#thanks for asking 🙂
such-a-random-rambler · 5 months
For Squiddo's Thunderbirds Ask Game!
15. Which Protagonist Would Make A Good Villain?
16. Tell Me About An Idea For Thunderbirds Merch That You Wish Existed!
15. OK, I know this is going to sound biased, but John would actually make an excellent villain! of course he's got the smarts to come up with some convoluted plan, but I also think you could push his personality from 'confident' to 'arrogant and superior' really easily. or put him into some 'wrong thing for the right reasons' situations.
16. I will admit I haven't really looked at / for merch, so don't know what's out there, but I think models of all the 'Birds that fit together to form the ZeroXL would be really cool
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the-marron · 1 year
For the fic writer ask game: 8, 12, and 15 💕
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I am still a big fan of basing fics on songs, which is kinda obvious when you look at my stories, so if I see a song, I make it into a fic, but there are still some that I haven't written or picked a ship for yet, and this is one of them, just imagine the angst 😌:
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Probably? I do try to keep an open mind so even if I don't like the trope but enjoy this author's writing I will still give it a go, to see how they spin it.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
Uhhhh, don't make me choose between my babies ;_;
But if we talk about which one I am the proudest of, it would have to be Memories of Dixing, written with Ascel. It's a case fic mixed with some comic books science and there is Zhao Yunlan addicted to playing the game (and finding Shen Wei), with of course, enough trauma and drama to make him a wreck.
We both went very out of the 'what we usually write' comfort zone, and I really like the end result, it's something completely different than all the other things I wrote before.
Thanks for asking, my dear, I had a very thought-provoking morning thanks to you ❤
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cascowriteswords · 2 years
20, 21, 33, and 45 please :)
20 - A piece of media you’re still thinking about long after first consuming it. What about it stuck with you?- I recently rewatched The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor- in particular Bly Manor has stuck with me the most, but both shows have a grip on me because of the way they handle grief and love and relationships and the intersection between them. They are hauntingly beautiful shows/stories.
21. answered in an earlier ask 😌
33. An artwork that makes you feel things.- pretty much no one knows what i'm talking about when i bring up this painting but i really like Van Gogh's "Girl In The Woods". I can't quite put my finger on what it makes me feel but something between yearning and calmness i guess? i just like it
45. Tell me about a time someone was gentle with you.- i was having a bad day the other day and one of my favorite people offered to call and chat with me to help distract me. i listened to her edit schoolwork and she asked me questions like what wild animal would i want to domesticate if i could and i thought it was a very tender and wholesome and gentle encounter
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loudcackles · 2 months
Having a drink with ur girlies only to look up and see Jan Peteh himself across the table is a WILD experience 💪🤠
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
me listening to take two:
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kaleidoscopeminds · 10 months
felt the need to share
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wow ok!!!! i opened this this morning when i could barely see and i had to close it again instantly until i could really look at it properly. how can there be so much that i love so much in one imagine and how is he real!!!
all his clothes straining on him so much…. the spot, his ass and thighs… hand and wrist with that bracelet… do u see the way the back of his vest is flaring out because it’s pulled so tight around his little waist… so much soft and smooth skin…. how are we to survive this
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yyenky · 24 days
You know how Alain said he spoke to Ayrton a few days before Imola and Ayrton told him very personal things not even the people closest to him knew? Well, my personal headcanon is that Ayrton told Alain he was in love with him (sigh), which was also the reason he had been so obsessed with Alain in their racing each other days — average emotionally constipated man that doesn’t know how to express his feelings for another man so he decides to show his love in the only way he knows.
Anyway whatever the truth may be, their story is so tragic and sad and it really leaves you wondering about what it could have been, like what would have happened if Ayrton hadn’t passed away so soon and right when their newfound friendship had just started blossoming?
I wish we had more time <- I don’t know which movie/show this line is from (or if it was my mind the one to conjure it up), but it makes me think of them and their relationship. I’m not a religious person but I do hope there is an afterlife and they get to see each other again.
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mettywiththenotes · 21 days
metty... i'm assuming you already read the latest chapter. what is you opinion. it is 'so over' or we can still get a 'we're so back' from this.
It has never felt more over. Key word being "felt", because the end of that chapter devastated me
But I've had like a day to think about it and I'm choosing to believe, for now, that Tomura could come back
I haven't dipped into the fandom (yet?) so I don't know what other theories may be around, but the ones I've been told are 1) Tomura might be rewinding, because in his last appearance of the chapter he has his short hair and his black shirt from pre-MVA, so maybe that could have something to do with him coming back, 2) Tomura telling Izuku to tell Spinner that "Tomura Shigaraki fought until the end to destroy" and the fact that he specifically says "Tomura Shigaraki" is weird, since he just realized in the void that he is Tenko Shimura, that he is still sort of that boy from back then. So maybe Tomura could come back not as "Shigaraki" but as "Shimura", if that makes sense. 3) It's the typical cliffhanger where Hori leaves us for 2 weeks after something intense happens, intentionally leaving it in a place that seems impossible to come back from, only to make things better again when he comes back
Whether they happen to be the case or not, atm being told these things has given me a little hope, so I'm holding onto them
I have more thoughts but I'm still working them out and trying to tell whether it's a "this actually doesn't make sense" criticism or "this isn't what I wanted or expected and I'm sad about it" thing
I think it would be best to see what happens next chapter (or the next couple of chapters, depending on pacing) and then form a more concrete opinion about it
Just means it'll be a longer wait than usual and I probably won't be too involved in the fandom until then
So. We COULD be back. But, like, potentially.
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lbulldesigns · 1 month
The latest update hit me like a brick. A chip in the tooth? That's insanely chilling.
I read up on Lux and the rest of her family so that I would have some understanding about their dynamic. And, yeah, I could fully see her family microchipping her for "her safety".
Lux's aunt, especially. In Lux's lore her aunt pushes to have Sylus executed because Lux was talking to him, which is a pretty extreme action considering she could just forbid Lux from entering the dungeons and up the guard to make sure of that. But she went for the extreme instead.
She also pushes to have Lux wedded off to the crown Prince, who absolutely hates mages. Because she believes it will keep her niece safe. This knowledge is based solely on just her belief that the Queen would be untouchable.
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the-darklings · 2 years
now that I stopped to think about it, Dream read about how the Dreaming (and indirectly him) was the light of the Wanderer's life, that it was when she truly felt that finally had found a place to belong to
...And he took it from them
Now he will discover how truly he had hurt the Wanderer by doing so..... I'M NOT READY FOR THIS (sobbing).
exactly though, exactly.
It’s always been a running theme that they simply don’t talk about how much they mean to each other. For him, to physically see that one of the very few bright spots in Wanderer’s life have all been at the Dreaming—with his creations, with him—is undeniable proof Wanderer cares for him so much more than he ever could have hoped for. To then be smack in the face with sheer agony of that loss and know he’s the root of it… I mean sleep in the bed you made ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How do you even look Wanderer in the eye the next time you see them? Know you did this to her and unjustly, and how do you find ways to fix that trust again?
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aritany · 1 year
i’m beginning to think there’s a kind of indestructibility that comes with the territory of your first heartbreak being from your parents.
like, what are you going to do to hurt me? my superheroes chose religion over me. good try though
#alex talks#not writing#idk how to tag this#parental trauma#toxic family#no contact#if anyone has suggestions for how to better tag this lmk#i was just thinking about how i am relatively unbothered by people hurting me like yes it sucks but is it Worse?#i’ve literally been divorced because the idea of me post Hypothetical top surgery was not worth staying married to#and that was like. ok damn ouch. and it really hurt for a while#but nothing will touch the og hurt!!#(i am thinking about this because i had two facetime calls with my parents in the span of a month#in which it was reiterated that i am an Unreasonable Child for asking that my sexuality and gender id be Acknowledged let alone respected#and that the Love Of God is our example and we can love each other through differences of opinion#finally got to vocalize how hurt i’ve been over the last decade by their bigotry and got Literally ignored)#🙂 (heartbroken)#i’ve been trying to decide whether to even post about this where anybody could see it because it feels very real and raw and scary#but you know what i have no qualms about my own side of this story being public#and i think that if my parents didn’t want to look like villains they should have behaved less villainously#thank u for coming to my ted talk that is all#wait no it isn’t#if you’re reading this and your parents have ever made you feel like who you are is not important: they are NOT always right#you deserve to exist as you are#and that isn’t possible for everyone but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to take up space#ok that’s it for real
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roman-noodlezz · 24 days
Link has a sword so actually your PFP is even CUTer than mine
Impossible! I don't think can even hope to take a STAB at how cute you are!
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the-marron · 2 years
For the fic ask game: 2, 11 and 17
2. Emotional hard/dark place
Not sure if I'm interpreting this one correctly, but there was a long YGO fic that I put a lot of effort and time to, and it got pretty much no response. After one update, someone I knew from the comments section wrote a very similar scene to the one featured in the update, and got so much praise that I convinced myself that it's not like people hate my ideas, they simply truly dislike the way I write. I stopped writing for a while, finished the fic after a year? Two? Idk, it was some time ago, but I still think about it with underlying sense of bitterness.
11. Has your fic ever caused issues/controversy?
My fics are not that important or popular, so I have never stirred a fandom controversy - got called a few names, a few comments to please stop writing but nothing truly drama-worthy. The only thing that comes to my mind is a comment I got where I got accused of sharing my (morally gray, manipulative and jaded) character's approach to trauma, because certainly if he says it, it means me as an author have to agree.
17. Best kind of interaction/ feedback
Eh, so many ❤️ I really like talking with people so any comment/ feedback I get makes me happy, I simply like exchanging ideas. I also like constructive criticism - I remember getting one comment about characters' manner of speech, that they didn't sound convincing because they didn't 'eat the the endings of the words' and I haven't even considered their speech pattern as I was writing, so I was really happy that someone pointed it out to me (very politely at that!), I've learnt something new.
But, I admit, the interactions that make me go the most feral are people either creating fanart to my work or works vaguely inspired by my works - it always feels like an artistic dialogue and it does things to my heart 💞
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darkestmad-er · 13 days
Love your blog
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sapphire11 · 7 months
Yiur posts have me so curious, where can I watch/stream kiseki:dear to me with eng sub?
Ooh yay!! Come join the fun and total brain rot!!
I watch it on the Viki app (idk if it's free because I do have a membership), BUT I also know it's on gagaoolala (maybe free) and iQIYI (VIP).
Hoping some other Kiseki friends have other options too. Because you cannot miss out on either of these couples.
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
I wonder if Olli has ever fooled around with Tommi👀 (I have a feeling Olli likes it rough)
they've been friends since they were kids, so I'd be more surprised to hear they haven't done at least something at some point 😌
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