#spy reddit ads
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With this infographics you will learn more about why spy reddit is needed for your business.
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5weekdays · 1 year
all the images i could find from the "fight songs" liner notes
🏳️‍⚧️ this post has come out as trans! 🏳️‍⚧️
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big thanks to TotePyro on imgur and KittenLover75 & BrowndRemastered on reddit! the latter uploaded high-quality images of poster variants that came with the vinyl:
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i'm putting the rest under the cut, because there's a LOT.
KittenLover75 extracted some VTFs (valve texture format) from here, noting that they matched a few images from the liner notes of the "fight songs" vinyl. here they are:
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there's actually another spy & scout's mom(?) picture not included in the VTF:
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what looks like a deleted scene from "expiration date."
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another version of this appears in the liner notes next to another snapshot of engie:
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pyro seemingly taking off their mask. i prefer the version that appears in the liner notes, where half off the image is singed off and replaced with a balloonicorn sticker:
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GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. that's dove crap on his face.
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next up, what might be another deleted scene from "expiration date":
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spy channeling his inner sniper. real classy.
and speaking of sniper:
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i don't know what's going on here, but i don't think i like it.
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a picture miss pauling took of engie and demoman! her first initial is apparently F.
this, and the fact that a lot of these pictures depict all nine mercs, implies that many of these photos were taken by pauling herself, which is a fun thought.
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and finally, the ad that presumably brought all nine of these maniacs together.
thank you again to these amazing imgur & reddit users! i had a blast looking at these. hopefully you did too.
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 months
Interesting thread on the HB reddit atm: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/1cgml0f/who_do_you_think_should_apologize_first/
More comments are for Blitz but there are some saying Stolas and being dead on that the Full Moon deal was wrong on his part
Special mention goes to this comment down the bottom though:
Who should apologize first? Jimmy The Orphan Leg Eater, or Jeffrey, the legless orphan?
It's sad that given this is the HB fandom I can't even tell who they're trying to refer to here.
A commenter also left a list of things Blitzo should apologize for which I think are interesting (genuinely interesting, not being sarcastic)
for breaking in to steal the book -> fair
tricking Stolas into sex for the book -> kinda fair? does gives Stolas a lot of leeway for being the one who initially made it sexual with the whole 'ravish me' comment and it's also slightly inaccurate: Blitzo fully intended to leave without sleeping with Stolas at all, it was just pity that made him go back. His plan wasn't specifically 'sleep with Stolas for the book' it was 'do what I need to do to steal the book & leave'
not correcting Stolas that sex isn't all he wants -> I don't think this is something Blitzo needs to apologize for. He has currently no reason to think Stolas wants more than sex (I'm not counting lazy retconning of offscreen 'how was your day?' phonecalls added in to make Stolas look better), so correcting this would just jeopardize his business. If Stolas can't stop himself sexualizing Blitzo while he's on the verge of a panic attack it's understandable Blitzo would elect to keep things as they are
using him at Ozzie's to spy on M&M -> fair, though I judge this way less harshly than The Circus: since it happens after the full moon deal Blitzo probably thinks everything with Stolas can work on transactional terms since it's all he seems to want (i.e. if he helps me get into the club, I'll reward him with sex later - which Blitzo probably would have done if he hadn't been dressed down in front of the entire club)
and never responding to him at the hospital -> he did send a courtesy text; a response or visit would've been nice but I don't think he's under obligation to do so. He and Stolas are not dating; they barely feel like friends most of the time. If Stolas wanted Blitz to engage with him outside of sex he could have taken that step himself long before now (again, not counting retconned offscreen phonecalls)
boiling this down, though, we basically have: theft, one night stand, inviting on a date under false pretences (though he never used the word date), not comforting him at the hospital
worthy of an apology? sure.
equal to 'use the fact Blitzo is getting shot at to extort monthly sex so he can keep his business running?' hard no (and that's without adding in the season's worth of demeaning and disrespect Stolas gets up to, including literally calling Blitz a 'little plaything')
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so I got this ad on Reddit recently
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and I have two thoughts:
1. this ad seems to know that I’m 29 years and 10 months old. is it a lucky guess by a broad-ranging ad that even 19-year-olds see? is it the usual phone spying?
2. what do the youths say nowadays? oh, yes- killing biting clawing stabbing rending tearing
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
We've all known our own version of MM. by u/Hermes_Blanket
We've all known our own version of MM. Most of us have run into someone like Meghan at least once in their lives. For me, it was the summer of 1987.My housemate and I were young working women in our 20s in the big city. We needed a third person to cover the rent.We placed an ad, and she was the only one to reply. It all looked good. She had a steady job and good credit references. We told her she could move in the next week.She drove up in a flashy red Corvette with a flashy guy in the passenger seat. We were impressed by both. She told us later that she'd won the car in a burger chain contest. It was her pride and joy.She had a great figure, long hair and a pretty, if generic face. Yes, she'd been the prom queen in high school. The strange thing was her eyes. They were flat, had no light in them. You couldn't even tell what color they were -- a strange dark mix of brown, blue and green. She rarely wore any color but white.The guy in her car was the son of a former congressman and an oil heiress. She told us she'd met him on a beach somewhere and he'd fallen for her immediately. He'd begged her to move to his hometown, and she did. The problem was, he was still living at home -- he was a law student at an Ivy League school -- and she wanted to move in with him. Not into a little apartment of their own, mind you, but into his parents' palatial estate. His mother, who was no fool, blocked this idea immediately. Hence her need for a room in our little abode.He would come over every night around 8, completely exhausted from his demanding course of study. She would sometimes have some fast food ready for him and, more importantly, always a large bottle of vodka. They would watch TV together and she would feed him vodka until bedtime. I never saw her drink any.Meanwhile, a guy from her hometown called our house regularly, asking where she was and demanding to speak to her. We were instructed to say she was out and not to tell him anything. How he got our number, I have no idea.She had a job in her field, but was always coming up with get-rich-quick schemes. None of them ever came to anything, but every week there was a new one.Unfortunately, she disliked me on sight, and her dislike only grew. I tried not to interact with her, but it was a small space. When I started to date my husband-to-be, it got much worse. If he sent flowers, she was in a sour mood all day.Eventually, her boyfriend dumped her. She brought home a different man from the bars every night for weeks after that. I never knew what would be sitting at our kitchen table when I came down for breakfast in the mornings.Finally she gave up and moved back to her home state. The constant caller was waiting for her. She married him five years later. He had made a fortune after founding a company selling surveillance equipment to China to spy on their citizens.She named their only son after the law student ex. I don't know whether her husband knows.Oh yes, and they live in Montecito. post link: https://ift.tt/sdpO0y9 author: Hermes_Blanket submitted: April 02, 2024 at 07:39PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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bera-post-things · 2 years
Yandere Sagau Yae Miko X Creator Reader
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Art by: YellowStarZz on Reddit
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Oringinal prompt: What about a Yandere yae miko Sagau where you where teleported in a forest and yiu where spawned in the forest being attacked by fauti who didn’t know or care that you where the creator until Yae miko comes in and kills everyone one of these torturing them with her Lighting cause they didn’t recognize your “greatnesses” and you get kidnapped by her and it is kept from a secret from all the other characters inside and outside of inazuma and Raiden Shogun finds out and confronts Her about it and they talk and they agree to share you? And protect you from any other archons and characters?
Prompt: You where standing in a forest that was completely unknown to you as you looked around it was dark a gloomy atmosphere almsot what you’ll see on those Halloween ads there was huge tall trees and glowing lights off in the distance there was glowing flowers in the distance confused you looked around you didn’t know at forst but apparently you where transported to another dimension through some primordial power and now your here only in a white shirt and some pants you looked around before hearing a foot steps behind you as there was a women dressed in purple walking towards you “how dare you pretended to be the creator!” as she started attacking you a strange fox lady came in and saved you you thanked them and started to walk off before she said before shocking you also “ara ara I can’t let the creator go off on his own right? That would be rude of me right?” She said before you passed out… when you woke there would be another women dressed in purple but we’ll get to that later…
A/N: I’m so sorry if this is bad This toke me literally 2 hours to write thinking of how to put this into story form compared to what I wrote it in idea form but anyways I hope you like it and leave a heart at least so I can feel good about this trash writing thanks if you do
Published: September,12,2022 Edited: N/A( sorry!)
You would open your eyes to a forest that seemed that it covered in the blanket of the night and some moon light coming through the leaves and the wind flowing through the grass as you said you “where am I?” You said before looking around it looked like you where on the shores of Inazuma near Chinju forest you could feel the ocean breeze from here you sighed to yourself how did you get yourself into this situation how did yiu amaze to get sucked into the world of Genshin impact oh right through a godess? sending you here? Truly things have just take a turn for the best or the worst but who mows mabye you will enjoy this new change of scenery for a while you wonder if there is a way back when you complete what ever you need to do here? You wondered before walking off not notcing the Cicin mage spying in you fisting her hands as she said “how dare they impersonate our almighty one… I will make them pay” they said as you paid no attention and walked away into the darkness of the forest walking by the glowing flowers on the forest floor making your way through the river you looked around you where truly enjoying this so far the usual bush noises here and there and enemy’s but you avoided them yiu didn’t even have a weapon there’s no way you could go up against a single hilurchurl you see how big those things are? you said strangely to yourself like there was a invisble audience huh how strange…
As you started walking down the dirt path in which you guessed led to inazuma city you started walking down the path until you where ambushed by a electro cicin mage out of no where with her shooting lighting at you saying something along the lines “how dare you impersonate our creator die you scum!” You heard her say before being struck by lighting and falling to the ground in shock before the Cicin mage walking up to you smirking as she was about lay the final strike to finish you off before… she started getting struck by lighting herself but this time multiple lighting strikes time struck the Cicin mage as she fell to the ground now lifeless before a pink fox lady dressed in a modified Shrine priestess outfit walked up from behind her body stepping over it as she looked down at you as you started backing away as the women walked towards you it seemed like it was in sync each time she walked you backed away before she stared to speak “I’m sorry about that, you could say she wasn’t quite “well” in the head I promise it will never ever happen again” Yae miko said as you looked up at her scared for your life, you knew that they where your enemies but she didn’t have to torture her like that you thought as you backed away futher more until you bumped into a rock as Yae miko walked over the corpse of the Cicin mage she started generating electro through her fingertips as she went to touch your neck “now be quiet for me for a few minutes would you do that for me?” She said as you got shocked through your neck, passing out as she said “hoho what a sight to behold the creator unable to even protect themselves… I guess you leave me no choice but to take care of you myself how lucky are you…” you heard before passing out onto the ground as she carried you humming to herself walking towards the exit of the forest and to the Grand Narukumi Shrine…
You would wake up in a nice warm room there was a table there was book shelves everywhere there was multiple novels on the table in front of yiu taht you where laying your head on a second ago such as “Reborn as Raiden with unlimited power” and “The chaotic epic tale that is my love story” how strange you never saw these in the games guess they where just sitting some where in inazuma that you haven’t checked you thought to yourself before Yae miko opened the door and went into the room carrying some fried tofu in her hands as she set it down on the table as you looked up at her from your sitting position as she looked down at you frowning “now now you may be the creator but that dosent mean that you can look at people like that now eat the fried tofu that I made for you it isn’t nice to not eat something that your care taker has made right?” She said sitting down and watching you eat the fried tofu as you bit into the fried tofu you started choking holding your throat “ara ara did I do something to the tofu I wonder? Hm let’s see.. oh right I added a little something to it” she said as your eyes widened as Yae miko chuckled to her self “now now calm down its not poison and I can’t have the creator running around and possibly going to kill themselves can’t I? that would be so irresponsible of me wouldn’t it be now dear creator?” She said as your eyes started blanking out falling into unconsciousness as your head hit the table as the Kitsune just laughed to herself “good night dear creator from now on your mine and you should know that Kitsunes don’t like to share their toy with others oh this will be fun…” you heard her say in your unconsciousness as there was the sound of the door opening as there was footsteps walking in “Yae miko what is this?” The Raiden shogun said as you froze in your mind? as you just heard Yae miko say “oh Ei? Finally deciding to come out of your box that’s surprising this day is just full of suprises” Yae miko laughed softly out loud only earning a glare from “Ei” “what is this Yae miko? Why do you have a citizen in your shrine who looks like there knocked out?” Ei said glaring down at your body even in your unconsciousness you could feel her glare “don’t tell me that your that dull Ei can’t you feel it?” Yae miko said smirking
I want to write Yae miko smut but mabye not…
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What do you think each of the merc’s favorite internet-things are? Do you think Demo would like cat videos?
I love this question. Well, since the tf2 takes place in the 60's and 70's way before the internet these guys are going to lose their collective minds. :)
Sniper enjoys watching nature documentaries. The way that the voice of the narrator and the music blends well with what's happening on screen is mesmerizing. He likes how the documentaries show a variety of different animal species. Once in a while he will watch the news, but he will quickly grow bored and return to watching the nature channel.
Ever the full bodied American, he will look up everything. He doesn't understand what's happening or what's going on; but he likes it. He will watch ancient alien's episodes on loop and claim that he was there for the whole event. Talking about the "good old days". He really enjoys watching wrestling matches on YouTube.
He loves how everything is so accessible at the push of his fingers. His most favorite internet thing is watching fail videos. He'll watch someone try to do a back flip off a cliff into some water and he will immediately want to try to do that. he will go on and on about how he can do that ten times better than the guy in the video. He is bluffing and everyone can tell. He tries his luck on various websites to find "true love." Makes Tik Toks during free time.
Spy loves looking into the private lives of celebrities. Even though they are dramatized and possibly made up, it makes him feel better to be in sync with what the current generation likes. He really like watching classical old movies with a good meaning. His guilty pleasure is watching Downton Abbey. He will go out of his way to pick a good bottle of wine, a good quality of cigar and sit down and watch an episode or two.
Heavy loves watching anything as long as it has a good story. He will mostly hand around Facebook and connect with the older generation and talk about different philosophical views. He loves the connection that the internet brings. He is greatly confused as to why Scout is trying to meet girls on Facebook though.
He loves searching the dark web for organs, most of the time he forgets to clear his browsing data. He thinks that most medical shows are stupid and grossly inferior to his medical skills. He does use reddit to ask questions that he deems important to his work. The people who respond to his questions think he is joking...oh how wrong they are.
Watches cartoons. He already has a subscription to Disney+. He likes Bluey the best. But any episode that says that fires are dangerous, or the main characters go camping and douse the fire all hell breaks loose. Safe to say, that he creators of the show are no longer safe.
He loves watching anything to do with alcohol. Sometimes he'll watch the YouTube Channel Modern Rouge for hours on end. He swears up and down that he gets good ideas from the channel for bomb ideas...but he just really likes watching the two goof off. It reminds him of the good old days with the BLU Soldier.
He will join Demo when watching the Modern Rouge. Most of the time he watches videos on how to build certain devices or watch programming videos. He loves how complicated machinery has become since the 60's/70's. Wonders why TikTok ads pop up in the middle of the videos he was watching. He quickly finds out a way to ensure that adds won't disturb his valuable screen time.
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mintibunny · 11 months
Thankyou for the explanation, and for going so in-depth about it! May I ask how Minti feels about dating and romance then, and whether there is anyone in her life she is romantically involved with or pursuing?
I'm not sure how much I'm going to go into this, but I'll try.
Minti is romantic and demisexual, which is *very* different from my World of Warcraft character, Sabbac.
Sab was a flirty, burlesque embodiment of the Harkness test: she loved people, she loved being around/performing for people, and she loved being in people had a great enjoyment of bedroom activities. Life was short, people were your parents' stash of wine, it was after dinner, and she was thirsty. But, she knew how to be in control when she wanted to, and when to keep problem suitors out of her bedroom. Her favorite books would have been The Ethical Slut and The New Topping/Bottoming Books by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy. (I recommend the books by Easton and Hardy, btw. I'm not in my city's kink scene anymore - I'm sure some internet sluths can figure out where and when, and if so, good for you, here's Reddit silver - but they were good reads then.)
Back to Minti. She's cautious. She doesn't want to do those boyfriend tests you find on TikTok or Reddit (Which I think are clickbait/ragebait paired with ads for MLM products and trash supplements, but also turning relationships into Spy vs. Spy comics, but I am going off the rails here). She also doesn't want to invest her time/mental energy into someone's who's going to end up as a regret later. So, it usually ends up being friendship -> check for emotional bonds -> Pursue possible romance. It never ends up as methodical or precise as this, this is just how it happens, when it happens.
Minti isn't particularly brainy or ladylike, despite Lady Treleaux's efforts to rein in this mess of a viera girl, so dates aren't high tea or long visits to the Studium. She likes being outdoors, going for long drives or rides, and sometimes getting into the swirling mass of RP clubs and feeling really toppy after getting into a fight club that she was invited to and good hangouts. Just three things, never you mind anything else that might be there.
Romantic pursuits. She had been involved with Suzaku, one of the Four Lords and auspice, but felt the need to leave after Suzaku wanted to bring her back to the Red Sea and employ her as a shrine guardian. Isn't that nice? "You get to love me forever, and have really good sex and companionship, but you can't leave, and every hundred years or so you get to go out and recruit heroes to stop me from going completely bananas." Really great arrangement there.
These days, she's putting her feelers out with Krile Baldesion. I hate to lean into the "Friends with Sappho" trope, but for now, that's where she's at with Krile. They really like each other, and they spend time with each other, boy do they enjoy being close. Would it be nice to have a weekend in Eureka, soaking in the hot tubs there. But, is this a thing? Are we a thing? Should we? Maybe it should be. They're not that Facebook post of "In an alternate life, I would be your husband, wouldn't that be funny, haha", thank the Twelve.
My money's on Krile asking Minti out first, or putting the suggestion that they get together first. They may already be together at the time of this post. Boy I love playing with Tumblr fonts.
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Just good wholesome friends, wouldn't you say?
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(Pretend they're kissing...) Just good, wholesome, friends of Sappho.
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market-news-24 · 1 month
During the recent meme stock rally, some lesser-known stocks managed to outperform GameStop, gaining even more traction among retail investors. These stocks experienced a surge in price that surpassed the infamous GameStop saga, further fueling the ongoing Market frenzy. Investors are closely watching these underdog stocks as they continue to defy expectations and shake up traditional Market dynamics. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] GameStop (GME) and AMC weren't the only stocks caught up in this week's meme craze. While shares of the short-lived rally's flag bearers continued to unravel Friday, smaller meme-related equities ended the week with higher gains. For example, EV-related startup Faraday Future (FFIE) soared as much as 122% Friday before crashing into red territory. The stock still gained more than 2,000% over the past five days. Over the past 24 hours, Faraday Future was the third-most-mentioned stock on Reddit's WallStreetBets forum behind the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) and Nvidia (NVDA), according to web data company Thinknum. Retail trader and YouTuber Matt Kohrs told Yahoo Finance, "Similar to 2021 [during the meme rally], people seem to be targeting equities with high short interest," noting Faraday Future's short interest sits at roughly 92% of the float. Other heavily shorted stocks that were volatile during the session include Crown ElectroKinetics (CRKN). The Oregon-based smart glass micro-cap company gained more than 325% over the past five days. Greenwave Technology Solutions (GWAV) was up more than 280% for the week. The small, Virginia-based metal recycling company added to prior session gains as shares of GameStop and AMC were unraveling. MicroCloud Hologram (HOLO), a solar play, was up as much as 8% Friday while GameStop and AMC were falling to cap off a volatile week. The micro-cap rose about 21% over the past five days. This week's meme action started on Monday following the re-emergence of Keith Gill, also known as "Roaring Kitty," whose bull case on GameStop ignited the meme stock rally back in 2021. Analysts anticipated this week's action would be short-lived. "The meme stock trades tend to only occur at extremes in sentiment," Peter Atwater, president of Financial Insyghts and adjunct professor William & Mary, told Yahoo Finance earlier this week. "This is yet another mood indicator that the markets are reaching a point where we should expect some sort of a meaningful pullback," he added. On Friday, GameStop fell almost 20% after the company filed to sell 45 million new shares of common stock and revealed preliminary sales fell last quarter from the same period last year. GameStop shares ended the week with a 27% gain. AMC is up more than 50% over the past five days. Ines Ferre is a senior business reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter at @ines_ferre. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What stocks performed better than GameStop in the meme rally? Some stocks that ripped even higher than GameStop in the meme rally were AMC Entertainment, Blackberry, and Nokia.
2. Why did these stocks see such a significant increase in value? These stocks saw a surge in value due to increased interest from retail traders on social media platforms like Reddit, causing a short squeeze. 3. Are these stocks a good investment now? It is important to do thorough research and consider the risks before investing in these volatile stocks, as their prices can be heavily influenced by online speculation. 4. Will these stocks continue to rise in value? It is difficult to predict the future performance of these stocks, as they are heavily influenced by Market sentiment and online hype. 5. What should investors consider before buying these stocks? Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance, investment goals, and overall portfolio diversification before buying into these highly speculative stocks. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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innerbirdgarden · 4 months
Unlocking the most effective VPNs on Reddit: A Comprehensive Overview
In today's digital age, on the internet personal privacy and also security have ended up being increasingly vital. With cyber risks on the rise, it is actually necessary to protect your personal relevant information while browsing the world wide web. One popular tool that numerous world wide web individuals look to for added security is actually a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs work by securing your net relationship, making it difficult for hackers as well as various other destructive bodies to access your records.
Reddit, referred to as the front webpage of the world wide web, is actually an best vpn reddit important source for locating sincere customer reviews as well as suggestions for various products and services, including VPNs. In this thorough overview, we will certainly examine unlocking the most effective VPNs on Reddit, offering you with insights coming from actual consumers and also specialists in the field.
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What is a VPN?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is actually a solution that enables you to make a protected connection to yet another network online. It encrypts your records and also hides your internet protocol handle, protecting your on-line activities coming from spying eyes. VPNs are actually often utilized to boost privacy, get around geo-restrictions, and enhance safety while surfing the web.
How does a VPN job?
A VPN works through transmitting your world wide web visitor traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote hosting server run due to the VPN company. This method hides your IP handle and also secures all records broadcast between your unit and the internet, preventing 3rd parties from obstructing your details.
Benefits of Using a VPN
There are many benefits to making use of a VPN, including:
Enhanced Privacy: Through cloaking your internet protocol deal with as well as encrypting your data, a VPN assists maintain your on the internet tasks private.
Bypass Geo-Restrictions: Along With a VPN, you may access content that may be actually restricted in your area because of geo-blocking.
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Secure Public Wi-Fi: When connected to social Wi-Fi networks, using a VPN includes an added level of protection to secure your delicate information.
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Avoid Data Transfer Throttling: Some ISPs choke bandwidth based upon your internet tasks; using a VPN may help bypass this restriction.
Unlocking the very best VPNs on Reddit: A Comprehensive Guide
When it pertains to opting for the very best VPN for your needs, Reddit can be a vital information. The platform lots a variety of communities where customers discuss their expertises along with different VPN providers, delivering unprejudiced customer reviews as well as referrals based upon real-world usage.
Researching on Reddit
To open the most ideal VPNs on Reddit, start through exploring subreddits dedicated to cybersecurity as well as online privacy. Try to find threads talking about recommended VPN companies or even asking for individual point of views on certain carriers. Observe reviews from customers that have comprehensive experience along with different VPNs as well as consider their insights when creating your selection.
Popular VPN Recommendations on Reddit
Some of the best frequently highly recommende
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vpnlqel96 · 6 months
Reddit's Seal of Approval: Discover one of the most Trusted VPNs Recommended on the Platform
In today's digital age, on the internet personal privacy and safety have become a leading problem for net customers. With the rise in cyber hazards, it has become important to shield our individual info and browsing tasks from spying eyes. This is where Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) enter play. VPNs produce a safe and secure and encrypted link between your tool and the internet, ensuring that your information remains private and protected.
When it pertains to finding the best VPN solution, several turn to Reddit for recommendations. Reddit is a popular online platform known for its substantial area of customers who share their experiences, opinions, and referrals on different topics. In this short article, we will certainly check out Reddit's seal of approval and uncover one of the most reputable VPNs suggested on the platform.
Reddit's Seal of Authorization: Discover the Most Trusted VPNs Advised on the Platform What is Reddit's Seal of Approval?
Reddit's Seal of Authorization refers to the acknowledgment and recommendation given by Reddit individuals to specific product and services based upon their individual experiences and suggestions. When it concerns VPNs, Reddit individuals usually share their experiences with different companies and advise those that have verified to be trusted, credible, and efficient in protecting their on the internet privacy.
Why rely on VPN recommendations from Reddit?
Reddit uses an one-of-a-kind system for individuals to discuss and share their experiences honestly. When it involves VPNs, Redditors are not shy concerning revealing their opinions and sharing both positive and negative experiences with different companies. This transparency allows individuals to make enlightened decisions based on real-life experiences as opposed to counting entirely on advertising claims.
By counting on VPN referrals from Reddit, individuals can benefit from:
Unbiased opinions: Unlike sponsored reviews or ads found elsewhere, Redditors supply unbiased point of views based upon their own personal experiences. Real-life usage cases: Users share their experiences in different circumstances, such as streaming, torrenting, or accessing geo-restricted web content, permitting others to find VPNs that satisfy their particular needs. Community feedback: Reddit's active community makes sure that suggestions are frequently updated and show the most up to date patterns and advancements in the VPN industry. Best VPNs Suggested on Reddit
Now allowed's study the top VPNs recommended by Redditors. These carriers have actually constantly gotten favorable feedback, making them reliable choices for securing https://bestredditvpn.b-cdn.net/redditvpn/uncategorized/navigating-the-digital-globe-safely-vpns-on-reddit-that-you-required-to.html your online personal privacy and security.
1. NordVPN
NordVPN is a popular VPN supplier that often gets praise on Reddit. With a vast server network, solid encryption protocols, and a rigorous no-logs plan, NordVPN provides outstanding privacy and security attributes. Redditors value its capability to bypass geo-restrictions and its quick link rates for streaming and torrenting.
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2. ExpressVPN
ExpressVPN is one more prominent choice among Redditors. Understood for its blazing-fast rates and reliable links, ExpressVPN enables individuals to browse the net with very little stagnations. Additionally, it provides advanced pers
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nichescraper · 1 year
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Want to know exactly how I went from $0 to $25k a month dropshipping?
I started back in January, didn't know what I was doing and lost money. Now I'm making almost $25k a month in revenue with 40% profits. In this post I've attached a screenshot of my earnings every single month since the beginning and will give a brief outline of what I did each month to grow. Hope this helps!
January - $643: I had no idea what I was doing. I heard about dropshipping on Reddit and decided
to try it. Initially I did a free + shipping offer on a baseball cap and I got some decent sales but lost money because of ad spend.
Was using Facebook
ads only at the time. February -$3,000: After running the free + shipping offer, people started buying other things on my store. It became clear to me what items people wanted, so I ran single image ads to them and this greatly boosted sales. I also began doing work on SEO this month. That included writing small blog articles, rewriting product descriptions, etc.
March-$6,900: My SEO from the prior work started to pick up so I began getting free traffic from Google searches which increased sales. I also started and Instagram page to build an audience related to my niche that I occasionally promote products to.
April - $13,200: I was able to double my revenue during this month. My previous job was working as a programmer, so I wrote a complex web crawler that search the web to find me winning products. Saved me tons of time and allowed me to test a lot more products. I found some new winners this way which increased sales.
The web crawler is now publicly available here: https://bit.ly/NicheScrapercom
I also began running re-targeting facebook campaigns at this point and learning more about effective advertising.
May - $18,400: I added an upsell app to my store which increased my average order value from $20 to $45. I also discovered a new "sub-niche" for my store when browsing results from my web scraper bot. This allowed me to target a whole new audience and product more sales.
June - $15,800: Sales decreased a little bit this month. This was largely because I had recently moved and didn't have a ton of free time to work on the business. Things like being slow to answer customers, not optimizing ads, etc. can all add up to a revenue loss! Totally my fault.
July - $25,000: My best month yet! After a loss of revenue in June, I decided to crack down. I scaled all my Facebook ads up a ton and it didn't end up hurting my conversion cost. I also found another "sub-niche" that contained multiple winning products. I think my lesson here was that I was previously too scared to mess with my winning ads, which included scaling. It obviously worked out in my favor when I decided to get out of my comfort zone!
Key Takeaways:
1. Focus on multiple sources of revenue. I have alot of sales coming from places like Pinterest, Google searches, my Instagram account, etc. Try not to get caught up in only doing Facebook ads.
2. If you have a skill, use it. Anything you can do that others can't will get you ahead of everyone else who's doing the same thing. In my case, I'm a programmer and was able to create the product finding bot.
3. Find winning products. 80% of your revenue will come from 20% of your products! This means you need to find that handful of best sellers that you can rely on to bring you sustainable income. Test, test and test some more. Browse other successful stores to see what they sell. 4. Don't be lazy. It takes hard work and thinking outside of the box! You saw what happened in June when I slacked off. Keep pushing forward and the results will be endless.
I could easily
maintain the business spending 15 minutes a day on it, but it took a lot of hours to get there.
I hope this helps!
If you want to try out the web scraper, I made it available publicly here:
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lei6898 · 1 year
10 Best Advertising Spy Tools for Marketers (2023 Latest Ranking)
To achieve better marketing results, it is essential to timely spy on competitors' ads and stay up-to-date with advertising trends and dynamics within the industry. A powerful professional adspy tool can help you double your efforts.
1. SmartEye - A must-know powerful adspy tool that focuses on the gaming advertising industry, with 15 million game ads and supports 31 media including social media ads. It has the most extensive number of advertisements in the gaming advertising field.
2. Poweradspy - An intuitive adspy tool that supports eight mainstream social media platforms, focusing on PPC advertising markets, providing comprehensive ad intelligence features.
3. AdSpy - A comprehensive ad tracking and analysis platform suitable for affiliate marketers and media buyers with custom functions that can monitor competitors' ad activities across industries.
4. AdEspresso - An easy-to-use adspy tool that focuses on social media platforms.
5. Adplexity - A customized adspy tool containing push notifications, native ads, e-commerce ads, etc.
6.Pathmatics- An intuitive multi-channel dynamic advertisement intelligent platform with many excellent features.
7.Adbeat- The most professional advertising spying tools applicable to enterprises and large companies/institutions
8.DropiSpy- One of the best alternatives to social network Adspy designed specifically for direct sellers and online retailers
9.Anstrex-The best su
ited for finding top local pop-up advertisements from top advertisers
10.Mobidea-A specialized advertisement spying toolkit targeting affiliate marketers emphasizing push notifications/native advertisement networks
Let me now give you a detailed explanation of these 10 tools:
1. SmartEye
Rating - 4.9/5
Supported Media - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and other 31 media outlets.
For marketers in the gaming industry, SmartEye is a powerful professional adspy tool that is strongly recommended to be understood. Focused on the gaming advertising industry, SmartEye has 15 million game ads and supports 31 media outlets including social media ads with the highest number of ads in the gaming advertising field. With SmartEye, you can discover various information about your competitors such as games they are promoting, ad creatives made for that game along with copies used for advertisements and their advertisement effectiveness after release.
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If you need an adspy tool that provides competitor's ad campaign strategies to help you stay ahead while making game advertisements then ignoring Smart Eye would not be wise.
A tip: You can add ".com" after the name and conduct a Google search to obtain accurate results.
2. Poweradspy
Rating - 4.7/5
A free AdSpy competitor which helps discover competitors' advertising strategies using social media platforms like Facebook, Google Adsense Network (GDN), Instagram,Youtube ,Reddit ,Quora etc native ads tracking.
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In addition to this it also comes equipped with a unique operating interface allowing users to track competition angles from age group,kewords,Audience interest & targeting perspective and creative copywriting.
Not only this but it maximizes engagement through likes comments shares thereby bringing more clicks resulting in higher ROI.
3. AdSpy
Rating - 4.6/5
AdSpy is a database focused on Facebook ads having massive daily updated data available through keyword search,fan page searches,url searches,Landing pages URLs or keywords search options alongwith Shopify store searches Clickbank etc.You can use these options to filter out useful tactical insights during product research phase.
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With AdSpy,you can easily explore related ideas,campaign types,copywriting techniques,and other information associated with your competition and make changes accordingly.
4. AdEspresso
Rating - 4.5/5
If you manage advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter and want to monitor your competitors' ads, AdEspresso is an excellent choice. It helps reveal weaknesses in ad campaigns by split testing them for the most convincing ad copywriting that can be measured.
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It's also particularly good at spying activities. With AdEspresso, you can compare your ad campaign with those of competitors who have a rich library database so as to gain inspiration from their ad copies.
5. Adplexity
Rating - 4.5/5
Adplexity is a combination of various spy tools designed for different users including AdPlexity Push, Mobile, Desktops,Native Ads & Adult , eCommerce and Carriers etc.
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For anyone looking to track and analyze competitor's advertising activity regardless of which platform he uses.Adplexity provides valuable insights into identifying successful advertising series while analyzing its positioning,copywriting techniques,and using this knowledge to improve overall performance of advertising work .
6. Pathmatics
Rating - 4.4/5
Pathmatics is a dynamic advertising intelligence platform that provides valuable insights to publishers about paid advertising campaigns across different channels. It covers almost all the platforms advertisers use to send traffic to their bid or landing pages.
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Additionally, Pathmatics offers a range of tools for companies to evaluate their paid advertising performance and compare it with competitors. In short, Pathmatic enables businesses to measure the effectiveness of their ad campaigns as well as gain important insights into competitor ad strategies.
7. Adbeat
Rating - 4.4/5
Adbeat is an easy-to-use and professional adspy software that is particularly suitable for large companies and agencies conducting extensive ad campaigns generating vast amounts of data. Adbeat focuses primarily on data, providing unprecedented insight into the world of paid advertising.
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Adbeat uncovers all your competitors' secrets, revealing their strategies, creativity, ad spendings, media networks, and more. Apart from competitive ad surveillance capabilities, Adbeat also offers many interactive features to optimize your campaign spending while achieving maximum results.
8. DropiSpy
Rating - 4.4/5
DropiSpy is one of the best social network AdSpy alternatives specifically designed for direct sellers and online retailers—its powerful technology allows you access hundreds of ads with ease so you can quickly find winning ads, profitable direct selling products in demand on the market.
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Furthermore,this Shopify Ads Monitoring tool helps you understand the most profitable direct selling strategies & techniques while giving access thousands innovative direct selling websites along with daily page views、ranking variables etc!
Rating - 4.3/5
Anstrex is one of the best advertising intelligence software out there which helps monitor competition's marketing activities—suitable for ecommerce & dropship owners looking forward improving profits generated by B2B/B2C marketers.
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Anstrex is one among some best AdSpy alternatives free tools—having over 15 million ads from 50,000+ advertisers across 92 countries/regions to gain deeper insights into competition's marketing strategies & plans.
Rating - 4.3/5
Mobidea primarily focuses on finding ads, offers, landing pages and creatives for affiliate marketers. MobIdea has a huge database that enables users to find competitors and advertising worldwide. Furthermore, the tool updates new creatives and advertisements regularly to help you find the most relevant ad copy in the market.
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These are the top 12 adspy tools that marketers can't afford to miss in 2023 which will make their marketing work more efficient and result-oriented while staying ahead of competitors!
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10 Exclusive Advantages To Use As Benefits Of Reddit Marketing You Can’t Ignore
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Reddit is a discussion form in which you can commence a proper conversation related to any keyword or niche. This social media platform has different communities called subreddits. You can have a professional discussion with users from all around the globe. 
Additionally, Reddit seems to draw attention to images and videos, giving your work still another outlet. Reddit offers another option to spark interest and increase exposure rather than investing a lot of time and effort in producing films that are only utilized a few times.
If you want to see results in your marketing tactics, it's crucial to use Reddit correctly. You could saturate all the subreddits relevant to your topic with posts about your service in all capitals, images of your brand, and other spam, but this would not help in the least. You must use caution when using Reddit if you want real results.
There are several benefits of Reddit marketing that you can't ignore, and so we list out the same here: 
The Community: 
One of the major issues of every marketer is they always tend to promote their brands directly on Reddit, which may lead to spamming their account. As a solution, we suggest that the marketers should be a part of the Reddit community and answer all the questions, have a conversation with them and be with them.
Aim For Upvotes: 
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Have you ever thought about how beneficial karma is? No right! Well, for Reddit users, karma is the best way to gain people's trust, but how? You get the benefit to aim for upvotes by uploading posts to get different and shocking reactions. Once a user upvotes your post, your karma points will increase automatically in Reddit marketing. 
Eye-Catchy Headlines: 
To get a hold of your audience, it's crucial to draft headlines that are eye-catching and intriguing. Within seconds of scrolling across their top page, users decide whether or not to pay attention to your content. As a result, you must use a compelling title to grab their attention.
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One of the best ways to turn your Reddit marketing beneficial is by cross-posting. Some people stick to a single subreddit and work to establish a solid online presence. Cross-posting is a different strategy you may utilize to your benefit on Reddit. Post it across all five subs if there are five separate subs that all pertain to your market to maximize the likelihood that people will see it.
Don't Fear To Sell: 
Once you start promoting your brand on Reddit, people will notice your strategies and will eventually look through your history. As long as you are honest and clean, you should not be afraid to sell your products. Providing value to a community will make your marketing postings acceptable, so keep that in mind.
Subscribe Sub-Reddits: 
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Subscribing to subreddits that interest you is one more approach to making use of Reddit to your benefit. We advise you to maintain personal and professional accounts distinct on Facebook and other social networking sites. Find subreddits on Reddit that you like, even if they have nothing to do with your marketing position.
We suggest this for two causes:
It offers chances to increase karma.
It demonstrates further that you aren't only utilizing Reddit ads.
Use Your Links: 
The community on the subreddit is open to recommendations for resources and information because everyone there has an interest in the subject. Numerous data support what we're stating by showing that external links get more votes than posts with only text. 
Reddit has the potential to be a marketer's paradise as long as you heed our recommendations, contribute to communities, and use it properly. Leave something behind as an extra hint. Don't give them everything when sharing something from your blog, that is what we're getting at. Instead, only share 60% of it and direct readers to your website for the other 40%.
You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool
Wrapping Up: 
So we hope our readers have understood how marketers can use exclusive advantages to use as benefits for Reddit marketing without hassle. 
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automatismoateo · 2 years
Religious suicide bomber attacks Pakistan police guarding polio vaccination team, kills four. via /r/atheism
Religious suicide bomber attacks Pakistan police guarding polio vaccination team, kills four.
A Pakistani Taliban suicide bomber rammed a police escort for a polio vaccination team in southwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing four people and wounding more than 30, police said, just two days after the militants ended a ceasefire.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack near the city of Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan, in a statement received by Reuters.
Separately, the army said it killed 10 militants in Balochistan on Tuesday, but did not clarify whether they were TTP or Baloch separatist fighters.
Police official Azfar Mehsar told reporters that the bomber rammed his vehicle into the police truck, detonating the explosives and forcing the police truck to plunge into a ravine.
The suicide bomber's victims included a policeman, a woman and a child, and some of the wounded were in a critical condition, another police official, Abdul Haq, told Reuters.
One of the wounded men died at the hospital, said an official, Wasim Baig, adding that 15 police officers were among the wounded.
Islamist militants in Pakistan often target polio vaccination teams, having spread rumours that the immunisation effort is a Western tool to spy on them and make Muslims infertile.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif condemned the attack and vowed to press on with the vaccination campaign.
Although Pakistan kept relations with the Afghan Taliban during the long insurgency to drive western forces out of Afghanistan, it has been fighting the TTP in its own borders for years, even though the outfit has ties to the Afghan Taliban.
The TTP wants to overthrow Pakistan's government to replace it with a governance system that subscribes to their own harsh interpretation of Islamic laws.
The Pakistan army has conducted several operations against the militants in their strongholds in lawless districts along Afghan border in recent months.
Submitted November 30, 2022 at 01:51PM by Leeming (From Reddit https://ift.tt/Be7Lo5R)
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
What the fuck is wrong with reddit, i am literally just trying to look up CNC and by that i mean CNC programming and then all i see in search results are porn and rape fetish shit. This is absolutely disgusting. Reddit is probably the biggest porn website in existence now and then xnxx and pornhub are the new meme sites. I'm not even kidding. The most viewed videos on pornsites are full of comments unrelated to porn. Internet has become unreliable nowadays. I remember when I was in elementary school when it was just an online library, literally you just google and you get what you need. now its just full of clickbait, fakenews, evil propagandas, ads and instant dopamine pieces of scammy crap that you don't need and just waste your damn time.
Besides that, I am having trouble remembering whom I had conversations with. I mean, i remember even the minor details of the conversation except the person I talked to. I think its mainly because of the number of people i talk to about the same topics. For example i was watching Spy x Family today and i remember someone told me about the plot beforehand but who did? I remember the guy at the beach told me about it and i have another friend i regularly talk to about animes so i think it might have been him. Its so hard for me to remember anything especially new information and sometimes it can be hurtful for the other people when i dont remember them because they think i dont value them but really theres just some screws loose in my head i dont know why it remembers tiny details but not the person. Aint it weird
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