#spooky donut ghost house
highlifeboat · 1 year
Its ironic how people treat Eveline as the spawn of Satan when she literally exists in the same universe as Albert fucking Wesker
See, I dunno a lot about Wesker, but I do know a lot about Eveline, and I think what some people don't get is that Eveline is quite literally a product of her upbringing.
To save everyone from a long winded ramble, Eveline definitely put Mia and the Baker Family through some horrific things, but I don't think it was ever really out of malice.
She was brought up in isolation, constantly experimented on and poked and prodded, the only people who might have been nice to her would have been Mia and Alan out of obligation. She clearly knew what a family was (or at least the basics of one), of course she was going to crave that kind of thing. Yes everything happened because Eveline was unstable, but clearly she was craving this stuff before if it was enough for her to crash a fucking 71 000 ton ship.
And even in Shadows of Rose, she's just... sad. When she can't beat Rose she goes to just crying on the ground and basically calling herself a failure and like.... SHE'S TEN YEARS OLD. She's a BABY. She shouldn't feel that way about herself. (And don't get me started on the fact after all that time and getting a "family" she just winds up alone again. Like... assuming she never found the Bakers in the Megamycete she was just alone in there until Village and even then nobody wanted anything to do with her. Like give her a break.)
Also it's bold to call Evie the spawn of Satan in a world where a cult leader literally manipulated and then later committed genocide on an entire fucking village of innocent people on the OFF CHANCE a baby that she kidnapped would bring back her kid who's been dead for a century.
Like idk. I dunno about other games but Eveline's not really that bad of a villain.
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
Idk if this is still canon in your Neo but wanted to ask
How did her fingertips get mutilated
Yes! It's still canon for my Neo! It adds to the general paranoia she has of being caught when doing crime
She got them mutilated on her own volition after spending like one year alongside Roman- she was so perfectionist on her criminal work, that she wanted to remove more clues on herself that could make the motion of catching her even harder, so Roman helped her with it
It was a very painful process because she obviously had to spend a few days without activating her Aura after that, but deep inside she doesn't regret her decision
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dragynkeep · 2 years
looking at the tumblr version of the antisemitic "satire" article & of course all our regulars are there.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
poor little maswartz who already spoke over us as jewish people when we spoke on how camp camp was incredibly antisemitic for how it trivialised & mocked the jewish suffering during the shoah.
& look, crimson-caracal, it's been so long dumb dumb & your cheerleader donut house is in the notes too. is this your next step from telling a jewish person to stick their head in an oven? now jewish people in the fndm, whether rwde or not because it doesn't fucking matter, "deserve" antisemitic "satire" that trivialised the actions of the nazi, especially ss soldiers, during the shoah? or to be consistently retraumatized by the site of that armband, a hate symbol, being used to mock a fictional character & nevermind the generational trauma it triggers?
would any of the people agreeing with this do so if it held antiblack caricatures of slavery, or antiasian caricatures of ww2 propaganda? mhmm.
you don't get to speak over jewish people or accuse people of being antisemitic, especially when they are jewish, when you are a goyim. you are not jewish, you will never be jewish & our trauma is not there for "jokes" from any of you, end of.
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gods-kick-me-dog · 2 years
Lmfao I didn't recognize you cause you changed everything lmao. I like the new theme, pfp, header and name btw!
Haha, yeah. Sry bout that lol.
And thanks! ^^
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oifaaa · 7 months
Hey do you still have that AU where the bafam are rogues? I can't seem to find it
To my current knowledge I've never had a batfam rouges au I've talked about doing one before but I've never made anything for it so you've probably got the wrong artist if anyone else knows the au spooky is asking for feel free to link in the notes
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
Are you and @pink-wisp dating?
We are very gay together.
H*ld H*nds.
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luchsyy · 11 months
thank you!! :]
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sammyloomis · 1 year
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zhalar · 9 months
Saw your tags on a Namivivi art post and lemme say I love how much you love them because same :]/gen /pos
hello!! sorry for answering your msg this late, the day got away from me - yes! yes!!! the namivivis!! awh youre very sweet for this message /gen . the ship's been living on a permanent lease in my heart since like. jesus . 2014, yet art of em continues to be SUCH A RUSH. onepiece femslash hits different yknow /j
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kagrenacs · 2 years
Bruh I was reading your TES Iceberg posts and I saw "Argonian Tits: I can't keep doing this." and I died
Listen, the best mod in my opinion is the Argonian tit remover, no contest
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eldritchcryptids · 2 years
Bruh you have no idea how happy I get when I see more Katie content
She can kill me any day ong 😫
glad you enjoy the katie content bc i enjoy drawing it 💪
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Also ngl southern accent Mia should be more utilized tbh
Like she says smth in her southern accent with a lot of southern slang and Alcina is just like "Dearest, I love you but I have no clue what you just said."
Mia be like: "Y'ain't seen nothin' till ya seen'a man tussle witha longhorn in nothin' but his boots."
And Alcina be like: "That was not even remotely English or Romanian."
It's especially funny to think that when Mia is mad she gets more southern and talks even faster. So she's ranting about something that's upset her, speaking a mile a minute, and Alcina is staring down at her like "I don't know what on Earth you're talking about and at this point I'm afraid to ask."
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
Hi yes I love the headcanon of Neo having slit pupils and sharp teeth after being possessed by The Cat
hey!! thank you for liking it!! I just know all the art of my Neo post-V9 will have those features from now on, for sure!
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theqhreator42 · 1 year
Also wanted to ask is all the characters in the game replaced with your mod or just some? Also sorry if Im getting annoying with the asks/gen
Only some of them! I didn't bother doing every single NCR trooper because they're fine the way they are, and I worried about the plugin being unstable.
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papakhan · 2 years
Something to think of which is kinda sad
When The Khans leave The Mojave does Chomps go with them because of Melissa or does he stay in The Mojave and keep working at Sloan?
If he stays does he ever see Melissa again?
They would probably write letters to each other if he stayed in The Mojave tho
tbh I'm not too sure, he clearly loves Melissa a lot and stays nearby where she is and also helps her out actively working to undermine the NCR. I'm not sure if he's quite so willing to just abandon the NCR or at least his fellow quarry workers, but if the NCR is forced to pull out of Nevada I can't see him having any reason not to take early retirement and leave to Wyoming. other than he probably won't want to Join the Khans and would think the travel would be a risk.
he clearly doesn't entirely agree with either the NCR or the Khans, which is a very human trait for him. he can see the bad in both of them and while he doesn't get the Khans, he knows they make Melissa happy and that's all he needs to know. She's the lead scout anyway so shes the most likely to come back to the Mojave to check in on thinks
idk he seems a kinda typical working-class dad to me LOL but how willing is he to just up and move to go with her? well considering he's willing to go to jail and effectively take the fall for her, then I'd say he's probably likely to go with her. but that's just me
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gods-kick-me-dog · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Random facts? right up my alley!
I currently have 12 sketchbooks under my bed. Almost none of them are full.
tried to bleach my hair. It is now green.
I have successfully failed my first year of highschool
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