#sport news today
skeletondoggy · 2 months
Hey, just wanna say thanks for being cool about the new roommate. Being 5 frilled sharks inhabiting an astronaut suit makes finding a job really hard for them and I think they enjoyed how chill you were. Said they'd love to do hotpot sometime with ya
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randompiggy · 11 months
Marta Eterna 💚
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curiositysavesthecat · 2 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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coquelicoq · 6 months
i am such a clown. decided to make stickers for my siblings even though i have ZERO design skills or knowledge of any programs that allow you to rotate text except for powerpoint. so i made them in powerpoint. (this took, mmmm, maybe 6-8 hours btw.) then had to find a website that would print and mail these stickers to me. no i don't want 50 stickers. i want one circle sticker and one rectangle sticker. oh that's not an option anybody wants to give me? okay then i guess i will buy 16 circle stickers (the least offered) and 50 rectangle stickers (the least offered. why not 16 also? a mystery). one of the designs is for my sibling's band, so if they like it theoretically they could use the stickers as merch or something lol. but i'm not holding my breath, on account of the aforementioned lack of design skills. i get away with a lot among my family because they're all so willing to react to my questionable creations with aww look, she Tried! but that probably doesn't work for strangers who are fans of my sibling's band. so i guess they will just have 49 extra stickers that they can idk stick to streetlight poles or something. not my problem.
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raininyourblackeyes · 2 months
from the reddit discussion about the newest isu communication:
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do you happen to know a bit more about it? and maybe in the end it's an addition (towards increasing base value), not exactly a loss (again, only about base value)?
but well. the fs jumps layout are about to look pretty differently, aren't they?..
To be honest my ISU hating posting had nothing to do with the Euler thing lmao but rather with the choreo spin since I hate choreo elements in general. That is I hate their judging because of the fixed BV and ridiculous GOE scale since it opens the door to an even more lax judging.
About the Euler, this is actually correct. Bear in mind that this decision is still pending, but it will 90% go through since it's already in the guideline. As per the phrasing in the guidline combinations such as 2A+1Eu+3S+3T will now be allowed counting as a three jumps jumping pass. This can be a quite interesting change, bringing some variety to the jumping layout we're used to right now. I think seeing a program with let's say 3Lz+1Eu+3S and then a 2A+3T+2T could be fun to see in one program. This is of course ignoring that most skaters make the Euler look like an ugly step out rather than a half-Loop...
The change in BV wouldn't be significant given the small value it had before in my opinion.
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popcorn-plots · 6 days
To-do list today.... in order of neccesity
eat lunch
clean room/pack (we leave tomorrow)
research Buddhism (i'm going to do a bunch of research on a google doc so I can work on the presentation on the plane)
write (I have ideas and motivation but no timeeeee)
possibly re-do my masterlist again because it's out of date and I want to do it a little differently. I might make separate posts for each section (one-shots, multi-chaps, smut, etc) and then just link them to the big masterlist. idk.
fix cosplays (after we get back, and with my dad's help because finding out the Cloak is not washable due to some details was really discouraging)
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girls-in-sports · 2 months
today in sports 5-9-24
NBA playoffs:
Cavaliers @ Celtics 7:00pm EST
Mavericks @ Thunder 9:30pm EST
NHL playoffs:
Rangers @ Hurricanes 7:00pm EST
Avalanche @ Stars 9:30pm EST
WNBA preseason:
Dream @ Fever 7:00pm EST
Liberty @ Sun 7:00pm EST
PWHL playoffs:
Boston @ Montreal 7:00pm EST
Wells Fargo Championship Round 1 11:00am EST
Italian Open All Day
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mitchmarner · 2 years
not to be cheesy but i love sports so fucking much. i think it’s the coolest thing in the world how much it bonds the most random types of people in their joy/sadness/whatever. you’re all sharing a genuinely universal experience as you watch unfathomable athletic feats. it’s just sick.
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todaysromano · 5 months
Today, Romano saw someone walking around and he didn't understand what fashion is anymore.
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nicohischier · 1 year
sports are designed to be miserable
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good morning! <3
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aci25 · 2 years
This is what you get when you ask the sports guy to come in to cover a blizzard in the morning show.
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3416 · 1 year
i am crocheting a bee and i feel alive.
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rustinged · 11 months
incessant advertisement and sponsorship is seriously bringing me to the brink of it all
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lordofthestrix · 3 months
“Hey… Can we try something new?”
One day later. "The longer you continue staring in my direction with that darling look of disbelief, trying to ascertain how much of my mind is lost, the greater risk of missing the start of the race." The shade of private, complicit mischief of his tone grew in strength over the unintelligible melodies of anticipation provided by the gathered crowd. "Were you not the one expressing your disappointment over the dull lack of novel thrills this era provided you so far? I certainly hope you were not expecting passivity or predictable half-measures on my part after hearing eternity was moving too slow to keep you enraptured. Whenever the world fails to be stellar, it is only natural for me to step in." One silhouette further neared the other in what was generously deemed a private box. "And so... Let this be our introduction to the modern ascension of horse racing. Watch them down there, Rory. Willingly trapped inside their thin, chromed steeds. Prepared to catapult themselves like raging bullets for a raving audience. Having no certainty of reaching the flip side considering the increasing number of fallen with each passing event. For all naive, modern interpretations of the past as unmerciful humans continue creating new coliseums." His hand extended an invitation to the collection of small flags disposed for them. "Why don't you select a favorite machine? All games are enhanced when there is something on the line. Money is trivial and meaningless but surely we can decide on far more fun gambling possibilities."
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fadeintolight · 4 months
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