#spokane language
polyglot-thought · 1 year
Critically Endangered Language Introduction:
Spokane Language
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Some information about the Spokane language:
It’s critically endangered, meaning there are very few native speakers left, who are also elderly, and young people are not picking up the language, but the Spokane Tribe website offers language classes, so hopefully things are improving! Spokane doesn’t have its own original writing system, so a modified Latin script is used. You can read more about the Spokane and Salish languages and people on Wikipedia, here, here and here.
Example Words & Phrases ↓
Provided by Spokane Tribe at this link
ʔa x̣est skʷekʷst
Hello, good morning
ʔa x̣est sx̣lx̣alt
Hello, good day
ʔa x̣est sč̓luxʷ
Hello, good evening
ʔa x̣est skʷkʷʔec
Hello, good night
n̓em heł wíčtmn
I will see you again.
How are you?
hi čn x̣is
I’m fine.
čn ayx̣ʷt
I’m tired.
čn weyt
I’m sick.
stem̓ ha skʷest ?
What is your name?
hi skʷest ____.
My name is…..
____ łuʔ hi skʷest.
My name is…..
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Please correct me if I made a mistake
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spokanefavs · 1 year
Paul Graves reflects on a book on progressive Christianity by John Pavlovitz, “If God Is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk."
He reminds us that attitudes of compassion and #empathy can overcome even the most significant language barriers.
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youcouldmakealife · 6 months
SOTM: Bryce/Jared, Elaine; Man of the Hour (Day, Week, Month, Year)
For the prompt: One of the articles Bryce mentions. "…like, a profile thing? How it was growing up gay in hockey, that kind of thing… A chance to establish myself as like, I am now,” Bryce says. “Kind of like — not set the record straight, exactly, but like, show I’ve matured and stuff. "
It’s the definition of a typical Vancouver day, drizzly and overcast, when I meet Bryce Marcus. He likely needs no introduction, but I will introduce him anyway: the star centre for the Vancouver Canucks who went from being the enemy while playing for the arch-rival Calgary Flames to becoming possibly the most beloved man in the city: certainly if you you asked the fans streaming out of Rogers Arena after watching the Canucks win the Cup for the third time, or the hundreds of thousands of lining Burrard to cheer on their Canucks at the Stanley Cup Parade on a beautiful sunny day this June.
The weather is anything but glamourous today, however, and at the Marcus Matheson household, the surroundings aren’t either.
Jared Matheson, husband and teammate of Bryce, apologizes as I step over a box in their hallway. “We’re kind of in the middle of a move right now.”
They’re trading their two-bedroom condo for something ‘a little more permanent’. Both have decided that wherever their NHL careers may take them, Vancouver is going to remain home, and they’ve just closed on a house nearby.
“Bryce is weirdly excited about getting to mow the lawn,” Jared tells me as we wait for Bryce to finish getting ready. In light of the hyper-competitive Vancouver real estate market it’s entirely understandable to be excited about lawncare — it means you have a lawn to care for — but one wouldn’t have expected that to extend even to Vancouver’s sports stars.
When Bryce emerges, five minutes after my arrival, he announces himself by swearing as he trips over a box of his own, and then apologising, both for his language and his tardiness.
“He was doing his hair,” Jared says.
“I was not,” Bryce scowls, but doesn’t offer an alternative explanation.
After a quick tour of their condo, which is currently half in boxes, Bryce and I hop into his Audi S8 — naturally courtesy Capilano Audi, whose ads featuring him are inescapable during Canucks games. We drive to Richmond so he can show me his old haunts: elementary, middle, and high school — though he finished high school in Washington while playing for the Spokane Chiefs — his home rink, the Dairy Queen his mother took him after hockey games. He’s a capable, if slightly aggressive driver. I mention this because from the dire warning I received from Jared on the way out the door I genuinely believed I might not survive the drive.
Bryce finally pulls into the driveway of an unassuming but cheerful house on a quiet suburban street. The morning drizzle has faded, and the weather is now just as bright and warm as his childhood home, and the mother who raised him there. Already waiting for us on the porch, his mother Elaine Marcus offers me a glass of lemonade. “Store bought, I’m afraid,” she says with a smile. “I’m not much of homemaker.”
Over lemonade and cookies — “Also store bought,” Elaine admits, “but this bakery is very good!”, and she’s right about that — she shows me an array of childhood and teenage photos while Bryce complains to his mother that she’s ‘embarrassing’ him.
The photos are more inspiring than embarrassing: photo after photo of a beaming little boy in an equally small Canucks jersey, proudly brandishing a plastic mini-stick (Canucks branded, of course). A true example of someone who grew up to live his childhood dream.
Sadly, as he gets a older the smile disappears, as does the man beaming in the background of so many of those happy photos. His father, Ben Marcus, was killed by an impaired driver at the age of 32. It devastated Elaine and Bryce, who was only four at the time.
“It was hard,” Elaine says. “He didn’t understand. I didn’t understand, when it came down to it. It was a hard time. He wanted to play hockey all the time, it was the only thing he wanted. He was really only happy on the ice.”
“I just wanted him to be happy,” she says, smiling tearfully, and as Bryce wraps a protective arm around his mother's shoulders, I offer to give them a moment.
“It was a long time ago,” Elaine says in dismissal, wiping her eyes. “It’s just hard sometimes. Ben loved hockey, loved watching the Canucks with Bryce — he’d have been so proud to see Bryce lift the Cup for them. I am too, of course, but it was always Ben and Bryce’s thing. He would have been so proud.”
I do give them a moment then, and when I return, my lemonade has been refilled and both are all smiles once again, though Bryce's doesn't last. He cringes as we go through photos of his teen years. There’s a sullen look on his face in every picture.
And what was Bryce like as a teenager?
"I'll let him answer that," Elaine says diplomatically.
“I don’t really know,” Bryce says, looking thoughtful. “Angry, I guess. I was an angry kid. And confused.”
About his sexuality?
“Everything was confusing,” Bryce says. “But yeah, definitely that too.”
“Bryce cared so much,” Elaine says. “About everything. He still does. The world’s hardest on the people who care most about it.”
Like so many hockey players who’ve come out since Dan Riley and Marc Lapointe did in 2010, he credits their coming out as a major influence on his journey of coming to terms with his identity as both a gay man and a pro hockey player.
“You don’t really put it together,” Bryce says. He turned sixteen the summer the Leafs won the Stanley Cup, and Riley and Lapointe subsequently came out. “Like, okay, sure, you can be gay and play hockey. Except nobody thought that. I didn’t think that. If you said that, maybe I’d say okay, but I didn’t believe it.”
How, then, did he reconcile being gay and playing hockey?
“That's the thing,” Bryce says. “I didn’t, you know? I was playing hockey, so obviously I wasn’t, right? Because if I was gay, then I wouldn’t be playing, would I?”
“It sounds so ridiculous saying it now,” he reflects. “But that’s what I thought. And I wasn’t the only one.”
But even more than Riley and Lapointe blazing a trail before him, he credits meeting his husband Jared at a hockey skills camp in Calgary. In the year before he met Jared, then twenty year old Bryce was arrested twice, for assault and DWI: the latter in particular shook his mother, considering how his father died.
"I was worried about him," she says. "That's probably an understatement."
“I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn't met Jared,” Bryce says. “I genuinely don’t. I don’t think I’d be out. I know I wouldn’t be happy. You know, everyone says it isn’t like in the movies. Falling in love, I mean. That love at first sight and all that is b******t. But that’s pretty much what it was for me.”
Was it mutual?
Bryce laughs. “You’d have to ask Jared, he tells it better than me,” he says. “But no, not really. I wasn't good enough for him. I'm still not good enough for him, but I try to be."
Another warning I’d received from his husband before my tour around town? That Bryce was an incurable romantic. This warning certainly seems more warranted than the one about Bryce’s driving.
And what does Bryce think about Jared’s warning, and his additional suggestion to take anything Bryce said about him with a healthy grain of salt?
“[Jared]’s just modest,” Bryce says.
“He lights up when Jared’s around,” Elaine says. “It’s just like when he was a little boy — every time he stepped onto the ice, he beamed. It’s the same thing with Jared. He’s so happy. It’s so wonderful to see him like that.”
And how was it, not only getting to play with his husband, but to raise the Stanley Cup together?
“It’s a dream come true,” Bryce says. “Really. I know that’s such a cliche, but so is love at first sight, right? And the hometown boy winning it all for his childhood team. They’re all cliches. But they’re my life.”
“I know just how lucky I am,” Bryce says. “Winning with Jared, with this team — it’s been such a whirlwind of a year.”
I tell him to enjoy it.
“I do,” he says, smiling so widely I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. “I really, really do.”
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By: Louise Perry
Published: Jun 8, 2023
When we get home from the supermarket, our two-year-old likes to assist with taking the groceries out from underneath his stroller and carrying them to the kitchen. He will pick up a carton of milk and heave it towards the fridge like an atlas stone. “Well done darling” I say to him in a pitch slightly higher than usual, “you’re being so helpful.” 
Of course he isn’t actually being helpful. In fact, he’s slowing down the process of unpacking and risking an enormous milk spillage all over the kitchen floor. But my goal is encouragement and kindness – he’s only two, bless him, and that carton is awfully big and heavy. 
My husband regards these exercises with more of a gentle briskness. “Thanks mate” he’ll say in his usual tone of voice, excising my white lie. In this, I’ve learnt, my husband is typical of other men. In a 2015 study led by Mark VanDam, a professor in the Speech and Hearing Sciences department at Washington State University Spokane, researchers outfitted preschoolers and their parents with recording devices to monitor social interactions over the course of a normal day. The mothers, they found:
… used higher pitch and varied their pitch more when interacting with their child than with adults. The fathers, on the other hand, did not show the same pattern, and instead talked to their children using intonation patterns more like when they talked to other adults.
As an instinctive speaker of so-called ‘motherese’ – that is, baby talk – I find that when our son mispronounces a word (‘tawtah’ for ‘water’ or ‘mulack’ for ‘milk’) I will automatically echo it back to him, while my husband will automatically respond with the correct pronunciation. These differences persist despite the fact that we share childcare almost exactly equally within our family. 
It turns out we’re not alone in this sex difference, and that it may well have some adaptive purpose. "We think that maybe fathers are doing things that are conducive to their children's learning but in a different way,” writes VanDam, “the parents are complementary to their children's language learning.” Mothers speak down to children, while fathers speak to them like equals – in combination, these two kinds of stimuli promote the development of adult language. 
The adoption of motherese is an instinct that, in its correct context, is both comforting and developmentally useful. But it can also, in some circumstances, be dysfunctional. And, as I have become more and more fluent in it, I have started to notice that motherese is no longer confined to the nursery or the classroom, but is now to be found also in public life. Not in its full expression – “have you got a boo-boo, honey?” – but in a more subtle form. 
I heard a lot of motherese, for instance, in the responses to philosopher Kathleen Stock’s appearance this week at the Oxford Union – a political event considered significant enough to attract commentary from the Prime Minister and rolling updates on the homepages of several national newspapers.
Students at risk of being traumatised by Stock’s mild-mannered, centre-left brand of politics were ushered towards ‘welfare rooms’ offering ear plugs, bottles of water, and snacks. “The Union has made the choice to amplify a voice that actively harms trans students, trans people and the trans community at large” wrote one student politician, “we’re tired of [the Union’s] refusal to listen to the communities they hurt” insisted another. It was as if Stock was a rampaging bully on the playground, knocking other children to the ground, and her critics were leaping to the defence of the persecuted toddlers. 
Witnessing the backlash against her, you’d never guess that Stock’s only sin is to offer a careful academic critique of the doctrine of gender identity – that is, the claim that one can become a member of the opposite sex (or some other identity category in between) merely by force of will. As she reiterated in her Oxford Union speech, to reject this doctrine is not to deny the humanity of trans people, but rather to balance their interests against those of other people, particularly women. 
But I am by no means the first to notice an unexpected feature of the crowds that formed outside the Oxford Union this week, and indeed all of the crowds that congregate in support of trans activism (now a regular occurrence, and not just in the Anglosphere). While the occasional acts of outright aggression are overwhelmingly committed by men, the crowds in general are mostly composed of young women. 
Polling reveals this to be a wider pattern. In the UK, women – and particularly young women – are far more supportive of trans activism than are their male counterparts. The same gap can be seen in US polling. The public figures who have received the most flak for their criticisms of trans activism are disproportionately women – I’m thinking not only of Kathleen Stock, but also of JK Rowling – and yet so, too, are the movement’s most devoted allies. This is, in the main, an intra-female conflict. 
But if trans activism poses a threat to women’s interests – as Stock and Rowling insist that it does – then why have so many women come out in support of it? I want to propose two explanations for this seeming paradox. 
Firstly, in socioeconomic terms, the women who have the most to lose from the disintegration of female-only spaces – prisoners and domestic abuse victims, for instance – are not actually the same women who are draping themselves in blue and pink flags outside the Oxford Union. This is a textbook example of what Rob Henderson has termed a ‘luxury belief’ – an idea that confers status on the rich, while causing harm to the poor. 
But then I am begging the question, because why on earth would trans activism confer status on the rich, or indeed anyone? This is where we come to the second factor: the extraordinarily well-documented differences in personality that have been observed between male and female populations cross-culturally. 
Note that there is a crucial distinction to be drawn between average and absolute differences. It is not true that all men or all women exhibit only masculine or feminine personality traits, in the same way that not all women are short and not all men are tall – rather, average differences between the sexes are obvious only at the population level. 
One trait on which men and women differ substantially is agreeableness. To put it bluntly, women are usually nicer than men – that is, they are “more nurturing, tenderminded, and altruistic more often and to a greater extent than men,” as psychologist Professor Yanna Weisberg puts it. 
This nurturing instinct often finds its way into polling on political questions. For instance, a typical study from 2017 asked 3,014 college students the following question: “If you had to choose, which do you think is more important, a diverse and inclusive society or protecting free speech rights.” 61% of male students chose to prioritise free speech, compared with only 35% of female students – exactly what you would expect from two populations that differ in this most crucial of traits.  
Don’t think that I’m bashing agreeableness per se –  it’s one of those personality traits that really does offer advantages and disadvantages all along the spectrum. Disagreeable people are often rude, but they can also be refreshingly honest; agreeable people are often pleasant, but they are easily taken advantage of. Think of agreeableness as motherese: soothing and lovely in the right circumstances, cloying and foolish in the wrong ones.  
The problems arise when an agreeable style of politics gloms onto a group that seems to offer plentiful opportunities for babying. Right now, it is trans people who have found themselves in the hot seat (or the high chair). For just one example of this babying tendency in action, observe the progressive response when then-66 year old Caitlyn Jenner came out as trans (a response parodied exquisitely in a South Park episode titled ‘Stunning and Brave’). When Glamour honoured Jenner as the magazine’s 2015’ Woman of the Year' – despite the fact that Jenner had not yet lived as a woman for a full year – I couldn’t help but hear the high pitched notes of motherese (“you look so pretty sweetie”, “well done that was very brave.”) 
Observe, too, the trans celebrity Dylan Mulvaney’s recent appearance on Drew Barrymore’s talkshow, which culminated with Barrymore kneeling on the ground, looking Mulvaney straight in the eye, and offering a heartfelt pep talk on self-love. Some gender critical feminists looked at this scene and saw a woman prostrating herself before a man. What I saw was a mother kneeling down to reassure a young child – for some bizarre reason, Barrymore was speaking motherese to a grown adult on national TV. 
At the risk of stating the obvious, trans people are not babies. Nor are they pets. They do not need earplugs and snacks to withstand an academic discussion, and they do not need to be spoken to like toddlers. Real two-year-olds may benefit from the gentleness of motherese. The rest of us need to grow up.
Women are more likely than men to say a trans women should be able to enter a women’s refuge, favouring this by a 36-32 margin while men oppose it 40 to 30. In fact, across all 6 questions pertaining to the trans issue (Stock, Rowling, refuges, gender identity, pronouns, teaching biological sex), women are significantly more supportive of the trans rights position even when ideology is taken into account. Women even exceed LGBT identifiers in their support for the pro-trans position on many questions.
Why? Is this not against the female interest? The likely answer is that women are more likely to be cultural leftists than men across most of the 25 attitudinal items in the survey. The inclination to empathise and care for groups perceived as vulnerable best accounts for the pattern. The result of the empathy dynamic is that the gender-critical feminist position, while intellectually prominent, is still a contested view among women. Indeed, the largest source of opposition to greater trans access to women’s spaces comes from cultural conservatives.
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This isn't a war between men and women, as some would like to assert.
It's really a war between different denominations of feminism. Like Catholicism vs Protestantism. Or Sunni vs Shi'a Islam.
One thing that's hilarious and worth pointing out: gender-critical feminists will sometimes say things along the lines of, well that agreeableness was socialized into women by "the patriarchy" to make them compliant. Which means they're denying the same evolved sex-based differences that they started off defending. Like claiming to be a Catholic while denying transubstantiation.
Either sex-differences are real, and can explain different participation rates in physics and kindergarten teaching, different career priorities and trajectories (and thus, the mythical "pay gap") and different work patterns as readily as they explain differences in swimming, cycling and weight-lifting performance, making "the patriarchy" as unnecessary as a god is to the existence of the universe... or they're not, and the gender-critical argument goes up in smoke in the flames of social constructivism. God can't be both good and unknowable.
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mydaddywiki · 7 months
Blase J. Cupich
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6′ 0″
Blase Joseph Cupich (March 19, 1949-) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church, a cardinal who serves as archbishop of the Latin Church Archdiocese of Chicago. Once named Bishop of Rapid City in South Dakota in 1998, then named bishop of the Diocese of Spokane in Washington State in 2010, Cupich was chosen by Pope Francis as Archbishop of Chicago in 2014. He was subsequently also appointed to the Roman Curia's Congregation for Bishops, which plays a role in advising the pope on episcopal matters, including appointments. Named to the College of Cardinals in 2016, Cupich was additionally appointed to the Congregation for Catholic Education.
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He’s cute. Adorably cute. Given his position as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, it’s unlikely that we’ll be fucking soon, but I can dream. And I do… A LOT!
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Lets see… born in Omaha, Nebraska, Cupich was also ordained a priest there in 1975. He speaks six languages, including English and Spanish.
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bleue-flora · 22 days
"skungly art porj" could refer to a "skungly" (likely a distorted or playful word) art project. Porj could also mean portal or port
"polik pill" could potentially be "polik pill" (as in "political pill" or a decision-related item).
"ark Inc" likely refers to "Ark Incorporated" or an ark-related structure."lin p12" might be a line or page number, or a coordinate on the map. Maube page 12 on the revival book
"skinlgt" could be "skin light," potentially referring to something visual or an item related to light."aldbnot" might be an anagram. If we unscramble it, we get "not bald." Or "bold ant" or close to "bandit" or "abandon" "alink ponaks" could be "a link tokens" or "a link spokan," it could be "abandon a link spoken" perhaps a connection to the other universes or to a spell or person.
"L____" could be a placeholder for a word starting with "L.""LinkedP0l 00" might hint at something "linked" to a location, possibly "Pole 00" (could mean a coordinate or a specific place on the map).
Then again I think it's a in lore language like how game of thrones had their own language
Hmm…. good stuff and true it could just be another language, though ender being up there would be fitting and yet it isn’t…
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c!dream or cc!dream? ;D lol jk… please do let me know what he says though…
Welp our solving develops :)… though perhaps for the the left side I think “L____))))___” could be “Limbo 3 lives die” and “linkedPOL XD” could be “linked Power Of Life XD” 🤷‍♀️… but I don’t know…
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americangirlstar · 2 years
Two Hawks’s Name
So. I got curious about what Two Hawks’s name would be in his own language. I mean, I’m curious about what all of Kaya’s contemporaries would be named, but a few weeks ago I got hit with a strong desire to look into Two Hawks’s name specifically while doing research on the Salish nations.
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As Two Hawks lives in the general Washington area, he would liikely use the Kalispel or Spokane dialect of his language. In both Kalispel and Spokane, “Esel” means “two,” but it was a bit hard to find a word for “hawk” or “hawks.”
So I ended up on native-languages.org, a non-profit organization site dedicated to the survival of Native languages. They have a specific page in which you can email their experts and request to know a word in exchange for a $10 donation. So I did send them a request, telling them that a character in a book I liked was named “Two Hawks” in the Salish Kalispel-Spokane language and I would like to know what his name would be.
They actually did respond to it, which I’m very excited about! I’m posting the email they sent to me below w/ a transcription under it. (Note: I wasn’t sure if Ms Redish’s email was from the site or personal? So to be safe I blacked it out). The tl;dr is there’s three possibilities for Two Hawks’s name, which is very exciting!
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Thanks for taking part in our fundraiser!
Well, the Salish word for "Two" is "esel," but there are several different words for hawks in Salish. A fish hawk or osprey is c'ixʷc'xʷ. It's very typical of Salish words to be eye-popping tongue-twisters like this, the Salishan languages are considered to be among the most difficult in the world for English speakers to pronounce. The c' is pronounced like the "ts" in "cats" but with a clicking sound, and the "xʷ" sounds a bit like the "hw" sound you might make blowing out a candle. So c'ixʷc'xʷ is pronounced a little like tseets only with extra clicking and guttural blowing sounds. A red-tailed hawk is c'lc'lšmu, which is easier to pronounce, it sounds a little like chull-chull-shmoo only with clicks.
A sparrow hawk or falcon is the easiest to say, Aatat (pronounced ah-tot.) So this character's name could have been something like Esel C'ixʷc'xʷ, Esel C'lc'lšmu, or Esel Aatat.
Hope that is interesting to you, have a good day! Laura Redish Native Languages of the Americas
Everyone say thank you Laura Redish!!
What do you think is most likely to be Two Hawks’s name? Personally I think Esel C'lc'lšmu is the most likely, as I feel the translated name would have reflected it if he was named after an osprey or falcon, but any of them are possible.
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Zinnia Turner
Geia's Eldest Step-Daughter Zinnia Turner (2020)
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The daughter of Byron and step-daughter of Pelageya, Zinnia. She lives in Hawaii and is married to a lifeguard, she lives a mostly laid-back lifestyle.
"Hawaii or Florida, Hawaii for sure."
Full Legal Name: Zinnia Melba Turner (Née Winter)
First Name: Zinnia
Meaning: From the name of the flower, which itself was named for the German botanist Johann Zinn.
Pronunciation: ZIN-ee-a
Origin: English
Middle Name: Melba
Meaning: From the surname of the Australian opera singer Nellie Melba.
Pronunciation: MEHL-ba
Origin: English
Surname: Turner (Née WInter)
Meaning: Occupational name for one who worked with a lathe, derived from Old English 'Turnian' 'To Turn', of Latin origin. (Winter: From Old English 'Winter' or Old High German 'Wintar' meaning 'Winter')
Pronunciation: TUR-ner (WIN-tar)
Origin: English (English, German, Swedish)
Alias: None
Reason: None
Nicknames: Zin, Nia, Mel
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 30
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: September 3rd 1990
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia's Phone): 'Come A Little Closer' - Cage The Elephant'
Voice Actor: Rashida Jones
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA
Hometown: Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Judith Ibarra, Sabina Volkov
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Patrick Turner
Mentor: Caprice Winter
Significant Other: Patrick Turner (31, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Caprice Winter (R.I.P, Mother, Née Thorne), Pelageya Winter (33, Step-Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: Paul Turner (50, Father-In-Law), Maya Turner (51, Mother-In-Law, Née Aiken)
Siblings: Nathan Winter (33, Brother), Laurence Winter (27, Brother), Xanthia Winter (24, Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (34, Nathan's Wife), Osbert Turner (27, Patrick's Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (13, Nephew), Hadley WInter (10, Niece)
Children: Bethany Turner (10, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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merrock · 2 years
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face claim: Ryan destiny
full name: Avery Marie Reeves
nickname(s): just Avery
pronouns & gender: she/her, cis woman
sexuality: pansexual
birth date: June 30, 1994
birth place: Spokane, Washington
time in town: two months
housing: Historical Downtown
occupation: owner of online Crystal Shop, Moonlight and Quartz
family: none living
personality: like a warm cup of coffee in the early morning quiet. sweet yet her history has made her more reserved over the years. she’s very weary of people, but can be friendly. just not as trusting as she used to be. she’s always been the type to wear her heart of her sleeve, but is still torn with how much her heart has been hurt holding it there. once she does trust you though her heart is open and welcoming. her love language is gifting and acts of service. so baking cookies or dinner as a thank you. baking holds the specialist of places in her heart and it means a lot to her to share that.
Trigger warnings: abusive/toxic relationship, death.
Brought into the world a dark night with a storm raging outside the hospital, a small girl emerged into the world named avery after her late Great Grandfather. Her dark eyes bright and as time passed she became more curious getting into whatever she could, mud, paint, makeup. Always into something, always curious and that light within her eyes as remained for through her child and teen years though it didn’t seem to remain.
Our story brings us to the tale of quiet girl and her infectious smile that drew in the popular boy in high school. The love flourished quickly and soon they had graduated school and were planning life together. Both had agreed to remain as close to home as possible. Deciding instead of living on campus to live together. avery was thrilled by all of this and while so many told her that maybe they were moving too fast, the couple had two years under their belt and she was sure this was the right decision.
If you tried to ask avery where things began to go wrong. She probably wouldn’t be able to tell you honestly. Its like that saying if cooking a frog and gradually increasing the heat so they aren’t alarmed and don’t jump out. It wasn’t until Parker was deciding her hair length and color at the salon one day despite her desires that she began to wonder if it wasn’t normal that he picked everything for her. She just thought she was being a good wife, listening to her husband. She didn’t have her parents by the time they got married. Which didn’t help anything. He proposed a year after their death and she was still lost in grief. Part of her thinks he took advantage of that time. That weakness that left a gaping hole in her life. She tried so hard to fill that time with her own happy memories. Ignoring the red flags that emerged when they tried to get pregnant. It wasn’t until the third failed test that Parker’s anger truly began to unravel…
While he never laid a hand on her. He spent the better of part of their relationship dictating all the things that made avery, avery. He even made her dye her hair to a dark brown so she wouldn’t be the center of attention with her red hair. He ate away at her self esteem, the spark that made her who she was. The candle almost went out. Almost. It took losing all her friends, her inner voice, her self to finally realize that he was not the Parker she fell inlove with any longer. He was toxic and cruel. Constantly trying to make her jealous despite how beautiful she has always been, he made her feel like she wasn’t. The subject of leaving and divorcing Parker is a hard one for avery, but she tries to hide with jokes and dark humor but that is about it. It takes a level of trust avery hasn’t found in anyone in long time. While the divorce has been finalized, avery is still looking over her shoulder to make sure he doesn’t return to her life..
Currently: A few months divorced from her toxic husband who spent the better part of her twenties controlling her and everything she did from the length of her hair to the color of her socks and how she spoke to people.
It has been a slow process of her being able to think and act for herself that she’s still adjusting to. Starting with moving to a new town and new apartment away from all the memories of her ex-husband and their sham of a life together.
Since leaving him she started her own business after a few failed attempts at other jobs and companies. Nothing seemed to make her happy. She couldn’t handle taking orders from anyone else any longer and just wanted to be able to do what she wanted. So she quit. She struggled and finally moved on and started her own business. While she still working out of her second bedroom and she’s her only employee she’s truly happy.
Her business hours aren’t the most typical, so avery may or may not be spending her time living out what she missed in her twenties or that’s what she’s telling herself. It’s kind of hard when she moved to a new city and doesn’t have any friends after what happened with her ex-husband. So she’s been trying to get out more, remind herself that she doesn’t need to be focused on work all the time. Turning 30 made her realize how much time she had wasted and while she had finished college and had a few decent references it still felt like it wasn’t enough. She hadn’t travelled or seen the world hell this was her first time out of her hometown.
Her parents passed in her early twenties and she has no siblings. She still doesn’t really like talking about it and has sore memories from their accident and the fact that she wasn’t there even if it wasn’t her fault.
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gldenhrs · 2 years
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                               (—) ★ spotted !!  MIA CASSIDY  on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid ! many say that the 25 year old looks like  SYDNEY SWEENEY , but i don’t really see it. while the  ACTRESS  is known for being  INDEPENDENT  my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be  PICKY  i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song  SHE’S ALL I WANNA BE BY TATE MCRAE .
*   ◞  ╰   general   .
full name :  mia christina cassidy .  nicknames :  america’s sweetheart . birthdate / zodiac sign : somewhere in september during taurus season . birthplace :   spokane , washington . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . family :  catherine cassidy ( 53 )  &  simon cassidy  ( 60 ) siblings :  samuel cassidy ( 28 ) , beatrice cassidy ( 32 )   pets :  adopted dog named fitz  occupation :  actress .  (  HERE  u can find her career path  )  career claim :  the olsen twins / kate hudson  life goal :  to win an oscar for best actress in a movie . love language : physical touch / words .  + traits  :  independent , trustworthy , hardworking , generous  &   reliable. - traits  :   picky , stubborn , opinionated , selfish , possessive  &  gluttonous  .
*   ◞  ╰   quick history   .
mia comes from a middle class family in washington .  a mother who always thought she deserved a better life  &  hated the fact she couldn’t have it   &  a father who is a sweetheart , but a dummie  &  a coward since he’s unable to stand up to his wife or make a difference .
from the minute … well , maybe a  SECOND  minute mia was born , her mother already had a plan for her life . baby commercials , tv shows , beauty pageants , singing/dancing/acting lessons , modeling …. school was very much neglected because her mother saw the “ potential “  aka she saw beauty not brains .
at just 6 months old , she became a regular face on a sitcom called  FULL HOUSE  that aired until she was 6 years old , so the whole america  ( and the world )  basically saw her grow up which explains why she had gotten the nickname of   AMERICA’S SWEETHEART  .  everybody just  LOVED  her .  
later on , obvi her entire family got rich due to mia’s success  &  her mother made sure their / her fame didn’t phase out , so she established a company in her name that would produce her subsequent movies and videos  ( career claim: the olsen twins movies hehe )  which mia didn’t mind bc she loved acting  &  the fans just  ATE UP  . 
once she turned 18 , bigger movie deals started coming along  &  soon enough she landed her big break by starring in a movie called  ALMOST FAMOUS  where she even got an oscar nomination for best supporting actress !!  it was a  HUGE  deal !! 
by the time she was 22 , with 20+ movies under her belt , many awards won , magazine covers , music video appearances  …. her career has been so long she might as well retire at 30 lmao . 
fast forward to this day , she’s in the process of filming  FOOL’S GOLD  which is rumored to be yet another comedy hit  (  present career claim: kate hudson )  &  has fired her mom as a manager bc the shit got too toxic . 
*   ◞  ╰   personality & dating life   .
tbh this girl really is a giant sweetheart !!  just v lovely  &  kind  &  empathetic , has a warmth to her that makes it feel like it’s summertime all the time :)) 
but ... here’s the thing ... u break her or u do her dirty she can cut u out of her life in a blink of an eye . she doesn’t give a lot of chances bc she’s been burned a lot .  TOO MUCH even . gotta protect her heart yanno ?? 
in other  news ....  his girl legit   LOVES  everything she does , loves herself  (  a SHOCKER for someone in the industry ) , loves her career , her friends , everything . sure her mother’s a crazy bitch  &   her father’s a coward  &  her siblings are shitheads that she no longer talks to but like who careeeees lol .
due to her upbringing  &  the fact she was worth 10million before her 8th birthday , YES  she loves nice things ( read :  materialistic )  &  is lowkey selfish …. in some aspects but overall she’s generous af . will give u her life in need be if u treat her right  .
also the reason why she no longer talks with her family  &  has v little friends  –    A LOT  of people used her just for her money , especially them  &  the fact she generously gave it away without asking for nothing in return  (  she never received even a kind word in return * cue sad violin *   )  ... uh oh .  her family basically got rich through her   &   once she cut off their supply of money ,  they cut her out of the family . sure they still bad mouth her to the press for money but tbh it doesn’t rly work bc the world just loves mia so much they can’t take anything bad as the truth . 
also due to her upbringing  &   a career at such a young age , many people still see her as this “ innocent young “ girl that she portrayed .  either that , or they see her as a sex symbol  (  BIG BOOGS ENERGY  )  either way , it’s all about the looks which okay she doesn’t mind but also kinda does ???   BC SHE AIN’T DUMB LIKE HER DADDY . 
so generally speaking , to those who know the real her :  they know how funny she is , how upset she still is over the fact her family is doing what they’re doing  , how adventurous she is ( aka will call u up at 3 am to go hiking or some shit bc she can’t sleep ) , how generous she is  (  she often travels to africa with unicef  )   or how much she’s actually  SMART  bc the girl reads classical novels  &   goes to museums …..
romantically speaking ….   this will also come as a shock to u but girl  KNOWS HER WORTH . yes u heard it right . she won’t go for the playboys , for the bad boys ,  ESPECIALLY  not for the actors … the last boyfriend she had was a business man okay . which means , she doesn’t fall for stupid boys at the hillz hehe :)))  
*   ◞  ╰   wanted connections  .
FAMILY:   her three best amigos , someone she considers her family even tho they’re not blood-related .  like a small squad like in the gg series ??  YES PLS. 
CRY ME A RIVER:  someone she met growing up as a child star , the justin timberlake to her britney spears . america’s favorite teen couple until they weren’t ( we can discuss the reason why they broke up ) 
RUIN MY LIFE:  mia doesn’t date actors like i said but this is the co-star on her new movie fools gold aka the matthew to her kate !!  their chem is insane on the screen but they hate each other’s guts once the cameras stop rolling but it’s p much clear to everyone but them that there’s insane sexual tension brewing between them . will they cross that line ?  or remain enemies ?  hehehe just ur typical enemies to lovers trope :)) 
TV BOYFRIENDS:  ok so these are the boys she hired for her many ,  many movies growing up . remember all the cute boys the olsen twins had in their movies ??  THAT’S THEM  . some she dated , some she hadn’t , some had crushes , some turned enemies , either way gimme gimme !! 
WANT TO WANT ME:  they have been friends for a while but somewhere along the line things crossed the line and they began hooking up . it’s obvious that they feel something intense for each other but something is always in the way --- plus , neither are really sure if the friendship could withstand a romantic relationship crashing and burning . so here they are , stuck in limbo . they hook up , hang out , awkwardly third wheel when other is dating someone ..... 
CRASH AND BURN:  remember how mia doesn’t date actors ??  this plot is why .  they’re exes that ended on bad terms with lingering feelings . this was just a crazy hot and cold relationship that the whole world was obsessed over tbh . when it was hot , it was fucking hot . when it was cold ?  damn . hell itself could freeze over .  they probably have done  &  said a lot of nasty , nasty shit to each other  (  and maybe to the press too ?  ) . at the same time , they could’ve been literally planning their wedding at some point because they both were incredibly serious about each other . 
THE ROMANTIC BAD INFLUENCE:  this plot is another messy piece of trash . from the beginning , when they first met , mia always thought your muse was too good to be true . she felt this sense of peace with him . she fell in love quickly but at the same time , felt like there was something looming over their relationship . like it wasn’t permanent . like it’s all just a dream .  i see your muse bringing out edgier sides of mia’s personality . they party a lot , they influence mia to do crazy things with them and she does and she feels so alive . that is , until , it all crumbles . the facade is destroyed and whatever it was that your muse wasn’t being upfront about shatters the way she feels for your muse entirely . she feels betrayed . 
BFFS NO MORE:  this is my last long plot idea i promise sdjncdfv . basically this is a ton shit of angst too bc these two used to be inseparable . that was until things went south . fast . we can discuss what it was that happened between them but it was something huge and preferably something where they both could stubbornly blame each other , which explains why your muse went on to bad mouth and spill all the secrets out in the press , all while mia bit her tongue and tried to take the high road ( but its hard , oh so hard ... ) 
CHILDHOOD FRIEND:  it would be cute if there was another child star so they could bond over their weird ass lives so they could just be normal together . and i’d love if they were still close to this day :’-) 
GOOD INFLUENCE:  someone that encourages all her good habits and makes sure that she stays on track to succeed in life . they’d be greatly appreciated and mia would probably shower them in love bc they help her out so much
UNLIKELY FRIEND: from just their personalities alone , you’d think that these two would get on like water and oil . seemingly there’s nothing that they have in common . but oddly enough , their differences are what make their friendship that much stronger ! they balance each other out in a nice way
CRUSH:  unrequited on mia’s side or mutual but neither of them know it bc they’re both giant idiots and don’t think the other would ever think of them in that way .
TAKING ADVANTAGE:   someone using her for her kindness / money / fame .  either mia doesn’t know and just keeps letting it happen or she totally knows but doesn’t say anything to them . maybe bc she wants to believe that they can be genuine friends
RIVALS:  would love to have someone that doesn’t like her hehehe so basically they’re just constantly trying to one up each other in the acting department . or maybe they’re both rivals in their personal brands , just “anything you can do i can do better” vibes
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
okay i'm gonna post a bunch of pics i took at the seattle art museum with my phone lol - i pasted the full captions onto/beside the images but i'll put the titles and artists underneath in text too.
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Weltempfänger (World Receiver) (2018) - Isa Genzken
I started in the modern art area specifically in the section with post-war german art mostly engaging w/ the war in some way, which is neat, but the presentation left me kind of wondering who had curated it. there was a lot of vague language and i'm not sure that any of the artists were like... jewish...?
there were like three pieces by a sculptor who is apparently one of the top 1000 wealthiest men in germany though. lmao. didn't take a picture of those though.
anyway then was the rest of the modern art.
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View from the Other Side of the Mountain (1985) - Roger Brown
i liked this painting. the sense of scale etc. w/ the little tiny people is good.
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A Cloud Index (2020) - Spencer Finch
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Untitled (2001) - Cameron Martin
Thought this was striking. I like that the background and the tree body are slightly different shades of white.
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(background): You Mist, Again (Rattle) (2019) - Natalie Ball
(foreground): IF I RULED THE WORLD (2018) - Jeffrey Gibson
There was a section on modern art by marginalized groups which included some indigenous artists, black artists, and stuff, that was pretty cool.
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Architecture of return, escape (the British Museum) (2022) - Nicholas Galanin
(this is a floorplan of the British Museum in the context of indigenous American art pieces that have not been repatriated)
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Painting, 1950 - Ad Reinhardt
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Untitled (1963) - Mark Rothko
I was a little bit psyched to see this. I didn't check what they had ahead of time so I had no idea they had in person Rothko paintings (two of them! though i only took a pic of this one) I always liked his color paintings since I learned about it in college so it was really neat to see this up close and be able to see the like... texture of the paint and stuff.
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(left): Frog Feast Bowl (1997)
(right): Whale Hat (1999)
Both by Preston Singletary.
I thought these were neat. Glasswork has such an interesting feel.
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There was this as well—Shaman's Soul Catcher (2000)—by the same glass artist plus underneath it an 1860 Tsimshian bone soul catcher, as a contrast/comparison. Both very pretty in very different ways.
The places I've lived have often had coastal tribal art in various areas but going to the museum and seeing a lot of the artworks in this section was neat because at least half of the stuff on display has abalone shell so it's very sparkly in person. the public carvings and paintings outside usually don't have abalone lol
There was a lot of Native art from all up and down the coast from like, oly to canada, which was really cool to see. I'm not sure how much of it is donated by the tribes or not but I know that's a thing—the MAC in Spokane does that. Plus there's the Burke here which has the Native American Advisory Board. But there's still a chance some of the stuff at the SAM is like... less than ethical.
this is on their website though:
it seems like most of their stuff is probably ethical but there's always a chance some of it isn't, esp since the section on Native art mentions that "grave goods and certain categories of cultural objects" may be repatriated which kind of implies some don't have to be.
a huge chunk of the very large collection comes from one guy:
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Headress with frontlet (sakíid) (ca. 1870) - Simeon Sdiihldaa (skil kingaans)
This is very pretty and seems important and valuable.
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(background): Interior housepost (Dłam) (ca. 1907) - Arthur Shaughnessy (Hemasilakw)
(foreground): Mask of the Hux̱whukw-Cannibal Bird (Hux̱whukw'iwe') (ca. 1940) - Mungo Martin (Nakapankam)
There were a bunch of these (as well as some other masks) which were pretty cool, and I think the lower beaks are hinged. It would be neat to see them used.
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Mask of the Hux̱whukw-Cannibal Bird (Hux̱whukw'iwe') (ca. 1938) - Willie Seaweed (Hilamas)
this one was really big.
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more on the house posts and their history. there was another pair (two big faces stacked) on the opposite side of the room I didn't take a pic of. All of the stuff is very pretty but obviously there's a lot of shitty history—like potlatch bans and houses being dismantled—that's just kind of inextricable in both the US and Canada.
adjacent to the large local native art there was a section of Australian Dreaming art as well, with a small short documentary/interview with one of the artists playing nearby.
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Kalipinypa Rockhole (2003) - Elizabeth Marks Nakamarra
I only took a picture of this one. It's very striking. The entrance to this area had a hot pink wall with a black and white painting and then inside was all very dark walls. I think it's one of those things that's best in person (lots of art is, really)
nearby was some Japanese art and they had a whole case of netsuke
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Seated Monkey Poking at a (Turtle? I think... got cut off lol) (ca. 1770) - Okatomo
It was hard to photograph cause they're so small and in a glass case but they all had such fine details, it was neat to look at them and see all the little tiny lines
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There were quite a few, ivory and wood, plus fish sculpture... this one didn't photograph very well though. the fish is really beautiful.
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I like these deer-shaped bronze water droppers too. There were a bunch of them of various sizes.
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Concretion of Chinese porcelain fragments and coral from a shipwreck, 17th/early 18th century
There were sections on Japanese art, Chinese art, and some Vietnamese porcelain and I thought this was neat. I didn't take a photograph but directly next to this was a modern porcelain sculpture that was definitely intended to be a pairing in overall form and shape and material but still very different.
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Ivory, ostrich egg, and silver pieces. I think this section was meant to be a kind of comparison of similar art forms separated by location and temporality—the ways similar forms convergently exist in different locales and time periods. There was an insane-looking Tiffany silver goblet near a much older and simpler silver goblet. Or tankard? it may have been tankards. I didn't take a picture.
next place I went was the ancient art cause that was the nearest bathroom lol—actually it was next to the Italian and Christian European art which I didn't take any photos of. I like medieval and renaissance European art fine but after like. 2 or 3 hours at the museum I was more interested in the Ancient Egyptian and Greek stuff lol.
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like this 1st century snake bracelet from Roman Egypt. Phone camera refused to focus though... But like, hey that's wild, that bracelet is probably almost 2000 years old. it's so pretty and i wonder what the red coloration in the lines is. maybe it's a gold alloy? or pigment?
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they had a bunch of Roman glasswork as well which is always fun to see. Lots of people think of pristine white marble (it was painted!) when they think of Classical art but glass was such a distinctive thing in those periods—the iridescence and color especially
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They had some Greek vases as well, and this Etruscan krater lid with sirens painted on it, which was pretty cool.
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also Check out these Sumerian (and one Elamite) frogs!!!!!!
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look at them!!!
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Babylonian clay foundation peg with cuneiform inscription ca. 2400 BC—think about that. That's like. over 4000 years old. Crazy.
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next to the Egyptian art was Islamic art, and I really liked this silver pen and ink holder. It had so many fine details. The entire section was really beautiful. for some reason this also ended up my highest resolution photo? lmao? i don't understand my phone camera at all.
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this Turkish floral tile from the 16th century is so pretty
i hit the image limit so i'm gonna add the last four pictures on a reblog
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huntedvideo · 1 year
legal name. finley joshua stevens. nickname(s). fin, josh ( in college, we don't talk about it much ), that youtube guy. gender. masc leaning he / they, but he doesn't really mind any pronouns. he's a cool old person. place of birth. port townsend, washington. currently living.  he has an apartment in bellingham, washington, but he's mostly traveling and doesn't stay in one place for that long. spokane languages. english, spanish, asl, and some latin. hair color. dark brown. eye color. green hazel. height.   6'2. weight. 170 lbs.
FAMILY INFORMATION: siblings.  sawyer dunn, estranged half brother. parents. janette stevens, deceased ; marcus stevens, whereabouts currently unknown. CHILDREN.  canonically? no. verse dependent, however, he has a daughter named hunter with cassie, his ex fiance ( now deceased ), and a daughter with sadie, his current wife, named jessie ( who he didn't know was his until recently ). pets. he had a chocolate lab named natasha ( who he called nat or nattie ), but she died of old age. he had her since she was a puppy.
RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION: sexual orientation. pansexual and panromantic. he loves everyone, baby. relationship status.   verse dependent. since when. canonically he's been single since he lost his ex fiance.
i stoled it from @sovereyn xoxo
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erebusvincent · 2 months
It’s uncanny how nothing is a bridge to far for proponents of gender identity ideology, not even placing male rapists in women’s prisons. It’s a sure sign of the cult-like nature of the ideology.
The deference shown to trans-identifying males by prison officials is quite striking, especially in contrast to nearly complete disregard for the feelings and needs of incarcerated women. In California, a law passed in 2020 (SB 132) requires state officials to place trans-identifying males in female prisons upon their request. It explicitly prohibits denial of requests based on “any discriminatory reason” including “the genitalia or other physical characteristics” of the inmate. In other words, the law blocks consideration of the biology-based implications of females being confined with males.
The California Inspector General noted in a report that SB 132’s broad language “may prohibit the department from denying the person’s transfer request based solely on the prospective transferee’s history of raping women.”
Similarly, a Washington Department of Corrections policy makes clear the state’s commitment to serving trans-identifying prisoners, while including virtually no references to the needs and rights of female prisoners who are forced to cohabitate with males. Prison officials are instructed to treat trans-identifiers equitably, to consider their views about personal safety, to subject prisons where trans-identifiers are moved to “a cultural awareness course facilitated by a Gender Affirming Mental Health Specialist and/or Gender Affirming Program Administrator (GAPA)”, to keep the trans-identifier’s sex secret, and to get the trans-identifier “gender affirming medical care.” (In 2022, the DOC paid for a male inmate’s breast implants, and three members from the prison’s specialty emergency-response team drove the inmate multiple hours, on multiple trips, from Purdy to Spokane for appointments and surgery.) In contrast, the DOC policy is silent about the needs and concerns of females in the prisons males enter.
Female prisoners in Washington State and elsewhere report heavy bias on the part of prison officials in favor of trans-identifying male inmates, to the exclusion of women’s needs. Males have more say over who their cellmates are, for example. By contrast, when women file complaints about sexual harassment or assaults, they are often ignored or even punished for doing so.
When incarcerated women allege rape, they are frequently not believed. When a woman prisoner in Illinois reported that her new cellmate had raped her, prison officials claimed that the sex was consensual. They punished the woman for alleging rape, suspending her privileges like use of the gym and the ability to make phone calls. The male involved was large and strong. He had previously strangled a male cellmate to death.
It is extraordinary that this woman’s allegation was so cavalierly rejected, given the violent record of the man she accused. It is even more extraordinary that prison officials don’t acknowledge that the concept of “consensual” sex is problematic in a setting where a woman is locked in a cell with a violent man. The woman’s lawsuit against the prison officials was dismissed on procedural grounds.
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strawberryclothing · 2 months
James McCann Baltimore Orioles Taking Fastball To The Face Cartoon Shirt
St. Louis Cardinals Ozzie Smith Team Name Text Shirt Homeless Oz decided he would live at my St. Louis Cardinals Ozzie Smith Team Name Text Shirt , moved in (resident dog notwithstanding), and proceeded to jealously guard the premises against any and all other four-legged intruders. He had been de-clawed, but he had a powerful punch, and soon all the neighbor dogs and cats learned to stay away. He kept in touch with the local strays, and one day found another tomcat who needed help.
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Spokane Indians Heather Oatmeal Issues T Shirt NASA does not have a mandate to Spokane Indians Heather Oatmeal Issues T Shirt for extraterrestrial life. NASA actually has a policy NOT to look for extraterrestrial life, NOT to comment on possible UFO sightings, and NASA says so explicitly. However, it is also noteworthy that a number of former astronauts have cited either direct experiences with UFOs, or have acknowledged that they believe extraterrestrial intelligent life forms have already visited Earth.
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Official Hunter Greene #21 Cincinnati Reds Strikeout King All Star T Shirt I sometimes think she’s a bit bipolar Official Hunter Greene #21 Cincinnati Reds Strikeout King All Star T Shirt she can be very pushy if she’s feeling like being groomed, but she’s extremely stand offish whenever it is I who actually want to show her some love. She also doesn’t seem to respond to her name….or maybe she just feels like not recognizing me. Either way, she is also very quiet, so I only have her body language and actions to interpret her wants and personality.
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Official Bruce Sutter #42 Chicago Cubs Number Circle T Shirt It is impossible not to compare Official Bruce Sutter #42 Chicago Cubs Number Circle T Shirt with our peers (i.e. people surrounding us). The influence that the people have around us is the strongest and ties most extensively with our emotions. In fact, comparing ourselves with our peers is more of a basic instinct. Economists have always pondered why people in developed economies are suffering from increasingly serious illness.
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Jazz Chisholm Toon Miami Marlins Vintage Shirt An author was at a party on Jazz Chisholm Toon Miami Marlins Vintage Shirt Island given by a billionaire. A friend came over to him and asked him how he felt that the guy throwing this party makes more money a day than he will ever be able to make with all of his books combined. And the author said, “Fair enough. But I’ve got something he can never have”. “Now what could that be?”, his friend was wondering. And the author replied, “Enough”.
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James McCann Baltimore Orioles Taking Fastball To The Face Cartoon Shirt You can be happy in the midst of the biggest James McCann Baltimore Orioles Taking Fastball To The Face Cartoon Shirt . Just make peace with the concept that the way you feel no longer reflects what’s going on around you. Waltz to your own tune, like one of those dudes on their skateboards, who wear headphones and have clearly detached themselves. Of course continue to make only supremely rational choices and keep dedicating yourself to all things that help build a successful life, but you are no longer dependent on having finished before you are allowed to be happy. I’ve been at it for almost ten years now, and it has been a triumph.
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cielsosinfel · 4 months
I forgot, but yesterday I managed to get to the public library branch and pick up that fuck-off huge binder about radiation exposure and its lasting health-effects caused by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This was a nuclear plant in Benton county, Washington state, the site of the first plutonium production reactor in the world, which provided the plutonium to build the first nuclear bombs in the Manhattan Project. It expanded significantly post-WW2 and affected scores of people in Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Not least the Indigenous communities in the immediate areas around the nuclear plant(s).
While the focus was on how these regions of the Pacific Northwest and immediate neighbors were affected, the binder also has a lot of documents and archival material about nuclear sites and their health impacts in other parts of the United States, Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, and some few documents mentioning Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (There might be more, I've mostly skimmed so far.)
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It was put together in 1995 by the Hanford Health Information Network, which according to Journal of American Medical Associations:
GONZAGA UNIVERSITY in Spokane, Wash, the health agencies of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, and 9 Indian nations have collaborated to establish a unique repository of health and other personal information from the Hanford downwinders, individuals who were or may have been exposed to radiation from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation plutonium plant (known as the Hanford Site). The Hanford Health Information Archives, which opened July 24, will collect, preserve, and make available to the public unedited health records, questionnaires, and other personal information provided by the downwinders.
Apparently you can search these archives on Washington State Digital Archives portal, but I haven't actually checked yet. But if you wanna give it a shot, follow that nifty link up there.
I wasn't sure what to expect after placing this on hold to borrow, because the library does not include any kind of summary description or catalogue details about its government documents. I just had the title to go off. But it's pretty interesting. A lot of the documents are 90s-published fact sheets from the "Technical Steering Panel of The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project," which seem to have been available to the public and to medical providers in areas immediately affected by nuclear testing and pollution? I'm not 100% certain.
Here's an article providing an overview of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project: "The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project was initiated because of public interest in the historical releases of radioactive materials from the Hanford Site, located in southcentral Washington State. By 1986, over 38,000 pages of environmental monitoring documentation from the early years of Hanford operations had been released."
The language in the fact sheets is pretty soft on government responsibility and some of them have a very clear assuaging tone, like civilians shouldn't worry too much about the health impacts they're suffering from government nuclear experimentation.
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It also has a lot of government documents regarding the Hanford plant, include some government investigations into human experimentation at Hanford.
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But besides that it had scans of articles in local newspapers covering the issues of locals impacted by radiation exposure, and government silence on the matter.
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And some anti-nuclear articles published by the Committee of Nuclear Responsibility, which was a educational anti-nuclear non-profit founded in the 1970s and spearheaded by several Nobel laureate scientists calling for an end to nuclear power and research, & government transparency on the effects of nuclear testing.
Downwinders mentioned:
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Anyway it's all very interesting ! To me!!! IDK about the rest of you having to scroll past this long-ass post lmao But this is a part of US history we are NEVER EVER EXPOSED TO or taught about, unless you happen to have a personal stake in this history. So I'm like obsessed with all the information in this binder and all the avenues of research being opened up for me, all these governmental and community organizations.
Anyway. I'm very grateful this is readily available at the local public library, and that I can take it home to flip through (my arms nearly fell off carrying it uphill to the train, though.)
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Laurence Winter
Geia's Second Eldest Step-Son Laurence Winter (2020)
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The second son of Byron and step-son of Pelageya, Laurence, a gun rights advocate on a slippery slope in his life due to multiple arrests for many different charges, he still lives with his dad because Byron doesn't trust Laurence on his own.
"This, dear father, is a powerful negotiation tool."
Full Legal Name: Laurence Kendrick Winter
First Name: Laurence
Meaning: From the Roman cognomen 'Laurentius', which meant 'From Laurentum'.
Pronunciation: LAWR-ens
Origin: English
Middle Name: Kendrick
Meaning: From a surname that has several different origins.
Pronunciation: KEHN-drik
Origin: English
Surname: Winter
Meaning: From Old English 'Winter' or Old High German 'Wintar' meaning 'Winter'.
Pronunciation: WIN-tar
Origin: English, German, Swedish
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Ken, Larry, Laurie, Laz, Loren, Ren, Rick
Titles: Mr
Age: 33
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: May 25th 1993
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Sraight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Dating
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia’s Phone): 'Pompeii' - Bastille
Voice Actor: Owen Wilson
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Spokane, Washington, USA
Hometown: Spokane, Washington, USA
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Weight: 180 lbs / 81 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Clean-Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Sullivan Lum, Quirino Marino
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Margaret Akers
Mentor: Byron Winter
Significant Other: Margaret Akers (28, Girlfriend)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Caprice Winter (R.I.P, Mother, Née Thorne), Pelageya Winter (33, Step-Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Nathan WInter (33, Brother), Zinnia Turner (30, Sister, Née Winter), Xanthia Winter (24, Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (34, Nathan's Wife, Née Rivers), Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (13, Nephew), Hadley Winter (10, Niece), Bethany Turner (10, Niece)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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