#squiddo's thunderbirds ask game
squiddokiddo · 1 year
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Hey, I made a funky new Thunderbirds ask game for y'all to play with!! I decided to make the questions a bit more obscure than our usual games/bingo sheets and I tried to make it adaptable to all 3 main versions of Thunderbirds.
Please make sure you mention which adaptations you'd like to talk about in your reblogs and asks. Have fun!!💛💛
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Hi! For Squiddo's ask game, could I request number 7 please? "What unpopular opinions so you have?" Any continuity like.
Thankyou in advance!
Oh boy here we go (ranting TOS fan, incoming!)😆
-TOS Alan isn't a brat or a POS. Just because he turned 20-21 that doesn't mean teenage temper will automatically go away. Growing up to be an adult is complicated (believe me, I've been there XD).
-Jeff isn't a bad/abusive father (at least what I seen on older fics). Yes, he's stern, gruff and sometimes strict in some places, but the guy CAN be a goofy and supportive too! And it was proven in some occasions in the show (I'm looking at you, Day of Disaster XD). Overall, I bet he didn't wanted to put his sons in harm's way, especially in the rescue business, but left with no choice after some pestering from his boys.
-As much as I love The Uninvited to death (because of Scott, of course 😆) yeah its a bit of an unnecessary ep. Shooting up a pyramid doesn't really bring anything much on the table lol XD
-I wished the stories more focused on the characters. The Thunderbirds ships are cool and all, but I wish they acted as extensions to the Tracy Brothers. TAG did a good job at qit (as far as a "kid show" would allow).
Here's my thoughts on it 😊
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melmac78 · 1 year
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@alexthefly - I’ll do one for each:
TOS - Christmas. To be honest, I’m a bit clumsy at Christmas time and I think the one story spread out house would be nice.
I think too their White Elephant or Christmas passing game would be more fun (Gordon would do a literal white elephant as a gift, not pranks).
2004 version - and mind you the Tracy’s are American - July 4.
They have two pools and we know they enjoy family style dinners and cookouts. And every spot would have a good place to observe fireworks.
TAG - Easter. I could see a lot of fun coloring and dying eggs (even wrote a story centered around this part - “Gordon and the Technicolor nightmare,” as TigreMalabarista).
The egg hunt would even be more fun, with marshmallow rabbits also in the mix.
Though … this may be limited somewhat: Alan found a two year old one Gordon hid in the kitchen. (Did explain why the spaghetti was purple the year before along with undercooked…. One was in a dish Grandma used to cook Easter dinner.
Thanks for the asks.
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crunchyluigi · 1 year
Hi! For Squiddo's ask game, could I request number 16 please? "Tell me about an idea for Thunderbirds merchandise that you wish existed." Any continuity you like.
Thankyou in advance!
I wish there was more customized consoles around the Thunderbirds theme, like look at how cool this PS4 looks!!
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riallasheng · 1 year
Squiddo's Ask Game
Got three asks while I was out giving my brother's car a jumpstart and tow with my truck, so answering them all together ^^
(I do hope that is acceptable tumblr manners, my apologies if doing so is rude)
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I'll be doing my usual 'Lady Penelope, TOS, 04 film, TaG' for each question ^^
Under the readmore because LONG (as in I crashed the editor six times long!! XD)
teapotteringabout's first, as I recieved those first^^
12) If I could delete a episode/scene, which one would I pick and why Lady Penelope: *laughs* you'd think that'd be a TOUGH one, as I like pretty much ALL of Penny's adventures and stories in her comics and novels... BUUUUUUUUUUUT... I hate the 'Penelope as a Young Adult' comic run (for multiple reasons. I hate that we jump from the 2050s / 2060s to the 1960s. I hate that Mrs Petherton and Spider are gone as they were REALLY GOOD characters. I hate that Penny goes from a rich girl to a 'middle class' girl, becuase her being rich IS a factor in who Penny is. I hate that her being a SPY and goign to go to SPY SCHOOL was dropped. I hate that Penny has a total personality change. I just DO NOT LIKE the run, so it's what I'd cut TOS: Probably Thunderbird 6, even though I do like several scenes in it. Or if it remained it'd undergo a heavy enough re-write to basically be no nevermind / in-name-only. I used to have a fanfic rewrite of it that made it TinTin focused, her deciding if she wanted to remain Support or become Active Rescue that I wrote back in the early Naughts, but it sadly was lost over the years and I've not had anything resembling the time to try to rewrite it ^^;; If not Thunderbird 6, then probably the novel Ring of Fire as it was a very disappointing conclusion to the novels. 04 film: Hm. Oddly a tough one. While there are scenes I dislike, I usually can see WHY the scene is there and/or it's important for the plotline or character arcs, OR it's a case of good concept but poor execution. *ends up spending several RL minutes going over scenes I dislike and realizing that 'crap, no, that's needed for the plotline / character arc / concept is sound'* Y'know, I'm gonna do something odd here. 'What is a big plot element that you'd change to teh point that the original plotpoint is dropped / replaced'. And the answer to that is use the rumor that in the first draft of the film, Jeff was recently gone, lost on a rescue, and SCOTT was the one in Jeff's role... struggling to keep IR going, dealing with recent grief, and trying to keep his mid-teen brother safe for as long as he could. (I do wonder if TaG used this old rumor / idea on purpose or if it was just a coincidence) TaG: Either of the Sally episodes ^^;; And this one isn't even that I dislike Sally, or at least 90% of it is not that... I just ended up disliking the episodes by themselves plotting / story wise. I dislike several things in the EMP episode, but the standout THERE was actually Sally's 'save one life' speech becuase while that's a noble sentiment... FATE. OF. THE. WORLD. and BILLIONS of lives depended on the bad guys not getting away with the device, Sally had NO IDEA that they didn't have it, and she should have told Virgil to go after the bad guys while on-site rescueers or she herself saved the one life (that's actually the scene that made me start actively disliking Sally rather than being neutral on her, although there are other scenes that added to it). As for the other episode... I've yet to run into an example of 'the support team uses the machines and solo saves the day while the rescue team is unavailable' that I liked, and this one is no different.
14) A headcanon I love, dislike, and have a neutral opinion on. Lady Penelope: Love: Penny's mysterious former-spy father is actually a retired Agent 21. The ages line up, and canonically the Agents change their name both when they JOIN and when they RETIRE, and Agent 23 looks so simular to Penny that people constantly think 23 ***IS*** Penny and use her bio picture as a picture of Penny. Dislike: That Penny is disdainful or even dislikes Parker. She canonically and directly states how much she respects and likes him in her novels and comics, and while she sometimes is at odds with him, that respect and like remains. Neutral: That the reason Penny has a fear of mice and rats is due to one of her earliest spy missions going wrong and her spending time captive in a mice/rat infested cell that left her with psycological and physical scars. ...Plus, to be frank, MOST PEOPLE were scared of mice and rats at the time. They were a real problem and in some cases danger to people. There's a reason that the REAL villain in Lady and the Tramp is a rat, and it going after the baby is something that could and DID happen IRL. TOS: Love: (oh so many XD) Let's go with an odd one. That Jeff has been friends with Wilbur Zero, Sam Shore, and Charles Grey since childhood, the four still being friends even into current times. All four know and respect that there are secrets each has that they can't talk about and must actively protect, and they do their best not to investigate or even help support / protect it if the need arises. The other three are certain that Jeff is FINANCING International Rescue, but they don't realize that the Tracys ARE International Rescue. Dislike: I don't like the 'Gordon doesn't actually get along well with his family' headcanon. I don't know if it's still a thing, but it was something that cropped up on occasion in older fanfics and zines and BOY do I dislike it. Neutral: Alan's astronaut training was done at WARP (WSP in canon, I changed it to WARP - world astronautical & rift patrol - so it stood out from the OTHER WSP - World Security Patrol, and WASP - world aquanaut security patrol). This one is neutral because to me it seems likely to the point of being near canon ^^;; 04 Film: Love: That there is a missing scene once all is said and done and they're safe on the island and Alan is being congratulated by Jeff when you suddenly hear a "ALAN!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BIRD!?!" off camera from Scott when he finally gets a chance to check One over becuase One got put through the wringer a bit XD Dislike: That Fermat is Brains' CLONE. Why is THAT the 'only' option?! Why is that the FIRST option!? Why is 'Brains was with someone and they seperated or the woman was lost, perhaps in the same accident that killed Alan's mom' not what people assume? (actually if you want some terror fodder... look at how Fermat reacts to WOMEN compared to how he reacts to MEN, because that is nearly textbook for a young teen abused by a woman / mother.) Neutral: The Tracys don't mind people filming the Tbirds because there is no way to STOP THAT with cameras being as readily available as they are, and they always wear the disguising helmets we see Virgil wearing during the Oil Rig rescue when outside the Tbirds so their identities are protected. TaG: Love: That IR has actually only been back at full operation for a short time frame, as there likely was a solid chunk of time where Scott was the only one old enough to be on rescues (John could have easily been on comms the whole time, but Virgil would need to have been in his late teens at minimum to take up the duties required for Two. Same for Gordon. Kayo seems to have been MIA until fairly recently, Alan only JUST started rescue work, and there is no indication that Sally was ever involved in rescue work.
Dislike: That TaG Gordon was in WASP (and actually that TaG Scott was in the Air Force). Gordon's, at best, 18 or 19, when tag starts , and the youngest you can enlist at is 17... and that is with guardian permission. the catch is Gordon's been an active member of iR for well over a year given all dialogue. Thus there's no TIME for him to have been in WASP. TOS Tracys are all 19 (Alan) and up, they've all had time prior to IR for pre-existing careers... the TaG boys don't, esp with the 'iR has ben a thing for over 8 years' Neutral: The reason the world seems so 'at peace' is actually narrator bias. The tag Tracys are all to a man pacifists and are attending rescues... the world is not as peaceful and perfect as they think it is, because they are to one degree or another protected from it.
Now I answer Alex's question!!
15) which protagonist do I think would make a good villain? (The answer may surprise you!! XD)
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hebuiltfive · 5 months
for the ask game, number 3
Link to Squiddo's original post!
3. If you had to change the colours of the Thunderbirds, what colours would you paint them?
All pink!
I'm kidding... Unless 👀
Seriously, though. I actually have never thought about them being any other colours before. Imagining One in yellow and Four in red... it's a weird image.
If I had to change them, maybe I'd change them so they'd blend in better/better fit their roles?
Sky blue for One. An earthy brown maybe for Two? Black for Three. A darker blue to match the ocean depths for Four. Five can stay the same.
Shadow and FAB1 (if we're counting those?) can also stay the same. TBS already suits the need of the Thunderbird, I think, and FAB1 is pink. Definitely not changing that, unless we're adding more shades of pink 😏
I hope that answer was a decent one! Thank you for asking, @such-a-random-rambler !! 🩷
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such-a-random-rambler · 5 months
For Squiddo's Thunderbirds Ask Game!
15. Which Protagonist Would Make A Good Villain?
16. Tell Me About An Idea For Thunderbirds Merch That You Wish Existed!
15. OK, I know this is going to sound biased, but John would actually make an excellent villain! of course he's got the smarts to come up with some convoluted plan, but I also think you could push his personality from 'confident' to 'arrogant and superior' really easily. or put him into some 'wrong thing for the right reasons' situations.
16. I will admit I haven't really looked at / for merch, so don't know what's out there, but I think models of all the 'Birds that fit together to form the ZeroXL would be really cool
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
Me watching the absolute chaos that my "for sh*ts and giggles" ask game is leaving in it's wake:
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It's currently 3:30am here.
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Hello, for Squiddo's ask game, what about #15, 2015 series?
To be honest, I'm not the type to turn the protags into villains, because even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.😅 However, to just simply answer, I think would be John would turn into a villain.
*Then proceeds to force him back to be a good guy again...*
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melmac78 · 1 year
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@squiddokiddo - (TW: Romance, in point D but nothing explicit)
I don’t have many for Virgil that aren’t common for all, but here’s the few I have.
They are pretty much all TAG but point B. Can be read TOS/TAG. (I have no headcanon a for the movie version except - for all but Alan, they are treated better script wise)
A. Virgil trained primarily as a paramedic/EMT then engineering second because if what a team did to save his life and foot after the avalanche. He only studied engineering more after a bad rescue at a sub standard mall that the engineer took a shortcuts.
B. He’s the one who tested the snooze buttons (a type of bubble sticker that administers a sedative on an unruly patient) in space settings because John had already been a Guinea pig for another test and was having bc a really bad day.
C. Virgil learned a lot of ways to incapacitate someone without hurting them from Parker. He also learned ways to sedate people through that way if all legal means were exhausted, so he didn’t contradict his oath to take care of people. He usually doesn’t use them, but has a couple of times due to things beyond any of their control at a rescue. 
D. Kayo/Virgil. I personally prefer keeping get platonic, as it is, the kid show, but for the two I just felt they worked better together than the pushed Kayo/Scott version.
Thanks for the asks! 
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jacksonstarkiller · 1 year
Heya, for Squiddo's ask game, #1, pick your version
Well, here is the essay answer no one was waiting for!
I’m going with 2004 because I don’t get enough changes to talk about Brady Corbet. 😌
There are A LOT of things I love about Brady’s portrayal in the 2004 movie. His attitude, his gayness, his audacity, his fashion. Seriously, lad is just strolling around in cheap basic jeans and a shirt, despite his father being a rich bastard. SLAAAAYYY!!!!
But right now I’ll focus on 2004 Alan being an ADHD icon because it means a great deal to me.
The media I consume usually lacks ADHD representation. I rarely come across it, and when I do, it’s frequently a poorly researched stereotype that pisses me off. Now I know that Alan having ADHD is not canon, but holy shit 2004 Alan is an accurate representation. Best I’ve seen so far tbh.
For starters, the movie literally starts with Alan sitting zoned out in a maths lesson. Iconic! Damn, I feel that scene every time I see it. Alan staring out of the window whilst thinking about his hyperfixiation and needing to be called repeatedly before he actually registers it, 10/10 accuracy.
Throughout the entire movie, there are a myriad of scenes where others are patiently waiting or working on something, and Alan is in the background running around like an overstimulated puppy, flapping his hands, frustrated that doesn’t have something to do. Amazing!
He also exhibits impulsiveness, no patience, mood swings, high irritability, and a short temper. He interrupts people and forgets to look before he leaps. Now THIS is an accurate and complete picture instead of kid who can’t sit still and is dumb and has no other symptoms.
Finally, I love that Alan isn’t stupid. I’ll admit, Fermat is the brains (no pun intended) of the duo but Alan is not an idiot. I’m sick of the stereotype that you cannot be smart if you have ADHD. Seriously, I was in for treatment and was explaining how I struggle with concentrating on reading and assignments and the medical professional (idk what his exact function is tbh) looked me dead in the eye and suggested that university was maybe beyond my capabilities. BITCH, I PASSED MY FIRST YEAR CUM LAUDE (got a bloody certificate and everything) I BELONG TO THE TOP 15 STUDENTS OF MY YEAR!!!!!! I’m gonna fight someone over this one day. But not Alan, because Alan is intelligent! He showed extensive knowledge on the Thunderbirds and rescues. He devised multiple clever plans and ideas that actually worked. It was his idea to use the vents; his idea to use the Thunderizer and the Firefly; he led the final rescue with the monorail; he got himself, Fermat, and TinTin away from the Hood when they were cornered in Thunderbird 1’s silo; HE FIGURED OUT HOW TO DEFEAT THE HOOD!!!! Yes, the hover sledge idea failed but only partially, and 1 mistake does not make you stupid. Also, that was kinda the whole point of the movie, that Alan learned to think more carefully about actions and consequences. And if you still remain unconvinced that Alan posses intelligence, may I refer you to his actual, official report card that was used in a scene, which was later cut from the movie, and that I have in my possession 😩💪🏻
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It says “very bright”. 😤
May I also point out that the rest of the comment confirms my diagnosis? 😏
Is anyone still reading this at this point? If you are, you’re a legend!💪🏻
In short, I feel extremely validated and represented by ADHD-icon Alan, and since this is a rare occurrence, it means the world to me.
Alright, alright, I’ll stop. I think I got my point across 😅
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riallasheng · 1 year
Hi!! Number 16 for the ask game please :D
Oooo Thunderbirds Merch I wished existed....
Hmmm. Well, complete anthologies (including the cover 'stories' for the Thunderbirds and Lady Penelope comic magazines to start XD
outside of that...
Well, a short while ago, there was a 'Build Your Own Thunderbird 2' done by ModelSpace / Deagostini that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED.
It was a 1:144 perfect replica scale model of the TOS Thunderbird 2 as well as SEVERAL iconic pod vehicles and non-Thunderbird Craft, all at the 1:144 scale.
It was my pride and joy (destroyed by the watermain, much like my gunpla, Zoids, transformers, comics, and books) and I keep hoping that we'll see the other 'Birds being made. a 1:144 One with her Bay and perhaps a few other vehicles, a 1:144 Three and Five as a set...
I LOVE building things (it's why I love Zoids and Gundam so much) and it was a PERfect REPLICA with working standing legs that let 2 rise and settle with the touch of a button, had various sounds and lights... just AWESOME
I want more merch like that!!
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I've got some more pics of her SOMEWHERE, I just need to find them
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star-collapse · 1 year
Hi! For Squiddo's ask game, could I request number 1 please? "What do you like most about your favourite character?"
Thankyou in advance!
I don't know who my favourite is yet!! I'm halfway through the 2015 series and haven't seen TOS in a while I've just got back I to thunderbirds as a whole, but I'd probably say Kayo. I like her because she's always ready for action and I love the whole covert ops thing she has. She's just really cool.
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uniwolfcorn · 1 year
Hi! For Squiddo's ask game, could I request number 13 please? "What is something annoying/out of character that your fave has done in canon?" Any continuity you like.
Thankyou in advance!
Thank you for another lovely ask and no problem!💕💕💕
Honestly, I'm hot and ready to tear into how that monstrosity of TB 2004 did to my baby boi Alan.
But I think it's more or less obvious how, and I kinda want to flex out with something different rather than rant about TB 2004 for the millionth time XD
This might be a detour from the show, but I didn't like how Brains was acting in Thunderbird 6. I could see him getting frustrated once in a while, but smashing a model for TB6 kinda hurt to see, not gonna lie. Brains is an adorable sweet nugget. I understand the movie wanted to show kids that even scientists/adults get frustrated, but it still rubbed me the wrong way.
I wasn't a fan of how Jefferson acted in the first parts of the movie either. Why the hell would he want a Thunderbird 6 when he doesn't even know what kind of vehicle he wants? Why would Jefferson even consider a TB6 if he knew that it'll create suspicion about where a TB5 is? Jefferson was strict and had some faults in the show, but I never imagine him to be this stupid and incompetent. His character also felt a bit too harsh in rejecting Brains' ideas.
Also, Jefferson getting angry at Alan in TAG (the movie) didn't sit well with me either. My memory of it is sorta shotty because it was mostly a yawn-fest I distracted myself with the whole time, but Alan is 19/20 years old my guy. I'm pretty damn sure Alan can leave and go wherever the fuck he wants and they would be fine. Why don't you stay at the base if it was for security reasons, Jefferson? You're a military man. You can roundhouse Hood just fine XD
Jefferson yelling at Scott in Atlantic Inferno wasn't a great moment for him as well. But I mostly chalked it up to stress. Trust me Jefferson, I know the feeling way too well :')
And that's all I can think of. It kinda takes a lot for my favorite characters to do something in canon that would bother me (we don't talk about 2004). This was another fun ask to write! Hope you're doing well Alex🥰🧡💛❤️💚💙
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
Hey guys, I'm sick so I'm taking my time answering your asks.
I'm not entirely sure what exactly is going on with me but my symptoms suggest that it could either be mild flu, the aftermath of a bad cold I had or I've stressed myself into illness.
Either way I'm exhausted. (;-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄_-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅)
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galaxytransman · 1 year
Hi! For Squiddo's ask game, could I request number 7 please? "What unpopular opinions do you have?" Any continuity you like.
Thankyou in advance!
Hmm, this is difficult, mainly because I a basic and have the same opinions as other people. However, I would say, my unpopular opinion would say that Alan is a trans masc non-binary.
#yes I am aware that this is a headcannon and not a opinion #no I do not care #also I am aware the squiddo might of meant unpopular opinions in general #in that case pinapple does belong on pizza #thunderbirds 2015 #thunderfam #squiddo's thunderbirds ask game
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