#spooky month costume fella
grimgummies · 19 days
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Spooky Month 6: Hollow Sorrows | Costume Fella
(Requested by Anon)
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articus-icecream · 1 month
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Why's he kinda..?
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prof-ramses · 3 months
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Obviously, if you don't want spoilers, scroll away. If you've already seen the trailer, LET'S GO!!!
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So when we first see possessed Patty, she looks mostly normal, you can't even see her demon teeth through the mask yet. John and Jack probably only came in since they heard a scream and/or struggle coming from the morgue.
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So we get a shot of the boys being too chaotic, something Gregor points out and what will likely cause the "bad character development" Pelo ahs mentioned.
Also, since it's 100% what Pelo would do, Costume Bob is the guy in the HF suit. Mark my words.
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The scene with the hatz is really interesting to me, since Skid and Pump just annoys Roy for a moment and leave. I think this might be all we get of the hatzgang this time, similar to how Frank only had a brief Appearance in Tender Treats. If my theory that episode 7 will focus on Roy is true, this little scene will be very interesting to dissect when the full episode drops.
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We actually get out first proper glimpse at a new character and I think this old man is the very last character in the line up teaser
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And there's also a pretty good chance he Roy's grandfather and given the way he reacts to the boys antics here, I can definitely see him being a another reasons Roy's the way he is.
If he actually is Roy's grandpa, then @crossover-enthusiast and I's Roy discussions are going to get really fun pretty soon.
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Here, Skid is clearly holding a framed photo, meaning this will almost certainly be the first time his father is brought up directly.
Also, yeah, with Pump's line about "hangover spooky month", it seems my theory about Lila in this episode was at least half right.
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Yet more proof that the boys' absent parents will be more of a focus. The trailer as a whole gives me some ideas regarding the Wonder parents, but I feel they're best saved for another time.
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The boys get into trouble with the cops and I have 2 theories regarding when, either Gregor tries to get them sent home before going to the hospital, but they talk their way out of it, or they actually do get sent home at the end of the episode.
John's expression here immediately makes we think that something Skid or Pump said reminded him of his daughter. Another plot thread that has yet to be directly acknowledged.
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Ignacio watches Gregor lead the boys away, maybe he lives down the street from Skid and Lila to keep an eye on them for the cult?
Either way, I'm surprised his appearance won't take place in the hospital as I previously predicted.
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"I will be your guide. And I know your parents would be proud of you."
There's something undeniably sinister about this line, but how sinister hinges on whether Gregor is a cultist or ex-cultist. Whatever the case may be, he definitely knows more about or sees more in the boys than he lets on.
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A great title card, and thought the blood everywhere is definitely concerning, I don't think there's anything to really say here, just wanted to get a screenshot of it.
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And it would appear the character I've referred to as the cat lady will have the unenviable role of a hapless victim to the episode's villain. But honestly, I'm more surprised by her being at the hospital in the first place and why that never occurred to me before.
The actual progression of Patty's possession confirms to she's possessed by something other than Moloch. And what seals it for me is, fittingly, the eyes. The white of her eyes becomes a more vivid yellow, yet her pupil snot only don't form Moloch's typical spirals, but they're a more vivid shade of baby blue, a color that has never had any significance in the series before. Moloch will mostly be trapped in Dexter before eventually possessing Gregor, I will die on this hill.
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Alright, that's all, only a month now. We're so back!
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i-am-megalodonna · 9 months
Since Dexter didn't go completely bonkers in your au, does he end up running into Bob at some point
That is something I've very much considered. I haven't quite figured out how that would go, but it would be fun if that were his moment of realizing that he doesn't like these kids but he doesn't really want to see them get murdered by a serial killer either. Also hey free excuse to stab someone and not feel immense guilt.
Skid and Pump only see Bob at the very end, so maybe Dexter notices Bob following them and tries to suggest that mayyybe should go home right exactly now, but they wouldn't listen.
Who would win: one cannibal serial killer or one possessed doll desperate to retain the tiny bit of stability he has in his cursed life.
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Costume Guy: I am working on this whole Good Guy thing, but anyone who cuts me in line at Starbucks deserves to have their kneecaps shot out, okay?
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m0d3rnpr0m3th3us · 1 year
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me when i get a lil too goofy
+ no grain version under the cut!!
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silky-silks · 4 months
Seems like someone new came into town. From a place far far far far far (far 200x) away, Silky invites a friend by the name of Simon.
Simon isn’t his real name, but it was the best she could give him
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What is Simon? Good question.
He is a Ice-walker. Using the skin of any an ice animal with blubber skin, he prowls around keeping warm and snug. Under that blubber is his real fur, soft like Silky, but not as gorgeous and plush. Somehow, he is able to use the second layer of skin limbs, making him like some sort of spider.
Simon is one shy fella as well as neurodivergent. Life isn’t the easiest for him as it takes him longer to understand things and to communicate. Mostly he lets Silky talk for him as he becomes so nervous he begins to cry. Silky doesn’t mind it however, she understands it ain’t easy for him.
Spooky Month lore
Now how did he end up in Spooky Month? Silky wanted to encourage him to meet new folks but he was too scared. So with help from Nina, she made a cake to cheer him up!
Simon adored this and followed Silky to meet Nina. On the way there he encounters Eric.
The big fella is amazed and curious to see Eric wearing his demon costume. Simon believes Eric must wear it to keep warm or better; Eric must be an Ice-dweller too! (But extra tiny and probably some long distance cousin)
For better context: Ice-Dwellers are extremely rare so seeing another one is like winning the lottery for other Ice-Dwellers.
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Simon: “o-oh! N-nice t-t-to meet you!! P-paw-please don’t be a-afraid-!”
Poor Simon is confused why Eric is scared as hell, Silky just says.
Silky: “eh, he probably just intimated by your epic look.”
After meeting with Nina and getting use to the town, he resides next to a tree for the time being until he finds a suitable home. As he sits there he finds a couple of new friends…
Simon: “Spoopy month?!”
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Long story holy crap.
Anyway, here is Simon. His design is mostly inspired by My singing monsters, especially Bowhead and Bona-petite.
I’m still getting used to to Spooky Month, planning on watching the first episode tomorrow morning!
Eric VESLEB as well as Nina belongs to @night-light-artz
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that-weird-mime · 1 month
Me and my friend (@zaccosnacco) made a bunch of Spooky Month ship names for the hell of it
All of these characters were picked out randomly from a wheel (with any minor-adult relationships we roll being skipped for obvious reasons). Enjoy the weird names we made lol (on the off chance one of you lovely people actually ship them and needed a name for it... You do you!) Moloch X Stars Demonicforesight (Zac)
Jack x Mr. Wonder- ExpiredDonuts (Zac) StaleDonutes (Me)
Jack x Dexter- CriminalExtermination (Zac) UnlawfulTheriocide (Me)
John x Candy Dealer- Cocaine (Zac)
Pump x Roy- PunchingPumpkins (Zac) CrushingPumpkins (me)
Costume Bob x Ooga Booga lady- Fakescare (Zac)
The Hobo Men (both of them I guess) x the Happy Fella from the TV commercial- DrunkenSmiles (Zac)
Dexter x Ooga Booga Lady x Eyes of the Universe- ScaryMonsterRat (Zac)
Stars of the Universe x Tv Happy Fella x Bob- StarryeyeToothyGrin (Zac) EyesTeethSmiles (Me)
Jack x Streber x Just the entire collection of cultists lol- MissingSacrificalBullets (Me)
Father Gregor x Bob- BlessedDinner (Zac) BloodRitual (Me)
Skidad x Father Gregor x Kevin- MysteriousCandiedPrunes (Me)
Jack x Lila- LavenderDonuts (Me)
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eunchancorner · 7 months
SO I may or may not have made a Spooky Month AU where it’s just a bunch or random changes to the show. And I’ve made a nice little list to show them all off to you guys!
-The episodes are Hatzgang-centered. They’re still middle-schoolers and all that, they’re just the main focus now
-Kevin and Robert are swapped. Kevin is the most nervous, worried member of the Hatzgang and the ‘main character’, and Robert works at the candy store, and is now triplets with Radford and Robin
-Bob is replaced by a cringefail, argumentative loser named Matthew who refuses to acknowledge that his very unhealthy eating habits are probably gonna be his cause of death (I mean it’s not bc we all know how that episode goes but still)
-The actual Bob is nice, he just gives off a really spooky vibe
-Skid and Pump are juniors in high school and make fun of the Hatzgang for having bad costumes (as you can tell they still take the spooky month VERY seriously)
-Susie occasionally comes in and gives Skid and Pump shit for harassing the Hatzgang (Most famously Pump asks ‘Why are you not fun anymore!’ and Susie responds with ‘I can still be fun, you’re just a prick now!’)
-Lila is also incredibly done with her son bullying the Hatzgang, so during the scene where we’re introduced to Roy’s parents in canon, it’s just Lila rolling up on Skid being a jerk and grounding him
-Carmen and Jaune tolerate each other bc they’re suffering through the horrors
-Kevin’s mom still isn’t shown but it’s implied she’s a POS
-The Happy Fella was actually a doll Kevin’s had since he was like 3 and is a comfort item for him so he’s really upset when they inevitably have to burn it
That’s all that I have rn, I’ll add to the list if I come up with anything else.
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omarandjohnny · 7 months
hi! I hope this is ok to ask and please of course feel free to not answer if it's too personal. I look up to your perpetual halloween lifestyle, and i'm also immunocompromised now because of covid. I was wondering if you had any tips or plans for how to celebrate spooky season safely at home, since.. well... it just doesn't seem like going out to a halloween show or something is worth dying, you know? :\ I thought if anyone would know how to halloween party it up at home it would be you.
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First off, ALL THE HUGS <33333333333333333333333333
The Plaguetimes have certainly thrown a wrench in the spoopy season for us, that's for sure.
2020 was obviously the most difficult, but my brother and I celebrated by resurrecting an old favorite October activity: Every Saturday is Halloween! We dressed up in themed costumes every Saturday of the month, got together (safely), took pics, and then watched that week's film.
2021 we only dressed up on the day, but still kept the celebration here at home- made a big dinner so it felt like A Real Holiday, and then watched a movie.
2022 we ventured out on a day trip on the 30th, but kept it safe by visiting outdoor locations (we hit up Delavan, WI to take some pics with circus themed statues, we walked through a quiet park to get some autumnal vibes, we did our usual slow drive through a graveyard, and then ate dinner in the car outside a building that looks like a castle)
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2023 is going to be more of the same- if it's not raining on the 31st, we're going to get our costumes on and go take some pics outside our local courthouse (they've got decorated pumpkins on the front lawn from a recent fall festival) and then we're gonna try to hit up an location about an hour away to take a few more outdoor shots. If there's too many folks around we'll stay in the car, but if there's little to no foot traffic then I'm gonna try to get my pic taken next to one of these fellas:
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As for celebrations entirely at home, having a themed movie night really does make it feel like An Event- we dressed up as aliens for Spaced Invaders night, as Adam and Delia for Beetlejuice night, as Tangina and Kane for Poltergeist night, Fester and Pugsley for Addams Family night.
Even when I've celebrated solo (back when Joelie was younger and more out and about) I've done a themed night. Costume, snacks, some cheap decorations that all fit with the movie- it's simple but it really does bring out the Forever Halloween Kid in me 🎃🖤
If you do end up having a Themed Halloween, I wanna hear all about it! <333333333333
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
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Well guess that gives me the incentive FHGDJKFJDK- so yeah I had a ‘lucid’ dream with the big man himself, the big fucking bastard-
Trigger Warning: A SLIGHT bit of gore
but uh yeah again, very iffy with the lucid term on this but uh- I’ll try to describe it the best way I can? Also gonna get a read more bc it’ll be a bit lengthy
So uh, to start off with I was in Boys n Grills- like near the back section of it essentially- I remember I was about to head out a doorway into the main like DINER area n shit- but before I could- Bob comes through the doorway and to give a better picture of this, it was v e r y much- like a irl kinda thing? like he didn’t look realistic, he still looked- like- uh...
2D? i-is that what ya call it? jhfkdldj either way, it was all the spooky month style essentially but I was like fully in it, looking around as myself cause usually my dreams have a camera pov- no this was all me looking around so first thing to note, we all know hes a big fella right? Yeah uh lemme just say, to say hes a big guy is kinda an under statement to me now
...His hand was probably bigger than my entire fucking face ngl
but either way- my point is-
This man is fucking HUGE, im a big person, not in height- oh god no lmao im 5′5″ but im a fat dude,, this man dwarfed me not only in height but weight too jfvdfksdds but he was taller than the fucking doorframe, he literally had to somewhat lean down to come through, it was like looking up at a skyscraper
...okay m-maybe that is a LITTLE bit of an over-exaggeration but my point is, man was fucking h u g e and dwarfed my ass in more ways than one- oh i forgot to mention hjfdkjdks he WAS in his devil costume- ya know, signature red turtleneck, face paint, horns, etc-
I can’t remember if he spoke or not, tbh i was,, actually pretty fucking terrified i remember that- he was grinning also like usual- he started advancing toward me and i just kinda,, started backing away- neither of us spoke or said anything- but eventually my back kinda hit a wall
and fucking hell he’s not only a huge dude he’s strong as HELL,, picked me up with one hand like I weighed NOTHING and slung me over his shoulder, I remember fighting, hitting at him, etc but i can’t remember if i said or anything or screamed or cried i feel like i might’ve??? but that detail’s blurry-
oh yeah btw THE O N E AND O N L Y redeeming pro of this entire thing was that he was actually really soft and warm but other than that, he fucking reeked- he smelled of blood and death and i mean given he’s a cannibal ...fair enough-
He started carrying me to the back fuckin dead by daylight style- carrying me to the room with the meat hanging up (it smelled like raw meat obviously ...eugh the smelling part and the feeling parts were the most HORRENDOUS btw) and that’s when I realized something...
...He’s carrying me to a hook
I remember fighting even harder but that did nothin to this fuckin- slasher mfer- so i got carried to a hook and put up on it- like- it was on the right side of my back- before it could possibly get any worse though i shot up in my bed, grabbing at my back- bc keep in mind y’all, I could see, feel, smell, and hear things
meaning i could feel the EXTREME pain that was going through my back
after waking up and scanning my room in a fucking panic i realized ...oh,, just a dream, there wasnt a hole in my back either but ...it did still kinda get MUCH LESS bad pain but still phantom pain throughout the day
So in conclusion, I can tell y’all, meeting Bob in my ‘lucid’ dream if you can call it that-- was... While I am excited bout it now a day later hjfdkjdska bc holy fucking shit my first dream like tHAT- where i could feel, hear, etc things ya know? ...But man that shit hurted-
....Overall, 0/10 would not recommend meeting him tbh- It was incredibly terrifying to see him like I would see a person in an irl situation- meaning THAT close to me-
oh also i did also write this in my first story with him so i guess y/n’s friend is giving me karma apparently via ‘lucid’ dream? lmao i mean i guess deserved
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grimgummies · 19 days
Could you make a gifset of the costume fella from hollow sorrows? I think he's lowkey cute-
Yup here ya go!!
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Hey i was wondering if you could do a one shot fic of Bob velseb martha from helluva boss and it's love at first bite? (pun intended) what if Bob was a canon character in Martha's universe?
Of course! I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I hope you like it! Fic will be under the cut!
Love at First Bite
Fandoms: Spooky Month, Helluva Boss Ship: Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)/Martha (Helluva Boss) Characters: Bob Velseb (Spooky Month), Martha (Helluva boss), Martha's Family (Helluva Boss, brief mention), I.M.P. (Helluva Boss, Brief mention) Tw: Cannibalism, Murder, Romanticization of one's own death Summary: Bob Velseb remembers the say he met the love of his life. A beautiful southern belle, the sweetest lady ever, and had the most beautiful laugh when she tried to eat him. If only he could've gotten her name before she killed him.
Bob liked to remember the day he met her. He hadn't known her for long, he didn't even catch her name, but he already knew they were both soulmates. He had been sneaking into her house on another hunt, assuming that he could take out one of the kids, and if not, then the whole family would work too. What he didn't expect was the family being far more prepared to deal with a break-in than he expect. Next thing he knew, the mother had him pinned to the ground, pinning him down with her shoe to his chest and a shotgun pointed to his face. He would've attacked her, but, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, everything about her was just perfect.
"Say your prayers you, lowsy-" Just before she could finish her sentence, a look of realization crossed her face, her eyes widening slightly as she seemed to recognize him, costume and all. "Oh wait, your that Bob Velseb fella, aren't ya?" She let out small laugh as she lowered the gun slightly, putting a hand to her chest. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing Bob had ever heard, it made him feel something he thought he had never felt before.
"Wait, you... you know me?" Bob tilted his head in confusion, letting out a small chuckle as he looked up at the southern belle.
"Oh of course! Me and my family are huge fans of your work!" she had said, smiling at him sweetly. Bob was confused for a moment, fans? How could someone ever be a fan of him when he was not only a cold-blooded killer, but a cannibal? "You don't know how excited I am! I can't wait to tell the kids we'll be eatin' their idol for dinner!" That's when Bob realized, this lady, and her whole family, were cannibals just like him. Though he did question it for a moment, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, don'tcha mean you'll be havin' their idol for dinner?" suddenly, the barely of the gun was pointed right back at Bob's face, his eyes wide as the lady's smile turned sinister.
"Eatin', havin', same thing isn't it?" Before Bob could even respond, she pulled the trigger, killing him and sending him off to the deepest parts of hell. It wasn't too bad though, to his surprise, he could practically do whatever he wanted down there without repercussion. Plus, the ram horns were kind of cool, like a permanent reminder of the costume he wore when he was alive.
So, he became a butcher, with the meat he sold being the best quality he could find, which was hard, not many demons down in hell had alot of meat on their bones. In his free time though, when he had nothing to do, no customers to help, and no need to slaughter anyone, he would sit in his butcher's shop, and daydream about the southern belle, the wild look in her eyes, the sweet saccharine of her voice, and the butterflies he felt in his stomach right has she shot him in the head.
It was just another slow day in the shop with he heard a familiar voice call out from the doorway to the shop. "Well well well, long time no see~". Bob looked up, and despite how hell may hay have changed her appearance, he could still recognize that sweet southern belle that killed him. She looked much different now, looking more similar to a lamb, though, her eyes and snout were more wolf-like than anything... 'A wolf in sheep clothing' was all Bob could think, quite fitting for a beauty like her.
"Well what a surprise! Did the police finally catch up to you?" Bob tilted his head, leaning his arm on the counter gently as he smiled at her. She was surprised by such a warm welcome, she would've thought he'd be at least somewhat vengeful for what she did to him.
"Oh now, it was actually some other demons that were paid to kill me! It's a long story though, you probably wouldn't care." She waved her hand dismissively letting out a small chuckle as she approached the counter. Bob only smiled wider as his expression softened, letting out a sigh. He had seen adverts for a company in hell that did that, but he never thought someone would actually pay to have their enemies killed, it seemed like such a waste of money.
"Well, That's certainly not a way to go out, I can't imagine anyone hating a pretty lady like you that much..." Bob's voice was sweet and soft. He was trying to flirt with her, thought= he wasn't sure if it would work, he almost felt like she was out of his league. "But I've got nothing better to do today, so I'm all ears. I'm sure the stories mighty interestin' anyways." Bob let out a laugh, straightening his back slightly before crossing his arms. "Oh, by the way, whatcha name? I never caught it before I died!"
She was still surprised by how welcoming he was being, but she certainly wasn't one to turn it down. He was still her idol after all, even if they were both dead. "Oh, I'm so sorry darlin'! I guess I should've told you, I was just so excited to finally get to eat my idol, I just couldn't wait! The name's Martha~" She held out her hand for him to shake, which he happily took without hesitation.
"Martha..." Bob repeated, almost left breathless. He would've imagined that name belonging to an angel, which in his eyes, she was an angel. He pulled his hand away and dusted himself off. "Well Martha, How about you tell me whatcha want from my little shop here, and then you can tell me all about your little encounter with the demons, alright?"
It might've been the fact she was in hell, but Martha felt a bit warm around Bob. She had grown a fondness for him over the years, she might as well call him a crush if it wasn't for the fact she had eaten him. Still, Martha felt a warm feeling in her chest, and she knew that she'd enjoy knowing Bob as much more than just a meal.
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prof-ramses · 4 months
Spooky Month 6 predictions
So, as a non-patron, my access to sm6 teaser is very limited, but that's exactly what makes me so fascinated by what I can get of them.
After combing through the teaser, I've managed to construct an outline of the episode's plot.
I hope my fellow non patrons will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
The episode begins with a typical spooky month set up with a montage of Skid and Pump running around town.
Some scenes in this segment are: Lila and Jaune are getting drunk together, the Kevin clip we got the other day and a scene with Rick and the cops at Gonuts, this sequence will likely introduce a new character or 2.
Most importantly, they come across the Hatzgang and Robert asks them to take something to his sister at the hospital.
After this, the boys come across Frank, who drops them off in front of the hospital at the same time as Gregor arrives, having been called by Patty to handle the Moloch situation.
At this point, we cut to a corner of hell where a New Demon (hereafter referred to as ND) realizes how long Moloch's been gone and decides to find him.
Back in the human world, the spookies try to follow Gregor into the morgue and briefly succeed, meeting a new mortician character, only for Patty to boot them out.
Afterwards they run into two men, one dressed in a Happy Fella costume and the other being the teased business man character, looking for the room of a severely ill girl who made request with a Make-A-Wish type group to meet Happy Fella, the boys assume the girl in question is Robert's sister, but she isn't and Rob's sister meets Happy Fella at the expense of a far more sick child.
Somewhere around this point we get a side plot involving the thieves looking for something hidden in the church, but their search leads them to the house of an old cat lady, this acting as the episode's major subplot. The item in question likely being cult related.
Back to the boys, we see that Robert's sister has many Happy Fella dolls, one possibly being possessed by Dexter, Skid and Pump naturally start destroying them.
Afterwards, they return to the morgue where Dexter's body has been cremated, releasing Moloch and letting him possess Gregor or Patty, either way, whoever he doesn't possess gets possessed by ND, who arrives at the perfect time start a demon fight! (which ends up being 2 bodies ragdolling in midair and occasionally smacking against each other)
Pump suggests they call Lila, but Skid says she told him she'll be busy, this is then contrasted with a scene of Lila and Jaune in full pisshead mode, when Jaune's husband calls to check up on them.
Then we get the climax of the boys (possibly with the presence of an angelic being) performing a double exorcism.
Annnd, that's it!
Special shout out to @crossover-enthusiast for helping my iron out some of these ideas.
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crossover-enthusiast · 2 months
Also idea for Tom that has to do with the alternative idea where she noticeably upset/having a bad day in Spooky Month 6—
Maybe Tom is also noticeably struggling to keep up with Skid and Pump this time even though she normally is able to keep up with them during their shenanigans. Like when they run off to the mall to burn the Happy Fella dolls, she loses them for a few minutes only to see them burning the Happy Fella dolls, and runs after them when they run off to go get candy—but is barely able to keep up with their speed still.
Oooo yeah yeah!
She's looking around for them only to hear Costume Guy shout and THEN she sees the kids
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the-black-cats · 7 months
For this year's spooky month finale, I decided to draw Angie in a certain silently black outfit alongside this weird fella I drew a few times like 3 years ago
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I like to imagine Angie just thinks the demon has a really cool costume on
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