#spent like a total of 5 hours writing all this . hello everyone
labratboygirl · 27 days
before i say anyhting i need to say that this whole story is entirely based on some obscureish rhythm game slash platformer i like (soundshapes) .and also that this post is Really Fucking Long . so strap in everyone
the main species in the story (queazians)
i named them after one of the studios that worked on the game this storys based on .queasy games . i think im clever
all queazians have a weird blobby head with a single eye , humanoid body , sticky pads on their hands + feet , and some kind of tail
the head + sticky pads + sometimes tail are all made of the same goopy stuff . its also the main substance in their bloodstream
queazians start out as Just their head and over time their actual body sprouts out of it
fully developed queazians can actually retract their body back into their head if they wanna get around faster but they dont look similar to newly born queazians at all so they cant like . disguise themselves as babies or anyhring
they can Only be physically hurt by things colored bright red or pink . like if you shot one in the head theyd get up and be fine but if the bullet happened to be bright red/pink theyd be dead as a doornail . theres no explanation for this other than thats how it works in the game
all queazians come from the mother which is just . a really big nonsentient queazian at the center of the multiverse that they all just break off of and float away from
the mother USED to have this cool magical substance in it that gave queazians swagful powers but then VEX went and STOLE IT ALL when he was born (ill talk more about him l8r hes i,mportant)
drawing slash diagram of a queazian so this makes at least a little bit of sense
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where does this even take place ???
short answer: everywhere !
long answer: diff sections of the story take place in diff universes , some sections of the story take place in the same universe - every character ends up finding eachother through . just kismet i guess
only exception here is vex because he doesnt necessarily live in Any universe . he actually lives in this citadel at the center of the multiverse (appropriately named the C.M. Citadel) where the mother is
the wave . aka the one thing that fucks everything up
sent out across the multiverse by vex (because Of Course) and its whole purpose is to . like i said . fuck up everyhting it touches in some way
physically just looks like a mess of blinding sparks and also makes a horrible screeching sound when it passes
affects every character in a different way , some more dramatically than others
has a few different ways of fucking shit up , including doing physical damage to things creating living beings and affecting peoples minds . overall everything it does has a negative effect
ohhhhhh shit here comes an entire section dedicated to character descriptions + stories
sprout (they/it)
theyre just a happy little guy . joyous beast
lives on this little cute whimsical planet named Helowurld (like . hello world . because thats the section of the game its based on)
grew up surrounded by all these weird little creatures and no one could actually speak Words so they ended up learning the creatures’ languages instead . which is just like bleep bloops and beatbox noises
most creatures on its planet are friendly , some ARE semi dangerous but sprout always manages to befriend them all . how do they do it
have not decided how the wave is gonna affect it . actually . original plan was that they were gonna be created by the wave but it didnt make sense . they dont wanna hurt nobody ………
eventually ends up befriending mars !!!!! besties !!!!!!!!
thomas (he/him)
average office worker . so so tired and confused all the time but just has to live with it
i think hes also a huge loser i need to incorporate at LEAST one failass character into my stories or i will die
lives in a world pretty similar to earth and the company he works for is just called GENERIC CO . they do Things and make Stuff and are definitely not corrupt at all
when the wave hit him it made him realize how much his job sucks ass and inspired him to try and escape the building . sounds like a good thing at first !!!! but he almost goes Completely Insane trying to get out !!!!!!
they put a chip in his brain that actively tries to stop him from leaving the building .this is entirely inspired by my controller drifting really badly when i was replaying his section of the game LMAO also he ends up ripping it out of his own head at one point
need to stress that this building is fucking Huge . he gets lost in there very easily . and theres also this scrapyard hellscape filled with torn up machinery under the building he gets stuck in for a while
the one little bit of enrichment in his personal torment nexus is this cute little office cat named benny who . can clone himself for whatever reason
alexis (she/they)
part of a team of astronauts embarking on a mission called project beyond . not sure what the objective is but its probably along the lines of flying to farther off planets theyve been observing from a distance and find out more about them firsthand
pretty kind and levelheaded most of the time but can crack under enough pressure ….. solid role model ……. also unrelated to the last 2 parts but TGIRL SWAG‼️‼️‼️
took her little sibling mars with her on the mission but the wave ended up wrecking their ship midflight and leaving them literal worlds apart from eachother !!!!! Whoopsies !!!!!!!!
bad news is she is now possibly permanently separated from her sibling good news is that she landed on one of the planets theyd already been studying ! convenient
she just refers to the planet she landed on as The Beyond (cus like . project beyond yeah very original of me) and its like . basic scifi shtick on there . funky aliens extreme conditions technology that seems to have been made by the funky aliens etc
so she just spends her time on there studying everything and trying to keep herself alive while also trying to find a way to find mars again
OH AND ALSO initially alexis and mars arent suuuperr fond of eachother but the moment theyre separated by the wave they want eachotjer back so bad it hurts ………..Heh i love putting guys in situations
mars (any)
theyre like . 12 . youngest of the group next to sprout (its ageless but whatever) . he probably has skibidi toilet humor imsorry
they USED to be goofy and whimsical like sprout but then the Events happened !!!!!!
unlike alexis instead of landing on a different planet mars was sent to a wholeass different universe . how tha hell
the place they land in is called Arcadia because ! well ! everything looks like an arcade game ! all the creatures there are like space invaderish alien things and everything is like . blindingly neon . please do not go there without some kinda eye protection
mars is fucking Terrified . btw . of everything there . lil bro just wants to be with her sister again :o((((
the whole reason why arcadia is so hostile is just because the section of the game its based on is So So Hard compared to the rest . i have had so many mental breakdowns while replaying that shit it is a miserable experience
like i said earlier , sprout and mars end up finding eachother and becoming besties but the way they actually found eachother was after mars found a rift between the universe that holds arcadia and the universe that holds helowurld .so ! mars gets a little bit of a happy ending ! i guess
vex . the real important one (prefs he/him but honestly does nooottt care)
hes my favorite but i based him on my fav part of the game soooo i May be biased
remember when i said he stole all the magical stuff inside the mother when he was born ? yeah that was a thing that happened
because of him having all that magic shit inside him he has a lot of qualities that queazians normally dont have . like floating limbs and wings and bright red body parts to Hit And Claw You with
hes just a huge freak naturally . he doesnt have any tragic backstory or anyhring hes just like that
when he came down to the cm citadel almost everyone there started worshipping him as a god (cus . i mean . he pretty much is)
but then he sends out the wave and destroys the citadel + almost all its residents !!!!! cus hes silly like that !!!!!!!
he now lives inside this fucked up pocket dimension that .has no name currently where he watches all the waves chaos go down from afar . also he created a bunch of weird little servant creatures that he just refers to as The People
he looooves singing funny little songs . specifically songs about how badly hes fucked up peoples lives (inspired by his section of the game being the only section to have lyrics in the soundtrack .also by that logic he would sound like beck which ?????? yeah ok sure i guess)
ok character section over
timeline (that i mostly just pulled out of my ass as i wrote)
vex is born
vex goes to the citadel where hes worshipped by everyone there
thomas is born
alexis is born
mars is born
thomas starts working at generic co (bad idea)
alexis embarks on her mission with mars (equally bad idea)
vex sends out the wave
vex creates his Unnamed Pocket Dimension + the people
sprout is born
thomas has his Realization after getting hit by the wave and starts looking for a way out of the building
alexis’ ship gets wrecked by the wave and separates her from mars
alexis lands in the beyond
mars lands in arcadia
alexis starts studying the beyond (and the wave too .because she figured out what that was) while also trying to find a way off the planet and track down mars
mars finds the rift between arcadia and helowurld
sprout and mars have funnnnn :o)) yayyyyy :o)))
alexis leaves the beyond and finds out that helowurld and the beyond are in somewhat close proximity ! convenient
alexis lands on helowurld and has her cute happy reunion with mars and tells him and sprout about the wave . and that they need to leave before the wave reaches helowurld
and im not sure where to go after this !!!!! i am very open to suggestions btw
was gonna make add more sketches of the cast and how their worlds look but i dont hwve my art shit currently so ill reblog this with that stuff when i can
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phantomskeep · 8 days
I just thought of something that happened to me during college and I completely forgot about it until just now. I have a crushing need to talk about, so into the voidspace of Tumblr it goes!
My like... third to last(??) semester of college I had to take this super-boring HR class. I was the only one in there not on a business degree track - I was just insane and thought it sounded cool (I also wanted to beat my personal record of taking over 20 hours in one semester.... ended up taking 26 my second-to-last so HA! TAKE THAT SCHOOL!). The first day of this class, I know probably one person in there. And this wasn't a small college, either. It only had about 10 degrees offered in total and a small enough population to comfortably fit everyone into 5 dorm buildings - all but one being only two stories tall with maybe 200 rooms each. So basically knowing no-one in that class? Was wild to me. I had never been in a single class that I didn't have at least one friend in since my freshman year.
So I tuck myself away at a table in a far corner and resign myself to either being social and making new friends, or suffering through a two hour lecture with no company. My anti-social ass decided on the latter.
But then... This dude walks in. As a Big Fan Of Many Things, I always typically try to read whatever is on people's shirts. It's the best way for me to clock "friend or foe". And this dude? Wayne Enterprises shirt. Okay, cool, another Batman fan. He sits at my claimed table with a shy little "hi" because my degree required me to wear this dumb Navy-regulated khaki uniform. Super intimidating on a five-foot-nothing transman, I'm sure. I say hello back, and just. Silently watch this dude. For the full two hours. Trying to figure him out.
Was he a Big Nerd like myself? He looked like one but I do my best to not judge. Was he one of those macho-dudes who liked comics just because of the shitty writing and solving issues with bodily pain? Was he just a fan from the games, or movies, or TV shows? All of my questions could have been answered if I asked.
But, no. That's too easy.
I spent the next five weeks trying to sus out what kind of fan he was. The dude's only fan shirt was the Wayne Enterprises one. The rest of them were plain Ts or button-downs. At one point I added a Jason Todd sticker to my laptop's collection - he didn't mention anything so, to me, that ticked the "maybe not a huge nerd" column. No further evidence had been gathered, though we had started chatting before and after lectures.
Then comes the fateful day. I'm out of uniform, walking to the only restaurant on campus (if it could even be called that. It was run by the same people who ran the cafeteria and was just as shitty). I'm in casual wear - sweats, sneakers, and a damning tank-top - because I had just finished being a gym rat. I'm almost to the shitty Chipotle's ripoff when I hear a familiar voice call my name. I turn around, "Gotham City Crime Alley Club" tank on full display. There he is - the dude from my HR class. This man looks so fucking excited, like someone just gave him a cute puppy and told him cancer's been cured. This man, this absolute menace I started calling a friend, looks me dead in the goddamn eyes and goes:
"Oh my god you like Batman we should totally bang."
And man, if that wasn't just the smoothest shit ever. If I hadn't been in a relationship at the time I absolutely would've, too. Ever since then my HR class was filled with the two of us talking shop about the various DC media. Didn't learn shit about why HR is, y'know, HR. But damn if I didn't learn some cool comic history from my little nerdy friend.
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tjemegames · 1 month
HSR: 56K Jade Stellar Warp Session
Hello, hi! Yesterday was a very eventful day for my standard + (free) Ratio alt account. I’m honestly still not over the high of how these pulls went. I’ll show y’all what I mean shortly, but first some backstory:
I’ve been sporadically playing on this account since October of ‘23 and, up until 15 hours ago, I had not spent a single one of my stellar jades or any of the accumulated undying starlight from using the standard passes obtained through my gameplay. It’s been an excellent exercise of self control; if you haven’t hoarded more than a couple thousand jades before, give it a try and tell me if your fingers start to get itchy after surpassing 14,400 (90 warps).
The first and last set of pulls that I did before this were in February when 2.0 went live. I had 160 standard passes saved up at the time and got a very lackluster roster to work with. It really wasn’t all too much to write home about. This time, however, was an entirely different experience; 350 pulls, a small discord audience, and a bit of delusional dreaming made all the difference for me. I recorded most of the footage but I really did not feel like editing it so here we are in full text format instead.
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Yesterday’s warps were wild, as you can see. I got seven, I repeat, seven 5 stars in 350 pulls. Six of those being brand new additions to my account as well. The luck was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Two back to backs too. Like what??? I’ll gladly take it any day.
Let’s take a more in depth breakdown of everything I got under the cut, shall we?
This is a long list so bear with me:
2 x March 7th (e3)
1 x Pela (new)
1 x Planetary Rendezvous (new)
1 x Eyes of Prey (s4)
3 x Luka (e3)
1 x Subscribe for More! (new)
2 x Xueyi (new, e1)
2 x Sampo (new, e1)
2 x Trend of the Universal Market (new, s2)
1 x Herta (e6)
1 x Welt (new)
1 x Memories of the Past (new)
1 x Gallagher (new)
1 x Post-Op Conversation (s2)
2 x Asta (e2)
3 x Geniuses’ Repose (new, s3)
2 x Indelible Promise (new, s2)
1 x Night on the Milky Way (new)
4 x Hook (e5)
1 x Sushang (new)
1 x Bailu (new)
2 x Swordplay (s3)
1 x Clara (e1)
1 x Qingque (e1)
2 x Good Night and Sleep Well (new, s2)
1 x Guinaifen (e2)
2 x A Secret Vow (s3)
1 x Landau’s Choice (new)
1 x Himeko (new)
1 x Dan Heng (e2)
1 x Shared Feeling (new)
1 x Under the Blue Sky (s2)
1 x Sleep Like the Dead (new)
1 x Arlan (new)
1 x Time Waits for No One (new)
The grand total being equivalent to seven 5*s; 3 new characters, 1 eidolon, 3 new light cones and forty-four 4*s; 6 new characters, 17 eidolons, 9 new light cones, 12 superimpositions. This averages out to be 50 pity per 5* (quite lucky) and 8 pity per 4* (not very lucky but still better than the expectation).
So much stuff, and most of it being new and extremely useful is such a huge bonus. My roster got so much nicer after this session. I’m both very excited and a little bit dreadful for the building process I’m about to go through with everyone. I already started leveling up the characters I plan to play with but the relic and trace grinds are going to be an uphill battle. Hopefully the rng isn’t too punishing after all of this… but I may have already used up all of my luck — I don’t think I’ll be over these pulls for a quite while.
The only downside is that I didn’t pull Bronya or Gepard so I have to make the very crucial decision of choosing one of them from the 300 warp selector reward. I’m torn because I so very badly want to play an optimal Yanqing team but I also know how much of a difference Bronya makes overall. I’m going to have to think on it for a while longer before I make my choice... Oh well, you can’t win them all.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
I'll be your knight
Pairing: Natasha x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst, smut.
Summary: Dealing with sexism is a real struggle but eventually a line is crossed and anger is unleashed.
A/n: This is my first time writing smut so hopefully it's good enough :3
Word count: 3.5k
Being an Avenger isn't easy, especially for any women that join the life style of a hero. You had to put up with sexist comments all the time, most of the time it didn't really bother you but the more you heard random men talking about your best friend like she was some toy, the more it annoyed you.
The comments towards you stopped when you were recruited by Tony Stark, there was some level respect for you and you kind of liked it.
You had some issues with opening up to the team but when Wanda, showed you they are harmless, you slowly opened up more and more as you knew that they were going to be your new family from now on.
Everyone on the team warned you about the one particular redhead but you didn't listen, you wanted to be her friend, she looked scary but is an actual softie, but only around you.
It took time for the Russian to even greet you when she saw you but for you it was worth it, you respected her and always been there for her when she had no one to turn to.
She warmed up to you as she saw the security you were offering her, and you never backed down from your offer, she wasn't keen on your presence but had to learn to accept it.
Even if she didn't trust you fully, that was okay. You trusted her with everything because you knew she was a human just like you and no doubt needed someone to lean on.
You walked around, exploring the place that now it was your new home, you never saw anything more fancy than this place, the room you were staying in was more than enough for 4 people.
Your own tv along with your own big walk in closet and your own bathroom, literally a five star hotel, you didn't complain at all, you were just shocked at how spacious this all was.
Each room was bigger than the other and it was starting to get all confusing, when you left the room, you would get mixed up with the way you walked in.
You loved it but at the same time you hated it, you accidently bumped into the Russian, she looked sweaty in her work out clothes and you stared at her with awkwardness.
She eyed you and cleared her throat, attempting to walk past you and continue where she was going but you stopped her "I'm sorry to disturb you but I just want to know where I can find the gym"
You rubbed your neck awkwardly "I- um- I tried searching everywhere but I'm lost"
Usually when people stutter around Natasha, it meant they were obviously attracted to her but with how you stood and looked away from her just showed her that you were afraid of her.
She didn't smile or anything "Walk straight until you reach the end of the hall and turn left"
You looked at her but she was already on her way so you shouted "Thank you!"
You made your way with her instructions of where to go, she knew how to hide her emotions but it was totally shocking for you how she never had a smile across her lips.
This was your first real conversation, not the hello's or goodbye's. It was a proper conversation, well kind of a proper but it was a start and that's what made you happy.
Second encounter with the redhead was a lot better, the two of you actually had a normal conversation in the morning, you were barely awake so coffee was your way of helping with that.
Walking into the kitchen, not really expecting anyone up early this morning, but the sight of the yawning Russian met your eyes, you smiled at her the best you could as you turned to make yourself a coffee.
"You know there is a coffee maker here?" Her naturally raspy voice spoke which caused you to look at her.
"Yeah I seen it but I have no idea how to use it" You confessed, you weren't embarrassed, you just weren't that fancy to ever own one or even be around one.
She turned around without a word and pulled out a cup, placing it underneath the little nozzle and within seconds the coffee poured out, she took the cup and placed it down as she slid it towards you.
You looked at her and then back at the coffee "Thank you Natasha"
She nodded as she sipped on her own drink "Since you are the only person who is up right now, you mind taking a look at this report, I'm not really sure what it means"
You was taken back, she was asking you for help? Shouldn't she know all of the reports like the back of her hand? She noticed your silence "Or you don't have to, I'll probably figure-"
"No, no I have nothing to do today so I don't mind helping" You smiled and took the coffee with you as you followed her into the room where she had a loads of reports laid out.
You looked at all of them "You know you can work on two reports at a time?"
She nodded "I know but the more I do within a certain time, the less I have later on"
You nodded as you sipped your warm coffee, it was very different to what you were used to, but this was definitely easier to get used to. It was the first time Natasha spent more than 2 minutes with you and you were more than happy to accept that.
So from that time, the two of you worked every morning with each other on reports, you learnt so much from her and in some way she learnt more about you rather than from you, she was impressed by your calmness with her constant questions.
To be fair you wanted to open up to the Russian, she had that safety vibe coming of her and you knew that she would never betray you or your trust that you put in her.
The mornings spent on reports also turned into evenings and soon there was movies every other day, she loved horror movies but you on the other hand loved action movies, there was plenty of action as a hero of the world but it never was enough.
She started to show herself around you more often and you really liked how you could make her laugh with simply couple words. She loved how close she gotten to you and how you trusted her with everything.
She had some doubt but you were always to reassure her, she was thankful for it each time, so in return she would ask you questions about yourself and you never hesitated for a moment to tell her.
But the problem was that not everyone saw it like that, they saw her for her body but not for her heart which is one of many reasons to why she was slow at opening up.
It angered you that people didn't want to treat her like anyone else, just because she was gorgeous didn't automatically make her less of a human.
Today was one of those days where you were busy, like busy busy, overloaded with bunch of reports that needed to be sorted before the next day, so you spent your whole day in you room, you glared at the clock on the wall.
You was doing this for 6 hours straight, no breaks so you decided to just do that. You stood up and stretched out, walking out of your room without anyone around, it did ignite curiosity in you so you walked around cautiously to see what was the deal.
Three of your teammates with two random agents were placed on the couch in the living room, trapping Natasha in between them, from her body language she didn't want to be there.
Bruce and Bucky along with Steve seem to laugh at the agents jokes, you moved closer to the door as you listened to what they were saying.
"Come on Natasha, you should do that power pose and show off that body" One of the agents spoke up as they eyed the Russian.
The other agent tried to move closer to her but hesitated, knowing she could easily tackle him "You can't let that body go to waste"
The anger was raising as words spilled out of their mouths, why didn't Steve stop them? Did he really think that as well?
"I was near to tapping that ass but you know women" Bruce made a comment as he laughed along with the agents.
"If she dyed her hair blonde, the amount of jokes we could make then" Bucky smirked as he spoke loudly.
Natasha was just taking in all of the comments, you could see across her face that she didn't enjoy it at all, so she stood up and what they did next made you finally act.
They all looked at her ass and whistled "Romanoff, you should dance for us, show off those curves"
"I am a little hungry as well, you might as well move that pretty ass of yours and make us something to eat" One of the agents spoke up as he laughed.
You walked in as you raised your brows at the 5 men sitting and eyeing Natasha as a piece of meat, you pulled her into you causing her to jump a little but relax when she realised it was you.
They all looked at you and the other agent smirked "Are yous going to put on a lesbian show for us?"
Now you wasn't just unimpressed but also pissed, you pulled yourself away from the Russian as you stepped forwards in front of Natasha "Listen here you little dick, If I hear that you even looked at Natasha in any way, I will fucking haunt you and make sure you don't live to see tomorrow"
His friend was terrified, he gulped when you looked at him "As for you, I want you to go and make her a fucking five star meal and if it's not good, I swear to god you'll regret being born"
He shook his head so fast as he stood up but you stopped him with your powers "You want a show? I will fucking give you a show"
You gripped his face, squishing his cheeks very firmly, your hand started to glow blue as you made him hallucinate that he was in pain, from the fact that he couldn't move and he felt as if his skin was being peel off he only could scream.
You looked at the 4 men who looked very terrified of you, your eyes had flames and you wasn't going to go easy, on neither of them "If any of you ever comment anything sexist or inappropriate about any woman, including Natasha. I will make your life a living hell"
"Do yous understand?"
They shook their heads and scattered away from you as fast as they could, you let go of the dude in front of you, he looked weak but he gotten up so fast that you could swear he had powers as well.
You turned towards Natasha, worried "Are you okay? Did they touch you?"
You looked her up and down as you made your way towards her, she shook her head with a small smile. You pulled her into a hug as a single tear slid down Natasha's face.
You pulled away as you wiped that tear off with your thumb "Why didn't you act Nat?"
"What's the point? It wont stop them from saying what they want Y/n/n"
The pain in your heart was strong at the words, how could any woman not be scared of what could happen if they do protest against men.
You cupped her face as you looked into her eyes "Natasha Romanoff, I promise you that I will protect you from their filthy mouths"
She smiled, this time it met her eyes which caused you to smile. You crushed on Natasha for a long time and promised yourself that when the time was right you would tell her but each time it was harder to do so.
Her and Bruce at the time were something but when she decided to break it off, you were there for her you told her she didn't need to tell you the reason to why she decided that but reassured her that it was probably a good reason to do so.
Now you are holding her face as her eyes are locked with yours, you could feel those butterflies in your stomach raise up "I will be your knight in casual clothes because armour isn't my style"
She laughed with her whole heart, causing you to laugh as well "Gosh I love you.."
You froze at her words, and so did she, her eyes widen at her words but she knew there was no way out of this so she pulled her sleeve and started to fidget with it.
Your hands were on her face but dropped at those words, you stood still trying to understand what just happened, she continued as she looked down "I hope that's okay but I love you Y/n"
You couldn't believe your ears, the woman who always had trouble opening up, right now was vulnerable with her whole heart to you and you was stuck, frozen as you stared at her.
"I never had anyone stand up for me the way to did today, I started to realise that I had feelings that one day when you were near to death on that mission" She was still fidgeting with her sleeve.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way but you just needed to know.." She confessed, she was standing in front of you holding her heart out in her hands, offering you to take it.
You smiled whole heartily as you looked into her eyes when you pulled her face by her chin "It's more than okay Tasha"
Your hands dropped to her hips as you pulled her in closer to you "Because I love you too"
That look in her eyes, you could see that she had those butterflies too, her eyes locked with yours, she tilted her head slightly to the side and crashed her lips against yours.
Her hands were placed on the back of your neck pulling you deeper into her kiss, you slowly backed her into the wall and when her back hit the wall, she gasped which you used the opportunity to slide your tongue inside her mouth.
The kiss became heated real quick, forgetting that the two of you were still in the public place, only when someone cleared their throat, make the two of you look where the sound came from.
Natasha hid her face in the crook of your neck as she quietly laughed at how awkward that is, you pulled yourself away from her as you looked in the direction of Tony, who looked at you with pure disgust.
"As if you never done this, but sorry you had to witness..." You rolled your eyes at him at first but looked over at Natasha who was still leaning on the wall "This"
She smiled as she intertwined her hand with yours and tugged it to pull you out of the living room, the two of you made it to her room but it wasn't long before you reclaimed her lips with your own.
This time it was a little bit more gentle, you backed her up to the bed as the back of her leg hit the bed frame, before you pushed her back and claimed on top of her.
The only light was the moonlight that was shining through the blinds, you kissed her passionately and redirected your kisses down to her neck, she moved her face to the side giving you more access to her neck.
You left marks as you slightly stank your teeth in but sucked the spot right after, earning a few small moans from the redhead beneath you, she was slowly turning into a mess but she managed to slightly pull you away.
"Don't you have a lot of work?" She asked a little worried but lust was more visible.
"It can wait" You declared as you looked into her eyes "Are you sure you want this?"
She smiled at you being caring and asking for consent "I want this детка (baby)"
You smirked as you placed a soft kiss on her lips and returned to her neck, giving it a couple more kisses and slowly moving down, the only thing that stopped you was the material of her clothes.
She slightly lifted herself off as you pulled her shirt off, exposing her upper body, you looked at her in admiration, her eyes had slight doubt across them but you were quick to reassure her.
"You are beautiful Tasha" You meant every word that came out of your mouth.
There was a blush across her cheeks as she smiled at you, your hand reached for the back of her bra as you unhooked it and pulled it off her.
You took couple of seconds to admire the view before attaching your mouth to her nipple, she bit her bottom lip to prevent her from moaning.
Your free hand glued itself to the other breast, giving it the same amount of attention as your mouth did, you moved your lips to her ear as your hand kept playing with her now hard nipple.
"I want to hear you Natty" You whispered into her ear and with that Natasha moaned into your ear causing a small smirk to settle on your lips.
You continued to kiss down her body until you reached the bottom of her stomach, you looked up at her to see if she was okay, she nodded to give you the confirmation.
You pulled her shorts off along with her underwear, exposing the bottom half of her body, you could smell her arousal which only fuel you on.
You teased her as you kissed her inner thigh, leaving marks there as well, you would from time to time lock eyes with her. You moved closer to her pussy, teasing her with your tongue causing some frustrated moans to escape her mouth.
Her hips would buck as you would teasingly lick her wet folds, she looked down at you as her eyes were consumed with lust "Please Y/n! Just fuck me already"
That's all you needed to hear before you attached your mouth to her dripping pussy, giving her clit the attention first as the more louder moans escaped her mouth.
You gripped her with your hands as your tongue worked it's magic against her hard clit, she was gripping the bed sheets as moans were spilling out of her lips, not caring if anyone heard.
You moved one of your hands as you slipped one of your fingers inside her and without letting her adjust you started to thrust into her, the feeling of pleasure was building up quickly in the bottom of her stomach with each thrust.
"Oh god" Those were the only words she managed to choke out, she was soaked which stoked up your own arousal along with her moans.
Her hips were quick to match your pace as you thrusted, bringing her closer and closer, you pushed the second finger inside and this time you curled the two fingers, hitting her spot all over again.
One of her hands gripped your arm as her nails dug into your skin, the other hand was still tightly gripping the bedsheet, her head was thrown back as you came up to her face.
Your pace of your fingers never slowing down but thrusting harder and fast "Let me show you how you should be treated instead darling.."
You kissed her lips as she moaned, you moved back down as you felt her walls tighten, knowing she was about to cum. You pushed your fingers even deeper into her, her breathing was heavy letting out low and loud moans.
You watched as the orgasm consumed Natasha with your name falling freely from her lips, you slowed down your thrusts to let her ride out her orgasm, holding her steady pulling your fingers out of her as you licked her clean, and moved back up to her lips.
Kissing her as she slightly moaned at the taste of herself into the kiss, you pulled away from her as she was still breathing heavily, staring into your eyes with a smile.
"Now it's your turn" She spoke in between breathes.
You shook your head "Not today darling, today's focus is you.."
You stripped yourself naked as you pressed your warm body against Natasha, glaring at the marks you left and holding her tight in your arms as she slowly calmed down from her high.
You were sure in this moment that you wanted to hear her moan your name till the rest of your life, it was the music to your ears and you didn't want it any other way.
If you want to join my tag list, click here and enjoy my future posts.
Tag-list: @diaryoflife,@wandanatblogs,@madamevirgo, @eilarch
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
CEO! Min Yoongi- My Favorite Secretary
Why hello there!
Hi! Want to make a nasty petition pls. I want CEO Yoongi but he is so mean and strict with y/n he discharges all his frustrations and stress on her until he gets to fuck with her. I want a hard smut plsss
With these :
3, 15, 21, 60, 66
OOOOH FUN!!! LET’S GET INTO IT I was not too proud of this one...but here you go! Yo this one was LOOONNGGG, like shit. 
3- I said FUCKING BEG!
15- Whose gonna stop us? I own this fucking place, baby.
21- That’s right, you fucking worship me don’t you? Look up at me like I’m your god.
60- I found that little journal you made about me. I think it’s so cute how you fantasize about me, darling.
66- I’m gonna corrupt your mind. I love to play with you like you’re a fucking violin.
... (Monday)
“You’ll have to redo these reports.” a stack of papers was thrown onto your desk. You stared up at your boss in disbelief. 
“And just what’s wrong with them?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“There are exactly 15 typos in these reports and since I don’t care enough to go through them with you, I want them redone.” 
Min Fucking Yoongi. CEO of Bangtan Enterprises. You of course were a humble secretary who wrote reports on every idol and client that walked through the damn door. 
“I spent hours on those!” you tried to defend. “I already deleted the stupid file to save space on my computer!”
“You have until the end of the week.” he walked away without another word. 
“Sora didn’t even turn in her reports because she stayed up playing fucking Doki Doki Handsome Husband Haven and you gave her an extension!” 
Yoongi didn’t respond as he turned the corner. 
“Are you fucking kidding me.” you seethed. 
... (Thursday Afternoon)
“Y/N!” you heard the horribly scary voice. 
“What now?” you whimpered. You turned around in your chair to see your boss fuming. “Yes, Mr. Min?”
“No they aren’t! They aren’t due for another three days!” you tried to defend. Everyone else was starting to stare. They all knew how they treated you and they all felt super bad that he chose you to bully. 
“No you didn’t! I would have seen it-” you tried to speak.
“Y/N, don’t cry...you’re doing that thing you do when you’re about to cry.” your friend came over to your side. “Don’t waste your tears on that asshole.”
You inhaled dramatically, starting to type furiously through your blurry vision. You felt the tear slip down your cheek and you went to furiously wipe it.
...(Lunchtime: Thursday Afternoon)
Sobbing in the bathroom was a thing right?
Your two friends, Dahyun and Sana stood outside the bathroom stall as you sobbed into your hands. They were convincing you to not quit.
“Y/N, You know this is the only job that will let you live comfortably in this city. Other than being a teacher...and who’d want that?” Sana shuddered. “He’s done this more than TWICE now.” (...I’M NOT SORRY)
“I HATE HIM! I FUCKING HATE HIM.” You cried. “WHY IS HE ALWAYS MEAN TO ME!” You furiously wiped your eyes.
“Y/N, Open the door.” Dahyun sighed. “Let us in.”
The stall door slowly open and your two friends were met by a totally distraught woman. Your hands were stained with your eyeliner that you hand managed to completely wipe off leaving your tired face. 
“Y/N, he’s working you to the bone. You don’t even smile anymore.” Sana kneeled in front of you, taking your dirty hands into hers. “Why do you let him bully you?”
“Because if I don’t, I won’t have a job.” you sniffed. 
“Is someone dying in here?” you heard Miss. Hyuna, another boss walk in. “Aw honey, did a boyfriend break up with you...do you want me to ‘accidentally’ get his car towed?”
Miss Hyuna was both Sana’s and Dahyun’s boss, you guys just liked to have lunch together.
“It’s Mr. Min.” Dahyun spoke for you. “He’s working Y/N to the bone. He only ever bullies her and no one else. I’ve seen it personally.”
“Is that so?” she raised an eyebrow, looking less than happy. “Is that true Miss. L/N. Is Mr. Min treating you unfairly?”
You couldn’t speak, so you just nodded. 
“All he does is yell at and belittle her every chance he gets.” Sana looked at Miss. Hyuna.
“Hm, I’ll go talk to him, right now. If he fires you, he’ll answer to me.” was all she said before she walked away. She ignored Sana trying to hold you back from stopping her.
Hyuna walked out of the bathroom with fire in her eyes. She walked by your desk only to see what looked like an open notebook with the words ‘The Min Yoongi Files’ written in permanent marker on the first page.
“This must be her case.” she shut the notebook, ignoring the childish looking anime stickers on the inside page. “I should take this for evidence, I hope she won’t mind.”
“Yoongi!” Hyuna stormed into his office, shutting the door behind her.
“Hey Hyuna, what’s up?” Yoongi looked up from his lunch. “What can I do for you?”
“What’s this I hear about you mistreating a worker? One of YOUR workers?”
“Pardon me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Mistreating?”
“Two of MY workers are busy consoling Y/N L/N in the ladies restroom on their lunch break of all times because according to all three of them, you’ve been unfairly treating her!!” she glared. She slammed the notebook down on his desk. “This should speak for itself.” she sighed. 
“I don’t mistreat Y/N L/N, She’s insolent! She needs discipline.”
“SHE’S YOUNG.” Was Hyuna’s comeback. “You can’t treat her like she’s a piece of garbage just because she makes one typo!” 
“Her typos cost us time.”
“So does your shameless reprimanding her for missing a semicolon.” she rebutted. “Think about it! Are men always this stupid.” she looked him up and down before walking out of his office.
Yoongi watched dumbfounded. He took at look at the notebook she left behind.
“Property of Y/N L/N.” he read aloud. He flipped it open to the first page to see a bunch of shiny and matte stickers all over the inside cover. “The Min Yoongi Files? Speak for itself, huh?” (read more below the break)
(The Next Morning) (Smut Warning)
You begrudgingly trudged into the office. Not only were you tired, but you were dreading. You had multiple deadlines.
“Shit...” you seethed. You walked past your desk into Yoongi’s office. He was sitting at his desk, flipping through the pages of a very familiar looking book. “You wanted to see me sir?”
“Yes, I did.” he shut the book and slid it over to you. “Care to explain?”
“Holy fu- ” You had forgotten you left your diary on your desk. How did he get a hold of that?
“ I found that little journal you made about me. I think it’s so cute how you fantasize about me, darling. Hyuna gave it to me thinking it was a list of every terrible thing I’ve done to you. I didn’t know it would be a list of every terrible thing you wanted me to do to you.” his face spread into a smirk. 
“You read my property-”
“My name is on it, which means it’s company property by association.” he was still smirking. “Y/N, Y/N Y/N...I didn’t know you were such a needy little girl. On my desk, in the breakroom? The elevator of all places?? I didn’t even know you enjoyed when I raised my voice.“ he raised an eyebrow. “You do realize I could have you fired for writing about me in such a way.”
“Yes sir.” you whimpered. “I’ll have all my sh-..stuff off my desk by-”
“Y/N what on earth are you talking about?” he raised an eyebrow. “Surely you don’t think you are fired.”
“I’m sorry?” you raised an eyebrow, becoming very confused. 
“Even though I’m an asshole, a big jerk, and the bane of your existence, you still want me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you have more of a backbone than I thought. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to miss a chance to break that spirit of yours.” he rose to his feet and walked around his desk to face you. “Get over here.” he urged.
He grabbed you by the hand and yanked you to his chest. He crashed his hot mouth over yours, capturing you in a kiss. He held both sides of your face gingerly. In a shock, you held onto his blazer jacket to stop from falling over.
“Hmm.” he moaned. 
“Mr. Min!” you gasped. “We can’t- I’m your secretary!! And I don’t know if you’re aware of this but you hate me.”
“ Whose gonna stop us? I own this fucking place, baby. “ he laughed manically. “And who the hell said I hated you? Plus you want this. I know you do because you wouldn’t have written about me throwing you on my desk and eating that little pussy...fuck that was my favorite story to date.” he spoke in a babyish voice. “Shit I’ve always loved what that ass does to me.”
You felt yourself melt in every way. The thought that someone would storm in didn’t even cross your mind. He back you up against the table, sitting you on the desk. Yoongi tore off his blazer and hastily undid his necktie.
He broke away from you, allowing you to suck in air. You took a deep breath as you felt your lips. He practically tore his shirt open, buttons flying everywhere to reveal that body. To say you were taken aback was the understatement of the century.
“ That’s right, you fucking worship me don’t you?” he smirked as you stared him down “ Look up at me like I’m your god” he quoted the exact words from the entry you had written just 5 days ago. 
“Oh, you read the whole thing.” you squeaked. “I am so fucked.” you whimpered.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve been needing a good way to unleash my stress.” he shrugged. “This is perfect..” he motioned, tugging the hem of your shirt, playing with and unfastening each button. “I can take out my stress and you get to feel the real thing instead of writing shameless fan fiction.” he laughed. “Don’t make any mistakes,” he drank in your body. “I want this to be more than sex.”
Before you could say another word, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist again. He leaned down and softly kissed your lips. You just prayed he didn’t taste the bacon, egg, and, cream cheese bagel you ate this morning. You didn’t know what to do, so you shyly returned his affections.
“Come on, act like how you write about. Moan for me, grab my hair-” he mumbled through kisses. “Kiss me like you hate me.” he grunted. “Unless-...”
He abruptly yanked down your skirt along with your panties. “Maybe we should do this right. Spread em, secretary.”
He wasted no time in hooking your legs around his shoulders. 
“Mr. M-min.” you whimpered, feeling something wet trailed up your slit. 
“Shit...you taste so fucking good.” he moaned. “Damnit Y/N, you coulda told me you wanted me earlier.” he flicked his tongue against your clit. “Maybe if you had a good fuck, your reports would be more punctual.”
“That report wasn’t due and you know it.” you found it in you to reply. You tilted your head back, feeling his fingers be introduced into your tightness. “F-fuh”
 “Come on, you love this shit.” he laughed, lashing his tongue against you. “Beg for me, beg for my mouth, beg for me to make you cum.” he moaned into your heat. “I said FUCKING BEG! ” he thrust his fingers even deeper. “Come on, scream my name.”
“M. Min, I- we- you....”
“Not that...my first name...fucking say it I wanna hear it. I wanna hear if its as cute in my mind when I read how I made you squirt all over my fucking desk.” he kept moving his mouth and fingers against you.
“Y-yoongi.” you obeyed. This only encouraged him.
 “I’m gonna corrupt your mind. I love to play with you like you’re a fucking violin.” he giggled.
(3 days later... )
You were sitting at your desk when a stack of papers was thrown on your desk.
“There are 8 typos, fix them.” was all he said before he walked off. 
“Not again.” your work friend, seethed “what is it this time.“ She didn’t look up from her computer as you flipped through the pages.
My office, now secretary ;). Followed by a whole bunch of gibberish that lasted several pages.
“I’ll go talk to him” you rolled your eyes, taking the pile with you. You walked into his office. “Okay sir-” you began, walking through the door. You closed it behind you. “What seems to be the-”
Before you could talk any more, you felt his hand trail under your skirt. You felt his breathy laugh on the back of your neck. 
“I was hoping...we could go over your reports last week. I don’t think we got enough done, do you?”
(I was on a deadline....BUT I DID IT, my head is POUNDING)
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ninak803 · 3 years
Long-distance relationships suck
So, some inspiration hit me last night & I wanted to get some good rest tonight so I had to write it down. Maybe my brain shuts up tonight.
Here is some O'Darwin for you!
Thank you @asunshinepuff for proof reading ❤️
All characters belong to @lumosinlove 🥰
Alex looked at his phone as it started ringing. It was Finn.
“What's up?” he said, answering the phone.
“Hey Alex. Just wanted to give you a call. You good?”
Alex smiled. He and Finn haven't talked in a while, both of them pretty occupied with the ongoing hockey season, but talking with his brother was always a good thing.
“Yeah, sure. Bit busy, you know. How about you? Everything's alright? How are Leo and Logan?”
“We're good, really. Leo's in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and Lo is with him. I'm sure he's trying to distract Peanut but he’ll disguise it as helping him. So everything’s pretty normal.”
Alex could hear the smile in his little brother's voice, he could hear the love he had for his boys and he knew the look on his face when he talked about them.
He felt his heart clench. He was happy for Finn, of course he was. His little brother deserves the world, that much is sure, but he couldn't help it but feel a sting in his heart when he heard the happiness in his voice. That was because Alex partners where so far away and he missed Kasey and Nat dearly. He hasn't seen them in a while now as the hockey season was in full swing right now, as already mentioned.
They talked of course. A lot. But it was something totally different to actually be with them and everytime they ended the calls he needed some time to patch his heart back together.
To be honest: Long distance sucked. It really sucked.
Alex was so lost in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed the silence on the other end of the phone.
“Alex, what's wrong? Come on, tell me.”
“Why do you think something's wrong?”
“Well, for once you didn't send me any annoying snaps in 7 days now and besides I do know you. So?” his brother insisted.
Alex sighed. He didn't know how people around him could call Finn oblivious. He definitely wasn't when it came to Alex and he knew Finn wouldn't shut up until he told him. Maybe it was a good idea to talk about it.
“It's just… It's Nat and Kase. I miss them. Fuck, I miss them so much, Finn. And it hurts, like physically, you know?” Alex swallowed. 
Speaking it out loud didn't make it any easier, it just made it more true.
There was a short silence.
“I already figured out it might have something to do with them. Kasey’s have really been down the last few days. You know they miss you too, don't you?”
Alex nodded though Finn couldn't see it, so he said:
“Yeah, I know that. We talk a lot. It's not that I think they don't miss me or anything, that's not it. It's really only the fact that I miss them so much and I hate the distance and I hate hockey. No. Scratch that I don't hate hockey, of course. I only hate that we have so little time to see each other right now because of the season. And I know I should be happy to have these amazing two people actually love me, but right now it feels like everything sucks and I know it's wrong, but...” Alex rambled.
“Hey, it's okay to feel that way. It really is. I bet it isn't easy to be apart more often than not.” Finn said in a soft voice, then he laughed.
“I always freak out when Leo and Logan are gone for a couple of days, I really do. I'm sorry. I know it's different… Just… I want you to know it's okay. It sucks, yeah, but you three are so good for each other. You make them so happy, it's almost hilarious how Winter’s  face lights up when he mentions you, his goalie face isn't so unreadable anymore then.”
“Thanks, Finn. I know it's going to be okay. Its just a lot right now and, god, I hate being all this emotional.”
“Yeah, me too. But it's worth it for the right people. It really is.”
Alex sighed.
“I know.”
There was another moment of silence.
“Hey, when do you have the next weekend off?”
“In three weeks. Why?”
“Why don't you just pay them a surprise visit?”
That was a fantastic idea and Alex's mood lightened up immediately with the thought.
“Can you make sure they don't make any other plans?”
“Sure. We have a game that weekend, so they can't go anywhere. I won't tell them anything, I promise. Just… please don't do anything in the locker room, I don't want to walk in on you again.”
Alex laughed.
It happened some months ago. Alex was at Gryffindor to visit them. The thing between him, Natalie and Kasey was relatively new, but Finn already knew, thank god. He had watched their match, against whom he couldn't remember anymore, but it was a bad loss and he wanted to check on Kasey when everyone else was already outside and he still was in the locker room. So he went inside, where Kasey was sitting, still damp from the shower, wearing nothing but his towel. They talked for a while, but talking turned into kissing rather quickly, and that was the moment Finn chose to come back. All he could see was an almost naked Kasey and Alex with his hands on his bare chest, making out right there.
“Nothing happened there. I already told you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Mhm.”
Alex laughed again. 
Talking to Finn was a good idea.
Alex grabbed his bag and stepped out of the cab. He pulled the beanie more over his head, the wind was pretty cold and it was about to snow soon in Gryffindor, he could already smell the snow. He walked the two flights of stairs up to Kaseys and Nats flat fast, his heart beating fast but not from the little exercise.
He was standing in front of the door, trying to calm down. He was excited and maybe a little tired from not sleeping much last night.
After a short knock on the door it was opened by Natalie. She looked up at him, her facial expression changing quickly between confusion, doubt, and then, finally, happiness. A huge smile spread across her face. She threw herself at him and Alex pulled her in close, he wished he never had to let her go.
“Surprise.” he whispered in her ear.
Nat placed her hands around his neck, pulling him down a little bit so she could kiss him.
Oh, Alex had missed her.
He followed her inside, not letting go of her hand. She took his bag from him just to let it fall onto the couch.
“Why didn't you say anything? I could have picked you up from the airport! Oh, Kasey will be so happy. I can't wait to see his face.”
Alex pulled her closer again, his hands on her waist.
“I've missed you and I wanted to surprise you.”
“It worked. God, I'm so happy right now. I just thought about calling you, to be honest, but this is so, so much better.”
Her hand was on his cheek now, trailing his cheekbone gently. He looked into her eyes, slowly getting lost in them. 
Alex leaned down and placed another kiss on her lips, softly and innocent.
“Kasey is still at the rink. He'll be back soon.”
“Yeah, I know. I've talked with Finn.” he smiled and she flashed a smile back.
They went to sit down on the couch together, pushing his bag carelessly to the floor so they had the full length to stretch out. Natalie was lying in Alex's arms, her head on his shoulder, giving small kisses to his neck every now and then. Alex trailed his hand along her spine, up and down, holding her as close as possible. They were just lying there enjoying the proximity after being way too long without it. 
Alex could feel how the stress of the last days began fading away immediately. Kasey will be here soon and he really couldn't wait for him.
20 minutes later, 20 minutes he spent cuddling with Nat on the couch just holding her and listening while she was talking about her day, Alex heard the key in the main door. 
Natalie sat up on the couch and Alex did the same, looking at Kasey, who stared at him blankly.
“What… What the fuck?”
He walked over to them quickly, sitting down next to Alex and kissing him again and again.
Alex laughed under his lips.
“Slow down. I'm not going anywhere the next 2 days.”
But Kasey didnt stop and Alex was glad. He pulled him closer, their kisses becoming more passionately soon.
Kissing Kasey was different. Nats lips were all soft and she was gentle, Kasey was more forceful and Alex loved both. He loved Nats slim fingers in his and he loved to feel Kaseys rough hands on his skin. They were two totally different people and they were perfect for him, they made him feel complete.
“Aren't you going to say hello to me, love?” Nat said teasingly.
Alex felt Kasey smile under his lips and he let go of him a little bit. Kasey looked at Nat, both of them smiling. He leaned over to kiss her and Alex never wanted to be somewhere else.
Kasey sat back and looked at Alex, holding Nats hand now with his one hand and his other hand lying on Alex's thigh.
“Since when are you here?”
“Maybe half an hour.”
“Finn knew, didn't he? That’s why he was looking at me before he left, grinning like a maniac.”
Alex grinned at him.
“Exactly! That's the same grin!” Kasey exclaimed.
“ 'Course he knew.”
“ 'Course he knew.” Kasey repeated after him.
Alex and Natalie were in the stands, Nat wearing a Winter jersey, of course she did. Alex didn't though, he didn't want to bring any bad luck for his own team. He wasn't superstitious, but he didn't have to provoke anything.
It was last period, only 5 minutes left in the game. The Lions were leading with one goal, but it was a tough game. The opponent’s number 23 stole the puck from Finn, who didn't hesitate for a second and went after him. Probably beating himself up a bit for not blocking good enough, or for not shooting the puck to Tremblay, who was right next to him. Number 23 took the puck over the ice towards the Lions goal, passing it to his teammate. He had a clear shot on the goal, but Kasey saved it, catching it with his glove.
Cheers erupted from the fans, shouting Kasey’s name and Alex and Nat joined in.
Alex leaned down to her so she could hear him through the noise.
“I hate it when Kase gets that look, that stare when I come close to his goal. It freaks me out so much. He's unreadable, I swear.”
She grinned at him.
“It works.”
Alex nodded.
“Hell yeah, it does.”
The Lions won 4:2. Black made another goal in the last minute. Kasey looked up to where they were standing and both of them gave him a thumbs-up, smiling.
Alex sat next to Finn on a couch, Logan on his lap. They were waiting for Leo to drive home after the game and Alex waited for Kasey. More team members joined them, they were talking about the game enthusiastically. Natalie was standing aside, talking on the phone to her mom.
“Hey Harzy.”
Both, Alex and Finn, turned around to Kasey.
He stood next to Natalie, holding her hand, and smiled.
“I mean my Harzy.”
Alex got up and Finn pouted.
“Why am I not your Harzy? I'm your team mate. He's only your boyfriend.” Finn gestured at Alex and tried to look offended, but the smile on his lips gave him away.
Alex ruffled Finns hair.
“See you tomorrow.”
He walked over and gave Kasey a kiss on the cheek, which was still flushed from the shower.
“You did an amazing job out there on the ice, Kase.” Alex said and gave him another kiss, this time on the lips.
Alex loved them both. He loved them so much and he wished he could stay forever. But he knew he had to get back to Florida rather sooner than later.
He pushed the thought aside. The only thing he wanted to do now was to celebrate Kasey and spend time with the two of them, as long as possible.
Alex kissed Natalie, then took her hand and, laced together with their hands, the three of them made their way home.
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dehydratedpool · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hello again!! New year, new self evaluation lmao. I loved doing this last year, and I’ve loved reading everyone’s this year, so I’m so glad I was tagged by @cyantific​, thank you sm! I’ll go ahead and tag some writers than I haven’t seen do this yet who I’d love to see!
1. Number of stories posted in 2021: 6 (techinically there were more but I hated them the second I posted them so they’re gone lmao)
2. Total word count: 125,592 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° !!
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (i am... not a very diverse writer)
5. Story with the most: 
Kudos: in my bed (you’re not here) Bookmarks: in my bed (you’re not here) Comments: in my bed (you’re not here)
Apparently there is a fan favorite ! LMAO
More beneath the cut!
6. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Definitely “of lost things.” I spent hours just researching the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, and even more planning and making sure the flashbacks corresponded with the present day scenes. It was so fun to write, despite all the pain and angst, and even when I was doubting myself while writing, I’m proud of how it turned out. It’s also the longest fic I’ve ever written, so cheers to that!!
7. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Probably “in the crooks of your body (i find my religion).” I didn’t really try all that hard on it, didn’t really plan it out or anything. It was just kind of like “I need to post something” so I did. I can’t bring myself to delete it though, because I know a lot of people like it so I’m keeping it up solely for those who want to reread it.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Although I am incredibly proud of it, I was really nervous to post “of lost things” just because I know it’s very much angst and p a i n and not much fluff, and I realize not everyone is a fan of that. Which is fine obviously, but it was wonderful to receive this comment:
my fucking god, this is the best fic of the BLFF series so far. i’ve never read a reincarnation fic before & im happily surprised about how much i loved this. a beautiful beautiful story, the words you used & how you used them to get the message across & express the feelings of each character was insane, the hurt, suffering, confusion & pure love. i can’t express how amazing this was.
i got emotional a bunch of times, almost crying a few times aswell, this was genuinely perfect. i almost wish the fic never ended. i was invested the whole time i was reading this. everything played a role, everything always seemed to mean something. again so perfect 100/10
I don’t know if this person follows me, but I just want to say thank you again so much for this. It was really wonderful to read and has motivated me to keep working on my current wips <3 So thank you.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Not to get too personal or in depth (like i did last year oops sorry), but I was let go from my job in June/July 2021, so for basically the entire summer I was unemployed. Which, really really sucked and it was hard to have any kind of motivation because, you know, I was afraid I was about to get kicked out of my house??? Anyway, I pushed through and managed to get my two fics for the BLFF posted in a somewhat-timely fashion, which I’m extremely proud of myself for.
10. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
It’s unfortunate that I’m having a hard time answering this one, because I remember from last year that one of my goals I think was to write more out of my comfort zone. But honestly, “these pink delights” in general was a little surprising for me to write. I usually go for more angsty, painful, sad fic ideas/themes to write about, which there is very little of in “these pink delights” because the entire thing is just himbo!harry being a supportive husband. Irregardless, I love how it turned out despite the unfamiliar tropes I used.
Edit: I completely forgot about Louis in “a scintilla of predilection” LMAO i’m sorry D: But he was an interesting character to write for sure! Feminization is a fairly new trope (??) for me to explore/write, so it was a little surprising to have written such a feminine Louis, but super fun of course! Perhaps I’ll try to implement that more into my future wips :D
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
This part in “in my bed (you’re not here)” was enjoyable to write even if the ~v i b e s~ are sad, but I think I wrote it well and I’m happy about how it turned out:
Harry doesn’t say anything, doesn’t really acknowledge his presence. An uncomfortable lump forms at the base of his throat, suffocating him with anxiety. What if he doesn’t come to bed? Will it be confirmation that Harry’s gotten bored of him? They’re each other's first real, serious relationship after all, perhaps he’s ready to try new things.
In a sick way, he thinks he’d be okay with that. He loves Harry so much that he’d be okay with him seeing someone new, even if it’d leave Louis completely shattered. Anything for Harry’s happiness.
And because I am indecisive about this question, there’s also this more humorous Zayn/Niall banter scene in “beneath the shining stars” that I had such a fun time writing (honestly, the entire fic was super entertaining for me)
GHOST beckons HARRY over. ZAYN: What the fuck? Am I still high from last night? LOUIS: It beckons you, love. Maybe it wants you alone? NIALL: [in awe] What a lovely gentleman, the way he’s calling you over. ZAYN: What makes a gesture polite? He hasn’t said anything that would make him polite. NIALL: [bites his thumb] Notice how I didn’t say a word and yet I insult you. ZAYN: [aghast] Do you bite your thumb at me, sir? NIALL: [mocking] No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I do bite my thumb. ZAYN: I seriously cannot fucking stand you. I hope the ghost possesses you. NIALL: [mock offended] Zayn… my heart, it weeps at your words.
12. How did you grow as a writer for this year?
I somewhat left my comfort zone of writing pure p a i n with some more fluff and humor, which I hadn’t done all that much the year before. I’ve also learned that I can take my time planning and writing and posting fics (see: all the fics I deleted in 2021). Basically, I’ve learned (and am still learning) to take my time when it comes to actually posting fics more specifically. I kept having this anxiety almost of not having posted a new fic in a particular month, or that all my fics didn’t have the same themes or ~v i b e s~, and really none of that matters. As long as I love the story and am proud of it, then I’m going to post it. 
13. How do you hope to grow this year?
This is kind of a repeat answer of the last question as well as #7, but I want to be able to take my time when it comes to planning and writing fics. I know it’s silly, but all of 2021 I had this weird anxiety over not posting a new fic every single month, and that anything I write would be good enough (at least I posted something!! yay, shitty fics!!), but that’s just not the case. How can I post something I’m not at least 99% okay with? That’ll be the question I keep repeating to myself like a mantra every time I go to publish something this year.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)?
There isn’t just one specific person who’s been a positive influence, but unfortunately most of them don’t have Tumblr. However, @cosmicues​ was not only such a wonderful beta but also friend to me in 2021. Cloud is already an incredible writer as is (I could quite literally go on for days), so Cloud’s critiques and help was more valuable to me than anything, and has helped me grow as a writer in general. Thank you so much Cloud for all that you’ve done for me, ily ily ily. <3 I hope I wasn’t a burden <3
And of course, any and all kudos/comments I’ve received have been not only incredibly motivating but also a real mood-lifter. So to anyone who has ever left a kudos/comment, thank you, you have no idea how much it’s helped me not only to have motivation but to continue writing for this fandom <3
15. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year?
There is almost always a little tiny something from my real life that happens to barge it’s way into my fics. I guess an example I could give is that Harry and Louis’ honeymoon in NYC--more specifically, their trip to MoMA--was my exact experience at MoMA as well.
(Except for, of course, the part where a marble statue has the ability to give someone visions. That, unfortunately, did not happen to me. I am not the main character.) 
If there’s any way I can talk/write about my NYC trip, I will !! And no one can stop me !!
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
TAKE. YOUR. TIME. Things will never be perfect in the first draft, or even in the second. Be patient with your plot, your characters, but most importantly, yourself. You are only human after all, and being able to write something that’s even 2k words long is an achievement in and of itself. There is no rush when it comes to art, and writing is just as much as an art form as sculpting marble is.
17. Projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) this year:
Of course my own fic fest I’m modding/running this year, @1dhistoricalficfest​ (my very first fest!! so exciting) and I think I might participate in the BLFF again. I’m also looking forward to the secretlarryvalentine exchange (crossing my fingers!!) and maybe I’ll join a christmas fest this year, who knows!
Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I’m sure I’m tagging people who have already done it (pls tag me in it so I can read!! I love reading them!!) but feel free to do this if you haven’t already! I love reading everyone’s and discovering new authors/fics that I haven’t had a chance to find yet!
(feel free to participate or not!!) @cosmicues​ @falsegoodnight​ @yvesaintlourent​ @soldouthaz​ @happilyyhalo​ @afterglowslouis​ @stylesthebrave​ @thedevilinmybrain​ 
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neeterloveschenford · 3 years
Thoughts on RNM 3x11
Hello my RNM fam! So we finally had an episode that didn’t bring me massive amounts of joy. There were definitely things that I liked. And I think it would have been a fairly decent episode if it were in season 2. But all in all it just didn’t make me giddy like most episodes this season did. I think this one would have worked with a longer season. You need filler episodes when you have 22 episodes a season. But, alas, we got this last night. Like I said, there were things that I liked. So it wasn’t all bad. But I think it was a shining example of the things that they still need to fix. So let’s dive in and discuss the good and the bad.
First off, I still love Jones! He is such a good villain and Nathan has been so amazing this year. Max still drives me crazy, but I think that has more to do with the writing than the acting. I am really going to miss Jones when they take him down. But he’s the kind of villain that you just can’t let walk around. I love that he was seemingly trying to seduce Liz into his way of thinking. Knowing how much she loves Max, he was trying to use his charm and her obvious appreciation of Max’s body to his advantage. And I think he’s attracted to her spunk. I imagine she might just remind him of Nora. I’d really like to know how he actually felt about her. I get the feeling that he loved her as much as someone like him could love someone. I think he felt betrayed when she stole his DNA and killed all of his clones.
It was fascinating to hear him talk about how he killed so many of his people to save the planet. I wonder if they will get into maybe eugenics or something as his reasoning. Now that would be the way to tell a racist storyline. That’s the beauty of sci-fi. You can tell a story that is heavy and hard to do, but set it somewhere that is removed from our everyday life. I mean, we can just turn on the news to see horrible white supremescist terrorizing innocent people anytime anywhere. But through sci-fi we can see issues like this without the heavy-handedness that we’ve seen so far this season. This should have come up a lot sooner and then they could have explored a racism storyline that might have actually worked. I also like how Jones turned the savior trope on its head.
I really love that Dallas isn’t so thrown by being an alien that he walks away from his faith. I think it’s a lot more realistic than always assuming that religion would fall by the wayside if we were to find out we weren’t alone in the universe. I always think about an episode of Babylon 5 I saw years ago when I think about aliens and religion. In it, all of the alien races were having ceremonies that show the religious practices of their planet and the human leader spent the episode trying to decide how to showcase Earth’s spirituality. He ended up bringing everyone to a very long hallway where there was a huge line of people from all different religions lined up to be introduced to the aliens. It was a way to show how diverse the beliefs of human beings are. I thought it was brilliant. People would not just throw away their beliefs simply because we found out we weren’t alone. So it was nice to see how a man of faith could still rely on his faith in God to help him through this. (So now can we tell Arturo that Rosa was resurrected by an alien and not just by a “miracle.”)
Also, I really love Dallas. He can stay. And welcome to the land of bossy Isobel dude. She is ALWAYS this direct!
I know some people wanted Isobel to have the ability to control people, but I’m glad it’s Michael that has that power. I think he can bear the burden of it better than Isobel. Remember how we all thought it was great last episode that she had that moment where she said that’s what I get for invading people’s minds? I think she would not use it the way Michael will. He showed how careful he wants to be with this power when he asked the sheriff for permission to enter her mind and kick Jones out. He will be so careful to use his powers wisely and sparingly. I’m not saying Isobel would go all dictator on folks, but she can be very impulsive.
The Sanders/Michael scene was everything good and right in the world. I love how much Sanders loves Michael. And he is the best one-eyed Miagi that ever Miagied. I am so glad that Michael has him in his life. He is one of the only people (the other being Alex of course) that can get through to Michael. He knows that boy so well and always seems to know just what to say to get Michael to see the truth of who he is.
I am loving Rosa and Isobel’s friendship this season. It was pretty rough last season. But they are so supportive of each other. I love that we get to see women supporting women this season. I hope we have many more moments with them.
So now I’m going to get into the things I truly did not like. First of all, I still think Heath is a major bore. A pretty, pretty, pretty bore. I think he needs to go back to California. I don’t want him to die. That would hurt Dallas and I adore him. But Heath needs to go. Go back to Genoryx. I’m sure they’d take him back.
Wyatt. For the love of all things holy and righteous, can we be done with him now? Sad thing is, he and Rosa actually have chemistry. If this was the plan all along, then why make him so incredibly irredeemable in the first place? What a waste of time and story line.
I do not understand why they cannot plan out how to use the 10 episode characters. This would have been the perfect episode to have Alex and even Greg. An Air Force and a Navy veteran might have been a little useful in infiltrating the secret lair of a diabolical dictator. We now know that Alex saw combat in his three tours. And I can’t remember if Greg is a Navy SEAL in canon or fanon, but I’m pretty sure if it isn’t canon, he didn’t just swab the decks while he was in the Navy. He is a Manes after all. So why would we have an episode like this where they aren’t even utilized? I know Tanner’s schedule is tricky with Bold and the Beautiful, but they filmed so many other things out of order, why couldn’t they swing this one? Really poor planning.
And you’re going to tell me that Alex, Kyle, and Maria aren’t going to be in the mix to save Liz? I would totally understand Kyle and Maria being sidelined with Rosa when it comes to rescuing Liz, but this is just another example of how the writers seem to forget that these people are very important to each other. It’s absolute nonsense. I get that you wouldn’t see each other every day, but Rosa would be a little upset that her brother is in a coma. Alex would be a little ticked off that someone has, once again, kidnapped one of his best friends. It’s really annoying how they expect us to fill in the blanks.
Who likes Harry Potter so much and how can we make them stop with the references?
Why did we just drop the whole funeral vision story line? I mean, no one talks about it anymore. At all. What was the point?
I keep telling myself that some of the things that are wrong with the show are left over from Carina. I know that she at least had an outline for this season in play. We know she wrote the first episode. I know she made a big deal about all the changes that were made after she got booted, but how much could they change without causing problems. I am probably just projecting my hatred of her leadership on this season, but I am hopeful that this is the case and we can be even more streamlined next season. A girl can dream.
Lastly, where the hell was my morning after. I mean seriously people!
Ok, that’s all I’ve got this week. Here’s hoping we can have two hours of wonderfulness next week and end with an amazing experience. Also, can we finally get some Malex appreciation from the rest of the characters? I know I’m not asking for too much. Till next time my lovelies! Hope everyone has a great week!!
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Request: Hey I loved your songwriting fic and wanted to ask if you could write something mainly platonic julie and reader? Maybe them just supporting each other or just like movie nights/sleep overs and also with the guys? Lol idk of that makes any sense but I tried. If you don’t want to that’s totally fine! :) 
Alive!Sunset Curve x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
You had always loved hearing  Julie sing and play the piano. But since her mom had died she stopped playing and singing. You’ve been supporting her since but you hadn’t been able to get her to sing again. Even your friend Flynn couldn’t get her to sing again. 
You were walking down the halls of your high school when all of a sudden you were tackled by the boys in Sunset Curve. 
“You guys are so annoying,” You chuckle.
“It’s our job,” Luke says.
“Well you guys are great at it,” You say.
“Hey, Y/N,” Julie says walking up to you guys.
“Hey, how are you?” You ask.
“I’m good. My dad is taking pictures today for the realtor,” She says.
“Do you really have to move?” You ask.
“Are you gonna introduce us?” Reggie asks.
“Fine. Julie these are my friends Luke, Reggie, and Alex. Guys this is Julie,” You say as they greet each other. “I’ll catch up with you guys later,” You tell the boys and walk off. 
“I mean I understand why you want to move but you know Flynn and I don’t want you to,” You say.
“I know but I think it’ll help me move on,” Julie says as the bell rings.
“I get that but it doesn’t mean I won’t give up on keeping you here,” You say and head to class.
You slug through your classes as the day went on. When lunch finally came around. You invited Julie and Flynn to sit with you and the boys, hopefully convincing her to stay.
“Hey, you guys have band practice today right?” You ask the boys. They all nod with mouths full of food. “You guys are disgusting. I always watch them play because they trust my judgment on songs. Why don’t you guys join us, Julie and Flynn? I mean if Sunset Curve doesn’t mind,” You say. The boys don’t disapprove so you assume the offer was ok.
“I’m down,” Flynn says.
“I have to clean out my mom’s studio today,” Julie says.
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll help you clean out the studio and you come to practice. Deal?” You ask.
“Deal,” Julie says after you give her a look telling her you won’t take no for an answer.
Once school was over you head to Julie’s house to help her clean the studio out. The two of you pull out some items and sort them into boxes. You pull off the cloth laying on top of the grand piano, “Wow, I’ve never seen this. It’s beautiful,” You say.
“Yeah, my mom and I used to write songs with it,” Julie says as you notice some sheets of music.
“Hey, this looks like a song your mom wrote,” You say picking up the papers.
“She must’ve left it there,” Julie says.
“It’s really well written,” You say after reading a few lines. You set it back on the piano as your phone starts to ring.
“Hello?” You say picking it up.
“Hey. The guys and I finally cleaned the garage up. You guys can head over whenever,” Luke says.
“Alright, we’ll be there soon. We’re picking Flynn up on the way,” You say.
“Cool, see you all soon,” Luke says before hanging up.
“Hey, Luke just called. Practice s starting soon, we should head over,” You say to Julie.
“Ok, let’s get Flynn on the way,” Julie says. The two of you head out to Reggie’s house, picking Flynn up along the way.
“So where did you meet these guys and why did you hide these cute guys from us? Flynn asks. 
“First off gross...these guys are like my brothers. I’ve known Luke since I was little and I met the others through him. And I guess I never really felt like it was important enough to tell you guys? Do I really have to have a reason?” You question.
“Either way they’re cute and maybe you’ll get inspired to play again Julie,” Flynn says nudging Julie.
As you arrive at Reggie’s you head straight to the garage where all the guys were hanging out. You all spent the next few hours listening to Sunset Curve play. Surprisingly both the girls and guys got along well. 
“My dad’s here. I gotta head out,” Julie says.
“Alright see you tomorrow,” You say hugging her.
“Flynn, you need a ride home?” Julie asks.
“No. You can give me a ride right, Y/N?” Flynn says.
“Always,” You say.
“Bye,” The boys say almost in sync.
“Hey, guys. I have an idea for Julie,” You say after Julie had left.
“Ooooh, what is it?” Flynn says excitedly. She has always loved your ideas.
“I know the guys have just met Julie and you but I was thinking we could put together like a going away sleepover thing,” You say.
“I!” Reggie says shooting his hand up.
“I love it,” Flynn says.
“So boys? I mean besides Reggie who is already clearly interested,” You ask. Alex and Luke nod their heads thinking it was a great idea.
“Although I don’t think our parents would be too keen on having boys and girls sleeping over,” Flynn says.
“Oh...I already ran this by my parents. The boys are over all the time plus my parents really don’t care,” You say.
“So it’s settled! Sleepoverrrrrr,” Flynn says flinging herself at you.
“I already have some ideas planned but I still need help setting everything up,” You say.
“Leave it to us!” Luke says pulling the guys towards him.
“No offense...love you guys. But you’re not setting it up, it’d be chaos. Flynn and I got it. Just. Bring some snacks maybe?” You say as the boys make a sad face at you.
The next few days you guys secretly spent time planning the night, movies, games, and music. You had already set everything up since you needed to set up a projector and a comfy place for everyone. 
“Hey Julie,” You say while you and Flynn run after her in the hall.
“What’s up?” She asks.
“So Flynn, the boys, and I—“ You start.
“The boys? We just met them a few days ago,” Julie says pointing to Flynn.
“Shush let her giver her spiel,” Flynn says.
“So all of us planned a little going away sleepover for tomorrow. And before you say anything I talked to your dad and he said it’s ok,” You say.
“Which means you have no choice,” Flynn adds.
“Wellllll we’re actually staying,” Julie says surprisingly you and Flynn.
“And you’re just telling us now?!” You say.
“I decided last night,” Julie responds.
“You have a phone right?” Flynn asks as we chuckle.
“This still doesn’t get you out of the sleepover. I put in way too much work to just cancel it,” You say.
“She did,” Flynn confirms.
“Fine...I’ll come,” Julie says.
“Great. Be at mine at 5,” You say.
~The next day~
You spent the afternoon after school setting everything up. You had asked Flynn to pick Julie up and, surprisingly, the boys to help with the finishing touches. 
“Hey! We brought snacks and didn’t mess it up,” Luke says scarring you.
“You know you could honestly be a little quieter,” You say annoyed.
“Oh sorry,” Reggie says.
“I’m kidding. Just set the snacks on the table. Can you guys help me set up the floor couch area thing?” You ask. 
They nod and help you set up blankets on the air mattress and floor. You all scatter the pillows along the area and set the projector and screen up. Luckily you finished just in time to for Julie and Flynn to arrive.
“Surprise! Not going away sleepover,” You say as they walk in.
“Thanks for doing this guys. Even though I decided not to leave,” Julie says. You all spend the night jamming out and watching all of Julie’s favorite movies. 
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for. I’m sorry this took so long to get out. Thanks for reading!
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princegeorgeofwales · 4 years
7 things we learnt from Kate Middleton's revealing motherhood podcast with Giovanna Fletcher
The Duchess of Cambridge preferred labour to pregnancy
"I got very bad morning sickness. I'm not the happiest of pregnant people. Lots of people have it far, far worse. It was definitely a challenge. Not just for me, but also for your loved ones around you and I think that's the thing - being pregnant and having a newborn baby and things like that, impacts everybody in the family. William didn't feel he could do much to help and it's hard to see you're suffering without actually being able to do anything about it."
"[It was] utterly rotten. I was really sick. I wasn't eating the things I should be eating and yet the body was still able to take all the goodness from my body and to grow new life, which I think is fascinating." Kate admitted that because of her difficult pregnancies, she actually preferred being in labour. "Because it had been so bad during pregnancy, I actually really quite liked labour… Because actually it was an event that I knew there was going to be an ending to! But I know some people have really, really difficult times, so it's not for everybody. No pregnancy is the same, no birth is the same."
The Duchess of Cambridge used hypnobirthing
Like Giovanna and other famous mums, Kate tried hypnobirthing too. When asked, "Am I right in thinking you did Hypnobirthing?" the Duchess replied: "Yes! Actually it was through hyperemesis that I really realised the power of the mind over the body because I really had to try everything and everything to try and help me through it. There are levels of it. I'm not going to say that William was standing there chanting sweet nothings at me! He definitely wasn't, [laughing] I didn't even ask him about it, but it was just something I wanted to do for myself. I saw the power of it, really, the meditation and the deep breathing and things like that that they teach you in hypnobirthing when I was really sick and actually I realised that this was something that I could take control of, I suppose, during labour. It was hugely powerful."
Standing outside the Lindo Wing was 'terrifying'
With all three of her children, the Duchess presented her newborn babies to press and to the world as she posed outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. Admittedly, Kate revealed it was a "terrifying" experience. "What was it like knowing that so many people were outside, after you've given birth and you're in your little cocoon with your new family?" asked Giovanna.
"Yeah, slightly terrifying, slightly terrifying, I'm not going to lie (laughter)," said Kate. "Everyone had been so supportive and both William and I were really conscious that this was something that everyone was excited about and you know we're hugely grateful for the support that the public had shown us, and actually for us to be able to share that joy and appreciation with the public, I felt was really important. But equally it was coupled with a newborn baby, and inexperienced parents, and the uncertainty of what that held, so there were all sorts of mixed emotions."
Of the moment she held George for the first time, Kate, who didn't know the sex of her baby, revealed: "Amazing, amazing. It is extraordinary as I've said. How can the human body do that? It is utterly extraordinary, actually. And he was very sweet. And also sort of relieved that he was a happy, healthy boy."
Prince William and Kate struggled as new parents
The Duchess was very open in how she and husband William fared with their first baby. When Giovanna asked, "How many hours after giving birth did you come out?" Kate recalled: "I… Oh my gosh, I can't remember. Everything goes in a bit of a blur. I think, yeah I did stay in hospital overnight, I remember it was one of the hottest days and night with huge thunderstorms so I didn't get a huge amount of sleep, but George did which was really great.
"I was keen to get home because, for me, being in hospital, I had all the memories of being in hospital because of being sick so it wasn't a place I wanted to hang around in. So, I was really desperate to get home and get back to normality. But I think you think, particularly with your firstborn baby, you think everything is going to go back to how it was. I totally underestimated the impact and the change it had on us from that moment really and I think, unless you've got children, you don't realise. No amount of planning and preparation can get you ready for that moment."
Mum-of-three Giovanna mused: "When you leave hospital and get home [after giving birth], I remember that eerie silence…" to which Kate revealed: "It wasn't that quiet in our household! William was like, 'oh my gosh, is this what parenting is going to be like?' No, it took us a bit of time to get ourselves settled and going again, but that's the beauty I suppose of having a newborn baby. You are pulled to your toughest and most unknown places really that you hadn't necessarily even have thought about before."
The Duchess of Cambridge on mum guilt
When asked whether she struggles with mum guilt, Kate replied: "Yes absolutely – and anyone who doesn't as a mother is actually lying! Yep – all the time, yep – and you know even this morning, coming to the nursery visit here – George and Charlotte were like 'Mummy how could you possibly not be dropping us off at school this morning?' But no it's a constant challenge – you hear it time and time again from mums, even mums who aren't necessarily working and aren't pulled in the directions of having to juggle work life and family life… and always sort of questioning your own decisions and your own judgements and things like that, and I think that starts from the moment you have a baby!
"Also I feel huge responsibility because what I've learnt over the last few years is so fascinating and I definitely would have done things differently, even during my pregnancy, than I would have done now... Because you know - the science - and I found that fascinating to see the wellbeing of the mother – not just physically, you know there's so much information about making sure you exercise and making sure you have a healthy diet and things like that, which yes is definitely important. But the emotional wellbeing of the mother directly impacts the baby that you're growing."
The one piece of advice the Duchess of Cambridge would give her younger self
"If you could write a letter to anyone about motherhood, who would it be to and what would you say," asked Giovanna. "Can I write back to myself? Is that really weird? I think I'd have liked to have written to myself at the beginning of my pregnancy with my first child because I think through I have experienced – not only as a mother but also what I've learned on my journey through, digging deeper into the early years landscape – I've learned a huge amount but I'd really love to go back and tell myself at the beginning of pregnancy, right at the start what things I feel now really matter in terms of being a parent but also what really matters to the children and my children now.
"It's the simple things that really make a difference. It's spending quality time with your children. It's not whether you've done every single drop off and every single pick up but actually it's those quality moments you spend with your child when you're properly listening to them, properly understanding what they feel, and actually when things are going wrong, actually really taking time to think, 'how as a mother am I feeling? Am I actually making this worse for my child because actually this has brought up all sorts of things that I feel rather than just focusing on them and how they might be reacting or responding to certain situations?' That would be another piece of advice I would like to give myself back then.
"Someone did ask me the other day, what would you want your children to remember about their childhood? And I thought that was a really good question because actually if you really think about that, is it that I'm sitting down trying to do their maths and spelling homework over the weekend? Or is it the fact that we've gone out and lit a bonfire and sat around trying to cook sausages that hasn't worked because it's too wet? That's what I would want them to remember, those moments with me as a mother, but also the family going to the beach, getting soaking wet, filling our boots full of water, those are what I would want them to remember. Not a stressful household where you're trying to do everything and not really succeeding at one thing."
The Duchess of Cambridge's 5 Big Questions Survey
On her survey on early childhood, Kate said: "Hopefully it's the first small step into looking at prevention and it's not just about happy, healthy children. This is actually for lifelong consequences and outcomes. I was looking at one of the stats. I think there is £17 billion estimated in England and Wales alone that is spent on late intervention and it's crazy - not only because it's an economic cost but because there is a huge social cost to our communities and our societies. So that's really why I'm doing this. It's going to take a long time – I'm talking about a generational change - but hopefully this is the first small step: to start a conversation around the importance of Early Childhood development."
- Hello Magazine
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okayoonoh · 4 years
clumsy joy
“This clumsy little joy that giggles oh so brightly in his arms makes everything that pains him worth it.”
- PAIRING: johnny seo x reader - GENRE: cute, tooth rotting, family fluff - RATING: E for everyone - WORD COUNT: 3,284 - WARNINGS: other than the possible heart attacks of imagining johnny seo as a dad? no warnings whatsoever
a/n : i wanted to take a quick break from writing the descriptions of the kids because i’ve been writing so many descriptions, i need to take a sec to keep things original lol 
also! here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! i hope you guys like this little scenario :)
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Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Johnny thanks the staff that helped him get all the way upstairs with all of his stuff.
He just finished a tour with his group, equally rewarding, equally hectic. Don’t get him wrong, Johnny loves his group: his fans, his music, his members, but sometimes, the hectic life of an idol is too much for him. Sometimes, NCT’S Johnny just wants to be Johnny Seo: husband and father of three beautiful children. 
He takes out his keys, a smile on his face. He’s excited; after 3 months of only seeing you, his lovely wife, and his adorable little children through a screen, he’s excited to finally see them in person.
He steps inside, completely ready to hear the natural noisiness of his family, but a beat of silence rushes over him instead. He checks his phone, 2:30 PM. 
Oh, Noah and Leo are still at school.
Only a couple lights throughout the house were lit, the gentle buzz of the A/C hums in the background. He walks towards the living room, about to call out your name to see if you’re home. He stops right before he does though, glad he stopped when he did. His heart flutters at the sight he sees in the messy living room: you asleep on the couch with your daughter sleeping on your chest. Her fist is clenched near her mouth, drool leaking out of her mouth onto your shirt. Her long lashes rest against her cheeks, her nose, which resembles your own, sings a sweet whistle displaying the life within her lungs, her chubby cheeks squished up against your chest, moving up in down in a calm pattern. Your hand rested on her back, reassuring your daughter that you were there. 
Everything about this moment in time is perfect in Johnny’s eyes.
He takes out his phone from his back pocket, snapping a quick picture of his two girls. He leans over, kisses your temple, kisses his daughter’s head, then heads off to your room to unpack. Of course he wanted nothing more than to spend quality time with his two girls, but he also knew that waking the two of you mid-nap is basically a death sentence. 
Besides, he has two boys who’ll be home in less than an hour. Johnny waited for 3 months to see his family, he doesn’t mind waiting another hour.
“Mom! I’m home! Kaleb is here, too!”
You jolt awake to the sound of your oldest son, Noah, opening the door. You feel the little sleepy Luna on your chest begin to stir, but you shush her and lull her back to sleep. You yawn as you gently move her to the little tent sitting on the side of the living room that Johnny set up for the kids, pulling her favorite blanket over her as she remains asleep.
You walk over to your son and his best friend, greeting the both of them. “Hey you two! How was school?”
Noah and Kaleb both give you a hug, “It was fine. We played soccer today and they put Kaleb and I on separate teams.”
“I won, Auntie!” Kaleb beams with pride, a wide smile on his face. You smooth over his long hair, smiling down at the happy kid.
“Good job, Kaleb! I’m sure your dad is going to be very proud of you!” Kaleb giggles at your praise while Noah rolls his eyes on the side.
“You totally cheated though!” Noah crosses his arms. 
“Are we seriously still on this?”
“Yes! Last time I checked, when the ball goes out of the line, it’s out.”
“It didn’t even go out of the line though!”
You chuckle under your breath with how far this little argument is escalating. Kaleb and Noah’s dynamic is just like their fathers, even down to the smallest details. 
You lower your voice to a whisper, acknowledging the sleeping toddler in the side of the living room. “Alright alright, you boys can settle it on another game of soccer later, but right now, you have to be very quiet. Luna is still asleep, okay?”
Noah and Kaleb nod at your request, immediately lowering their volume as they still argue about who truly won. Both boys decide to let bygones be bygones, knowing that their science project is way more important than this argument. 
“Kaleb and I need to finish up our science project. Is it okay if we move to the kitchen after we prepare everything?” Noah asks. 
You nod, “Just as long as you guys clean up when you’re done. I’ll go ahead and make you guys some snacks for now.”
Noah then whispers to you, “Okay! Thanks, momma. Oh, by the way, is appa home? I thought I saw his shoes…”
“I’m not sure, is appa home?” a voice whispers from behind you.
Noah, Kaleb, and you all turn around to the source of that voice. Johnny stands behind you, a wide grin on his face. Your heart jumps as you return that smile, hugging the tall man. Noah then runs, hugging his father. You are a little confused: last time you talked with your husband, he said that his flight won’t land until late at night. The fact that he’s standing in front of you is genuinely a serendipitous surprise.
“I thought you weren’t coming home until--”
“--My flight left earlier than expected. I got here like an hour ago.” He replies, his wide smile still plastered on his face.
“An hour ago?” You gape, “I’ve been home since then… I’m so sorry, how did I not notice you?”
“You and Luna were both out. Don’t worry about it; it was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
You all break away from the hug, then Johnny squats down to his son's height. Noah smiles at his dad as Johnny holds his face in his hands, giving him a big kiss on the top of his head. 
“You’ve grown so much, Noah!”
Noah giggles at his dad, wrapping his arms around his neck, giving him another hug.
Kaleb then walks over, greeting the tall man, “Hello Uncle!”
Johnny gives him a hug as well, “Hey Kaleb! How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well,” he replies, “My dad is having a little bit of a hard time with Shawn and Aria, but with mom’s help, he’s just fine.”
“I bet. Do you like being an older brother?”
Kaleb doesn’t miss a beat, “I like being able to tell Shawn what to do. Aria is still too little and she doesn’t understand me. But Shawn listens.”
You and Johnny laugh at his response. Kaleb is definitely Ten’s son. The two boys then excuse themselves and head over to Noah’s room.
You head off towards the kitchen, making the snacks you promised as Johnny crawls into the tent his sleepy daughter rests in. She starts to get a little fussy in her sleep, Johnny shushes her gently and smooths over her growing hair. He then finds a pacifier resting on the table right outside of the tent, putting it inside of her mouth. She falls asleep peacefully again. Johnny could watch his daughter for hours and he would, but then again, he is a bit peckish and his loving wife is in the kitchen. He stands up and with long strides he easily reaches you while you work, chopping away on some carrots.
He digs his head into your shoulder, placing a heavy kiss on your cheek. “I’ve missed you.” 
You gently place the knife down and smooth your hands over his arms, relaxing into his embrace. “I’ve missed you, too.”
“Europe was fun, but almost everything I saw reminded me of you and the kids… speaking of, where’s Leo? I thought he was coming home with Noah?”
You turn around in his arms, looping your arms around his neck, “Leo went on a playdate with Jaeseok and Jaehun. I was going to go and pick him up later, but since you’re home now, do you want to?”
“That’s no problem.” He smiles. “I see that Leo has taken up acting now?”
“He spent one afternoon with the twins and they watched their Uncle Renjun in his drama once and now they want to dedicate their lives to it. I’ve been looking into some auditions for some commercials for him and he seems pretty excited for all of it.” You look up as you list all ideas you’ve been thinking of to help out your second son. Johnny gives you a smile filled with pride.
“Really?” he exclaims, “That’s so exciting!”
You nod, now digging your head in his chest. You missed this, feeling safe and secure in the arms of your husband. He presses a long kiss the top of your head, taking in a deep breath. 
“What time does he need to be picked up?” He says, breaking the silence.
“Around 5:30. He’ll definitely be excited to see his dad.” you squeeze him one last time then he lets go, you go back to finish snacks you promised for your boys. 
Johnny’s ears perk at the sound of Noah and Kaleb leaving Noah’s room, arguing again about Kaleb’s win as they head to the table, laying out all of their equipment to work on their science project together. He takes a step back to look at this one point in his life. He’s happy.
“Dad… dad, wake up, this is the best part!”
Johnny takes in a quick breath, feeling a tiny but mighty shake on his left arm. He wakes up from his 2-minute micro nap, attempting to take in what he’s missed. Leo sits on his left, Luna gnawing on a cracker to his right, Noah and Kaleb sit at the dining table working diligently together and you’re in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Leo watches the screen with intensity, seemingly trying to take in every subtle detail in the acting on screen. Luna watches too, but she definitely takes more interest in her cracker than the handsome man on the screen.
Johnny rests his hand on his son’s head, “Do you want to be an actor when you grown up?”
Leo looks up at his dad, his big eyes full of excitement. “Yes! Jaeseok and Jaehun want to join me too! They said that we'll be the best in the world! That’s why I want to study up, I don’t want to miss anything the professionals say!”
“Well, the best way to learn acting is to watch it,” Johnny smiles, “I also need to study up to improve my acting too, I’ll study with you!”
Leo returns his father’s smile with one almost identical to Johnny’s own, excited to have his father’s support in this. 
Luna looks at her big brother and her father, chewing the last bits of her cracker. She then huffs, she wants to be on the ground so she can work on her newfound ability of crawling and standing up on her own. She cooes and raises her arms, which catches Johnny’s attention. He then picks up his little one, placing her on his lap. She huffs again; this isn’t what she meant. She wants down, not up. Luna attempts to wiggle out of his grasp, frustrated that she can’t vocalize what she wants. 
“Oh, you want down?” Johnny asks his youngest. Yes, appa. She wants down. He then helps her to the ground, keeping an eye on her to make sure this is what she really wanted.
Her fussing ceased as she crawled around on the padded floor, heading straight towards the tent to grab her favorite toy. Johnny and Leo both bring their attention back to the drama, letting Luna play on her own for a little bit. 
Luna enjoys each and every single one of her toys, from her brother’s old trucks and dinosaurs to her very own plushies. She decides to occupy herself with her current favorite toy: her red soft chewing circle. Almost all of her teeth have grown in, but her insatiable hunger constantly needs her to at least chew on something. She grabbed the toy and crawled her way back in front of the TV, now gnawing on the red circle rather than her cracker. This will have to do for now.
She looks up at the people trapped behind the screen. She can’t really understand what they are saying and she doesn’t understand why they are not dancing in colorful costumes. As quickly as she gained interest in this drama, she lost it. Luna decides that now is as best time as ever to practice her newfound skills.
She drops her toy. It’s now or never. She leans forward until her palms hit the ground, she huffs again, putting all of her might in this motion.
She adjusts, planting her sock clad feet on the padded surface and takes a final mighty push up, taking her stand. It’s a little wobbly, but she did it, she’s up on two legs. She stands for a mere beat more, but then the strength of her legs can no longer hold her up as she falls on her diaper covered bum. She giggles, enjoying her small accomplishment.
No one notices Luna do her thing; Johnny and Leo focus the drama, Kaleb and Noah work on their project, you working hard to make sure the house doesn’t burn down. Luna doesn’t mind, she knows that everyone in this house already witnessed her do this before. It’s the next stage that she wants her family to acknowledge.
She’s happy, but not satisfied. She knows she can do more. Luna wants to take her skill a step further. She readies herself, preparing everything so she can successfully stand up.
Step one: standing. Complete.
She balances with determination; she can’t fall. It takes too much energy to fall and reset, she must keep pushing with elegance and poise. 
She then moves her right foot, stomping in the motion she watches everyone in her life move with. Okay, that wasn’t so bad. She does it again, but she slips, her balance gone.
This fall was louder than the previous, catching the attention of her father.
“Oh no, Luna,” Johnny coos, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry dad. Luna likes to stand up on her own and fall on her butt. It’s her new favorite game.” Leo informs his father, his eyes never leaving the screen. Johnny nods, then turns his attention back to the drama.
She’s fine. She’s okay. Sympathy is not what Luna needs right now. What she needs right now is a break, so she can gather up her strength and go again.
Okay. It’s go time. This is the one. Luna will take her first steps tonight.
She repeats the process and stands mighty and tall, this time easier than the other times. She stomps her right foot; easy peasy. She presses her weight on her right, balancing herself out.
“Hey, I’m gonna grab my water, I left it in your room,” Kaleb says, standing from his seat. Noah nods, too invested in coloring the water droplets for their water cycle project.
Kaleb begins walking towards Noah’s room, passing by the living room where Leo and Johnny watch their drama. The TV grabs his attention first, but a small, wobbly thing moves in his peripherals, causing him to look towards the foreign thing in his vision. He sees Luna on the ground, wobbling back and forth, but on two legs?
He looks at Johnny and Leo on the couch, trying to see if they notice this two but both of their attention is on the screen, captivated by the actor’s performance. 
Is this Luna taking her first steps? Surely Noah would have told Kaleb about this milestone, but Kaleb can’t recall Noah even mentioning anything like this. He watches Luna again, seeing her lean too far to the left. He rushes over to her, catching her before she falls. He squats behind the toddler, his hands hovering on her sides just in case she loses her balance again.
“Uh… Uncle Johnny…” Kaleb starts, uncertain with this entire situation. Luna still marches on, or at least, tries to. “I think Luna is taking her first steps.”
Everyone’s attention is now on Kaleb and Luna, Kaleb steadying Luna again as she starts to lose balance, this time, to the right side. Her arms grab onto his hands as she steadies herself, determination fills her features. She is sure as heck not giving up, but she’s glad she has assistance now.
Johnny audibly gasps and rushes over to Luna and Kaleb, stepping a little further from Luna, expanding his arms.
“Babe! Come here! Luna’s walking!” He exclaims to you, excitement prevalent in his voice. “Come here Luna, walk towards appa!”
Luna giggles. Yes! Of course! This is the exact determination she needs! Her arms spread wide as she waddles towards the outstretched arms of her father. 
As realization hits, you quickly turn off the stove and run towards the living room, Noah trailing behind you. Leo and Noah stand to the sides of Luna, both helping Kaleb steady her. You kneel beside Johnny, clapping and cheering on your daughter.
“You can do it, Luna! Go to appa!” you cheer. Luna giggles again, stumbling to the side. Leo catches her and helps her steady herself.
“Don’t worry, Luna! We’ll catch you if you fall! Keep going, you can make it to appa!” Leo says to his baby sister. She grunts in agreement. This has to be the one. She knows that she’ll get there eventually. But, Luna lives in the fast lane. What she’s doing right now is far too slow for her. And frankly, Luna knows that she will waste all her energy if she continues it at this pace. She knows there’s only one thing left that she can do.
With all of her remaining strength, she sets out to do what she sees her brothers do every single day. She suddenly moves her feet in a faster motion, using every last ounce of her strength to land in the comforting arms of her father. The boys are caught off guard, being left behind by the determined toddler. They quickly catch up to her, their hands ready, again, to catch her if she falls.
She clumsily runs (more like stumbles) towards her dad and right before she falls, her father reaches over and scoops her up, standing up and tossing her in the air.
“You did it Luna! You took your first steps!!” he cheers, tossing and catching her. You and the boys clap and cheer on the side, all so happy to witness this milestone.
Cheers are yelled from everyone in the house, everyone so proud of the youngest member in this household. Everyone is jumping with joy, all eyes on Luna. She giggles. Luna knows that soon, she’ll be running alongside her brothers, now able to keep up with them. Johnny brings her down and gives her head a million kisses. His heart is so full with happiness and joy.
Moments like these are what Johnny lives for, what makes him work harder with every new comeback and performance, because he knows that at the end, he’ll come home to this, his true happiness. This clumsy little joy that giggles oh so brightly in his arms makes everything that pains him worth it. Every late night, sore muscle, lost voice, everything. 
His life may be loud and busy but he is sure as heck he wouldn’t trade it for anything. This clumsy joy that everyone in his life gives him is really what he pushes for.
He’s happy, he’s satisfied, and he can’t wait to see what comes next.
johnny would really be one of the sweetest dads :,)
i wanted to take a little break with the descriptions and have a scenario out there!
now since i have more kids described and stuff, i will start to write more scenarios! the second i have a complete group, i’ll write a scenario with that completed generation :)
oh and i’ll also make a list with all of the kids with their bdays (i honestly just chose random dates lol) and which generation they belong in as well as a chart with who their best friends are! 
last thing! requests are open! you can request anything and everything under the sun; it doesn’t have to be related to nct with their families (but i’m totally down to write more scenarios about this) and i’m don’t mind tagging people if you want to stay updated every time i add to this growing series!
i hope you guys liked it! let me know what you thought or if you wanna just come by and chat, i’d love to make new friends!
- amy <3
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kutemouse · 4 years
Becoming His (Part Two, Smut Version)
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Disclaimer: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together. 
Alright all you kuties, I know a lot of you have been waiting for this since… what has it been, 31, almost 32 hours since I’ve posted part one? Dang, it feels like longer lol. Time is weird in this isolation period.
Anyways, I know the original request asked for fluff only BUT (and I am so sorry 😟) I included a smut scene. The story called for it, and my fingers were typing, and it just happened. However, I have also written a smut-free version due to the fact that I know there are kuties who are fasting at this time who read my work. I posted that here. You can also find it on my MasterList.
Shoutouts to these sweet kuties:
@kpopyandere ​for being the best unnie account to encourage and motivate me ever, the biggest thank you 💜
@apurpledheart ​for your lovely comments, thank you 💜
@rowoons-noona ​for your sweet comment, thank you 💜
@illnevertrustmyselfagain ​for loving my writing and supporting me, thank you 💜
@clarkcling ​for being my second ever requester, and the first to reach out to me and tell me how much they like my work, thank you 💜
@kutieanon (anyone who’s sent me anything anonymously) for keeping me busy with requests and inspiring the hell outta me, thank you 💜
And so, without further ado, I present you with Part Two. Enjoy 💜
Age Recommendation: 18+ (I mean it! There is explicit SMUT in this part!)
Warnings: Swears, full-out smutty masturbation scene (so sorry again), SOMEONE coming in and being a total ASS, Joon being possessive af.
Word Count: 2,718
Summary: A bit after moving to a new neighborhood, you happen to meet your sexy new neighbor completely by coincidence. Or was it?
Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff, Smut) Part Two
You didn’t see Namjoon after that day. You were hoping to catch him jogging, or shooting baskets in his backyard again, but he didn’t come outside. Or, if he did, he didn’t during the times you were out and about. You were hoping to apologize, at least. He didn’t have to give you another shot, but at night when your fantasies seemed more vivid, you imagined he was as eager as you were to smooth things over with a quick conversation and a long fuck.
Namjoon, however, saw you. He watched from partially closed blinds as you went about your routine, seemingly unbothered by the fact that you completely blew him off. Each night, he waited until you turned off your lights for the night, watching the clock slowly tick until exactly twenty minutes went by, then slipped outside. He quietly climbed the fence between your yards and sat beneath your window, trying to get as close to you as possible.
Namjoon wanted to make things right, he just couldn’t concoct a scenario that wouldn’t come off badly to you. After all, you already rejected him. What could he do to make you love him the way he loved you? He couldn’t force you… or could he? While he toyed with that idea, the best Namjoon could currently hope for was that you would coincidentally bump into him, realize what you were missing out on, and come back to him.
One night, you cracked your window to try and relieve some of the oppressing summer heat swarming your home before you went to bed. As soon as you closed your eyes, you imagined Namjoon, his upper half naked once more as you finally caught him jogging. “Hey!” you would say, waving at him from your front yard, your robe falling open to reveal your lace nightie.
He’d stop in front of you with that trademark smirk showing off his dimples, panting heavily, sweat running down his muscular back, and you’d both finally give in to your desires. Lips would crash together, and clothes would come off before you could even slam your front door behind you. You both were so eager to feel the other, you wouldn’t even be able to make it to the bedroom.
“Namjoon!” you gasped, sliding your fingers inside of yourself, imagining it was his cock instead.
Back in reality, Namjoon perked up when he heard you moaning his name. He didn’t realize your window was open, and at first it made him freeze with fear. Had you possibly heard him sneak into your backyard? But then, as you let out another moan, he felt his muscles relax as your voice completely consumed him. Almost unconsciously, Namjoon slid his hands underneath his athletic shorts, cupping himself. It was all he could do to not answer your moans with a groan of his own.
Your voice got louder and louder as you pleasured yourself, completely forgetting your window was open, and Namjoon pumped himself faster and faster, wanting to release at the same time you did. With a semi-muffled whiny scream, you cried out his name once more. “Oh god, oh god, Namjooooon!”
The real Namjoon silently dropped his mouth open, shakily panting as cum spurted out onto his hand. He made a huge mess in his shorts, but he didn’t care. Just hearing your sweet voice calling out his name made him hard. He just wished he was actually in your bedroom with you, actually stuffing you full with his thick cock, actually feeling you clench around him as you screamed his name. It was all he could do not to go around to the front of your house and knock on your door. But it was the middle of the night, and you weren’t supposed to know he was there.
Still, Namjoon needed a plan, and fast. Not being able to be near you was becoming too much to bear. The next day, as he lounged on his couch staring at the ceiling, trying to come up with some way to get you to talk to him again. He could follow you to the grocery store, bump into you there? No, too obvious. He also didn’t want to try something he already tried, knowing he’d just come off as pathetic.
A knock on his door made him sit up straight. Who could that be? He opened the door to see you there, of all people. “Hey,” you said, giving him a tentative smile.
“I just came to give you this,” you said, handing him a piece of paper. It was a flyer for… a neighborhood party? At your place?
“I just wanted to get to know everyone on the block,” you explained. It was lame, you knew that, but you needed an excuse to see him and talk to him and this was the best you could come up with. You figured a party with other people around would ease some of the pressure, and maybe you would find a chance to apologize.
Namjoon smiled, showing off his signature dimples and making your stomach flip over itself. “Wow, this sounds great, Y/n.”
Ugh, you loved the way he said your name. If you could take a recording of just that sound, you’d listen to it for the rest of your life.
“Great, so I’ll see you there?” you said hopefully.
His dark eyes bore into you with a gaze so intense you just had to glance away. “Of course you will,” he said. The words dripped from his lips like honey, and although they had no sensual connotation whatsoever, they awoke something in your middle that went straight to your core.  Namjoon bit his lip, slowly releasing it from between his teeth, and you swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure even as your panties grew damp.
“Awesome, well, I’ll see you Friday,” you muttered before turning away and stumbling across his lawn back to your safe haven.
Namjoon’s smirk didn’t diminish even after you ran away once more. This time, though, he knew you weren’t running because you were rejecting him… you were running because you were holding yourself back. Namjoon had no idea why, but he didn’t care. He would break you.
Friday arrived, and you made yourself stay busy in order to keep your thoughts away from Namjoon. It worked for a while, but then he began drifting into your mind as you started getting ready and setting up. Would he like the catered sandwiches you ordered? Would he appreciate the short-yet-sensible polka-dot dress you spent hours shopping for?
Finally, 5:30 arrived, and the first set of neighbors showed up. It was the elderly couple who lived around the corner. You welcomed them in and thought it was so sweet when they told you they brought a salad to share.
You whipped open the door each time the doorbell rang, your hopes soaring then falling when you realized it wasn’t him. The family with three little ones came, the young just-married couple came, and even the three rowdy college boys who lived behind you came. Free food could really draw in a crowd, but still, he didn’t show up.
An hour later, you nearly gave up on the thought of seeing him. You guessed you imagined the electric attraction between the two of you. Either way, you were majorly disappointed. You were setting dishes in the sink when you heard a voice behind you. “Hey there.”
You spun, nearly dropping the glass you were holding. “Namjoon!” you gasped.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he chuckled, holding his hands up. “I knew you’d probably be busy and just let myself in. Hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is.”
It definitely was if he was walking around looking like that. He sported a light blue collared shirt, casually unbuttoned low enough to show off some chest, and dark trousers. He looked like he just got back from the office, pulled off his tie, and came over. Your fingers twitched, wishing it was you who pulled off that tie.
He stepped towards you, getting so close you could smell his cologne. It was so light, you wouldn’t know he was wearing it unless you were in tight proximity… just like now. You cleared your throat and moved away, but he moved with you as if chasing you. “Y/n,” he murmured, his eyes flicking down to your lips.
“Y-Yes Namjoon?”
You backed up all the way to the counter, gasping as you felt the edge of it press into your skin. Just then, your neighbor Sunhee, the mother of the three kids currently screaming and running around your backyard, popped her head into the kitchen. “Oh, hello Mr. Kim,” she said brightly. “Y/n, I was just coming in here to see if you needed any help.”
“Oh, that would be great, thanks.”
The rest of the party went without a hitch, and you found yourself bright and cheery as you talked with and got to know your new neighbors. Everyone was so damn nice, but secretly, you were anticipating the moment they would all leave you alone with the one person you actually wanted to be with. As the evening wore on, people began to make their good-byes, thanking you for such a great time. “We really need to do this more often,” Sunhee said, hugging you tight. “It’s so good to see everyone.”
“Agreed,” you said, hugging her back.
Over her shoulder, you saw a familiar figure open and close your door, and your heart completely stopped. He brushed his long, dark hair out of his eyes and looked around, smirking when his eyes finally found yours. Your legs turned to jelly as that smirk crashed into you. Damn. Even after all this time, he still affected you, no matter how much you tried to shove it down.
You thanked Sunhee for coming one last time and made sure everyone else was out before stopping that asshole in his tracks. “What are you doing here, Jungkook?” you muttered, placing a hand on his chest.
“What do you mean?” he asked, poking his tongue between his teeth and quickly withdrawing it. “I came to see you.”
“Yeah, right,” you snapped. “You have no right, coming in here like you own the place.”
“I might not own this place, but I own you,” he said, his cocky tone setting your teeth on edge.
“No you don’t.”
He stepped close, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Are you sure about that?”
You shoved him backwards. “Get out.”
The corners of his perfect, pink mouth turned up in a menacing smirk. “No.”
“I thought I made myself clear,” you hissed. “I’m no longer going to be your fuck-buddy, Jungkook. I wanted something more, but you made it clear you didn’t.”
“I don’t recall saying anything of the sort.”
You scoffed. “You didn’t have to use words. Finding you in bed with another girl the day after you told me you had feelings for me was plenty.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Please. We weren’t exclusive.”
“Maybe not, but you don’t just go and fuck another girl right after telling another you care for them!”
“Everything okay, Y/n?” a voice asked. You turned to see Namjoon standing there, his chin raised as he defiantly stared Jungkook down, large hands shoved in his pockets.
Jungkook scoffed. “Are you kidding me, Y/n? Look at you, the complete hypocrite. We’re apart for less than a month, and you already have another boy toy.”
“He’s nothing of the sort,” you muttered, folding your arms and turning away from him. “I said I didn’t want you here. Now please leave.”
“No chance in hell,” he growled. “I came back here to see you, and I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”
Something inside of you snapped. “Which is what?! Another booty call?! I said I was done with you, Jungkook, so either get the fuck out or I’ll call the police.”
Jungkook started towards you, but before you could react, Namjoon stepped in front of him. “She said leave,” he said. His eyes flashed with a dark anger that turned the tension from smoldering ash up to a roaring flame. You took a step back, suddenly afraid. You had never seen this side of him before.
“This doesn’t concern you,” Jungkook snarled, attempting to push Namjoon out of the way.
“Actually, it does,” Namjoon growled. “She’s mine.”
“She just said–”
“And I’m saying she’s mine.”
Rage roiled off Namjoon in tidal waves, threatening to break everything that stood in his way. Jungkook snorted. “Unbelievable,” he muttered.
“Call me when you’re ready to be fucked properly again, bitch,” he spat at you as he turned and walked out the door.
Your legs gave out underneath you, and you sank to the floor. This was definitely not how you wanted tonight to go. Namjoon instantly came to you, concern written all over his face. “Are you alright?” he asked, gently reaching out.
“Don’t touch me!” you snapped. “What the hell was that? Why did you say I was yours?”
Namjoon drew back, shocked. “What?”
“That phrase you kept saying. ‘She’s mine.’ Why would you say that?”
“Well, because… because…”
“Because what?!”
“Because I care about you, Y/n!”
You stared at Namjoon, searching for any signs of untruthfulness or deceit that you had commonly found in Jungkook’s eyes, but there was nothing but pure sincerity in his eyes. Breathing hard, you stood up from the floor, still trembling from the confrontation. Namjoon reached out to help you, but withdrew his hands quickly.
“No, it’s okay,” you said, your tone more gentle now.
You tentatively placed your hands on his chest, fingers lightly stroking the collar of his shirt. “I… I care about you too,” you whispered.
Relief flooded through Namjoon, putting out the roaring fire of anger he felt earlier. He stepped close enough for you to catch a whiff of his cologne again, enticing the rest of your senses to dive in. He was only centimeters away, close enough to feel the heat radiating between his body and yours, but not close enough to feel the hard, broad muscles of his shoulders. You looked up into his eyes, his pupils blowing wide as you studied each other, waiting for someone to make the next move.
After longing after each other for so long, you thought he wouldn’t wait a single second to be with you, but it turns out you were both vulnerable, both afraid of messing this up, so you took it slow. Each small movement drew you closer together, no matter how minute. The way his eyes roamed your face. The way you slowly slid your hands up to rest on his shoulders. The way his lips hovered tantalizingly over yours.
Finally, as if on cue, you both lunged towards each other, crashing your lips together to meld into one, perfect kiss. It stayed sweet and innocent for longer than you would’ve liked, with Namjoon being careful to keep his tongue inside his own mouth no matter how much he was yearning to taste you. You separated from each other, both breathless, and Namjoon continued peppering kisses down your cheek to your jaw. You sighed and tightened your grip on him. “Say you’re mine,” he murmured.
You opened your eyes. “Wh-What?”
“Say you’ll be mine.” He drew back and smiled, nothing but sincere tenderness in his eyes.
“Are… Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” you whispered.
He hesitated, then nodded. Your mouth parted open. No, this was too quick. Much too fast. You barely knew the guy, hadn’t even been on a date with him yet, and yet here he was, asking for the commitment you’d been craving.
His gaze grew apprehensive as he waited for your answer, but you continued looking into those dark, beautiful eyes. He felt so warm on top of you. You liked him, there was no doubt about that, and the spark of attraction was definitely there. Fuck it, what did you have to lose? You wanted to become his.
“Okay,” you murmured.
“Okay. Yes. I’ll be yours.”
Namjoon let out a relieved sigh. “Really?”
If only you knew just what you had agreed to.
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our-time-is-now · 4 years
May 29-30, 2019: Beautifully cheesy
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Wednesday, 10:17 pm:
Matteo: *Hans and Linn had suggested Lasagna as a flatshare-dinner and have relatively quickly taken over the reins* *Mia and Matteo mostly sat at the kitchen table and tasted the wine that Hans had bought* *there has been a lot of laughter, a lot has been eaten and even more has been drank* *in between he thought that it's strange that the mix of 4 so different people somehow does fit together really well* *after dinner Hans got out some liquor that apparently is totally in at the moment and which unfortunately was also pretty tasty* *now, at almost half past 10 everyone is more or less sprawled out on the sofas in the living room* *Matteo is pretty drunk and really laughs about every stupid joke Hans is telling* *hears him say: "... and then I told him sorry, but you can't tell anyone that you're an artist, even I could draw that better"!* *Mia laughs and Matteo jolts* Shit! *he gets up but staggers so much that he has to sit back down* David! I have to get to David! *all three of them laugh and Hans shakes his head: "Sorry, sweetheart, but we won't let you into the Berlin night-traffic this drunk".* *Matteo shakes his head and tries to get up again* But I told him that I would come... to him... tonight... *Mia pulls him back gently but determinedly: "I'm sure he understands, just text him"!* *Matteo grumbles but takes out his phone* *types on it, grumbles, types some more and gets annoyed* Doesn't work... *Hans gets up and holds out his hand: "Give it to me, I'll do it"!* *it says a lot about Matteo's level of drunkenness that he really gives him the phone* *Hans deletes Matteo's jumble of letters and then types a message to David* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: Hello David, this is Hans, Matteo is so drunk that we would rather not let him leave tonight... *he stops when Matteo wildly waves his hands in front of his face* Tell him that I'm soooooo sorry! *everyone laughs and Hans continues typing* He says he's sooooooo sorry, but I think when he's sober tomorrow I'm sure he'll call you. :-) Good night, butterfly-boyfriend <3 *Hans sends the message and hands Matteo's phone back* And now we'll watch an episode of Ru Paul and then we'll all go to bed!
David: *has really spent his evening doing research on surgeons and mastectomy online and has written down three doctors that he wants to contact on Friday* *at some point didn't feel like researching anymore and instead has sketched a little to get his head free* *lost track of time and at some point flinches when his phone vibrates* *looks at the time and realizes that it's pretty late* *immediately thinks of Matteo and wonders when he'll be here while he opens the message and reads it* *hesitates for a moment but then answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: David: Hello Hans, thanks for the information. I hope you had a nice evening. Good Night! *puts the phone aside and leans back* *thinks it's nice that Hans has told him and really thinks that it's more responsible for Matteo to spend the night at the flatshare instead of walking to him drunk, but is still a little sad that he won't see him tonight* *at the same time he thinks it's ridiculous and has to grin because for one, they have only said goodbye to each other 5 hours ago and they'd also see each other tomorrow anyways - he'll certainly manage one night without Matteo* *sketches some more and turns on music and around half past eleven he gets ready for bed* *when he lies in bed he realizes that apparently he has gotten so used to Matteo's clinginess and cuddling that he can't really make use of the space in his bed and the freedom of moving his arms freely* *tosses around a few times and tries to find a more comfortable position* *while he tosses he wonders whether Matteo's already asleep and takes his phone twice to text him, but then doesn't because if Matteo was really so drunk that he wasn't able to text him himself, then he either wouldn't be any less sober or would already be fast asleep sleeping it off* *misses him and feels weird because Matteo isn't that far away and it's only one night where they aren't together* *at some point does fall asleep, but it's restless and he dreams wild things and constantly wakes up because he thinks his phone vibrated or someone rang the doorbell* *every time it takes some time for him to fall back asleep*
Matteo: *thanks to the alcohol did fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow* *wakes up during the night and automatically feels around for David* *grumbles slightly when he touches nothing but the mattress* *pulls the second pillow closer, but that isn't a replacement either* *grabs his phone to check the time* *sees that it's 3:22 am and that he maybe shouldn't text David, after all* *briefly considers getting up and going over to David's* *shakes his head at himself* *wonders if he really is one of THOSE people who can't even spend one night without their boyfriend* *tries to fall back asleep but it's difficult* *only manages to fall asleep for a moment and wakes up two more times* *one time goes to get something to drink and one time goes to the bathroom* *tries to talk himself into thinking that he didn't wake up because he missed David* *shortly after 8 gives up trying to fall asleep and gets up to shuffle into the kitchen and make some coffee* *sends David a text knowing that it will reveal his dependence, but doesn't care right now* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: Okay, we tried the whole sleeping alone thing, I'd say we won't do that again... what do you think?
David: *wakes up again shortly after 8 because he had the feeling that his phone vibrated* *feels like he barely slept when he reads the message* *has to read it twice to understand it in his overtired state and has to smile automatically* *writes back* We tried, but I, for one, failed miserably. I miss you! When are you coming? *feels somehow calmer now that he has heard from Matteo but is still bone-tired* *has to laugh quietly because apparently it was the same for Matteo and he wonders what it says about him and their relationship but comes to the conclusion that they seem to be wired very similar*
Matteo: *immediately smiles when his phone beeps* *reads the message and smiles even wider* *answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: In one cup of coffee and one shower... so half an hour? ;) *thinks that all of his friends would probably make fun of him for being so addicted to David* *right now, doesn't care about that at all*
David: *feels the phone vibrate in his hand and only realizes then that his eyes have fallen closed again* *reads Matteo’s message and looks at the time* *writes back with a smile* WhatsApp Matteo/David: David: Hurry up! Maybe you’ll even manage in 28 minutes! *stretches and throws back the blanket* *thinks that he could go shower and make some coffee because if he stays in bed, he might fall asleep again and might not hear the doorbell, after all* *hopes that he’ll be able to have a little afternoon nap with Matteo* *so puts on some coffee, gets some clean but comfy clothes and goes to the bathroom to shower*
Matteo: *grins broadly when he reads the message and quickly answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: I’ll try my best! *pours himself some coffee and pours the rest in a thermos and puts it on the kitchen table* *puts a post-it on it that says “fresh coffee, I’m at David’s, enjoy :) M.”* *slurps his coffee, showers hastily and gets ready just as quickly* *throws some clean clothes in a bag because he brought back dirty laundry from David’s yesterday and then leaves* *manages to get there in 25 minutes and rings the doorbell*
David: *has finished showering and just taken his first sip of coffee when the doorbell rings* *checks the time and grins because it really took Matteo less than half an hour* *puts his mug down and shuffles to the door to buzz him in* *leans against the doorframe to wait for Matteo and smiles when he finally sees him coming up the stairs*
Matteo: *beams when he sees him and might go upstairs a little faster* *greets him even before he arrives upstairs* Hey… *kisses David when he arrives and wraps his arms around him* *drops his head on David’s shoulder* Missed you…
David: *returns Matteo’s greeting with a smile* Na? *starts to spread his arms a little even before Matteo is completely up the stairs, returns his kiss and then presses Matteo to him* *grumbles because he feels so good and has to smile into the hug at Matteo’s words* Me too… I’m so pitiful I couldn’t sleep half the night… *closes his eyes, breathes in the typical Matteo-smell and realizes again how tired he still is* *pulls Matteo into the apartment while still hugging him and releases the hug only a little once they are inside* I only had one sip of coffee, I really need more to not fall asleep again immediately… *grins slightly and asks* Kitchen or my room?
Matteo: *nods slightly* Likewise… *gets pulled into the apartment* *drops his bag on the floor and takes off his jacket while David closes the door* Then kitchen and coffee, otherwise we’ll fall asleep again… or no coffee, and we go have a nap?
David: *grins slightly at Matteo’s suggestion and longingly looks into the direction of the bed* *laughs quietly* Okay, you won. We’ll go back to bed… but I’ll put the thermos in my room for later… *pulls Matteo toward him again and kisses him* *murmurs into the kiss* I have catching-up to do… *lets go after all and quickly goes into the kitchen* *takes another sip from his mug, grabs another mug and the thermos and puts it on his nightstand before he drops down on the bed and reaches his arms out for Matteo* *is glad that he didn’t put on his binder in the first place to be more comfortable*
Matteo: *laughs with him and nods* Good… *kisses him back* Me, too… *grabs his bag and goes to David’s room and drops the bag on the floor* *kicks his shoes off and then crawls onto the bed and into David’s arms* *kisses him again before he lies down next to him and basically fully attaches himself to his side* *after some time quietly says* Do you think that we’re very pathetic for not being able to spend one night apart?
David: *quickly pulls the blanket over them before wrapping his arms around Matteo* *feels how he relaxes immediately, closes his eyes and simply enjoys having Matteo with him again* *has to grin slightly at his question and starts to run a hand through his hair* Hmmm… I felt pretty pathetic last night. But I feel better now that I know that you felt the same way… *runs his lips over Matteo’s forehead and kisses him slightly* *at some point quietly says* So we either have to do the whole sleeping apart thing more often to get used to it again… or we… simply are one of those awfully cheesy clingy couples that really aren’t able to spend one night apart…
Matteo: *hums slightly when David runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes* *slightly nods in agreement at David’s words* *opens his eyes again and looks at him* *shakes his head* Sleep apart voluntarily? Noo! *has to think about Jonas asking if they’ll turn into one of those couples and has to laugh slightly* I’d say we are one of those awfully cheesy couples… *puts a hand on his cheek and kisses him slightly* Somehow I don’t really care what others think… as long as you are there…
David: *grins slightly when Matteo is so vehemently against sleeping apart* *nods in agreement and murmurs* I agree! *adds* … but we’ll scratch the “awful”! We are one of those incredibly beautifully cheesy couples… *gets kissed and then notices once again how his heart starts to beat a little faster out of love at Matteo’s words* *murmurs agreeingly* As long as we’re together! *briefly hugs him closer and both are quiet for a moment* *at some point quietly says* It hasn’t even been three weeks, but I feel like you’ve been there a lot longer… so… familiar and good and much and… *grinningly grumbles and hides his face in Matteo’s shoulder* Argh… I’m getting cheesy… maybe we really should sleep some more…
Matteo: *nods with a grin* Okay, beautifully cheesy… *wraps his arm around him* *hears his words and has to swallow slightly* *kisses his hair when he hides his face* I think so, too… and we just agreed that we are cheesy… *kisses him again and cuddles into him* … so we can enjoy that now… I think it feels wonderfully right… and I never had that… so… *shrugs one shoulder and then kisses David’s shoulder on which he lies* … okay, let’s sleep some more…
David: *nods slightly when Matteo says that it feels wonderfully right and murmurs quietly at his next sentence* Me neither… *smiles when Matteo agrees to sleeping some more, takes his face off his shoulder so that he can breathe better and pushes one of his legs between Matteo’s to be a little closer to him* *opens his eyes again for a moment to be able to look at him and smiles when he realizes how comfortable he feels having Matteo so close to him* *leans forward again to kiss his lips and murmurs* Sleep tight, Florenzi… *closes his eyes and falls asleep within minutes*
(next play)
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mss4msu · 4 years
Call Me Doctor. (Chapter 19)
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 1659
Warnings: Language, a cliffhanger ending
A/N: As a birthday gift from me to all of us, here (FINALLY) is a new chapter of Call Me Doctor.!!!!
Catch Up on the Story Here
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You had never felt such adrenaline in your life as the final pieces came together before the museum opening. From overseeing the movement of priceless artifacts to sneaking kisses with Steve behind closed doors, your heart rate raced at a consistently high pace all week. Friday came faster than you anticipated. After you had all finished teaching for the day, you and Steve made last minute tweaks to how objects were arranged while James and Natasha frantically weaved around you hanging decorations. 
“When is the next vote for a new Chair of the Department?” James asked with annoyance in his voice as the “Grand Opening” sign he had been trying to hang for the past 10 minutes slipped out of his hands yet again.  
“Not soon enough,” Natasha growled, blowing her hair out of her face as she wrestled with tying a balloon closed. 
Steve gave them both a smug look as he went to pick up the sign and hand it back to James so he didn’t have to descend from the ladder he was on. 
“Wipe that look off your face, Rogers, or I swear to God I’ll….”
“You’ll what?” Steve cut his friend off. 
“I’ll get everyone to vote you in as the new Chair when the time comes,” James gave him a smirk.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Steve’s eyes narrowed. 
“Bitch, I might,” James met Steve’s glare before cracking a smile and letting out a loud laugh. 
“What time is it?” you called out to them as you very slowly adjusted a cat mummy. 
“5:30,” Natasha answered you before letting out a long sigh, “Fuck it, it looks fine in here. Let’s go eat or drink or at least get out of this God-forsaken place.”
“Damn, Nat,” James said, slowly climbing down from his ladder, “Let’s get you some food before you become unbearably hangry.”
“Shut up, Jim,” Natasha playfully hit James on the shoulder as she walked to the door and held it open, “But seriously, let’s gtfo.” 
You set down the mummy and backed away slowly, “Alright. This is looking as good...or at least as good as it’s going to.” 
“It looks great,” Steve said as you walked past him, rubbing your shoulder. 
“Ew, they’re pda-ing,” James whined. 
“I’m with Natasha, shut up, Jim,” you snarked with a roll of your eyes as you walked past him. 
Once you were all out, Steve locked up the museum space and the four of you went outside. A breath of fresh air was all your body needed to remember that you hadn’t taken a break in hours and you actually were quite hungry. Natasha led the way to a small sandwich shop near campus. Your group easily got a table and ordered after a quick scan of the menu. Natasha anxiously checked her watch as you all waited for your food to come. 
“Nat, it was your idea to get food. Calm down, we have time,” James nudged her with his elbow to get her to look up from her wrist. 
“I know, I know. I don’t know why I even care. Literally who will miss us if we aren’t there when it starts? Well, maybe (Y/N) will be missed since she’s giving that overview of the exhibit...”
“I’m doing what now?” you asked, your eyes quickly snapping back to your own table and away from the tray of food being delivered to a table across the restaurant. 
“Tony had us print off little programs and you’re on there right after his opening speech to give an overview of the collection on display,” Natashsa replied. 
“You’re shitting me?” you took a deep breath, your mind already trying to piece together something coherent to say about the collections you had spent over a month looking at.
“Fucking Tony,” Steve muttered under his breath, the anger in his eyes lessening when he saw the anxiety in yours. 
Steve pulled a small notebook and pen from his pocket and set them down in front of you. You mouthed him a ‘thank you’ and flipped the notebook open, immediately scribbling down the main points of each part of the exhibit. You focused intently on organising your thoughts, shutting out the conversation James, Natasha, and Steve continued to have without you. Just as you were finishing up your last talking point, the server arrived at your table with food. 
You flipped the notebook shut and slid it back to Steve, “Will you hold on to this so I don’t forget it here?”
He nodded in response as he took a large bite of his sandwich before picking up the notebook and putting it back in his pocket. 
The four of you ate in relative silence, the food in front of you serving as a sufficient distraction to thinking about the night ahead. When you all finished eating Natasha checked her watch again. 
“Shit! We should probably get going. It’s almost 7!”
James let out a long groan as Natasha nudged him to start moving. You and Steve got up and followed them out of the restaurant. 
“So, (Y/N), know exactly what you’re going to say?” James asked.
“Yes, I plan to start out by saying a big ol’ thank you to Tony for all of his support in the project,” the sarcasm dripped from your words, “You know, Steve, maybe you being Chair wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”
Steve almost looked like he thought about it for a minute before he shrugged his shoulders in response. 
“All in favor of Steve taking over as Chair?” Natasha asked. 
“AYE!” you and James yelled as you reached the back door of the building. 
“You three need to compose yourselves,” Steve huffed as he opened the door. 
Natasha and James walked in first. Steve stopped you by the arm before you could follow them. 
“Don’t forget this,” Steve said, pulling the small notebook from his pocket, “Or this,” he said before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. 
“Now you’re going to have me go in there blushing!” you mocked annoyance at him. 
“Blame it on the anxiety of last-minute public speaking,” he grinned at you. 
You rolled your eyes at him and took the notebook. You walked into the lobby and saw it was already very packed. Tony was standing to the side, ordering catering staff to different areas to set up tables of wine, beer, and appetizers. 
“I swear to God if someone spills in my new exhibit,” you clenched the notebook tightly. 
“Unleash the beast!” James chortled. 
“Your exhibit?” Steve asked with raised eyebrows. 
“I mean….the exhibit,” you quickly tried to backtrack. 
“God, you two are annoying,” Natasha rolled her eyes at you both before walking away to greet Bruce, who had just arrived. 
“Barnes, come here!” Tony yelled at James. 
“My pleasure,” James said through gritted teeth before walking to Tony and getting a clipboard of instructions shoved into his hands. 
“I really didn’t mean it’s my exhibit,” you were still dwelling on that slip up earlier. 
“(Y/N), it’s ok. I know you put a hell of a lot more time into it than I did and even more than Tony, and I’m sure he’ll take even more credit for it then he’ll give.”
Just as you were about to agree, Tony yelled your name and motioned for you to walk over to him. 
“Good luck,” Steve winked at you. 
“Yes, Tony?” you asked as you walked up to him.
“(Y/N), totally slipped my mind to tell you this earlier, but you need to give an overview of the exhibit after I do the welcome.”
“Yeah, Natasha let me know, so I have something written up.”
“Ah! Excellent! Well, let’s get this show on the road then!” Tony led the way through the crowd to the podium set up right in front of the exhibit’s entrance. 
“Hello, hello!” Tony announced into the microphone, the noise in the room instantly died down, “Over the past few months, our team of renowned anthropologists have been hard at work creating this new addition to our department: a museum of anthropological history. Behind these doors are artifacts from society’s past. I oversaw the rigorous planning, researching, and other efforts that went into this amazing accomplishment and can assure you all that you will greatly enjoy and be educated by the artifacts and text found here, which Dr. (Y/L/N) will elaborate on in mere moments. As I’m sure you are all waiting with bated breath to see the fruits of our labor, let’s get this party started!” 
Tony took a pair of scissors from the podium and used them to dramatically cut through a ribbon that had been strung in front of the doors of the exhibit, with cheering and pops of flash coming from the crowd. Tony waved to the crowd, before gesturing you to stand in front of the microphone. You stepped up to it and pulled out the notebook you had written notes in. You cleared your throat and looked out to the crowd. You couldn’t help the smile that broke out when you saw Steve beaming at you and giving you a thumbs up from the back of the room. 
“Hello all! Thank you for joining us on such an exciting time for the Department. What you will find in the exhibit is a culmination of the research done by all of the faculty in the Anthropology Department. From Paleolithic arrowheads used in the original paleo diets studied and recreated by Dr. Clint Barton to bonds from World War II reused as shopping lists by Recession Era Americans, you will journey back in time and around the world as you walk through the space,” your eyes scanned over the crowd and you choked on your next words when you saw her. 
Sharon Carter was staring at you from the center of the room with a giant grin on her face. 
Call Me Doctor. Tag List:
@ashislost @wantingtobekorra @zlixlle @crazy--me @grey-raven @queenkitten95 @chook007 @tequila1984 @yallneedtrek @ssweet-empowerment @guera31 @justmesadgirl @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @rainbowkisses31 @writing-for-a-chance @sp2900 @notkikibear @itzmegaaaaaaan @partiallyinthecloset @moonstruckhargrove  @straybattie @angryteapot @fandom-addict-aesthetics @hazellnut94 @abschaffer2 @hadesgirl1015 @biskwitmamaw @justkending @marvelous-capsicle @uhh-katie-griffiths @evanstush @chuckennuggets1213 @everything-is-awesomesauce
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tag List:
@patzammit @xjaneeeen
Permanent Tag List:
@sophiealiice @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thisismysecrethappyplace @ailynalonso15​ @221bshrlocked​ @hazellnut94 @libbymouse​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @hufflepuffchloe​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @dibsonamericasass​ @kind-sober-fullydressed​ @kakakatey​ @sarcasmoverlordxo​ @vikki-rogue​
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soysaucevictim · 3 years
Final week (both for program and the year, proper)!
Dec. 26
I woke up after 11AM, today. And one of the first things I got done today was some exercise.
First, yesterday’s DD. 2′ meditation with EC. Kinda had no good reason to miss doing this yesterday. Was also a bit fidgety, since it’s been awhile since I last meditated. One of these days, I’m going to make that a habit.
Second, today’s DD. 3′ high knees with EC. I counted 406 reps by the time was up. Happy I managed to stay above 2/sec. Definitely got harder to lift the knees as high by the last half or so.
(After grabbing some iced coffee and updating some logs...)
Last, Day 25 of the FhP. Level 3, no rest. After the first 3, I was wondering about taking more time to rest. Arms started feeling a bit noodle-y, but I just kept the train rolling. A very fun workout - loved all the combos and the moments I could smoothly execute them and the transitions. (Still opting for 50/50 approach rather than bounce-switching.)
Most of my day was spent on the usual and doing some writing research of a medical nature (zombies are weird and great).
I was back on my BS, staying up well into the red zone again.
Dec. 27
I woke up around noon.
After a bit of browsing and more note-taking, I did today’s exercise early.
First, today’s DD. 40 squat + step backs with EC. Got a bit winded and fatigued here, but I could manage well enough.
Last, Day 26 of the FhP. Level 3, 1′ rest. Oi, I feel like I badly strained my neck when I playing so much Pokemon on Christmas. Made stuff like the plank rotations particularly uncomfortable/awkward. Push-up form was a bit sloppy too - but yeah, neck wasn’t really having it. :/
Spent some time chatting and watching some movies with a friend. We watched the movie version of “Into the Woods“ (now I have a bit more context for SaSi referencing it) and “Life of Brian“.
I went to bed a bit later than yesterday.
Dec. 28
I woke up barely before 1PM.
After a bit of the usual, I did my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 50 prone reverse flies with EC. This felt pretty nice to help limber up my neck some more. Mostly a mild annoyance to get into a position on floor with enough clearance.
Last, Day 27 of the FhP. Level 3, no rest. This was altogether very doable without rest. I still love sit-up punches a lot. I rather enjoy how my abs have been performing for this exercise/load! =w=
Spent pretty much the rest of my night on the usual stuff.
I went to bed obscenely late again. I had a pretty bad episode fussing with my nails again...
Dec. 29
I woke up after noon, I think
First, today’s DD. 40 bridge taps with EC. Still a fun exercise, all told.
Last, Day 28 of the FhP. Level 3, no rest. Decided to watch LNTAO again as background noise (Roman shouting “AN ARM!” will always make me laugh). Fun sequence to get through, too.
I then set out to making today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Chicken over garlic Parmesan spaghetti. This was pretty good, but still hard for Dad to deal with.
After some of the usual and some dishes, I got back to writing some more for the iZ!AU.
Went to bed event later than yesterday.
Dec. 30
I woke up after 1PM.
Watched some YouTube before doing today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 1′ toe tap hops with EC. I counted 118 reps by the end of it - very close to 2/sec. That pace was pretty intense though, did start to feel a bit of fatigue near the end.
Last, Day 29 of the FhP. Level 3, 1′ rest. I admit my push-ups got pretty sloppy as I went along. But It was still fairly intense.
Spent much of the night chatting and doing a bit more writing on that iZ!Prinxiety date intermission (mostly finishing the rough draft).
I went to bed a few hours earlier than yesterday, still in the red zone.
Dec. 31
I woke up after 11AM.
After a bit of the usual, I did today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 5′ punches with EC. I swapped stances at 2′30″ and counted a total of 632 punches thrown by the end of it. Happy I stayed over 2/sec pace. A fun way to end this shit year too. :P
Last, Day 30 of the Fireheart Program. Level 3, 1′ rest. That was a lot of sit-ups and definitely took some digging in. But a good test for the final day of the program! I enjoyed it!
I did some dishes and made tonight’s Hello Fresh Meal. Cheesy quinoa-stuffed peppers. Everyone enjoyed this one.
Then got back to updating some logs. And chatting about things.
I spent some time topping up fandom blog queue and then stayed up till like 11AM or so writing up a masterpost for my fandom blog to pin. Was that a great idea? Probably not, but I did it anyways.
Jan. 1
I woke up proper around 3PM.
First, today’s DD. 2′ jumping Ts with EC. I had one false start, realizing I set my timer wrong (for 1′). I wondered why that was a bit too easy. Second go was set properly and I counted 152 reps by the end of it. It was pretty enjoyable.
Last, I decided to chase the bliss from that with a few rounds of half jacks. Tucked out my calves there, but I had fun.
Spent much of my day chatting and thinking more about the physiology of zombies in that iZ!AU. :,D
I got to bed far earlier than yesterday, because tired. But still in my red zone.
Summary of Experience:
I finished the Fireheart Program on Dec. 31. I rather enjoyed this program, but then again I’ve always enjoyed combat exercises. I noted that pretty much the entire way through - I didn’t go for the Combat HIIT approach (alternately bounce-switching sides.) Did try to clean up my push-up form for most of it and I’m rather happy about meeting the demands of all those sit-up punches!
I did manage to hit Level 3 for all 30 days, and as for resting times between sets:
No Rest: 7
30″ Rest: 2
1′  Rest: 21
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imagine-korea · 4 years
You deserve the world - Kim Jongin
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Hello there  darling. If you even see this still ;) 
It’s been a long time and a long story on my end. But I have decided to start writing again without caring about quantity and pleasing anyone. So no I won’t apologise because I’m sure you wouldn’t wish for an apology. :) 
I just sincerely hope you like the story and I would like to thank you for your request and your patience! enjoy :) 
~ Hyejin
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Pairing: Kim Jongin(Kai) x Reader (gender neutral) 
Genre: Fluff, maybe angst
Warning(s): insecure reader, that’s about it
"Hey darling, what's taking you so long?"
Jongin called from your livingroom. He had been waiting there for a while as you were getting ready to go out. He was coming to pick you up at 8 just to go out, nowhere special. But seeing he was early and you tended to be late in these types of situations, there was no way around him waiting.
"Don't worry! I'll be there in a second!" you called back, hoping he wouldn't walk into the mess you had made in the bedroom. Clothes started flying around once more but you just weren't sure what to wear. You decided upon a simple red sweater with dark jeans and sneakers. It practically looked like you had spent about 5 minutes on this choice of wardrobe and you contemplated changing once more but decided against it seeing Jongin had been waiting long enough.
You gave him a timid smile when you walked into the living room and as he looked up at you, a wide grin started forming. He looked at you in your sweater that was only oversized in the way that your hands were almost covered by your sleeves. "You look adorable, let's go."
He took you to a slightly more deserted street, a kind of bar he had gone to quite a few times where he knew he could freely go without being bothered. The two of you hadn't really been able to go out on a date before, which you were totally fine with but he insisted on taking you out.
Despite the fact that it was far away from any type of big street and other bars, tucked away out of sight, the bar was pretty busy. Something you hadn't anticipated. You tugged at your sleeves, keeping your head low and staying close to your boyfriend. Yet your hand was quickly pulled back out of its hiding as Jongin enveloped it with his.
He walked you towards an empty booth and you glanced around as you made your way there. You noticed some familiar faces, not that you knew them personally, but you had seen them around. In real life or online, you had no idea.
"Are there many idols here?" you wondered aloud.
"Yeah, that's how I found it. It's still pretty secret for now. Idols can just come her without having to worry." He smiled, putting his arm around your shoulder. "So, what would you like. I'll go get it."
You scanned over the menu and decided to get a small snack and a mocktail. You didn't feel the need for alcohol tonight. He nodded and left your side. His sudden absence left you feeling cold and vulnerable in this unfamiliar space. You glanced around once more, looking at the gorgeous men and women among the entire space of the bar. You looked down once more, your insecurities creeping up. He could have anyone in this bar, yet he was here with you. You weren't sure if you should have been proud that he chose you or afraid that he may notice that he's out of your league.
Jongin arrived back at your booth and you smiled up at him as he handed you your food and drink. But the smile you received in return seemed troubled. You decided to think nothing of it.
The two of you talked and laughed, forgetting the entire space around you. Going out didn't turn out to be so bad after all. Not that you couldn't have done this in the comfort of your own home. You had been there for a few hours already when you proposed to walk back home. It was rather far but you enjoyed the comfortable walk in the light of the stars and street lamps.
"Jagi," The sound of his voice was a silent rumble as you lay on his chest. You hummed for him to go on. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" The slight smile you had on your face turned to a frown.
"Of course I did. I always enjoy my time with you. Why'd you ask?" Again you tried not to let your mind wander to things you might have done to let him believe otherwise.
"You just seemed, how do I put this, uncomfortable?" his description sounded more like a question. As if he didn't know how to read you properly.
"No, I was comfortable." Your voice trailed a little. Unsure if you should admit what you were feeling. "I'm just ... a little ..." "Insecure?" He finished your sentence for you and you let out a sigh of a sort of relief. He did read you correctly, but he was worried of being right.
"What are you insecure about?" He asked softly. Running his fingers softly over your shoulder.
"Nothing," You stated "Everything" You took a while to gather the courage to continue. Jongin patiently waited until you did. "I'm just afraid of what people think, what they see me as, what you see me as." Your voice almost sounded weak as you swallowed a lump in your throat.
Jongin sat up, letting you glide off his chest before looking you straight in your doe-like eyes. "You want to know what I think of you?" he asked but didn't wait for a response. "I think you're the most amazing, most gentle, most kind-hearted and most breath taking being on this planet. Every time I look at you, I can't believe you are real, that I met you, and that you are mine. Every time I wake up next to you, I wish I could pause time and lay with you forever. I think of you what everyone thinks of you. That you're a blessing to be around. Those who don't see that are blind, deaf and stupid all at once. And I will keep telling you just how amazing you are until all of your insecurities melt away. I can promise you that."
As he spoke tears started to well in your eyes as you stared at his face, full of sincerity.
He did tell you every day after that.
You are amazing.
And you deserve the world.
♥ Thanks for reading!  ♥
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