#spiky dragon
the-alphaess · 1 year
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a little dump of songbird (in her true feral form even tho she looks hot as an anthro) i made a lil shining animation effect too
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oni-vin · 1 year
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little baby man. widdle tiny baby dwagon man
anyway ye i wanted to draw one of the dragon species in my story but i can't draw animals for shit so chibi it is
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transcendragon · 2 years
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Out for a Walk - I have discovered I like drawing dragons. The black and white version looks like a rare cryptid photo from the 1950s of a mysterious beast scaring the heck out of a fisherman. My original art made in Procreate, please credit if you re-post. 
[Image description: a sunny day with fluffy white clouds in the sky over an autumn scene. There’s woods with colorful red, orange, yellow, and a few green leaves over grassy lands. It’s all reflected in the river nearby, with silvery blue water. In the water there’s a person in a pink hat and yellow jacket cowering from the dragon walking over the woods. The dragon is also reflected in the river and shades the trees below it. It is large enough that its belly doesn’t even brush the trees as it walks. There are spikes along its back and down its ribs and it has a long tail with two spikes at the end. On its head it has curled horns and a spiky crest. Its skin is rough and dark purple and it has red-purple irises and a mouth full of teeth. The digital painting is shown both in black and white and in full color. End description.] 
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verrixstudios · 1 month
Tribe a Day: icewing run
Another tribe that uses its wings to run, though I imagine it more like ski spokes than another set of legs like mudwings
[ID: a sketchy animation of a Icewing from Wings of Fire running. It uses its wings, which have two clawed toes, like an extra boost to run. The art is done with messy blue lines on a lighter blue background and the 7 frames are numbered. End ID]
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httyd-art-requests · 5 months
Can you draw a skrill please👉👈
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(@ignis-moon )
I've made the executive decision to also draw a baby version of whatever dragon gets requested if multiple people happen to ask for it. Thank you both for the request, please enjoy your complementary Baby Skrill with your order <3
Dragon #18 - Skrill(s)
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smallerdelusions · 6 months
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Iskierka my beloved.....
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kruzidula · 9 months
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The jewel ✨
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triangular-dude · 11 days
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You know, like a bruise?
No text version under cut:
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wraithdolll · 1 year
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this banger ass metal art i did of albatross once i listened to bleak bake by king krule on repeat while i drew it
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angeltannis · 5 months
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So Forspoken, huh
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fbwzoo · 7 months
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Officially got this boy eating mustard, collard, and dandelion greens (all good daily staple greens), and spaghetti squash! 🥰🥰 I'm so pleased to have him on a decent variety of both veggies & bugs now!!
We're trying butternut squash again next. Hoping to rotate him between those two & acorn for daily squashes. Then I can start adding other "occasional" veggies to his salads for additional variety & to see what else he likes.
He has a couple new bug orders coming soon too. I think his staples are going to be dubia roaches, BSF worms, and mealworms. With silkworms & grasshoppers when I can get them, and hornworms & waxworms as treats.
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luvsavos · 3 months
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fugk yeah alatreon❗❗❗
bonus: he has wing beans.....
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dusty-the-cat · 5 months
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⬆️ Famous last words ⬆️
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krattgirl124 · 1 year
Y’all remember in the book of dragons short that whispering deaths love to be brushed?
Just me?
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valeriefauxnom · 7 months
Silly Hypothesis du Jour
There's something silly about the implicit cultural residue of Dragalia's world seeming to have the same English attitude regarding French. I know it's just a byproduct of writers injecting their own worldview, as we all do, but still is silly.
Now, Dragalia had quite a few cultural analogues already. Sventila? I'm probably spelling that wrong, seems to be 'Russia', Hinomoto is 'Japan' in feudal era, Taiwu is China...but we never really established a cultural land for France. Fair enough. There's too many countries to cover in any depth.
But the French lingers. Specifically, it seems to pop up with slightly more frequency in the royal family's dialogue, with words like rendezvous, atelier, and soirée in at least some members' vocabulary alongside other fairly common words of French origin like coup. They also seem to have drawn at least some noble titles from historically French ones that migrated to English like marquis and baron.
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Combined with the other context it pops up in most frequently, which is to say, fine dining, I believe that whatever the origin of the French language in Dragalia, it carries much the same aura of fancy, high-class language.
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(L'amandier is, surprise surprise, French, for an almond tree. His restaurant name is The Almond Tree. 'Pièce de résistance' is, meanwhile, a masterwork, though more literally it's 'piece of resistance', ie, something that has sticking power.)
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(Forte is pretty well known- a strength, as is its French meaning, strong. Voilà needs no explanation but I will anyways: It's a contraction between vois and là, voir being the base verb to see, and là referring to a 'that' in this sense. It's essentially a 'see this!, a 'lo and behold'!)
Aside from those, there's also words like hors d'oeuvres, "allez cuisine!", sous chef (which, contrary to some people's thoughts I've heard, doesn't mean soup, it means 'under', they're subordinate to the big chef in the militaristic French cuisine world), and even in Valerio's skill names, amuse-bouche and bon appetit.
Honestly, I'm surprised at how often the Dragalia team took to actually adding in the accents, since people often forget.
Then again, another funnier if-still-relevant to my claim here is the array of very informal speakers butchering the spelling and saying of another French phrase. Ranzal's the most common offender, but anyone from Sarisse to Mym to Ilia (does that imply French as a fancy language is over 1k years old???) will say:
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It's off of 'tout de suite', which means, essentially ASAP. Instantly. Given their relative care in ensuring pièce de résistance is accented properly, I'm guessing the writers just found this one funny and kept using it, Canadians as they probably were along with the voice cast.
So yeah, that's my case French, wherever it originated from in Dragalia lore, has all the same haute culture ideations that many in the English-speaking world do.
As a fun little fact: many of the words that do see usage in English that are directly derived from French, ex 'forte', 'naive', etc, are the feminine spellings. The masculine spelling of naive, or rather, naïve, is naïf. Most of the time you only need to slap 'e' on whatever word you're using but of course, there are exceptions. You also can see it in words ending in -ve, instead of -if, like positive.
I'll cut myself off here, but hopefully you've at least reaction to my silly insights:
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mikacolt · 2 months
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