#she likes to order it to sorta keep him alive ): and to like honor new partnerships ):
dvnities · 2 years
cyber gremlin x emo gremlin for @celestiel​ pt 1
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❛   a shot of tequila, ginger beer, lime juice, and most importantly,   ❜   v slides the cocktail across the table,   plopping down across from sasuke,   ❛   a splash of love. on me.   ❜   the creation of a friend’s,   who was gone too soon.     she hoped now it might mean the start of a new friendship,   but this guy was a tough crowd.   v had met all kinds of people in night city,     but people there loved the sound of their own voice.   seemed like sasuke barely knew how to speak.   didn’t really care much about that,   the kid had skill,   that was all that mattered.
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she lifts up her own drink   ( tequila old fashioned with a splash of beer and chili garnish )   clinking it against his glass that sits still on the table,   ❛   to breaking records.   ❜   so much for deadlock prison being inescapable.   wasn’t the easiest job she’d ever done but she’d been through worse.   ❛   if that’s too complex for you i’ll go get you a beer.   ❜   v throws back her drink,   letting out a refreshed sigh and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand,   ❛   so, i gotta know,   what’s your deal ?   didn’t want cash,   but you’re out here doin this crazy ass job.   so you’re either rich or insane.   or both.   ❜
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
ooh for the femslash feb prompts- f!aeducan/f!brosca. sfw,your choice between 'Trust me, you don’t want to meet my family' or 'You’re right. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just making it up as I go along.'
Thank you friend! I've never written an Aeducan/Brosca before. Both of those work SO WELL for this pairing but I went for your first prompt: "Trust me, you don't want to meet my family." I’m submitting this for @dadrunkwriting!
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Title: To Fall on Her Sword Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 1523 Relationships: Female Aeducan/Female Brosca (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Multiple Wardens (Dragon Age), Warden Brosca (Dragon Age), Warden Aeducan - Freeform, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Post-Betrayal, The Aeducans are f’ed up, Brosca has had enough, Arguing, Kissing, Orzammar Culture and Customs, Femslash February ​ Summary: Natia Brosca knew that letter Gorim Saelac gave Sereda Aeducan was gonna cause problems. She just didn't expect the problem to be Sereda gaining a bit of a death wish. And, by the Ancestors, Natia has saved Sereda's life enough that if anyone is going to kill the princess, it's gonna be Natia.
Read on AO3
Natia knew that letter was gonna be trouble the second that warrior handed it over to Sereda.
Not that she could read it even if she got her grubby hands on it. Natia’s reading lessons were only brief moments snatched by the fire at night with Sereda, which meant she was just beginning to recognize the shapes of letters on signs in Denerim. She couldn’t even hazard a guess as to what they meant.
But there were other things Natia understood very well. She recognized the shocked relief on the warrior’s bearded face when he saw Sereda’s blonde braids. She knew the emotion choking his voice meant he was on the verge of tears when he fell to his knees in the marketplace before their exiled princess. She even recognized the way he stumbled to his feet, it meant a wound hadn’t properly healed and now never would.
She saw the way Sereda reached for him greedily, the way her eyes flashed with concern when he tripped on his aching joints.
More importantly she knew the parchment he handed over, rolled into a tight little tube, was the creamy, expensive kind that cost the same as a full meal in Dust Town. The expression on his face spoke volumes, none of it good. The wax sealing it shut had the crest of Orzammar embossed within it.
...And Natia knew that the tiny tremor in Sereda’s fingers was the only hint of emotion the princess would show as she took the paper and tucked it away with a brisk thank you.
If that was the last of it, Natia would be happy. But Natia also knew it wasn’t going to be the last of it. She just didn’t know exactly what kinda trouble it was gonna cause until they had Denerim at their backs and were heading deep into the Brecilian Forest.
Natia didn’t realize that Sereda had lost her damn mind.
The princess fought like a warrior, Natia always appreciated that about her. Ancestors, it had been the reason she threw her lot in with an exiled royal rather than risk imprisonment. Sereda had confessed once that she’d been meant to lead her father’s army, and Natia could see it. In another world, she’d have been a warrior queen fit for the ballads.
In this world, however, Sereda was a pain in the ass that was going to get Natia killed.
Sereda threw herself into battle with no thought for strategy. Her warhammer swung into one wolfman’s ugly maw, shield bashed into another. She didn’t pay the slightest attention to the monsters flanking her. She just drove onward in relentless, foolish pursuit of blood.
If Natia wasn’t there, Sereda would be dead. Again.
But nobody was gonna pin a medal on her Duster chest for keeping the Kinslayer alive. They probably wouldn’t even do it if she managed to help end the Blight and save all these surfacers. Sereda Aeducan could afford to go out in a blaze of glory - they’ll remember her regardless.
Natia Brosca didn’t have that luxury. So when the last wolf dropped, she turned her ire to the Princess.
She’d lost her helm somewhere, Stone knew where, and her blonde braids were askew. There was blood running down her cheek, but Sereda’s blue eyes burned with desperation.
Natia knew that look too. It was the look some of the Dusters got in their eyes when they’d made up their mind to find their last fight.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Natia asked.
“There were werewolves.” Sereda picked up her helmet and looked at the dented metal critically, pointedly not looking at Natia. “Now there aren’t. Problem solved.”
“Come here,” Wynne ordered Sereda, exasperated. “Your head wound needs tending.”
“Let her keep it,” Natia declared hotly. “She’s in such a damn hurry to get herself killed, may as well not waste the healing.”
“Natia,” Wynne scolded.
Notably, Sereda didn’t deny it. She simply glared at Natia across the battlefield. Not to be deterred, Natia glared back. The silence stretched between them until Sten finally broke it.
“Asala-taar,” he rumbled. “That is what my people call it. The urge to give up because the battle is too much. We cannot afford such an ailment now.”
We can’t afford it in you.
Sereda with her quick mind. Sereda who knew what to do, how to talk to these nobles, Sereda who was indomitable. If Natia lost her, she may as well walk up to the next darkspawn and kindly ask him to finish the job that the Joining had started because there was no way they could do it without her.
No way Natia could go on without her.
Wynne’s hands reached for Sereda and she flinched away. “I’m fine.”
“Like hell you are,” Natia challenged.
“I’m fine!” Sereda used her best princess voice. It rang off the trees with regal authority, silenced both Wynne and Sten in a moment.
Natia simply drew herself up to her full height and leveled her dagger in Sereda’s direction before whispering one word. “Bullshit.”
Sereda cursed under her breath and turned on her heel, vanishing into the trees despite Wynne’s sputtering protests. Sten growled in his own language and Natia moved without thinking.
“Stay here!” she called behind her, flying after Sereda’s retreat.
She did not lose this stubborn princess to the Deep Roads. Natia would not lose her here.
“Can I not have a moment’s peace?” Sereda called over her shoulder, sliding down the riverbank until her boots sunk in the mud. Natia clammored down after her easily, unencumbered by her leathers.
Her quick fingers twisted into Sereda’s chainmail and tugged. “What was in the letter?”
“What letter?” Sereda asked through clenched teeth.
“The one that made you decide to sodding end it all!”
Sereda whipped out her grip and turned, glaring at Natia. She could see herself reflected in those clear eyes, all frazzled orange hair and reddening face. “It is none of your business.”
“I saved your life twice, I’m sorta attached to it.”
“I never asked you to.”
“Well I did!” Natia yelled, crossing her arms over her chest. “And I’ll be the one that decides when it ends, thank you very much. So come out with it. What did your loyal knight give you?”
“My loyal- Gorim?” Sereda asked, momentarily perplexed.
“Yes! The one that looks like he’d throw himself on his blighted sword for you.” Natia sighed, exasperated. She understood that much better than she particularly wanted to. Sereda had that damn effect on people.
“Gorim was my Second. Before-”
The pain that crossed Sereda’s face was raw. Violent. Before. Before Sereda was banished, before they called her Kinslayer, before she almost died in the Deep Roads.
Before she picked the Grey Wardens, before she would ever have looked twice at Natia Brosca or the brand on her cheek.
“My father’s dead,” Sereda said quietly. “I’ll never see him again. The last time he saw me, he sentenced me to death.”
“So you wanna finish the job in his honor?” Natia asked. “He was a shite father. Lots of people have shite fathers, Sereda. You don’t have to please him, especially not now.”
“He knew I was innocent.”
That surprised her. Sereda reached up to her breastplate, touched the space over her heart. Natia wondered if that was where the damning letter was stashed. Sereda’s voice grew hoarse, but she kept talking. “He knew I was innocent, that I didn’t kill Trian, and he exiled me anyway to avoid the scandal.”
...well, lots of people did have shite fathers. But Sereda’s father was truly the king of shite.
“He ruined his only daughter’s whole life to avoid a scandal?” she asked dumbly.
Tears popped into Sereda’s bright blue eyes, but they didn’t fall. She nodded. “There’s no king now. He’s dead, but they won’t make Bhelen king. The other candidate, Harrowmont, doesn't have enough support. There’s no King, the throne is empty, my father is dead, and I am…”
She trailed off helplessly and lifted her arms.
“Better off,” Natia declared, crossing the distance between them to run her gloved fingers over Sereda’s bloodstained cheeks. “You’re better off. You don’t belong to them, not anymore.”
Sereda was hers now, and Orzammar could rip her from Natia’s cold, dead fingers.
“We have to go back, Natia,” Sereda whispered, tipping her face to nuzzle into the cool leather while her eyes closed. “I have to go back.”
They did. They both did. “I’ll be with you. I’ll be your new Second, watch.”
Sereda smiled. “Maybe I can meet your family.”
That startled a laugh from Natia’s chest. The beautiful, perfect Sereda Aeducan in her former hovel across from her drunk mother and ferociously cunning sister? It was too absurd. “Trust me, you don’t want to meet my family.”
“Why not?” Sereda asked glumly. “They can’t be worse than mine.”
Natia took Sereda’s chin in her fingers and guided it to her lips. “Not true,” she murmured softly, “I’m your family now. And I’m pretty sodding great.”
The smile underneath Natia’s lips when they crashed together tasted like sweet, sweet victory.
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someone-elses-star · 5 years
The 100 6x11: Ashes to Ashes Personal Narrative
DIRECTED BY BOB MORLEY!!! This is not a drill people! Bob directed this episode! This is the episode we have all been waiting for! Not only is he directing this, but multiple actors have said this is their favorite episode of the season! Also, this is the episode that is rumored to have talking about emotions, sex, etc. At the recent con, Bob also said that Bellamy and Clarke WILL talk about emotions and shit in his episode! ALSO----Echo backstory! I”M SO JAZZED!
I love you Eliza...but couldn’t Bob have introduced this episode? Just for shits and giggles? I don’t blame you, sweetie, I blame the CW.
Ohhhh. Jackson doing medical shit. 
Doctor Jackson? Really?
Madi is totally faking it.
Told ya!
At least Madi has some sense still. Not going for the throat.
Yes, Jackson is one of us!
Shut up you evil Heda! I hate you for hurting poor Madi! 
I knew everyone was going to eventually regret making Madi Heda via the chip!
On another note....her acting is SO awesome!
Yes, use Clarke against her. 
Aww Clarke is sleeping. Nightmares
Awww Bellamy comforting Clarke!
Bellarke heart eyes!
Awww they are having the talks!
Poor guilty Bellamy!
Ick. She mentioned Echo first. Something tells me that’s not good for us Bellarkers!
I still love you Echo!
Bellamy is so right! Very dangerous!
Octavia! Ready to go!
Praying for a twelve year old psychopath....haha classic Murphy.
Houdini Miller. More Classic Murphy.
Nope....they gonna kill you when it’s done.
What are they going to do to Murphy?
Echo.....oh no!
Yay! Jordan is still alive!
Echo is still keeping secrets for Riker? Hmmm....so she can kill him later for betraying her?
Making Echo into Simone? Gross. Me no likey.
Wow. Murphy making plans with Echo. 
Yes...Russell can sorta see through Murphy. 
Not anymore Russell.
Hmmm....Murphy going out to bring them back?
Ohhh....threatening is love? Not a good idea! Threaten him he can deal with, threaten Emori? Shits going down!
Commercial Break #1 Thoughts: Anybody worried that that is the only Bellarke heart-to-heart we are getting? Bob and the rest of the cast were very vague. But they said talking was going to happen, but sometimes they think one small scene is enough. It is NOT ENOUGH! And still super worried Clarke felt the need to mention Echo so quickly. That does not bode well for us. Love Echo. Can’t wait for her backstory this episode. Still want her to stay alive. Don’t want her and Bellamy together, though. No chemistry. They have chemistry potential since they met back in season 2, but it just never blossomed in my opinion. Anyways. I’m very anti-hate, but I will go down with my ship!
Yay! We are already back!
Octavia defending Gabriel!
That’s what they do to demons. Harsh.
Bellamy is having none of Octavia trying to make amends. 
Queen of Cannibals. Harsher.
Hey...he called her O though! that’s something!
That’s one word for it.....
More talk about the anomaly. We are so not getting any big answers this season though.
Ope! His friends are here!
Oh...Gabriel. Go defend them idiot!
Ohhh....the truth is coming out! 
Are his people actually going to kill him?
Commercial Break #2 Thoughts: So Gabriel was put in Xavier when X was still really young, right? So most of what his sister thought was X was probably him, right? So maybe that bond will carry over when he explains? Honestly, I forget what age they said X was when Gabriel was forced into his mind. Poor guy probably wouldn’t mind dying, though. Just killed the love of his life. His life has been SUPER long! And while he is still curious about the anomaly, he probably wouldn’t say no to death. I know we are only twenty minutes in, but I’m hoping more shit starts to happen. Nothing is really making me go YAY! or OHHH! Did I go into this with too high of expectations? Probs. But I blame the cast and crew who have been raving about this episode. But I’m sure a lot more is going to happen soon....I’m just anxious for it. And still loving that this is Bob’s episode, though! I know he worked super hard for this!
Okay. So Xavier was probably around twenty-ish when he was taken over? Okay.
Layla isn’t wrong...not really. He shouldn’t have lied to his people.
Ope. Bellamy talking about a plan that is not really a plan, but is now his new plan. Interesting.
Of course it’s a good plan. Bellamy said it. Lol
Do not just kill Clarke after we got her back! I will riot! 
Gabriel saved her for now. But for how long?
What the hell did they just put in her?
Is this where we are going to get her flashbacks?
Also...who else would kill for Echo’s hair?
Yes, Riker is torn. 
Well, Riker you are digging your own grave. She really going to kill you now. 
Oh....what a question for a person who used to do just that as a spy!
Gaia is not pleased. 
Miller trying to have a heart to heart with Gaia?
Oh yeah....they were underground together. 
Poor Miller still has guilt! Nice for it to be brought up finally! 
Oh God! Miller don’t die!
He has a plan! Oh my gosh! Criminal Miller coming out! I LOVE THIS! We never get enough Miller!
Commercial Break # 3 Thoughts: So, I’m loving Miller and Gaia teaming up! And more Miller screen time is what I live for! I just hope them sneaking out doesn’t get either of them killed! I’m so worried about what Bob, Eliza, and Richard were saying at the recent con. To expect more deaths and all that. Which we’ve learned over the years, but them saying stuff like that makes me worried about our main characters. Anyone still worried about Clarke being a prisoner again? I am! I know she is a main MAIN character, but I always get anxiety with the shit they’ve put her though this season. On the other hand it would be poor planning if they did kill her off after spending most of the season getting her back. Poor writing, too.
Ohh...radio call echoes. Layla looking like she is going to kill.
Good question Layla.
Good point G.
Believers killing non-believers. Yup Clarke. That’s right.
Is this Clarke trying to convince him to go with her plan?
The early warning system. Clarke has a plan....
Ope. Bringing up Bellamy to convince her. But she stubborn. 
We got this,Gabriel....
Ohhh pretty cave!
Sibling talking and bonding!
yes, lets bring up Diyoza.
So....she is dead? That’s what we are going with?
Oh. Go straight for the heart Octavia! 
Aww...Bellamy is breaking down. 
Now is not the time....BUT I WAS PROMISED TALKS! SO TALK!
Awe....his heart is breaking. 
Say I’m your sister. 
You’re my sister. But you’re not my responsibility. Not anymore.
That’s growth! I’m good with that! 
Commercial Break #4 Thoughts: The Blake siblings talk was much better than Bellarke’s. I’m a little disappointed, but the fact that their talk held so much character growth for both of them is what dreams are made of! On another point, who is worried about Clarke pushing them into danger? I love her confidence and not wanting to kill people like Mount Weather in order to keep her promise to Monty, but.....Bellamy is not going to be happy. And it might risk her people. But maybe it will be less detrimental to her soul? Idk....I think I’m over-analyzing this. Commercials really kill me. I think too hard.
So...Echo is nightblood now? Interesting....
Oh...Echo backstory is coming out!
Echo is going to kill his ass. Maybe after we get backstory. But still is going to kill his ass.
Baby Echo! What a cutie!
Ope. Evil Queen!
Killing at that young of age? Wow. That’s so Ice Nation. 
Hesitation is death. 
Oh No.....What is she going to do to punish Echo’s weakness?
Kill her friend? I knew it!
Damn. Ice Nation really did create killers. Poor baby Echo and her unnamed friend!
Wait.....Echo stabbed by friend? I’m confused.....
Does that mean the unnamed friend is actually Echo? Maybe she took her name to honor her?
Ope. There it is. We’ve all been duped! What was her name before? I’m so curious.
Oh....it’s Ash......I didn’t hear that part. I was too distracted. Ashes to Ashes. Love it! Do you think Bellamy knows that story?
Oh.....Gaia and Miller to the rescue! 
And now they know she is nightblood now. Wonder how that might effect the story line.
And now Riker is dead. We knew that was going to happen. Don’t back stab an ex-spy. They will not be forgiving.
Commercial Break #5 Thoughts: So that flashback was awesome. And they didn’t even technically lie to us when they said in the cast page that that one young actress was Echo. Because she was. We have just always assumed we knew things we didn’t actually know. And I’m loving that he name is Ash and that is part of the meaning behind the episode title! 
That was short commercial. YAY!
And Bellamy is now in on the new plan.
No innocent people die. 
Clarke is sacrificing herself. Very Clarke move.
What would Monty do?
IF we can spare innocent lives. We should.
Ope. Who’s outside?
Here come the Sanctum guards. Is Murphy with them? Probs.
And there he is! Savior Murphy.....or....not? What will he choose?
And Clarke’s plan is now a go!
Clarke is so good at playing Josephine.
And Echo is brought up again to Bellamy. 
And Murphy is not going to be trusted by Clarke. Probs for the best.
For Monty! Love the new motto!
No shit, Layla!
Russel is convinced so easily. He’s about as good of a father as Abby is a mother. They both suck identifying their real kids.
Resurrect her in who indeed?
Clarke don’t give yourself away with Madi!
Poor Madi is being manipulated. 
And Clarke is breaking at seeing her poor baby struggle.
She doesn’t even know yet what Madi is going through!
And that was the end? Really?
Was anyone else a little...disappointed overall?
At least no one died?
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niennavalier · 5 years
Okay, belated Star Wars thoughts under the cut; no particular order, just as I think of them. Possibly some unpopular opinions, I dont really know, I'm not all that active in the SW fandom. So maybe I'll get roasted alive but...eh, whatever, this site is somewhere between an void and hell anyway.
Okay, so first things first: I enjoyed episode 9. A lot. It was really fun to watch, and just talking in terms of my experience in the theater, it was fantastic. It was so much fun to see the old crew back, all of those appearances were basically like happiness shots in the arm. It was really very cool. The Palpatine reveal and everything around it was pretty damn epic for the obvious reasons. And I absolutely loved seeing the trio bantering and arguing and passing each other - I always love stuff like that. I swear, just give me hours of good character interaction and I'll be happy. Kylo and Rey fighting together/him using the blue lightsaber was also some cool shit and basically like "yaasss heres the payoff for the entire trilogy let's fucking gooo"
Oh, and I need to mention that little droid that Rey fixes. That little guy was adorable and I want merch for him and I will not hear otherwise. (The droids are always great in all the movies fight me)
Also Zorii and Jannah. Badasses, loved watching them and the way they got to interact with the main cast. Just...wanna spill all the love for them in this sentence.
But there are a lot of other things I have to say about the movie - especially the more I think about it and the trilogy as a whole. Dont get me wrong; I still really loved watching the movie. There are just...certain things that feel like missteps or missed opportunities?
(Not counting how badly Oscar Isaac wanted Finn and Poe to be boyfriends, which I just discovered is a thing. And reminds me a lot of anytime anyone mentions Julian Bashir to Andy Robinson and his response is always "oh Garak wanted to have sex with him from the start". Which I literally love so much, this man is a treasure, and I'm glad that apparently the same thing is happening here. And it's not that I'm not gonna talk about it here cause I dont think Poe and Finn should've been boyfriends, but I'm pretty sure Oscar Isaac has much more to say about it than I do)
Gonna start where I always start when I have problems with writing: romance. Because IMO badly written/unnecessary romance can ruin any good story real quick. I'm talking about the kiss at the end. I'm not saying this to bash on the Rey and Kylo shippers. Generally, I dont care what you ship so long as you dont start harassing everyone else; I care even less when it comes to this fandom cause I just participate in it so little. So this isnt me bashing on the ship itself or the fans, but I just think that, in the context of the movie itself, the romance was really poorly handled. To the point that I saw the scene going that way and all I could think was "oh god please dont kiss, I'm begging you". And well...we all know where that went. But I just never got a romantic vibe from the two of them in terms of what was shown on screen. The chemistry always felt familial, at least to me, across episodes 8 and 9 in particular. I dont know if that's just the chemistry between the actors or what, but the tension between them never struck me as romantic - more like two people desperate for someone who understands the chaos around them, not lovers.
Again, granted, maybe that's just the way I read stuff, especially considering I really appreciate movies that don't feature romance arcs. I'm not sure how it read to other people, and I'm not gonna bash on the shippers who like it. I may feel like JJ Abrams didnt write a convincing romance - or just stuck the kiss in there at the end to fulfill some plan from episode 7 that didnt actually pan out - but I have no problem with the ship itself, or the people who ship it. (Because at the end of the day, this is all fiction, and I couldnt care less how anyone chooses to interact with it)
(And this isnt an entirely rated point but because I've seen it around:
In all honesty, I'm starting to think that the romance thing was just a symptom of a bigger problem with this trilogy: it doesnt feel cohesive. It's like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson had two separate sets of notes and just refused to actually look between them. Two separate sets of ideas that they were too stubborn to compromise on.
And I have a feeling (at least, talking to my little brother, who definitely feels this way) that a lot of people are pinning this fragmented feel to the trilogy on Rian Johnson and The Last Jedi, but I honestly don't think that's fair. Because, and here's the unpopular opinion: I really don't think Last Jedi is that bad. At least, not bad enough to deserve all the flak it gets.
Won't get into that entirely here because that could be a whole separate post, but that's my opinion. Sure, it's not perfect, there are definitely a lot of parts that are pretty irrelevant and not really necessary, but that's true of everything. Frankly, its biggest problem was that it was written for the wrong audience. Which is a major problem, yes, but taken for what it is, it's perfectly decent. As I said before, I could write a whole thing on this movie and why it's not that bad (because I have my brother's points as to why it's terrible for me to argue against) but overall, my reading of 8 is that it's a movie meant to introduce wider ideas and concepts to the universe - particularly this very gray and murky area of morality and character - through stories that are closer to the characters and tied to harsher realities of war. Things aren't always black and white, people are complex, sometimes our heroes can be gravely wrong in ways that aren't glamorous.
Frankly, it feels somewhere between a super deep indie movie and Star Trek (particularly DS9, at least to me, because I love when that show gets to twisty moral stuff). So yeah, wrong audience, yet he decided to stick with his storytelling despite that. No matter I personally might fall into the audience that movie resonates with, it wasnt gonna resonate with most of the fandon.
Again, Last Jedi is far from perfect in other ways too, but it sets up some great ideas that I was really hoping to get some closure on. Honorable mention here is when Rose saves Finn when he's speeding out to sacrifice himself and because of the desire to save the people they love, which I always end up likening to the "we dont trade lives" sentiment. Mentioning this cause my brother always complains about it, but I was thinking this would be one of those virtues that separate the good guys from the bad guys and ultimately allow good to triumph. Yknow, sorta like how Voldemort's lack of understanding of love contributed to his downfall, to liken it to HP. I was under the assumption that would be the concept at some turning point in the climax, but...guess not.
Big one though, which was actually a pretty big disappointment IMO, was the whole neutrality argument, the existence of a grey area. The most interesting thing from Rey and Kylo's scenes in 8 was the notion that the Jedi and Sith could be left to die, and the two of them would essentially find a way separate from those two sides, walking a path down the middle. I know I'm not the first person to bring this up, especially because of how the Force just...works. That the scales need to be balanced. And so, given that, to have the Jedi always destroy the Sith - that's not balance. Give it a few more years and the same problem is gonna happen; if there are Jedi, there will be Sith and war is gonna break out. That's hardly resolution, so neutrality is the way to go. And, personal opinion - I loved that this ended up in 8. It's just a lot more nuanced than "good vs evil, good is victorious" and brought in new ideas to this universe that I really wanted to see explored.
But that just...never happened. Sure, Rey has that yellow lightsaber at the end, but it's really very little more than the barest hint of lip service to that entire concept. Because it's never built on throughout the movie. Kylo's insistence that they look for a different way turns into a demand that she basically become his Sith queen. Which isnt playing with the gray area - it's more firmly dividing light and dark. And as she's fighting Palpatine, he's all the Sith, while she's all the Jedi; doubt that needs further explanation. Sure yeah, she's dealing with the revelation of her bloodline throughout the movie, but that interaction with the dark side is very different than in 8; she's afraid of it (a character arc I love, dont get me wrong), not lured by it. The Sith are very clearly evil, and despite her family, she comes to embody the Jedi as a whole. The opposite of what was laid out in 8.
Which actually just makes her choice to take the yellow lightsaber make even less sense? Because...she has no reason at all to turn away from the Jedi and every reason to keep using the Light side. The only possible reason by that point is if she knows about the balance and makes that choice intentionally to prevent the rise of a Sith lord. But that choice is never shown, so I dont give that a pass. It just feels like the lamest nod to something from 8 - no buildup, no explanation, just there because it technically should be.
And that fucking sucks. What a waste. Puts so much space between these movies.
The romance might be another aspect of that - 8 didnt really give me a strong romantic vibe, and then 9 tried to benefit off of buildup of romantic tension that just wasnt there. And that romance isnt the only other one. Just the existence of Palpatine at all? Like, awesome plot yes, but not at all foreshadowed. The banter between the trio at the start? One of my favorite parts to watch, but it comes out of nowhere, and I guess we just have to live with the idea that all of the development happened off screen. Lame. The return of the fucking helmet? Fuck, i actually have more i can say about the way i interpreted the helmet, but this is getting long. So point being: it's like we just got zipped right back to episode 7 all of a sudden and didnt even get a symbolic moment of him losing the helmet in 9 (at least, not that I remember).
Really, on the whole, JJ Abrams basically did the beginning of 9 such that most of 8 could be made irrelevant. Because that's how I felt throughout the whole movie; like 8 didnt matter. And I know a lot of fans are honestly happy with that (so maybe if was actually the right choice on that front) but god does it make the whole trilogy clunky. Literally nothing flows.
And I think that's my main problem with the trilogy as a whole - or, rather, with the production behind it. It's like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson were just so goddamned married to their ideas that they wouldnt budge from the story they wanted to tell. Like they put their individual creative visions above the quality of the story as a whole. Like they weren't willing to deal with any changes that they didn't put into play themselves. And the trilogy suffered for it.
Which is really so obnoxious to me. Because it is very possible to be flexible and improv and incorporate other ideas into what you already had; just look at D&D. That's the job of a DM. You can plan everything out perfectly, figure out the story you want to tell, decide how you want everyone to interact with your world, but the players will invariably fuck those plans over. And you just have to roll with the punches. But beyond that, those changes can be for the better, because those are ideas you never thought of, and incorporating those makes for an even richer story than anyone expected. All because the people involved are willing to see where the story naturally takes itself.
Just wish these directors could understand that.
(Also...what was Finn gonna tell Rey? I mean...? This is honestly the strangest thing about the movie because it literally felt like the writers just...forgot they ever had this plot point after halfway. Which just feels like sloppy writing, and I feel Poe when he seems to be really curious what Finn wants to tell Rey. Because...me too!)
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was-wicked · 6 years
Top three things on your wishlist?
I hope this was an Ali questions and not a Leta? If it is just resend it and I’ll tell you what Leta’s real wishes are. But now I’ve sorta got a wishlist tag going so you can keep up with it, especially as things get crossed off that list. But lemme tell you the top three things I desperately want to do in no (ish) particular order.
I left them kinda generalized to three main concepts rather than specific ideas so that anyone and everyone can pretty much react and write within them! Though if you want something more specific or want to send me a character I will 50000% redo this!
Also on the rare chance this was directed to me thank you. This absolutely made my day.
1. Leta Barebone: I have spent a LONG ASS time devolving this idea and ensuring it fits in with the canon and works out as well as creating different path ways and options for her to wander down (with again, help from Matt the fabulous) . It’s actually the verse I put the most effort in and I’d love to share it with you guys because I have so much to share and say about it (especially on her relationship to other characters *cough cough Scamanders*)
2. Theseus and Leta (specifically Pre COG but honestly everything INCLUDING NEWT’S / OTHERS REACTIONS) . I want to play how these two met, how he proposed, him helping her through a storm, her helping him through nightmares about the war, telling Newt about the proposal, the couples first time, moving in together, Leta just checking off a list of all her firsts and giving it to him, etc. Just the raw emotional stuff at the beginning of a new relationship that is only amplified because of Leta having never been in a relationship before and because of her past with Newt. I want to build them as a team, watch the pieces come together and sometimes crumble apart, but work together and build themselves back up again.
3. Leta Alive Post Grindelwald (Rescued?): Here’s what I am gonna say here. The moment Leta is saved, if she is saved or captured, she is going to act like she was before Newt at Hogwarts/ as a child except worse. I want to see her and Theseus fighting about it and almost splitting. I want her to go to Tina and them talking things out together. I want her rekindling her friendship with Newt. I want her fighting like hell to save Credence. I want her trying to convince Nagini that she isn’t the monster she thinks. I want her avoiding Yusuf and Dumbledore out of fear... But then I want her to finally heal through love and friendship and helping others. Leta telling Theseus about Corvus. I want her asking Tina to be her maid of honor and asking Newt (or Credence) to walk her down the isle. Just people helping and healing each other.
Basically I’m a sucker for raw emotional (positive or negative) threads.
Send in more for any questions? And again that you for sending this you fab person. Have a marvelous day.
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lady-nevermore · 7 years
Therapy Session 6
Walked to my Therapy Session today (my mom couldn’t accompany me today, I wouldn’t allow her too), she was in pain cause she had a back molar tooth removed/ an old forgotten wisdom tooth perhaps? I was a little nervous, but I did it by myself and made it on time, I think to be honest the moment I was waiting in the waiting room with the rest of the patients is what really made me feel tense/and nervous ( I don’t do well surrounded by people I don’t know, especially in confined spaces, like elevators, it makes me super aware how awkward and tense I’m feeling, ugh and small talk is the worst)! DX
Anyways, so I just found out that my therapist and her entire staff and people are moving location, and it’s not soo close by anymore, which means I gotta commute by bus, but at least there’s a nice park nearby with lots and lots of trees (which is comforting, I love nature and trees), right near where the bus will drop us (me and my mom, she’s insists on accompanying me for moral support, which I’m really really thankful/grateful for...I get anxious when I’m by myself, I’m more aware of said anxiousness if I don’t have a security person with me, like my mom for example) ; but yeah, anyways, so it’s a little bit annoying and makes me a bit uncomfortable considering it’s a whole new place now, but I’ll get used to it.
My therapist thinks it’s a good idea for me to start thinking seriously about retaking my permit test, so I can get my dmv permit, and finally try to move my life forward by taking classes and learning how to drive (she’s says it’s the only way for me to get out of this mental-place that  I feel soo damn stuck in, and she’s absolutely right); the time is perfect too considering I noticed that I’m in a good place mentally-speaking, at the moment (I’ve noticed that my depression lasted about one week and a half after my menstrual cycle/period hit and messed with my hormones, but afterwards the depression broke like a fever and finally passed, which was a relief), since she’s been helping me become more aware of my changes in my mood, what’s causing them, keeping track of them and helping deal with my negative emotions by advising me to write down what triggers or causes me to feel anxious, bouts of depression, etc, it helps to not only keep track how long they last but what caused them in the first place, also she’s helping me in order to help manage how I’m reacting to things via analyzing if my negative reactions, negative feelings, negative emotions aka the anxiety/depression are logical or rational behaviour, once I realize that it’s not, it helps to calm me down, and separates the entity of the depression and anxiety itself away from my state of being, some days are easier than most when it comes to doing this, but it does help start to calm me down somewhat, so that’s sorta helpful. .....My next period is coming up soon, I’m hoping there won’t be another damn repeat of depression 2.0, but yeah. >_>;
My therapist is also gonna start the process of helping me change my thought process aka helping me replace my negative thoughts into consistent positive ones, until they feel almost permanent (the whole fake it till you make it attitude); She’s given me some sheets of homework in order to help my start changing my thought process, via challenging my core beliefs/thoughts and seeing if things sound rational/logical, and replacing them with thoughts that are more positive or at the very least logical. ...This is gonna take some serious soul-searching....
^^^But I want to do this for several reasons, not just cause I wanna better myself, but because my old friend/mentor who passed away (codename: Obi-Wan) was stubbornly optimistic, and he was till the very end, till colon-cancer got the best of him.....still I want to integrate that aspect onto myself, and in a way I already started to, years back as a youngling and teenager, I was soooo damn jaded, pessimistic individual, and it wasn’t until a couple years recently that I’ve become a lot less so; I think doctor who and Obi-wan had a lot to do with this, they’ve both impacted me in more positive ways I didn’t think would ever occur (I’m more of open-minded, optimistic, have a growing sense of child-like wonder and awe, at art, nature, the world, etc), and tbh I think the reason I got soo damned hooked onto doctor who was cause the doctor reminded me soo damn heavily of my old friend, his charisma, his persona of always knowing everything, his wit, his curiosity of how things work, his child at heart wonder and sense of awe perspective, all of which he and doctor who both has only influenced into ingraining and drilling into my own personality....something I hold very dear to my heart, and am immensely proud of.....and just like him, it’s my dream to follow in his footsteps, and become a teacher myself one day, carrying on his legacy (Doctor Who said it best/perfectly: To Have a Duty of Care), no greater honor is higher than this, to me personally that is. 
I’ve told my therapist that I tend to relate to characters to the point where, a really good book or tv-show/anime has made me cry (example: doctor who, rwby, harry potter, yu yu hakusho, hunter x hunter, rurouni kenshin, etc); she told me that I posses a beautiful sense of empathy, that I’m able to connect through the art of an artist, and feel the emotions of others even though it’s fictional or not even happening to me, she says that she thinks it’s quite a beautiful trait to have, and that it’s evidence that I’m a caring, kind, and open-minded person, and even though hearing her say that made me sheepish as hell, it was nice hearing solid evidence that, I’m slowly starting to see myself becoming/growing into the person I’ve only ever dreamed I could be, someone my old mentor/friend would be proud of, someone that is still carrying on his memory despite it all, in her own little, yet special little way. And to be honest, it feels somewhat poetic....if only he was still alive to see me now (but I feel like he knew all along I’d reach this point, he always said I was caring, loving, and kind as well as someone he could totally see as a teacher one day, my therapist agrees....of course he knew, he always knew....always gave the impression that he knew everything). Poetic indeed. ^^
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mbtizone · 7 years
Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill): ESTP
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Dominant Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Nathan is a natural athlete and the star of the Tree Hill High basketball team. One of the first things we see Nathan doing is stealing a school bus for a joyride with his teammates. He’s impulsive and lives in the now. Nathan often makes choices that he later regrets because he lacks the foresight to think about how his actions will impact him later. When he’s depressed about Haley leaving, he visits some relatives and drives race cars for fun. When the race is over, Nathan continues driving, going faster than he’s supposed to and crashes the car. During the school shooting, Nathan realizes that Haley is still in the building and goes in after her. When Lucas asks him if he has a plan, he simply says, “Yeah, I’m going to the tutor center and I’m gonna get Haley.” Lucas criticizes him for going up against a gun with a baseball bat, but Nathan doesn’t care. On the day of his wedding, Nathan and Haley are nearly in a collision with Cooper and Rachel. The limo they’re in goes off the bridge and into the water and, without hesitation, Nathan jumps in after them, saving both of their lives. While Nathan and Haley are having money problems, Nathan turns to a loan shark named Daunte, who is willing to give him money if Nathan agrees to shave points, which Nathan initially does. When he’s asked to throw the State Championship, he agrees, but in the moment, changes his mind and the Ravens win the game. Nathan fails to consider how Daunte might retaliate afterward. Daunte tries to hit Nathan with his car, but Haley sees and pushes him out of the way, and she gets hit instead. Nathan runs to the car, pulls Daunte out, and brutally beats him. While at a bar celebrating Nathan’s new shoe deal, fans of a rival team begin taunting him. He almost walks away, but when they bring Haley into it, he defends her honor and gets into a fight, which leads to Nathan getting thrown through a glass window, temporarily disabling him and effectively ruining his basketball career. When Jamie is missing, Nathan jumps in front of a police car to get them to stop and help, nearly getting himself killed. He sees opportunities and acts. If someone he loves is threatened, he reacts, usually without giving himself time to think.
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Auxiliary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: If something makes sense to Nathan, he does it. Nathan perceives Lucas to be a threat and comes up with what he judges to be the best way to keep him from taking his life. Nathan gets to the point and expresses himself clearly and concisely. He does whatever he believes to be the best course of action. Nathan often thinks that he knows the best way to handle something, and can become stubborn once he reaches his own logical judgment about a situation, shutting out the thoughts and opinions of the people close to him.
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Tertiary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: When he was younger, Nathan used his Fe to get under people’s skin. He knows how to play on feelings to get a rise out of people (particularly Lucas). Nathan is charming and can get people to like him if he wants them to. When he first pursues Haley, he does it to upset Lucas, and he gets her to play right into his hands. He can be sweet, complimentary, and thoughtful when he wants to be. As he grows, Nathan begins to use this function in healthier ways. He becomes selfless, putting others and their welfare before himself. He also gets better at expressing his feelings, especially as his relationship with Haley progresses and he falls in love for the first time. His Fe develops even further when he becomes a father. He wants to help the people he cares about and becomes a shoulder for the people in his life to lean on. He is supportive, generous, and takes care of his loved ones. Nathan is fiercely protective and will spring into action if someone hurts his friends or family (Se-Fe).
Enneagram: 8w7
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Inferior Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Nathan knows that he wants to someday join the NBA and he works towards this goal throughout high school and college until he makes it a reality. However, due to his often reckless behavior, he has major setbacks because he fails to consider his long-term objective when he acts on his impulses. He sees a future for himself and Haley and he looks forward to spending the rest of his life with her. At times, Nathan can lose sight of his vision for his future and get sidetracked, but once he regains his motivation, he works tirelessly to make his dreams come true.
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Nathan: You have one chance, one life, and what you do with it is up to you.
Cop 1: What the hell are you doing? Nathan: My son is missing. Cop 1: Right, calm down. You could’ve got yourself killed! Nathan: We just left the wedding okay, all the guests are gone and my son missing. He’s four and a half years old. Cop 2: Have you been drinking sir? Maybe been to the reception? Nathan: What kind of question is that? ‘Have I been drinking?’ Cop 2: You need to listen to me… Nathan: No you listen to me! My name is Nathan Scott okay? My father is Dan Scott, he was arrested for murder, okay? He’s a bad guy and he was here today. Now either one of you two idiots gets on your radio right now and finds my son or I’ll knock you both out and I’ll do it myself!
Chris: Ah! Stop hitting me! Nathan: Stop kissing my wife!
Nathan: You know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do? Give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and fear, that’s there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better. And that something is worth fighting for.
Brooke: Hi, Nate. Come in. It’s a tough day, huh? Nathan: Yeah. Brooke: I wish there was something I could do for you or Haley or Jamie. Nathan: Well, actually we were wondering if there’s anything we could do for you. Brooke: How do you mean? Why me? Nathan: We know that your mom has been pulling some stuff with the company, and I don’t know, I guess having dealt with parent insanity I wanted to check your head. See how you’re doing. Brooke: I’m fine. Really. Nathan: That sounds like something I would say. Look, this thing with losing Quentin, it-it’s hard. And I have a feeling its gonna be a pretty prominent thing in our lives for a while, but that doesn’t mean that your problems are any less important, that all of us aren’t here for you. Brooke: Look, like I said… Nathan: You’re fine. You can handle it. Its all good. Look, I hope that’s true and maybe it is but the thing is, the two of us have been down very similar roads. We were in the same cliques first, we both felt the same pressures, the same expectations. Our parents were like children and we both grew into kind of bad versions of ourselves way too fast. So I think you know I get it. Brooke: They never really gave us a chance did they? Our parents? Nathan: They didn’t know how. Look, the thing is, you made your dream happen, alright? And even though I didn’t quite get there, when it was taken away from me I dealt with it alone. That was stupid, selfish, and wrong. So if your mom tries to take your dream away from you and you feel the same pain I did, I’ve sorta been there, okay? And I’m gonna be kind of pissed off if you don’t come talk to me about it. Anyway, thank you for coming today. It means a lot. I know you didn’t know Quentin, but it doesn’t surprise me that you’re thinking of other people when all this stuff is going on with you. That’s not bad for a girl who never had a chance. Come here. [Nathan and Brooke hug]
Haley: I need to know that you’re going to let me in, Nathan. I mean, all the way. Nathan: I will, okay. I’ll – I’ll let you in if that’s what it takes, I’ll let you in. It’s just… sometimes I’m afraid that if I do, you’ll see the real me. The guy I was before you. And I’m not proud of that person, okay; the one that I used to be. But if I have to be that guy to keep you safe, then that’s who I’m going to be. Look, if you want me to apologize for defending you, or for fighting back when somebody hurts you, then I can’t do that – I won’t do that, okay because the truth is: that’s a guy I’ll never be; a guy that just stands by and watches while the world hurts you. Can you understand that?
Nathan: It’s the oldest story inn the world. One day you’re planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing someday is today and then someday is yesterday and this is your life.
Nathan: Every choice you make shapes your future.
Nathan: People just go through things, challenges that make them stronger.
Nathan: I am the kid, Hales and I’m sick of dealing with my parents’ problems. If it’s not my dad with a restraining order, it’s my mom with a glock. They’re unbelievable. My one saving grace. My one way out is if I play halfway decent in these playoffs, I can get a scholarship and I can get the hell away from both of these lunatics. Should my mom have a gun? No! But am I going to let her stupidity or anything else stand in the way of my dreams? Not a chance.
Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill): ESTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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riverofmemoriesft · 7 years
. Between the Lines . 183
Lucy didn't really fight the people that were arresting them until they tried to take her keys from her. Then she fought viciously, biting, kicking, and scratching as she desperately tried to keep them away. Gray could do nothing as she cried for Loke, the Spirit appearing with a deadly look in his eyes.
The guards faltered, and even Hisui paused, when Loke growled, "Do you want to make an enemy of the heavens, Hisui E. Fiore? Because I can assure you that you're doing a great job of pissing off the Spirit King."
She faltered, and then waved his words off. "Take them," she ordered, but this time, she wasn't as certain. Nevertheless, the keys were wrestled from Lucy's hands and Loke attempted to jump in and swipe them, but vanished the second they were in Hisui's hands. Lucy glared at her, retreating to stand in the cell Gray stood in, daring them to remove her from her friend's side.
They simply locked them in.
"We'll free you and give your keys back after the crisis has been averted," Hisui promised, pocketing Lucy's keys. "I'm sure when Miss Auguria's keys are in our grasp, she'll be sent to join you." She apologized once more, bowed to Lucy, and then straightened and left with her guards.
Lucy fell to her knees. "My keys," she whispered.
Gray knelt beside her, his black eyes dark with anger as he gently squeezed her shoulder and reassured, "We'll get them back. Believe me. I'm more worried about that pyromaniac, though. If that thing absorbs magic, it could very easily kill us by taking too much."
Lucy's face whitened, but she murmured, "Thank you, Gray. For punching a guard so you'd be thrown in prison, too."
He chuckled and ruffled her hair before settling down, patting his pockets. "No worries. Those guys were morons, and do you want to know why?" She looked to him expectantly and he held up his cellphone. She gawked and realized she still had hers, pulling it out.
"You've got to be kidding me," she whispered. "They took us into jail but let us keep our phones."
"How about we save yours for games since it has more battery?" Gray suggested. "We'll need something to keep us occupied." he dialed a number and then lifted the phone to his ear. There was a moment of silence before he drawled, "Hey, Erza, how's the idiot?"
He put it on speaker so Lucy could hear, and they grimaced when she gasped, "Gray?"
Immediately, there was commotion in the background. Lucy smiled faintly.
After a few moments, she spoke again. "Natsu's resting as we speak. With the rate of recovery in previous instances, we think he'll be up and about by tomorrow afternoon. I've filled in the guild on everything. I'm sorry, Lucy, but…"
"No, it's fine," Lucy said darkly. "Do they know about the people in cloaks?"
"I kept that from them. If they're future dwellers, I don't want to interrupt what they've set out to do."
"Good choice," Gray praised. "Okay, so they have Lucy's keys. We don't know where Yukino is. Did anyone alert Sabertooth?"
"Gajeel's gone to do that," Erza informed them.
"Good," Lucy muttered. "I don't want Yukino to suffer like we are…"
There was a shuffling, and then someone else spoke into the phone. "Erza's gone to speak with Master," Jellal said quietly. "It's been decided that Natsu and Wendy will be sent to rescue you two with Happy and Charle during the Grand Magic Games event tomorrow. Laxus, Mirajane, Erza, Gajeel, and I will take over the team game. We've erased Fairy Tail Team B. It's just Fairy Tail now. Gray, Lucy, just sit back and wait. We'll get you out of there. When you're out, you'll need to see what you can do to help against these dragons if this is a real threat."
"We'll do our best, Jellal," Lucy vowed. Gray echoed her with a dark look.
Suddenly, Jellal fell silent and a feminine voice said something they didn't comprehend. "Juvia wants to accompany them, but I've told her no several times for the simple reason of we need her ready to get out and into the town to help innocents if they need it."
"I agree," Gray said firmly. "That's the best place. Tell her I said that. Lucy," he said addressing the blonde suddenly. "We'll get out of here, okay?" He offered her a friendly smile.
Her eyes welled with unbidden tears. "Okay."
He patted her on the head and they exchanged a look before Gray bid Jellal farewell and hung up, telling him that they needed to preserve their phone batteries. "Come on," Gray sighed, settling down. "Let's get some rest while we can…"
"Damn," a grouchy cloaked man muttered. "I can't find that pain medication-"
"Why do you need to find it?" an amused voice behind him asked. He jumped, whirling around. The petite woman drew her hood down. "Can't you just go and buy some new medication?"
He pouted. "Don't scare me. And no, I can't. Porlyusica-"
"Tch," a deeper voice rumbled as another man made his appearance. "She's alive here, dumbass."
"I can't just walk up and go, 'Sorry to bother you, but I need some more of that medicine that took you nearly a year to come up with! By the way, I'm that guy from the future!'" He rubbed his scarred chest, feeling the heat beneath his touch. "Damn, this hurts…"
The woman gave him a sympathetic look. "You won't deal with it for much longer, I'm sure. You said Lucy was arrested?"
"They got her keys," he said firmly, scowling. "He was there. I couldn't step in."
"Okay, so we just need to steal them back or get Lucy and Gray out, right?" she replied, furrowing her brow. "I'll contact-"
"I'm here!"
Dark eyes lit up with delight as he turned to face the newcomer, who was pulling her hood down to let hair fly around her face. "Sorry, it's hard to get out of there without detection."
"I'm impressed you're even here," the tallest of the four said, arching a brow.
She flashed him an amused look. "Onto more serious matters...you all know what your job is tomorrow. I'll be breaking Gray and Lucy out."
The one who'd first been there nodded curtly. "I'll be trailing the group going in to help," he chirped, rubbing his chest with a grimace. "I hope this doesn't ruin me. I need to be able to move to stop everything…"
She rested her hand on his arm, smiling reassuringly. "You'll be fine. Just…" She smiled shakily. "Make it through and we'll be able to rest."
"Right," he muttered with a sigh.
The smallest of the four piped up now. "I'll make sure that I warn the guilds ahead of time."
The tallest grunted. "Suppose that leaves me to make sure no one dies."
They all grimaced. "Not gonna happen, sadly," the scarred man muttered. "Someone dies, no matter how often we try. Last time it was her and then it was me...well, sorta me. You know." He rolled his shoulders. "Don't let anyone's limbs get cut off or anyone's chest get cut up."
"Tch. Tell that to yourself."
"Than this may very well be the last time we meet in this life." The leader of the four raised her chin and her dark eyes filled with grief. She ignored the tall one's protest as she drew all three in for a tight hug, her head resting against theirs. "It's been an honor knowing all of your. I pray that we see each other again some day...do your best!"
They all murmured their agreement, each feeling sorrow.
And then they parted and each turned to go their separate ways, each with a certain thought on what needed to be done to stop the end of the world.
As he rubbed his chest, the eldest of them paused and smiled ruefully. "I bet you're feeling that something's wrong now, eh, Natsu?"
It was pitch black in the room when everything promptly burst into flames.
Jellal swore and shot to his feet alongside Wendy and Gajeel, who'd both hung around to keep an eye on Natsu while Erza ran herself ragged. Ignoring the searing pain as flames caught his pants on fire, Jellal threw himself at Natsu, who had awoken in a panic.
"Natsu!" he shouted above the dragon slayer's shrieks and cries. People's voices filled the rooms down the hall as smoke began to fill the room. Gajeel swore and darted out of the room to go and fetch Juvia, who would be able to put out the fire.
To Jellal's shock, Natsu was sobbing, clawing at his chest. Wendy dove in, cloaking her hands in a self-cloaking wind to blow out flames before they touched her. She soothingly trilled to Natsu, tending to him as best as she could. "Natsu," she finally rasped, "There's nothing there."
"Something's wrong," he cried, grabbing at her. She let him grab her shoulders, Jellal ready to pry him off just in case. His onyx eyes swam with tears as he sobbed, repeating himself, "Something's wrong! I have to get to Lucy!"
Jellal exchanged a look with Wendy, who remembered the last time they'd both witnessed this. "We know, Natsu," he murmured, attempting to do his best to help. "But we can't get to Lucy right now. Not yet. You're going to help her tomorrow with Wendy-"
"She needs me," he rasped, his body trembling violent tremors. He couldn't seem to get himself under control and Juvia faltered in the doorway before setting to work on dousing the flames.
"We know," Jellal said gently as Wendy slid away. "Fetch Master, Wendy."
"What the hell is wrong with him?" Gajeel snapped from the doorway.
"I don't know," Jellal admitted. "A psychic connection with someone else, perhaps? But I don't see how-"
His words froze on his lips as realization struck him. "Oh, I see," he breathed, and then grimaced and turned his attention back on Natsu, who was curling into a ball on the bed he'd been resting in, screaming for Lucy as if he was some child who'd been terrified to hell and back by a nightmare.
"Gajeel," Jellal ordered calmly. "Give me your phone."
"Why?" he demanded.
"Give me your phone," Jellal repeated, turning a nasty look on him. "Now."
"Fine, no need to turn into an ass." Gajeel stalked over and slapped it into his palms. Within seconds, ordering Gajeel to make sure Natsu didn't try to claw his heart out of his chest when his screaming cut off, he'd pressed the phone to his ear.
A soft voice slurred into it a moment later. "Gajeel? Why are you calling at this moment? Levy'll find out. It'll be a scandal."
"It's Jellal," Jellal corrected with a hint of amusement as Wendy trotted in, Makarov in tow. "And I'm going to put Natsu on the phone with you. You need to speak with him as soothingly as you can. Reassure him, calm him, do something, or he's going to burn us all to death." He could already feel blisters forming on his legs.
Before he could try to get the phone by Natsu's head, he began thrashing again, screaming, hands struggling past Gajeel's to rake at his chest. "Fuck, Salamander," Gajeel shouted, reeling back, holding a bloodied nose.
Lucy's voice shouted through the phone, "What the hell is going on?"
"Can't really say!" Gajeel shouted back, barely hearing over as Natsu gave a keening roar. The sound flooded the building, hoarse and ragged, and Jellal felt a flash of sympathy for Cobra, who'd probably fled the second Natsu had woken.
Wendy made an anxious trill as Makarov's face grew grim, confused. "What kind of fit is this?"
"I don't know, but he's pissing me the fuck off," Gajeel snapped before reaching back in to try and tear Natsu's hands away from his chest. "Where's-"
"I'm here!" Erza called as she shoved past the crowd gathering at the door. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of smoke and made her way over to help, assisting Gajeel in trapping Natsu's flailing limbs. "Jellal-"
"Now, Lucy," Jellal told her, shoving the phone by Natsu's ear.
Before the fire could start back up again and melt the phone, Lucy spoke. Within seconds, Natsu had been reduced from a screaming and thrashing panic to a shaking and quiet mess. Tears streaked his face, his breath coming heavy in his chest. Gajeel retreated to let Wendy look at his nose under her command. Erza and Jellal both let out huge sighs of relief.
"What the fuck was that," Gajeel began to say again, but before he could finish, the window to the room shattered and someone shot in. Jellal's eyes widened at the sight of a cloaked man, who wordlessly approached Natsu and bent over him, plucking the phone away, hanging up on Lucy, and throwing it towards Gajeel.
Natsu's eyes flashed, the flames beginning to rise once more, but before he could began to panic once more, he received a blow to the jaw that knocked him out instantly.
"What-" Erza began, but Gajeel and Wendy's nostrils flared, and both stared at the cloaked man as he drew his hood back and gave them all thoughtful looks. His eyes glinted with amusement at the shocked looks on all of their faces as he withdrew something from his cloak and studied it thoughtfully.
"So who the hell thought it was a good idea to let him keep that up instead of knocking him out, huh? Now I'm gonna have to give him the last of my medicine, and I just found it."
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penandaheart · 8 years
I’m having fun lately. I was able to find my rhythm and started working on something again. 
I really enjoy writing. It’s so fun, especially when the ‘eureka’ moment happens, when an idea just pop up in my head spontaneously and like puzzle pieces, the whole story starts to complete itself. 
I’ve always found that weaving a character and his/her personality is a lot of work. It’s true though and maybe that could be the reason why I always end up midway or I just leave my stories unfinished. I’ve always been a perfectionist, I guess. I just can’t seem to accept that sometimes inconsistencies in stories happens too. 
When I notice that I created such inconsistency, I lose motivation. What usually happens when rectifying it is that there tends to be a lot of things needed to redo. It eventually becomes a major plot change and after realizing how much work would that be, I just find myself thinking that it has become too troublesome to do. Huhu. After all, I just write to pass time, sometimes out of whim (whenever an idea just come by), but purely for selfish joy. 
Because after all, I like writing and I find joy while doing it. 
But now it’s quite different. I started telling myself that this year, I will finish whatever I started (be it a story or a being on a diet, haha). So definitely, I will finish this work. I am really hopeful and very positive. I can do it! :) 
It’s also a challenge on my part because first, this work isn’t written in my native language. It’s in English and somehow I just want to practice my English-writing skills. Second, I am trying my hardest not to create any inconsistency, which is really hard. Third, this is a test on how faithful I can be, not only in writing but also in life in general.
I’m not really sure if I should post the first chapter here but oh well, maybe doing so will motivate me more so… I think I’ll do it. :) It doesn’t have a title yet though.
I’m not really sure if anybody will take their time to read it. Nevertheless, just thinking that I’m posting it online gives me pressure and I feel like sometimes, pressure is exactly what we need in order to motivate ourselves.
So yup, without further ado… :)
A Mini-series Inspired by Mitsubachi-sensei’s Namaikizakari
Act 1
Being able to receive this kind of recognition and responsibility is definitely an honor, no questions asked.
For Emi Hernandez, accepting the position of Assistant Director of the school’s famed drama club means there is no room for failure. She felt the pressure right away but her wonder and joy came rushing at the same time. She has always set her eyes on this particular spot of the production team for almost a year now and while she continues holding back her tears because of the sudden news, she realizes that all her hard work has finally paid off which didn’t help in actually keeping more of her tears from welling up.
It’s been a long-awaited episode in her life, to actually be able to handle the bulk of work of the whole drama club and also to actually be able to work alongside the one person she’s been admiring since she first came to school; the person of expertise, the reason why everyone recognizes that the production of the school’s theatrical plays is almost on the same level as the country’s most famous theatrical production, the director himself, Luke Goncalves.
She’s speechless, really. She’s gonna work so closely with this kind of person starting tomorrow. Tomorrow. In the same room, with her desk beside his. And with the prospect of occasionally being alone with him.
The thought makes her stomach churn in funny ways.
Of course, no one knows this little secret. She absolutely made sure that there’s not a single soul aware of her hidden affections. Emi is more than prepared to take the secret of crushing on a 30 year old big shot director to her grave. As much as it pains her, she’s well aware that their age gap is not socially acceptable. But before of actually worrying about how they are more than a decade apart, she must first worry if the man actually sees her as a woman, in other words, a prospected girlfriend.
But ever since she started being the assistant director, she felt like being treated in a harsher manner than she thought.
“I see. You do that as well, huh.” There was one time when Luke crept behind her without her knowledge and saw all the detailed schedules and planning that she’s been doing for the drama club on her laptop screen.
She nearly yelped in surprise upon hearing his sudden comment. “I didn’t notice that you were behind me, Sir.”
“That’s because I made sure you won’t be able to notice.” He replied. “Hey, Emi, let me ask you this one question. Promise me that you’ll answer truthfully.”
Although she knows that the question he might ask is probably club-related, it just doesn’t help with the fact that she’s somehow expectant of something. She doesn’t know exactly what this something is, but she hopes that it’s because he has finally noticed her in some other way.
At that moment, she desperately wants to silence or put up some kind of restraint to her beating heart for being so loud and fast and all.
“How many hours have you been sleeping lately?”
“Huh?” She was quite taken aback. She didn’t understand his question at first or how it was related to her work as the assistant director.
“Well…” She tried counting and while counting with her fingers, she was shocked upon realizing that she has been sleeping for not more than 3 hours a day since the week started.
“You need to better take care of your health. If you collapse because of lack of sleep or fatigue then you’re not actually being productive at all. Didn’t you know that? You idiot.” It was his director-ish tone that made him sound so stern.
She wasn’t able to speak right away. Her mood went south all of a sudden. She thought of what she feared the most. Sir Luke is disappointed, he’s definitely disappointed in me.
“I-I’m sor—“
“I’m looking out for you here, Emi.“ He said in a softer tone making Emi sneak a glance at him. There was no trace of being angry in his face. It was simply serious with a little glint of worry. "Even if you try hiding those panda eyes with wearing glasses, I would still know that you’re lacking sleep.”
"Well, it’s just because—”
“In case you’re not aware, you’re the one I trust the most in the club. You’re my right hand. It’s part of your responsibilities to take care of yourself. It’s how you can efficiently work as my assistant.”
She started feeling a different emotion this time. It suddenly feels like he’s actually noticing her now, in that particular light. It feels as if he actually cares for her.
“But I must admit though, I see some similarities between you and me. Overworking and that meticulous planning, in addition, our obsession to caffeine…” And he smiled that smile that makes Emi melt inside every time. “You make me feel like…”
She’s expectant. Every nerve endings in her is somehow alive and alert. All of a sudden, it seems like Emi’s hope lit up as bright as hundreds of bulbs lit altogether.
“… Like I have a daughter. We’re way too similar, don’t you think so?” He finished it off with a soft chuckle.
It’s amazing, really, how this one person could make her feel different emotions within a short span of time. But finally knowing what he thinks of her makes it appear as torture, and she’s convinced that it’s actually the most accurate term for this unrequited admiration of hers that has ran for almost two years.
If the mnemonic YOLO could be someone’s motto, then it is definitely Reece Albarrasin’s way of life. Add it with the idea that there is no younger version of himself other than the present person he is and also the notion that the only one who can live his life is none other than him… voila! There you have it—the most popular boy (mostly because of the wrong reasons) in the whole Stranton High.
Well, simply put, he just thinks that the world is vast and wide and that he hasn’t explored enough yet. Even though he has done a lot of things already, considerably at his young age. For the record, he had tried doing some illicit activities having quite a rebellious streak such as smoking weeds, some little gang fights here and there, and other related law-breaking stuff. But ever since he got himself involved in the drama club wherein a supposedly ‘boring’ girl caught his interest, he started thinking that the floating experience he gets when he’s high is not even comparable to the excitement he feels every time he discovers a new expression on Emi’s face.
Emi was definitely a boring girl in his perspective. He sees her almost everyday as he also takes the same bus as her in going to school. He doesn’t know if she had noticed it beforehand but eventually it was revealed to him that she believed she hasn’t seen him anywhere else before he started showing up in the drama club.
She is not really that striking if we were to base it on physical appearance. She’s sorta cute, someone with gentle features that people doesn’t notice at first glance because of her somewhat inborn resting bitch face. Actually, her eyebrows are to blame. But it can’t be helped, it’s not like she wanted to be born with pointy eyebrows that speak for themselves.
What Reece actually doesn’t know is that it takes a whole conversation added with a little budding friendship when people around her start realizing that she’s a good-natured person with quite a unique personality. For Reece, girls like Emi are too typical, too mainstream and average to notice. Nothing really special, nor remarkable.
But he proved himself wrong when he found out that Emi is nothing like he expected. And it was the start of everything.
“Bring everything on the list tomorrow exactly at 12 noon by lunch time. I’ll be checking them personally. Be sure to get the right materials and be attentive to the brand. We can’t afford to have another delay because of this.” She says naturally to him as if he’s been a member of the production team for years.
“Those brands on the list are the club’s sponsors so the least we could do to thank them is buy their products.”
This was actually the first time that Emi talked to him. He was in the drama club because of detention (for playing with the ketchup bottle in the cafeteria with his pals and smearing a huge amount on the music teacher’s shirt) and it was definitely the least place where he wanted to be.
He gave the list a quick glance without even trying to understand what’s written on the paper, then turned to her again. “I’m gonna be busy tomorrow, I’m probably ain’t here anymore.” He said with a yawn.
Of course what he said was a lie because the music teacher told them to help out for a week. It was decided as quite a long-term service, given that he has accumulated enough troubles within the month. But Reece is just simply trying to irritate her a bit and see what reaction he could get.
“You’re going to help out for a week.” Emi said, looking at him directly without even flinching. “Sir Fahro informed me about you guys.”
At this point, Reece was kind of surprised. She was looking at him in a too straight-forward manner. As if she isn’t bothered that she’s talking with the most troublesome guy at school. He’s aware of his troublemaker reputation which explains why most students are wary of him and his friends. Isn’t she even scared of him or something? Or maybe she doesn’t even know him? But that’s impossible, cause he’s Reece Albarrasin.
“Oh…” Reece dryly replied. “Really? We were supposed to help out for a week? Well, that’s a pain.”
“Can you do it or can you not?” She may have sounded a little impatient but it actually came to him as a challenge. “If it’s impossible for you, then I can just pass this task to others and give you a more… doable job.” It’s as if she’s saying, you can’t even do a simple thing such as buying materials?
He didn’t expect her to be this frank.
“Of course, I can. At your service, Miss…?” He leaned a bit towards her but she’s still standing unfazed with her straight face and serious expression.
“Emi Hernandez, the assistant director.”
“Miss Emi.” He gave her a smile. Partially because he wanted to redeem himself by appearing friendlier and partially for realizing that his first impressions of her was nothing like how she really was.
“Alright, I leave it to you then.” She was about to turn away but she suddenly remembered something that needs confirmation. “But if I’m not mistaken, your name is Reece Albarrasin, right?”
Reece’s face suddenly lit up. She knows him, after all.
“You got that right.” He can’t help the grin across his face.  
“I figured.” And then she walked away and went to talk to another person in the production team.
He was amused. She’s quite something. For the rest of the club activity, his eyes has always found their way towards her. And as he observed the girl, he became more curious as to how she’s really like.
Woah so it’s like that. I am currently on Chapter 4 (Act 4) and quietly revealing some mysteries, especially behind the character of Reece, my beloved son, about what his deal is and all. Kung sa tagalog, anong hugot niya.
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