of limited wish. This is the equivalent of a 7th level spell.
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da3drat · 4 months
Restarting Solstheim legendary survival now that I have ordinator installed
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tommarvoloriddlesdiary · 10 months
15 & 42!
thanks for submitting an ask!
15) most recent fic you clicked on - i answered this question here, but i can give you the second most recent, which is: the spellmaker by sonnygietzel! i've been reading this for a while, and it's started updating again, so that was such good news 😌😌😌 i recommend it!
42) canon pairing you read the most this year - i read the most of hermione/ron haha 😂 i don't reach for canon pairings a lot and this is most likely a consequence of my intense tomarrymort affliction 😌
if you'd like to ask me a number feel free to submit an ask!
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crazify · 11 months
Can we talk about Spellbreaker and Spellmaker for a minute? Absolutely incredible book series, especially if you love things like Pride and Prejudice. Elsie Camden is a wonderful character and I adore this series with all my heart
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ugh i have the worst kind of creative block: the resources and time and even need to do something *easy* but every step is like pulling teeth
why do i have to cut and sew things why is it not enough to simply will them into existence
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: Spellmaker | Author: Charlie N. Holmberg | Publisher: 47North (2021)
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illustration-alcove · 2 years
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Micaela Alcaino’s illustrated book covers for Charlie N. Holmberg’s Spellbreaker and Spellmaker.
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sasquach-scratches · 8 months
Next ESO chapter's rumored to have Spellmaking in it finally and unfortunately that means I'll have to get it
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andatsea · 1 year
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A spell for vanishing.
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flamilial · 1 year
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Casting new runes into the air before promptly sticking his hand in a lake.
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mutedeclipse · 2 years
Hey, fruity clown.
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That is all.
bonus sketches because spellmaker is SO underrated for a voiced character
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vivantesopvles · 4 months
‘What, then, would you say defines Dark magic?’ Professor Potter asks, not even bothering to look up from the homework he’s grading. 
It’s long past his office hours, but that has never stopped Tom from finding all sorts of excuses to knock on his door. Tom wouldn’t say the professor indulges him, per se; it’s just that their conversation often turns out so stimulating it’s impossible not to crave for more. 
‘Depends on who you are and how you approach the subject,’ Tom ventures carefully. ‘A Spellmaker, I imagine, would focus on the energy composition of a spell; the Dark ones require a high amount of magical output from the caster whilst also draining the subject. A Healer, on the other hand –’
‘That’s quite all right.’ Professor Potter lays down his quill, gives Tom a knowing look over his spectacles. ‘I am familiar enough with what Fawson has to say. I want to know what you think, Mr Riddle, after your – ah, shall I say intensive,’ a half-smile curves his lips, 'research on the subject.’
Tom feigns a look of innocence. His mind whirs. His eyes catalogue every outward sign the professor displays. Nothing. Tom can’t even tell if he’s angry or not.
‘I’m trying to get an internship at St Mungo’s,’ Tom fudges. ‘The research … it’s just for academic purposes.’
‘That’s not true, is it?’ Potter spins on his chair, and makes to stand up. His cane comes flying into his hand. Tom’s eyes widen when he feels magic, wild and forceful, gather around them like storm clouds. ‘Ten points from Slytherin,’ he smiles, ‘for lying. Now, Mr Riddle, can you tell what I’m doing?’
Out of thin air, where the turbulent rush of magic has been, water comes. And with a snap of his fingers, Potter traps them both in the centre of the vortex.
‘A hint,’ he says, ‘it’s not Dark, but definitely illegal.’
‘It’s the Forming,’ Tom says, awestruck by the great churning around them, loud as a waterfall. For it is no mere water; a single drop of it on Tom’s skin would be deadly. It’s Professor Potter’s magic in its purest, most concentrated form. 
‘So that brings us back to our question. What makes a spell Dark?’
Belatedly, Tom realises that he’s not to be punished for reading up on the Unforgivables, on Necromancy, on Horcruxes, or whatever it was Professor Potter saw him doing. This is a proper lesson – an introduction to the Dark Arts.
‘Complications,’ Tom breathes. He feels giddy all of a sudden, like he’s inhaled fairy dust. ‘When the practitioner suffers lasting complications to a spell or ritual, the process should be labelled as Dark.’
‘Very good,’ Potter says softly. ‘And that is why you will study under me from now on – not as a Hogwarts student, but my own apprentice. I do care about your well-being, Mr Riddle, even if you yourself might not.'
24052024 | @microficmay | elation
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