#spent this whole reply trying not to laugh bc all i could think about was
criminalskies · 10 months
Hi Rome :)
I was wondering if you would be able to do a very fluffy fic where Reader is Hotch’s girlfriend but is also Spencer’s younger sister and they all go together to a Barnes and Noble or some kind of bookstore and Reader gets all nerdy (it runs in the family) and Hotch is just soaking up every minute of it following Reader through the isles and sneaking kisses while she and Reid also geek out together and are smelling all the new books (love that new book smell lol) and talking about their favorites and how they used to read certain books together as kids (like Harry Potter or something) etc. etc.
Hi Sweetheart! Thank you so much for your patience, sorry it took me a whole lifetime to get this done for you, but the moment has arrived!! Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader. Spencer Reid x sibling!reader. Word Count: 2.1k Warnings: much much fluff, reader is a genius bc i can't help myself. Also apologies I know you used she/her but I figured there's no harm in keeping it more open, if this is a problem please let me know and I can find and replace all pronouns <3 Enjoy!
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Aaron should have known that letting Spencer have his pick of bookstore for your rare day off would be a mistake. In classic Reid fashion, Spencer picked a spot almost two hours away, which is said to carry Star Trek comics written in authentic Klingon. Hotch figured the three of you could make quiet small talk and just bask in the calm of one of the BAU’s rare days off. He did not anticipate listening to both of the Reid siblings create their own rendition of Every. Single. Song. From high school musical. The two of you had barely made it to ‘Stick to The Status Quo’ when Aaron realized only fifteen minutes of the drive had passed. He fights the urge to throw his head back and sigh, opting to keep his eyes on the road and just picture how adorable you’re going to look with your nose in a book, sipping coffee in the quiet corner of the bookstore, and oh how Aaron misses quiet. He has fond, seemingly distant memories of quiet. Just as he’s descending into thoughts of time he could have spent alone, today, getting work done, a hand finds his larger one on the center console. 
You bring his hand to your lips to kiss the back of it, a silent thankyou for saving you and Spencer from having to take two trains and one bus to this bookstore. It is apparently a Reid tradition to refuse to drive until it becomes absolutely necessary for your own survival. Hotch feels a familiar warmth spreading through his chest as he admires how perfectly the two of your hands fit together, as you intertwine both of your fingers in your lap. 
“Spencer, how about we switch this up a little?” You can see Aaron’s brows had been drawing closer and closer each time Spencer hit an especially pitchy note, and you worried about his tinnitus making a return. 
“How so?” He asks, his tone suggesting that nothing could be quite as fulfilling as crushing the HSM soundtrack start to finish. 
“How about…” you stop, trying to think of anything that will lift your brother’s spirits without also piercing your boyfriend’s eardrums. “John Denver?”
“I’m in!” Spencer replies, his face now adorning his tightlipped smile you’ve grown to love. You scroll through your phone, seeing Aaron’s shoulders visibly relax as the much more dulcet tones fill the confined space of the car, his thumb rubs at your index finger, clearly grateful for the compromise.  
When the three of you finally arrive at the bookstore, Aaron’s barely put the car in park before two seatbelts unclick and all he can do is laugh as you and Spencer go barreling towards the front door. He rushes after the two of you, finding you in the front left corner, he sighs knowing the two of you are going to tackle this entire store one square foot at a time from front left to back right. Before he can look at his watch to assess how much time the two of you will have before the store closes, your hand wraps around his arm, tugging him into the first aisle, where the fantasy books are. Spencer is pulling down the order of the phoenix, gasping as his fingers brush over the gold leaf lettering on the cover and you turn to Aaron, beaming at him as you pull him into a hug, thanking him for bringing the two of you all the way across state lines for what will be the greatest day of literary entertainment ever - and probably a major spike in your credit card statements, but you won’t mind one bit.
Aaron tries not to think about the ring sitting in his dresser at home as he feels the air once again knocked out of his lungs when he catches sight of your bright smile. He tucks his hands in his pockets, as you keep one hand wrapped around his bicep, pulling him towards each new find. Aaron’s sure there’s a handful of books on these shelves that he would quite like to read, as well, but he’s busy watching the sparkle in your eyes as your fingers dance across the spines of the books. Spencer is equally enamored when he gets his hands on a signed copy of Lord Of The Rings, rushing over to the two of you with the same glimmer in his eye as he brings the book to your face. Aaron is confused until you bend down and sniff the pages, turning to your boyfriend, you explain. 
“It’s hardly even been read, Aar! It still has that new book smell! Here, try it.” you drop his arm in favor of bringing the book to his nose. Apprehensively, Aaron gives it a smell, his tight brow releasing when he gets a waft of fresh pine. It takes him back to his childhood at his best friend’s lake cabin on summer holidays. He can’t help but think about how much you would have loved it there, maybe that’s where he could propose. Take you on a weekend away someplace secluded, where the two of you can sit on the porch swing, your head in his lap as he reads you a book you’ve definitely read a thousand times. But, you always tell him the stories are so much more immersive in his baritone. Spencer tried explaining the connection between the human limbic system and our middle ears, how certain acoustic frequencies can actually summon more emotional and imaginative imagery. 
Aaron files that idea away along with his 20 other possible proposal ideas. He always seems to psych himself out of asking you, having only been together eight short months, he worries you’ll say no. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone of your age to not want to become a parental figure in a child’s life, although you’re great with Jack, Aaron always finds a reason not to ask you to marry him. That’s actually why he’s gotten both you and Spencer out of the house today, he wants an opportunity to talk to your brother about the possibility of asking you to be his spouse. Aaron is dragged out of his thoughts when you once again pull him down the aisle, now stopping in front of a set of Peter Rabbit books. 
“Aaron, oh wouldn’t these be such a great gift for Jack’s birthday? We could all read them together, there’s twenty three so it would take us a while but I think that would just make putting him to bed so special, what do you think?” You stand toe to toe with Aaron, awaiting his response. He’s waiting for the lump in his throat to clear as he realizes the depth of your love for his son, and how silly he’s being letting his concerns get in the way of your shared happiness. You look so excited to read Jack these books, and Aaron finally realizes you want to be there for bedtimes, not just on nights when Aaron is tied up in meetings and can’t find the time to tuck the little boy in - you want to be there for his bedtimes, forever. 
“Hello? You in there? Earth to Aaron.” You take hold of his shoulders, genuine concern clouding your features as you worry your boyfriend is having some kind of absent seizure. 
“Yes, sorry. I, I think Jack would love that and, well, I think I would love that, too.” Damn you for having such a way of reducing the usually articulate agent Hotchner into a stuttering mess. You just have a way of derailing every train of thought he’s usually able to keep in careful motion.
“O-kayyyy” you drawl, still unconvinced that Aaron has all of his senses working. You pull the box set of peter rabbit books from the shelf, going to place them with Spencer’s growing stack of purchases on the counter. Aaron watches how the employee eyes the two of you carefully, clearly thinking you must be buying this many books for charity, or for a children’s shelter or library. You’re only onto aisle two now and the two of you have amassed a stack of pages that must weigh more than the two of you combined.  Aaron spots Spencer, ever the speed-reader, flicking through a russian book in the languages section of the store. Aaron excuses himself to head to the bathroom, barely earning a nod from you as you’re completely absorbed in collection four of Shakespeare’s finest works. 
Aaron ducks into the corner, grabbing Spencer gently by the arm and whispering that he needs to talk to him about something important. Distracting Spencer from his book earns him a scowl but he changes it to a tight-lipped smile, waiting for Hotch to elaborate. 
“I want to ask your sibling to marry me, Spencer. Now, obviously, you and I work together, and- and you’re very close with them so I trust you to know how they might react to something like this, and I’d really like your blessing to go forwards with this.” Aaron finds himself rambling, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans as his heart threatens to jump out of his throat at the thought of the boy genius saying no. 
“Oh.” That’s not good. That doesn’t help the growing lump in Aaron’s throat. 
“Oh? Reid, please, what do you mean ‘oh’?” Aaron hates how small his voice sounds trying to pass through the thick fog of panic circling his lungs.
“I just mean that I thought the two of you must have already discussed that. I went clothes shopping with Y/N last week and I couldn’t tear them away from a wedding caterer, they were pointing at the window saying how adorable ‘Aaron and I’ would look as a wedding topper. Before that, we went looking to buy me a new bookshelf and they were picking out furniture for both of your future home. I guess I just assumed that was all their way of telling me those things were on the table.” Aaron releases a breath he had been holding ever since he bought the ring, worrying it was too much too soon or that you would go running for the hills if you spotted it in his drawers. “Look, Hotch, if you want my blessing you have it, just please make it a quick engagement, I’ve seen them plan their senior prom, I can’t even imagine how frightening they’d be planning a wedding. Your wedding. You’re everything to them. And I’d really like the chance to call you my brother, Hotch. Although Strauss will probably make me answer to Rossi for all my future evaluations and such but- I’m getting off track. My point is, I already think of you both as an old married couple, both you and Y/N smile more in each other’s company than I’ve seen in all the years I’ve known you both.” Spencer’s delightfully supportive ramble is cut off as a teary-eyed Aaron pulls his future brother-in-law in for a tight hug. They stand there for a moment before Aaron pulls back, releasing his hold on the young doctor and placing a hand either side of his skull before pulling him in to kiss the top of his head in thanks. Spencer is slightly shocked having never seen Aaron Hotchner give this much affection willingly, and slightly confused by the decision to kiss his head. 
“What? People normally handshake at a time like this but you always maintained it’s actually safer to kiss.” Hotch offers a toothy smile, his mind casting back seven years to when he had first interviewed the young doctor for the job. He has continued to be perplexed by the contents of such a young mind, until he finally got to meet the other doctor Reid. Forensic Physician. Equally bright, but with an unshakeable positivity that captivated Aaron each time they consulted on a BAU case for a long 18 months before Hotch summoned the courage to ask the younger genius out on a date, this turned out to be the beginning of the rest of his life, as it happens. 
Hotch finds himself unable to stop smiling for the remaining five hours spent in the bookshop before it closes, having made enough money from the Reid family to probably take the rest of the week off. Aaron carries the mountainous stacks of books to his car, admiring the sunset as he listens to his favorite two siblings in the world bicker about which Star Wars movie is the correct starting place to watch the series. Even if the two choose to sing all of High school musical two and three on the ride home, nothing can shake the feeling that Aaron Hotchner is the luckiest man in the world.
tags: @montyfandomlove , @pastanoodles11 , @ssamorganhotchner , @hotchnerbau , @hotchs-babygirl , @ssa-tahlia-obsessions
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jazminrhode1 · 10 months
Hey babeee, can u do one where chris asks his crushhhh to prom? Love your writing please never stop bc I fucking love iiiit ;P
Better Late Than Never Chris Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: Chris confesses his feelings for you at prom.
Word Count: 1618 words
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Chris always had a lot of bravado. He could have fooled you into thinking he didn’t give two fucks and that was a part of his charm - it also drove you fucking crazy. He wore chaos like an armour to hide his vulnerability but, every now and then you got to see the softer side of him.
You had met Chris is freshman year when you were paired together for a science project. You both failed because he did nothing, but he made you laugh the whole semester. 
From time to time, you would catch him looking your way and diverting his eyes when he saw that you noticed. He always sat next to you because he wanted to “copy your answers” but, as the years went on, you weren’t convinced.
When he was in a bad mood he would slump down in his seat and rest his head on your shoulder. When he was in a good mood, he would do whatever he could to make you laugh.
Your friends always thought that you and Chris would get together. They always talked about you both being high school sweethearts but, Chris never seemed to make a move. He seemed to always leave you hanging but, you never took it personally. You didn’t think it was intentional.
One afternoon in a freshman year math class, rumors were spreading around the school that you were dating some kid from the hockey team. The first thing that Chris said to you was “I fucking hate that kid.” You shrugged it off. You didn’t even know the guy but, it made you feel good that it made Chris jealous.
As you sat in the back of your English class or front row in Spanish, the teachers would ask repeatedly for you both to stop talking but, it never worked. Going into you senior year you felt like he knew everything about and you knew everything about him too.
Senior year felt different from the very first day. The cliques were changing, your group of friends got smaller and Chris started sitting with Nate.
You tried not to think too much of it, it’s not like the seat beside you was assigned to Chris but, you missed the jokes he made under his breath and the snacks that he snuck into class. Most of all, you missed him.
After 2 years you could finally admit to yourself that maybe you did like him… Really like him and maybe now he didn’t like you back.
The first semester came and went and you spent more time with Nick than you did with Chris. The gazes were few and far between and the jokes became crueler. Nick tried to convince you that it was because he had a crush on you but, you had a hard time believing that.
As your Senior Prom got closer and closer, you were beginning to think that no one would ask. A couple of your friends were going alone and you were happy to tag along. Who remembers their senior prom anyway? You, that’s who.
Matt has asked your friend Amelia and Nick was going with his latest fling - some boy called Jake from your home room. From what you’d heard, Chris hadn’t asked anyone nor was he planning to. He had announced one lunchtime that promposals were “stupid” and that prom itself was “fucking lame”. You didn’t know if he was trying to be the big man or if he actually believed what he was saying but, it made your heart sink a little.
After almost a year of not speaking more than 5 words to Chris at a time, he flagged you down in the hallway. Was he going to ask you to prom? Your heart started racing.
“Do you have those math notes?” he said casually.
Your heart dropped as you shook your heard. “Fuck” he responsed.
“Not you…” he clarified. “Oh yeah, I got that” you replied.
He stood there awkwardly for a second too long before he turned on his heels to walk away.
“Hey, are you not going to prom?” you blurted out, feeling stupid.
He turned back around slowed and leaned up against the locker. “I mean, I’ll probably go…” he started, “don’t wanna miss out on my James Bond moment.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He had a way about him that made you feel at ease. He was killing you. All you wanted was for him to pull out a poster in front of everyone in the hall and ask you to do your first and last senior prom.
“Well...” you started. “Did you wanna go?” he asked seemingly out of nowhere, “with me, I mean?”
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. “Oh. Yeah. Sure” you stammered. You could feel the goofiest smile spread across your face and tried your best to hide it. “Cool” was all he said before he walked away. 
On the day of the prom, Chris still hadn’t ‘promposed’ to you. You knew you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up but, you also knew that he knew how much that would have meant to you.
All of your friends were getting ready at your house blasting Taylor Swift as your mom helped everyone with their hair. You chose a light blue dress because you knew it was Chris’ favourite colour and found the perfect tie to match it.
As it got closer to 5 pm butterflies began to swarm in your stomach. This could be the start of something and you were not at all prepared for what that could be.
The doorbell rang 30 minutes later when the boys arrived. They had pulled up in a limo that was going to take you to the prom. Your friends rushed downstairs while you tried to tidy up a little. “Go have fun, sweetheart,” your Mom said as she admired you in your dress.
When you went downstairs, everyone had gone outside to take their pictures. Chris waiting for you, leaning against the balustrade. He turned around when he heard you coming down the stairs. He looked real fucking good in a tux. This was his James Bond moment.
His mouth hung open as he looked you up and down. You thought it was safe to assume that he liked your dress. As you stopped in front of him, you noticed that he was holding something behind his back.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly. “Hi,” he replied with a grin on his face.
He took a step back and pulled a cardboard sign out from behind him that read ‘BETTER LATE THAN NEVER… WILL YOU PLEASE GO TO THE PROM WITH ME?’ Very on brand for Christopher Sturniolo.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t do something more elaborate,” he said.
“This was perfect,” you laughed, “I didn’t need anything.” You meant that. You didn't need anything more than this but, your heart skipped a beat knowing that he did this for you. He did this because he knew it was important to you.
That reminded him that he has gotten you a corsage. He grabbed the corsage from the entry table and slid it onto your write.
“It matches the dress,” he observed. You weren’t sure if he was talking to you or congratulating himself. Probably the latter.
“Should we go outside?” you asked, keen to join the rest of the group.
“In a minute,” he said, checking to see no one was around.
You were confused. He had barely spoken to you for almost a year and now he wanted to have a conversation? Chaotic Chris was back at it again!
He folded his arms across his chest as he tried to figure out what he was going to say. You waited awkwardly hoping this moment would be over soon.
“Y/n…” he started. You waited... And waited.
“I don’t know how to say this…” he continued, “I think I’ve spent a lot of time confusing the heck out of myself and sending mixed signals and trying to figure out what’s going on in your heard… in my head…”
He was making no sense. He was driving a train of thought with no direction and you were beginning to think that he might never get to the point… Until he did.
“I have liked you since freshman year. I have spent years trying not to because you are one of my best friends and I don’t ever want to lose but, I really, really like you y/n and I just wanted you to know that” he said.
You were stunned. Shocked. He said everything that you wanted him to say and still, you didn’t know what to do. You hadn't planned for this part.
“It’s ok if you don’t…” before he could finish his sentence your lips were on his, your arms around his neck, his hands on your waist.
You were the first to pull away and gaze up into his eyes. “I hope that was ok” you asked.
His arms snaked around your waist as a smile spread across his face. He pulled you back in and planted another kiss on your lips. This time it felt like a couple reuniting after years and years apart. It felt natural and passionate and was more than you would have hoped it would be.
When you went out into the backyard hand in hand your best friends squealed in excitement. “Finally!” Nick said as he pulled you both into the picture.
Your Mom had always told you that ‘good things take time’ but, no amount of time could have prepared you for this.  
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shdwwlkrsblog · 2 years
i saw your uchihas post, and i wanted to ask if you could do if ALL the uchihas [ plus indra] [ yandere] had a crush on the reader? i like that kind of stuff. please and thanks. also, have a good day!
That's a fucking chaos , I'm in.
Who would you choose? Tell me in the comments also request if you want a part of how it would be like when you tell them you choose them and what it would be like afterwards.
Tw: yandere , my typical cursing , slight nsfw in madaras part (that fucking flirt )
Requests open.
Soooo not only all the Uchiha has but also 2 fucking war gods having a crush on you? Yeah imagine the chaos
But somehow they managed to get to an agreement and try to see who could make you fall for them. Almost everyone had their own intention of hot to take you away from the others ( not the courage high as my ego ones tho)
So it was like , you get your privacy after a date to think and stuff, ofc , everyday someone else gets to spend time with you
You can guess every single one of those yandere asses tried to talk you into choosing them
His dates were sweet , a contrast to the personality you usually see on him. He was sweet and nice , but something felt off
You got your courage together and asked :" Indra why does it feel like you planned something?" He shrugged it off :" you've just never seen me toilet this before but that's alright , not everyone has to see past the monster . Only a few ," He stopped and looked at you " or only one"
It was true , his sudden change to sweet was nice but felt off bc usually that's when people planned something .
But lucky for you this wasn't the case with Indra , his courage in making you fall for him was higher than the clouds .
Madara(added bc he's my 2nd favorite)
classic but impressively expensive dates. Showing off and not to mention showing up in a perfect suit that made him look SO fine. and he knew it every damn time that you loved how it suited him
He is such a gentleman and his courage was visible the whole time. He knew you wouldn't be able to not fall for him. He knew your simping ass too well
"so how are you today darling?" He asked after sitting down in front of you , smirking. (I didn't mention he's flirty , did i?) "Good , and you ?" You replied normal and a bit too dry but he didn't mind . " I'm feeling perfect after seeing you " you smiled and he continued " especially in your suit/dress" he leaned forward closer to your ear , you blushed at how close he was . The perfect colone he put on filling your nostrils . He whispered :" but I think you would look better without them darling~" his voice was low and highly seductive
If you weren't blushing mad red before , now you were.
Dates at his home , enjoying his cooking and having a sweet time . You both laughed , wandered through the village (itachi in his disguise) and chatting about the most random topics
You felt at ease around him , Itachi is soft and warm hearted + a good cook
The day was spent wandering around , chatting , chilling at his home with the best food ever + seeing him smile
Itachis courage isn't as high as Indras or Madaras but he doesn't want to play dirty tricks just to win you over
He took you out to ichakaru ramen and wasn't his crumpy self for once
After that he took you to the beautiful lake near village and grabbed your hand while walking "so u don't get lost" was his excuse . Sasuke isn't experienced with dates and affection but he's trying
When you both arrived there you chatted and Sasuke slightly tried to get information about you Wich man you liked the most. "Wouldn't you like to know?" You chuckled and stopped as you heard a soft chuckle next to you . "Oh sorry " he quickly said and turned his attention to the lake
" you should do that more often" you said and he looked at you again , now a smile present on his lips "thank you" " no problem and you should smile more too it looks good on you" you smiled
Sasuke was trying his best to play fair fearing you would notice it if he tried to manipulate you . You were a smart Shinobi after all. he didn't have his hopes up too much tho
A restaurant , an expensive one . He showed up in a suit . It too complimented his body . He brought some roses for you and your favorite pralines . How does he know that? (Well he'll always have a eye for you and on you)
He isn't flirty like Madara but he does spice up a convo slightly .
He walked you home , a tension between you two was present but he didn't act on it not knowing it it was worth it anyways . Maybe you weren't into him at all?
Who would you choose? Tell me in the comments also request if you want a part of how it would be like when you tell them you choose them and what it would be like afterwards.
Do they reveal their yandere side?
Requests open!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Alhaitham's weakness
Woop woop some lee Alhaitham bc he's so tickleable real. And ler Kaveh bc yes. We (I) need more ler Kaveh content so here. Also I wrote this at 4 am so yeah- aishakdhkshd
And I didn't proofread huehehe
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Alhaitham x Kaveh (gey...?)
Lee: Alhaitham
Ler: Kaveh
Warnings: Tickles!
Kaveh was currently on a mission. He wanted to catch his usually stoic roomate off-guard for once, and he knew exactly how. He was usually the one on the receiving end of Alhaitham's tickles, but this time it was gonna be different! Maybe... hopefully... Was Alhaitham even ticklish? Kaveh can't recall hearing a genuine laugh come out of him, unless it was at his expense, so he was determined to finally get through that stoic wall of his! He quietly snuck up behind him and...
"Gotcha!" the blonde yelled out with a playful grin on his face, his fingers aiming to taze at the scribe's sides.
Alhaitham jolted slightly from the contact, but overall barely reacted, much to Kaveh's dissapointment. "Nice try, but not good enough" he replied in his usual deadpan voice, his face unchanging.
"What...? How do you manage to stay so serious?!" Kaveh always felt flabberghasted at how Alhaitham always managed to surpress any and all reactions to his tickle attacks, but this time he wasn't gonna give up so easily.
He spent the rest of the day trying to think what spot could finally get the serious scribe to finally break. Throughout the day he'd poke and prod at the generic spots he himself was ticklish at, that had to work, right? Well everytime he was met with Alhaitham's typical "Hmm" expressionless face. This whole situation was starting to feel hopeless for Kaveh. Maybe Alhaitham really wasn't that sensitive...
"Ugh, I give up!" Kaveh let out an exasperated sigh as he flopped down on the couch next to Alhaitham.
"Does that mean you'll finally stop annoying me now?".
"I guess so..." Kaveh layed his head against Alhaitham's shoulder, his blonde locks lightly tickling the exposed skin of his shoulder.
"Mph-!" Alhaitham let out a chocked sound, quickly peaking up Kaveh's attention.
"What was that?".
"Oh don't give me that crap, it was clearly something!".
Alhaitham simply shrugged, opting to face away from the architect. He thought that MAYBE if he ignored Kaveh he'd eventually forget about it, but who was he kidding? This is what happens when your roomate is as stubborn as you are.
Kaveh studied him as if he were a piece of art, trying to notice anything out of the ordinary, until he saw a lock of his hair lightly brushing against Alhaitham's shoulder. It took a moment to put two and two together, but once the realization hit, Kaveh grinned like the cheshire cat.
While Alhaitham was still preocupied looking away, Kaveh moved his hand over to his bare shoulder, lightly skittering his nails over the spot.
"Eh?!—" the scribe almost jumped out of his seat at the sudden tickly sensation. The sound that came out of him surprising them both.
"Aww, have I finally found your weak spot?~" Kaveh then sat across of Alhaitham's lap to keep him in place, how bold—.
"Get off of me fatass".
"Fatass?! Oh now you're asking for it!" Kaveh moved his hands to where Alhaitham's neck and shoulders met and softly scratched over the spot.
"Hehehe..." Alhaitham let out a breathy giggle. It was clear he was trying to hold in his laughter seeing how his whole body tensed up. Kaveh had to admit, watching his roomate slowly lose his composure was pretty cute, not like he'd ever admit it.
"C'mon Alhaitham. I know you're already ticklish, so just let it out!" the blonde encouraged as he focused his scratching back onto Alhaitham's bare shoulder, earning a sharp gasp. Wanting to actually hear him laugh, he moved his other hand down to Alhaitham's highest ribs right under his armpit and gently pressed onto the spot.
"Gyah! Pfft! K-Kaveh, stahahap!".
And there it was! Alhaitham let out deep, charming chuckles as he stomped his feet against the ground to try to distract himself from the sensation. He held onto Kaveh's hips but did no effort to push him off, which he could've easily done let's be real (he's too prideful to admit he likes it).
Kaveh's face instantly lit up at the sounds his roomate was making, and the way his cheeks gained a slight hint of pink to them. Oh how tempting to rub it in his face, but for now Kaveh just wanted to cherish those precious sounds.
"Ahaha! I've finally gotten you to laugh! I didn't even think you were capable of such a thing".
"Oh shuhut uhuhup!" Alhaitham snickered out. At this point, he had given up on hiding his reactions. Allowing his body to relax as Kaveh kept exploring his tickle spots.
"Not yet. I wanna see how hysterical I can make you~" Kaveh chuckled along with him as his hands travelled to the scribes armpits.
"Ah—" Alhaitham's eyes widened before shutting closed once more. His face scrunched up as he threw his head back and let out the deep belly laugh that Kaveh had been craving. "GYAHAHA! Q-QUIT IHIHIT!".
Alhaitham frantically kicked his legs out and softly squirmed under the architects weight.
"Now I've really hit the jackpot!~" Kaveh teased as his fingers kept softly scratching under the sensitive hollows. Enjoying the hysteria coming from his roomate.
Alhaitham slightly opened his eyes to look at Kaveh. The sight of the blonde looking down at him with such a giddy smile made him feel little flips in his stomach. His cheeks slowly grew redder by the second, whether it was from the tickles or from Kaveh himself (maybe both) who knows, but it sure was quite the sight to witness.
Kaveh seemed to snap from his trance once Alhaitham's laughter started to die down, being replaced by silent, wheezy laughter. His eyes were all watery and his hair was a bit messy from all his squirming. And his cherry red cheeks, UGH. How does he manage to look so good even when he's being wrecked to pieces?!
"Oh fine, I've had my fair share of fun" Kaveh slowed his fingers to a stop, slipping his hands out from under Alhaitham's arms, but he remained comfortably seated on his lap. "Are you okay?" the blonde suddenly asked, with a hint of concern in his sharp, red eyes. "I hope I didn't take it too far...".
Alhaitham looked up at him with a slight smile on his face. It was very faint and most people would probably miss it, but not Kaveh. "I'm fine. I'm not as weak as you". And there he's back at it again with that cocky attitude.
"Huh?! I can handle myself well, thank you very much" Kaveh huffed, crossing his arms like a pouty toddler.
"Oh yeah?".
"Hm?- GYAH!" Kaveh yelped as he was suddenly pinned down acroas the couch, with Alhaitham on top of him.
"How about I return the favor now?".
"W-wait! Let's talk about thihis! ALHAITHAM!!!".
Kaveh's rich laughter echoed throughout the entire house as Alhaitham pinpointed all of the spots that drove him up the wall, tickling them with precision. This was gonna be a long day...
I hope this is okay akdhakdhka
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reasonablerodents · 5 months
Just in case it breaks your writing dry spell, there's been a terrible lack of NYE hotchreid fics, and I'm here to humbly request that you fix this with a short nye bau party/night out and everyone paired up for their nye kiss except hotch and spencer…
This is very true!!!! And somehow this DID break my writing dry spell bc I’m somehow actually happy with how this turned out???? (And okay….It’s not short)
Thank you!!!
Good Fortune (G)
Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Fluff, New Year’s Kisses
They’re all partnered up these days. Penelope has Kevin, Emily and JJ have been together for God knows how long, Derek’s in the early days with a woman named Savannah, and Dave? Well, he may not be officially dating anyone, but he met a woman at the bar a few hours earlier, and the two seem to be getting on very well.
That just leaves him and Spencer.
If Aaron was a braver man, he would have asked Spencer out years ago. But his head is too full of regulations and boss/employee power dynamics and- okay, the main reason he hasn’t done anything after all this time is because he’s scared. Rejection always hurt, but being rejected by Spencer would surely feel far worse than if it was from anyone else. Besides, they already had a perfectly good- albeit platonic- relationship; there was no reason to ruin it by acting inappropriately.
Aaron sneaks a glance to the left, where Spencer is stood next to him and staring into the crowded bar, one hand idly gripping a half-finished drink. He seems to be people-watching, and Aaron can’t get over how beautiful he is like this; unknowingly poised like a painting, the dim light softly illuminating the curve of his lips and angular planes of his face. Spencer’s eyes are wide and glittering, drinking in the revelry instead of his cocktail.
“Not long until midnight, pretty boy,” Derek laughs as he and Savannah pass by on their way back to the bar, playfully tapping Spencer on the shoulder to get his attention. “You’ll have to be quick if you wanna sort out a New Year’s kiss!”
Spencer makes a move as if to splutter an indignant reply, but Derek’s already turning to Aaron with a trademark smile. “You too, man. Even you’ve got to let loose a little on New Years. I’d offer my services to you both, but I’m really hoping Savannah will give me the honour tonight.”
Savannah giggles, wrapping an arm around Derek’s waist. “Well, we’ll just have to see what happens come midnight- your chances might be better if you get me the drink you promised me, though.”
“Anything for you,” Derek replies, gently lifting her free hand and pressing a chaste kiss to it like a Victorian gentleman. “Forget a glass of wine, I’ll get you the whole bottle.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
With that, they depart. Aaron watches them a little wistfully as they squeeze their way through the crowd, always keeping a hand on one another. He’s nothing but happy for Derek’s budding romance, of course, but he can’t help but wish that he could have something like that as well.
“I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.”
Spencer’s soft voice from his left makes him turn back around.
“No?” Aaron says, trying and failing not to think too deeply about Spencer’s lips.
“No. Relationships haven’t historically been my strong point, so there’s never been anyone around to offer me one. I suppose I could find a random person, but if someone’s going to be orally swapping bacteria with me, even for a few seconds, I’d prefer to know them a little first.”
Aaron takes a sip of his whisky. “I haven’t in a long time, so you’re not alone.”
“I know. I’ve spent the last four New Years with you,” Spencer replies matter-of-factly, before darting off on a tangent. “Did you know, kissing at midnight is actually an old Scottish tradition? Hogmanay was introduced when the Vikings invaded, and one part of the celebrations involves welcoming friends and strangers alike, which apparently involves kissing them.”
“No, I didn’t. I guess I’ve never thought about where it came from.”
“Another tradition is First-Footing, although it’s definitely not as commonly practiced around here. The first person to enter the house should be a dark-haired man to ensure good luck. He’s supposed to bring gifts with him, such as coins, coal, or whisky, it can vary slightly regionally, I think. You’d be a good first-footer, I reckon- I mean, you’ve already got the whisky.”
“And the hair, I guess.”
“Mmm. Tall, dark, and handsome.”
Aaron’s glad he hadn’t just taken another sip of his drink, because after hearing Spencer use those words to describe him, he certainly would have spat it out in shock. He can feel his cheeks growing warm, and is incredibly glad of how dark it is in the bar. Spencer's very observant though, so it’s almost certain he’s already noticed Aaron’s flustered reaction however much he tries to hide it.
Before he can work out how to reply to that, a deafening shout ripples across the room.
Spencer’s not just looking at Aaron in general any more, he’s looking into his eyes. His gaze flickers downwards as the countdown continues- oh God, is Spencer looking at his lips? Aaron finds himself setting his glass down as he unconsciously inches closer, barely daring to breathe.
Is this going to- surely not? But Spencer’s own lips are slightly parted now, his glass abandoned as well.
It’s only seconds, but each one feels like eons. The countdown fades slightly as Aaron’s heartbeat fills his ears.
Aaron takes a deep breath, and before he can even make a move, the clock strikes midnight and Spencer leans in and kisses him.
It feels exactly like the fireworks that are going off outside.
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gothcsz · 2 months
𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒆 / Chapter IV.
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PAIRING: Javier Peña x Original Female Character
SUMMARY: The beginning of the end...
RATING: 18+ Mature topics such as sex, drugs, murder, the occult, religion, cannibalism and other triggering matters will be explored in this body of work. Minors DNI.
CHAPTER SPECIFIC TAGS: The start of a very wicked love triangle, slowburn slowburn slowburnnnn, mentions of religion (Catholicism), porn WITH plot !!!, some characterization, other things that I'm probably forgetting.
DISCLAIMER/WARNINGS: The Javier Peña referenced in this body of work is solely based off of the character that appears in Netflix’s Narcos and not the actual person. Very canon divergent and I will tweak things as I see fit to compliment the narrative of this story. While efforts have been made to be accurate in terms of canon timeline, a lot of details will be fictionalized.
A/N: this took me longer than i anticipated solely bc i hate rereading my writing lol i'm tryin suuuuper hard to get javi's characterization down so i hope i'm doing him justice fr 🙏🏽 the plot is slowly getting started and i'm just rly hype for it bc i love the whole southern gothic vibe like it EATS!!! anyways feel free to drop any type of feedback/support on this blog or ao3. i'd really appreciate it <3
♰  read on ao3. ♰
♰  playlist | pinterest | series masterlist ♰
“You know, most guys woulda thrown in the towel by now.” Paloma tells him, legs steadily peddling her bicycle as Javier drives in his cruiser alongside her. 
“Most guys are idiots, querida.” He replies cooly, one arm dangling lazily out of the driver’s side window and his aviators sitting pretty on the bridge of his nose.
Paloma’s laugh rings out beautifully and he can’t keep himself from smiling. “S’no wonder they quit on you. You’re stubborn as hell.” He grumbles, thinking of the various times that she’s rejected his offer to drive her wherever she needed.
Initially, Javier’s behavior bordered on being a downright nuisance, deliberately encroaching on her personal space with excessive proximity. It wasn’t entirely due to his duties; rather, he found amusement in witnessing her irritation. The combination of her sharp retorts and accompanying eye rolls became an addictive response he couldn’t resist provoking.
It was entertaining, to say the least.
Amidst his constant patrolling, Javier got to learn more about her little by little. Details like what her routine consists of and how she interacts with others.
It’s abundantly evident that Paloma is adored by nearly everyone she encounters. Her kindness, wit, talent… beauty. It’s thoughts like these that had him second guessing how he was approaching the sheriff’s orders.
It was making him feel like a stalker, honestly, so he decided to pull back a bit. She is grown, after all, and she’s reminded him of that fact almost daily. 
So, Javier gave her the space they both need. Not following her around everywhere or posting up outside her job. During his downtime, he is able to put more analytical attention on the current homicide case. Starting with the guy that had lingered at Nina’s funeral.
He asked around, trying to get any information about a potential boyfriend or anything of that nature but came up empty handed.
Paloma grins proudly at his words. “You say stubborn I say strong-willed. I do appreciate you easing off, though.” She looks over at him and he admires how pretty she looks beneath the sunlight.
Brown hair clipped up into a messy updo and a soft, yellow sundress adorning her body. A hidden gem in this vast and obscure town.
“‘Least I could do. Helps me think, too, drivin’ around.” Javier keeps himself from reminiscing on his days in Colombia and the endless amount of stakeouts he’d been apart of. Sure, his ass would get numb and most of the time they acquired nothing but it helped him analyze any and every detail he could examine; often the copious amount of time he spent trying to piece everything together lead to a bigger break in the investigation.
He’s just applying the same technique here. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been able to make anything out of it all.
“Ah , so the car is your go to spot? Mine is the abandoned tracks over by Montrose. For some reason, I think better there… if that makes any sense.” The conversation continues easily and naturally. That is another thing he’s come to learn about her, Paloma is very amiable.
“It makes sense, muñeca.You shouldn’t go by yourself, though. Don’t know who could be followin’ you all the way out there…”
“I think it’s an officer that goes by Peña and I’m pretty sure he’s stalking me.” She teases him and he rolls his eyes, letting out a dry chuckle.
Javier really wants to urge her to let him take her to work but he knows she’ll challenge him.
Thinner strands of her hair stick to her neck and other damp areas of her face; the sweat on her thighs which he can see gleam beneath the hot sun each time she pedals. That leather seat she’s sitting on must be uncomfortable.
“I’m sure he’s just trying to make sure that you don’t run into any trouble. Which is why I think you should let me give you a ride to the library before you pass out and die of heat exhaustion tryin’ to bike there.” Javier tilts his head to the side to look at her and she stays quiet, thinking over his words before letting out a defeated sigh.
“Fine, but only because it’s hot as shit and I may or may not be jealous of the A/C in your cruiser.” He can’t help the smirk that tugs at his lips as she caves in, rolling the vehicle to a smooth stop and putting it into park so that he could mount her bicycle to the back of it.
Javier’s eyes trail over her form as her back is turned to him, grabbing her things out of the small basket on her bike. If her father knew the scandalous thoughts he had about her he’d have him quartered and drawn. That does have a wave of guiltiness wash over him since the man is trusting him fully to look out for her and her wellbeing.
Which he is, in that regard Romeo has nothing to worry over, it’s Javier’s attraction to her that’s messing with his conscience.
It doesn’t help that Paloma plays into it, feigning innocence when she gets a reaction out of him. Maybe he shouldn’t be so reactive.
“I got it.” Javier insists, taking ahold of the metal handle and brushing up against her as he does so. Feels her body stiffen at the sudden touch yet he keeps a satisfied simper at bay.
“Thank you, officer.” She recovers smoothly with that intriguing timbre she uses when they banter flirtatiously.
It is so wrong yet so right of them to continue whatever this is. Seeing just how far they can take it before the inevitable happens. Javier will hold off as much as he can, really he will, for the sake of his job and budding friendship with Romeo… if she ever decides to be explicit in her demands, however, it’s going to take a lot of willpower to not give in.
Once the bike is secured and she’s in the cruiser, he hops back into the driver’s seat and begins the drive into town.
The ride is silent at first, Paloma shoving her face in front of the small vents on the passenger side and letting the gust of air cool her down. He catches glimpses from his peripheral as she digs through her bag to pull out a satin handkerchief, wiping her face and neck, then her thighs.
He can’t help as his stare follows the motion of her dragging the fabric along her smooth and sweaty skin. Almost jealous of the damn thing, imagining it to be his touch instead.
“I wouldn’t be in this predicament had my car been fixed…” she breaks their silence, peeking over at him as she fixes up her hair. It’s clear he understands the implication behind her words.
“I did volunteer myself to take a look at it, didn’t I?” Javier responds as she sprits some perfume onto her wrists and behind her ear, rolling on some deodorant and just like that Paloma’s freshened up. Now the cab of his cruiser smells like her and it’s going to drive him fucking insane.
“If I remember correctly, yes.” He stops at an intersection, finally being able to look at her properly. 
“You free Saturday?”
“You askin’ me out on a date?” Paloma’s eyes twinkle in pure mischief.
“Your dad would kill me if I did that.”
“In front of the whole town, too. Make an example outta you.”
“I’m tryin’ to steer very clear of that, so no, baby, unfortunately I’m not askin’ you out on a date. I’ve got time to stop by and take a look at it before I go in for my shift.”
Paloma purses her lips in thought as Javier trudges forward, the terrain changing from dirt road to asphalt as they near the library.
“Yeah, you can come by at lunch. Daddy’s out all weekend on some huntin’ trip with his friends so… I’ll be home alone.” It’s tantalizing, the way she drops that tidbit of information at the end. Javier is well aware of Romeo’s absence but he hadn’t stopped to think what that meant for him and Paloma.
As if there is a him and Paloma.
She flirts and eyes him like she would let him have his way with her but she is also strong-willed and and clever enough to be leading him on.
He’s just now built some rapport with her and he doesn’t want to jeopardize it. They can continue flirting without crossing the physical threshold. 
“Alright, nena , I’ll see you at lunch Saturday.” He’s in front of the main entrance to the building now.
“It’s a date, officer.”
“You must want me dead.” He huffs.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him.” She pauses, biting down on her lower lip, “It’ll be our little secret.” Paloma whispers before opening the door.
He begins to swell in his pants as her voice drops into a whisper, words coated in seductive suggestion at the idea of them fooling around inconspicuously. 
“Wait, your bike––” He’s already reaching down to unbuckle himself when she stops him, leaning in through the open window of the now closed door.
“Don’t worry about it. You can take me home later. I get off at 6.” She winks at him, pulling back and turning on her heels to walk inside.
Javier slumps in his seat, head falling back against the headrest as he reminds himself how fucked he is.
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When Saturday afternoon rolls around, Javier’s heart is racing in anticipation of his alone time with Paloma at the Leighton residence.
All week he’s been plagued with profane scenarios of what could potentially unfold. Partially because he hasn’t gotten laid since returning stateside but also for his unwavering carnal desire for her.
The fact that she is irrevocably off limits only intensifies his yearning. He wants Paloma so bad because he can’t have her.
That’s lead to him finishing into his fist in the shower, images of her kneeled before him with her mouth wrapped around his cock at the forefront of his mind.
The first time it had happened, he felt like a damn teenager getting off to a crush. But then it continued to happen and at that point he just let his fantasies run amuck. 
It’s not like he’d ever tell her or anyone for that matter, so his illicit imagination will continue to be just that: fleeting thoughts. Guilty pleasures only he can indulge in.
He pulls onto the property with ease, cutting the engine and sitting there for a minute to collect himself. It’s embarrassing for Javier to give himself a pep talk at his grown age, ‘keep your shit together’ his new mantra.
With his metallic toolbox in hand, he’s ready to knock against the screen door when he hears music playing faintly nearby. He follows the tune, rounding the corner of the wraparound porch to the backyard.
The music is recognizable now, a Fleetwood Mac song and his eyes fall on the girl lounging peacefully.
Paloma’s in a hammock, her long legs crossed over one another and hanging from the side. She’s reading a romance novel, he notes, from the incredibly cliché cover of a buff man with a half dressed woman in his grasp. He can faintly hear her humming along to the song, fingers tapping in rhythm against the hardcover of the book.
“Hola muñequita.” Javier greets suavely which has her peeking over her book then smiling wildly when she sees him.
“You made it!” Paloma excitedly stands from her spot, allowing him get a better look at her. She’s got on a red bikini top and a jean mini skirt. He wasn’t prepared to see this much of her bare skin and it throws him off entirely. So much for that pep talk.
It is a magnificent sight, though. Thankfully his sunglasses shield her from his wandering gaze, but with the intensity of his stare, she can probably feel it.
Javier knows her figure is divine, all the different outfits she wears both around town and on stage showcased her assets tastefully. However, seeing her in a top that’s almost too small and a skirt that’s definitely too short has those desires of his ramping up viciously. 
It doesn’t help that she’s got a dainty, golden cross necklace hanging from her neck. It rests tantalizingly against the smooth skin right above the swell of her breasts. So many things he fantasizes about doing to her and none of them holy. The piece of jewelry reminds him that he needs to back off. 
Amidst his leering, Javier notices a faint scar running from the left side of her hip up to below her breast and he’s curious to know how it got there.
“You had an inclination that I wouldn’t make it?” He returns to the conversation before it’s painfully obvious that he’s checking her out.
Paloma smirks, meeting him halfway as he descends the steps of the porch to approach her. Her hands cross behind her back and she stares up at him through her mascara coated lashes. “Figured you’d probably wanna spend your Saturday afternoon at home instead of playin’ mechanic.” She sways lightly and he narrows his eyes at her. 
He can see right through her act, not that she’s being very subtle.
“I’m a man of my word. Already been puttin’ off this visit longer than I should have.” He can’t help himself from bringing his finger up to twirl a strand of her hair, enjoying the silkiness of it against his touch before letting it fall softly against her.
If they hold their gaze a second longer, one of them will break and while Javier is certain that it’d be blissful, it would also be a mistake.
“Here, I’ll take you to her. She’s in the shed.” It’s like she can read his mind, nudging her head in the direction of the small structure and she turns to begin leading him there, in which he follows wordlessly, not being elusive at all as he gets a better look at her from this angle. The skirt is just barely covering the curve of her ass, and a flash of red is revealed each time she takes a step.
He bites down on his tongue harshly, adverting his gaze and thinking of literally anything else to keep his erection away.
He surveys the area of the backyard, not seeing a pool or any body of water nearby and he wonders why she has the bathing suit on.
Not that it should matter to him. She’s probably just tanning, you pervert. It’s hotter than hell out today.
Paloma’s humming again as she goes to remove the wooden plank that keeps the door of the shed closed, grunting as she struggles to pull it free. The soft sounds she emits do nothing but make it harder for him to show some fucking resilience.
“Do you need help––” Javier’s cut off as she successfully slides the thick piece off, resting it against the metal wall and dusting her hands off on her skirt.
“Appreciate it, though.” She flashes him a toothy grin, the wide doors creak as she pulls them open; revealing a beautiful vintage car. 
Javier lets out a low whistle, perching his sunglasses on the top of his head and placing his toolbox on the ground as he walks around the vehicle to get a better look at it.
His hands fall to his hips, circling the area slowly and shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re tellin’ me the mechanic didn’t jump at the chance to fix this thing?”
“Like you said, most men are idiots.” He can’t help but laugh, exhaling from his nose.
“S’always interestin’ to see it in practice.” He returns to the front of the car, propping open the hood and getting a better look inside. “You got the keys?”
“In the visor.” She replies, “Good luck tryin’ to get her to start. All she does is stutter before given’ out entirely.”
Javi makes a note of that, acknowledging her with a hum, already seeing a few things out of place and he’s eager to get to working on it. Before turning to law enforcement, Javi had the inkling to become a mechanic. Plenty of his uncles worked in auto shops and he has vivid memories of spending hours there with them learning everything he could under their supervision.
Experiences he holds near and dear to his heart, it’s part of the reason why he’s so clever and dexterous.
“I’ve got some stuff I gotta get done. Try not to miss me…” Paloma’s voice rings out and Javier hadn’t noticed that he zoned out.
He glances at her over his shoulder, “I’m more interested in gettin’ to know Darla, if I’m bein’ honest with you, hermosa.”
Paloma had to excuse herself before she quite literally jumped on Javier and had him take her against the hood of her car. The way he looked with his hands on his hips, eyes focused on admiring the vehicle had left her in a trance that she was sure if she stared any longer, she would have started drooling.
Something about the promise of seeing him sweaty and greased up had her mind spiraling with different erotic fantasies that would surely send her to straight to hell.
So she properly lets him be, busying herself with a few chores she has to get done before leaving for the creek with Sloane later. It is the first time Paloma will be meeting August and she’s nervous even though she doesn’t look it.
She finished the book Slo had passed on to her in a matter of days, intrigued to learn more about August’s ideas and the concepts he’s clearly very passionate about. When she relayed this over to Slo, the middleman between the two, she wasted no time in conjuring up a plan for them to meet. Originally, it was going to be more intimate with just the two of them but Paloma stressed that she was not ready for that so Sloane was quick to make it a group affair by suggesting they hang out by the creek.
It’s why she is currently clad in a bathing suit, with the summer at full send; being down by the water seemed like the best way to spend the latter half of her afternoon.
Right now, though, she’s more focused on not trying to fuck her dad’s friend slash deputy sheriff.
Some time passes, and when Paloma takes a look out in the direction of the shed, she sees that he’s ditched his flannel, leaving him in a white undershirt and his broad shoulders are now on full display as he leans over the hood.
That’s when she sees it. It glistens beneath the sunlight, a silver pistol tucked between his jeans at his lower back. She knows officers carry a weapon on them at all times, but the unorthodox placing of Javier’s further adds to the appeal of this alluring man. God damn him and his desirability. 
Paloma’s mind now wanders to the repeated wet dream she keeps having, the one where Javier takes her on the wooden railing of the porch. Specifically, the variation where he’s kneeled in front of her, her dress covering his face as he devours her entirely. 
She’ll interlock her fingers in his hair and tug at it, in which he’d respond by wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking on it harshly. That leaves her wailing and panting his name over and over and over again…
The force in which her thighs clench together is enough to snap her out of her delusions. She’s no better than a man, really, and she huffs to herself as she reenters the house to grab the six pack of beers, her guitar and notebook before sauntering over to him.
She’s more than capable of handling just being around Javier without thinking sinfully. It’s why she’s walking like a woman with a purpose, trying to prove to herself that she can be totally normal about this… budding friendship she has with him.
“How’s it goin’ in here?” Her voice cuts through the sound of the radio that continues to play softly. Paloma brought it in here for him to have some entertainment before she hurried off to the house.
Javier pulls back, lips twitching up into a smirk as he eyes the beers in her hand. “Goin’ fine. Whoever you took her to really fucked it up. No wonder he couldn’t figure out what the problem was. It’s everythin’.” Back of his hand wipes sweat from his brow, some of his hair matted against his damp skin. “I thought you didn’t drink.”
“Never said that. I just said on occasion.” She reminds him, popping the cap off of two beers then handing him one. He thanks her softly, wiping his hand on the already stained rag and tucking it into his back pocket. 
Her knees almost go weak at the action, but she’s a woman on a mission, remember?
“So what’s the occasion today?”
“It’s hot as fuck outside.” They share a laugh and tap their bottles together before taking a long sip.
“And the guitar?” 
Paloma sits on the wooden chair nearby, her spot whenever she comes in here to keep her dad company while he’s in the middle of building something. Most recently, some planter boxes she’d requested for their garden.
“I figured since I had some new company, I could play something for you. It helps move the writing process along.” She kicks her sandals off, tucking her legs beneath her and laying the guitar across her lap.
“I’m getting a peek behind the curtain of Paloma Leighton’s illustrious writing process? Well, I’m truly honored,” he remarks, dripping with sarcasm. She rolls her eyes at his jest but can’t help but chuckle, taking another sip of her beverage and downing it in one gulp.
She catches the intensity of his gaze lingering on her throat, tracing the subtle movements with each swallow. Paloma can’t help but entertain the thought: does he fantasize about her as she does about him?
“Don’t feel too special. I’m almost always playin’ somethin’ for someone.” She sets the finished bottle aside, thumbing through her notebook until she finds the adequate page and folds the tattered front so that it lays flat on the thick arm of the chair. 
As she does this, Javier lights a cigarette and puffs out a cloud of gray smoke. “You do it all yourself?” She can hear the curiosity in his tone and for some reason, it makes her blush.
“For the most part. The band just helps bring it all together. They add the umph to it… s’not always the case, though. Sometimes I oversee the entirety of it. From the lyrics to the melody and everything in between. It’s real fun.” She begins to tune her guitar, brows pulling in concentration as her ears perk up to catch any inconsistencies until she’s thoroughly pleased with how it sounds.
Javier remains silent, his fond gaze lingering on Paloma as he takes a drag from his cigarette. With practiced ease, he lifts the beer bottle to his lips, alternating between the two vices at a leisurely pace. As he delves deeper into understanding Paloma, the allure intensifies, dangerously blurring the lines between flirtation and something more profound.
Something more. He’s trying real fucking hard not to see it like that. 
Javi’s never been inclined to seek deeper connections with his partners. Emotions and commitments tend to complicate matters, a burden he’s well-acquainted with in his already convoluted life. He sees no need to add unnecessary strain by entering into half-hearted relationships.
This is why he exclusively pursues sex, seeking gratification without the complications of emotional entanglements. His experiences in Colombia, where he didn’t mind paying for intimacy, epitomized this mindset. There, a mutual understanding prevailed: their encounters were solely about shared pleasure, with no expectation of anything beyond.
In the short months that he’s been here, Javi has finally began finding some kind of peace in Seminary, all things considered, and while fucking the sheriff’s daughter would be a bad move–– catching feelings for her would be a hundred times worse.
“It’s a little morbid, m’still workin’ on it and it’s fairly short. S’just the chorus.” Javier nods, letting her know that he’s listening as she begins to sing.
“If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses, Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song. The sharp knife of a short life, Now I know there’s no such thing as enough time.”
Her voice is softer, southern accent complimenting her strums on the guitar and while he enjoys the electrifying performances she puts on stage; he loves hearing her like this.
Rich and smooth. Like miel (honey).
“You’re right, it is morbid.” He comments, truthfully, and Paloma lets out a breath.
“I tried not lettin’ what happened to Nina get into my writing. No need to keep dwellin’ on it but damn is it hard to keep it away. Figured I’d just get it out of my system and get back to workin’ on my other stuff.” 
“There’s nothin’ wrong with dwelling on it…” He begins tentatively, already sensing a pang of regret for broaching the subject. Once more, he finds himself grappling with the challenge of articulating his thoughts effectively.
“I know, but for my peace of mind it’s best I just get on with it.” Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug, fingers plucking at the guitar strings again.
For the next hour or so, they immerse themselves in conversation, delving into a wide array of topics. While Javier meticulously tends to the car’s engine, Paloma remains by his side, offering her company. Amidst their discussions, they explore trivial details about each other’s lives: favorite movies, food preferences, and other basic facts. Through these exchanges, Javier learns of Paloma’s irrational fear of reptiles, her affinity for sleeping with her windows open, and her distinct preference for waffles over pancakes.
Javier indulges in the easy flow of their conversation, sharing with her his fondness for spy novels, his penchant for card games, and reminiscing about his favorite arepa spot in Bogotá.
The latter captivates her, drawing her focus entirely. “I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you lived there for such a long time. It’s just unimaginable to me... A completely different country... so fascinating.” She muses, her tone tinged with wistfulness.
He’s eager to shift away from this subject, recognizing her genuine curiosity and good intentions. However, he’s apprehensive about delving into discussions about his past work and experiences, topics he’s not ready to broach. With a brief, dismissive response, he seeks to subtly steer the conversation in a different direction.
“Yup, lotta crazy shit…” He returns his attention to the engine and Paloma catches the hint and doesn’t say much else after.
“Paloma!” The sudden call of her name has them both turning their heads to the opened doors of the shed where he sees a girl her age standing on the porch, searching the area until her eyes fall on the two of them and she beelines in their direction.
“I’ve been knockin’ on your front door like a crazed woman for the past five minutes! There’s a random truck parked out there, what’re you doin’––” When the girl’s gaze lands on Javier, her entire body language switches and he raises his brows at the change. “I didn’t know you had company. Who’s this handsome fella?” 
Javier is accustomed to captivating the attention of women, especially the striking ones. They consistently cast him that same flirtatious glance, their gestures taking on an added want of attention. This encounter proves to be no exception. With her bottom lip captured between her teeth, she checks him out not so subtly, her gaze lingering on his toned arms before returning to meet his gaze, a playful spark dancing in her eyes.
Maybe this is exactly what he needs: a diversion to divert his attention from Paloma. Despite his intense desire for her, he knows it would only lead to complications in the future. Pursuing women younger than himself is not the path he wishes to tread, especially since he (allegedly) left his playboy days behind in Colombia in pursuit of a fresh start.
Yet, amidst his longing for Paloma and the current lack of romantic encounters, Javier finds it difficult to view things in this new perspective.
Always thinking with the wrong head. It’s his achilles heel.
“Javi. What’s your name, gorgeous?” He smirks flirtatiously, wiping his hands clean on the rag again and reaching out to take her hand in his in a handshake.
“Sloane.” She squeezes his hand gently before letting go, sultry smile still present on her countenance.
“Sloane, pleasure to meet you sweetheart.”
Paloma doesn’t like the nasty feeling she gets as she watches the interaction. It’s clear as day that they’re flirting, and honestly what did she expect out of her best friend, and now, charming acquaintance?
She’s well aware of his rapport in Colombia and the daily flirtatious behavior towards her. Paloma’s also aware of how willing Slo is to fuck anything in her line of vision. Yet, not being on the receiving end of the former is odd and has her feeling things she doesn’t want to feel.
What really has Paloma’s skin crawling is the way he calls her sweetheart and introduces himself as Javi. He’s never told her to call him that.
Honestly, she probably would have felt more green if he had called her hermosa or any of the other Spanish names of endearment he’s reserved for her. 
Reserved for her? She sounds so possessive. 
Sloane giggles, “You’re the one who’s been followin’ her around all over town on daddy’s orders, huh? Paloma, you didn’t tell me he was this hot. I woulda told you to count your blessings had I known.” They exchange a look that Paloma really can’t stand catch sight of, so she interjects.
“Sorry I lost track of time. Javier’s been lookin’ at Darla tryna fix her.” His name rolls of her tongue smoothly and this has a smug smile sprouting on his face. 
No cowboy or officer or Mr. Peña. Just Javier.
She gets up from her seat, sliding her sandals back on and leaving her belongings where they lay.
“There’s a part or two that’s missin’ but it shouldn’t be hard to get ‘em. Other than that, my work here is done.” He turns his back to the two girls and Sloane mouths over to her.
Oh my god?!
Paloma shoots her a look as Javier slams the hood of the car closed.
“Thank you, Javier, I really appreciate you doin’ this for me.” Her tone is genuine, despite the jealousy that had consumed her just then.
“No problem, cariño, I’ll let you know when I get my hands on those missin’ parts.”
“That sounds great! How much do I owe you for––” He cuts her off with a wave of his hand, collecting his things. 
“Don’t worry about it. M’doin’ this out of the kindness of my heart. S’what you do for a friend, right?” Speaking of hearts, hers skips a beat at being considered a friend and she feels her cheeks getting hot. Get a grip!
“Yeah, I guess so.” Paloma refrains from saying thank you again, not wanting to overdo it but she really is appreciative of his hard work.
Maybe she could find another way to show just how much she appreciates him doing this for her.
“Gabriel’s waitin’ for us out front, baby. We’re already runnin’ late.” Slo’s voice snaps her back to reality and she nods. Javier clears his throat and side steps her.
“Hope y’all have fun. Be safe, hermosa. Call me if you need anythin’.” Warmth spreads within her chest at his words, which would have annoyed her had they been coming from anyone else.
There has definitely been a shift in their dynamic, but Paloma can’t quite place what it is. The bitterness she felt just then definitely a factor.
“Sloane, darling, hopefully I’ll see you ‘round town soon.” And just like that, the warmth is gone as he addresses her best friend, a wink thrown in her direction before he’s leaving the two girls in the shed.
“Okay, you have a lot to catch me up on. Frankly, I’m pissed you haven’t sent him in my direction. I mean, look at him. That’s a whole man right there, dear lord I was about to cum just by shakin’ his hand!” Paloma cringes but she doesn’t let it show, instead pulling excitement from their afternoon plans to uplift her mood.
“How about we get goin’ before Gabriel ditches our asses and we’re left walkin’ all the way down there.”
It’s not much longer after that that they make it to their destination and Paloma rejoices in the feeling of the cool water against her hot skin. She ditched her mini skirt along the way, currently sitting in a more shallow end, head falling back against her shoulders as she soaks in the sun.
She can hear Gabriel and Sloane splashing around nearby, and she contemplates joining them when the sound of her name gets her attention.
“Paloma, yeah?”
She head snaps in the direction of the voice and her breath gets stuck in her throat once she sees the source.
He stands tall, his figure slightly lanky but gracefully lean, his golden locks tousled from his time in the water. His eyes, a light shade of blue and captivating, hold a magnetic charm. With a quick glance, she takes in the intricate tapestry of tattoos adorning his skin. They seem to complement him perfectly, she muses, adding an extra layer of intrigue to his already handsome appearance.
And for the second time in such a short period of time–– Paloma finds herself subtly squirming in her spot, a familiar sensation stirring within her thighs.
This man, though, much more age appropriate and everything about him screams intriguing.
“Depends who’s askin’.” She can’t help but tease, one eye closed and her right hand coming up to block the sun from hitting her face directly. She’d forgotten her sunglasses at home and that annoyed the shit out of her once she realized.
“A friend of a friend. May I?” Gestures to the empty spot in the shallow water besides her and she nods, “You’re much prettier than I remember.”
Eyes follow him as she lowers himself besides her, their bodies softly brushing up against one another and she shivers slightly despite the blazing temperature, “We’ve met before? No way, I definitely would have remembered you…”
“Technically–– no we haven’t met but… I was with Slo that day at the library. M’August.” He introduces himself and her stomach knots.
That’s when it hits her, a very vague recollection but a recollection of him nevertheless.
“Right, wow, that feels like forever ago.” She shakes her head, gently swaying her hand beneath the water. Suddenly, she feels much more nervous. She’d spent a good part of her week obsessing over his book and now he’s sitting right next to her while they’re both half naked.
His explicit poem comes to mind and she shakes that thought away quickly before her whole body turns into a bright shade of red.
“Time is a very tricky concept. You want these?” He conjures up a pair of shades and her brows raise at the action. “Noticed you’ve been scowlin’ ‘cause of the sunlight.”
A small smile spreads on her lips and she nods, he passes the accessory over to her and their fingers touch briefly against each other and she swears she feels fireworks.
Paloma really has to stop being such a helpless romantic. That never ends good for anyone involved.
“Thank you, August. You’re so observant.” She slips them on and lets out a small sigh, her head falling back between her shoulders.
She can feel his eyes all over her, but she doesn’t mind it. “Slo tells me you’re a fan of my work?”
She can’t help the laugh that slips from her lips and her eye widen once she realizes that that wasn’t the most appropriate reaction for her to have. “That… came out really wrong. I’m so sorry.” She shakes her head at herself, “I did enjoy the Paragons of the Sacrificed book.” Is honest in her opinion, looking straight ahead at the glistening body of water to avoid further embarrassment by looking at him.
“Don’t apologize, I know Slo has a tendency to… over-exaggerate.” They shared an amused laugh at the expense of their friend but it’s all in good fun. She feels some of her nerves lessen.
“I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the book, though. S’the whole point why I wrote it. Sharin’ new things to new people.” He explains.
“New things, indeed. You cited a lot of notable publishings. Got me lookin’ more into the history of Catholicism…. I can’t help but feel a little ignorant, y’know? So much knowledge out there and I’m so… uneducated.” Paloma scoffs at herself, self depreciation at its finest.
“Oh, that just isn’t true, little dove.” The nickname has Paloma looking over at him; he’s gives her such a warm and charming look that sends the butterflies in her stomach into a flurry. “Is it alright if I call you that? Seems very fitting… paloma is dove in Spanish.” A fact she’s very well aware of, since her mother reminded her about it all the time growing up.
“Yeah, I quite like that. No one’s ever really called me it before.” She replies almost sheepishly and he brings his large hand down to rest on her knee which has her breath hitching in her throat.
“Doves represent peace, love and purity … your parents sure did somethin’ namin’ you that.” His squeezes his grip on her knee briefly before pulling his hand back.
Pure? That’s possibly the last word she’d ever used to describe herself.
“As I was sayin’... throughout your life, others’ opinions have shaped your perspective. Eventually, you decide to see the world through your own eyes. Do some explorin’ of your own. It might take time to reach this realization, but what’s important is your willingness to learn and challenge conventional beliefs. So much knowledge out there, s’up to you to seek it and form your own opinions. S’way better than just followin’ what other people want you to think. Bit hypocritical comin’ from me considerin’ the group I lead but that’s different.”
Unbeknownst to Paloma, she finds herself captivated by every word that escapes his lips, hanging on to each syllable as if they were precious gems. His voice carries an irresistible attractiveness, his words akin to twinkling stars scattered across the vast expanse of a darkened sky.
He’s leading her to him … towards something in the same way constellations help sailors navigate the sea. 
They spend the rest of the day just… talking. He delves deeper into the intricacies of a group he belongs to—individuals adrift in the world, much like himself. Together, they’ve traveled through the majority of Texas, exchanging stories and delving into philosophical musings, united in their quest for deeper meaning and connection to something greater than themselves.
That leads Paloma to learn that he’s from Fayette which is a few towns south and that he, Sloane and Gabriel all grew up in the same trailer park together. They’re the closest thing I have to a family is what August tells her and she feels sentimental as the statement tugs at her heartstrings.
She also learns that all three of them have a criminal past, which surprises her entirely and he explains to her that it was during their adolescence and it wasn’t anything major. Just stupid shit to pass the time.
She believes him without asking any further questions.
It’s not until they’re both getting bitten up by mosquitos that they decide it’s time to head back.
“It’s finally nice to put a face to the name, August. I hope I get to see you again… maybe read another one of your books?” Paloma bites her lip as they walk side by side.
“Likewise. Next time I’ll make sure to bring it to you personally. Don’t need Slo playin’ messenger and misconstruing our words.”
They make it back to Gabriel’s truck, he and Slo leaning against it and sharing a joint as they eye the duo. Paloma slips her skirt back on.
“‘Bout fuckin’ time. I need a shower, bad.” Sloane huffs, passing the joint to Paloma whom rejects it which gets an eye roll out of her friend and then handing it over to August who accepts it with no hesitation.
Paloma sees a motorcycle nearby and her curiosity gets the best of her, “S’that your ride, August?” Flips her hair over her shoulder, looking at him. He lustfully eyes the exposed skin of her neck and shoulders before nodding.
“Sure is. You ever been on one before?” Thick smoke emits from his lips and nose as he passes the joint back over to Gabriel who finishes it off wordlessly.
He’s so quiet, Paloma observes, but her attention returns to August.
“No. They look real cool, though.”
“You should let me take you home. Give you your first ride on one, little dove.” The offer is rather suggestive and she doesn’t mind it. She’s very interested in getting to know him better.
Paloma would have taken him up on it had she not been wearing the outfit that currently adorns her body. “Maybe next time.” She smiles at him softly and he nods, she looks away sheepishly as she blushes.
They share their goodbyes then she’s piling in to Gabriel’s truck after Sloane and on her way back home. 
The day’s events echo through her thoughts as she gazes out of the window, Javier’s presence now intertwined with that of August’s. A sense of excitement bubbles within her, unfamiliar yet exhilarating—the attention she’s receiving is unlike anything she’s experienced before.
Two distinctly attractive and intriguing men have unexpectedly entered her life, each leaving an indelible mark. Rather than overcomplicating matters, Paloma resolves to embrace the moment and allow things to unfold naturally. It’s a thrilling prospect, injecting a sense of excitement into her life that she hasn’t felt in quite some time.
“Oh fuck.” Paloma curses as she sees her father’s vehicle parked by the front yard and him sitting out on the porch.
Looks like he’s gotten back from his hunting trip early. It is nearing ten o’clock and she just knows she’s about to be interrogated on her whereabouts. 
She’s relieved that she hadn’t taken August up on his offer to bring her home on his motorcycle. Now that would have sent poor Romeo over the edge.
“Oh, baby, I feel for you.” Slo pats her thigh compassionately and Paloma groans. Dread creeps up her spine making her wither uncomfortably.
“He wasn’t supposed to be back ‘til tomorrow mornin’. Ugh, he’so so not goin’ to let this go.” The truck stops and both Gabriel and Slo flash her an understanding yet somber look.
“Thanks for the ride. I’ll call you tomorrow, ‘kay Slo?” The girl nods and they both hug before she’s exiting the vehicle and preparing herself for what’s to come. Paloma tugs her skirt down, noticing that it had ridden up much higher than what was appropriate. 
“Where the hell have you been, girl?” He asks once she’s close enough to survey him. He’s drinking, that’s never a good sign.
“We went out by the creek and––”
“The creek? With who? At this time of night? Paloma, how can you be so reckless. Especially with what the hell has been goin’ on around here.”
Anger contorts her features, her expression tightening with indignation as he addresses her as though she were a wayward teenager, rather than a capable woman out in the company of her friends.
“And dressed like that.” The tone in his voice makes something within her snap and she crosses her arm with attitude, getting defensive.
“Like what? I was by the water and I’m wearin’ a bathin’ suit. S’that illegal now?” Paloma is so ready to go inside, shower, and get in her bed.
“Is this what you do when I’m not around? Sneakin’ off lookin’ for trouble in the dead of night?”
“It’s only ten and I really didn’t expect to stay out this long. I got preoccupied. Why are you makin’ such a big deal outta this?” She defends herself and it’s ridiculous, really, that she even has to.
He doesn’t say anything else and she just rolls her eyes. “I’m going inside.” And that’s exactly what she does, walks right past him and indoors where she intends to take a very long, hot shower to help her forget about this spat of theirs.
Their arguments follow a familiar pattern: he erupts with emotion, then retreats into silence. Occasionally, he offers apologies, while other times, they linger unspoken. Paloma, however, is well-versed in navigating her father’s dramatic outbursts, having grown accustomed to them over time. It’s not the theatrics that trouble her; rather, it’s enduring it that proves challenging.
The shower runs while she takes a good, long look at herself in the mirror. 
Paloma finds herself approaching a crucial juncture, feeling increasingly prepared to confront her father in a heart-to-heart conversation. This discussion, she knows, will culminate in her revealing her decision to leave town and prioritize her own needs for once. While the thought of causing her father pain weighs heavily on her heart, she recognizes the necessity of taking this step in order to forge her own path in her life.
The steam rises from the hot water, gradually filling the room with its thick, swirling embrace. Paloma’s reflection blurs and fades amidst the steam, prompting her to shed her clothes. With each layer discarded, she feels a sense of liberation, a moment of vulnerability before she finally steps into the welcoming cascade of the shower.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Hi could u write a blurb or hcs of poly hawk and moon with a shy chubby fem reader who struggles w talking to strangers especially ppl in food service bc she's scared they r going to judge her so hawk and moon order for her bc they know she gets anxious?
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(Unedited) (Support Links🌺)
Reader chewed at her lip as she read over the menu in her head. Her eyes scanned over the words multiple times as she tried to find something she might like. Everything sounded so good in her head. Reading it over and over again she started to see that there wasn’t much she could confidently say she had before. This place was definitely different than her regular food hangout.
When Moon told her and Hawk that her mom gave her a special gift from a fundraiser she had gone to a few weeks back, she didn’t automatically think it would be a reservation for a table at a fancy restaurant.
Of course she said yes to her girlfriend and luckily their boyfriend Hawk was able to go as well. It was supposed to be a fun night out together.
The girls spent all afternoon getting ready, pampering themselves for the night ahead. It was mostly just them doing skin care together, painting each other’s nails, outfit planning. And of course a whole bunch of laughing and giggling about how much fun they were going to have. Reader had never really been to a five star restaurant before so she was both nervous and excited. Moon had never been on a date, let alone a three-way date, to a fancy restaurant like the one they were going to.
Both girls couldn’t help but giggle at all the fun thoughts about how the night was going to play out.
They made sure to text Hawk all day and tell him about their plans. Both girls made sure to remind him to dress nicely for the date. They both picked out nice dresses for the night so they expected him to dress just as nice in a good suit. Both girls openly drooled at the mental image of their boyfriend picking them up for the night in a nice suit.
They spent the later part of the day and early night getting ready. Doing their hair and make up together. Reader helped Moon zip up the back of her dress and Moon helped pin Reader’s hair just right. Lots of messy lipstick kisses in between. They both had to reply lipstick and lip gloss multiple times before Hawk showed up to take them. As soon as he showed up to take them, they couldn’t stop kissing until they got to the restaurant.
Now they were sitting at a nice table on a grand-looking patio.
Fairy lights and fancy potted plants and flowers over looking a fancy pond. Reader and Hawk where in awe at the size of the fountain in the middle of said pond, it shot water into the air with a brute white light in the middle. It was so luxurious. It was a beautiful landscape, to say the least.
The place wasn’t overly packed but then again everyone there had made reservations for the night.
Reservations only.
They had been seated pretty quick and served their drinks within minutes of sitting down. The service was amazing, everyone there was so nice.
“Do you know what you want princess?” Hawk said as he put his own menu down on the table and looked over at Reader. His eyes almost glistened on the soft white light of the lateens that lined the patio. Moon also smiled over at her, cupping her hands before reaching out for both Reader’s and Hawk’s.
Reader sat the nice menu down before taking their hands with her own small smile. They couldn’t help but smile as she gripped their hands, giving a small reassuring squeeze to them both.
“Well I kinda want to try the pesto pasta? Iv never had it before. It sounds interesting enough to give it a try.” She gave a small shrug.
Moon perked up and with a small gasp said “Oh yeah that’s one of my favorites! All their ingredients are organic- I’m going to try something new but that’s one of my favorites from here. Trust me it’s going to be good.” She giggled as she played with Hawk’s fingers. Hawk in turn rolled his eyes.
He gently lifted Reader's hand and kissed it quickly before setting it down.
“Yeah I have no idea what that is, I think I’m just going to try out their fancy-sounding chicken parm, my mom makes it a lot and I like it. I don’t see the harm in trying it out while I’m here.” Moon grinned “Very adventures babe, very out of your depth.” All of them have a short laugh at her sarcastic comment.
They where already having so much fun, and it was so romantic. Just the three of the enjoying themselves and the night. It felt so “adult-like” and fun. Reader felt all bubble just from all of this. She wondered if her partners felt the same way at that very moment.
The fun was short lived as the waitress came back over to their table. The sound of her short black heals clicking over the hard patio tile sounded behind her as she approached. Reader felt her stomach drop a little. The idea of telling her order to a stranger started to scare her. A bit of social anxiety sparking up. She thought that maybe tonight things could be different and she could get passed her fear of strangers.
Clearly not by the way her mouth went dry and she swears her tongue goes numb.
“Hi guys, if your ready I can take your orders and get them back to the chef.” Her voice was sugary sweet. Her eyes were round and big and she radiated a bubbling personality that made Reader’s gut feel heavy and her heart drop.
Moon happily gave her order, having no issue as she had been here before. She knew exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. She smiled at the older women as Hawk went next. He was more serious and fluid with his order. He stated what he wanted simply and quickly.
“And what can I get for you dear?”
Reader felt like she was in a void at that point and she couldn’t help but ball her fist up in the bottom of her dress. Her eyes darted from the closed menu to the women and back. Her face felt to hot and her head started to feel fuzzy. Maybe even her heartbeat started to speed up.
“I can come back and give you a minute to think-“
“No! It uhhhh-“
“She would like the pesto pasta, and for the side she would like the soup hold the —— she doesn’t like them. That will be it.” Hawk said in a serious but still light tone.
“Oh and can you put extra —— in the soup, it’s her favorite.” Moon smiled at the women as she wrote down the new order. She smiled at the three teens before giving a small nod and rushing off to get the order filled by the chefs inside the restaurant.
“You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“But we wanted to!”
“Yeah, we got you Princess don’t worry. We will make sure you always get what you want, with no exceptions.” Hawk leaned over and have her a soft kiss on the lips.
It was soft and sweet. They slowly separated, Hawk, leaning back over to his other side to give a similar kiss to Moon who smiled into it.
Once they parted, Moon, almost as if she was in a haze with half-lidded eyes leaned over the table towards Reader. They met half way and kissed over the table. They both smiled and giggled at the end as they slowly separated from each other. Hawk grinned the whole time as he watched them part.
All three of the softly holding hands and shearing kisses all night between eating and talking.
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pantswarrior · 10 months
I read Fighting Gravity on ao3 earlier this year and I wanted to tell you I loved it! I'm one of those peripheral members of fandoms who haven't read or watched any of the canon stuff, but are too obsessed with the fanworks to stop. It makes me wonder about stories like yours - is some point in the larger canon where something similar happens, or do you just come up with the idea for an unhoused Spock on your own?
I'm sending my ask to thank your for your story, but I also wanted to ask if you were alright with people printing and binding personal copies (ie. not for profit) of the fic for themselves.
I've been hand binding sketchbooks on and off for a little while, and I saw a tiktok of someone's self-bound versions of their favourite fics and thought that trying my hand at fic binding would be a fun project for this summer.
I just wanted to ask bc I heard some authors aren't okay with personal prints, so just let me know please; I'll always love the story regardless.
Aw, thank you so much! I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply - my laptop completely died several months back and the only one I could get online with is 11 years old, freezes up upon trying to load Tumblr, and is physically falling apart. -_- So I have been away from Tumblr all this time and did not see this until I got a new laptop tonight and could load the site again, I apologize! First of all - I consider it a great honor when anyone thinks enough of my fanstuff to want to do ANYTHING with it. =) I mean, I'm just out here being a nerd, writing fic about characters that are not mine. I can hardly be possessive about them. ;) So while I suppose it's rather late for a summer project, if for some reason the inclination strikes you in the future, feel free! It sounds like a beautiful project and I'm honestly flattered that you would think my story worthy. =) As for the inspiration behind that particular story... there is a rather silly story behind it. (tl;dr, possibly...) My partner-at-the-time and I were both really into the new Star Trek movie when it came out in 2009 - and this was not long after both of us were fixated on Ace Attorney fandom, which had recently had a new game released. Before the game was released, there was some character art showing an existing character looking scruffy, and the Ace Attorney fandom decided he must have fallen on hard times. There were multiple fanfics written about the guy he's usually shipped with finding him unhoused and taking him in and helping him get back on his feet. It became sort of a fandom injoke, "Miles adopts a homeless Phoenix". Not long after the first reboot Star Trek movie came out, the ONTD Star Trek community over at LiveJournal (good times!) dug up some screen test pics of Zachary Quinto wearing the Spock ears... but with a scruffy unshaven look and longer hair. So I showed them to my partner, who reacted with six little words:
"So... Jim adopts a homeless Vulcan?" I laughed because that was ridiculous and impossible given how some things work in the Star Trek canon. ...And then I started thinking about it, and how maybe it wasn't impossible, how someone *could* possibly wind up in such a situation in the Star Trek universe, and stopped laughing. ...And then spent the next several months of my life having this offhand joking comment turn into yet another exploration of one of my favorite themes: predestination vs. free will. OOPS. My partner, of course, was laughing their head off incredulously the whole time as I sent them drafts of the next chapter to read over and repeatedly reminded them that this was ALL THEIR FAULT. ;) So that is the...origin story... of that fic. Apologies for the length of this (and again, the lateness of the reply) - though to be honest it's so absurd it's fun to share it again. :D
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
‘Kay, it’s story time. tw bugs
So. I’m starting to think that my bathroom has some sort of small hole somewhere that leads under the trailer. (It’s a fifty year old trailer, you know it’s not 100%) First the big spider lurking on the ceiling for a whole twelve hours who appeared out of nowhere in less than ten minutes. And now this. In like two days. We spray the fuck out of this place for bugs. That room is the only room with bugs. Ever. After the ant apocalypse in the kitchen, we swore to never allow another bug inside.
I was going to the bathroom and as i reached for the toilet paper roll, a huge damn roach comes crawling over the top. I flinch back, scared Shitless, go bouncing across the bathroom trying to pull my pants up while my sister is on the other side of the wall like “OMG WHAT HAPPENED!!!” I open the door. She’s right there. I tell her i got jumpscared by a roach while trying to get tp and she’s just “o my god :O” I then went back into the bug battle field to exact revenge. This bitch crawled INSIDE the Roll. I had no clue how to squish/flush/catch this thing. I spent like two minutes talking to her about it and just Laughing about the possibility of this happening. She told me “Poke it with a fork. Just stab him.” To which i say “uhh no.” I ended up grabbing the roll and quickly pulling it up just so the roach would get squished up against the holder. I pull the tp off the holder and hold it over the sink trying to retrieve the rod, which is now covered in roach blood. You know how roach’s blood has a different color depending on their age and sex? This was green, looked like somebody sick blew their nose into the tp roll.
I look to my sister and ask, “What do i do with the murder evidence?” To which she replies “Burn it.” Knowing its the eve of the Fourth of July i could very much go out in the road and set something on fire without getting arrested, it was still a bad idea. Our grandma could walk up from across the street and ask what was going on and my only response would be “Burning the body.” or “Sacrificing the roach blood to our gods.” Both of which would give her good christian heart a heart attack even tho its a just roll of tp with a squished bug.
I cleaned up the mess and flushed the roach. Then immediately turned to my sister, holding the toilet paper roll towards her bc i’m the chaotic eldest child and it’s my job to do so. She goes RUNNING SCREAMING across the house. I follow her, telling her to take it. Go throw it away. Get rid of the bloody evidence. I stop at the end of the hall and I just break down laughing and say I’ll replace the roll. She didn’t take it from me and acted as if i had just chased her down with a bug in my hand ready to put it on her. I then place the roll directly at the center of the kitchen table (We don’t eat on it btw this isn’t THAT gross there’s something under it) leaving the murder evidence for my dad to wonder about in the morning.
I can’t even piss in peace. I swear. I almost fell into the bathtub during this. Out of all places to chill, why’d he have to choose The Back Of The Fucking Toilet Paper Roll.  Pro Tip: Don’t live in a 50 yo trailer if you’re scared of bugs. Like my sister. Who runs away from a dead ant.
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dvnities · 2 years
cyber gremlin x emo gremlin for @celestiel​ pt 1
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❛   a shot of tequila, ginger beer, lime juice, and most importantly,   ❜   v slides the cocktail across the table,   plopping down across from sasuke,   ❛   a splash of love. on me.   ❜   the creation of a friend’s,   who was gone too soon.     she hoped now it might mean the start of a new friendship,   but this guy was a tough crowd.   v had met all kinds of people in night city,     but people there loved the sound of their own voice.   seemed like sasuke barely knew how to speak.   didn’t really care much about that,   the kid had skill,   that was all that mattered.
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she lifts up her own drink   ( tequila old fashioned with a splash of beer and chili garnish )   clinking it against his glass that sits still on the table,   ❛   to breaking records.   ❜   so much for deadlock prison being inescapable.   wasn’t the easiest job she’d ever done but she’d been through worse.   ❛   if that’s too complex for you i’ll go get you a beer.   ❜   v throws back her drink,   letting out a refreshed sigh and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand,   ❛   so, i gotta know,   what’s your deal ?   didn’t want cash,   but you’re out here doin this crazy ass job.   so you’re either rich or insane.   or both.   ❜
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spencersawkward · 3 years
*concussions and confessions//spencer reid*
summary: a near-death experience encourages Spencer to admit his feelings for his best friend, even at the risk of ruining their relationship.
pairing: Fem!Reader/Spencer
content warnings: oh boy there’s a lot. i’ll start with the nonsexual ones-- choking (again, not sexual), blunt force, violence, some angst. ok time for the fun ones-- unprotected penetrative sex, masturbation, sex dream, oral (male receiving), slight dirty talk, creampie. lmk if there are more that i missed! 
word count: 5.4k
A/N: hi omg so i actually combined two requests for this bc i loved the concepts and i didn't wanna do one and not the other. i hope i do both of these justice hehe thanks for sending them! also sorry if the unsub scene sucks-- i don’t usually write that way, so i tried my best. 
request(s): omg if you need ideas for baby spence can you do a one shot where he's the girls best friend (she's not in the bau) and they are in love but neither of them admit it and he is really hurt in a case or almost dies or something traumatic and only when he gets back they confess their love... and then have sex 😏 ive been thinking about this concept alot 😌
can’t stop thinking about baby spencer (like s2-s4) & his girl best friend losing their virginity to each other... can you write a one shot on this please?
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"when are you coming back?" you ask over the line. you're lying on your bed, legs in the air while you talk to your best friend. it's been a long day for you, but a longer day for him. it's always a longer day for him. 
"you know that I don't know the answer to that question." Spencer's voice is soft as he attempts to keep quiet. he's two hours ahead and, despite the fact that you're both night owls, the person he's rooming with tonight isn't. 
"I know, but there's this Korean film festival that starts tomorrow and I was hoping you would be here to translate for me." you examine your nails while you talk. Spencer lets out a disappointed sigh. 
it's only been a few days since he left, but it's been a week since you last saw him and it feels like a long time. whenever he's not at work, you two are joined at the hip. ever since you first met a few years back at a poetry convention in DC, it feels like he's the only person who understands you. which is weird, because you couldn't be more different as individuals. 
"you should bring one of your other friends." 
"bold of you to assume I have other friends." you joke. Spencer chuckles to himself and your heart flutters. you love his laugh more than anything in the world. 
"I thought that was just me." he says. 
"oh, it is just you," you reply flatly. "I was trying to make you feel better."
you can practically feel Spencer smiling through the phone. although you tease him pretty frequently, he's sometimes able to get in his own shots. it's what makes your friendship interesting.
"hey," you add before he can say anything more. "how's the case going?" 
Spence starts to detail the whole thing, and you listen intently, the timbre and smoothness of his voice comforting you as you slip beneath the covers of your bed. you like the way he enunciates his words, his strange manner of speaking, because it lulls you to sleep. 
you know he's talking about horrible things, but something about the sound comforts you deeply. when he's not around, you're wishing you had it bottled up. 
he lays out their profile as it stands, and you fall silent. it's getting pretty late and you have to be up early for work tomorrow, so it would be a good idea to get some real rest. plus, Spencer needs to sleep, too-- even though he probably won't. 
you remember times when he'd call you at three in the morning, his mind whirring as he played chess against himself and asked if you wanted to hang out so he could teach you how. you hate chess, but of course you said yes; you'd been head over heels with him since your first conversation.
eventually, you feel yourself start to drift off. you don't even really know what he's saying; all of it blends together until you're laying there, one cheek pressed to the pillow and the receiver against the other. 
"Y/N?" he says your name abruptly and your eyes, which have been slowly drawing shut this whole time, fly open. 
"go to bed."
"what? no, I'll wait until you're done." you shift. 
"I could hear your breathing change." 
"then why didn't you just hang up?" you giggle. he goes silent for a moment and you wonder if he cut out, but then he responds. 
"I wanted to say goodnight." 
it's like a cage of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach. you wrinkle your nose as you get nervous. god, you miss him. things would be so much better if he was back. not like he'd be in your bed even if he was, though.  
"then say goodnight." you prod. he lets out an awkward little sound. 
"now I can't because you made it weird." 
"how did I make it weird?" 
"I don't know, you just did." he's so clumsy, your face heats up. you want to keep talking like this until morning.
"goodnight, Spence," the words sound reluctant, but you try to cover it up by teasing him further. "see, was that so bad?" 
"oh my god, Y/N--" he tries to sound exasperated. 
"no goodnight back?" you raise an eyebrow even though he can't see you right now.  
a lengthy silence again. "goodnight."
"that's what I thought." before he can protest, you end the call, settle into the covers. moonlight beams on the walls of your apartment, and you start to think about your best friend. about all the nights spent curled up on his couch with two bowls of popcorn, his ramblings about how much he loves his job and him asking about yours. 
he's a great listener. every time you talk, he nods along like he's hanging off every word. it's nice to feel heard that way, to have someone care. and he's fun to hang out with, too. you've met his team before and they all talk about how hard it is to get him to go out, but they don't see the same side of him that you do. 
Spencer is nerdy and cute and kind and sensitive. he makes you feel special. he's everything that you've ever wanted in a person. but it's not like it would matter, anyway. he hasn't really shown interest in any girls-- much less you. even if he did, you're scared of ruining the friendship. 
the fallout of not having him around at all... it would destroy you. and something, even if it's torturous, is better than nothing. 
which is why, as you sit there and remember being around him, your fingertips creep below the comforter. a familiar routine, they move over your stomach, until they reach the waistband of your panties. for a moment, you hesitate. it's wrong. he's your best friend. but he doesn't need to know that this is how you handle the ache he puts between your legs. 
as your index finger slides down your slit, you feel the wetness already forming. Spencer's hands, his mouth. the thought of his lips pressed to yours while he fucks you, holding your body like it's delicate. 
you don't know exactly how it would feel because you've never had sex, but you want to find out with him. he's never done it, either. you don't care; all you need is to have him inside of you, to see how he looks when he's on the edge. 
your mind wanders to the image of him parting your legs and rolling his eyes into the back of his head. the sensation of him filling you up. falling apart. 
you slide a finger inside, gasping at the way your walls tighten and your imagination runs wild. that tongue, lapping and making you squirm, your fingers twisted in his soft hair. he's so sweet; his attentiveness would make your legs shake. you want to look into his eyes while he does it. 
you add a second finger, curl them and brush over the most sensitive part. the pressure of his hips grinding into yours. your body curves up at the way you start to finger yourself, the other hand stimulating your clit. it's almost overwhelming, the way his name tumbles from your lips over and over. 
you've never wanted someone so badly in your life; he belongs in your bloodstream. the sounds he would make in your ear before finally cumming and collapsing on top of you, spent. you want to tire him out and then do it all over again. 
you're greedy on the edge, indulging in every single image of him you can conjure up, every dirty thing you'd say. finally, you feel yourself fall, the orgasm intense as you bite back groans of pleasure and work through the high. it's amazing. 
you sit there, panting, feeling your heart beat in your chest. some things can't leave your head, they're so sinful. and the worst part is that you don't regret it in the slightest. 
Spencer can feel his pulse practically leaping against his throat as he makes his way through the empty warehouse. he should have waited for backup; he knows he should have, but it's too late now to go back and change things. 
he clutches his gun, pointing it in front of him while his eyes flicker wildly across the space. he's moving between enormous aisles stuffed with crates, not knowing who else is around. they said the unsub brought his newest victim here-- Spencer came first because was closest to the site-- but he hears nothing aside from the uneven rhythm of his own breath. 
every step is careful. he's thinking about how close the rest of the team must be. based on their distance from the station, they should arrive within six minutes-- but that doesn't account for the time it takes to put on their bulletproof vests, to get to their cars. 
truthfully, he doesn't know if he's going to have to do this on his own. and that scares him the most. 
there's no point in worrying. he swallows the lump in his throat and presses his back to one of the crates. there's a scraping noise a ways off that causes him to freeze. because of the echoes of the warehouse, the origin is indiscernible. he doesn't breathe, eyes darting between each of the openings into the aisle. 
after a minute of pure silence, he peels himself away and turns to head back out. 
and that's when the sound of wood cracking against bone startles him; he hears it before he feels it, but it's obvious when he crumples to the floor. like knife points pressing into his brain at all angles, the shooting agony in his skull. 
he starts to clutch at his head, only to be yanked off the ground by a meaty hand and thrown against the side of a crate. 
"fucking feds." the guy is enormous. gargantuan. he keeps his arm across Reid's throat, pressing down enough to restrict his airway. but Spencer can't even concentrate on the guy's face further than its rough outlines. his vision is going in and out, fuzzy at the edges from the blow to his head. 
he definitely has a concussion. 
"I..." he trails off. the huge FBI logo on his vest is a dead giveaway. 
"all alone?" the unsub has breath like rotten fish, spits each word into his face. "I won't even need my gun." 
Spencer's head lolls to the side and he catches sight of his own weapon lying helplessly a few feet away. there's no way he could get to it in time, even if he got out of this guy's chokehold. 
he tries to think of a way to talk himself out of this; after all, their profile said he'd be more susceptible to negotiation, but that's kind of hard to do with someone's forearm slammed against your trachea. he presses harder and Spencer sees stars. his glasses hang almost off the bridge of his nose, centimeters from falling to the floor. 
he starts to realize that he's going to die, defenseless and alone, in a warehouse. at the hands of a man who kills women because his Viagra doesn't work. but this doesn't incite the kind of panic Spencer always predicted he'd feel. the lack of oxygen in his brain causes him to go delirious. 
he misses home. his mom and his old house, even though things were hard. he misses Y/N, his team members. he wishes his team was here; he should have waited for them. he should have told Y/N how he feels. now she's never going to know. 
Reid is so out of it, he doesn't even notice the pressure being relieved from his throat until he collapses on the ground. the unsub falls, too, his cheek smashed by the force of the abandoned wooden plank. 
it's hard to tell what's happening until Reid lifts his head to see Morgan standing above him, preparing to handcuff the criminal.
"kid," Spencer never thought he'd be so glad to hear his voice. "what happened?"
you practically crash into Spencer's apartment the next evening, flinging your body through the front door with your spare key. 
"Spence?" you call out from the entryway. everything still looks the same, but when his colleague, Penelope, called you today to tell you that Reid had gotten a concussion after a run-in with an unsub, you rushed here as soon as you could. 
"in here." he calls from his bedroom. you don't hesitate, your feet carrying you there. you've been anxious all day; he didn't call last night or even text like usual. you were on the verge of panicking when Penelope called. 
of course, you knew that was the risk with Spencer. he knew the risk, too. his life would always be in the balance when it came to the cases, but he'd gone through so many at this point, you weren't thinking about it. if you did, you wouldn't be able to focus on anything else. 
when you walk in, the first thing you see is Spencer laying in bed in his silk pjs. there's a stack of unread books on his bedside table. his glasses sit on top. he's just laying there with his eyes closed. 
"oh my god." you mutter, dropping your bag on the floor and walking over. he opens his eyes with a slight smile. there's a purple bruise forming across his throat, light but definitely there.  
"what the fuck happened?" you ask the question you've been wondering the whole way here. 
"he hit me with a plank." Spencer explains, the phrase coming out like he's still confused about it. "I'm fine, just a mild concussion and a bruise because he choked me." 
you take a second to assess if he actually means that he's okay, or if he's trying not to worry you. he stares at your expression for a second. 
"Y/N, I'm really fine." 
"you don't look fine." you gesture to the fact that he's laying in bed. 
"my body is sore, but nothing's wrong with me. I just can't look at screens or read." this last part makes him much more melancholy, it seems. you reach down and ruffle his hair playfully. 
"sounds like a nightmare." 
"it is." he cracks up. 
"I'm glad you're okay." you sigh. your heart rate has slowed to a reasonable pace now that you know he's fine. Spencer gives a ghost of a smile, and when he pats the empty spot on the bed beside him, you kick off your shoes and climb over his body to sit down. "so... did you guys get him?" 
"the unsub?" he turns his head to look at you. something is in his eyes that you can't read. "yeah, he's in custody. we saved the girl he abducted, too." 
"well, aren't you a hero?" you grin, pinching his arm. 
"ow!" he flinches. "don't hurt the patient."
"oh, so now you're injured?" you giggle softly. his smile fades a bit, gaze trailing from your face to your legs. it isn't lustful or anything, more like he's taking in your existence. it still makes your heart flutter. 
"I wasn't really a hero, anyway," he sighs. "I got knocked down before I even found her." 
"oof." you wince. 
"yeah, it's sort of embarrassing. I went in by myself and--"
"you went by yourself?" you clarify, turning to face him. of course he did. 
"yeah." he avoids your gaze. 
"Spencer, I work in a stationery shop and I know you're supposed to wait for backup." you deadpan. he snorts, staring straight ahead at the wall. his hair is flat in the back from where he's been resting it against the headboard. 
"he would have hurt her if I had waited." he explains. your heart softens a bit at this. you know Spencer has a problem with saving people; sometimes he doesn't think things through. but you know that it's only because he cares. 
you smile gently, appreciating what a beautiful person he is. you don't understand how other people don't see him how you do. your hand reaches for his suddenly, and you find yourself snuggling into his shoulder. 
Spencer doesn't usually like touch, but he welcomes this, dropping his own head to rest on top of yours while you both stare at the wall. his silence feels heavy, more than it usually does, and you wonder what he's thinking. 
"I'm really glad you're okay, Spencer." your tone is low, like it's a secret. 
"you already said that." 
"shut up." 
"you care about me." he sing-songs with a smile, and you know he means it in a friendly way, but you don't care. it brings warmth to your cheeks. 
"whatever. you care about me, too." 
he lets out a slight chuckle. "when I started to black out, I thought of you." 
your heart leaps, even though the reason is pretty dark. "oh, yeah?"
"mhmm." he hums. 
"nobody's ever told me that they thought of me in their last moments of life before." you tease. there are so many things you'd like to say, but know you can't. he smells like himself and coffee beans, his skin warm beneath the silk of his pajamas. 
"I'd hope not."
"anything in particular?" you wonder aloud. 
"what?" you feel him tense beneath you, and that's how you know there's something he's not telling you. 
"were you thinking about anything in particular?" 
"someone's full of themselves." he jokes. you smack his arm.  
"humor me." more than anything, you want to hear his thoughts. you know you're reaching, but you don't care. 
"just..." he pauses, the next words coming out almost too quietly to hear. "things I never got to say to you." 
"like?" now you're intrigued. 
"no way." he laughs and you groan, turning and realizing that you've both sunk deeper onto the bed and are now practically lying down. 
"c'mon," you prod. you've flipped onto your side while you watch him, his eyes directed at the ceiling. "what if you'd actually died?" 
Spencer gives you a look, and you wish you could snap a picture of his face. the gentle features, the warmth in his eyes. he stares at you differently than before, and it makes your stomach flip again. "I, um." 
you start to trace your index absently down his forearm, where his sleeve has incidentally gotten rolled up. his skin is soft. you know that this isn't a friendly thing to do, but something inside you craves his touch right now. you almost lost him; you can't imagine how horrible that would be. 
"I wanted to say that I--" he gulps, muscles in his shoulder tight beneath your cheek. "well, I care about you, and I... I really love you." 
it's not the first time he's said it, obviously in a platonic sense. what affects you is that he's acting like it's a big deal. 
"I love you too, Spence." you smile softly. his chest rises and falls faster, his face tensed. 
"no, I mean--" he turns onto his side, using the action to distract from his own nervousness. he holds your gaze and you forget how to breathe as he speaks. every syllable is serious, but you note his fingers fidgeting at his side. "I'm in love with you." 
it's like all the air in the room has been sucked out. you swallow, unsure of how to react at first. you don't believe what you're hearing, simply because it doesn't make sense. you've been friends for a while, now, but Spencer has never made a move to ask you out or acted like he wanted anything more. 
your heart swells. 
"you're in love with me?" the words even feel surreal on your tongue. he takes it as rejection.
"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry." Spencer rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands, his expression turning to a cringe. he's about to sit up to hide the red in his cheeks, but you pull him back down by the shoulder. 
"not so fast, crazy boy." the corners of your mouth are turning up into a grin. you can't help it; every nerve in your body is alive. Spencer loves you. he feels the same way. 
when he sinks back down onto the mattress and sighs, preparing to say something that rescinds the statement to erase any awkwardness, you grab his face and turn it to yours. you don't kiss him, only force him to look. 
"I'm in love with you, too." 
his eyebrows fly up in surprise. "r-really?"
"yes." you nod. 
he takes a second to process this. you see about five different expressions pass over his face, each one reminding you of how earnest he is. and it's absolutely adorable. 
"well, that's good, isn't it?" he clarifies. you pretend to think on it. 
"I'd say so, yeah." 
he smiles. a genuine, rare one that makes your veins feel as if they're full of glitter. you're on Cloud 9. 
"can I kiss you?" you ask him quietly. he seems surprised at this, too, like he never thought you'd want that, but then nods eagerly. 
you close the gap between you on the bed, holding his jaw in one hand while the other rests on his forearm. your lips meet softly at first. he's cautious, scared of pushing you away. he hasn't kissed many people before. but he's good at it, letting you take the lead. 
there's no way to adequately describe kissing Spencer. every bone in your body turns to mush, immediately craving more contact. you slide your tongue across his full bottom lip, and he lets you in. his affection is the most loved you've ever felt. because sure, you haven't had sex, but you've kissed people before. 
never like this. 
one of his hands goes up to wrap around your forearm tenderly before he shifts to lie on his side. you wrap around each other, turning the kiss into a full-body embrace as you breathe in. you want more. your leg swings over his torso so you can pull yourself closer, and he groans into your mouth when your pelvis presses against his. 
the kiss gets more heated, his hands carefully but hungrily traveling down the curve of your waist. you flip so that you're straddling him without breaking any contact. 
you don't really think about the way your hips begin to rock against his, your pussy involuntarily working for friction. there are so many happy chemicals in your brain right now, you giggle against his mouth when his body bucks up into yours. he groans. 
"Y/N..." he breathes softly. his hands move from your waist to your thighs, afraid to dig his fingertips in. 
"what?" you sigh, licking over his bottom lip again. he moans at the way you keep grinding on his erection. 
"I wanna--" his eyelashes flutter when he gasps. "I wanna touch you." 
"do it." your palm is resting tenderly against his cheek. he responds by finally holding you down, sliding his body up a bit to grind against your center. you whine. "touch whatever you want, Spencer." 
his cock twitches in his pants and you push the hem of his shirt up while he uses one hand to massage your tits. the voracious, curious nature of his attention makes you sigh, touching his stomach. he feels perfect beneath you. 
soon you're grabbing at each other without any regard for grace. he's so horny, he's pawing at whatever he can while you do the same to him. the kissing gives way to straight panting while you look at each other. 
"can I suck your dick?" you whisper. Spencer's eyes widen. you've never seen him nod so fast. 
you press your mouth to his one more time before inching down his body, sucking on his clavicle, then his stomach. careful to avoid the purple marks on his neck. he watches you intently, memorizing the details of this moment for later. when you reach the waistband of his pants, you peek up. he strains against the material. 
your mouth drops open and you draw your tongue over the clothed bulge, maintaining eye contact. Spencer throws his head back. his voice is high. "oh my god, oh my god." 
you smirk, licking it again. he clenches his jaw. "I'm gonna c-cum if you don't--" he tries for words, but he's mewling and moving against your mouth. you pull at his pants, hooking your fingers in his boxers and bringing them down, too. 
Spencer bucks into the air when his cock hits his stomach. it's big, precum leaking helplessly out of the tip while he whines. you want him now. 
"wow." you smile. he stares at you, tensing his stomach as you wrap your hand around his length. he's trying to keep quiet, but as soon as you spit on it and start to pump him, his head falls back into the pillow. 
you draw your tongue up the underside, paying special attention to the veins, reveling in his reactions. he looks like he's ascending to heaven when you start to suck on the first couple inches.  
"o-oh, fuck..." he keeps moving his hips off the bed for more, so you sink down further onto him, hollowing your cheeks and moaning. "Y/N..." 
you groan in response, feeling yourself get wetter with every sound he makes. you can't believe this is happening, the way he threads his fingers loosely through your hair in an attempt to touch more of you.
he tries to keep his eyes open while you suck, but they squint with pleasure. he's a mess for you, shuddering gently when you take nearly all of him into your mouth. 
before he can cum, you pull your mouth off of him with a satisfying pop. Spencer moans. 
"was that okay?" you ask carefully. this is the extent of your sexual experience, and you want to do more with him, but you aren't sure how he feels. your best friend stares back at you like you've turned his world upside down. 
"y-yeah," he replies. his face is flushed. "definitely okay."
he's throbbing, occasionally twitching against his stomach as he waits for more stimulation. you eye him carefully. 
"what do you feel comfortable doing?" your voice is smooth. "we can stop now, if you'd like." 
"I--" he chokes on the word. "I don't wanna stop." 
"do you want to have sex?" you ask. Spencer bites his lip, whines. 
"I wanna do that, too," you breathe out, straightening up and pulling your shirt over your head, unclasping your bra, before getting to work on your shorts. you know you're practically dripping. he's been more vocal, but you feel like you're going to implode from the desire. "but I need to tell you something." 
"what?" he tugs your arm, coaxing you back to him and touching you greedily. you giggle as you kick your shorts and panties off somewhere in the room. both of you move like awkward teenagers. 
"I'm a virgin." you say. 
Spencer frowns. "really?" 
"yeah," you lick your lips. "so you need to be careful." 
"o-of course." he blushes, getting nervous again. "you know I'm a virgin too, right?"
"I know." you smile. he returns it sweetly, and the commotion of your bodies slows for a moment. you're so happy, you could cry. 
"what?" he breaks the comfortable silence. 
"I'm excited," you shrug. he's got his hands on your waist, rubbing his fingertips over your skin. then you remember something. "wait, are you allowed to have sex with your... injury?" 
"it's fine." he reaches up and kisses your throat with an urgency. 
"did the doctor say that?" your eyes roll while he sucks on your neck. he groans and pulls down on your waist so that your stomach presses against his cock. he ruts. 
"second opinion from me." he pants. you tap his cheek playfully, move up his body until your core brushes him. he whimpers when you reach between your bodies and grip his length in your hands. 
"you ready?" your voice is low. Spencer squeezes your thighs, eyes moving between your tits and your face. 
"yes." he sighs. you position it, slicking him in your pussy while he wraps an arm around your waist and moans for more. your chests are pressed together, looking into each other's eyes while you slide him into you. 
you have to go slow, the intrusion causing your jaw to drop. you don't breathe. he's got his eyes rolled into the back of his head.  
"Spencer." you whimper, dropping your head onto his chest when he's fully inside of you. his fingers rub patiently over your back. 
"are you okay?" his voice is laced with a moan, trying to resist thrusting. 
"yeah, just a second." you wiggle a little bit to test the boundaries. it hurts, but it also feels good. your clit is begging for more pressure, so you start to roll your hips. Reid moans loudly. 
"Y/N..." he whimpers. "don't stop." 
"you want more?" the need in his voice makes you hornier, and you increase the pace, despite the slight pain. you're so wet, he slides in and out without much effort. 
"so-- much more." he's gasping, hands on your thighs as he watches your naked body writhe on top of him. he's never been more aroused in his life, spurred on by your scent and form and the tightness that keeps clenching around his cock.
he understands why people love sex so much, now. he wants it every day, wants to fuck you in every position and pleasure you. the sounds you release in his ear, whines and praises, he would do anything for more. walk to the ends of the earth to feel you cum on his cock. 
his hand finds your ass, squeezes it. 
"this feel good, Spence? fucking your best friend?" you talk dirty and he twitches. you're always so sweet, the words coming out of your mouth for him are going to send the genius into a tailspin. 
"mhmm," he holds you down so that he can thrust up. speaking at all is a struggle with the way he's feeling. "perfect." 
you start to say something else, but he hits a certain angle and you let out a quiet yelp, hips jumping at the pleasure. "I'm gonna cum." 
Spencer gets a rush of relief because it's taking everything in him right now not to absolutely lose it inside your pussy. he's hanging on by a thread. "me, too." 
you use your position on top to stimulate yourself. both of you chase your orgasms roughly, the rhythm you created degenerating into clawing excitement. 
"cum inside me, Spencer." you beg him. it sounds like you would do anything to feel it, that sensation that you've never experience but have always imagined. and Spencer, his own head foggy with ecstasy, nods and opens his mouth to let out a loud groan. 
"Y/N, fuck fuck fuck-- I'm--" he shoots his load inside of you, rutting wildly and letting his head drop onto the pillow while he pants. you can feel it. strange, lovely jolts of his seed spreading. your hands, which have been resting on his shoulders, tighten and you reach your climax. you flutter around him, both of you still moving to ease the intensity of the high. 
it's remarkable. you're crying out, having the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life. you never thought your first time would be like this. but you're glad it is, muscles tightening and releasing with the mixture of emotions. 
you collapse fully, him still inside. 
neither of you speaks. his heartbeat thuds against your ear, and you hold onto him like letting go would be the end of the world. you can't believe you could have lost him. you don't want to think about it. 
"sorry I came so fast." Spencer apologizes breathlessly. you can feel his cum dripping down your entrance when he slides out. 
"I don't care." you mumble. both of you stay there for a while, his heartbeat changing to a pace that reminds you of genuine excitement. like a hummingbird. 
"we can try again, sometime." he offers. you lift your head to rest your chin on his chest. his skin is flushed, pupils dilated, hair messy. such a pretty boy. 
"we should try multiple times." 
he gives you a cheerful smile, and everything starts to fall into place. you took each other's virginity. "Y/N?" 
he likes to say your name, and you love to hear it. "yes?" 
"are we dating?" the bluntness of the question makes you giggle. you don't hesitate. 
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added/removed!): @reidsconverse @voidsfilm @xoxomgg​ 
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
MHA Couples Dynamics with art by @leecheedoodles| Too Cool for Skool x Keener (Reader x Iida)
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Warnings: none, all fluff stuff
A/N: eeeee I’m so excited about this. I saw this art and immediately was inspired. I would really like to do a series based on these. This is all thanks to leechee doodles here on Tumblr. They are v talented so check them out! I’ve seen others use their art, but if they don’t want me to I can always take it down. Enjoy :)
You and Iida definitely got off on the wrong foot
You guys didn’t hate each other per say, but you annoyed each other for sure
Iida just wanted his fellow classmates to be successful and tried to encourage you as class rep. And you just wanted to only take part in the aspects of hero work that you actually enjoy
In your own ways, you both stressed each other out
Iida would give you lectures any time you ditched class, saying you needed to be responsible in order to be the best hero you can be
You just stood and rolled your eyes the entire time with your arms crossed over your chest
Eventually, one day Iida just said fuck it (he didn’t actually phrase it that way bc he doesn’t use the bad words) and picked you up and carried you to class.
The whole time with you kicking and screaming, which doesn’t affect him bc he’s a fucking tree
This became routine. Iida was with you almost 24/7, keeping you in line. This caused even more tension between you guys
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Well you wouldn’t if you stopped acting like a baby and attended to your duties!” *snickers* “You’re gonna tell me you’re not a baby when you can’t even not laugh at the word ‘duty’?!!!”
The bickering wouldn’t stop and it was driving EVERYONE crazy
So as Aizawa solves all problems, he paired up the duo with pent up frustration for their final exam
You guys were rolling your eyes when you saw you had to work together but weren’t surprised tbh
It seemed like you guys weren’t gonna make it, but at the last second you were able to distract Cementoss and give Iida an in to dash up and capture him
You guys cheered and high fived when you realized you’d passed, the negative feelings towards each other forgotten
Afterward you guys had a talk.
“Good job out there today, Iida. I’m impressed on how you came up with a strategy so quick. I guess studying so much does actually help, huh.”
“Thank you, L/N! I appreciate the kind words, especially coming from someone who has such good control over their quirk like yourself!”
The whole time both of you were staring at the ground, blushing to hard to look at the other person while complimenting them. Iida still did the hand waving tho lmao
Afterwards, Iida still kept an eye on you always bc he thinks you have a lot of potential and wants you to do well
And you don’t find him as annoying anymore, so don’t really try to avoid him
This ends up with you guys basically just hanging out rather than him chaperoning you.
Training, studying, making food, you guys are together a lot
You and Iida occupied a table in the dining area for your studies for the millionth night in a row. The other students know better than to disturb you at this point. Yes, you guys are friends now, but you still bicker like an old married couple.
“I could really go for some ice cream right now,” you said while leaning back in your chair.
“L/N! You know that stuff isn’t good for you! Why do you wish to consume such sugary content?! Why don’t you eat an apple instead?!”
“I don’t think that’s how cravings work. Besides we have training tomorrow and always so I will still be keeping myself in shape. It’s one treat.”
“L/N, we are studying to become the best heroes! We need to be responsi-“
“But that’s just it! We are always going to be working to be the best we can be. You need to be able to enjoy yourself. Life isn’t all about work, you know?” You said standing up and grabbing his arm, “We’re going out. Come on!”
“Absolutely not! It is after curfew! It would be dangerous and-“ Iida lectured on and on until you guys were basically in front of the ice cream place. He tried to get you to stay back, but you were surprisingly strong when you were determined. (Also, he probably wasn’t resisting as much as he could’ve).
You guys went in and ordered. You got cookie dough with some chocolate syrup on top, and Iida got a scoop of vanilla on a cone, only because you insisted he get something. After you got the ice cream you went to a nearby park and sat on a bench.
“Mmmmmm this is so good. Totally worth it.” You say as you take your first bite, eyes closed while enjoying the delicious dessert.
“I’m not sure if it was worth breaking the rules, but as long you are enjoying yourself I guess it’s alright.”
“That’s because you got the most boring flavor. Here try some of mine.” You said raising a spoonful up to him.
This caused his face to go red and he stared at you with wide eyes for a few seconds before speaking. “No, L/N! I appreciate the offer but it would be inappropriate. Mine is perfectly fine and-“
As he was rambling, you shoved the spoon in his mouth, making him blush even harder. “L/N! You could’ve choked me.”
“But was it good though?”
“Yes, I suppose so.” He said at almost a whisper.
A shit-eating grin grew on your face, “Told ya so. See, Iida look.” You gestured over to the sight in front of you. There were people scattered throughout the park enjoying their night, and you could even see the glowing city in the distance. “We are a part of what makes this all possible. There wouldn’t be people out here living their lives if we didn’t keep them safe. It may not be too often, but we still get to relish in the world we created too. It reminds us why we do what we do.”
Iida couldn’t help but just stare at you for a hot minute. You looked gorgeous under the moonlight while you looked around in awe. You were more wise than he ever gave you credit for. He had always thought you were carefree, but actually you just had cared about things differently than him and he failed to realize.
“You’re right, L/N. We should be able to enjoy this more often.”
“Of course. Why would I do something fun without you?” Now you started to get all flustered. Feeling heat rush to your face, you covered it with your hands and looked toward the ground. “Are you alright? Sorry I didn’t mean to say anything that would upset you.”
“No, don’t worry. You didn’t upset me. I would love to spend some time with you.”
So you guys did. Well you already spent a lot of time together already but now you guys would go out and do something fun if you had free time
Like instead of training on the weekends, you guys sometimes walked around the park.
And every time you’d go, you guys would also visit the ice cream shop you guys went to that one night and try a new flavor
You also were participating more in class. You’re grades were getting better from the beginning of your guys’ relationship, but now you actually were invested.
After a test, you would show Iida your grade and thank him for all his help, and he would be so proud and excited for you
Of course, your classmates started to catch onto you guys being more and more friendly with each other
Hagakure snuck up on you guys one day while you were studying. “Alright, when did you two start dating? We all thought you hated each other but now we know it was all an act to throw us off, so spill the beans.”
“Oh, no we’re not dating.” You replied
“Well..” Iida started to talk and your eyes darted towards him
“I mean now that someone has said it, I wouldn’t be opposed to dating you, L/N. I really enjoy my time with you and think you’re a great person. Could I take you on an official date?”
“Y-yea I would really like that.”
“Awwww that was so adorable! I can’t believe I just help you guys get together!” She skipped out of the room, on her way to tell everyone her accomplishments
“Sorry, L/N, that probably wasn’t the best timing.”
“Call me Y/N”
“O-oh okay… Y/N. I’m looking forward to going out with you.”
“Me too, Tenya.” You said smiling and grabbing his hand.
Barely anything was said the rest of the time, but you guys couldn’t stop smiling and you didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Safe to say no information was retained from this study session
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aliasimagines · 3 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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kylie-writes-stuff · 3 years
pairing: corpse husband x reader (female)
words: 1,714
requested?: no (send some in tho pls :) )
plot/summary: felix invites his friend, y/n, to play among us when they need an extra player. her and corpse get along well
authors note: so this isnt that good and i know a lot of corpse fics use a similar plot. i just wanted to try to write for corpse. hopefully things i write for him in the future are better. let me know what you think tho! also i really wanted reader to be best friends with karl bc i love him sm. uh every swiggly line is like a small time skip. this was written late at night btw and i didnt take much time to go over it
You sat up from laying down when you heard your phone ring. You looked at the caller ID.
"What's up Felix?" You ask with a small yawn.
"Aww, how sweet," You hear in the background.
You giggle and ask, "Is that Sean? Hi Sean!"
"Yeah, we're playing Among Us and need an extra player. You down?" Felix explained.
"Sure, just give me a few minutes. See you soon, whore"
"Bitc-" You hang up before he can finish.
You got up and turned off your TV, going to get ready. 
You quickly tweet out that you're going live and say something on your insta story as well. You start your stream and slowly watch people flood in.
"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" You wave and smile, reading the chat.
"Everyone doing good, awesome! And i'm sorry to anyone having a bad day. I hope i can brighten it a bit!"
"Okay, sorry i didn't give you a further notice. I didn't even know i was gonna stream. Felix invited me to play Among Us so... here we are!"
You quickly join the discord and pull up the game, putting a cover over where the code goes.
"Hello?" You ask as you join the call. A chorus of greetings came your way.
"Karl!" You smile brightly.
Karl Jacobs was a good friend of yours. You would play on the Dream SMP sometimes. When you would, it would mostly be you being stupid with Karl and Alex, also known as Quackity. You were even a well know citizen of El Rapids.
"LET'S GOOOOO!" He yelled, making you laugh.
"Hey (Y/n), do you know everyone here?" Sean asks you.
"Um," You quickly scan through the names, "no, i don't think so."
You recognized names but you only personally knew Felix, Sean, Karl, and Ethan.
"Oh my god! Your voice is so cute!" Pokimane exclaims.
You giggle softly, "Thank you Poki!"
You're voice wasn't high pitched or anything like that, you just always spoke very softly and calmly. You were also a bit quiet.
Felix introduces you to those that you didn't know.
"There's one more person we're waiting for," He says.
While everyone waits, you and Karl run around each other's little characters and make jokes between yourselves. You mute yourself to read donations every once in a while.
You hear the discord chime, signaling that someone joined the call.
"WAIT CORPSE! DON'T SPEAK YET!" Felix yelled. "We have a new player. This is my friend (Y/n), say hi to her"
"Hello (Y/n)," Corpse said. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was but you didn't show it.
"Hi Corpse! Nice to meet you!" You said happily.
"Okay, how is she not freaking out?" Bretman said, making everyone laugh.
"Uh, (Y/n), do you mind letting me have black? It's cool if not.." Corpse asked gently.
"O-oh sure, no problem." You were usually black with the pink flamingo hat, but you ran over to the little computer and changed your color.
"Simp," Ethan mumbled, knowing you never switch from black.
"Thank you," He said, then the game started.
The word “Imposter” appeared on your screen in red, yours and Corpse's characters underneath.
As the game started, you thought no one could hear you so you spoke to your chat. "His voice was so deep, what the fuck? Holy shit that was hot, i'm gonna-"
"(Y/n)," Rae laughed, "You know we're playing proximity chat, right."
You blushed as you realized and said "Ha, anyways..." and ran to start faking tasks.
You ended up in electrical with Karl. "(Y/n)! My good friend, my buddy, you would never kill me right? Haha..." He said.
"Of course not, Karl! My good friend, my buddy. Why, I'm not even imposter," I said as i quickly dipped into the vent and back out, making him laugh.
I decided to show him because I knew Karl wouldn't say anything, and it's funny.
"Oh that's good then. Are you sure you're not imposter?"
"Mhm, pretty sure," You said, going back in. As you came out, Sykkuno walked in and froze.
"Uh, (Y/n)?"
"Fuck... Karl run! Go!" You said, Karl starting to leave. You walked closer and quickly killed Sykkuno then vented to security.
"That was close..." You told your chat.
You saw Corpse as you made your way around the map and walked into navigation.
"Hey, Corpse, how ya doing?"
"Ah you know, good. Just being crewmate and all."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh yeah I feel that, buddy."
"Yeah because there's no way that i'm imposter. No way i could be faking tasks and there's no possible way you could be the other imposter" He said quickly.
"For sure. Hypothetically speaking, though, if you were imposter, how many people would you have killed by now?"
"I would say probably around two."
"Interesting," You said right before a body was reported. It was Sykkuno's. Felix and Rae were also dead.
"WHAT!" Corpse yelled.
"Where was the body at?" Sean laughed.
"Uh I found it in electrical," Bretman said.
"I'm pretty sure Karl was in there earlier."
You calmly said, "It's not Karl, I was with him for most of the round."
"How do we know the two of you aren't imposters?" Sean asked.
"I was alone with him, he would have taken the chance to kill me."
"No, he's your best friend."
"He's also ruthless,"
"TRUE! SO TRUE!" Karl yelled.
"So skip?" Corpse asked.
Everyone agreed and the voting was skipped.
The next round, I spent with Ethan. He was pretending to be mad at me because Sean said Karl was my best friend.
"What happened to Blue Boi Buddies, huh?!" He exclaimed.
"Neither of our hair is even blue anymore!" You argued back.
You were in reactor with him when Corpse and Poki walked in. He hit the lights and you took it as a sign to double kill. He killed Poki, you killed Ethan, and the two of you made your way to electrical to help fix lights.
You and Corpse went the opposite direction of reactor after the lights were fixed, Karl going with you.
Poki's body was reported. That double kill only left you, Corpse, Sean, Karl and Bretman. You only needed two more kills.
"I still think it's Karl and (Y/n)," Sean said quickly.
"I was with (Y/n) the whole time," Corpse said, "In fact, I think it's you."
"That does make sense. Why so quick to accuse others, Sean?" You ask.
"It's not me!" He yelled.
"I actually agree with Corpse and (Y/n)," Bretman said.
"I was with you!"
We all voted for Sean, him voting for Karl. Sean was ejected.
When you load into spawn, you wait for the kill cool down and kill Bretman, saving Karl.
"Victory" appeared on your screen.
"God damn it!" Sean yelled.
"Good job, (Y/n)," Corpse said lowly.
You smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks, "You too Corpse."
"Their voices go together and they're a fuckin dream team? What have i done...," Felix sighed.
A few more games went by. Most of them you and Corpse spent together, whether you were both crewmates or if one of you was imposter.
You really enjoyed his company and you actually got along with him pretty well.
"(Y/n), before we get serious, I have one question to ask you." Corpse said as both of your characters stopped.
"What's that?" You giggled.
"Do you know Bingus?"
"Bingus? As in, our lord and savior, Bingus?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "It's settled, you're my wife now."
This made both of you laugh and your chat go crazy.
Eventually, people had to start leaving. You said your goodbyes to everyone and left the discord call and the game.
You set stream to where it was just your face cam.
"Guys, what should we do now?"
You saw some people asking what time it was for you.
"It's 3 AM right now... I’m not tired though.” You had been streaming for a few hours; You never even noticed how late it got.
People in chat were yelling at you to go to sleep, making you chuckle.
“How about we do a quick QnA, then at 3:30 I go to bed. Deal?”
You watched as the chat filled with questions. They obviously seemed to like the idea.
“‘Who is your best friend? Karl or Ethan?’ Neither, Alex Quackity. Next question.” You answered quickly.
You laughed, “I’d like to clarify that that’s a joke, i love all my friends equally.”
You answered more questions. Some were from new viewers asking basic questions, some were about future streams and videos. 
“‘How do you feel about people shipping you and Corpse?’“ People are already shipping us?” You laughed, “I’ve said before that I’m okay with shipping, as long as the other person is too. I think it’s funny.”
You continued to read chat. “Wait, we’re trending?”
You checked Twitter and “#(your and corpse’s ship name)” was trending in the US.
You laughed as you scrolled through the tag, “Oh this is so funny.”
“Fanart already?! You guys are so talented!”
You read chat, looking for more questions. You saw people telling you that it’s 3:30.
“Okay fine, a deal’s a deal. I hope you all have, or had, a great day and I’ll see you guys later. Depending on what time it is for you, you should also get some sleep. Stay hydrated, love you!” You ended stream.
You scrolled through Twitter as you laid in bed, liking fanart and dumb memes. Also replying to a few of your friends’ tweets.
karl :) @/KarlJacobs_
@/(your username) what the honk ?
*clip of you saying Quackity was your best friend*           
You liked the tweet and replied, “karl no,,, look away,,,”
You continued scrolling, feeling your eyes get droopy. Your eyes fell closed but quickly opened when your phone vibrated. It was a DM. 
From Corpse.
You two had followed each other earlier.
Corpse: hey (y/n), just wanted to say you’re really cool and i’d love to play again with you soon 
You smiled, a light blush spreading across your cheeks, and replied.
You: i’d love to, corpse
Corpse: ok, see you soon ‘wife’
You: back at ya, ‘husband”
Corpse: :)
You: :)
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duskholland · 3 years
frat!tom inviting you to one of their ragers and all of his brothers trying to be a wingman for him bc they all know he’s had his eye on you the whole semester 😂 bc your friends would be like since when did you become friends with all these frat bros and you’re like idk what’s going on rn you’d be so confused lmao.
god this is such a cute idea...my heart. cw: alcohol + fluff.
finishing up some frat!tom blurbs !!
*:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
The first time it happens, you find it funny. The second, you feel a little uncertain but laugh it off. But the third time you’re approached by one of the fratboys hosting the party and offered a round of the house’s finest drinks, you can’t deny your complete bemusement.
“Since when did you become friends with so many frat bros?” Your friend, Val, whispers, clinging to your arm as one of the men, a shorter lad called Harry, dishes out shots to you and all of your friends. You accept one with a smile before dropping your voice.
“I didn’t,” you mutter. “I don’t understand what’s going on right now.”
You’ve barely done your shot when there’s a presence beside you.
“Y/N! Pleased you could make it.” You turn to see Harrison there, the vice-president of the frat. He’s in a SnapBack and a black T-shirt, smirking widely. “Do you and your friends want to come and play beer pong with us?”
You exchange a glance with Val, who giggles.
“Why not,” you agree.
You’re swept over to the large patio with a few of your friends, and you barely have time to process what’s happening before Harrison is claiming you as his partner and pulling you around to his side of the table. Val stands at the other end, and you watch, confused, as she asks one of the fratboys to partner with her, only for him to agree, look across the table and see you, then immediately shake his head and announce,
“Wait— no, I can’t. Stay here. One second.”
He runs away and Val raises a brow, but before you can speak to her, Harrison is poking at your arm.
“So,” he says, smirking softly. “How are you finding the party, Y/N? Anyone catch your eye?”
You furrow your brows, crossing your arms over your chest as you eye him carefully. You’ve not spent much time with Harrison before. Yes, you’ve been to a few parties together and played some games of truth or dare, but you’ve not developed such a deep connection that would warrant such attention. You find it suspicious.
“It’s a good party,” you agree, “though, I don’t think you guys have ever hosted a bad one.”
Harrison nods, pride reflecting in his eyes. “Well, thanks.” He digs his hands into his pockets. “It’s all Tom. He does all the planning and organising. He’s a great guy.” Harrison nudges you gently. “A really great guy.”
You start to wonder if the reason for your sudden catapult to centre of attention is more straightforward than you’d first thought.
“—Ahh, there he is, actually. What good timing.”
You look across the table, your breath hitching as your eyes fall upon the figure of Tom Holland, president of the frat, and your study partner from english lit. He looks good, wrapped up in a blue flannel and a black t-shirt, with a dark cap resting on his curls. His eyes seek yours out immediately and you raise a hand in greeting, feeling your lips twitch into a soft smile as he walks towards you.
“Y/N, darling!” Tom exclaims, greeting you with a hand on your hip and his lips on your cheek. “You look stunning tonight.” His fingers linger on your waist for a moment before he steps away, and his proximity grants you a deep whiff of his cologne.
“Thank you,” you reply, smiling shyly. “You look good too.”
“Thanks, love.” The tips of his teeth flint white as Tom beams at you. “I wasn’t sure if you’d come tonight. I’m glad you did.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Of course I would,” you say. You’d been overjoyed when he’d extended the invite to you, personally, and invited you and your friends to the biggest rager on campus. “I wanted to see you.”
It’s unclear if he’s blushing, or simply too warm, but you watch as Tom scratches the back of his neck and smiles almost shyly.
“I’m glad.” He clears his throat and his eyes flutter across the table, to where Harrison’s drifted around to stand beside Val. He nudges your arm, his elbow gentle. “Are you ready to win this?”
“Oh hell yeah. I was born ready.”
“That’s my girl.”
You feel your lips pull up, and try not to let him see the thrill that curls down your spine as you hear him speaking so affectionately to you.
The game goes by slowly, and you find yourself wondering how Harrison, usually so irritatingly good at beer pong, misses even the easiest of shots. If you didn’t know any better, you might be tempted to think he was trying to throw the game, yet Tom keeps you too busy to extensively ponder this thought. When you’re not on the receiving end of his smooth praises, you’re both listening to some of the fratbros who linger near, passing off compliment after compliment in Tom’s direction. They hype up almost every part of his person, pointing out, eagerly, and despite Tom’s obvious embarrassment, how good his grades have been, how he’s been learning to cook, how he’s a beast in the gym… Any positive to Tom that could be praised, is, and it leaves you smiling.
Much to your amusement, you end up winning the game. Once you’re suitably buzzed, you wave bye to Val and follow Tom back inside, his hand clinging to yours. You watch, amused, as the crowd seems to part for you, multiple pairs of eyes following you and the way your fingers are linked with Tom’s. Whispers follow you, and you find yourself clinging closer to him, curling your arm around his as you shy into his side.
Tom takes you upstairs. He’d pulled you from the patio whispering about a book he’d borrowed from you a month ago and needed to return, but you know that his intentions go beyond the return of a simple favour.
“This is a nice room,” you say. It’s large, and on the top floor of the frat. It’s also the room that comes without a suite mate, courtesy of Tom’s status as president. There’s a large window set into the wall, a nice double bed, and even an en-suite.
You feel his hand briefly touch you back as Tom moves past you and walks over to his desk. You watch him rummage through a pile of papers and pens, his watch glinting.
“Thank you,” he responds, looking back over his shoulder at you. His thin lips quirk into a smile as he inclines his head towards his bed. “You can sit down if you want.”
You hum as you walk towards the bed, perching on the edge of the mattress with your legs crossed. After a few moments more, Tom releases a noise of triumph and holds up the borrowed book.
“Here you go,” he says, walking over to you. He passes you the book, and you promptly put it down beside you. “Thank you for letting me borrow it.”
“Of course,” you respond. You meet his eyes, getting momentarily lost in his caramel depths. “Hey, could I ask you a question?”
Tom nods, crossing his hands behind his back as he looks at you curiously. “Anything.”
You bite your lip before extending your hand towards him. When he takes it and easily loops your fingers together, you smile.
“Did you have all your frat brothers wingman you tonight?”
Tom hesitates, a hint of embarrassment curling over his face.
“You, uh, noticed that?” He asks, scratching at his neck.
You nod, smirking. “If the never ending supply of shots and compliments weren’t indication enough, Harrison also threw the game so we would win.”
Tom curses softly. “He’s such a twat,” he mutters. “But uh… Yeah, I guess. I just wanted you to have a good time tonight, Y/N. Some of them just took it a bit too far. I’m sorry if they made you feel uncomfortable.”
“They didn’t. I thought it was cute.” You hesitate, your eyes shifting over his face. “I think you’re cute.”
Tom shifts on his feet, seeming to stretch a little straighter as he smirks.
“And I think you’re absolutely gorgeous.” Using the hand intertwined with yours, Tom very gently helps you to your feet. His fingers slip down to your waist, where they rest, touch firm and warm. You like the feeling of being so close to him.
“So… What are you going to do about that?”
You bite your lip as his breath hitches, and then you let him pull you closer. His voice is lower, huskier, and it comes out lightly as his warm breath fans out across your face.
“I’m gonna kiss you,” he declares.
You give him the slightest nod before looping your arms around his neck, and then very slowly, and easily, Tom presses his lips to yours. It’s soft at first—carrying more care than you would’ve expected—but your eyes flutter shut as you enjoy the moment. It builds quickly, spiralling from a tender union of mouths to an intensely hot kiss, burning bright with passion as you feel him nibbling your lower lip. You part your lips, and your fingers dig into his curls as your tongues dance together, the kiss growing hotter and heavier as you curl in closer.
When you break away after a few moments of passionate kissing, you’re breathless but happy. You rest your palms on the flat of his shoulders and sigh contentedly, lips stinging softly.
“Next time you want to get closer to me, you can just ask me, y’know,” you tease. “I quite like spending time with you, Tom.”
His lips brush your cheek, and you feel him squeeze your waist.
“Noted, love.” He pauses for a moment, smirk biting at his lips. “Care to spend some time with me now, darling?”
You wrap your fingers around the top of his shirt and pull him closer, letting your lips brush over his as you smile.
“I think I’d like that very much.”
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