#spiderman brainrot is real
unstable-and-gay · 1 year
Currently having a lot of thoughts about the ATSV canon concept, so I'm just gonna vomit them on here.
This obviously contains a lot of spoilers, you've been warned.
The only times we see disrupted canon events actually having consequences are when Miguel takes his other self's place, and when Miles saves the Captain in Pav's world. However, not only did the collapses appear differently, but it's weird to me how this never happened every other time the canon was disrupted.
Let's look at everything in order.
1) Appearance: in non spider-Miguel world's collapse, everything seemed to glitch out of existence. However, when the canon gets disrupted in Mumbattan, the collapse appears very different. Y'know what it looks like? Like one of Spot's holes. Sure, the building sinking in is glitching. But that's not the main thing. And I just think it's weird.
2) Other disruptions: I've been collecting events that are most definitely not canon in every spider's story, no matter how silly and small, and guess what? None of them have consequences.
Peter B. only got back with M.J. because he met Miles. Gwen wasn't supposed to have any friends, but she met Miles. Noir brought back a colored Rubik's cube to his B&W universe. Gwen's father wasn't supposed to resign. Miles-42 was supposed to become Spider-Man. And don't even get me started on everything wrong with 1610. 1610's Peter wasn't supposed to die, and Miles was supposed to become the Prowler. All of that didn't happen because 1610 Alchemax's collider brought the 42 spider there, which means the collider was a non-canon event as well.
So, clearly something's not right. Miguel could be lying about how the canon works, but honestly? I think he doesn't know any better. I think LYLA's somehow behind this, because i genuinely cannot see Miguel as anything other than a very scared man. Also, as much as he's someone to go against the rules, i doubt Hobie (and Margo) would actively let Miles destroy his world by helping him return. They're smart, they know what's going on. Hobie more than anyone, i believe.
So, to sum everything up. The canon events are not what they were presented as. We are missing some pieces, they didn't tell us something. At least that's what's been on my mind for the last two weeks.
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superalloyman · 1 year
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Was doing some animal guesture drawing earlier and uh
the squirrels just kinda worked
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spideynonsense · 2 months
The Polaroid
one thing i constantly think about is gwen’s polaroid picture. i love the idea that gwen made the photo on her phone into a polaroid, even more so after i read an article on the difference in impact between physical copies of a photo and digital versions.
there’s a sort of phenomenon when you are able to hold and look at a physical photograph. they have a more “real” nature. they’re tangible.
i like to think that gwen made the decision to print the photo when she was missing miles the most. when she felt this overwhelming desire to be with someone who could get her. because, as far as she knew, she would never be with him again. for gwen, a physical photo of her and miles could make their moment feel real again.
that could also be why she came back for it at the end of across the spider-verse. she lost his trust and felt the furthest away from him. being able to hold onto the photo of them could make him feel more close to her as she gets ready to make things right.
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userdoezart · 1 year
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Woah, im alive... anyways, have a big fat load of spiderverse doodles lol
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cryptidbait · 9 months
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Spiderdads Wrestling AU
Sorry I haven’t posted in a hot minute, irl is kicking my 🍑
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tomhiddleston · 1 year
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sorry did someone say 215+ screenshots of miguel??? (i put ‘em on my dropbox in case you beautiful heathens want ‘em too)
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almightycrisprat · 2 months
i do have to wonder how much ace attorney ive caused my non-aa mutuals to have on their dash
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deikyrio · 9 months
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Omg Miguel hiii
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seriously considering locs because of Hobie Brown
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aspparticune · 1 year
Carefully holding my current main two hyperfixations in my arms: “Fuck you, my children are completely fine!”
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all444miles · 1 year
"whatcha doin" oh nun, js dreaming about earth42!miles and the thousands of reqs ive sent to fic writers rlly sorry, lmao !!
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thisisreal-really · 4 months
watching screencrush videos trying to figure out the possibilities of how the mcu could bring loki and mobius back in avengers 5 and 6 and whatever projects they have before then, this is how far ive fallen smh
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midgemash · 8 months
sorry for the coming lokiposting i have brainrot
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enchantedvee · 11 months
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here is a lil sketch of miguel i did <3 this was originally a face study but i turned it to a full drawing!
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Okay okay, hear me out.
A bantery sort of annoying best friend trope with Miguel O'Hara. Like, hes stubborn, but reader is just as stubborn and hard headed. So like, on a mission Miguel is like "Why werent you paying attention?" and SpiderPerson!Reader is like "You're a very distracting man." And then like, the classic upside down Spiderman kiss. Apologies if this is a mess, the brainrot is real.
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warnings: None, just some good ol' fluff paired alongside some classic best friends to lovers. You know the dealio :3
It wasn’t easy being best friends with Miguel O’Hara.
He was stubborn, stoic, annoying, always thought he was right, and incredibly grumpy (almost all the time! It must be exhausting) amongst many other things. But all those things made him who he was, alongside the kindness and care he has for everyone, hidden behind that Spider-Society leader guise.
It wasn’t easy, but he was your best friend just as you were his. Your favourite person amongst the millions of people on this planet, and the billions upon trillions of people in the multiverse.
But it was even more difficult when you had the biggest raging crush on him. You felt like a little teenager, lost in the vastness of your own heart that quickly grew more and more fond of the person you loved with each day that passed.
Your feelings made you act silly and lovesick (and you knew damn well he noticed, he just never said anything about it), but they weren’t going anywhere for the time being so here they stayed.
They weren’t too great during missions though.
“Hey, Miguel~,” you say, sidling up to him with a stupid grin on your face. He stops you with a palm on your face, not allowing you to get too close.
“Ugh, what-?” he says, pulling his hand back in disgust. “Did you just lick me?!”
“Don’t put your hand in front of my face then, you should know by now the consequences of that,” you say with a tsk, before bursting into laughter at his expression.
“Unfortunately,” he sighs, rubbing it onto your suit. “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?” you say, pretending to be confused.
“What do you mean what- The mission? Are you ready for the mission we’re supposed to be going on in the next minute,” he huffs incredulously.
“Obviously, Miguel,” you snort. “How long have we been doing this job? Have you so little faith in me?” you ask.
“Yes,” he deadpans, and you gasp.
“How dare you?” you say, pressing a hand to your chest in offence.
“You are the most dramatic person I know,” he says, glancing over toward you as he programs the watch to the universe you were both headed to.
“You love me,” you say in turn.
“Unfortunately,” he says, and you grin widely.
“Awwww, Miguel~,” you say, pulling him into a hug that he hesitantly returns (though you knew he loved hugs, he would just rather die than admit it).
“Alright, alright,” he says pulling away. “Focus up, we need to be on our A-game for this guy.”
“Aye, aye, captain! Lead the way,” you say, and he rolls his eyes but can’t quite conceal the smile on his face at your antics before his mask reforms on his face.
Together you both make your way through the portal, getting transported past thousands of worlds in mere seconds before arriving at the one with the anomaly.
“Oh, cool~,” you say with a childlike wonder. Around you is a world that looked like it came straight out of a painting, everything looking almost acrylic in nature and beauty.
“You saw this in the briefing,” he says to you but looks around himself with a sort of wonder.
“A picture on a screen is entirely different from seeing something like this in real life, Miguel,” you retort, still looking around in awe. Looking down at your own form, your costume was blended in splotches of your iconic colours, like you had walked right out of a portrait.
He doesn’t say anything to that, instead patting your head once before walking away toward the mission site.
“C’mon. The faster we finish up, the sooner we can head back. We can have a movie night back at my place, yeah?” he says, and you perk up immediately before running after him.
“That sounds perfect, ‘cause I baked too many cookies that I don’t know what to do with,” you say embarrassed, knowing full well that you had baked them for him. He always did love your baking.
You notice the side of his mask shifts upward slightly, a telltale sign that he was happy even with the mask concealing most of his expressions but you don’t say anything, only smiling softly to yourself.
“Lyla, do a full sweep of the building before we head in. I don’t want any surprises,” he calls out, and the AI pops up immediately.
“Ugh, so bossy,” she says, and you snort.
“You could say that again,” you say in turn, while Miguel only sighs.
“Are you two done insulting me yet?” he says, and you turn to face him, walking backwards as you do.
“Never!” you say, before you’re snatched off of the ground with a yelp. He calls out your name, immediately swinging in after you.
“NOT COOL DUDE,” you shout to the villain who had his tentacles wrapped around your waist, dangling you upside down as she stuck to the ceiling. “Shouldn’t you be in the sea, doing…whatever octopuses do?”
“This seems a lot more fun,” the villain says, her voice a gurgling sort of low tone that sounds much more ominous than it should.
You shoot your webs out onto the ceiling, trying to pull yourself up and out of her grasp to no avail, her hold too strong.
Bit by bit her hold continued to tighten, inhibiting your ability to breathe.
“H-hey, we can talk about this right?” you gasp out, but before you know it Miguel was flying up toward you.
He looked so serious and intent on getting you out, his muscles flexing as he held on to his webbing.
Quite frankly, it was hot.
So hot that you failed to notice that Miguel had smacked you out of the villain’s grasp, expecting you to swing yourself out. Instead, you fall to the floor with a thud and a loud groan. It wasn’t a far fall, and all your limbs were still intact but the wind that was already limited in your lungs was smacked out of you, and the ground was definitely going to leave a bruise.
“FOCUS!” he shouts to you, sending another punch to the villain’s face to knock her off balance. That luckily snaps you out of your reverie as you stand back onto your feet, swinging up to help him out.
You use your webbing to pull the tentacles off of the wall, meanwhile, Miguel acts as a distraction so she can’t focus on the fact that she’s being brought down to the ground where a trap lay for her to land in.
Bit by bit more tentacles become loose, and with one last hit from Miguel she falls to the floor with a scream, the force field raising around her immediately.
“You won’t get away with this!” she says angrily, but you only smirk, swinging down to her level.
“Doesn’t seem like there’s much you can do in this position, can you? Don’t worry, we won’t keep you for long. You’ll be back in your universe in no time~” you say, opening up a portal straight into the holding room for the other anomalies and pushing her in.
“Bye!” you say simply before the portal closes, taking her with it.
Then, the building is quiet, and you wince as you feel Miguel’s imposing aura behind you. Grasping your shoulder, he whirls you around as he looks at you exasperatedly.
"Why the hell weren’t you paying attention?" he asks you, arms moving animatedly as they usually do.
“In my defence…you didn’t notice her coming either,” you say.
“That’s not an excuse! You have your Spidey-sense, you have an instinct that tells you when you’re in danger,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And that fall, what was that? You saw me coming, why are you so distracted today?” he says with a sigh.
“Well, you’re a very distracting man,” you mumble, and his eyes widen slightly under his mask before it dissipates, leaving only his handsome face behind. You pull off your mask in turn, only staring into his eyes.
He stares back before sighing.
“Are you hurt?” he says, his eyes running over your body scanning for any injuries.
“I’ve taken worse hits than that, you know,” you say in turn, your face heating up slightly.
“An injury is an injury regardless of how bad it is,” he says, walking around you to make sure nothing is out of place.
“Jeez, you should take your own advice Mr. ‘I don’t need to go to the infirmary ever’” you huff.
“That’s different,” he retorts.
“It’s really not.”
“It is.”
“It’s not.”
“I’m not gonna argue with you right now,” he rolls his eyes.
“Oh c’mon, you know that’s your favourite pastime,” you smirk.
“It’s not.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, it is.”
“I only tell the truth, it’s not.”
“You say that, but here you are arguing with me again,” you grin, and he groans.
“Regardless, you did good today,” he says after a moment.
“I always do good, what do you mean,” and he looks at you incredulously.
“Can you just allow me to compliment you?”
You just shrug.
“Ehhhh, I struggle to accept compliments because deep down I’m incredibly insecure and can’t make myself believe that I can do well, let alone have other people think that so…yeah!”
“…we’ll talk about this later,” he says, patting your shoulder (the tiniest bit awkwardly, which made you almost laugh considering how long you two have known each other).
“So, since you think I ‘did good’ today, what’s my reward?” you ask expectantly, the corner of your mouth quirked up. He hums for a moment before slinging his webs onto the ceiling, swinging himself up so that he hung upside-down.
“C’mere,” he says, and you look at him confused.
“What on Earth are you doing?” you say.
“Can you just listen to me for once and come here?” he says exasperatedly, so you relent and walk so you’re about a foot away from him.
“Closer,” he says, and you step closer hesitantly, the proximity making you nervous. He only huffs, reaching out to grasp onto your arm so you’re standing face to face.
The hand on your arm reaches up, softly placing itself on your cheek as you let out a little gasp. His eyes bore into yours, and you get lost in the swirling crimson and gold.
“Is this alright?” he says softly, his breath fanning across your face. You felt your heartbeat pick up as the warmth of his hand pressed into your cheek gently. You can’t do anything but nod.
His lips press into yours, slightly chapped but soft as he kissed you softly.
You had never felt anything so right.
“What was that for?” you whisper as he pulls away after a few seconds that felt like an eternity condensed into a single moment.
He snorts softly before swinging back onto his feet, pulling you into his chest with a hug.
“I know you have feelings for me,” he says, and your body tenses for a moment at the blatant comment.
“I-” you start, but he interjects calmly.
“Hasn’t it been obvious that I have feelings for you too?” he asks as he pulls away, cupping your cheeks in both his hands.
“I, I thought it was just because I was your best friend,” you say as all those little moments you’ve had over the years play through your head. It makes him laugh softly, oh how you loved that laugh.
“You’re painfully oblivious sometimes, you know,” he says, but the fondness is evident in his voice.
“Can you kiss me again?” you ask, a tad bit flustered but you already missed the feeling of his lips on yours.
He smiles down at you before kissing you tenderly, fingers tangling through your hair as your hand rests on his chest, feeling his racing heart.
Finally, you felt complete.
“I didn’t know you were so soft,” you giggle as you return back to HQ.
“I am not soft,” he says almost offendedly, but the corner of his lip is quirked up the tiniest bit. “Though if I was, it would only be for you.”
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin, @ohworm-writes
A/N: Two updates in one day? That's wild, haha. Am I writing this because I saw this prompt and I myself am in love with my best friend? Absolutely, but hey! Coping mechanisms, am I right :)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
HCs: Spot meeting a Spidey!Reader who takes him seriously as a villain
Been having brainrot for Spot lately and thought that he deserved something nice,,like a Spiderman who’s like “bro my bad guys are boring but you’re really cool” and so this happened-
First time writing him, but hope y'all enjoy!
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Spot’s first fight with Miles only made him feel like one thing..
A loser. An unworthy opponent. A mere “villain of the week”.
It’s downright humiliating knowing that the Spiderman who (intentionally or not) was the catalyst of the collider accident that turned him into this freak..didn’t seem to take him seriously anymore.
So he goes to hide in another universe for sometime, questioning wtf he’s doing and if anyone in this vast multiverse will see him for what he is--a real villain and a real threat.
Then he overhears on a police officer’s radio chatter that a spider person was several blocks away, stopping a robbery. 
He sees this as his chance to shine and throws on a sloppy disguise.
And he arrives just you have already apprehended the crooks, all four of them webbed up as the store owner shakes your hand, expressing immense gratitude for saving her small business.
“I get it..living’s hard enough around here. I just do what I can to make it easier for folks.” You smile behind your mask.
Then Spot leaps out of hiding, demanding to know where the safe is.
The store owner looks at him, rolling her eyes like “oh boy, another villain for you, kid.”
Immediately, he’s pissed off.
Just “another” villain???
He would have damn near sent this mean lady through a hole and not care where she went had you not intervened.
“Woah, woah, woah...okay..you’re actually the coolest villain I’ve seen yet! I-If that’s what you are. Are you a villain or do you consider yourself one because I don’t wanna be rude-”
He’s thrown off by the questions, and your compliment. He's tripping over his own words.
“Yes. I uh..think so..? Now will you let me rob this store or-?”
“Not a chance, bud.”
And so the fight begins, branching all across the city as webs are swinging and holes are being thrown.
Judging from your voice, you sounded no older than Miles..and yet here you are actually engaging in the fight instead of texting on your phone and brushing off his attacks, not treating him like a nuisance to get rid of.
It genuinely made Spot emotional when you’re throwing hands on the rooftops and he makes you punch yourself in the face..to which you say “WOW that’s pretty amazing ngl”.
He’s glad he can’t really cry anymore but his voice stays high-pitched and wobbly during the rest of the fight and you even pause to say “are you okay, man?”
He just feels so validated here.
Even as you defeat him and web him up for the cops, he escapes back to his dimension, still wanting his revenge.
But from time to time, he’ll return to yours and demand a “rematch”, with you being more than happy to oblige.
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