#spy and ambassador and emissary
wingedblooms · 2 years
First off - I love your blog. The way you connect things for Elain/Elriel is *chef's kiss*. I've been rereading ACOTAR and came across something that might be useful for your theories (or maybe not at all but is, at the very least, interesting or maybe is completely dumb and irrelevant lol). This is also long... so sorry.
In ACOFAS chp. 24, Mor talks about "Rhys's request." She states "her blood called to her" and told her to "Go on the wind." Seems a little witchy to me. Especially because of how she describes witches at the Illyrian war camp.
Now what is VERY interesting happens a few lines down: "She had not mentioned it these past few days in Velaris." At first, it's easy to assume that she's talking about "Rhys's request", but as I'll explain I don't believe this is true. Next: "She knew Azriel would say no, would want her safe. As he had always done." This literally cannot be related to her traveling to the continent for Rhys. In chp. 14 of ACOFAS, we have Rhys's POV and he's talking to Mor. Talking to himself, he says "I debated asking her if she wished to know where AZRIEL AND I THOUGHT she might fo first." Clearly, Azriel is aware of Rhys's plan. This would not be news to Azriel and would not "cast a shadow."
Back to ACOFAS 24, "Cassian would have said yes, Amren with him, and Feyre would have worried but agreed. Az would have been pissed and withdrawn even further into himself. She hadn't wanted to take his joy away from him. Anymore than she already did. "
I think whatever decision she is trying to make has to do with Elain. I don't have a lot to back this up off the top of my head tbh, but Mor's mention of "joy" sticks out to me. We know earlier in ACOFAS, Azriel laughed a very "joyous" laugh. We also know that since that night, he has kept Elain's present to him on his nightstand at the HoW to look at every night. I don't think this is a coincidence. ACOWAR thru ACOSF provides plenty of instances that showcases Azriel's protection of Elain, as you know. Also, the fact that she thinks "Cassian would have said yes" sticks out to me. ACOSF shows that Cassian doesn't want Nesta involved with the trove and goes all alphahole when Azriel says Elain shouldn't mess with it because it would mean Nesta would have to. Cassian agreeing to Elain going with Mor somewhere would mean Nesta wouldn't have to.
What's weird is no mention of Rhys here... which suggests to me that he already knows what's going on with Mor. My thinking is whatever decision she is trying to make has to do with the hissing she shut out a few lines up in the same ACOFAS chapter, as this discussion occurs right after that. It makes me wonder if Elain is somehow involved with that hissing, too...
Finally, "But she'd have to tell them, regardless of what she decided, at some point." This means there are 2 things at work here: 1) the "news" and 2) her decision (which cannot be about going to the continent).
I realize this might make no sense but have you noticed this? Am I overanalyzing? Probably lol. But what could this be about??
Thank you so much for sending this intriguing ask! I’ve been taking a break from tumblr due to a bunch of life stuff, so I greatly appreciate your patience. Your ask inspired me to go back and review these sections before responding and after rereading, I do think the sections you highlighted are focused on Mor and her mission on the continent. BUT, they helped me notice an interesting parallel between Mor and Elain that aligned with something I had in the (at this point, endless) drafts, so please read on.
Warning: spoilers for all three series—TOG, CC, and ACOTAR—are below.
I’ll start with Hewn City, which (in part) seems to motivate Mor to accept Rhys’s request. HC has a different kind of darkness than Velaris. It is described as eternal, rotting, and smothering, and it withers all life. (No wonder those families are eager to get out of there. 😅)
There was no light in this place. There never had been. Even the evergreen garlands, holly wreaths, and crackling birchwood fires in honor of the Solstice couldn’t pierce the eternal darkness that dwelled in the Hewn City.
It was not the sort of darkness that Mor had come to love in Velaris, the sort of darkness that was as much a part of Rhys as his blood.
It was the darkness of rotting things, of decay. The smothering darkness that withered all life. (acofas)
I was struck by this language because it reminded me of Elain’s black dress in HC—the unflattering dress that seems to suck the life from her. But in Velaris? Elain is a curvy, glowing goddess wrapped in amethyst velvet. Is it possible that Elain, like Mor, is bound for adventures beyond HC? Or is Sarah setting us up for one of her infamous contradictions?
With scaled beasts of stone and sneering courtiers, HC is also associated with hissing (we’ll circle back to this when we get to the parts you referred to).
And the golden-haired male standing before her in the throne room, amongst the towering pillars carved with those scaled, slithering beasts—he had been created from it. Thrived in it.
The sneering tone. She could still hear the hissed insults beneath it, whispered long ago in her family’s private suite, whispered at every meeting and gathering when her cousin was not present. Half-breed monstrosity. A disgrace to the bloodline. (acofas)
Even though she was born and raised in this smothering darkness, Mor is eager to escape it. And like everyone else in the IC, she dons a mask of cruelty when she is there. She is never able to be herself there.
The words came out of her without thought. And her voice, the voice she used here … Not her own. Never her own, never down here with them in the darkness. Mor kept her voice just as cold and unforgiving as she corrected, “To what do we owe this pleasure, High Lord.”
This mask is something she is accustomed to now, but we have a hint that it did not come as easily to her as it did for Feyre. The fated High Lady of the Night Court became the mistress of HC with far more ease:
Feyre had fallen into the role of mistress of this horrible city with far more ease than she had. Clad in a sparkling onyx gown, the crescent-moon diadem atop her head, her friend looked every part the imperious ruler. As much a part of this place as the twining, serpentine beasts carved and etched everywhere. What Keir, perhaps, had one day pictured for Mor herself.
It’s also not surprising that Lady Death dominated her first event in the rotting darkness of HC. But the third sister? Like Mor, Cassian indicates that the cruelty of HC bothers Elain. And yet she still insists on going and supporting her family. She dons the equivalent of a black grandma dress and Cassian thinks about how it sucks the light and life out of her…much like the darkness of Hewn City, withering all life.
Mor used to enjoy her role (punishing Rhys’s detractors, especially her family) in HC, but we start to see that change in acowar when her father and Eris grow closer. Then in acofas, their solstice meeting triggers one of her most traumatic memories, possibly because Eris wears the same mask of indifference now as he did then:
Eris wasn’t fazed. Nothing had ever disturbed him, ruffled him. Mor had hated it from the moment she’d met him—that distance, that coldness. That lack of interest or feeling for the world. “Then I would suggest to you, High Lord, that you speak to your dear friend Tamlin about it.”
And like the hissing insults of HC, he is also compared to a serpent.
Eris’s mouth curved in an adder’s smile. “Because Tamlin’s territory is the only one that borders the human lands. I’d think that anyone looking to expand would have to go through the Spring Court first. Or at least obtain his permission.”
While Sarah has hinted that Eris is more complex than what we have been led to believe (we know there is a reason for his behavior), he and his court seem to be as cold and cruel as HC, rotting beneath a beautiful veneer:
Warm, buttery sunlight through the leaves, setting them glowing like rubies and citrines. The damp, earthen scent of rotting things beneath the leaves and roots she lay upon. Had been thrown and left upon.
A pale, beautiful face appeared above her, blocking out the jewel-like leaves above. Unmoved. Impassive. “I take it you do not wish to live here, Morrigan.”
She would rather die here, bleed out here. She would rather die and return—return as something wicked and cruel, and shred them all apart.
He must have read it in her eyes. A small smile curved his lips. “I thought so.”
She wished she could grow claws—grow claws as Rhys could—and rip out that pale throat. But that was not her gift. Her gift…her gift had left her here. Broken and bleeding. (acofas)
Eris’ behavior makes Mor wish to become a monster, like the clawed monsters lurking just beneath the skin of the High Lords. It is also reminiscent of witches, who (as we learned from Cassian) become something other—something cold and wretched. In Erilea, ironteeth witches grow iron teeth and claws, and are known for ripping out throats. Mor specifically wished for claws that can rip out throats…but that was not her gift. Six chapters later, Elain asks about changing form, and in the next book, her sisters note how she seemed to grow claws…
“Look who decided to grow claws after all,” she crooned. “Maybe you’ll become interesting at last, Elain.” (acosf)
And showed some teeth…
“Elain showed some teeth,” I observed. “I wasn’t expecting that.” (feysand bonus)
This reference to claws and teeth reminds me of a few things: court inheritance, as that is what Mor specifically compares it to in this scene; shapeshifting (1, 2); and witches (especially ironteeth witches in Erilea). It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that we first learned about witches in the Illyrian camp, where Mor snorted and stepped aside to reveal Elain after Nesta was accused of being a witch (and of course I’m still hoping something will come of that accusation). Illyrians possess an explosive power (raw killing power that, if not controlled through siphons, can kill the wielder) like ironteeth witches, who have a combination of demon (Valg) and fae heritage. There are theories that Illyrians might have demon and fae heritage as well.
In addition to their solstice experiences in HC, and growing (metaphorical and/or actual) claws, Mor and Elain share other similarities:
golden features and warm eyes
arranged romance with an AC male (via family and/or mating bond)
embodiment of light and color
powers that uncover/verify hidden information (both respond to specific questions and weigh the words of others)
I wouldn’t be surprised if they shared another connection in the future: working as spy and courtier and ambassador to secure peace. The sections you mentioned in your ask seem to refer solely to Rhys’ request for Mor, but the more we learn about the position, the more it seems fitting for Elain as well.
“Az can infiltrate most courts, most lands. But I might need you to win those lands over.” Because the pieces that were now strewn on the table… “Treaty negotiations are dragging on too long.”
“They’re not happening at all.”
“You wouldn’t need to be gone for months. Just visits here and there. Casual.”
“Casual, but make the kingdoms and territories realize that if they push too far or enter into human lands, we’ll obliterate them?”
I huffed a laugh. “Something like that. Az has lists of the kingdoms most likely to cross the line.”
She glanced sidelong at me. “When would I need to leave?”
“Not for another few weeks, maybe a month.”
She nodded, and fell quiet. I debated asking her if she wished to know where Azriel and I thought she might go first, but her silence said enough. She’d go anywhere.
As the spymaster, Azriel gathers intel from multiple sources and uses that information to protect and serve his court. He already has a list of kingdoms on their “watch list,” and this is what Rhys seems to refer to in this scene. While he might be in possession of this list and the general strategy, Rhys often operates alone and keeps secrets from those he claims as family. It sounds like Azriel does not know that Rhys has asked Mor to carry out this mission, which is similar to him asking Cassian to step in and play spy in the Band of Exiles because Azriel is juggling a lot at the moment…but he still has time to train Valkyries? More likely, it’s hard for him to work closely with Lucien at this point given how he feels about Elain, and Rhys knows that because of his conversation about tracking Lucien’s movements in chapter 7.
Rhys offers this position to Mor because they are trying to establish lasting peace.
“You always have a choice. If you don’t want to go, then it’s fine.”
“And who would do it instead? Amren?” A knowing look. I laughed again.
“Certainly not Amren. Not if we want peace.” I added, “Just—do me a favor and take some time to think about it before you say yes. Consider it an offer, not an order.”
This position requires someone who can win others over, someone who is a peacemaker. Later, Mor describes what this position would entail:
How far away the continent seemed, Rhys’s request with it. To go, to play spy and courtier and ambassador, to see those kingdoms long closed, where friends had once dwelled … Yes, her blood called to her. Go as far and wide as you can. Go on the wind.
Mor would be playing spy and courtier and ambassador (and yes, @whysterian, I agree that go on the wind sounds very witchy 😍…it also sounds a lot like an owl). She seems eager to serve her court in this way, but as Mor thinks about the offer, the hissing voices of her past—her family, Eris—start to invade her thoughts and she shuts them out.
But to leave, to let Keir believe he had made her go with his bargain with Eris … Coward. Pathetic coward. She shut out the hissing in her head, running a hand down Ellia’s snowy mane.
We now know that Mor accepted this mission and it is not going well…
“I’ve spent weeks in that blasted court,” Mor said, poking at the flaky pastry beside her teacup, “freezing my ass off, trying to kiss their cold asses, and their king and queen refused the treaty. I came home on the earlier side today because I knew any more last-minute pushing from me would be unwelcome. My time there was supposed to be a friendly visit, after all.”
because of the human queens:
“Why won’t they sign it?”
“Because those stupid human queens are stirring—their army still isn’t disbanded. The Queen of Vallahan even asked me what the point of a peace treaty would be when another war, this time against the humans, might redraw the territory lines far below the wall. I don’t think Vallahan is interested in peace. Or allying with us.”
And who was tasked with monitoring their activities? Azriel.
Az ran a thumb down Truth-Teller’s black hilt, the silver runes on the dark scabbard shimmering in the light. “What about the human queens?”
“We continue to watch. You continue to watch.”
“Vassa knows that the Queens of the Realm will be a threat until they are dealt with,” I said at last. Another tidbit that Lucien had told us. Well, Az and me at least. “But unless the queens step out of line, it’s not for us to face. If we sweep in, even to stop them from triggering another war, we’ll be seen as conquerors, not heroes. We need the humans in other territories to trust us, if we can ever hope to achieve lasting peace.” (acofas)
But they are stirring again and he can’t tackle this issue on his own (or through the source he might usually interact with). Enter, Cassian. Rhys asks him—the last person you’d expect, who also happens to be dismissed as a loyal dog much like Elain—to play spy out in the open. They need information from a trusted source and that is no longer Lucien, their emissary who is becoming increasingly loyal to the Band of Exiles.
“Az and I have good reason to believe that the human queens are scheming again. I need you to look into it. Deal with it.” (acosf)
Rhys went on, “Azriel is juggling more than he’ll admit right now. I’m not dumping another responsibility on him. This task of yours will help him.” Rhys flashed a challenging smile. “And let us all see what you’re really made of.”
“You want me to play spy?”
“There are other ways to glean information, Cass, besides peeking through keyholes. Az isn’t a courtier. He works from the shadows. But I need someone—I need you—standing in the open.
He needs someone who can play spy in the light. Through his spying out in the open, Cassian learns that the three remaining queens have scattered to the winds:
Eris said, “I have it on good authority that the other three queens have scattered to the winds.” Cassian tucked away the information and the questions it raised. How did Eris know that? “Briallyn has been residing alone in their palace for weeks now. Long before my soldiers vanished.” (acosf)
And Koschei, the mastermind whispering on the wind, has been influencing them for quite some time.
“Why was he imprisoned?” Cassian asked. “The story is too long to tell,” she hedged. “But know that Briallyn and the others sold me to him not through their devices, but his. By words he planted in their courts, whispered on the winds.” (acosf)
Most importantly, they are still a concern at the end of Nesta’s story:
But Nesta smoothed his bunched brow, as if she could see those worries there. “Later,” she promised. “We’ll deal with all that later.” Including the remaining queens, Koschei, and a still-looming war. (acosf)
But will Mor and Cassian continue to play spy, ambassador, courtier, etc? Negotiations on the continent are proceeding poorly because of the human queens who have scattered on the winds. What does that mean for the stability of their territories? Someone will need to locate them swiftly and, at some point, convince other leaders not to claim vulnerable territories as their own. Sadly, Cassian’s efforts have yielded little information on the whereabouts of the queens. And Mor can’t seem to leave Vallahan fast enough after her latest attempt to convince their leaders to sign a treaty. Enter, Elain.
Why Elain? We know she wins over others easily (her staff adored her, and everyone and their mom wants to protect her), gets answers to her questions with ease, keeps secrets as well as the spymaster, and routinely surprises others with her stealthy appearance. She can maneuver silently in the light and among the shadows. And unlike her sister, Elain tends to be a calming presence, more of a peacemaker.
“You still can barely talk to Nesta,” I said. “Yet Elain you can talk to nicely.”
“Elain is Elain.”
“If you blame one, you have to blame the other.”
“No, I don’t. Elain is Elain,” he repeated. “Nesta is … she’s Illyrian. I mean that as a compliment, but she’s an Illyrian at heart. So there is no excuse for her behavior.” (acofas)
Illyrians were strong, proud, fearless. But peacemakers, they were not. (acofas)
And Rhys hints that, as a gardener, she is willing to get her hands dirty for a pretty result—like peace.
Cassian will likely be occupied with the Illyrians and the Valkyries. Mor, who can hold her own against any illyrian…
There was a reason she’d held her own in battle, and could hold her own against any Illyrian. My brothers and I had overseen much of the training ourselves, but she’d spent years traveling to other lands, other territories, to learn what they knew. (acofas)
…might return to Prythian and join Valkyrie training in Azriel’s place as @offtorivendell predicted in this post.
Mor grinned. “You mind if I start joining you once this business with Vallahan is over? I never got to train with the Valkyries before the first War, and after it, they were all gone.”
“I think the priestesses would like to see you,” Nesta said, and glanced to Cassian to make sure he didn’t mind. He waved a hand. (acosf)
Elain could use her powers to track down the queens (as she did with the Suriel, who traveled like the wind) in real time and play peacemaker on the continent. Spy and courtier and ambassador. This would also bring her closer to her two love interests—one a spy and the other an emissary—and heighten the tension between them. These tasks are even more important with the looming threat of the Asteri (who may be connected to Koschei, creator of chaos and influencer of human queens). Divided as their world is now, they are an even more vulnerable target.
So while I don’t think those sections are about Elain (yet), @whysterian, I do think they might foreshadow her future as a peacemaker who is more than ready to get her hands dirty.
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Someone said here that in order to actually enjoy hotd it's necessary follow "no brain cells allowed " motto and it really is true. One example - how is it possible that there are still so many gold cloaks loyal to Daemon. How come the greens, Larys, Aemond, even Aegon who executed the ratcatchers didn't purge them and put there men loyal exclusively to them?? Especially after B&C. Another thing, why is the name of "lady" Mysaria so powerful in Flea Bottom? It's like valar morghulis" and a iron coin for the Braavosi and it's getting ridiculous. She is a smugler, a political mastermind and a human rights ambassador. Are we supposed to forget that this is the woman who offered virgin girls to daemon and had a spy network in the red keep? I guess that was also for a noble cause and the "Hightowers" are evil for getting rid of her spies . I can't with this character, every time she's on screen I'm internally screaming "shut up, shut the f**k up".
As I am not 100% sure whether you read F&B or not, I'd rather keep it vague on the matter of gold cloaks and their loyalties - so as to avoid potential spoilers. I could only say that, while keeping people who were granted their posts by Daemon in charge of maintaing law and order in the capital was quite unwise indeed, at the very least it is not inconsistent with the source material (though in the book Otto took at least one precaution in this regard but it turned out to be insufficient). Maybe, the Greens were supposed to believe themselves unable to find suitable replacements for the unreliable City Watch soldiers soon enough or simply to be distracted by other issues. However, a plot hole is a plot hole, true.
As for Mysaria... Well, HotD is apparently dead set on showing us just how much (and in how many ways) women could suffer from the evil deeds of men - and so some of female characters turn into a superhero + perfect victim mix. Remember how Rhaenyra, apparently just some hours after suffering a terrible miscarriage, was able to make an impressive entrance on Syrax to gag the Green emissaries and Otto himself - in a perfect parallel with her doing a very close thing in episode 2 of season 1? Mysaria is one more example of that. She lost everything because of evil Greens (who are against the true Queen Rhaenyra) - but she also somehow retains an impressive amount of power that she now wields in the name of said Queen who showed her mercy. Plus, Rhaenys is gone now, but someone has to utter those one-liners full of wisdom and experience for Rhaenyra to hear, right?
Once again, a character does what the agenda of the show needs them to do without any regard for logic, consistency and common sense *heavy sigh*.
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limpfisted · 1 year
WISHLIST: ANOTHER herbert sherbert weird kenjammin original questline based off the descent to avernus module!
REAL TITLE: a sprawling political campaign we write together based off various sources of dnd media.
TIMELINE: post-act 3 (duke ravengard verse.)
NOTE: this is WYLL-SPECIFIC, i also have ideas for vampire, githyanki, shar, mystea stuff….. but idk if yall wanna see that lol. if you want, you can steal these ideas for your own rps! would be fun, show me your rps!
amn is a city like baldur’s gate, but actually a nice place to live. theyre a lot newer, but they’re extremely powerful, and they HATE bg for stealing their business, they DON’T want them in the council of lords, n there are potential conspiracy plots and assaination plots alluded to potentially.they have a history of war with bg as well. amn is NOT in the council of lords, but they are an entire state apparatus
council of lords members:
Amphail: Lord Dauner Ilzimmer
Baldur's Gate: Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate and Marshal of the Flaming Fists Ulder Ravengard (now grand duke wyll ravengard.)
Daggerford: Duchess Morwen Daggerford
Longsaddle: Dowell Harpell
Mithral Hall: Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard
Mirabar: Marchion Selin Ramur
Neverwinter: Lord Protector Dagult Neverember
Silverymoon: High Mage Taern Hornblade
Waterdeep: Open Lord Laeral Silverhand (she was also the leader of the Alliance)[4]
Yartar: Waterbaron Nestra Ruthiol
baldur’s gate is ruled by the council of four. this was:
vanthampur: captured or killed after betraying elturel and ulder, her seat will be up for election either way
polmyer: largely lazy conflict averse old man
stelmane: killed, her seat will be up for election
ulder: wants to step down for his son, was deposed by gortash, is still the marshal of the flaming fists, but the seat may be open for election as wyll takes on the role during a period of martial law
there are hundreds of refugees out of the city gate
there is already not enough room for lesser nobles to have manors and estates in the upper city, some of the nobles are actually quite poor due to failing businesses
space and resources are not being properly allocated, there is a whole nature reserve for dusthawks, but this space could be used for housing or hunting
in general, nobles CANNOT be seen helping people, it is a sign of weakness, any support for the common people has to be veiled, including bids for electoral candidates. if a noble helps someone publically, they usually end up dead unless theyre really really smart or powerful
even if you are elected, there is so much red tape, it is honestly better to simply join a crew and protect ur community that way
elections include the votes of the common people
the watch only helps the nobility, and humilates and is violent towards commonpeople for the most slight of infractions
the flaming fist SUCKS except for ulder. so whats ulders fucking deal. he is the comissioner gordon of baldur’s gate, i guess
any incoming political ambassadors are interrogated thoroughly to check for spies, it sometimes takes hours at a time, they are Not Trusted
vanthampur is on public trial, two seats are up for election, while wyll is grand duke under martial law
the lord alliance approves of wyll—to an extent, certainly more than gortash, to help him and solidify their allegiance, the lord alliance is coming to baldur’s gate.
in addition, an emissary from amn, who is NOT a spy, and their guard (who ARE spies and such that are there to sow discord and rig the election etc) have come
the cult/conspiracy of ansur has been formed, people who believe in the good of balduran and ansur and believe that the heroes that saved bg actually KILLED ansur have developed into a faction of detractors
tiamut cultists are fighting the remaining dead three cultists to get back tiamut’s hoard of coin, leaving people dead in the fallout
the guild is growing in power, scraping against local crews
the nobles mostly still believe in gortash or at least his vision for the future. some commoners do too. gortash is still a political prisoner, he longs to go back to working on the steel watch.
ulder is back in charge of the flaming fist, however, the people hate them now more than ever. ulder is also falling prey to BAPHOMET’s influence, and will need constant mental healing from the strain.
the refugees need homes and are constantly being preyed on, they do NOT have votes in the election, but they still deserve to be helped
make npcs, deal with all this shit!! will be FUN!
this will be A LONG-TERM TWO-PERSON COLLOBORATION, please like this post if you’re interested in doing something like this!
we do not have to ship. at all. platonic is fine. in fact, platonic is great, shipping is also great, but i want to do PLOTTY stuff! ty!
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
We’ll Have Tomorrow
I don’t know if I’m too late for the @behind-the-fic MFC oneshot, but if I am, I was going to write this one next anyway, so it works out!
Summary: Years have passed since Zelda and Link defeated the Calamity together, and reconstruction of the kingdom is nearly done, but Zelda’s work load keeps her busy, and Link’s job is never done. 
WARNING: Major Character Death
Word count: 7639
Easier read on AO3 in my opinion
It is with the deepest pride and my great pleasure that I invite you to the equinox ball in honor of the reopening of Castle Town and the palace. After much time and hard work, our reconstruction efforts have borne fruit, and we are beginning to see the results. If you are still looking to add that expansion to Kakariko’s shrine, I’d strongly recommend hiring the Bolson Construction Company, as they were the ones primarily responsible for our success.
Please feel free to invite whoever you’d like. I’m already sending Purah and Robbie their own invitations, and of course, Paya is invited, but add on anyone you desire, even if you are unable to attend yourself.
As to the question from your last letter, I would like to say that my personal life will remain as private as possible until after the ball. Though Link and I are still technically courting, I wouldn’t dream of announcing the wedding until the official completion of the castle. The intrigues of a courtship seem so frivolous, but I know the gossip surrounding our lives is public interest. Won’t they love all the news we’ll have for them soon?
And yes Impa, I know of the herb. Thank you for your concern. I welcome your sage wisdom.
With warmest regards,
Queen Zelda
 Zelda sealed the letter into an envelope and stamped it closed with her royal seal. Her rooms had been among the first that they’d been cleaning when reconstruction had begun on the castle all those years ago, and Zelda had settled in quite quickly, though she adamantly refused to go into the now-repurposed rooms that once belonged to her father.
Tapping the letter pensively with her fingernail, Zelda thought about the contents of Impa’s letter. As an old friend, a spy, and a wise leader, she knew almost everything about their private life. Impa had been pushing for a rushed wedding for the past month, claiming that it was exactly what the people needed right now, and she was certain that Zelda wasn’t going to complain.
Zelda turned and rested her head in her palm, smiling lazily at the sprawled out knight in her bed. His blonde hair was down, as she preferred it, and it was wild across their pillows. Some of it covered his face, and she longed to push it away so he wasn’t inhaling it with every deep breath he took from his wide-open mouth. She imagined if she did go over, she might even see him drooling, such was the level of relaxation he felt nowadays. But she also knew that if she even went to press a light kiss on his cheek, he’d stir awake immediately.
She always found it difficult to wake up before her knight. He’d always open his eyes when she slid out of bed, and his blue ones were fixed on her until she ordered him back to sleep. It was habit, she imagined. Sometimes, she didn’t think he was even truly awake when he watched her. But some days, his hand would drape over her to stop her from leaving, or it would chase her as she stood. She was a sucker, and gave in to him far more often than not.
Today wasn’t one of those days.
Her workload had piled up these past weeks as she’d begun to oversee the final aspects of reconstruction, and it was far more necessary that she get up earlier to finish all of her daily tasks in time. Today alone, she had to write several letters, had a stack of documents to read over and sign, the ceremonial opening of an orphanage in town that she was heading, tea with a noble, dinner with an ambassador and emissary, and a late meeting with some of the staff to hear a complaint they had regarding the quality of the kitchens.
She wouldn’t have time to pray, unless the Goddess was willing to hear her hastily thought prayers while she hurried through the corridors.
Though she was still looking at Link, she hadn’t been focused on him until he spoke, voice gravelly and rough with sleep. He rubbed at his eyes while a yawn escaped him.
Zelda hurried over to the bed, knowing that the morning and late in the night were the only times she’d truly get to spend with him, and tonight, she was sure she’d be too tired to hold a conversation. He’d be with her through most of the day as her knight, but as her best friend, closest confidant, and barely-discrete lover, he’d have to wait.
She threw herself onto the bed, giggling as she crawled so she could straddle him. His eyes were still tired, but becoming more alert with every second she was near.
Zelda didn’t know if it was because of what they’d endured together for roughly 120 years, or the bond they’d forged from the moment Link awakened from the Shrine of Resurrection, but he looked at her so often as if he didn’t know she was real and couldn’t believe she was with him, the same way he looked at her now.
Tucking her hair behind her ear, she leaned down to kiss Link.
He hummed out a contented sound, chasing her lips to feel the soft heat against his one more time before he let his head fall back. “Morning. Is it still early?”
“It is. You can go back to sleep. I have a busy day.”
“Well, I’m up now,” he chuckled, running his hand along the curve of her hip.
“I can see that,” she snorted, kissing him again.
He held her a little tighter, pulling her down to his chest. Zelda yelped when she was practically flung forward and laughed as Link kissed her neck.
When Link’s hand slipped under her shirt, Zelda let out a breathy sigh before stopping him. “Not today, unfortunately,” she whispered into his ear. “We’ll have tomorrow, though.”
“Want to make a trip with me back to Hateno for a few days when this is all done? Just to relax and get away?”
“That sounds great. As soon as I can get away for more than an hour, we’re out of here.”
“Alright,” he said, sliding her off of him so he could roll onto his stomach, hugging his pillow close. “I’m taking five more minutes.”
Zelda slid her fingers through his hair to finally fix that piece that had been bothering her. “Don’t forget dinner.”
“I won’t.”
Grabbing her things, she packed her papers into a pile and locked them against her chest so they wouldn’t fly everywhere while she headed to the library. She made use of her father’s hidden study, though she’d had it redesigned so it didn’t remind her too much of him. She couldn’t bear to remember those she’d lost 100 years ago without ever getting the chance to say goodbye.
With a quill and ink in hand, Zelda began writing a series of letters, ranging from King Dorephan, Chief Kaneli, and even a few to Purah—a few because one was an official letter requisitioning ancient technology, and the other was a personal letter to catch up, as well as her invitation to the equinox ball.
“Your Majesty.”
Her head snapped to the doorway where Rayella, her personal assistant and page, had ducked her head into the room.
“Forgive me, but your advisors would like to go over the documents with you. There are 32 that require your in-depth understanding, and another 86 that you can simply sign off on, should you agree.”
Sitting back, Zelda let her hands rest easily on her stomach as she sighed. “Thirty-two? This is going to take hours.”
“Most likely, Majesty.”
Begrudgingly, Zelda stood up and fixed herself before following Rayella towards the council chambers, where stacks of documents sat on a desk, and seasoned politicians waited so they could explain the details of every single one to her. Though she’d been on the throne for several years now, she still wasn’t confident that it was enough time, and her advisors aided her in every possible way.
But Goddess, it could be so dull.
An hour or two in, Zelda looked ready to fall asleep, slouched back in her chair with one hand supporting her head, and the other resting on her stomach. If she didn’t know her advisors so well, she’d feel embarrassed, but they knew she was still listening, and for all her efforts and determination, they knew she was still too young to even technically be on the throne.
According to the old Hylian laws, a monarch could not be officially crowned until their 25th birthday, when they had sufficient training and knowledge to begin ruling a kingdom with training wheels still on. Granted, she was in the exception category: dead parents. She had no one else to rule in her stead, so she’d taken the throne years before she should have been allowed to. When she was 17, right out of the Calamity, she’d been coronated. It’d been some years since then, but she was also still a few years shy of the legal age.
With still about seven more long documents, Zelda groaned and grabbed the next one, only for the door to the council chambers to open and Link to appear.
“Your Majesty,” he said with a bow. It made her giggle. He always defaulted to proper decorum for a while before he’d slip and start calling her Zelda in public by accident.
He was still her knight, after all. He was no Prince Consort, nor a king, so he’d opted to continue doing what he’d done 100 years prior.
“Yes, Link?” she asked, trying to keep her own professional tone.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a matter that needs your attention for a short while.”
Pushing her chair back with squeak across the wood, Zelda hurried towards Link. “Of course.” Then she turned around. “I’ll return shortly to finish this. In the meantime, why don’t you take a break and I’ll have someone find you when I’m ready to continue?”
Zelda already knew they were nodding, and she followed Link down the hall for a short time before jogging up beside him to take his hand.
“What needs my attention?”
“You do,” he said cryptically as he led her down a flight of stairs. “There is something I want to show you as well, since I have you. I walked by earlier and saw that pile of paperwork; figured now was a good time to kidnap you. How you don’t fall asleep is beyond me.”
“Sleeping is your pastime. You got 100 years of it, and it still wasn’t enough.”
He grinned and let go of her hand to hold the door open.
Gasping, Zelda rushed forward into the room before immediately turning back to Link. “What is all this?”
On the table were several plates of food. A light meal, but decadent and colorful. Tomatoes with garlic salt and oil, a bowl of blueberries and cherries, carrots, bread, and even a few hard-boiled eggs all graced the table, surrounded by jams and jellies and spreads.
“Did you do this?”
“I did, though I had Harv help me get it all up from the kitchen. I imagine he was glad to kick me out.” Link pulled out a chair for her, before walking to the back of the room. When he returned, he handed her a giant wad of metal. “I found this, too. Figured I’d gift it to you more personally, but now’s as good a time as ever.”
Zelda inspected it with a grin on her face. It was a piece of a Guardian, though they’d mostly been destroyed to ensure they could never be used against Hyrule again. Still, she loved finding fragments of that life that she could analyze and tinker with in her spare time.
“Thank you, Link,” she said, grabbing his arm to pull him in for a kiss. It was familiar and quick, like the greeting after a long day, but still packed with a weight that spoke volumes.
He smoothed her hair before kissing her forehead as well. “You can’t keep forgetting to eat now. You know I can’t always pull you out of meetings just to remind you.” Grabbing a tomato with his fingers, he plopped it into his mouth and licked the juice off his fingers before grabbing the napkin to finish it off.
“Link,” Zelda chastised, daintily grabbing her fork and waving it to make a point.
“What?” he asked around his mouthful. “We share food. Are you going to deny me this banquet I have prepared for you?”
Without waiting for her response, he shoved a bland piece of bread into his mouth and grabbed a second piece, spreading a preserve over it before setting it in front of her.
“I would never deprive you, Link,” she laughed. Eyeing the hard-boiled egg, she grabbed one before taking the preserves away from Link, spreading it along her plate before dipping the egg into it. It tasted quite good.
“And you call me the weird eater,” he snorted before grabbing another mouthful of his own.
They ate and laughed, talking about nothing and everything until they’d both wiped out all the food. Link stacked the plates, and followed Zelda part of the way back to the council rooms to finish her work, now full and content. She rubbed her stomach happily before glancing towards Link, who was already watching her with a grin.
She pushed her hair out of her face and resolved to put in her old braid when she returned to her room to keep the strands from her eyes. “Link, don’t forget that we have to open the orphanage in a few hours. I’ll need you as my guard, obviously.”
“I am already packed.”
“You’re so diligent,” she said, almost like a playful insult. “Thank you again, Link. I loved it all.” She tucked the piece of metal close to her, hugging it to herself as she watched Link nod and head back towards the kitchen with their plates.
Zelda finished the long documents and had made a small dent in the pile that required only a minimal scan before she signed her name. She went back up to her room to change out of her lounging clothes, to something a little more ceremonial and royal. Opting for her old faithful blue dress, she and her maids got her ready for the event, while Rayella held a clipboard and went through the timetable for the rest of her day.
The ride into Castle Town was short, but it was always one that Zelda loved. She would hang out the window of the carriage to see the people and the streets, relishing in the air and that life that had been breathed back into town after the Calamity. Shouts from vendors selling their wares, priests and priestesses near the shrine asking for donations for reconstruction efforts, workers and shoppers and everyday life going on as if there had never been a mass destruction in the first place.
That ignorance was easily remembered when they reached the orphanage.
Children and teens displaced by the Calamity, parents who’d gone to fight and never came home, grandparents who had been assassinated by the Yiga on the roads; these were the children who suffered in their stead. And though they were in their 120’s technically, Link and Zelda both understood the children’s pain on some level; they were young orphans too.
The ribbon cutting was purely ceremonial, with reporters like Traysi covering the event and watching from the shadows for any slip-ups on the royal’s side.
But Zelda and Link had been dragged into the new building that the children had already begun living in, small hands tight and determined to show the Queen and her knight their rooms and their toys. One girl thrust a naked blonde doll at Zelda, adamantly proclaiming that it was the perfect likeness of the Queen herself.
“But… where are my clothes?” Zelda asked, her face scrunching tightly as the girl examined the doll like she hadn’t even noticed.
It was one of the children’s caretakers who answered. “These are all donations. People often donate the toys without any of the accompanying accessories.”
Letting out a deep, annoyed breath at that information, Zelda went back to the carriage to retrieve a spare dress that she had: a change of clothes in case something were to spill or tear on her own dress. When she reentered the orphanage, she grabbed a knife off of Link’s belt to start a tear while she ripped the fabric, and turned to the keeper of the orphanage, requesting sewing supplies.
“Rayella,” Zelda whispered while she waited. “Reschedule that tea for tomorrow instead. I’m going to need some extra time here.”
“Very well, Your Majesty,” she said, hurrying off.
Zelda sat cross-legged on the floor with several dolls around her, tearing the fabric of her spare dress again and again until it was all laid out. She started cutting, and then grabbed blue thread so she could create a rudimentary dress for as many dolls as she could. If no one would donate a single dress for the doll, she would do it herself.
“I’ll bet you didn’t know this,” Zelda whispered to the children who were gathered around her, watching intently as she pulled the needle through the fabric again and again, expertly stitching without even paying much attention, “But I created all of the Champion’s outfits in my day.” She pointed to Link, who was also sitting on the floor surrounded by kids who were adamantly rapt by his sword. Not the Master Sword; that had been put to rest after the Calamity.
“See his blue shirt?” Zelda said, “I made that.”
She was met by impressed ‘ooo’s as she cut a design into the collar of the toy dress before setting it aside for the next doll.
“These will do for now, but I’ll have my seamstress send you some new clothes and some fabric for your dolls. But I’ll also send her down here to measure each of you to get you some new clothes as well.”
“Thank you, Majesty,” the caretaker whispered, tears in her eyes as one of the boys in tattered pants began to cry at the news.
When Zelda was on the last doll, she glanced back at Link.
Two children were sitting on his lap, and another was standing behind him. Link braided the long hair of a young girl for her while explaining to the girl behind him how to do it. There were three boys watching, and he gave them a few of the hair bands from his bag to tie their equally long hair out of their faces. It wasn’t long until the girl had fallen asleep against him and he tucked her close that he began telling the others a vivid story about an igneo talus.
Zelda’s eyes were stuck on him for the longest time, imagining Link with their own child or children. He’s always been good with the village kids, and after the Calamity, he proved to be just as engaged with them as he once had. Link always had an inner child, and it seemed that they were quick to spot that side of him.
When Zelda had finished all of the dresses, she crawled over to where Link sat, bringing her own entourage with her.
She wanted to take the space beside Link, to lean on his arm and admire him with the children, but a young boy took that spot to show Link his toy sword, which Link did a fantastic job of being thoroughly impressed by.
“Are you two getting married?” one of the children asked rather loudly.
Zelda blushed as she and Link locked eyes for a moment before nodding to the child. “Yes, we will be.”
“Can we come?”
Zelda ran her hand through their hair. “Yes. I think I would like for all of you to come. If that’s okay with Link?”
Link smirked and tapped the toy sword. “Can we hire some of them as our guards? I think I’d feel safer that way.”
“Can I?” the boy asked, gasping with excitement.
“If not at our wedding, then I will bring some of you to the castle so you can at least see the knights at work.”
Several of the kids cheered excitedly.
An all-too-young boy was sprawled out on the floor in front of them. “Are you going to have a baby too? Can you name him after me?”
Swallowing hard, Zelda glanced at Link again, her hand going instinctively to her stomach. He chuckled, his cheeks burning from the ease these children had in asking the questions they wanted to know the answer to, regardless of how personal the question itself was. Before their caretaker could scold him, Link glanced at Zelda and nodded. “Yes, we will. And we will absolutely consider your names, but we also want to honor our parents, so it’s likely that we’ll use those names first. They’re gone as well, keeping yours company with the Goddess.”
They spent as much time there as they could before Rayella came in and announced that they had to return to the castle to be on time for their dinner. The young girl was still sleeping in Link’s arms, her breathing contented and peaceful. He felt bad waking her, so he stood and bounced her as he followed Zelda to the caretakers to say goodbye, gently handing her off.
When the guards had ushered them back into the streets after checking to make sure it was safe, they climbed back into the carriage and lurched forward from the momentum before waving out the window.
“I wish we could do more,” Link whispered, as if he was afraid they could hear him.
“Tomorrow, we can bring some more stuff down. I’m sure we could easily get a few rupees together and some toys.”
Link pushed his hair back and stared at Zelda. “When I was a kid, that could have been me if my parents died. As much as I don’t want to think of either of us dying, it’s a comfort to know that your status would give our child the privilege to still grow up in the best conditions possible.”
“Yes. We have so many people who’d take care of them for us. They’d want for nothing. Those poor kids though.”
“Life can be unfair,” Link muttered, resting his head against the window frame.
“Don’t we know it,” she sighed, thinking of the Champion’s, of her father, of the countless lives lost through the years. She grabbed Link’s hand and held it tight.
When they were back at the palace, they both changed again. Link into his Royal Guard uniform, and Zelda into a slightly less ceremonial dress that was still appropriate for a meeting with her guests.
Though Link was still acting as one of her dozen guards, he escorted her to the dining hall, their arms locked as they chatted quietly between themselves. Link had offered her several ways out of the meeting, including him staging a kidnapping just to get her into the gardens. He’d offered to feign illness, or to cause a distraction so he could spirit her away. He promised to make her dinner to replace the one she’d miss out on. He’d suggested lying under the stars in the conservatory, finding a falling one in the ocean of glittering night.
“I want to so badly, Link,” she sighed. “But not today. Tomorrow, perhaps, you can save me from all these politics.”
“I just want to spend some time with you away from everyone,” he complained, though he knew her duties. In truth, besides the mornings and the nights, the majority of the time which was spent sleeping, they did rarely find time to be perfectly alone. And when they did, it was often Link’s doing, such as stealing her from her tasks like he had earlier that day.
“I want that too,” she promised, “But I just can’t today. Everything is so hectic right now.”
“No, I know. I know.”
They separated so he could line the walls with the guards, and she sat in her chair, only slightly late, and the food was brought out soon after.
She was starving, but her attention was divided so she could listen to the emissary’s request. All she wanted to do was to eat.
Link’s gaze burned into her. While the other guards stared straight ahead and at attention, he blatantly ignored that in favor of watching Zelda. When she’d catch his eye, he’d often try to make her laugh, to break her focus and reveal to her guests that she wasn’t paying them attention while the man behind them mouthed obscenities and curses and jokes to her.
Something in the mood at the table shifted not long after when the topic of the Calamity came up.
Her hands fidgeted as she pushed the chair away from the table to gain some breathing room as memories flooded back to her of that first year returning to the land of the living. She’d seen just how destroyed and demoralized everyone had been by the constant threat of Ganon breaking free. And she watched them learn to breathe again with his demise.
She thought of how Link had to deal with it all while regaining his memories. How he’d put everything before himself for so long.
She had to plan something nice for him.
Perhaps they could take a trek out to the lover’s pond and spend the night under the real stars, and swim in the small pond under the starlight. She’d pack a meal as he usually did, though her skill in the kitchen was abysmal, so she would absolutely ask Harv to take care of it while she perhaps decorated the basket to add her own flair.
The guards would have to go on ahead to clear the area of any monsters, and then line the perimeter, but she was willing to accept that so long as they stayed far enough away that she could forget about them entirely to focus on Link after so long. They had precious few moments of alone time these days, and Zelda knew that there would be fewer still to come once everything became more hectic in the coming months.
“—a death you brought about,” the emissary said.
Zelda nodded absently, not hearing the rest of his sentence.
Everyone else did.
Every guard in the room was moving at once, and Zelda’s eyes snapped to attention just in time to see two arrows headed for her chest and stomach.
She felt the impact hard as her brain scrambled to catch up, moving far slower than everyone else.
The impact she’d felt hadn’t been arrows. It had been a body.
Her mind was finally catching her up to speed; her peripheral vision had caught Link sliding across the table to get in front of her, and it worked in time, because he jerked backwards onto her, his uniform hat flying off his head.
Zelda let out a shriek as her hands snaked out to catch Link, but it was too fast and they both toppled over with the chair, landing on the ground. She couldn’t see anything, but felt Link crawl over her stomach before he went limp. Zelda heard a snapping noise, and a reverberating thud before Link jerked again.
And then it was over.
The guards had the emissary on the ground with a sword through his heart. The ambassador was cowering in a corner, curled up and whimpering while his own guards surrounded him. Half the guards were in front of her and Link now, forming a protective circle in case that wasn’t the end.
Zelda breathed out a nervous sigh. “Thank you, Link. Let’s get you checked out.”
She shook his shoulder, but his face was still pressed into her.
Was he crying? She could feel the front of her dress getting wet.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, running a hand through his hair. “We’re okay.”
He didn’t move still.
Zelda’s heart skipped a beat, and she shook him a little harder, trying to crane her neck from where she was still lying to get a better look at him. “Link?”
There was a guard at her back, trying to haul her away, but she ripped her arm from them and pushed herself up, cradling Link so he didn’t fall at her sudden motion.
“Hey, come on. You’re crushing me,” she whispered, shooing another guard away from her.
She ducked her arms under his and slid her knee underneath them to help keep her upright. Her hand slipped.
It was red, slick, and warm.
“Link?” she asked again, this time her voice trembling over his name on her lips. “Link. Sit up.”
When he didn’t move, she clutched him harder. “Sit up! Link, that’s a command! Get off of me!”
“Your Majesty…” one of the guards tried, bending beside her. “Let me help you up.”
But all that Zelda could feel was a shaking gasp when she saw two large arrows sticking out of his back.
Her hand clung to the fabric of his uniform. He had armor on. Right?
Her hand felt for it first, coming up empty before she finally managed to sit up enough for a proper view of him. Of the blue fabric mixed with red that was spreading out from the puncture wounds.
With a renewed strength, she managed to push Link off of her from where his face had been resting pressed into her chest.
His head dropped back limply against her arm, his eyes wide and unseeing, his mouth open.
This morning, she’d seen him drooling on the pillow. He’d been so peaceful. But now, his rest was anything but. Blood seeped from his mouth and down his chin. The last emotion he’d felt had been pain or fear; it was written in his gaze.
It wasn’t registering to Zelda.
Something so impossible can’t exist, therefore, it didn’t.
Science. That had never failed Zelda before. It wasn’t going to fail her now.
“Link, wake up.”
She brushed that same strand of his wild hair from his face, as she had that morning. He didn’t flinch, didn’t move, didn’t stir.
Perhaps that was what broke her; he always woke at her touch.
If Zelda had been asked to pick up his long sword, she wouldn’t have been able to with her violently trembling hands. They ran down the skin of his cheek, his jaw his neck…
She gasped and pulled her hand away as something prickled against her skin. Something like a splinter.
It took several moments of blinking to clear her vision so she could see what it was.
The broken shaft of an arrow lodged in his neck, straight through to the other side, but jostled and uneven and torn. It was the warmth that seeped from there that she’d thought were his tears, and she looked down at her now-red dress.
Without meaning to, she dropped Link off of her, her arm giving out as she fell backward. A guard must have been behind her because she didn’t hit the floor.
Her head whipped around. Link wouldn’t have let her hit the floor either. Perhaps it was the wrong man in her arms. Perhaps it was the stress.
“Link?” she breathed, but the brown eyes that met hers were nowhere near Link’s.
Turning back, she let out a shriek, taking in the glaze over his bright blue eyes for a long moment before her eyes glued on the two now-broken arrow shafts in his back, snapped by the impact of her dropping him. “What did I do?” The arrows would be pressing so deep into Link. He was hurt, and it was entirely her fault. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
His wide gaze didn’t move to her, didn’t flinch from the pain, didn’t react in any way. She couldn’t feel him breathing, but she didn’t think that she’d be able to right now anyway, given how much she was shaking.
“Majesty,” a knight said, as three others bent beside her. “He’s gone.”
One of them closed Link’s eyes and went to reach for the arrow in his neck before Zelda stopped him. Her eyes burned fire at the guard, like a dragon guarding its hoard. He stepped back immediately while Zelda’s confusion turned to determination.
“Get him to the Shrine of Resurrection. Leave those in until you’re there. We never managed the logistics of it, but what if he needs to have a certain amount of blood in his body? What if he can’t be lingering in the realm between for long? Get him to the Shrine!” The guards looked at each other sheepishly, gentle, soft, sympathetic expressions on their faces. Zelda snapped, “Did you not hear me?”
“Drs. Purah and Robbie have already said the shrine no longer works. They have yet to reactivate it.”
“I’ve got you, Link,” she cried, as if the knight had never spoken. She wrapped his hands around her neck and pulled as hard as she could, dragging his dead weight behind her. She grunted with effort, and made it a few steps before collapsing to her knee.
“Majesty? Where are you taking him?”
“To the Shrine! You won’t do it, but I will!”
There were more people entering the room, but Zelda didn’t even notice them until she spotted the medical bag in one of their hands.
“Help him!” she pleaded, setting Link down and hovering protectively over him. Her brain was reeling from thought to thought. Shaking him hadn’t worked. She couldn’t get him to the Shrine. The physician was her next best shot.
The physician placed a tentative finger to Link’s neck, and another to his wrists before sitting back and sighing. A wave of sorrow washed over him so visibly that Zelda shuddered just looking at him while he sat beside her.
“Do something!” she screeched, the panic finally welling up from her toes to her mouth.
“I’m afraid he’s already gone.”
“No!” Zelda balked, disgust pouring out of her mouth like venom or blood. “This is the Champion of Hyrule! He’s the wielder of the Master Sword! The greatest swordsman in all of Hyrule for two hundred years! He was brought down by an army of Guardians! He isn’t going to die from three arrows! Fix him!”
“I can’t!” the physician whispered. “The arrow in his neck… the two aftershocks… he was a victim of a marksman’s aim. Though… these are rather low for kill shots…”
Zelda pushed herself to her feet and stormed across the room, pulling a guard by the sleeve until they were out of the way. She aimed her hand at the emissary and let out a piercing scream as light filled the room, warming it considerably until the air was dry and burning.
When the light faded, there was nothing left of the emissary but the burnt scorch marks on the ground. Zelda spun around, her hair whipping with her.
“That is what a ‘kill shot’ looks like.”
Everyone watched her in horror.
“Your Majesty, were you wounded?” one of the guards asked.
“No,” Zelda snapped, like it was the most offensive question she’d ever been asked. “Link got to me in time! Now repay him by getting him to the Shrine of Resurrection!”
Finally, her knights moved, four of them carefully lifting Link up.
Zelda came undone when his hand slumped limply backwards, contorting in a way that no one who felt pain would ever allow.
No, no that’s still okay. He was okay. He’s looked like this before, right?
She remembered one night early in the reconstruction when they’d been working in the library to restock the shelves. He’d gotten tired and grabbed a book, throwing his feet up onto one of the couches for comfort reading. And not five minutes later, Zelda caught him asleep with the book open against his chest, and his hand hanging off the couch.
When she’d taken the book from him to set it aside, he’d smiled at her and pulled her down to join him on the ever-too-small surface, stuck tight and entwined so she wouldn’t fall. He felt her slip, and he’d spun them around with some difficulty, so she was safely tucked between him and the couch, and he was the only one in danger of falling.  
Suddenly, Zelda couldn’t breathe, and she clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle a sob because her body was still reacting without consent from her mind. Her knees throbbed, and she didn’t realize that she’d hit the ground.
“Your Majesty, I really believe you’ve been injured. Please, let me help you to the physician while they take care of Master Link.”
“He’s okay.”
“Let’s make sure you are, too. Come on.”
The knight lifted her from under the legs, smearing all the mess of blood over him without a care.
She pressed her face into his neck, easily able to pretend that it could be Link.
“We’re going to go back to the orphanage tomorrow,” she whispered. The knight’s throat vibrated with a response, but her eyes closed of their own accord and she didn’t hear him.
Time didn’t exist anymore. She opened her eyes several times, closing them again, seeing faces, seeing Link, seeing her father, seeing Impa.
When they opened again, they settled on the physician, who was sitting at her side reading a book about potions. She was in a recovery bed in the clinics ward of the palace.
“What happened?” she asked quickly. “Where’s Link?”
The physician leaned forward and took Zelda’s hand. “You gave us a scare, Your Majesty. I’m afraid I have some news that you need to know.”
Her hand went to her stomach and she winced in pain as she sat up.
“Zelda,” he said a bit softer, kinder, “you’re with child.”
“Yes, I know,” she said back, as calmly as if he’d told her the weather.
“You… you know?”
Her eyes were on the door, waiting. “I do. We went to Impa about two months ago for help. Only the three of us know. Well, now you as well.”
“I… uh…” the physician stuttered, not expecting that response from her at all. “Well, you nearly lost the child in your grief. We need to keep you rested and safe. We took care of it now, but we’ll have to keep monitoring your condition.”
“Grief?” she repeated, shaking her head. “Why?”
“Why? Um… that… well… perhaps you’d prefer to rest in your own bed?”
Zelda stared at him through tear-streaked eyes, red and puffy with snot running down her nose. “Where’s Link?”
“They’re taking good care of him.”
“No,” she breathed, carefully, realizing that there was a heaviness in her that she never carried. “That… that wasn’t real… he’s… he’s fine.”
“I’m afraid it was.”
Pushing herself off of the bed, Zelda brushed past the physician and hurried to their room, forcing the door open so hard that a piece of the wood splintered off.
Several people were on her heels, calling and chasing after her, but she was single minded in finding something that proved it was a fake experience, that she’d dreamed it, or even that Link was somewhere in the room waiting for her. She pulled open the closets, seeing his clothes that he’d pick from tomorrow. And his sword was against the bed. And his armor was on the wall.
His armor.
Because they’d been at a diplomatic, ceremonial meal, Link and the other knights were not wearing armor.
Her fingers traced the metal, still polished and pristine.
Her chin was cold, and she wiped a pool of tears off her face, suddenly realizing that the weight on her chest, the inability to breathe normally, was because she’d been sobbing. If it was aloud, she didn’t know. She’d felt sorrow. This wasn’t the same.  
She’d cried hard for those she lost in the past. Those tears were cathartic: a way of physically expelling as much sorrow from her body as possible. But now, the more she cried, the more it hurt, like each tear ripped at her heart a little more, slicing a painful hole straight through the center until it was hollowed out and left to rot.
Rayella was trying to help Zelda, but she pushed the girl away. “Where is it?” she spat, anger and annoyance all over her tone.  
Zelda tossed several papers aside with more force than she’d ever used before. They were blocking her, impeding her from her task. Their clothes and books, jewelry, everything, was just cluttered and in the way. She needed it gone, and her hands took care of it, shoving everything she could aside with all her strength until she found her Sheikah Slate where she’d left it on her end table. Her fingers were frantic against the screen.
While Zelda loved all Sheikah tech, Link was peculiarly fond of the camera. He’d follow her around and she’d hear the snap of a picture every few minutes. She’d grab it from him to take pictures of him as well.
The night before, while they were both laughing before bed, they’d taken a picture together. It popped up on the screen, orange in their midnight candle glow, but easy to discern. Link’s hand was stretched out, and Zelda was curled against him, laughing mid-word.
She couldn’t remember the word. She couldn’t remember their conversation. In her memory, it was silent, though their lips moved in her mind.
The Slate fell from her hands as it all hit her at once. She’d done this. He was dead. He was dead because of her. He’d offered her a thousand chances to get away and hide. She’d denied them all, pushing everything back to tomorrow and on. She’d been in a rush, eager to reach tomorrow.
She’d been in a rush.
“Oh Goddess,” she sobbed, clutching her hair as she curled up. Rayella’s hand was against her, but she couldn’t feel it.
Playing through every conversation they’d had all day. They’d woken up and joked. They’d eaten lunch. They’d gone to the orphanage. They’d talked about their child. They’d even talked about death.
He’d even reminded her that life wasn’t fair, as if that needed to be punctuated in her mind in that very moment.
She hadn’t told him she loved him.
He’d died without hearing that on his last day. He’d died seeing her prioritize everyone else above him.
No, this wasn’t fair.
In the echoing silence of her mind, she didn’t hear herself screech for everyone to get out of her room. When she finally looked up, she was weak and tired and sore. Her face was stiff, and the light in the room had changed.
Crawling into their bed, she stared at the door, waiting for him to burst through. She didn’t know how long she kept her eyes on it, but they were burning by the time she looked away.
She grabbed his pillow, tucking it against herself, smelling the lingering scent of him on the fabric.
It wasn’t enough.
Skulking to their closet, she grabbed his shirt from their trip to the orphanage, his Champion’s tunic, and curled up on his side of the bed, her nails digging into the mattress as if he were trapped in there and she needed to free him.
It wasn’t enough.
Opening up the Sheikah Slate, she set it down, letting a picture of him light up the screen. It was one she’d taken while he was asleep beside her, and she closed her eyes to try to put it all together, to imagine that he could be here with her now.
But the picture didn’t move, and her hand reached out to feel nothing but air. There was no body to cling to, or to tuck against, or to latch on to. There were no arms around her waist, no hands brushing away her hair.
It was just a picture.
She’d lost everything. Everyone. The Goddess had given her a reprieve for a few years. She’d thanked Zelda for her service by presenting her with the heartbreak of a hundred years. She’d gifted her the one person she needed, the one she wanted. But he, too, had been on borrowed time in the Goddess’ eyes.
It should have been her. He didn’t have to be so fast. She’d sacrificed just as much as he had, except for her life. He’d given that once. He shouldn’t have had to do it for her again.
Perhaps the Goddess was still listening to her desperation, willing to let Link take a breath and for her to take his place. That was fair. A one-to-one ratio. One death each.
But this? This was not fair.
Now there was nothing. Nothing physical left of him. Of any of them.
When the pillow wasn’t enough to hold any longer, she couldn’t even tell if she’d kept crying. It didn’t matter. If she was screaming every time his name passed through her mind, she didn’t care.
Then, there was a sharp pang in her stomach, a harsh reminder that this was taking a physical toll.
This, she thought, her hand running a comforting circle on her stomach.
This was the last physical thing of Link she had left. And she’d nearly lost it too.
Her arms formed a protective barrier between her belly and the rest of the world, and she closed her eyes, clutching her most precious connection left to Link she’d ever have.
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 5 -’e’
-’e’ topic
This is the final Type 5 noun suffix, and the final noun suffix. It is used for emphasis - the noun highlighted is the topic of the conversation.
tlhIngan Hol’e’ jatlh be’ qar’a’? It’s Klingon that the woman speaks, right?
tlhIngan Hol jatlh be’’e’ qar’a’? It’s the woman who speaks Klingin, right?
Note: ‘e’ turns up somewhere else, as a standalone word rather than as a noun suffix. That is something which will be brought up later, when the topic turns to pronouns.
bang'e' the loved one (n) beq'e' the crewmember (n) be''e' the woman (n) be'Hom'e' the girl (n) be'nal'e' the wife (n) be'nI''e' the sister (n) boQ'e' the aide (n) boQDu''e' the aide-de-camp (n) bu''e' the Sergeant (n) chamwI''e' the technician (n) charghwI''e' the conqueror (n) che'wI''e' the ruler (n) chIjwI''e' the navigator (n) chIrgh'e' the temple (n) chom'e' the bartender (n) Da''e' the corporal (rank) (n) DevwI''e' the leader (n) Duy'a''e' the ambassador (n) Duy'e' the agent, emissary (n) gharwI''e' the diplomat (n) ghItlhwI''e' the writer (n) ghojmoHwI''e' the teacher (n) ghojmoq'e' the nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI''e' the student (n) ghol'e' the opponent, adversary (n) ghol'e' the opponent (n) ghoqwI''e' the spy (n) ghu'e' the baby (n) ghu''e' the situation (n) HaqwI''e' the surgeon (n) HarwI''e' the believer (n) HejwI''e' the robber (n) HeSwI''e' the criminal (n) HIp'e' the uniform (n) HIvwI''e' the attacker (n) HI''e' the dictator (n) HoD'e' the captain (n) Ho'wI''e' the admirer (n) HubwI''e' the defender (n) Human'e' the human (n) jabwI''e' the food server (n) jagh'e' the enemy (n) jaw'e' the lord (n) jIl'e' the neighbor (n) joH'e' the lord (n) jojlu''e' the consul (n) jonwI''e' the engineer (n) joqwI''e' the flag (n) jup'e' the friend (n) lagh'e' the ensign (n) la'quv'e' the Supreme Commander (n) leng'e' the trip, voyage, journey (n) le'wI''e' the specialist (n) lIghwI''e' the rider (n) loD'e' the man (n) loDHom'e' the boy (n) loDnal'e' the husband (n) loDnI''e' the brother (n) loHwI''e' the administrator (n) lotlhwI''e' the rebel (n) maghwI''e' the traitor (n) mangHom'e' the cadet (n) matHa''e' the gunner (n) meb'e' the guest (n) mechwI''e' the trader (n) morghwI''e' the protester (n) muchwI''e' the presenter (n) mughwI''e' the translator (n) mut'e' the species (n) nab'e' the plan (n) nIHwI''e' the thief (n) nov'e' the alien, foreigner (n) nuch'e' the coward (n) ngan'e' the inhabitant (n) ngorwI''e' the cheat (n) pIn'e' the boss (n) pIn'a''e' the master (n) puqbe''e' the daughter (n) puq'e' the child, offspring (n) puqloD'e' the son (n) qaD'e' the challenge (n) qaDwI''e' the challenger (n) qama''e' the prisoner (n) qeSwI''e' the advisor (n) qoch'e' the partner (n) qo''e' the world (n) qoH'e' the fool (n) qoSwIj'e' the my birthday (n) qumwI''e' the governor (n) qup'e' the elder (n) Qang'e' the chancellor (n) QeDpIn'e' the science officer (n) Qel'e' the doctor, physician (n) QumpIn'e' the communications officer (n) QupwI''e' the youngster (n) QuSwI''e' the conspirator (n) ra'wI''e' the commander (n) rewbe''e' the citizen (n) rIp'e' the council, assembly (n) Saj'e' the pet (n) SID'e' the patient (n) Sogh'e' the lieutenant (n) SoS'e' the mother (n) SoSnI''e' the grandmother (n) SuchwI''e' the visitor (n) SuvwI''e' the warrior (n) Suy'e' the merchant (n) ta'e' the record (n) ta''e' the emperor (n) tej'e' the scientist (n) tera'ngan'e' the Earth person (n) toDwI''e' the rescuer (n) totlh'e' the commodore (n) toy'wI''a''e' the slave (n) toy'wI''e' the servant (n) tlhIngan'e' the Klingon (n) vaj'e' the warrior (n) vav'e' the father (n) vavnI''e' the grandfather (n) vI'wI''e' the sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleH'e' the emperor (n) vub'e' the hostage (n) vulqangan'e' the Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI''e' the chef (n) vu'wI''e' the manager (n) wamwI''e' the hunter (n) wanI''e' the experience (n) we'lISDaq ngan'e' the Welsh person (n) wIgh'e' the genius (n) wIjwI''e' the farmer (n) ya'e' the tactical officer (n) yaS'e' the officer (n) yoq'e' the humanoid (n) 'aj'e' the admiral (n) 'avwI''e' the guard (n) 'eb'e' the opportunity (n) 'ech'e' the brigadier (n) 'oDwI''e' the arbiter (n) 'oSwI''e' the Emissary, Representative (n) 'ovwI''e' the competitor (n) 'utlh'e' the officer (n)
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alisuhs · 6 years
ALISA SAVAGE is an ORDER MEMBER in the war, even though HER official job is as HEAD OF THE AUROR OFFICE. the THIRTY-ONE year old PUREBLOOD is known to be ENTERPRISING and VIVACIOUS but also DOGMATIC and NEUROTIC. some might label them as THE LADY OF WAR. fc: inbar lavi
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so this is alisa savage, aka That One Obscure Auror Tonks Offhandedly Mentions in One of the HP Books (trademark pending)
pinterest boi
character inspiration: leia organa, hayes morrison, lexi branson, natasha romanoff, peggy carter, sara lance, jessica pearson, bobbi morse.
high heels clicking on hardwood, the smell of fresh - brewed coffee, spilled wine, redacted information, smudged ink on parchment, the pop f i z z clink of champagne, quills scratching across paper, the satisfaction of reaching justice, lipstick stains on glasses, snakeskin and lace, the feeling you get when you step too close to a fire. messy blonde hair framing features that were once beautiful, but are now just tired. sharp whiskey and silent grief. honey eyes and tattooed wings beating against your shoulder, begging to be uncaged. 
family ties.
ezra savage --- american ambassador, soon to be retiring. generally a playful, fun man, very personable and agreeable. it’s what made him such a good diplomat and father. he was a thunderbird when attending ilvermorny, where he met his wife.
hara savage --- former wampus!!! tiny and fighty and very very loving. a huuuuge spitfire. currently back in the states to help her sick mother.
damaris savage --- baby sis!!! was honestly the sweetest, most fun young girl. big dreams and even bigger imagination. she was a 22, a junior healer --- one of the ones who were killed during the siege, actually. surprise!!!!!!
ALRIGHT SO the savages are actually an american pureblooded family!! though blood status typically didn’t matter as much in the states as did the way ezra made his way up to earning the title of AMBASSADOR. diplomat. emissary. whatever ya wanna call it!! 
though the savages were also a later branch of the highly regarded ROCHE family, of the original twelve aurors, due to one of the women in the family marrying a savage.
alisa was born in 1949 america, which with all things considered, really wasn’t that long after the ordeal with grindelwald. but it was also 1949 in the united states, so the red scare was going strong when she was born, which was an entirely different sort of witch hunt than the one her wizarding community grew to know
with the red scare as a guise, there were some lingering anti-wizard people who used it as an excuse to go after wizards. again. but this time by saying they were communist spies!!!
she grew up in a wizarding world that wasn’t AS sheltered and concealed since the disbandment of the new salem philanthropic society just over two decades before. 
the savages are spread all across the united states wizarding world, but this particular branch of them was fairly small and tight knit and centered right outside of new york city. much of alisa’s first eight years was spent bouncing back and forth between their home in new rochelle and the city.
after working as a translator for years, and growing from there, ezra finally reached a point where macusa and the president announced him to be their consul for the united kingdom’s wizarding world. this was v exciting for the family!!
so when she was nine, not long before she would have started her education at ilvermorny, the savages relocated to LONDON. fun!!! (sort of)
living on the wizarding world’s equivalent of embassy row and getting to witness this level of the government working was fascinating. her life from then on took the form of galas and exploring london with her mom (and eventually newborn sister, who was ten years younger than her) and mother and sitting in on some debates and discussions regarding foreign policies between the different countries.
a lot of political shit, but it also really shaped alisa?? it made her very interested in the mechanics of the government, and exposed her to how things WORKED. both in the ministry and macusa. it also displayed both groups’ PROBLEMS to her.
when she was 11 she was shipped off to hogwarts!!! 
her parents didn’t want her on a different continent while they were still working in england, so after some discussion with headmaster dumbledore, she was brought on board
sorted into slytherin!!! her personality was essentially highlighted in slytherin, where her fire and drive and goals were celebrated, though her american background did receive its own criticisms. for the most part, hogwarts were some of the best years of her life --- she was a member of too many clubs to keep track, a keeper for the slytherin team, a top student, and incredibly social w/in her peers. sure she could be a bit.......biting sometimes, but overall she was v sociable.
then to now.
so after graduating from hogwarts, she went straight into the auror academy!!! though she was good at playing the social realms of politics, it was never quite as much her speed as what the aurors did. even back in the states she had practically idolized the men and women with these jobs, so it was no question what she wanted to do.
a very ambitious and determined woman, she fought and worked her way higher and higher up through the department as years passed. there was always that unspoken struggle of being a woman in a male-dominated field. but she was damn good at her job!!!! sometimes a bit of an annoyance to her peers when she would fight back on some decisions made on cases, but it’s bc she has a fucking backbone boiiii
so as she went from junior auror to senior and everywhere in between, she gathered respect. enough of a reputation as well, to be promoted to head of the auror office in january of 1980 at age 31. she is the third woman to hold the position and ALMOST the youngest, but not quite
she’s a workaholic so since her promotion you can catch her at the ministry even MORE these days
she loves her job though, and is v v committed to getting things done through the right means. off the clock she’ll do anything to get the job done, but when at work she’s v big on ensuring everyone follows rules and protocol when it comes to cases. she doesn’t need shit being thrown out the window bc someone didn’t go through the right channels or was a dumbass and did something out of line. they’re going to do it the right way dammit!!!!
oh okay right and the ORDER i need to talk about that
so basically she joined near the start of the war?? she was around 22/23 and a v fiery, excitable new auror who had a tendency to push her luck and speak impulsively when she shouldn’t have. but it was enough to get the attention of dumbledore and his small order at the time, so she was RECRUITED
sort of a spy but also not really
more does a lot of the strategy work, social warfare, my local ootp mom
helps organize missions n shit
she actually ended up being fairly different??? or i at least highlighted different traits than i usually did with mia
a detail-oriented big picture thinker. used to act more impulsively, but at this age she’s more likely to step back and take everything in before making decisions or calls and it’s what makes her a good leader, but also can be what makes her seem COLD
low tolerance 4 bullshit
quick tongued
warm hearted, ultimately
ready to do what it takes for the cause, but she also has a particular moral code that she won’t typically break
somewhere within the lawful good and lawful neutral spectrum ???
p aggressive!!! like she’s 300 pounds of fight me in a 140lb body, but also aggressive in a different sense? like she’s willing to step forward and do or say the things some might not, also ready to push and push and push until someone breaks
like she’s a potty-mouthed ball of rage from 1940s new york, come on
can be a lil dramatic :/
optimistic, but not naive??? like how leia had 100% in the rebellion but she also wasn’t fuckin stupid
i could get into this more but u know what, i’m still learning her myself
fun facts.
u think she has coffee.......but in reality, it’s coffee AND whiskey
gets into aggressive debates about quidditch
always wearing heels, like it’s a bad day if she’s NOT
always has her nails done, it’s v extra
“what do u prefer, men or women” “i have a preference for justice”
has a black cat that she would probably die for
would also probably die 4 u reading this but anywhomst
loves greek mythos and literature in general
but esp greek mythos
pretty n tired, probably hasn’t gotten a full night’s sleep since 1972
OH AND FORGOT 2 MENTION THIS FARTHER UP BUT she’s been more.......volatile since the murder of her sister during the siege. v Not Happy. sara lance when laurel was killed? it alisa.
anyway i want 2 add more and learn her more bc i’m EXCITED and on a ROLL and those character parallels up there are giving me SO MUCH INSPIRATION but i have 2 work 11-9 today and it’s 10:30 so gotta blast
come plot w me thank
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mutantenfisch · 7 years
1 & 7
1. What is your Inquisitor’s name and race? (and small characterisation/backstory because I won’t shut up about my OCs)
Duuuude, I have like 17 Inquisitors by now… XDBut anyway, here they are, as ordered as possible.
The Dwarves:
Meret, Craeg, Arno and Eguzkia Cadash. Zelma Aeducan.
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Related only by name, Eguzkia bears the maiden name of her mother, who originally was a baker in Orzammar and ran away to the surface with a member of House Helmi who loves his wife and daughter deeply, despite them being lower caste. She and her mother were hired to provide their culinary arts to some nobles at the Conclave and it was only due to a chain of coincidence, that the young dwarf ends up being Herald of Andraste.
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Meret’s mother, on the other hand, was indeed a branded casteless who worked for the Carta. Her surface-born son followed her path due to having to provide her medicine for her chronic cough. One of his heist targets, a Tevinter mage and scholar in exile, sees the young dwarf’s intellectual potential and hires him and his mother as apprentice/bodyguard and housekeeper. A decade later, the trio’s interest in the Conclave is only marginal; the Tevinter, Lydus Maro, had planned to make the pilgrimage to the Temple of Sacred Ashes for religious reasons only and by chance, all three of them survive the Conclave, mostly thanks to the distance Lydus and Ama have kept to the temple. Of course, the following scandal with a dwarf of all people being the Herald of Andraste, and with him having a Tevinter “magister” advanced in years as a friend and lover does not help the fledgling Inquisition gaining approval or attention in its first days.
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Azelma was the second child of King Endrin Aeducan but after being framed for the murder of Trian, she was exiled to the deep roads. Unfortunately, she never managed to reach the Grey Wardens in time and instead joined the Legion of the Dead, to give her exile and death-in-name a meaningful purpose. A darkspawn emissary’s fire bolt nearly killed her and left one half of her face disfigured and the corresponding eye blinded and ear tingling. She follows some suspicious darkspawn activities to Haven and tries to warn the Divine. Her amnesia is worse than with any other Inquisitor in their respective time-line, for she can remember almost nothing about what happened in the two weeks before the Conclave. 
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Craeg is a surfacer who’s never been to Orzammar in his entire life, but as the resident bouncer at his favourite tavern, he had to deal with so many Carta dwarves who were, in fact, real casteless dwarves from the streets of Dust-Town which left for a better (if criminal) life, he decides one day to get one of those infamous face tattoos on his cheek as well. He was probably drunk when that happened. His reason to be at the Conclave was, as with most of my characters, purely business-related but since he has a talent for stumbling right into trouble, it was almost no coincidence that he picked up the orb. 
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Arno left his family the moment they declared he’d be married to a member of the Smith Caste and used the anonymity of the Surface to embrace his real identity and change his name from Nora to Arno. He picked the last name Cadash for he knew it was a quite common name among Carta-members and he was sure this would sound believable enough. He loves hitting stuff and wearing armour that conceals some parts of his physique. Smuggling Lyrium as a quick, if dangerous, source of income was good enough for him and especially after the downfall of the Circles, Templars were way too eager to keep their line of supply working, so he did’t ask many questions.
The Elves:
Ilargian, Meretari and Udane Ibaiguren.
They were taken in by clan Lavellan when the Ibaiguren were destroyed during events of the “Three-Queens” era in 9:17 Dragon. Only few clan members survived. 
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Ilargian is the oldest of the trio. In the worldstate where he becomes Inquisitor, he and his Starkhaven-born wife Maeve Ameslari, n elf-blooded healer and secretly self-taught hedge-mage, are on the run from the Mage-Templar War. They met a few years earlier when she was in temporary, contract-bound slavery for a Tevinter slave hunter company and escaped together. Now, he tries to get first-hand information about the outcome of the Conclave and decides to go there as a spy for his small, growing family. Being separated from his loved ones really tears on his nerves and sanity and sometimes only the companionship of the mysterious spirit boy can ease his pain and calm his fears, so he can sleep soundly at least during some nights.
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Meretari and Udane are half-sisters with a ten-year age-gap and while the older, Meretari, has a few childhood memories of her mother, two dads and twin-brother, the younger is named after Meretari’s mother who, in this worldstate, did not survive the flight to clan Lavellan but is kept in dear and loving memory by her husbands. Udane the Elder was also a cousin of Merrill’s mother and for Varric, the resemblance between Meretari and Hawke’s Dalish companion in Kirkwall is almost too uncanny to bear.
Ondras and Oroilora Lavellan
Again, these two are only related by their clan’s name, but are neither siblings nor cousins. Instead, O was sent to Clan Lavellan after her magic manifested, for Clan Sabrae already had Merrill as Marethari’s first.
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Ondras could be the epitome of a bratty teenager who is more interested in partying and flirting, if he didn’t also show a deep care towards others and their daily struggles. For most people, he makes the first impression of a very flamboyant youth who neither hides his good looks nor sexuality and some smell a scandal just waiting to happen. Despite his young age - he barely got his vallaslin before he volunteered to spy on the Conclave - he is an excellent marksman and caring and patient companion to those he grows friends with. 
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Oroilora is the keeper’s First and takes her elven pride and distrust towards humans a bit too seriously, but then again, she can’t be blamed for this. A few months before she got her vallaslin, the young mage encountered a troupe of noble-born hunters, who decided to declare the elf their “special” prey. She barely survived this encounter and chose Elgar’nan as her vallaslin and swore to hunt down and kill the humans who hurt and humiliated her. This hunt lead her to the Temple of Sacred Ashes.  
Manon Vallon
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Manon is one of the few survivors of Celene’s purge of Halamshiral’s Alienage. She was hired as a guard by an Orlesian hedge-knight who bears little love for the Empress’s actions during that night but also needs cheap muscle to protect his estate in the Dales from the brooding civil war. He watched her slaughter some of Celene’s soldiers in the streets outside the Alienage and that settled the deal for him.Manon was his bodyguard at the Conclave, even though she rather wanted to stay behind at her new home to protect her fellow servants, but had little say in the matter, which made her furious at first, but upon her return to the estate, she was glad her fortune turned out like this. She immediately put the whole remaining household under the Inquisition’s protection and retaliated upon the marauders for what they’ve done there.
The Humans:
Maxim, Irene, Roxana, Sebastien, Henry and Jean-Luc Trevelyan.
While Roxana and Jean-Luc both have only little memories of their family and spent most of their lives in the Circle, both have different approaches towards magic and the ongoing war.
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Jean-Luc, who was certain he would die of old age in his Senior Enchanter bed, is afraid of the open and of rain and enjoys staying by the fireplace, neck deep in his studies, now wields a green glowing thing on his hand, has to venture through mud and snow and what not and the only light at the end of the day is having conversation with his fellow researcher Minaeve or the heart-warmingly charming Ambassador Montilyet. 
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Roxana on the other hand thinks the war has been inevitable and considers it her duty to fight in it, to make mages’ lives safer. She holds no grudge against Templars in general, but then again, not every Circle was like Ostwick’s and not all Templars are nice people. 
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Irene served as a Templar for most of her life and while she takes her duties very seriously, and disagreed with Meredith’s leadership when she was stationed in Kirkwall, she can’t bring herself to fully trust mages, after having seen them being possessed or killing her friends with blood magic. She and Cullen know each other since their days in the Kinloch Hold Circle and even though she is a woman beyond her forties and at least for a while was above him in rank, she highly respects him and often speaks back with him when things have to be decided. 
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Sebastien is the illegitimate child of an Orlesian servant girl and one of the Trevelyans when this branch of the family resided in Ferelden around 9:15-9:20 Dragon. As a child, he was bullied by his peers for his parents, his accent, his protruding ears and his weight. That he searched solace in comfort-food, such as cookies, did not really help. Especially not, when the Hero of Ferelden and their entourage stopped at their village and the intimidating Qunari companion of the Grey Warden took the little boy’s cookies and told him he didn’t need more. What did help, was seeing the Hero and their friends in action and learning about Alistair becoming king of Ferelden. After this, the boy decided to become like his new idol and after a decade of fiercely practising the way of the sword, he has become a buff, towering young lad, who still loves cookies and has a thing for those pagan giants from the north. 
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Maxim, Max for short, is the youngest of four children, and while his mother was incredibly happy that at least her youngest was a girl, the following years showed that this was indeed not the case with young Max. While his father tolerates his personality and his interest in learning how to ride and fight and his older brothers accept him, his relationship to his mother is rather cold and strained by this circumstance. 
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Henry is the least person he himself would have thought becoming a hero of some sorts. The calm, quiet man might be a noble and might be quite proficient with a bow or his dual blades, but never had any ambition to actually do noble or heroic deeds. And after all, isn’t the Grey Warden or the Champion of Kirkwall what a real hero has to look or act like? No, for this orange haired man, this whole Herald business is just one big misunderstanding.
The Qunari
Zdravkos, Shura, Artemia and Ireth (though I’m not sure whether I will actually play the latter, due to her being already part of an Elder Scrolls crossover, where she is Dragonborn)
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Zdravkos is the son of Vashoth mercenaries who serve as regular guards for a quite unimportant Orlesian nobleman and his family. The boy, even though he always knew he was treated a little different than the other servants’ children, grew up to be a kind and gentle, soft-spoken young lad who would, in his teen years, often impress guests of the house with his skill as both a painter and a dancer, despite his height and “savage” origin. When his magic manifested, at the rather high age of nineteen,  his family’s patron arranged for him being taken to the Circle of Montsimmard, where Kos showed quite some talent for both frost and healing magic and successfully completed his Harrowing only a few years after coming to the Circle and months before the Civil War started. While he is no eager player of the Game, he has a talent for it and uses this to his own benefit after becoming Inquisitor.
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Shura is again a vashoth and also a true mercenary. She convinces with her intimidating height - and strange beauty - as much as with her broadaxe. Then again, her abilities as a leader, or at least second-in-command, weren’t just valued by her former company, but also by her fellow Inquisition members. 
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Artemia, Temi for her friends, grew up near the Antivan border and as a child, always hoped her horns would curve in a way that’d make it possible for her to use them to swing on them.In the end, she grew faster than her horns and the early death of her Tal-Vashoth parents made it necessary for her to take on any kind of work that would make it possible for her and her younger siblings to survive on their own. She joins the Valo-Kas mercenaries when her siblings are old enough to look after themselves and loses both her horns to enemies’ axes. She’s furious on the battlefield and a whirlwind with her long knives. But as soon as children are in danger she turns into something the Qun would have called a Tamassran, like her mother once was, and fights like a dragon to defend them.
2. Who is your Inquisitor’s best friend?This is indeed not easy to ask. In means of approval, most of my Inquisitors get along well with Varric - Eguzkia Cadash and Henry Trevelyan are declared fans of his work as well. Then again, depending on the character and background, my Inquis have different views and values and since some of them have accompanying NPC OCs, those count, too.For Meret, his lover Lydus is also his best friend - much to the delight of his mum, who is happy her boy is happy. He also becomes friends with Minaeve and both Bram Kenric and Frederic of Serault, the latter eventually engaging in a polyamory relationship with Meret and Lydus.Ilargian would probably be lost without Cole’s presence. The boy knows when to say the right things to the elf and he is the first person he can share his burden of worrying about his family with, while not having to give away too much verbal information about them. He also gets along very well with Blackwall and, to his own surprise, with Dorian.Meretari often sticks to herself, but becomes good friends with Scout Harding, while Udane befriends the Chargers, as does Max.Zdravkos, now that he has the chance, bonds with Vivienne over their similar views towards magic and mages, Jean-Luc and Oroilora become friends with Solas.Irene sticks somewhat to her habits and hangs around with the (ex-)Templars a lot but also becomes friends with Blackwall and Cassandra.For Shura, no-one, not even herself can tell whether she was first friends, then lovers with Sera or if it was the other way around. Fact is, when they can, they plunder the kitchen larder together or prank those who understand fun. Eguzkia gets along with Sera very good, too, but without the romance part. And she sometimes slows Sera down, when a prank seems harmful to her.Pfhhhew, that was a lot. Thank you very much for asking!
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feywildrp · 7 years
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THE PEACEMAKER // Hyacinth. Earth fey: Tervuren. Unseelie Court.                 Born in 1744. Living at the Atlas, Apt. 11B.
Personal Power: Growth; Hyacinth has the ability to influence and accelerate growth in plants by touching them, including growth to unusual size or abundance.
KNOWN TRAITS // Diplomatic, empathetic, generous, insightful, covert.
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The brave flower that blooms through blankets of snow. Cabinets full of vials of dried petals. Tree bark and vanilla pods. Birch branches and lemon balm. The bright strength of spearmint. The calm serenity of lavender. A porcelain tea pot brewing rooibos and rose hips. Steaming mugs and soft furs on a cold day. A crystal coded memory, a labyrinth for secrets. Sage and thyme. Rue and columbine. Loveletters sent longing, faintly scented with roses.
⇢ Trigger warnings: death mentions. ⇢ Note: Hyacinth is nonbinary using only he/him.
Hyacinth was born to doting parents; though they didn’t understand him, they did their best to support him. His parents were Unseelie through and through. His mother had even been awarded a valour scar from Queen Celia. However, Hyacinth was born with a personal power unique among the Unseelie and far more suited to Seelie temperaments. No one judged him for it—indeed, some Unseelie sought him out for help with herbs rather than seek out a Seelie—and so Hyacinth’s loyalty to the Unseelie Court and his place in it has never wavered. Nevertheless, Hyacinth sought from an early age to find a way to bridge the gap between his personal preferences and Unseelie culture. Knighthood, for all its danger, seemed a natural fit for him. Though the Knights had notoriously short lives compared to other fey as they had a habit of winding up on the Tithe due to knowing or doing some secret thing, Hyacinth’s parents still supported his choice. It was a career in which he could serve his Court and feel at home in his talents, as Knights traditionally emulated parts of the other Court’s culture so as to not give insult when travelling there. Hyacinth was careful not to acquire any scars or tattoos to be in line with Seelie culture, and soon was awarded Knighthood by Queen Celia. The start of his career was exemplary and he felt like he really came into himself.
Around 1845, Hyacinth had a dalliance with Princess Lacha. Soonafter, he also discovered one of the royal family’s secrets while on a mission to the Seelie. He knew it was exactly the sort of secret that would land him on the Tithe, but he was also too honourable not to tell at least Lacha that the Seelie knew it. With his life between his teeth, Hyacinth chose to put his Court first. Lacha kept this secret too, finding his honour somehow striking. When Lacha became Queen, she did the best she could: she called off the affair, removed Hyacinth from a Knighthood spent trading in secrets, and chose not to Tithe him. Instead, she shared the secret and washed her hands of it. Though it hurt Hyacinth to no longer be a Knight, he appreciated the gift of his life. He then became a renowned herbalist for the Unseelie and distant friend of the Queen. When another Knight was Tithed in 1970 amidst the cold truce of the Courts, Lacha asked him to be a Knight again, since she could trust him to be honourable. Hyacinth accepted, and all has been well—until recently, when Hyacinth inferred who Camellia’s true father was during a conversation with Lacha. His face gave him away, and he knows that she knows that he knows. Hyacinth doesn’t want to be Tithed—especially not after finding his love, Elise—but he can’t ask the Queen to stay her hand twice.
GAME UPDATE 06/21: In 2018′s annual An Fidchell battle, Elise was chosen among the Elite 5 in the hopes of staying the Queen’s hand and preventing Hyacinth from being on the Tithe as was her wish. Unfortunately, Elise was killed by David Ventura. This both continues his danger on the Queen’s Tithe and makes his heartfelt loss acute. Now, to try and escape the Tithe next year, will he ingratiate himself again to Queen Lacha, or join Jasper’s Fox Rebellion?
Knight & Bartender.
Knights are known for “the gentle art of letting someone have it your way.” They are the diplomats, the emissaries, the ambassadors between Courts. Though valuable assets, both their secret dealings and the propensity to shoot the messenger makes the job dangerous. Hyacinth goes to the Seelie Court on missions for the Queen; when not focused on a mission, Hyacinth’s a bartender at the Rookery and has their spy, Zinnia, reporting to him.
David: Hyacinth doesn’t know the extent of the effect of David’s wish, but assumes it was pretty thorough. That being said, he doesn’t care. Elise was willing to die to save Hyacinth’s life and that sort of love is rare and beautiful. Hyacinth will hunt David down and ruin his wish—ideally by luring him back into Playing once more.
Aster: The other bartender at the Rookery often with him, Hyacinth has begun a tentative friendship with the Alchemist’s Apprentice. Aster seems a little wide-eyed, despite all his edgy trappings, and Hyacinth has considered giving a guiding hand, knowing Malachite can be—complicated—to get along with.
Sorrel: Sorrel is a thorn in Hyacinth’s side. He doesn’t like disliking people, but Sorrel purposefully makes it difficult to get along with him. Hyacinth doesn’t know why Sorrel has it out for him, but he’s determined not to let whatever is up Sorrel’s ass affect his own missions or his relationship with the Seelie Court.
PLAYLIST 1. Chrysalis // 2. Alive // 3. Bloom
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Hyacinth is portrayed by Alfred Enoch. The faceclaim is NEGOTIABLE. Hyacinth is currently OPEN and AVAILABLE for application.
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motheatenscarf · 7 years
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The Closet of Rowan Shan
Alliance Princess: Okay so TECHNICALLY the Alliance did away with the whole Empire thing and TECHNICALLY Rowan’s just the Commander’s daughter with no inherited title but do you think that stopped a single person from unofficially dubbing her the Princess?
Spy Chic: Would you really believe she was Theron’s kid if she didn’t have a red jacket she had an unhealthy attachment to?
Ambassador: Diplomacy garbs for yelling at people and making peace.
Ceremonial Armor: Designed for leading armies and boosting morale.
Combat Armor: Put on some actual armor and try not being such a squishy space wizard alla damn time, kid, sheesh. 
Jedi Heritage: Gee, Rowan, wouldn’t it be nice if at least one of your grandparents took an interest in you? Oh well. You can still emulate their fashion based on old holos to feel a sense of belonging!
Diplomat: Somethin a bit fancier than her ambassadorial garbs, usually for when her presence is more authoritative than her words.
Princess Casual: More what she wears when she isn’t deliberately trying to hide who she is like with the spy chic.
Cold Weather Gear: For when you gotta bundle up but don’t want to sacrifice looking adorable to keep from freezing to death.
Sparring: This probably needs more knee and elbow pads for when she inevitably falls on her ass, the poor disaster child.
Specialist: There is a time and a place for bright red regalia with gold embellishments but covert operations is not one of them.
Fancy Pants Dress: Please for the love of god, no one ask her to dance, she’s probably at an important function and half the galaxy’s diplomats don’t need to see her fall on her face.
Weapon: Satele Shan’s Sparring Lightsaber (Silver Blue Crystal/Overcharged                     Weapon Tuning)
Because it’s pretty and fits with her heritage, and again, helps her to feel closer to the significantly less evil of her two jerk grandmas.
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1. Alliance Princess
Chest: Ruthless Scion’s Breastplate (Dark Red/Black)
Hands: Vintage Republic Military Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Ruthless Scion’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Revanite Avenger Bracers (match)
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2. Spy Chic
Chest: Secret Agent’s Jacket (Black/Deep Red)
Hands: Drifter Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Canderous Ordo’s Belt (Deep Red/Black)
Legs: Secret Agent’s Pants (match)
Feet: Underworld Anarchist’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Secret Agent’s Bracers (match)
Head: Disabled
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3. Ambassador
Chest: Voidmaster’s Robe (White/Light Brown)
Hands: Vintage Republic Military Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Vintage Republic Military Greaves (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Revanite Avenger Bracers (match)
Head: Zakuulan Security’s Headband (match)
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4. Ceremonial Armor
Chest: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Breastplate
Hands: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Gauntlets
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Greaves
Feet: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Boots
Wrists: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Bracers
Head: Zakuulan Security’s Headband (Secondary Pale Brown)
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5. Combat Armor
Chest: Horizon Guard’s Chest Armor
Hands: Zakuul Knight Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt
Legs: Horizon Guard’s Greaves
Feet: Thexan’s Boots
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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6. Jedi Heritage
Chest: Satele Shan’s Tunic (Dark Red/Pale Brown)
Hands: Wicked Huntress’ Gloves (match)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt
Legs: Gifted Shadow’s Greaves
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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7. Diplomat
Chest: Revanite Avenger’s Breastplate (White/Black)
Hands: Thexan’s Gloves
Waist: Revanite Avenger’s Belt (Secondary Pale Brown)
Legs: Revanite Avenger’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Bracers
Head: Non-Visible
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8. Princess Casual
Chest: Lucien Draay’s Upper Robe (Deep Red/Black)
Hands: Thexan’s Gloves
Waist: Thexan’s Belt
Legs: Gifted Shadow’s Greaves
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Dark Red/Black)
Wrists: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Bracers
Head: Disabled
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9. Cold Weather Gear
Chest: Polar Exploration Jacket (White/White)
Hands: Stalker’s Gloves (match)
Waist: Snowtrooper’s Belt (match)
Legs: Martial Pilgrim Pants (match)
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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10. Sparring
Chest: Visas Marr’s Robes
Hands: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Gauntlets
Waist: Thexan’s Belt
Legs: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Pants (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Bracers
Head: Disabled
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11. Alliance Specialist
Chest: Alliance Reconnaissance Breastplate
Hands: Outlander Scavenger’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Snowtrooper’s Belt (match)
Legs: Alliance Reconnaissance Pants
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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12. Fancy Party Dress
Chest: Genteel Dress Top (White/Black)
Hands: Slave Girl Bracelets
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Alliance Emissary’s Lower Robes (match)
Feet: Genteel Dress Shoes (match)
Wrists: Shikaakwan Royalty’s Bracers
Head: Zakuulan Security’s Headband (White/Light Brown)
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titansface · 7 years
Codex: Walk Without Rhythm - Quest Log
Day One
You travel overnight on a military boat and arrive in the early morning, docking in Bonissa's Low Town. 
You are taken to the Royal Palace, where you establish yourselves as Ilse's personal guests staying in her private quarters. She introduces you to her personal servants, Cordelia, Nettle, and Garlen, as well as her pet drake Muad'dib.
Protector Erskine, an officer of the palace guard, searches your personal belongings but does not find anything objectionable. Your party however finds Erskine's manner very objectionable.
Aurun, who accompanied you to Bonissa from Wanocce, reveals that he has brought along several magical items that he believes may be helpful to you in your quest, as long as you do not mind that he stole them from his job at the Storm Coast Academy's archives.
Low Town
Nettle accompanies the party back to Low Town as a guide. At the Prancing Pierogi tavern, your party start an impromptu eating competition that pits Cupcakes against several competitors. Your party is able to make a fair amount of coin wagering on the competition. In the process you also incur the favor of the tavern's proprietor, who appreciated the entertainment you provided and invited you to return the following night as guests of honor during the Ankommenstag opening ceremonies. You also establish contact with a gnome engineer named Kowalski, who is in fact a relative of the Kowalskis you know in Nestora. He may be of use should you need anything exploded.
While in Low Town you stop by the Low Town Market and browse the various goods on sale from the street vendors and storefronts. In conversation with Nettle, Rethkka learns that the type of mana-powered blaster weapon she has been looking for may be available at the palace from the Order of the Serpent's armory.
A quintet of dwarf brigands ambush the party in the market. An elf rogue who had been observing the party from afar also comes to their aid and helps them defeat the brigands, who turn out to be not much of a challenge. At the same time, the party notices another shadowy figure observing them from an alley across the market.
City guards from the Order of the Wolf appear and round up the three brigands who survived the battle. Nettle is able to produce credentials storm the palace that spare the party from any scrutiny for their part in the combat. The elf rogue who aided the party gives her name as Melohari and says that she works for an organization that makes it their business to keep tabs on persons of interest in the city. She also says that her organization frequently is contracted for work by House Dracaedis and that she will be a guest at thebes's palace tonight.
The party then investigates the alley where the shadowy figure was observing them and find an ornate key lying on the ground as well as hidden maintenance hatch leading into the sewers. While exploring the sewers, searching for traces of the shadowy figure, the party splits. One half of the party finds another maintenance hatch that has been wired with traps. The other half of the party finds a giant albino alligator, who turns out to be sentient and able to communicate psychically, and whom you are able to appease with an offering of tribute in the form of a grilled cheese sandwich.
Upon disarming the traps on the maintenance hatch and picking the lock, the party is able to access a small, sparsely furnished room that appears to be some sort of dormitory room or perhaps prison cell, except there is no readily apparent way out of the room. Exploring the room, you find a footlocker filled with wigs, theatrical makeup and prosthetics, and a nondescript pauper’s robe. There is a wardrobe in the room that is empty save for some high quality clothes hangers whose quality and apparent cost seem incongruous with the rest of the room. Additionally, a vent is found to hold two hidden items, a small ornate snuff box filled with spice melange and and equally ornate scroll case containing a scroll written in code, which the party cannot decipher.
The party finds a hidden door leading out of the room and is able to trigger it, discovering that it leads into what appears to be a storage room or armory for the Order of the Wolf. Footsteps and voices coming from the floor above seem to indicate that this room is situated under an active guard station. The party decides to leave the way you came in, through the sewer.
Royal Palace
Back at the Royal Palace, your party washes the stench of the sewers off yourselves and prepares for dinner with the royal family. You find that Ilse has a visitor in her quarters before dinner, her half-brother Alric.
The party heads downstairs to the Lesser Dining Room, where nearly a hundred people are sitting in the antechamber socializing before dinner begins. Ilse begins circulating around the room while the party are left to observe the guests and approach any persons of interest. The prevailing sentiment of the guests seems overwhelmingly favorable towards House Dracaedis. There are several expressions of disdain and distrust for the city-state of Tolan and its citizens.
Amai sees Melohari, who appears to be a part of a group of four women. She asks Ilse about her, and Ilse explains that Melohari’s organization is one of several in the city that are employed by nobles to spy on each other and perform other clandestine work in hopes of gaining advantage over political and business rivals.
Ceru strikes up a conversation with a dwarf engineer named Wirik who works for the Ministry of Abundance’s R&D Division. He reveals that he helped design the palace’s defense system and is working in the palace during the Ankommenstag Festival to personally make sure that it is functioning properly during this important week. Ceru invites him back to Ilse’s quarters to introduce him to Rabbit, and he is suitably impressed by the technology in play. He offers an invitation to tour the palace security system behind the scenes. 
Rethkka finds Alric at a table playing a complex game with a group of friends, which he says is called Owlbears and Oubliettes. She asks him if there are any representatives of the Cult of the Shifting Sands among the guests, and he points out High Priest Eoghan, a human woman who is part of the large entourage that has gathered around his cousins Garek and Bertok.
Amai notices a very striking qunari woman enter the room and speaks with her. The woman is very beautiful but has extensive scarring around her mouth. She says that she left the Qunari because she disagreed with some aspects of their philosophy and felt her talents would be better utilized if she set out on her own to see the world and seek her fortunes. It is ultimately revealed that she is Birener, the emissary from Rockfort Foundries. When she later tells her grandfather, Maraas, about the encounter, he says that the Qunari would often be distrustful of mages and would sew the mouths shut of mages who were found to be practicing forbidden kinds of magic.
Queen Irulan then appears and invites the guests into the dining room proper to eat. The party splits up at different tables to better observe and engage the guests.
Rethkka sits with Alric and shows him the coded scroll that they found in the hidden room in the sewers. He is able to decode it and reveals that it is a list of the party’s names and physical descriptions.
Krazztar sits at a table directly next to that of the royal family so that he can eavesdrop on their conversations. He hears them discussing the upcoming tournament as well as plans to celebrate the opening ceremonies of Ankommenstag at a club called the Obsidian Wyvern in High Town tomorrow night.
Krazztar also speaks with a young mage at his table named Tamlaros, who is a junior secretary of the ambassador from the city-state of Anjiksa, who is negotiating the renewal of trade agreements with Bonissa in advance of Ankommenstag. Because their work is mostly done, Tamlaros, who is also an arcane scholar, plans to spend most of his time exploring the libraries in Bonissa, particularly the palace library and the library at the Temple of the Shifting Sands. He says he has heard those two buildings also have private collections with even rarer books of arcane lore, but that his requests to visit the private collections have so far been denied. 
Irulan circulates to each table, greeting her guests and having a brief conversation with each of them. Rethkka takes this opportunity to ask about the Cult of the Shifting Sands, and Irulan offers to arrange for the party to visit their temple.
As the evening winds down, Sovereign Lord Caedmon finally makes an appearance. Ceru and Krazztar join the queue to speak with Caedmon, greeting him as diplomats from Nestora and thanking him for his hospitality.
Ceru then joins Wirik and a group of his colleagues from the Ministry of Abundance, including his boss, Lord Minister Thesephi, who are socializing with Birener and Alric. The topic of conversation is spice harvesting and refinement, and it quickly takes on the wonky tenor of shop-talk. The group then decides to adjourn to a favorite local tavern, the Brass Cog. Birener declines the invitation but Ceru convinces Alric to tag along. Faendal, Krazztar, and Nettle follow behind stealthily in case any danger arises.
Late Night
Meanwhile, Hunter notices a small paper note has been passed to him, suggesting that he investigate an address in Low Town’s Harborside District. He recruits Amai to accompany him, and they borrow a motorcycle from the palace motor pool.
At the Brass Cog, the contingent from the Ministry of Abundance get VIP treatment and drink with abandon late into the night. Faendal and Krazztar notice that Nettle is displaying surprising acumen at stealthily following and observing the party, and she explains that Ilse has been teaching her certain skills to help her effectively spy on palace staff and visitors, low-level espionage apparently being a favored pastime in Bonissa. Ceru proposes to the party to play the rocket dog game with Cupcakes, and the assembled drunken nerds immediately begin engineering a ramp with altogether too much fervor and zeal. Alric beats a hasty retreat, as do Faendal, Krazztar, and Nettle.
Back in Low Town, Hunter and Amai arrive at the address, which is a seemingly abandoned warehouse. They attempt to pick a lock but cannot, so instead they ring the buzzer at the loading dock entrance. A pair of surprised humans answer, both dressed in clothes more suited to High Town than a derelict building in the Harborside District. Hunter and Amai say that their motorcycle ran out of fuel and ask if they have any. The pair, who introduce themselves as Soror Ignem and Frater Lucem, let them in to grab a can of fuel from inside, though they appear anxious to get the strangers out of the warehouse as soon as possible. While Amai retrieves the fuel, Hunter asks to use the restroom. The warehouse is immaculately clean and the bathroom is stocked with fine soaps, towels, and other amenities that would befit nobles more than longshoremen or warehouse workers. With some tactful investigation, Ignem and Lucem reveal that they are preparing the building for an event on the following evening. Sensing that the pair’s patience is wearing thin, Amai and Hunter decide to leave.
Later, as the sun rises over the Brass Cog, after several hours of trial runs, careful measurement of trajectories and velocity, diligent note taking, and iterative revisioning of the ramp design, the Rocket Dog sails gloriously through the air, silhouetted against the rising sun for one perfect moment, an unmitigated triumph for the scientific method.
Coming Up
Tomorrow night is the opening night ceremonies of Ankommenstag. There will be several celebrations throughout the city, including the Prancing Pierogi in Low Town and the Obsidian Wyvern in High Town. 
Also tomorrow night, there will be some sort of secret event held in the mysterious warehouse in Low Town’s Harborside District.
You have a standing invitation from the Order of the Wolf to return to Low Town and interrogate the dwarf brigands who attacked you in the market.
Queen Irulan has offered to meet with you to assist in arranging for your party to visit the Temple of the Shifting Sands.
Wirik, a dwarf engineer from the Ministry of Abundance, has offered to give your party a tour behind the scenes of the palace security system.
Later this week there will be other events, including a combat tournament and a grand ball at the royal palace. These may be opportunities to gain influence and prestige.
Continue to Day Two >>
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learnprogress · 8 years
British Spy Warns America: FBI Ignoring Trump’s Russian Ties [VIDEO]
Would you believe that the FBI knew of Donald Trump’s Russian involvement in July 2016? And they sat on it, focusing instead on Hillary Clinton’s Emails? Because they did.
British intelligence agent Christopher Steele’s concern on Trump’s Russian connections led him to notify the FBI and, ultimately, John McCain. The constant flow of evidence of Trump’s involvement with Russia should lead to his immediate impeachment.
Steele expressed concern about the FBI’s inaction on the Russian ties to Trump. He met with the former British ambassador to Russia, Sir Andrew Wood, and provided him with the information.
Maddow asks the essential question: "what is going on with the FBI?" https://t.co/GYTvt0QIDh
— HawaiiDelilah (@HawaiiDelilah) January 14, 2017
Wood then contacted Senator McCain about what he had. McCain sent an emissary to London to get the dossier with the damning information.
After receiving the information, McCain presented it to Comey personally. Without McCain’s involvement, it is doubtful that the FBI would release the information.
The FBI sitting on the Trump information should lead to the removal of Director Comey. Holding such information on Trump’s Russian connections from Congress and the public is treasonous.
Prosecution for treason is the conclusion for all parties involved with concealing this information on Trump and Putin. The Constitution backs it.
We must insist that Congress hold a nonpartisan investigation on Trump’s Russian involvement. It is a threat to our national security.
Americans must contact their elected representatives and demand this investigation. Having a president who is beholden to Russia is a threat to world security.
Please share this on Facebook so that everyone can see this video.
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from British Spy Warns America: FBI Ignoring Trump’s Russian Ties [VIDEO]
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 4 -vetlh
-vetlh that
The second suffix of specification, and the final Type 4 noun suffix, -vetlh means that. If you are saying that on its own, the word you need, literally that thing, is Dochvetlh.
bangvetlh that loved one (n) beHvetlh that rifle (n) beqvetlh that crewmember (n) betleHvetlh that bat'leth (n) be'vetlh that woman (n) be'Homvetlh that girl (n) be'nalvetlh that wife (n) be'nI'vetlh that sister (n) bIjvetlh that punishment (n) bobcho'vetlh that module (n) boQvetlh that aide (n) boQDu'vetlh that aide-de-camp (n) bovvetlh that era (n) buvvetlh that classification (n) bu'vetlh that Sergeant (n) chamwI'vetlh that technician (n) charghwI'vetlh that conqueror (n) chavvetlh that achievement (n) che'ronvetlh that battlefield (n) che'wI'vetlh that ruler (n) chIjwI'vetlh that navigator (n) chIrghvetlh that temple (n) choHvetlh that change, alteration (n) chomvetlh that bartender (n) chotwI'vetlh that murderer (n) cho'wI'vetlh that successor (to authority) (n) chunDabvetlh that meteor (n) chunwI'vetlh that innocent (n) chutvetlh that law (n) DachwI'vetlh that absentee (n) Dasvetlh that boot (n) Da'vetlh that corporal (rank) (n) Debvetlh that desert (n) DeSvetlh that arm (n) DevwI'vetlh that leader (n) Dochvetlh that thing (n) Dolvetlh that entity (n) Dupvetlh that strategy (n) Duy'a'vetlh that ambassador (n) Duyvetlh that agent, emissary (n) Duy'vetlh that defect (n) gharwI'vetlh that diplomat (n) ghatlhwI'vetlh that dom, domme (n) ghIchvetlh that nose (n) ghIghvetlh that necklace (n) ghItlhwI'vetlh that writer (n) ghochvetlh that destination (n) ghojmoHwI'vetlh that teacher (n) ghojmoqvetlh that nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI'vetlh that student (n) gholvetlh that opponent, adversary (n) gholvetlh that opponent (n) ghongwI'vetlh that abuser (n) ghopvetlh that hand (n) ghoqwI'vetlh that spy (n) ghuvetlh that baby (n) ghu'vetlh that situation (n) Halvetlh that source (n) HanDoghvetlh that nacelle (n) HaqwI'vetlh that surgeon (n) HarwI'vetlh that believer (n) Hevetlh that course, route (n) HejwI'vetlh that robber (n) HeSvetlh that crime (n) HeSwI'vetlh that criminal (n) HIchDalvetlh that airlock (n) HIDjolevvetlh that menu (n) HIpvetlh that uniform (n) HIvwI'vetlh that attacker (n) HI'vetlh that dictator (n) HoDvetlh that captain (n) Holvetlh that language (n) Hovvetlh that star (n) Ho'wI'vetlh that admirer (n) HubwI'vetlh that defender (n) Humanvetlh that human (n) Hurghvetlh that pickle (n) jabwI'vetlh that food server (n) jaghvetlh that enemy (n) jawvetlh that lord (n) jIHvetlh that viewing screen (n) jIlvetlh that neighbor (n) joHvetlh that lord (n) jojlu'vetlh that consul (n) jonta'vetlh that engine (n) jonwI'vetlh that engineer (n) joqwI'vetlh that flag (n) joSwI'vetlh that gossip (n) julvetlh that sun (n) jupvetlh that friend (n) laghvetlh that ensign (n) lajvetlh that acceptance (n) la'quvvetlh that Supreme Commander (n) laSvarghvetlh that factory (n) lengvetlh that trip, voyage, journey (n) le'wI'vetlh that specialist (n) lIghwI'vetlh that rider (n) lIngwI'vetlh that generator (n) lIyvetlh that comet (n) loDvetlh that man (n) loDHomvetlh that boy (n) loDnalvetlh that husband (n) loDnI'vetlh that brother (n) loHwI'vetlh that administrator (n) lojmItvetlh that door (n) lotlhwI'vetlh that rebel (n) lupDujHomvetlh that shuttlecraft (n) luSpetvetlh that collapsed star (n) mabvetlh that treaty (n) maghwI'vetlh that traitor (n) mangHomvetlh that cadet (n) maSvetlh that moon (n) matHa'vetlh that gunner (n) mavjopvetlh that paper clip (n) may'vetlh that battle (n) mebvetlh that guest (n) mechwI'vetlh that trader (n) memvetlh that catalogue (n) mIrvetlh that chain (n) mIvvetlh that helmet (n) mobwI'vetlh that loner (n) molvetlh that grave (n) morghwI'vetlh that protester (n) muchwI'vetlh that presenter (n) mughwI'vetlh that translator (n) mu'vetlh that word (n) mu'ghomvetlh that dictionary (n) mu'tay'vetlh that vocabulary (n) mutvetlh that species (n) nabvetlh that plan (n) naDvetlh that commendation (n) naghvetlh that rock, stone (n) naHvetlh that fruit, vegetable (n) naQvetlh that cane, stick, rod, staff (n) nIHwI'vetlh that thief (n) nobvetlh that gift (n) novvetlh that alien, foreigner (n) nuchvetlh that coward (n) nuHvetlh that weapon (n) nganvetlh that inhabitant (n) ngemvetlh that forest, woods (n) ngengvetlh that lake (n) ngervetlh that theory (n) ngochvetlh that policy (n) ngoDvetlh that fact (n) ngongvetlh that experiment (n) ngorwI'vetlh that cheat (n) ngupvetlh that cape (n) paHvetlh that gown (n) paqvetlh that book (n) paQDI'norghvetlh that teachings (n) patvetlh that system (n) peghvetlh that secret (n) pInvetlh that boss (n) pIn'a'vetlh that master (n) pIwvetlh that odour (n) poghvetlh that glove (n) pongvetlh that name (n) pumvetlh that accusation (n) pumwI'vetlh that accuser (n) puqbe'vetlh that daughter (n) puqvetlh that child, offspring (n) puqloDvetlh that son (n) puyqajvetlh that nova (n) qabvetlh that face (n) qachvetlh that building, structure (n) qaDvetlh that challenge (n) qaDwI'vetlh that challenger (n) qama'vetlh that prisoner (n) qechvetlh that idea (n) qepvetlh that meeting (n) qeSwI'vetlh that advisor (n) qochvetlh that partner (n) qo'vetlh that world (n) qoHvetlh that fool (n) qoSvetlh that birthday (n) qughDujvetlh that cruiser (n) qulvetlh that fire (n) qumvetlh that government (n) qumwI'vetlh that governor (n) qupvetlh that elder (n) quSvetlh that chair (n) Qaghvetlh that error (n) Qangvetlh that chancellor (n) Qapla'vetlh that success (n) Qebvetlh that ring (for finger) (n) Qe'vetlh that restaurant (n) QeDpInvetlh that science officer (n) Qelvetlh that doctor, physician (n) QIghpejvetlh that agoniser (n) Qobvetlh that danger (n) Quchvetlh that forehead (n) Qughvetlh that disaster (n) Qujvetlh that game (n) QumpInvetlh that communications officer (n) QupwI'vetlh that youngster (n) QuSwI'vetlh that conspirator (n) Qu'vetlh that duty (n) ramvetlh that night (n) ravvetlh that floor (n) ra'wI'vetlh that commander (n) rejmorghvetlh that worrywart (n) rewbe'vetlh that citizen (n) rIpvetlh that council, assembly (n) rIvSo'vetlh that Embassy (n) ropvetlh that disease (n) ropyaHvetlh that hospital (n) Sajvetlh that pet (n) Sanvetlh that fate (n) Seghvetlh that type, sort, class (n) Sengvetlh that trouble (n) Sepvetlh that region (n) Sevvetlh that bandage (n) SIDvetlh that patient (n) SIrghvetlh that wire (n) Soghvetlh that lieutenant (n) Sorvetlh that tree (n) SoSvetlh that mother (n) SoSnI'vetlh that grandmother (n) Sotlaw'vetlh that distress call (n) SuchwI'vetlh that visitor (n) SuvwI'vetlh that warrior (n) Suyvetlh that merchant (n) tavetlh that record (n) tajvetlh that knife (n) tamlervetlh that element (n) tayvetlh that ceremony, rite, ritual (n) ta'vetlh that emperor (n) tejvetlh that scientist (n) tera'nganvetlh that Earth person (n) tevvetlh that prize (n) tIghvetlh that custom (n) toDwI'vetlh that rescuer (n) totlhvetlh that commodore (n) toy'wI''a'vetlh that slave (n) toy'wI'vetlh that servant (n) tumvetlh that agency (n) tutvetlh that column (n) tlhabvetlh that freedom, independence (n) tlhaqvetlh that chronometer (n) tlheghvetlh that line, rope (n) tlhInganvetlh that Klingon (n) vaHvetlh that holster (n) vajvetlh that warrior (n) vanvetlh that tribute, salute (n) van'a'vetlh that award (n) vavvetlh that father (n) vavnI'vetlh that grandfather (n) veHvetlh that boundary (n) vengvetlh that city (n) vengHomvetlh that village (n) veqlarghvetlh that devil, demon, Fek'lhr (n) vI'wI'vetlh that sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleHvetlh that emperor (n) vubvetlh that hostage (n) vuDvetlh that opinion (n) vulqanganvetlh that Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI'vetlh that chef, cook (n) vutwI'vetlh that chef (n) vu'wI'vetlh that manager (n) wamwI'vetlh that hunter (n) wanI'vetlh that experience (n) waqvetlh that shoe (n) we'lISDaq nganvetlh that Welsh person (n) wemvetlh that violation (n) wepvetlh that coat (n) weQvetlh that candle (n) wIchvetlh that myth (n) wIghvetlh that genius (n) wIjwI'vetlh that farmer (n) wIyvetlh that tactical display (n) yabvetlh that mind, brain (n) yavetlh that tactical officer (n) yaSvetlh that officer (n) yayvetlh that victory, triumph (n) yIbvetlh that vent (n) yolvetlh that conflict (n) yoqvetlh that humanoid (n) yupma'vetlh that festival (n) yuQvetlh that planet (n) 'ajvetlh that admiral (n) 'avwI'vetlh that guard (n) 'ay'vetlh that section (n) 'ebvetlh that opportunity (n) 'echvetlh that brigadier (n) 'Ipvetlh that oath (n) 'ISjaHvetlh that calendar (n) 'ochvetlh that tunnel (n) 'oDwI'vetlh that arbiter (n) 'oSwI'vetlh that Emissary, Representative (n) 'otlhvetlh that photon (n) 'ovwI'vetlh that competitor (n) 'oy'naQvetlh that painstik (n) bangvetlh that love (n) 'utlhvetlh that officer (n)
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 4 -ra’
-ra’ your (beings able to use language)
This is the final possessive suffix for beings able to use language. This is the second person plural suffix.
bangra' your love (n) be'ra' your woman (n) be'Homra' your girl (n) bejwI'ra' your watcher (n) be'nalra' your wife (n) be'nI'ra' your sister (n) beqra' your crewmember (n) bojwI'ra' your nag (n) boQra' your aide (n) boQDu'ra' your aide-de-camp (n) bu'ra' your Sergeant (n) chamwI'ra' your technician (n) charghwI'ra' your conqueror (n) che'wI'ra' your ruler (n) chIjwI'ra' your navigator (n) chomra' your bartender (n) chotwI'ra' your murderer (n) cho'wI'ra' your successor (to authority) (n) chunwI'ra' your innocent (n) Da'ra' your corporal (rank) (n) DachwI'ra' your absentee (n) DenIbnganra' your Denebian (n) DevwI'ra' your leader (n) Dolra' your entity (n) Doy'yuSnganra' your Troyan (n) Duyra' your agent, emissary (n) Duy'a'ra' your ambassador (n) gharwI'ra' your diplomat (n) ghatlhwI'ra' your dom, domme (n) ghIQwI'ra' your vacationer (n) ghItlhwI'ra' your writer (n) ghojmoHwI'ra' your teacher (n) ghojmoqra' your nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI'ra' your student (n) gholra' your opponent (n) ghongwI'ra' your abuser (n) ghoqwI'ra' your spy (n) ghura' your baby (n) ghuvra' your recruit (n) HaqwI'ra' your surgeon (n) HarwI'ra' your believer (n) HejwI'ra' your robber (n) HeSwI'ra' your criminal (n) HI'ra' your dictator (n) HIghwI'ra' your dirty fighter (n) HIvwI'ra' your attacker (n) HoDra' your captain (n) Ho'wI'ra' your admirer (n) HubwI'ra' your defender (n) Humanra' your human (n) jabwI'ra' your food server (n) jaghra' your enemy (n) jawra' your lord (n) jIlra' your neighbor (n) joHra' your lord (n) jojlu'ra' your consul (n) jonwI'ra' your engineer (n) joSwI'ra' your gossip (n) jupra' your friend (n) la''a'ra' your commandant (n) laghra' your ensign (n) la'quvra' your Supreme Commander (n) lengwI'ra' your wanderer (person) (n) le'wI'ra' your specialist (n) lIghwI'ra' your rider (n) loDra' your man (n) loDHomra' your boy (n) loDnalra' your husband (n) loDnI'ra' your brother (n) loHwI'ra' your administrator (n) lotlhwI'ra' your rebel (n) maghwI'ra' your traitor (n) mangHomra' your cadet (n) matHa'ra' your gunner (n) mebra' your guest (n) mechwI'ra' your trader (n) mIywI'ra' your braggart (n) mobwI'ra' your loner (n) morghwI'ra' your protester (n) muchwI'ra' your presenter (n) mughwI'ra' your translator (n) nganra' your inhabitant (n) ngorwI'ra' your cheat (n) nIHwI'ra' your thief (n) novra' your alien, foreigner (n) nuchra' your coward (n) pInra' your boss (n) pIn'a'ra' your master (n) pujwI'ra' your weakling (n) pumwI'ra' your accuser (n) puqra' your child, offspring (n) puqbe'ra' your daughter (n) puqloDra' your son (n) qaDwI'ra' your challenger (n) qama'ra' your prisoner (n) Qangra' your chancellor (n) qanwI'ra' your old person (n) QeDpInra' your science officer (n) Qelra' your doctor, physician (n) qeSwI'ra' your advisor (n) qochra' your partner (n) qoHra' your fool (n) QumpInra' your communications officer (n) qumwI'ra' your governor (n) qupra' your elder (n) QupwI'ra' your youngster (n) QuSwI'ra' your conspirator (n) ra'wI'ra' your commander (n) rejmorghra' your worrywart (n) rewbe'ra' your citizen (n) romuluSnganra' your Romulan (n) SIDra' your patient (n) Soghra' your lieutenant (n) SoSra' your mother (n) SoSnI'ra' your grandmother (n) SuchwI'ra' your visitor (n) SuvwI'ra' your warrior (n) Suyra' your merchant (n) ta'ra' your emperor (n) tejra' your scientist (n) tera'nganra' your Earth person (n) tlhInganra' your Klingon (n) toDwI'ra' your rescuer (n) totlhra' your commodore (n) toy'wI'ra' your servant (n) toy'wI''a'ra' your slave (n) vajra' your warrior (n) vavra' your father (n) vavnI'ra' your grandfather (n) veqlarghra' your devil, demon, Fek'lhr (n) verenganra' your Ferengi (n) vI'wI'ra' your sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleHra' your emperor (n) vubra' your hostage (n) vulqanganra' your Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI'ra' your chef, cook (n) vutwI'ra' your chef (n) vu'wI'ra' your manager (n) wamwI'ra' your hunter (n) we'lISDaq nganra' your Welsh person (n) wIghra' your genius (n) wIjwI'ra' your farmer (n) yara' your tactical officer (n) yaSra' your officer (n) yemwI'ra' your sinner (n) yoqra' your humanoid (n) 'ajra' your admiral (n) 'avwI'ra' your guard (n) 'echra' your brigadier (n) 'elaSnganra' your Elasian (n) 'oDwI'ra' your arbiter (n) 'orghenganra' your Organian (n) 'oSwI'ra' your Emissary, Representative (n) 'oSwI'ra' your emissary (n) 'ovwI'ra' your competitor (n) 'utlhra' your officer (n)
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 5 - vaD
-vaD for, intended for
The penultimate noun suffix, -vaD, indicates that the noun is intended for someone, possibly something.
bangvaD for the loved one (n) beqvaD for the crewmember (n) be'vaD for the woman (n) be'HomvaD for the girl (n) be'nalvaD for the wife (n) be'nI'vaD for the sister (n) boQvaD for the aide (n) boQDu'vaD for the aide-de-camp (n) bu'vaD for the Sergeant (n) chamwI'vaD for the technician (n) charghwI'vaD for the conqueror (n) che'wI'vaD for the ruler (n) chIjwI'vaD for the navigator (n) chIrghvaD for the temple (n) chomvaD for the bartender (n) Da'vaD for the corporal (rank) (n) DevwI'vaD for the leader (n) Duy'a'vaD for the ambassador (n) DuyvaD for the agent, emissary (n) gharwI'vaD for the diplomat (n) ghItlhwI'vaD for the writer (n) ghojmoHwI'vaD for the teacher (n) ghojmoqvaD for the nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI'vaD for the student (n) gholvaD for the opponent, adversary (n) gholvaD for the opponent (n) ghoqwI'vaD for the spy (n) ghuvaD for the baby (n) ghu'vaD for the situation (n) HaqwI'vaD for the surgeon (n) HarwI'vaD for the believer (n) HejwI'vaD for the robber (n) HeSwI'vaD for the criminal (n) HIpvaD for the uniform (n) HIvwI'vaD for the attacker (n) HI'vaD for the dictator (n) HoDvaD for the captain (n) Ho'wI'vaD for the admirer (n) HubwI'vaD for the defender (n) HumanvaD for the human (n) jabwI'vaD for the food server (n) jaghvaD for the enemy (n) jawvaD for the lord (n) jIlvaD for the neighbor (n) joHvaD for the lord (n) jojlu'vaD for the consul (n) jonwI'vaD for the engineer (n) joqwI'vaD for the flag (n) jupvaD for the friend (n) laghvaD for the ensign (n) la'quvvaD for the Supreme Commander (n) lengvaD for the trip, voyage, journey (n) le'wI'vaD for the specialist (n) lIghwI'vaD for the rider (n) loDvaD for the man (n) loDHomvaD for the boy (n) loDnalvaD for the husband (n) loDnI'vaD for the brother (n) loHwI'vaD for the administrator (n) lotlhwI'vaD for the rebel (n) maghwI'vaD for the traitor (n) mangHomvaD for the cadet (n) matHa'vaD for the gunner (n) mebvaD for the guest (n) mechwI'vaD for the trader (n) morghwI'vaD for the protester (n) muchwI'vaD for the presenter (n) mughwI'vaD for the translator (n) mutvaD for the species (n) nabvaD for the plan (n) nIHwI'vaD for the thief (n) novvaD for the alien, foreigner (n) nuchvaD for the coward (n) nganvaD for the inhabitant (n) ngorwI'vaD for the cheat (n) pInvaD for the boss (n) pIn'a'vaD for the master (n) puqbe'vaD for the daughter (n) puqvaD for the child, offspring (n) puqloDvaD for the son (n) qaDvaD for the challenge (n) qaDwI'vaD for the challenger (n) qama'vaD for the prisoner (n) qeSwI'vaD for the advisor (n) qochvaD for the partner (n) qo'vaD for the world (n) qoHvaD for the fool (n) qoSwIjvaD for the my birthday (n) qumwI'vaD for the governor (n) qupvaD for the elder (n) QangvaD for the chancellor (n) QeDpInvaD for the science officer (n) QelvaD for the doctor, physician (n) QumpInvaD for the communications officer (n) QupwI'vaD for the youngster (n) QuSwI'vaD for the conspirator (n) ra'wI'vaD for the commander (n) rewbe'vaD for the citizen (n) rIpvaD for the council, assembly (n) SajvaD for the pet (n) SIDvaD for the patient (n) SoghvaD for the lieutenant (n) SoSvaD for the mother (n) SoSnI'vaD for the grandmother (n) SuchwI'vaD for the visitor (n) SuvwI'vaD for the warrior (n) SuyvaD for the merchant (n) tavaD for the record (n) ta'vaD for the emperor (n) tejvaD for the scientist (n) tera'nganvaD for the Earth person (n) toDwI'vaD for the rescuer (n) totlhvaD for the commodore (n) toy'wI''a'vaD for the slave (n) toy'wI'vaD for the servant (n) tlhInganvaD for the Klingon (n) vajvaD for the warrior (n) vavvaD for the father (n) vavnI'vaD for the grandfather (n) vI'wI'vaD for the sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleHvaD for the emperor (n) vubvaD for the hostage (n) vulqanganvaD for the Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI'vaD for the chef (n) vu'wI'vaD for the manager (n) wamwI'vaD for the hunter (n) wanI'vaD for the experience (n) we'lISDaq nganvaD for the Welsh person (n) wIghvaD for the genius (n) wIjwI'vaD for the farmer (n) yavaD for the tactical officer (n) yaSvaD for the officer (n) yoqvaD for the humanoid (n) 'ajvaD for the admiral (n) 'avwI'vaD for the guard (n) 'ebvaD for the opportunity (n) 'echvaD for the brigadier (n) 'oDwI'vaD for the arbiter (n) 'oSwI'vaD for the Emissary, Representative (n) 'ovwI'vaD for the competitor (n) 'utlhvaD for the officer (n)
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 4 -vam
-vam this
The first noun suffix of specification, -vam just means this. When saying this on its own, the word you need is Dochvam (literally “this thing”).
bangvam this loved one (n) beHvam this rifle (n) beqvam this crewmember (n) betleHvam this bat'leth (n) be'vam this woman (n) be'Homvam this girl (n) be'nalvam this wife (n) be'nI'vam this sister (n) bIjvam this punishment (n) bobcho'vam this module (n) boQvam this aide (n) boQDu'vam this aide-de-camp (n) bovvam this era (n) buvvam this classification (n) bu'vam this Sergeant (n) chamwI'vam this technician (n) charghwI'vam this conqueror (n) chavvam this achievement (n) che'ronvam this battlefield (n) che'wI'vam this ruler (n) chIjwI'vam this navigator (n) chIrghvam this temple (n) choHvam this change, alteration (n) chomvam this bartender (n) chotwI'vam this murderer (n) cho'wI'vam this successor (to authority) (n) chunDabvam this meteor (n) chunwI'vam this innocent (n) chutvam this law (n) DachwI'vam this absentee (n) Dasvam this boot (n) Da'vam this corporal (rank) (n) Debvam this desert (n) DeSvam this arm (n) DevwI'vam this leader (n) Dochvam this thing (n) Dolvam this entity (n) Dupvam this strategy (n) Duy'a'vam this ambassador (n) Duyvam this agent, emissary (n) Duy'vam this defect (n) gharwI'vam this diplomat (n) ghatlhwI'vam this dom, domme (n) ghIchvam this nose (n) ghIghvam this necklace (n) ghItlhwI'vam this writer (n) ghochvam this destination (n) ghojmoHwI'vam this teacher (n) ghojmoqvam this nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI'vam this student (n) gholvam this opponent, adversary (n) gholvam this opponent (n) ghongwI'vam this abuser (n) ghopvam this hand (n) ghoqwI'vam this spy (n) ghuvam this baby (n) ghu'vam this situation (n) Halvam this source (n) HanDoghvam this nacelle (n) HaqwI'vam this surgeon (n) HarwI'vam this believer (n) Hevam this course, route (n) HejwI'vam this robber (n) HeSvam this crime (n) HeSwI'vam this criminal (n) HIchDalvam this airlock (n) HIDjolevvam this menu (n) HIpvam this uniform (n) HIvwI'vam this attacker (n) HI'vam this dictator (n) HoDvam this captain (n) Holvam this language (n) Hovvam this star (n) Ho'wI'vam this admirer (n) HubwI'vam this defender (n) Humanvam this human (n) Hurghvam this pickle (n) jabwI'vam this food server (n) jaghvam this enemy (n) jawvam this lord (n) jIHvam this viewing screen (n) jIlvam this neighbor (n) joHvam this lord (n) jojlu'vam this consul (n) jonta'vam this engine (n) jonwI'vam this engineer (n) joqwI'vam this flag (n) joSwI'vam this gossip (n) julvam this sun (n) jupvam this friend (n) laghvam this ensign (n) lajvam this acceptance (n) la'quvvam this Supreme Commander (n) laSvarghvam this factory (n) lengvam this trip, voyage, journey (n) le'wI'vam this specialist (n) lIghwI'vam this rider (n) lIngwI'vam this generator (n) lIyvam this comet (n) loDvam this man (n) loDHomvam this boy (n) loDnalvam this husband (n) loDnI'vam this brother (n) loHwI'vam this administrator (n) lojmItvam this door (n) lotlhwI'vam this rebel (n) lupDujHomvam this shuttlecraft (n) luSpetvam this collapsed star (n) mabvam this treaty (n) maghwI'vam this traitor (n) mangHomvam this cadet (n) maSvam this moon (n) matHa'vam this gunner (n) mavjopvam this paper clip (n) may'vam this battle (n) mebvam this guest (n) mechwI'vam this trader (n) memvam this catalogue (n) mIrvam this chain (n) mIvvam this helmet (n) mobwI'vam this loner (n) molvam this grave (n) morghwI'vam this protester (n) muchwI'vam this presenter (n) mughwI'vam this translator (n) mu'vam this word (n) mu'ghomvam this dictionary (n) mu'tay'vam this vocabulary (n) mutvam this species (n) nabvam this plan (n) naDvam this commendation (n) naghvam this rock, stone (n) naHvam this fruit, vegetable (n) naQvam this cane, stick, rod, staff (n) nIHwI'vam this thief (n) nobvam this gift (n) novvam this alien, foreigner (n) nuchvam this coward (n) nuHvam this weapon (n) nganvam this inhabitant (n) ngemvam this forest, woods (n) ngengvam this lake (n) ngervam this theory (n) ngochvam this policy (n) ngoDvam this fact (n) ngongvam this experiment (n) ngorwI'vam this cheat (n) ngupvam this cape (n) paHvam this gown (n) paqvam this book (n) paQDI'norghvam this teachings (n) patvam this system (n) peghvam this secret (n) pInvam this boss (n) pIn'a'vam this master (n) pIwvam this odour (n) poghvam this glove (n) pongvam this name (n) pumvam this accusation (n) pumwI'vam this accuser (n) puqbe'vam this daughter (n) puqvam this child, offspring (n) puqloDvam this son (n) puyqajvam this nova (n) qabvam this face (n) qachvam this building, structure (n) qaDvam this challenge (n) qaDwI'vam this challenger (n) qama'vam this prisoner (n) qechvam this idea (n) qepvam this meeting (n) qeSwI'vam this advisor (n) qochvam this partner (n) qo'vam this world (n) qoHvam this fool (n) qoSvam this birthday (n) qughDujvam this cruiser (n) qulvam this fire (n) qumvam this government (n) qumwI'vam this governor (n) qupvam this elder (n) quSvam this chair (n) Qaghvam this error (n) Qangvam this chancellor (n) Qapla'vam this success (n) Qebvam this ring (for finger) (n) Qe'vam this restaurant (n) QeDpInvam this science officer (n) Qelvam this doctor, physician (n) QIghpejvam this agoniser (n) Qobvam this danger (n) Quchvam this forehead (n) Qughvam this disaster (n) Qujvam this game (n) QumpInvam this communications officer (n) QupwI'vam this youngster (n) QuSwI'vam this conspirator (n) Qu'vam this duty (n) ramvam this night (n) ravvam this floor (n) ra'wI'vam this commander (n) rejmorghvam this worrywart (n) rewbe'vam this citizen (n) rIpvam this council, assembly (n) rIvSo'vam this Embassy (n) ropvam this disease (n) ropyaHvam this hospital (n) Sajvam this pet (n) Sanvam this fate (n) Seghvam this type, sort, class (n) Sengvam this trouble (n) Sepvam this region (n) Sevvam this bandage (n) SIDvam this patient (n) SIrghvam this wire (n) Soghvam this lieutenant (n) Sorvam this tree (n) SoSvam this mother (n) SoSnI'vam this grandmother (n) Sotlaw'vam this distress call (n) SuchwI'vam this visitor (n) SuvwI'vam this warrior (n) Suyvam this merchant (n) tavam this record (n) tajvam this knife (n) tamlervam this element (n) tayvam this ceremony, rite, ritual (n) ta'vam this emperor (n) tejvam this scientist (n) tera'nganvam this Earth person (n) tevvam this prize (n) tIghvam this custom (n) toDwI'vam this rescuer (n) totlhvam this commodore (n) toy'wI''a'vam this slave (n) toy'wI'vam this servant (n) tumvam this agency (n) tutvam this column (n) tlhabvam this freedom, independence (n) tlhaqvam this chronometer (n) tlheghvam this line, rope (n) tlhInganvam this Klingon (n) vaHvam this holster (n) vajvam this warrior (n) vanvam this tribute, salute (n) van'a'vam this award (n) vavvam this father (n) vavnI'vam this grandfather (n) veHvam this boundary (n) vengvam this city (n) vengHomvam this village (n) veqlarghvam this devil, demon, Fek'lhr (n) vI'wI'vam this sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleHvam this emperor (n) vubvam this hostage (n) vuDvam this opinion (n) vulqanganvam this Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI'vam this chef, cook (n) vutwI'vam this chef (n) vu'wI'vam this manager (n) wamwI'vam this hunter (n) wanI'vam this experience (n) waqvam this shoe (n) we'lISDaq nganvam this Welsh person (n) wemvam this violation (n) wepvam this coat (n) weQvam this candle (n) wIchvam this myth (n) wIghvam this genius (n) wIjwI'vam this farmer (n) wIyvam this tactical display (n) yabvam this mind, brain (n) yavam this tactical officer (n) yaSvam this officer (n) yayvam this victory, triumph (n) yIbvam this vent (n) yolvam this conflict (n) yoqvam this humanoid (n) yupma'vam this festival (n) yuQvam this planet (n) 'ajvam this admiral (n) 'avwI'vam this guard (n) 'ay'vam this section (n) 'ebvam this opportunity (n) 'echvam this brigadier (n) 'Ipvam this oath (n) 'ISjaHvam this calendar (n) 'ochvam this tunnel (n) 'oDwI'vam this arbiter (n) 'oSwI'vam this Emissary, Representative (n) 'otlhvam this photon (n) 'ovwI'vam this competitor (n) 'oy'naQvam this painstik (n) bangvam this love (n) 'utlhvam this officer (n)
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Noun Suffix Drill: Type 4 -ma’
-ma’ our (beings able to use language)
This is the first person plural possessive pronoun, for beings able to use language.
bangma' our love (n) be'ma' our woman (n) be'Homma' our girl (n) bejwI'ma' our watcher (n) be'nalma' our wife (n) be'nI'ma' our sister (n) beqma' our crewmember (n) bojwI'ma' our nag (n) boQma' our aide (n) boQDu'ma' our aide-de-camp (n) bu'ma' our Sergeant (n) chamwI'ma' our technician (n) charghwI'ma' our conqueror (n) che'wI'ma' our ruler (n) chIjwI'ma' our navigator (n) chomma' our bartender (n) chotwI'ma' our murderer (n) cho'wI'ma' our successor (to authority) (n) chunwI'ma' our innocent (n) Da'ma' our corporal (rank) (n) DachwI'ma' our absentee (n) DenIbnganma' our Denebian (n) DevwI'ma' our leader (n) Dolma' our entity (n) Doy'yuSnganma' our Troyan (n) Duyma' our agent, emissary (n) Duy'a'ma' our ambassador (n) gharwI'ma' our diplomat (n) ghatlhwI'ma' our dom, domme (n) ghIQwI'ma' our vacationer (n) ghItlhwI'ma' our writer (n) ghojmoHwI'ma' our teacher (n) ghojmoqma' our nurse, nanny, governess (n) ghojwI'ma' our student (n) gholma' our opponent (n) ghongwI'ma' our abuser (n) ghoqwI'ma' our spy (n) ghuma' our baby (n) ghuvma' our recruit (n) HaqwI'ma' our surgeon (n) HarwI'ma' our believer (n) HejwI'ma' our robber (n) HeSwI'ma' our criminal (n) HI'ma' our dictator (n) HIghwI'ma' our dirty fighter (n) HIvwI'ma' our attacker (n) HoDma' our captain (n) Ho'wI'ma' our admirer (n) HubwI'ma' our defender (n) Humanma' our human (n) jabwI'ma' our food server (n) jaghma' our enemy (n) jawma' our lord (n) jIlma' our neighbor (n) joHma' our lord (n) jojlu'ma' our consul (n) jonwI'ma' our engineer (n) joSwI'ma' our gossip (n) jupma' our friend (n) la''a'ma' our commandant (n) laghma' our ensign (n) la'quvma' our Supreme Commander (n) lengwI'ma' our wanderer (person) (n) le'wI'ma' our specialist (n) lIghwI'ma' our rider (n) loDma' our man (n) loDHomma' our boy (n) loDnalma' our husband (n) loDnI'ma' our brother (n) loHwI'ma' our administrator (n) lotlhwI'ma' our rebel (n) maghwI'ma' our traitor (n) mangHomma' our cadet (n) matHa'ma' our gunner (n) mebma' our guest (n) mechwI'ma' our trader (n) mIywI'ma' our braggart (n) mobwI'ma' our loner (n) morghwI'ma' our protester (n) muchwI'ma' our presenter (n) mughwI'ma' our translator (n) nganma' our inhabitant (n) ngorwI'ma' our cheat (n) nIHwI'ma' our thief (n) novma' our alien, foreigner (n) nuchma' our coward (n) pInma' our boss (n) pIn'a'ma' our master (n) pujwI'ma' our weakling (n) pumwI'ma' our accuser (n) puqma' our child, offspring (n) puqbe'ma' our daughter (n) puqloDma' our son (n) qaDwI'ma' our challenger (n) qama'ma' our prisoner (n) Qangma' our chancellor (n) qanwI'ma' our old person (n) QeDpInma' our science officer (n) Qelma' our doctor, physician (n) qeSwI'ma' our advisor (n) qochma' our partner (n) qoHma' our fool (n) QumpInma' our communications officer (n) qumwI'ma' our governor (n) qupma' our elder (n) QupwI'ma' our youngster (n) QuSwI'ma' our conspirator (n) ra'wI'ma' our commander (n) rejmorghma' our worrywart (n) rewbe'ma' our citizen (n) romuluSnganma' our Romulan (n) SIDma' our patient (n) Soghma' our lieutenant (n) SoSma' our mother (n) SoSnI'ma' our grandmother (n) SuchwI'ma' our visitor (n) SuvwI'ma' our warrior (n) Suyma' our merchant (n) ta'ma' our emperor (n) tejma' our scientist (n) tera'nganma' our Earth person (n) tlhInganma' our Klingon (n) toDwI'ma' our rescuer (n) totlhma' our commodore (n) toy'wI'ma' our servant (n) toy'wI''a'ma' our slave (n) vajma' our warrior (n) vavma' our father (n) vavnI'ma' our grandfather (n) veqlarghma' our devil, demon, Fek'lhr (n) verenganma' our Ferengi (n) vI'wI'ma' our sharpshooter, sniper (n) voDleHma' our emperor (n) vubma' our hostage (n) vulqanganma' our Vulcan (person) (n) vutwI'ma' our chef, cook (n) vutwI'ma' our chef (n) vu'wI'ma' our manager (n) wamwI'ma' our hunter (n) we'lISDaq nganma' our Welsh person (n) wIghma' our genius (n) wIjwI'ma' our farmer (n) yama' our tactical officer (n) yaSma' our officer (n) yemwI'ma' our sinner (n) yoqma' our humanoid (n) 'ajma' our admiral (n) 'avwI'ma' our guard (n) 'echma' our brigadier (n) 'elaSnganma' our Elasian (n) 'oDwI'ma' our arbiter (n) 'orghenganma' our Organian (n) 'oSwI'ma' our Emissary, Representative (n) 'oSwI'ma' our emissary (n) 'ovwI'ma' our competitor (n) 'utlhma' our officer (n)
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