#spock has mating cycles
jumpycan · 5 months
Wait is Spock an alpha
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homosexula · 2 months
there is always some kind of crazy bullshit happening to my friend mr spock. spores. mating cycles. amoeba thing. blindness. painful mind melds. brain theft. babygirl has been thru it all
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fxoye · 1 day
Chapters: 1/1 (completed / one-shot)
Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: James T. Kirk/Spock
Tags: Omegaverse, A/B/O, ABO, Mating Cycles/In Heat, rut cycles, Pon Farr, Omega!Jim, Alpha!Spock, Sex Pollen, explicit - Freeform, Smut, a/b/o dynamics, Porn With Plot, Sexual Tension, Mind Meld, UST, That eventually becomes, RST, There Was Only One Bed, One Shot, T'hy'la (Star Trek), Fingering, Coming Untouched, Fluff, Biting, Marking, Knotting, Dual POV
Captain James T. Kirk has a secret: he's an Omega masquerading as an Alpha. For years, he's fooled everyone - even his Vulcan First Officer. But when the Enterprise answers a distress call from a planet with aphrodisiac pollen, Kirk's dirty little secret begins to crumble.
With his suppressants failing and Spock's keen senses on high alert, can Kirk keep his true nature hidden? Or will this mission expose more than just the captain's hidden biology?
Word count: 31,233
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 7 days
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #48
( 17 / 09 / 2024 )
Question 1. Which two animals' mating cycles does Spock compare Pon Farr to? a. Eel-Birds b. Sea Turtles c. Mugato d. Salmon
Bonus Question: Where do these animals come from?
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE The episode 'Amok Time' has a Star Trek "Fotonovel".
Question 3. What Vulcan word means 'Stop'? a. Ahn-Woon b. Lak Noy c. Kroykah d. Lirpa
Bonus Question: Which of these is actually a Vulcan weapon?
Question 4. What is the percentage difference between the number of Female fanfic writers between 1970 and 1973? a. 5% b. 7% c. 24% d. Unrecorded.
Question 5. Fill-in Question! Allegedly, what month was the first large Star Trek fandom gathering?
Bonus Question: What year?
Score: __/ 5 + 3 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. a. Eel-Birds d. Salmon
+ Regulus V, Earth.
Question 2. TRUE.
Question 3. c. Kroykah
+ a. Ahn-Woon d. Lirpa
Question 4. b. 7%
"83% of Star Trek fan fiction authors were female by 1970, and 90% by 1973."
Question 5. April.
+ 1967.
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Calculations Were Off: Spock X Male Reader
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Prompt: Kinktober Day 15: Mating Cycles/In Heat Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Pon Farr, Spock having an animalistic drive, multiple orgasms, () used for custom name and rank, verbal consent is sexy, top Spock, bottom, Reader Summary: Spock has been careful to keep track of his Pon Farr, but it still snuck up on him before you could have your first time as a couple. Now Spock has to ask something very intimate of you.
The Vulcan practice of Pon Farr is a topic of secrecy for the sake of decency and composure. Many in the galaxy don’t have any idea what Vulcans evolved from before their era of logic. Being a human in a relationship with a Vulcan, this knowledge came as a surprise to you. When you try to picture Spock in such a state it seems almost unnatural. Your relationship is a newer one, and Spock has expressed that it is only logical to enter a sexual situaiton prior to the intensity Pon Farr will bring.
Unfortunately you’ve run out of time.
It came on quickly. While Spock had anticipated its arrival, he did not know it would be now-- in the middle of an away mission. The feeling overtakes him with more strength than it ever had before. Likely due to your proximity as you both look over the flora in front of you. His heart rate increases and something about your hands running over the petals of flowers is suddenly erotic. Even the way your wrist peeks out from your uniform sleeve brings something over him. The train of logic has been derailed.
You notice his change in composure, but Spock is the type that would say what is bothering him if it really mattered. It isn’t long before there’s a chirp from his communicator and he exchanges words with the Captain. Nothing out of the ordinary for an away mission. But this time Spock signs off after an unusual request.
“Request permission for (rank) (y/l/n) to take our leave early, Captain.”
There’s a pause before Kirk replies in the affirmative. Spock is quick to order a beam up despite your puzzled face. You’ve learned not to question most of the things going on around Spock, but an early leave is odd even for him. He takes no time to speak with Scotty when you arrive back on the Enterprise. His priority seems very clear to him and he expects you to follow.
He stops briefly at the door to your quarters as it opens for him. When you follow him in he waits for the door to close behind you, his arms clasped behind his back.
“What’s all this about, Spock?” You ask.
He closes his eyes for a moment as he takes a deep breath. “Do you recall our conversation about Vulcan biology that transpired a few weeks ago?”
Your breath hitches a bit as Spock shifts his weight on his feet. He’s nervous, possibly as nervous as you.
“I understand this is not what you agreed to, but given our current location I fear there are not many options.”
“No, I, uh, I understand, Spock.” Your eyes dart all over his figure. “It may not be what we planned, but I’m happy to help.”
You flex your fingers at your sides, fidgeting from the nerves. Spock seems to notice the movement as he shifts his weight again.
“With your permission…” Spock begins, but finds himself a bit lost on the words.
“Do what you need to do.”
Spock takes your words to heart, bringing himself closer. His hand finds yours and you form your fingers the way you know Vulcans do. His gaze is on your hands as they meet in the small gap between your chests. His fingers glide over yours in a way that even you as a human find erotic. There is something in his eyes that hints at the turmoil inside as they move wildly over your hands.
You slowly reach out, placing a gentle hand on his hip to bring him closer. His legs oblige and take the single step to close the gap between you. Your intertwined hands fall to your sides, still connected in what is now an intense Vulcan kiss. Your other hand grips lightly onto his waistband to keep him in place as you connect your lips.
Spock’s reaction is more than positive. He cups your cheek with his free hand and slowly brings you with him as he takes steps towards the bed. He moves until your knees bend from your legs running into the edge. His lips and hands never leave you as he leans down to accommodate your sitting position. You lead Spock further back onto the bed until he hovers above you, as his body weight leans into you the distinct feeling of his hardened dick is against your thigh.
The friction awakens something in Spock and his hands move to focus on undressing as fast as possible. You follow his lead, starting with your shirt. Before you can get to your pants, a now shirtless Spock begins to pull them down. His hands brush over your dick and you take a sharp inhale at the contact. He doesn’t stop until you’re both completely without clothes, even then his mind is one-tracked.
The drive within him pushes him for release and he positions himself to reach it. His dick pushes into you with one swift moves and you hold the Vulcan close as the pain subsides and he starts to fuck you out of pure instict. The thrusts are fast and unrelenting as your skin grows completely hot and sweat forms on Spock’s brow. It isn’t long before a wave of pleasure comes over you and, for a moment, you feel nothing but the high that comes with it. Spock’s intense fucking is making your head spin and he’s still going. There’s a twitch as he cums, but he’s still hard and the drive isn’t yet satisfied.
Spock continues like this, giving as much as you can take, thrusting into you until he feels some relief from the intense Vulcan drive. His breath is heavy as he releases and his dick finally goes soft. His hair clings to his forehead from the sweat and his face is flushed a deep green.
Your hand finds his as he pulls out and falls into the bed beside you. He seems just as spent as you, but his fingers still manage to dance along yours as you drift into sleep.
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celestialvoyeur · 11 months
I found this one an interesting take on a Pon Farr fic. Its AOS and the destruction of Vulcan, and resulting severing of countless mental bonds, has set off a wave of premature mating cycles for a remaining Vulcan males, including Spock. It really highlights the mental turmoil of the Plak Tow and the complete stripping away of logic, reason, compassion or any other remnant of self. It does have some tags for possible trigger warnings so check them out before diving in. It was intense in places but I found it compelling and enjoyable 😊
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remythologise · 2 years
Oi gday mate what are your top ten star trek scenes that could provide evidence to the theory that adult Vulcan are ballsless and shed their balls in puberty
Yeah it’s really important that we at tumblr dot com continue a long and noble history of academic inquiry.
As first argued in the seminal essay, ‘The Vulcan Penis Problem’ [1], it’s vital that we as 20th-21st century humans do not let our imaginations become stifled by our own preconceived notions of what genitalia, or sexual relations, should look like. Goodwin successfully argues that the over-representation of circumcised penises in Trek fanfiction should not necessarily apply, as there is no reason circumcision should be commonplace in the future. Even in our own time, this is true - though predominantly American authors may see this as common practice, in countries such as Australia the male circumcision is not taken as the imagined default. Australia, too, was home to many natural discoveries which did not fit into natural classification systems, such as monotremes. Thus, we can see how even minor geographical and evolutionary separation on our own planet can result in wild diversity in similar-looking animal species.
Vulcans, therefore, may look as similar as humans on the outside as hedgehogs to echidnas, but it is as likely they are as different in reproductive function as live birth is to egg-laying. While some academics have argued [2] that these changes may be in features such as texture and applied motion, I believe that in fact the Vulcan divergence involves a detachment of exterior testicles, leaving the cock freestanding. Let’s lay out the evidence for this argument.
The first point to be argued is that as previously outlined, Vulcan’s environment is vastly different to Earth’s, leading Vulcan physiological evolution down a different path to our own with thinner atmospheres and higher temperatures [Amok Time; Operation - - Annihilate!]. We know for a fact that Vulcan organs, such as the heart, are in different positions to our own [The Omega Glory] within the interior of Vulcan bodies, and thus it is not a stretch to imagine that testicles might be inside, rather than outside a Vulcan too.
In a Voyager episode, Nothing Human, we are introduced to the concept of a ‘Vulcan reproductive gland’ [3], the function of which is never explained. It is extremely likely that this gland is the substitute for a human ballsack, the ballsack having retreated to the inside of Vulcan bodies. The function of the ballsack is to keep sperm cool outside the body. Vulcan sperm would clearly have to endure much higher temperatures if positioned outside the body, so instead evolution dictated that the mature Vulcan’s sperm should instead rest inside the body, where they can be kept cooler thanks to rapid blood flow that circulates what McCoy references “that green ice water you call blood” [The Naked Time; The Paradise Syndrome] . Pre-pubescent Vulcans are likely holding a remnant of proto-Vulcan physiology, a vestigial ballsack, one that is shed when they reach adulthood and need to conserve all resources for survival.
Of course, no discussion of Vulcan reproductive function can go without mention of their unique mating cycles, the ‘pon farr’. Though Amok Time is often cited as the greatest source of data in this field, one scene in The Search for Spock also reinforces that pon farr only commences after puberty. Perhaps it is likely that, in the violence of a Vulcan’s first pon farr, the vestigial balls are simply too delicate to endure the vigorous and repeated rutting, and thus are detached during this time.
There is also more symbolic implication that Vulcan are ballsless. In What Are Little Girls Made Of? we see Kirk holding a large phallic rock [4], obviously meant to represent the Vulcan penis he wishes to hold. This rock has very small mounds that are more coagulated with the penile structure, a clear indication from the writers that Vulcan penises on an adult male such as Spock do not have the same bulging ballsacks of their human counterparts.
When we consider the implications of the ballsless Vulcan, perhaps other physiological features become more obvious. The erogenous hands, for example (Journey to Babel), might be nature’s own substitute for the loss of the sensitive balls to play with.
Finally, it must be said that Vulcan sperm and reproductive systems must be substantially different to human ones as crossbreeding was rarely successful, even with medical intervention and 23rd century technology (Enterprise; Demons, Terra Prime).
For these reasons, it can be safely concluded that upon detailed study the Vulcan adult is ballsless. Future research in this field should analyse what other monumentally interesting features of reproduction biology and behaviour remain to be discovered – as this essay touched on, it is clear that internal ball systems are only the beginning of the strange and wonderful world of Vulcan genitalia.
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arctic-hands · 10 months
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[Image Described: excerpt from the Wikipedia article on Omegaverse, under the section "History". The paragraph says "Professor Kristina Busse has described Omegaverse as a "seemingly perfect storm" of tropes that already existed in fandoms.[22] For example, the 1967 episode "Amok Time" of the American television series Star Trek introduces the concept of pon farr, the Vulcan mating cycle wherein Vulcan males must mate or die. Pon farr became a popular plot concept for fan works in the Star Trek fandom, particularly fan fiction focused on the Kirk/Spock pairing. The concept of mating and heat cycles among humans was subsequently adopted by other fandoms, and later became a staple of the Omegaverse subgenre.[24] Ursula K. Le Guin also wrote, in her 1969 novel The Left Hand of Darkness, about an extraterrestrial androgynous world with hermaphroditic characters and mating cycles named kemmer.[2]" End I.D]
It always leads back to Star Trek, bitches 🖖
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maybeamultiverse · 2 years
My Personal Headcanon in Regards to Vulcan Reproduction & Conception
(DISCLAIMER: Firstly, I'm genuinely sorry this rant is just about reproduction and is through a very cis-heterosexual perspective for the sake of generalization... but I do want to write about queer Vulcans soon as well in the future, inshallah. Also, this little mini-essay includes mentions of SA.)
So, of course, we all know Spock. Everyone loves Spock. Of course. Duh. Why do you think you're here?
Now, according to the information and references we've gathered from Gene Roddenberry, Mark Lenard, Leonard Nimoy, and probably some other show writers I can't think off of the top of my head... is that Spock's conception was definitely the result of scientific interference. This difficulty to naturally conceive a Vulcan/human hybrid is also explored a bit in Enterprise with the birth/creation of Elizabeth (ENT S4EP20,21), though she's a binary clone planted by a terrorist organization, so it is a little bit different... buuuuuuut that's beside the point.
While it would make sense that conceiving alien hybrids in the Star Trek pseudo-utopian future might not be so straightforward given the extensive genetic differences, there are, nonetheless, two separate instances of hybrids between Romulans and other species that stand out in contrast to Spock's clinical origin story. Namely, Sela, the infamous daughter of Tasha Yar and Volskiar (TOS novel Vulcan's Heart), as well as Ba'el, the half-Klingon half-Romulan woman living in a prison camp on Carraya IV (TNG S6EP16,17).
Romulans are, obviously, close biological cousins to Vulcans with a dramatic story of separation and the ensuing war. However, what sets Romulans apart is their willingness to express their emotions and their lack of refined telepathic abilities. Additionally, from what fans and creators have loosely pieced together, Romulans also lack pon farr entirely.
Now, I think it's obvious that Tasha Yar absolutely would never consent to have a child with a Romulan General. Volskiar kidnapped her and presumably killed or imprisoned all members of the USS Enterprise-C, including Tasha's romantic interest, Lieutenant Richard Castillo (TNG S3EP15). It's a pretty heavy-handed subtextual implication that Tasha was assaulted as an exchange for her life.
Alternately, Ba'el's mother, Gi'ral, was imprisoned under her Romulan father Toketh's jurisdiction after the Massacre of Khitomer in 2346. While Toketh changed his perspective on Klingons and 'fell in love' with one, I still call dubious consent, even if Toketh tried to establish a peaceful colony and was rejected by other Romulans and subsequently forced into a lifetime of secrecy and seclusion.
Why am I bringing up Romulans, then? Well, to me, it's clear that Sela and Ba'el were not conceived through any medical intervention. There are numerous instances of other hybrids that aren't really given such a delicate backstory as Spock... Worf and K'Ehleyr had Alexander (even if his mother was still half Klingon), B'Elanna Torres also exists, Deanna Troi is out here vibing, and Tora Ziyal is DEFINITELY not the product of a happy, intentional, meaningful, and consensual exchange (not gonna go into Cardassian/Bajoran discourse atm)... so why are Vulcans notably considered almost impossible to conceive offspring with others, not of their own species?
I think it has everything to do with pon farr and their unique telepathy, as I alluded to earlier. Humans, for example, don't have a 'mating cycle,' and healthy females within a certain age range ovulate every month, more or less... I hope you know about all that. Now, does that mean that Vulcan females have a period every seven years? That sounds kinda nice? And, well, this is the point where this narrative begins to spiral into my own personal headcanon.
I don't think Vulcan females undergo pon farr unless they are telepathically linked to a male in some way, and if they're never married or bonded to someone, they just won't get a period. Slay.
I have come to the conclusion, through my most incredible, loser powers of sci-fi franchise deduction, that Vulcan females will literally not ovulate until they are telepathically bound to a partner because, after all, Vulcan telepathy is everything to them. It is the hallmark of their anatomical function, it is how they resolve the plak tow, it's how they forge deep connections with others, et cetera.
I also kind of like the idea that Vulcan siblings all vary in age by roughly seven years because... you know (wink wink).
So, a Vulcan male can forge a telepathic connection with a human female, for example, but the bond itself won't really be the same, no matter the 'love' (Vulcans hate that word because they're edgelords 'oh I cherish thee' shut the f*ck up) between the couple. A human brain is literally incapable of the kind of telepathy considered average among Vulcans (not counting Dr. Miranda Jones from TOS S3EP7). This would, in turn, make natural conception difficult and require medical intervention like what Sarek and Amanda canonically chose to do.
So, therefore, this would make having a Vulcan mother and a human father (rip Trip x T'Pol) incredibly difficult scientifically, and it could only happen under exceptionally freakish, unusual and highly unlikely circumstances.
A Vulcan female's ovulation, in this little fictional digital bubble of a heterosexual reproductive hypothetical scenario, has to be triggered through the instigation of a telepathic bond as a result of a Vulcan male's pon farr.
However... what if a Vulcan female, who was bonded to a Vulcan male, began to undergo the physiological effects of pon farr but did not have physical access to her mate? What if there was a human 'surrogate' nearby? Could there be conception since the female would be ovulating? (insert my fan fiction plug here)
These are the thoughts I ponder at 2AM while neglecting my Ph.D. work.
Anyways, Vulcans have to go about everything in the most complex, annoying way possible and are absolutely ravenous silly horn dogs that are so ridiculous. Truly. The end.
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
Okay here’s my bare minimum grasp on the plot of Star Trek and it’s bare minimum because there’s a lot of Stark Trek media. So basically from my understanding it’s a crew of people on a spaceship(?) that travel the universe and stuff and there’s aliens like the Vulcans (the mating cycle,,,,shudders /lh) and then there’s a robot android person(?) named Data and also the only other characters I know are Kirk and Spock. I think,,,,oh and also it’s a little bit gay and radical and has good examples of what we as a society should Not Do
The only mistake is that it's extremely gay /hj everything else is correct. ;)
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v-thinks-on · 3 years
We are driven by forces we cannot control to return home and take a wife. Or die. —  Spock (TOS: “Amok Time”)
My contribution to the @trektribute​ zine.
Every seven years, all Vulcans are compelled to return to their native planet to engage in the ancient ritual of pon farr or die trying (TOS: “Amok Time”; “The Cloud Minders”). Among fans - and some writers of the series itself, if the odd Tumblr post is to be believed - the most contested feature of this unusual mating system is the suggestion that they only mate once every seven years. However, as a biologist, far more remarkable is the fact that any Vulcan who fails to mate dies. From an evolutionary perspective, it’s astounding that such a system could possibly evolve, but there are some possibilities.
Before I go any further, I should clarify that I will only be discussing Vulcans as they appear in Star Trek: The Original Series. I’m certain there’s fruitful discussion to be had about Vulcans across the Star Trek franchise, but I will exclusively be looking at what’s presented in the original 79 episodes.
First, the most pressing question; why only every seven years? Obviously, there are narrative reasons a writer may want to change this. Even The Original Series, which introduced the Vulcan mating system, seemed conflicted about it (TOS: “The Cloud Minders”). However, as a biologist, that Vulcans only mate once every seven years is perhaps the most normal thing about their reproduction. Humans are one of relatively few species on Earth that reproduce year round. Most species only mate during a particular time of year when there are enough resources available not only for survival, but also for the production and care of offspring (Wingfield & Kenagy, 1991). It makes sense that Vulcans, which live on a desert planet, would have more constraints on when they can reproduce.
Mating every seven years may sound strange, but there are species that reproduce on multiple year cycles; thirteen- and seventeen-year cicadas (Williams, 1995) are probably the most well known. Alternatively, it could be that “the seven-year-cycle” (TOS: “The Cloud Minders”) is measured in Earth years, and is actually one year on Vulcan, or is some equivalent ecologically relevant unit. Being entirely celibate outside of the mating season is also fairly typical. For example, birds that reproduce only once a year often have testes that regress for the rest of the year, making it physically impossible for them to mate - not to mention the hormonal changes that make them no longer have any desire to (Wingfield & Kenagy, 1991). This makes evolutionary sense because if you’re putting a lot of energy into a big reproductive bout, it would be a waste to expend some of that energy on other times of the year when offspring are less likely to survive.
Somewhat more unusual, however, is that it appears that Vulcans’ mating cycles are not synchronized. While Spock is obviously in the throes of plak-tow - blood-fever; the “madness” that precedes pon farr - none of the other presumably mature Vulcans present at his pon farr exhibit any of the same symptomes (TOS: “Amok Time”). Different members of a species mating at different times is uncommon in nature (but not unheard of; Wingfield & Kenagy, 1991) because it makes it difficult for them to find another individual who is also ready to mate. More often, in the wild, variation in when individuals are ready to mate is likely to cause one species to split into two because individuals will only mate with those that are ready at the same time, effectively isolating the two populations and enabling them to differentiate (Taylor & Friesen, 2017). However, like Humans, Vulcans engage in prolonged courtship (TOS: “Amok Time”), so they don’t have to go through the process of finding a mate when they enter pon farr, and unlike the aforementioned birds, they appear to be physically capable of mating even when it’s not their time, so the partner that isn’t going through pon farr can still be receptive. It may be that the environment on Vulcan is harsh enough that the optimal strategy is to mate at a different time from everyone else to minimize the amount of competition your offspring will face.
So far, everything has been fairly straight forward. As a biologist, the really strange thing about the Vulcan mating system is that they mate or die. In the episode, “Amok Time” (TOS), Spock compares this to the salmon, which, when it is ready to mate, leaves the ocean, and “must return to that one stream where they were born, to spawn or die in trying.” This is a pretty analogy, but it leaves out a very important detail; the salmon that mate die too, just perhaps a little bit later. There are many species that use up all their resources on one mating attempt, and then die; salmon, cicadas, many species of butterflies, the list goes on (Young, 2010). There are entire families of moths that stop eating entirely when they reach sexual maturity and just mate until they run out of reserves (Janzen, 1984). This may seem a little strange; why shouldn’t they try to live longer and maybe have a few more chances to mate? But often, these are species that have a lot of predators or otherwise wouldn’t live very long even if they didn’t spend all of their reserves on reproduction. So, instead of wasting energy on defending from predators or building up their immune systems, they just use it all on one big reproduction attempt.
Clearly, Vulcans do not do this. If they successfully mate, pon farr ends and everything returns to normal so they can try again in another seven years. This makes sense; Vulcans generally live long lives and should have many opportunities to mate. Then why do they die if they don’t mate? To my knowledge, there are no species on Earth that die only if they don’t successfully mate. There shouldn’t be because they don’t have any offspring and dying ensures that they’ll never have any more, so there’s no one to pass on their genes. Before I go any further, first I should clarify an assumption I’ve been making implicitly this whole time. For a trait - which could be as simple as eye color, or as complicated as a whole mating system - to evolve, it has to be genetically heritable. That is, there has to be some gene - or often, many genes - that code for it, that are passed down from parent to child (Dawkins, 1976). I’ve been assuming that the Vulcan mating system is composed of genetically heritable traits, which is assumed to be the case of any biological mating system (human mating customs notwithstanding).
To determine whether a genetically heritable trait, such as reproducing or dying could possibly evolve, biologists often imagine what would happen to a single individual with the trait that suddenly appeared in an otherwise identical population of individuals without the trait. So, suppose we have a population where individuals have the opportunity to mate every seven years, but if they don’t mate, they just keep living. Then, suppose an individual is born with a mutation that makes it so that if they don’t mate, they’ll die. If they enter pon farr for the first time and don’t have a mate, they die right there and the trait dies with them; they never get to pass on their genes for mating-or-dying. However, even if they do manage to mate that first year and have a child, and maybe even mate the next year too, they’ll still, on average, have fewer opportunities to mate and therefore have fewer children than their neighbors who can go a pon farr without mating and survive to try again in seven years. It may seem like a small difference, if our mutant only has four children before they don’t have a chance to mate and their neighbors have an average of five, but over evolutionary time, even such a small difference is likely to drive a trait to extinction.
The only purely biological explanation I can think of for the evolution of this strange mating system is based on one of the many hypotheses for why aging may have evolved (Bourke, 2007). The idea is that if an individual doesn’t mate one year, they’re not very likely to have a mate the next year either, or the year after that. This sad, lonely Vulcan has probably had all the children they’re ever going to have; at this point their remaining fitness is close to zero. However, they may have some relatives - children, or siblings - who share some proportion of their genes - children, for example, receive half their genes from each of their parents. If this lonely Vulcan happens to have the gene for surviving, whether they reproduce or not, they’ll continue to consume resources that could be used by their children or siblings who may still have a chance of reproducing. If, on the other hand, this lonely Vulcan instead had the gene for dying when it failed to reproduce, their siblings or children would get those resources and would therefore have an even higher chance of reproducing in the future and having more offspring, and, most importantly for evolution, passing on the lonely Vulcan’s genes, including the genes for dying if they don’t reproduce. This could be especially powerful on a desert planet, like Vulcan, where resources are presumably scarce.
This is also a valuable lesson in why we shouldn’t let evolution dictate how we live. Just because I’m never going to have children and therefore have no fitness doesn’t mean I should die, even if it would help my relatives have more children. Reproduction is so important to evolution because it’s how genes are passed on, and that’s what evolution is; the change in gene frequencies in a population. However, in life, there are things that are a lot more important than gene frequencies.
Now, back to the lonely Vulcan; this explanation may sound all fine and good from a theoretical evolutionary standpoint, but it doesn’t actually work with other things we know about Vulcans. I mentioned that it’s based on an explanation for why aging evolved; the idea is that animals die of old age to give their younger relatives a better chance of surviving and reproducing (Bourke, 2007). Therefore, we’d expect that if Vulcan doesn’t have the resources to support individuals who don’t have mates, it certainly wouldn’t be able to support individuals who are too old to reproduce. It may seem strange, but Humans are one of very few species on Earth that have menopause - i.e., a time when individuals are still alive, but no longer reproduce. One theory for how it evolved is for almost the opposite reason of aging; after a certain age, individuals’ genes are passed on more effectively by staying around and helping care for grandchildren than by having children of their own (Johnstone & Cant, 2010). However, this can only happen if there are enough resources around to support all three generations at once. Even though Vulcan is relatively inhospitable, it seems like Vulcans do still exhibit something like menopause. I doubt Spock was still going through pon farr every seven years by the time he crashes into the alternate universe (“Star Trek” 2009). If Vulcans have evolved to stop reproducing within their lifetimes, then it doesn’t make any sense for them to die after a single failed reproductive bout.
In that case, we need an alternative explanation. I said my first hypothesis was the only purely biological explanation I could think of; to try again we need to delve into the realm of culture. Many animals are capable of social learning, but none on Earth exhibit culture to quite the same extent as Humans. At this point, Humans evolve in a context that is, in many ways, shaped more by culture than nature (Richerson & Boyd, 2004), and like any proper species of humanoid aliens on Star Trek, Vulcans are the same. And, lucky for us, Vulcan culture is by far the most clearly defined alien culture introduced in The Original Series. They value logic to the point of rejecting all emotion and are particularly ashamed of their mating drives (TOS: “Amok Time”). It is not much of a stretch to think that if they didn’t have to endure pon farr, Vulcans would not mate at all. That cultural climate could easily be enough to result in the evolution of increasingly powerful mating drives, as only those with the strongest desire to mate would have any offspring. Eventually, it appears that Vulcan culture became so strict that the only way they would mate is if they would die otherwise.
This is consistent with what little evidence there is in The Original Series of what Vulcans were like before they adopted such a strict philosophy. The Romulans, who split off from the Vulcans around the time their philosophy of logic became widespread, appear to be more similar to humans; when Spock attempts to woo a Romulan commander to infiltrate her ship in “The Enterprise Incident” (TOS), she seems to have some physical interest in him. Even stronger evidence of what Vulcans were like historically comes in the episode “All Our Yesterdays” (TOS), where Spock reverts to behaving like an early Vulcan - for perhaps less than adequately explained reasons - which includes a strong sex drive even outside of pon farr, suggesting that their mating system has changed significantly in somewhat recent history. This is not to say that the evidence is conclusive; to determine that we would need to conduct an empirical experiment, which is unfortunately impossible, but this theory seems to present a promising explanation of the facts.
Bourke, A. F. (2007). Kin selection and the evolutionary theory of aging. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 38, 103-128.
Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. Oxford University press.
Janzen, D. H. (1984) Two ways to be a tropical big moth: Santa Rosa saturniids and sphingids. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, 1, 85–140
Johnstone, R. A., & Cant, M. A. (2010). The evolution of menopause in cetaceans and humans: the role of demography. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1701), 3765-3771.
Richerson, P. J., & Boyd, R. (2008). Not by genes alone: How culture transformed human evolution. University of Chicago press.
Taylor, R. S., & Friesen, V. L. (2017). The role of allochrony in speciation. Molecular Ecology, 26(13), 3330-3342.
Williams, K. S., & Simon, C. (1995). The ecology, behavior, and evolution of periodical cicadas. Annual Review of Entomology, 40(1), 269-295.
Wingfield, J. C., & Kenagy, G. J. (1991). Natural regulation of reproductive cycles. In Vertebrate endocrinology: fundamentals and biomedical implications, 4(Part B), 181-241.
Young, T. P. (2010) Semelparity and Iteroparity. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10), 2
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fxoye · 9 hours
So i saw that more about preferring alien dicks to holes and just. Hear me out. Oviposition during pon farr . What with a lengthened hormonal cycle in such a hostile environment surely the vulcan species would develop ways to get the most out of the mating cycle, yeah? Suppose the males deposit large sacs of biological material that can be broken down by the female’s system to self-impregnate between the males cycles? And ofc this just has fun implications for all the non Vulcans who happen to mate with them.
Idk is this anything?
Okay, FIRST OF ALL, I see you coming in here with your big brain biology theories, and I am HERE for it. 🤯 Like, seriously, oviposition during Pon Farr?? I didn’t know I needed this concept in my life until right now, but now that you've planted this (Vulcan) seed... I can't stop thinking about it. 😭
Honestly, it makes a lot of sense when you think about Vulcan physiology and the whole survival-of-the-fittest, desert planet evolution thing! You’re right—Vulcans would probably evolve to get the absolute most out of every mating cycle, especially with that 7-year gap between Pon Farrs. It’s not like they’re getting a lot of chances, so it totally tracks that their biology would come up with some wild efficiency hacks to keep the species going. And depositing biological material that can be broken down for self-impregnation between cycles??? Genius. I can already hear T'Pau in the background like, "It is the way of things."
And then the implications for non-Vulcan mates??? Oh boy.
Like, imagine poor Jim Kirk just trying to survive this wild hormonal storm, and suddenly there’s alien sacs involved, and he’s like, "WHAT DID I SIGN UP FOR, SPOCK?!" 😭 It’s basically peak sci-fi body horror meets kink, which... is honestly right up my alley. (I know, I know, don’t psychoanalyze me, okay?)
This could also open up a whole new level of biological bonding—like, Spock’s body adapting to Jim’s physiology in ways that even he doesn’t fully understand. The drama! The angst! The science!!!
So... is this anything? My friend, this is EVERYTHING. I'm just gonna sit here quietly, sipping my coffee and plotting out some Vulcan biology headcanons now. Bless you for this idea. 🙌
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ao3feedmccoyspock · 4 years
by Anonymous
Vulcans have a few tricks up their sleeve to increase fertility, after the destruction of Vulcan Spock choses to engage in a rite for this reason. Unfortunately nearly dying throws his carefully planned schedule out the airlock.
Words: 5009, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk
Relationships: Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock
Additional Tags: Extremely Dubious Consent, Vulcan Biology, Vulcan Hormones, Sex In A Cave, Mpreg, Hand Wavey Biology, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, hidden pregnancy, Mating Cycles/In Heat, It's not really Pon Farr, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, No-one has control of the situation, there is no ill intent in here
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featherquillpen · 5 years
All Time Favorite Fics (1 per fandom)
I decided to challenge myself to make a reclist of my favorite fanfics from my eleven years in fandom, while restricting myself from reccing more than one fic per fandom.
Animorphs: Human Again by LilacSolanum (Rachel/Tobias)
Tobias is a fan favorite character, but nobody gets him on quite the level Lilac does in this fic. She faces everything difficult and heartbreaking about him, unflinchingly: his childhood abuse, his body dysmorphia, his subtextual discomfort with his own neurodivergence, and the ways in which he is fundamentally not human anymore. All while portraying his relationships with Rachel and Ax so very well.
Buffy/Angel: Mating by Herself (Spike/Buffy/Angel, Wesley/Illyria)
Fandom likes to talk about “solving” love triangles with polyamory, but the reality is that there would be a lot of bullshit and hurt feelings involved in turning a love triangle into a triad. This story faces that reality head on: Spike and Buffy and Angel just keep arguing and hurting each other, but slowly spiral toward each other. The background Wesley/Illyria pairing is a great contrast of that love spiral gone terribly wrong and twisted, a warning of where they’ll end up if they can’t work it out.
Doctor Who: Flowers by DameRuth (Doctor/Jack, Doctor/Jack/Rose, Jack/Ianto)
When I first entered fandom, I was strictly into genfic. This series is what made me a shipper. I love that it delves deeply into what it means to be in a relationship with an alien, and how biology can present real barriers – this series probably has the least human reproductive biology I’ve seen in fandom. I love the complex polyamory. I love that it takes the complex histories and traumas of the characters and lets them interact and breathe. And of course, crucially, I love the characterization of the light of my life, Captain Jack Harkness.
Hainish Cycle: A Piece of the Continent by Epigone (Genly/Estraven)
A followup on The Left Hand of Darkness that follows Genly on his next assignment as a First Investigator on a newly rediscovered planet. Epigone perfectly recreates the delicate anthropological worldbuilding of LeGuin, and explores Genly’s grief over Estraven in a way that makes me cry every time I read it.
Harry Potter: Blood Magic by GatewayGirl (gen, with light background ships)
This is a Severitus fic, an AU where Snape is secretly Harry’s bio-dad. I have always been interested in fic that brings out Harry’s Slytherin side, and that complicates Snape without erasing how much of a bastard he is, and this fic does both. The fic engages deeply with how broken Harry’s sense of family is, and what the path toward healing it might be. And the worldbuilding here about purebloods and different types of magic is so cool!
His Dark Materials/Chronicles of Narnia: The Ivory Horn by kaydeefalls
In this fic, Will Parry meets Susan Pevensie, another interdimensional traveler who has lost loved ones to a world she left behind. This is a crossover that shows the beauty of crossovers to make canons talk to each other: the grounded, spiritual atheism of His Dark Materials is beautiful in conversation with Susan’s story of rejection from Paradise. This is a fic about letting go, moving on, and embracing the world you live in, not the world you’ve lost.
The Hunger Games: In Protest of This Peace by aimmyarrowshigh (gen)
aimmyarrowshigh did amazing worldbuilding work in this fandom, and this fic is the best of the lot. A lot of THG fics assume that the Hunger Games were always the way we see them in canon, but aimmyarrowshigh shows us another story where the brave children reaped for the first several Hunger Games fought and resisted their fate, and it took the Capitol years to break the back of Panem. A breathtaking and tragic look at the rise of an authoritarian nightmare.
Leverage: Hotel Heart by Laughsalot3412 (Hardison/Parker/Eliot)
A Leverage AU where Parker and Hardison are psychic, and Eliot meets them when he’s sent to assassinate them, after having his own brain broken by psychics. This story is an allegory about abuse and the recovery process from it. The support and affirmation between the OT3 as Parker and Hardison help free Eliot from his abusive past is so powerful, it makes me cry every time I read it. I like this story so much I recorded a podfic of it.
Person of Interest: Dangerous if Unbound by astolat (Finch/Reese)
I highly recommend this fic even if you haven’t seen Person of Interest. This fic is a fusion between a BDSM and a psychic AU, where Reese is the world’s neediest sub and Finch is the only dom who can tame him. It reads like an incredibly satisfying romance novel, complete with brilliant original worldbuilding, compressed into just 23k words.
Pushing Daisies: Barrier Methods by robotsdance (Chuck/Ned)
I highly recommend this fic even if you haven’t seen Pushing Daisies – all you need to know is that because of magic bullshit, if Ned and Chuck touch, Chuck will die. The fic is about how their relationship works despite that one serious problem. This fic is achingly sweet and sexy, and speaks to all the ways people can be intimate with each other, no matter what their circumstances.
Raven Cycle: King by the Roadside by nimmieamee (OT5)
The Raven Cycle, as a series, engages deeply with class, especially as it plays out in the American South – but fandom rarely goes there. This fic does. This is an AU where Gansey doesn’t have a fatal encounter with hornets and get all tangled up with destiny – but destiny manages to find him anyway, and he ends up poor and stripped of everything but his bonds of friendship. I like this fic better than canon, which ended much less satisfyingly.
Rivers of London: Wizardry by Consent by Sixthlight (Peter/Nightingale)
There is an underlying theme in Rivers of London about the ethics of policing: what does it mean to serve and protect a community? This fic takes that underlying theme and brings it to the forefront. In this AU, Peter went to the Case Progression Unit, Nightingale never took on an apprentice, and Peter become the head of community relations at the Met. He discovers the Folly and proceeds to hold Nightingale accountable for the damage his attitude toward policing has had on the magical community, all while developing a deep respect for Nightingale and the community he tries to serve.
Sherlock: Names for the Galaxy by evadne (John/Sherlock)
The one thing I don’t regret about watching Sherlock is that it opened up a world of amazing fic to read. Even if you are as fed up with Moffat’s crap as I am, you will find something to love in this epic sci-fi mystery story chock-full of twists, turns, and original worldbuilding. In this AU, people sometimes randomly disappear, only to be replaced by a new person with almost total amnesia. Sherlock is one of these new people, the “afters,” and John is his minder who is supposed to help him acclimate to society. I honestly hope the author writes an original sci fi novel one day, because this story is so imaginative.
Star Trek AOS: Lunch and Other Obscenities by Rheanna (Spock/Uhura)
The Star Trek reboot movies are pretty blah, but this fic about the culture clashes between Uhura and her Orion roommate Gaila is amazing. It’s about a friendship blossoming across cultures, and about the bravery it takes to make that work.
Torchwood/Vorkosigan: Signals That Sound in the Dark by Dira Sudis (Aral Vorkosigan/Jack Harkness)
Pre-canon for the Vorkosigan Saga, Aral Vorkosigan has a one night stand with Captain Jack. This story is a beautiful character study of both characters, who meld across canons so well. I absolutely adore how Dira Sudis used Russian folklore as a way for Captain Jack to share his truth with Aral in a way he could understand. And I love how in Jack, Aral sees a glimpse of a world where love can be truly free and open.
Welcome to Night Vale: Republic of Heaven Community Radio by ErinPtah
Writing dæmon AU as much as I do has made me very very choosy about which dæmon AUs I read and enjoy. This one tops the list, every time. The fusion between WTNV and His Dark Materials is masterful, and Ptah makes a sincere effort to make Night Vale make sense as a setting in a way the podcast never bothered to do. I love crossovers best when they make both worlds better, which is exactly what this series does.
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darnedchild · 6 years
Molly Hooper Appreciation Week - Day Seven
Day Seven – Free For All
This is part three of a series of Khanolly fics.  You may want to read the first two parts before this one. (”Descent Into Darkness” and “From Darkness”, both on Ao3)  Or not.  It’s up to you.
Embrace the Darkness
“. . . by the time Kirk and Spock have been debriefed and the Federation has heard all about Admiral Marcus and convened a committee to decide whether or not to pursue you, you’ll be long gone.  If you destroy them now, every armed ship in the area will be sent after you in retaliation within a matter of hours.”
Molly took another step closer to the Captain’s chair of the Vengeance and tried to reason with the imposing man sitting in it.  “You’ll need time to revive your crew.  This could buy you some of that time.”
“And you, Molly?  What would you have me do with you?” His voice was warm velvet covered in steel.  
She took a deep breath and sealed her fate.  “I—I . . . You wanted my help to wake your people. I’m here.  What do you need?”
He tapped a finger against the arm of the chair.  “Khan to the crew of the Enterprise.  As promised, I have returned your crew—”
The cargo hold was filled with torpedo tubes.  
Molly bit the inside of her cheek as she stepped up to the first one.  If Spock had attempted to trick Khan, had somehow switched Khan’s crew for live torpedoes, and she accidently armed it . . .
She shuddered and wrapped her arms around her middle for comfort.  
Khan knelt next to the tube and compared the serial number etched on the side to the list on his data pad.
“This might be easier if we had help.  Do any of them have medical training?”  She contemplated the vast number of people that would need to be eased out of cryostasis, each one needing to be carefully monored until they were out of danger.  Even if Khan could go without rest for extended periods, she would need to eat and sleep or she’d be utterly useless.  One mistake could mean the life of one of the seventy-two men and women of Khan’s crew.
“We need to find Joachim.  He’ll be the first.”  Khan stood up and moved to the next tube to examine the serial number.
Molly started working her way down the next row with her own data pad.  “Is he a doctor?”
“My second-in-command,” he corrected.  Before Molly could protest, Khan explained his decision, “Someone will need to be on the bridge if we’re going to be otherwise occupied in sickbay.”  
She continued to look uncertain.  Khan bit back whatever he’d been about to say and forced his expression into something softer in an effort to reassure her.  “My security chief has practical experience as a nurse, and her mate is our medical officer.  We can awaken them after Joachim.”
Joachim was pale with dark hair, shorter than Khan but imposing nevertheless.  He was constantly watching, like a predator waiting for his prey to make one fatal mistake. Something about him made Molly uneasy. She especially didn’t like the way he looked at Khan when the other man’s attention was focused elsewhere.
The medical officer was called Watson.  It took Molly a few days to warm to him.  Her initial impression was of a gruff man with the sort of temper that was quick to explode in frustration and equally quick to die down, leaving him contrite.  The second time he’d snapped at her, Molly had snapped right back and banished him from sickbay until he apologized.  Khan had simply shaken his head when Watson looked to him for support, and reminded Watson that Molly was the chief medical officer on board the ship, therefore the sickbay was under her authority.  
“Within reason,” he’d added just loud enough for her to hear.
Rosamund was Watson’s mate, and she answered only to Khan on matters of ship security (bypassing Joachim, which was something that reassured Molly considerably).  Molly liked the blonde woman.  She was no nonsense while she was working, but she often had a smile and a laugh to offer to Molly when she came to visit her mate in sickbay.
Khan identified the most vital members of his crew and he, Molly, and Watson steadily moved through the list over the next two weeks. She insisted they took their time, never more than half a dozen crew members recovering at a time to minimize the risks.  She knew the pace frustrated Khan but he had to concede that the safety of his crew was paramount.
Finally, eighteen days after the confrontation with the Enterprise, and fifteen days since they’d left Federation space, the last of Khan’s crew was released from sickbay and Molly could finally relax.
She’d been sleeping on whatever med bed was open at the time, only leaving sickbay to shower and eat when her body demanded it. She was looking forward to hunting down an empty room in the crew quarters and sleep for the next three days straight.
Once she waved Watson and Rosamund out the door with the promise that she’d join them in the mess for a meal as soon as she’d finished putting the last of the equipment away, Molly curled up on one of the beds and told herself she was only going to rest her eyes for just a moment.
Molly had no idea how long she slept.  The room was completely dark when she opened her eyes and it took her several seconds to realize that wasn’t right.  She sat up in a panic, her mind screaming that even during the night cycle sickbay was gently lit from various scanners and readouts that constantly monitored her patients.  
Pitch black meant a system failure.  
System failure could mean death.
Before she could roll out of the bed a hand grasped her wrist and stilled her.
“Computer, half-lights,” the deep voice of Khan rolled out of the darkness.  It was huskier than she was used to, as if she’d pulled him out of his sleep with her movements.
A warm, soft glow came from recessed lighting around the room, illuminating the unfamiliar surroundings and the man laying at her side on the bed that most definitely was not the one she’d fallen asleep on in sickbay.
Khan continued to hold her wrist, although his hold was gentle and she knew she’d be able to pull free if she wanted to.  
“Where am I?” Molly asked.
“You are in the Captain’s Quarter’s,” the Computer answered.  
Khan’s lips curled upward in amusement.  “Computer, that will be all.  I can take it from here.”
“Acknowledged, Captain.”
Molly let her gaze take in the room, it was nearly as large as the flat she’d called home for the last several years.  Admiral Marcus had clearly spared no expense when he’d chosen the furnishings for what would have been his quarters if he’d maintained command of the ship.
“Nice.”  She gestured with her free hand to indicate the room at large.
“It serves its purpose,” Khan acknowledged.
She might have continued to shyly dance around the important question if her stomach hadn’t chosen that moment to remind her that she’d probably missed dinner.  Frankly, she was hungry and a Hungry Molly was an Impatient, Blunt Molly.  “So how did I end up in it?”
He laughed.  “Rosamund became concerned when you didn’t meet them as promised.  You were so exhausted you barely stirred when I tried to wake you and I thought it best to let you continue to sleep.”
“That doesn’t explain how I ended up in this bed.”  She left the ‘with you’ unspoken.
“Surely you didn’t expect me to leave you in sickbay?” His hand drifted from her wrist up her arm to her shoulder, then he applied the barest hint of pressure to urge her to lie down once more.  “The Computer informed me that you haven’t been assigned quarters of your own.  This seemed like the logical choice.  Wouldn’t you agree?”
“I-I . . .  Yes?” It definitely came out as more of a question than she would have liked.  
He slid his arm around her waist as he leaned over her, his body hot along her side.  They were both fully clothed, but Molly felt her heart race in excitement as if they were fully naked and pressed against each other.  
“You’re welcome to stay here until you’re fully recovered.”  He moved impossibly closer, dipping his head until his lips brushed against her ear.  “In fact, you can stay as long as you like, Molly. My Molly.”  
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
Sonho em Pon Farr
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41419095
by HellgirlFurrys04
Jim acorda em vulcano, em um de seus passados, onde Jim é estuprado
Words: 811, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro
Series: Part 13 of Sextober Fanart Star Trek AOS/TOS
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: James T. Kirk Has PTSD, Bottom James T. Kirk, Top Spock, Mind Meld, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape, Dream Sex, Wet Dream, Mating Bites, Pon Farr, Pon Farr Aftermath (Star Trek), Vulcan, Vulcan Mind Melds, Vulcan Culture, Belts, lirpa, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Fanart, Inspired by Fanart, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating, Mating Rituals, Rituals, Ritual Sex, Ritual Public Sex, Alien Rituals
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41419095
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