octoberboy1031 · 2 years
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I love that @ahsfx always does a #SpookHouse/ #Haunt type thing for @comic_con! 💀🖤🫖 #americanhorrorstory #americanhorrorstories #ahs #ahstories #ahsfx #comicon #sdcc2022 #horror #horrorgeek #spooky #creepy #july #summer #night #terrorverse #dandelionwine (at The Terrorverse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgS2zINuJh0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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love-and-i-am · 2 years
Coyote's Spookhouse: MM Is Good
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"When I met Manson here in Denver during the OzzFest, he was doing a 'Make a Wish Foundation' thing for this little 9 yr old boy who was dying of leukemia. He went up into this booth and spent about a half an hour with this kid. He also gave the kid his pager number! =) Anyway, my point is that when he came back from the booth, he was crying. He actually laid his head on my shoulder and said: 'Just when I think it's not worth it anymore, I meet someone like him.' It about broke my heart!" --Zann Zepar
Halloween '96: --A bunch of us had been going to the whole slew of tour dates preceding the Halloween show. (Guess we were recognizable at that point, as we were constantly in the front row every night.) After the Halloween show ended, the group of us were hanging out by the bus. We all musta looked pretty beat by that point after nights of shows, and not eating much in the past few days. One of the crew members came back with 3 huge boxes of Taco Bell take-out - he walked onto the bus with the boxes of food, and moments later stepped back off the bus still carrying one box. He handed it to our group and said "Manson said for me to order a lot of food 'cuz he didn't want you all to starve--eat up..."
I think that had to be the best Taco Bell I've ever had. =)
"a few friends (also frequently seen in the front row) had traveled to Texas to see several Manson shows... as they were starting to head back home, Marilyn got worried that they wouldn't have enough $$$ to make it back, so he offered them $100 for gas and whatnot for the trip home. (they declined, as they did have enough $$, but it's the thought that counts)"
"back in Nov. '95 I had gone to the 2 NYC shows MM played at Irving Plaza. I found out from Twiggy at the second of the shows that they were going to be in Philly PA the next night. He asked if I'd be going to that one too... I told him I couldn't because I didn't have enough $$. He did his little pout thing (that he does oh, so well) and kept insisting that I should go. I told him I would if I could find enough money. He said OK and gave me a hug.
The next day, I decided to go anyway even tho I didn't have the $$. I kinda grubbed some money while waiting online, but still didn't have enough for a ticket. It was nearing door time, and I was about to give up, when I reached into my pocket for something and found a $20 bill. I had no idea where it had come from, but hey! … I bought a ticket and went in.
After the show I was hanging out by the bus hoping to get to speak to the boys. Twiggy came out and right over to me. He said "see, I told you that you'd make it" I told him how I found the unexplainable $20… to which he replied, "hugs are good" and he gave me that sly *i know something* smirk of his. It dawned on me then that it was him who put the $20 in my pocket while hugging me the night before!!!
I think that's prolly one of the nicest things someone could have done for me."
Ok...i just about died laughing when i saw your Marilyn Manson is Good page. The Beanie Babies and little duckies are just oh-so-cute. I thought my story, although it may not compare, would be appropriate for the page.
Here it goes...
My experience took place over 3 years ago. (i can't believe it's been so long). After weeks of torment, my mother agreed to let me go to not one, but two Marilyn Manson shows. Back to back. It wouldn't be a big deal now...but I was 14 at the time, still in high school...you know the deal. Manson was playing Cleveland (my hometown) October 21st and Columbus, OH on the 22nd. Manson did a signing the 21st at (the now defunct) Chain Link Addiction before the show. I was very excited, and as a nice gesture i bought Twiggy a Scooby Doo lunchbox. Well, needless to say he loved it. He asked me if i wanted passes for the show that night...and for the next night as well. So, here's me, 14 - i don’t know anyone, and I’m backstage at this Marilyn Manson show. I should've been excited but i was so nervous and so scared...i just sort of sat there. Manson spotted me...came over, struck up some conversation and dubbed me his "little chicken killer". (in case anyone wonders why he chose that...i had a sign at that show...and for many shows to come, that said "KILL THE CHICKENS". i may not have been the first to have the sign...but i was definitely one of the first otherwise i don’t think it would've been that big of a deal). [As I remember Erika telling this story at the time, Manson said "nothing's too good for our little chicken killer,", which completely delighted her as you may well imagine. ==a==] The former Daisy and Manson himself commented on how the sign made their night, which was nice enough in itself. Well, the next night, after the show, everyone was bummed because there was no after-show. It was getting late; the band was all packed up on the bus and ready to go. I was just sort of standing near the bus, hoping to say "goodbye" or something stupid. Well, just when i had given up hope and i was about to walk away, Ginger steps off the bus and walks towards me. He had a small package in his hand. He hands it over and says, "This is from Marilyn". I couldn't believe it. I said, "Thank you" and he stepped back on the bus. I opened it up...it was a piece of notebook paper with some goodies inside. There was something scribbled on the paper...it said, "Thanks Chicken Killer....Love Marilyn". Inside the paper were two eyeball gumballs and a white marble with a drawing of Marilyn Monroe on it that said, "Marilyn says 'Play with This'". It's definitely something I'll never forget. thank you! =)
Ok there it is. =) You can use my name...Erika, Chicken Killer. Chikin, either or both...whatever you want."
This nice thing happened at Reading 97, my first (due to serious parental discipline… we're talking locking me in my room for the London tour date) As you may know, Manson et al did not want to do this show - he had food poisoning and the actual show was beset with technical difficulties for Pogo and Zim. I can't compete with the Twiggy $20 story, but what happened meant a lot to me.
I was in the second row, between Zim and Manson, crushed beyond belief, as I had been for FOUR HOURS. They began, and halfway through the first song (Angel) the guy behind me decided he'd jump on my back, to get a better view or whatever. Definitely no joke - he was screaming 'let me up you motherfucking bitch' and clawing at my hair. I was so angry, and scared, and the build up to this moment... SEEING THEM, FINALLY ... had been so intense, I started to cry, scream, plead with him to leave me alone. The people around me tried to get him off me but it was so tight they could hardly move and there was nowhere for HIM to go (if he'd been paying any attention). The Security guards were busy with the crowdsurfers, and I just felt the bottom of my stomach fall out in the emotional agony of this moment being spoiled by some asshole who I couldn't get away from. Suddenly, this MASSIVE roadie [--the redoubtable Aaron. ==a==] runs to the edge of the stage and starts shouting and waving at the Security men. Before I know what's happening the guy behind me has been dragged out of the pit by his T-Shirt.
After the (incredible) show finished, about twenty people who had been in the crowd came up to me separately and told me that Zim had shouted at aforementioned Roadie, gesturing toward my area, which had set these events in motion. I was totally overwhelmed, and, icing on the cake, someone sent me a copy of their videotape of the show, which shows the whole thing.
A lasting testimony to the kindness of the Band.
I have something Manson did when I went to the show in PA: I had a backstage pass to hang out with the Rev. and the group after the show, when it was over, I had the pass around my neck, trying to make my way through the crowd of church goers outside. They saw the pass and ended up ripping it off and tore it in pieces, then handed it back. I was so upset I couldn't do anything but cry (I'm 16) I went behind the building the concert was held in and sat on the curb. I was sitting for about 5 minutes, crying and I heard some steps behind me. guessing it was just people going by, I didn't look, until the steps stopped, and someone sat beside me, I looked over, and it was Manson. He put an arm around me, looking at my (shredded) pass and handed me a kleenex, then told me to follow him. He took me backstage, and I got to hang with the band and him, I had a blast. We went to the tour bus, and they ordered pizza, and we sat around eating, it was the best night of my life, and there isn't one person in this world who can tell me Manson is a horrible guy! I know what he did, and I love him for it!
"Last year, on the Dead to the World tour, I went to the Manson show here in Oklahoma City. I was really psyched cuz I had 3rd row tickets. About halfway through the third or fourth song (Reflecting God), an couple of guys picked me up and started crowdsurfing me. This is something I had no desire whatsoever to do. I ended up getting beat up pretty badly. I had 3 bruised ribs, my nose was bleeding, my shirt had been ripped off, and I had been kicked and punched several times. Finally (by about the end of the song), somehow, they threw me up on the stage, sort of like a sacrifice or something.
From what I'm told (since I had passed out by then), Manson stopped and kind of picked me up and passed me to a couple of security guards and said something to them, and one of them carried me off. I woke up on the tour bus later, and Mr. Manson was sitting next to me, holding my hand. He told me what had happened (since I really didn't remember), and he gave me a tour shirt, which he and all the rest of the band had signed for me and said "here...put this on...it's too cold to be without a shirt out here."
Then he asked if I had eaten anything, and when I told him that I hadn't, he ordered a shitload of pizzas, and we all sat on the bus and munched and talked. It was so great. I didn't even care about the pain I was in because I was sitting there with Marilyn Manson. And at the end of the night, before I left, all the band members (and even some of the roadies) gave me hugs, and Mr. Manson gave me 4 tickets and backstage passes to the Dallas show, and then he gave me a kiss and another hug before I left.
Those are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met, and I will always love them for it!!!
And let me add my Marilyn Manson story, though it's probably not the greatest, here goes: It was March 23rd, 1999 in Dallas, and I had won a backstage pass to meet Marilyn Manson from the Radio Revolution and was incredibly hyped. I was going back there to get an autograph for my friends’ son... so anyway. I get back there, and there are oh, 12 of us, waiting to meet him. So, here he is, all these people trying to swarm around him, getting autographs and such. I go, and lean on the table next to him, the table John5 and Pogo were sitting at, and just stood there, waiting for him to finish with the other fans, and almost got kicked in the leg by him cause he kept swinging his leg back and forth. So finally, he turns to me, and I say hi, and so on. I then start to tell him the story of my friend. about how her husband died almost a year ago, and that he had been the only constant male role model in her son's life, and that he got her through many nights when she couldn't sleep from nightmares, because she had saw her husband accidentally shoot himself. He sat there, and listened, and he really cared about it, I could tell. Finally, at the end, I asked him to sign an autograph for her son, and he said "sure, sure, what's his name" I so meant to write him a letter to tell him everything he meant to me, and to my friends, but the look on his face when he heard the impact he had on the life of a little boy, that this little boy got his anger and pain at losing his father out through Marilyn Manson, was so worth it, because in that look, I could see how much he truly cared. --Rev. Jess
Acts of roadie kindness: One fan traveled a long way to the Springfield, MA, show and wound up not having enough money to get a motel room. MM roadie Mike Nastasi got worried about her deciding she was going to sleep in her car... so he gave her the key to his room and told her to sleep there. He chose to spend the night on the crew bus so that Kristen would have a safe place to stay.
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caetechevalier · 2 years
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Just a night shot of my spookhouse. Why yes, those are evil cupcakes from outer space...
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pixel-chills · 10 months
Happy Birthday Luan! (Sep. 5th)
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It's Lu's birthday today! He'd be turning 21 today, actually :>
But here's a selfie he sent to his sister on his 19th birthday~
His parents took Luan and Solros to a funfair, where the (still kind of fresh) couple had the most fun, ever!
(Even if Luan screamed at the fake spider in the spookhouse, which then scared Solros and then Sol started crying from the sudden loud sound-) oh, they loved all the rollercoasters and games.
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its-halloween-night · 2 years
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An illustration of mine, Part of Halloween ’22 - Realm of Ghosts
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horrorvisuals · 1 year
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Nocturne (1999) is a survival horror game where you control The Stranger, an operative of a secret organization battling against monsters.
It takes place in a dark fantasy world with references to classics from gothic cinema and literature.
Taking place in the late 1920s and early 1930s, Nocturne has a fantasy-gothic universe with werewolves, zombies, vampires, and such.
The Stranger works for Spookhouse, a secret government organization created by President Theodore Roosevelt to fight monsters.
The game has four different cases you can play through in any order. They all take you to different places in the world.
You team up with a half-vampire to obtain an artifact from a castle in Germany, liberate the Wild West from a zombie assault, fight against reanimated mobsters created by Al Capone in Chicago, survive in a haunted house, etc. There is a great variety.
Gameplay-wise, it plays similarly to classic survival horror games. It has fixed camera angles but doesn't quite play in a tank-control scheme.
In combat situations, The Stranger has to draw his guns manually before shooting. While he aims automatically, the game also gives you the choice to use your mouse. The guns have laser pointers that allow you to aim clearly.
You can strafe right-left to avoid attacks, run, and even jump. So gameplay-wise it plays like an action game, but its restricted camera angles create a neat survival horror balance to stop you from going all-guns-blazing.
In dark locations, The Stranger has two features that he can use. One is the regular flashlight that also draws your guns and aims wherever you're aiming them at. It has a battery that runs out quite fast. So you can't always keep it on. It has a nice flare effect.
The other feature The Stranger can use is night vision. When you go into the night vision mode, the game goes first-person to allow you to better investigate your surroundings. Just like the flashlight, it has a battery.
Thanks to its atmosphere and the great usage of camera angles, Nocturne manages to create a suspenseful experience and always surprises you with what's next. It's full of unexpected twists and turns that you'll appreciate a lot.
Developed by Terminal Reality, the team that made the BloodRayne series, it was released for PC only. It's currently in abandonware status and you can find it online.
I used the patched version in this link and had no issues:
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box-dwelling · 8 months
Looking at the RT reviews for fnaf and "This backstory is genuinely poignant and disturbing, to the point that it makes the overt spookhouse horror stuff seem trivial and unfrightening. It's like a Goosebumps movie was mixed with a grim Dateline NBC episode." from this review is killing me. Like yup thats what i was expecting. Ive never seen a negative review make me so hyped for a movie since cats
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Anon on post #702673204720893952 again: I hate visiting haunted attractions, with their jumpscares, sudden noises, and invasions of space—but I love performing in them; I’m one of the people *controlling* the chaos. I’m an unswerving spookhouse seme. By a similar token, I love Goncharov—I’ve had the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this collective and consensual bit of folklore. (It helps that my best friend and I had the habit of making up imaginary Kung Fu movies by real actors.)
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tenaciousdonutcrown · 7 months
Service Industry Spookhouse:
-a closet that's just FULL of star/epson printers
-hall of pass windows with heat lamps and people asking you for things you don't have on the other side
-when you walk in, you have to buy nonslip shoes that don't fit right, several name tags, and the ugliest outfit you've ever seen
-Trapped In The Walk-In "As A Joke"
You get it
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moorheadthanyoucanhandle · 8 months
In theaters this weekend:
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Five Nights at Freddy's--The Freddy's in question is Freddy Fazbear's, a defunct and long-shuttered pizza joint and game arcade of the Chuck E. Cheese or Peter Piper sort. Our down-on-his-luck hero Mike (Josh Hutcherson) accepts a job as a third-shift security guard there. Before long, he finds that the gone-to-seed animatronic animal characters featured in the place may still have some murderous life in them.
This chiller is based on a popular 2014 video game that has given rise to a series of sequel games, novels and other spin-offs. I've never played the games or read the books, so I can't remotely say if the movie is faithful to its source material, or if it should be.
On its own terms, it's okay at best. Like Cocaine Bear from earlier this year, it has a nice '80s throwback flavor in its look, editing and music. Director Emma Tammi manages a few amusingly staged sequences, and Freddy and the other animal characters, products of Jim Henson's Creature Shop, have the repellent horror of deliberate, calculated cuteness gone decrepit. They're legitimate additions to the stable of Universal Monsters.
But the script, by several hands including Tammi and game creator Scott Cawthon, feels overcomplicated. The premise, right down to the title, would seem to suggest a simple approach: A guy stuck in a bummer job, alone in a creepy setting, finds things getting creepier and creepier and more and more perilous every night, until at last he knows he's not imagining it; the cartoony animal robots really are trying to kill him. Five acts of rising tension.
Instead, Mike is given flashbacks concerning a family tragedy which he's still trying to solve via dream therapy--which means sleeping on the job--as well as a little sister (Piper Rubio) he's trying to keep custody of. This backstory is genuinely poignant and disturbing, to the point that it makes the overt spookhouse horror stuff seem trivial and unfrightening. It's like a Goosebumps movie was mixed with a grim Dateline NBC episode.
The smallish cast is capable; Rubio is a sweet presence as the sister and Matthew Lillard gets some laughs as the guy who offers Mike the job. It should be said that the former child and teen actor Hutcherson (from the Hunger Games flicks and The Kids Are All Right) shows impressive chops in this grown-up lead. He brings Mike an understated but believable aura of lifelong anguish. For me, again, he was too potent for the fun, silly shocker that this should have been.
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chomperslive · 11 months
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I updated Spookhouse's design! Granted this is just a headshot, the hairstyle captures more of Spook's essence as a person than their previous one as that one was giving" shy book nerd". The only books Spook is interested in are the black magic grimoires Valentine has in his apartment.
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
- Scoob and Shag -
A...weird one, it started off as a silly gag comic of scooby doo, then just, SPIRALED into a big dumb war Hanna Barbara crossover storyline. Like Bugs Bunny shows up and he gets energy powers, that's the kinda level of stupid silly stuff.
- Abstract Gender - Aaron "Rayne" Stewart
Ryan the sourpuss and his moron friend Brian get turned into girls after being jumped by doctors in a spookhouse that had a treasure guarded by penguins. Ryan has to stay a girl while Brian gets to change back and forth for some reason as they get into more wacky shenanigans. This comic has had at least 5 artists and even then it has the alien dice thing of characters not being consistent within its single pages.
- Gungear - CatzK3
In the 39th century, nuclear war has made animal people, who have become vague communists and humans develop weirdly sexual bio-organic robots to combat them. It's a...very unpleasantly weird one that isn't drawn well at ALL.
This is already on the rifflist, so, yeah.
Oh god. I am surprised this hasn't been suggested. The inconsistency seems to be worse than with Alien Dice, and talk about a premise that couldn't be made today.
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jaythelay · 3 months
The thing is too, it doesn't feel like it's trying too hard and fails because of it. It feels like a midcard title. Something that these days would be made for the Switch or 3DS as a one off.
It doesn't respect anything from the original, it doesn't even understand the original, nor tries to. It wants to replace it.
What frustrates me is that it has. And so many will not give the original even a chance because literally everyone takes a shit on it for the DUMBEST fucking reasons.
The voice acting. Everytime. Meanwhile the remake has legitimately the worst acting from any game. Even Survivor had better reads at times.
Ya got a spookhouse with a giant snake, zombies, killer hornets and killer plants, and everyone gets so mad that the voice acting isn't taking it all as seriously as RE5 takes it's plot. Absurd, depressing, frustrating, but mostly sad.
Sad because I genuinely believe people WILL get enjoyment out of the original. Whether you like it more or not is a matter of taste, but don't write it off for petty, genuinely wrong reasons.
Ya can't buy it on Steam or console either. It's just gone. The Original Resident Evil has been replaced by the inferior remake. We set fire to the past so corporations can lower standards for the future.
RE1, is in my opinion, the best overall game from that era, hands down. I have no childhood or teenhood nostalgia, I played it in 2017-2018 on OG hardware with a CRT, while I grew up playing the remake on the Wii. I simply do not see why people like the remake more, no rose tinted glasses, pure back to back playthroughs, every element felt like severe steps backwards.
It wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't actively choose to stomp on the original for what is actually a cheap immitation of it.
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tvrnpike · 1 year
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screen1ne · 1 year
101 Films x AGFA Release Wakaliwood Supa Action Vol.1 & Scary Movie 13th Feb
101 Films x AGFA Releasing Cult Favourites Wakaliwood Supa Action Vol.1 & Scary Movie in Feb! Click for all the details #JohnHawkes @filmarchive @101FilmsUK #ScaryMovie #Wakaliwood #SupaActionVolI #WhoKilledCaptainAlex #BadBlack
The 101 Films x AGFA range returns in February with a joyous early ’90s horror triumph starring John Hawkes, and a pair of DIY action movies from Uganda that will blow you away. SCARY MOVIE A joyous horror triumph starring Academy Award© nominee John Hawkes. On Halloween night, big-time nerd Warren (Hawkes, channelling a mix of Buster Keaton and Crispin Glover) attends a spookhouse in a small…
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colonelcrusto · 2 years
Review: Barbarian.
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The world needs more flicks like Barbarian. The whitest director you know, Zach Cregger, takes viewers on a spookhouse ride with plenty of dark turns and intense drops, unlike anything anyone is doing today. The setup is ingeniously simple; Tess (Georgina Campbell) arrives at her Airbnb rental only to find a man already staying there. Keith (Bill SkarsgĂĄrd) claims to have also rented out the house at 476 Barbary St. Early on, the flick teases the audience with an air of looming dread. Something is off, and it appears pretty obvious what it is. Spoiler Warning. Things are nowhere near as predictable as they seem. Cregger manages to stay one step ahead of his viewer, taking a concept that effortlessly could've been a forgettable thriller and transforming it into a modern grindhouse masterpiece. High praise indeed. But, well deserved. Barbarian is the rare sorta flick that's difficult to review; giving away or elaborating on specific details would only taint the viewing experience. It could even ruin it, like trying to explain a joke. An apt comparison when taking into account Cregger's roots with the comedy trope "The Whitest Kids you Know." In fact, it could be argued the entirety of Barbarian is structured similarly to a joke. Only with scares instead of laughs. Okay, there are a few laughs. If there is one complaint to be found, it may be that the characters, for the most part, feel somewhat empty, less like actual people and more like avatars for the writer to speak through. Tess is a woman who can't see the red flags waving right in her face. Keith is a generic charming, yet slightly creepy dude. AJ is a run-of-the-mill sleazeball Hollywood type. Essentially they're all set-dressing, plastic skeletons and rubber corpses to fill out the halls of this ride. And to the cast's credit, they do this superbly. Never really hindering or distracting from the overall experience being presented, aside from a few minor occasions. Predominantly with AJ's flimsy character ark, which perhaps would've benefited from more ambiguousness. A case could be made that the overall theme of Barbarian is: "Men are wicked." And while elements of that theme are certainly there, they're not the focal point. Of course, they could be overanalyzed at tedium, with obvious parallels drawn between modern men and barbarians of old. Or discussions on the corruptive dangers of male influence on women. Digging deeper is not necessary for the enjoyment of the ride. However, if looking for the social commentary in horror is your scene, doing so here won't lessen the film's impact. Which is an impressive achievement for any film. Barbarian can somehow exist as both mindless entertainment and social commentary. Already essential viewing for any and all horror fans, new and old. This one is an instant classic.
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