appropriatelystupid · 4 months
sometimes having fictional characters living in your head rent free is kinda trippy
my roommate got me into hazbin hotel recently and I've been listening to the soundtrack at work over and over
and I just had a moment where I shut the cupboard door with some vigor and said out loud, well maybe she was ashamed of her past charlie! and I'm like, whoa calm down
so real
the other day i saw two cars in the same lot that both had vanity plates that were mostly consonants and my brain immediately went
and i had to take a beat to center myself back into reality
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dancedance-resolution · 7 months
I was trying to type ladder on the sam's club search bar but my keyboard wasn't working right so then only "ddr" registered and I was like oh that's you!
oh haven't you heard? they re-named ladders DDRs in my honor bc i'm that cool 😎 the search bar had it right ☝️
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littlemousejelly · 7 months
Sailboat Bed is #13 in my Spotify Wrapped because it went into my repeat cycle for a solid month after reading your fic 😄
ough that is awesome!! that song actually popped onto my radar because of a kind anon who suggested it to me! so i'm glad i was able to spread it to someone else!
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teaandatale · 11 months
Happy happy birthday tea!! I hope you've had a lovely day as lovely as you and I'm sending you best wishes for the coming year! 🥳🎉💝
Hey friend!! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Really appreciate you 🥰🥰🥰
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
you know that the way I keep track of you on my dash whenever you switch urls and icons is if I see an insanely well done and well made and stunning gifset that's being posted by someone who's also posting tswift then it's you
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spaceman-earthgirl · 2 years
you did it!!!! you made it through another supercorptober!!!! the total tally of copies I have of this fic in my tablet is 10. congratulations on finishing a thing for every single day!!!
I did!! Thank you! I'm impressed you have 10 😅
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uhhhh so I'm finally getting around to reading mix the magic work of love and I see an author's note saying "don't kill me for this chapter" and a chapter playlist that consists of Dust to Dust and The Night We Met, and I am afraid
You are right to fear.
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req'd by @sprinkleglitz
gotta try
text: beach magic can't fix dumb ass
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sprqpointintern · 1 year
15 questions / 15 mutuals
I was tagged by the wonderful @stripesysheaven thanks so much for the tag friend! 😀
1. are you named after anyone?
Yeah, I'm named after my great grandad!
2. when was the last time you cried?
When I was watching Succession because of Sarah Snook and her incredible acting 😭
3. do you have kids?
No (and honestly, I'm not really sure that I ever want to have any 🤔)
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah way more than I should probably. Just ask my mam, she'll tell you all about it 😂
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I've played football, tennis, golf, mini golf, basketball, rounders, tag rugby and badminton. The only one I still play sometimes is badminton though.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
I'd have to say their eyes. They're not called "the window to the soul for nothing". I'm just always interested in eye colour and we spend so long looking at each other that eyes always jump out at me first.
7. what's your eye colour?
Brown! 😁
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings. With the exception of a few horrors that aren't too gory, I'm too much of a coward to even watch scary movies.
9. any special talents?
This is more of a useless talent but I have a thing where I'll remember most actors names after I read them in the credits of something. Pretty pointless talent tho hahaha
10. where were you born?
Ireland! 🇮🇪
11. what are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, cycling, playing video games
12. do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a dog named Milo! (He's the best boy in the whole world!! ♥️)
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
Definitely English, I've always loved creative writing and reading. In college, it was film studies. I'm obsessed with the craft that goes into film!
15. dream job?
Being a full time writer and director. Making my own films would be amazing! 🎥🎞️📽️
Tagging: @alinelovelace @c-nan @stat19idkbub @bike-messenger-behrad @missing-tony @strawberryswords @clo-q @markedbyindecision @thisgirlshouldbeworking @phirim @dani-talks-shit @simauita @daydur @verso-agridoce @mrs-bartowski @jailerat @meer-anonymity @natixd @sprinkleglitz @lisascumslut78 and anyone else who wants to do it! (I know, I went over 15, I never was any good at maths lol)
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tsttoain · 8 months
Tag game from@mightymightygnomepriest - thanks for tagging me
Last song: According to my endless on shuffle spotify playlist it was The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks.
Last Movie: Uhh....last in the cinema was Barbie, last watched at home is Hocus Pocus.
Currently Reading: All the KP fic (still), but I also recently bought how to lose the time war in hopes of reading an actual book again.
Currently Watching: Actually not currently (re)watching a show, but I'm sure that'll change soon. Oh actually, I forgot we do kp rewatches on the server, so yes Kinnporsche again/still
Current obsession: Kinnporsche mostly
Tagging @lori0018, @sprinkleglitz & @madroxed and whoever else wants to play.
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appropriatelystupid · 3 months
friend how do you organize your embroidery floss
as I end up with more and more colors the more and more it's starting to feel out of hand
BIG MOOD it can get very overwhelming
most of my dmc floss is now wrapped onto bobbins and in cases like this one
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this is specifically for my galaxy projects but i’ve got 5 or 6 more of them full at home too
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labellewolf13 · 1 year
15 Questions, 5 Mutuals
Tagged by @fazedlight
Are you named after anyone? My parents couldn't decide on a name, so my sister stepped in and named me after one of her classmates, lol.
When was the last time I cried? Hmm, probably a few months ago, seeing my note on my Spanish exam. (Note: always check several times that you aren't skipping any questions in the test, kids)
Do you have kids? Nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I wouldn't say a lot, but yeah.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hmm, I'm not sure, I tend not to make a lot of eye contact, so I would say probably their body, the way they walk.
What’s your eye color? Grayish green. My eyes had a colorful path from blue to gray to green while growing up.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, definitely. I can't stand scary movies.
Where were you born? La Habana.
Any special interests? Comics. Fanfic.
What are your hobbies? Reading, making moodboards, friendship bracelets, playing video games.
What sports do you play/have you played? I have played tennis, volleyball and football and one game of handball.
Have any pets? Yes! A cat.
How tall are you? 5’4 ft or 164cm.
Favorite subject in school? History.
Dream job? I have no clue.
Tagging @inkedroplets @softinkhaven @dothcast @rustingcat @sprinkleglitz
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searidings · 2 years
"...with a reverence badly-hidden and a love that burns on her tongue. "
"Lena is already pressed against the length of her but Kara wants her closer still. Wants to be saturated, satiated by nothing but her."
"...a part of Kara has long believed her god had forsaken her the day her planet shook itself apart but somehow this feels like a reverie. A rapture. "
"...Lena's eyes drop to her mouth with devastating inevitability."
"... can't offer up this vulnerability and demand it in return when the image she's presented of herself thus far is only half-complete."
"She can't...while her dishonesty still sits heavy and accusing between them."
"... Kara wants to do it with every part of herself laid bare."
"To see whether regular orbit can resume, or if the ensuing supernova will knock it forever off its axis."
"... it's not the explosion Kara expects... Her voice, when it comes, can only be described as resigned. "
I... I just...
cafe's closing in ten minutes I'm going home
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guys guys GUYS im so
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teaandatale · 9 months
I was tagged by @buckywiththegoodhair86 to explain how I picked my URL.
There’s not much to the backstory of my url. I had shied away from creating a tumblr for Steggy fandom things back in 2015, and then debated for months about posting my fics for the first time ever. In a moment of confidence I just decided to come up with a non fandom-specific handle and just dive in. I wasn’t sure if I would venture outside of just fandom writing on here or not, and I wanted an url that was more of an avatar of myself. And a good summation of my interests are writing and reading stories with an ever-present cup of tea in my hand.
And now many of you just know me as “Tea” and it’s stuck ever since! Very fitting as we enter autumn and my tea consumption has sky rocketed!
Tagging: @dorrinverrakai1 @ofgunsandlipstick @thesokovianaccords @cafecitowriter @sprinkleglitz and anyone else who reads this and hasn’t done so already :)
(I might know some of these backstories but I’m sure others would love to hear too!
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cressida-cowper · 1 year
happy birthday abbie!!
thank you so much 🥹🫶🏽🩷
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ekingston · 2 years
hi! I just scrolled through your entire what love looks like tag because that seems to be the mood of the morning and I've teared up several times and also felt grateful that you put those posts together into a collection that I could then peruse this lovely morning
so just thank you, for that. hope you're having a wonderful day!
this is just the sweetest little note, thank you! i’m a little self conscious at times about the melancholy tone of the posts i tend to tag with that (i’d very happily be past the point of yearning at this point in my life) but i’m really glad those posts resonate with you and were what you needed this morning! i hope your day is wonderful as well!
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