#spirit: lev
empyreanmirror · 4 months
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laziest boat art ever
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blackvahana · 9 months
From Leviathan, notes on Dei's bodies:
Oh dear. I made the mistake of sitting near your cards - your other bodies. Immediately the voices came in as gentle coaxing over a foundation of boiling madness. I know you noticed, you're hearing it from yourself again... Emphasis on again. You used to be like this too, you know. My son, I suppose, coaxed that out of you, said that was his traits and not yours... But you recognise the mirror now.
Hurried whispers in various tones, the feminine especially, laced with... Not deceit, but like a cat mimicking prey noises. You're talking in multiple voices, your energy is exuding intelligence. You move with fluidity that speaks to how surrounded and encompassed reality is with a sea of nothingness, something that makes the usual laws of this world seem less like nature and more like rules of a game played on a single field. Arbitrary.
19/12/23, Continuation of above:
You are settling in well... I'm glad the emanating whispers from your form and the myriad voices emerging from your energy aren't as disorienting as they have been in the past, you really are an incarnation of stability for yourself. It is fascinating though. Your room begins to playfully hide things from me, it talks to me, greets me at the door when I walk in with Void fae mischief and grabs at my body like a playful - albeit ominously "eldritch", I think your word is - cat. You are seeping out of everything you touch in theoretical eyes and black tendrils, things that aren't even there beyond suggestion or.. Really, it's probably that you're in the Void between all space, hence why I can't see you.
The sound of ticking clocks, the chatter, the gentleness of night rain...
19/12/23, Tonight's topic:
You want to talk about your astral body? Go ahead. But why not let me given how much time we've spent face to face lately?
I start to tell you what I see of your form, you are expanded into black abstraction, Void fog, but you are upset. You say something along the lines of you worked hard and expressed yourself harder, only to falter into illusion territory... First of all, this is just my observation of your Astral form while you were around me. Second of all... I think you need to invoke paradox here and not confine my thought and view of you to either/or ideas.
But here's a thought then. Stand before me and show me, and show me well. I will push you to your limits and beyond them until you give me your true self - consensually, of course - and I will document it. In your house in the astral, come with me to the front garden...
You tower over me, your energy in this form a lovely rich shade of brown like your eyes in sunset, like heady old perfumes, tree bark and resin incense. The sun is setting, can you see? It filters through your hair - but your hair moves in fractal lines as an illusion of hair. You are in your own way and form a little black hole and you pull inwards so much more than you know. I'm watching your silhouette in the sunshine, I set this house up partly because of where the sun sets in relation to it... Anyway.
Your skin, show me. All your details are fractals. Every colour and pore is writing. You're upset, I know. Because you're taking my talk on your details to be equivalent to your work and self being unreal. You aren't understanding that you are a little sky god who falls under my umbrella, my entourage, therefore you should be seeing these infinite fractals as what they are: a Corresponding expression of the fractal book that is the Sky. You are a part of my inner circle, my domain is your territory, therefore your territory is infinite fractal cubes. The Sky is made of words that are four dimensional, it is extensive libraries of atomic suggestion and Void reality, letters, characters, folds, angles, it is molecules that scatter light into a perception of a unified thing. You are the same, therefore do not be scared of your nature being intrinsically as it is.
You have an input, a question. "Can I just ask, is this real? I know you're going to give me a Shiva-Shakti-Maya answer, I'm just... I don't even know what I'm asking I'm just praying that you do." Oh, I know. You pray with your body, and I can feel it.
Your perception of "real" is nothing, you do not know what that word means because it means nothing to you, you have built no tower on top of its name. You do not know what you're asking because what you're really wanting is for someone to give you a definition. You want to be reigned, blinkered, you want a saddle in fine leather, you want to be ridden with spurs. You don't want to know if you're real, you want connection, to feel the heat of leather taut against and burning into your skin, your head yanked into your neck, the embrace and safety of a bridle net across your face, a bit kissing your mouth. You are latching on your own feeling of hollowness to the concept of reality. This is why I told you embody the Sky Father and take a lover, an Earth Mother.
This is expression. All of you. You are something only symbolised in the trinity of black, the nervous system, the retina. And you also are the white, the body, the eye...
You're not looking for "reality", you're looking for an embrace that won't refuse you, a body that will not leave you, an Other that will not Other you.
Can I not touch you? Can I not feel your hair in my hands? Your breath on my skin? Can I not put my hands inside you and feel flesh, can your words not vibrate into my ears... Is that not real? Are you going to sit here in front of me claiming reclamation of connections to Shiva and reject our child Maya as divine, real illusion?
I sit with you, watching the sun go down... As soon as I mention it between our energies the sky plummets into night's expanse. Well, it did, it is now liminally between states. You organically brought it down to night so vividly, so fast, so - I will not use the word "real", I will not allow you to keep hurting yourself over this word - fully, and I pointed it out, and so you shied away. Let it go, Dei.  
The sky's stars are war's bonfires. You exude through every hole in the firmament, talking in wide, frantic, fire eyes about destruction, tears running down in code that fracture in the atmosphere and affect no one below. Your body - the night itself - is aching, I feel you like tectonic or steel plates on an old, worn machine, forced to warp by the movements of magma tides you can't control. You've been crying out for relief for a long time now, thousands of years, for someone to hear you. You put your own Sky hands over each and every one of your mouths. It is not raining, but it wants to be. You have so many wants... Come with me for a while, when you are ready. Make tea in your house and I will take you somewhere you can be yourself. 
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philosophybits · 2 years
The fact of spiritual stagnation should not be made the ground for judging all life's possibilities from known possibilities. On the contrary, such stagnation should prove that however rich and multifarious the past may have been, it has not exhausted a tittle of the whole possibilities. From that which has been it is impossible to infer what will be.
Lev Shestov, All Things Are Possible
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abyssalpriest · 9 months
Kick my ass if I don't put out Vepar content
#I'd tell her to kick my ass but that's not gonna end well#ramblings //#It's. Absolutely just past the winter solstice isn't it fucking hell. Lev's energy is absolutely about to start swinging towards her#''I'm not getting involved'' he says YOU ARE INVOLVED. IT'S YOU.#I'm still shocked given how neutral/negative Lev is on goetia stuff that she's like YES I'M VEPAR#Then again. I mean. I'm convinced she's the one Kos is based off lbr the issue lev (and I) have w the goetia is basically ''it's bad#stereotypes it's a bunch of royals under Spirit Racist presumptions and caricatures and shit'' but like. Tbf#It's probably bc who the fuck fucks w Vepar but like. Idk her goetic caricature is still v much a caricature and only highlights a fraction#of who she is but also. Boat Sinker. Storm Generator.#I wshdgha was gonna say I don't really know much about her goetia shit but she followed that up v quickly with (roughly#translated form energy to English) ''yeah keep it that way your headcanons are gonna be better than the canon''#Red Sky //#I haven't really talked to Lev about this but from what I've gathered the names are like. Roughly. translated. ugh. Roughly pulled through#the veil terminology/words - it's really... The feeling I get is it's very dreamlike to the point it's hard to tell what the inspiration#for some like if it's multiple things channelled together or what but some names are pretty close to words down there#and I'm presuming Vepar is pretty close to Something. Bc I feel like otherwise she wouldn't be very much Called#as soon as I say that name
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nameless-brand · 9 months
So Lev, Chi, and I visited Raven on New Year's Day, the leader of Spring Chant - also the one teaching me martial arts and the Battle Song. Mostly to greet her and the rest of her gang happy holidays.
She has a cute fox shrine in her dojo, and some food was even on the offering table. Naturally, I thought it was a shrine to fox spirits or maybe Inari.
Lev informed me, assuming some things from the past timeline stayed the same, it was a shrine to Daji.
Why would someone as respectable as Raven worship Daji, that malevolent fox spirit?
And Lev just tells me "cause she's beautiful" as if that's supposed to explain everything.
I can't even. Daji, when you think about a Chinese Femme Fatale, you think of her. Responsible for the fall of a dynasty.
Can't forget the creative tortures attributed to her. Or the cannabilism. Or the whole getting raunchy while other people are being tortured right in front of them.
She was a real documented person, though the questioning of her being a fox spirit came later especially in legends and fiction. Enough to have other spirit shrines, especially fox spirit shrines, to be outlawed and destroyed.
I can't exactly point and condemn others for worshiping gods without being a hypocrite, but I still can't help go wtf at this very peculiar choice.
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apriiciitty · 9 months
one for my enemy -mid-read-conclusion¿?-
people of the internet,
I'm halfway reading 'one for my enemy' (specifically page 90, II. 14) and I've got a few thoughts I want to share;
besides the fact that I love olivie's writing style and the atmosphere she creates in her world, I found I like a lot her characters and their personalities.
in this case I would like to share that so far, I dislike one character (even though I feel like there is more to come?) and that is, the sunshine: Roma :)
so this is a tiny 'study' around him because I feel pity for him:
till page 90, our lovely dima still is in a never-ending coma so his family, specifically his father and his middle brother feel a special need to take revenge on Mashas family, since they are the cause of his state.
and so we have Roma, who feels this forced need to take revenge on a very personal level. so I simply think that, he is using this opportunity, to level-up himself in his fathers eyes.
I feel like his hate for the Antonova's is forced on to him because of his family, so after the incident with Marya on Dima, he felt the need to the things in his own hands and prove himself capable to his father, using the most wicked ways he could possibly thing of.
I hate him as a character because he is so influenced by the need for attention and recognition from his father as well as his entire family, that he doesn't think logical anymore, his thoughts and emotions have been darkened up and influenced by his jealousy and the need to come on the surface and so he gathered mixed hate from various sources and decided to aim it and let it out on the antonova family.
like, he doesn't think smart, his technics for revenge are just poor and will definitely expose his plan but since this is the only avalaible option for him at that moment, he just makes dumb moves that will get his brothers and whole family in trouble. especially the way he pushes lev into a mess of dangerous things and expects him to overdo every task successfully. like bro..
simply put: Roma is so washed up with -understandable but also not understandable- hatred that blinds him all the way up. and so actually, the one who's in fault here, is koschei, his dad.
but who knows, maybe I'm wrong...
if you are currently reading the book as well OR/AND want to share some thoughts please drop your opinions, I'm desparate for conversation about this masterpiece.
ps.: olivie blake is my new bestie but she doesn't know it yet :)
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strawhaat · 2 years
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🍎: + haiba lev ‹ haikyuu › | # like or reblog if you use.
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aurorawest · 28 days
Summer Reading Update (part 2)
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Fall for You by AJ Truman - 3.75/5 stars
Should have read this in the fall since it's fall themed.
By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter - 2.5/5 stars
In His Sights by KC Wells - 4/5 stars
The Bell in the Fog by Lev AC Rosen - 5/5 stars
LOVED this one. I enjoyed the first in the series as well but this one was much better IMO—just a tighter mystery. I actually gasped at one of the reveals.
Lightning Strike Blues by Gayleen Froese - 5/5 stars
I was really pleasantly surprised by how good this book was. It looks like a superhero book but the vibe was more Fringe to me. Fringe meets Letterkenny. And it was really well written! Another book with a good twist. I highly recommend this one.
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid - DNF at pg 108
The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil - DNF at pg 8
In Plain Sight by KC Wells - 3.75/5 stars
Planetfall by Emma Newman - 4/5 stars
Before All the World by Moriel Rothman-Zecher
I didn't know how to rate this one, so I didn't. It was pretty experimental, and I just didn't think I could rate it fairly. Its Storygraph average is 4.2/5 and it's definitely an interesting read.
Somewhere in the Gray Area - DNF at pg 32
Kit & Basie by Tess Carletta - 4/5 stars
Fence Vol 6: Redemption by CS Pacat and Johanna the Mad - 5/5 stars
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White - 4.75/5 stars
I haven't had good luck with Rainbow Crate books, to the point that after I canceled my subscription, I went through all the ones still in my TBR, read the first page, and got rid of most of them. I kept this one because it's highly praised, and I ended up loving it. It probably would have been a 5 star read, except I thought the epilogue really undercut the effectiveness of the rest of the book.
Time to Shine by Rachel Reid - 5/5 stars
I think Rachel Reid was the first m/m hockey romance author I read, and I still think she writes some of the best.
Paladin's Hope by T Kingfisher - 4/5 stars
One Wicked Night by Colette Rivera - DNF at pg 136
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall - 5/5 stars
I was really apprehensive about this book. A few years ago I LOVED Alexis Hall, but I haven't enjoyed several of his new releases. I'm so glad I gave this one a chance because it's probably my favorite of all his books now. It's hilarious and cringey (good cringey) and romantic.
After the Forest by Kell Woods - DNF at pg 63
Lord Garrington's Vessel by S Rodman - DNF at pg 5
Alike as Two Bees by Elin Gregory - 4.25/5 stars
Dragged to the Wedding by Andrew Grey - 3.75/5 stars
His Lordship's Master by Samantha SoRelle - 4.5/5 stars
Fire from the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot (translated by Eva Apelqvist) - 5/5 stars
Gorgeous YA book about a Sami teenage boy who's struggling to reconcile the fact that he's gay and in love with his best friend with the fact that he doesn't want to leave his town and reindeer herding, even though he'd find more acceptance in a city. Also the translator lives in Minnesota.
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vampire-bitch · 2 months
D&D update: our gunslinger fighter caused an avalanche that killed 2 npcs that were helping us. Our rouge went and found their bodies while the rest of us took bets on whether or not they survived. (They didnt)
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letsgetfucked-up · 1 year
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I finally get a bouquet and it's a goodbye present. That's depressing.
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New covers for the light novels, each made look like the cover of Sportiva.
Translation of the quotes / headlines:
Kageyama 1:
“The Monsters of Spring High”
Shoyo Hinata/Korai Hoshiumi [Little giant's genes]
Kotaro Bokuto/Kyoomi Sakusaya[Memory of the legendary five days]
Inarizaki High School V Karasuno High School [Giant Killing of the Century]
Hinata 1:
BRAZIL [Close coverage of the sand ninja] Shoyo Hinata
ARGENTINA [Why did you go to the other side of the world] Tooru Oikawa
Climb up, adventurer. - V1 league promotion survival
A generation of monsters aiming to rise to the top
[Sendai Frogs] Tsukishima/Koganekawa [Tamaman Elephants] Kindaichi/Onagata [Nichikyaku Automobile Lions] Yamagata
Small and strong is cool
Super minionism.
[Opening interview] “Those who challenge height”
"Small Soldiers Who Challenge the World" Hinata/ Yaku
Pursue “the ideal end”
[Ultimate all-rounder] Kiyoomi Sakusa
Be strong, be right, and follow your own path!
[Japan's main gun Ushiwaka] Wakatoshi Ushijima
"I'm not interested in winning or losing. Is it fun or boring?"
Is it Kodzuken? [E-sports special issue]
[Let's talk about Kodzuken!] Lev Haiba (Model) /Tetsuro Kuroo (Japan Volleyball Association member)
The patron saint arrives
``How many times have they saved the team?
Libero Special Feature [From Europe with love] Yaku
[Learn from the craftsmen!] Komori/Inunaki/Heiwajima
Hinata 2:
For the sake of my friends, the sun will rise again.
[Will he be the savior of Japan?] - Shoyo Hinata
"I don't care whether it's praise or insults." Challenger style
[Compete against the world with three swords]
I am an ordinary ace
If you have the energy, you can do the opening interview.
[Japan's spirited spirit] Kotaro Bokuto
[Talk about old and new teammates]
Kageyama 2:
Thorough debate! Who is Japan's command tower?
[Control the monsters] - Kageyama Tobio
[What's wrong with being super aggressive]
[Strength that accepts weakness]
Insignificant Pride Theory
[World-class control tower from Miyagi] Toru Oikawa “Adversity is my true strength”
[Mentor speaks] Jose Blanco “People are defeated when they set their limits.”
[Testimony of an old friend] Hajime Iwaizumi (Japanese Team Athletic Trainer “Proud partner + big idiot”)
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empyreanmirror · 3 months
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2X years old - someday you wake up with the world on your shoulders - vessel of the Lord of Despair
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The Heartbeat of Nekoma
Word Count: 809
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Nekoma x Fem! Manager ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The gymnasium of Nekoma High was alive with the sound of volleyballs thumping against the floor, the sharp whistle of the coach, and the occasional cheer or groan from the team. In the midst of this controlled chaos was Y/N, the team’s manager and the only girl among these lions. She moved with a purpose, her clipboard clutched in one hand and a first aid kit swinging from the other.
Kenma Kozume, usually lost in his own world, often found himself watching Y/N. Her ability to anticipate the team’s needs before they even voiced them was something he admired silently. He didn’t say much, but when he did, she always listened, her nods and thoughtful hums encouraging him to share more than he usually would. She knew exactly when to offer a silent nod of encouragement or a gentle nudge to join the team’s activities. Her notes on his gameplay were always precise, helping him refine his strategies without a word wasted.
Tetsurou Kuroo, with his wild hair and wilder schemes, relied on Y/N to keep him grounded. She had a knack for cutting through his antics with a sharp word or a pointed look, bringing him back to the task at hand. Yet, she was always there to share a laugh or a moment of triumph, her presence a steady beat in the rhythm of the team.
Lev Haiba, his enthusiasm often got the better of him, leading to more than his fair share of scrapes and bruises. Y/N was always there, her first aid kit at the ready, her gentle chiding mingling with Lev’s sheepish apologies. “You’re like a guardian angel,” he’d say, and she’d roll her eyes but smile all the same while she patched up another scrape. Her gentle scolding about being careful was something he secretly looked forward to.
Morisuke Yaku, the team’s rock, appreciated Y/N’s quiet strength. Her meticulous records helped him track his progress, and her motivational words before matches always seemed to strike the right chord, pushing him to dive deeper and reach further.
Taketora Yamamoto, would often find himself pouring out his heart to Y/N, her easy manner inviting confidences. She listened with an open heart, her advice always practical yet kind. She reminded him that fire needed air to burn bright, a lesson he took to heart both on and off the court.
Nobuyuki Kai, the vice-captain, saw Y/N as the glue that held the team together. Her organizational skills ensured that every practice ran smoothly, and her ability to juggle responsibilities was nothing short of miraculous.
Shouhei Fukunaga, ever the quiet observer, found a kindred spirit in Y/N. Their conversations were often just shared glances and knowing smiles, but the understanding between them ran deep. He enjoyed the quiet moments he shared with her, often helping her collect the volleyballs after practice. Her soft-spoken advice resonated with him, teaching him that strength didn’t always have to be loud.
Sō Inuoka, loved Y/N’s encouraging pep talks. Her pep talks were the fuel to his fire, her words igniting a passion for the game that he channeled into every leap and dive. 
Coach Yasufumi Nekomata, saw Y/N as a rare gem, her dedication to the team’s well-being reminding him of the true spirit of the sport. Their discussions on strategy and player development were highlights of his day, her insights often illuminating paths he hadn’t considered. 
Despite her involvement in other clubs and her tendency to stretch herself thin, Y/N never let it show. The team knew, though. They saw the exhaustion hidden behind her smile and the way her eyes would sometimes flutter shut during long strategy meetings.
It was during one such after school practice that Y/N’s head began to nod, her pen slipping from her fingers. Kenma was the first to notice, gently propping her up with a cushion. Kuroo signaling for a break, Lev draping a jacket over her like a blanket. Yaku adjusted the air conditioning to ensure she was comfortable, and Yamamoto stood guard, ensuring no one disturbed her rest. As Y/N slept, the team exchanged looks of silent agreement. They would finish practice early today. It was their turn to take care of the person who always took care of them.
When Y/N awoke, she found herself surrounded by her team, their practice finished, each face wearing a soft smile. “We’ve got it from here,” Kuroo said, handing her a bottle of water. “You’ve done enough for today.” Her heart swelled with affection for these boys, her team.  Kai  “You take care of us; now let us take care of you.” They were more than just players she managed; they were her family. And as they walked out of the gym together, she knew that together, they were unstoppable.
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abyssalpriest · 6 months
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Me clicking on this album purely because "oh that album art is giving such Lev vibes and energy" bruh
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Bruh!!!!!!!! What the fuck is this!
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 1 month
More Nekoma HCs
Teshiro’s really good at those pen spinning tricks, the other first-years pop off when he does it. He also has the best handwriting of the first-years and they borrow his notes before big tests. Lev's handwriting is borderline illegible— he claims its cause he's Russian but everyone calls him out on his bullshit ("Dude, your first language is Japanese??")
Fukunaga carries around a slide whistle, when he's not on court he plays it every time someone dives for the ball
Shibayama's the kinda guy to send buzzfeed quizes in the team groupchat and make everyone take them ("Dont you guys wanna know what cat breed you are?"). Most of the team groan but secretly find it endearing. Kuroo unabashadly loves it and commends Shibayama's team spirit
None of the second-years are good students— Kenma spends class playing mobile games under his desk or napping, Tora doesn't listen but even if he did he wouldn't process anything, and Fukunaga's in his own little world 90% of the time. Kenma skates by with general smarts but Tora and Fukunaga are in the TRENCHES. Kuroo and Kai help tutor them when needed
The whole team LOVES Akane, that's their cheer captain!! She gets along best with Fukunaga and Kenma because they're closest to Tora but I think she'd also vibe a lot with Yaku cause they have a similar sassy energy (and height but shh). All of them treat her like an absolute queen, mess with her and you got 10 guys knocking at your door
Tora picks people up a lot, he just grabs them and throws them over his shoulders. The most common victims are the second years but also Shibayama since he's "bite-sized" as Tora so eloquently puts it. He tried it with Yaku a single time which did NOT go well, he hasn't again since
When Hinata's in town to hang out with Kenma Inkuoka and Lev WILL find a way to crash it no matter what. The just happened to show up at the same arcade, what a conincidence!! Kenma gives them the death glare but unfortunately for him Hinata is more than happy to let them tag along
Kai is generally really chill but when he yells he's louder than even Tora. The team finds this out at training camp when they're settling in for the night and the first years decide its a great time to have a pillow fight. One flies directly into a sleeping Kai's face. The other teams can hear the reprimanding through the walls (bro doesn't fuck around with his beauty rest)
Sometimes they do video game nights at Kuroo's but Kenma is either straight-up banned or given severe handicaps. The one time he loses is during MarioKart when Kuroo starts waving his hands in front of his face and Kenma stops playing to wresting him away (he still manages to beat Tora somehow)
Kuroo and Yaku argue all the time but if anyone else talks shit about them they hop to the other's defense immediately. You do not get away with making fun of Yaku's height unless you're Kuroo himself.
Kuroo's the biggest fan of Fukunaga's jokes, as a fellow pun enthusiast he appreciates him keeping the court light-hearted. He laughs way too hard even when they're not that funny and sometimes fires a quip or two back. Also Kuroo's definetly the type to literally slap his knee when laughing
(Ignore the awful picture quality) There's this scene from the Tokyo Battles stage play where Shibayama dances along with Akane and Alisa from the stands and it's the cutest thing ever i'm obsessed. Anyways I think he's the king of the bench cheerleaders, he teaches Teshiro and Inuoka all the little dances and chants
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alright thats it for now, long live Nekoma
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abstractjunky · 2 months
Underrated Acts of Intimacy
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| Multi x reader, haikyuu men
| Genre: tooth-rotting fluff
| Warning: none :)
Pressing foreheads
It started out as a head-butting habit, something you use to do when you wanted his attention. But over time, it evolved into the two of you pressing your foreheads together.
You’d let your eyes close, a sigh leaving your nose as you leaned up to bring his face to yours. He’d chuckle heartily, allowing himself to sigh as well as he gives into your plea for attention. It’s dark out and if you were both quiet enough and didn’t say a word, you’d be able to hear the faint chirp of the crickets outside your window. Your thumbs would slowly rub back and forth on the sides of his face, causing a smile you couldn’t necessarily see but could definitely feel by the way his cheekbones tighten under your grasp. He’d bring his hands around your waist, slowly swaying the two of you as he hums deeply, completely content with the silence and your perfume invading his senses.
| Bokuto, Sugawara, IWAIZUMI, Akaashi, Asahi, Kita, Kuroo, Osamu, your fav <3
Rubbing noses
This adorably silly little habit became a greeting ritual for the two of you ever since you began dating. He juts wants to be close to you and be able to breathe you in after a long day of practice.
He’d stumble through the door, t-shirt slightly damp from sweat and hair a little tousled as his weary eyes search for you. Calling out your name, it doesn’t take much for you to bound over to him, watching a smile overtake him as you then reach up for his cheeks. You cradle his face gently, bringing him down a little as you stand on your toes to rub your nose against his. You would smile as well as the two of you stood in contented silence, basking in each other’s smell and warmth.
| Tendo, HINATA, Lev, YAMAGUCHI, Nishinoya, Oikawa, your fav <3
Rubbing Thumbs
You began to notice that your boyfriend had developed this habit a little ways into y’all dating. At first, you assumed it was him trying to get your attention; your eyes peeling over to the side of his face. But to your confusion, he would be looking out to whoever the two of you were with, listening carefully and nodding along to what they had to say. It didn’t occur to you until much later that it was just something he did subconsciously, and every single time he did, your heart would flutter in your chest.
The end-of-the-year team bonding party was in full swing, with the boys everywhere. Most playing lawn games, you can’t help but chuckle at their competitive spirits. Your giggling subsides the moment you feel the light back-and-forth stroking on your hand, and you pull your gaze away to look at your boyfriend. And there he was, yet again unknowingly causing your butterflies. He turns his head when he feels you staring, a small smile appearing as he asks you calmly what’s wrong; and when you reply with a simple “nothing”, a beautiful warm blush paints his cheeks*.*
| KAGEYAMA (help omg-), Ushijima, Daichi, Semi, Aone, Fukunaga, Kenma, your fav <3
Check-in Calls
Every day, almost like clock work, your phone would ring. That familiar ringtone, set specifically for him, makes you smile as you answer it urgently. His honey sweet voice would pour into your ear as you continue with whatever you were doing previously; asking you what you’ve eaten that day, if you’ve drank enough water, and how your day was in general. Normally, you’d be annoyed with so many questions at once. But honestly, you couldn’t think of a better way to complete life’s mundane tasks.
“You’re sure you’ve eaten enough, my love?” He asks for what feels like the sixth time that call. You chuckle, slight defeat in your bones as you stop writing. “Yes! I had breakfast *and* lunch!” He pauses on the other end, sighing. “What about water? Have you been hydrating today?”
“Darling” you murmur, beginning to write once more. “I can take care of myself while you’re away. I am an adult after all.” It’s his turn to chuckle, that sweet voice making the tips of your ears pink. “I’m well aware. I just want to make sure that my baby is ok, that’s all.”
| YAKU, Suna, Atsumu, Sakusa, Yamamoto, TANAKA, Tsukishima, Kai, your fav <3
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