#square: big brother instinct
imustbenuts · 3 months
theres a few ??? thing going on in trigun stampede that's explicitly japanese/sino-ish in culture but im entirely not sure what to make of it. 3 things.
Knives' birthname being settled as Kni/Nai,
JuLai's emblem symbolism,
and the Buddha Thread??? thing in ep 11 10
Knives' birthname is Kni and hm! ...無い?
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this is specifically a stampede thing. nightow didnt give him this Kni name in his work, so i can only chalk this up to the stampede staff's deliberate decision. if you render it into japanese, it'd be Nai, and the immediate word i can think of is... 無い. meaning, Nothing, or Without.
it fits rather well considering stampede has officially placed an emphasis on his obsessive love towards his brother on his bio on their official site:
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my TL:
Vash's twin brother. Possesses a cold and merciless personality. Filled with a hatred for humans, he masterminds an organization with a plan to massacre the entire human species. With abilities beyond human understanding, he has the power to destroy entire planets. He greatly loves his only younger twin brother, Vash to an obsessive degree.
interestingly, the word used for the obsessive love here specifically is 執着 shuuchaku, which has roots/association with the word Abhinivesha. from what i understand it is a mental state, a fear of death, and a desperation to cling onto life so much one becomes ignorant and causes their own suffering. and ignorance is another big core of what makes Knives' character tick.
so i feel like this has some pointers towards Knives, or even child Kni being nothing without his younger brother. (or it could just be a simpler play on the word naive lmao)
meanwhile for Vash there's not really anything japanese that jumps out at me, but some have pointed out his name sounds like the french word Vashe, used for female cattle. extremely passive and born for consumption and theres a lot to dissect in that direction but im not going there! his name is Knife and his brother is a cattle there's catholicism may your brain go brr.
theres more to the nothingness concept in buddhism that doesnt put it squarely in a negative category but lets talk about buddhism later. next:
JuLai's emblem
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stared at this for a few seconds and yelled fuck me. this represents the twins, AND its the broken yin yang symbol:
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:). hey look at that female thing popping up again--
Knives is evidently the light Yang, and Vash is the dark Yin. ngl this daoist thing is somewhat sexist but lets brush that over 2 thousand year old aspect aside for this post. for stampede's case we can clearly see what theming is going on especially for those in the know of the original work.
Knives is hella assertive to the point of echoing fascist eugenics nonsense, and Vash has that nurturing instinct that seems to pop in whenever there's a human child or people who needs help.
interestingly the planet No Man's Land has too much fugging sun and is too hostile for human life. to survive people have to live in the shade and turn to plants for counters to the harsh, hot celestial sun. so here if Knives is being the sun, hes also being hostile to human life, and meanwhile the feminine looking plants and Vash's personality plus actions are the only thing giving these people at chance at life. (also vash has the power of Dark Matter or something)
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obviously, just like JuLai's broken symbol, the balance is completely and utterly out of whack. in daoism a broken balance is thought to cause a lot of suffering. in the finale, Vash doesnt have a single speck of white on him, and Knives doesn't have a single speck of black. this means there isn't a balance and they cant come to an agreement at all.
im gonna also point out here that vash's idea of co-existence even if accepted wouldnt be a permanent solution due to the dependents having limited lifespan. so through this lens, stampede seems to be saying that neither twin's ideas are really effective long term solution, tho Knives is completely unacceptable due to obvious genocidal reasons.
Buddha Thread
studio orange whaaat are you guys cooking over there... ok so. in ep 11, Knives drops Vash into the uhhh The Hell Pool, and Vash tries to get out of it with his wire and hangs for a bit. then we get a scene like this:
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Knives proceeds to cut Vash's thread and he drops into The Hell Pool. and then the metaphorical SA scene happens.
i call it Buddha Thread but this can also be known as The Spider's Thread. there exists a story of The Spider's Thread that's very Japanese-Buddhist and well known over there.
the gist of this story is that Buddha lowers a single spider thread to a sinner in the deepest hell as a lifeline to get out, bc this heavy sinner had done a singular good deed of saving a spider he was about to crush with his foot. however, the thread is broken as a result of the sinner's selfishness yelling for the other sinners below him to let go, claiming this thread was his and his alone. the sinner having climbed halfway upwards the thread after great effort plunges back into the pits of hell. buddha having watched all of this reacts with sadness, and the days in paradise carry on as per usual.
and. digest that for a second. and then refer back to Knives and The Fall and this scene that plays later, when Vash's mind wipe begins proper:
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fuck. me. knives is framed as a self proclaimed god in the loudest ways on multiple levels.
while these 3 aspect i just broke down explaining do not exist at least overtly in the original trigun, i thought it would be interesting to chew on in light of the overwhelming catholicism existing in the story.
there's some themes im also picking up from the original trigun that might be rooted in either buddhsim or japanese culture such as: the undeniable truth that yearning and hunger is part of the human living experience and to deny it is to deny living. but im not sure what to make of it bc A) not explicitly framed or explored as a buddhsim/japanese idea thing and B) catholicsm obv is the overwhelming theme of the entire work
idk what the heck studio orange is cooking exactly but. hm.
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pensbridge · 4 months
1 thing that the Bridgerton siblings all have in common is that they are going to act in the most innane, chaotic, borderline animalistic of ways.
Anthony: speed runs toward Daphne and Simon without thought to pry them off from fucking in the garden only followed by bitch punching Simon square in the face; schemes to find the "perfect" wife (one who fits his checklist) to only later realize he feels for her sister....but doesn't stop there, and continues his plan as if he doesn't realize that his perfect wife is actually right there, therefore he should not have to attempt to marry the other in his escape that can only be described as a self-destruct endeavor to not accept happiness; ruins the plan AT the wedding; also smells his future wife as she passes (and gets caught); the gazebo..nuff said
Benedict: is generally a little shit (see him at dinner tables, in large gatherings, and just around his siblings); criticized an artist in front of their own work. he wasn't aware, which just adds to the chaos. walks into spaces without a clue to what is going on before him (i repeat: criticizing the artist's painting; also his chaotic arrivals at sibling councils calling for immediate action); in an ongoing frustration over his artistic expression that is meant to be expression of his feelings; proceeded to get high and took the whole bottle of substances; almost jumped out of a window fr
Colin: proposes to a woman he barely knows in a mad dash impulsive instinct that evades kissing her; walks out from the dinner with his fiancé without notice on the sole basis that he does not want to hear his future in-law sing badly. yes she is indeed terrible, fyi. failed engagement -> impulse flee from the country; ahh (sigh) he is feeding the ducks; loudly proclaims his "mis-affections" for a woman who is actually his future wife, then lends himself to help her find a husband like he doesn't see the big yellow sign flashing to reveal himself as the spouse in question
Daphne: is ½ of the couple about to desperately fuck in the garden; previously was involved in a scheme to fool the people of their surroundings that she was on her way towards marriage; ran away from a prince who was about to propose to her. I understand, but we are in dire, desperate times here. fell for the garden-fuck buddy, and became obligated to marry him, but he doesn't want kids oh no.........married him; in the "I know something my brother's fiancé doesn't know" club of 3 (peace-out, staying out of the drama; c u @ the wedding)
Eloise: trots into a room full of her mother and siblings LOUDLY inquiring how a lady becomes pregnant; accuses a maid of writing a gossip column as if she does have much time on her hands to observe and overhear the secrets of those in her surroundings, and further write about it with an internal sassy voice like she doesn't have chores and duties to tend to everyday to survive; does everything in her power to avoid men, marriage, and anything to do with the opposite sex... except one (which is scandalous no matter how cute/innocent). tears apart her bff's room in haste after the shock effect of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Bonus) 'Mother' Bridgerton: nearly asked a servant to lie on her in need for her "garden" to be tended to
Here's some more events from Season 3 that is added on to Bridgerdums malfunctioning:
Benedict: insults someone again/talks without thinking; generally has no idea what's going on; shit's (ship's) going on right in front of his eyes and he has no idea (tbh this is everything that I expected from him and this is EVERYTHING (he's chilling); so obvious trying to escape the desper-taunt; sooooo obvious trying to chat it up with L.D./Aggie Danbury, my girl
Colin: where do I start...playing 'Where's Waldo' with his bff for half an episode; LYING LIAR WHO LIES, 17 cities...you went to 17 cities?! (i'm just shocked); perhaps we should go somewhere more private??? /rushes to apologize with full sentimental remarks (good); rushes to offer the help as previously mentioned; kisses his best friend to help her out it's only fair; "OF COURSE!"...back on the hunt for pretty bff; *ooh watching bff eat a pastry, malfunction ahh* -> buys the pastry; the entirrreee hot air balloon scene (he waits, he rushes...he's definitely a fight mode with mental gymnastics flight in the lead up); can't speak in the middle of a ball; downbadism yellow sheet drop; crashes a proposal, cuts in the dance, literally so obvious, *angry* "perhaps that is for the best"; chases down a carriage ON FOOT; the (in)FAMOUS carriage; chaotic proposal
Eloise: she hates socializing with men and she's gonna shout it; cracking jokes with The Plastics; oops loud queen...let the cat out of the bag; /forever the accuser (now w/Cressida, former queen of The Plastics); she HATES society, guys, I don't think you understand; "MY BROTHER?!???" x2 (3x04 deleted scene + 3x05 tick tock Lady Featheringdown)
Francesca: the most sane, but living up to her name; dun dun dun piano; introvert escape room expert; finds a man without talking to him; rushes out of the new boyfriend hang to play her piano
Gregory: fell and broke his arm being nosy AND faaaaaailedddd; dummy was just fascinated by a balloon
Hyacinth: she's gonna be trouble, we just know, ok/always always always right
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Not You
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: A few times your big brother Dean scares you.
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Your big brother Dean would do anything for you, you knew that. He’d practically raised you, taking care of you when John wasn’t able to. He loved you and Sam more than anything, and you felt the same way about him.
But that didn’t change the fact that sometimes, Dean scared you.
You were hunkered down in the back of the Impala while Sam and Dean yelled at each other outside about their new buddy, Gordon.
You didn’t like Gordon, he freaked you out. And while Dean seemed to trust him completely, Sam was more on your side; hence their argument.
You couldn’t hear what they were saying, and you honestly didn’t care that much. That is, until Dean reared back his fist and punched Sam square in the face.
You scrambled to get out of the car before you noticed that Sam didn’t try to reciprocate. They exchanged a few more heated words before finally heading towards the Impala.
You were quiet that night, even after the vampires and Gordon had been taken care of. Your mind replayed the image of Dean punching your brother over and over again.
You felt ridiculous, lingering over something that even Sam seemed to have forgotten. But you couldn’t help but imagine that kind of anger directed at you. If he hit Sam—the brother that had been inseparable to him since basically birth—what did that mean for the others around him?
“Hey kid,” Dean’s voice startled you out of your thoughts. “I’m going for a supply run, wanna come with?”
“N-no I’m good,” you cursed the stutter that came out and forced yourself to calm down. You were only freaked because you’d been thinking about the punch, not because you were actually scared of Dean…
Your thoughts had once again distracted you, so when Dean made his next move you did something unexpected.
Dean raised a hand to run it through his hair, and your body reacted instinctively, following your current state of mind. You visibly flinched back, away from Dean, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Both Dean and Sam—who had looked up to watch the exchange at the wrong moment—noticed your reaction, and they responded in very different ways.
Dean seemed to freeze, his brows drawing together. Sam on the other hand reacted immediately, standing and taking Baby’s keys from Dean’s hand.
“Actually, I’ll go on the supply run. I need some air anyway, you two hang out here.”
He was gone before either sibling could protest.
The silence stretched on for several long minutes before you realized the problem. You were waiting for Dean to bring up what had happened, and he was waiting for you to bring it up. Considering how stubborn you both were, this could go on forever, so you decided to speak first.
“Why did you hit Sam?”
“Is that why you…” you dropped your gaze to your hands when Dean trailed off. “Hey,” he knelt beside the bed you were sitting on, his face flooding your vision. “C’mon, use your words.”
“Don’t you do that,” Dean demanded, his hand coming up to your shoulder. “Don’t be scared of me, not you. Not ever, I-I can’t…” Dean swallowed. “Don’t you ever be scared of me. I would never hurt you.”
“You hit Sam,” you argued.
“Sam’s different,” he insisted.
“Well for one, Sam’s not a kid, ok? He’s bigger than me, he can take a hit.”
When you didn’t respond, he sighed.
“Look, I shouldn’t have hit Sam, ok? But things are going on right now, things I’d rather not explain. But I promise you, I’m never gonna hurt you. Can you just trust me on that?”
“Ok,” you muttered. I can do that.”
You were huddled on Bobby’s couch, your knees curled up to your chest as you pretended not to hear the sounds coming from downstairs.
Your big brothers had caught a demon that could lead them to Crowley, and unfortunately he didn’t feel like talking.
Dean had managed to get a few words out of the guy, so Sam and Bobby were following up on that lead, but it wasn’t enough.
You were so wound up that when your phone rang you nearly fell off the couch. You answered when you saw Sam’s name on the screen.
“Did you find anything?”
“Not quite,” Sam sighed. “I need to talk to Dean, but he left his phone here in the Impala. Can you get him?”
“You-you want me to…” you swallowed down the protest that you desperately wanted to make. “Um, ok, I’ll-I’ll go get him.”
You put Sam on mute as you padded down the stairs towards the sound of the demon screaming.
You hesitated at the bottom of the stairs, your body unwilling to move forwards. Frozen to the spot, you were forced to take in the scene in front of you. Dean, a knife glinting in his hands, had blood running down his arms and splattered on his shirt.
The demon was strapped down to a chair on top of a devil’s trap, bleeding from various cuts, his face steaming from the holy water Dean had just dumped on him.
But worse than the gruesome scene in front of you was the twisted smirk on Dean’s face as he splashed holy water onto his knife and sliced into the demon’s arm, causing more screaming. As soon as the screams died down, you were about to make your presence known when the demon suddenly caught sight of you. His wicked grin alerted Dean, and he turned to see what the demon was looking at.
Your breath caught in your throat as you took an unconscious step back. Upon seeing you, Dean’s features softened almost instantly, but that didn’t take away what you’d seen. His mouth was still twisted in that awful grin, and to have it directed at you was even worse. The scariest thing though, was his eyes. They weren’t angry, which would’ve been scary enough.
There was a cool, harsh indifference in his eyes, as though he could just as easily shake your hand as cut off your head.
But when he saw you, a light seemed to enter his eyes, and the smirk dropped, but the ghost of those twisted featured lingered.
“You shouldn’t be down here,” Dean muttered as he stepped close to you.
“Sa-Sammy called,” you mumbled nervously, holding up the phone.
Dean snatched up a wet rag from a metal table next to him, wiping some of the blood off his hands and taking your phone, but not before noticing how your outstretched hand was shaking. He followed your gaze to the demon behind him, who was watching your exchange with that awful grin on his face. When Dean turned back to you, though, he saw that you were now looking at him.
He couldn’t decide whether the terror in your eyes was because of him, or the demon.
Dean leaned down and kissed the top of your head. “Go back upstairs.”
You gripped onto his arm, trying desperately to find comfort in the familiar gesture.
When he pulled away, you looked up into his eyes, trying to erase the memory of what you’d seen there.
“Don’t,” you were surprised at the strain in Dean’s voice. “Don’t look at me like that. Not you.”
You didn’t have to ask what he meant. You lurched forward suddenly, wrapping your arms around your big brother, ignoring the blood on his jacket. He reciprocated, and the feeling of his strong arms around you abated your fear. It didn’t matter what he’d done to that demon, Dean was still just Dean.
Dean was safe.
“Alright, I’m gonna go in. You wait here.”
“Are you insane?” You scoffed as Sam stepped out of the car. “It’s Dean, I’m coming.”
“We don’t know what he is right now, so no, you’re not.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“You saw the black eyes, Y/N. It’s not just Dean anymore. Now I mean it, stay in the car, I’ll be out with him soon.”
As Sam closed his door and walked into the bar, you reached down to unbuckle your seat belt.
“If you wanted me to stay away, you should’ve left me at the bunker.”
You couldn’t help it. When you saw Dean for the first time in months, your body grew a mind of its own.
“Dean!” Your features lifted in a grin as you rushed towards your big brother. All the air left your body in a huff when Sam’s arm shot out to stop you, wrapping around your waist.
“What’s the matter, Sammy?” Dean smirked. “Don’t trust me?”
That was when you really took in the scene. Dean looked…different. Like, not Dean. It wasn’t the same as when you’d seen him torturing that demon, it wasn’t just a coldness or a harshness, it was a different person.
But what stood out to you more was Sam. His arm was tight around you, before he maneuvered you behind him. His whole body was between you and Dean, one hand on your arm to be sure you were there, and the other just slightly jutting out in front of him. You knew that stance well; it was his Protective Mode, for whenever he thought there was an imminent, real danger.
And he was using it to keep you away from Dean. That scared you more than anything.
“Go back outside,” Sam ignored Dean’s remark, speaking to you but not taking his eyes off Dean.
“You shouldn’t have brought her here, Sammy,” Dean scoffed. “You know she can never resist her favorite big brother. Even when she was scared of me, she always liked me better than you.”
“Dean stop it,” you stepped around Sam, but he grabbed your arms and held you back.
“Y/N go outside,” Sam grunted.
“Dean, just come home with us,” you stopped fighting Sam, but kept your gaze on Dean.
“My home isn’t with you anymore, baby,” you nearly cringed when Dean’s favorite nickname for you came out in a way that was so obviously not Dean. “Now listen to Sammy so the grown ups can talk.”
“Hey,” you were suddenly jerked around as Sam twisted you to face him. “I need you to go.”
Nothing less than the absolute terror on Sam’s face would’ve made you relent, but relent you did.
“I want you to stay out of there until this is over,” Sam stared you down.
“Is it that bad?”
“We’re gonna fix it, ok?” Sam sighed. “We’ve got the blood and everything, I just need you to stay away from him until it’s done.”
You nodded up at him, and he disappeared into the bunker’s dungeon.
With nothing to do, you found yourself wandering into Dean’s bedroom. You’d been doing that a lot since he’d left, finding the space comforting, as it was so very Dean.
However today was not a day that you would find comfort here. You’d been waiting in there for only an hour or so when you heard it. Or rather, him.
“Come on, Sammy! Don’t you wanna see your big brother?”
Your blood ran cold as you heard Dean’s not-so-subtle approach come closer and closer to you. What was he doing?
You didn’t have much time to wonder, because the footsteps echoing through the hall suddenly stopped outside your door.
What was he doing? If he didn’t want to be here, why didn’t he just leave?
You shouldn’t have stopped to wonder, but you’d promised yourself a long time ago that you’d always trust Dean, so the possibilities of what he really wanted hadn’t even crossed your mind when the door suddenly flew open.
Dean stood there, a hammer gripped in his hand as he stepped inside his old room.
“Hey little sister,” a sickening smirk spread across his face. “I was expecting Sammy, but I suppose I can take care of you first.”
Before you knew what was happening, you were flat on your back, the flat top of the hammer pressed against your throat.
You gasped for a breath, and were horrified when no air came through.
“St-st-st-“ it was no use, you couldn’t speak.
“What was that?” Suddenly the pressure on your neck lessened, but the hammer still was still touching your neck, like some kind of sick reminder that he could cut your air off again at any time.
“If you wanna leave, just leave,” you whimpered.
“Oh baby, I don’t wanna leave. Not yet. See, after what he tried to do to me, Sam’s as good as dead. But first, I’m gonna show him exactly where pissing me off gets him.”
“M-meaning?” You weren’t sure you wanted to know.
“Meaning you’re going first. But before that, you’re gonna get Sammy over here so he can watch.”
Your eyes drifted to your pocket where your phone was.
“Oh no baby, you won’t need that to get him here,” Dean leaned back, lifting the hammer.
“De-“ your plea broke off in a shriek when the blunt object slammed down on your hand. White hot pain shot up you arm, and the edges of your vision started to go fuzzy, black tinging the corners.
“Hey!” A harsh slap across your face brought focus back to your eyes. “Don’t you pass out on me baby, I want Sam to hear you scream.”
“Please,” you sobbed. “Dean, don’t do this to me. Not you. Don’t you do this. Not you, please!”
“Hey Sammy,” Dean didn’t even turn around at the sound of Sam’s voice.
“Dean, get away from her,” you craned your neck to see Sam standing in the doorway, the demon blade clutched in his hand.
“Or what? You gonna kill me, Sammy?” Dean kept his eyes on you as he spoke to Sam, a cocky grin splitting his face. “I don’t think you have it in you.”
Sam took a half step forwards, but stopped when Dean raised the hammer, barely sparing a glance at Sam
“Uh-uh. I can bring this down on her skull faster than you can reach me, and you know I will.”
“Ok, ok,” Sam lowered the knife as he sidestepped further into the room and into Dean’s line of sight. “Just let her go man. This is between you and me.”
“I don’t think so, Sammy. You brought her into this, and now I want you to watch her die.”
“Dean,” you grabbed onto Dean’s arm, once again gaining his attention. “Dean you don’t have to do this. Come on, it’s me, you-you can’t…” you shake your head. “Th-this isn’t you, you wouldn’t do this.”
“Oh baby it is me,” you whimpered as Dean leaned down to whisper in your ear. “And you should’ve stayed scared of me.”
Dean twisted the hammer in his hand, raising it up for the fatal blow.
You closed your eyes, blocking out the vision of Dean’s pit-black eyes as you waited for the blow.
You kept your eyes closed until you heard Dean cry out, and suddenly his weight was lifted off you. You looked up to see Castiel dragging Dean back, who was fighting tooth-and-nail, a horrible screeching-like scream coming from him.
“It’s over,” Castiel grunted. “It’s over.”
Once Dean was secured back in the dungeon, Castiel healed your broken hand before going to help Sam in curing Dean.
As soon as he was clean and out of the dungeon, you didn’t waste a second, running into his waiting arms.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he breathed.
“It’s ok, Dean.”
“No, no it’s not,” he insisted, pulling away. “It’s…it was…” Dean lowered his gaze, unable to look you in the eye.
Not having it, you ducked your head lower so that your face flooded his vision, and he finally met your gaze again.
“Not you. It was not you.”
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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Honestly dude? I kinda brought this on myself. Definitely coulda gone a little softer on my bro... I mean boyfriend, but like, come the fuck on! He came home every fuckin' day from practice, kicking off his rank shoes, and stomped all over the house leaving nasty sweaty footprints on the hardwood bro! Then he fuckin' thinks it’s cute to sneak up and hug me with his soaked tank top, as if his funk wouldn't ruin my clothes! What the fuck!
Ok, ok, looking back after everything that happened, maybe I shouldn't have called him a Nasty Sweatrag, and told him to soak himself in bleach next time... Especially not in front of the creepy Goth kid, who happens to be his little brother!
One moment, I was just shouting at him, really laying it on him, sick of the sweat and the time he spent with his bros. I guess I was a bit jealous, but damn dude! I'm his bro! I mean, his girlfriend... or at least I was, until I made him cry and his brother glared from the corner of the room, seething.
In that split second before my stomach heaved, I knew I'd fucked up bad. Like, really bad bro! The world fuckin spun, I hacked and spluttered, then everything went black. I woke up later that day in a bedroom that was distinctly mine, but totally different. When I sat up and noticed my B-Cups were flat, solid, and square, my nipples small and pointing downward with the new bulk, I knew I was fucking JACKED brah! I, I mean I was fucked... this is a bad thing damn it! I'm not some lumbering meathead! fuck!
Anyway, I tossed my sheets, and noticed the rest of me. I was definitely taller, with big, clammy feet like my best bro... I mean boyfriend's, dangling off the end of my bed. My legs were thick, solid and capable of carrying the added bulk I'd suddenly packed on. The entire room reeked of humid funk. There were dirty clothes all over the floor by the hamper, battered, worn old sneakers and cleats by door in a heap, and my Vanity had become a fuckin' beast of a gaming rig dude! Fuck yeah! Wait... no, I don't game damn it! I'm not a fuckin' dude!
the rest of the room had changed similarly. Everything that could have pointed to a female living here, was now distinctly male. And that of a Big, Dumb, Sweatrag of a dude, as I'd called my bro earlier. However... it didn't bother me. I could barely smell it over the pungent fog that came from my muscled-up body. I was swole! And kinda gross dude, not gonna lie... But like, I can't fuckin help it! It’s like there's a fuckin' furnace inside me, burning up everything it’s got to keep me pumped and riled, on edge so bad I can't stop myself from fidgeting. my hands just, do their thing dude! One minute I'm lookin' in the mirror, the next I'm groping my fuckin Rod... I, woah... ok, it might be getting worse! I meant my fuckin' cock! I, I mean dick! Fucking damn it!
You know what, whatever. like I said, one minute I'm standing there, the next I've got my dick in my hand, or groping my fuckin nuts like those behemoths at the gym! Or it'll slide up my shirt, lifting it up while I don't even realize it. There’re all kinds of fuckin' weird dude things happening, and I can't stop any of it! My bod fuckin does as it wants if I'm not actively fighting it! The worst, and I mean it, the absolute fuckin worst, is when I've just scratched my junk good, and suddenly, like fuckin instinct, I'm sniffin' my fuckin fingers like a damn animal! What the fuck dude! All the fuckin' bros say its natural, that its some caveman shit... I might believe them, because it happens with my pits too! Just, standing there hittin' up one of the pretty chicks... I... I mean uh... my old friends... and then wham! sweaty pit fingers all up in my grill!
My Bro's little brother, the creepy Goth kid caught up with me when I'd all but sprinted the few blocks to his and my bro.. I mean my fuckin' boyfriend's house. I was just coming to terms with the fact that I'd hauled ass down the street, half naked, when He opened the door, and busted out laughing. Even when I had him dangling off the floor by his hoodie, threatening to squash his scrawny little pipsqueak ass, he cackled, before his eyes flared, and in an instant, his hand was out, my nipple in his fingers, as a cold pain flashed over my chest, and I looked down to see my nip was pierced, a silver barbell forcing it to stick out, perked up and stiff.
My jaw fell, and I dropped his ass, trying to form words as this wild, aggression filled me. The fuckin' goth punk crossed his arms and smirked, just as the piercings, or rather, the hex he'd put on them, erupted to life. I felt as if my brain was being squeezed from the inside, as if this fuckin' loser had his hands on it, wringing it out like a wet towel. I clutched my head, stumbling until I hit the couch, and sat, my legs splaying wide to give my fuckin' junk some room, like any dude does, when I felt the pressure lesson, and a strange, warmth began to flow from the back of my head, down my spine, and settled into my fuckin balls dude! It was like having all your smarts and who you are, drained down and stored where it belongs bro! Brains in your fuckin balls!
Fuck... no wait! He said if I couldn't fight it, if I didn't learn what it was like being an athletic dude, I'd lose everything I was, and end up just another sweaty meathead, lumbering around the gym, lifting big, gettin fucking swole, and plowing my way through chicks until graduation! I had to fight it; I couldn't give up. And my bro wasn't fuckin' helping!
He was always a fuckin' Golden Retriever, happy and dopey and dumb, I shoulda realized he was a good dude and I was lucky, before I'd been Bro'd up and brain squeezed out! Now, my fuckin' bro loves taking me to the gym, putting this body through its paces, even throwing fuckin shade when he got a whiff of my fuckin' pits! He laughs, but dude? I'm fuckin ripe, always am since his little brother turned up the juice and made sure I fit right in with the bros. My bro... boyfriend... finds it hilarious when he catches me flexing in the mirror while pumpin' out reps, or when I have to peel off my tank cus it got too damn soaked! Just look at my fuckin boxer briefs bro! See that sweat? Thats a fuckin' Man's sweat! I'm a fuckin beast bro!
All I had to do was last 1 week. Live like a fuckin dude for 7 days, learn my lesson, and I'd have my old life back. That shouldn't have been hard... well, I shouldn't have been hard, when my best friend Laura forgot what was in my fuckin pants one night while I stayed over, and fuck if I didn't end up railin' her for a good hour, before I realized too late that I'd be stuck as a sweaty dude if I shot my 5-day pent up load! She gave me no option. Teasing me about being a big dumb meathead, all brawn, no brains, thinking with my fuckin' dick, and the last straw, the moment that ensured I'd be a dude forever, was when she bit and nibbled her way down my neck, her nails leaving red scratches along my fuckin back, until she bit my nipple, playing with the barbell with her tongue, and I fuckin lost it. Just fuckin plowed in, balls deep, and shot my load. That was it, everything that had made me a girl, had unloaded with high velocity into my best friend's belly. I nearly blacked out, my big feet scrabbling in the sheets trying to get deeper as my balls drained desperately. When it was over, I fell to the side in bed, gasping as she panted and giggled, tracing her nails through the sweat dribbling down my pecs. It’s been a month since I'd lost both my temper, and my female body... but fuckin look at me brah?! The bros and I are fuckin swole! My bro says I'm far better off this way, and Laura does her part, keeping the damn Male Aggression and insatiable need in my balls, satisfied. There's a reason dudes are the way they are. Sometimes, they just can't help it.
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 4 months
Gun Park with a Gyutaro reader
...Uh, hey guys. I forgot to mention that I don't really take requests and my fics are mostly self indulgent and I only write when I'm in the mood. I'm really sorry for not telling you guys beforehand. @aline1701, if you're reading this, please take this fic as an apology.
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Gyutaro is the main antagonist of Demon Slayer's Entertainment District Arc. He is one of the demons of the 12 Kizuki, specifically sharing the rank of upper moon 6 with his younger sister, Daki. He was born with congenital syphilis which is the reason why he is so ugly in the first place (his words, not mine). He and his sister were later on slain together by demon hunters.
• So you're born ugly..... Meh.
• At least you have a beautiful sister that follows you wherever you go. You guys are two peas in a pod as you've suffered the same circumstances despite having different appearances.
• Helicopter brother Gyutaro? Helicopter brother Gyutaro. Except the helicopter being a motorcycle.
• Whenever your sister Ume is in trouble, you join her and cause more trouble. But you're still pretty protective of her... You don't want to have a nasty burn on her again...
• It's not like your sister is weak, she's just, well... Naive. Like, when an enemy doesn't fight back, she mistook it as weakness. When a person is ugly or pathetic, she mistook it as weakness. When a person is ordering her around and being ignorant, she mistook it as weakness. It's probably one of her defense mechanisms but you're not the one to blame here, right? I mean, you guys have suffered a lot worse than these people but still remained strong.
• The Twelve Kizuki was the only way for you and your sister to gain power and make the others pay for all the pain that you've endured... Even being one of Muzan's favorites, you still didn't like how he called Ume stupid and he even manipulated her with his sweet-talk. Oh well, at least it's a way to motivate her.
• You were just beating up these guys for Muzan when your big brother instincts suddenly kicked in. Huh, it's rare for Ume to call for help... Is her prey that strong? My, how troublesome.
Gyutaro, casually strolls across bruised and bloody bodies: "...... I SENSE A DISTURBANCE IN THE AIR--"
• You immediately ran to your motorcycle and started tracking down Ume, then you remembered something about Muzan giving her a mission at this location that's just several building away. By the time you get there, you saw Ume sitting defeatedly injured on the ground, crying, and throwing a tantrum about how unfair the fighter is. The said fighter began to walk towards her and attempts to kick her head. You throw your sickle into his shin and he stops, amazed by the fact that he didn't see it coming and that you just calmly begin to comfort your sister...
Gyutaro, crouching to check Ume's injuries: "There, there now, I'm here. Don't cry, tears doesn't suit a strong and beautiful fighter like you. You're the pretty one, so you're supposed to take care of your face, alright?"
Daki, intensely sobbing: "Nii-chan! Where were you?! I tried calling for you but you arrived too late!! Now look at me... MY BEAUTIFUL FACE IS RUINED!!!"
Gyutaro: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I promise I won't keep you waiting next time. At least remember to breathe to stop the bleeding, okay? Nii-chan will be taking things from here. "
Daki: "It's that imbecile over there! He did this to me! I fought fair and square but he cheated! This is unfair.... I HATE THIS. KILL HIM!! KILL HIM NOW!!!"
• After comforting your sister, you stood and walk towards the fighter and started having a face-off...
???: "Oh? Who the hell are you? It pisses me off when a good fight is interrupted, y'know. "
Gyutaro: "Too bad. You're gonna have to pay for what you've done to my sister... after all, she had to do everything to win this battle and managed to endure this far with her small brain... "
???: "....."
???: "...Did you just call her a dumbass?"
Gyutaro, scratching intensely: "Shut the hell up! It's not like you're a dumbass too, fighting with another gang without reinforcements. "
???: "I don't need reinforcements. I can beat you just fine."
Gyutaro: " ...HAHAHAHA! LOOK AT THIS COCKY JACKASS! I bet you're so rich that you don't even need to fight fair. You think you're so strong that you can take another fighter that just drove a blade to your leg?! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!"
Gyutaro: "Of course. How will I beat the shit out of you if I don't?! IN FACT, WHY DON'T YOU MAKE THE FIRST MOVE?!!"
• During the fight, the fighter with sunglasses was weakened after getting stabbed by your poisoned sickles and staggered a little. Meanwhile your fatigue only increased the more the opposing fighter attacked you, eventually resulting in tie.
???, panting: "...You fight... *pant*... well. It's been a long time since I...*pant*.... Fought a real fight... "
Gyutaro: "Your not... *pant*... So bad yourself... Makes me almost feel bad ...*pant*... It'll be a waste of potential if I kill you... Hmmm, I know! How about you join us? Our gang can make you even stronger and richer than whatever amount of money your employer is giving you."
Daki: "Nii-chan! You can't do that! I won't allow it--"
Gyutaro: " Aw c'mon, sis. It's just an invitation before I kill... Uhh..."
Gun: "Gun Park."
Gyutaro: "Yeah, whatever your stupid name is. So, wanna join?"
Gun: "...I have unfinished business. "
Gyutaro, scratching intensely: "Hah... These smallfries are starting to tick me off--"
Gun: "How about you work with me?"
Gyutaro: "After you rejected my offer? Nah, I'll pass."
• Weirdly enough, you and this Gun guy actually get along, minus for Ume still being salty about her defeat. You even get to know more and meet Goo, who you find relatable considering his high regard for money but you have urges to sever his hands if he lays one on Ume. You and Gun spar sometimes, but not often because of the opposing companies of Muzan Kibutsuji and Charles Choi, so you end up having a friendly rivalry that on other times turn violent.
• You didn't care if he kills the other upper moons... You just hope that he stays away from your sister. And even if he does kill her for his job, you'll be the first one to behead him.
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have-kake · 6 months
Big Brother [2/3]
Three instances of big brother instincts within the chain. [Ao3 Link]
[Part 1: Wind] [Part 2: Twilight] [Part 3: Warriors]
Twilight pauses when he thinks he hears shouting. He's far from camp, and he can't usually hear the others from this far. He quickly changes directions and starts back. If monsters showed up, he'd rather be a part of the fight than find out he missed the entire thing.
The shouting gets clearer the closer he gets. He's careful to keep quiet as he hurries along. The last thing he needs is for any potential enemies to hear him.
"You don't need to know how to read to work a fucking map!!" Legend practically roars.
Twilight stumbles to a halt in his surprise.
Wild screams his own retort back.
Twilight runs a hand over his face with a long sigh. Of course they're arguing over how to travel. When do they not argue about how to travel?
He doesn't bother rushing for the rest of the walk back. They're screaming at each other, but it doesn't seem all that serious yet either.
He stops at the edge of camp where he can get a good look at them. He's not surprised to see Legend and Wild squaring up, but he is surprised to see Hyrule doing the same. He even seems to be on Wild's side too.
He looks around the camp to see where the others are. Sky and Four are both gone. Wind sits with Wars and they're both snickering at the arguing trio. And Time is doing a wonderful job at ignore everything.
He lets out a weary sigh. How did he end up being the only adult in the group? He's not even part of the oldest three! Yet he always gets stuck breaking up the stupid fights.
Hyrule and Wind play with a chuchu from Wild's era? Time's there to glare at all of them in disappointment.
Everyone places bets on whether Four can win against a like-like in tug-of-war? Time's there to lecture everyone and glare at them in disappointment.
Four and Wild nearly come to blows over what a tomato is? Twilight's there to calm them down.
Legend and Sky start fighting over religion and which Goddesses are real? Twilight's there to separate them.
Wild and Hyrule gang up on Legend about how to travel? Twilight's left to resolve the issue.
"That's soundin' like a pretty serious argument y'all are having," Twilight comments as he steps up to the trio. Instantly all three of them start shouting again as they try to talk over one another to give their side of the story first.
Normally, Twilight doesn't mind. He's used to breaking up arguments and fights between the kids in the his village. But these are grown adults! And none of the other adults bother to do shit!
Without warning, he hits all three of them on the head. "Shut up!" He snaps.
Hyrule falls silent in shock. Legend just crosses his arms with a huff. Wild tries to talk back, but a glare has him backing down.
"Y'all gettin this fight every other day!" He snaps. He doesn't even care about how the others are gonna pick on his accent. "I am sick 'n tired of hearin' it!"
"Then go somewhere else!" Wild yells as Hyrule tries to blame Legend for something.
Twilight reaches out and grabs both of them. He picks them up with ease. He makes sure to hold them extra tight so they don't slip free and so it's uncomfortable.
Legend snorts.
Twilight glares at him and the vet immediately falls silent.
Wild tries to break free so he tightens his grip, and he keeps tightening until Wild starts yelling. "Okay, stop, stop! That hurts!" He shouts finally stopping his struggle.
Twilight stops tightening his grip, but he doesn't loosen it either. "If I gotta hear this stupid dang fight one more time!" He threatens. "Imma rat the three o' y'all to Time!"
That seems to get the Old Man's attention.
Legend narrows his eyes up at Twilight. "You wouldn't," he whispers.
"Watch me," he looks away to find Time watching them carefully. "Hey, Old Man, y'ever wonder how yer fancy shoulder armor got all chewed up?"
Legend's eyes widen comically wide. Twilight would laugh if he wasn't so annoyed. He has to fix his hold on Hyrule as the poor boy also tenses. Two birds with one stone.
Time's single eye narrows. "Yes," he says slowly. "As a matter of fact, I do."
Twilight turns back to Legend with a triumphant smirk. He even focus on the two in his arms for good measure. Can't let Time know for sure who did it.
"Or maybe I'll tell Sky which o' y'all spilled that weird gunk on the Master Sword," Twilight continues feeling Wild and Hyrule flinch. "Or Wars who tore up his scarf." The scarf had actually been Four, but having the Captain's attention increase the tension helps.
"Okay, okay! We'll stop!" Wild says.
Hyrule's quick to nod along. "No more fighting! Got it!"
Twilight lets go abruptly. Hyrule tries to catch himself, but still ends up with a mouthful of dirt. Wild doesn't even bother trying and just flops to the ground with a quiet grunt.
He waits until they've picked themselves up to cross his arms. "Well?"
"Sorry, Twilight," they say with varying degrees of reluctance.
"I ain't the one y'all should be apologizin' to," though he does appreciate it.
Legend and Wild grumble while Hyrule simply shuffles in place.
"I'm waiting."
Hyrule sighs. "Sorry, Legend."
"Yeah, sorry," Wild adds.
Legend huffs. "I'm sorry, too, I guess."
Twilight claps both Legend and Wild on the shoulder. He smiles at the way they both jump. "See, that ain't so hard."
The three of them disperse and wander to different parts of the camp. Twilight sighs and makes his way over to the fire. There goes his plans to transform for a few hours. He's too exhausted to even think of running around. Shame he can't take them out to chop wood. Like Fado liked to say: you got energy to fight, you got energy to work! 
Wind snickers as he walks by. "Looks like even big brother Twilight has his limits," he stage whispers to Wars who snorts.
Twilight stops to raise an eyebrow at both of them. "Y'all two fixin' to join in?"
Wars and Wind both hold up their hands. "Nope, we're all good," Wars says.
"What he said," Wind agrees.
He ignores them and goes to take a seat. He lets out a long breath as he gets settled.
Time leans over to him. "Who was it?"
"Who messed up my pauldron?"
"Dunno what you're talking 'bout," he replies.
Time frowns. "But you said–?"
"And they stopped," he shrugs, "so s'far as I'm concerned, I dunno what you're talkin' bout."
Wars laughs. "A true brother's honor!"
Some time later, Sky finally wanders into camp. He looks around and raises an eyebrow at Four and Wild as they cook. "Did they finally finish fighting?"
Twilight glares at him.
Wind leans forward from his spot by Time. "You should've seen it!" He says excitedly. "Twi really let 'em have it!"
"He went full farm boy on them, too," Warriors adds. "Thick accent and all!"
Sky looks surprised as he takes a seat next to Warriors. "Really?"
Twilight's still glaring at him. "And where were you?" He asks. "You were supposed to be watchin' the camp with Wars 'n the Old Man."
"The fighting was getting annoying, so I went for a walk," he shrugs.
Twilight simply nods.
In the morning when they head out on the road again, Twilight lets Legend know Sky's the one who accidentally dumped his pack a few days ago. He leaves to scout ahead just as Legend starts shouting. Maybe one day Sky will act his age. Until then, Twilight will keep treating him like one of the kids from the village too.
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shallowseeker · 9 months
It's my fault. I let my guard down. But it's your fault, too. It's on US. And it...it's more your fault than the others, because--
I kinda lost my big Dean farewell tour meta, but I still stand by the fact that Dean's decision not to go into the Mal'ak box was very much based on multiple people's support (Sam, Mary, Cas, Jack). That said, it was so so so conspicuous that he actively avoided Cas and Jack the most.
When Cas cornered him in Prophet and Loss things got, "an awkward beat / So this is goodbye?"...weird fast.
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via @spnscripthunt
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In Ouroboros, all Cas has to do is catch Dean's eyes, and he just...falls right open. It's very clear that Cas's opinion on the matter is a quiet, powerful unsaid-thing.
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Cas's hope is important here. More important than perhaps ANYONE is willing to admit. When he reassures Dean, Dean feels more at ease. More hopeful. And with most hopeful things, it feels a long way down when you fall from it.
(Aside///Love how Dean throws Cas this cheeky little smile and Cas glares at him btw.)
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Later, when Dean wakes up after his injury, yes he's talking to all of TFW, of course he is. (He's talking to his brother, his best friend, his foster son.)
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Here we have Dean lamenting that, like the chicken in Noah's story, he let his guard down, and now the snake is loose in the bunker.
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And here, we have such a subtle thing. The first of many cracks. Cas jumps in to talk to him, and Dean immediately fires back. He's reacting to Cas.
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The camera focuses on Sam, gets Sam's reaction. But Dean? Dean's squared up to Cas. He's invoking his fresh conversation with Cas in the diner.
Cas is holding Dean's gaze evenly, and they're assuming their usual battle positions. Sam holds up his hands like he's getting between them, de-escalating the thing between them on gut instinct.
(it reminds me of this one)
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Already, there's an insidious, human emotion seeming to take hold. Or at least, the seeds of it.
Somewhere deep is the burgeoning blame Dean's going to eventually put on Cas -> putting on him "the things he can't take," expecting him to protect everyone from everything, to be safe and keep them all safe.
("It's your fault I stayed. Because I stayed, [OMITTED, people I loved died]. It's more your fault than the others.")
But why is it more Cas's fault? Why is the reaction so outsized in Dean?
He doesn't just blame Cas for Mary, for the loss of Jack's soul that lead up to it. (Cas was supposed to succeed where John failed.)
He blames Cas for being a big part of why Dean wanted to stay in the first place. Cas made Dean want things.
And Dean's historic willingness to sacrifice himself is built on not wanting things for himself.
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Heroes die.
JOHN E. WINCHESTER 1954-2006 LOVING HUSBAND & FATHER REMEMBERED FOREVER DEAN: It's like my old life is, is coming after me or something. Like it like it doesn't want me to be happy. Course I know what you'd say.,,, So go hunt the Djinn. He put you here, it can put you back. Your happiness for all those people's lives, no contest. Right?" But why? Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero? (begins to cry while talking) What about us, huh? What, Mom's not supposed to live her life, Sammy's not supposed to get married? Why do we have to sacrifice everything, Dad? (pause) It's... (Dean's lips tremble. Silence. We hear the sky rumbling. Tears begins to falls on DEAN's cheek.)
When Dean was willing to blow himself up in season 11, he was rewarded with his Mom coming back. When he wasn't willing to do it in season 14, his son stepped in to do it for him, losing his soul in the process and leading directly to the death of Mary. How horrible.
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dreamersbcll · 1 year
What if chad doesn't stop tara from opening quinn's door in the apartment scene? Let's suppose that ghostface was right behind it, waiting for someone to do something. Maybe when tara opens it, ghostface pulls her inside and locks the door... please, if you decide to write this, make it angsty <3
so, i did a mashup of au’s. here’s the other inspo post….
The fucked-up part of the whole night was that Tara genuinely thought they would eat dinner together until the screaming started. The newly coined Core-Four gets one nice moment together, which again is ruined by some death wish. Once the screaming began, the facade of a good life was stripped away, and the kids ran toward the source.
Tara didn’t know why she went to open the door. Every fiber in her being begged her to back away from the door, but naturally, she ignored her instincts. She instead reached for the door handle, feeling the electricity crackle between her fingertips and the knob. She knew deep down that something was wrong.
But she twisted it anyway.
The second she did so, she looked up and made eye contact with Sam, dread swallowing her up whole. As if Sam could read her mind, her expression quickly changed from confusion to horror. Her big sister reached out, trying to get her away from the door, and that’s when Tara was snatched.
The door violently swung open, and a gloved hand wrapped around her shoulder, yanking her inside. She could see the moment that the other kids knew- that Tara wasn’t coming out unscathed. She could feel her stomach drop, her hands instantly shaking. The door slammed shut behind her, and the noise of something being shoved in front of it made her ears ache.
As she was thrown to the bedroom floor, she saw Quinn’s dead body strewn across her bed. Blood spattered the walls and sheets, and she cried out as she fell into a puddle. Hot and sticky, and her head throbbing, she stared at Ghostface, a sneer across her face.
Though every part of her was terrified, she put on her brave face, snarling back at her latest assailant.
“You better make it fucking hurt. My sister will tear you apart, limb by limb!” she growled, ignoring the throbbing in her panicked chest.
Ghostface tilted his head at Tara, and she swore she saw him smile.
“I hope she does, Tara,” he sneered back, raising the knife.
Before she could react, she kicked her square in the head, knocking her out cold.
Turning around towards the sound of screaming, Ghostface stared at the door, watching it shake. He could hear the bitchy sister beg for Tara, and the conceited asshole Chad threw his body against the door. It didn’t matter what they prayed for or who they begged. He was in control now.
Making his way to the shaking door, he pulled out his knife, tapping the blade against the door. Immediately the pounding stopped, the screaming dying to a bated breath.
This was too fucking easy.
Scraping the blade against the door, he spoke quietly, just above a whisper.
“Hey, Sam. Let’s play a game,” he taunted, goosebumps rising as the shrill knife scraped against the old wood.
A gasp could be heard, and someone stumbled back across the hardwood floor onto the couch. He grinned, knowing that he had them all wrapped around his finger.
Her voice, low and controlled, broke the silence.
“Try me, motherfucker,” she hissed back, her voice strained.
Without warning, he slapped his free hand against the door hard enough to make the ground jump and shriek in fear. God, did this feel fucking good. He didn’t care if he was going off-script. This was what he wanted. It was his game, and they had to play it.
How delightful.
Leaning against the door, he let his mask touch the wood, relishing how he could hear Sam breathing fast. The bitch may be a stone-cold murderer, but behind that, she was still a scared little girl.
And he was about to teach her what happens when you kill his brother.
“Question game. Three questions, to be exact. Each time you’re wrong, I get to stab your sister. If you get them right, she lives with minimal brain damage. If you don’t decide in the next ten seconds, I’m gutting her like a pig on Quinn’s bedroom floor,” he snarled, slapping his hand against the door again.
It took a few moments of frantic whispers and soft cries of Don’t do it, Sam, but he eventually heard the words he was waiting for.
“Fine. You lose, and I get to tear you apart,” she gritted back, slamming her hand against the wall.
He grinned and picked up the crumpled girl by the hair.
This was too easy.
Sam doesn’t know why she decided to play into this asshole’s delusions. Nothing good was going to come of it. She knew deep down that she was doing the wrong thing, but what could she do? She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.
Tara was going to bleed either way. Whether or not Sam burst into the door armed and ready to fight, Tara would get hurt. It didn’t matter what she did.
It didn’t fucking matter.
Digging her nails into the soft wood, she could feel the twins flanking her side. Annika was behind her, pressing gently against the small of her back. Taking a deep breath, she shuddered, the twins holding her upright.
“Okay. Now fucking get on with it, you sorry sack of shit,” she blurted out, trying to sound intimidating. But her shaky voice gave her away.
She could hear someone dragged across the floor, presumably her little sister—dead weight. Tara sounded like dead weight. She could feel her stomach churn and twist, knowing that her baby sister was in the hands of a butcher with a knife.
“Sam?” a confused Tara slurred out, yelping as she was slapped again.
Sam punched the door in a rage. “Don’t fucking touch her!”
After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally answered her, laughing at her pain. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to control her breathing. If she broke focus, Tara would die, and she couldn’t have that. They had just reunited.
They had just reunited.
“Question one, Sam. No freebies,” he drawled, Tara whimpering at his feet.
The twins sniffled, Anika, rubbing Mindy’s back. Sam could feel her hands trembling, and she took a deep breath, trying to control it. The kids needed her to stay upright. The kids needed her to be strong.
Fuck, Tara needed her to be solid and correct.
“How many people have you killed?”
Sam felt her mouth go dry, her hands limp at her side. This wasn’t a trick question, just one she wasn’t expecting. But she knew she was right because she had killed zero people. She smiled to herself, knowing that Tara would be safe this round. Mindy breathed a sigh of relief, Chad putting his face into his hands.
“None. I’ve killed none. Fuck you!” she spat, curling her hands into fists.
“Wrong answer!” he taunted, and before she could react, Tara screamed in pain.
A guttural scream of torment and the sound of skin torn apart by a knife. Chad stumbled backward, turning green, while Mindy fell to her knees, dragging Anika down.
Sam stood there, swaying slightly on her feet. She could hear Tara crying, the type of cry she had when she was in distress. It had been a while since Sam had heard that, that cry of despair. She should’ve known that this asshole had some fucked-up vendetta against her. Another conspiracy theorist who couldn’t accept that she wasn’t guilty.
“Let her go! Take me! Let her go!” she screamed, throwing her shoulder into the door. She felt it splinter under her touch, but before she could throw her body against the door again, she heard Tara wail in pain again.
“Careful, Sam. That’s against the rules—quick follow-up question for you. How many times can I stab your little sister before she bleeds out?” he gloated, laughing maniacally at his words.
She tugged at her hair hard. “That’s not fair! That’s not a real fucking question! Fuck you! Let her go!” Sam wailed, slamming her hands against the door.
Tara coughed a wet, sticky cough. “Sam, please,” she begged softly, coughing again.
There wasn’t anything Sam could do. She was stuck in hell, and she couldn’t do a goddamn thing to claw her way out. Tara was begging for her to help, but the game was rigged. No matter what, her baby sister would bleed- and Sam couldn’t control how much.
She slammed her hand against the door again, pathetically.
“Please,” she whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes as she heard Tara take a ragged breath in and out.
“Answer the question, Sam. How many people have you killed?”
Tara whimpered, and the twins behind her sobbed. Sam could feel every part of her body fighting the answer that sat on her tongue, but she had to give in. There wasn’t a backup plan. This was it- this was the end.
And she had to play into it.
“One. I’ve killed one,” she whispered, digging her nails into the door.
Ghostface laughed, a loud, mocking sound. The twins flinched, and Sam nearly stumbled back from the noise. It was an unnerving sound echoing throughout their apartment, one that wouldn’t ever be forgotten.
After a bit, he collected himself, clearing his throat.
“Do you know what it’s like to lose a sibling, Sam?”
Her stomach bottomed out, and her knees hit the floor. She pressed her forehead against the door, her nails digging into the wood, blood oozing down the wood.
“Please. Please don’t do this,” she begged, tears flowing down her face.
She could hear her baby sister crying, mumbling through her anguish and tears. He slapped Tara, the sound making Sam flinch in pain.
“I know what it’s like. You killed my sibling. I think it’s only fair if I kill yours. A life for a life,”.
“Richie was your sibling?” she stuttered incredulously, Mindy gasping behind her.
He laughed again, plunging his knife into Tara, who cried out in pain.
“She has a brain, ladies and gentlemen! The killer, the cold-blooded murderer, Sam Carpenter, has a brain!” he crowed, stabbing Tara again.
Ghostface dragged Tara towards the door, pressing her against it. Sam could practically feel Tara’s breathing, and she pressed a shaky palm against the door, trying to soothe her little girl.
It didn’t matter. This was the end. She could feel Tara's blood ooze under the door, soaking into her jeans. Tara breathed raggedly, her voice thick with blood.
“Sam. It’s Ethan. He’s the killer,” she softly whispered, her voice barely registering in Sam’s mind.
“Ethan?” she replied incredulously.
If she were wiser, she would’ve kept her mouth shut. But she wasn’t.
“Hi, Sam. Goodbye Tara!” he triumphantly yelled.
The screams of the group echoed throughout the building, Tara’s blood covering their floors.
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mdhwrites · 1 month
Is Zhu Yuan Too Normal For ZZZ's Writing?
I don't dislike Zhu Yuan. A lot of her marketing material was really cute and painted an actually pretty normal person. Someone who is earnest, a little silly, naive but also very good at her job and has great instincts for that job so she knows when to bend things or go a little harder than necessary when the job demands it. She can be brutally efficient but only when her cop flip is switched. Otherwise, she can have a very normal day of cooking, cleaning and then going out for a nice meal with her parents because she doesn't do big, flashy things, she does smaller, more intimate things.
But the trust events don't really reflect this... At all? And I mean this both in the major, three missions/video rental request and also her just randomly wandering around town. They all want to be funny or the like but either struggle to find a punchline with her or to find an element of her that is, well... Funny. The best ones leave more of an impression of others playing against her normalcy, of the world flustering her, but that isn't the strongest characterization for her.
The thing that really made me just have to stop and ask what the hell they were going for was her trust event at the massage parlor in Lumina Square. For those who don't know, here's the gist: She's there for a message and the robot who does them is stuttering. We ask about it, get scolded for it since Zhu Yuan thinks she always stutters but no, he only stutters when she's around. That's because when you hit her pressure points, she will shoulder toss you. He then proceeds to get thrown like a dozen times while giving her a back massage, and clearly has been before too. This is over exagerrated and the like, like ZZZ's stuff normally is with one MAJOR problem...
Why does Zhu Yuan allow this? My brother compared her writing to Yor from SpyxFamily but Yor is genuinely a failure at essentially anything that isn't murder. 80% of her brain is murder and so when she goes full brutality on someone by instinct, it makes sense and can be charming because we understand that's part of who she is. She'd like to be nicer but she can never fully turn it off. It genuinely gets in her way like this. Zhu Yuan does not share this though. She can self regulate, she can stop herself from being a cop for things like not turning us in or defying her superiors so as to do the right thing. She is not Soldier 11, who's character fits WAY better for this sort of joke because, you know, she's so incapable of turning the soldier part of herself off it's PART OF HER NAME.
I have genuinely come to like Zhu Yuan LESS since getting her and being able to have these trust events. And it's not even like they're all bad. I love her final trust event where she learns about Eridu's underground porn industry. One of her options for going out on the town has the adorable tidbit that she gets flustered at the idea of holding hands... Though that one is hurt by then making it about this weird shoulder toss stuff. It works better as a joke there though because yeah, grabbing her hand leading to her throwing you is more reasonable than if she's in the middle of a massage and does it a dozen times. She even warns the player because she doesn't like that this is her instinct and tries to avoid such things.
Many, MANY of the trust events rely heavily on the gimmicks and quirks of the characters of the game for them. That's not a criticism, just a fair evaluation. There's a lot more stuff that includes teasing 11 about her hot food love than there is like finding out that Anby just likes to sometimes stop and check out when she gets the chance to relax and is self conscious about it. There's a lot more about Nicole being a penny pincher then there is Ellen's automated responses to much of the world. These exaggerated elements are easier to write for en masse scenes like this, and many are EXTREMELY charming, but that means when you have a more normal character like Zhu Yuan, you kind of have to graft quirks onto her. I don't think that's necessary though. Having her be a normal person amongst the storm of personalities would be really effective.
Let me hear from her about how her tomatoes are doing, not how she needs to be full cop mode for a concert we go to. Let her just be a person because she'd make for better contrast that way, like any good comedic straight man. See you next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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themissinghand · 1 year
One Piece: Of Sweet Donuts and Fortune Cookies [3]
Part 1! Part 2!
Summary: In which every child loves sweets, and loves her otherworldly treats. (Or Katakuri loves someone who's a liar)
Pairing: A little bit of Charlotte Katakuri x Immortal! Female! OC-insert
Note: This is the final part of this series! The female OC is a transmigrator that came from the modern world who (somehow) became immortal, and is more than what Katakuri ever expected.
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You Cake My Breath Away
Katakuri starts to notice things about her.
From the way she dresses differently every day, to the way she smiles.
From the way she treats her customers to the way she loves her brother.
It's becomes vibrant, a light in his life.
She welcomes him and his siblings without hesitation and always gives them treats.
She doesn't have any greedy eyes that Katakuri always sees nor the hidden contempt behind her back.
So when Katakuri has finally realized he's just as tall as her, he could see her squarely in the eyes and realize that her eyes are like jewels.
It's so strange. 
He's never been so confused before. 
And it seemed like he was the only one who seems to act this way. 
It's not like him. 
He's supposed to be the perfect child, the perfect son of the notorious Big Mom. 
What's wrong with him?
"Perhaps adoration is what you are feeling." Theseus says casually, though for once his smile seems a little too tense. 
"However, I would like to advise you to give up. My lady only sees you as a child."
Katakuri had a sudden urge to fight the man, but he held back when Theia ran out of their storage room in a rush. 
"Theseus, my brother! Look! I finally made brownies!" She cheers and Theseus congratulates her as if he didn't just threaten Katakuri. Then she turns to Katakuri with a surprised smile. 
"Kata! Sorry to keep you waiting, but do you want to try my brownie? It's a new food item I'm planning on adding to the menu!" When she offered it to him, he took it and had a bite. 
It was delicious as always, and so so sweet. Katakuri nods with a satisfied smile, making her happy. 
"Okay, but what's up? You're all dressed up and everything today." Katakuri stills, and then remembers that this visit had a purpose. 
His eyes steels to one worthy of the Charlotte name.
"Mama wants to invite both Theia and Theseus to a tea party." 
Katakuri expected fear, or some sort of negative emotion, but instead, Theia's smile slowly quirked up into a sudden smirk, before disappearing quickly. 
A sudden chill went down his spine, triggering his fight or flight instincts, reminding him of the first time they met. 
A reminder that they were predators. 
"I accept." 
(Katakuri didn't notice his own smirk hidden underneath his scarf, and was that excitement or relief?)
Perhaps she is not as tamed as she appears. 
Pie! Let's Meet Again
"Mama mama! Welcome to my tea party!"
Katakuri knew this was not a normal tea party, but it was not his duty to wonder what Mama was planning. With his siblings, he sat beside Mama like a good son he is, and watches the two baker siblings bow in respect. 
"We are honoured to be invited to your tea party Big Mom. We've also brought some of our deserts as our thanks." Theia says, completely out of character, almost graceful and majestic even, as she allows Theseus to serve their desserts on the table. 
As expected, Mama devours their desserts easily and quickly with a satisfied maniac grin on her face. 
Theia and Theseus didn't say anything, in fact, they simply sipped their tea respectfully and patiently on the side.
As if they expected this.
"Mama mama, shall we get down to business?" Big Mom leans forward with the same grin and Thesia challenges with a gentle smile. 
"Oh? What could you mean, Big Mom?" 
"I can't believe you hid so well in my territory! And opened a bakery right under my nose! Did you have any business here?" 
"Of course not. I was simply travelling around."
"Mama mama! Of course, and you haven't changed with your brother since long long ago!"
They knew each other? Since when?
Even the playful music in the background stilled as the two women starred at one another, and Katakuri identified it to be Conqueror's Haki. Although he was in the midst of training, this pressure was pushing down on him. 
Theia tapped the table once while she leaned on her other hand with a sly smile. 
"Why don't we cut the formalities, Linlin? It seems you remembered something important." 
And the table cracks under all the pressure after Mama starts to laugh.
"We finally meet again, the Mother of Eternity!" 
Katakuri immediately shielded his siblings from the shattering cutlery and glassware in front of them. By commanding his siblings to stay back, he stood in front as he watched chaos unfold in front of him. 
The Mother of Eternity is Theia?
Who haven't heard of that title? Then if the Mother of Eternity is here, Theseus must be...
"The Sage of the New World." Katakuri widened his eyes at the revelation.  
This was their true identity?  
Katakuri recalled seeing their wanted posters, but there was never a clear picture of their appearance. In fact, people say the photographer never lived after snapping a photo of them.
But Katakuri has heard rumours about the two. Many of which are just mere speculations, one of them was immortality, and one was that they were inhuman. 
Some say they were immortal monsters from the previous era.
So many emotions burst forth from within, confusion, anger, embarrassment and betrayal. 
Why did she hide? Why did she trick him?
"Well, looks like it's time for us to leave. It was fun, Linlin."
Then Theia looked at Katakuri with a giant smile. Tiny green, gold, and white lights surround the two siblings as giant, majestic silver wings sprouted from her her back. 
"Mama mama! I heard it from my old Captain, but to think you still actually exist!" Mama was beyond content with the free show, as she stared at Theia with desire. 
"Join my family!" 
"You've grown up, Linlin." Theia remarks, before she snaps, and bright light blinded Katakuri's eyes. When the light dims, all it remains is a destroyed room and his angry mother. 
"Find her and her brother! NOW!" 
Without hesitation, Katakuri sprinted out to search for her. 
He was the first to arrive at her bakery, or at least where it used to be, because there was nothing left of it. 
Similarly, all of the employees disappeared like dust. Just like how Theia and Theseus left without a trace, everything related to them also escaped. 
"Her vivre card...is gone! What is going on!?" 
Katakuri ran and ran, looking for a single trace of her on the island. For some reason, he wanted to believe that when she looked at him with such sincerity, she did it with reason. 
So when Katakuri saw a flicker of green light in the distance, he followed and chased without hesitation. Like a mad hound, he rushed after it, before arriving behind of the duo who stood at the edge of the island. 
When she turned around, she gave a smile identical to the ones where she would welcome them in to her bakery. 
Katakuri rushed ahead with his trident, but like the first time they met, Theseus easily stops him with his hand, and completely freezing him in place with those strange purple lights. Upon closer look, they were...fairies! 
Katakuri suddenly remembered another rumour. 
Some say, they were from an extinct race.
Some say, they've come for revenge!
But how could this be? Katakuri remembered Mama saying they were extinct 800 years ago during the Void Century!
In the midst of his confusion and desperation, Theia leans forward and speaks beside his ear. 
"It was fun, Charlotte Katakuri." 
Katakuri jumps back and watches as Theia burst into light along with Theseus and they scatter in the air, never to be seen again. 
Were they ever here? Were they simply an illusion? 
All of his doubt vanished upon seeing a fortune cookie rolled to his feet. 
Picking it up and cracking it open, a piece of paper rolled out. 
"Let's meet again, Kata."
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sophiasharp · 1 year
I think I might be the sole target audience for this but
The Papas during Lobster Mini-Season
Designated boat driver
Really good sense of direction, helps a lot when it comes to keeping track of old hot spots
Can also cheat and just magic his way into figuring out where all the lobster are hiding. Don’t tell the regulars, they’ll be pissed
Enjoys singing along to the radio while his brothers do most of the actual catching
Goes out again when the rest have their fill to his own secret spots. Enjoys some peace and quiet, taking his time catching his limit. He refuses to tell his brothers where he goes and it pisses them off to no end lol
Beach! Bum! Secondo! My! Beloved!
More of a Vegas guy but still LOVES him some ocean time, especially in The Keys. Viva La Conch Republic babyyyyyy!
Gets day drunk while he’s on the boat but then has ruthless efficiency in the water. Soon as he’s out again, the buzz comes back. No one has any idea how the fuck that works.
Is the one that makes sure they adhere to the legal limit. “I refuse to get our asses arrested and have the Ministry deal with that PR issue just because we got greedy with some sea roaches. I’m on thin ice as is, that would just be embarrassing.”
Puts the lobsters he catches in his own personal cooler. This also happens to be where he keeps his drinks. He doesn’t seem to mind so no one questions it.
Insists on listening to Jimmy Buffett when he’s in charge of the boat and at any other opportunity.
Weirdly competitive about it, has this inherent need to be The Best at lobster catching. Probably the Middle Sibling Instinct kicking in.
Him and Secondo go head to head every year over who can get more over the mini-season. They’re about evenly matched skill-wise so it tends to go back and forth every year.
Will sometimes start arguments in the water over a catch
“That one was mine! I chased it out of the hole when your bald ass got in the way and stole it!” “I found that lobster fair and square and you know it, fuck off” “Right sure, and Nihil loves us. I hope you sunburn your skull, stronzo.”
There have been slap fights between two grown men in 4 feet of water.
Was the one to figure out that the lobster are calmer and taste better when you keep them on ice. It took. An embarrassing amount of time for them to figure that out. They started this tradition before Google, alright? Give them a break.
Likes to sing along to the radio as well, but makes up new lyrics when Secondo gets on his nerves.
New to this whole thing cause he was scared of getting in the water and having to pick the lobsters up by hand. Mostly just slept on the boat in years prior
Now that he’s Papa though the others made him participate with them.
He is. Very nervous. First time he scared a lobster out of a hole he somehow scared out a second that was faced the other way and it swam directly at his face, scaring the absolute shit out of him.
His snorkel keeps falling over his ear :(
Lost his net and his tickle stick in water with 4 feet of visibility, managed beyond all odds to find them again, then lost his looper in the process of catching something.
Somehow still managed to get the biggest lobster of the day. Like cartoonishly so. It was his big trophy. They cooked it for him for dinner as a reward for his first outing.
Just here so the brothers can increase their legal limit.
He’s become one with the sea grass
Sleeping with the fishies
Don’t worry he’ll wake up when a crab tries to bite his ass
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revenant-coining · 5 months
(pt: Brotherinstintropic /end pt)
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(ids; a rectangular flag with 13 rectangular lines. lines sizes in order from top to bottom are 1 medium, 1 thin, 2 medium, 1 thin, 1 medium, 1 thick, 1 medium, 1 thin, 2 medium, 1 thin, and 1 medium. the 3rd and 11th lines have a row of11 squares with spaces between them, overlapping the 4th and 10th lines. colors in order from top to bottom are grey-blue, light blue, dark grey-blue, grey-blue, light blue, darkish grey-blue, pale grey, brown, light brown, brown, dark brown, pale blue, and brown. the middle line has grey strips on it. in the center of the first flag is a grey TV symbol with a light blue screen, outlined twice with the colors dark grey and grey. /end ids)
(ids; a rectangular flag with 13 rectangular lines. lines sizes in order from top to bottom are 1 medium, 1 thin, 2 medium, 1 thin, 1 medium, 1 thick, 1 medium, 1 thin, 2 medium, 1 thin, and 1 medium. colors in order from top to bottom are grey-blue, light blue, dark grey-blue, grey-blue, light blue, darkish grey-blue, pale grey, brown, light brown, brown, dark brown, pale blue, and brown. in the center of the first flag is a grey TV symbol with a light blue screen, outlined twice with the colors dark grey and grey. /end ids)
Brotherinstintropic; a gender connected to the Big Brother Instinct (link) TV trope.
etymology; brother, instin(ct), tropic
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @tropicarchive
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beansthough · 1 year
Ch.7{A Promise, a Friend, and a Nightmare}
A/n: ~~~~~~ represents a time skip of more that a few days/ a week. ————— is regular passage of time.
Cw/tw: v0re, fear, fear of death, non descriptive gore, mild violence, slight angst as always, you guys know the drill.
Wilbur’s stomach tumbled and rolled. It felt like his stomach was preforming a poorly routine dance, all out of step and without a hint of grace. He just couldn’t shake the jittery feeling that had made a home in his bones.
He couldn’t help the annoyance at his instinct’s own anxiety. After all it was his idea in the first place, and by gods above he would follow through. For Tommy.
And if not for Tommy then definitely himself.
He allowed himself to fidget with his hands as he waited for his baby brother to arrive. He hadn’t even told the Naga what his idea was.
He had no idea how this would go or how the younger would even react. Perhaps it wasn’t just his instincts that were nervous…
Soon enough the mouse heard the tale tell sounds of the snake approaching. Branches creaking and leaves shaking all the way towards him.
Wilbur knew Tommy could move silently if he wanted. Perhaps it was a small mercy from the naga after one to many near heart attacks.
Soon enough golden blonde hair and a scaled face poked through the dense leaves. “Wilbur!” The child shouted with glee. Wilbur raised his arms and gave the boy permission to pull him up above.
Warm hands wrapped around Wilbur and soon he was up in the green trees, being smooshed into the younger’s nuzzles.
“I missed you Wil!” The Naga’s nuzzling only intensified as the mouse opening his arms wider, doing his best to hug the warm cheek he was pressed against. “I missed you too Tommy.” With each passing second in the boy’s hold his anxiety faded.
With that, the snake let himself drop into the soft cushion of mossy grass below. His older brother gently cradled to his chest.
The young boy let out a relaxing sigh and stretched his arms out wide, letting the warmth of the ground warm up his cool scales.
The naga’s warm red eyes met his brother’s brown ones. He could tell the mouse had something on his mind. Tommy gave out a huff and poked Wilbur square in the chest. “Ow!” The mouse protested, not hurt in the slightest. “What was that for?” Wilbur poked Tommy’s hand right back.
“Well it just seems, not that I’m assuming or anything! You know I would never assume anything. I’m too much of a big man for that.” Tommy boosted about himself. “What Tommy?” Wilbur sighed.
Tommy gave a little cough to clear his throat and focus back to the matter at hand. “Well it just seems like something’s bothering you. I mean… look at you Wil! You’re all fidgety.”
“I am not!” The mouse cried out in defense, his tail twitching behind him destroying his case. Tommy’s slit eyes tracked it as it waved. “Suuurrre…” The snake drawled out, eyes squinted.
Wilbur gave out an annoyed huff his ears flicked back. The two sat in a silent stand off. Tommy’s lips pouted and his cheeks puffed up.
Wilbur made the mistake of glancing up at the naga’s pouting red face. The mouse let out a groan and dragged his hand down his face. “Fine….”
Tommy let out a laugh and a cheer. A smug grin taking up most of his face as he looked down at Wilbur. He leaned in closer to the small mouse and patiently waited.
“I just- I mean I…” Wilbur sighed deep. “ I had another idea to help you with your instincts. Not so much as to suppress them, but to…” Wilbur let out a nervous cough. “To appease them…”
“What?” Tommy gave Wil a confused look, asking the mouse for confirmation on what he thought his Charmer was asking. He could feel the excitement building up in the back of his throat.
No no no… He needed to stay calm. He couldn’t get his hopes up yet.
His brother chewed on his bottom lip and rung his hands together before he finally spit it out. “I want you to store me again!”
A thick silence submerged the two hybrids. Wilbur squeezed his eyes closed, awaiting whatever reaction Tommy would have. Of course doing so, he missed the astronomical joy growing on his little brother’s face.
Wilbur hands shot to his sensitive ears, holding them down on his head. The naga immediately realized his mistake and gave the small hybrid an apologetic look.
“Sorry…” Tommy gave a sheepish grin, his cheeks glowing red.
“Really?” The snake tried once more at a suitable level.
Wilbur waited for his nerves to calm before he continued, giving Tommy a tired look.
“As I recall, you said that this was one of your instincts that you struggle with.” The naga nodded his head his face warm with embarrassment.
Wilbur cleared his throat to continue before his anxiety shut him down. “Tommy I know you would never hurt me on purpose. You’re so careful around me and you’ve really improved handling your own strength. But just like you, I occasionally struggle with my instincts.”
A warm breeze passed between them. Their hair swayed in the wind. The grass and flowers gently danced around them.
“I get scared sometimes Tommy.” His little brother looked done at him with hurt eyes. “It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong, because you’re not. It’s me Tommy. I want you to understand that.”
The mouse looked up to Tommy for confirmation. Sad eyes met his own, but the naga gave a soft nod.
“But y’know Toms? The longer I’ve been around you the less my instincts have been bothered by you. It’s just every now and again, but Tommy… I wanna be around you without that nagging feeling in the back of my head. Tommy, I never want to be afraid of you again.”
Subconsciously or not Tommy’s tail found it’s way towards Wilbur and gently began to wrap around the mouse in a makeshift hug. Wilbur scooped up the end in his arms and squeezed it to his chest.
“So… what better way to get over my instincts than to be the closest I’ve ever been with you?” Wilbur gave Tommy a nervous smile. “It’s honestly the one thing left that my instincts still go crazy over, and I know it would help you too Tommy.”
The blondes brows furrowed as he looked down at his brother. An unsure feeling began to crawl around his head.
“I don’t know Wil…” He lifted the mouse off of the ground and sat him in his cupped hands, bringing the small hybrid to eye level. “I don’t want you to freak out.”
Shame overtook the boy’s face. He averted his gaze away from the mouse. “The last time we did this it wasn’t the best experience.”
Wilbur felt determination start to course through his veins. He hated when Tommy felt like this.
“This isn’t gonna be like last time. I promise.” He stretched his arm out and placed his hand on the end of Tommy’s nose. Tommy closed his eyes with the comforting touch.
“Are you sure you’re actually up for this Wilbur?” Tommy asked, excitement slowly starting to build back up.
“Of course! What kind of big brother would I be if I wasn’t?” Wilbur laughed.
Wilbur’s hands were slick with sweat, his tail lashing behind him, ear firmly held back. He could do this, he could do this.
“Wilbur, it’s fine if you changed your mind…”
Tommy gave Wilbur a worried look. The snake was currently laying belly down on top of a bed of his own coils. His head tilted to the side as it rested on his crossed arms. His charmer pacing in front of him, looking as pale as a ghost.
“No Tommy!” Wilbur shouted. “I need to do this!” Wilbur stopped his routine march and made his way towards Tommy’s face. He then shook his hands vigorously before rubbing his eyes.
“Alright! I’m ready!”
The mouse didn’t look ready at all, but he was determined to do this. He’d just have to go at his own pace.
“I’m not so sure Wil…” The snake looked the mouse up and down. “You look a bit… stressed?”
“I’m perfectly fine Tommy! We’ll just have to take it slow…”
“Slow how?” Tommy asked a little confused.
“We’ll move on with each step when I’m ready, but first some ground rules.” The mouse proclaimed. “No biting, crushing, piercing—”
“Wilburrr!” Tommy cut off the spiraling mouse.“I wouldn’t do that! Ever!” The boy said with a strained voice.
The mouse gave an apologetic look. “Sorry Tommy, I just don’t want anything to go wrong.” He fiddled with his tail.
“Wilbur it’s gonna be fine.” Tommy groaned with impatience. Suddenly, the naga leaned ever so closer to his charmer, as mischief brewed in the snakes mind. “Here Wilbur, we’ll start with this first!”
The mouse, too focused on the flexibility of his tail, missed the naga’s sudden closeness. “What fir-”
A warm wet mass collided suddenly into Wilbur’s small frame. Dragging him with it in the air, before he slid off of it back to the ground. Loud laughter rang out above him, as he sat dazed, confused, and now slightly damp on the forest floor.
“Tommy!” Wilbur shouted with disgust, only causing the child’s laughter to increase. “Why did you do that?!” The mouse tried to shake off the now cold saliva from himself, failing miserably.
“You were taking way too long Wilbur!” The Naga let out a snort, if Wilbur didn’t know better he’d think it was from Techno. “You were just freaking yourself out the more you waited, so I had to step in!”
“Well a warning would have been nice…” Wilbur flung a drop of spit at the younger’s face, hitting his cheek. Tommy simply laughed and wiped it away.
“It’s nothing to freak out over, Wilbur. It’s just me.” Tommy gave him a warm smile. Wilbur couldn’t help but feel a little bit silly about how he acted , because well…
Tommy was right. After all… It was just Tommy.
“Alright then… I guess open you mouth?” Wilbur asked awkwardly. Tommy just gave a small laugh.
“Do you want me to pick you up?” Tommy gently cradled the mouse.
“Uh yeah, I guess so…” Wilbur’s heart rate increased as his eyes met the closed lips in front of him.. Two fangs barely peaking out over the bottom lip. “You still okay?” The lips spoke with a gentle tone.
Wilbur gave a firm nod of his head. Tommy replied by opening his mouth wide, fangs larger than Wilbur on full display. Wilbur’s mind flashed to an image of the Drider who had taunted him. The mouse shook the thought out of his head. This was Tommy. His Tommy. No one else.
Instead of the sharp teeth, Wilbur decided to switch his focus onto the warm pink tongue laid out like a protective cushion over Tommy’s lower teeth. He’d just have to think of it like a bed. A nice, warm, wet bed.
“Okay… let’s do this.” Wilbur ever so slowly reached out and placed his hands on the pink surface. His hands creating a small depression where he put his weight.
A bed! Yep! Definitely a bed! Wilbur would have to admit the warmth radiating off of it definitely did help with the cold chill that being covered in saliva gave him. Dare he say it… it was almost… pleasant.
“Ouur ouu eady?” The words vibrated throughout the Naga’s mouth and into the mouse. Wilbur lost his balance from the force and fell face first into the Naga’s maw. His head pressed against the slimy tongue, while his back paws and tail hung out of the naga’s mouth.
“Orry…” The walls around him shook once more, Wilbur’s heart started to pick up in his chest. Deep breaths Wilbur… Deep breaths..
“I-it’s alright Tommy.” Wilbur’s voice wavered. A picture of him hanging halfway of Tommy’s mouth came to mind and he could help but laugh at the ridiculousness of this whole situation, they probably looked so stupid.
Then again, he supposed that if anyone did see he and Tommy like this, it would look like Tommy was eating a regular old mouse. He shivered at the thought. Both the idea of someone finding him and Tommy, and that he was glad Tommy didn’t see him as a regular mouse. He had seen Tommy wolf them down before.
He gave the warm tongue below him two gentle pats before shimming his way completely into the mouth. He sat up with his legs crossed and took in the new perspective of his surroundings. He found that it was a lot less terrifying now that he knew the teeth at his sides wouldn’t tear into him.
It actually feels pretty nice in here. It’s… Comforting.
Ah… He had found a way around his instincts… to give into them. Just like Tommy he supposed. Tommy’s mouth was a lot like his nest back home. Soft, cozy, and warm. If he focused hard enough he could picture Phil and Techno curled up beside him. He did have to admit it was a lot more wet, but he was starting to warm up to the feeling.
“Umm ounna clooose ma outh oow…” The vibrations shook through Wilbur. It was a sensation like he had never felt before. He could feel Tommy’s power simply from his voice. In a strange way, he felt protected.
“Okay Toms…” A calming darkness surrounded Wilbur, the humid air reminding him of the hours before a spring shower. The floor beneath him began to move.
The tongue gently began to nudge Wilbur this way and that. Coating him in a layer of spit. Vibrations more powerful then Tommy’s voice suddenly shook Wilbur. Now these… Wilbur was more than familiar with.
Wilbur let out an amused laugh at the boy’s purrs. “Do I taste good, Tommy?” The mouse was actually rather curious about his taste. Not that he’d ever admit it.
The only response he got to the question was stronger purring, so he guessed that was a yes. The tongue ran across his body’s length a couple more times before the mass laid flat once more. His ever so slightly began to feel his world tilt back, and he started to slowly slide to the back of Tommy’s throat. The sliding stoped last second, and a questioning hum greeted him from the back of the throat.
“Go ahead, Tommy.” The mouse gave permission, and Wilbur began to slide into the throat feet first. Tommy gulped around his small form and down he went.
Wilbur may have overreacted a bit the last time they did this. The pressure around him wasn’t crushing at all, it was more of a tight hug. Although, he did think he was going to die last time.
The mouse found himself enjoying the gentle pressure. It reminded him of Techno’s strong hold or a weighted blanket.
Soon enough, Wilbur plopped down into a warm dark cavern. Tommy’s purring only increased tenfold. He was suddenly being poked and prodded through the stomach walls.
“Are you doing good Wilbur?” Tommy rushed out between the purrs. Wilbur nodded his head before remembering Tommy couldn’t see him.
“Yeah, I’m good.” To give a little more reassurance to the Naga he began to gently rub the nearest wall. The world suddenly turned over and Wilbur rolled with it. It seems that the Naga was now nothing more that a puddle of purrs on the ground.
“How about a nap Toms?” Wilbur didn’t get a reply but he took the rhythmic rumbling as a yes. He closed his eyes and basked in the warm dark. His mind flashed to him being wrapped in his father’s soft wings.
Wilbur curled up against the squishy wall. Gently petting the floor beneath him. He heard the younger’s breath even out around him, and he figured that Tommy was asleep.
Wilbur let out a quiet laugh. To think he had been scared of this. There really wasn’t anything unpleasant about the whole experience. The thing that his instincts and been panicked about this whole time, was now the thing that satisfied him beyond belief. He guessed it was the same for Tommy too.
Soon enough, a gentle sleep overtook the charmer. He dreamt of himself and a smaller Tommy safely wrapped in his Father’s and Brother’s hold in their nest. It was a nice dream…
Tubbo was sick and tired of Ranboo disappearing. It was only one day a week at first, but now it was every other day. He would disappear in the forest for hours at a time, only emerging when his scheduled chores were meant to be done.
It was strange. Ranboo could barley navigate the woods by themselves. It made Tubbo worried. Ranboo could get hurt or lost with no one to help him back. After all, Philza did put a warning out to be wary when venturing the woods. Signs that something big had moved into the forest. This report wasn’t just from any old guard member either, but Technoblade himself. If the leader of the guard thought that the forest was unsafe, Ranboo definitely needed to stay out of it.
But the bee couldn’t help but feel like it was his own fault. He’d kept pushing Ranboo away to work on his latest projects. He couldn’t help that he got so focused on the task at hand… He was a worker bee for the gods sake. He could only hope that Ranboo wasn’t too upset with him and that they could makeup.
So what was the best plan that Tubbo’s scientific mind came up with? It was to secretly follow the bat hybrid from a distance. After all this was just for his friends safety, and definitely not to snoop around on Ranboo’s business or potentially the replacement friend that took Tubbo’s place…
Because what else could Ranboo be going out there for? Tubbo knew for a fact that Ranboo would rather spend his days writing in his journal or studying a potions book that Techno would lend him.
It had to be a no good replacement. Tubbo had been a bad friend and Ranboo acted accordingly. Tubbo just needed to show the bat that he was a better friend. He just needed to find out who he was up against first.
So that’s how he ended up where he was now. Creepily following Ranboo into the forest. Honestly this wasn’t good friend behavior, but what Ranboo didn’t know could hurt him.
Tubbo paused as Ranboo walked out into a clearing. Why did Ranboo come here? It looked normal enough. Nothing here really sparked his interest about the area. There we’re probably hundreds of more spots in the forest just like it.
Ah ha! This must be where Ranboo and the replacement meet up! Tubbo quickly got a good viewing spot from the brush. Now all he had to do was wait… Maybe he should have brought a few flowers as a snack…
After a few minutes there was a sudden crack from the tree tops above, what Tubbo saw next was straight out of his worst nightmare.
It… It was a Naga…
And worst of all it had Ranboo in its monstrous grip.
Tubbo saw nothing but pure and undeniable Red. His next course of action was to sting the monster repeatedly. He heard painful shouts that only increased his anger. It could only be his poor Ranboo who was hurt. He would make this beast pay.
His murderous rage was suddenly cut short with a strong slap to his face. As he came back down to earth he found Ranboo in front of him, completely unharmed.
“Tubbo Stop!” The bat hybrid was now holding his arms and wings down. What was he doing?
“Let me go Boo! I’m trying to protect you!” Tubbo growled out. Ranboo only gripped him harder.
“Are you okay Tommy?” Ranboo called out. Tommy? Who was Tommy?
“Yeah I’m okay, just stings a little. I’m just glad I didn’t swat him.” A pained voice replied. The replacement?
Tubbo wiped his head around trying to locate the voice. The Naga… Tubbo let out a growl that could rival a caged bear.
The Naga gave him an annoyed look. He was covered in angry red marks from Tubbo’s stinger. Tubbo let out a deranged laugh, proud of his work.
“Maybe I should of swatted him…” The beast grumbled. “Knock some more since into him.” The Naga touched one of the stings and hissed.
“Are you sure your okay?” Ranboo asked worried. “That amount of stings even for someone like you is a lot…”
“I’ll be fine.” The snake reassured. “Hold up! I think I have some healing potions in my bag!” Ranboo easily wrapped Tubbo’s small body up in one wing, freeing his other hand to rummage around in his bag before pulling out a large bottle of potion.
The bee hybrid was beyond confused. Why wasn’t the Naga attacking? Why was it and Ranboo having a conversation? Why was Tubbo in the wrong?
Tubbo let out a loud dramatic gasp and the two other hybrids went quiet and focused on him. Tears poured down the bee’s face.
“No! Tubbo it’s alright! Tommy’s not gonna hurt you!” Ranboo rushed to comfort. “Yeah! I was just joking about the whole swatting thing!” The Naga panicked.
Tubbo sniffled and wiped his tears. “I’ve already assessed that your not a threat.” Tubbo’s voice was strained. “It just….” A sob cut of the bee’s sentence.
“Just what?” Ranboo asked holding both of Tubbo’s hands in this own, pulling Tubbo closer to comfort him.
“He’s your replacement friend?!” The Bee cried out, Tommy shot Ranboo a confused look. “How am I supposed to compete with a Naga for crying out loud?!”
“Is this why you were following me?” Ranboo asked wiping the bee’s cheek. “Tubbo, no one can replace you.” The Bat pulled him into a hug.
Tommy was beyond confused now. Wasn’t this bee about to kill him a few moments ago? He look towards Ranboo for help.
“Uhhh, he gets like this when I don’t give him enough attention every now and then.” Ranboo laughed and Tubbo groaned. “He’s really clingy.” Ranboo supplied.
“Oh…” Tommy looked down at the Bee. Despite how his skin ached he actually felt quite proud that Ranboo had a friend that was that willing to protect him.
“Uh, we should probably get some healing potion on those.” Ranboo winced at the damage Tubbo caused.
“Heh, probably…” Tommy grew silent before looking back to the bee hybrid clinging to Ranboo’s side.
“I uh… I’m sorry that I’ve been taking away your time with Ranboo, but I promise I’m not your replacement…” Tommy didn’t really know if this was the right thing to say. He never really as any friends before Wilbur or Ranboo.
Ranboo managed to shake himself free of Tubbo’s strong grip and started placing drops of the potion onto the wounds, healing them almost instantly.
Tubbo stood back and let Ranboo work. He gave Tommy an up and down with an unsure look on his face. “You sure you aren’t gonna hurt Ran?”
Tommy looked at him with honest eyes. “Never.”
“Huh…” The bee gave the Naga another once over before he seemed to come to a decision and nodded his head. “Okay!”
It was like a switch and flipped and the Bee shot towards Tommy’s face. Tommy flinched back thinking he was in for another sting.
“I’m Tubbo! Sorry I unleashed my wrath of stings upon you!” The Bee hovered in front of his face hand held out firm. Tommy slowly reached out with a single finger and let the Bee grip the digit.
“Nice to meet you Bee Boy~” Tommy gave a sly grin. Tubbo gasped in offense before shooting Ranboo an ugly look. “How dare you tell him that name?!” The Bat hybrid only laughed.
Tubbo let out a frustrated groan before turning back to Tommy. “Don’t call me that, or I’ll make you regret it!” The Naga let out a nervous laugh and shrank away from the insect.
Tubbo grinned proudly having won the ordeal. He then suddenly flew over to Tommy once more and began to inspect the Naga’s hair, landing into the mess of curls. Tommy let out a startled noise at the sudden action, freezing in place and letting the tiny hybrid crawl around. Ranboo gave a long sigh.
“Sorry Tommy, Tubbo doesn’t understand personal space… Or to ask before you study someone!” After Ranboo’s scolding the bee gave an embarrassed laugh and flew off of the curls.
“Heh heh… Sorry… Can I study you, please?” Tommy honestly didn’t know what to say, he supposed that it wouldn’t hurt to let the bee have his way. He really didn’t want to get stung again.
“…sure?” The Bee was instantly back on him and Ranboo shook their head in disappointment. “You could of told him no. I mean he did just outright attack you.” Tommy replied with a nervous chuckle, being very still and letting the Bee work.
After Tubbo was done with the forest of golden curls he moved onto the shiny red scales. They remind him of honeycomb after red pollen had been harvested, filled to the brim with red honey. He looked at the Naga’s slit red eyes. He bet they glowed like embers in the night.
Then his eyes caught a glimpse of the snow white fangs, peaking out from the uncomfortable frown. Tubbo of course couldn’t resist.
Tommy yelped as the Bee squeezed his way through Tommy’s lips and Stood on the sharp teeth, the nagas mouth now wide open wanting the Bee to get out.
Ranboo also gave a nervous shout and quickly flew up to the invasive insect. Tubbo was to busy inspecting to bother with Ranboo calls to get out. Tommy could only sit perfectly still with the uncomfortable fluttering in his mouth.
Tubbo was fascinated with each kind of tooth. The molar teeth in the back were sharp like that of a canine’s, definitely strong enough to crush bone. The Two large fangs up front were by far the most impressive, definitely meant for latching onto prey, giving them no hope for escape.
Tubbo flapped his hands in excitement and squealed. This was just so cool!
The bee was suddenly yanked back by the hood of his coat and was pulled back into the daylight. “Tubbo you can’t just fly into someone’s mouth like that! Tommy I’m so sorry!” Ranboo called while holding Tubbo still once more.
“It’s… It’s alright…” Tommy took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “That wouldn’t be the first time someone’s been in there.” Tommy rambled out without thinking.
The Naga froze and glanced down at the two tiny hybrids with large eyes. “Forget I said that!” He waved his arms in front of himself and then hid himself away in his coils.
“What?” Ranboo asked slow and monotone, Tubbo screeched with excitement.
“THAT’S AMAZING!!!” Tubbo buzzed with excitement. “What did they taste like? How many people? Do you eat them alive or-”
“NOT LIKE THAT!” The Naga defended himself. “Oh thank the Gods.” He heard Ranboo mutter. Tubbo made a noise of disappointment.
“Just Wilbur sometimes… It’s perfectly safe!” Tommy explained. A look of recognition crossed Ranboo’s face. “Oh yeah, you told me that you guys tried out something new to help with your instincts.” Tommy gave an embarrassed look.
“Wait… Wilbur?” Realization dawned in Tubbo’s mind. “This is where he’s been running off to?!” Tubbo laughed. “I thought he was just going through another rebellious faze, or that’s what the Blade seems to think.”
“The Blade?” Tommy asked confused.
“Yeah, Wilbur’s brother!” Tubbo supplied. “He’s the leader of the guard.”
“Isn’t his name Techno? He’s the pink one right?” The Bee gave an affirmative nod. “Yeah, the guard calls him the blade because he’s so good with one. It’s actually his axe skills that are the best…” Tubbo rambled. “But you should be more worried about Techno’s expertise with poison arrows. He has potions down cold. Even though Philza’s the one with the best shot when it comes to actually using the arrow.” Tubbo added last second.
“Anyways, I guess you haven’t met them, because if you did you’d be done for! Haha!” Tubbo joked, completely missing Tommy’s face grow with worry. Ranboo however was a lot more perceptive of the Naga.
Tommy never really did know what would happen if he met Wilbur’s family. Wilbur told stories of them or simple ramblings about what they were up to when the pair had run out of things to talk about. He had grown fond and familiar with the characters from Wilbur’s tales… He had started to long like he had when he first watched his charmer from the trees. He wanted to meet them.
He had suggested offhandedly that he would like to meet them. Wilbur had given him a long nervous stare. The mouse eventually laughed and gave the boy a quick maybe.
At first Tommy thought Wilbur had been nervous about Tommy hurting them. Tommy now realized it was the other way around.
Tommy felt his stomachs turning. Wilbur was always nervous about Tommy being seen by others, especially the guard. Wilbur wasn’t scared for the village and it’s people anymore… He was scared for Tommy.
The mouse didn’t even know about Ranboo and now Tubbo too. Guilt ate away at the snakes heart. He’d make sure to tell Wilbur the next time he saw him.
“Hey, it’s alright.” Ranboo comforted the naga. “Tubbo’s just exaggerating! I hangout with Techno all the time! Sure he’s a little bit intimidating at first, but you get over it!” Ranboo fiddled with their wing.
Tommy still looked unsure, Ranboo struggled to come up with something to say. Tubbo finally caught wind of the Naga’s mood and was quick to help Ranboo out.
“Don’t worry! They’ll only come after you if you’ve done something wrong! Like hurt someone!” Tubbo scratched his head. “You haven’t hurt anyone have you?” Tommy rapidly shook his head, but then gave an uneasy look at Ranboo’s healed wing.
“That wasn’t your fault!” Ranboo scolded then elbowed Tubbo in the side. “Oh yeah! Don’t worry about it Bossman! Ran flies into things all the time!”
The bee then leaned in close to the bat and whispered, “I thought you ran into a tree?” The bat gave a pleading look before saying, “I did. I just was trying to get away from something…”
An awkward silence slipped between the three’s conversation. Ranboo jumped to change the subject. “So…I heard you finally got to try some of Niki’s cake!”
The snake’s eyes immediately brightened at the mention of the delectable sweets. “Yes I did! They were amazing! Wilbur promised to bring me more next week.” Tommy smiled fondly at the memory. Speaking of sweets…
Tommy quickly slithered his way up the closet tree and reached for his hiding spot. He pulled out a large bundle of different flowers and laid them before the tiny hybrids. “Ho ho ho!!! YES!!!” Tubbo screamed immediately tackling the flowers.
“I found all these when I went out on my weekly patrol. I thought you’d like them!” Tommy smiled sweetly.
Ranboo ever so gracefully leaned down and scooped up a rather tasty looking string of Honeysuckle. “Thank you, Tommy! That was very thoughtful.” Tubbo let out more rounds of happy squeals before flying up to Tommy and hugging his nose. The snake going crossed eyed trying to look at him.
“Forget you being the replacement for me! You’re the replacement for Ranboo now!” Tubbo declared to the forest. Ranboo let out an offended squawk, but let the bee continue with his shenanigans. Tommy giggled and plucked the bee off of his nose, holding him still to finally get a good look at him. He squirmed a little in his hold, but he didn’t seem to mind being held. In fact he even cling to Tommy’s fingers.
“Ranboo! Why didn’t you show me this guy sooner! He’s amazing! No one’s ever given me that many flowers!” Ranboo shook his head with an amused expression. He knew they’d get along… They just had to get through a couple of stings first.
The newly founded trio spent the rest of the afternoon playing games and joking around. Tommy never knew having this many friends could feel like this. He basked in their newly founded friendship like the morning sun.
He hoped that this moment would last forever.
Jackmainfold was beyond miserable. He strayed a little to far away from his group of the guard and now he was lost in the middle of the forest in a storm.
He really couldn’t have worse luck. He didn’t even want to join the guard in the first place, at most he’d thought it get him some more attention from some ladies. Newsflash! It didn’t…
Now here he was, probably miles away from his warm bed and Niki’s fresh baking. Oh what he would do for her warm cookies right now…
He had no idea where he was. The trees looked all the same in the dark and he could find one sign to point him in the right direction.
He let out a frustrated growl and leaned under the root of a tree for cover. He was cold, wet, and tired. He swore he was turning his uniform in the second he got home. Tubbo would make fun of him for it, but that was easier to handle than this.
Jack was snapped out of his thoughts by the shriek of a wounded rabbit. After he got over his mild heart attack he felt relief. His group must of finally been able to hunt one down. It sounded pretty close too. Thank the gods he was saved.
He quickly made his way around the tree into a small opening in the forest. “Hey guys! I thought I lost-”
Dread like no other he had ever felt before consumed his very being. The Shrew couldn’t do anything but freeze in place as his instincts took over.
Glowing Blood red eyes and sharp fangs tore hungrily into the rich flesh of a white rabbit. Blood and gore dripping from it’s teeth and claws. It’s tail still constricting on what was left of the rabbit. All it’s life squeezed out through its dead eyes.
Jack couldn’t move. It was as if he was stuck in an unholy dream that the gods had cursed upon him. His fate to be left to this monster.
Suddenly lighting flashed across the horrifying scene and the serpent’s eyes snapped up to where the shrew had once been.
Jack was long gone by now. Running faster than he had ever before in his life. He had to warn them. Wet leaves and mud caked his body. He had to get to Technoblade and Philza. They’d know what to do. They could stop this.
He could only hope that the creature didn’t yet know of the village and it’s people, or else they were all doomed to a horrible fate.
He wouldn’t let that happen. This is his chance to do what’s right. He had to keep his friends safe. This is why he joined the guard!
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samanthahirr · 1 year
MI6's Biggest Swimwear-Embarrassment Headcanons
Whilst on holiday in Turks and Caicos in her early 20s, Eve Moneypenny snorkeled over a section of shallow coral reef and got her bikini bottoms caught…and tugged clean off! She panicked, instinctively dove after the sinking scrap of pink fabric, and inhaled a couple lungs' worth of seawater through her snorkel. Her girlfriends came to her aid and kept her afloat, and after she’d stopped choking and realized her bottoms weren’t coming back, they fetched her a towel so she could exit the ocean with her dignity (mostly) intact.
Gareth Mallory’s mum kept an embarrassing photo of him (aged 3, standing starkers in a kiddie pool with arm floaties and a big grin) that she showed to everyone for the first 30 years of his life. Every girlfriend or mate he ever brought round his mum’s, every neighbor and vicar…Mallory bore the doting humiliations with begrudged grace. But the day Mallory decided to enter politics, he removed the photo from her scrapbook and burned it.
For his first male honey-pot mission, James Bond overcompensated by buying the tiniest thong he could find (string-ties over his hips!)…and the mark he was trying to seduce mocked him for it. So Bond removed the thong and went au naturel. The man promptly stopped laughing, and the seduction worked out just fine…but Bond still remembers that laughter and will never wear a thong again.
For his honeymoon, Bill Tanner took his bride to Jamaica, their luggage packed with travel-themed gifts from their friends and family. Tanner thought of his brother-in-law as a staid, sober fellow, until he unpacked the new set of swim trunks the man had gifted him and discovered they were actually a gag gift (SpongeBob Square Pants themed!). Tanner refused to put them on, and wouldn’t even let his wife hold them up against his hips, and he paid out the nose for a replacement pair of trunks at the resort’s gift shop. 
When Felix Leiter was in college, his fraternity teamed up with a sorority to hold a car wash to raise money for their Homecoming Weekend party. They all stripped down to bathing suits for the event, but Felix was the only member of his fraternity brave enough to accept the sorority’s dare and wear a women’s bikini top. His brothers teased him for three years over it, but freshman Felix’s bravery scored him a date to the Homecoming Dance with the sorority president Monique—the most beautiful woman on campus, and a senior to boot!—so he had no regrets about the decision.
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masoena · 4 months
"You really are Steve Rogers, aren't you?"
A Marvel Cinematic Universe and Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Dean Winchester
Rating: Explicit
This is a prompt fill for @sweetspicybingo's 2024 Hurt/Comfort Bingo and is a fill for the following square: self doubt to sleeping with each other.
No motorcycles were hurt during the research and writing of this fic.
Tags: Motorcycle Sex, One-Night Stand, Top Steve, Bottom Dean, Implied Switching, Crossover Pairing, Hurt/Comfort
Dean snuck out of the motel room which he shared with Sam in the Midwestern town, self-doubt and guilt cursing through his veins, itching for some numbing with some help from Jack at the bar a short drive away. He wandered in and took in the clientele. It was the usual mix of locals and transients, a motley crew of truck drivers, construction workers, cougars and a few guys that looked like cowboys straight from one of the ranches on the outskirts of town.
He was checking everyone, both because hunter instinct never sleeps and because he was curious who the suped-up bike belonged to that was parked outside. Much like classic car guys they tended to park in a way that kept their precious away and out of the path of drunk drivers i.e. at the far side of the lot inconveniently far from the front door of the bar.
Guy seemed to be a fan of the Avengers too as it had the logo on the fuel tank in black powder coated finish. The model was a Harley-Davidson 750 Street model first released in 2015, a beautiful ride that looked like a modern two wheel twin to Baby. Sleek shiny top coat on the fuel tank, powder coated finished exhaust and muffler with a black leather seat, black and chrome spring forks and red suspension springs in the back for a splash of color.
The owner turned out to be easy to spot, his leather jacket hanging from the hook below the bar top, motorcycle helmet on the barstool to his left. The guy was built, broad shoulders and thick muscular arms picking an unfair fight with every seam on his black cotton tee except at his waist where it only accentuated the trim size of him. His butt looked juicy in the dark wash denim that fit him perfectly and black leather boots finished up the look. His profile looked classic American handsome, solid chin, straight nose with blue eyes and a messy from the helmet head of medium length hair.
Dean wasn’t looking for a hook up tonight, just some comfort from a bottle but he wouldn’t say no to this dark blonde glass of tall and handsome. Excited at the prospect of being pinned down by those corded arms with ease and for the guy to fuck him right into next week and out of his self-destructive state of mind. He played up a good game around Sam but the mark was getting to him, increasingly so.
He ordered two shots of whiskey neat and gulped them down without any preamble, eager to numb the emotions he felt.
“Rough night huh?” Blue eyes met green through sideways glances.
“Something like that.”
“Name’s Steve. What’s yours?”
“Dean. We are just traveling through me and my brother.”
“Roadtripping or work?”
“We go all over for work, so roadtripping is part and parcel of it.”
“750 Street model outside, that yours? She’s a beaut.”
“Yeah she is, thank you.”
“Can appreciate a nice bike even if she’s a bit more modern than what I like in my vehicles.”
“Oh yeah, what do you drive, hot shot?”
“67 Chevy Impala SS four doors, could be a twin to your bike given how nice and shiny they both are.”
“Can we get another round, two each for my friend and me there.” The guy simply commandeered attention in the room, the bartender wasn’t anywhere near them but brought the drinks without question and without Steve having to raise his voice.
“Thanks.” Dean said as he clinked glasses with him.
The conversation lulled as they downed the first glass but sipped the second one.
“So what do you and your brother do?”
“Pest control.” The lie flew off his lips with ease.
“Must be going after some big stuff, given the heat you’re packing in your waistband.”
Click here for the full fic on AO3.
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undyingembers · 9 months
TVTropes - The Homunculus Children
I got inspired by @the-raging-tempest's post here, so I made my own mock post for the homunculus girls.
In General
Adopted into Royalty: Much of the story’s angst revolves around whether the girls will inherit the crown if Daeran formally adopts them.
All of the Other Reindeer: Most of the girls have trouble making humanoid friends.
Artificial Human: Each girl was created using a magical formula and seems to start at about ten years of age
Artificial Family Member
Badass Family: What they become when they grow up. Their parents are also very powerful adventurers.
Cute Monster Girl: The girls are all homunculi and are rather adorable
Four Temperament Ensemble: Opal is Sanguine, Giselle is Choleric, Grace is Melancholic, Talia is Phlegmatic. Magnolia is Eclectic
Happily Adopted
Little Big Brother: Except for Magnolia, who is very small and is the second oldest, each girl gets a little taller as you go from oldest to youngest (Giselle is fuming).
Mature Work, Child Protagonists: The girls are cute, but MLH is just as dark and mature as the two works it is a derivative of
Our Homunculi Are Different: The girls are strange even by Pathfinder standards.
Tears of Blood/Unable to Cry: The girls can’t cry normal tears. Half of them can’t cry at all, while some of them have substitutes (Giselle starts running muddy water down her face, and Talia has sand dropping from her cheeks).
“Anger is Healthy” Aesop: For her, but also for Daeran, who she donates her Anger Affinity to. Despite being the Anger homunculus, more often than not, there’s always a reasonable source to her frustrations, and the story gives her plenty to be upset about.
Best Served Cold: Poor Elisel…
Big Sister Instinct: Is the oldest, and anyone who teases her younger sisters will earn Giselle’s ire very quickly
Girly Bruiser: Loves clothes, frills, balls, and all the girly stuff. She’s also the heavy-hitter of the group, specializing in large weapons when in combat training. Her character class (skald) encapsulates this.
Girly Girl
Jerkass Woobie: The rudest and most blunt of her sisters, but she deals with a lot of internal and external judgement because of what she is and what she is made of.
I Just Want to be Beautiful: Is very insecure about being a homunculus made of mud when she wants to be a pretty princess.
Little Miss Snarker: Is able to match her father in witty banter.
Princesses Prefer Pink/Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Often wears pink or purple dresses.
Regal Ringlets: Has some pretty impressive curls, and her greatest ambition is to be a princess.
Square Race, Round Class: A homunculus made from mud who becomes a more ladylike Court Poet
Token Evil Teamate: Definitely the more ruthless and vengeful of the sisters. It gets even worse when she grows up and marries an unscrupulous vampire marquis.
Tsundere: Rough, demanding, and difficult to please, but she does care very much.
Unholy Matrimony: With Radomir when she grows up.
Alchemy is Magic: Becomes an alchemist when she grows up.
Brilliant but Lazy
Daddy’s Girl: Is very close to Daeran, despite their differences.
Goth: Wears black more often than not.
Feminine Mother, Tomboyish Daughter: A lot more sloppy and ragged than the refined and graceful Leonosa.
Lack of Empathy: Has difficulty with cognitive empathy due to her autism.
Strict Parents Make Sneaky Kids: Lenarius is a very strict parent. Magnolia spends her time going off and getting into places she’s told not to be.
Strong Family Resemblance: Since Lenarius used his/her own blood in Magnolia’s creation, she takes a lot of traits from him/her
Badass Preacher: Her character class when she grows up is a cleric of Iomadae.
Cheerful Child
Creepy Good: A genuinely good person, just a bit unsettling.
Major Injury Underreaction: Takes getting impaled in the chest with a gardening implement very well. She also recounts one time where she didn’t notice she injured herself on her way to a lesson and gave the instructor a fright when she walked in with her arm bent in an unnatural angle.
Plucky Girl: In keeping in line with her Joy Affinity, she is a very cheerful and kind girl. And too energetic for her own good.
Token Good Teammate: The only Good-aligned sister (Giselle is Evil and the other sisters are Neutral; this could also count for the family as a whole, as Daeran is Evil and Lenarius is Neutral)
Uncanny Valley Girl: The most kind and sociable of the girls. She can be a little unsettling sometimes, particularly when she doesn’t understand that it is not normal for a girl her age to be sustaining the injuries she’s had.
Wacky Parent, Serious Child: Has this relationship with Daeran. The only time he’s ever been disappointed in the girls was when Opal asked him if he would let her go to church on Sundays.
Wide-Eyed Idealist: Never thinks ill of anyone and is the only one of the girls to try to reach out to their grandmother, the Viscountess
Afraid of their Own Strength: Afraid to hurt someone with her spikes.
Cowardly Lion: Is easily scared, but was the first to volunteer to try out the Affinity-harvesting machine Xanthir and her mother created.
Fear is Normal: What she gives to Daeran when she donates her Fear Affinity to him. Also, much like Giselle, while she is easily scared, she often has justifiable reasons for her fear.
Flowers of Feminity: Is quite girly and loves to wear flowers.
Fragile Speedster: Trains to be a Slayer, a Dex-based martial class.
Nervous Wreck: Appropriate, for a Fear homunculus.
Plant Person
Cactus Person: Made from branches of an acacia tree instead of an actual cactus, but the effect is still the same.
Innocent Plant Children: She is a ten-year-old girl and acts like one.
Botanical Abomination: Her appearance frightens even herself when she looks in the mirror for the first time.
Poisonous Person: Downplayed. Getting pricked by one of her spikes will leave a rash.
Swashbuckler: A skilled fencer and a proficient Pathfinder when she grows up.
All Girls Like Ponies: Is very fond of horses
Big Beautiful Woman: The largest of the homunculus sisters and very beautiful.
Following in the Relative’s Footsteps: Becomes Leonosa’s apprentice and grows to be an exploitation wizard
Indifferent Beauty: Is very beautiful, but not really interested in romance or people.
Mature Younger Sibling: Though she’s the youngest, she is seemingly the smartest and most put-together.
Squishy Wizard: Becomes a wizard, and her glass body is quite fragile.
The Eeyore: Keeping in line with the Sadness Affinity. Talia is very pessimistic and is prone to point out the worst case scenario of any given situation.
The Smart Guy: Is very good at mathematics, formulae, and memorization. She is the one who trains to be a wizard.
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