thefaestolemyname · 2 years
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I know this is a little sacrilegious but I think my Lord and Saviour can take a joke.
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torchiiko · 1 year
anyway screaming crying throwing up that i cant get the spamton button down and lanyard i hate being btoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do i prove my devotion 2 my beloved if i dont have a hoard of items with his face on them
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realness-remade · 1 year
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brooklynbadboys · 4 years
Spot Conlon text posts ♡
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skautism · 5 years
New ship new ship new ship:
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bozoparade · 6 years
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@got-the-east-side CONSIDERED
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riverroan · 6 years
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
Headcanons for modern Sputtons? It's okay if you don't do them.
so I’m a dumbass and didn’t realize this said modern until after I wrote it but I hope you like it anyway!
Buttons is pretty optimistic and Spot is more of a glass-half-empty kinda guy so Buttons always tries to get Spot to be more positive.
“It’s pouring outside and my papes are wet and everything is horrible.”
“But I love you”
“….well damn”
Spot brings food to Buttons because Buttons lives with his dad and his siblings and he’s the middle kid so he doesn’t get a lot of food
Buttons tries to sew sleeves on one of Spot’s shirts
He visits Brooklyn the next day to find them ripped off on the floor
He just rolls his eyes because he should have known it was coming
Buttons says a lot of snarky stuff to Spot
Like, more than Race does
His friends are absolutely amazed he hasn’t gotten punched in the face for it yet
Tbh, the first time he said some shit to Spot they weren’t even dating so he was surprised Spot let it go too
But Spot was pining and Buttons was playing Hard To Get so it was cool
They both love dogs way too much
In modern au they have at least three
In canon era they’ll stop in the middle of the street to stare at a stray dog without even realizing it
Buttons once brought a dog home with him and Jack sent him to Brooklyn for the night
He was so not dealing with that 
Buttons was more than happy to comply
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thefaestolemyname · 1 year
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Let's not forget the important thing about Easter. The Reason For The Season. What it's really about.
All these eggs and rabbits, come on ye heathens, when are you going to admit what we're celebrating??
Say it with me: John👏Outran👏Peter👏
(I'm being sarcastic and mean no disrespect to those who do not have the same Religion as I)
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I see your angst and raise you my Sputtons angst
I have reason to think this might be worse.....
considering there was a solid week where I was like “nope this is too bad I’m not writing this why did I think of this I can’t post this this is way too evil of me”
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brooklynbadboys · 4 years
Buttons is a sleepy boi, weekends are his fave cos he gets an extra hour in bed. When he and Spot move in together, it's the happiest moment of Buttons' life when he goes to get up and Spot just wraps an arm around him and pulls him back to cuddle, "where'd ya think your goin' sweets? it's a saturday, innit?",,,, Buttons heart entirely melted, a rather large grin on his face, having to stop himself from mumbling "i love you" over and over, especially as Spot pecked the back of his neck
Sleepy boy buttons
He works hard. He needs his sleep
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Look I know I’m meant to be asleep but I got cold and turned my heated blanket on and,,, I checked my phone,,,,, “I turn into a lizard every full moon, no joke.” I don’t have a ship in mind and I very much want to see how you do this -Bee
Ship: Sputtons
Word count: 442
Warnings: A small bit of mutilation, Spot has a slightly messed up hand. It's the bottom half of the second paragraph
Notes: You better be asleep Bee.
Spot was not looking forward to this. 
Were turtles were not exactly common. And it's not like the chunk of his hand that was missing was hard to notice. It was actually really obvious. And it was where he got bit by a fucking snapping turtle.
And now he was cursed to turn into a small snapping turtle every full moon. His human age meant he was only an young snapping turtle, so he couldn't even eat the fingers of people who poked him. He'd eat the sticks, but for now he was suck.
Usually it was fine. It wasn't like he was a werewolf, they were often considered far more dangerous than a snapping turtle. So Spot was free to roam on full moons.
But now he had Buttons. A boy he did not want to hurt, and someone he liked very much. It was hard to judge how someone would react to learning their boyfriend was a wereturtle.
Honestly Spot didn't know what he was expecting, so he procrastinated telling Buttons until the last second. It was an hour before the full moon when Spot sat Buttons down. The other looked just as anxious, and he was fussing with his hair, a nervous tic of his.
Spot sat across from him, building up his courage, when Buttons blurted something out. "I turn into a lizard every full moon! No joke, I promise. I just… Turn into a crested gecko. Every full moon." He was mumbling by the end.
Spot stared for a long time. Trying to wrap his head around this. His boyfriend was a weregeko. He'd not even really heard of that before… Then he started laughing.
Buttons' face got red. "It's not a joke!" He said feverishly.
Spot kept laughing. "I- know! It's- just- I'm a- wereturtle!" He gasped out between laughter.
Buttons sat, similarly dumbfounded as Spot had been, before he to burst into fits of giggles. Soon they were laughing together. They'd both been so nervous to tell the other and they waited the exact same amount of time!
They got ready for moonrise together. Buttons making sure there was somewhere warm and Spot setting up a large tub of water. They pushed it close to the hot place so Spot could be warm to. 
When they both changed, Buttons scrambled onto Spot's shell and happily chilled out on him, and Spot was happy with the arrangement. He swam around and Buttons had a great time riding on his shell.
Then they both woke up in a tub of cold water in the morning. But they saw the humor of the situation. And things were good.
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spotsies · 6 years
Sputtons? (Spot and Buttons)
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i did not trace this
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so this is really random but anyway. Chaz Wolcott ships Sputtons, pass it on.
Pass it on
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notes-the-newsie · 6 years
15, Sputtons (Spot x Buttons BECAUSE IT NEEDS MORE LOVE!!)
15. Shouldn't you be with him/her 
Spot x Buttons 
(I didn't know I needed this until now. This is both going to be angst cause I'm in an angsty mood. If you want it to be fluff or have a fluff ending just send in another ask and I will gladly do it)
Buttons sat on his bed tapping his foot franticly waiting for his boyfriend Spot to arrive at the Manhattan lodge house. Buttons was a normally happy and smiley person but for the past few weeks he felt like something was wrong. When Spot came to the lodge house Buttons always caught him staring at one particular person. And somehow always snuck him into their conversations. Racetrack Higgins. Buttons was never jealous of Race but lately he has been stealing the attention of his boyfriend and he didn't like it. Buttons started to fall into a state of sadness which turned into anger. 
So on Spot’s weekly visit to the Manhattan lodge Buttons didn't meet him at the door with a shining smile. Instead he camped out in his room and didn't plan on coming out. Spot walked into the lodge house confused not seeing Buttons anywhere in sight. He walked around and called his name but he got no answer. That's when he saw his door shut. Spot sighed and walked over to the door knocking softly “Buttons babe... are you in there?” He asked softly through the wooden door. Buttons looked up at the door from his bed and said harshly “Yeah but why would you care? Shouldn't you be with him?” Spot’s eyes widen as the harsh words came out of Button’s mouth. He had never heard him speak like that before... he knew he was hurt. “Who Buttons? Please let me in.” Spot said as his tone grew sadder by the second. Buttons laughed bitterly as he stood up and swung the door open. “Who do you think I mean Spot? The person who always seems to end up in our conversations. The person I always catch you staring at.” Once these words spat out of Button’s mouth he knew that he messed up. “Buttons I-” He was interrupted by a hand in his face. “Don't try and make an excuse Spot. Just leave. I'm done with this I've dealt with this for a month now and I'm sick of it. If you love Race so much then go be with him!” And that's how the conversation ended. A door in Spot’s face and a sobbing Buttons on the other side. 
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thefaestolemyname · 1 year
Each time a white blood cell, noble guardians of my veins, dies in gruesome battle they give a last cry and a final prayer. I, their god, hear them and whisper as I hold their fading souls: "more than enough, you are loved, and your cherished work is part of a story greater than you'll ever know"
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