#spr oc
drawingpad-studios 5 months
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(I didn't know how to make his ink form, so here's a poorly designed one)
(characters: Discord and Antagonist SR)
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badseedz 5 months
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Meet SPRITZ the Rave Troll !馃幎馃懢
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sforzandospire 8 months
some oc stuff
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shadowphoenixrider 1 month
Locker Room Debriefing
(After Shadow finishes a Danger Room training session, she finds Gambit is waiting for her. And when Gambit gets an idea into his head, what starts as a simple discussion turns into something more...intimate. Enjoy some more smut!)
"Dat was some performance, ch猫re!" Gambit greeted me as I entered the locker room, grinning widely and spreading his hands. "You gettin' better all de time!"
"Thank you." I smiled back at him, moving over to my own locker, aware of his gaze following me like a hawk. "You were right about getting a weapon to use; I'm really liking this sword." I unbuckled the scabbard of the short bastard sword from my brown leather belt around my waist, placing it inside. "I still can't discount the bow, though." The unstrung fibreglass bowstave leant on the other side of cabinet, a row of metal training arrows arranged alongside. "I've always liked archery, and it feels better if I stay outta the fray, you know?"
"Sure, can see that." Gambit nodded. "Jus' a coupla problems though: one, 'side from stabbin' people wit ya arrows, ya not got many options if someone gets close. Not like ya can hit dem with it without it breakin'." He shifted his position, pointing at my hands. "Two, de archer gloves you'll need remove ya ability to use ya powers. Least 'til you learn to heal us through fabric."
"And that doesn't seem like something I'm gonna be able to do for a while yet." I muttered, frowning down at my current black gloves. Beast had designed them specifically to grant protection whilst allowing me to lay my hands on those I needed to help - they covered my wrist and most of the back of my hand, with a loop to attach around my middle finger, but left the rest of my hand, especially my palm, exposed.
"'Sides." His voice made me glance back up. "Ya can't deny de thrill of jus' wailin' on somethin', non?" His midnight eyes twinkled knowingly. "You were goin' at dem drones like ya were when we be sparrin' in de forest, an' havin' a good time of it too!"
I chuckled, unbuckling my belt and dropping it into the locker.
"Okay, that's fair. It was very fun to just let loose and go to town." My gaze drifted to him, smile playing on my lips. "You still think of that night?"
"O' course." Gambit's warm smile made heat rise up into my face like steam, as he pushed off the wall and stepped towards me. "Gambit'd never forget."
"Neither can I." I admitted, giggling weakly. "Especially my terrible attempt at a first kiss..."
His deep chuckle was as genial as his smile.
"Found it very sweet, actually." He replied, my blush darkening.
"I'm glad."
It was a sweet moment...up until a devious glint entered Gambit's dark eyes, and they began to rove hungrily over me.
"Oh no, I know that look." I folded my arms. "What are you up to?"
"Gambit jus' thinkin'," he said casually, stepping closer with an intent that was anything but.
"Uh huh." I quirked an eyebrow up at him. "And what, dare I ask, is the Raging Cajun thinking?"
His red black eyes flicked away to the closed door for a moment, before returning to me.
"No-one's scheduled to be in de Danger Room for another hour or so, ch猫re," he said, taking yet another step forwards. I stepped back and to the side, away from the lockers he was trying to trap me against. "And here ya be, in dat suit of yours." His grin stretched from ear to ear. "Gambit always wondered what ya look like under it."
I rolled my eyes, continuing to back up from his approach. Ever since I agreed with Professor Xavier that I would be training for missions proper, I had graduated from the spare black and yellow body-suits to something more personalised.
Although I'd stuck with the body-suit, mine had a broad blood red stripe running down the torso and inner thighs instead of the yellow, with the small black 'X' logo remaining against the red, just above my left breast. The look was partnered with shin high black leather combat boots and the custom designed gloves, along with a thick brown leather belt and two thigh pouches to make up for a lack of pockets. I'd left the thigh ones in the locker for this straight combat training session.
And ever since I'd first started wearing a suit for the training simulations, Gambit had seemingly never known peace.
"You've seen me naked, Cajun." I retorted. "It's not going to be any different!"
"Gambit gonna be de the judge of dat, mon amie..." He purred, just as my back hit a wall, and he caged me in with his tall frame. I sighed, giving him a Look as he smirked triumphantly down at me.
"You've been fantasising about this for a while, haven't you?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Gambit barked out a laugh.
"Guilty as charged, ch猫re." His grin became playful. "Can ya blame Gambit, though?" He ran his hands down my sides. "You fill it out in all de right ways..."
"That explains why Rogue keeps turning heads." Was my comment, making him chuckle.
"Dat be one of de reasons, yeah. But we not talkin' 'bout her." Gambit's hands curled around the top of my hips, moving close enough that his heat and masculine scent washed over me from the inside of his coat. "Gambit only have eyes for one beautiful woman." He murmured, lowering his head to gently brush our foreheads together.
His black and red eyes (the same colours as my suit, I suddenly noted with amusement) gazed lovingly at me, despite the desire simmering behind them, and they searched mine for permission to enact whatever crazy plan was cooking in his head.
I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing our lips together in what started out as a chaste, gentle kiss. That rapidly changed as soon as Gambit's hands moved from my hips to my backside, cupping and squeezing, his tongue in my mouth as soon as I moaned. I melted against him as we reacquainted ourselves with one another, the hard lines of his cuirass be damned.
Not that Gambit lingered for long - soon he pulled back, leaving sloppy kisses to the corner of my mouth, then jaw, slowly working his way down. I rolled my head back, exposing my neck to the Cajun's eager mouth, kissing, nipping and occasionally dragging his tongue over my fluttering pulse.
That was until he reached the boundary of my suit, where he paused, fiddling with my collar for a moment.
"Ah, dere it is." He muttered, and when I looked down, I caught sight of a particularly wicked grin on his face.
"Gambit?" I asked, not quite sure if I was ready for whatever the answer would be.
"S'all good, ch猫re." He replied, sliding a hand around to my back. "Jus' keep ya eyes on me, okay?"
He flashed me another grin, before leaning in close to my collar, his tongue darting out to find and unearth the zip from its hiding place. It was only when Gambit clamped his teeth around it and our eyes met did I realize what he was about to do. He grinned widely, and winked.
Then he began to pull it down.
Gambit took his time, his eyes locked to mine, slowly but surely revealing the expanses of my pale, freckled skin to the cooler locker room air. The Cajun slid down my body with an almost serene grace, hands gliding down my sides even as the spandex parted. The zipper stopped mercifully just above my pubic bone - Gambit was already crouching before me, God help me if his face had gone any lower.
Although, from the utterly lascivious way he was gazing up at me, his hands curling around my ass and thighs, I was already in for a lot of trouble.
"Magnifique..." Gambit purred, nuzzling into the black shorts I wore specifically under the suit.
"Enjoying yourself down there?"
"Always, ch猫re." Came his reply, his gaze homing in my underwear to the point I could almost see the gears turning behind his eyes, absently pulling his gloves off and dropping them to the floor. "Though maybe we could see 'bout gettin' you outta these too..."
"Ah, how about we don't do that." My hand came down on his head, gripping a tuft of his brunette hair warningly. "At least not here. Maybe in the showers a little later."
"Gonna hold ya to dat, mon amie." He grinned cheekily up at me.
"Of course you are, Cajun." I giggled, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Now, let's see here..." He murmured, attention shifting back to his scheme.
Gambit began pressing feather-light kisses up my body as he worked up to my breasts, now bare calloused hands slipping under my suit to caress me. When he reached my sports bra, he carefully took the bottom between his teeth and tugged it up and over, exposing my breasts to his eager mouth and hands.
"Really taking the 'taking my clothes off with your teeth' to heart, I see." I teased, helping pull the bra up a little further to make sure it would stay in place.
"You say dat like it not gettin' ya hot under de collar too, ch猫re." Gambit rumbled, tucking his head in the valley between them, pausing to enjoy my heart beating fast under his ear.
He pressed a kiss there, before wasting no more time, shifting his attentions to my breasts in earnest. I groaned, rolling my head back against the metal wall, letting my eyes flutter closed. With his mouth on one and a hand on the other, I let bliss wash over me, the world outside this room fluttering away.
Gambit crooned sweet nothings against my skin between his ministrations, swirling his tongue around my nipple before switching sides. I moaned softly, enjoying this soft yet sensual moment, heat pooling between my legs.
"Ohh, ch茅rie..." He purred, very gently nipping at the soft skin, his other hand beginning to wander along my ribs and under my suit.
"Gambit..." I said softly, almost absent-mindedly. "Where's that hand going?"
"Patience, ch猫re." He hummed. "You'll find out soon enough."
That hand slid down my back whilst he continued to play with my breasts, sneaking beneath my shorts to cup my ass. He squeezed it appreciatively, and revelled in my contented grunt. Much to my surprise, Gambit didn't linger there - his hand moved on, around my hip and-
Ah. I see.
I felt Gambit's devilish grin just as his fingers slid down and under me, a gasp escaping me as they brushed over that sensitive bundle of nerves there.
"Well well well," he crooned wickedly, "looks like you been enjoying dis every bit as much as Gambit." He leered up at me from between my breasts, lazily circling my clit with his fingertip, dipping occasionally towards my entrance.
I opened my mouth to retort, to justify myself...but nothing came out, only the rising hot realization that yes, I was just as much into this as he clearly was. His knowing grin only widened.
"Twat." I said instead.
"Hmm?" Gambit hummed. "Didn't quite hear dat, ch猫re. Gonna have to speak up."
I narrowed my eyes, and opened my mouth to clearly enunciate what I thought of his shenanigans, but no sooner had the first syllable started to shape itself in my mouth, his finger connected firmly with my clit. I'm not quite sure what noise I exactly made, but it was definitely a moan of some description, quickly submerged by more as he rolled that bud under his fingertip. Pure bolts of pleasure shot through me, and curled tightly deep in my pelvis, lifting my hips.
"Ah, Gambit...!" I groaned, twisting my fingers more into his hair, tugging some free out of his headpiece. His laugh was pure, delicious evil as he rose up to standing, lips brushing against my ear.
"Dat's more like it, ch茅rie." He purred, his deep voice like hot liquid gold that oozed down my spine. "Sing for Gambit..."
A part of me wanted to bite back, parry and riposte. But it was so hard to do that when Gambit started kissing my neck, still palming my petite breasts with one hand whilst the other continued teasing moans and other pleasured cries from me, coaxing my hips to rock with the motions.
"Really puttin' on a show for Gambit now, aren'tcha?" He murmured, fingers dancing close to my entrance, suggesting. Teasing. "Gambit can't wait to get ya in de showers, ch猫re." He ground his own hips against me - despite his armour, I could feel his hard length straining for freedom. I shuddered with delight.
"Why not...now?" I managed breathlessly, through my pleasure-fogged mind.
"And leave mon ombre adrift?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Non. Gambit gonna give her what she deserves first."
And with that, his fingers sunk into me - a groan of relief and euphoria rolled off my tongue, my back arching. As careful as always, Gambit paused to let me adapt, gently scissoring his fingers to stretch my walls.
Only when I tenderly rubbed his head did he begin his ministrations in earnest, stroking and pumping in and out of me, his other hand still playing with my breasts. I arched my back again, moaning luxuriously into his ear, making Gambit shiver with delight.
"Ohh, ch茅rie...!" He breathed, grinding his hips against my own. I rolled mine to meet his, pressing against his arousal, and his groan was music to my ears.
Gambit rewarded me with a quick bite of my neck, revelling in my gasp and running his tongue over the now tender area.
That familiar hot coil was winding tight at the base of my spine again, the sheer onslaught of sensations and pleasure making my head spin. Only Gambit pressed against me kept me tethered to reality, to what he was doing to me. Where anyone could just walk in and see us...Or at least, the fact something was happening behind Gambit's large frame and trench-coat.
Tension began to build within me, starting from my pelvis and spreading through me, down my legs and up my chest.
"Remy," I gasped in his ear, "I'm nearly there! Please!"
"Bien s没r, ch茅rie." He murmured in my ear. "Gambit's got you. Jus' relax. Let it take you." His voice became a whisper, a seductive temptation. "Come for Gambit, mon ombre."
The coil constricted, almost too much to bear. And then his thumb pressed hard into my clit, snapping the coil completely. Gambit kissed me quickly to catch my loud cry of ecstasy as pure pleasure roared through my body, lighting me up like a beacon as my powers flared, multiplying every sensation thrumming through me. A hard squeeze of my breast kept me from accidentally passing into Gambit's body, and his motions slowed, helping me ride through the aftershocks.
My knees started trembling with the effort of holding me up, and Gambit wrapped an arm around my waist, taking my weight against him whilst he whispered sweet praises in my ear.
"So gorgeous, ma ch猫re. Always so beautiful when you come. Gambit so lucky to have you."
My eyes flickered open, offering him a dopey smile. His smile back was so fond and adoring I swore my heart did a somersault in my chest.
"So...everything you dreamed of?" I asked when words returned to me, stroking his hair. Gambit chuckled.
"Perfection, ch猫re." He grinned as he slowly withdrew his fingers from me, holding them up to the light. "Looks like ya made a bit of a mess, mon amie..." He purred lowly. "Gonna have to clean you up."
I slapped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back.
"You can do that in the showers." I said sternly, trying to straighten my back to my full height.
"Oui, madame!" Gambit replied cheerily, sweeping an arm under my legs to pick me up nigh effortlessly. "Let's continue dis dere."
I leant into his body and under his coat to hide my state of undress as he set off, uttering a long-suffering but affectionate sigh.
"What I am going to do with you, Cajun?"
He laughed, a beautiful throaty sound.
"Keep me close, ch猫re?"
I smiled, tucking my head under his chin.
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mewezzy 5 months
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Saiph! He's got stars.
One of the Domini.
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anshines 6 months
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This is my new point oc, Marisoo. She is the most powerful point ever and ever and everyone loves her, she has ALL the points powers and is dating cyalm
(for april fools)
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theothergueck 2 months
GRAHAHAHAHAHHA i love dandys world i HAD to mix it with super paper roblox
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Toon and twisted protagonist the silly and since hes considered a Immortal(main character) hes gonna be downgraded to two hearts he teaches you that you dont need to act as someone else to please others (him being a script references that) and his main active ability is disguising as a twisted (or toon if hes a twisted)
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insightonthestars 1 year
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pointless points
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I wanted to show off my favorite SPR oc, I dont see many ocs that are a part of the knights of balance, so why not make a squire?
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Her name is Archivia Dawn Quill
Inspired off of the character Don Quixote from Limbus Company!!
She's an eager student, trying to expand her card collection and prove her worth in this vast paper world!
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nillabean 1 year
finished a fic for the first time in ages and i have never felt so proud of myself
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notmetaginga 11 months
Igor, The Elemental Magician of Fire.
so i decided to switch from flipaclip to ibis paint because i couldn't save frames on flipaclip. i was confused on who to draw for my pfp, and decided on an oc. it was pretty easy tbh and the end result was absolutely fire.
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(y'know what's also fire? if i got my motivation back to finally do the spr fangame)
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drawingpad-studios 5 months
Hi hi can u draw antagon senior design
(i like antagon senior)
Sorry this took so long, I forgor about my art requests. But anyways here's a quick sketch of him, since I was drawing him and Discord in a little "skit"
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(He doesn't have pupils, he has normal Torchkin eyes, the pupils were only added for the skit)
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meldoodles 2 years
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OC-tober 2022
Days 3+4- space witch and space robot pirate duo!! /ouo/
Got busy with OCTs so it鈥檚 gonna take a bit to catch up! Gonna do it in like groups/duos for now up (and you guys get two flips yeehaw )
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Was in a silly Harmonian + Crevon oc mood so take this.
I swear, I love this goofy duo. They have the vibes to Base and Pink, except these two are ALWAYS after each other鈥檚 tails.
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shadowphoenixrider 4 months
Over a Bowl of Gumbo
(Direct sequel to Sins of the Past, where Gambit makes good on his promise to Shadow, and they Talk. More fluffy than the other one, but about the same amount of talking! At least we know where all the X'Men's 'talk about your feelings' budget went.)
Gambit made his way down the dormitory hall, following the voices that floated up from the dorm with its door ajar, keeping careful hold of the bowl in his hands.
Almost as soon as he'd crossed the mansion's threshold Shadow had been taken from him, bundled away into hot towels and towards the medbay, Beast rattling off orders in Medical-Speak that Gambit had no hope in understanding.
He'd not seen her since, and though he knew full well Beast would take care of the mutant, Gambit had found his mind loud with chattering worries. He couldn't silence them, but he could busy himself the only reliable way he knew how - something that made an even grumpy Scott forgive him. A bit.
As he approached the room, the voices became clearer; a warm southern drawl and the quieter accent no-one could place, talking casually. Gambit smiled warmly, gently drumming his knuckles on the door before pushing his way in.
Shadow was sat up in bed, propped up by pillows and in soft long-sleeved pyjamas, whilst Rogue sat at her feet.
"Hope Gambit not interruptin', mes amies?" He asked, glancing between them.
"No, we're fine here, sugah." Rogue smiled, eying the bowl in his hands and standing up. "There any more of that gumbo of yours?"
"Some, if ya quick. Hopefully Wolverine ain't ate it all." Gambit replied. He noticed the two women share a glance and smile, before Rogue began to take her leave. "She ok?" He asked lowly as she passed him.
"Doin' better now." Rogue nodded. "You did good, Remy."
They shared a smile before she left, and Gambit made his way into the room.
"What've you got?" Shadow asked, shifting to sit more upright.
"Gambit do believe he promised you a bowl of his gumbo when we got back. Careful, it still hot." He smiled, gently passing it to her. Their fingers brushed, and both had to resist the instinct to recoil. "No shrimp, only de chicken."
"And enough spice to kill?" Shadow raised an eyebrow, setting the bowl in the dip of her crossed legs. Gambit chuckled richly - he hadn't realized how much he'd missed her ripostes.
"Need a little spice to warm ya up!" He grinned, sitting where Rogue once had. "Beast would agree!"
"Uh huh." Shadow stirred the stew, taking a conservative taste. Gambit found himself watching her face carefully, gauging her reaction.
To his relief, she smiled, uttering a pleased hum. "Mmm! I can see why Rogue wants to get more."
Gambit beamed at her praise, not quite sure why.
"Glad ya like it, petite." And with that, Shadow dug in - her hunger clear.
Gambit turned his attention to her room, letting her eat in peace. Despite her still being at the X-Mansion as a guest, Shadow was already making her dorm her own. Large posters clung to the wall, one of a sci-fi show Gambit was fairly sure Beast also liked, another that listed all of the raptor birds that could be seen in their area, and yet another with all of the constellations in the night's sky. Books and textbooks were propped up haphazardly together, ranging from the expected subjects of cell biology and biochemistry to a variety of sci-fi and fantasy reference books, one about cat behaviour and another with a title Gambit was sure was there to embarrass people snooping in her room.
Another pile of books sat on the desk by the window, conspicuously kept separate from the others - one Star Wars novel, another about dragons and the last about bird migration. A model of one of the ships from the sci-fi show sat in pride of place in the window, along with a small black resin Egyptian cat, painted with colourful jewellery. Gambit smiled to see it.
"I told Rogue." Shadow's voice broke the Cajun from his thoughts, and he looked back to the young woman. She was stirring the gumbo thoughtfully, having devoured a good half of it already.
"'Bout what happened with your powers?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yeah. I figured that of everyone here, including you, she'd know what it's like..." Gambit nodded.
"That she does, petite. What'd she say?"
Shadow smiled.
"Oh, sugah." Rogue reached forward, gently taking Shadow's hand in her gloved one. "Ah'm so sorry."
"Yeah. When I saw it happening to Wolverine, even on purpose..." Shadow shook her head. "I panicked. It brought everything back, and I just...bolted."
Rogue squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Ah know that feelin', sugah. Did it myself when mine came in too." She smiled sadly. "Folks 'round here have similar stories, though. You're not alone."
A small smile pulled at Shadow's lips.
"I...yeah. I guess you're right. I just...I didn't know how you'd react. I was scared-"
"That we'd treat you differently." Rogue finished for her. "Oh hun..." Another gentle squeeze. "We all have our demons in our past. If we turned you away for yours, all the X-Men'd have to disband!" She smiled softly, kindly. "You're safe here, Shadow. They'd understand."
Shadow's smile trembled, eyes stinging.
"I, I hope so."
"Gambit brought you in like a bedraggled kitty cat he found in a storm drain." Rogue chuckled. "You're not gonna get left out in the cold like that here."
Shadow took a shuddery breath, trying to regain her composure.
"Thank you. I...I'm still not looking forward to telling the others about it."
"Don't worry about that. You can tell them today, tomorrow, or never at all, if ya like." Rogue said. "No-one needs to tell their stories if they're not ready or don't want to." She smirked. "And if they start buggin' you? They'll have to go through me!"
That made Shadow giggle.
"Thank you, Rogue." She squeezed the other woman's hand. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem, sugah."
Gambit smiled fondly.
"Rogue always better than me at sayin' the right things," he said.
"I dunno." Shadow said, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I think you did alright."
"You're very kind, petite."
A comfortable silence settled between them, the young woman finishing off the last of her meal. Gambit noticed that the teal-clothed pyjamas she was wearing were patterned with sleeping cats, one curled into a ball prominently stitched over the shallow swell of her right breast.
Lifting his eyes to her face - least he be caught staring at that area - he noted that whilst her eyes were still a little red, that was the only evidence of her previous sorrow and distress. The colour was back in her face (perhaps a little intensely thanks to the spices), brightening her nose and cheeks. Her hair had mostly dried, curling tightly in on itself - she seemed to have lost an inch of height, but her brunette curls were now defined, almost like ringlets. He could just glimpse her pale ear lobes hiding behind the thick curtain of her hair.
"You're staring." Her voice snapped him back to reality, and to Gambit's surprise, he felt heat rise into his face.
"Ah! Jus' admirin' the scenery, petite!" He said, scratching the back of his neck. She raised an eyebrow at him, that same unconvinced look as she'd had when they first met. "I...Ya look much better, Shadow."
"I am." She nodded. "I should be better tomorrow, but Beast wants me to take it easy until then. Says it's better not to tempt fate after a shock to the system like I had." She paused for a moment, spinning the spoon in her fingers. "I don't know if he told you, but...I was entering a bad stage of hypothermia."
"Yeah." Gambit looked away, out of the window, where the rain still hadn't let up. His gaze drifted to where they had been. "Said that it were lucky I found you when I did. That..."
"Shadow's hypothermia symptoms were progressing fast." Beast said gravely. "She was displaying one of its most insidious symptoms; confusion. If she had been left alone for much longer, Shadow might not have been able to rescue herself, either under her own power, or to have enough wherewithal to call for assistance."
"You mean..." Gambit's heart felt like it stopped in his chest. The doctor dipped his head.
"Yes. We could have lost her, if not for your intervention."
"Yeah." Was Shadow's soft assent. A long pause, before she made a little 'hah!' "I guess that's two I owe you, now."
"Two?" Gambit raised an eyebrow, looking back to her.
"When you saved me in that alley, remember? When we first met." Shadow smiled. "Now you can add this to the list."
"Hah! You don't owe Gambit anythin', petite." He chuckled. "Gambit just happy you're safe. Besides, ya did pay me back for de first save. Healed me, remember?"
"Oh, yeah." She chuckled. "Well...I guess this gumbo makes two, then. It was fantastic." True to her word - aside for the last remnants of brown liquid at the bottom, the bowl was cleaned.
"Ah, only too glad ya liked it, mon amie." Gambit smiled proudly. "It be a Gambit special."
"It certainly was special. Thank you." Shadow's smile was warm and reached her eyes, making his heart trip over one of its beats. She reached to put the bowl on the bedside table, and Gambit leant over to help. Disappointedly, there was no accidental contact between them this time.
"How mad was Scott?" Shadow asked.
"Very." Gambit chuckled ruefully. "Guess most of it were out of worry for you, be fair. Did kinda disappear without tellin' them and didn't have my comm on. After what happened wit you, makes sense."
"Not mention you have that ability to magically disappear and appear without anyone hearing you." Shadow smirked, folding her arms.
"Hah! So ya keep tellin' me." He chuckled. "Didn't even me a chance to get outta my gear 'fore he be givin' me de lecture 'bout always keepin' my comm on, not disappearin' when he talkin' to me, all de usual." He leant back, stretching his long legs out. "Heard it all before."
Shadow raised an eyebrow at him.
"I dunno Gambit, if he has to keep saying it..."
"Don't! Ya as bad as Rogue!" He laughed. "Least he be keepin' it shorter dis time. Worried 'bout ya. Though, Gambit did manage to sweeten him up by promisin' to do his gumbo for dinner."
"Aw, and here I thought I was special!"
"Hey now, Gambit did promise ya first!" He turned his head, and noticed Shadow's eyes were roving down his body, specially down his legs. He gave no indication he'd seen her. "Gumbo take a while to cook anyway, so might as well do a big batch for de team too, non?"
"That's fair, I guess." A thoughtful pause. "Hey, Gambit?"
"...Why did you turn your comm off?"
"Well..." Gambit rubbed the back of his neck, feeling traitorous heat start to crawl up his face. "If I knew you were in the state you were, woulda kept it on. But..." Why was finding the words so difficult all of a sudden?
"Gambit thought ya needed time. Scott can be pushy, even when he mean well, and...Gambit didn't think dat was what ya needed right den. So, he figured if he find ya first, you would have the time ya needed...and not be alone."
Shadow fiddled with the bedsheet, winding it around her finger.
"How did you know I didn't want to be alone?" She asked quietly. Gambit tried to ignore the sting in his chest at the insinuation.
"Let's jus' say Gambit have some experience wit this," he said. "De types of alone ya wanna be that nearly kills you...That's when ya need someone more den anythin'."
Shadow opened her mouth. Closed it. Just stared at him for a long couple of seconds, before she glanced shyly at her crossed feet.
"Thank you, then," she said softly, raising her head to look him in the eyes. "For...not just rescuing me, but being there for me." A smile grew across her lips. "For being my friend."
Gambit smiled back, feeling warmth blossom in his chest.
"De rien, petite." He replied. "Any time. You make it easy."
He was pleasantly surprised to see her blush slightly, and more so when she reached over, taking his hand. Though her hand was much smaller than his, her fingers were long and delicate-looking - surprisingly elegant for a woman who presented herself more as scrappy and laissez faire.
"I mean it, Gambit." Shadow said, her gentle voice full of deep-hearted conviction. "Thank you."
The Cajun found himself lost for words for a good few moments, before he clasped her hand in both of his, encompassing her with warmth.
"I feel de same, Shadow. Merci."
Her smile was like a sunrise, and Gambit found himself lingering, staring into blue eyes that reminded him of aquamarines, enjoying this quiet, peaceful moment.
That was until Shadow yawned widely.
"Urgh. Mmm, sorry Gambit." She rubbed her eyes with her spare hand. "Guess I'm more tired than I thought."
"It ok, mon amie." He smiled, squeezing her hand with his. "Ya been through a lot. An' de gumbo probably makin' ya sleepy too."
"Yeah." She looked at him from under regretful hooded eyes. "Sorry to chase you away."
"Non, don't be. Gambit happy to stay an' watch over you, but ya probably get better sleep without him." He smiled sadly, reluctantly getting to his feet.
"Depends on how loud your card shuffling is." She smiled, settling back onto the pillows. "But yeah. I think I need a kip. Thank you again, Gambit. For the save and the food."
"No problem." Gambit replied, taking the bowl. "Get some rest now, ok? Don't go sneakin' out again."
"Hah, rich coming from you." She chuckled, her tone light. "Alright. I'll see you when I see you."
"Sleep well, mon amie." Gambit said, stepping away. Shadow's light went off behind him.
Just before he left the room however, he stopped, glancing over his shoulder. Shadow had her back to him, only her wild messy hair visible above the sheets bundled around her.
"Fais de beaux r锚ves...ch猫re." Gambit whispered softly, before he closed the door behind him.
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mewezzy 2 months
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Non, one of the many Egg Gods
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